#success story
salemlunaa · 1 day
you need to understand that if you ever want to leave this place….
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i feel like me and so many bloggers have stated this but for the millionth time, here we go!!
you cannot fail to shift, nope. sorry. idc what you think, it genuinely isn’t possible, manifesting is shifting, wether you have manifested actual things you wanted or you’ve manifested that awful mindset where you are so sure you can’t shift and tap in to the void, you still shifted to a reality where that was true by manifesting it.
Stop thinking shifting is impossible, it isnt, like at all. The reason you fail is because you think this is impossible and that you're using some magic method to live a new life but you’re not, there are infinite realities and the idea that you have your dream life is the a fact in many realities, so for those who wanted the logical side to thinks there you go, it has been proven that we live in a multiverse, so shift your consciousness to a reality where you have all you have dreamt of. the void isn't some magical place it is in you, it IS you, you need to remember that
I saw this absolutely perfect analogy on @rainshifts page: think of the universe as a chocolate chip cookie and the different realities as the chocolate chips. When we shift consciousness, we aren't jumping from chocolate chip to chocolate chip, we are the batter the ingredients we ARE all those chips, not jumping to and from them. We are not new characters in our desired realities we ARE those realities
The reality in which you want to be in isn’t some faraway place where you are new character, that reality is in you, it is you, all you are seeing now IS you. You are the fabric, nothing less
Shifting consciousness isn’t special, if you have a brain you are more than capable of shifting consciousness, again, we were born for this, it’s not some special, magical talent, it’s something that is as simple as breathing, something that has been owed to us since the beginning. Stop asking bloggers the same questions, if you have the intent it can be instant, you need to remember shifting isn't some form of magic, it's a basic human ability that only requires the brain. you're just shifting consciousness, you're just shifting your awareness to a specific reality, it's not magic or some cool discovery you can do it instantly if you believe that you're god of your reality
believe that you are the operant power and it’s done, look to imagination, you have shifted because it’s as easy as breathing the void is a lifeless space that only gains power when YOU, PURE CONSCIOUSNESS step into the equation.
The reality you’re in now only has life to it because you’re consciousness has been placed here, shift it with ease simply because you can.
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riansdiary · 2 days
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Hello my dearest gentle readers! 💎
Did you miss me? I am back with another epiphany! I had it last few weeks ago and it was when I realized that we f*cking over complicated the law of assumption too much. When I started manifesting with the help of Hyler's videos, there was no stress or worrying or over complication about it at least for me. That is because I knew that all I needed to do was assume that I have it now, there was not too much focus on the 3d because why would we identify with the old story?
Let me give you a simple analogy for this. It's just like changing batteries or having a new phone or erasing the board for a new lesson. When you need to change the batteries of your remote, you just put in the new ones (new story) and that's it. You forget and toss the old ones (old story) in the trash! That's how simple it is. There's no "why is it still not working?" or "what if it doesn't work?" when manifesting because that is being in the middle!
You're hanging in the balance and your subconscious is gonna be confused so go straight to the end. Manifesting is that simple. You either have it or you don't but you're not just pretending you have it either. You know you have it. I don't even like calling it manifesting that much because that implies a process or waiting time. It's just having it or being it now and not looking or identifying with the 3d or the old story.
You just choose a story and stick to it. Heck, I didn't even affirm that much before to manifest things. I wanted to make the two vaccines I'm getting to be completely painless, what did I do? I relaxed and affirmed only a few times and lived in the end. I didn't worry because I knew it was done. I wanted a specific food I'm craving? I affirmed a few times in the state of the wish fulfilled and forgot about it. Later on, I get the very thing I affirmed for. We must remember that the 3d follows us. Okay so what do you think will happen if you're saying stuff like "Where is it? I've been affirming for x amount of time!" or "I've been listening for so long to subliminals but there's no results!"
You are now reacting and you're pulling yourself back to the old story. There's no problem if you rant or cry it all out. We're human and we can do that but we keep staying in the new story. The problem is if we give up. The only thing that is stopping you from having it is exactly those thoughts about the 3d. That is keeping you in the old story. If you're really living in the end then why oh why do you spiral and think thoughts like that? If this ever happened to you, you can just go back to the new story. Reject and cancel your reaction. I reject negative thoughts or anything I don't want. Yes, you can do that. Do not forget that you are the operant power.
Let me tell you how to really do it in the easiest and simplest way possible. This is how I used to manifest effortlessly when I started learning about the law. Now I over consumed and yeah you know, took too much info when I already knew what worked for me even before. Now, I'm not saying that this is the only way or the best way to manifest. I'm just recommending this. What works for me might not work for you but that's okay. We all have our own special way.
Now without further ado, let me tell you how to do it. Try it for two weeks or however long or short you want. Just trust me and try this out.
1. Think of what you want to manifest. Anything you want. Go crazy.
2. Either pick an affirmation or multiple ones to say in your mind when you think of it. That's option A.
Option B: Rampage a.k.a just say whatever you think if you have that already. It's just naturally whatever comes to your mind about it that is in the past, present or future tense. You pick what you want but personally I like the present tense the best. Let me give you an example and yes, this is what I used to affirm for the things I mentioned above. Let me link the video I got this from!
Example 1: For my painless vaccines, these are the thoughts I had. All in the wish fulfilled state.
"Oh goodie the line's moving so fast now! The vaccines I'm getting are gonna be painless. Yup it was painless, it felt like an ant bit me. That was nothing! I literally finished so fast and I'm ready to go home with Mom!"
