#it's like. i know what the consequences are but it feels like it'll be different every time when it really isn't
nico-esoterica · 1 day
Controversial take, maybe? Nah, it won't be.
It's the Law of 'You.'
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It's all about You and what you say is true consistently. You don't have to listen to anyone's rules or guidelines you don't resonate with. You also don't have to force yourself to think or 'do' anything. That includes trying to make a concept work and click that you see success stories from but you simply don't align with. You don't like the person, the phrasing, it gives you the ick or makes you uncomfortable/anxious, whatever.
That doesn't mean you're missing out. Everyone gets what they want by thinking it's theirs regardless of negative thoughts, shitty feelings, history or circumstances. You can call it assuming, being, knowing, attracting, creating, whatever you want. Then continuing to choose that story. You can even forget about it! You didn't change your mind about it so it'll still happen.
You can also mix and match. You can have a soup of different supposedly opposing spiritual ideas and beliefs and say they all work and are compatible because you say so! Believe in magic! Organized religion! A pantheon of deities! Saturn whipping your ass to make you learn! Pixies, Lucifer, and Krishna, baby.
A deity literally blew up my spiritual line recently because she fucks with me being powerful and wanted to give me advice. A Goddess recognizing a Goddess. And she was FINE with me not worshipping her despite her having worshippers. I could just tell that she just loves my energy and my potential and wanted to bless me with wisdom and it's appreciated. But I don't worship anyone other than myself :) However, that was a great experience and I was open to it. I can do it all!
There doesn't have to be consequences, divine punishment, or your religious traumatized ass whipping yourself through guilt because you think you need to be reprimanded for thinking you're 'grown enough' to assume control. Be logical, illogical, think like a child or in magical terms, use placebos for everything and fuhgetaboutit, whatever you want! There are NO rules unless you decide you wanna adhere to some. Nothing can occur without your permission, baby, because you can assign new meanings to anything in life you want. If something unfavorable happens, you change the meaning or how you perceive it.
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autistic-shaiapouf · 11 months
Crawling out of bed after an 11 hour shift only to realize that maybe. maybe I'm not exactly taking care of myself
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I've been running this writing experiment lately to cut out phrases like "I felt" in my fiction writing. Like I was looking at a sentence in a draft that said, "he felt as if character's eyes were pinning him in place." And then I was like, "well, does he think that or is it true? As a result of this person watching him, he's froze. It's not like a thing, it is that thing."
Oh and "almost"! I'm always going, "He felt almost relieved that it hadn't happened." Well, did he feel better that it didn't happen or didn't he? Or "somewhat", I'm always going, "she felt somewhat perturbed."
And like none of that is wrong, to be clear. I don't know if it'd improve your writing, I don't even know if it'll improve my writing, but I use this sentence structure all the time so every viewpoint is from a voice that thinks about what it thinks, hedges its statements, and offers the same ability for wry little jokes formatted in the exact same way. And I have a lot of writing like that and I think (!) that they're good, but read as a whole, I'm like, "god, they all sound the same." Like there's one melody that I write songs to, so even with different lyrics, it's almost (!) the same song. Something I've been struggling with in regards to my writing and why I've felt so blocked is how boring I found writing my usual way. I'd read something and enjoy the individual parts of it, but then I'd step back and I didn't like the whole. And I got good at this enough at seeing that I didn't like it to do it in real time as I was writing, which as you can imagine didn't improve the process of writing because now I was bored AND dejected about being bored.
There's this sentence-level structure fact that I use unconsciously. A pattern I find easy is short sentence, short sentence, short sentence, long sentence. So I write that. "He [verbed]. He [verbed]. Then he [verbed]. As he [verbed] to his [consequence], he [verbed] that [noun] was [statement of condition]." Which could work, it often does make for a nice rhythm, but it's something I reach for often because it's easier for me.
Just last sentence, I originally typed, "I find it easier for me." But if what I mean is "using this pattern is less effort than another pattern," then it's easier for me. One voice is hedging its bets and the other asserting. Either is fine! But they're different! And, again, GOD you would not believe how many words I've cut out of this paragraph as I write it. I'm so chatty. I love using twelve words when six will do. And that gives my writing a specific tone to my ear.
So if I am bored of that tone, why not try using just the six words? Why be understated? Why be afraid of stronger opinions? So right now with my fiction, I'm experimenting with cutting out as many self-reflective words as I can. Sometime you do need to draw attention to the face that this is the character's interpretation, but like you definitely don't need to do it as much as I naturally want to do it. You don't need to always go out of your way to allow the possibility that the narrative voice is wrong. During editing, I trim the weaker ones (I originally typed, "what I consider the weaker ones" Is that more accurate?). But I think them being there in the first place shifts my language which shifts my character's which shifts my plot. It's sentence structure all the way down!!
(this barely applies to my writing on here, btw. i try to do good but yknow this is a tumblr blog. i'm not trying to get a lit mag to accept it.)
Anyway blah blah (chatty!) the point is I've been trying to write in a way opposite of my interests. Something that doesn't take itself too seriously, that emphasizes EMOTION and ACTION instead of minimizing it, and that clips through scenes at a good pace. Doing this been amazingly fun. I've been having such a good time doing it. I am writing so much because I really enjoy doing it. The process of writing is so fun again.
This post is about two things. One is my new mood stabilizer and therapy day camp. The other is about the benefit of pretending to be MXTX.
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
How do we balance the tentative joy of hearing about the indictment with the overwhelming and crushing knowledge that not a goddamn thing is going to come of this and ultimately nothing will change?
(actually i feel like if the skies split open and shithead goes to jail it'll just leave a giant sucking void for desantis to slime his way into the party's graces and he'll charge full speed ahead into nuking this country from the inside)
Okay, look. Everyone reacts differently, we've all been through a fuckload of trauma, and all that, but I just... really don't get the pre-emptive "don't get your hopes up, nothing will happen and nothing will change." I know that people do it as a defense mechanism, but we spent months hearing that Trump would win the 2020 election. (He lost it.) Then we heard that all his lawsuits to overturn might actually work. (They didn't.) Then we heard that he wouldn't be impeached after January 6. (He was.) Then we heard that he wouldn't be indicted, and well, today, he was. This is unprecedented in the history of America. Over 250+ years, and a current or former president had never been indicted for anything. Not even goddamn Nixon was formally charged, and Biden definitely isn't gonna pardon Trump the same way Ford did with Tricky Dick. And now that someone has finally bit the bullet and gone first, there are a whole cascade of other indictments lined up and waiting to be finished.
We don't know what will happen, but something will. Trump will be arrested and arraigned, and yet again: this has never happened before. Just throwing up our hands and going "well guess nothing's gonna happen and he'll get off scot free!" is NOT the energy we want to be bringing here. It's time to push forward, make sure that the Manhattan DA, and everyone else with pending charges against him, hold that motherfucker's greasy orange feet to the fire and make him FRY. As for DeSantis, as I have written about before, he's not smart, he's not a good candidate, and his ideas are not by any means universally popular. Fascists thrive on making you feel disempowered and hopeless, so it's no use to fight them since they'll just win anyway, and all the terrible events of the last few years have made it an appealing idea, but... c'mon now.
Everyone insisted for months that Trump would never be charged with anything. But almost 60% of the country thinks that the criminal cases against him are permanently disqualifying, and this is before any major cascades. This whole "if you dare to arrest Trump, he'll win in a landslide in 2024!" psy-op is just that: a psy-op. A trick. A bluff. They're shit scared that the Big Mac God King is finally on the brink of an actual downfall and facing consequences for his actions for the first time in his fucking miserable life, and they're trying to freak us out of doing it, because they have nothing left. So I say: get him. Run him over. Then back up the truck and run him over again.
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inkskinned · 1 year
im having a particularly terrible night with urges and imagery that i dont know how to handle. i gave in to some things. held back on some others. but im barely holding on, dear internet stranger.
you do not owe me your time or your words.. but if you could write some hope into existence for me.. i would be unendingly grateful to you.
please. tell me how you do it. tell me how you survive. because im not so sure i can get through the fifteen days it'll take to get to my seventeenth birthday.
could you please give me something to place my faith in? i dont think the universe is watching out for me anymore.
i don't usually answer these, because i am not a professional, and you deserve professional help. when i was 17 i was terrified of the idea of professional help, because my household was extremely unsafe, and made it clear that if i ever chose to get help, i would be punished for it.
i hope this is not your case. i hope that you can call someone, and they can take you where you should go.
but i will give you the advice that i wish i got, when i couldn't get help at 17, when i was so bad that years later, i literally don't-know-how-i-survived it: what you want is peace, not death. your brain is sick. it has romanticized an ending where there are no consequences. where effort isn't necessary. where you can just... forget.
you want peace. that is a normal, human thing to want. maybe it feels more like you want quiet. or just... to take a break for a second.
here is what i will say: to end yourself means you never get to experience what it's like to actually be happy. i thought i knew what it was like, and i was bitter about it. i'd say - i've been happy, it's not worth it, because i didn't know what i was missing. i thought that happiness meant having a partner or having a job or money or a college degree. it sounded like effort. it sounded like something that had to happen to me.
for the first time in my life, just this week, i was able to go to a concert and just-enjoy-it. no liquor, no drugs. just stomping my feet and getting caught up in it. i didn't feel nervous or self-conscious or overwhelmed. i just had a good time. these days have a lot of these firsts for me - it is the first time i can eat cake without crying. it is the first time i can be around an exacto blade without supervision. it is the first time i have too many people to call when i am crying.
i can't tell you where you'll run into happiness, only that, for me, it started once i was out of that fucking house. it started once i figured out where the pain was coming from. once i figured out that i was not possessed, something medical was wrong with me. that i am not stupid or lazy, i have depression and adhd. the first few years were difficult. at 19, during my efforts to recover, i actually got worse by a considerable margin. and then, with time and patience - i got better.
happiness doesn't feel like what you think it will. in movies it's so golden and all-encompassing. but it doesn't fly into your hands when you buy your first car nor does it arrive in the arms of a partner nor does it require passing your classes. happiness came to me on a tuesday in the form of a red-winged blackbird, and i looked at her, and she looked at me, and i said - oh. the whole world suddenly filled itself in with color. like i had been forever-asleep. like every corner of every room was suddenly glistening.
it ended quickly, back then. it just stopped in to check in on me. but it was enough - this thing i had never experienced, but that i knew (logically) could happen. before that, i was only staying because it would make my mom sad if i died. that was my only reason. and then the happiness came, so strange and brilliant and lovely that for years i couldn't even look at it directly.
these days, things are so different. life is so much easier. i don't wish for death because so much of what i have is already at peace. my boss understands when i need a mental health day. people in general are less prone to high school drama. entire communities hold my hand and have my number. i have a car and a dog and a little apartment garden and candles on all available surfaces and today i bought myself a little cake just-to-celebrate-nothing. my body is my own and we are both dancing.
there are so many things i've gotten to taste in the last 10 years. i know, for you, that is an eon, because it's more than half of your life. but if it helps? in the 5 years between 17-21: i filled myself with laughter and love. i got to be a lead in a ballet and got my first tattoo and then my second and pierced my ears the way i'd wanted to (one of them professionally the other over a hot stove with a potato) and i discovered hozier is my favorite singer (i know. he was new back then) and i got my first real job and my first real paycheck and i hadn't ever been seen as smart but then i started to actually treat my adhd as a condition rather than a burden and people started saying you're like the smartest person in the room and my best friend met her husband who i will one day stand next to as maid of honor when he is her groom and i got to help people and make a stupid blog called "inkskinned" and find out that writing is actually my passion and that maybe i'm actually kind of good at it if i just practice and i got to meet my parents' dog (his name is kaiju) and i slept on couches and kissed people and tried new things and learned how to breathe without feeling my chest tighten and that peace is here, on this planet, that peace echoes everywhere, it is in my hair and my homework and my houseplants, it is quiet and divine and mine because i fought for it and i built it and yes i lost hair over it but holy shit the whole world feels like it is shifted through a sunbeam
recently someone asked me if i could go back in time to 6th grade, with all the knowledge i have now, would i? and without thinking, i barked absolutely not. i know i should say it's because i wouldn't want to risk losing any of this stuff - but really it's because i would never survive being a teenager again. it sounds incredibly lame and impossible, fake - but being a teenager was the hardest thing i ever did. i had no voice, no control, only fear and hatred.
but i did survive it. nothing about me is special. nothing about me is stronger than you or better prepared or more efficient. i didn't survive it perfectly. i made a lot of mistakes and lost a lot of friends and harmed myself in ways that i'm still recovering from. but i did survive it. and there is a part of me looking at you in the past and saying - i'm you in the future.
and holy shit. every day. every goddamn day i'm glad we survived to see the rest of it. because you hit 18 and everything changes. like, everything. and holy shit, it is infinitely worth it.
