#no idea how else to tag this im so so sleepy tired
nnugatoryextravagance · 8 months
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actively fighting for consciousness in class right now and making shitty cotl sketches all the while lets fuckn go baby
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drpeppertummy · 11 months
sending gray off to marianne bc im mean. but tbh . sunnys really the only one whos any fun for her to play with
[hunger, semi-willing stuffing]
It was late at night, and Gray sat alone in the diner booth, sleepily pondering over the extensive menu. He'd almost gone straight home after the long day of work, desperate to collapse into bed and fall asleep, but his hungry belly had been persuasive, and, knowing he didn't have the energy to cook, he'd decided to stop by the diner. He was the only customer in the place, and it was quiet apart from the soft voice of P@tsy Cline coming through the fuzzy old speakers. Gray yawned. The menu felt like a novel, and his tired eyes refused to focus on it. His belly rumbled.
"Sounds like you're ready for a midnight snack," teased the waitress, and Gray looked up, blushing. "What can I get you tonight, big guy?"
"Um…" Gray glanced back at the menu, uncertain. The waitress--Marianne, according to her name tag--watched for a moment, amused, as his eyes darted helplessly over the menu.
"It's a lot to look at," she chuckled, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Mind if I recommend something?"
"Sure," he agreed. Between being unbelievably sleepy and unbelievably shy, his low voice was nearly inaudible. Smiling, Marianne leaned over his shoulder to look at the menu. Gray remained frozen as she pondered for a moment, then tapped on one of the pictures with a long painted nail.
"How about a nice big bowl of fettuccine Alfredo? That'll fill that hungry belly up nicely," she suggested. Meekly, he nodded, and she gave his shoulder an approving pat before standing up straight again.
"Now, that comes with a soup and a salad…"
The pasta came with two sides--Gray had decided on a baked potato and mac and cheese--and, following an ill-timed bit of input from his hungry stomach, Marianne had talked him into not only upgrading the size of the soup but adding an appetizer as well. He wasn't sure whether any of that had been a good idea--he had a big appetite, but he wasn't a bottomless pit--but he'd always been a pushover, and he found it difficult to say no to the assertive waitress. He was absolutely starving, though, and it would be good to have leftovers, so he supposed it would be alright.
It wasn't long before Marianne returned with the salad and a steaming bowl of clam chowder. Gray thanked her quietly as she set the dishes down, and his belly rumbled at the alluring smell of the chowder. He blushed, embarrassed at his chatty stomach, but Marianne just smiled.
"I don't know whether this'll wake you up or put you to sleep faster, but you'd better get going before your stomach starts eating itself," she teased, giving him a friendly pat on the back. "The mozzarella sticks will be just a couple more minutes, alright?" He nodded shyly, and she left him with a cheeky smile. Diner waitresses were often friendly, but Marianne was something else, especially for Gray, who, with his looming figure and stone-faced stare, tended to make people a little nervous. Marianne, needless to say, was not nervous in the slightest. Marianne, as a matter of fact, seemed to somehow know exactly what a timid little mouse Gray was just under that big intimidating exterior, and she was perfectly happy to play the role of the cat.
Gray covered a yawn, then picked up his spoon to start on the chowder. His stomach welcomed it eagerly, and the anxious ache that had been growing in its emptiness began to dissipate. The salad was less of a thrill than the soup, but he switched back and forth between the two as he ate, not wanting to waste it. Gradually, his hunger faded, though he was still looking forward to the fettuccine. Just as he was finishing up the soup and salad, Marianne returned with the appetizer.
"Look at that, perfect timing," she said approvingly. She swapped the empty dishes for a plate of hot, fresh mozzarella sticks, and, despite not being terribly hungry anymore, Gray's stomach let out another soft little growl. They looked immensely appealing. He couldn't remember the last time he'd gotten mozzarella sticks at a restaurant.
"Your dinner won't be long, so go ahead and eat up, cutie pie," she said, flashing him a sweet smile before leaving him alone with the appetizer. He watched her go, blushing and bewildered, then blinked and turned back to the mozzarella sticks.
The sticks were perfectly crispy and melty, so hot that it was difficult to pick them up, but it didn't take long for Gray to finish them off. On top of the soup and salad, they sat heavy in his belly, and he was beginning to feel full. For a moment he began to regret letting Marianne talk him into the appetizer; he didn't eat as much fried food as he did when he was younger, and he was feeling like he might wind up with a bellyache if he ate anything else. When Marianne returned with the pasta, though, that feeling quickly departed.
"Hope you're still hungry," she said, setting the steaming bowl before him. As a matter of fact, he wasn't, but the fettuccine looked and smelled fantastic, as did the baked potato and the mac and cheese that accompanied it. Marianne began to turn away, then stopped and looked back down at him.
"Y'know, I bet a big guy like you could finish off that whole thing," she said, and a look in her eye suggested that it was a challenge. Gray wasn't competitive like his ridiculous little friend Sunny, and he was more apt to back away from challenges. For some reason, though, he felt oddly compelled to please Marianne, and less oddly nervous to disappoint her. She left with a wink, and he looked down at the food before him.
The pasta was as good as it looked, but it didn't take long for the fullness in Gray's belly to become distracting. The mozzarella sticks had brought him to the point of being comfortably full, and he'd barely made a dent in the fettuccine when he began to feel his stomach growing tighter. Still, the hot, saucy pasta was delicious, and he pushed on.
Gray nibbled on the sides as he ate, trying to pace himself. He was undeniably stuffed now, and he could feel his already round belly beginning to bulge more firmly against the waist of his pants. The pants were already snug, and they squeezed him uncomfortably around the middle as he grew fuller and fuller. Just as he was about to quit for the night, Marianne appeared beside him.
"Doing alright over here, sweetpea?" She smiled down at him, and he could feel her eyes on his belly. Almost instinctively, he held a hand over it, nodding.
"Good," she said, grinning. "You're not too full to finish, are you? That stuff heats up alright, but it's never as good as it is fresh, you know." As a matter of fact, Gray was very full. Before he could muster up the nerve to ask for a box, though, Marianne was gone. He hesitated, unsure what to do, and then picked up his fork again.
He knew she had a point about reheating the pasta; creamy sauces had a tendency to get funny in the microwave, and restaurant food was rarely as good the next day. Despite being full, his stomach didn't quite ache, and he supposed he could eat a little more and enjoy the meal while it was still at its best. He picked up another forkful and continued eating.
To his own surprise, Gray managed to eat a substantial amount of the pasta, although this wasn't without consequence. His belly bulged out tight and firm now, pulling the fabric of his shirt taut and straining the button of his pants. There was a tremendous pressure in his stomach, its bulky contents pushing out against its tightly-stretched walls as though they were desperate to break free, and he felt bloated, heavy, and overall stuffed. He didn't think his belly could take another bite.
"My goodness, your tummy looks just about ready to pop," said Marianne, sounding immensely pleased. Gray looked sheepishly up at her, ashamed at having stuffed himself so much, but he was met with an approving smile.
"You know, there's only a little teeny tiny bit left," she pointed out. "Barely even enough to take home. It'd be silly not to finish it up now, don't you think?" Gray looked down at his bowl. She was right; there were only a few bites left. His belly grumbled uncertainly, and he placed a tentative hand on it. It felt incredibly tight. He wasn't sure if it could hold any more.
"Come on," she said softly, leaning down beside him. "Big guy like you, you can fit a tiny bit more in there, can't you?" She gave his belly a gentle pat and was pleased at how firm it felt. Gray looked nervously at her, then back at the pasta. His belly felt like it could burst. Reluctantly, he picked up the fork.
With Marianne hovering by his side, Gray awkwardly scooped up another bite of pasta. It didn't go down easy; his stomach couldn't stretch much further. The waist of his pants creaked as the pressure behind it grew. Still, as long as Marianne was staring him down, he felt that he had to go on. He ate another bite, and then another. His stomach groaned uncomfortably as it strained to hold onto the enormous dinner inside it.
Finally, he was relieved to see that there was only one bite left. He didn't think he could take more than that if his life depended on it. With a soft sigh, he twirled up the last few strands of pasta on his fork and finished them off. His belly rumbled ominously as he swallowed, stretching to its absolute limit to fit the last little bit of fettuccine, and, to his horror, the button of his jeans popped open. He froze, absolutely mortified, but Marianne just laughed and patted his distended belly. He blushed deeply.
"I'm impressed, cutie pie," she giggled, standing up straight. "I didn't think you'd really be able to do it." Gray held his hands against his aching belly, stuffed and exhausted and entirely unsure how to respond. He wanted nothing more than to go home and sleep off the enormous dinner, though he was sure his overworked stomach would still be sore in the morning.
Another waitress walked through the door, glanced over at Marianne, and rolled her eyes. Marianne smiled slyly at her, then turned back to Gray and leaned in close.
"My shift is over, sweetheart," she said, murmuring softly into his ear. "You're looking awful sleepy. Why don't you come home with me tonight and let me take care of that poor tummy?" Somehow, oddly enough, Gray thought that sounded alright.
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emi-writings · 1 year
with all due respect, im not sure I follow your reasoning behind “CC!SBI doesn’t exist”. C!SBI I can understand and agree with, but SBI as a concept extends far beyond just ‘a joke one of them made while tired’?
the core of who is or isn’t “SBI” is pretty solely tied to MCC4, where they promised tommy that if they won he could be added to SBI. This shows, one, that it’s a label they at least use with one another (thus it isn’t just some ‘fandom’ invention with no basis), and two, established who was in SBI— Tommy had to be “formally” added, and since no one else was then the group remains “”exclusive””. Since then they’ve used the term to refer to that group of 4 many times (such as various 4/4 jokes, Techno’s gravity mod video being referred to as a ‘sleepy bois recording’ when being made, etc)
I definitely believe that SBI has multiplie associated CCs, such as Niki, Tubbo, Jack, etc— and I personally don’t care if ppl call them SBI as well! — but others may indeed be more shocked by that because SBI, the 4/4, in terms of the CCs, ….IS a pretty established thing?
I don’t want this message to come across as like. Aggressive or defensive, so I apologize if it has, but I’m just confused as to your own statement because it just seems Factually Incorrect to me— the roles they play may vary, but the people included are pretty clearly defined. Could you maybe clarify more?
So, I watch a lot of Philza streams, including the hardcore streams. And Phil has mentioned, multiple times, that the SBI term is unofficial. Yes, they acknowledge it and are aware of it, but Phil has repeated multiple times that it isn’t official. He’s said so before and after MCC4 (and honestly, do you really think they really would have banned Tommy from "exclusive SBI events" if they had lost?).
The whole SBI thing started out because Phil, Techno and Wilbur all thought that the idea of sending some random picture of a fish on twitter was funny, and Phil decided that maybe the fans should get at least some kind of context, so sent a message he thought was funny. But again, he has stated that it’s not an official term.
And a lot "SBI 4/4" things are made at the expense of fans (the Philza stream where they all kept leaving and joining, the Technoblade Twitch stream with a TommyInnit jumpscare at the end, etc).
It is a fan term. That doesn’t mean that it’s less valid. Especially since they do all care about their fans, so they do acknowledge it as something their fans want.
I feel like I have more to say about this, but I am also very eepy and capitalism is a hellscape. So.
My main point wasn’t even really about SBI, just about how on multiple websites (Tumblr, Ao3, Wattpad, Twitter), things are tagged as SBI and feature other CCs or Cs, but no one has made a fuss about them (like Ranboo, Tubbo, Fundy), but I add Niki in the mix and that’s were the line is.
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spookyboywhump · 3 years
 Okay editing is gonna be a MESS im so sleepy but lets get this bread. This is an AU of the bad timeline where Nicholas just happens to be a vampire-
sorry for the second tag of the day but inspired by This Prompt List from @painsandconfusion
CW: Vampire whumper, intimate whump, forced to dance with whumper, noncon touching and noncon kissing (not really super sexy tho???) ***
 “You’re such a pretty thing…” The strange vampire breathed on his neck, Wren grimacing as he pressed a kiss to his exposed throat. “Untouched too, aren’t you? Your owner isn’t very smart bringing something that smells so good around all these-”
 “Excuse me.” He’d never been so relieved to hear Nicholas’ voice, allowing himself to relax as the man pulled back to look up at him. “I know he’s lovely, but I’d like to have him back.” He said, and when Wren looked up at him he saw him giving the man a patient, fanged smile. 
 “Of course. I can tell you have wonderful taste.” He said, smiling back at the man as he nudged Wren back towards him. He couldn’t help but scowl, he was tired of being talked about like a piece of fucking meat. Nicholas took his hand, telling him to come along as he led him towards the dancefloor of the large ballroom. He instinctively gripped his hand tighter, swallowing nervously. He hadn’t known how to dance so Nicholas had made him practice for hours and hours days beforehand, forced to dance until his feet ached, until the vampire was satisfied. He didn’t want to mess this up, he didn’t want to know what Nicholas would do if he made a mistake. 
 He winced as Nicholas snaked an arm around his waist and pulled him close, keeping a tight grip on him, pressing on the bruises hidden beneath the white gown he wore for the event. He kept one hand on his shoulder like he was supposed to, holding tightly to his gloved hand as they moved about the room among the other dancing pairs, Nicholas took the lead of course while Wren tried to follow, each step careful and deliberate. He kept trying to look down to watch his steps, not quite sure of himself. 
 “Look at me, love.” Nicholas ordered him, and he couldn’t hide his scowl as he looked up to meet his eyes, but he just smiled down at him. “You could smile, you know, you’re prettier that way.”
 “Maybe I would if there was more to smile about.” He said bitterly, and Nicholas laughed. “I’m not exactly thrilled to be surrounded by you things.”
