#mothman fanfiction
bonniecupcake · 1 year
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I present you! Moth Dib! :3
This was a commission for @/AlexisA36556240 on Twitter
I really loved the idea of Mothman Dib so I drew my design of him a bit more :3
They made a fanfiction for it!!!
My pet moth - Duelkittens - Invader Zim [Archive of Our Own]
HHHHHHHHHH It's so fluffy and adorable I'm so in love with this 💖
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renmackree · 1 year
Pleasepleasepleaseplease can you just write a LITTLE of the Stiles in Derek's DMs??? I just need something to keep me going while you slowly rip my heart out with other ideas?
I will pay in love?????
Hey Anon, I'm guessing you're talking about this post?
Just for you, ok? :)
Look up the percentage of Australia desert for **funsies**
Stiles typed out the list and hit send before sliding his phone back into his jacket pocket. The barista called his name and he scooped the large tray of coffees from the counter with a slight wave and a fiver in the tip jar. Shelly always made sure to add the extra whipped cream on his caramel macchiato frost and that was not to be forgotten.
The Boston air was crisp this morning as he stumbled out of the little coffee shop and towards Roscoe who was parked on the narrow street. While school was in Cambridge, the best coffee was across the river and everyone in his Computational biology department knew it.
Which was why Stiles was always the errand boy.
He put the departments coffees in the little box on the floor of the passenger seat strapping it in so that they would be safe for his long (not so long), arduous (re: three stop lights and a bridge), journey back to MIT.
A ding came from his phone, Stiles groaning loudly as he gripped the steering wheel and shook it in frustration.
"I swear, if it's Lydia changing her order for the seventh time, I'm throwing her Herbal tea into the harbor."
Ha. Boston Harbor. Tea. Stiles was hilarious.
He took another deep breath and opened his phone to see a small notification.
DH: Did you finish your paper on multidisciplinary approach to estimating wolf population size for long-term conservation?
"Huh. Specific..." Stiles had finished that paper a few weeks ago, but had barely made the deadline. He had been about to text Danny that the new AI prototype he had installed on Stiles' phone was whack when he saw the notification came from Instagram, not from M.A.T.T.
Another ping came through.
DH: And why would you need the percentage of Australian Deserts? That seems like a boring thing to spend your free time on.
Stiles' mouth hung open, eyes wide as he realized what was happening. Someone was replying to his DMs on Derek Hale's Instagram. He held his phone out like it was a bomb between thumb and forefinger; an almost whine escaped his mouth.
It had started when he was in High School almost 10 years ago now. One night he had been on an Adderall-Mountain Dew-Jelly Doughnut-Pizza high and decided that the best way to keep all his random thoughts in one place was to use the app that distracted him DAILY as a note system. He had even made a burner account so that he could keep all his random thoughts together.
Only problem was, his little distracted monkey brain had accidently clicked on Derek Hale's DMs rather than his fake account. It was five weeks in when Stiles noticed and at that point it was too late. It wasn't like Derek was going to answer him anyways, he had said on NUMEROUS occasions that social media was not his favorite thing and he only had the account to promote his new movies (which Stiles watched religiously. I Was a Teenaged Mothman was probably the worst and best movie franchise to ever hit the theaters and Derek Hale as Mothman was his every wet dream.)
So, he just continued to use it. Grocery lists, reminders, random thoughts at night, future movie ideas, school assignment ideas, complaints about his stupid roommate back in freshman year - he wrote it all.
And now someone was responding to TEN YEARS of DMs.
Stiles didn't know what he should do. Should he ask if this was actually Derek? No, wait that was stupid. Derek wouldn't actually be handling his social media. He had people. Peoples? Multiple people who could answer this for him.
"Some. of. us. have. hobbies. that. no. one. understands. And. I. need. it. to. win. a. bet." Stiles spoke each words as he typed it, sending the message out before typing another one. "And. yes. I. got. an. A. minus. because. Harris. hates. wolves."
Stiles tossed his phone onto the passenger seat and started driving to campus, mind still reeling that someone would be responding directly to random DMs that made no sense. If Stiles was asking questions about when the next IWATM movie, sure that would be a conversation the PR team might engage in. Not this.
Lydia owes you $40 for Venmo
Stiles decided to ignore it and his phone remained silent the rest of the day.
Call your Dad
Finish your stupid damn thesis or s u f f e r
Don't forget to get tickets.
It had been a week since the strange response to his DM came through, so Stiles assumed it was a fluke. He had tried a new note handling app that Danny had recommended, but a day later he had already started throwing things back into Derek's DMs. Hey, cut him some slack, it was a 10 year habit.
His phone pinged and Stiles' mouth almost fell open again. Another response.
DH: What are you getting tickets for?
This time, Stiles was quick to respond.
SS: I'm going to try and get tickets to the Bruins game tomorrow. Gotta love hockey, am I right?
There was silence on the other side of the screen, Stiles letting out a frustrated sigh. Whoever Derek Hale's Social Media manager was, they picked the weirdest things to respond to.
DH: So not Mothman in Love premier?
Ah. Now he knew what this was. They were trying to see if fans were biting at the newest spin off. Smart marketing.
SS: I already have my tickets for that. Opening night, middle row, got the collector Popcorn bucket on hold too. I know a guy.
The three dots at the bottom of the screen indicated that the person was typing, Stiles wondering if they were going to ask for a quote or a picture for the page from the opening night.
DH: You have appalling taste in movies.