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saturnicos · 7 months
Hi! Can you make a Hazbin Hotel Headcanons of how the characters would comfort a reader who is having a panic attack.
Yeah! Ironically, I had a pre-episode panic attack during a class today, writing this helped me avoid a meltdown.
Of course, if you wanted into a different perspective (or other characters, since I don't write many at once), feel free to tell me :)
HH cast comforting !reader having a panic attack
With: Charlie, Alastor, Lucifer, Adam, Angel Dust
Context: Panic attack can happen any time, without any motivation. Unfortunately, that's hits you more often than you would like. In a middle of a conversation with them, you start to feel anxious and afraid, eyes widening and an immense desire to cry appearing. How would them comfort you?
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. Charlie
— Oh! And I created a new plan that I would lik.. — Charlie interrupts herself as soon as she sees his eyes roaming the room, your leg shaking while the sound of your heartbeat was heard loud enough.
She knows that happens with some frequency and often is ready when happen. Actually, she's a bit imperative and has its moments of generalized anxiety; although it's not the same thing, it has a basis of what she can or cannot do to help you.
— Honey, look at me, please — She ask to you, holding your hand and looking at your eyes with a serious expression in her face. — It's ok, you'll be fine, you're safe with me. Now, breathe in and out with me.
She starts as an example, taking a deep breath through her nose and releasing the air through her mouth. Despite your mind clouded with fear and derealization, your eyes locked onto hers, unconsciously repeating what exercise she replicates, feeling your breathing regularize slowly, despite the tremor and fear continuing.
She smile at you, holding your hand with a little more strength and delicacy. She moves forward with her free arm at her side, asking for permission for a hug. You, without hesitation, allow it, approaching her and hugging her tightly, feeling her face resting above your head, allowing you to cry into her coat if you felt like you needed to.
— Don't forget to breath, it'll calm yourself. I'm here for you.
. Lucifer
He knows what gonna happen even before you. This man faces various emotional and psychological problems daily, he recognizes very well when someone seems to have a tendency to have a crisis. Especially coming from you.
The first thing he notices is your hand starting to shake and your eyes threatening to water. He's quick to cup your face with both hands, making sure you're looking and listening to him.
— Sweetie, hear me. — He asks in a gently voice, making sure not to get too close to you for fear that this would only trigger a sudden worsening of the attack. — Calm down, I'm with you, there's anything here that can hurt you.
Even with his supportive phrases, your tremor only got worse as your blood pressure only tended to drop, slowly obscuring your vision and slowing down your breathing.
— Here — His voice echoed in your mind, as if partially clearing the intrusive and distressing thoughts. An angelic voice. — Can you tell me five things in this room, please?
You didn't know from where this come, but tried to see something even with a bad vision. And you did it. Then he asked for four things that you could touch. After three that you could hear, after...
When you came to, out of the derealization, you noticed the tactic that he used to calm you down: 5-4-3-2-1, a way to distract the mind of fear to understand what was around you, consequently making you come to your senses when you noticed the space.
He also noticed as your breathing returned to normal and your body gradually shook less and less, smiling at you tenderly.
. Adam
He's a bitch. A fucking bitch.
At first, when he sees your eyes watering in the middle of the conversation he will think that some comment or joke of his got to you, and sincerely? He'd probably find it funny that you're bothered by this at this point.
— What's up, bitch? That wasn't even that aggressive — He responded in a mocking voice, leaning across the table toward you. His tone of voice was filled with a visible desire to laugh.
However, when he noticed that you ignored his comment and were shaking unnaturally, the expression on his mask changed to one that alternated between doubt and amazement.
The mask's mouth constantly opened and closed, as if he were interrupting whenever he thought about commenting on something.
— Fuck — He sighed heavily as he let out an audible curse, getting up from his seat and heading towards him, but stopped next to you when he noticed that he was a piece of shit with emotional comfort, especially with words of affirmation.
With an expression of uncertain, he took off his terminator mask and threw it on the table, looking at the office door, confirming that there was no one there that could burst into the room.
He then crouched down next to you, watching you cover your face with hands shaking, stifling a sob. Not really sure what do, he brought his hand to your back, patting it friendly as a strange way of showing support, since 1. he didn't know how to verbalize it and 2. he couldn't do it. But deep down he would like to try and provide some kind of support.
— I have no fucking idea how to help you, but... You know, if you need a shoulder, you've got me.
. Angel Dust
He knows what it's like to have an emotional breakdown and derealization, after all, it is something that constantly impacts him almost always after the work.
Despite the solution he always seeks for himself be the use of medication and perhaps a little alcohol, he would never make that an option for you since he doesn't want to inflict drug use on you. Health reason.
— Baby, is a hug okay? — he asks you in a compassionate tone, bowing his head slightly to the side as he raised his left hand to rest it on your shoulder.
When you nod, he wraps you in a hug with all four of his arms. A comfortable but not strong hug, allowing you to leave if you wish.
— You need to stabilize your heart rate, you know? Do what I do — He then took a deep breath for a few seconds and then let it out, repeating the process two more times before encouraging you to try.
You snuggled into your spot on the couch trying to control the shaking and tears as you repeated breathing exercise with difficulty. At first it was painful and burned your lungs, but Angel advised you to try again as soon as you felt like you could try.
— I don't have work today, how about a movie? I promise it won't be any of my big movies, your choice. — He laughed quietly, trying to lighten the sad mood with a light dirty joke as he picked up the controller. When he could hear a low chuckle from you, his smile grew.
. Alastor
He literally has no idea what happened to you. Alastor died before psychology studies were taken seriously, and particularly he was never someone very social or interpersonal, then see you having a mental imbalance suddenly was ridiculously weird.
He just stood there looking at you with that stupid smile on his face, trying to find some logic behind your attitude so that he could do something about it.
After a given moment thinking, in a snap of his fingers he manifested a tea set in the center table in the room. However, the withering smell of coffee took its place when he took one of the cups for himself and offered another one for you - one that smelled like valerian, a plant that helped with irregular heartbeat.
He looked at you as he sipped his own cup of black coffee with legs crossed, as if waiting for you to go ahead and drink the tea.
You then gave in and drank, pouring a few drops into your lap due to tremor. The tea actually wasn't that bad. As soon as he passed by your throat, the effect seemed to have already begun, gradually relaxing your muscles and calming your fear.
Along with the feeling of relaxation, an aroma of oils penetrated the room, making a combination in the air of more diverse aromas and smells in a pleasant mix.
By your side, Alastor beamed a satisfied smile as he helped himself to more coffee, talking to you again, occasionally asking if you wanted more tea or if you felt okay.
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I love sm write comfort, but thinking about the angst before is painfully sad//
Thank you for read, have a good day or a good night :)
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o-sachi · 2 months
Then There Was You ‧₊˚ ⋅ Drabble (Request)
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ଳ he swore to only keep his eyes on ume and follow his good example, but then you just had to become a distraction ଳ character; sugishita kyotarou (wind breaker) ଳ tags; floof, tsundere sugi, short fight scene, afab reader, no y/n
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"You've been staring at her a lot lately huh?"
Just like that, Sugishita was snapped out of his stupor. He rarely narrowed his eyes at Ume, but if someone teased him about her... then not even Ume-chan is an exception to his grumpiness.
"No," he grunts and looks away.
Ume pats his back with a reassuring smile on his face. He said something about how it's okay to like someone because it's totally normal.
Yeah, right. Normal.
But the thing is—Sugishita's an anomaly. He's different in a way that he had never loved anyone before, let alone "liked." Some people were just not made for it and he believes himself to be one of those people. His purpose—he says—is to become stronger so that he can be someone Ume can be proud of. Even better if he could become someone that the great Umemiya Hajime could rely on.
However, he was nowhere near to attaining that. The idea of love is then out of question. He just had no time for trivial things.
It's funny though—how his mind and body are doing completely different things. A part of him doesn't want to stray from the path that Ume has carved for him, but another fuels this urge in him to simply stare at you. Admire you from afar. Because you were the most delicate thing in his eyes.
Compared to the self-assured and confident Kotoha, the new part-timer at the cafe was a bit laidback. But she was the bubbliest and friendliest person that the Furin boys have come across.
Each time they would come and visit the cafe, she'd be standing at the counter with a warm smile on her face. And once everyone has their food in front of them, she would happily listen to Ume's tales about the day's fight or Nirei's rants about the people he "observes." She'd giggle at Sakura's bashfulness and be amused by Tsugeura's enthusiasm.
She had a special talent in that she could make anyone feel at ease.
And Sugishita was sure that it would be the same thing all over again. No matter how nice or kind someone is—they'll be too intimidated to even converse with him.
But that wasn't the case with you.
He could still vividly recall how his heart skipped a beat the day he first met you. The boys had come to the cafe to wind down after a major scuffle. They had cuts and bruises all over, but they laughed as if there was no pain at all. As the newbie, you didn't know better and acted with the utmost concern.
Much to everyone's surprise, you came to Sugishita first.
"Does it hurt?" you ask, pointing at a cut on his arm.
His brows furrow and his lips press into a thin line—an obvious indicator that he is in no need of your help. But he should've known that it wouldn't be enough to push you away.
"Here," you say as you offer a band-aid to him. "Sorry, it's a bit childish with all the elephants on it, but it's all I have."
In spite of his unwelcoming demeanor, you persisted. Even the other guys around him were stunned at your resolve. But they remained quiet, wanting to see how Sugishita would react.
Sugishita sheepishly took the cute band-aid from your fingers, shoving it immediately deep into his pocket.
You smile. "You should wash that up and plaster it on as soon as possible or it'll get infected."
When he finally spares you a glance, he sees the maddeningly bright smile on your face. It almost reminded him of Ume when he annoys him.
"Thanks," he whispered. It took all of his willpower to say one syllable because he knew that there would be consequences.
Sakura piped up. "Oh, so you do know what gratitude is?"
The consequence being—a certain two-toned boy would get on his nerves.
Of course, the usual back-and-forth ensued. Sugishita got too heated up that he nearly forgot the band-aid in his pocket. When he glanced over to you again and saw how you laughed at their bickering... he swore you had done something to his forsaken heart.
He often found himself daydreaming like a kid when recalling that day. It made him happy to an extent, though he'd never admit it. But he mostly repeated the events in his head because he was trying to figure out why his heart was thumping so loud then and why he felt so nervous around you.
It bothered him to no end because he was this big hulking guy and you were... just a girl who probably wouldn't hurt a fly. He had fought guys thrice your size. Yet, here he was; scared at the thought of you sitting next to him and talking to him.
Throughout his daydream, he failed to notice that you had disappeared and went out to buy some milk for the cafe. Kotoha was busy cleaning the kitchen, so the errand was left to you.
It left Sugishita bored. He wasn't really interested in whatever they were talking about and Ume was busy eating anyway. And you were... well, he didn't know where you were. He'd rather be kicked in the shins twice than ask where you had gone.
Everything comes to a halt as they heard commotion from outside. And by the sound of it... it was you. His question was answered in the worst way possible.
"Let go of me! Stop!" you cried out desperately, but to no avail.
"C'mon, lady. We were askin' ye for some change so nicely, weren't we? Don't be a bitch and show us some kindness, will ye?"
The shady group of guys who were outside the convenience store saw you and decided to follow. So here you were, getting mugged.
Everyone in the cafe knew the situation straight away. They were all ready to jump into action, but none of them would have expected what happened next.
To put it simply, Sugishita just shot out of his seat without another word or thought. Kotoha was sure that the cafe's door would fly off the hinges with how strongly he swung it open.
His fiery stare was zeroed in on the scumbags that had you surrounded. His mind was empty except for two things: to beat these fuckers up and to save you.
He stomped over to you, the shady men becoming aware of his approaching and menacing presence.
"Watcha want, punk? Walkin' over here like a—"
The guy's sentence was left unfinished as Sugishita's fist met his face. His punch snapped and didn't waste any time slugging the rest of the men. Though they tried to fight back, they were no match for an extra aggressive Sugishita.
His senses only came flooding back when he felt a pair of arms around him. He inspected the ground below him where the men had fallen unconscious... and then he realized that you were clinging on to him like a koala.
"THAT WAS SO SCARYYYY," you cried. As you did, you squeezed him tighter. You were probably pushing his boundaries, but the adrenaline and fear got the best of you. You could apologize later for the tears that had seeped through his navy blue cotton shirt.
And normally, he would push you away, but strangely—it felt... really good. His hands hovered in the air, unsure of what to do with them. He helplessly looked around. But as he turned his gaze back at the cafe, he saw the boys and Kotoha watching them from a distance.
They were smiling and snickering, flashing a thumbs up at Sugishita for saving the day.
When it finally sank in—he was in a state of catharsis. He still couldn't put a finger on what it was that he was feeling. But all he knew was that he liked your warmth and that you still made him insanely nervous.