 “Watch it.” Nicholas warned him. “It wouldn’t be a good idea to make even one of us angry, you know that.” He said, and Wren squeezed his eyes shut, whimpering as he pressed his fingers against a recent gash on his back. Even through the fabric it hurt like hell to have it irritated further.
 “Do you really want this dress stained with blood?” He asked, his voice strained.
 “Don’t you know I chose white for a reason?” He said, sounding amused, and Wren couldn’t help but snicker.
 “Well ‘cause I’m a virgin of course.” He said sweetly, batting his eyelashes at him, and Nicholas rolled his eyes. “What? That’s what the other guy said, he called me untouched or some shit.” He said, making a face.
 “Watch your mouth.” He said. “And that’s not why he called you that- he meant that you’ve never been fed on.” He told him. Truth be told Wren had been surprised it was taking so long, he thought it would’ve happened a long time ago. After all, what else did Nicholas want him for if not that?
 “Are you saving me for a special occasion?” He asked, half joking as he swayed with him. 
 “I was saving you for tonight.” Nicholas told him, flashing him a smile that made his blood run cold. He instinctively tried to pull away from him, stumbling back as he was still unsteady in his heels, only for Nicholas to effortlessly and gracefully spin him back towards him, the action so seamless it hardly looked out of place with the dance as he held him close to his chest, leaning down uncomfortably close to his neck to speak to him. “I wanted the first time to be special, love. You’re not escaping that easily.” He said, as Wren took a shuddering breath. 
 “Let go of me.” He hissed, attempting to stomp on his foot to try and free himself, but Nicholas just spun him back to his original position, continuing where they’d left off. 
 “You should relax, try to enjoy yourself for once.” Nicholas advised him. “We’ll get to the good part later.” He said as he grinned at him, Wren scowled as it took all his self control to not kick him in the shin then and there, as if it would’ve had any effect on him. Another vampire approached them and he found himself pressed up closer to Nicholas, not wanting to be anywhere near him and trusting the man to keep him safe from the stranger- which he quickly learned was a bad idea.
 “May I steal him for a dance?” The man asked politely, looking Wren up and down with his ruby red eyes. Wren glared at him and tried to turn him down, but Nicholas answered for him. 
 “You may. Be sure to mind the rules, of course.” He told him.
 “Hey- wait!” He cried as his hand was passed off to the man, but he was already being pulled away, swept up in another dance he had to desperately try to keep up with. Admittedly, this stranger was a lot less creepy than the last one that had gotten their hands on him, he seemed to actually want to just dance with him, yet he still looked at him with that hungry look in his eyes. 
 “You don’t need to look so scared, your master isn’t going to let any of us hurt you.” He told him. 
 “Why should I believe you?” He asked, his eyebrows raised, and the man shrugged.
 “I suppose you have no reason, but try to keep it in mind. It’s a party, even you should have fun.” He said, giving him a genuine smile. Wren wished he could, but what Nicholas told him would be hanging over him the entire night. At some point the night would come to an end, and frankly, he didn’t want to think about what Nicholas would do to him at that point. As he danced with the man, he gripped his hand tighter. He didn’t want to let go.
 He thought that one man would be the end of it. Nicholas was so possessive, he thought he wouldn’t even let the man have him for long, but instead he was passed from guest to guest, fawned over like some sort of novelty. Some of them got uncomfortably close, kissing his neck or raising his wrist to their lips. Sometimes he would even feel the slightest point of their fangs, but they never bit. They knew better. It didn’t take long until his legs and feet began to ache, he was unsteady but he wasn’t even given a second to hesitate or stumble, until finally he was passed off for the final time, an arm wrapped around his shoulders and began to lead him away.
 “Please, I-I’m tired…” He said quietly, his voice shaking more than he would’ve liked. 
 “It’s alright love, I think you’re done for the night.” Nicholas said, and he felt himself go tense at the sound of his voice. “Here, drink this.” He said, handing him a glass of wine that he hesitated to take.
 “What’s in it?”
 “It’s just wine.”
 “I don’t- I don’t drink anymore-”
 “You will tonight.” He said, and Wren was far too exhausted to argue, reluctantly taking the glass. He didn’t even really like wine, but he tried to drink it quickly, and he hoped the alcohol would help to ease his nerves. He doubted it though. “Do you think you could use some fresh air?” He offered, and Wren nodded. He’d felt claustrophobic in the ballroom, even if it meant being alone with Nicholas, he was just happy to be away from all the other vampires.
 Upstairs there were doors that opened to a balcony. Wren had already tried it as an escape method- and he had been swiftly caught and punished for his attempt. He was too weak to even attempt it now so he guessed this was Nicholas’ idea of a treat… or maybe a taunt. He set the empty wine glass on the railing and leaned against it, looking out over the garden. He didn’t want to look at Nicholas, he didn’t want this to go any further, but he knew there was nothing he could do to stop it.
 He shivered as Nicholas ran a hand through his hair, tracing a finger down the back of his neck to tease him. He looked at the ground below and wondered if he could survive the fall. For just a moment, the vampire didn’t have his hands on him- a rarity really- and even though he knew it was absolutely pointless, he never wanted anyone to say he didn’t try. He pushed off the railing and tried to run, even if he ran back inside he could hide or find a way out, but he didn’t make it more than a step or two before he was grabbed by the arm and roughly yanked back, crying out as his back slammed against the stone railing. Nicholas trapped him there, his arms on either side of him, but he didn’t look angry, he just looked amused. 
 “You had to give it one last go, hm?”
 “Not-Not about to go down without a fight.” He grinned at him, despite the fact he was trembling. 
 “You don’t need to fight, my love. It’ll only hurt for a second, it’ll be over before you know it.” He said, slipping an arm around him and pulling him closer. He reached up with his other hand, tilting his head to the side to have  better access to his neck. “Put your arms around me.” He told him, and Wren had a feeling he should listen, draping his arms around his neck. 
 “Don’t-Don’t do this…” He said quietly, his heart pounding in his chest.
 “Just breathe.” Nicholas told him, kissing his neck. “It’ll only hurt for a second.” Wren tried to tell himself it would only be a pinprick, maybe the pinch of a needle, he rather quickly convinced himself it would be anything other than what he got- a sharp stabbing pain in his neck that caused him to cry out again, locking his arms around Nicholas, his hands grabbing at the back of his suit jacket. Tears welled up in his eyes, and if he could’ve spoken he would’ve snapped at him that it was more than a fucking pinch. But just as sudden as the pain hit, it began to subside, replaced with a strange feeling, warm and almost comforting. He went lax in his arms, not that he had much of a choice, and let his eyelids flutter shut. It was all over before he even knew it. 
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superhero--imagines · 4 years
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Part 1 Here! / Part 2 Here! / Part 3 Here! / Part 4 Here! / Part 5 Here! / Part 6 Here! / Part 7 Here! / Part 8 Here! / Part 9 Here! / Part 10 Here! / Part 11 Here! / Part 12 Here! / Part 13 Here! / Part 14 Here! / Part 15 Here! / Part 16 Here! / Part 17 Here! / Part 18 Here! / Part 19 Here! < This is Part 20!>
Donate to Move to Higher Ground HERE!
A/N: There’s not going to be an update on Wednesday (it’s the day after my birthday and I’m going to go cry at the space station) lol. The next two parts will be like - alternative timeline/pov/intermission posts. Which will just be to add some depth to the story I guess. Stay safe! See you next Saturday!
* “Get out”
* You can’t have been parked more than five minutes before Jessica prys the driver side door open from the outside
* You’re hunched over the binder in your lap, hurriedly scrawling answers onto the worksheet
* Edward just sighs, moving to get out of the car
* “Wait-“
* You stop him by placing your hand on his shoulder
* Edward grins, so these are boyfriend privileges huh?
* You’re going to pick him over your human friends. Well he would be lying-
* “Give me the answer to the last question before you go.”
* Edward deflates
* Guess somethings don’t change.
* “It’s sin(x) equals 18”
* You nod, quickly writing down the answer
* “Thanks Edward.” You mumble learning over to press a chaste kiss to his cheek
* “Now get out”
* He stands outside the jeep a goofy grin on his face, a hand touching the place your lips were on his cheek
* Well at least some things change
* You don’t miss Jessica’s gaze on you as you put your binder into your backpack
* “So... what do you want to talk about Jess?”
* You don’t miss the incredulous look she gives you
* “So about Edward then”
* “Yeah, no duh”
* You let out a deep sigh
* “Where do you want me to start?”
* How far back does this story even go?
* Probably when you saw him that first time in Denali
* His angular face, and those deep amber eyes
* And those butterflies in your stomach
* “You can start with what happened after you guys left the party!”
* So you’re going to have to fast forward a bit
* “Well he was mad because-you know two against one- if it was anyone else it would have been a traumatic experience waiting to happen”
* She nods, thinking you’re talking about you
* You’re talking about something transitive happening to those boys
* For those boys if they tried something with you that is
* You were pretty far gone, you might have actually killed them if Edward hadn’t come to get you
* Not out of anger, just negligence
* At the very best they might have cried if you weren’t able to control your emotions
* “And then after - we were arguing- and then it was just happening”
* “You guys had s*x?”
* You sputter
* “Geez no! We were kissing, get your mind out of the gutter Jess.”
* “Well I don’t know (Y/N/N), he’s been pinning after you since freshman year a kiss just seems anticlimactic all things considered ”
* Besides you guys have this vibe around you-
* Like a sort of intimacy or something-
* You’ve both always had a sort of closeness.
* Like it was the two of you in one world, and then everyone else in another
* But now there’s a physical closeness to you both
* The kind of vibe people who are sleeping together usually give off.
* She saw it when you were together at the aquarium
* “Nah that’s impossible” you let out a long sigh
* “I’m pretty sure he wants to wait until marriage”
* Jessica sputters at that
* “M-marriage? Holy crap (Y/N)-“
* You nod, it’s such an antiquated notion.
* Especially considering you’re both technically dead
* Honestly, what could be more awkward than a couple of virgins fumbling around in the dark for a few hours on their wedding night?
* “He wants to marry you?!?”
* Oh
* Yeah that would be the normal thing to be concerned about
* “I’m not really sure” you scratch the back of your head
* “You’re my soul mate”
* He had said it so causally, like he was talking about gravity or the weather
* Like it was a universal fact
* The words make your stomach flutter
* Ugh you don’t have time to think about this
* “Well that’s what happened, and now Carlisle is always crying in the house and Esme is already planning weddings. Now come on we’re going to be late for class”
* You get out of the car before Jess can get a word in edgewise
* So this is really happening
* She sighs
* Well she’s be lying if she said she didn’t see this coming
* She knows there’s a lot of people competing for your affection
* Hell even Conner dropped his f*ck boy tendencies for you
* But Edward is the only one who looks at you, and only you
* Jessica’s guilty of it too, she’ll admit that
* You’re her first choice, don’t get her wrong, but if you don’t return her affections
* Well that’s fine, she’ll just date Mike, or Conner, or Bella or whoever
* It’s the same for the rest of them
* Conner will be bummed when he finds out-
* Mostly because he can’t believe he dropped his other side pieces
* But he’ll get over it
* Just like Mike did
* But Edward-
* There’s no one other than you for him
* She see’s it in the way he looks at you.
* If it’s not you, it’s just not any good
* So he’ll wait, maybe even his entire life, until you’re ready to love him back
* A small smile twitches on her face
* She’d be lying if she said she wasn’t happy for you
* “I wonder if anyone will ever love me like that” she mumbles to herself, right before flinching in surprise when you swing the passenger door open
* “Oh my god you scared me!”
* “I scared you?!? Jess this is my car, how am I supposed to lock it if you’re sitting inside?”
* “Oh right”
* You make it to class by the skin of your teeth, taking you seat between Edward and Alice in English
* “So what did you two talk about?” Edward whispers with a small smile while the teacher calls roll
* You roll your eyes
* “Like you don’t know”
* He has a sly smile on his face and you’re not sure why
* Alice starts obviously stifling laughter beside you
* Rude but okay
* Edward leans close to you, so close his lips are only a centimeter away from your ear
* Does he mind?
* Maybe he’s immune to sexual feelings, but being that close is doing things to you
* “I’m actually not waiting for marriage by the way”
* You can practically feel the grin on his face
* You look up to him, your golden eyes meeting his
* You were right he is smiling
* His smile takes a mischievous turn, and you feel his hand slide onto your thigh and give a teasing squeeze
* “Didn’t want you to have any misconceptions” he says with the same sly grin as he removes his hand from your leg and leans back in his chair
* Ah
* So that’s why Alice was laughing
* (Y/N). Exe is broken
* “Hey”
* Bella looks up to see the Jessica standing by her locker as she pulls her books out
* “Oh hey, did you get to talk to them?”
* “Um yeah, it’s about what we were thinking.”
* Bella nods, if she’s sad she’s not showing it.
* “It’s good that they’re together. He loves them a lot, I’m sure Edward will treat them right”
* Jessica nods, Edward does love you a lot.
* She watches Bella try to cram books into her bag
* She is kinda pretty now that she looks at her, in that angular face- snow white kinda way
* She’s no (Y/N)
* And she’s no Mike
* “Hey did you finish the trig homework? I was having tr-“
* But maybe-
* “Hey, Angela and I are going dress shopping in port a, do you want to come with?”
* Maybe they can be friends
* They both liked the same person, so they’ve already got something in common
* Bella looks at the blonde
* To be honest, she’s been holding everyone here at a distance
* In a few years she won’t see any of these people ever again, there’s no need to get attached
* Not after what happened in Arizona
* But still-
* “Yeah, that sounds like fun.”
