#inbox meme
mcflymemes · 1 day
MORE TWO WORD PROMPTS *  assorted two word sentences, adjust as necessary
that's tough.
nice try.
so long.
get lost.
you win.
one more.
i failed.
that's impossible.
try again.
no shot.
believe me.
so... tomorrow?
call me?
too harsh.
this way!
be proactive.
think again.
don't move.
keep low.
you’re joking.
nobody knows.
you coming?
get fucked.
stop that.
not here.
watch yourself.
let’s go.
stay here.
no way.
don’t stop.
keep quiet.
be still.
stop yelling!
now what?
i knew.
where to?
i’m done.
don’t shoot.
try me.
it stopped.
i’m sick.
you’re right.
we’re fucked.
absolutely not.
you’re serious.
you bitch.
fuck off.
eat shit.
nice outfit.
slow down.
no trespassing.
what now?
i’m lost.
since when?
listen here.
who’s that?
go away.
leave now.
stay down.
please stop.
i’m certain.
this sucks.
please listen.
everything hurts.
nevermind that.
fuck you.
we agree?
you knew?
how come?
it’s you.
i disagree.
that’s them.
you’re miserable.
we can’t.
everyone leaves.
it’s raining.
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judasrpc · 2 years
What's the lie your character says most often?
How loosely or strictly do they use the word 'friend'?
How often do they show their genuine emotions to others versus just the audience knowing?
What's a hobby they used to have that they miss?
Can they cry on command? If so, what do they think about to make it happen?
What's their favorite [insert anything] that they've never recommended to anyone before?
What would you (mun) yell in the middle of a crowd to find them? What would their best friend and/or romantic partner yell?
How loose is their use of the phrase ‘I love you’?
Do they give tough love or gentle love most often? Which do they prefer to receive?
What fact do they excitedly tell everyone about at every opportunity?
If someone was impersonating them, what would friends / family ask or do to tell the difference?
What's something that makes them laugh every single time? Be specific!
When do they fake a smile? How often?
How do they put out a candle?
What’s the most obvious difference between their behavior at home, at work, at school, with friends, and when they're alone?
What kinds of people do they have arguments with in their head?
What do they notice first in the mirror versus what most people first notice looking at them?
Who do they love truly, 100% unconditionally (if anyone)?
What would they do if stuck in a room with the person they've been avoiding?
Who do they like as a person but hate their work? Vice versa, whose work do they like but don't like the person?
What common etiquette do they disagree with? Do they still follow it?
What simple activity that most people do / can do scares your character?
What do they feel guilty for that the other person(s) doesn’t / don’t even remember?
Did they take a cookie from the cookie jar? What kind of cookie was it?
What subject / topic do they know a lot about that’s completely useless to the direct plot?
How would they respond to being fired by a good boss?
What’s the worst gift they ever received? How did they respond?
What do they tell people they want? What do they actually want?
How do they respond when someone doesn’t believe them?
When they make a mistake and feel bad, does the guilt differ when it’s personal versus when it’s professional?
When do they feel the most guilt? How do they respond to it?
If they committed one petty crime / misdemeanor, what would it be? Why?
How do they greet someone they dislike / hate?
How do they greet someone they like / love?
What is the smallest, morally questionable choice they’ve made?
Who do they keep in their life for professional gain? Is it for malicious intent?
What’s a secret they haven’t told serious romantic partners and don’t plan to tell?
What hobby are they good at in private, but bad at in front of others? Why?
Would they rather be invited to an event to feel included or be excluded from an event if they were not genuinely wanted there?
How do they respond to a loose handshake? What goes through their head?
What phrases, pronunciations, or mannerisms did they pick up from someone / somewhere else?
If invited to a TED Talk, what topic would they present on? What would the title of their presentation be?
What do they commonly misinterpret because of their own upbringing / environment / biases? How do they respond when realizing the misunderstanding?
What language would be easiest for them to learn? Why?
What’s something unimportant / frivolous that they hate passionately?
Are they a listener or a talker? If they’re a listener, what makes them talk? If they’re a talker, what makes them listen?
Who have they forgotten about that remembers them very well?
Who would they say ‘yes’ to if invited to do something they abhorred / strongly didn’t want to do?
Would they eat something they find gross to be polite?