To some extent, it was like his eyes were opened to a world never seen before. And you were the key to that hidden realm.
He gulped and slowly placed a hand on your head, gently stroking it albeit he was shaking. Was it from punching too hard or was it because of you? He wasn't sure.
Buuuut, maybe Ume was right about this being totally normal.
o-sachi © 2024 pls do not translate/copy/reupload my work on other platforms.
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bumblebriez · 26 days
Love Stricken (PT.1)
(Gojo Satoru x Chubby!Fem!Reader)
⚠️⚠️⚠️: Smutty smutty smut, Swearing. Drinking. Gojo in loooove
Never in a million years would you think, you'd catch the eyes of a certain jujutsu sorcerer but you did and with that came alot of consequences. That you would eventually find out the hard way.
Your parents vanished a good couple of years ago with no knowledge of why and where, leaving you; the eldest, to care and provide for your younger siblings. Being responsible and forgetting about the life you used to live, you felt lost. Struggling a lot with your self worth.
Your best friend took it upon herself to finally get you to live your life a little more by taking you out on the town for a night.
But you found that night was the start of your downfall.
I plan to turn this into a series eventually and this is also the first time I'm writing in a third person, so there could be a few mistakes not to mention the spelling and grammar might be a little baaad. I'll try to fix them when I can. I'm also not the greatest at writing descriptions.
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"See? Didn't I tell you, you would have fun." Your best friend shouted over the loud booming club music and the noises of the on going clubbers.
You rolled your eyes slightly, head lightly bobbing to the music as you took a sip from the straw in your drink, vodka and cranberry was your drink of choice. It definitely wasn't your first but after the persistent nagging from your bestie to actually drink something alcoholic, you went with the safe one.
"Yeah I loved the fact that I already have a migraine!" You shouted back, eyes squinting from the bright strobe lights.
From the moment you walked in on the party scene, you felt like you were being watched, as soon as your foot hit the concrete floor. You couldn't pinpoint where or who but you could feel their glaze burn holes into you, perhaps it was just the swarm that surrounded you, you couldn't tell.
"You are so dull now! You use to love going out!" You watched as Zariah downed the two shots she had ordered for herself, deciding it'll be better to not delay the inevitable.
"That was before I had kids to look after." She pouted slightly, her hand gripping your shoulder, moving closer to your ear.
"That's why you need to enjoy yourself tonight! Get fucked up, maybe even get fucked? Hmmm~" you shake your head, giggling nervously slightly at the continuous pressure. It was her plan all along. Getting you out there, finding a short distraction from what you were dealing with currently.
You twirled your straw around in your drink, pushing the Ice to the different sides of the glass.
"Stop thinking about them. They will be fine! Rast will be taking great care of them! He wants you to enjoy your night too."
Truth is.. Ever since your parents disappeared, leaving no trace behind except other children they forgot about for you to look after; to become their legal guardian. You have not had much time to yourself.
The years started to flicker by and the realisation started to set in that this was your life now. Your parents were not coming back. They were your kids now. It's a hard pill to swallow and frankly not one you were interested in but what else could you do? You felt obligated to care and provide for your siblings.
The more you worried about your siblings, the more you lost yourself. Your confidence had plummeted and your self image was shattered. Though you wouldn't let anyone know. The looks those skinny tan gorgeous girls would give you as you passed them on the street, did not go unnoticed.
The small remarks guys would leave you to ponder over, never far from your mind.
The comments you received from a previous ex, picking at your self esteem, your self confidence; resided in your core constantly.
You'd never show them that it affected you. You held your head high, trying to fake the confidence you once had.
But when you get home, it was a different story. In the privacy of your own bedroom was when the waterworks started. The constant peering in the mirror, pointing out all the differences between you and other girls. Comparing yourself and wishing for things that were in your eyes imperfections, just to go away.
You were happy alone. At least that's what you told yourself. You didn't need a guy. Especially when you looked like you.
Maybe sometimes you're too hard on yourself. Maybe.
"I don't mean to weird you out but that gooorgeous man has been eyeing you for ages." Zariah broke you out of your zoning, pointing slightly in the direction behind you.
"Consider me weirded out. Don't be silly. You mean eyeing you?" You didn't even bothered turning around to follow, he clearly wasn't looking at you. Maybe at someone who was further down the bar. If not your gorgeous best friend.
You can't seem to help yourself though, your eyes peek around before you could even react, a quick subtle peek.
You flick over the crowd of different people, trying to find the guy your best friend was talking about, until your eyes finally land on who you were looking for.
She wasn't lying.
He was *chefs kiss*
And he was already looking at you.
You couldn't see his eyes since they were hiding behind a pair of low sunglasses. His hair was almost pure white, reflecting off the neon lights that scattered around the room.
A white button up shirt with the a few of the buttons undone, sleeves pushed up to his elbows; drink resting in his longer slender fingers.
Your eyes widen as he tipped his glass at you, a devilish grin resting on his lips.
You quickly faced your best friend returning to raised eyebrows and a cheeky smirk.
"Don't even say anything." You growled, feeling almost foolish that a man of that pristine stature could be even interested in something like you.
Zariah held her hands up in defence "I wasn't gonna but he is fine." She took a slow gulp from her drink, eyes avoiding my glaze.
"You have a boyfriend." You watched her roll her eyes at you, placing her cup back down on the harden wood. "I can still appreciate a good looking guy or a girl for that matter." Her eyebrows wiggled aggressively causing you to sigh dramatically, resting your elbow on the bar; chin resting in the palm of your hand.
Just as you were about to take another sip of your drink, Zariah's eyes widen slightly before spinning around in her chair facing away from you; back in full view.
Before you could even ask what her problem was, you felt a presence appear behind you; them looming over you.
"What's a nice place like you doing in a girl like this?" You stifled a chuckle that tried to escape your throat as you turned to face the new comer, realising it was the guy you were previously checking out. Allegedly.
He leant against the bar, resting on his elbow, his full attention and glaze set on your form. That devilish grin still resting on his lips. Making you feel almost uneasy. Under pressure almost.
"Wow. How many girls have you used that one liner on?"
He tilted his head slightly, his glasses slipping down the bridge of his nose, his eyes peering from behind them. They were stunning. The brightest blue you had ever seen. It was reflecting an ocean. Unnaturally glistening, the specks of colour flowing like a river. Maybe it was just the lightning or maybe you are already tipsy from one drink.
"Was waiting to use it on the right girl." You hummed before taking a sip from your straw, fingers pressed tightly at the tip, your eyes never leaving his as you look at him with doe eyes.
"How charming of you." You smirked moving the empty glass away from you.
"I'm Satoru Gojo but you can call me Satoru. What about you gorgeous?" He pressed with a light flick of his head, his tongue wetting his lips.
"Just Y/n." You felt a slight heat starting to form within your face, this Satoru was clearly flirting with you and you had no idea how to take it. This felt a little be overwhelming for you. He was drop dead handsome and he was showing some sort of interest in you.
"Well 'Just Y/n' can I buy you another drink?" You don't say anything as you look down at your empty glass before giving a nod.
You both sit there for a couple moments more, just small talking as you take your time sipping away at your drink. A laugh here and a giggle there as Satoru throws a joke your way; slowly opening you up, allowing you to get comfortable in his presence. Completely forgetting you did not come here by yourself.
Gojo quickly downs the rest of his drink before his eyes fall on you once more "Do you wanna dance?"
Your breathing hitched slightly at the invitation, Satoru was already moving before you could even respond, pulling you by your hand through the crowds and on to the dance floor.
He placed your hand on his shoulder, placing his own large hands on your hips, guiding them to the rhythm of the music. Your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer, chest pressing against chest.
A small sweet smile made its way to your lips as you stare up at the much taller man through your eyelashes.
You started to feel a bit exposed, your eyes moved around the room, briefly looking at all the different couples that surrounded the two of you. You caught a few glimpses of a cluster of girls that weren't that far from you, noises scrunched up at you, giggling as they spoke to each other, watching you with envy. It was frankly very uncomfortable.
Fed up with the looks, you pulled back from Satoru abruptly "I'm sorry, I can't-." You muttered more to yourself than him.
But just as turned around, back facing the towering man, he grabs you by your wrist, pulling you back kind of aggressively into his chest.
Your ass press up against him, his hands resting on your hips, digging in slightly to hold you there.
"Don't think about them. Think about me." He whispered in your ear, sending cold shivers down your spine causing goosebumps all over your skin. A quiet gasp leaves your lips at the suggesting tone.
"Think about the way I'm pressed up against you." Our hips moved in a slow dance, his hands guiding me to grind against him.
"Think about the way my hands feel." Your eyes fluttered closed as one of his hands traced your prominent curves over the fabric of your dress, pulling it up slightly when he gets to your thighs, exposing some hidden skin.
"The way my lips feeling on your skin." His teeth grazed your ear lobe, moving to your neck to leave soft burning pecks on your skin, a very small whimper comes from you from the actions.
Your head lobbed back against his shoulder, allowing more access for him. Your skin was burning from the kisses. the touches.
You continue to grind against him, feeling more turned on by the minute. Especially hearing the shutters from his throat when you rub him the right way, making you uncontrollably wet.
"My god. You're intoxicating." He breathed out as he held you against him, tighter. His hand moving up your body, painfully slowly before gripping gently on to your neck, using a ringed finger to push your chin in his direction.
You let out a soft noise as your lips were in proximity of each other, you could feel the essence of where his lips need to be; hovering.
"Think about how our lips feel..." he press a soft peck on your lips before capturing your bottom lip in between his teeth. You couldn't help the noise that flowed out of you. This was so.. hot. He was hot. He was making you hot.
You leaned up to press your lips to his, nearly almost fed up with the teasing. Both of you move in sync with each other, Satoru's hand still holding your neck with no pressure. Keeping you aligned with him as your mouths explore each others; His rings leaving a cold sensation as they graze your skin.
"Wanna get out of here?" He mumbled against your lips, kissing you after each word. You smiled slightly as much as you could.
"Yes please Satoru." A slight groan came from the milky skinned man, pulling you even harder against him. "I'm loving hearing you say my name baby." A little giggle escaped your lips as he nuzzled his nose with yours.
As you both rushed through the bodies on bodies, you leave Satoru alone for just a minute while he ordered an Uber, leaving you to remember why you were here and who you were with.
"Damn. I mean damn. You better be coming over to tell me, you're going home with him." Zariah exclaimed already holding out your belongings as you made your way over to her with a bright smile on your face.
Without saying too much, you quickly lay a fresh kiss on her cheek "I'll see you tomorrow." Your best friend let out a squeal of excitement, watching your retreating form.
"Fucking finally. He better fuck her good." Zariah mumbled to herself before downing the rest of her drink. Accomplished her mission and ready to go home.
You and Satoru walk out of the club, fingers intertwined. Immediately spotting our ride. He leads you towards the SUV, opening the door open for you. Like a gentleman.
You express your appreciation before hoping in and moving over to the other side, mumbling a quick greeting to the driver.
Gojo closes the door behind him once he jumps in, scooting closer to you, not even bothering to put a seatbelt on; which the driver doesn't enforce either.
Frankly he wasn't all too bothered with keeping a conversation but that didn't seem to stop the man who was inviting you back to his.
"Had a busy night so far?" Gojo asked the driver as he wrapped an arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer to him, his other hand resting on your thigh.
You couldn't focus on both of the men conversing when Satoru hands was rubbing patterns into your skin, starting to go high and closer to where was needed to be touched. Teasing you.
You tried to control your breath, ignoring the neediness you were currently experiencing. You pressed a hand on his chest, coming to rest your head. Your eyes still stuck on his dangerous hand.
Your jaw clenched as his hand did in fact go higher, biting your lip as you feel his index finger press against the fabric of your panties; causing you to seize up.
Your eyes look to Satoru, witnessing a cheeky smirk resting on his lips as he continues to chat with the Uber driver. Feigning innocence.
Your eyes started to roll to the back of your head when he continued to rub at your clothed cunt. Your panties becoming wetter and wetter the more he pushed. You started to bite your finger knuckle to hold in any noises that might try to escape you.
You couldn't believe he would even try to do this right in the middle of this car ride, thankfully you were out of view. At least you hoped..
You started to bite harder when his finger pushed aside your panties and swiped at your slick folds, subconsciously you opened your legs wider for him. Scooting down so you were hanging off the seat.
The biting got harder when he plunged a finger past your walls, pumping in and out slowly. Curling in the right spot. His other hand was ghosting over the skin on your shoulders, causing you to shiver while being fingered in the backseat of this strangers truck.
"Ahh shit. Sorry guys. Just gotta make a quick stop. Didn't realise I was low on gas."
"No worries man. You do you." Gojo spoke up still pumping his finger into you, slightly picking up the pace but still managing to conceal you.
