#image described
beansprean · 1 day
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happy pride good job dean winchester for Doing It Scared
[hopefully this is the original maker of the shirt x]
(ID in alt and under cut)
ID: Waist up drawing of Dean Winchester on a black background with crosshatched rings in the color of the bi flag. He is staring sternly past the viewer with a deep frown, pearl-handled colt pistol in his right hand pointing in the same direction. He is wearing a white tee shirt with a pair of rusty revolvers crossing over each other and the text "I ain't afraid to love a man; I ain't afraid to shoot one either." /end ID
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protect - @femslashfortnight
i think about how deb got turned first in tgwdlm every single day, and, in those many hours of consideration, i've decided that, entirely off stage, she got to have a tragically hot, good girlfriend sacrifice-herself-to-get-alice-in-the-choir-room moment
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belleski · 1 day
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Another DE inspired portrait. Turns out the art style works pretty well for mr throat of delusion incarnate - but admittedly i think i also lost the plot a bit while making this.
[Image description] A digital illustration of Micheal from the Magnus archives. Micheal is a man with pale yellowish skin and long, curly, blonde hair. He's holding a hand with elongated and curling fingers up to his face as if trying to hide his smile - which peels off his face in a swirl of colours. One half of his face shows a huge yellow eye with a spiralling iris, while the other side bleeds away in a curl of yellows, oranges, and purples. The rest of his body and hair blend into the background- a bright yellow door against a black backdrop. End ID.
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jorgyjuice · 2 days
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happpy birth day........... to Her..........
[ID: a whiteboard doodle of matilda bouanich from reverse 1999. she's drawn in a deformed style with huge shiny eyes with yellow lineart. /end ID]
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rununcal · 3 days
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What’s Yours Is Mine!
(Image ID: Banban put into a childhood anchor chart style. He has two little dot eyes, a chubby body, and specks around him. End ID)
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animaginaryartblog · 6 hours
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[Image ID: Two versions of the Sonic Unleashed logo. On the left is the regular logo. On the right, the colors have been inverted and the "un" has been scratched out, leaving it as Sonic Leashed. /end ID]
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[Image ID: Two colored sketches on a plain background, with a straight black line dividing them. On the left is a drawing of Dark Gaia looming over an unaware Chip. Text on the top and bottom reads: "Dark Gaia awakens and divides the world (literally), while Light Gaia is reduced to an amnesiac dog creature, Chip."
The drawing on the right depicts a monstrous version of Light Gaia, eagle-like with yellow eyes and three sets of green wings. It looms over Pretzel, a version of Dark Gaia reduced to a small, cat-like form. Text reads: "Light Gaia awakens and unifies the world (via brainwashing), while Dark Gaia is reduced to an amnesiac cat creature, Pretzel." /end ID]
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[Image ID: On the left is two drawings of Sonic the Werehog. One has him with a menacing snarl, clawed hand reaching for the camera. Wisps of purple rise from him. The next is him smiling and giving a friendly wave, while a green heart rises beside him. The caption reads, "Dark Gaia turns Sonic into the wolf-like werehog. It doesn't look like Sonic, but it's still him inside."
On the right is a similar pair of drawings, this time of Sonic's Light Gaia form. In the first image he smiles brightly, waving. In the second his smile turns menacing and his eyes glow yellow, while yellow lightning bolts surround him. The text reads, "Light Gaia turns Sonic into the lion-like hedgecat. It looks like Sonic, but inside is something else." /end ID]
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[Image ID: On the left are drawings of several of the human NPCs from Sonic Unleashed. Nagi, a young girl, looks mischievous; the ice cream man has his head down with despair; and Professor Pickle's assistant has his arms crossed and an irritated expression on his face. All are colored purple, with glowing pink eyes and pink wisps above their heads. Text above reads, "Under Dark Gaia's influence, people become depressed, sullen, and antisocial." Smaller text over Nagi's head adds "(Or just mischievous ig)". Text on the bottom continues: "Some people, like Pickle's assistant, are possessed by Dark Gaia, while others (such as Pickle himself) are left unaffected."
