#old predacon buddy
in1-nutshell · 6 months
Another thought just popped in how about old Predacon buddy meeting Gen 1 autobot's it would be quite amusing seeing them interact with the others and maybe ratchet finding out how much old Predacon buddies energon reserves are possibly?
Buddy is too old for these shenanigans. Especially the ones in G1, but on the plus side, more grandkids!
Hope you enjoy!
Bot Buddy the Old Predacon meeting the Autobots
SFW, Platonic, Cybertronain reader
Buddy was going log this trip in their data pad when they got back home.
Definitely one of the more memorable trips hey had gone.
The portal dropped Buddy in a desert like area.
It seemed deserted from the looks of it.
Maybe they were in an alternative Nevada.
Buddy feels a tap on their pede and looks down.
A blonde human looks up at them.
“I was starting to wonder when the humans would show up.”--Buddy
“Never mind. Hello there little one.”--Buddy
“Hi? Are you an Autobot?”--Carly
“Yes, do you know them?”
“Yeah! They’re my friends! Almost everyone knows about them.”--Carly
Buddy tilts their helm.
“What do you mean by almost everyone?”--Buddy
“Anyone who doesn’t see the news.”--Carly
“… Anyways, do you mind showing me to their base? I need a place to stay until I can get back to my dimension.”--Buddy
“You see my dear… what’s your name?”--Buddy
“Carly? All right, well my name is Buddy—”--Buddy
Buddy vents a bit.
“I know it’s a strange name and all—”--Buddy
“Its not strange. It just took me by surprise and all, please continue.”--Carly
“Well, I got dropped in this universe thanks to a portal that usually comes back and sends me home in a couple of days.”--Buddy
“So, you need a place to stay in the meantime?”--Carly
“Well then lets go!”--Carly
Carly begins walking but Buddy leans their helm down next to her.
“Please, allow me.”--Buddy
Carly’s eyes widen in excitement and climbs on.
Buddy slowly lifts their helm up.
“Just point the direction and I’ll follow.”--Buddy
Carly gives them a thumbs up.
“You got it! I can’t wait to tell Chip, Spike and Raoul what happened today!”--Carly
“Yeah, he’s my boyfriend.”--Carly
“… So, to the right or left?”--Buddy
Carly had to calm everyone down when they saw the giant mechanical dragon that nearly dwarfed everyone in the base.
Buddy is just thankful that these bots were a bit bigger than in the other universe.
They were still small, but a good small.
“Hello there! My name is Optimus Prime. Who might you be?”--Optimus
“…I’m Buddy sir.”--Buddy
“Oh please, just Optimus or Optimus Prime.”--Optimus
Buddy stares at the Prime and wraps a wing around him.
“I will protect you and your group with my spark.”--Buddy
“Oh, that’s not necessary my friend.”--Optimus
“Nope I’m protecting you.”--Buddy
“Hey Prime, where—WOAH!”--Bumblebee
Buddy tuns to see a tiny Bumblebee and other human.
“WOW! Carly wasn’t kidding when she said that the dragon was huge!”--Bumblebee
Bumblebee sticks out his servo.
“I’m Bumblebee! This is Spike.”--Bumblebee
Buddy looks at the human take a step and fall after stepping on his untied shoe lace.
“Primus help Carly…”--Buddy
“My name is Buddy.”--Buddy
Buddy is a bit appalled seeing how energon was created.
If they had anything like this in their universe it would change the war at home.
For better or worse Buddy still hasn’t figured that out.
Buddy is internally crying when they meet more bots.
This team had so many more numbers and Buddy only had enough room in their arms to carry a few.
It was a rather pleasant surprise to find the Dinobots.
Sure, there was a little skirmish between Buddy and Grimlock.
But they soon got past that.
Buddy is an honorary Dinobot now.
Buddy has Bumblebee, Cliffjumper, Mirage, Hound, Sideswipe, Red Alert, Smokescreen, Wheeljack, Ratchet, and Perceptor in their arms or back. Swoop was perched on their helm.
They are looking around.
“What’s up Buddy? You looking for something?”--Raoul
“Oh Raoul! I don’t have enough space to keep holding everyone!”--Buddy
Buddy nearly has a spark attack seeing Superion, Defensor and Omega Supreme.
They were so used to being the biggest bot in the room, they did not like being the smaller bot for a change.
The bots were nice and all, but Buddy opted to stay with the others.
Buddy often stayed by the smaller Prime’s side during their stay.
Optimus didn’t mind it at all.
Buddy did share some stories about the Prime in their universe.
Many of the bots like to hear Buddy’s dimension stories, even if they are a bit vague.
Soon it comes time for Buddy to leave.
Buddy tries their best to give out as many group hugs as they can.
“Thank you, my friends!  Wish you all the best!”--Buddy
“You too Buddy! Farewell my friend.”--Optimus
Buddy steps into the portal.
Buddy walks into the base, suddenly feeling a bit empty.
Buddy shakes it off and continues their way to the main room.
The war would be over soon, they just knew it.
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lets-try-some-writing · 10 months
Your pretender au is probably one of my favorites. You are an excellent writer but I have to ask. Ratchet is a good medic. Does he ever notice?
Would Optimus ever have to replace Ratchet with something pretending to be him? Can other bots be replaced like Orion was?
If that wasn’t your intention with the story I’m sorry it just gives such a good horror vibe of this secondary eldritch race replacing them or maybe it’s Primus’s next stage in evolution or maybe it’s unicron infiltrating.
Also just as a bonus, how would the humans react if pretender Optimus and Bee were finally revealed while on earth?
I gotchu buddy. I will forever expand on my precious pretender au.  And don’t you worry, this was 100000% my intention with this AU.  I will need to get to your last little question in another post, but don’t worry, it's all coming together o(^▽^)o
Previous part here. 
━━━━━━ ⊙ ❖ ⊙ ━━━━━━━━━━━━ ⊙ ❖ ⊙
Ratchet knew the moment the supposed Prime arrived that he was not Orion Pax. He had been one of Orion’s closest friends. He could sniff out a fake without so much as rebooting his optics once. In light of this, his very first instinct was to interrogate the fragger to find out who sent him and then promptly drop his body in a ditch somewhere. At least that way Orion could rest in peace. 