What belief / moral / personality trait do they stand by that you (mun) personally don’t agree with?
What’s a phrase they say a lot?
Do they act on their immediate emotions, or do they wait for the facts before acting?
Who would / do they believe without question?
What’s their instinct in a fight / flight / freeze / fawn situation?
What’s something they’re expected to enjoy based on their hobbies / profession that they actually dislike / hate?
If they’re scared, who do they want comfort from? Does this answer change depending on the type of fear?
What’s a simple daily activity / motion that they mess up often?
How many hobbies have they attempted to have over their lifetime? Is there a common theme?
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resourcesofaqueen · 9 months
Thematic Headcanons. A series of subject-specific headcanons you can ask your favorite blog and muse.
hc + 🤝 for a headcanon about a connection with one of the receiver's mutual
hc + 👪 for a family-themed headcanon
hc + 🧡 for a friendship-themed headcanon
hc + 💌 for a romance-themed headcanon
hc + 💕 for a loved-themed headcanon
hc + 💔 for a headcanon about a sad experience
hc + 🤥 for a lie-themed headcanon
hc + 😶 for a headcanon about a secret they know of / keep
hc + 😴 for a sleep-themed headcanon
hc + 🌇 for a headcanon about morning- or evening rituals
hc + 🧼 for a hygiene-themed headcanon
hc + 🏠 for a home-themed headcanon
hc + 😃 for a happiness-themed headcanon
hc + 😨 for a fear-themed headcanon
hc + 🤕 for a pain-themed headcanon
hc + 🚶‍♂️ for a habit-themed headcanon
hc + 👍 for a headcanon about things they like
hc + 👎 for a headcanon about things they dislike
hc + 💪 for a sport-themed headcanon
hc + 😡 for a headcanon about something that makes them angry
hc + 👻 for a headcanon about supernatural occurrences
hc + 🥣 for a food-themed headcanon
hc + ☕ for a drink-themed headcanon
hc + 🐈 for a pet/animal-themed headcanon
hc + 🌸 for a plant-themed headcanon
hc + 🌄 for an outdoor-themed headcanon
hc + 🌍 for a travel-themed headcanon
hc + 🗡 for a weapon-themed headcanon
hc + 🎡 for a hobby-themed headcanon
hc + 🚗 for a transportation-themed headcanon
hc + ⏳ for a time-themed headcanon
hc + 🌘 for a night-themed headcanon
hc + 🌞 for a day-themed headcanon
hc + 🪐 for a universe-themed headcanon
hc + 🌂 for a weather-themed headcanon
hc + ⛄ for a season-themed headcanon
hc + 🎉 for a celebration-themed headcanon
hc + 🏆 for a goal-themed headcanon
hc + 💯 for an achievement-themed headcanon
hc + 🚬 for a headcanon about a bad habit
hc + 🎭 for an arts-/crafts-themed headcanon
hc + ✂️ for a hair-themed headcanon
hc + 👗 for a clothes-themed headcanon
hc + 💍 for a jewelry-themed headcanon
hc + 💄 for a makeup-themed headcanon
hc + 🎓 for an education-themed headcanon
hc + 📿 for a faith-themed headcanon
hc + 🎵 for a music-themed headcanon
hc + 📱 for a media-themed headcanon
hc + 🎥 for a film/tv-themed headcanon
hc + 📔 for a reading-themed headcanon
hc + 💰 for a money-themed
hc + 💼 for a job-themed headcanon
hc + 💉 for a medical-themed headcanon
hc + 🛒 for a shopping-themed headcanon
hc + 🔞 for a nsfw-headcanon
hc + ❓ for a headcanon of the receiver's choice
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phantasmalatelier · 2 years
How Intimidating Am I?
Send 🐹 for "You? Intimidating? Hell no.”