On the right is a mirroring drawing of three NPCs. Nagi's sister Rudi yells angrily, the ice cream man grins maniacally, and Mr. Pickle beams enthusiastically. All are colored red, with glowing yellow eyes and lightning bolts around their heads. Text above the drawing says: "Under Light Gaia's influence, people become cheery, domineering, and mob-like." Smaller text over the ice cream man's head adds: "(ice cream man never gets a break)". Below the picture, the text continues: "While some, like Pickle's assistant, are unaffected by Light Gaia, many, such as Pickle himself, are fully possessed." /end ID]
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[Image ID: On the left is two drawings of Sonic, Tails, Amy, and Whip posing together. In the first they are beaming happily. Text above the drawing reads: "Sonic travels the world with Chip, aided along the way by his closest friends..." In the second drawing Sonic and his friends are sweating nervously as Professor Pickle's assistant stands behind them in a-pose, eyes glowing pink. Below the picture, the text continues: "...and working to free unfamiliar allies from Dark Gaia's influence."
On the right is two drawings of Sonic, Blaze, Shadow, Rouge, and Pretzel. In the first Blaze and Shadow stand menacingly while Rouge holds the purple Chaos Emerald. Sonic is behind the group, palms up and an awkward smile on his face. Pretzel stands near his feet, looking annoyed. Text above the picture reads: "Sonic travels the world with Pretzel, aided along the way by distant allies..." In the second drawing the characters all look to the side with varying expressions of concern and anger as Tails appears behind them, eyes glowing yellow. The text continues below: "...and fighting to free his closest friends from Light Gaia's control."
/end ID]
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[Image ID: On the left is a drawing of Dark Gaia facing Super Sonic. A png of the Gaia Colossus has been inserted behind Super Sonic. Text above reads: "Super Sonic faces Dark Gaia with the help of Chip and the Gaia Temples." Smaller text next to the Gaia Colossus adds, "I ain't drawing that."
On the right is a drawing of Light Gaia facing Dark Super Sonic and a dragon-like Pretzel. The same png of the Gaia Colossus has been cropped to cover Light Gaia's back and the tops of its wings. Text above reads: "Light Gaia, empowered by the Gaia Temples, is challenged by Dark Sonic and Pretzel." Smaller text adds, "Also Pretzel turns into a dragon."
/end ID]
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[Image ID: On the left, text reads: "Chip selflessly embraces his destiny. Alone, Sonic is helpless to stop his sacrifice." Beneath is a drawing of Chip waving goodbye with a sad smile. In front of that is a drawing of Sonic looking down at Chip's bracelet in his hand. Below the drawing, the text continues: "Sonic is stripped of his new form, and both Gaias are sealed away, continuing the cycle."
On the right, text reads: "Pretzel selfishly resists her fate. With new bonds, Sonic saves her from her sacrifice." Below the text is a drawing of Pretzel, hunched over and looking up with a frightened scowl. In front of that is a drawing of Sonic in Twilight form, a mix of the Werehog and the Hedgecat. A purple and red yin-yang symbol glows over his chest, and the purple Chaos Emerald is in his hand. He looks up with a hopeful expression. Blaze stands to the left, a hand on Sonic's shoulder as she smiles at him, while Shadow stands on the right, arms folded but looking back at Sonic with a faint smile of his own. Farther back Rouge stands with a hand on her hip, eyebrow raised as she makes a snarky comment.
/end ID]
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[Image ID: On the left, text reads "Blaze is not in Sonic Unleashed. At all. Not even mentioned." Below is a drawing of Cream, Amy, Cheese, and Tangle. Cream holds a stack of posters in her hands, and Amy has her hand on her shoulder as Cheese puts some of the posters up on a pole. There are four posters visible on the pole. The first is an image of Blaze smiling, with writing saying, "Have you seen her? Now you have." The next is a stock image of Blaze with the word "missing" written above. The next has the word missing written on the top, followed by a photo of Sonic Rush for the Nintendo DS. Writing beneath says, "x 3 SEGA please". Finally, there is a poster of Blaze and Marine at the end of Sonic Rush Adventure, with text written on top reading, "Bring her back!" In the foreground, Tangle kneels on the ground, one poster spread out under her hand while she clutches another in her fist, shaking it at the sky.
On the right, text reads: "Blaze is a main character in Sonic Leashed. She kicks Sonic in the head and sets a fish on fire. And that's awesome." A drawing shoes Tangle, Amy, and Cream all cheering as Blaze stands in the forefront, smiling self-assuredly and surrounded by an aura of flames.
/end ID]
You can view this as one long image on my DeviantArt.
I have returned from The War (my recent Stardew Valley addiction) just in time for Sonic Day. May I present to you: this thing. I had the idea that it would be funny to make little "infographics" for my needlessly convoluted role swap AU, with the addition of Blaze being the punchline of each one. Naturally I then sunk way too much effort into it. And then I didn't post it for over six months. Whoops.