That was Ratchet’s plan, but then the fake presented the Matrix of Leadership and had the relic confirmed by the Primacy priests. It was legitimate. He was a true Prime, even if he wore the face of one who should have been dead. With that in mind, there was no way Ratchet could kill him. The fake did not hesitate to take up the position Orion left behind, quickly becoming the leader the Autobots desperately needed. Optimus never attempted to leech off Orion’s old connections or otherwise abuse the legacy he’d stolen, and for that reason, Ratchet let him be. He had no clue how Optimus had gotten Orion’s face and memory, but whenever he attempted to dig into any files and ask Jazz about Orion’s situation before death, the results came up unsatisfactory. 
Of course, Ratchet did not need to search in vain for long. As soon as the Prime began turning up on the battlefield and subsequently required medical attention, Ratchet quickly found out just what he was dealing with. Optimus’s CNA was a convoluted mess that shouldn’t have even been capable of producing a living being. There were strands from Shapeshifters, Insecticons, and even a small amount of Predacon within the Prime’s genetic code. There seemed to also be a bit of Cybernetic flora mixed into his CNA, but it was all so jumbled that Ratchet could hardly make sense of it. Orion’s CNA was like an accessory, a veil that hung over the monstrosity that Optimus really was. 
But Optimus had already proven to be highly intelligent, and he did not allow Ratchet to so much as record his findings. Clawed digits dug into his shoulders and mandibles clicked together ominously behind him as Ratchet looked over the scans he’d taken during Optimus’s examination. Every part of Ratchet screamed at him to run from the predator behind him. He could feel optics glaring at him, hot events brushing over his neck, and a rattling voice that sounded as though it were a sick mockery of his friend giving one order.
“Keep this to yourself, old friend. If you wish for your kind to be preserved, my nature must remain between us alone.”
Ratchet did his best to not shake, but the command rang out in his audials, causing his spark to spin in terror. He did not look behind him, he couldn’t bear to. He watched the screen in front of him, his optics on the distant reflection of the thing behind him. It was blurry and difficult to make out, but there were claws, fangs, optics, and mandibles that did not belong. He did not move from his prone station until he heard the definitive sounds of transformation and a dull almost comforting hum from the being behind him.
“Calm yourself. I mean no harm to your people. My purpose is to preserve, to protect… and to ensure that never again may you fellow creations of Primus enslave yourselves to the whims of your own desire.”
Dangerous digits ran along the side of his audials in what could have been a fond manner before the creature that proclaimed itself a Prime left the medical bay without another word. Ratchet remained still, watching the CNA scans as a biological hologram pretended itself. 
He feared what he saw.
Hidden behind an armored disguise was a being that was in no way Cybertronian. The computing program projected the image of a monster, one Ratchet could not find it within himself to look at for long. It was just a prediction, but beneath his shining shell, Optimus’s appearance was horrific at best. The predictions spoke of a long gangly build with extra arms and two jointed legs not too dissimilar to Soundwave’s. It had a hard shell almost akin to a carapace but with plenty of thin transformation seams where outer armor folded away. Three sets of optics were on a face filled with fangs and covered in mandibles. On the thing’s back were spines that extended down its back and developed into vicious looking raptorial claws that jutted out from around the base of the shoulders. The only familiar things present in the prediction were the colors the thing bore, the familiar finials, and the same optical structure Ratchet knew his deceased friend to have.
A being that masqueraded as one of their own… one that was capable of doing any number of horrific things to further its own unintelligible goals. Ratchet shuddered at the implications, but he closed and deleted every single scan after a few kliks of observing what he had discovered.
He would wait. He would see what Optimus wanted. Then when he stepped over the line, Ratchet would act and use what he knew to his advantage. Whatever Optimus was… he had Cybertronian roots in his CNA. Despite being a convoluted mockery of that which Ratchet and his people were, that simple fact ensured that toxins and disease were likely still viable options when it came to eliminating the threat. And so that is what Ratchet prepared for. Vorns were spent dutifully crafting the ultimate plague, one he carefully ensured was tailored to Optimus’s CNA specifically. No others would die should it be unleashed, just Optimus Prime.
It was a foolproof plan, one Ratchet had every intention of enacting as the war dragged on, peace treaties fell through, and Optimus’s sick tests put him and Jazz through all kinds of torture that thankfully were reserved for them alone. It was easy to see that Megatron would likely be willing to stop the war effort if he could kill Optimus. Somehow, he’d learned the truth regarding what the Prime was. Ratchet could see it in his optics when he flew forward in rage. If Optimus died, the truth would come out and the war could come to an end. Ratchet was not happy with the idea of Megatron ruling Cybertron, but in the face of the threat Optimus posed?
He was willing to compromise.
He spoke with Jazz and silently he selected a date to unleash his plague. But then, out of the blue, Optimus vanished. He was known for leaving for extended periods of time, but this was new. For six stellar cycles not a spark knew where he was. Ultra Magnus held the army together and Jazz wove a few lies to keep everyone calm, but Ratchet only felt relief. There was a looming fear of what was to come, but he enjoyed the lack of predatory presence for a time. And then of course, Optimus Prime returned carrying something in his arms. 
“What in Primus’s name is this?”
“He is what you would call a sparkling.”
“Where did you find him?”
“I did not find him.”
“What… does that mean?”
“This one is mine. Tend to him in my absence.”
Ratchet’s plans shattered into a million pieces as he held the sparkling Optimus brought with him. The little one had wide blue optics, so trusting and so innocent. And yet when he smiled in his attempts to coo at him, Ratchet saw fangs and small mandibles hidden within the sparkling’s intake. His servos shook as he caressed the little one’s helm, coolant gathering in his optics as he came to a harsh realization. This was Optimus’s spawn, the precious life within his arms was another abomination. Despite that, the little one had not asked to be created the way he was.
Ratchet couldn’t kill a sparkling.
The plague vial was hidden and Ratchet gave a series of encrypted codes to Jazz which would lead to its location. The spy was no master decryptor, he would need time and a great deal of expertise to find the location Ratchet had imputed onto the drive containing the codes. That simple fact ensured that in the worst case… there would at least be time to get Bumblebee away. He may have been an abomination like his Sire, but Ratchet could not bring himself to do anything but treat the sparkling with love. He tended to him while Optimus went off to war, he taught Bumblebee how to read and write in numerous dialects, he showed Bumblebee their stories and their culture, and he took all the time in the world to make sure that should all else fail, a piece of what Cybertron was would remain. 
