#i mean i don't like having my picture taken anyway for unrelated reasons
malicemismanager · 1 year
Man having social media when you grew up with the ever-present warnings about stranger danger and not putting any personally identifiable information online sure is an Experience XD
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mlmxreader · 1 year
Hiya! I hope you're doing alright my sweet and lovely author 🖤.
Listen.... about the geese .... all I can say is that over here, right, they are fully breed different. Like you look in their general direction and they will come at you. Basically, the geese own the streets 😂, we're just here.
That playlist. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I am freaking crying!!! UnRELATED reasons, eh? Fully believe you, my friend, FULLY believe you 😂.
OMG!! I know right?!?!? Yes with the facial hair! Like Margate Alfie had that little tuft of graying in his beard and I was like .... 😶👀👀👁👁😳. That plus the scar on his face .... 😳😳🫠 fucking made an already unbelievably hot man even fucking hotter. I absolutely can not. When they gave us that side profile, I was fully deceased. And I totally did not re-wind the video and pause it on him.... not at all.
Pictures of the Screaming Eagles!! The BABIES!! They are so bloody adorable! Look at their little eyes and also, they're so photogenic. They are full on posing in those pictures like they know they're absolutely beautiful and yes of course you should be photographing them. And they also have the cutest names. Like Gallipoli?? The bestest little girl 😫🖤🖤🖤
But yeah, you should absolutely watch the entirety of the Bourne film series ... you know, for your research purposes 👀. (I'm not on the Matt Damon train but I can fully goad your obsession of him, lmao, that's what friends are for, right 😂?)
Anyways, talk to ya later! (Also, I don't know if you saw or not, but last night I think I sent like 14 requests so.... apologies 🙈 but I regret nothing)
good evening!!!! I've had quite a nice day tbf, I can't lie - work was alright, and I've got a couple of days off coming up soon, too, so that's good! as much as I enjoy working w animals, I gotta admit: it's been quite difficult to do it when I've got a busted ankle that I haven't and won't tell my boss about 😅
listen..... at least it ain't swans. those buggers are fucking vile when they wanna be, whereas geese you fuckin know where they stand immediately. like, within a second of being in a goose's presence, you KNOW where it stands w you - and at least they ain't trying to nick chips from Tesco's like seagulls do! so there's a silver lining shgksjfkskf
UNRELATED REASONS!!! COMPLETELY UNRELATED!!! although in seriousness I do like Sir Mix A Lot as it is... but at least I didn't admit that I think about them whenever I listen to Good Lookin' and Like Whiskey by Dixon Dallas. at least there is that... BUT THE SIR MIX A LOT WASN'T RELATED TO MATT DAMON OR TOM HARDY AT ALL. absolutely not. nope. definitely wasn't looking at pics of them whilst listening. nope. not me.
The Screaming Eagles are, indeed, baby. VERY baby. tbf to all of em (Ace especially bc he's not the most laid back of snakes), they are very tolerant of having their pictures taken and of me, like, getting quite close to take decent pictures. but so far, we got Kaiju (albino checkered garter snake), Der Rote Kampfflieger/Der Kapitän/Manfred/Red Baron (male ball python), Special Agent Fox Mulder (corn snake), Ace Janoušek (bullsnake) & Baroness Gallipoli (female ball python) - even though, for some reason, some people can't tell Red Baron and Gallipoli apart even though they're completely different animals w completely different personalities (Gallipoli, for example, does not tolerate being cradled like a baby, she will just slither around my neck and chill there. Red Baron, on the other hand, will gladly accept being carried and cradled like a baby).
the Bourne series has never particularly interested me, like, I like James Bond but it's just never jumped out at me, but then like.... Matt Damon looks kinda hot in the series,,,, so maybe I should... maybe. I mean, I watched The Martian even though it's not My Thing, and I wasn't disappointed dncksmfksk (do not ask me for plot details). I'm 99% sure this is Christopher Nolan's fault tho, bc I have NEVER found Matt Damon attractive... and then Nolan put him in Oppenheimer w his almost-but-not-quite pornstache, that slutty uniform, and the whole "would absolutely wreck me but I'd thank him" vibe and now I'm like... actually-
so there's ONE bit of propaganda that Nolan got me with.