Stiles' mouth dropped open again, his mind running at a million miles a minute and then crashing into a brick wall with the word appalling painted over it.
SS: Excuse me, the Mothman movies are absolute hot trash and I eat them up like greasy diner food. Do not talk about my comfort trash like that.
SS: but they are pretty bad, so I mean. You're not wrong.
And done, there was NO way the Social Media manager would ever EVER respond to a fan who said something like that. He could go back to his note taking life and luckily Derek Hale would never know.
DH: Then why do you watch them?
SS: Because you're a fantastic and sexy actor and if I could I'd lick chocolate off your abs.
His phone pinged.
DH: You're not bad yourself.
Stiles was speechless, his eyes reading over the sentence over and over and over again. He opened his Instagram and quickly flipped through the pictures he had. Most were of him with the Lab boys, Lydia was in a lot of them, some of him on vacation in Peru, some with his Dad. Nothing that would ever, EVER scream you're not bad yourself.
SS: wow, maybe you do need those glasses checked? Unless scrawny Computational Biology Doctoral candidates really crank your wheel.
DH: Computational Biology PHD? Big change from the FBI you were originally thinking about.
Stiles sucked his teeth. That was the problem with this dynamic. Stiles had written everything and anything about himself in these DMs and it could be anyone reading it.
SS: Cyber security would have been my downfall if I did FBI clearly, since you know everything and I know nothing about you. I don't even know if you're Actually Derek Sampson Hale.
There was a blip of the three dots and then nothing. Right, Well that was fun while it lasted. Stiles had been about to turn on his Playstation and forget everything when the ping came through.
Instead of a text, there was a picture. Low v-neck, black rimmed glasses, slightly messy hair, beard that looked like it needed to be trimmed, holding a sign that read your turn @StilesisMe.
Derek. Fucking. Hale.
"Oh my god, oh my god..." Stiles scratched the back of his head furriously, throwing the phone on his bed and just circling it like a vulture circling its next meal. "Derek Hale sent you a picture, Derek Hale is reading your shit."
He stopped walking for a moment. "You just told Derek Hale you'd lick chocolate off his abs."
Stiles threw himself on the bed, slamming his head over the pillow at least a dozen times. Finally he grabbed his phone and sent a quick message.
SS: I don't send photos on Insta. Add me on snap if you want. @S.S.Stilinski69420
He waited.
God he waited.
And then the little Ghost of a notification from Snapchat appeared saying Haleofaguy added you as a friend. Stiles felt his fingers freeze as he hovered over the accept. Why, why was Derek Hale the movie star talking to him? Was he bored? Was he lonely?
Stiles remembered an interview once where Derek said he liked talking with people and learning new things, so maybe it was that? Maybe Stiles was just an interesting guy that Derek wanted to know.
No matter what it was, Stiles' insatiable curiosity got the better of him and he needed to know just how far this rabbit hole would go.
He took a minute to find a filter he liked and snapped a pretty unflattering picture of himself with the caption this is what your in for, buckle up Mothboy
Nothing happened, and then snapchat told him Derek Hale saved the picture to their chat and sent one back. It was the most unflattering angle Stiles had ever seen of the actor and he couldn't help but laugh.
It's Mothman
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emerald57 · 7 months
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Mothman is real and he wants to kill me by wesslan
Where in our intrepid brothers with only one brain cell between them, Dick and Tim, try to hunt down Mothman in Crime Alley. In unrelated news, Jason has returned to Gotham and is setting himself up as the Red Hood; now if only Dick and Tim would stop following him around.
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New cryptid just dropped: Mothman with a Gun!
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ayareadsao3 · 12 days
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monstermag · 5 months
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Heh, Kitten you know sometimes we get a lot of amazing submissions and we run out of time to format everything.
Stuff happens.
So while you wait for us to incubate for a few more days, we would like to ask.....
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sugarakis-p2 · 2 years
Mommy needs me! Ch 5
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1100 followers and getting off my a$$ special
You inherited to your Aunts farm after she passed from cancer. But you don’t know also inherited giant Mothman-manchild, who is pissing and jizzing everywhere in your house.
Warning: Yandere Mothman Shigaraki, bondage, offensive language, violence, mommy kink, references to knotting and drug use
It's time to leave. Shigaraki he finds the smells changing annoying and met his personal goals. Getting his sweet mommy knocked up, creating the perfect conditions for an awakening and an escape. Things get strange for you. Everyone is catching a cold. You have an out of body experience. But aside from that you just want to leave.
Ch 4 < Previous
Chapter 5
Shigaraki sniffed idly at the young girl.
She was starting to smell like him, and that was confusing. The girl's hair had turned white. Her eyes are red like his. A horn was growing. She stank of fear. Perplexing him more. IS she his offspring? She does not look or smell right quite right.
A primal part of him could not stand hearing and smelling his possible grub like this. He reaches out with an antenna and chirps reassurance. The girl whimpered in more fear. He trills. Making the gentle friendly noises that lured in plenty of rivals. He fluffed his fur ruff, releasing more of his dust that carried his scent on the child. She is family and a female, if nothing else. The blonde one that feeds him giggles somewhere behind him.
"See, I told you. Isn't he cute?" Toga giggled again.
"Yeah, adorable for a murderous freak of nature. You are insane, Toga! I love you!" Jin Shouted as he made sure the restraints on Shigaraki were secure.
Tomura didn't resist since this was the day he got to see you, his mate. The child mumbled something about, "soft and tickles." He gave the simpering child one last cuddle before his muzzle was put on, and he was guided away. He didn't resist until he felt they were not heading towards you. 