Optimus was a monster, but he cared for his spawn in a strange sense. He brought Bumblebee strange substances to consume, and sometimes he would take Bumblebee away for cycles at a time. Upon their return, Ratchet would quickly take scans and note a disturbing amount of Cybertronian protomatter within the sparkling’s tanks. He never commented, he merely rocked Bumblebee into recharge and sang him songs while trying not to look when Optimus began to grow harsher. No matter how much his spark cried out when Bumblebee was beaten or neglected by his Sire, Ratchet did not act. He refused to. He couldn’t risk it. Over and over he tried to remind himself that killing Optimus would likely only lead to Bumblebee’s death as well.
He refused to kill the sparkling he helped raise. As such, as vorns passed, Ratchet’s tolerance broke and he made one rash decision. 
“Ratchet! Where are we going!?” 
“Away from here! Don’t fight me Bumblebee!” 
“What about Optimus?!”
“He’s not coming. I am going to take you far away from this plasma pit of a world until we can deal with things here. Don’t worry, I won’t let them kill you.” 
“I don’t understand!” 
“You don’t need to. Just remain quiet and live in silence until I recall you. Then… then I will plead for your life before whoever rules our world.” 
He knew it was a death sentence, but Ratchet had to take the risk. He dragged Bumblebee kicking and screaming toward the space ports with every intention of putting the youngling into stasis and shooting him to some far off world. Once that was done, he would unleash his plague and wait until he was sure every other abomination was dead. Only then would he retrieve Bumblebee and proceed to plead for his life. It was a weak plan, but perhaps, if Primus was willing, he might be able to find a way to make Bumblebee normal. It all depended on his desperate attempt to get the youngling off world.
Ratchet did not have that chance. 
“What are you doing with my creation?”
“Optimus! Stay back!” 
“You know too much, and your loyalty has proven to be fickle.”
“Get away you abomination!”
“You have served your purpose, old friend. I believe it is time for another to take your place.”
Optimus grabbed him just before he reached the spaceports with his charge. Ratchet recalled very little of what followed, but next he knew, he was bound to a slab in some facility he did not know. Above him Bumblebee smiled at him eagerly and Optimus stared down at him with calculating optics. The Prime held a larva of some sort in his servos. It couldn’t have been bigger than a digit, but evidently that was as large as it needed to be to burrow into his processors through his right optic. 
He remembered screaming. He remembered feeling nothing but agony for cycles afterwards. He remembered gaping in horror as he ran scans on himself and found the same symptoms Orion Pax had presented. Most importantly, before his recollection faded into nothing but waves of torment, he remembered Optimus calling out to him, telling him that all would be well.
He did not know how long it took, but as he purged energon and organs alike and felt the sweet embrace of death, he smiled, content in the knowledge that Jazz would know. The spy would tell someone, he would give them a chance. All he needed to do was look at the drive Ratchet gave him and decode it. Then-
-Their people would have a chance. 
It did not have a designation when it woke. But it knew instinctively that it was hungry. Energon was given to it by those its code recognized as kin, and it devoured. It sensed another who was not of its kind observing, but that one fled soon enough. Then, once it had finished consuming, it stood up in its new frame and met the gazes of those who were also of its line.
“Hail Hierarch.” 
Its speech was disjointed as it settled into itself and the memories of its host began to funnel into it, but as the Hierarch leaned down and placed his servo on its helm, it was at peace.
“Hail Ratchet, second born of our line. With the knowledge you have inherited, we shall thrive.” 
Ratchet? That was a fine name. It was the name of its host. A smile crept across it- no, HIS face as he settled. He would surpass his host, he would serve, and by the grace of their maker, he would ensure their survival on a world filled with those not of them.
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rpking99 · 23 days
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Beast Wars
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Blackarachnia (Beast Wars) was part of the Axalon Crew. One of the Transformers who crashed. Reprogrammed into a femme fetal, the now Predacon is ready to cause havoc and enjoy herself. A brilliant scientist, tactician and combatant
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Robots In Disguise 2001
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Sari Samdac
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Blackarachnia (Animated) was originally Elia-1, one of Optimus" old friends and war buddies. The two actually in love… Until she was trapped in an organic planet with spider like aliens. When trying to use her copy ability, she mutated herself into a Techno-organic. Eventually falling into Megatron's clutches and part of the Decepticon's to try and find a way to return her to her old self
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Info About Kobiya High and my take on the Kotobokiya line
Optima Convoy (Plus spin off, Nemisa Convoy)
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StarStacey (and her sisters/'friends', ThunderCandy and SkyWendy)
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Total Muses: 19/21
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cartoonslovers · 1 year
If I could change 3 things about TFA, they would be... ⭐ 1. Keep Sari Sumdac completely organic ⭐ 2. Both Elita and Blackarachnia, are separate characters (also, Elita One is pink + BA’s past self has a different name) ⭐ 3. The Allspark Key loses its powers, if it brings someone back to LIFE (so temporarily Optimus died in Season 3, instead of 1) because there’s no risk before Season 3... if Sari can bring them back with her Key! 🔑
Honestly I think Elita haunting the narrative would be a lot cooler. Plus there won't be that weak confrontation between Sentinel and what supposed to be his dead friend who turn out to be alive and become the thing that he thought killed her. so you think it would be more emotional...the angst is there..but nothing too emotional is there.. also Wasp and Bumblebee just ruin it all with that one interaction. Look this may be too far for this show but I think there should of been a scene in Predacons Rising where Sentinel should of have full on emotional breakdown finding out Elita is Blackarachnia... seeing her like this and her experimenting on Wasp. He can barley move and fell down onto his knees as the only thing he can is "Elita" over and over again while having flashbacks of all their of all their happy memories before this tragedy... Unfortunately us as the audience never get this since Tfa seen to only care how the Acha Seven event effect Optimus and Elita not Sentinel. The audience only knowledge of how Sentinel feel about the event is from his entries from the All spark almanac which not everyone going have access to.. if there one thing I would add this show it would be a episode exploring Sentinel's trauma and his emotions deeper. Perhaps this episode is Sentinel writing down in journal about all the events that happened while narrating it.
I actually kinda of like the idea of Optimus dying later in the series plus would be a gold mine of angst if Sentinel was there to witness his death up close and for him to have a "oh shit this guy still matter to me " moment as he watched in horror Optimus getting beaten to death.
Sentinel trying to reach out to help Optimus.. to protect him yet always too far to do anything until it too late... slience filled the area as Sentinel slowly pick up his old academy buddy's corpse.
All this idea could improve season three.