This is what I thought to make the lines go faster which honestly helped so much because the line was so long but it started moving faster and faster after I affirmed. I also thought in my favor about making the vaccine painless. I made sure to affirm that I won't have the side effects that people are talking about. I did it like that, very naturally but I also repeated each sentence at least just three or five times. It changes a bit as I think but it's just the same sentence simplified or just another form of it. Let me show you what I mean.
"I got the vaccine and it was painless. It didn't even hurt. I got the vaccine so fast and we can go home now. Oh the line's going faster. Why is the line suddenly moving so fast? Oh that was fast!"
Something like that! It's just like my natural way of thinking!
Option C: Just decide you have it and keep deciding whenever you think of it and know that your words are law. That means that when you decide, it is instantly done.
3. Always replace the old story with the new story. Take the old story and chuck it in the trash. It's in the past. You now have whatever it is that you want. That means whether you see it or not, think that it is done and it is here now. Yes, full on delulu mode but not really delulu because it's just being in that mindset of having it. That also means that you don't need to find it in the 3d. Why would you? That's the old story and it's trash. Do not even think about it. Aha, do not even try. You accept that it is here now and it is done. Remember that what you focus on stays in your reality. It is that easy. You don't want to be broke? Okay forget about that. It's in the past and it's not true anymore. Accept that you're rich now whether you see it or not. Have faith in the law of assumption. Acknowledge your desire to be in your reality now. Acknowledge that money you now have in your bank account. I acknowledged that croissant that I wanted. Yup I know the croissant is right in front of me now. Instead of finding your desire in the 3d, SPAWN THAT SH*T! MAGICALLY MANIFEST IT OUT OF THIN AIR. Um, excuse my french 🤭
4. All you need to do now is to know that it's done. RELAX. Why would you worry about it when you have it now? Be in the reality where you have it now. What would you think now that you have it? How would you feel? You'd feel relaxed and you can kick back and watch movies! Know that it is truly done. Would you count how many times you affirmed if you had it already? No. Would you worry about it if it's already here? No. That is still being stuck in the middle and making it a process! What would you do if it's already here? Do that. Do what makes you happy. Watch some Disney or Ghibli movies and just chill because you have it now whatever it is you desire. Let go of the 3d and the old story because it's in the past. Please. Manifesting doesn't really include the 3d. It's just a mere reflection of your thoughts or state. That's all it is. And please do not wait for it. There's no waiting. You just need to know and acknowledge that your desire is here, you have it now and it's done.
Here's a little summary of that:
1. What do you want? Okay you have it now. Congrats! 🎉
2. Affirm in whatever way you want for a few times or whenever you think of it.
3. Live in the end/state of the wish fulfilled. The old story is in the past. Focus on the new story. What you focus on sticks/stays in your reality.
4. Know it's done now. Do what makes you happy. Acknowledge your desire being here now.
Before I end this post, let's do a little fun exercise. Shall we proceed? Just a little extra thing!
Okay this is the situation: You were rich all your life. You've always lived a lavish life and you are spoiled with gifts on the daily. You literally can always afford and get the latest Iphone or whatever else you wanted. You have always gotten whatever the heck you want.
For the first two, it's gonna be an acting exercise. More like try being this character and embodying them.
First is improv acting. Be this character and rampage or naturally say lines that you think they would always be saying. Think Audrey Hope, Blair Waldorf, Nate Archibald or any rich spoiled characters you know!
Fun fact: Audrey is my fave character in the Gossip Girl reboot! She's so cute! My inspo when it comes to being classy and demure! Idk I also really like her personality! That's why I used her gifs!
Something like: "Oh I really want those compact mirror cameras! It's small so it's easy to put in my bag and it looks like makeup! It gives Totally Spies vibes so you know what... I'm gonna place my order now! I always have money anyway and it's so cheap so why not?"
The next thing is a line that you can say. I asked Chatgpt to make me a random rich character monologue. It's like a vaunt basically! Imagine it's Blair Waldorf's opening narration line. Be it, Embody it and say it in your mind like it's just normal for you. You can read it everyday if you want to!
"I always get what I want. That’s just how it works for me. I don’t even have to think about it—if I want something, it’s mine. No questions, no doubts. It’s like the world bends a little to make sure I have exactly what I need, when I need it. And why wouldn’t it? That’s just how my life goes.
I walk into any room, and I know I belong there. I don’t have to prove myself or explain why I deserve it. I just do. Everything I touch turns into something special. When I want something—whether it’s an invitation to the most exclusive event or a last-minute trip halfway around the world—I make a call, and it’s done. Effortless.
People think money changes things, but it’s not really about that. It’s about knowing that everything is always within reach. I don’t chase after things—I attract them. Opportunities, people, experiences—they all come to me naturally. It’s just how my life flows.
And the best part? I don’t even have to try. It’s just who I am. I live on my own terms, and the world just fits itself around that. Everything always works out for me."
Here's the next exercise. This is something more specific. This is inspired by one of Hyler's videos that I will link here.
Think of a thing you're manifesting right now and imagine it right in front of you. For people who can't visualize, find a picture of the thing (if possible) in Pinterest or Google and look at it as if it's in front of you.
If it was right here in front of you, what would you think, how would you feel and how would you act? This has helped me immensely after I watched Hyler's video. I realized that I would feel relaxed now that it's here and my thoughts would align with it being here now. I would take a deep breath and feel relieved.
Now I want you to do this for your desire. I want you to always ask yourself these questions to remind yourself that it's here now and it's done. Whatever is in the 3d is old news. What you focus on sticks so focus on only what you want. The 3d is not included in manifesting. It's just the effect while the 4d a.k.a your mind is the cause. Live in the reality where you have it now, live in the 4d and embody the version of you who already has it. Don't do things to manifest or get things. That will happen naturally but that should not be our focus. The basics are to assume/decide/know you have it now. If you have it now then why would you identify with the old story? Do not identify with the old story. You're not there anymore. It will just stay in your reality if you pay attention to it and give it power.