anyways! I'll talk to you later, the time is currently 2243, so I will (likely) get to writing at some point soon, and bc I'm dog sitting later, I can write some more then as well bc I won't have anything better to do tbh.
have a great morning/afternoon/evening!!! 🫶🏻
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magnetos-dynasty · 3 years
hello! this is a bit of random question but you're the biggest comics lorna stan i know so i'm curious... what did you think about marco/eclaris on the gifted, and how would you feel about him/it bleeding over to the comics? the show is long over now, so i don't necessarily think it's something marvel is likely to do, but i really liked him/them as a pairing (and imo it's way better than what 616 lorna has actually going for her re: romance). i don't know that much about lorna in the comics, though, so i wonder if it could even work out there, with her background being so different from the show
[So sorry it took me 37 years to respond to this, I hope you see it, anon.]
First, let me start with -
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I have never been so flattered in my life, thank you 😭
Anyway, on topic.
I didn’t actively ship Marcos/Lorna in the show for personal reasons completely unrelated to the quality of the pairing, but I did love their dynamic.
Any adaptation would have to deal with certain issues of plot, but given a bit of creativity and the nature of comics that’s a pretty small hurdle. Since Marcos is original to the show, his backstory could be easily manipulated as necessary.
Easiest option, you just swap out “…and after becoming disillusioned with the cartel, Marcos was approached by Lorna Dane [and Proudstar] to join the Mutant Underground”, with “…after becoming disillusioned with the Thieves’ Guild, he was approached by Lorna Dane to join the X-Men,” and you’re pretty much good. (Or X-Factor Investigations, or the Krakoan citizenry, what-have-you. Whatever team she’s on at the time. If I had free choice I’d put him on one of the 2012-2015 X-Factor teams, but that ship has, y’know, flown.)
I think the aspects of their dynamic that I like in the show would actually translate over perfectly to the comics (and, uh, make for a better relationship than basically any other she has in the comics).
- Marcos respects Lorna, on all levels. He respects her physical power (and is fully aware that she is far more powerful than he is), but also -
- He respects her agency and right to choice. That’s, uh, something that tends to be an issue for Lorna, in the comics, from every side. The X-Men put her in a mutant-suppression collar; Magneto manipulates her and uses her as a battery; people on all sides keep alternately magically causing and “curing” her mental health issues; etcetera, etcetera. Beyond the mechanical use of powers to remove agency, most of her friends and family - and especially people she’s paired with romantically - tend to treat her as though she doesn’t have a right to free choice, or the capacity to choose “correctly”.
- He respects her as a person with a severe mental illness. He provides support as necessary, but also knows and accepts that not everything a mentally ill person feels or thinks is because of their mental illness - they can have “”“real””” emotions and thoughts too. And having an illness doesn’t mean a person should automatically be treated as incompetent to make decisions.
- He supports her, on all levels.
- He recognises that she is awesome and sexy and the absolute shiz and that is #relatable content.
- None of that means that the relationship is perfect and boring.
In fact, some of the things that make the relationship good are also the ones that, when taken too far, cause problems. Respecting your partner’s agency is great! But if your partner blows up a plane takes your kid and runs away to join a terrorist organisation… uh, an organisation that’s a bit further along on the freedom fighter to terrorist scale than yours is… it’s fair to request that a bit of discussion be had.
And he is, himself, very far from perfect, which is very Good And Important. They take turns reminding each other about that whole morality thing, and how ends do not necessarily justify means, but also sometimes you need to remember about the bigger picture and not sacrifice many people for a single person.
Which would fit perfectly with comics!Lorna.
(Overall, Lorna really doesn’t need to be in the ‘which one’s the crazy amoral one and which one’s the perfect long-suffering partner sacrificing for them getting nothing in return’ pairing cliche. And The Gifted did a fairly decent job of avoiding that, across the show as a whole.)
