daretoassume · 3 days
this is how you build your OWN beliefs from scratch
beliefs are the foundation of creating the life you desire, along with your inner conversations and emotions. this is why it is important to examine all the beliefs you have in every area of your life, especially those about people and yourself, to see if they align with your natural self, which is your divine self.
i said "own" because we picked up beliefs from the people we were surrounded by as children, having no choice at that time but to accept them. however, the idea is that you always have a choice to choose or create your own beliefs that align with your true self and will shape a whole new reality. if you want to build your beliefs from scratch, you need to:
identify the old beliefs – you cannot change something you are not aware of.
unlearn the old beliefs – ask yourself if they are true for you or if they align with your truth.
list the "new" beliefs – form beliefs that are true for you, true to your divine self.
act on the "new" beliefs – behave in a way that is more aligned with those beliefs.
persist – continue to choose the new beliefs you created moment to moment, even if the situation remains the same.
i definitely recommend having a journal when practicing unlearning beliefs that don't serve you, as it makes you more aware of them, making it easier to remove or replace those beliefs. doing shadow work is one way to deeply investigate what is happening inside you, why you believed the old beliefs, where they came from, how to make peace with them, and how to let them go.
once you have chosen those new beliefs, you must perpetuate them every day, especially when a situation challenges you—particularly your emotions—to choose that new belief for you to experience a new reality. because you cannot just list them and then forget about them. your behavior should match these new beliefs until it becomes natural for you to think and act in that way.
"..because in the next moment it is a whole new reality. you actually have to keep choosing the belief every single nanosecond in order to actually have an experience of ongoing perpetuation." ♱ bashar (darryl anka)
to truly experience this whole new reality you desire, persist in your new ideas, new beliefs, and the thoughts and behaviors aligned with those ideas and beliefs. it may be uncomfortable at first, but that is also just a belief. if you find it hard to attain, as i said, doing shadow work will really help you. this is just a reminder that you always have a choice. always choose what is aligned with your natural self.
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lanascurse · 2 days
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Literally. It’s impossible to not believe in the concept of shifting. Antis will never get it, but that’s fine. At least we know our power.
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versethetic · 3 days
you live it in the 4d.
you have it in the 4d.
you are it in the 4d.
you’ve just successfully manifested.
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tellafairy · 18 hours
︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ive seen some discourse about this, especially on loatwt, so i wanna give my POV.
you don't need to take action for your manifestations to fall into place. its not a necessity. let's put it this way — when manifesting an SP, if youre setting the intention and affirming that they will message you first, are you gonna take the initiative and message them?
no, what's the point of affirming they messaged you if you're just gonna message them? makes no sense right? you're gonna let the universe do the work and wait for them to message you, just like you intended.
so why, when it comes to things like getting a job offer or losing weight — you think you have to work for it? or do something to give the universe a push? it makes no sense.
"oh but those are different scenarios" since when do circumstances matter? since when does "reality" matter? since when do differences matter? a lot of you are hypocrites and i hate to say it but you don't make up the rules. you don't decide what isn't possible for others realities.
you CAN manifest things out of no where. you CAN get your desires without working for it. you CAN manifest ANYTHING.
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strawbslvr · 2 days
How shifting finds us at the right time! + Me before and after shifting.
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TW!!!! Mention of su!c!de, family issues, depression, fucked up mental health! And lots of yapping!
Let’s go back all the way to 2022. At the start of the year I found out about subliminals, so basically I was scrolling through YouTube and there was this video that popped up every time I refreshed my home page. It was something like “Glow up in a day” ,the thumbnail was a pretty girl and the video was like 1 minute and something long so I was like “why are they capping, glow up in a day and the literal video is 1 minute long??! What a sick joke” but out of curiosity I clicked it and then I was welcomed with MUSIC and then I was like “hah! I knew they were capping, this is just music!” But I went to the comment section and there were literally people saying
“Omg this is a masterpiece! My mom came to my room and told me how pretty I look”
Then someone was also like “this literally gave me results in a week.
