#maybe I’d suck less if I met the loml
rosicheeks · 11 months
Dear God or The Universe or Whoever The Fuck Is In Charge -
Could you maybe introduce me to the love of my life?? I just really wanna be smoking a joint and slow dancing with them in our kitchen at 3am while cookies are baking.
I have this image where we are slowly dancing and all I can focus on is their hands on my body. With each puff I feel myself getting more lost in the beautiful melodies and their arms. The smell of fresh cookies starts to fill the air as they finish. Our tender moment ends in something silly or goofy like them tickling me or me biting them or something stupid that ends with both of us laughing on the floor from being a little too stoned. Eventually the timer for the cookies goes off and one of us gets a show ready while the other puts the cookies on a plate. Most likely we put on one of our favorite cartoons or a movie and watch that the entire night. Talking and smoking and laughing. Just enjoying each others presence.
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