daretoassume · 3 days
this is how you build your OWN beliefs from scratch
beliefs are the foundation of creating the life you desire, along with your inner conversations and emotions. this is why it is important to examine all the beliefs you have in every area of your life, especially those about people and yourself, to see if they align with your natural self, which is your divine self.
i said "own" because we picked up beliefs from the people we were surrounded by as children, having no choice at that time but to accept them. however, the idea is that you always have a choice to choose or create your own beliefs that align with your true self and will shape a whole new reality. if you want to build your beliefs from scratch, you need to:
identify the old beliefs – you cannot change something you are not aware of.
unlearn the old beliefs – ask yourself if they are true for you or if they align with your truth.
list the "new" beliefs – form beliefs that are true for you, true to your divine self.
act on the "new" beliefs – behave in a way that is more aligned with those beliefs.
persist – continue to choose the new beliefs you created moment to moment, even if the situation remains the same.
i definitely recommend having a journal when practicing unlearning beliefs that don't serve you, as it makes you more aware of them, making it easier to remove or replace those beliefs. doing shadow work is one way to deeply investigate what is happening inside you, why you believed the old beliefs, where they came from, how to make peace with them, and how to let them go.
once you have chosen those new beliefs, you must perpetuate them every day, especially when a situation challenges you—particularly your emotions—to choose that new belief for you to experience a new reality. because you cannot just list them and then forget about them. your behavior should match these new beliefs until it becomes natural for you to think and act in that way.
"..because in the next moment it is a whole new reality. you actually have to keep choosing the belief every single nanosecond in order to actually have an experience of ongoing perpetuation." ♱ bashar (darryl anka)
to truly experience this whole new reality you desire, persist in your new ideas, new beliefs, and the thoughts and behaviors aligned with those ideas and beliefs. it may be uncomfortable at first, but that is also just a belief. if you find it hard to attain, as i said, doing shadow work will really help you. this is just a reminder that you always have a choice. always choose what is aligned with your natural self.
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nikasholistic · 3 days
Reality is your playground. Reality is yours to create. The three dimensional reality is just a mirror. It’s a reflection of what’s going on inside you. It’s a reflection of your state of being, of your dominant thoughts and feelings. You change the reflection when you take care of your state of being. You change the reflection when you go within and assume the state of your wish fulfilled.
Think about your wish fulfilled. Think about how would it feel to already enjoy your manifestation. Nurture this feeling. Embody this feeling. Assuming the state of your wish fulfilled allows you to shift into your dream reality.
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salemlunaa · 1 day
stop trying to manifest things, they are never coming.
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You guys need to stop manifesting things in order to get stuff, and you guys say that you don’t but ultimately, you do. you burn through methods like no tomorrow and then go to asks and dms to say that nothing works for you
But in order to manifest you need to understand that your desires aren’t coming, they’re already here, stop trying to do mental gymnastics to affirm the right way or visualise the right way with a 100 step manifestation routine trying to get your desires because they aren’t coming, they’re already here. And that’s what manifestation is:
reminding yourself of what is true
what manifestation isn’t:
using methods to get anything you dream of
instead it’s:
creating a reality where you have said desire, in imagination
it’s done
remind yourself of it whether it be with affirmations, visualisation etc
So stop trying to get results because they aren’t coming and never will, something that is already true isn’t waiting to happen, it just has already. So if your desire, which isn’t a desire anymore isn’t waiting around to become true, why are YOU waiting🤨?
If a loved one brings you a plate of cookies, you’re not going to beg: “please can i have some cookies” (affirmation that you lack cookies) you aren’t begging because the cookies are already infront of you. Instead you would thank them “thank you so much for the cookies” (affirmation that you do, in fact, have some cookies infront of you)
Those two phrases are affirmations, whether the cookies are materialised in the 3d or not, confirming whether you have them or not are affirmations. Treat your desires as those cookies, they’re here already therefore you can’t beg, why would you beg for something that’s here, why would you be desperate for something that has come.
Now, imagine if a friend comes over to your house to hang out, you aren’t gonna ignore them and say you’re waiting for them to come, while completely disregarding the fact that they’re already here because that’s rude and you also look insane anticipating the arrival of a friend that is literally sitting infront of you. Think of your desires as that friend, why are you ignoring them, while also looking and waiting for them at the same time, when they are RIGHT INFRONT OF YOU??
