#leena lecklin
leenalecklin · 6 months
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Breathing is something you don’t think about until you can’t do it anymore.💀
Story of Frill being brought back is something that has been hiding in my folders for several years unfinished. I’m still not quite happy with it, but I guess it’s time to accept it and move on to something else. 
Frill is my DnD character. A skeleton bard with a lot of package to carry on his bony shoulders. 
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oatmealspet · 6 years
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@leenalecklin ‘s boy Frill; I love this character!
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simplyrobotix · 6 years
Animation Highlight: Within Without
via one of my favorite sites Flooby Nooby.  I was impressed to learn that this was created by a team of 3rd year students. I love the fluid style. The textures, the music. 
In a barren and cold world, a lone knight travels toward a sole beacon of hope; a beautiful, golden city. When the knight’s way is blocked by an infallible monster, the knight must fight to reach his goal; but can they defeat the monster from within the heavy armour without facing the memories that haunt? WITHIN, WITHOUT was made by a team of 3rd year Character Animation & CG Art students at The Animation Workshop/VIA University College in Viborg, Denmark. Check out the individual students blogs (links below) to learn more about the talent behind the film and check out the project blog: http://withinwithoutmovie.tumblr.com/
Credits: Patrycja Cmak - Director (http://paticmak.portfoliobox.net/)
Ariel Ries - Story Lead (http://arielries.tumblr.com/) Marie Post Riggelsen - Production Manager (http://mariepost.strikingly.com/) Maria Madelaire Forná - Art Director (https://vimeo.com/mariamadelaire) Morten Solgaard Pedersen - Art Director &Technical Director (https://vimeo.com/user49880104) Auriane Laïly - Animation Lead (https://vimeo.com/user25960198) Marta Milczarek - Pipeline Manager & Environment lead (http://mkmilczarek.portfoliobox.net/) Henrik Langergaard Jepsen - CG Generalist Carl Otto Moesgård Jørgensen - CG Generalist (https://vimeo.com/user32471977)
Additional Animation: Myra Hild Pauline Champetier Kristine Behrmann Larsen Linda Chuu Bjurhager Leena Lecklin Louis Kynd Joel Stenbäck
Additional Cleanup and Colour: Søren Sparre Jowanna Barvizi Federico Pirovano Kristina Silkjær Pernille Flyvholm Philip Rodrigues Sarah Rothernberger Mariyam Aulbekova Charly Katrin Mårtensson Cora Mckenna Karoline Lie Monica Antonie Meineche Sofya Baychuk
Want to know more about The Animation Workshop/VIA University College?
Website: animationworkshop.via.dk Facebook: facebook.com/pages/The-Animation-Workshop-Official-Page/10452541819
Tumblr: theanimationworkshop.tumblr.com/
Twitter: twitter.com/TAW_Denmark
Instagram: instagram.com/animationworkshop/
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motionsofekstasis · 7 years
Within, Without from The Animation Workshop on Vimeo.