Those were the comments that I still remember cause they confused me the most. After that I was just like ???tf? But when I went to the description I saw a term “sub” few times and then there was used the term “subliminal” so I just assumed that the term sub was just short for subliminal.
I went and searched what the fuck did I just see aka I just searched what is subliminal. There was this woman in a video that explained it and at first i obviously was like “what the fuck? This is so cool and too good to be true” cause babe wdym I can listen to an audio that can change my appearance and all of that stuff.
Well that’s how I just viewed it to be which isn’t exactly the case.
I listened to some subs for the rest of the night but I was just so disappointed when I woke up the next day and saw no results and just immediately guessed that this was just plain cap. And after that I stopped listening to subliminal but the craziest part was like I totally forgot they existed like after that. (I will tell more later!)
Summer 2022
At this time I got into my k-pop phase I was constantly daydreaming of my group and how I wanted it to be, literally imagining scenarios throughout the day and I literally wrote in Pinterest “K-pop idol scenarios”💀 I was deadass.
Then in one scroll I found a bunch of scenarios from TikTok, (they were just screenshotted and put into Pinterest.) it was like “scenarios for your K-pop Dr” at first I was like tf is a Dr? But I just decided to ignore it and move on and just read the scenarios cause they were good but that Dr term continued to pop in every picture I saw and then I truly got curious. To which resulted in me searching what is a Dr? Google said it’s a short for desired reality, and I just assumed sum stupid shit.
Anyways 2022 came to an end. And I TOTALLY forgot about subliminals and K-pop idol scenarios and tf is a Dr. like I’m not joking I totally forgot those existed.
2023 start.
The year I turned 18, yippeee!! So the start of the year was somewhat ok, few months later I started getting problems with my parents. Arguments with my parents, especially dad increased like A LOT. My parents started to get mad at some stupid stuff, their temper was just like shit. School started pressuring and at that period I had A LOT of exams (I still do but 👀) I didn’t have time for myself and I also got sick a lot. And few months passed in this environment and at some point I just admitted that I feel anxious, stressed, suffocated and depressed. Then I got told that my aunt is suffering from this sickness and she needs to do surgery but they had financial issues and the surgery got postponed a lot due to the money missing and that didn’t help my aunt’s health at all. and bro feeling shitty isn’t a surprise at this point. At some stage I decided if this is the life I’m going to live, I don’t want to live at all. I was very su!c!dal, and I attempted like two times but luckily didn’t do it.
2023 summer
One subliminal popped into my YouTube page again, it was something like “goddess like beauty, confidence and a better self concept” thing I’m not sure and then I was like “oh right! These things exist!” And I just listened to it for fun and surprisingly I felt better in few days. And those were few of the best days in the last 6 months of my life. I started actively listening to subliminals and actively affirming. I’m talking about every morning and every night before I go to sleep at least for 30 minutes. And then dududuudud
I found a subliminal about reality shifting and then I again was like “wait? This is that reality traveling thing, how can I forget this?” And I actually asked myself why didn’t I try it before? The summer my journey was honestly mostly jokes and fun, didn’t take it seriously and just did it for the excitement it gave me. But about 2023 fall I actively started scripting and took the journey a bit more seriously than before.
2024 fall. Now.
I still got a lot to improve and a mindset to work on. But I’m just happy of where I am now. I found a reason to live for and like a dark tunnel where at the end you find the light. Shifting brought me hope and genuine peace knowing something like this exists. My aunt did the surgery and she is healing little by little but at least she can practice her normal day life,she still got some checks here and there but nothing compared to what she was in before. I seriously stopped listening to anti shifter since they are just trying to demotivate y’all and me too. If I haven’t found out about shifting I don’t think I would still be here. Shifting seriously finds us at the time we need it the most!