* Guess she never learns
Tags:  @moonlights27​ @thebluetint​ @the100thtwilight​ @awesomebooklover17​ @oneofthepotterheads​ @smileygirl08​ @imdoingathingmom​ @iconicgguk​ @yrawn​ @alyciaswhore​ @little-horror-show​ @wicked-watering-can​ @lazydreamers​ @ xxxmuxxx @ideas-for-you-to-adopt​​​ @poisoinedhope @maryleigh8796​​ @moose-squirrel-asstiel​​ @hotmessgoodness​ @jaimewho​ @corabmarie​ @what-am-i-doing10​ @alluring-venus​ @imdoingathingmom @anotheryooniverse​ @im-tired-not-sleepy​ @emmettcullenisahimbo​ @my-super-musical-life​ @smolvampiregirl​ @it-was-all-a-beautiful-dream​ @mihikaahujaaa @werewolflover3252​ @teenagezombiekryptonite @shynz​ @reclusive-chicken-nugget​ @monkeyluver4546 @wonhomarshmallow​ @bwbatta @bubblyabs​ @thatwaspossesion​
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beelsjuicytitties · 4 years
Hunted for Sport
Now to do a complete 180 from my Mammon fic, here is predator/prey Lucifer! this is suuuuuper self indulgent bc i was looking for stuff to read, but nothing was really scratchin the itch yknow? so i wrote this at like 5am
Warnings: NSFW, DUB-CON
Pairing: Lucifer x GN!MC
Words: 2339
Tags: Gender-Neutral Pronouns, Gender-Neutral Main Character (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Dubious Consent, Implied Consent, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Aftercare, Primal, Predator/Prey, Blood Kink, Blood Drinking, S&M, Injury, Fear Play, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Rimming, Biting, Kissing, Dark, Rough Sex, Not Beta Read, Sleepy Cuddles, Bubble Bath, Edgeplay, Smut, Possessive Sex
Summary: Please make sure to read the tags before reading! Hunted and fucked in the forest by Lucifer, followed by fluffy aftercare because he has class
Note: Like my last one, this is also on my ao3 which is linked in my bio!
  Fear. It was all you could feel as you ran through the forest outside the House of Lamentation. Your chest heaved and your lungs were already starting to burn. ‘How long has it been?’ You managed to think, had it been hours? Or merely minutes? The pain in your ankle pulled you from your thoughts as you crashed to the ground. You curled into yourself as coughs wracked your body, the wind having been knocked out. Your ankle throbbed and you could feel dull stinging from almost every inch of exposed skin, scratches from the foliage marring your skin. 
  That's when you heard him. His sonorous voice filled your ears as he sang, your brain too foggy to make out the words. The sound grew as his almost casual steps grew closer. ‘Gotta run, gotta escape’ You repeated the thought in your head as you struggled in the underbrush, sucking in a breath as you forced yourself to your feet. You kept moving forward, after all, what else could you do? Give in? No. No matter how nice it might seem to just give in, to surrender and finally be at rest you couldn’t keep yourself from limping on. The pain in your ankle was getting unbearable, aggravated by your desperate attempt at survival. Your vision was getting hazy, and your blood was rushing in your ears, and yet, you could still hear him sing. It was like he was all around you, his voice swirling around and pressing into you. 
  “Y/n.” Directly behind you. You whip yourself around and hiss, not a good idea as your ankle screams. “Look at you,” Lucifer regarded you, “how pitiful.” Tears were streaming down your face as you backed away slightly. Lucifer matched your movements, keeping the short distance between the two of you the same. You were hyperventilating, your heart was racing, your eyes flicked about quickly, looking for a weakness, a chance to escape, anything. Alas, no such opportunity provided itself, as he quickly closed the gap and grabbed your chin with a gloved hand, forcing you to look directly into his eyes. Hunger, amusement, and arousal swirled in his crimson eyes as he gave you a much too gentle smile. Lucifer leaned forward, his lips brushing against your ear. “You’re not even worth my effort.” His voice was essentially a growl, low and sharp sounding in your ear. “Why don’t you keep running?”
  Before you even had the chance to register his words, you were on the forest floor once again. Lucifer had pushed you there. You stared up at him for what felt like forever, he was standing over you, his hands casually resting in his front pockets. “What are you waiting for? Run.” You snapped back to reality. He was letting you go? That didn’t seem right, but you weren't about to wait around and question it. You once again clambered to your feet and took flight, ducking under branches and barreling through bushes. He had started singing again. How far could you go? How much farther would you need to go? Your mind raced as you free your shirt that had caught on a branch. It didn’t matter, you would keep going, you would make it. ‘Dear god let me make it.’ But no god could hear you. 
  You realized this as you ran headfirst into Lucifer, he wrapped an arm tightly around your waist and clasped a hand around one of your wrists. He was in his demon form at this point, sharp horns protruding from his hair, soft wings fluttering against his back. His grip was tight, like he was trying to squeeze the life from you just like this. “Tsk tsk little lamb, running right into the waiting arms of the one chasing you? I had expected better.” You struggled weakly, your body beginning to give up. Every muscle in your body was weary, unable to do anything against the demon that hadn’t even broken a sweat. He buried his face in your neck with a deep laugh. “You know you can’t go on, don’t you lamb?” He took a deep breath in, filling his lungs with your scent. “Just give into me.” His breath was somehow cold against your flushed skin, and your knees gave in, causing you to slump in his grip. Another laugh rumbled his chest, this time much more wicked. “Wonderful.”
  You suddenly felt a sharp pain in your neck, your tired brain taking a few moments to realize Lucifer had bitten into you. A choked whimper escaped your lips. Blood trickled down from where his mouth still sat, the metallic taste filling his mouth, causing him to let out a moan. It was a shallow bite, not something you could bleed out from. He greedily lapped and sucked at your neck as the bleeding began to slow. His hand released your wrist, opting to instead explore your thigh, hips, and ass. He squeezed hard on your ass, earning another whimper from you. He swiftly turned you around and pushed you to the ground, your knees, chest, and face all making contact with the hard ground. Lucifer pressed himself against you, grinding slightly against you as he growled in your ear, “You. Are. Mine.” His words filled your mind, repeating over and over.”
  You felt his weight pull off of you, before he ripped what was left of your top off, leaving you cold and shivering. Lucifer pulled his gloves off, and threw them to the side. He raked his claws down your back, small crimson beads forming along the bright burning scratched he left behind. His hands reached the waistband of your bottoms, and he swiftly rid you of them along with your underwear. He let out a deep growl as he kneaded your ass, staring hungrily down at your fully exposed body. Suddenly, you could feel his mouth on your ass, his tongue skillfully swirling and prodding the tight hole. He tongued your ass with vigor, claws digging into your ass cheeks as his grip tightened. Small moans began to fall from your mouth, just loud enough that he could hear them. He pulled back much to your.. Disappointment? Surely, you couldn’t be disappointed that he had stopped rimming you.
  You heard the pop of a lid, followed by a cold, wet finger rubbing against your ass. Had he brought lube? Huh. Lucifer began to press his finger into you, easily slipping the whole finger in. He wiggled the finger inside you for a moment, before he began to push a second finger into you. This finger was met with slight resistance, taking a tiny bit longer to fit inside you. Once both fingers were full inside, he began to scissor them, opening and stretching you out. He pushed them in and out as well, curling his fingers as he went. Your legs were shaking, and your sex was dripping from the stimulation. He hummed as he added a third finger, really making sure to prepare you for what was next. 
  Just as you felt you could take no more, Lucifer pulled his fingers from you. You whined and your ass was gaping slightly from the loss of his fingers. “Oh?” his voice was filled with amusement. “Could it be that you’re wanting this?” He chuckled, which was shortly followed by the sound of a zipper. His thick cock rubbed between your ass cheeks, he drizzled more lube across the top of his cock as the bottom got coated by what was already on your ass. “I can’t wait any longer.” You felt the head of his cock press against your ass, and quickly pop in, eliciting a moan from you, and a deep groan from him. He pressed deeper, stretching and filling you more than you could’ve imagined. 
  As he bottomed out, he placed a hand against your back, and his other hand on your hip. “F-fuck,” he swore as he pulled back slowly, before quickly snapping his hips foreward. He began to set a pace, not very fast, but his thrusts were rough, pushing you forward each time. His claws dug into your skin as he quickened, letting his moans and groans fall freely. His hand shifted from your hip to your sex, long fingers moving defltly and driving you insane. You were close and he could tell. “Are you going to cum?” he panted out. “What a filthy slut, going to cum out here in the woods.” His fingers and thrusts pushed you over the edge, and you let out a strangled moan that was on the verge of sounding like a scream. As your orgasm wracked your body, causing you to shake all over, you tightened on Lucifer's cock, basically sucking him in. 
  Lucifer did not let up, his fingers continued working your sex, his thrusts remained as quick and rough as they had been. The sensation was overwhelming, your vision was spotty and it was all you could do to manage to breath. He followed close behind you, groaning as he released his cum deep into your ass. His thrusts continued though, slightly more erratic, but not slowing down. “You really think im -mng- finished with you?” He leaned over your back and kissed at your neck. “As if.” He pulled out of you momentarily, and flipped you onto your back. He swiftly reinserted himself and leaned over you. He rested on his forearms, framing your head as he caught your mouth in his. He thrust slowly now, grinding himself into you as he messily kissed you. You weakly wrapped your arms around his neck, and kissed back. “Mmhh, what a sweet little lamb you are,” he purred between kisses.
  He kept going like this, slowly fucking you, almost passionately. Alternating between kissing your mouth, cheeks, neck, ears, anywhere he could reach. It was almost as if you were making love in his bed at home, the way he treated you now. You could feel yourself grow closer to orgasm again, and you clamped down on his cock. He smiled against your skin upon feeling this. “Close again, little lamb?” his voice was still rough in your ears, but there was a small hint of sweetness to it. “I’m close too.” You tangled a hand into his hair at those words, running your nails against his scalp and tugging gently. He shifted his weight to support himself with one arm, and slid a hand between the two of you to rub against your sex once more.
  His thrusts quicked slightly as his orgasm built, and he gently moaned your name in your ear. “I want you to cum with me lamb, fuck I’m so close.” You weakly moaned his name in response, your voice thick in your throat. He suddenly thrust hard into you, and filled you once more with his cum. The warm feeling combined with his fingers pushed you over for the second time, you continually moaned out his name as you rode out your orgasm. Your breaths began to slow as he brought his hand up to your mouth. You opened your mouth and cleaned yourself from his hand. He caressed your cheek with his now cleaned hand. “Such a good lamb for me.”
  He pulled himself from you, zipping his softening cock back into his pants. He helped you sit up and kissed you sweetly, before wrapping you up in his coat and picking you up. “Let’s get you home, hm?” He whispered as you settled into his arms, head resting on his chest. You nodded and closed your eyes as the two of you walked in a warm silence to the House of Lamentation. Before you knew it, you had reached his room. He gently set you on his bed. “I’ll run a bath.” He pressed a kiss to your forehead, before retreating to his private bathroom. You sighed happily, cuddling into his coat and breathing in his scent. It wasn’t long before sweet floral scents began wafting from the bathroom. Lucifer emerged from the bathroom with a first aid kit. “Time to clean up lamb.” You begrudgingly shed his coat, moving as he instructed to give him better access to the various scrapes, cuts, and bite marks. He whispered praise as he cleaned you up with an antiseptic, peppering in plenty of ‘I love you’s.
  He gets to your ankle and you winced. You really managed to do a number on that one. He had used a small amount of magic on the larger of the cuts, but he used more on your ankle. The swelling immediately reduced, and the pain lessened and dulled. “Thank you love,” you managed to croak, your voice not quite ready to be used much. He kissed your nose. 
  “Of course, now, I think the bath is ready.” With that, he picked you up once more, carrying you into the bathroom and helping you into the warm bubble bath he had prepared. He quickly shed his own clothes, and slipped in the tub behind you, wrapping his arms around you. You lean back into him, resting your head against his shoulder. The two of you stay like this, holding each other as he hummed gently. As you felt the water start to cool, you took turns washing the other, gently cleaning off your skin, and massaging your hair. Once you were both clean, Lucifer helped you out of the tub, wrapping a fluffy towel around your shoulders. He drained the tub as you worked on toweling off, he followed suit once he was finished with the tub.
  Now dry, Lucifer returned to tending to your wounds. Applying ointments and bandages, then gently wrapping your ankle. He let out a yawn, and laughed lightly at himself. “Time for bed it seems.” You nodded, giving a yawn yourself. You shimmy under the covers, Lucifer laid himself next to you and wrapped his arms around you. “Good night lamb, sweet dreams.” He kissed you once more, before you both drifted off to sleep.
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starylust · 4 years
Facetime? Part 2.
✧ I W A I Z U M I  H A J I M E ✧
genre: fluff, teeny angst
warnings: drinking
Word Count: 958
part 1 | part 3 | part 4
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A few days had passed since the incident with Matsukawa happened. Honestly you couldn’t feel the pain anymore. You felt kind of numb.
After you left the apartment you called up a friend and luckily they were nice enough to let you stay there for the time being. You had been a bed for the past few days not wanting to do anything. And to be fair, who would blame you?
You laid in bed as the door gushed open. Your friend had made plans to go to the club this evening and wanted you to come.
You didn’t know if you had the energy or not. Thinking about the situation, why were you moping around? Over a guy like him?
Your friend convinced you as you got up. She squealed getting excited that she would be able to dress you tonight.
She looked through her closet thinking which one would be just right. Flipping through the clothes a light gold body tight dress caught her eye. Smirking at the dress she took it off the hanger.
The music was loud and the lights shined. You swore you could feel the music vibrate throughout your body.
You looked around as if you had never been in a club before. And honestly you haven’t been to one since Matsukawa and you started dating.
You watched as your friends dispersed throughout the crowd. Standing at the entrance you took a glance around to see where you should go.
You saw a bar and decided to go over there and take a seat. Sitting down you order a drink for yourself.