In conclusion look at this scene and picture how much better it would have been with Marcos “simp” Diaz instead of Alex “can’t remember my girlfriend’s a girlboss bc I’m too busy hanging out on my undeserved moral high-horse” Summers. Thank you
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I hope you don't mind me coming to you for advice. I have a friend I'm considering dating, but don't plan to bring it up for a few months for unrelated reasons. We're both observant orthodox but not interested in the shidduch system and might be a good match for each other. I'm trying to make a list of good questions to discuss (i.e. finances, number of children, aliyah) but was curious if you had a list of suggestions of questions to ask a potential partner outside of the get to their (1/2)
get to know their personality stuff, which we’ve already done. I know the basics—where do you want to live, what’s an ideal budget lifestyle, etc. but I’ve never dated and so I’m trying to be mindful of what the important things are ahead of time and since you only married a year ago, I was hoping you might recall what your important questions were. Thank you so much for reading! You always give such good, thoughtful, and kind advice (2/2)
Hey, sorry for the delay - I know you sent this twice, probably thinking I didn’t get it because I’d answered other asks. The more thought a response takes, the more time I need to write it, so I’ll sometimes answer certain things very quickly because they take less thought while delaying others.
You know, it’s funny how very much memories can fade in just 2 years when they no longer feel especially relevant (our 2nd anniversary is in Cheshvan) - sometimes shidduchim really feels like it was a different life. I honestly don’t even remember very many questions my husband and I asked each other, let alone anyone else. I also never dated someone I already knew, so there were very few people with whom I ever got much past getting to know their personality; I only went on 2 or more dates with 5 people including my husband, and he was the only person to make it past 4 dates. But I guess just some things to consider (which should by no means be considered a comprehensive list):
-Hashkafa - even if you identify with the same label, what exactly does that label mean to you? How do you relate to secular media or education (and how would you want your children to relate to it - which may not necessarily be the same as you do)? What hashkafically-based customs or the like are important to you? How did you get where you are today religiously? (This last one is more obvious for BTs and converts, but if you’re FFB, I still think there’s what to discuss - have you taken ownership in some way of your own yiddishkeit as you’ve gotten older? Are there ways that your hashkafa varies from how your parents raised you, and if so, how did you arrive at them? If you’ve pretty much stuck with how you were raised, what about it made you choose to do so?)
-Parental/gender roles - do you believe there are defined roles for each gender in a marriage? If yes, delve into what those are. If not, discuss how you feel husband and wife should relate to each other/how you picture your ideal relationship. Would he change diapers (if not, run IMHO)? Is there a place for the husband sometimes missing minyan to help out with the kids, or is it more important that he is always at minyan even if it’s difficult for the wife at times (both of you can have opinions on this fyi, not just him)? How do you envision splitting household responsibilities like cooking, cleaning, running errands, etc? (if you both say something vague like “equally,” how would you determine what’s equal?) Would you want to stay home with the kids, work part time, or work full time, and does that line up with his vision for a family?
-Women’s issues - if you have any struggles as a frum woman, talk about them. This isn’t a question. This is just you sharing your experience and observing how he reacts to it. Does he mansplain that this really shouldn’t be such a big deal for you? Is he sympathetic? Does he claim to totally understand (this is not good because it’s not possible and means he hasn’t fully internalized/listened to what you’ve shared) or does he acknowledge that he can’t 100% understand an experience he doesn’t live, but will do his best to try anyway? Does he seem like someone who will do what’s in his power to improve your experience with whatever struggles you express, even if he can’t fix a wider issue as a single individual?
-Style of handling conflict - this can be a little tricky because sometimes the way we want to say we’d handle conflict isn’t what actually happens in reality, but try to be honest with yourself when presenting your side and hope he’ll try to do the same. If you were upset at your spouse, would you want to be left alone until you were ready to talk, or would you want them to approach you to try to work it out? If you did [insert really annoying and/or thoughtless hypothetical thing here], how would he handle it (and vice versa)? When you have an issue with someone, e.g. a roommate, do you tend to confront them about it directly, or be more passive-aggressive?