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anaagainstallodds · 3 days
Can we all just stop giving fucks we don't have?? (Don't waste your energy on shit that doesn't help you)
Why would you give something irrelevant the power to control you?
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Don't take the shit the 3d gives you, because it's just a glitch. This stupid ass 3d doesn't know shit, it doesn't know that you're already a master manifester/shifter because you're giving it the power to control you.
The 3d is only a mirror and your subconscious is blind. and it only knows what you tell it, so just deny deny deny when something you don't like happens or when things don't work out cuz, like bffr it's just a glitch.
Like permanently tattoo this in your mind istg.
Like no, babe lemme stop you from giving any more fucks. Time is an illusion and your manifestations have already happened so why do you need external validation? TRUST ME. YOU DO NOT NEED EXTERNAL VALIDATION. Well because
This is your reality, you are god.
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k-fkaesque · 3 days
⁀➷ Aggressive Shifting Advice
It is not your "Dream Reality". It is your reality CURRENTLY.
You don't "want to shift" YOU have shifted
You won't "shift tonight" you HAVE shifted
You aren't "in the process" you have SHIFTED
And that's law.
Mind your damn business about others' realities. Don't tell others what they can and can't do in THEIR reality. It's not cute.
Nothing is impossible. Stop setting limiting beliefs and go live your best life! "But it's weird" "Others will judge" "etc"... have you forgotten that it's about you? No one is watching you. You don't have to perform for an audience anymore.
You don't need anything except you to shift.
You will hear other shifters say this until the end of time itself.
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solanasreality · 2 days
the moment the loa community understands that the intent is to make yourself fulfilled internally and the 3D following is a MUST (because it’s the law, it cannot be changed), but also a bonus, is when your stuff will actually materialize.
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moonieyunie · 2 days
I hope y'all know that it's literally called the law of assumption. If you think your method is going to work, then so it be. If you think you can tell yourself that you have your desire already in your 4d and you ALSO know it's going to manifest to the 3d and still show importance to the 3d and you think it's not going to "ruin the process", THEN SO IT BE. It's all based of your own assumption istg!!
We still like to overcomplicate it and tell ourselves "hey you shouldn't focus on that if you want your desire", in the end it's your very own assumption that's going to manifest in the 3d.
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strawbeariefaerie · 3 days
Me when repeating affirmations twice works and I realize me and my procrastination are the problem.... so I CAN instantly manifest and thinking I had to condition myself was a limiting belief. Oops.
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summersreality · 3 days
can I manifest something I don't believe? someone told me some information I feel isn't true but logically I know it's likely and there's evidence it's likely. But I don't want it to be true. I affirm what I want to be true. I know what I want to be true is true. But, at the same time, I have accepted it might not be. I push away this acceptance and keep affirming though and saying my thoughts don't matter because I KNOW what's true, but still. I think my mind is convinced by the 3D.
do you have any advice on this? sorry if i'm being too confusing
If we remind ourselves what an assumption is for a moment:
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When we use the law, we focus on the assumption and not the truth. The assumption will is reality, and truth is relative to each reality.
If you don’t want something to be true, or vice verca, tell yourself it isn’t an reality will mold to that assumption/you will shift to a reality that aligns with your assumptions.
Yes, you can manifest things you “don’t” believe. Because the moment you tell yourself you want something , you admit to yourself that there is a chance of it’s existence. Especially if you know about the law, you know the power you hold and that anything is possible.
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interstellarrisa · 21 hours
𝄞⨾𓍢ִ໋ Quotes to keep in mind 𝄞⨾𓍢ִ໋
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a/n: these are just things that i like to keep in mind whilst manifesting/shifting and is not something you must do! also if you recognize your or someone else's quote/saying, pls dm or comment so that i can give credits!!! (i'm sleepy so sorry for any mistakes or if things don't rlly make sense -o-)
# Nothing needs to be harder than it sounds
It's just as you read. You don't need to make it any harder by adding complicating methods or trying to reprogram your subconscious. Decide, imagine and persist is all there is. You can decide how you'll do the "imagine" part. You can affirm, visualize, script or listen to subliminal. Do whatever you want, it's you manifesting it but I don't really recommend adding in unnecessary things as things can get tangled up and make you feel like you're doing anything except "getting" your manifestation.