He growled and flapped his wings in agitation. Hot pain traveled down his back. Shigaraki snarled in pain of his mangled clipped wings. His wings will heal, but the red-hot pain that keeps him awake will not be forgotten. He vowed to get that arrogant bastard. The two creeps, that barely remember to feed him, are taking him into some side room. One of them clicked some device and the Master's voice cut through his petty thoughts. He froze and listened closely to the recording.
"Tomura. We have missed you. Seems you have gone into the city and found trouble. These two will help you escape. After you destroy all the research, data, and test subjects. It doesn't matter as long as it doesn't get into the hands of the government. We look forward to seeing you again. My child," Master ordered.
It has been years, but he would recognize this voice anywhere. My child, Master had called him that back then too. This was bad. He left the facility for a reason. That means Master is in his territory. Probably back at the facility. Which means he will have to kill Master. His offspring are in as much danger with Master as with Kai.
"Shoot. We'll have to kill the kid. She's so cute," Toga pouted.
"No, dumb. We will take. Stays in our hands. Take mate, child, and Fath...Doctor. I am in charge, and I want," Shigaraki growled. Both Toga and Jin jumped in surprise from him. He could feel the air shift and turned his head to talk to them directly, "I am leader. They are mine."
"IT CAN TALK!" they shrieked in unison.
He growled for them to shut up. Once the initial shock wore off, they were back to their insane selves. He could smell it. They are not right. They smell very faint of him. Normal humans can't smell it, but he can. He is spreading. How can Kai be a genius and a fool? He wonders and tweedled crazy and tweedled nuts. They agreed to take him to his mate.
Shigaraki doesn't use his nose on his face as much as he uses his feelers. The moment his mommy's scent hit his antennae, he knew. Your hormones caught on his antennae and the scent of spicy ginger and earth moss. Your smell sent a tingle down his spine, making his dick stiff and throbbing. 
One good whiff, and he knew you were pregnant. Still too early to be sure you won't lose the little blueberry. That does not matter to his instincts. He can already tell the size of it, the smell, and the warmth of blood flowing to your abdomen. The rapid thud of a chamber opening and closing. Now is the time. He is not fully healed, but the adrenaline will give Shigaraki enough of a boost to finish what he started. Hopefully an awakening. 
You gasp and run to him. Coddling him while he focuses on you entirely. More mating will reinforce his nature to protect. He could already feel himself getting strong enough to break the bonds if he desired. It was a storm inside him. 
A scent crawled into his senses. A faint smell that made him want to sneeze. Like a serpent, it slithered into his thoughts. Kai has been in you. Did you like it? Not possible. You are his! Another male trying to take what was his was beyond arrogant. It was asking for revenge. The kind that would never make them even. 
Mate. Take mate away. Nest and protect. No! No! Grab father. Weaken enemy. Deal with Kai and Master.  His mind screamed. He tried to ignore it and focus on the task of fucking your pretty little brains out. He lived for these moments. 
It's your own fault that you riled his suppressed instincts. Other mommy, your Aunt, had warned you. But you had not listened, so he will do what he was always meant to do. Fuck a tender pussy. Fuck until you knew that you were not meant for another. You will always be his.  
He leaned in and received a sharper scent.  Kai! Kai! Kai! All over you! Dirty damn slut! The filthy male didn't know his place! Doesn't know this is spelling his doom. My mate. Mine! So damn arrogant to think Kai could steal from him.  His mind raged and ranted while he pushed on you. Shoving his face between your spread thighs. 
"Come, Shiggy. I missed you, baby. It's ok," You reassured him in your soothing voice. A weariness hidden in the lower tones. Was that lowly neat freak torturing you again? The disgusting scent of rubber was all over you. Filthy, bitch, whore slut.  
A fouler thought occurred to him. Worse than Kai fucking you under his nose. Has he been pleasuring you? His mate will come. Oh, how his mommy will come on his knot and praise him for it. He grows bigger at the thought. He dug you into you like a meal. His meal to devour and keep with him always. He licked that little cunt that belonged to him.
"Please, baby. Be a good big boy and fuck mommy, ok. It's big boy time. I missed you so much," your voice hitched slightly at the end. To you, he looks too thin. Your sweet concern eased him back to your sweet cunt. 
Again, your smell is off in other ways. You are pretending to be happy with your words and touch. For his sake, he believes. Like a good mommy, you care for him. Just like any good mommy would consider him first. He has learned to push through your unhappy scent to do what Kai is keeping you alive to do.
 He lapped harder, getting your tight little cunt ready for his cock. You will milk all the cum from him because he is just that good. His tongue darted into your squeezing velvety walls to the whoops of pigs watching. He ignored them, enjoying the bittersweet flavor of you on his tongue.  
Did Kai ever make you cum with his disgusting small dick? His sterile seed depositing into you. His pathetic need to have everything to impress some daddy in a coma. He heard the rumors. Kia was disgustingly clinical about everything. He doubts Kai has pleasured you once. You are his dammit. He will thrust into those tight hot walls until his dumb mommy always remembers that you are his mommy.
The handlers helping him line up to your drooling hot cunt. He bucks hard and fast to be sheathed fully by your fluttering muscles. Your swollen clit pulsing as you mewled and squirmed under him. You have been teaching him what you like. It wasn't even that much outside of his base nature. It was fate. He was made to please you.