Send 🐰 for barely intimidating
Send 🐭 for slightly intimidating
Send 🐱 for moderately intimidating
Send 🦊 for fairly intimidating
Send 🐯 for very intimidating
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b1gtimerush · 11 months
actions speak louder than words non - verbal / action prompts from yours truly. (add a "swap" to swap the sender/receiver in the prompt (or just do it manually).)
back, sender gives receiver a back hug.
beckon, sender beckons receiver closer with a finger.
blood, sender cleans blood off of receiver.
book, sender helps receiver get a book from a higher part of the shelf.
care, sender takes care of receiver when they're sick.
catch, sender catches receiver by the waist after they bump into each other.
choke, sender saves receiver from choking by giving them the heimlich.
cold, sender places their jacket over receiver's shoulders.
cry, sender wipes tears off receiver's face with their thumbs.
dance, sender sticks a hand out to receiver and invites them to dance.
dip, sender skinny dips in front of receiver and invites them to join.
dog, sender's dog pulls them in receiver's direction.
drive, sender drives receiver somewhere in their car.
drag, sender drags receiver into a room and closes the door behind them.
draw, sender draws receiver like one of their french girls.
face, sender turns receiver's face towards them.
flower, sender gives receiver a flower.
footsie, sender initiates footsie with receiver under the table.
forehead, sender presses their forehead against receiver's.
grab, sender grabs receiver's wrist to stop them from leaving.
jump, sender jumps onto receiver's back.
kiss, sender kisses receiver.
link, sender links arms with receiver while walking.
massage, sender offers receiver a massage.
patch, sender patches up receiver's wounds.
piano, sender teaches receiver how to play the piano.
pin, sender pins receiver's hands behind their back.
pluck, sender plucks something out of receiver's hair.
press, sender presses receiver against a wall.
propose, sender proposes to receiver.
quiet, sender gestures for receiver to be quiet.
rest, sender rests their head on receiver's shoulder.
serenade, sender serenades receiver with a song.
sign, sender walks into a sign and receiver sees.
size, sender measures the size of their hand against receiver's.
shoes, sender removes receiver's shoes for them.
sun, sender rubs sunblock onto receiver's back.
tattoo, sender gives receiver a tattoo.
tie, sender helps tie receiver's tie.
tuck, sender tucks receiver's hair behind their ear.
umbrella, sender lets receiver under their umbrella.
warning, sender presses a knife against receiver's neck as a warning.
zip, sender needs receiver's help to zip up the back of their dress.
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akarii-memes · 1 year
Anonymously send me something your muse is secretly thinking about mine.
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melamemea · 11 months
send me 🕯️to hear my character's inner thoughts about your character.
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scarletsources · 4 months
Tumblr media
Send my muse “What would you do if...” scenarios.
Tumblr media
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scealaiscoite · 11 months
bodyguard/protectee prompts ˗ˏˋ ꒰ 🍊 ꒱
-ˏˋ. dialogue ˊˎ-
⋆ “um, look- i know i’m only meant to be here for you in a professional capacity, but if you ever need anything i’m here for you.”
⋆ “come on, just admit it- i’m starting to grow on you, aren’t i?”
⋆ “since when does your job extend to giving me relationship advice?” “it doesn’t, but i wouldn’t be able to live with myself if i didn’t at least try to tell you how much more you deserve than that idiot.”
⋆ “don’t tell your coworkers, but you’re my favourite.”
⋆ “i know it’s like your job or whatever, but i- i’ve never had anyone protect me like that before. so, uh- thanks, i guess.”
⋆ “don’t worry. i’m not going to tell anyone that my big bad bodyguard like to be the little spoon.”
⋆ “i think if you let people see this side of you more often, you wouldn’t have any need for me.”
⋆ “we’re gonna be in this car for eight hours! you’re not gonna combust if you speak to me more than one word at a time.”