That's all I have for you in today's post but I know or at least I am now assuming that this will help everyone and make it easier for you! I hope you're having a good day or night!
Yours Truly,
Lady Rian Whistledown 💋
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audreyassumptions · 6 months
- name change
- trilingualism
- 5”10 height
- thin and slender body
- a RAGING golden tan
- face like adriana lima’s
- top grades + intelligence
- dp has a FAT crush on me
- robotic affirmations in my head (for example repeating ‘I have everything I desire’ over and over in my head whenever I’m free throughout the day)
- visualizing
- law of assumption
- the belief that I am God and I am the creator of my own reality
- being crazy delulu
I never actually used the void state for this, because I found that putting the void state on a pedestal was limiting my beliefs. Please refrain from thinking too much about the void or from putting it on a pedestal because this can really hinder your progress. Remember, you are the void. The void is inside you. You don’t need to ‘enter’ it because it is already there!
That’s it, just remember to have a positive mindset and be literally as delusional as you possibly can be. Worked for me!! This took about a whole day to work, and the next day I woke up and it was all manifested (sounds crazy but it’s true and I literally started jumping and squealing like a five year old when I realised it worked). Most importantly, remember that manifesting is supposed to be fun, so go have fun and enjoy yourself!! :)
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dollerines · 10 months
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How I entered the void so easily after 1 year of trying
So after 1 year and half of trying to enter I finally did it and I am so mad because it REALLY IS SOOOOO EASY and tbh if in this post you are looking for any sort of validation or info you smart ass already know then please REMEMBER THIS : entering the void is extremely easy. You just have to do it in a way that resonates with you.
Personally for me since I had adhd I couldn’t just stay still and affirm for 1 or even a few for 10 mins. Not just because I was lazy but because just repeating “I am in the void” for so long gets me tired and makes me think of the void more and you actually don’t want to think too deeep about it. I couldn’t wake 3 hours prior and then affirm or even have the patience to do the psych k, yes I was extremely lazy back then and unpresistent but one thing that helped me even backed then was THE ALPHA STATE MEDITATION !
You just have to find what works for you, find a method technique whatever you want to do that doesn’t seem like a chore. So In a post back then I found on @gorgeouslypink acc talking about doing the alpha sate meditation and I tried it back then and I felt really relaxed and it was a good feeling but like I said back then I was realllly lazy so after a few mins I stopped. Then many months later passed and I was still looking for anything and everything on the void. Then just like two days ago I came across another post which was pretty simple and the technique I used was called the DISTRACTED TECHNIQUE.
All there was to do was the usual you get into a comfortable position and then she said to use the alpha state meditation and used the one gorgeouslypink recommended. So I used it and then what she tell you to do is to just think of anything else just get distracted basically and this WAS SO GOOD 4 ME because back then I had adhd so it made it harder to concentrate on just affirming and so yeah I just thought of random things and then at some point where I was completely distracted I felt my body like lift up 😭 if that makes sense I just can’t clearly describe it. It felt really like a shift and I was like ‘panicking’ in a way but I wasn’t actually panicking I just kinda became aware what was going and then I got scared a little but I just relaxed shortly after. Also my fan that was making like a loud noises was coming in an out and then I only hear it in one ear and then I didn’t hear anything and I just stayed there wondering if I reached the void and i actually was!!! I didn’t feel my body it felt like I had no body at all and it was pitch black just like how I imagined the void to be. For a few minutes I just stayed there feeling the most surreal peace I have ever felt. I needed that peace fr 💀.
So then I affirmed for my desires all I said was “I have all my desired results from my subliminal playlist.” Then just to be extra sure I just said “I have everything I want.”
At that point I got really excited and then I wiggled my toes to get out because I was too dam happy I needed to see all my shit the moment I wake up and then I slowly started getting out and when I tell you I cried for like a good dam minute when I woke up and saw how DIFFERENT. My room looked. I literally screamed onto my pillow. I was so dam scare and yet excited to see how I looked.
Desired body and face
Having silky straight tailbone length hair cuz mines was originally curly
And everything in my sub playlist
My desired boyfriend and guys I made him be like Gojo Satoru ( because we are all delusional over him 🤪) and let me tell you he is so tall, handsome, sexy and a literal god. He is so silly too 🩷
Moving countries I now live in ny
Never actually meeting my ex and all the people in my old school forget me and have actually never even met me. Like if u asked them about me they have never heard or known me before
Extremely rich rich like hella bands
Got rid of my anxiety and mental health issue
Plus +++
Even if the circumstances seem to be eating you alive don’t mind that too much. Even if all seems hopeless don’t give up because you already know nothing can decide or be unless you give it power to be. So stop being goofy and take responsibility and DONT STRESS!! You don’t see God stressing do you. All he has to do is blink and whatever he wants to happen, happens. Plus a lot of confidence came from non dualism that I owe a huge thanks to @trynafindbarbiee she really said it like it is !!