You drooled and whimpered as he pumped into your delicious walls. You squeezed and jerked on his excited cock. Close as you shuddered with desire. Oh, how you where are his good mommy. You cried at how much you loved it. Screamed at how you are meant to be one always. You like being knotted. His knotted sweet slut of a mommy loved him and more for it.
Your mouth turned into a surprised oh. Your eyes squeezed onto tight pain. He thrusted harder. The vice grip you have on his aching cock is pure pleasure. Pulling at the string of delight until he unravels. He cums hard as you pulse and milks his length. You are his. He will fuck until that foul scent is gone.
Drooling with his eyes rolling in the back of his head, Shigaraki lives in the moment. Shigaraki clung to the ecstasy of your shivering body as his throbbing knot was squeezing and releasing. Massaging and coxing every drop.
Kill his rival, and then fuck more. He liked that thought as he started to calm himself. Only he was unable to. The exchange of more hormones reinforced his primal urge to kill his competition. Shigaraki could feel it pumping through his blood. Already the restraints felt weaker. He nuzzled at the crook of your next. Cooing and purring louder than normal.
"Tomorrow," he whispered. He felt you stiffen around him. Shigaraki grunted in discomfort, then trilled loudly. Father should have told you the plan by now, he thought. The doubt that burrowed its way into his mind as you jerked added to the flood of the basic command taking over his mind.
It was a loud flapping of a thousand wings. An order that told him to secure his females at all costs. You and Father didn't have names or faces anymore. Both are a bundle of hormones in his mind that are the center focus of the world. He hears the screaming of the others in the room.
"He's getting bigger! Get the boss!" A male yelled. A male too close to his female. His female is out of the nest.
You  wish you could say that you are shocked. That you are afraid. That you felt anything emotionally. Physically your pussy throbbed with pleasure and a tint of deep ache. Your back has started healing and itching. The drugs and mental torture are taking their toll.
Kai has been worse since the first "breeding." Krono and Kai have upped their cruelty. Kronos gave you an overdose. You regret you woke up with a needle in your chest. It would have been better if you never woke up. Kai has nearly drowned you for lying about Shigaraki. Choking was Kai's favorite thing to do you.
You wore a wide dog collar. To cover the bruises while humiliating you in front of everyone who sees you. In large shiny lettering, dog fucker is easily seen. That was his personal insult to you. After he forced you to have sex with Shigaraki in front of an audience. Kai had pulled you aside to pressure hose you. Then he did something that shocked you for the last time.
Kai  whipped your ass black and blue. After the tears from the burning sting that he imprinted on your mind and round ass, you felt the switch inside you start to move.
"You liked fucking him! Like the slut cunt whore, you are. Disgusting." he said coldly from around his mask with another thwack, "You like an experiment fucking you. A freak. A created monster. A mistake cumming in you. He knots like a dog. That's what he is. A dog."
More painful whips. The switch slowly moved.
"I saw you enjoying that knot. A knot like a dog. Dog fucker. Whore dog fucker. Do you know who owes that dog? Do you know who owns you? Like your doggy lover? Whore. Cunt. Slut." He had said. Shoving his large rubbered length into your ass. It hurt beyond belief. You cried and squirmed in pain.
Not that squirming did you any good strapped to the surgical table. The chair was close by. The surgical chair was scary. He kept his tray of knives there. The pain as he entered you dry and unprepared flipped the switch completely. Kai hissed filthy insults at you. Seeing you shut down, Kai took the condom off and shoved his squirting head into your quivering asshole.
That shocked you. You had to be bleeding. Kai had to know what hole he had entered. The dirtiest of them all. This was the same man that scrubbed your gums raw to give  HIM  a blow job. Pumping his hips with a fever, he has not shown you before.
"Filthy, diseased dirty dog whore," Kai had panted. Feverishly gasping, working on his next orgasm as his fingers slowly cut off your air until the black closed in on the pain. When you woke up later, you are sore all over. Pain. Your skin hurts as if you have been scrubbed with sand.
You felt shame at first. But more ended up being more grateful to have the bruises covered by the collar. At least he wasn't harvesting your body for spare parts. Yet.
But the switch flipped in you that day. The one that left your body a million miles away to quiet the pain enough to continue. You still cried. You felt the pain long after it was over. But words took longer for you to understand.
That's  why when Shigaraki started to grow like a hulk, snapping his leather bonds like rubber bands, you weren't surprised. Not when he peeled the face of the nearest person. Not when his wings sprouted to massive translucent wings growing scales. If his wings were not the shape you are used to, you would have sworn he turned into a dragon.
It was a sight that brought your mind a little to the present. 
Shigaraki lifted you and flung you over his shoulder as if you weighed nothing. As dust filled the air, you reacted enough to close your eyes and cover your mouth.
"Need child! Need father! Need females," Shigaraki wheezed in the plumes of dust he created of the handlers and door. Your mind raced to interpret what he was saying. Tanaka i s here? A child? Tonight?  This was all nonsense that hurt your head to think about. You felt yourself pull into your body more.
A lighting jolt of pain!
Confusing chaos as you bounced around in Shigaraki's shoulder in a flurry of dizzying movements and dust. Flashes of screaming faces. Splashes of crimson warmth dripped between his wings. It was overwhelming. Your entire being screamed and repelled itself away. Floating away from your body until it caught on a rock in the white waters of turmoil.
Suddenly you are looking at yourself. A crazed Shigaraki busting through rapidly decaying walls, you a limp useless ragdoll.…walls you are putting up? Your mind was not understanding. You quickly look at …Cops!?! Cops with teens? What the fuck is that? What insane Orwellian nightmare are you looking at? When suddenly you are worried. Worried for Kai. He has given you life.