A little time goes by and you’ve taken 4 shots now. Being the lightweight you are you were drunk. You were still able to be aware of your surroundings but your mind was a little fuzzy.
Taking one more shot you slammed the glass down and rested your head into your arms on the table. You sighed as you turned your head to the side and saw a guy approaching you.
He was averagely tall and had black spiky hair. You couldn’t tell much else as your vision wasn’t the clearest right now.
“Hey.” He said.
Wow he has a nice voice you thought.
“Hi,” you slurred out.
He chuckled at how you were like right now. He asked to take a seat next to you and you nodded your head yes.
“I’m Iwaizumi by the way.”
“I’m y/n.”
The two of you began some small talk here and there. He was pretty nice and funny, you thought.
You guys began to dig into deeper topics about your life. Matsukawa cheating just happened to come up.
Your eyes started to water as you explained what happened between you two. Iwaizumi paid close attention to every word you said nodding his head and not interrupting you.
You were glad you were able to talk about this to someone who weren’t your friends. They were always caring but a little overprotective of you.
Iwaizumi's face changed into a disgusted face as you continued on with your story. He stared at you in disbelief. How could a guy ever treat you like that?
He kept listening to all the things you were telling him. Sometimes he would be spacing in and out due to the fact that you looked so good to him right now.
The tears in your eyes started building up now and had begun running down your face.
Iwaizumi stared at you as he pushed his seat back a bit and opened his arms for you to get into. You agreed to get up from your chair and sit yourself in his lap.
You sat with your two legs diagonal to his. You rested your head into his neck as you continued talking.
He had a hand on you mid thigh and the other rubbing your back trying to comfort you. He had a little bit of a hard time understanding you since you kept on slurring all of your words.
After you were done talking at this point you just started balling your eyes out as the pain flushed back in. It felt good to be letting this all out. It felt like you were trapped with these negative emotions before.
Iwaizumi looked at you with sympathy in his eyes. He could tell how much pain this was really causing you and how distressed you were. 
Even though the two of you had just met he felt like he needed to take care of you. He felt like he needed to show you what it felt like to be treated right and how it feels to be loved correctly.
He stared down at your figure seeing you got a little bit sleepy. Maybe it was from the drinking or the crying who knows?
He was a little shocked on how you could fall asleep in such a loud club like this. He shook you awaked a bit.
“Hey let me take you home. I know you’re tired and drunk so it’s not safe to go out by yourself okay?”
You nodded yes at his question. He moved one arm under your kneecaps and the other supported your back.
Looking down at the table he wanted to make sure he wasn’t leaving anything of yours here.
Iwaizumi started heading out as he carried you out bridal style. Yet again you put your head into his neck snuggling in comfortably while he walked to his car.
He opened the door for you and placed you into the passenger seat and buckled you up. He asked for your address and you gave it to him. But when were you going to realize you gave him your old apartment address instead of your friend’s address?
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
for the ones who asked for a part 2! let me know if you want to me to tag you when part 3 is out!
part 3!
@pelicanpizza​ @kac-chowsballs​ @rrroadkill​ @rosiemalx​
LOL i’m so sorry im ending it like this. i am so tired right now but i promise ill write the next part tomorrow;) anyway i hope this is what you guys kinda hoped for a have a pretty good idea of what i want the next part to be like!
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Comfy’s Book Club (fic rec)
alright kids, lets just start with me saying this is in no way a complete list of fics I love because there’s truly too many for me to put them all here. that said, these are the fics ive been loving recently or just recently found.
this body swap fic bby@theamazingbard is absolute FIRE. so is the rest of their work, but I wanted to highlight this fic specifically because it’s not what I expected at all from a body swap and I love it so so so very much. 
the road to Kaer Morhen by @darkverrmin gives me so much serotonin. the ending line from Jask makes me so happy i just fucking love it okay. we got pining geralt here too which I’m always a fan of.
sleepy cuddling geraskier goodness  that will absolutely rot your teeth it’s so sweet by @jaskierswolf i think i read it like six times. I love it. Edit: I'm a dumbass and tagged the wrong blog as the author I'm so sorry 😬 tis my first rec list, can you tell?
a broken hand bby@silvipeppers i still cant fucking believe this is the first fic they’ve written and i’m shook to the core. i love it so much, we got angry bard hours up in here and frankly, i’m obsessed.
right in front of them bby@lesdemonium had me so giggly and soft oh my god. this fic will wrap you in a sweet hug, kiss your hair, and tell you everything is going to be alright 
so much mutual pining in this one bby@elliestormfound i love this fic so so so so much and literally everything else Ellie writes. im not fucking kidding. 
we got a mafia!geralt/teacher!jaskier fic by @persony-pepper in the mix tonight and let me tell you, tis fire. 
@witcher-and-his-bard is doing some writing challenges/fic-a-day things that are magnificent. i love everything ive read from this lovely author and i anxiously await more
some good ole tired dad content ffrom@jaskierswolf that will just make you wanna barf rainbows its so cute. just. i LOVE.
build me up, buttercup by @witchertrashbag fuckin killed me okay? don’t get it twisted from the title this is a smutfic and its so good. like the smut is magnifique, but the storyline is also fabulous and now i wanna have geralt cook for me and take me for a ride on his bitchin motorcycle. 
this right here is the cutest coffee shop au i think ive ever read and i adore it. read it all at like 2am as one should and i just-feels. idk if the author has a tumblr but plz go leave kudos/comments its so good Edit: @lovelyrita1967 is the author's tumblr
this one right here tho oh my god. i really dont think i can express how much i dig this fic. if you cant tell im not always too big on long form stuff because i get sucked in and cant stop which is exactly what happened with this one. i was reading it through my chem zoom class (which I don’t recommend, this is an only fans au and its horny and smutty) but goddamn i love it so much. once again, no idea if the author has a tumblr but if they do i wanna follow them bc damn. 
lol to the nonie who requested this: sorry this took so long im just v dumb and disorganized! i have started tagging shit with ‘fic rec’ too and imma try to have a tag system so i can search shit up better next time. also if yall have any recs to add PLZ add them i wanna read moreeeeeee
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fru1tbatzz · 4 years
Anakin just getting really protective in any threatening situations 🥺💖
ooh okay oh boy lets get into this 😭
im sorry if its short djsfoidjsf
Guardian Angel  
(i had no idea what to name this im sorry)
Word count: 762 
GN!Reader x Anakin
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You walked into one of the alien bars with Anakin. He was on some small side-mission and you had begged him to tag along, and since it seemed like a harmless little job, he agreed. You had wandered off a little bit while he went to talk to others in the bar to get information on who-knows-what. Standing at the counter trying to listen to conversations around you, you ordered a drink. Nothing alcoholic of course, just some juice since you were thirsty. 
You were kind of sleepy since it was late but you had to stay on high alert since there were some really sketchy people at places like this. The environment was weird. Overwhelming, and not exactly something you were used to. The music was too loud and it was almost impossible to actually listen to anything even from the people directly beside you.
Someone bumped into you. Your heart started racing out of fear. Everything about this place made you paranoid. You had hardly drank what you had ordered out of fear someone had poisoned it. You looked at the guy who ran into you. He seemed completely out of it from drinking too much. His words and the music blending together made it impossible to understand a single word he was saying. He grabbed your wrist and you immediately screamed.  The grip was tight, and wouldn’t let loose. You scanned the room for Anakin. You began to scream his name as a hand came over your mouth. You bit down on the greasy hand and the shock caused him to loosen his grip on you. Taking advantage of this you ran to Anakin, immediately hugging him. He looked down confused and whispered to you, “Hey what happened?” You looked at him, and then pointed in the direction of the guy who just tried to kidnap you. Anakin’s whole expression changed. He could feel how scared you were. 
“I’m gonna fix it. Don’t worry I’ll keep you safe. Stay here for me, okay?” His expression softened for a second, trying to reassure you that everything was gonna be okay. You nodded in response. His lightsaber hissed as he turned it on. He wasn’t gonna hurt the guy unless provoked with a weapon, but he used it as a fear tactic. He needed to make sure this disgusting waste of space knew that he was serious. Stopping a few feet in front of the greasy man, he spoke, “What did you do to them?” He gestured in your direction.
“I wasss gonna take ‘em back to my place. Too cute not to.” The man spoke, slurring his words and spitting on Anakin’s face. Anakin’s grip on his saber tightened. Hearing someone else try to take you made his blood boil. “So you think it’s just okay to steal someone you see? As long as they’re cute?” His words sounded hostile. You had calmed down and ran over to him, realizing how bad the situation could escalate if you didn’t pull Anakin out. 
“Can we go home? I’m tired.” You looked up at him and grabbed his arm. He was still glaring at the man. “Please..?” You asked again. Anakin sighed and looked down at you. “Lets go.” He said sternly. You winced at his tone but walked out with him regardless. 
“Next time I let you go anywhere with me, you need to stick with me at all times. Got that?” His voice sounded more concerned than hostile now. He was worried about you. What would’ve happened if you didn’t get free? What if he didn’t notice? He didn’t like thinking about it. “Okay.. I’m sorry. I just wanted to be with you.” You looked at your feet as you walked back to the speeder. 
“Did you at least get what you needed?” You asked him. You didn’t want to be a burden to him and be the reason he’d failed to get what he needed. 
“Kinda. I got a start at least. Probably wouldn’t have gotten anything else out of ‘em. Too stubborn.” He looked at you softly. He knew you were scared and you felt like you’d ruined it because you tagged along. He bent down to your level and cupped your face in his palms. “Look, darling, you didn’t do anything wrong. I’m glad I had you come along. It’s all going to be okay. I won’t let anyone else touch you. I promise. I’ll always be there to protect you no matter what.” 
You smiled at him and he got up and helped you onto the speeder.
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justa-starrynite · 4 years
A/N: Hey everybody, it’s Megan. How is everyone doing? Here’s a little spooky Angel one shot for you all. I promise it has a happy ending just hang in there with me. Thank you all so much for all the love you have shown Bea and I. We really appreciate you all so very much 
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*gif not mine*
Word Count: 1337
Warnings: Angst, violence and blood.
The leaves crunched beneath your feet as you ran through the thick forest. Your heart was racing, tears threatening to spill from your eyes, but there was no time for that. There would be time for tears later. 
Right now you just needed to survive. 
You raced on dodging trees left and right praying your feet would not betray you. You could hear him behind you, you swore you could, but maybe that was just the fear taking over your mind. 
Maybe you were just hearing things.
Still you didn’t dare look back, you couldn’t risk making a mistake like that. 
Your mind couldn’t even process how you ended up here. Your get away was just supposed to be a fun time filled with friends and making memories. It was just an excuse to get together and get away. It wasn’t supposed to turn into this nightmare. 
You only hoped that you weren’t alone. That somehow Angel was still alive out there somewhere. 
You screamed, your ankle betrayed you, twisting before you fell and tumbled down the slight slope in the terrain. You hissed at the pain as you grabbed your ankle. You did your best to assess the damage. You froze when you heard the snap of a twig under a heavy boot behind you. 
This was it. This was how your story ended. This was where you died.
Your only regret was never telling Angel how you truly felt about him. How you were madly and deeply in love with him. 
You took a deep shaky breath wiping the tears from your eyes before facing your attacker. If you were to die then you were at least going to make the fucking piece of shit look you in the eyes. 
Turning around you immediately relaxed letting out a sob when you saw Angel there instead, your angel. You had never been so happy to see anyone in your life. 
“Fuck, querida.” Angel breathed out rushing to your side crouching down to examine your ankle. “Are you okay? Do you think you can walk?” 
You shook your head. “I don’t think so.” 
“Okay.” Angel nodded. If he had to carry you then so be it. One thing for sure was he was going to do whatever it took to keep you alive. The fucker already got to EZ and Coco. He wouldn’t lose you too. He would never survive that.
He wished he had his gun, or anything really. This killer caught you all off guard, not one of you were prepared for the horror that would await you at that quiet cabin in the woods. 
Angel reached towards you to lift you up but you stopped him. He gave you a questioning look. You had to tell him. This was your chance. You may not get another one after tonight. “Angel, I have to tell you something.” 
“What's wrong?” Angel kept his focus on you waiting for your response. You could stare into his eyes forever. 
“I-” You paused your mouth suddenly so dry. Swallowing the lump in your throat you opened your mouth to finish your confession but instead of the three most important words you could utter you let out a blood curdling scream. 
Angel now stood before you clutching at his throat as his blood sputtered out and slipped through his fingers. 
“No!” You cried as he fell into your arms. “No, this isn’t how this is supposed to end.” You sobbed as you clutched his head to your chest, not caring anymore about the killer anymore. “No, you can’t leave me. Wake up!” Your tears spilled down your face falling onto his soft lashes. “Wake up.” You begged and pleaded. “Please, I can’t lose you. I love you Angel.” 
“Querida, wake up.” Angel's soft voice pulled you out of your nightmare. 
“Huh?” You opened your eyes before picking your head up off his shoulder. You wiped the stray tear from your eye looking around your living room. You must have fallen asleep during the movie you had been watching. 
You invited the club and friends over to your house for a little Halloween horror movie marathon. You made it through the first two films you remembered but some time during the third you must have passed out. 
You looked around for everyone else finding your living room empty of everyone but you and Angel. The tv was now on the main menu of Friday the 13th. You wondered just how long you had been out for. “Where is everyone?” 
“They all went home a little over an hour ago.” Angel replied looking over at you as you came to your senses. He was a little concerned as you started to mumble in your sleep and the tear that escaped your eyes didn’t go unnoticed. 
“You should have woke me up.” You mumbled scooting closer to the edge of your couch. 