In a barren and cold world, a lone knight travels toward a sole beacon of hope; a beautiful, golden city. When the knight’s way is blocked by an infallible monster, the knight must fight to reach his goal; but can they defeat the monster from within the heavy armour without facing the memories that haunt? WITHIN, WITHOUT was made by a team of 3rd year Character Animation & CG Art students at The Animation Workshop/VIA University College in Viborg, Denmark. Check out the individual students blogs (links below) to learn more about the talent behind the film and check out the project blog: withinwithoutmovie.tumblr.com/
Credits: Patrycja Cmak - Director (paticmak.portfoliobox.net/) Ariel Ries - Story Lead (arielries.tumblr.com/) Marie Post Riggelsen - Production Manager (mariepost.strikingly.com/) Maria Madelaire Forná - Art Director (vimeo.com/mariamadelaire) Morten Solgaard Pedersen - Art Director &Technical Director (vimeo.com/user49880104) Auriane Laïly - Animation Lead (vimeo.com/user25960198) Marta Milczarek - Pipeline Manager & Environment lead (mkmilczarek.portfoliobox.net/) Henrik Langergaard Jepsen - CG Generalist Carl Otto Moesgård Jørgensen - CG Generalist (vimeo.com/user32471977)
Additional Animation: Myra Hild Pauline Champetier Kristine Behrmann Larsen Linda Chuu Bjurhager Leena Lecklin Louis Kynd Joel Stenbäck
Additional Cleanup and Colour: Søren Sparre Jowanna Barvizi Federico Pirovano Kristina Silkjær Pernille Flyvholm Philip Rodrigues Sarah Rothernberger Mariyam Aulbekova Charly Katrin Mårtensson Cora Mckenna Karoline Lie Monica Antonie Meineche Sofya Baychuk
Want to know more about The Animation Workshop/VIA University College? Website: animationworkshop.via.dk Facebook: facebook.com/pages/The-Animation-Workshop-Official-Page/10452541819 Tumblr: theanimationworkshop.tumblr.com/ Twitter: twitter.com/TAW_Denmark Instagram: instagram.com/animationworkshop/
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koneko1 · 7 years
Within, Without from The Animation Workshop on Vimeo.
In a barren and cold world, a lone knight travels toward a sole beacon of hope; a beautiful, golden city. When the knight’s way is blocked by an infallible monster, the knight must fight to reach his goal; but can they defeat the monster from within the heavy armour without facing the memories that haunt? WITHIN, WITHOUT was made by a team of 3rd year Character Animation & CG Art students at The Animation Workshop/VIA University College in Viborg, Denmark. Check out the individual students blogs (links below) to learn more about the talent behind the film and check out the project blog: withinwithoutmovie.tumblr.com/
Credits: Patrycja Cmak - Director (paticmak.portfoliobox.net/) Ariel Ries - Story Lead (arielries.tumblr.com/) Marie Post Riggelsen - Production Manager (mariepost.strikingly.com/) Maria Madelaire Forná - Art Director (vimeo.com/mariamadelaire) Morten Solgaard Pedersen - Art Director &Technical Director (vimeo.com/user49880104) Auriane Laïly - Animation Lead (vimeo.com/user25960198) Marta Milczarek - Pipeline Manager & Environment lead (mkmilczarek.portfoliobox.net/) Henrik Langergaard Jepsen - CG Generalist Carl Otto Moesgård Jørgensen - CG Generalist (vimeo.com/user32471977)
Additional Animation: Myra Hild Pauline Champetier Kristine Behrmann Larsen Linda Chuu Bjurhager Leena Lecklin Louis Kynd Joel Stenbäck
Additional Cleanup and Colour: Søren Sparre Jowanna Barvizi Federico Pirovano Kristina Silkjær Pernille Flyvholm Philip Rodrigues Sarah Rothernberger Mariyam Aulbekova Charly Katrin Mårtensson Cora Mckenna Karoline Lie Monica Antonie Meineche Sofya Baychuk
Want to know more about The Animation Workshop/VIA University College? Website: animationworkshop.via.dk Facebook: facebook.com/pages/The-Animation-Workshop-Official-Page/10452541819 Tumblr: theanimationworkshop.tumblr.com/ Twitter: twitter.com/TAW_Denmark Instagram: instagram.com/animationworkshop/
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porinkulttuurisaato · 7 years
Totuus Suomesta / The Truth About Finland, Pori | 10.–16.2017
TOTUUS SUOMESTA 10.–16.7.2017 Puuvillanpuisto, Pohjoisranta, Pori Avajaiset la 8.7. klo 14-18 Näyttely avoinna 10.–16.7. klo 12-18
Porin kulttuurisäätö (Anna Jensen, Eliisa Suvanto & Anni Venäläinen) järjestää kesällä 2017 kaksiosaisen Totuus Suomesta -näyttelyn sekä tuottaa näyttelyt yhteen kokoavan julkaisun. Näyttelyn ensimmäinen osa järjestettiin Kallio Kunsthallessa kesäkuussa ja toinen osa, joka sisältää sadan taiteilijan ja tutkijan näkemyksen Suomesta vuonna 2017, aukeaa Porissa lauantaina 8.7. Näyttelyä varten Porin kulttuurisäätö rakentaa Puuvillanpuistoon vanhan Puuvillatehtaan läheisyyteen väliaikaisen näyttelytilan, jossa myös projektin julkaisua on saatavilla.