If you aren't familiar, this is a summary of my old Sonic Unleashed roleswap fic, Sonic Leashed. You can read it on Archive of Our Own (my personal recommendation), Fanfiction.net, or DeviantArt. It has two completed sequels (or a sequel and a sidequel, rather), and I've nearly finished drafting the third. The writing quality increases with each installment and Sonic Unleashed fics are a dime a dozen, so if you'd rather skip right to the Colors rewrite you can consider this your primer. maybe. I'm not the boss of you. bye.
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feliskitt · 1 day
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[conveniently timed sonic-related post]
happy birthday sonic the hedgehog!!!
no text alt
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orangetubor · 2 days
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I feel that I'm onto something
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bambiraptorx · 1 day
Leon (Memories) decided to be a bit silly
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*Refuses to elaborate.*
[I.D. Two panel traditional drawing of Rise Leo. In the first panel he dabs. In the second, he stand with his hands behind his back, smiling innocently with a halo above his head. End I.D. 1.]
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[I.D. Digital sketch of Draxum from MCMT. He is drawn with curly hair and wearing a robe. He makes a face of confusion and revulsion, three question marks by his head to emphasize how weirded out he is. End I.D. 2]
Draxum has no idea what's going on he's just here for his kids (he is so confused he doesn't even know what a dab is lol)
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iscollective · 7 months
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Edit: wow this blew up. i dont have anything to promote but i made a response to the most common replies ive gotten to this as well as my thoughts on the direction the web has been heading. you can read it here if you like <3
[Image ID: A screenshot of the youtube popup that appears if you use an ad blocker. It consists of a title, then three bullet points, then two buttons. It has been modified to read: Going to pee during the ad break violates YouTube's Terms of Service
it looks like you selfishly left the room while our ads were playing. Don't you know that by watching youtube you entered into a contract?
We killed the competition by operating at a loss for a decade. we paid good money to be the only game in town.
now that there are no other options, we can start to make that money back however we like. So turn your webcam on so our advertisers know you're paying attention The two buttons read "let us program your brain" and "foot the bill directly" /.End ID]
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novva · 19 days
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back to making mini comics in my free time 🤸🏾‍♀️
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itsaspectrumcomic · 3 months
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Every month is autism month for me!
[ID: A comic titled "April is Autism Acceptance Month!"
The narrator, a light skinned person with brown hair, says "You might see some places "lighting it up blue" or sharing puzzle piece imagery this month, but a lot of autistic people prefer to avoid that due to its association with Autism Speaks." Within the speech bubble is a blue puzzle piece with a red cross next to it. The narrator continues, "Autism Speaks sees autism as a disease that needs to be cured and eradicated, which it isn't. So to avoid that, we generally prefer RED instead!" The words "red instead" are shown on the narrator's shirt.
The narrator continues, "or the golden infinity symbol: (it's gold because au is the symbol for gold in the periodic table." There are illustrations of a gold infinity symbol and the periodic table symbol for gold, made to say "autism", next to the text.
Text continues "Not every autistic person celebrates autism acceptance month which is fine! It's optional :)
At the bottom, the narrator wears a red shirt with the gold infinity symbol on it and says "whether you celebrate or not, I hope you have a lovely month." End ID]
Thank you @teatual for the description!
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near death experience - @femslashfortnight
do you ever think about how the two of them just had to... go back to camp for the rest of the summer?? knowing lumber axe was in the woods and also having witnessed so much murder?? because i think about it a lot
just the background because I think it's neat:
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belleski · 1 day
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decided to make the saddest possible halfling for my dnd campaign, and then - just to make things worse for him, i put him in charge
[Image description] Two digital drawings of a halfling character with dark brown skin, curly black hair with grey streaks and slightly pointed ears. He's wearing a dark blue suit over a white dress shirt and blue waist coat with a silver scale pattern. He's also wearing a badly tied blue tie - black gloves and glasses. In the first drawing, he's drawn from the waist up and is looking to the side with a guilty smile, while holding up a metal tube with a light blue inlay. In the background behind him, there is an abstract shape similar to an explosion - or shattered glass. The second drawing is him in profile - displaying a set of scars running along his face and neck. The background is a light greyish blue. End ID
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misterradio · 5 months
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my coogie
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evenlyevi · 8 months
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It takes time.
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