# Imagination is the true reality
You've probably heard this like a thousand times but if you just think about it, if imagination is the true reality then why try to get it in the physical one? Since I can just imagine it and have it there and eventually it'll materialize. Also why struggle with it inside your imagination? Just as when some people when they were younger used to have imaginary friends. Just because they didn't see their friends body in the physical reality or that others couldn't see them did not mean they never existed. They did, just in that child's imagination and that's what matters. Having it in your mind and believing in yourself. Affirming this helps me with feeling fulfilled internally.
# Observe don't absorb
I really like this one cause like this is how I usually manifest away bad circumstances. Even if the 3D is right up in my face and is unavoidable I'll keep a idgaf mindset and continue on not taking it in as final or that it can't be changed. Nothing's set in stone, not even reality. If you don't like it just change it. There's no need to take the bad things as final. Know who you are and do your thing! At nighttime sometimes when we fall asleep random thoughts will pop up and pass us by, do you pay attention to every single thought? Do you react to every single one of those or think more deeply about them? Just as we observe those thoughts passing us by we should also observe reality. As a movie we're watching on our TV and if we don't like it we just switch to another one. Not get up and start screaming about how it's bad and that it's not the one we want to watch. Just switch movie.
Thank you for reading, good luck with your manifesting/shifting and bye!!<3
art cred @ CHIARA63710634 @ mors_gn @ riiein (all on twt)
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lanascurse · 23 hours
Quit saying you wish to shift or are implying that you aren’t already in your dr. I get how it feels but it doesn’t help you in the long run. You’re letting your 3d world affect you. Switch up those thoughts, because they’ll bring you closer to living the life of your dreams. Don’t become a victim of the 3d!
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versethetic · 3 days
Is it better to assume that the 3D is outdated or an illusion when we know the truth that is our 4D? I’m a little paranoid that what’s reflected is the 3D continuing to be fake lol
pretty much i’d say.
the 3d will conform because that is law. there is no other option but for your 3d to conform.
if it isn’t showing you what you want, try your best not to worry about it. you’re correct! your truth is your 4d so when the 3d makes you feel a type of way, let the emotions ride, calm yourself as best as you can and then continue to look inward. affirm, visualize, whatever reminds you of your 4d.
you don’t have to believe in it, but remain persistent in already having what you want.
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xstrawberryshiftsx · 3 days
isn't that unfair? every person on earth put intense amount of work in order to gain any success, it takes humans long years in school and then educate themselves to gain knowledge, i never did anything in school,i was lazy and never even opened a book yet law of assumption states "assume you have it and that's it"? that's unfair! i feel like law of assumption is for lazy people and pick me girls and their obsession with "sp" you don't deserve to be a millioner because you did nothing. people work 20 years for success...
listen I’m not gonna hold your hand and explain it to you but I understand if you deem it ‘unfair’ but it’s non of your business to be honest.
throwing around the word ‘pick me’ is a fucking stupid thing to say (it means basically women putting themselves or others down for male attention and can be a very sexist term) plus how is it pick me if I want to manifest I meet my soulmate or ideal partner? Tbh you seem like a very sad individual that’s having a temper tantrum because you can’t be happy for other people.
but I don’t really care so have a nice day! Hope this helps 🤗
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creature-wizard · 3 days
Law of Assumption followers: "omg you're so wrong about the Law of Assumption, you just need to do your research and read Neville Goddard!" Me: *reads even more Neville Goddard* Me: *discovers it's still exactly what I've been saying it is the whole time, the same exact bullshit as I said before*
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