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fersrsbizniz · 2 years
The next episode is called “Double Jeopardy”.
I remember nothing but I see Blackarachnia and I’m all in. She was one of my favorites, too, and I can’t wait to see why and how she will be a favorite again!
*Note: this was in my drafts for a minute, but since the new news is out regarding the movie, I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to continue on. I’m having fun at least.
Opening song, guitar riffs, sound effects, etc…
They’re cold 🥶 and something about that is adorable and I don’t know why. I mean, it makes sense. Their insides are machinery that can very much freeze up, but it’s just…awwww, they’re cold!
I’m also thinking about how harsh I’ve been regarding the Maximals (and here I thought I’d been going easy). I rewatched a few episodes before touching on this one (yeah yeah, I just started and have two more seasons after this one, but it’s the principle of the thing) and they are just some serious newbies, aren’t they? Like they have “training” because their world (that to be fair I know absolutely nothing about other than it is robot planet off in the distant ether that is no time or budget to touch on right now) seems like it needs at least some for whatever reason, precaution? idk, but these are just some space nerds with only a few of them having any sort of combat experience and a batch of half-formed Maximals in stasis pods who had the misfortune of just being those unlucky bitches to come across the ship everyone is losing it about.
No wonder it’s a shitshow out there in battles. Honestly, Optimus, I should buy you a drink or something. I’m sure being commander of what might have been some maybe minor scuffles running into jackass supreme really made you want to renegotiate your contract at some point. If you could, that is.
And now it makes sense as to why they have little “teenage” Cheetor over there. Or however old he is supposed to be.
Tbh, makes me more critical of Megatron, though. Clearly, you can plan things and past performance has been a little embarrassing for you. I don’t want you to win, but come on, you’ve got the upper hand in a lot of this.
Okay, back to the episode…
And here we see a good application of that Predacon upper hand.
“Our strategic disadvantage is considerable”
“Work with it!” *promptly gets shot in the back*
I’m dying with that timing.
Omfg, I had to rewatch but Dinobot fell as if he got hit before he got hit with anything. Oh good old cgi…
Now the race continues with Optimus and Waspinator, while Dinobot gets a good shot in.
Yeah, no. Like I know they lose it, but it really was clear from the start they weren’t going to save this one. While Optimus and Dinobot are possibly the two most prepared for such a fight, there’s too many shenanigans (and they already got Tigatron) going on.
OH WAIT! Is this the one where they find out the place is…?
Oh it IS. I DO remember some of this.
Lol, Cheetor’s “Well, I never” hand gesture when Optimus plays at not trusting Rattrap.
I think that this is a pretty good example of how Optimus has some special bonds with everyone, and how some of it is off screen growth. Being able to pull this off with Rattrap means he could trust him not to just lose it by putting on a show, and be savvy enough to pull off looking like he is angry while still getting things done. In turn Rattrap is actually participating in something he very much would not have been inclined to do in the first few episodes, when he flat out would disrespect Optimus’ orders. Now look at him, getting ready to go into the enemy’s lair. Well, territory, but the lair is going to have info they need.
I know I’m also going to be reacting to this now with a better memory, and knowing the end game, but I do want everyone to know as a child I was SCANDALIZED at Rattrap’s mid-episode choice.
“Everything we could desire”???? Well, just telegraph what you wanted there, buddy. I’m so glad she has a mind of her own because, like, for real, Tarantulas is striking me a blend of “mad scientist” (something I’m all for mind you) and a variant of a certain type of individual who would perhaps use a jar and collectible figure in a very non-wholesome way. Which is concerning.
Really, though, she is pretty awesome. Dunno if you needed the chest area to be so pronounced, but hey, she looks cool as a whole, so that’s my complaint for the day. Let’s just watch her…do whatever that was. Checking out her abilities? Being a little weirdo? Idk but she did that.
Megatron may be calling him thirsty here but there are also a lot of other things he could be saying with that. I’m going to keep with my interpretation. Tarantulas is not being subtle in the slightest.
Ouch…low blow Rhinox. Dinobot might not be right but he was trying to help…in his destructive-no chill way. At any rate, I love the whole drama in this scene.
Terrorsaur being full of himself and easy to manipulate, as per usual
Hahahahaha…yeah he wanted someone pretty to look at. Was that why I didn’t like him? No, probably something more substantial. I feel you on that sigh though Blackarachnia
On the Maximal side of things, They’re talking about getting Rattrap, while I’m here nursing a budding feeling for a certain pair up. During a basic perusal I found some fandom shipping material—as one inevitably does—and admit that a particular ship that I never would have thought too hard about is growing on me like ivy…or perhaps more like a burr throwing flower. Is there much to go on here? Of course not. But Dinobot agreeing with Optimus, and the growing respect he has for him IS growing the interest necessary to delve further.
Oh I’m in the toils that is a fixation. I feel it.
In other news Dinobot is saying Rattrap needs to be brought to justice which is just so…Maximal of him if it weren’t a blatant suggestion to have him killed after he’s been interrogated.
See Megatron, these are the smarts I expect from you. Is it really your ego holding you down that badly? The answer is yes. Yeeeeesss.
There’s not too much to say about this other than this is the episode when I was younger that solidified my like for Rattrap (once I realized what was going on), and it is once again confirming that he is just a bad ass and I love it. He’s the reason that they are able to stop the whole internal spying thing, and does it with the style of my favorite class in any rpg.
And he even has a wrist blade. That’s cool and you all know it.
AND he shoots Tarantulas before he becomes a bigger issue. Smart. Sure it’s more of a knock out than anything lethal, but it’s the thought that counts.
Here comes the big fight, and I will say, I feel highly energized by it. Also, count me as torn between amused and logistically concerned about Rattrap being accurate when hitting Optimus. Guy had his reasons—but it could have screwed them over.
Cue the moment where Blackarachnia was almost unfazed by being shot multiple times, and Cheetor actually hit her a few times, again not lethally.
Huh, that makes me wonder…who is the most accurate shot in this show as a whole?
Then cue Dinobot head butting Terrorsaur (who I stg just said “oh no”), Megatron’s ultimatum, and Rattrap showing his true Maximal colors.
Cool move Rattrap, cool moves Dinobot. Like no joke, in that short amount of time they both did more damage than in half of a regular old shoot out.
And yaaay handshakes and jokes!!!
Be honest, though, Rattrap. You hit him a little on purpose (I don’t want to take away my previous praise for your aiming abilities so I’m just going to go with that).