Kai is carrying the future.  That intense thought invaded your mind. These thoughts are not your own!  No! That's a child. A child that looks like Shigaraki. What the fuck is happening?  Your mind screams, loosening the grip on the rock. Leaving you open to being battered by more waves of pain and thoughts that are not your own.  
You clawed your way onto the rock again. The thoughts that are not yours tried to push you off. This rock is a person in the walls. You don't understand. But what you do know is Shigaraki is tearing through the building to get to Tanaka. She was being dragged along by one of the bullets.
The guy you are in is throwing up walls for Shigaraki and the police. This was bad. The cops would take Shigaraki away to a government facility. You force the rock to focus on the two you can feel this person has a seething hate for. The moment that happened, things became easier for Shigaraki.
You let go of your hold on the man in the wall and swam through the stray thoughts back to your body. Where you felt everything again in sharp 3-D pain.
You screamed so loud the Doctor turned to look behind. Tanaka paused and stared at the wall that suddenly appeared behind them. Kai morphs a little as he hisses his disapproval of her hesitation to follow. Things have become hectic.
"I will get the others later. Believe me when I say I don't want to leave an investment behind," Kai stated flatly.
Tanaka shivered and allowed herself to be yanked behind.
"Shouldn't I carry the child?" She asked timidly. Kai looked like he wanted to slap her but was barely restrained. The guy carrying Erie seemed relieved to hand her off to Tanaka. The little girl was her typical stiff, traumatized self. Sometimes she felt disgusted with the girl. She could not imagine anyone rolling over and just taking the torture as this experiment has.
She had to stop mentally. She has seen what has been done to her. What she helped do to the little girl. It helps relieve her guilt when she thinks of the girl as an experiment. Now is not the time to relieve herself of anything. The stress made her signal La Brava too soon.
Tanaka can only hope she did not ruin everything as the child clung to her. She set up a few things. When the men were distracted, she slowed down, actively walking back. When one shouted, "HEY!" She turned and ran. Straight towards the monstrous roar. She yelped when she heard the clicking of crashing gun hammers.
Tanaka had been working on their trust. She had their backs turned on her more than once. Today was the day she was brave enough to plug the gun barrels. The rage in Overhaul's voice tingled up her spine, making her break out in gooseflesh.
"Eri, get back here before others have to DIE!" Kai, no, Overhaul shouted. A monster version of Shigaraki was barreling toward them. Passing them to attack Overhaul directly. Dropping your body on the ground at the Doctor's feet. The wind was knocked from you. But Tanaka was more focused on Overhaul.
She had to see it to believe it. But Overhaul put a barrier between them. Shigaraki was quickly decaying as spikes made of the floors and walls tried to impale him. It is now a part of the common cold virus and is spreading. Tanaka was filled with dread as you stumbled to your feet.
"Let's go!" You shouted at her. Draping yourself on her as you clutch and shamble away from the danger. You didn't get far when new walls closed off between you and Shigaraki. The only way out was forward, so you pressed on. It wasn't long before you ran into the police.
Shigaraki  was focused on removing the danger from the females. When the danger lessened. Feeling the threat weakened from using his new quirk. How twisted must this man be to get this quirk? Shigaraki had no delusions about himself. He knows Master was altering him and the rest of his family. He knows he was groomed and used.  What is this one's excuse?  He wondered.
Not for long. His females were retreating, and he needed to secure them from the other males wandering this new maze. It was a physical need that twisted his mind and body to follow. His main target was his mate. But somehow, once again, his grub and his mate had parted. He puked. The adrenaline was taking a toll on his body.  What a pain , his mind growled.
Dr. Tanaka decided to let the cops have the kid while they were pointing guns at you and telling you to "release the child!" was a much better idea than getting shot. She ran to them, but you tried to keep her with you. The little girl coughed all over the green hair kid. Interesting look for a new little fascist, she thought. The other thought was the potential damage that the child could do. She has seen that thing make people disappear.
"Hey. We are all kidnaped victims. That child belongs to my…husband," you found yourself saying. More police dispersed. A few stayed to help the three of you. The Doctor looked like a frightened rabbit looking for an exit.
"Let them keep her. She's dangerous, and the longer we stay here, the more likely they run into Shiggy," Tanaka whispered. The look of fear in her eyes screamed for them to run. You know and trust Tanaka too much to snatch the girl back. Instead, you latch onto each other and run. Tanaka leading the way.
"I hope she is safe now. Either way, we need to put on our oxygen masks first," She panted. You had no idea what that meant or cared now. The pain was screeching again. This time it was a different beast. The drugs. Oh, how you suddenly want to go back for your dose.
"You're sweating? Do you have a fever? Oh fuck. Oh, fuck!" She repeated in a disturbed chant, dragging you along. Your arm feels hotter than the rest of you. You spare a glance from your pain to Tanaka. She looks to be at the end of a cold. Running on pure terror. She is gaunter than ever, which sent a chill down your spine. How bad off must her health be for you to feel pity for her?
The light hurt. The high-pitched happy voice of the blonde girl hurt. The baritone of the firefighter? Pyro nympho? His voice hurt. All you know is she is showing off a lot of plunging neckline, and you didn't finish all the way with Shigaraki. There was a roar. A blur, and then everyone was violently placed in a van.
That made your head spin as you were shoved into the back of a Van. The pale figure blurred. Then reappeared with a dead-looking child when the darkness closed in on you. You faded into the bright light to see a screeching Shigaraki filling the van.