-(a little later on - not first date material) Discuss any significant medical or mental health issues that a potential spouse should be aware of prior to getting engaged. Explain what it is and how it affects your life.
-How you want to raise your kids - What did you appreciate about your upbringing (and want to replicate) and what did you dislike (and would not want to replicate)? What would you prioritize when choosing a school?
-Shabbos - Do you envision having a lot of guests, or mostly just eating as a family, or trading off depending on the week?
Related advice but not what you actually asked for: Always keep in mind when you are giving your own answers to these questions (and any he might bring up) that this isn’t about having the “right” answer to convince the other person to keep dating you/marry you. It’s about giving your honest answer and finding out if your honest answer and his honest answer are compatible. If they aren’t, you want to find out now, acknowledge that unfortunately the two of you are not a match, and move on (assuming the issue is a dealbreaker; if it’s not an outright dealbreaker, you still want to have the cards on the table and be aware that a compromise will be required should you move forward rather than finding that out later). You don’t want to give the “right” but dishonest answer, get married, and then have issues because the two of you aren’t in fact on the same page.
Hope this helps! Whether or not this guy is your beshert, may Hashem give you full clarity on the situation as you proceed. :)
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semirahrose · 6 years
I have seen Civil War only once because I hated it so much, haha. So I can't hang with your take, I honestly don't have the memory for it. But I'm interested in what you think as an unbiased party seeing the fued between Cap and Tony, what are your thoughts on the accords and the fallout from Civil War?
I’m sorry it’s taken a while to reply to this! My inbox is a disaster. 
[ Re: this response I wrote to a piece of MCU meta that crossed my dash ]
Makes sense! I saw it twice, I think, because I ended up watching it again with my dad, but I wasn’t too broken up about having to see it again. My favorite character is Bucky, and since he is—at best—a ghost of a shadow of an implication in most other Marvel movies, it was a treat for him to share some major screentime in that one. I can understand why you wouldn’t want to go back and rewatch it, though! It’s been years for me, so my memory is not the freshest, either! I owe any freshness of memory to my discussions with @monkeysatemylastrolo, who loves Tony and is super amazing, and deserves the credit for any coherence in this trash-fire of a response. 
(As for the start of your ask… To me, it’s pretty clear to me that Tony, in his grief, did a few things that were unquestionably lethal. A repulsor beam to the skull seems kinda like a no-brainer re: lethality. However, it was also clear he calmed down as the fight went on. But that’s not what this post is about, so…)
In short: I am the farthest thing from knowledgeable about the franchise or its characters. I have never read the comics. I will try my best to answer, but please bear with me.
Okay, so.
What do I think about the feud between Captain America and Iron Man?
Honestly? I think it was inevitable. For both of them. And I don’t really think it was as much about the politics as it was about their own personalities and experiences. I’m not trying to excuse anyone, but I also can’t really criticize either of them, because it’s hard for me to imagine them making any other choices. Of course the politics played a role, but if that alone were the case, I think they had enough of a friendship under their belts to reconcile their differences without violence. So, deep-seated fears and insecurities it is.
Cut for length. Some of this I’m making sense of as I type it. Sorry in advance.
To me, it seemed like at least part of the reason that Tony felt so strongly about the Accords was his past experiences. He had been made to doubt himself and his own decisions. He has been betrayed. His good intentions have—through no fault of his own—turned against him. It makes sense that he’d agree with the Accords, because there is security in having many voices. Guilt and shame and trauma led him to associate his (and the team’s) individual choices with death and destruction. 