Suomen juhlavuoden kunniaksi Porin kulttuurisäätö on kutsunut tutkijat, historioitsijat ja taiteilijat - samat ryhmät jotka aikanaan olivat rakentamassa kansallisromanttista mielikuvaa Suomesta - tarkastelemaan lopputulosta kriittisesti ja päivittämään visiota. Taide on ollut tärkeä osa Suomen ja kansallisen identiteetin rakennusprosessia. Läpi Suomen historian taide on reflektoinut ja luonut maan henkeä, sekä ollut kriittisenkin tarkastelun väline. Totuus Suomesta projekti on osoittanut, että taiteella on yhä, tai sillä pelätään olevan, kriittistä voimaa ja kykyä vaikuttaa asioihin sekä taiteen kyvyn tuoda esiin yhteiskunnassa usein näkymättömäksi jääviä rakenteita ja normeja.
Näyttelykokonaisuus ja katalogi ovat Porin kulttuurisäädön reaktio satavuotiseen itsenäisyyteen sekä siihen miten sitä Suomessa juhlitaan. Juhlavuoden virallinen Suomi 100 -ohjelma nojaa pitkälti kansakunnan rakentamiseksi tietoisesti tuotettuun kuvastoon, jonka Porin kulttuurisäätö haluaa haastaa tuomalla esiin yli sata päivitettyä näkemystä. Juhlavuosi ansaitsee mittavan näyttelyn, jossa tämä traditio pääsee sekä näkyville että jatkumaan. Samalla taiteilijat saavat alustan, jonka kautta on mahdollisuus haastaa ja monipuolistaa näkemyksiä Suomesta.
Porin kulttuurisäätö on taiteilija-kuraattorikollektiivi, joka on toiminut vuodesta 2013 lähtien. Kollektiivi järjestää taidemaailman ja yhteiskunnan rakenteita tutkivia ja purkavia tapahtumia. Ne tarkastelevat taiteen esittämisen tapoja suhteessa tilaan ja tilanteisiin, joten jokainen näyttelyhanke on toteutettu - joko sille varta vasten rakennettuun tilaan (Porin Maailmannäyttely, 2015), erilaisiin kaupunkitiloihin (Pori Biennaali, 2014), historiallisesti merkittävään tehdasmiljööseen (Saatanan kesänäyttely, 2016), tai kuten ensimmäisessä Sponsori näyttelyssä 2013, jolloin taidetta esitettiin kaupunkitilan lisäksi myös yleisölle avatussa yksityisasunnossa.
