#random post is random
malicemismanager · 1 year
Guillermo Del Toro is basically the only person whose movies I will watch without knowing anything at all about them beforehand. I'll just be like 'oh it's Guillermo Del Toro? don't mind if I do then!' and you know what I've been right every single time.
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irishhorse-blog · 5 months
Today's random post is random. As proof, here is a random fruit bat's adorable little sky puppy face.
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Point the first: Jin has a stunningly beautiful voice. I have been listening to his solos on repeat lately because I'm excited that he's going to be home soon. I cannot wait until his album comes out.
Point the second: Speaking of KSJ1, if Chris Martin isn't involved somehow, there's no justice in the world. Even if he's just there as a cowriter, he has to be involved somehow.
Point the third: Toxic fans of every stripe are on my last nerve. Toxic EXO-Ls (it's always the toxic EXO-Ls, it seems), toxic Blinks, toxic solos, even toxic ARMYs... I just want all the fanwars to stop. I want other fandoms to stop trying to tear down BTS. I want things to be quiet and I want all talent everywhere to be appreciated for what it is. Can't we just love and respect everybody like reasonable human beings? It's tiresome. It's old. It's time to grow up and quit. Please.
Point the fourth: Watching my dad slowly die from his metastatic cancer has taught me that there are things more important in this world than chart numbers, promotions, record companies, entertainment agencies, and fan wars. The only thing that really matters is love, and there's so little of it in the world. Pain is real. Pain is gut-wrenchingly real. Physical, mental, spiritual... we're all in pain to some degree. We have to stop making each other's pain worse.
Point the fifth: I know I sound really hippy-dippy right now, but love really is the answer to everything. Love for ourselves, love for each other, love for the planet, love for humanity. If we could just reorient our behaviors on both the micro and macro levels so we're coming from a place of love, we would all be so much better off.
Point the sixth: Hatred is a disease and as a species we're dying from it. Politics, national or personal, rises from hatred.
Love is the answer.
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thisonelikesaliens · 2 months
read a taiwanese gl novel and there's a passage that really stuck with me. my rough translation:
(note: narrator is a taiwanese studying in france and Leia is her french ex)
Translation tends to complicate things, especially the simplest, most straightforward words. To keep it simple, you need to decide what can be let go, which requires various considerations from multiple perspectives. Perhaps because of this, I overcomplicate things that Leia sees as plain and simple, and when she simplifies the things that I think are complex, I interpret her kindness as a form of giving up.
and i have been thinking about languages and translations and how difficult it is to translate one person's words into another language that will get not only the meaning but also your best interpretation of their intent across. and i am also thinking about communication and how even if you're speaking the same language the same word can mean slightly or wildly different things because we all have our own unique background and perspectives that form the way we interpret words
edit: here i am struggling and failing to organize my thoughts into some sort of coherence it's no wonder misunderstandings happen so often so i guess my point is communication takes a lot of conscious effort and translators are undervalued for the critical work they're doing
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silverfoxstole · 6 months
Just because, I present the scarves of The Petrol Age!
In no particular order…
Cream and burgundy cravat:
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I thought this one was black but lightening up the image for gifs revealed it’s actually checked:
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Blue/purple and grey checks:
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Plain blue/purple:
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And there seem to be no less than four red ones!
Small blue checks:
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Black checks:
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Green and black checks:
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And what looks like green and blue checks:
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yujeong · 4 months
VegasPete made me read it
Hello! Besides spending all my free time obsessing over my beautiful non-person, I also read books. Last year I had the worst reading slump ever, but this year it's been going good, so I wanted to share some of the things I decided to read due to VP's influence. Take this post as a rec list honestly, all of them are great reads. 1) I have other things I love too by Myrsini Gkana A Greek poetry collection that unfortunately doesn't exist in English. Gorgeous short poems that inspired way too many posts (example 1, 2 and 3). I did the translations myself, so they're prone to include mistakes. 2) Childhoods End by Arthur C. Clarke Oh wow, I'm so original, I know, but still. I had never read this book before and Vegas reading it made me want to. It's such a good story and it gave me aaaall the brainworms (as evident by me going out of my way to analyze the first part and connecting it to Vegas). I had also made this post about the scenes in ep11 that include it. Fun observations all around! 3) Crush by Richard Siken Act surprised. Act like I haven't been spamming the VP tag with post after post after post after post that was inspired by that man's poetry in some way. You all know about it by now, go read it and lose your mind with me. (I haven't started War of the Foxes yet, but I *will*, I just need to finish fucking Eileen first and I'm a sloooooow reader.) Bonus: Buddhism: A Very Short Introduction by Damien Keown Look, I love Pete and I really want to fully understand him as much as possible. That's... not really possible without taking into consideration the Buddhist values he abides to. Since I know almost nothing about it, I wanted to start by something easy for me to read and go from there. It's interesting so far. I hope to make a post about this topic one day. That's all for now. If I gather enough books for a second post, I'll make another one <33
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didee-anne · 5 months
Random stuff update
Had Addie’s birthday party yesterday! First party I didn’t take a single picture of, not even the cupcake tray. Rory snapped a few pictures and he had Jen record a few things so there are some pics to remember it. Most of the adults stayed as well and hung out and it just made me so freaking happy seeing Addie with all her cousins and friends, seeing all the adults chatting in little groups but not in a clicky way, there was plenty of pizza and cupcakes and chips for everyone…
Addie wanted to play pass the parcel so I bought a bunch of stickers and hair pretties and tattoos and glowsticks and then Jen put 2 parcels together and it took the kids a solid 30 minutes to get through them but since there were 2 parcels going at the same time none of the kids complained because they didn’t have to wait too long before it was their turn again. The middle prizes were little stuffies and they were a hit.