“You looked so peaceful and I know how tired you get with how much you work, I didn't want to disturb you. I thought it would be good to let you sleep a little longer." Angel grabbed your hand, finally pulling your attention to him. "Are you okay?” 
“Yeah, I’m fine.” You gave him a smile. You weren't but you would be. “Just a silly nightmare.” 
Angel nodded, not fully convinced but he didn't want to push you. “Okay.” 
You glanced to the clock, seeing just how late it was. “Shit, you better get going. Don’t you have an early shift tomorrow?” You asked. 
“Yeah but it’s no big deal.” Angel reassured you. He was in no rush to leave you. Not after what he heard you say as you slept. He had no idea you felt the same way about him as he did you. “Unless you’re sick of me already, then I can leave.” 
“No!” You stopped him before he could move. You didn’t mean to shout the dream just really rattled you. “I’m sorry, I just,” you took a deep breath, “I don’t want to be alone." You confessed. "Do you think you could stay?” 
Angel didn’t even have to think of his answer to that. “Of course. I’m not going anywhere.” He promised placing his hand on your knee.
Your body immediately relaxed. “Thank you.” You whispered.
Angel reached forward for your remote. He turned the tv off before standing up.  “Are you ready to go to bed?” He asked you watching you yawn. He could tell you were still sleepy.  
You nodded, taking his hand in yours. Angel helped you up to your feet. He then led you to your bedroom as you slowly followed him. Once there you disappeared to your bathroom to get ready for bed. As you did Angel slipped out of his clothes so he was just in his tank and briefs. He then slipped into your bed pulling back the covers on your side after he did so. He turned on your tv to a light comedy hoping that would help ease you and distract you from whatever horrors you had faced in your sleep.
You came out of the bathroom now dressed in your comfiest pajamas. You smiled at Angel who looked comfortable in your bed. 
“Is this okay?” He asked. He wasn’t sure if you would be okay with this but he didn’t think you wanted to be alone. “I can move to the couch.” 
“No, it’s perfect.” You flicked the light switch off then joined him in bed. You turned to him, the two of you just barely not touching. You chewed on your lip as you mustered the courage to ask him for what you really wanted. “Do you think you could hold me?” 
Angel didn’t hesitate as he wrapped his arm around you pulling you to him. You sighed, relaxing into him while you snuggled close. It wasn't long before you drifted back to sleep in his arms.
You never wanted Angel to let you go and if he had it his way he never would. 
Tagging: @peaches007 @trulysuccubus @buttercup812 @-im-fantastic- @mayans-sauce @mindless-x-dreaming @carlaangel86​
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444piscesprincess · 3 years
childhood friends to lovers/growing up together sterek fic reclist
uhh this kinda got a lil angsty but i recommend you pick a growing up together fic and listen to this song i promise you will not regret it 
anyways as usual check tags please!!
(click on the title for the fic)
you know you're on my mind
If there’s one thing Derek’s learned in life, it’s that crushing on someone who lives on an entire other fucking continent is probably a bad idea.
(hs!au + texting!au + childhood friends to lovers the ULTIMATE fluff fic)
i carry your heart with me (i carry it in my heart)   (series)
Stiles is six years old when he first hears Derek's voice in his head.
Or what happens if you have a soulmate bond, in a universe where soulmate bonds don't exist?
Up Down Lock Unlock
isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella)
“Why are you going into grandma Ito’s apartment?” he asked.
Derek turned to him, key sliding into the lock. “What do you mean?” He tried to turn it, but the key wasn’t budging. Maybe the lock was sticking again, it’d been doing that the past few days.
Stiles was staring at him like Derek was stupid.
Derek did not appreciate sass from a ten year old.
“That’s grandma Ito’s place.”
“No,” Derek said calmly, pulling the key out and then shoving it back in, wiggling it a little when it continued to refuse to unlock the door. “This is my place.”
“I think you’re on the wrong floor then, because that apartment belongs to grandma Ito.”
(time travel counts as childhood friends right?)
the difference between going back and going home
Stiles and Derek were inseparable growing up, but then college, jobs, and life happened. When Stiles comes back to Beacon Hills a decade later, he doesn't expect to reconnect with Derek, and he sure doesn't expect to fall in love with him.
It's Such a Gas When You Bring Up the Past
Stiles finds a box of old photo albums that dredge up the sweet, the funny, the adorable, and the mildly heartwrenching parts of his and Derek's past.
(mainly a friends fic but its too cute to not include)
It's Always Been You
Stiles' love life was practically non-existing, always had been. He was always terrible at picking up clues when people hit on him (it had happened, Erica had been witness to it and had been the one to let him know it was happening in the first place) because he never expected anyone to do so.
He wasn't the most desirable guy around, he knew that. He was loud, extremely nerdy, never knew when to stop talking, not exactly much of a looker if you asked him, the list was endless.
Point was, he never did know when someone was flirting with him. Which was probably how he ended up in the fight that would change his life for the better.
Lead You Home Again
The first time Derek meets Stiles, the kid’s brown eyes are wide, and he’s staring up at him with a mischievous grin as he tugs at the arm of Derek’s first ever Batman figure like he’s trying to separate it from Batman’s body.
An alternate take on Teen Wolf, wherein Stiles and Derek are childhood friends, and things unfold from there.
Kingdom By The Sea
Lydia grabs his arm and pulls him down in the seat next to her. “When the hell did you find time to bag a guy like Hale?”
“We’re friends,” Stiles feels his face heat up, and then the team are running out and Derek sees him and smiles. His blush gets worse.
“Oh really?”
“Our moms were friends, okay? We’ve been in diapers together.”
“I thought you two hated each other.”
Those That Bump In The Night
A boy’s head appears upside down, hanging off the bed. “Is anyone there?” he calls out curiously, looking right at Derek’s eyes. Caught, then. The protocol for being deliberately seen by a child is just to look as strange and fearsome as possible. No one would believe them, anyways. But Derek is tired, and he’s been running and scared, and now he just kind of flickers, curling out a tendril of dark smoke, hoping that he’s a little bit scary. No such luck. The boy’s eyes widen. “Oooh, are you the bogeyman?” “Bogeyperson,” Derek says, before he can help himself.
When Stiles was a boy, he had an imaginary friend named Derek. Ten years later, Derek comes back, and is very, very real.
Five Times Derek and Stiles Kissed For Practice (And One Time They Didn't)
In which Derek and Stiles grow up together and practice kissing, roughly in that order.
216 + 1: Words To Say Instead of I Love You
Derek and Stiles have been best friends for fourteen years. They have their differences, sure, but it's never been a question for them. Their friendship has been the most solid thing in their lives -- until suddenly it isn't anymore.
Funny how just a few choice words can throw fourteen years of friendship off-balance.
a collection of "Bro, That's Gay" one-shots that actually ended up turning into a concrete storyline.
hope is the thing with feathers (part of a series)
Stiles is ten when he saves the Hales from their burning home and Derek from a wolfsbane bullet, and this establishes a pattern that seem to continue indefinitely.
"Then he's facing a burning home, and he wraps the hood of his sweatshirt around his mouth before he pushes the door open and steps inside. There's Mr. Hale asleep - he hopes asleep - on the couch, next to - Stiles thinks that's his brother but there are so many Hales, who can keep track. He rushes over and starts shaking him, can see the rise and fall of the man's chest so he knows he's alive, but he's not waking up. He shoves away his hood so he can shout, "Mr. Hale! You have to get up, there's a fire! Mr. Hale, get up!" Nothing, he's not even twitching, both of them taking in deep even breaths like they're having the most peaceful of rests, and Stiles is going to cry. "Wake up, wake up, wake up!" There's a moment, where all Stiles can hear is the blood rushing in his ears and not the roar of the flames or the creak of wood, then with a violent, silent pop it's all back and both of the men are gasping awake, eyes open and jumping to their feet. "
(one of my favourite fics like EVER)
it came from the trees
“Don’t worry, Scott caught me up on everything,” Kira assures with a bubbly smile via video-chat. “You and Derek, huh? I probably should have seen that coming. I always thought it might be Cora, but Derek was the one that looked at you how I used to look at you.”
Stiles goes a little pink. “It’s still kinda new but, yeah. I really like him. He’s...” Beautiful. Patient. Smart. Painfully honest. Sweet.“...a total dork.”
Kira laughs and laughs. When she gets herself together, she replies, “Yeah, those little hearts and stars in your eyes definitely say different."
Stiles moves from the shiny, fast-paced lifestyle of Los Angeles to the foggy, sleepy town of Beacon Hills so his dad can become the new sheriff. Newly fifteen, he does his best to finish out his freshman year of high school (by staying under the radar) when he suddenly becomes the Beyoncé of the Supernatural community. And, without much prompting on his part, he ends up catching the eye of one of the most prominent Werewolf families in all of North America. It literally all starts with a stuffed animal(s).
(oh god this fic is the literal best even though its abandoned it ends at okay-ish place. this is one of the best hale family characterisations ive ever read. if you squint it can be a childhood friends to lovers fic but im including it anyway bc its amazing)
Promises aren't Meant to be Broken
“Thanks for saving me,” Stiles blurts out, staring up at Laura, wide eyed.
Laura grins. “I like you,” she says, “we’ll be friends.”
(more laura and stiles besties centric but totally worth a read)
The Things We See
Stiles grew up in the life of knowing that there was always more to life than what others saw with a first glance. Even as a child he saw things that no one else seemed to and always had a fascination with the unusual.
Some considered him an unusual child, but Claudia welcomed every single quirk her son displayed. His mother had a few special talents of her own and thrilled her to see it in her son as well. She'd raised Stiles to always keep his mind open and as grew and started to display his powers, she began to teach him how to use them. She even taught Stiles about werewolves at a young age, his infatuation with them growing once he had learned the truth about her closest friend.
Stiles spent nearly every possible moment that he could roaming the Hale house, following after the middle child most of the time. Derek was three years older than Stiles, but the bond they developed with each other was something their mothers considered out of a story book. Like Derek, Stiles was sensitive to his emotions, but unlike Derek, Stiles didn't need a scent to figure it out. He could feel it.
take me back
“I dare you to kiss me,” Stiles taunts, and he’s not expecting the way Derek says a naughty word under his breath and then leans forward.
Stiles yelps. He just dodges Derek’s mouth before he’s laughing wildly and running through the trees, calling out a series of ew ew ew as Derek chases him back home.
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Tell Me You Hate Me
Summary:   Story contains some intense intrusive thoughts, please mind the tags. Remus always has episodes where his emotions seem to completely shut down, leaving nothing but thoughts pounding in his skull begging for a reaction. When he finally breaks down, Logan is there to hold him together.
Warnings: intrusive thought, implied self bruising, depictions of violence and death, hurt with comfort, mild swearing
Ships: Logan x Remus, Intrulogical
WC: 3, 602
General Taglist: (ask to be tagged generally or in specific writing.) @im-an-anxious-wreck
Remus huffed as he flopped over to his other side yet again, kicking his feet out from underneath them and burying his face into his pillow. Finding it still too hot he quickly picked his head up and flipped the pillow to the cooler side, flopping face first this time as he fought to quiet his groan. Squeezing his eyes shut tight did nothing unfortunately and neither did leaving indents in his palms from his fingernails. Flopping over onto his back he tried taking deep, calming breaths- something Virgil had said sometimes helped them sleep- but he gave up after a few minutes. Shadows from the corners of his room licked at the edge of the safety of his bed and a spike of anxiety in his chest forced his feet back under the covers. A stupid false sense of security that died along with the anxiety as quickly as it had made itself known. The dull buzz of his fan did nothing to drown the ringing in his ears and he wiggled a bit to get the sheets unstuck from his back as his newest position began to get uncomfortable.
He closed his eyes again and sighed deeply before throwing the blankets to the floor and hurrying to the light switch to flick it on. Eyes still shut he stumbled into the hallway running his hand along the wall for a sense of direction wanting nothing more but a spike of caffeine to jump start the day. He left the kitchen light off since he didn't actually know how early it was and didn't want to wake Logan, instead holding his hand out and shuffling forward until his toe stubbed the bottom of the cabinets. Swearing he placed his hands on the counter and felt around until he found the coffee pot, finally deciding to open his eyes to the dim room so he didn't end up smashing the pot and getting glass in his feet...again. Filling it with water and grounds was simple enough, the routine so ingrained he had to force himself to actually concentrate on the action instead of drifting off into his own head again.
Briefly he thought about wedging his head under the spout and letting the freshly brewed coffee flow down his throat but he decided he liked the new creamer they had gotten too much to attempt that this time. Idly picking at his fingertips while he waited he glanced out the window of the shared apartment and wondered how hard it would be to climb down the building from there. Realistically he could do it- just squat in the sink and back up as carefully as he could to find footholds and balance. The thought of neighbors seeing a random ass sticking out of a window, wiggling as he got into a better position brought a flicker of a grin to his face, but the thought of then someone calling the police to report a break-in and the subsequential argument hed most likely have with Logan over his reasoning it had seemed like a good idea made him dismiss the thought immediately. Things were already on the rockier side with his husband, he didn't need something else making him regret he had ever proposed to Remus.
Things weren't at all bad in their marriage, new as it was and with as small of a space they shared. Remus just went through moods- quiet ones where he was mostly lost in his head and didn't want to make things tense by finding his way out of it. Moods where everything was exhausting, even engaging in activities with someone he loved more than anything else in the world seemed dull and tiring. He'd never tell Logan that, never even think about hurting him that badly, but sometimes he got so tired it was all he could do to get out of bed. And now his emotions were broken again and that certainly didn't help anything.