A crying child. A chittering Shigaraki. The Doctor holds the child away from everyone, not in fear for the child. But in fear  of  the child. A masked man shouted how, "The facility will be safe. We are going to take you there right now! Sensei wants you!"
"Oh my gosh! They are all so cute!" The blonde girl gushed. 
"All of you need to shut up. Your too loud," A young man with staples and burns gruffed. His icy eyes land on you. Your flesh breaks out in gold gooseflesh as you try not to stare are the cruel-looking man. 
Shigaraki snarled at your distress.  
When  you open your eyes. It was terrifying. Memories of laying on a metal bed frame and pain. You groan and shift. Shigaraki's purrs were a relief as you felt the tickle of his soft ruff on your cheek. You feel his arms and wings wrapped around you. It's warm and comforting.
You don't trust it at first. So many times, they have tried to fool you. They wanted to know where the farm was. You never told them. You never will. But this feels different. The pain has dulled.
You open your eyes to a chirping Shigaraki. He looks at you with heavy-lidded love and nuzzles your hair. Looking around, you are more confused. You're in a nest, and when you peek out the door, you realize that the nest is in a tree. Real trees. But fake grass. A sterile smell of cleansers.
"Where are we?" You asked in horror.
"We are at my before home. Mommy had a fever. Mommy is carrying little grub. It was ok. Master fixed. We'll leave when safe," Shigaraki rasped, pulling you back to the nest. Your mind whirled with questions.
"Who is Master?" You asked timidly. A speaker under a camera in the corner answered.
"You can call me AFO or All for short. When Tomura returned, he brought you and the Doctor Tanaka to us. Both of you were suffering from a virus in your condition. Detoxing with a child and a skyrocketing fever, we came to an agreement. We put you in an induced coma while you detox. Breaking the fever. In exchange, all of you will help with the Doctor's research," The disembodied voice of AFO stated.
"How long have I been asleep?" You asked the air. Your emotions spinning. You're pregnant? Shiggy pulled you in close and whispered. The gravel of his voice was painful. But his hot breath tickled, and a shiver ran down your spine at the words.
"A month. Overhaul is coming. This is where we will make our last stand. Get rid of all threats," Shiggy rasped.
Shigaraki nuzzled and tried to get you back to calm. A scared mommy was an unpredictable one. He wanted you healthy and safe. You are a dumb mommy who can't protect herself. When he crashed from the burning power pumping in his veins. Father quickly helped him and the child. He told Father about the adjusted plans. He will get rid of Overhaul, Master, and the other threats in the forest in one swoop. He smiled and cooed to his mommy. 
All mine , he thought in pleasure.
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helloitsbees · 3 months
I think tumblr accidentally followed you for me a few months ago (I just accept whenever this happens and continue following, the tumblr gods giving me someone new for my dashboard) and since then I’ve been totally baffled by how Saw and its characters could inspire fandom and shipping…
…and I just heard to a podcast episode recapping the first Saw movie and your posts infiltrated my brain enough that at a minimum I start to get the Adam and Lawrence stuff 🥲 I truly never thought I’d understand how there is uwu fandom stuff about horror yet here we are
ejckkskxmmdkdkdkkd this is extremely funny to me…….you’re welcome and im sorry ig 😭
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the-rio-grande-duran · 7 months
Trying to finish the Lisa Frankenstein prompt with the second most votes on the poll. But my dumbass keeps getting distracted by totally different ideas god dam
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psygull · 7 months
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having fun in our delta green campaign's server (for now)
Cary Zane belongs to @steampunkforever love you Cary
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jkl-fff · 1 year
The Norman Prophecies
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HAPPY PARAPINES DAY, 2023! (The subsequent chapters will be posted over the next few days. Naturally, it got larger on me than I'd originally intended.)
A rash of Mothman sightings from Chicago to Urbana, Illinois have caught the attention of the intrepid duo, Dipper and Norman. They're off to paranormally investigate like only they can! But they had best beware. Disaster strikes wherever the Motman is seen, and they might uncover more than they're prepared to handle.
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shmothman · 1 year
talking to my labmates about mothman (while wearing my “mothman is real and he’s my boyfriend” shirt)…. one of them said mothman is the love of her life and now i have to carefully ask questions like “do you know who the mcelroys are” and “have you ever read fanfiction”
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isadora-greenhall · 11 months
DnDads Halloween Week 2k23
Day 2: Costumes and dressing up
For your reading pleasure: our favourite time-travelling lesbians!
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renmackree · 1 year
For the prompt game - 126 for college!Stiles using Derek's insta DMs as a notes app
I was a Teenaged Mothman part 4 of ???? One day, one day this will be a fic.
Prompt me up!: Open
126. “we’re quite literally fugitives of the state.” - “so no pizza?”
Stiles was laying on his bed with the packet of paper in front of him. He flipped another page open and began circling words in bright red ink and adding little notations on the edge of the paper. He glanced up at the clock, sighing even deeper as he tapped the pen against his lips. It was nearly midnight and he still hadn't heard anything from Lydia on if she was coming home tonight. His roommate had found a new 'fresh face' at the bar and was trying them out before seeing if they were worthy of the great Lydia Martin ride. He had been thinking about just texting her, but the last time that happened the partner she was with had suggested a threesome.
Stiles loves Lydia to death, but no. He was far more interested in someone else right now anyways.