The very moment the man jumped out of the car, letting you guys know he'll only be a few minutes, Satoru turned to you, pushing your legs apart further "Two minutes, That's all I need."
You let out the moans you had been holding in, gripping on to his forearm as his pace became aggressive. Nothing you have felt with any man. He was hitting the right spot over and over again with his long fingers. One you honestly didn't think you had. If he kept at this, you were definitely going to cum. Which shocked you to your core.
"Who knew you were so dirty. Letting me do this to you at the chance of getting caught." He moan slightly, adding another finger to the mix. Curling up wards, pulling a quiet cry from you.
"Holy shit-" you whimpered as you felt electricity spreading throughout your body, his fingers felt so nice inside you. Gliding in and out of your wet pussy, the squelching noises were more prominent now.
"You're already so wet.. probably making a mess on these leather seats. I turn you on that much huh? God you're fucking hot." A deep growl erupted from his throat as his fingers continued to plunge deeper. Faster.
"You gonna cum? You gonna cum on these fingers? I want you too. Cum for me baby." Not only was the pleasure on a whole another level, the shock was too. How was it possible that this guy could very much bring you to the edge in five minutes? This was nothing you had ever experienced before and you are only just getting started.
You couldn't even form words, that's how bad the effect was, they only came out in moans and whines. You were nearly over the edge, stars were appearing in your vision. You squeezed harder on his forearm, nails digging deeper as you started your ascent.
"Oh fuck- I'm gonna- shit." You babbled out, your legs started to quiver as you felt yourself approaching the high, Satoru had brought you too only using his fingers.
"That's it baby. Cum all over these fingers, all over the seats." His words quite literally brought you to the edge, you felt your walls clenched around his fingers, starting to flail against him. He let out a low groan feeling you tighten around his fingers, his cock was becoming uncomfortable hard through his pants; just at the sight of you alone. The thought of you cumming on his cock. Squeezing him so nicely. Gojo was excited.
Excited to fuck the shit out of you.
Your mouth formed an O as you felt the orgasm wash over, leaving you a panting mess. You were left with no words. Completely and utterly stunned. You've never came so fast or so hard  in your life, not even by your fingers and certainly not by a man.
Satoru pressed a sweet kiss on your temple before pulling his fingers out, a small sob leaving your mouth at the bareness. He lifted his fingers to his mouth before eagerly sucking your juices off.
"Mmm. So sweet." You honestly thought you would cum again. This was so embarrassing to you. You were so hot and turned on. You honestly just wanted to fuck him right here and now, not even caring if the driver came back or not. You were becoming inpatient.
It seemed Satoru felt the same way, once he caught a glimpse of your dilated pupils, your face covered in need, he knew he was in for a long night. Satoru smirked dangerous before pressing his fingers up to your lips, not needing to wait too long when you didn't even hesitate to open, sucking contentedly on his fingers. Loving the feeling as your tongue twirled around them.
"Oh fuck-" Satoru shuttered with a slight roll of his eyes, you were something else.
Thank goodness for blacked out windows..
The driver came back, finally for what felt like hours to you, returning on the path to the destination in question.
You sat there completely dazed, thinking of what had just transpired. Trying to ignore your juices that were oozing out of you. While Satoru was whispering sweet nothings in your ear, his hand was lying in your lap and you were just playing with his fingers, his rings. The fingers that just made you have possibly the best orgasm of your life but you definitely knew that was going to change. Real quick.
But a thought couldn't help but sneak in and ruin your buzzed feeling.
How many girls has he made cum with these hands. Said the same shit too. You weren't special. You were just that, another girl to get his dick wet.
But you shouldn't care, this was only fun. This is only suppose to be a hook up. No matter if he made you feel like the only girl in the world for the night. He was good at was he does. He was good at making you feel good in more ways than physical.
The drive felt like hours, you felt like you were losing your mind as Satoru's hands were exploring your body. Trying to push aside the unsettling feeling when he brushed over your extra layers.
From the outside it seemed he didn't even care that you were a larger woman but what worried you was what he was thinking. Your head was full of intrusive thoughts.
Did he really find you attractive?
When he looked at you did he see something more?
Was he disgusted?
Was he regretting this and just being nice?
Far far out of your league.
Little did you know, Gojo Satoru found you absolutely beautiful. All six of his eyes spotted you as soon as you stepped foot in the establishment.
You were positively delicious.
He just had to have you.
And now he does. He couldn't be more happy.
"I can hear those cogs turning in that pretty head of yours." You looked towards Satoru, forcing a smile as he gently brushed his knuckle across your jaw. A small sweet smile resting on his lips; his face close to yours.
"You're really attractive." You simply said, taking in his features properly, getting a clearer picture. Away from all of bright and flashing lights.
His eyes were more sparkling than before, you found yourself looking away every now again, afraid you'd be put under a spell. Not that you'd would mind anyway..
His bone structure was out of this world, it's like he was sculpted by a god or maybe he was just a god.
He was uncomfortably ravishing.
"Mmm I get that a lot. I'm pretty hot. But you." Your eyes widen a little at his comment, not sure how to take it. His hand cupped your cheek, his eyes peering into yours.
"You are crazy fucking hot. That curvy body is going to be the death of me. I mean.. I'd die a happy man in between those thighs." You bite your bottom lip, completely speechless. This man was turning you to putty and no matter how much your body was trying to tell you he was lying. You knew deep down he meant every word.
You were shell shocked.
And unbelievably horny.
The wait was over, you had arrived at the destination. Your eyes glazed over the very large and lavish apartment complex. A completely different place to where you resided. A decently ran down 4 bedroom home that you were pretty positive was still full of mold, no matter how hard you cleaned.
Your mind immediately went into autopilot, as Satoru lead you out of the truck, muttering a quick 'thank you' to the Uber.
Satoru pulled you with him as you both stride towards the entrance, your fingers intertwined. He lead you into the lobby, towards one of the many elevators and as soon as those doors closed. As soon as he had pressed the button, you were pressed up against the glass wall. Your leg hanging loosely over his hip, hand placed securely behind your knee.
"Satoru.. they have cameras.." you whispered as he placed sloppy kisses along your neck.
"Mmm say my name again." He grumbled against your skin, having no care in the world for your protests. The only care was to hear you scream his name, no matter where you both are.
"Satoru stooop, we can't. Not here." You giggled a little as he ran his nose over your jugular. A smirk appeared on Satoru lips as he listened to your laugh.
He was compelled to hear it again and obviously since he was like the funniest person HE knew, it wouldn't be hard.
"But whyyy. You're too sweet. You taste like candy." He whined slightly pulling away to stare into your eyes, quite like staring into your soul. If it was anyone else, you probably would recoil, cringing.
Buuuut he was also kinda adorable. You thought.
You leaned forward pressing a sweet peck on his lips, Satoru dropping your leg, allowing you to correct your posture.
"I do not." You giggled yet again, pressing your hands against his chest, moving them up and down his torso.
"Do too. I can't wait to gobble you up." He pressed, your giggle pierced his ears again, causing his smile to brighten as he stared down at you, basically inhaling your beauty.
"You've got such a way with words." You sarcastically say as you give him a playful eye roll, trying to push him back slightly but to no avail, he stood strong.
"That's not the only thing, Baby." And god did you believe him.
You jump once you hear the ding of the elevator, realising you are so close to getting the life fucked out of you and that put a bounce in your step. You were nearly stepping on the backs of Satoru heels as the both of you wonder down the halls.
Your breathing started to pick up, feeling almost inpatient. You couldn't even blame it on the alcohol because realistically you only had two, you were definitely drunk on something else and you'd only experienced it briefly.
You watched as Satoru's long slender fingers, played with his keys; trying to find the right one.
And as soon as that door was opened, you couldn't even process how fast you were inside, immediately locking lips.
Satoru kicked the door shut with his foot, his hands never leaving you as he pushed his tongue past your lips. You let out a low moan as your tongues started to dance with each other.
The kiss was sloppy and ferocious. You didn't believe when people talked about sparks but in that moment, you started to believe. He left your lips tingling, nothing you've felt before. It sent waves of pleasure throughout your body. Your pussy aching, needing for this man.
You were nearly tripping over each other, bumping into things, lips never leaving each others as you both made your way through the apartment. Letting out a low whimper when your back hit the soft mattress, spreading your legs to allow Satoru to press himself against you.
"I'm fucking you. No more playing. I need to feel you around me." Satoru growled against your lips, before resuming sticking his tongue down your throat.
His hands left you, reaching down to work at his belt, he was quick and efficient, pushing his pants down his legs with one hand.
He broke from you, pushing up your dress past your hips and literally ripping off your panties, exposing your wet and dripping cunt. You'd worry about your panties later.
Satoru let out a low groan seeing you now bare beneath him, your pussy glistening for him. And only him.
You were his for tonight and he was going to rock you until you were cumming for him.
He didn't dare waste anymore time, aligning himself up at your entrance, his head bowed to watched himself push against your pussy, a moan leaving him when he felt how wet you really were, he could just slide in and you'd take him perfectly.
But he knew better, you'd need to adjust.
You were a moaning mess already, grabbing at him, bucking your hips against the ghosting tip of his cock, it was too dark to see have big he was but you soon found out as he pushed himself in.
"Fuck." He let out a staggering breath as he felt the beginning of your tight walls, you let out a sharp gasp as you take him, your fingers digging into his shoulders. The pain was real. He was huge.
You felt the pop as he finally pushed past your boundaries, a synced moan coming from both parties. Satoru moved his hips slowly, his fingers digging into his expensive sheets; restraining himself.
You were mewing lowly as he pumped into you, grateful he was allowing you to adjust to his size.
The more he felt himself able to go further without any resistance, the more he sped up.
"You feel amazing." He huffed out, rocking his hips in a steady pace. Your eyes fluttered as moans flowed effortlessly from your mouth. His cock was rubbing against your walls in just the right way. Tickling that itch you never knew you truly needed.
But you were becoming even more impatient, you wanted him to use you. You knew he was holding back and you wanted him to show you just how much.
Your hand moved up into his hair, gripping at the roots "I want you all. Don't hold back. Please Satoru."
At just the moan of his name, sent him. Before you knew it, both of his hands gripped your hips aggressively, slamming into yours.
You cried out loudly as he repeatedly did it again and again. Fucking his cock into you, hitting right into your cervix. You gripped desperately onto his forearms as he continued to plow into you; bouncing at every thrust.
You squeezed Satoru better than he imagined, you would. He stared down at your form with hunger, watching you arch your back, your beautiful mouth letting out cries of pleasures from his cock. You were taking him so well. He wanted you to scream for him.
"God. You look so good taking my cock. Taking me so well." He purred, placing a hand on the pudge of your stomach, pressing down firmly. He wished he had taken off your dress so he could see your beautiful tits bouncing from every time he fucked his cock into you.
"Satoru! Fuck. Holy shit-" You cried out, throwing your head back against the mattress, arching your back even more.
"Keep saying my name baby. Just like that." He leaned down, resting on his forearm just above your head, not before using his other hand to push one of your legs up, allowing him more access to your addicting cunt.
"AAHH fuck! Satoru!" You screamed out, feeling your body start to shake from the continuous pounding. His cock deeper inside from the new position.
"Fuck yeah. Holy fuck. You're so beautifult." He groaned, your little noises were music to his ears, his fingers digging deeper into your supple skin and you knew it would definitely leave marks.
Your lips crashed against his, teeth clashing together. Satoru swallowing each cry and moan that would try to escape.
"You gonna cum for me? You gonna cum on my cock?" He moaned in your ear, followed by hallowed panting as he pounded into you. You couldn't rely on forming any words, they were just coming out as sobs and cries. You were putty underneath him, no one has EVER fucked you this good before. You were on cloud nine.
And just as you thought it couldn't get any better, you started to feel the familiar build up. You were close. You felt like you were going to explode from the pleasure as it flowed through your body, you couldn't even warn Satoru before you released around his cock, screaming out in pure bliss as you felt yourself gush over him.
Satoru quickly pulled out and watched as you released a great quantity of liquid. Your legs shaking from the overbearing orgasm that shook your core.
He let out a breathless chuckle, realising you. HE had just made you squirt, all over him.
Your hands trembled as you brought them to your mouth, trying to control your breathing.
"Oh god. I'm sorry." You were shocked that you could even squirt and this man had not only brought you to a full penetration orgasm but he made you squirt.
"Hah Sorry? No. That was fucking hot. So hot. fuck." Satoru's breathing became heavier, his pupils dilated as he watched your trembling form, without anymore words, he slammed back into you, pulling a louder cry from you. Having seen you squirt on his cock, brought him closer to his own climax.
His thrusts were becoming sloppier and more desperate as he chased his own high. You were completely dazed, stars in your vision. Being fucked harder into the mattress. An uncontrollable moaning mess.
You tugged at his hair, yanking his head back slightly "Cum in me. I want it."