Moved the chicks out to a kennel in the chicken coop last week and I’m amazed at how much they’ve grown already! They’re turning into such pretty birds. I can’t tell which ones are hens and which ones are roos yet but that’s ok. By the time summer is over I should have an idea and I’m hoping to move them out of the kennel to be with the rest of the chickens in another month or maybe two. I’m hoping sooner rather than later but I can’t rush it otherwise they’ll get picked on hardcore and no one wants that.
I started a new antidepressant last week and am currently taking half a pill. I’m supposed to bump up to a whole pill on Wednesday but the half pill makes me slightly nauseous 20 minutes after taking it so I’m not looking forward to what a whole one will do. The nausea doesn’t last long though so it’s not that big of a deal but it’s not my favorite. If it helps make me not such an angry/sad ball of rage and tears then I’m fine with it but it’s too soon to tell how effective it’ll be.
The kids are supposed to have state testing the next two weeks but we don’t test so they’re not going to any of their Homelink classes and it’s like a second spring break but with slightly better weather! I mean, they do test because it’s required but we opt out of the state testing and do a different one that’s much more low key and is done by a person and not a computer.
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tayryn · 21 days
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The Dame has great legs!!
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dmitri-smerdyakov · 1 year
The video of a Gaston character actor getting mad at a woman who inappropriately touched his chest is circulating again (mainly on twitter), and some people seem to think he was in the wrong for being mad about an adult guest getting handsy with him, so I just thought I'd add my two cents by saying this:
I've met Peter Pan and Wendy at Disneyland Paris three times (2017, 2018, 2019), all as an adult, and on two of those occasions (2017 and 2019) I hugged either one or both of them. I found this from the original post I made about meeting them in 2017:
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(There was a paragraph between these two sections but... anyway...)
On both occasions where I hugged one or both characters, it was because the actor(s) asked me "would you like a hug?". I'm super shy and awkward so the idea of just going up to a stranger - including a character - and just hugging them is bizarre to me; if they hadn't offered, I wouldn't have hugged them. In fact, that's why there was no hug the second time I met them, because it was NOT offered by the actors, and I still had a good time whilst also respecting the actors' boundaries.
Long story short, it's so easy to not be inappropriate with Disney character actors when you're an adult - a small toddler hugging a character without permission is one thing, doing it when you're an adult is really not okay. Just because they're in character it doesn't mean you can touch them wherever you like or assault them, and they're fully within their rights to decide what those boundaries are at all times, especially when meeting adult guests.
Anyway, on a slightly more positive note, here's the pics of me looking gross while meeting Peter and Wendy since the remake comes out next month:
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pikatrainer99 · 10 months
Kitty 😺
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cloudiastrife · 8 months
I already lost...
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ageless-aislynn · 7 months
This is Georgette (and Eobard).
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She looks so innocent, doesn't she?
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But sadly, can you see it through that side vent? Girl's got demons. 😭
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That's the logo of the absolutely ginormous Nvidia Geforce Rtx card. It looked so cool to see it lit up in there at first. But now when that light comes on and the fans begin to angry grrrrrrowl? Bad, bad things are about to happen.😱💀
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I just thought since I've talked about her so much, you might like to see her. And her demon. And, you know, Eobard because I love that statue so much (we've seen him before with my muse Evy). I intended to get a pic of Master Chief holding my headphones but I forgot, oops.
Here are some stock photos, though.
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If it pleases the court, take a moment to imagine me beating the MCC on Legendary while wearing my light up cat ear headphones. 😸
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malicemismanager · 20 days
I wonder what was going through the mind of the first archeologist to lick a bone
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burninblood · 9 months
I finished the design for a new buckynat little sticker! Can't wait to have it printed and showing it to you!!!
It's a "Black-Widow-2016" inspired one! 🖤❤️
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ask-smolder34 · 2 years
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laurents-laces · 2 years
I can't believe you watch tdp!!!! (I stalked your Twitter) any fave pairs/ships you like🥺
I love tdp so much!! I watched all of season 4 already and now I'm dying for season 5.
The relationships in that show are all so good that it’s hard to pick one, but I’m gonna go with Callum and Rayla because they’re my favourite characters. And they had probably one of the the most dramatic kissing scenes ever
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I have a huge soft spot for Ethari and Runaan too. Their scene with the magic flower is one of my favourites in the show. "My heart goes out with this one" followed by "Don't worry, I promise I will return your heart to you" would be such a soft moment if it wasn't also very sad. And the short story and graphic novel about them and little Rayla were both so sweet. They're good dads
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Honourable mentions go to Amaya and Janai because how can I not like the warrior elf queen and her human "prisoner" turned girlfriend, and to Viren and Aaravos because I think they're hilarious. I'm gonna stop now before this gets long, but everyone should feel free to tell me all about your favourite ships or other dragon prince related thoughts
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ask-alicorn-rarity · 2 years
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