It didn't happen often, but every once in a while for whatever reason his brain had thought of, he couldn't feel anything. Not even sadness. Smiles were hard, crying was harder, brief spikes of anxiety died before he could think about them and anger or irritation which he usually relied on in these states were so far away he couldn't even think of what to do to make them appear. His world was dull and heavy and numb, pressing in from all sides in a way that would have been overwhelming if he could care to put any name to it. Instead he grew quiet, filing away thoughts and feelings to deal with when he could actually grasp them. Logan noticed; of course he did he noticed everything. Usually all Remus really needed was space and a little time to get his bearings. He would stay in bed a lot, even if he didn't manage to sleep, and watch youtube videos at random for hours on end until Logan came in with water or food or a reminder to get up and stretch. Remus would get up stiffly and stretch for a moment, maybe go to the bathroom, eat, drink and then go right back to curl as tight as he could under the blankets to blankly stare at the screen. He'd hear a soft sigh and feel fingers run gently through his tangled hair before the door would shut once again and he'd be left alone to his nothing and cold and numb and thoughts.
The thoughts were the worst even if he didn’t attach anything to them. Constant and intrusive and violent as they were they didn't even make him afraid anymore. It often seemed, in whatever fucked up process his brain had made up, that if his emotions shut down the intrusive thoughts needed to step up to compensate. Usually nothing more than a suggestive buzz in the background he had long ago learned to simply brush off they became a battering ram against the inside of his skull that he had to actively reason his way through to stop the twitch in his muscles. Boiling water for tea became sticking his hands in his pocket so he didn't stick it in the pan to watch burn and stick to the bottom, flesh pulling like hot cheese until it snapped away from his muscles and left his blood to be boiled by the heat. The want to tip his chair back became his teeth frigging as a graphic image of his head cracked open like an egg and leaking through the carpet presented itself to him like a proud child with macaroni art. A constant barrage of images and impulses that left him exhausted rather than disturbed and made him simply want to sleep them all away, which of course was when the insomnia kicked in and left him making coffee at- his eyes snapped to the oven clock and he sighed tiredly- 4:30 on the morning.
Thanking whatever gods were real it was a Saturday morning he brought down a mug and filled it with coffee and an obscene amount of creamer, chugging it in seconds and ignoring the sickly sweet taste before getting a refill and shambling to the couch to turn on the news. The news always had something going on lately and he was hoping it would be enough to distract from the thoughts of smashing his head through the glass coffee table or making another pot of coffee to chug through. Granted the latter was the better option of the two should he make it a choice but he knew his limit with caffeine and wasn't keen on his heart thumping in his chest throughout the day when he had no energy to do anything with the fake adrenaline rush.
"Remus?" The man winced as he heard Logan's sleepy voice in the hallway and turned to see him walking to the couch, face pinched in concern. "Are you alright? It's nearly five in the morning."
Running his dry tongue over even drier lips Remus nodded. "I uh- I was gonna go on a run today. Get out of the house you know- and I thought an early start might be good."
Logan studied his face carefully, though thankfully not seeming to notice the deep bruises under his eyes in the shifting light of the tv. Remus offered a weak smile and gripped his mug tighter, firmly dismissing the thought to smash it over Logan's head while Logan stepped back and nodded tiredly.
"I'm going to sleep for a bit longer. Please be careful Remus, I love you."
"Love you too, Logan." Remus turned away before he could see any more puty in Logan's eyes, anger licking up from his stomach but he simply clutched his mug to dissipate it before it could take hold, not that it really could. He listened as the footsteps died and the others door was shut, bringing the mug up and chugging the rest of it. Groaning slightly he realized he'd actually have to go out now, he couldn't lie to Logan anymore than he already had. Screwing his mouth to one side he decided biking would be easier. More chances to simply coast and he could wear his headphones without risk of his phone bouncing out of his pocket. Figuring he may as well go now rather than wait, since if he did he was sure he'd simply go back to curl up in bed, he quickly tidied up the kitchen and went to throw some clothes and a helmet on. Tugging his bike out of the hall closet he found himself on the street without quite remembering how he'd gotten there but in the end he supposed it didn't matter. This early in the morning there was virtually no one on the sidewalks giving him ample space to go as fast as he wanted down the hill. Hed ride back up the hill on his way back so he'd get some actual exercise to make up for just coasting for about a quarter mile later.
The wind was on his face before he even registered he had started heartbeat picking up slightly as the buildings on his right began to whip past faster and faster. He contemplated breaking a bit to slow down but his thoughts suddenly demanding he do a hard break, making him flip over the handlebars and skid into the road made him dismiss it quickly. Hed slow down eventually and he was fine for now. The streets were quiet and dark, the air was cool but the wind was so cold it felt like needles against his face. He probably should have worn at least a jacket from the way his arms were going numb but dismissing it was so much easier than thinking about how tiring it would be to turn around, go all the way back to his building, back up the stairs and into his room to get a jacket and gloves- and by that time he'd just went to stay in bed anyway since that would be closer so there really wasn't any point. The fold felt nice, it as waking him up along with the coffee and his heart was thumping loudly in his ears drowning out any thoughts that might slip through and his hands were gripping the handle bars so tight his cold knuckles were a stark white-
Instinct swerved his bike and slammed the breaks before he even noticed the truck speeding down the road. The driver didn't even acknowledge him as his hands slipped off the handle bars and his vision grew spotty. The sudden panic felt distant, dull and unimportant even as his breathing sped up and a thought rose up that told him he could have died: images of his cold body splayed in front of a sideways truck slammed it's way through to the front of his mind, blood pooled around the driver’s feet as his panicked voice called for help. Distantly Logan's screams could be heard as footsteps ran to his unresponsive body and everything was simply white and static and cold. The sound of another car's horn snapped him back to himself suddenly, looking around in confusion as he saw how light it had gotten and the quiet streets now coming to life with people Getting off night shift or waking up for their morning shift or running to coffee shops. His sweat soaked hands were nearly frozen on the handlebars and when he tried moving his legs he felt like he was trying to tread through a thick vat of glue that threatened to pull him down and under the second he decided to stop fighting. 
As much as he wanted nothing more than to collapse and hope something on his bike punctured a lung on the way down though he simply turned and started back up the hill towards home. He didn’t know how long he had been standing on the sidewalk but he judged it to have been an hour at least with how bright  the sky was now. Hopefully Lgan hadn’t worried too much, the thought bringing a wave of guilt that nearly drove him to his knees with the fierceness with which it crashed onto him but just like with everything else it disappeared almost as quickly as it decided to present itself and Remus was left to simply stare blankly at the concrete before him as his stiff legs took him to Logan step by mind numbing step. He just had to make it to Logan. Logan would know what to do, what to say; Remus knew all he ever had to do was ask. Logan was getting better at asking whenever he needed help so the least Remus could do was show that same courtesy.
 But then- what if he didn’t understand? What if he couldn’t? What if he thought Remus was just crazy or having a mental break or because he couldn’t feel things sometimes Logan thought that meant he didn’t love him anymore? What if he decided to leave? What if he left and Remus was alone with only his thoughts and the cold and-
“Remus?” He snapped his head up at Logan’s voice, a quick brush of panic curling around him as he saw that he was back in the apartment with again no recollection of walking the rest of the way up the block and up the stairs and through the door. Logan was looking at him, that same pitying concern wrinkling his face as he stood in front of Remus with a mug of black coffee held tightly in one hand while the other reached out to him gently. And Remus, with the overwhelming feeling of nothing, nothing, nothing and still frantically beating heart with wild eyes full of tears that hadn’t fallen in a week, couldn’t think of what to say to make anything better for either of them. So he did what he did best.
“Tell me you hate me.” The words blurted out with his characteristic impulsiveness as Logan’s eyes blew wide and he only briefly registered his own surprise before the world turned gray again. Of course, the most painful thing for him to hear is what he wanted. No amount of horror movie jump scares or gore, of late night metal blasting at full volume through his ears, pf slamming his fists repeatedly into his thighs until he could barely walk the next day would be as painful as having someone he had cared about more than anyone else for six years now telling him that they hated him. That they couldn’t stand him because he was useless and unfeeling and so, so stupid to even think someone like them could love someone like him. He needed to hear the words he knew Logan was probably itching for permission to say, and now that he had it he could go all out, and maybe then something could get through his constant swirl of thoughts.
“Please I can’t- I’m so numb Logan. I haven’t felt anything in a week I just need- this is your chance to lay it all out.” Logan considered  him carefully before reaching ver and setting his coffee down on the counter and stepping towards him. Gently, so gently it almost hurt, Logan took both of his hands and tugged, walking backward and around until he could sit them both down on the couch. Squeezing his hands slightly he took them away only to place them gently on with side of Remus’ face and hold him as if he was made of fragile porcelain, thumbs caressing his cheekbones in a steady rhythm that had his heart finally calming down and body relaxing into the touch.
“I love you.”
Remus’ breath caught as he locked eyes with his husband, who was simply smiling gently as him with the same loving look he had been giving him for years. Pressure built behind his eyes suddenly and he widened them to keep it at bay, shaking his head in defiance.
“You are safe. Whatever you’re feeling or not feeling is perfectly alright. You are with your husband who cares for you very much in the apartment we’ve shared for four years. You haven’t been sleeping well which may be contributing to your mental distress but that’s okay too because we can work on fixing that. I could never tell you that I hate you.  Love you more than anything, Remus.”
Remus wasn’t sure why that’s what finally broke him, but the flood of emotions that crashed over him barely gave him time to breath before he gasped out a sob and smashed his face into Logan’s chest. Steady arms wrapped around him in a tight, comforting embrace as his legs were brought over his lap, essentially making Logan cardle him like a child but Remus couldn’t bring himself to care as he gasped and shuddered out weeks worth of pent up emotions that he was just now able to feel and it was too much, too much, too much all at once. His hands came up too fist in Logan’s shirt and snot ran freely down his face and his throat began to ache form the noises desperately escaping his throat. This was too much at once, he couldn’t handle this much at once.
But all the way through it Logan rocked them back and forth, hugging him tightly and whispering how much he was loved and cared for and how much better his life was with Remus in it even if he did leave the cabinet doors open and hog the blankets when they shared a bed. Careful fingers carded through his hair as he was told that it was okay to cry, it was okay to not feel anything or to feel everything and Logan would be there regardless. Logan would be there for him through everything Remus needed as long as Remus needed him for. The rocking and whispering didn’t stop until Remus pulled away, a little ashamed and embarrassed with snot covering his face and hiccups preventing him from saying anything but it was okay because Logan only smiled as him and laid a hand on his cheek before getting up and telling him He’d be right back.
It was only a few seconds before he was back with a cool washcloth pressed to his face, carefully wiping his sore, red eyes and rubbing gently as his cheeks and nose. It ws cool and refreshing and instantly Remus felt better than he had in weeks. His wild curls were brushed out of his face and a kiss was pressed to his forehead before Logan made to leave again, making Remus let out a pathetic whine in protest.
“I’m only going to the kitchen to get you water, Remus. Did you want to come with me?”
As ridiculous as it was, he did. So he slipped his hand into Logan’s and followed him out to the small kitchen, watching as he awkwardly poured a glass of water from the fridge one handed and passed it to Remus who downed it in five seconds and handed it back sheepishly. Receiving only an encouraging smile in return the glass was filled once again before he was tugged back into the living room and sat down on the couch. Logan turned to him and squeezed his hand gently. Always so gently and lovingly.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Remus knew they would have to eventually but he was so tired. Not the kind of tired he had been where everything was exhausting and irritating and just on the side of too much, but the kind of bone tired you can only be after having an emotional breakdown in your husband's arms at eight o’clock in the morning after only getting two hours of sleep the night before. So he shook his head, hoping against all odds Logan could read minds and understand.
To Logan’s credit he picked up that it was something best addressed at a later time, simply nodding again and reaching for the remote. “How about a movie instead then? As a distraction?”
Smiling a tired but genuine smile, Remus nodded and curled up into Logan’s side, eyes slipping shut before he could even see what Logan had picked. But that was fine. The volume was low and Logan’s arm came to wrap around Remus’ shoulder as he drifted off peacefully. He was safe and loved and right now, that was all that mattered.
 I promise I write happy things sometimes XD As always, this work is available with other on AO3!
If you like this, please consider reblogging. Sharing works helps creators.
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bbhyeoliskooks · 4 years
Can you write a Boemgyu fluff where you're dating him in secret but Yeonjun knows and he keeps subtly teasing you guys about it.
ຶཽଓ✧ 𝐒𝐡𝐮𝐭 𝐮𝐩, 𝐘𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐣𝐮𝐧! ✧ଓ ຶཽ
Yeonjun should learn how to shut his mouth... :)
Tumblr media
* Ŏ・;゙.:’;* Ŏ・;゙.:’;* Ŏ・;゙.:’;
Pairing: Beomgyu x Reader (gender-neutral)
Genre: 4 cups of fluff !!
Warnings: None
(The title- idk what to call it, and then the description... yea im so sorry my jjuniebug, i didn’t know how to say it :D Also, unedited since I have school tomorrow!)
* Ŏ・;゙.:’;* Ŏ・;゙.:’;* Ŏ・;゙.:’;
It was extremely... risky to be inside of Beomgyu’s room without any of the other boys knowing. In the dark room were only you, Beomgyu, and Yeonjun, however it was late and he was probably asleep.
Luckily you were hidden, away from sight but that still didn’t take away any of the dangers that his group members would find out. If they did, that would certainly take away the thrill of a new blossomed relationship. It had only been a month, but your love was as strong as ever, and you couldn’t complain.
To be honest, you never imagined you would be at the dorms at almost 1am in the morning, yet here we are!
He had begged you on the phone to come and cuddle with him until the early morning because he missed you a lot! It had only been a week since he saw you, but he swore he missed you more than anyone he had ever pined for. Saying that he needed to kiss you and wanted your hugs was enough to get you going there, but then he pulled out the puppy dog eyes which you had a love/hate relationship with. Let’s just say that you could only say yes to those puppy dog eyes on the facetime call just fifteen minutes before.