He couldn't believe his ears, as if you could get anymore sexier.
"You want it. You want my hot load inside your juicy pussy?" Your hands travelled down his back, leaving long and deep scratches, marking him red.
"Satoru- please. Cum. Please. I want it. I want you." He growled from the stinging sensation and from your voice. He was so close. So close.
"Anything for you, baby." He angled his hips and thrusted harder, until he felt it. He shoved his face into the crook of your neck as he felt his own orgasm approaching, his cum shot straight into you, causing a guttural cry from your throat as you feel it coat your walls. Satoru pumped into you until he was dry, slowing to a stop. A complete panting mess above you.
You were trying hard to catch your own breath as he lowered himself onto you, carefully trying not to crush you.
Your hand brushed through his pure white strands, as you both laid there together, in pure bliss. Panting excessively.
Satoru sat up slightly to place a sweet kiss on your lips, you of course accepted happily. He hummed softly before resting his face on your tits.
"I've never squirted before." You panted out, your eyes staring up at the ceiling. You felt embarrassed, more so for the fact you had made a mess but you also felt bewildered. You didn't think you could and you didn't think that any man could pull an orgasm out of you, let alone two, It started you thinking. How many could he make you have?
Every boyfriend you've had, NEVER made you feel like how this man did here. They were all so more selfish for their own desire than satisfying you. Even getting to the point where you would just roll over and let them have their way, sucking the enjoyment out of sex completely. Making it feel like a chore, so you wouldn't have to constantly hear their whines and moans about 'why you didn't want to fuck?'
"Never?" You shook your head lazily, feeling an overwhelming sense of drowsiness.
You felt him vibrate from the low chuckle he let out, his head lifting up to look you in the eyes "Well. I can't wait to make you do it again and again.." his voice was mumbled against your skin as he peppered you with wet kisses.
"And again." You felt Satoru cradle your ass cheeks, his fingers massaging intensely. Hoisting you up, angling himself up with your overstimulated cunt.
And here you thought you could sleep.
Nah. You're in for a long night.
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kokomyass · 4 months
JJK Characters ☆ That time of the month...
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JJK x Fem!Reader
Genre: ☁️
Trigger warnings ⚠️: swearing, crack
featuring: Gojo Satoru, Nanami Kento, Geto Suguru, Toji Fushiguro, Choso Kamo, Ryomen Sukuna
synopsis: in which, the jjk men are out buying you supplies for your period, some with more experience that others....
notes!: in sukuna's part, he is true form and has like a kinda palace thing going on yk....
a/n: thought of this idea, liked it and wrote it!!! I hope you enjoy 💜🍇💜🍇
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"Heyyy babe....so about those pads you wanted me to buy....you kinda failed to tell me that there are pads for every colour of the fucking rainbow!"
You had to use all your will power in you to not start laughing at Satoru through the phone, which would consequently lead him to hold a grudge.
"Satoru, I told you to get the ultra maxi pads with wings, remember? How difficult is that?" you nagged as you heard a frustrated groan through the phone.
"Well which colour is that? Cause there's no way I'm reading allat-"
"Gojo!!" you didn't usually call him by his first name it was an easy way to show your annoyance.
"Okay sorry!! Well, Y/N, there are like 5 different ultra maxi pads! How the hell am I meant to know which-"
"Satoru, with wings."
You heard the line go silent as you heard rustling assuming he had picked the pad up.
"So...um I found it....I'm gonna get myself out of this aisle because thanks to you I embarrassed myself in front of all these experienced women."
All you can do is giggle at Gojo's dramatic ass.
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You hear the door to your house open as you lay in bed curled over from the pain your cramps are giving you.
You hear your husbands soft footstep approach your bed as you open your eyes slightly to see him bent over cupping your face careful not to wake you up to violently.
"Hello sweetheart, how are you feeling?" you hear his deep, smooth voice whisper out.
"Well...I feel like shit, but now that your here I wanna cuddle with you. It'll make me feel better."
Nanami chuckles as he sat on the bed, extending his arm out to let you cuddle with him.
"Just to let you know, I went out to buy some night and day pads, tampons just in case your in the mood to use them and your favourite snacks to keep you going. They are all here if you need." Nanami said, as he gently brushed your hair as he felt you squeeze tighter.
Nanami looked down as he heard sniffling later realising you were crying after looking down at your face.
"Honey what's wrong? Did I miss something?" Nanami's heart dropped.
"No, the absolute opposite. You always get everything right. Nanami, have I ever told you how madly I am in love with you?"
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You had sent Geto out to do some period shopping and by that you meant shopping for pads/tampons and snacks.
When you were on your period, you were EXTREMELY snappy and emotional. This time of the month was one Geto feared all the time. One small thing could make you flip out.
"Hey babe! I'm home!"
You were sat on the couch wrapped in blankets as you watched TV.
"I got your stuff babe, snacks, pads and all..." Geto placed a kiss on your head before sitting next you. You took the bag from him searching for your favourite sweets.
"Thank yo-...Where are my skittles, Geto?"
Geto's heart dropped. He had completely forgotten to buy that and he regretted his life choices, but it was too late because you had already started crying.
"Ughh, I really wanted those skittles...why do you always forget Geto!" you sobbed angrily as Geto pulled you apologising profusely.
"I'll go out and buy more baby....I'm sorry...."
"NO. I WON'T WANT THEM ANYMORE!" you shouted at Geto as you stood up angrily walking to you bedroom as Geto sighed letting his head fall back on the couch, choosing to let you come to him in your own time.
Time Skip
You had guiltily shuffled out of the bedroom and sat next to Geto leaning into him as he let out a sigh of relief.
"So, you feeling better??"
"Yeah, sorry babe....I overreacted. My favourite sweet isn't even skittles..."
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"So babe, what size is your pussy again?"
Toji was a man with no shame and clearly no brain. He went out to get pads for you forgetting to ask what type you needed.
"Wh- Toji!! How many people are in that aisle!?" You heard Toji chuckle at your very valid question, given what he had just said.
"Princess, listen, that doesn't matter right now. Just tell me your fucking pussy size."
Before you could scold Toji and maybe educate him you heard another woman's voice through the phone.
"Um sir, just to let you know you are rather loud...and pad sizes are based on the amount of flow not-"
"Did I ask?" Toji spat.
The woman's mouth shut as she spluttered trying to say something back before Toji diverted his attention back to you.
"There is like ultra large....do you want that cause I know how big-"
"Toji don't you dare finish that sentence. Just get me large ones please...and for the record it is based on your flow, so you had no right shut that poor woman down like that."
"I call it what I want to call it, and that's pussy size."
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You currently had a stuttering Choso on the phone who was clearly pretending he wasn't embarrassed.
You had sent him out to get some snacks, hinting that it was your time of the month but you didn't ask him to get pads or tampons fearing it would be too much for him to handle.
"So....um...Y/N, do you....erm do you want me-"
"Choso, baby, please spit it out." you giggled at how flustered he was as it wasn't a common occurrence.
"Do you need...pads...?" he whispered the last bit so you could barely hear.
"What was that?"
"...pads...." you had made out that he said pads.
You let out a loud laughter that could be heard through the phone, shown by the fact Choso was hushing you.
"Y/N, stop laughing! Yes or no? If yes, what type?" you could tell he was trying to be vague.
"Choso you are so cute, yes I would like some please can I have some night pads? I have enough days ones."
"Okay! I got this....okay see you and love you!!" he cut the phone after chanting to himself that he had the power to pick one product off an aisle.
All you could do was chuckle and feel warm at how much he cared for you...even if it was embarrassing for him....
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You were giving Sukuna his daily massage in his throne room despite your cramps from your period. You didn't want to tell Sukuna that you were on your period because whenever you did he became a bit too overprotective in a murderous way....
However the cramps were unbearable.
"My Lord...May I be seated?" Sukuna's head whipped around and looked up and down your body before nodding slightly, tapping his leg indicating for you to sit there.
You sat down on Sukuna's crossed legs resting your head on his broad chest as you sighed squinting your eyes at the pain.
Two of Sukuna's arms were wrapped around your waist whilst the other two were on the floor. He tighten his grip on your waist as if he knew you were experiencing pain.
Suddenly a sharp knock was heard at the door.
"You may enter." Sukuna's gruff voice sounded out.
"I have the pads and tampons and foods you requested, Lord Sukuna." Uraume entered with a box placing them at your feet. Leaving promptly.
"It is your time of the month, is it not?"
You eyes widened as you looked back at him to see him looking down at you.
"Y-Yes my lord...how did you know?"
"I keep track in my own manner." you didn't even bother to ask how that was.
You knew Sukuna wasn't exactly the loving type, but you couldn't help but wrap your arms around his neck.
"Thank you, my Lord!" he places one of his hands on your back not saying a word just letting out a huff. After a while he mumbles out.
"It's alright woman...."
a/n: I hope that was good and all those true form sukuna fans out there hmu 😜
love you!! 🍇💜🍇💜
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snailsrneat · 6 months
Yandere Vil Schoenheit Headcanons
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. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
TW: Kidnapping, Stalking, Posioning
I think if anyone got literally any of the overblot boys as their yandere they'd be pretty fucked.
Mostly because the overblot boys hold a lot of power and have tons of magic.
Vil, specifically, however is one of the few who won't ever use his magic on you.
No instead he'll just use potions on you (:
When you two first met, it wasn't exactly love first sight, more like first word.
Cause when he saw you, he wasn't impressed.
'This is the prefect everyone's been so obsessed over? Really?'
He honestly thought that you'd be more impressive, more magnificent and elegant if you will.
His first impression of you however immediately changed when you had begun barking orders at fellow freshman in an attempt to defeat him.
Never once has he seen a freshman, one as weak you, calling the shots amongst the student body.
Something must be different with you. And he had to figure out what.
From then onward he recruits Rook to spy on you and learn what your day-to-day patterns are like.
In the process Rook also listens in and learns all your secrets. All of which he reports to Vil.
The Vil learns about you the more he falls in love with you.
He obsesses over every single detail of you, from little moles in unseen places to the formation of stress wrinkles crowding over your forehead.
Every minute detail that he can find, he wants pepper with kisses and tell you just how weak in the knees you make him.
A part if him feels silly for getting weak for someone as mediocre as you, but the other half of him wants to steal you away and lock you in his bedroom so you never have to be troubled by those horrible boys you call "Friends".
In fact...that's a fantastic idea! Why hasn't he thought of this before? That way he can watch you up close.
No longer will he need Rook to do all his stalking, not when you're already here and so close.
When he kidnaps you he does it under the guise of you try a new tea blend he was given. But, unfortunately for you, the tea just so happens to be spiked.
"Oh no! I'm so sorry dear, I didn't think one of my own fans would try to spike my tea! Here let me help you get to the infirmary~"
He's an actor so he's very good at being melodramatic.
Instead of waking up in the infirmary, you wake up his bedroom, with your arms chained to the bed posts and dressed in expensive satin pajamas.
When Vil comes into the room and notices your struggling, he chides you for bruising you beautiful skin.
He doesn't release you from the chains, but he does his best to keep you comfortable.
"Only the best for you, darling. You shouldn't worry yourself with such needless things. What you should be thinking of is me, and only me. Understand?"
If you ever try to escape, don't.
I'm warning you, if Vil catches you trying to escape it'll be worse than just staying chained to his bed all day.
It's even more terrible if you've been getting "closer" with him recently, because now he knows that he shouldn't trust you fully. Ever.
If he catches you, he'll no longer allow you to be comfortable.
Instead of that nice comfortable bed, you sleep in a dog cage in the corner of his room.
And the days have started to blur together now, he started poisoning your food to make sure you don't do anything.
Most days your too tired to anything, let alone fight back or come up with escape plans.
If he has to start treating you like a baby he doesn't mind, he likes making you depend entirely on him.
"You know you did this to yourself, right? Trying to escape was a foolish endeavor and you must face the consequences of your actions..aw, you're crying darling. Don't cry, it'll give you wrinkles. Don't worry my love, this hurts me more than it hurts you. Now drink this."
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joanquill · 7 months
Caught making out
IM SO SORRY TO BE SO LATE!! ITS STILL A FEW HOURS BEFORE ITS 17TH FEB IN MY COUNTRY SO I HOPE YOU CAN SEE THIS REQUEST 😭😭🙏 How about Prompt 4 With William Moriarty Obv it'll be a romance 😭 And pls fluff no angst 😭🙏 IM REALLY SORRY FOR BEING SO LATE
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William James Moriarty
A/N: And this is the last for the Valentine's event, thank you, everyone! 🥰 Tag/s: Established Relationship Warning/s: Suggestive? Mention of Hickeys
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"Hmm..." you muttered, staring at the variety of Valentine's gifts on display, analyzing each one.
You sighed in defeat as you stepped back.