Mukana olevat tekijät:
Aiju Salminen, Andre Vicentinti, Andrea Coyotzi Borja, Anna Estarriola, Anna-Sofia Sysser, Anssi Pulkkinen, Antti Turkko, Antti-Juhani Manninen, Artor Jesus Inkerö, Arttu Merimaa, Aukusti Heinonen, Azar Saiyar, Camille Auer, Chow Yik, Christine Langinauer, Denise Ziegler, Eetu Henttonen, Elina Lifländer, Elmeri Terho, Emma Suominen, Erno-Erik Raitanen, Farbod Fakharzadeh, Hans-Peter Schütt, Harri Laakso, Harrie Liveart, Heikki Hautala, Helen Aleksandrova, Helmi Kajaste, Henna Tyrväinen, Henrik Heinonen, Hertta Kiiski, Heta Kaisto, Jaakko Leeve, Jaakko Pallasvuo, Jani-Petteri Virta, Jari Kallio, Jari Suominen, Jenni Yppärilä, Jouko Korkeasaari, Jouni Kujansuu, Juha Hilpas, JULMAH, Juuso Noronkoski, Kaarlo Stauffer, Kaisa Salmi, Katri Naukkarinen, Kiia Beilinson, Kimmo Saastamoinen, Kristian Jalava, Lasse Lecklin, Lauri Linna, Leena-Maija Rossi ja Kari Soinio, Liisa Lounila, Maarit Mustonen, Maija Savolainen, Maija Tammi, Maiju Loukola, Marika Orenius, Marina Valle Noronha, Markus Luiro, Marloes van Son, Marta Khrshanovskaya, Martina Mino, Martinez, Matti Tanskanen, Miissa Rantanen, Mika Savela, Minna Henriksson, Mirva Helenius, Nabb+Teeri, Nestori Syrjälä, Niilo Rinne, Niina Cochran, Niko Tii Nurmi Sipiläinen, Oliver Whitehead, Paavo Paunu, Parsa Kamehkhosh, Petteri Nisunen, Pia Euro, Rami Vierula, Reetta Aalto, Rodrigo Téllez Repetto, Sanna Lehtinen, Sanna Ritvanen, Sanna Sarva, Sanna Vainionpää, Sara Kärpänen, Sasha Huber, Sauli Sirviö, Simo Saarikoski, Taina Rajanti, Taina Riikonen, Tanja Kiiveri, Timo Wright, Tuomas Linna, Tuomo Rainio, Vappu Jalonen, Ville Andersson, Ville Lampi, Ville Vuorenmaa.
Totuus Suomesta ensimmäinen osa toteutettiin Kallio Kunsthallessa 3.–22.6.2017. Näyttely toteutettiin yhdessä Miika Tervosen, nynnyjen (Hanna Ohtonen ja Selina Väliheikki), Honkasalo-Niemi-Virtanen -kollektiivin sekä Erno-Erik Raitasen kanssa. Totuus Suomesta - hanketta ovat tukeneet Aalto-yliopiston Elävä Pori hanke, Porin kaupunki ja Taiteen edistämiskeskus Satakunta.
THE TRUTH ABOUT FINLAND 10.–16.7.2017 Puuvillanpuisto, Pohjoisranta, Pori Opening on Saturday 8 July 2pm - 6pm Exhibition open 10.–16.7. (Mon-Sun) 12 - 6pm
Initiated by the Porin kulttuurisäätö (Anna Jensen, Eliisa Suvanto & Anni Venäläinen) The Truth About Finland project consists of two exhibitions and a catalogue presenting contributions from over 100 artists and researchers. The first part took place in June in Kallio Kunsthalle, Helsinki in June 2017. The second part is organized in a temporary exhibition space built specially for the exhibition and placed in the Puuvillanpuisto park milieu between the Kokemäenjoki river and the old Cotton Mill. The exhibition catalogue combining these two events will be available in the exhibition.
To honor the Finland’s 100-year-old independence Porin kulttuurisäätö has invited artists and researchers – the same group who was originally responsible of building Finland’s identity leaning on romantic nationalism – to rethink and update the vision what Finland stands today. Art has always been a significant part in building the nationalistic identity: throughout the history it has both reflected and created the nation’s spirit and also provided a tool for critical perception.
Porin kulttuurisäätö is an artist-curator collective formed in 2013. The aim of the group is to organise exhibitions, events, projects and seminars that question and reconstruct the structures existing both in the art world and in our society. Previous exhibitions include Sponsor in 2013, Pori Biennale in 2014, Pori World Expo in 2015 and the Bloody Summer exhibition - Pori Biennale in 2016.