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pawofassumption · 2 months
Loa success: change in appearance
just saw this on twitter and this girl is a tarot reader & practices the law. she posted this transformation she manifested on twitter and ofc the replies don’t believe her but just wanted to post it here for anyone wanting motivation!!
i know personally changing my appearance has been the most challenging thing for me to manifest so hopefully this motivates others to show its very real and possible:)
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trynafindbarbiee · 3 months
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1. My void success story + How I entered
2. Anons void success stories :
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. ( My most favourite one )
3. Enter void within few minutes
4. DRT technique to enter the void
5. "I keep falling asleep when attempting the void"
6. waking up in the void by falling asleep with intent
7. Hemi syncing to enter the void
8. Void motivation
9. Reprogram or train you subconscious to enter the void
10. ADHD friendly method to enter the void
11. A simple method for the void
12. The void is within you
13. A simple meditation technique to enter the void INSTANTLY
14. How to achieve the void state
15. Void basics
16. Void vaunt
17. Tough love
18. Proof that loa is real
19. Proof of one of my manifestations
20. 3 ways to reprogram your subconscious mind
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
22. Looking for a manifestation ( void, loa, nd, desires etc. ) coach ? :
23. Looking for some to manifest for you?
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horizonx101 · 2 months
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Reposting this success story bc I think it’s a great example of using loa to shift !! ⭐️
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milkykotek · 6 months
success story: celebrity crush turned boyfriend
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First off, I'm aware people may not believe me. However, that's completely fine! I simply don't care, because it happened, and I wanted to share. I will not be sharing explicit details due to privacy reasons for both me and my boyfriend, especially since he is a popular actor.
It took me a few weeks because I didn't want to jump into dating immediately. However, you can immediately manifest anything and quantum jump! I chose to do it step by step.
"Dp" is a term used in the LOA (Law of Affirmation, Assumption and/or Attraction) community to describe your desired person. It can be anyone. 3D is the 3d dimension, the world you see in front of you. 4D is your thoughts and the reality where everything you want is accomplished.
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It happened, but... what did?
I manifested my celebrity crush! I've been interested in him for some time now (due to personal reasons me and my now ex boyfriend – whom I manifested, too – have broken up). It was quite a wild ride, to be completely honest, and as always, I turned out successful!
There seems to be a blockage many face while manifesting celebrities, or otherwise famous/popular people. They're putting them on a pedestal, and so shifting the focus from actually manifesting to idolizing them. Of course, if you're manifesting a celebrity sp, you're most likely a fan of them already – that's not the point.
You're god, you're on top of the universe, you're the most important person there is. I don't care, and neither should you, about your circumstances. They're nothing but that – a circumstance in the 3D. As we all know, the 3D reflects our beliefs, assumptions, and the things we attract by engaging them. We engage them by giving them attention and reacting. An example can be someone giving you a dirty look – "Oh my god, they hate me!," you could think, and that is your assumption. You're not sure if they were even looking at you, because they could've been looking behind you, or simply have a resting b*tch face. And so, you thinking they frowned at you is an assumption. It's quite easy to create one.
And it's also easy to change that! The LOA (Law of Attraction, Assumption and/or Affirmation) community likes to overcomplicate manifesting by claiming it is hard to change your beliefs. It really is not. Every time you encounter a negative thought (thoughts create assumptions, assumptions show up in the 3D), simply change it. It's as easy as it seems. "I feel so sad", you can change that by saying, "I'm so happy and relaxed". Don't accept things you don't want to experience. Something happened that upset you? No, it didn't. Instead of dwelling on it, ignore it or affirm "It never happened", create a new story, "(something else) happened".
how did you manifest a celebrity dp?
You manifest a celebrity just like you manifest anyone else. They're human, and I don't believe in free will – anything I don't want, I change. It may sound weird, but is there even such thing as normal when it comes to manifesting and all the possibilities the universe offers?
The only thing you must do is take them off the pedestal and regain your power and control. It's not about them – it's about you. They're the obsessed one, they're the one manifesting you, you're on their mind.
If you're searching for a recipe, there is none. However, I can share a few ingredients – things that helped me:
— affirming. Affirming is nothing more than repeating what you want to happen, ex. "My dp loves me."
— persisting. You really don't want to give up until you see results. Of course, it doesn't mean you have to manifest 24/7, but then again, we think all the time, and so we manifest all the time, too.
— living in the end. Living in the end is living as if you already had your desire. How would you feel? How would you act, what would you do? Surely you wouldn't be stressing over results and whatever it is you're manifesting, because you'd already have it. Belief isn't necessary as long as you affirm and persist, but it sure does help.
— having someone to talk to. Having someone you can talk to about your manifestation journey and being supported was really important to me. I want to thank my best friends Star and Aurora, for always supporting and believing in me ❤️. Others would've called me delusional but you guys stood by my side.
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Just breathe. For this part, I wanted to share some affirmations I used.
"Everything I want is mine. Everything I want, I get. I want it, I've got it. I'm a master manifestor. I always manifest whatever I desire and want."
"My dp (insert their name) loves me. My dp wants me. My dp is obsessed with me. My dp constantly texts me. My dp is texting me right now. My dp misses me. I am constantly on my dp's mind. My dp is constantly thinking about me. My dp is my boyfriend (or girlfriend, partner, anything you desire). I am my dp's best friend and soulmate."