'It's no use... I can't think of a way to surprise Will...' you begrudgingly thought, remembering how all your old attempts to fluster your boyfriend failed.
Since you two started dating, William has never failed to tease you and make your face turn red, whether in private or with other people present.
You tried to do the same, but he was always ten steps ahead.
At this point, even just a little startled expression would be enough.
"If you keep staring like that, the chocolate's gonna melt," Bonde warned as he patted your head, making you turn to him.
"I'm sure Will-kun will like any gift you give him," he reassured with a teasing grin, making your face flush as you removed his hand from your head.
"The chocolate's for everyone," you reminded with an awkward cough, making Bonde roll his eyes.
"Right... That's why we're on our third department store for the day," Bonde added as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders with a smirk.
"Haha... Yeah... Thanks again for coming with me,"
"Don't mention it! Besides, you promised me you'd buy me that new perfume, remember?" he reminded, walking up to one of the stalls with various colognes and perfumes.
"Yes, yes..." you chuckled, looking at the selection as Bonde started trying on some of the samples.
As you continued to look through the store for Bonde's perfume, an idea popped into your head.
'That could work...!' you thought as you rushed to Bonde.
"Hey, can you help me pick out a perfume?" you asked, catching him by surprise.
"Sure, but why? Are you buying one for Will-kun?" you shook your head in response,
"No, it's for me. I have an idea,"
'All right!' you smiled as you took out the perfume from the bag, testing its spray before the surprise.
"(Y/N)? The meeting is about to start," William called out as he walked into your shared bedroom, making you hide the perfume behind you as you turned to him.
"Okay! I'll be out in a minute," you innocently replied, making him raise a brow as he walked up to you, making you step back.
"What are you hiding?" he asked with a knowing smile, making you nervously laugh.
"It's just the perfume Bonde and I bought," you answered honestly, showing him the bottle.
"But the real thing smelled different from the samples we tried," you added, spraying some into the air.
"It smells off..."
Curious, William leaned into the spot you sprayed and smelled the perfume.
"I don't think-" you gently held his chin and kissed his lips, feeling your face flush.
William pulled away as he looked at you in surprise, making you step back and look at him for a reaction.
"Pfft," he quickly covered his mouth and turned away, making you furrow your brows.
"It didn't work!?" you asked in exasperation, making William chuckle.
"Well... I wouldn't say that, my love," he replied, showing his cheeks flushing pink.
"Ah-" you muttered, letting out a sigh.
"Fine... I'll take it as a win," you murmured with an exhausted smile, making William lightly laugh.
"All right, let's go to the meeting-" as you were about to leave the room, William grabbed your hand and pulled you to his chest.
"Will? We're gonna be late," you reminded, seeing a mischievous smile on his lips.
"We still have a few minutes to spare," he reassured, wrapping an arm around your waist as he kissed you, his free hand laying on the back of your head as he deepened the kiss.
"Did you truly think you could pull a stunt like that without consequences?" he whispered against your lips before kissing you again.
"Where are they?" Sebastian grumbled, looking around the meeting room for you and William.
"I wonder..." Bonde thought out loud, trying to piece together your plan for the perfume.
"Do you know why Mr. William and Mx. (Y/N) are late?" Fred asked innocently, making Bonde grin.
"I have an idea..." he replied, getting out of his seat and leaving.
"And where are you going?"
"To see if I'm right!" Bonde answered as he headed straight for your and William's bedroom, getting ready to kick the door open and announce to the whole manor that you two were late and see why.
"Now that we're all present..." William started the meeting casually as you sat in the very corner of the room.
Steam was practically coming out of you as you hid behind your scarf, hoping to hide the hickeys William happily gave you.
"Why the hell were you two late?" Sebastian whispered to you, making your hide further into the scarf.
"I don't want to talk about it..." you replied, hoping the curious eyes of everyone would leave you.
"So, I guess your plan worked?" Bonde asked with a grin, making you flush and lightly hit him.
"That was not my plan!" you corrected, making him laugh.
"What was?" Fred whispered, making you hide behind your hands in horror.
"Can we please focus on the meeting...?"
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imalison · 6 months
I feel like we don't talk enough about this scene
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Oftentimes, he thinks about crossing the boundaries with her but just doesn't work on it
It's so casual for them to be all "touchy-feely" with one another so some things can be passed off as non sexual, at least between them. Since it's been like that from the beginning
While Andrew is very aware of morals, he knows it's not normal for siblings to touch each other like that.
He just don't give a fuck as long as it doesn't involve consequences
That's why he sleeps with her, touch her ass etc so casually
Cause when it's between them
He can play it off
But in front of their mom
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Consequences were invovled
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He freaked out
Removed his hand
(Proves that he already knew it's not normal he's just afraid of the consequences)
Again, they've done many things together, but some of the things he often thinks about (holding her in his arms till she smiles) might cross even the little boundary they have. [Or he just doesn't want to take risks. Ashley finding out about his repressed feelings will have its own share of consequences lol]
It'll be different if Ashley was really into him that way, too. See, if she truly wanted to pursue him in a romantic relationship, she would have done something about it already cause there is no such thing as moral conduct and boundaries for her. She wouldn't mind being something more tho, as long as it would keep him around forever. She could use it as a "leverage." She just dgaf about her sexual life. To her sex is just an intercourse. She hardly knows the difference between romantic, platonic, and familial love. To her, all the affection means the same. That's why she comes off as possessive.
But Andrew knows what's up. Deep down, he already probably even knows that he has surpressed feelings for his sister he just knows as long as he doesn't work on it or makes it too obvious. He's in the clear.
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bigwishes · 2 months
Welcome back! Do you think you could help me? I’m trying to get in shape for a bodybuilding show but my growth has stalled. Do you have anything that could help me get huge enough to win? I don’t care if it makes me a dumb meathead as a consequence. I just want t be fucking huge! 💪💪💪
Feeling generous today and so I'll help you out, its really easy I'll just change your body chemistry, that way your growth shouldn't stall out anymore, and I mean it'll NEVER stall out. Your body will now do everything it can to convert everything you eat directly into muscle and your genetic limit for muscle has simply been turned off.
I know it doesn't seem like much now but I'm sure in a couple days you'll start to notice the differences. I'm almost sure you'll take first place at your next show.
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Although I recommend going out whilst you can because in a couple months you are gonna start finding it hard to move your body and eventually your permanently fuelled growth is gonna make it impossible for you to fit in clothes or a shower.
I don't need to do anything else to turn you into a smelly meathead, that's all your gonna be in a few weeks anyway, hope you got what you wanted
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writingmeraki · 7 months
unsaid, unkept, ugly emotions.
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a seventeen vocal unit imagines !
IN WHICH, the uglier side of feeling too much getting more messier than it already is for both parties involved.
(or in which for different reasons, it just seems you aren't meant to be.)
pairing : svt!vocal!unit! x gn!reader, bestfriend!jeonghan, popular!joshua, ???jihoon, fwb(?)seokmin, enemy!seungkwan.
genre : angst, no comfort, everything is messy.
warnings : cussing, messy, heartbreak, contemplation, arguements, miserable people, miscommunication, everyone gets hurt, a lot of unspoken feelings, like emphasis on that you may get annoyed.
author's note : here's my attempt at angsty feelings ( i hope it was done well enough, really i tried but it might not be for me )<3 the potential to turn each into a fic is there but for me it'll be zero ( for now!!!!) kinda nervous to post this haha it's my first svt work but also a first of this kind of work, let me know if you want more of the units! and what you thought of this :) also peep the cute colours contrasting the fic lmao
word count : 2.9k
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The signs that something was wrong were there. For a while now. But you being the problem runner you were, you chose to ignore it.
You also knew one day they’ll catch up to you, and it seemed today was it. 
He raised an eyebrow at you. Though it was his name, it sounded so foreign coming from you. 
You who never called him by his full name. It left a sour taste on his tongue as he answered,
“Do-do you think we’re good?”
Did he think you were good? He was feeling good, great even. But you asked in plural and in the plural it included you. Your relationship.
What was your relationship?
“Uhh…I’m…I think?” 
You smiled at his answer. It didn’t reach your eyes, nor did it hide away the bitterness in them. “You know what I think? I don’t think we’re good. I think- I think it’s all a mess. It’s me, isn’t it? I should have never told you how I felt right?”
There. You ripped the band-aid off right from the wound. You had to, otherwise you knew your heart would be the one shattered, sooner or later, so why wait?
You knew there’d be consequences on confessing to your best friend. You knew there was always a risk to confess but the risk felt higher if it was someone you considered your best friend. A few sentences and it’s either having a stranger who you shared a past with or someone to create more memories for the rest of your time together. 
The issue gets more complicated when you don’t know where you stand. 
He couldn’t answer you, he didn’t know how to answer you. On one side, he wanted to yell at you. Yell at you for regretting confessing when it may have been the one thing he wanted to hear since the day thirteen year old him saw you beat up a guy who was bullying your brother.
On the other hand, he felt the fear consume him of the future, what if you broke up? You would never be the same, no matter what. He didn’t want to lose what he had, so he rather left it unanswered, thinking with time, it’ll fade away. Like everything does.
His feelings for you never did. A wonder how he could think yours would.
Taking a deep breath with your eyes shut,you nodded knowing your answer,
“Alright then I see.”
“Let’s take a break from each other.”
Break of what? You didn’t date, you were in a one-sided love scenario with your best friend. 
Before he could reply, he watched you walk away. Your heart felt heavier when you didn’t hear a single word or even footsteps follow you. 
His mind was the loudest and one thing he was for sure, as you walked away with each step, he could feel his heart slowly crack.
And just like that. It is over. 
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・₊ ‹𝟥 ┆JOSHUA.
Perhaps your biggest mistake was wanting someone who everyone wanted. But was it really your mistake because technically you were also part of everyone. 
You could feel his stare burn into your side as you ate the horrible cafeteria food in your college. You could somehow hear his voice, somehow know he was likely calling you to talk.
What went wrong?
Everything you’d answer if he ever asked. It began going downhill when you felt those feelings you knew you didn’t feel around anyone. Certainly when you hung out with Yeonjun or with Jimin, you didn’t feel them. 
You only felt them around him. The weird butterflies, the warm cheeks, the sweaty hands. At first you thought maybe you were actually scared of him, the intimidated type of scared. Who knew it ended up being scared of how you felt for him, how probably no one made you feel the way he did. 
Finally looking up at him, you hid all your emotions as best as you could. You certainly hoped he wouldn’t be able to know. 
But as your gaze fell to the girl beside him, you couldn’t hide them.
Choi Seora, the younger sister of Choi Seungcheol who was Joshua’s best friend since you could know. Well since that time he told you himself he knew the Choi siblings since they were kids. Childhood best friends. Knew them before you.
And she was also the girl who loved him. Anyone could see it from the way her eyes would look at him like the way one would at a treasure they’d been searching for. What she’d do for him, from what you’ve heard, what you’ve seen. There never was a chance.
It seemed as though the sign was already there. How could you compete with someone who knew him longer than you ever would? It’s not a competition if you already know you're losing. 
Your unused hand clenched under the table, nails digging into your palms, leaving crescent marks that would bruise. Perhaps it would be in a similar state to the bruise inside your chest.
It fucking sucked when you could still feel his gaze on you as you turned back to stare at your half eaten bowl of pasta. Well, excuse of a pasta.
Suddenly you felt your phone ring from beside your bowl and you knew who it was before you even looked.Without looking at the name, you moved your hand to the switch off button and shut it off.
You wished there was such a button for emotions. 
“Shua? Who are you calling?” It was empty in the cafeteria and you thought you might just puke out the pasta when you heard her sweetly call out to him as she looked at him with concern.
But for now, you’d do what seemed right. 
Leaving your bowl of uneaten pasta, you grabbed your bag and phone. With one glance at Joshua whose attention was on you but now turned back to Seungcheol and Seora as they said something, you walked away.
The last thing Joshua heard was the sound of the cafe doors closing and when he turned his attention back to what or specifically the one who had been in his mind since the first time he met, he found you were gone.
At that moment, Hong Joshua felt more miserable than he ever did before.
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The lump in your throat got bigger as your vision got blurrier. You knew you should have listened to your friends.
Jihoon isn’t the type of person to be in a relationship with, babes, he doesn’t want that commitment stuff.
It’s what Karina had told you when you told her you were in love with him. Head over heels type.
But when it came to you, the determined type, the one who stood their place no matter what. The unwavering pebble in the ever-so drifting waves of the ocean. You believed that perhaps if you tried hard enough, surely the boy would see your efforts.
It wasn’t just a one-sided thing you knew. Otherwise another thing he was known for was being honest. If he didn’t like it, you were sure you’d have stopped. You didn’t think you were insane for thinking he may just like when you saw him smile at you for bringing him coffee. You didn’t think you were insane for thinking he may just reciprocate your feelings when you saw him hiding his face from complementing his work ethics. Perhaps, it was all in your lovesickness you drew these conclusions and many others. 