-ˏˋ. actions / scenarios ˊˎ-
⋆ while the protectee is in the process of overworking themselves, the bodyguard reluctantly steps in to make them take a break
⋆ after an event that shakes the protectee, the bodyguard silently takes their hand and doesn’t let go until they’re safe again
⋆ the bodyguard gets injured in the process of coming between the protectee and a physical threat and, in a panic, the protectee fusses over them as they gingerly tend to their wounds
⋆ after overhearing a personal argument that leaves the protectee upset, a very out-of-their-depth bodyguard tries their best to comfort them
⋆ whilst trying to cheer up a downtrodden protectee, the otherwise stoneyfaced bodyguard divulges the first pieces of personal information they’ve ever given to anyone on the job
⋆ during an overnight protection detail, the bodyguard finds themselves keeping company to an insomniac protectee
⋆ one finally building up the courage to ask the other out on a date once their professional relationship is over
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stannyramirez · 1 year
🧑‍🤝‍🧑🧑‍🤝‍🧑how do they feel about having multiple partners at once? have they ever done it? 🪢do they have a kink? if so, what is it? 💸have they ever or would they ever accept money or gifts in exchange for sex? 🍆how do they feel about toys? do they have any? what’s their favorite? do they use them with partners? 🌙do they need an emotional connection or are one-night-stands an option? 🫂how do they feel about friends with benefits? 🍒how old were they when they lost their virginity? to whom? was it significant? 🏳️‍🌈what’s their sexual orientation? have they ever experimented outside of that [for more binary orientations such as heterosexual/homosexual]? 👄do they prefer oral or penetrative sex more? ↕️are they a sub, dom, or switch? top, bottom, or switch? 🛏️what’s their favorite position? 🔢what’s their body count? 🕒what’s the longest time they went without engaging in sexual activity with a partner? [masturbation doesn’t count] 👀how do they feel about voyeurism? exhibitionism? 🏬would they have sex in public? if so, how public is too public? 🤪what’s the wildest place they’ve ever done something sexual? ❤️‍🔥what’s their most erogenous zone? 💋do they like to kiss while having sex? do they cuddle afterward? 💦what’s their immediate post-orgasm reaction? 🫶what does after care look like for them?
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mcflymemes · 18 hours
PROMPTS FROM BILLIE EILISH'S HIT ME HARD AND SOFT *  assorted lines from the album, some slightly adapted, adjust as necessary
baby, i think you were made for me.
i wish you the best for the rest of your life.
i need to confess, i told you a lie.
you were the love of my life.
i can't fall in love with you.
i see the way you want me.
i gotta be careful, gotta watch what i say.
god, i hope it all goes away.
did i break your heart?
you're just so sweet.
i don't need to breathe when you look at me.
keep it brief.
you seem so paranoid.
if this is how i die, that's all right.
open up the door for me.
i just want you to touch me.
i've never paid this much attention to you, ever.
i want you to stay.
i'll love you 'til the day i die.
i want you to see how you look to me.
you're so full of shit.
if you go, i'm going too.
we should stick together.
did you take my love away from me?
i never did you wrong.
fell in love for the first time with a friend.
it's a good time.
you told me it was war.
if it's forever, it's even better.
i don't know what i'm crying for.
call me when you're there.
i bought you something rare.
it's a craving, not a crush.
people say i look happy.
the old me is still me and maybe the real me.
i think she's pretty.
can you open up the door?
am i acting my age now?
i'll run a shower for you like you want.
if i'm allowed, i'll help you take them off.
bring that over here.
i need to be alone now, i'm taking a break.
am i already on the way out?
when i step off the stage, i'm a bird in a cage.
you said i was your secret.
the internet is hungry for the meanest kind of funny.
do you still cry?
i loved you for so long.
i could eat that girl for lunch.
tastes like she might be the one.
i don't know why i called.
i don't know you at all.
i could never get enough.
you need a seat? i'll volunteer.
i'm interested in more than just being your friend.
do you know how to bend?
when i come back around, will i know what to say?
there's a part of me that recognizes you.
do you feel it, too?
when you told me it was serious, were you serious?
they tell me it's all been a trap.
no, don't say that.
did i waste your time?
i tried to be there for you.
you said you'd never fall in love again because of me.
i love you, don't act so surprised.
things fall apart and time breaks your heart.
i wasn't there, but i know.
you don't need to remind me.
i should put it all behind me, shouldn't i?
did i cross the line?
good things don't last.
life moves so fast.
every time you touch me, i just wonder how she felt.
i know you didn't mean to hurt me, so i kept it to myself.
i'm trying my best to keep you satisfied.
you don't wanna know how alone i've been.
we don't have to fight when it's not worth fighting for.
you don't wanna know what i would've done.
i loved you and i still do.
just wanted passion from you.
it's not my fault, i did what i could.
you made it so hard like i knew you would.
after i left, it was obvious.
we're so glad it's over now.
say you miss me.
don't be afraid of me.
please don't call the cops.
bet i could change your life.
i tried to save you, but i failed.
i hope you'll read it this time.
i left a calling card so they would know that it was me.
i memorized your number.
if something happens to him, you can bet that it was me.
i'd like to mean it when i say i'm over you.
i thought we were the same.
he never learned to sympathize with anyone.
i don't blame you, but i can't change you.
it's over now.