Good luck ❤️. 222
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nondualiber · 5 months
real useful things i've realized about loa while i was "resting" from tumblr & overconsumption:
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• stop gaslighting yourself, make actual change instead. you know when you're not doing it right. if you spiral, get desperate, dwell in the old story... well, i've got some news. -- this might seem obvious but for me it wasn't. i was super desperate, giving like 1 step forward 50 steps back but i still played blind bc i thought that if i just said "oh no but my mindset doesn't matter" that would solve all my problems. damn
• WHAT WORKS FOR YOU. ik EVERYONE says this but omfg. i can NOT stress this enough. actually find what works for you. i used to think that my key (decide once n keep going with my day) was not a "correct" way to do it bc it made "no sense" or wtv, but now i've manifested a lot of things with that method & i'm so proud of myself for doing so :,,) wdym with "works for you"? whatever makes you confident enough to not spiral, to believe you actually have what you want, to not pay attention to the 3d & doesn't make manifesting feel like chore but something that comes naturally for you is the correct way to do it. trust your feelings, your intuition, yourSelf; they don't lie
• work on your manifesting concept, a.k.a trust in law. we talk a lot about "self" concept but not about "manifesting" concept. for me, i (kind of) believed i could manifest, i just didn't believe 100% in law. i still don't, but i've gotten considerably better!! my best tip to build trust in law was to start manifesting things that were "easier", more archivable, but not happening on a daily basis so i'd know if it was my manifestation turned reality
• stop consuming. not over-consuming but just consuming, literally. don't read neville, don't open tumblr, don't listen to edward nor any other coach! again, this one was obvious to everyone but me. trust me, you already know everything you need. "but i actually put in practice what i read!" yeah, but which one? you read 100 methods everyday. consuming is thinking from the 3d, and long-term it will demotivate you. trust me
• and last one, forget about deadlines. "when will i have it?" now. "where?" here. now and here. keep that mindset, and tbh in one week it'll be done
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vixeneptune · 6 months
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☆ The universe obeys my wishes and commands
☆ I'm spoiled and catered to by the entire world , my happiness is the only thing that matters
☆ time isn't real , everything that I want already exists now
☆ reality is so malleable and easy to manipulate and change
☆ my mind is so powerful I can easily bend reality to my will , I have the power of god inside me
☆ my desires are obsessed with me
☆ my beautiful imagination and inner reality is my true reality and I manifest it easily without lifting a finger
☆I don't have to chase anything , anything I want wants me 10000x times more
☆ my life is like a movie and I'm the main character
☆ stress and doubts don't even exist in my reality, I'm so carefree and unbothered I was put on this earth to experience everything i want
☆ I'm a goddess incarnated as human , but I still have the beauty and the aura of a goddess
☆ I literally get every single thing I set my mind to
☆ I'm a star , ofc I shine. I naturally steal the spotlight. I'm iconic , I'm the moment
☆ I have supernatural magnetism, everyone is magnetically and hypnotically drawn towards me
☆ I embody the true essence of love and beauty and I radiate love and beauty
☆ my beauty and my energy light up the room, I turn heads wherever I go. I'm a natural mogger , always the most attractive in the room
☆ I get what I want, doesn't matter what or when or how. If I want it, i get it.
☆ I have an abundance mindset, an infinite amount of love, money, and beauty within me and all around me. I attract amazing opportunities and possibilities bc im naturally super lucky and abundant
☆ I'm booked and busy, my life is so exciting and eventful I always have amazing things coming up
☆ I'm a natural influencer, I'm the IT girl everyone wanna be like me or be with me
☆ my sexual magnetism is off the charts, people can't help but crave me and fantasize about me. I'm irresistible and magnetic
☆ I have zero resistance, nothing holds me back, nothing can stop or block my powerful energy
☆ I love how everything works out for me on its own its like life is rigged in my favor always and forever
☆ I naturally inspire everyone around me with my powerful beautiful presence
☆ there's something about me so addictive that has people wanting more like they can't get enough of me
☆ I'm so pleasing to look at and be around, people feel so good in my presence. They get excited to see me and talk to me
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salemlunaa · 23 hours
stop trying to manifest things, they are never coming.
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You guys need to stop manifesting things in order to get stuff, and you guys say that you don’t but ultimately, you do. you burn through methods like no tomorrow and then go to asks and dms to say that nothing works for you
But in order to manifest you need to understand that your desires aren’t coming, they’re already here, stop trying to do mental gymnastics to affirm the right way or visualise the right way with a 100 step manifestation routine trying to get your desires because they aren’t coming, they’re already here. And that’s what manifestation is:
reminding yourself of what is true
what manifestation isn’t:
using methods to get anything you dream of
instead it’s:
creating a reality where you have said desire, in imagination
it’s done
remind yourself of it whether it be with affirmations, visualisation etc
So stop trying to get results because they aren’t coming and never will, something that is already true isn’t waiting to happen, it just has already. So if your desire, which isn’t a desire anymore isn’t waiting around to become true, why are YOU waiting🤨?
If a loved one brings you a plate of cookies, you’re not going to beg: “please can i have some cookies” (affirmation that you lack cookies) you aren’t begging because the cookies are already infront of you. Instead you would thank them “thank you so much for the cookies” (affirmation that you do, in fact, have some cookies infront of you)
Those two phrases are affirmations, whether the cookies are materialised in the 3d or not, confirming whether you have them or not are affirmations. Treat your desires as those cookies, they’re here already therefore you can’t beg, why would you beg for something that’s here, why would you be desperate for something that has come.
Now, imagine if a friend comes over to your house to hang out, you aren’t gonna ignore them and say you’re waiting for them to come, while completely disregarding the fact that they’re already here because that’s rude and you also look insane anticipating the arrival of a friend that is literally sitting infront of you. Think of your desires as that friend, why are you ignoring them, while also looking and waiting for them at the same time, when they are RIGHT INFRONT OF YOU??
You can rack your brain to the point of insanity to get your results, you can be in this community for years and they just won’t come, sorry babe. You have to wake up and realise it’s already done or nothing will get done. Wether you do this by subliminals, robotic affirming, visualising, you need to remember that when it comes to your prize, these methods aren’t helping you cash out your prize, they’re simply reminding you that you have that prize.