The Truth About Finland exhibitions and catalogue includes contributions from the participating artists and researchers:
Aiju Salminen, Andre Vicentinti, Andrea Coyotzi Borja, Anna Estarriola, Anna-Sofia Sysser, Anssi Pulkkinen, Antti Turkko, Antti-Juhani Manninen, Artor Jesus Inkerö, Arttu Merimaa, Aukusti Heinonen, Azar Saiyar, Camille Auer, Chow Yik, Christine Langinauer, Denise Ziegler, Eetu Henttonen, Elina Lifländer, Elmeri Terho, Emma Suominen, Erno-Erik Raitanen, Farbod Fakharzadeh, Hans-Peter Schütt, Harri Laakso, Harrie Liveart, Heikki Hautala, Helen Aleksandrova, Helmi Kajaste, Henna Tyrväinen, Henrik Heinonen, Hertta Kiiski, Heta Kaisto, Jaakko Leeve, Jaakko Pallasvuo, Jani-Petteri Virta, Jari Kallio, Jari Suominen, Jenni Yppärilä, Jouko Korkeasaari, Jouni Kujansuu, Juha Hilpas, JULMAH, Juuso Noronkoski, Kaarlo Stauffer, Kaisa Salmi, Katri Naukkarinen, Kiia Beilinson, Kimmo Saastamoinen, Kristian Jalava, Lasse Lecklin, Lauri Linna, Leena-Maija Rossi ja Kari Soinio, Liisa Lounila, Maarit Mustonen, Maija Savolainen, Maija Tammi, Maiju Loukola, Marika Orenius, Marina Valle Noronha, Markus Luiro, Marloes van Son, Marta Khrshanovskaya, Martina Mino, Martinez, Matti Tanskanen, Miissa Rantanen, Mika Savela, Minna Henriksson, Mirva Helenius, Nabb+Teeri, Nestori Syrjälä, Niilo Rinne, Niina Cochran, Niko Tii Nurmi Sipiläinen, Oliver Whitehead, Paavo Paunu, Parsa Kamehkhosh, Petteri Nisunen, Pia Euro, Rami Vierula, Reetta Aalto, Rodrigo Téllez Repetto, Sanna Lehtinen, Sanna Ritvanen, Sanna Sarva, Sanna Vainionpää, Sara Kärpänen, Sasha Huber, Sauli Sirviö, Simo Saarikoski, Taina Rajanti, Taina Riikonen, Tanja Kiiveri, Timo Wright, Tuomas Linna, Tuomo Rainio, Vappu Jalonen, Ville Andersson, Ville Lampi, Ville Vuorenmaa.
The first part of the Truth About Finland in Kallio Kunsthalle was created together with Miika Tervonen, nynnyt (Hanna Ohtonen and Selina Väliheikki), Honkasalo-Niemi-Virtanen -collective and Erno-Erik Raitanen. Project has been realized together with Aalto University’s Pori Live and is supported by The City of Pori and Arts Promotion Centre Finland, Satakunta region.
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drawn-imagination · 7 years
Disney XD - Ducktales teaser from Golden Wolf on Vimeo.
Guess who's back?!
Right in the childhood! Over the past few months we've been working with the wonderful folk from the House of Mouse on a few things for the eagerly anticipated reboot of the Disney Classic Ducktales! Scrooge and the whole gang are back with a brand new series which is coming to Disney XD this summer!
CREDITS Directed and produced by Golden Wolf
Creative director: Ingi Erlingsson Art director: Ewen Stenhouse Producer: Ant Baena Additional Design: Michaela Gote, Leena Lecklin 2D Lead: Maxime Delalande 2D Animation: Tim Whiting, Yino Huan, Alessandra Sorrentino Additional 2D clean up by Amix Film Studio Compositing: Mike Tyler
Additional sound design by Wevie wevie.tv/
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leohdez26 · 7 years
Disney XD - Ducktales teaser from Golden Wolf on Vimeo.
Guess who's back?!