And with that the episode is over. That was fun!
Also, Blackarachnia just like, fucks off and I love the audacity of it. Yeah, she’s a fave.
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marcusmettalus · 4 years
Transformers OC’s (update)
My focus on character development has shifted over the past few weeks! Given how my brain just,, decides that they want to change focus and energies, my interests have turned back to my less developed OC’s.
In this case, my Transformers buddies! Originally it was my two boys, Earthquake (an Autobot Mercenary) and Galaxus (a Decepticon Merc). But this time they are joined by a new face; Harpy! 
They are a Predacon, an ancient race of more primal Cybertronians. Their fore-bearer Onyx Prime, had lead the few remanants of the Predacons and more bestial Cybertronians away during the conclusion of the First Cybertronian Civil War. Chela, an eon old Titan would help colonise the untamed world of Eukaris into a haven for these displaced people.
Harpy would be a fairly young Predacon, but no longer considered a Sparkling (a youngster that is), and a member of the Sky Walkers Tribe, a tribe of Eukarians who consist solely of flying alt-form bots.
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Viper’s Vengeance Chapter 2: Beware the Wild Weasel
Chapter 1
Hey guys, so I’m finally returning to this story. There’s been a lot going on right now, so hopefully updates won’t be too far between. This chapter also contains graphic depiction of gore for one short part near the end as a trigger warning.
Grand doors opened up to the sight of three thrones. The three Megatrons resting upon their high horses. All different bodies, yet the same name of an atomic weapon as powerful as one million tons of dynamite. Soundwave took attention of the sudden appearance, a new bulky body with Cobra armor. Viper clenched his servos, detesting the sight of another bearing the same curse as him. The true blue mech bowed down, wings remaining high. The gray leader smirked, getting off his chair.
“Viper, how good to see you again, I didn't expect you to come back. It seems Cobra was much weaker than I expected.” He said in such a twisted glee. Armada Megatron scoffed, as Beast Wars Megatron paid attention to the T-Rex head for an arm. Viper rose, his true blue sight unseen before.
“Its over now, we don't have to worry about them or the traitor anymore.”
“So you got rid of Luca as well?” The Cobra prototype nodded, remembering the flesh melting from his bones. How the calcium fell apart.
“I told you it wasn't a good idea to team up with those humans!” Came a shrill shriek. Everyone turned to face Starscream and his two Seeker buddies. Among them being Skywarp, wearing far uglier armor than before. Viper glared at the jet, feeling pity oozing out of his seams. The dark armored bot ran up to the snake, gripping his wounded shoulder.
“Hey, could you tell me that you salvaged my body?!” Came such a loud noise that echoed across the room.
“Sorry Skywarp, I didn't want any humans to use those parts, so they're all melted down. You should go to Cybertron and get a new one.” He teased, right as a fist crashed into him.
“Enough! Viper's done his work and we're moving on from that.” Armada Megatron interrupted, his powerful frame standing up and glaring at the fliers.
“Indeed Armada, I am happy to see your attack was successful.” The gray mech replied, he seemed to be happy to see another one of himself, let alone two of them bearing his name. Sure, on the surface it seemed they all detested each other. Yet, Viper could tell something lied beneath that. Soundwave detected it as well, but chose not to speak. The dark blue mech got up, wiping his face of the purple fist that whammed into his.
“Thanks, I needed a warm welcome from the likes of you. Lord Megatrons, may I request a few days off from the raids? Hook mentioned that I needed more repairs on my armor before I can fight.” Blue optics reflected the three Emperors of Destruction as they whispered among themselves. Starscream and Thundercracker dragged Skywarp off as he screamed out various Cybertronian swears.
“Fine, it seems you've done far much more compared to the rest of the army. Go on then, before we change our minds... Yessssss.” The Predacon leader hissed. The former Cobra soldier exited, making sure to avoid the bitter Nightraven. Who knew he loved his old self that much.
Back here again, staring at nothing as Hook tinkered. This time, a lot more precise with the sensitive wings. Good thing the irate Seeker's fists weren't strong enough to make a dent. The vibrant red mouthplate came off, showing the forever hidden white armored face. In the green mech's reflection is markings of a scar. New one gained from the chaotic battle from last night. Nothing to worry over, not if it doesn't hurt.
Dirty work, that song they listened to earlier, quite symbolic of such a situation. Done working for Decepticons, done working with everyone. A few days off is what he needs. It was nice that the dinosaur gave him an agreement. A lot of time to think, to question life's choices. One grew in his head as the Summer Breeze made him feel fine.
How did Cobra get the idea to make him? It couldn't be an idiotic idea that some crazy scientist could come up with. Come up to the boss and proclaiming they could make a jet that'd transform into a large fighting warrior. That urge to dig deeper, to discover why he came to be in these dark times. Who is he?
“I repaired your visor the best I could with what little I had. Sure its not the right color, but at least it'll shield your optics like it did before, so be happy with that.” Hook moved back to pick up a thick orange visor. Must've ran out of black and ditched the primary color for one not found on dark blue armor. The left part of it still broken that'd expose the optic. Its not the prettiest job, but it'll do for now. Servos soon placed the visor back on, fragments of glass included, but tight enough not to go loose and stab him. Hook smirked, knowing how much of a patch job this is. It'd contrast well with his vibrant blue vision. Then came back on the mouthplate, hiding the most human aspect of him.
After Hook finished, Viper sat up, looking towards the medic. “Thank you, I needed that a lot.” He exhaled, wings moving to show that they looked a lot better.
“You know, I could use a paint stripper and get rid of those ugly symbols.” Hook suggested, yet the former Cobra soldier got off the medical berth and adjusted his visor.
“Your repairs are all I needed. Our Megatrons agreed that I needed a break from the fighting. Its my time off now.” Blue armor left the room, closing the door behind him. Hook scoffed as the door opened again. A damaged Build Bot and Shrapnel getting dragged in by Kickback, with a cheeky grin on his face. How wonderful.
The human made machine got out of the shade and into the sunlight. The bright light displaying the restored paint on the weary body. What a strange part of the world to be at, a desert with hidden patches of life. Its often nice to listen to the soft sounds of distant animals and birds. I'd be best to go to the best spot to observe the vast wilderness of this planet. Time to concentrate and think, think over what to do with his past and how life became the way it is.