Again, if you can’t understand it’s already done, nothing will ever get done. ever. You can apply for two hours before you go back to complaining (which is affirming that you lack that desire), you can affirm for a day before looking for your desire, but it’s never gonna happen, because it has already.
This is your life, you can spend years on and off applying this mindset while other actually get what they want, but this is your life and another day has gone by where you’re still looking for results you’ll never get. Don’t waste your life away doing the same thing you did yesterday, today’s the day to finally have enough with your mindset and fix up!!
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moonbakeries · 1 year
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So I decided to fully immerse myself in "persisting" and fulfilling when I listened to Lonely one by LOVA because I spent around an hour just sobbing because I related to the song.
the week that I started was around Easter break and I was under the most amount of stress I have ever been through and I could see it the effects on my body
I was breaking out with huge pimples even though I was on accutane, I was averaging 2 hours of sleep a day every week for 2 weeks, my period had going on for 2 weeks, I was losing weight rapidly (was under 35kg:( ) my anxiety was at an all time high because I got harassed again(sexual assault victim). I used to have severe depression and have had multiple failed attempts of suicide. AND YES I WAS DESPERATE AS FUCK TO MANIFEST THIS DREAM LIFE OF MINE WHICH IS NO LONGER A DREAM
in the mornings I would be super anxious but I learned how to deal with it and get myself into the state super easily
I GOT OFF TUMBLR: you know how many times I doubted myself only to realise I was doing everything right
I also read and listened to Edward Art MULTIPLE TIMES
Within a week of fulfilling and persisting, I had manifested my dream life. just like that. I woke up one morning and everything I had ever desired was right there. and it was super easy.
all I did was affirm(to remind not to get), visualise and feel. I would only do these methods if I wanted to, if I didn't I wouldn't.
Within a few days, the anxiety lessened so much and it started to feel natural. 
this was a question on Bambi's " how I manifested with hard circumstances " post which has now been sadly deleted but I remember copying this because it gave me hope at the time I copied it (don't hope, just know)
"But isn’t ranting “not letting the old story die out?” you and i could rant until our minds are cleared, just as long as you flip my thoughts, you are on the right track.  I rant for 2% of my 24 hour days. The other 98% i was persisting in the fact that creation was done. as “time” went on, it began to feel more natural and I felt more at ease. I held onto that feeling because I knew this was when I would get my desires and I did."
and that was when I knew I shouldn't give up and I just kept going even when I wanted myself to just get on tumblr and overconsume 
I actually nearly decided to see what I was "doing wrong". I clicked on one of Aphrodite's posts but I didn't read it. I just asked myself if I would look through it if I had my desires and I wouldn't and since I already have all of my desires I didn't.
Whenever the anxiety was too strong and I could feel the frustration and desperation building up, I would just rant and it helped me calm down and get back into the state super easily.
which is why you can rant.
you know how many FUCKING DOUBTS I had, but I didn't even give them attention coz they didn't deserve any and how many times I wanted to just give up, but I was like NO, STFU, I DON'T WANNA LIVE MISERABLY ANYMORE and now I'm not :)
The affirmations I used:
It is done
I am living my dream life
I am in my desired reality
The 3d will conform as long as i keep persisting
Imagination is the real reality
I also daydreamed, but since imagination is the real reality they were real
- desired appearance
- name change
- family change
- skills (drivers licence etc)
- apartment and furniture
- wealth
- a bunch of random materialistic things
- desired friend group (I absolutely love them!)
- desired uni and always getting good grades
- outfits from pinterest
and a bunch of other things
- I also ended up manifesting an sp without even knowing and he's pretty much I everything I scripted him to be(scripted a year ago because I didn't really care for a relationship) but this happened before I manifested my dream life
after a year and half of being on loablr I finally manifested my dream life. and you can too
(there was probably over 100 things I wanted but I realised what I want is not much, nothing ever is when you know about loa and yes, i was super desperate)
you don't need anymore information other than @angelsinluv states post and fulfillment challenge
you shouldn't ever be stressed or worried while manifesting whatever you want, because you wouldn't stress if you had it
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audreyassumptions · 5 months
This worked for me after a couple nights and I successfully entered the void. Here’s how I did it <3
1. Lie down in a comfortable position (it’s rlly hot where I live so I didn’t have any covers on me or anything, I was literally just lay there with nothing covering me)
2. Listen to Edward Art’s ‘I am’ meditation on YouTube :)
3. Put on brown noise (I put the meditation and the brown noise in a playlist so it would play automatically after)
4. Focus on the black behind your eyes and continue to imagine that everything surrounding you is just empty blackness
5. Repeatedly affirm for the void, don’t keep checking if you’re there, try to distract yourself
6. You’re in the void!
This worked for me after a couple tries, but that’s not to say you shouldn’t get results earlier. It’s all about mindset. Persist and I promise you’ll get there.