So where did you mess up?
“Fucking hell! Just leave me alone and stop acting like a clingy partner!” 
That’s what it got you. It was as though the words slapped you in the face. You surely did feel like it when you flinched taking a step back and your cheeks warmed in a mix of embarrassment as well as hurt. It wasn’t the kind of warmth that pleased you, it was the kind that burned you. Harshly so you felt it in your entire body.
Maybe it was your fault after all, you noticed he was having a bad day and you made the effort to go and comfort him. As you did. 
Maybe maybe maybe, always maybe your fault and always yours. 
Maybe you should listen to him then. 
Inhaling with what dignity you had left, picking up the pieces of your heart that seemed shattered the minute he finished the sentence, you glared at him and spat out words laced with an equally venomous tone.
“Fine then! You’re saying it's my fault but you know what, maybe everyone is bloody right about you! You’re nothing but a coward scared of commitment!”
“The day you’ll realize you’re nothing but a coward who gets scared at the mere thought of being in a relationship and pushes someone away because maybe there is a chance you like them, it’ll be too fucking late because guess what? I’m tired of this stupid push and pull game with you,Jihoon.” 
You hated how your voice cracked when you finished speaking. You hated how you could not stop the tears. You especially hated the look on his face as he saw what he did, what his words did.
With what energy you had left in you, you turned around and walked away.
Enough was enough, you couldn’t win over someone’s heart who wasn’t even sure whose hands it should lay in. 
Yet one thing was sure, yours laid in his hands and right then, you sure felt like he crashed it into pieces. 
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♡₊˚ ┆ SEOKMIN.
Seokmin glowed like the moon solely rose up to soak in his light, like the stars twinkled off his radiance. Maybe,you just got too close to the sun, enchanted with its brightness, to not realize just how much it could burn you. He was your sun. No actually the sun,stars, moon whatever celestial body existed perhaps dimmed down compared to him. 
You think it messed you up completely when you kissed him in that truth or dare game surrounded by your mutual friends. You think about the stolen kisses, never more, just kisses in between the times you’d pass by in the hallways, pulling him in a cramped space and leaving with flushed cheeks and swollen lips. Again, just kissing. 
Simply put, you were addicted to him. To the way he made you feel. To the way he made you tingle when he kissed you so gently. 
You didn’t want to address the elephant in the room. Or in this case, 
What were you two?
Mingyu asked when you were sitting down in the same circle, just like the first time you’d kissed each other, with the same people. 
You hesitated and then said, uncharacteristically enthusiasm lacing your voice,
“Friends of course! Don't be ridiculous Gyu.”
You didn’t like that word, and it seemed he didn’t either as he looked away,gulping in distaste and a scoff on his face that was usually unnatural for the sunshine like a boy. Seemingly going unnoticed by you but said boy who asked the question noticed and glanced back at you to see if you noticed. He sighed when he saw you not looking at Seokmin but raised an eyebrow as he saw you in a dilemma. 
Right. Friends. Friends who kiss. But still friends…friends?
You tried convincing yourself the rest of that day that adding a label would ruin things. It always does. You should enjoy it while you can, right? It was all in fun?
So why did you feel terribly down when Seokmin refused to talk to you for the rest of the day?
“Seok?” You asked gently and he sighed exhaustingly as he looked at you,
“Please, please don’t…don’t call me that.”
The look of hurt on your face made him hate himself more because why would anyone like to hurt someone they loved?
Before you opened your mouth to speak, he continued,
“I don't think I can do this anymore, this…whatever this is. I am…sorry.”
And without a chance to ask more questions or give any answers, he turned around and walked away.
This was your fault. You hurt him because you couldn’t admit it to yourself that you…that you loved him. 
You loved him more than the universe, you loved him since the day you saw him. You were just scared you'll lose him like the way you lose all your loved ones. You were scared of risks. You were…a coward.
And now it seemed, it was too late to do anything about it.
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Seungkwan and you were fire and water. Milk and lemons. Politicians and caring for the country’s people- Okay too far perhaps and enough of these metaphors of incompatibility to get a point.
You were sworn enemies. Despised each other in the true forms of hate. You hated him so much for the emotions he rose in you that you couldn’t stand him ruining another poor innocent soul with his devious eyes and cunning smile.
Which was exactly what he was doing with the girl wrapped around his left arm, additionally whispering probably lame jokes that made her giggle as though they were the funniest thing on earth. Lee Yuna was her name, you knew her as a cheerleader due to seeing her during your basketball games and also being somewhat acquainted because as a captain, it was apparently in your duty to know everyone especially those involved in the sports sector of your university.
You wish you could cross off knowing Seungkwan but alas, being the midfielder of the boys’ soccer team and the apparent star as well didn’t help in your case. 
“I smell something burning and oh! Would you look at that! It’s an ugly green color too!” Sakura said as she smirked at you, pretending to take a sip of her drink when you directed your glare at her. 
“Fuck. You.” 
“You wish-”
“Oh! hey cap!” A voice said before you could retort to Sakura and you turned to see Vernon smiling at you in greeting. You knew him, of course you knew all of Seungkwan’s little friend group. You frowned at him eyeing him in suspicion. He was Seungkwan’s friend after all.
“Why the frown?” Sakura snorted as he asked you,his attention going to your best friend before she pointed at him and it was as if he understood and nodded.
“Ohhh, I see what’s the matter now.”
“Someone’s” Coughing very fakely, he added, “Jealous.”
Shutting your eyes, you looked at him with a glare enough to make him shut up on his own but still you added,
“Say that again and I’ll-”
“Already giving death threats huh? Maybe you should really go check up on that stick up your ass.” Of fucking course, now is when he decided to show up.
As though his eyes had not been searching for you the moment he stepped in the party. As though he hadn’t noticed you the moment you did. As though it wasn’t just an elaborate plan to rile you up.
You looked at him and fuck. Fuck he made you so angry with how fucking good he looked despite the conditions of the party. His blonde hair shining in the colorful lights and the darn smirk on his face. 
“Kwan. How nice of you to show up! Just the person I was waiting for!” Your sarcasm could be sensed by those around, Sakura’s attempt at hiding her snort and Vernon’s brows raised not going unnoticed. They looked at each other briefly and a knowing look was exchanged.
Here we go again.
“Aw you were waiting for me darling?Hope I wasn’t too late, just got a little busy you see?”
“Clearly.” You said before thinking, the scowl on your face visible and the smugness on his face only grew larger.
“Not fond of me with someone else?” You didn’t even notice how both Vernon and Sakura had left, seemingly only Seungkwan and you, in the midst of drunk teenagers and perhaps lovesick ones, perhaps loners. 
He got closer, closer that made you clench your hands that hung on your sides, leaning down.
“Not fond of me with anyone but you?”
It was as though his voice put you in a trance, or maybe it was how his warm breath tickled your neck. And for the first time in a while you thought of what he said, deeper than you would have ever.
You weren’t sure if you liked the answer. Or what it exactly implied too.
“Stay in your limits Kwan. Don’t fucking- don’t play this shit with me.” You pushed him away as harshly as you could, even if it felt like your hands burned when you thought of what you did. Purposefully ignoring the look in his eyes. Visible hurt and a frown on his face, you turned around, having enough.
“Don’t come after me. Stay with Yuna or whoever, I don’t fucking care.” You don’t know why you said the last sentence. You also don’t want to know why it felt bitter saying it.
With that, you began to walk out, gulping the fresh air that was much needed after being in that suffocating place, suffocating feelings.
As you shut your eyes, you gulped thinking of what you were doing. Why were you so pissed off? 
And maybe you realized, you needed to check on the line that was drawn between Seungkwan and you. Perhaps it’s become too blurry to distinguish it from hatred and love.
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all written works as well as images and edits (unless credited) belong to pri. do not plagiarise, repost, re-edit or claim as yours. pics mostly found on pinterest.
writingmeraki Ⓒ 2024
feedback is always appreciated 💌
links : main navi ! | svt masterlist !
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lyramundana · 9 months
No feelings involved...right?
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Prologue and Part 1
Warnings❗: Implied baby trapping, dubious consent. It all happens at the end.
If their current predicament could be resumed in one sentence, it'll sound like a mother's voice saying "I told you so".
They didn't plan it. It all started with a small mishap, a consequence of their exhaustion and the amount of issues going on in their personal lives. Then the mishap repeated itself, and then they decided to turn it into a game for their own pleasure, no strings attached to her. Then the game grew beyond their control and became a mountain of lies, too big to seize them.
Jisung first met her through a friend of his, and although he found her beautiful then, she didn't catch his attention beyond that. They met frecuently, since they both ran in the same circle of friends, and after one night being left alone by their drunk friends, they spent the time talking and turned out they had more in common that he thought. They clicked, in a way it's hard to explain, but just felt like he knew her since forever. They went from mere acquaintances to suddenly having her name appear at the top of his contact list along with Minho's.
Minho met her through his boyfriend, of course. He first saw her when Jisung brought her home to hang out, without even warning him about it. Their introduction was pretty formal, quick. They shook hands, made some small talk and Jisung inmediatly stole her attention again. Minho wasn't interested in befriending her and viceversa, but Jisung was their common point and she eventually became a regular presence in their apartment, so they really had no option but get along. Forced proximity and all.
Jisung has always known a lot of people, plenty of familiar faces that tend to flock towards him wherever he goes, but few of them can say they truly know him. Jisung cracks jokes, plays long with them, but rarely speaks about himself. He keeps a careful, calculated distance, because he knows that despite all those smiles and compliments, they only see the surface, what they want to see, and don't care about the rest. Which it's okay, it comes with the job, and this facade actually helps to keep undesirable people away without being rude. But she...she's different. From the moment she spoke to him and he listened, he found there was more to her than what she showed. Like him, she never allowed people to see beyond the surface, simply letting them believe the version they liked to spare herself the headaches. She understood him. And for the first time in years, Jisung felt a genuine connection to someone besides Minho.
The funny thing is that they don't talk that much, outside those events where the whole group meets and they stick together to not get bored. And when they get to talk, it's mostly about stuff only they know and deep, phylosophical converstations where they discuss the meanings of life. Maybe, if he's in a certain mood, he complains about a recent argument with Minho and asks for advice, but that's not the norm with them. When he brings her home is to get drunk over petty drama and gossip, without the others. They just fall back in the comfortability of a quiet friendship where no small talks were needed and they could simply let go of their masks.
Things between Minho and her weren't ideal at first. The few times they interacted was when she was at their flat, usually drunk and leaving a mess, and he got mad at it. He could look past it when it was Jisung, but having a stranger doing it was something else. He made sure of letting her know after the drunk haze, barely holding back the bite in his words. He expected her to get offended or feel embarrassed, but no. She never showed an ounce of shame, instead replying him with the same snarky tones, and sometimes that small lopsided grin of hers that made his blood boil. But what started as mostly petty arguments and cold greetings turned into a sense of complicity when they realized their humour was similar and they both acted like Jisung's babysitters more often than not.
Minho is used to be misunderstood. His resting bitch face, his brutal honesty, his reserved demeanour and that perpetual indifference in his face that rarely expressed emotions. People were quick to form opinions about him and not all were good. He was considered cold, arrogant, a snob that didn't like to mingle with those he saw "beneath him", you get it. Most wondered how someone so sweet and cheerful as Jisung could fall for him. It's okay for Minho, he doesn't see the point in caring for what strangers may think. The people he loves know him for who he is and that's enough. Then she came, all carefree and playful and open-minded. Jisung only spoke good things about her, but Minho knew his boy could be biased. Until they started talking and he found out she was truly different. She wasn't intimidated by him, even though he pulled the worst of him sometimes with her around, but she never reacted on it. She was quick to stand up against him, all prideful and confident. And her lack of respect felt like a wheeze of fresh air. After being constantly misjudged, it felt nice to have someone apart from Jisung that made an effort to see through his facade.
Before they noticed it, she became a constant in their lives. Even if they didn't meet often, even if the phone calls sometimes got short, she was present and they felt it. Whenever they needed a favour, she was the safest option. When something juicy happened, she was the first person they called. Even when their fights got brutal and they had no one to seek advice from, her door appeared in front of their eyes.
She never turned down, although her complaints were very much heard. She acted as a bridge between them both when they refused to take the initiative, pushing them to apologise and communicate their problems and feelings. Minho was stubborn, but Jisung could easily win him at times, and persuade them to move past it was a pain. Nevertheless, she did it every single time, to the point the walls of her house and the natural scent that filled it became so familiar to them.
They genuinely don't know when things started to change. They talked it before and both agreed she was beautiful, easy to the eyes, but nothing more. Sure, she was a vital part of their lives now but that's all they wanted her to be. At least that's what they told themselves until that night behind that club, when they tasted her for the first time and found the missing piece they had been bothering them for so long. That annoying empty space in their sex life that have appeared coincidentally shortly after meeting her..