Viper saw two figures standing on the edge of the ravine. One that guarded the place from any ground vehicles from reaching the base. Breakdown and Drag Strip, two of the Stunticons enjoying their time off from the battles as well it seems. The Rattler came closer, noticing little rodents popping out of the ground. Some traveling across the large holes they dug up.
“Hey, look at those weasels, they're all over the place. Isn't that wild!? Hey, wild weasels!” Breakdown laughed, right as his brother smacked his helm.
“No you dummy, those are gophers! Or groundhogs? I remembered hearing a crazy old man tried bombing his farm to get rid of them. Left a giant hole that's used for tourism in Japan! Best place to dump you off!” His brother chided, before noticing Viper staring at them. “Hey, what's bothering you?”
“Wild....Weasel....” Came a whisper, optics going blank before his processor bloomed into a familiar pain. This damage came from when Cobra tore through his head. The last sight before shutting down was Drag Strip running up to him while Breakdown kept screaming apologies...
A sight returned of blue skies over a forgotten base. An old place with worn out red paint hidden in a faraway jungle. A figure sat inside of the cockpit of a Cobra Rattler. One bearing the iconic symbols, yet having the Decepticon ones embedded as well. Before a consciousness, all that existed was a lifeless husk, a prototype.
“Wild Weasel, how is the Viper performing?” A harsh voice came out, Cobra Commander's own, escaping from the radio into the cockpit. A pilot wearing red, hiding his face behind that intimidating helmet of black and red. He picked up the message, glancing back at the other prototype Rattlers.
“Wild Weasel here, this change to my plane is performing well. I haven't heard anything from the others yet. But I can tell they're performing the same as always.” A blank voice chimed, his pronunciation of s emphasized. An older one, still bearing a cocky attitude matched by his flying skills.
Wheels landing onto the ground, a sweet sensation to anyone bearing a fear of flight. Such bliss for anyone as the other tires began to land onto the soft surface. Overgrown plants, the typical sign of forgotten memories. A row of Cobra Rattlers, seven in total, yet one had the unique marking of purple. Upon command, six had changed their shape, walking on two legs rather than the three wheels. All remained static as their faces showed silver and black. Regular Cobra soldiers hiding at the back of the armored heads, adjusting to the new shape. All eyes left onto the main one, piloted by the great Wild Weasel. His fingers rested onto the controls. Muscles tensing, to soon hear the transformation as everyone watched.
Then, everything came to life. The flickering of an ember, growing into an inferno at the pouring of gasoline. A harsh scream filling his cockpit, crushing of bones as machinery filled the small spot. Never giving the weasel a chance to weasel away from the rising metal. Life, upon the begging of death. The firstborn stood, staring upon the crimson red dripping in his optics. Blood, what flows in the veins of humans. So much of it, the first memory, to hear a horrid screech, then watch the fear on the small creatures faces. A gun slipped out as armor malfunctioned, acid fired and melting the other prototypes. How could they be under full control, yet he could not?
Vision flooded, death, screaming, orders refused to follow. Then, a horrid shot hit his face, breaking the glass. More shots filled the sky as his vocalizer began to function. A scream of his own, startling everyone before they kept firing. Like a feared animal, fighting back against what he couldn't understand. Angry creatures, others identical to him melting down into puddles consumed in green. Such horrid sights, before one powerful blast took him down. Broken glass, staring at the strange color up above. Blue, its so beautiful, glistening the blood before going to sleep.
The prototype couldn't move, arms and legs tied down to slabs of steel. He struggled, making random noises towards the creatures, startled upon his awakening. Right in front of him, a man in the same color of the up above. Face hidden by a shield of silver, black gloves clenching the worn railings. Two other figures stood there, a woman with black, and a man of white. They whispered among each other, before a scientist ran up to the three. This person gave mention for something to be ready. Ready?
Upon the orders, a tremendous pain broke the functioning processor. New thoughts silenced, a forgotten voice. A vegetable, a robotic cabbage, never to be seen again...
“Viper?” Came a whisper, oh that sweet voice. Nightbird's, but, why is she here? Viper turned his numb helm, vision clearing up to find her staring down at him. He perched up, seeing Breakdown and the other Stunticons close by.
“How long was I out?” Came the first words, armor burning at his frame remembering the forgotten memories. The ninja rose a hand to his shoulder.
“A few hours, we thought of taking you to Hook, but he was busy. But, it seems we don't. Alright you five, the show's over.” Leading to the groans of the five mechs. They transformed and drove off into the desert. Ready to do their usual dangerous stunts for the others and their self amusement. Nightbird helped the former cobra mech up.
“What, were they going to ditch me in the middle of nowhere during that?” Came irritation in blue optics upon Nightbird's nod.
“You know them, I would've expected them to use you for their ramps. I've seen what they do with overcharged Decepticons. Need to go somewhere?”
“Yes, I was going to head somewhere, until I heard Breakdown and Drag Strip talk about the darn weasels.” An emphasized hiss on the rodents.
“Well, we'd better get going to wherever you're going. The sun's starting to set, what happened in your vision?”
“Its the reason I'm going there. I wouldn't suggest you coming along, its all for me to take care of. Although, you did make sure I wasn't Stunticon roadkill, so I should repay you in that way.” Viper transformed as Nightbird performed a cartwheel before entering into her alt mode. She drove off alongside him towards the one path able to let anyone in and out of the base.
Gotta pass the long roads that are famous for their tourist attractions in this side of Nevada. Few cars tonight, which is good for any Cybertronians during this time of the dying day. Viper seemed to be feeling a lot calmer since his episode, which should be a good thing. Nightbird remembered the first time she saw him on the floor during a large meeting. Stuck unconscious due to remembering another one of his 'memories'. She remembered hearing Soundwave and Hook discuss the cause of these episodes. The fracturing of his neural systems, vital parts to a Cybertronian to function. It may be repairable, given the time and resources from Cybertron come together. Viper did come into the Earth Wars a few months after her, so they were new back then. Now, a lot's changed since those days. More soldiers, more adjustments to the base's inner structure. What strange days, still having their sense of joy. Although the questions rose in her helm during the drive. Pondering of Viper's intentions.
What seemed to be forever lead them to California in the dead of night. Nightbird's engine hummed, used to long drives after frequent testing by her creators. Oh those days in the labs, born and built for one purpose, yet her own Spark lead her to this. She noticed Viper swooping towards a tunnel in the side of a mountain. A bridge abandoned for so many years. He waited on the old bricks, finding his tag along nearby landing onto the said bridge. Both their optics and armor lighting helped illuminate the tunnel.