You can rack your brain to the point of insanity to get your results, you can be in this community for years and they just won’t come, sorry babe. You have to wake up and realise it’s already done or nothing will get done. Wether you do this by subliminals, robotic affirming, visualising, you need to remember that when it comes to your prize, these methods aren’t helping you cash out your prize, they’re simply reminding you that you have that prize.
Again, if you can’t understand it’s already done, nothing will ever get done. ever. You can apply for two hours before you go back to complaining (which is affirming that you lack that desire), you can affirm for a day before looking for your desire, but it’s never gonna happen, because it has already.
This is your life, you can spend years on and off applying this mindset while other actually get what they want, but this is your life and another day has gone by where you’re still looking for results you’ll never get. Don’t waste your life away doing the same thing you did yesterday, today’s the day to finally have enough with your mindset and fix up!!
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The physical world is your servant
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I'm going to be 100% honest here and I'm sure none of you will disagree. Having our desires in our imagination isn't what we actually want. We want our desires in our physical world. We want to experience our desires with our senses. As pure consciousness that we are, taking the form of a human, there is nothing we can do in the physical world to get our desires in any way.
Think of it this way. You are getting ready to go out. You have planned an outfit in your head and it's time to try it on. You go and look at yourself in the mirror, wearing your new outfit, but you end up not liking the way it looks on you. What are you going to do? You will try to find ways to change something in the mirror so it will reflect a version of you with a different outfit or you will change outfits and go look at yourself wearing your new outfit?
Same goes for the law. The first outfit is your current self, the one that doesn't have their desires and the second outfit is your desired self. The mirror is the 3D. So if you are tired of the 3D reflecting yourself without your desires, you have to change yourself.
"Yes but as you said, none of us are satisfied with having our desires in our imagination and not in the physical world."
In order to become your desired version of yourself, you have to become them in your imagination. There is no other way to get your desires. Change who you are in your imagination and the mirror (3D) will reflect FAST.
"I have accepted that I have my desires in the 3D but none of them have reflected yet"
The 3D can NOT pick and choose what it reflects. Lookin back at the example of the mirror, is there any possible way that you will stand infront of the mirror and you won't be able to see your reflection, even tho you are right there? I don't think so. The same way your 3D reflects the version of you that has no friends and is lonely, the same way it will reflect the version of you that is part of a big friend group and is surrounded by people that love and care about you ONCE you accept that you are this person. The same way your 3D reflects the version of you that is poor and unemployed, the same way it will reflect the version of you that is working their desired job and are financially stable and wealthy, ONCE you accept that you are this person, AND SO ON.
It is normal to get frustrated when u wake up another day and you still don't have what you want but trust me, there in absolutely no way the 3D won't reflect once you fully accept. It's impossible for this to happen. The physical world has been obeying you since you were born and it will continue to do so.
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yourecitten · 3 days
here is some things you can manifest to mske your life even enjoyable ,fun and simple.
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to look like a celebrity ( this is so much fun just choose someone you want to look like and imagine everyone telling you that you look just like xy. )
new connections
to get free things ( coffie etc...) whenever you go out in public
not having to work or do a thing you love and get a ton of money for it
gain fame by social media
always travel to somewhere
having your fav coffie shop/store , anything near your work place or home
not having to study in college/school but get good grades anyway
not having to work out or eat healthy but still have your desired body
never having an insecurity again
having your dream wardrobe and always get compliments on your outfits
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versethetic · 3 days
you live it in the 4d.
you have it in the 4d.
you are it in the 4d.
you’ve just successfully manifested.
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tellafairy · 19 hours
︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ive seen some discourse about this, especially on loatwt, so i wanna give my POV.
you don't need to take action for your manifestations to fall into place. its not a necessity. let's put it this way — when manifesting an SP, if youre setting the intention and affirming that they will message you first, are you gonna take the initiative and message them?
no, what's the point of affirming they messaged you if you're just gonna message them? makes no sense right? you're gonna let the universe do the work and wait for them to message you, just like you intended.
so why, when it comes to things like getting a job offer or losing weight — you think you have to work for it? or do something to give the universe a push? it makes no sense.
"oh but those are different scenarios" since when do circumstances matter? since when does "reality" matter? since when do differences matter? a lot of you are hypocrites and i hate to say it but you don't make up the rules. you don't decide what isn't possible for others realities.
you CAN manifest things out of no where. you CAN get your desires without working for it. you CAN manifest ANYTHING.