"We’re quite literally fugitives of the state," Steven Dex said on the TV, Stiles' eyes moving to the screen. He had put on one of the Mothman movies (specifically I Was a Teenaged Mothman Too) and couldn't help but smile as Derek Hale's character came on screen.
"So no pizza?" Erik Weizer asked, Stiles mouthing the line along with the actor. 
Stiles tossed the Dissertation from one of their potential candidates to the side and grabbed his phone. While he might not be able to text Lydia, there was someone else he could try. He wasn't sure if the man would even answer, they had only just began texting in some strange turn of events.
SS: Why did Erik Weizer always want Pizza? Did the writers just say hey, that's your one trait? Like pizza and get slammed into walls by Steven?
Stiles went back to watching the scene where Steven and Erik were tracking down where the Alpha moth had gone. It was one of the most quoted Sterik scenes in the franchise and had actually been the part where Stiles himself had started shipping them. He had actually been a little jealous of Jared Ormly who played Erik. To be that close to Derek Hale at ALL times? Yeah, that was the dream.
He heard his phone go off, checking to see if it was Lydia. Stiles jumped up in surprise, seeing Derek had texted him back. He rolled over his bed clutching his phone and kicking his feet in the most awkward and foolish way he possibly could before reading through the texts.
DH: Jared actually said a lot of those lines off the cuff. Most of our lines were improv between the two of us. DH: What movie are you watching?
Stiles grinned, typing back as fast as his fingers could go.
SS: I was a Teenaged Mothman too. 
DH: Gross, that's the one where they used Jello instead of fake blood.
SS: I couldn't eat my dad's Jello salad for a year without thinking about it. He stopped making it because I laughed too hard every time he brought it out. I kept thinking about that stupid line.
DH: "His weakness is the light, quick shine it on his blood?"
SS: That's the one. Do you remember every movie's script?
The phone started to ring, Stiles sitting up and holding it out in front of him with an almost confused look. "Oh my god, who the hell calls in the year 2023?!" The name read "Derek Hale FOR REAL" and Stiles cleared his throat as he answered the phone.
"H-hey, what's up?"
"What was the last line?" Derek's voice was soft, almost like he was trying to keep quiet while talking to Stiles. 
"Uh, Erik just said 'I hope you know what you're doing.'" Stiles looked up to the movie, watching as the scene shifted to a close up of Derek's character contemplating.
"I don't think any of us know what we're doing." Derek was saying the line in almost perfect sync with the TV, Stiles hearing the young 19 year old and the now 30 something murmuring in his ear. "We're teenagers, Erik. We shouldn't have to deal with this. But we will. And come morning, there will only be one Mothman left. It's him or me, and right now, I'm going to do my damndest to make sure it's me."
Stiles whistled low, letting out a chuckle. "Bravo. You're truly a thespian. Such a riveting line."
"I can't tell if you're being sarcastic, but thank you." Derek chuckled. God it was like bells ringing on a clear day and stars falling from the sky. Stiles was a fucking mess when it came to Derek Hale. "It's not the first time you've said that."
"I'll tell you you're a good actor every day. Not many people stick through a series like this and come back from the grave with a new boyfriend."
"I made them write that in to my contract. If Steven Dex is resurrected, he has to end up with Erik." Derek's phone rustled a little and he sighed. "Just like I made them remove my social media restrictions so I could answer you."
Stiles swallowed hard, clearing his throat as he licked his lips. "You.., did what?"
There was silence on the other end for a moment, then Derek sighed. "I couldn't respond to you because my original contract I signed when I was 15 said I couldn't respond to private DMs on social media. Laura thought it was a good idea since underage and in Hollywood, but I really was glad you found me again. I didn't think you would remember."
Again. Found him AGAIN? Stiles wracked his brain, trying to remember when in his whole life he had met Derek Hale. Wait. He met Derek Hale?? Derek Hale knew who he was the whole time???
"Uh, yeah! Of course. I was wondering why you weren't responding but. Glad we could talk now."
"I have to go, we have a press conference tomorrow. Hope you finish your paper."
"Yep! Have a good night, thanks for the call!" Stiles hung up the phone and stared at it, looking over the screen. "When the fuck did I meet Derek Hale?"
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smallergalaxies · 4 months
okokok i’ve been thinking abt it ever since i started my moth fic, but i’ve Finally sketched out what i roughly imagine their wings would look like (though in canon the lines between the colors would blur/blend a bit more than the harsh lines i sketched currently but alas)
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ngl i def didn’t make them big/long enough because i imagine them Just above brushing on the ground but still!
Color Key would go as follows for Sun:
1) Base fur color yellow, 2) orange, 3) a color/hue inbetween his base yellow and the orange, 4) red, 5) the pale yellow of his face marking (so lighter than his base fur color)
It would be the same for Moon, except following his colorations and the darkest color being an inky purple, and the pale marking is much more dramatic on him.
to follow the description in my fic, i like to imagine all the points are more wispy, and ofc if you pictured something different that’s perf fine! the only thing that’s concrete would be the 4 circles and the darkest color being on edges C:
oh! and the reader’s wings doesn’t have any sort of set patterning or anything that i’ve come up with! they’re completely up to y’all, just made up of more plain forest-y colors compared to the vibrant ones of Sun & Moon
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naminethewriter · 11 months
One's Hometown, One's New Home
Chapter Two: Coffee and Mothman
Masterpost | Previous | Next | Ao3
Summary: Janus’ hometown is a usually quiet place where everyone knows everyone. So when someone new moves in, they’re usually the hottest topic of local gossip. The newcomer then comes by the library Janus works at, he can’t help but chat with him a little. Doesn’t hurt that he’s good looking as well.