Right in the childhood! Over the past few months we've been working with the wonderful folk from the House of Mouse on a few things for the eagerly anticipated reboot of the Disney Classic Ducktales! Scrooge and the whole gang are back with a brand new series which is coming to Disney XD this summer!
CREDITS Directed and produced by Golden Wolf
Creative director: Ingi Erlingsson Art director: Ewen Stenhouse Producer: Ant Baena Additional Design: Michaela Gote, Leena Lecklin 2D Lead: Maxime Delalande 2D Animation: Tim Whiting, Yino Huan, Alessandra Sorrentino Additional 2D clean up by Amix Film Studio Compositing: Mike Tyler
Additional sound design by Wevie wevie.tv/
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ryanwoolfolk · 8 years
Disney XD - Ducktales teaser by Golden Wolf Guess who's back?! Right in the childhood! Over the past few months we've been working with the wonderful folk from the House of Mouse on a few things for the eagerly anticipated reboot of the Disney Classic Ducktales! Scrooge and the whole gang are back with a brand new series which is coming to Disney XD this summer! CREDITS Directed and produced by Golden Wolf Creative director: Ingi Erlingsson Art director: Ewen Stenhouse Producer: Ant Baena Additional Design: Michaela Gote, Leena Lecklin 2D Lead: Maxime Delande 2D Animation: Tim Whiting, Yino Huan, Alessandra Sorrentino Additional 2D clean up by Amix Film Studio Compositing: Mike Tyler Additional sound design by Wevie http://wevie.tv/
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leenalecklin · 2 years
Hi, that's so cool you worked on Wolfwalkers! 🐺 I went to see it with a 6th grader family member once its Norwegian dub played in theatres this fall; she loved it, gave it 12 stars out of 10! and praised the movie's refreshing animation style. I saw your "wolfvision" smoke trail demonstration recently, which brings me to my question: Were these scenes in any way inspired by Zelda: Twilight Princess, and Link's wolf-form's sensing mechanic in particular? That's what they reminded me of!
Ah thank you! Sorry taking my time answering this, I've been quite absent from the social media lately. Wolfwalkers is one of the favorite projects I've worked on and the final movie is just amazing!
Heh, I am a big Zelda fan I have to admit. I remember Tomm asking for ribbons that hang in the air so that's what I went for - I was thinking those ribbons that dancers swish around and form different patterns in the air with. I don't think I was trying to reference Twilight Princess, but it might have happened unconsciously. We always store stuff that inspire us somewhere down in our memories, and might use those things as inspiration even without thinking about it. ✨
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leenalecklin · 2 years
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Love it or List it Sword Coast ⚔️
I wanna make "Love it or list it" in DnD universe. Lich King has to decide if they want to leave their Castle of Doom after the great renovation montage and looking for new places to stay.
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leenalecklin · 2 years
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Fredrik von Salmiakki is a warforged warrior who gained his knighthood by being adopted in the Salmiakki noble family. Nowadays he travels the lands doing brave deeds in order to make his brother (a human called Victor) proud. 👑 I’m playing Fredrik in a Candlekeep Mysteries campaing and having so much fun. As a character he's very brave but bit stupid so he's easy to talk to do almost anything by just saying it will be a brave deed and very knightly to do.
In the last session he got possessed by a ghost and started attacking the rest of the party. 👻 Suddenly everyone remembered how my whole character build was “an indestructible tank that can hit REALLY HARD.”
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leenalecklin · 2 years
I'm a year late, but I finally managed to put together my Wolfwalkers FX showreel. Here's a selection of my favorite shots from "the wolfvision" smoke trail effect that I mostly focused on while working for the movie.
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leenalecklin · 2 years
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That one time Sogno wanted to have a long hair. 💇‍♀️✨
Sogno is my lute spirit bard - kind of like djinn of the lamp, but with a musical instrument instead. They’re very young and full of emotions.