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spiritualseeker777 · 2 days
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moonieyunie · 18 hours
I hope you guys know that it‘s absolutely fine to want your desires in the 3d too. The 4d starts and the 3d follows, please have trust in this.
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k-fkaesque · 3 days
⁀➷ Aggressive Shifting Advice
It is not your "Dream Reality". It is your reality CURRENTLY.
You don't "want to shift" YOU have shifted
You won't "shift tonight" you HAVE shifted
You aren't "in the process" you have SHIFTED
And that's law.
Mind your damn business about others' realities. Don't tell others what they can and can't do in THEIR reality. It's not cute.
Nothing is impossible. Stop setting limiting beliefs and go live your best life! "But it's weird" "Others will judge" "etc"... have you forgotten that it's about you? No one is watching you. You don't have to perform for an audience anymore.
You don't need anything except you to shift.
You will hear other shifters say this until the end of time itself.
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psychics4unet · 3 days
Want Instant Good Luck? 🐱✨ Reblog This Lucky Cat for Positive Vibes!
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Did you know that the Lucky Cat, or Maneki-neko, is more than just an adorable figure? This charming cat is believed to bring good fortune, happiness, and prosperity! Originating from Japan, the Lucky Cat raises its paw to invite good luck and fortune into your life. Whether it’s at home or in a business, having a Maneki-neko around is thought to attract positive energy and opportunities. Its cute appearance and powerful symbolism make it a must-have for anyone seeking a little extra luck! 🌈💖
Want to share the good vibes? Follow, like, and reblog to spread the joy and let everyone know that the Lucky Cat is here to bring positivity into their lives! Let’s create a wave of good fortune together! 🎉🙌✨
Got questions or need some insight into your life? I'm here to help with personal psychic readings! For just $7, you can get answers to up to 7 questions! More info at:
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v0idm4ster · 2 days
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My subconscious is so submissive and obedient.
This subliminal right here guys.
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adilynnyuri · 3 days
hey so an exam of mine is in two days and I havent much prepared for it im dependent on pulling an all nighter before each exam but that wont help too much right so im mostly dependent on manifesting that the exam goes really well,i get asked questions that i know in the exam and then i receive atleast above 80% ( havent even studied for more than 60%) so i know that it is possible to manifest everything and I had fell into a really good place w my manifestation and also had started trusting my ability . But today i remembered that in my last exam i also did sats and thought i would get good grades or whatever but somehow it didnt happen i got okayish grades but not the ones i wanted i got full in some subjects but did really bad in others. So now ive started to doubt myself and thinking that I did the same last time and it didnt happen so why would it happen this time and all😭 even though just yesterday i manifested this one thing i wanted instantly now im starting to doubt myself i dont know what to doo
Plus on top of all this my grandfather is a dementia patient and has not been able to eat talk or get up do anything for about 4 years and was bedridden we have kept at home nurses for him and everything is done for him . But from two days his oxygen level has beennm really low and we took him to the hospital today and they are saying that he doesnt have very high chances. I dont know what to do im affirming constantly that hes absolutely fine and healthy and he will come home and all but idk
Hii love! 🤍
When speaking of your grades,
⭐ Do not accept any marks less than what you desired! "IF IT DOESN'T HAPPEN" in your physical reality, THEN STILL PERSIST AND REVISE YOUR MARKS TO YOUR DESIRED ONES. Once again coming up with same example, if you ordered a burger(ur desire) and you got chicken nuggets(undesired) , would you be sitting and accepting the chicken nuggets? You will immediately command the waiter (your subconscious) to get the burger YOU wanted right?
̶D̶O̶N'̶T ̶F̶U̶C̶K̶I̶N̶G ̶C̶O̶M̶P̶L̶I̶C̶A̶T̶E ̶Y̶O̶U̶R̶S̶E̶L̶F ̶D̶O̶U̶B̶T̶I̶N̶G ̶Y̶O̶U̶R̶S̶E̶L̶F ̶T̶H̶I̶N̶K̶I̶N̶G ̶̶Y̶̶O̶̶U̶ ̶D̶I̶D ̶̶S̶̶O̶̶M̶E̶̶T̶H̶I̶N̶G ̶W̶R̶O̶N̶G
"oh my gawd I have to pull up an all nighter orelse I won't get good grades"
"What if I don't get what I wanted? "
Shut👏🏻the👏🏻 fuck👏🏻 up
When it comes to your grandfather's condition, THE SAME GOES TO THIS TOO. You want your grandfather to be healthy? THEN ASSUME HE'S HEALTHY! DOESN'T MATTER IF THE MOST "EXPERTED DOCTOR" IS SAYING THAT THERE'S NO CHANCES!