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justanotherrpmeme · 6 months
After-Action Patch-Up starters
"Hold still, [name], this might sting a bit." "You're lucky it's just a few scratches. You need to be more careful!" "Don't be such a baby. It's just a flesh wound." "I can't believe you jumped into that fray without thinking! What were you trying to prove?" "Here, let me help. I've had my fair share of battle wounds." "Ouch! Warn me before you start cleaning those cuts." "You're a mess. How did you even get into this situation?" "I never thought I'd see you so vulnerable. It's strange." "Let's patch you up before anyone else sees you like this." "You really need to work on your combat skills. I can't keep playing nursemaid." "I've got the first aid kit. Sit down, and let me take care of those injuries." "You did well out there, but you're not invincible. Let me help." "I told you not to charge in without a plan. Now look at you." "It's nothing serious, just a few cuts and bruises. You'll be fine." "I can't believe you're complaining about a little pain. You should see what I've been through." "Hold on, I'll get the antiseptic. This might sting a bit." "You're surprisingly fragile for someone who fights so fiercely." "You really know how to ruin a perfectly good day, don't you?" "I never expected to see you in need of my care. Life is full of surprises." "I suppose I should thank you for saving me, even if it means playing nurse now."
[CLEANS] The sender takes a cotton swab and gently cleans the dirt and blood from the receiver's wounds. [BANDAGES] The sender carefully wraps a bandage around the receiver's forearm, securing it to protect the cuts. [SCOLDS] The sender scolds the receiver, shaking their head as they tend to the injuries. [REACTS] The receiver winces as the sender applies antiseptic to a particularly nasty cut on their cheek. [COMFORTS] The sender reassures the receiver, offering comfort while tending to the injuries. [DISINFECTS] The sender pours antiseptic on a wound, causing the receiver to inhale sharply at the stinging sensation. [INSPECTS] The sender inspects the wounds, noting any deeper cuts that might need more attention. [LECTURES] The sender lectures the receiver, advising them to think before acting to avoid future injuries. [SMILES] Despite scolding, the sender smiles reassuringly, trying to ease the tension in the room. [COMPLAINS] The receiver complains about the pain, prompting the sender to roll their eyes and continue their work. [WORRIES] The sender expresses worry, sharing their concern for the receiver's well-being. [TREATS] The sender skillfully treats each injury, showcasing their competence in basic first aid. [ADMONISHES] The sender admonishes the receiver, emphasizing the potential severity of the situation. [ASSESSES] The sender assesses the overall damage, silently noting the toll the fight took on the receiver. [DISAPPROVES] The sender expresses disapproval, stating that putting oneself in danger is not acceptable. [ASSURES] The sender assures the receiver, claiming that despite appearances, the injuries will heal quickly. [HESITATES] The receiver hesitates as the sender reaches for a needle and thread to stitch up a deeper cut. [SYMPATHIZES] The sender sympathizes with the receiver, acknowledging the pain while praising their efforts. [SCANS] The sender scans the receiver's body for any hidden injuries, ensuring nothing was overlooked. [GRATEFUL] The receiver expresses gratitude to the sender for taking care of them amid the discomfort.
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shinsources · 1 year
“I never noticed your eyes were this [colour].”
“Your heartbeat’s really loud.”
“You asleep?”
“I like this, being so close to you.”
“Your hair keeps falling into your eyes, do you know that? Here, lemme just—”
“You’re so, so, so pretty.”
“I just — I’m breathless, okay? Whenever I’m with you, it happens.”
“You make my heart beat so quick.”
“You always know how to make me smile.”
“You’ll always be safe with me.”
[Kisses the other on the cheek]
“I can’t imagine being anywhere but here with you.”
“All my choices lead me to you.”
“I’ll never give you up.”
“I sleep better if you’re around.”
“You snore in your sleep. But… it’s adorable, okay?”
“I like this. A quiet breakfast with you.”
“There’re billions of people on this planet, and I love you. How incredible is that?”
“I trust you.”
[Holds the other’s hand when they think the other won’t notice]
“You keep staring at me instead of watching the film. What’s up?”
“Let’s push all of these stuff away. I wanna dance here right now with you.”