Love from, Audrey <3333 ;)
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vegageshsworld · 2 months
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the concept of "i am" in the realm of esoterics is deeply rooted in the belief that our thoughts, words, and intentions have the power to shape our reality. it stems from the idea that whatever follows the phrase "i am" becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, influencing our perception of ourselves and, consequently, the world around us.
to develop the concept of "i am" in a spiritual practice, one can start by becoming more mindful of their inner dialogue and self-talk. by paying attention to the words we use to describe ourselves and our experiences, we can begin to understand the power they hold in creating our reality. affirmations and visualizations are also powerful tools to reinforce the concept of "i am," as they help to align our thoughts and beliefs with our deepest desires and intentions.
when it comes to manifesting desires through the concept of "i am," the key lies in fully embodying the feeling and essence of already having what you desire. by affirming statements like "i am abundant," "i am loved," or "i am successful," you are not only declaring your intentions to the universe but also aligning yourself energetically with the frequency of your desires. this alignment can help attract opportunities, resources, and experiences that resonate with your affirmations.
moreover, practicing gratitude for what you already have can further amplify the power of the "i am" concept in manifestation. by acknowledging and appreciating the blessings in your life, you raise your vibration and open yourself up to receiving more of what you desire.
in essence, the concept of "i am" in esoterics is a potent tool for self-empowerment and manifestation. by cultivating a positive self-image, using affirmations and visualizations, and embodying the feeling of your desires, you can harness the creative power of your thoughts and beliefs to co-create your reality. remember, you are the architect of your own destiny, and by embracing the power of "i am," you can pave the way to a life filled with abundance, love, and fulfillment!!
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eneablack · 4 months
i shifted last night lol.
now my consciousness is 12 years older, this feels strange.
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riansdiary · 2 months
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Hello everyone! This is a copy of my success story post on SUA (Subliminal Amino) and I decided to post it here as well for some inspiration! 🌈
Highlight Codes:
Red - don't do this! ⚠️
Blue - this is what you need to do 👍
I have a manifesting success story to inspire you! The only techniques I did was simply just:
1. Thought of what I want 🤔💡🍗
I was craving my mom's the best fried chicken in the world. Yes, I stand by this! Anyone who eats it including people outside of the family always always always praises my mom because she literally cooks the best fried chicken! Specifically fried chicken breast or thigh sometimes. I never told them that I wanted some.
2. Affirmed a few times whenever I thought of it. 💬
I just affirmed naturally and casually "We're gonna have fried chicken because I said so and because I decided so." We are all the boss of our reality so I just affirmed/decided that we're gonna have it, that Mom is gonna cook that for us.
3. I commanded my subconscious. 👑
This always works for me and it's my favorite thing to do to manifest. I just commanded my subconscious like a boss and told it what I want. Actually, it's smart and it already knows that but I did that for extra assurance. You just tell it what you want and it'll get it for you no matter what. You need to trust your subconscious mind that it will get that for you. Think as if you ordered something and well you know it's gonna be delivered right? Yeah, like that. You just sit pretty, affirm if you think of it to persist no matter what you see and trust that it's gonna get that for you. Do this only if it feels right to you. I mean it's literally you! Your higher self. Your subconscious wants the best for you and will get it for you as soon as you tell it what you want, the subconscious mind already manifests that in the 4d meaning it's yours it already happened in your imagination. The subconscious mind naturally will materialize that in the 3d as well but that's really just the cherry on top. 🍒
3. PERSIST. 🙂‍↕️😠🥳
Meaning stand firm in your decision and think as if it's already done. Be in the state of the wish fulfilled meaning you sit pretty, affirm when you need to assure yourself and in the mean time, do what makes you happy. Distract yourself.
4. The 3d is neutral. It has no meaning. It doesn't mean you don't have your desire. You give meaning to it. 🧐
It's literally a past newspaper like in Harry Potter, the newspaper that moves. It's in the past and it's the result of our thoughts before. It's not you follow the 3d and react to what it shows you. It follows you so leave it alone and know it is done in the 4d. If you wanna check, check and visualize that desire. For non-visualizers or people who have aphantasia, imagination is not equal to visualization. It can be thoughts and feelings as well. I don't visualize but sometimes when I'm in the mood I do but you could check your mind.
For example:
You're want to be rich. You see the 3d and wanna check your bank account or wallet. It's okay if you see there's nothing. Why? Because you're changing your reality to one where you have money. Check your mind instead.
Do this: You saw the 3d and seeing what the past newspaper (3d) is showing you. "Let me check my mind. Okay, I checked my mind and the 4d. I literally have 10 billion in my bank account. I just need to keep up with knowing it's done and not follow the 3d because it's supposed to be following me and the 4d. The 3d just puts out whatever I'm thinking and the 4d so in the 4d I have my desires. I can calm down now. If I check the 3d, I'm letting it stick. Whatever I focus on grows so let's focus and pay attention to good stuff and that I have my desires." You can cry or feel the feelings. Release them and let it go. Then come back to deciding or affirming whatever technique works for you to persist on what you want instead. Reacting is okay. It's okay to let out your feelings, you're human. The thing is after that, if you keep paying attention to circumstances and accepting the 3d as true then you will be stuck in a loop. It literally just copies and follows the 4d and your thoughts. So if you accept that circumstance as a fact, the 3d will have to follow you and copy that. Meaning, again, getting stuck in that loop until you decide to persist because technically it is already done.
Another example:
You're manifesting a thing that you really want like a shirt or a top. Could be food.
Let's go with fries. "Okay my mom will come home and she bought fries for me. I'm deciding that Mom's got me some fries. Okay, done."
Then your mom comes home but she didn't give you anything. This is crucial. Do not give up immediately. You could still get the fries the next day. For this example, let's say you specifically said now or today. The 3d is neutral. You give the meaning to it. This is an example. Let's say you wanted that and your sister wanted that too.
Your mom comes home. Your sister is looking at what your mom brought home but wasn't told anything about the fries. She is frustrated and gave up. She felt like it didn't work so never mind. Like why isn't it here? Ugh! She then goes to her room. She gave the 3d meaning and she thought it meant that it failed.