Do you think they control your reality? ITS YOUR REALITY. YOU DECIDE WHAT MOVES AND WHAT DOESN'T!
I literally revised the death of my uncle who was dead 4 years ago! NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE!
With lots of love,
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nelysius · 2 days
some notes i took + extra shit i added
I was watching a manifestation video and he brought up some really good things that I wanted to share here. If this doesn't align with your beliefs then it is what it is, you don't have to read this. I just wanted to share some things that I thought could help some other people.
link to video -> https://youtu.be/ocp0OtwYzvg?si=emMYO4GdMaHqn4aq
Manifestation is shifting internally to a degree to which you are no longer emotionally dependent on seeing reality change. If you are good with or without it, it will manifest. Reality is a product of your mind. You already manifest unconsciously on autopilot. Your desired reality is nothing more than a universe that already exists.
You need to be thinking from the position of the attainment of your desired reality. You are already there. I personally believe that if you can even think of it, it exists. In the video, he also mentions how there's nothing particularly crazy because crazy is nothing more than a label directly linked to the 3d realm.
If the belief doesn't serve you, then it does nothing more than control you. Make sure the beliefs you have are congruent with the particular desired reality you want to be in . When something happens here, the amount of attention you give it is an indication to your state of consciousness at a particular time. Whatever you are particularly convinced by more often than not is a basis of your frequency. Having confidence. Who you believe yourself to be.
Manifesting is simply taking what's on autopilot, making it conscious, and then setting it back on autopilot. The best technique/method is you. Your emotional conviction. Whatever you know/believe will work. More important than any technique that you could ever possibly do, is the belief that what you're doing is right. Focus on your emotional conviction.
There's insecurity in your knowledge, you don't think that you know enough. You don't think that you have enough of what it takes to materialize what you want. And because you are insecure about that, the degree of your emotional conviction that you have or can generate within yourself is not that high.
"How long are you going to be insecure in what you believe you can achieve from a point of manifestation, considering you already do it?"
You don't need to do anything first. You don't need to meditate, clean your room, drink a shit ton of water, or anything else. All you need is self-knowing. Stop studying/learning and start doing. Analyze your beliefs and make sure they're in alignment with your desired reality.
"You can't control your first thought but you can control your second and every thought that follows after that."
Be on whatever technique you believe is going to work and stick to it. Convince yourself it will work to the degree that you don't have to question it.
Normal = frequency = reality
"Whatever you find normal, will find you in reality."
Normalize your desired reality. Take it off of a pedestal. Take it for granted like you take breathing for granted. That's how normal it is. Nothing about manifesting or shifting is special. Billions of people do it all of the time without realizing it. The only difference is that you are consciously choosing to do it. The more importance you give your desired reality, the more space you create between you and your DR. The bigger the importance, the bigger the space. Take your desired reality for granted. See it as nothing.
Manifestation is instant. In the mental plane, everything has already happened. It's the instant from which you begin embodying your desired reality to the moment you stop. The moment that you feel (from a point of natural and normalness, and emotions from the particular vibrations you'd feel upon being in that DR), when you feel that, and you're thinking from that, and your beliefs revolve around that, and your attention and identity is aligned with that, you've manifested.
"You can only have what you already have. You need to be it before the world proves it to you." The 3d is nothing but a mirror.
Guys please watch the video (I linked it at the top), there's so much helpful information in there. Also, I don't claim anything in this post besides the couple sentences I added so no one come for me.
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klxudykai · 3 days
I love how the more I manifest, the quicker my manifestations come
Now I need to get out of a habit of thinking that it’s gonna take me ages to manifest shifting to my dr
Making progress y’all ‼️‼️🙏🏾
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moonieyunie · 2 days
I hope y'all know that it's literally called the law of assumption. If you think your method is going to work, then so it be. If you think you can tell yourself that you have your desire already in your 4d and you ALSO know it's going to manifest to the 3d and still show importance to the 3d and you think it's not going to "ruin the process", THEN SO IT BE. It's all based of your own assumption istg!!
We still like to overcomplicate it and tell ourselves "hey you shouldn't focus on that if you want your desire", in the end it's your very own assumption that's going to manifest in the 3d.
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