“Are we really doing this? Are we really slow-dancing?”
“When you laugh like that, it just — you’re so beautiful, you know that?”
“No, sorry, you laughed. I … I never saw it before. It’s — pretty.”
“You haven’t laughed in a long time, and I guess I was staring ‘cause I forgot how that looked like.”
[Puts head on the other’s shoulder]
“I will never let you go.”
“You’re the best thing to have ever happened to me.”
“You wrote me a song?”
“You’ve got a fever. Of course I’m not going anywhere.”
[Suddenly feels around the bed to search for the other’s hand / body when they’re sleeping]
[Extends a hand when they see the other was searching for it while they’re sleeping]
“I just feel calmer. When I’m with you.”
“You’re not in bed. I came looking for you.”
“What are you doing up? Come to bed.”
“It’s weird. I never thought I could feel like this, but you showed up. Now, it’s like I don’t wanna go on knowing I might lose the feeling.”
“I don’t mind sharing the blankets with you.”
“You’re cold. Come here.”
“You always do that. You always warm me up.”
“It’s getting crowded. Here, hold my hand.”
[Hugs for a very long time]
[Puts feet on the other’s lap]
“I’m so proud of you, you know that?”
“I love you.”
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lapis-memes · 3 months
[ 𝐓𝐎𝐔𝐂𝐇 ] My muse gently touches a bruise on your muse’s body.
[ 𝐁𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐇 ] My muse brushes a strand of hair out of your muse’s face.
[ 𝐋𝐀𝐔𝐆𝐇 ] My muse attempts to make yours laugh when they are sad.
[ 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐌𝐓𝐇 ] My muse wraps yours in a warm blanket.
[ 𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐏 ] My muse pokes your muse’s nose.
[ 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐓𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐄 ] My muse intertwines their fingers with yours.
[ Cuddle ] My muse cuddles up in bed to yours.
[ 𝐆𝐔𝐀𝐑𝐃 ] My muse sits by your muse’s bedside while they are sick/hurt.
[ 𝐃𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 ] My muse takes your muse’s hand and slow dances with them.
[ 𝐖𝐄𝐓 ] My muse helps yours out of sopping wet clothes.
[ 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐊𝐄 ] My muse gently runs a hand over your muse’s back.
[ 𝐇𝐔𝐆 ] My muse hugs yours tightly.
[ 𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐄𝐋𝐃 ] My muse steps protectively in front of yours.
[ 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐃 ] My muse holds yours while they cry.
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b1gtimerush · 1 year
set the scene setting prompts (but a little more specific) from yours truly.
001, a convenience store past midnight.
002, a hospital waiting room at 3 in the morning.
003, a photoshoot outdoors in the middle of winter.
004, an indoor filming set of a detective's office.
005, a new house/apartment filled with unopened cardboard boxes.
006, a swing set in an empty playground at night.
007, on stage in an empty theatre.
008, inside an old abandoned house.
009, an empty cemetery at night.
010, the arrival hall at an airport.
011, the last train compartment that's not full.
012, the roulette table in a casino.
013, on the deck of a cruise ship.
014, a kitchen during a black out, surrounded by candles.
015, a treehouse in the middle of the woods.
016, on the dance floor during a wedding.
017, behind the chapel before the wedding ceremony starts.
018, backstage during the middle of a concert.
019, a crowded club during a bachelorette party.
020, standing in front of a painting at a museum.
021, a small, intimate family barbecue.
022, a gazebo while it's raining.
023, the back of an empty bus.
024, a hotel room with only one bed.
025, an empty balcony while a party goes on inside.
026, a bar just after closing.
027, an empty sports stadium.
028, lakeside while the sun is setting.
030, an empty stretch of road beside a broken down car.
031, in front of a suspicious pool of blood in an empty parking lot.
032, in the crowd of spectators during an underground fight.
033, a plane during a bout of turbulence.
034, on kiss cam at a sports game.
035, at a table during a charity gala.
036, a masquerade ball.
037, a halloween party in a suburban house.
038, the beach in the late afternoon.
039, a dressing room after a big performance.
040, exploring the depths of a mysterious cave.
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rpm3mes · 9 months
What is something about my portrayal[s] that sticks out?
Example being; my muses ticks they have, the way they talk, etcetera.
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