#actually autistic
itsaspectrumcomic · 3 days
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It's OK to rest
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I always save my favorite for last. What about you all?
The Spicy Autistic Femme
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fluffyhare · 2 days
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Not less, just different!
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autiebiographical · 2 days
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Hyperfixations never die. They just lie dormant until they are reawakened by someone randomly mentioning them.
Much like how Xanatos reawakened the Gargoyles by raising Castle Wyvern above the clouds!!!!!
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anexperimentallife · 2 days
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bodhrancomedy · 1 day
Very accurate.
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autie-j · 14 hours
Uh oh fellow autistic people, I don't think we can okie-dokie, thumbs up, special interest fun fact share our way out of this social interaction
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autismcultureis · 3 days
autism culture is always have been both too immature and too mature for others your age at the same time
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theadhdgoblin · 1 day
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jadathel0ser · 2 days
Lets talk about the not so pleasant parts of Autism
This post is not to say that aren't good things about being autistic or that every autistic will have my experience. Let's just not forget that this is a disability that needs to be taken seriously no matter the person. Any autistic person is welcome to add on the the list.
I'll start with my struggles:
Violent meltdowns
Public meltdowns
VERY poor hygiene the the point of needing teeth removed and hair loss
Constant loneliness and felling depressed from it
Co-occuring conditions like personality disorders, ptsd, depression, psychosis, etc
Mourning the childhood and friends you never had
Blatant bullying
Feeling like you will never make your family proud
Rejected by family, society, medical system, literally everyone
Being taken advantage of (including SA)
Constantly putting yourself in danger
EDs and malnourishment from dietary habits
Knowing that others are purposely leaving you out
Being called homeless and other names for stimming and wearing comfy attire
Sensory issues make you feel like your skin wants to remove itself
Sensory issues making you miss important or fun events
Knowing that you may never be independent
Being belittled
Self injurious stims and low self esteem from it
Embarrassment 101
No privacy
Constant painful state of confusion
Being mocked for how you communicate
Fear of being judged for alternative forms of communication
Needing assistance to just maintain a healthy shower schedule
Having to follow very specific routines to the point of possibly putting yourself in danger if you don't follow them
...and these are just some things. This is the not so pleasant part of what I go through on a daily basis as an autistic. This list can go on forever because autism comes in many "shapes and sizes". Any autistics of any level, if you want, please add on to this list to show that autistic isn't a quirk and can have some seriously hard to live with sides.
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itsaspectrumcomic · 3 days
I really enjoy It’s A Spectrum and came here through the link to the associated Tumblr after finding and reading the comic on Tapas. I would also like to say that I saw you recommended the show Dinosaur to someone in an ask answer, so binged it recently and I absolutely love it so much! I am definitely recommending it to friends. I also checked the release dates and found that all six episodes were released on my mum’s birthday! If you have any show recommendations like Dinosaur, I would love to know. Such good autistic rep is so enjoyable.
Yay I'm glad you enjoyed it! And that's such a coincidence haha
There's not loads of shows out there that centre around an autistic main character, but here's a few I've seen that at least have autistic characters in them:
Extraordinary Attorney Woo - about an autistic lawyer (with a special interest in whales! 🐳) starting her career. It's not perfect (she fits the 'savant' stereotype in a lot of ways) but I still really enjoyed it, and I even got my parents to watch it and I think it helped them understand :)
Heartbreak High - the story isn't about being autistic but Quinni is one of the main cast. She's played by an autistic actress and her experience as an autistic person is explored in several episodes (I haven't finished this one yet so no spoilers!)
Dead End: Paranormal Park - again not about being autistic specifically but one of the main characters, Norma, is confirmed to be autistic. I felt particularly seen by s1 ep3 which explored how she experiences the world and her anxiety around it.
Community - Abed! The creator, Dan Harmon, realised he was autistic himself while writing the character. Plus Community is super funny.
There's also Geek Girl, which just came out on Netflix. I haven't seen this one, but I know that the author of the book it's based on (Holly Smale) discovered she was autistic herself after so many autistic people related to the main character.
I wish I had more for you! Autistic rep is unfortunately pretty sparse, and actually good autistic rep even more so. If anyone has more suggestions I'd love to hear them!
btw I'm currently writing a graphic novel with an autistic lead character so if you're interested in that you should definitely follow @apocalypsebabycomic for updates
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Masking at School/Work
Well behaved
Eager to please
Hard working
What You Don’t See:
High anxiety
Social confusion
Stomach aches
The Autistic Teacher
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Today’s Autistic character of the day is:
Adam Faulkner-Stanheight from Saw
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lemony-ink · 2 days
I wonder if people who are autistic and have OSDDID are more likely to have introjects because it's so common for singlet autistic people to mimic/mirror others behaviors
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bynux · 16 hours
When someone nearby is talking about your special interest but it's a private conversation and you can't join in
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zebulontheplanet · 3 days
As a nonverbal person, I experience something called “word vomit”. Word vomit is where words come out against my will. They’re usually not within context, and I have no control over it. They are 99.9% of the time, not what I want to say. It’s never voluntary, and it’s always distressing and scary.
I think people are confused when I say that this is distressing, and scary. Because why would I be scared of speaking? Trying to speak causes extreme emotional distress for me and panic attacks. Why? Imagine you’ve been able to do something for most of your life, and then suddenly that goes away. Then suddenly, your body wants to do that thing, but can’t. You’d be distressed too, wouldn’t you? It’s distressing, and hard.
I cannot speak willingly. Never in the almost four-five months I’ve been unable to speak, have I said something that has come out willingly. I’ve said a few things of course, but never anything I wanted to. Never anything I want to. Word vomit is distressing, and I think more nonverbal people should talk about their experiences with involuntary words coming out.
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