Instantly, you walked over to the dorms since it was a short walk. Your boyfriend said he was going to pick you up, but you knew that it would be even worse because the boys would know once the door slammed open. Although they had already been asleep a long time ago, Yeonjun being the last one to close his eyes. 
Of course he didn’t care about the repercussions which would in worse case scenario be, everyone finding out and the managers forcing the two of you to break up, but you had to look at the bright side! At least you were safe in Beomgyu’s tender arms, giggling about the things that happened this week. 
“So... did you miss me as much as I did?” He peppered soft kisses against your cheeks while you held him even closer to you, scared that his comforting touch would disappear into thin air if you made the wrong mov
“You think I didn’t? I would’ve declined your request since it’s too late know, but I guess that I needed you as much as you needed me.”
A sudden voice came out from the other side of the room and you gasped, pulling the blankets over you in fear that you were caught by someone who didn’t know. 
“Guys, will you be quiet with your lovey dovey stuff? I’m tired, and I don’t need to hear all of that.”
Beomgyu and you just stared at each other before you both simultaneously got up from the bed.
“Don’t look at me as if you’ve just seen a ghost!”
Yeonjun shook off the pillow on his chest, looking proud that he had scared the two of you. It was that cocky grin that you wanted to wipe off since forever, perhaps even the day you met him. Only thing that was holding you back was that he was your best friend, and you owed him a lot for some favors that couldn’t be named. 
“I know about your relationship, we established that fact already. You haven’t let any of the other ones know, right?” The two of you nodded your head, looking at each other with hearts in your eyes. You didn’t want anybody to know until later, maybe when everything cools down for a while.
Yeonjun chuckled, pulling his blanket over his head. “Alright, then. Just be quie-”
The sound of the door creaked open, and you darted under Beomgyu’s back. Who could be up at this hour? You hoped that it wasn’t an emergency or else you would be found out for sure. 
“Hey Beomgyu hyung? Could you open this for me? I don’t think Soobin is awake, and I don’t want to bother him.” You hoped that he was feeling sleepy enough to not realize that you were right beside (under) he was sitting. 
From the corner of your eyes, you could see that Kai was holding those jars of flintstone gummies that you usually eat when you’re younger. You held back the laughter rumbling from your chest at how adorable he was before bunching your body into the covers. It was getting really warm though and a few seconds later, you took a deep breath of fresh air- looking out into the other wall where his roommate lay.
It was dark but you could see that Yeonjun kept sending you weird glances from across the bed which you knew meant that he was teasing you about your secret relationship. You rolled your eyes, peeking out to see him from the sweaty blanket. When Beomgyu turned on the other side to help him open the jar, you gave Yeonjun the dirtiest glare you could muster as a sign to leave the two of you alone. 
He just shrugged, and you felt the urge to let out a scream if not for Beomgyu’s gentle hand searching to find yours. Good thing that he figured out that you were fuming under those damn covers because wow, you would’ve made known your presence. Still, that didn’t stop you from getting mad at yourself.
And you really thought that telling your best friend was the best idea?! You wanted to hit the past you in that moment. 
You thought he wouldn’t do anything else until he started to make kissing noises in front of the younger ones. He was being obnoxious, and you wanted to hit him for being annoying when you were trying not to get caught. 
Making a punch sign, you saw him fall back dramatically and sighed softly. The bed made a creaking noise, causing Kai to turn over to the loud noise while Beomgyu struggled with the jar. That made it even worse! 
Kai glanced over at Yeonjun, the shift in the bed let you know. 
“Oh, hyung? Are you okay?”
He laughed in response, the darkness of the room making it hard to see that he was swatting his hand in amusement. 
“Yeah! I-I’m totally good!” It was getting harder for him to speak since the little fits of laughter came out. Beomgyu squeezed on your hand tighter, trying his best to calm you down.
“Look! I got it! I opened it for you, pipsqueak.” 
You watched Kai’s eyes turned into one of amazement, and he thanked Beomgyu before hopping from his spot on the bed. 
“Thank you so much! I better head to sleep now.” 
Just like that, the footsteps got dimmer and you sat up a little, hoping that he would be gone for good. Yeonjun decided to have a bit more fun teasing the two of you, so he shouted at Kai. “Beomgyu and Y/N-” “Shut up, Yeonjun!”
Finally the door shut close, and you couldn’t hold it back anymore, the frustration in your body knowing no bounds as you yelled at him. 
Crap! You winced at your loud voice. That definitely woke all three of them up now...
* Ŏ・;゙.:’;* Ŏ・;゙.:’;* Ŏ・;゙.:’;
Posted: 9/21/20- 10:55pm
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midnightsnyx · 4 years
Matthew Tkachuk - In Your Dreams: part 2
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a/n: a couple people requested a part 2 and i couldn’t help myself!! thank you for all the love on part 1!! <3  also im bad at writing cheesy romance so i apologize in advance at how bad it will be lol
part 1 here
warnings: angst, fluff, insinuated smut (i may get there some day folks but today ain’t that day)
word count: 2967
tag list: @buckybarneshairpullingkink​
my masterlist
Matthew Tkachuk
“Are you sexting my brother?”
You yelp when Brady drops on the couch beside you and snatches your phone from your hand. Luckily, you were only scrolling through Instagram so he didn’t see the suggestive texts you and Matt had been exchanging all morning.
After the summer, you and Matt had been texting back and forth, trying to get used to the idea of talking without insulting each other. It was much easier than you were expecting and you discovered rather quickly that you enjoyed talking to him. He was sweeter than you’ve ever seen, thoughtful, good-humored and you were completely infatuated with him.
After a couple months of texting and Facetime, you flew to Calgary to spend the weekend with him. He wined and dined and took you to his bed and you hated having to leave.
You snatch your phone back. “No. Although I’m not sure why you would want to see them.”
“I don’t!”
“Keep your nose out of my business then.”
. . .
“Heck no.” Brady says when you meet him at the Canadian Tire Centre. “Oh, heck, no. You’re not wearing that!”
You look down at you Calgary Flames jersey and shrug. Matt sent it to you and asked if you would wear it for tonight’s game because the Sens were facing off against the Flames.
“I mean, technically, it still has your name on it.”
“You’ve betrayed me!”
You roll your eyes at him. “You’re being dramatic. Look,” you lift your jersey up to show a Sens t-shirt with number 7 on it. “See? Now c’mon, you have a game to play.”
He follows you like a sad puppy and sighs. “My own brother is stealing my best friend. You know, I think I liked it better when guys hated each other.”
You groan and shove his shoulder. “Grow up.”
 Along with buying your jersey, Matt also bought your ticket so that you’d be on the visitors side. Which means he spent most of warm up showing off to you as if you’ve never seen him play before which you have but you’ll never admit it to him.
It’s an intense game and you’re not sure who you’re cheering for half the time but they go into overtime so at least they’ll both get a point.
Matt ends up scoring the winning goal and when he points to you and mouths, that one was for you, you think your heart might burst out of your chest.
. . .
The two of you haven’t put a label on whatever you are and part of you is okay with it because it is fairly new but you’re also worried about what he does when the two of you aren’t together which is quite a lot. Sure, he sends you flowers and calls you after every game no matter how tired he is. He texts you every morning and calls you before you go to bed and it makes you feel special but sometimes you can’t help but wonder if he does this for other girls and if it makes them feel special too.
It’s something that’s on your mind on a weekend that Matt brings you to Calgary. He had practice in the morning so you’re hanging out at his apartment waiting for him to come home. You’re cooking lunch when you hear the front door open, and Matt calling out to you.
“Babe, I’m back!” He shouts and your heart swells at the term of endearment but it drops when you think about him calling other girls that when you’re not around.
His arms wrap around your waist and he presses a kiss on your neck.
“Something smells good.”
“Yeah, it’s fettuccine… I think I might’ve messed it up a-”
“I’m not talking about the pasta.” he mumbles, pressing more kisses down your neck.
“Oh?” you squeak and you really shouldn’t, because you’re still worrying about not being the only one, but you let him drag you to bed anyway.
Later that night, long after he’s asleep, you’re trying to ignore the taunting voice in your head reminding you that he might be holding other girls like this. Reminding you that someone else might also wake up to his sleepy smile and messy hair.
. . .
“So you’re her.”
You raise your eyebrows at Johnny Gaudreau, who Matt had introduced you to when the two of you first arrived at the bar. He introduced you as Brady’s friend and when you looked at him, he just shrugged.
You’re not sure what you were expecting - certainly not saying you were his girlfriend - but Brady’s friend? It was bothering you and you were doing you best to hide it but you knew you were failing because Matt had been sending you weird looks all night all while basically ignoring you. He’s barely touched you since you sat with his friends.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You reply, glancing at Matt who is deep in conversation with one of his teammates.
“He talks about you a lot.” Johnny shrugs. “I thought you two were dating.”
“Apparently not.” You mumble, standing up and giving Matt a quick look. “I’m going to get a refill.”
You leave before he can reply and push through all the sweaty bodies trying to get to the bar. While you’re flagging down a bartender, someone sits on the stool next to you. You look, expecting it to be Matthew but instead it’s a stranger. A handsome stranger so when he offers you to pay for your drink you almost say yes but a familiar arm wraps around your shoulder.
“Thanks, but no thanks.” Matt says, glaring at the man until he mutters an apology and leaves. When he’s out of sight, Matt turns so he’s facing you and now you’re the one on the opposite end of his dirty look.
“What the hell was that?” He snaps and you scoff, shrugging his arm off you.
“Excuse me?”
“You were going to let him buy you a drink!” He says loudly and you glance around but nobody seems to be paying attention to you thankfully.
“It was a drink, Matthew. I wasn’t inviting him home.”
“Well I wouldn’t be surprised if you did.” He says harshly and you flinch. His eyes widen immediately and he reaches out but you hop off the stool and run out of the bar, ignoring him calling your name.  
You run out of the bar and down the street until you come across a quiet diner. A bell dings when you open the door and a kind looking, older woman greets you and tells you to seat yourself.
You’ve been sitting in the diner nursing a glass of water for no more than fifteen minutes when the bell rings, signally a new customer.
You don’t have to look up to know who it is but you do anyway and you’re greeted with a very guilty looking Matt. He slowly walks over and seats himself across from you.
“How’d you find me?”
He shifts in his seat and stares at the table instead of you. “I tracked you on snapchat.”
You swear under your breath for not turning that option off. When you look at Matt again, his eyes are on you already. He opens his mouth to speak but you cut him off right away, wanting to speak your mind before he says anything.
“You introduced me as Brady’s friend.” you say quietly and he nods. “you barely spoke to me the entire night and then you got possessive when that guy spoke to me.” he nods again and you sigh. “look, Matt. I’m not asking you to say something you’re not comfortable saying or you’re not ready to say - I don’t think I’m ready for it - but you’re not allowed to act like I’m nothing to you when there are people around but get jealous if someone talks to me. And you’re not allowed to say what you said to me. That was unfair.”
“I know.” he replies. “and I’m really sorry. I shouldn’t have yelled at you, I was out of line.” He looks back down at the table and you know he’s trying to think of what to say so you give him a moment. “I know it’s selfish… but I guess I just want you to myself a little while longer. I like the two of us in our bubble and that bubble is going to be popped when people find out about us. I’m in the spotlight, people are going to want to know our business and I don’t want it to freak you out.”
You nod in understanding. You were aware of how the media can be and it’s not something you look forward to.
“I’m scared.” He admits and you reach across the table, squeezing his hand.
“I’m scared too.” you tell him, lips turning up in a tiny smile. “but it’s better to be scared together than alone, right?”
He mirrors your smile and leans across the table and you meet him halfway.
. . .
You spend Christmas with the Tkachuk’s and Matthew proudly introduces you as his girlfriend and Chantal and Taryn squeal, Keith smiles and hugs you and Brady rolls his eyes and says “I knew this would happen all along. The two of you should really thank me.”
Matt blushes when his mom gushes about how glad she is that he found someone like you and that she had a feeling the two of you were meant for each other but later that night he tells you how happy he is that you gave him a chance.
The two of you debate over how it would be best to tell everyone you’re dating and you decide on a cliche but simple post to his Instagram.
It’s a picture of the two of you standing in front of the tree, his arms wrapped around you and lips pressed against your forehead. The caption reads, it wasn’t love at first sight, but we turned out okay.
It accurately sums up your relationship perfectly and you tease him about how long he’s had that one in his back pocket.
But it still makes your heart race and you want to shout I love you from the rooftops.
. . .
It’s not easy being 2877 kilometers apart and it becomes more obvious the longer the two of you are together. You fly to Calgary as often as you can but you still have school and Matt can’t visit Ottawa much because of his hockey schedule.
It’s a test for the two of you - and your relationship - and sometimes you feel frustrated and you wonder if you can do it but you think about when Matt Facetime’s you nearly every night that you’re apart from each other and you know that it would break your heart to live without seeing his curly brown hair and blue eyes and hearing his voice so you tell yourself it’s worth it.
And it is, until it isn’t.
. . .
“I don’t understand what the big deal is.” Matt says, obviously frustrated.
The two of you had been arguing for hours. You were graduating in less than two weeks so you’re job searching and when Matt brought up the idea of you moving to Calgary with him to get a job, you panicked.
You have been together for just about eight months now and you know that it’s normal at this stage to move in with someone but you were scared. There’s always been the fear in the back of your mind that one day Matt is going to wake up and decide that you’re not who he wants and if you uproot your entire life in Ottawa for him, you don’t know what you would do if something happened between the two of you.
But you couldn’t explain this to him so you kept making up lame excuses as to why you couldn't move in with him.
“I just don’t think it’s a good idea.” You say quietly and he huffs.