To Steve, I think his history pushed him inexorably in the opposite direction. Way back when he was actually young, before he went in the ice, he was already a contrary fellow, but the war only pushed home his mistrust in government authority and oversight. I mean, Hitler. I don’t really think I need to say much more about how living in that time could instill a mistrust of authority in people. But that’s not nearly enough, of course, to justify his position. Enough to explain…. maybe. But then he comes out of the ice and helps to hold off a massive alien invasion as part of a government sanctioned group of enhanced individuals. Then the next Cap movie was all about how the organization he trusted and allied himself with was pretty much 90% Hydra, an organization that was still very much alive and well and which had kidnapped his closest friend, brainwashed him, repeatedly destroyed his memory, and forced him to kill. And ooohhhhhhh boy, the individualist streak is back. Anyone could be Hydra, and probably everyone is working for their own gain, anyway, with secret agendas from here to Mars. He withdraws. He only trusts himself. And you know, maybe that’s still not enough to justify his resistance, because the Accords were signed by so many countries and were supposed to really help things (though… I’ll get to that). Honestly, I can’t say that I see Steve as a terribly chilly, rational person. He’s hot-headed, and he does what he believes to be right, damn the consequences. 
But honestly, forget everything I said above, because while those probably had something to do with it in the beginning (and reasonably so, since I think our experiences do shape our perceptions and are difficult to change or unlearn). It probably wasn’t about any of that, and I doubt he could have expressed it if someone had asked. I think it was largely about Bucky. As soon as Bucky became a target, Steve was out. The Greater Good or whatever the flip might have been a footnote at the back of his mind, but
a) his only link to his past and his closest friend was being falsely accused and targeted
b) he didn’t know that it was unrelated to all the other stuff going down
c) since when has he been a cool-headed decision-maker?
So, honestly? Both of their positions make sense, just based on their personalities and experiences. Based on the fallout from some of their very major battles (though with battles of that magnitude, the damage doesn’t necessarily fall on them, because it’s most often driven by malicious forces), Tony’s position makes sense. They need permission. They need oversight. They do not have the right to just invade and destroy. It’s disgusting and disrespectful, and Tony has enough to have nightmares about.
But for Steve, the Accords likely seem like red tape. Bureaucracy and hemming and hawing about things have, in his experience, not often led to good things. It’s what meant the division his friend worked with—captured, tortured, and imprisoned—didn’t mean enough to save. To the absolute detriment of the big picture, he focuses on people. (See: Infinity War. Killing one man could have stopped or delayed everything, but he couldn’t justify it to himself. To him, the people he cares for are the universe. It warps his sense of scale.) So, as he is wont to do, he said, screw all of you, and he went off to free Bucky’s unit. Once again, in Civil War, the “greater good” came (quite indirectly) at the cost of Bucky. …I can’t say his actions surprised me, considering his history with the perversion of authority and government.
What did I think about the Accords?
Honestly? They sounded like they could have been very good. I really can’t speak to them, though. I genuinely can’t, because the movie told us nothing of their particulars. Their detractors are citing weaknesses that are not explicitly there, and the supporters of the accords are touting benefits that are also not explicitly present. We know many countries signed them. We know they’re pretty hefty. We know Wakanda signed them, which is a big point in their favor, though—crap. Actually… pre-Black Panther, Wakanda was a very insular country, denying outside influence. That could have affected their position. Anyway! The sheer amount of support they got means that the Accords likely seemed pretty solid to the majority of countries (if not necessarily the majority of the world, because there are a couple countries that hold a bit more sway, population-wise. I dunno if there’s a list out there of countries that signed, so let’s just assume the majority of the world).
Honestly? It sounds like, as long as there were provisions in place for emergency action (like in the case of another alien invasion) and some Mutant voices on whatever committee made decisions (crap, enhanced human? Are mutants a thing in Marvel? I know some characters weren’t allowed to be Mutant because of some weird dispute with Fox or something, so they just ended up enhanced in Marvel movie canon, but I don’t know if Mutants are a thing in this universe)—anyway. It sounds like they could have been good.
But honestly, I don’t know. And since that one really moustachey guy—was his name Ross??—was a) a jerk and b) the unofficial chain-yanker in the movie and the emblem of the limitations that would be placed on the Avengers, the accords didn’t get as good representation to viewers as they should have, and it became clear that, regardless of how amazing they were, there were already people set to take advantage of them. (Inevitable and irrelevant, I know. Just because there are people who will take advantage of a good thing doesn’t make it bad, but it wasn’t a beacon of reason to change Cap’s mind, either. It only drove home his presuppositions about authority.) 