To modify Sogno’s appearance, the magic on the instrument itself needs to be modified and it can be only done by a very powerful artificer. Orinim originally tells Sogno straight up “No.”, since “Doing that is difficult and unnecessary. And you will get bored of the new style in couple weeks and ask me to change it back.” 
but after couple tantrums and lots of crying, she gives up. And Sogno gets to tell all the people that they’re not a lady instead of a mister, like they usually do.✨✨
Anyways, Sogno gets bored of the new hair in couple weeks and asks her to change it back.
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leenalecklin · 5 years
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Hi guys! I’m still alive! I’m just still recovering from the spring that completely drained me. Slowly but steadily I’m getting back to it. 
Some time ago one of my friends mentioned how Frill always has just one expression. That made me to want to draw out the fact that it isn’t that he has only one expression, but that he just simply doesn’t have a face.
Also I just love drawing his hair it’s a real mullet nowadays. 
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leenalecklin · 6 years
Hi there! I love your work! I'm a huge dork for D&D and I really dig your character, Frill! Could you please tell a bit about him, like his backstory/how he died, or how he met up with your D&D group? I'd love to know more about this sweet undead dude! Thanks!!
Hi anon! sorry to take my time answering this (as I always do). Unfortunately I can’t share Frill’s full backstory, since I haven’t told it to my party yet either. They read this blog too and I don’t want to spoil them. :) But here are some bits and pieces I’ve already shared in the game!
Frill started his journey when he was 18. He was a human with curly carrot hair and slight hint of freckles on his face. He was easy-going, quick to make friends, and well-liked in his tiny bard circles. Frill was a moody youngster and cried easily, but also cheered up extremely fast. His flaw is that he expects everyone else to be as kind-hearted as he is, and that made him an easy target for people to use for their own advantage. 
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Then, after 3 years of travelling - just after his 21st birthday, something happened resulting Frill’s death. I haven’t yet shared what it was, so you have to make your own guesses - though it did involve some sort of fire. He wasn’t dead for long before he was brought back to life- maybe around one week. The necromancer who brought him back didn’t survive, so Frill was never under anyone’s command, but he became a “magic fluke”, a master-less mishap of undead being.
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The next couple years Frill was basically an outcast, trying to connect with people, but understandably chased away. He wandered through deep forests and outskirts of small villages, practicing his violin skills, but never able to find anyone who would be ready to hear his performance.
Finally, after 2 years of lonely afterlife, he met an old gnome Yoslin and a young half-orc Orchid, who were ready to listen to his story. They agreed to let him tag along, and the old gnome suggested Frill to wear something to hide his skeleton face. Together they thought up Frill’s scarecrow outfit and he got finally enough self-confidence to get back to his old ways of performing and being just a simple bard.
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And that’s almost where we are right now. I’ve been thinking that Frill is 25 in our game, so they shared couple years together before our story began. Our party got bit bigger in the start of our first campaign, and it took some time for the other characters to learn that Frill was actually undead - now they all know. When asked, Frill tells people that he has a skin disease which makes him look really ugly, and that’s why he wears the sack over his head. Frill can’t eat or sleep, so when the rest of the party is sleeping he wanders around or takes care of the camp fire. He’s slightly terrified of other undead beings (mostly because he’s a scaredy cat and hates ghost stories), but I think he’s getting better at it. He has pretty bad trauma for fire, as it played quite big role when he died. He also hates dwarves.
And yeah I’m lvl 4 and my performance and persuasion is +12 …I used pretty much all my points there. And my favorite move is Vicious Mockery, though Frill’s mocking is usually pretty un-vicious. Frill doesn’t have a sense of danger, so he usually just walks in an armed fortress if the rest of the party can’t catch him and keep him still when they’re making the plan. (I think I’ve almost killed us couple of times like this already)
I guess that’s about it. I hope this gave a bit of insight, though there’s still quite a lot I haven’t shared about his past with my party.
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