“Can you please just think about it?” He pleads and you’re tired of arguing that you just agree even though your answer will still be no when he asks.
“I love you.” He says and you smile softly. One thing about Matt is that no matter how big an argument and even if it’s not solved right away, he tell you he loves you.
“I know. I love you too.” You say before he ends the call.
You flop back on your bed and even though it’s only seven o’clock, you feel ready for bed. Ten minutes later, you’re just dozing off when you hear your door open and slam shut. You would freak out but you hear Brady call out to you and you tell him you are in your room.
You expected him to come over because when you and Matt argue, he makes sure to check on you.
What you’re not expecting is to see him fuming with anger.
“You’re an idiot.” He says.
“Excuse me?” You snap and he huffs, putting his hands on his hips and glaring at you.
“You love my brother, right?” he asks and you nod. “and he loves you.” you nod again and he raises an eyebrow.
“So why won’t you move in with him?”
You roll your eyes and sit up. “It’s not that simple, Brady.”
“Why not?”
“It’s just not.” you say because you don’t actually have a valid explanation. You know most of your reasons are foolish but you can’t help it.
He sighs and sits on the bed next to you. “What’s going on in your head? We’re best friends, you can talk to me about anything.”
You look at him and can’t help but smile. Brady always had a way of making you feel better when you were kids.
“I guess I’m scared.” You admit quietly and he knocks his shoulder against yours more gentle than normal.
“’bout what?” he asks and you shrug.
“He wants me to move across the county.”
“What if it doesn’t work out?”
A small smile crosses his face. “But what if it does?”
. . .
Three weeks later you’re holding a one way ticket to Calgary in your hand and saying goodbye to Brady in the airport.
“You got everything?” He asks, passing you your carry-on. You’re pretty sure if you looked close enough, his eyes would be a bit watery but yours are too so you can’t poke fun.
“Everything I need.” You tell him, and hug him tightly. You hold on to him a little longer than usual but it’s hard leaving your best friend after being attached at the hip for so long.
When he pulls away, he grins. “I’m proud of you.”
“I know.” you say. “I’ll text you when I land. And don’t forget-”
“I won’t tell him.” he promises and you hug him once more before leaving.
You’ll miss Ottawa, but it’s time for the new chapter of your life to start and you can’t wait.
. . .
Matt’s not surprised when he opens his front door to find you standing in front of him. He just grins and leans against the door.
“Missed me, did you?”
“Yeah.” You tell him, wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him soundly. “I really did.”
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dolphin-enthusiast · 4 years
ahhh it is embarrassing how my siblings find me in the most candid moments,, i'm just glad that the video didn't spread too far among my friends,, because i know for a fact that if it reached far enough, someone would end up posting it here!! at least they always threaten to do so... 😖💫 oh my, and morgy dear, you are one sly fox, don't think i missed where you called my existence "ethereal" in tags... you are way too sweet to me!! but really, the only thing ethereal here is you~ 💞 (2/9)
"i started watching playthroughs of the ace attorney games today (since i can't afford to buy any of them) and i really enjoy it so far!! i can't wait to watch more, and this coming week, i plan to set a day aside to watch more of our show 😉 (3/9)
ooh, something quite funny has happened today,, i put out this question on instagram asking if any of my friends want to go out for dinner with me sometime (since i was bored and i think it's a nice idea hehe) and now i have TONS of people saying yes!! oh gosh, it's quite crazy! i feel bad for it but i think i have to pic just a few people, since the amount of contenders is overwhelming,, ahhhh i do hope they'll take it well!! 😅 (4/9)
today was spent working,, tailoring clothes and cleaning the house to be exact,, it was all so tiring, and unfortunately i was the only one who was able to do it since everyone else was "busy",, mamma mia,, but i did end up having to do more food shopping today, and it started to storm super hard while i was out! i am scared of thunderstorms, so being out and about during one is truly a nightmare for me!! (5/9)
they are so beautiful but terrifying at the same time,, oh gosh, it was even worse since i was out by myself,, no one to latch onto for safety 😖 i think the thunderstorm may be related to a hurricane that is incoming towards my country,, it most likely won't hit as bad in the north (where i am) since the storms tend to die down and wash out in the atlantic by the time they reach here, so we'll probably just get more thunderstorms,, (6/9)
though in return, we get these awful storms that we call nor'easters, which are basically wintry hurricanes they are truly awful for me to live through since i do not do well with cold at all,, my friends and i actually got caught in one by accident last year, and we were stuck outside for 3 whole hours... ah that was such a scary situation!!!!we all ended up going to the hospital to get checked out since we were trapped for so long... (7/9)
everyone i know in person always talks about how we're "survivors", but i'm not sure if that's the right term to use... i guess it's the law of equivalent exchange? a hurricane for a nor'easter hehe ☁ speaking of storms, when the rain died down, i went to check on the bunnies,, and the poor cuties were soaked and shivering! i offered them my raincoat and umbrella to stay under, but i guess they were desperately cold, to the point where they cuddled up to me! (8/9)
i ended up laying there for half an hour, trying to warm the little bunbuns up,, and even though i came home shivering myself, i'm so happy that sacrificing my body heat was enough to help them!! 😊 oh my stars, i feel the tiredness hitting me, I guess that means sleepy time hehe! goodnight dolcezza, i'll see you tomorrow!! sending sweet dreams your way 💕 - love always, your adoring waifu 💋🌺💘💌🌠 ps: we must definitely go out to dinner together,, no if's and's or but's about it~! 😘 (9/9)"
Ok so before i say anything else tungle mighr have eaten the first part to ur letter and im boutta throw fists 🗿🗿🗿🗿 but either way i gotta say darling my eyes read over the words "sly fox" and i immediately c r e a s e d jhdusuxhdjs im only stating facts alright🤪🤪🤪 it wouldn't be the first time someone calls me sly but i take that as a compliment really👁️
And before we dive d e e p e r lemme tell u a lil secret....i myself did not buy the aa games so if u acc want to play em hmu👀👁️👀👁️
Ok so as for the storms thing i gotta say thats fuckin wild ur life really does sound like a move darling u know rhshxhd i do know its esp bad lately from another american friend of mine who told me that it also heavily rained in her area (she's on the east coast) so🗿🗿🗿 but ig u would be called survivors since technically u made it thru a natural disaster which is fuckin w i l d
Its nice to see that u were more productive again ofc (and also u warming those poor bunnies up? Icon 11/10 disney princess right fuckin here) but i gotta say once more idk how u do it....i'd be burning up the house when attempting to cook and shredding the clothes in less than a second🤡 my day was spent writing (smth non jojo related) then i went out and played football until my legs gave in and pain shot thru my entire body since my dumbass can go at it for h o u r s completely ignoring if i scrape some skin or shit like that just bc i wanna push thru and keep playing a h a
On another note, im p sure ur friends would all want to go out w u (i myself the most but shh) 👁️
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tothe8andbeyond · 4 years
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Season 1 began in 2017 (another reason 2017 is ironically Seventeen's year) and SVT content was changed forever.
It began as more of a behind the scenes with everything from Don't Wanna Cry, Diamond Edge, Clap promo, and all the fansigns inbetween. This season just made me really sad I wasn't a carat sooner but it was a cool vlog for the boys and they were so excited to be filmed, precious bubs. I don't really have a favorite episode but here are some iconic/favorite moments
"Goiiiiing.. SEVENTEEN!" "goinggoing~~~"
Covering the camera with Hoshi's hand
"What if I die?!" "Then you die!"
SVT Energy Skincare™
Jun leaving people "frozen"
Angry MC Santa Wonwoo
Asking for the unicorn frap at Starbucks and having the order total turn out to be $17 thus triggering the members
Minghao flexing on everyone's life (again) on the trampoline
Hoshi being depressed about not getting bday wishes
Dino's "fanboys"
"Americano, aMEricano, ameRIcano, ameriCANo, americanO"
Make It Shine blooper
The dog from the concert poster photoshoot
Dabhao was thriving
My I behind the scenes 🥰
Any Junhao moment bc I'm whipped
Little 8 practicing his singing 🥺
Trauma (Seungkwan remix)
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Spin-Off started introducing us more to GoSe in a variety format
We got variety-esque episodes like with the members cooking, writing letters to themselves, making flower crowns, drawing, and the arcade episode! But it was still mostly vlog-esque where we got to see behind the scenes of Thanks, Ideal Cut Concerts, Japan Arena Tour, 3rd Anniversary, their exhibit, Oh My/YMMD, and BSS promo. Again making me emo I wasn't a carat earlier missing all these iconic moments 🥺
My favorite episode is easily MT SVT REALITY and Hoshi yelling out the window still might be one of the most iconic moments ever, PERIOD. My other fave moments include
DK and Jeonghan fake laughing for like 5 mins straight
Minghao's mullet, period.
Driver Minghao for TTT
Jun abandoning DK to help Wonwoo with his apron instead
The birth of the legendary "T H E to the 8" rap (feat. the return of imma)
Producer Woozi
Episode 20 (yes I have that memorized) when Minghao hosts a cute little hotel date 🥺 he tells fans not to think of him romantically and then pulls this shit pretending to feed us and everything which is why I'm sad lol
Minghao's giggle when he did the bottle flip 🥺
Vernon full on losing it during an arcade game while Hao who's playing with him is dead silent
V8 vs. older bros
"you're over, Yoon Jeonghan"
Junnie winning at the fighting game uwu
The iconic Thinkin About You looks
That pose Jeonghan does that screams "your crush is coming, act natural"
Mingyu getting too excited and spitting on the cake so the members cover it but Mingyu thinks they're doing a team cheer
Hoshi screaming "2 captains!" repeatedly while Woozi regrets his life's decisions
Killing the8 in mafia just for returning from China
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GoSe 2019 was the birth of the true variety show. They even made a theme song and everything 🤣😭 SVT are such natural entertainers ohmygod (and the editors really stepped up their game thank u staffs)
There was still some behind the scenes like the 4th Anniversary, Japan concerts, and Minghao instructing for Chinese Ver. of home, but they kind of started transitioning behind the scenes content to a different spot on the channel and honestly carats are so well fed with content #blessed. ALSO THIS WAS AROUND THE TIME I BECAME A FAN IM EMO
My absolute fave eps are the ones when they were brainstorming their own ideas for the show (3-4), the making of the intro/theme (7), debate night, and SVT playground but honestly the whole fucking season has so many iconic moments
Vernon not being able to read red marker bc of his red glasses
Jun's 1+1
Honestly it's so entertaining hearing them talk about their ideas even without them implementing them yet, they're seriously so creative
They do skits/roles so well like Jun pretending he's from the Chinese restaurant next door and Woozi being CEO of Going Entertainment dndkdk I cannot make this shit up
"Jeonghan act tired" Jeonghan: *fully falls to the floor and drags his body to the couch djdkdkdkkdld he's so fucking dramatic I'm still dying at this
Wonhao running around dead S.Coups
Minghao doing the going dance down the stairs (flexing again)
Pabo latte
Enthusiastic Minghao in Japan 🥺
The MBTI hidden camera
Diva Boo being pissed he didn't get Beyonce's MBTI but someone else did
Monsta X saving them at karaoke
Pigeon DK thriving during debate night
Geppetto Minghao looking fine af during debate night "I said so many nonsenses, I hope you liked it"
TTT fun - meerkat line rise, Jeonghan and Hoshi catching bugs but screaming the whole time, network love unit playing except Hao and he just gives them a cute "fighting!" Like they're his kids but he's just trying to relax lol, more mafia, Jun being hilarious during try not to laugh, S.Coups wanting to kill the staff (as usual), THE MEMBERS PLAYING WITH KITTENS
Froghao was thriving during svt playground
Bothering Woozi during secret santa
Hao's face when Jeonghan took the iPad
Dino literally got gifted a brick??
Junnie's light up grills
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GoSe 2020 continues the variety so well and each member gets a month! So sad they shortened the theme but they gave us subs! Also the previews for next episode are great! They also stepped up the editing too. They are all working so hard for this and it really pays off
My favorite episodes so far are Don't Lie, Seungkwan's Past Life Destiny, and Insomnia Zero (especially part 2). I'm so damn hyped for Debate Night 2. Again so blessed for this content 😭🙌
It's harder to list moments when the entire episodes are iconic!!
DK failing at his own mystery food game
Minghao literally lucky number 8
The saga of Minghao being amazed at Mingyu's eating continues
Hoshi singlehandedly admitting he's mafia then getting Mingyu killed instead then openly killing the citizens at night without needing to hide and then winning the game ohmygod I cannot at how fucking wild and hilarious this episode was
Sleepy Jun during Seungkwan's Past Life Destiny
Junhao, evil twins, seoksoon, mingyuzi rise
Dino rejecting Mingyu with a moonwalk
The overall betrayal of couples omg
Jun showing the Made in China tag djdkkd
Limbo was fucking wild
The members are all whipped for Woozi that shit made me soft as hell
Talking shit when other members are trying to sleep
Woozi loves dad jokes so much omg
They are so damn dramatic for the ASMR in Insomnia Zero pt 2 omg
Jeonghan purposely not answering Hoshi's call to come back
Hoshi giggling that Woozi lost and Woozi fully having a crisis
Wonwoo identity crisis as one of the chill members
Brain Survival and Escape Room made my brain hurt but they're so smart
Minghao jump scare poor bb
Kicked out members becoming audience reactors
DK and Jeonghan fucking around with the props instead of helping
Their delivery food episode just made me hungry
S.Coups not flinching one bit at arm wrestling Hoshi
Trying to act cool when the move spots on the chess board
Seungkwan's wipe out
Getting debate night 2 really saved my life I can't wait for the rest of 2020
I typed way more than I should have but I just love Going Seventeen and all Seventeen content, being a carat really is a blessed life!
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