The actual content of the Accords didn’t get much representation at all. So honestly? I can’t say anything about them. They could have been awesome. They could have sucked. They could have streamlined the process wonderfully and made taking action easier and safer for everyone… or tied the Avengers up in red tape and prevented them from apprehending Really Bad Dudes.
I don’t know, and I don’t think I can confidently say one way or another.
Also, it has become apparent to me that I really need to watch all of the Avengers movies, but I just don’t have the motivation.
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eagles-translated · 3 years
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Season 3 Prediction Post | Ludvig Johansson
Here is my final prediction post before season 3 premieres tomorrow! I've also made posts about Felicia, Amie, Klara, and Elias which you can read through if you'd like.
After season 2, we saw Ludde and Felicia finally reunite only for Ludde to be taken into custody by police after Jack had reported him for starting a fight at a party.
Prior to this, Ludde had confessed that he was the one who had caused the car accident that his brother Andreas took the blame for, and the police stressed the importance of how Ludde couldn't leave the county nor commit any crimes during their researching period.
We're left unsure with what exactly this means for Ludde in season 3. I personally believe that we're set up to think that Ludde got himself landed in jail, but that seems too drastic for me to believe. I think things will ultimately turn out okay and that Andreas gets let out of prison.
There's this shot in the trailer of Ludde, Adam, and Omar (most likely) and in the season 3 bloopers video we see the three of them at a party.
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I was going to say that maybe they went out to celebrate the fact that Ludde's trial went well, but their clothes don't match in these pictures. For a second it seemed like Ludde was wearing the same suit he did to Ola's funeral, but he's not.
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In the party shot we see a few people wearing party hats so I just know that there might be a birthday party going on, probably unrelated to Ludde. That clothing choice seems odd for Ludde, though.
I don't know why, but I also get the feeling that they're in Stockholm in the first picture when we see them out at night? Maybe Amie's concert has more attendees than just Elias.
So moving on to Andreas. There's a shot of a guy playing the guitar which could either be Andreas or someone random from Amie's storyline. I'm leaning towards it just being a musician from Amie's record label.
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We do see Andreas arguing with Ludde in the trailer too, though (ignore the thumbnail to the left).
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I think Andreas gets let out of prison, but both him and Ludde are having a hard time adjusting. Andreas went through a pretty serious depression in prison and wasn't eating anything at one point, according to Ludde's parents.
As I discussed in Felicia's prediction post, I believe she'll be going through her own mental problems as well and that this will cause a strain on her relationship with Ludvig. In the trailer we hear Ludvig say, pretty aggressively "What the hell are you thinking?!" and we're lead to believe that he's saying this to Felicia. He could be saying it to anyone (Andreas, Jack), though.
Anyway, Ludde having to deal with both Andreas and Felicia potentially having mental breakdowns could be a lot to handle for him. I don't see this boding well for him and Felicia's relationship, but I hope they won't break up a second time.
We do see them happy at a few points in the trailer, so maybe everything turns out okay in the end?
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Really excited for that last shot! I think this is the same place that Ludde brought Felicia to when they went out on their first date, and this seems like a really sweet callback. Maybe this shot even takes place in the season finale, and is Ludde surprising Felicia in an attempt to apologize after the disagreements they've potentially had in season 3?
I theorized in Elias' prediction post that Jack would show up to the hockey arena and that he's the reason this fight in the trailer breaks out.
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We see Mats and Ludde noticeably angry, and I can't really think of anybody else they'd be fighting with. Mats and Ludde both have reasons to be furious at Jack for what he did to Felicia.
Speaking of Felicia—I'm pretty nervous to see if there will be a rift between her and Ludde and how bad it's gonna be (or maybe we've been completely misled by the trailer!). I brought up Felicia's abortion in her prediction post as well and I don't really know how Ludde will react to that.
I'm so anxious to see how this will all turn out!
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