“So, what was your memory about?” Nightbird chimed, seeing how Viper remembered his way down these long unforgiving paths.
“My birth, how I had my first kill. Tell me, have you seen blood?”
“In the horror movies Swindle and others watch.” Nightbird chuckled to herself. She'd often sneak into their little parties, such a shame it'd be American and British horrors. They needed some Japanese stuff to watch too.
“I saw it drip down my face and pool out, my optics, stained in so much of it. I'm amazed that Cobra left me alive, but, that's why I'm here.” Said with no emotion. Both reached an aged door with the infamous symbol of red worn away by time. Upon pressing a few buttons, it opened to the sight of forgotten technology. Old machinery whirled to life for the first time in years.
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dimorphodon-defect · 4 years
Tow-Line Goes Haywire
((We open on Sideburn oogling a display model of - surprise! - next year's newest red sports car model.
While Sidburn is flirting (and singing) at the non-sentient car, he gets accosted by a brand new Autobot tow truck for idling in a 'no park' zone, wrapped up like a burrito in his tow cable, and towed aaaaall the way to an impound lot patrolled by Prowl.
Prowl is not very happy to see his big brother dragged in for violating parking rules.
Sideburn: You mean this loser's an Autobot?!
Tow-Line: I was thinking the same thing about you.
Um...isn't Prowl going to tell Tow-Line that it’s illegal to tow vehicles with the drivers inside?
THAT is NOT a legal towing method. Prowl, how could you let this happen?!
Dark Scream: First he towed away a couple of kids' bikes, then he messed up a honeymoon. It's almost as if he's already working for us!
Where did the Predacons even  GET an empty tractor trailer to use as a Trojan horse?
The Predacons' Left, Right, and Center lasers have so far been used as A) dangerously powerful weapons and B) MIB-style knock-out lights.
Pfft. They tied up Tow-Line in his own cable. That's kind of funny.
Slapper's big plan was to hypnotize Tow-Line with a coin on a string, but all he managed to do was put himself to sleep.
Gas Skunk's big plan is to tie Slapper's hypno coin to a metronome, and it goes just about as well.
Dark Scream forces a mysterious CD into Tow-Line (which you'd think he could stop, but okay) that brainwashes him into thinking the Autobots are evil, and he starts hunting them down...
....to tow them to the Predacons.
Oh well, at least he's very good at what he does.
Kelly I'm starting to think you ENJOY these crazy situations.
X-Brawn somehow yeeted his grappling hook against the laws of physics, shattered one of Tow-Line's windows, and smacked his dashboard hard enough to make him forget where the Predacons' brainwashing disk wanted him to bring the Autobots to.
Sideburn got snatched up while criticising a yellow sports car display on its paint job.
Aaaand now Sideburn's in the pit. At least he can keep X-Brawn company.
Meanwhile, the Predacons are waiting impatiently for Tow-Line on the other side of the city, wondering where the heck could be taking their new minion so long.
All these Autobots are just letting Tow-Line drag them around, as if they can't just transform and snap his tow cable.
Prowl just watched Tow-Line drive by with a fucking TRAIN on his roof, and just went "Huh, maybe I need to get my optics checked."
I never noticed before but RapidRun is at LEAST twice the size of Sideburn and X-Brawn.
Prowl parks himself in the middle of an empty intersection as bait to lure Tow-Line in, and - of course - it works like a charm.
I love that Optimus is so incredibly involved in his soldiers' well-being that, when he sees his newest recruit acting strange and assaulting his fellow soldiers, his first question isn't "How could you?" but "What's wrong?"
Pfft! Prowl and Optimus are just carrying Tow-Line through the streets in his vehicle mode. He's not even tied up!
Optimus reaches in through Tow-Line's cab and pops out the weird, glowing brainwashing disk, and just like that, Tow-Line's back to normal.
Meanwhile, RapidRun, X-Brawn, and Sideburn have stacked themselves up to try and climb out of the pit, but alas, they are just a few feet too short.
RapidRun doesn't look like he's having too much fun on the bottom there.
Optimus, Prowl, and Tow-Line arrive just in time to pull their friends out of the pit, and square up with the Predacons - oh! And Megatron, too! I'd wondered where he'd been this episode!
How old is Tow-Line?? His voice sounds like he's meant to be older, but the way he's portrayed as knowing so little about Earth/Autobot ethics/etc. makes me think he's baby.
You'd think Skybyte would have learned by now that trying to 1v6 the Autobots is a very bad idea.
"Sometimes doing the right thing means having a little compassion and understanding." Ahh yes, it's time for the Moral of the Day.
Prowl is enjoying being sprayed down with a garden hose with the same enthusiasm that my dog has for being scratched behind the ears.
Towline: I feel for ya, buddy, but how would it look if I let a police car get away with breaking the law? No parking means-
Prowl: -means no parking, I know!
The episode ends on Prowl getting hauled away on a legitimate parking violation, while Koji just stands there on the sidewalk with a garden hose, confused af.))
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tfrarepairing · 4 years
Weekly Requests for April 26, 2020
Hi everyone! I hope you’re all doing well (and if you’re not, my DMs are open anytime.)
I hope everyone had fun with all those awesome Prowl Week fills! I know I did, and I’m still playing catch up with a lot of the fics. XD If you created something for the Prowl Week prompts posted here on TF Rare Pairing, don’t hesitate to finish it up and post it! We always want to feature your fills! 
You may have also noticed that I recc’d a fic yesterday. That’s something I want to do a few times a week going forward, because it’s easy for our little rare pairs to get overlooked in the sea of popular pairings. If there is a fic you want to see featured here, send a link to mod eerian via DM on Tumblr, Twitter, Dreamwidth or Pillowfort!
Now, it’s Resurrection Sunday, so I’m going to get on with the prompts!
Your first set of resurrected prompts is for Transformers Animated!
Arcee/Ratchet, old-fashioned
Blackarachnia/Slipstream, watch the queens conquer
Lugnet / Rodimus Minor - perspective
Sentinel Prime/Ulta Magnus--follow you down
Sari/Swoop: Back to school shopping
Resurrected prompt set 2: Armada!
Sunstorm/Snow Cat - revive
Aurora/Amphitrite - goal
Prowl/Predacon - take flight
Atlas/Nemesis Prime - painless
Sureshock/Ramjet - conflict
Set 3 of resurrected prompts is IDW Comics (2019-current) AKA IDW 2!