Now you. You didn't give up. You kept affirming naturally and deciding that you're gonna have it no matter what. You said: "Nope. That brown paper bag is mine. It has my fries. The fries are there. She's gonna give them to me." Your mom ends up not giving you the bag but you didn't give up. "Nope. I'm not taking no for an answer. She just forgot about it. She forgot to hand it to me but it's there. It's mine." You just chilled and calmed down, continuing to do what you do and never gave up. Your mom then sat next to you and told you that she forgot to give you the fries! 🍟
You both gave different meanings to the situation or circumstance. Your sister gave up and saw it as fact that she didn't get the fries but you didn't stop, didn't give up and just accepted it as a fact that you do in fact have the fries.
Now let me tell you how it happened. How I manifested eating my mom's fried chicken. Reminder, I didn't tell them what I wanted at all but if it feels like inspired action you could get your manifestation that way as well. Your mom or dad could ask you what you wanted and that's basically considered success and inspired action to tell them what you want.
I don't wanna repeat the circumstance for me but who cares! It's the past and I'm a billionaire now! Basically, dad didn't have a job before and we had a strict budget. We were only able to eat fried eggs or hotdogs at this time so you can tell that we couldn't afford other dishes at that moment but I didn't give up. I just ranted about the fear I'm feeling about the circumstance once and released any feelings. After that, I didn't pay attention and forgot about that circumstance. Why, you may ask? Because whatever you focus on grows. Attention is our superpower. You will keep having whatever you're focusing on or paying attention to.
First day. As I said. I firmly decided and affirmed that we're gonna eat fried chicken. I also commanded my subconscious as a bonus. I embodied the energy of Blair Waldorf and Hong Haein from Queen of Tears and decided that and commanded my subconscious like a boss. I am gonna write up a post about this soon! Manifesting with boss or queen energy because we are the bosses and queens of our reality. You are the boss of your subconscious but again it's you. It wants you to have everything you want and it will give you that. Our lunch was different but it's another one of my favorites. It was a delicious soup with chicken and vegetables in it. It's good and we eat that with rice! It was delicious but did I give up? No. This is when I decided to give the 3d a positive meaning. I said "Well, there's chicken breast in that soup. Usually, when we have that dish, we still have some extra chicken in the freezer. If there's this then I'm pretty sure we have extra chicken left in the freezer for mom to cook fried chicken."
I just continued being firm in my decision and accepting my desire as a fact. (I'm literally writing this while Dad's making fries! Another one of my manifestations! Not the exact one. I love the McDonald's one but I haven't given up. It is as good as that though! I consider this as a sign! I was craving that so I decided to give it a go and manifest that.)
Next day. We had this sticky rice chicken broth soup. You probably know what this is if you're Filipino haha! Is it fried chicken? Nope but I still accepted my desire as fact. Affirmed when I felt like it but naturally.
Now today! (Literally eating fries now! I'm such a master in manifesting! 🍟)
Heard Mom talking about needing frying oil and decided to give that a positive meaning. That mom's gonna cook fried chicken. Mom cooks something, I didn't look because I know what it is of course. It smelt different like another food but did I give up? Again, no. Stood firm in my decision again. Affirmed it like a boss like it's gonna happen no matter what. "Nope, that's literally fried chicken breast. Yup, it is. We're having that for lunch and dinner."
I saw Mom put it on the table and it looked and smelled so good! I was so proud of myself. I have been reading and watching law of assumption videos and over consumed. I was so happy because I know what works for me now! You should do what feels right or what works for you no matter what other people are saying in the law of assumption community. Heck, just follow the persisting and assigning positive meaning from mine and do which technique works for you! You can do it! I've had problems manifesting too before but I'm manifesting so easily and effortlessly now. I believe in you. Dare to think that your desires are facts. Also, do what makes you happy in the middle of manifesting! What would we feel when we have manifested what we want? HAPPINESS. Doing what makes you happy (have common sense please) and knowing it's done will do wonders for you! You're basically shifting to your desired reality where your manifestation is a fact and is true! Ask yourself moment to moment when you're free. "What feels the happiest for me to do right now?" For me, it could be watching BTS funny moments or performances or watching Ghibli and Disney movies! I'm currently binge watching what I missed or what I haven't watched! I'm planning to watch all Ghibli movies! I totally recommend them! They give you such feel good vibes! Whatever is available to you that you can do right now like making yourself a nice cup of your favorite coffee and watching your favorite comfort show or movie. It could be playing games or as simple as playing with your pet. Those that you liked to do as a child. Whatever makes you happy, just have common sense. That is why I gave you a lot of examples! Anyway, that is all!
I wanna thank my beautiful sister @babygothprincess (she's not my sister. She's just so helpful and sweet and she always felt like an older sister to me so I gave her that nickname ☺️) for being patient with me and literally becoming my manifesting teacher or mentor here! I wouldn't be able to be the manifesting queen/boss that I am now without her constant help and encouragement! Thank you sis as always!!! You deserve to live your best life because you help all of us here so much! I'm eternally grateful! (High five if you guys know which movie this line is from! 🤚) I can't thank you enough! I learned so much from you!
- XOXO Rian 💋
Btw, who likes roleplaying and Gossip Girl please DM me! I am a co-admin of a Gossip Girl Rp group so tell me if you're interested! It's set in the present so Blair and the others are now married and are adults but there are characters from other shows too. There's a whole new generation. It's the Gossip Girl reboot characters plus original characters a.k.a OC's/the characters we created. Message me if you wanna join in the fun! Bye!
Note: I also manifested being featured in SUA (subliminal amino) and I got it literally just a few minutes after deciding and knowing it's done!
I just literally thought: "Oh my God! I got featured! Thank you so much! That's so sweet." I did it once or twice and whenever I thought about it and it was done!!! 🌈
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