Of course, things couldn't be the same after that mindblowing experience, not like they wanted it to either. They planned the whole affair while she slept in their arms, dead to the world. It was easy to convince her, with her body still vibrating by the last events and her mind still waking up. Granted that wasn't exactly correct from their parts, but they were slightly desperate and the idea of letting her go after that sounded awfully wrong.
And so that was the start of their downfall.
Looking back, they asked for it. At first it was all very natural. They were still friends but now they also fucked sometimes. She was open to every kink and preference of theirs, and she also introduced them to her own tastes. No commitment, no explanations expected or needed. But when their encounters became more often it got harder to stay away from her, they had her sign an NDA to continue. Which was..okay, not something they accounted for but it wasn't necessarily a problem.
No, the problems started when their feelings began to get in the way of the commitment-free arrangement they wanted.
Their doll was a gorgeous creature, a delightful sight for sore eyes, and they knew it. She was like this when they met her and they had no problem with it, Jisung even admired it and made jokes about it, about how ridiculous easy those idiots fell for her charms, scrambling on their feet to get an ounce of her attention. But at some point, seeing such scenes evoked less amusement and more disgust. And following disgust, there was something else. Something twisted and painful and deadly that climbed to their throats when another worthless scum tried his luck with her. Minho could heard this tempting voice in his head telling him to rip their guts out and Jisung imagined a number of creative scenarios where he taught that bastard a lesson.
Sometimes, those voices told them to grab their precious doll and drag her away from those dirty hands, keep her near where they couldn't lose her, which was weird because she meant nothing to them. Just a close acquaintance they casually fucked from time to time very often. And yet...
These sudden, strange emotions were translated in their bed.
The sex with her was always rough and fast, and the only aftercare that ocurred was sharing a smoke in bed over some small talk. But suddenly, it wasn't enough. Their usual routine felt short, uncomplete, unsatisfying. The mouths started to trace her face, her body, the marks they left on her. Their movements turned slower, more gentle, more precise. They wanted to see how it was when she burst in pleasure, when she gave herself up entirely in their arms. They kissed, caressed, worshipped the entirety of her skin, and they whispered words of praise in her ears for the duration of it. And when it was done, they needed wanted her close, lulling her into sleep as their arms trapped her against them.
"You're doing so, so well, doll. Can you give us one more, please? You look lovely like this."
"Look at you, already crying and shaking. Shh, it's okay, love, we got you. Leave it to us, okay'"
But when they couldn't stand that twisted feeling in their guts, after seeing some other clown trying to steal her away, both men turned animalistic on her. They were all confused at this change, and the two of them couldn't explain where did it came from. They just felt the urgent need to cover her in bites, scratches and hickeys, in every place where those undeserving eyes feasted upon. ¿How dare those assholes? ¿Didn't they know she was with them? ¿Had they no shame? ¿Did they really think they stood a chance?
"That's it, keep looking at us, slut. That's where your eyes should always be. ¿What the fuck were you thinking, uh?"
"¿You wanted him to fuck you too? Is that it? You greedy whore. Clearly we need to fuck you more. We'll make sure you can't even talk or walk without our help."
And it didn't end just there. They started to bring her to their dates, inviting her everywhere they went, giving her their clothes. They had love-hate feelings towards her revealing dresses, because as much as they enjoyed the view, they hated seeing others do the same. She became part of their routine, outside the sex part. She was always there. And as time passed, it felt like she had been there since the beginning. They hardly remembered how things were before she came.
But they kept lying to themselves, lying to everyone. This wasn't anything. They could stop whenever they wanted to. There no other feelings involved. Of course not.
And things finally went downhill when someone asked them:
"So, that girl that's always with you two, what's the deal with her? Is there something serious going on? Because you have to introduce her to us, then."
That question struck them. Brutally.
They never thought too much about it. Things with her just...happened naturally, and they barely noticed it. They simply followed their instincts at the time, not realizing the weight those actions could hold. ¿What was the deal with her, truly? Granted, she was more than just a quick fuck, but still. And what was up with them? Why the fuck did they want to meet her? She was perfectly fine where she was.
At the end of the day, the three of them moved in different worlds. There were things about themselves they couldn't tell her, things she would never understand. Maybe that was better, they thought. To keep her away from that circus of drama and lies and dirty secrets they were part of. She didn't belong there. And to keep her far away from idiots butting their noses where they shouldn't.
So they quickly defused the situation. She was just an acquaintance, they didn't really know her, yeah. They already had each other, it had always been just each other. She meant nothing.
If she did, where did that leave them?
¿Were they supposed to know someone was going to post their answer on social media? Were they supposed to know she would see it and demand explanations too?
They never saw her so angry, so emotional. She was bursting in anger and sadness and dissapointment, and they could both feel how their hearts stopped at the sight. It didn't feel right.
When she started to speak, they sort of panicked. They couldn't control the situation this time, they couldn't control her, and they didn't have proper answers for it. At least, not the kind of answers that would help them.
Most of all, they were confused. As she confronted them with facts, about how their strange behaviour with her and their motivations, they were forced to acknowledge the reality of everything.
That she meant more than they thought. Way more than they wanted her to. It was a liability. A problem. An unexpected turn of events they weren't prepared for.
And because they weren't prepared, they simply said the words that sounded logical at the moment. Cold statements of what they all knew, of what they agreed on the beginning. They didn't truly mean it, as they would realize later, but they felt cornered. And at the moment, the only strenght they could rely on was their pride.
They foolishly thought she would stay after that. That she would see their point of view and calm down.
As expected, she didn't. When it fell on them the terrible error they made, it was late. She left the place. Emptied it of whatever part of her and blocked them from her life.
And as expected, the aftermath was fucking disastrous.
Being deprived so suddenly from her presence after getting used to have her near everyday was hellish. No more calls, no more dates, no more lazy afternoons in the couch. She was gone, leaving a gaping hole in their lives that they couldn't fill, no matter how much they tried. And god knows they did.
No vice or person could replace the feelings she invoked in them.
They turned down invitations, calls of friends, choosing to stay at home and just hang out by themselves. Staying at home too long drove them insane, but going out wasn't much better. She was everywhere. In the streets, in the shops, in the people. It was a nightmare.
When a close friend of theirs invited them to the opening of club, they only accepted in hopes for a distraction, and to keep appareances a bit. But the cold, boring night inmediately acquired a brilliant colour when they saw her.
More beautiful than ever, with her pretty dress and carefully done make-up. Her damned smile brightened the whole club and, for a moment, they felt in peace. Like nothing changed.
Until they saw she wasn't alone. Her warm arms, who used to be held by them, were now occupied by other men. Some they didn't know. A pair of strangers taking their rightful places, and she just laughed and danced with them like it was normal.
They spent the whole night like that, watching her and brooding, with that familiar green boiling in their stomach. She looked gorgeous, out of this world, and it wasn't fucking fair. That should be them. She should have been with them, filling their ears with her cute laugh and letting them wrap their arms over her.
Deep down, they knew they fucked up. It was solely their fault. They had their chance to make her stay, to trap her, and they messed up. ¿Why did things have to be this way? Why did they have to realize the size of their mistake in a moment of jealousy? It was stupid.
When they saw her walking outside alone, they exchanged a glance and they knew it.
They made several mistakes, but they learnt from them. Having her hating them was better than not having her at all, so they followed.
It was so easy to fall back into routine. She was already weakened by their presence, and it was the same for them too. Some yelling here and there, insults being thrown back and forth, a bit of fighting, but they ended up right where they wanted: Locked bathroom, against a wall, and the music covering their moans.
They didn't stop until she was bursting with their cum, pushing it right back inside where a drop ran down her legs. Until there wasn't a single trace of skin unmarked. Until she couldn't fucking walk without their help.
And when few weeks later, she showed up in their apartment with three positive tests, they pretended to be shocked and made her move in with them.
They could already see the picture she would make. It was going to be perfect.
(i had this shit collecting dust in my drafts for a millenia and today i had a strange burst of inspiration to finish it. sorry for the waiting to those who asked for this part)
Taglist: @hanjisunglover @queenmea604 @linlinaert @bluducky @jinnie-ret @aalexyuuuhm @noellllslut @skzms @thightswideforhanin @aliensfoundthisblogl @k-krissten @stayconnecteed @hanjibug @roseykat
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alessiathepirate · 10 months
Fast X
LAVENDER NAIL POLISH: Dante Reyes x fem!reader
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Summary: Sitting at the table with Dante as he paints her nails, makes her wonder why he's doing that in the first place.
Notes: English isn't my first language. I apologize for any mistake I may have made while I wrote this short story.
For my friend who watched these movies with me during a movie night - I love you girl <3
Warnings: none
She knew for a fact that there were many things in this world she should've considered as unnerving - like racing itself with all the possible consequences. Yet the scariest thing on Earth for her in that very moment was one of the most common things possible: nail polish.
She pulled off many dangerous stunts, she almost got caught by the police more times than she could count; yet that little tube full of colorful liquid was far more frightening than that.
She didn't choose the color, he did. He was the one holding her hand in place as he painted her nails to a light shade of purple too. Perhaps in another situation she would've found it a nice color and a nice gesture - but she found it scary instead.
He never touched her or made her do stuff before. She was never even tied up or anything. It was new - completely new and that's why it scared her so much.
"Am I going somewhere?" she asked as she watched him work on her nails - she was quite jealous when she noticed that he did a better job than she usually did.
The question was meant as 'Am I going somewhere with you?'. She never saw where he went, she only stayed at the hotel rooms he rented for the occasion. But he talked about it - he liked to talk a lot. It was more like ranting - Dom Toretto this, Dom Toretto that, he did this so I did that. That's why she ended up with him in the first place, because Dom Toretto did that.
The first day she had to spend with Dante Reyes was the first day she realized that being a part of Dom's family isn't that much fun all the time.
"We are going to a race, darling." he let go of her hand with a girly movement after he blew on her freshly painted fingernails, and for a second she thought that he's mocking her. "Now give me your other hand."
She did as her eyes lit up at the word - race. She hadn't had the change to take part in one since forever - or watch one at the very least. A race, she'll finally go to a race.
"Where?" Dante actually chuckled at the excitement in her voice - and she never thought he could chuckle without being psychotic or sarcastic.
"We're going straight to Rio de Janeiro." he took a hold of her other hand as he answered and soon her nail on her pinky finger was purple as well. "After your nails are done."
Her excitement stopped for a moment - Rio de Janeiro. Her, Dante and Rio de Janeiro. That sounded like a not so good idea, especially because she had a feeling that Dom will be there too. That's why she'll be there. So Dante can show her off - so he can show that he has her, a part of Dom's family.
She tried to ignore that thought, she should talk about something else.
"Why purple?"
"Lavender." he corrected her with an 'are you this dumb' look on his face.
"So why lavender?" she asked as she purposefully changed her tone on the word lavender.
"Because I have to match my car..." he explained. "And you have to match me."
She tilted her head a bit - trying to hide the sudden pain in her heart at what she just heard. Only then did she notice that his nails were the same color as hers.
"Must be a nice car." she said instead of questioning it any further. "And a nice choice in color. It's pretty."
"Yes, that's what I'm talking about!" Dante spoke up with a shout as if she'd be the first one to think so. "You see, sometimes we have to let go of all that masculinity. And on the other hand, it'll look good on you too."
She didn't know if she should be flattered or not.
"You know." she began saying as Dante finished with the nail polish and let go of her hand completely. "In a different world we'd actually be pretty good friends."
"We'll be in this one too. Eventually." he put the nail polish aside and crossed his legs as they sat at the table together, looking at the other without saying a word.
Is he mocking her, she had to ask herself again.
If she didn't know about his vendetta against Dom, she'd maybe consider him less psychotic, but still kind of crazy. Maybe then he'd be more funny too. Dante sitting there with a bathrobe on, with his hair up in two small buns was actually funny and oddly enough, friendly. He still seemed strange, but he seemed less like a guy who murders people for fun.
"Continue on with the princess treatment and we might be." she joked. "Will we wear matching clothes too?"
"Of course we will!"
"Of course we will." she repeated. "Because you're a show off."
"I never said I wasn't."
"Dom will be there, won't he?" she asked with a slight head tilt. "That's why I'm going with you. So you can show me off."
"Clever girl..." Dante praised as he patted the top of her hand with his. "But you should go get ready, because this will be a race you won't want to miss." he then stood up and left her alone in the kitchen - but later on he shouted: "I'll go wash my hair until you get ready!"
And she laughed. Not chuckled quietly like she used to - but laughed.
Perhaps if Dante would be a bit less psychotic, she could let herself like him a lot more. Perheps she'd actually like him.
Then, perhaps, she'd actually have the bravery to admit to herself that she already does.
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