Content Warnings: Cryptids mention, Mothman mention
Janus walked into Dan’s Bean Stop the following Sunday, expecting nothing but buying a nice frappe. So, when his eyes fell on Virgil hiding away in one corner, sitting alone at his laptop, he was pleasantly surprised.
“Hello Janus! You’re looking well!” Dan, the owner, greeted as he stepped up to the counter. Dan’s son Evan had been in Janus’ class during school and they had been good friends. Janus had been to their house often enough for Dan to become a person he was comfortable around.
“I am, thank you. Enjoying the horrible weather on my day off.”
Dan chuckled at his obvious lie, there wasn’t a cloud in the sky today. “As you should! Now, what can I get you.”
“Caramel frappe, please.”
“To go or you sticking around a bit?”
Janus’ eyes wandered back over to Virgil, who hadn’t seemed to notice him despite Dan speaking rather loudly.
“I think I’d like to sit down a little bit.”
Dan raised his eyebrow. It was unusual for Janus to stay, though not unheard of.
“Got it. That’ll be four dollars.”
Janus paid and left Dan to prepare his drink. He gingerly stepped over to Virgil’s table, trying to be obvious enough about it so the other didn’t startle. His effort was in vain however, since Virgil was too absorbed in his laptop to notice his approach. Janus cleared his throat when he stood directly in front of him and Virgil jumped.
“Fucking shit,” he cursed, gripping at his chair. “Don’t sneak up on me.”
“I wasn’t sneaking! I even went out of my way to be noticeable. It’s not my fault you didn’t pay any attention to your surroundings,” Janus huffed and sat down. Virgil stared at him without blinking for a long moment and Janus noticed the dark bags under his eyes.
“You’re from the library, right?”
“You forgot me already, I’m hurt!” Janus declared dramatically, with his hand over his heart.
Virgil rolled his eyes but couldn't suppress a small smile. “I’ve met a lot of pushy people every day since I moved here, you’re not that special.”
“How curious. I was told I was ‘a special kind of guy’ all throughout college.”
“What do you want?” Virgil sighed, abandoning their banter.
“Simply some company for a drink. If you don’t want me here though, I will leave. I’m not trying to force myself on you.” Janus watched Virgil closely for his reaction and while he looked a bit torn for a moment, he finally shook his head.
“No, it’s fine. I should take a break anyway.” He underlined his statement by closing the laptop and Janus’ eyes fall onto a few stickers that hadn’t been as visible until that moment. The ones he found most interesting were a progressive pride flag and another that said ‘Be Gay, Do Crime.’
“What are you working on, if you don’t mind me asking?” he asked as Dan approached with his drink.
“Interrogating the new guy, Janus? Cut him some slack.”
“But how else will I find out if he’s a government spy? Mothman could be in danger!” Dan laughed loudly, pat Janus on the back and left them alone.
“Mothman? Really?” Virgil asked, amused.
“What? Don’t believe in cryptids? I would have guessed you the type that did.”
“Oh, I do believe in cryptids, especially Mothman, but there’s no way in hell he’s anywhere close to here.”
“And why is that?”
Apparently that little question opened the floodgates since Virgil’s eyes lit up and he started rambling about why the climate around their little town was not at all what Mothman would prefer. Janus sipped his latte and listened.
“You know quite a lot about Mothman,” Janus stated when Virgil finally winded down almost ten minutes later.
“Yeah, well… I didn’t have many friends in school, so I did a lot of research.” Virgil seemed uncomfortable with the topic, so Janus didn’t pry further, though he did file away the bit of information to maybe bring up a later time when they’re more familiar with each other.
“I hope you can consider me a friend then.”
Virgil flushed lightly. “I’d like that. Thanks, Janus. I was really nervous about moving to a new place alone since I generally don’t have a great track record of making friends, so… yeah. Thanks.”
“You’re welcome, Virgil. I don’t know why you would have problems though. I think you are a very intriguing person to talk to, but I guess I’m just a better judge of character than most.”
“Oh, shut up,” Virgil muttered, his face getting redder. “I’m insufferable.”
“Right, an absolute pain to be around. That’s why I came to your table on my own accord and let you infodump about Mothman for ten minutes.” Janus rolled his eyes playfully and Virgil smiled.
“Sorry. I’ve been told I have a problem with self-deprecation.”
“No need to apologize. I will call you out on it, however. Annoy you until you stop.”
“Can’t wait,” Virgil said dryly and Janus laughed.
“Would you be open to come by for dinner sometime? I could use the company.”
“You live alone? I wouldn’t have pegged you the type.” Virgil raised an eyebrow, watching Janus intently. He in turn just shrugged.
“It just happened to work out that way. If you’d like to hear the story you could buy me another drink.”
“If you continue talking like that, it will sound like we’re on a date.”
“I wouldn’t mind that.”
Until that point, Janus hadn’t been seriously flirting with Virgil, even if he couldn’t deny that he was interested in him on a more than platonic level. It seemed that Virgil had a different opinion, as he suddenly went ridged and reached for his laptop.
“I think I have to leave now.”
“Wait, Virgil!” Janus stood as the other hurriedly got up and shoved his laptop in his bag. “I didn’t mean to upset you, I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine, you’re fine, I just— I have somewhere to be, excuse me.” He didn’t let Janus say another word before he quickly left the shop. Janus watched him through the glass front until he was out of sight.
Had he really misinterpreted their interactions that badly?
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