Termagax/Megatron, a lively debate
Orion Pax/Codexa, advice
Arcee/Greenlight, settling down
Barricade/Soundwave, charm
Windblade/Bumblebee, comfort
Resurreccted Prompts round 4: Transformers Prime and the Aligned Continuity!
Boulder/Salvage, build-a-bear
Bulkhead/Wheeljack, drinking buddies
Knock Out/Dreadwing - style vs. substance
Arcee/Ratchet - delicacy
Glowstrike/Mercury - My Cup of Tea
And our final set of resurrected prompts is for Beast Wars & Beast Machines.
Depth Charge/Rattrap: Familiar Feeling
Blackarachnia / Optimus Primal - power play
Rhinox / Cheetor - unfair
Terrorsaur / Scorponok - war stories
Botanica / Inferno - earned
Have fun! And if you have new prompts, please send them to mod eerian via email to [email protected] or via DM!
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radariant · 6 years
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I’ve been wanting to improve on my colours, posing+expressions and simple backgrounds & I’ve been enjoying those exact things in TFA so... screenshot redraw! These were really good warmups & I’m pretty happy w how they turned out too! From Where Is Thy Sting, Predacons Rising and This Is Why I Hate Machines which are some of my fav eps 👌
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CYBERVERSE WATCH!!!!!!! (Season 3 Episodes 1-4)
Episode 1
Ok here are the things I know / were spoiled to me going in:
Gal Skywarp (can I get a Hell Yeah)
WHIRL (MY BOY!!!!!!!!!!!)
“Transformation. Everything in the universe transforms. Sometimes, it is for the better. Sometimes, it is not.” *HAS TO PAUSE VIDEO FOR A MINUTE TO SOAK IN OPTIMUS’ WORDS*
I frickin scream EVERY time I see a bot I recognize
“There seems to be no Decepticon presence on Cybertron” THATS NOT SHADY AT ALL....did the Quints get them or are they hiding (probably the latter)
AW BEE.....don’t be so down on things it’ll be ok bud
“Now you’ll be responsible for the deactivation of all the autobots” PERCY PLEASE SHE WAS TRYING TO SAVE YOUR LIFE
“Thanks a lot Perceptor” LMAO NICE
HIS GLASSES??????????????????????????????? THEY JUST CAME OFF
PERCY OH MY GOSH someone please get this boy to a medic
“I have other means of perception” DANG CYBERVERSE PERCY IS SO COOL
I like the way Percy talks, it’s somewhat...stilted? And automatic? I’ll find better words to describe that later but it suits him. Really dig the voice choices for Cyberverse
lmao I thought she was gonna say “Gotta lose these cops” me 2 Chromia
Gosh Hot Rod you’re such a frickin jock I love you
They’re gonna shoot that outta the sky aren’t they OH NO THAT”S SO MUCH WORSE
Drift: How do I invite Roddy to hang out and be my friend. Wait I know, I’ll say it in the most threatening way possible. Yes, he’ll absolutely want to be my friend now. :)
Episode 2
Megatron: Yes.... Me: *BEAST WARS FLASHBACK*
“SHOCKWAVE! You finally did something right!”  Shockwave: >:/
Aren’t they worried by blowing up the ship they blew up the AllSpark
Like on the one hand I wanna see my boy taking charge but on the other PLEASE DONT KILL OPTIMUS
The shoulder touch.... :’) Papa Optimus is the best
Every time Megatron calls Optimus “Old friend” I cry
HELL YEAH AUTOBOTS ROLL OUT--oh they didn’t transform lmao that’s still cool
I’m so glad ShadowStriker is the leader of some of the Decepticon forces that’s cool
GET THEM WINDBLADE aw man I feel bad every time a seeker explodes, rest in pieces
WHIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!>?!??!!?!?!?! OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH WHIRL!?!?!?!?!?
omg Bee and Hot Rod fighting is so good
I love that Shockwave is watching this all go down like “Whatever
Episode 3
I totally thought Megatron was gonna say “I won’t, but THEY will!” but the episode intro cut him off so it just sounds like he confidently said “You’re right! I can’t beat you!” lmao
oh wow Optimus is traumatized by that (I MEAN, THAT MAKES SENSE BUT WE ACTUALLY GET TO SEE IT WHICH IS NEW) poor dude, someone give this guy a vacation
Chromia please don’t make Percy blow out his eyes again
oh my gosh please don’t tell me he’s gonna follow Hot R--YEAH HE’S FOLLOWING HIM LMAO
Drift: Oh!! There goes my best buddy! I should follow him! :) Hot Rod: GO FASTER GUYS GO FASTER
What’s stopping Shockwave from just overthrowing Megatron I MEAN REALLY
Lmao Hot Rod is so cute, he’s like “oh the floor’s sinking? Down we go I guess”
Man it’s so exciting to see the environment of Cybertron and how the planet looks, LIKE THIS IS THE STUFF I LIVE AND DIE FOR, THANK YOU CREW
“Why the surprise? No one ever leaves the Decepticons” I LITERALLY GASPED OUT LOUD IN HORROR
DRIFT YOU CANT DO THAT!!!!!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!! BAD BOT!!!!!!
“Hail this” OH MY GOSH RODDY
THIS IS SO DARK OH MY GOSH nO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jeez team frat boys is not doing so hot
Episode 4
lmao oh Bee
Man I love Wheeljack’s VA
“We got ‘em. Got ‘em good!” PLEASE STOP MEMEING (jk)
Wait if the Allspark fixes things then it might bring Roddy / Drift back to life
imagine ur soul is so corrupted you destroy heaven that’s essentially what’s happening here
CHEETOR NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“Thank you for being my friend, Bumblebee” IM SOBBING INTO MY HANDS
“Wherever Bumblebee goes on Cybertron, Cheetor goes with him” SOBS!!!!!!!!!!!
Cybertron is gold! :O
“Don’t mind the shrieks in the background”
“It is our duty to make sure it Transforms for the better” wahh
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in1-nutshell · 7 months
HEYYY I absolutely love your stories and im so happy to finally request something SO if it's possible can we have human fearless buddy meeting predacon buddy cuz like i can just imagine human buddy not stopping until they get to ride on predacon buddys back. But if not then don't worry about it! Thanks :]
It's been a hot second since we've seen Fearless Buddy, its good to see them back!
Hope you enjoy!
Fearless Buddy meeting Old Predacon Buddy
SFW, Platonic, Cybertronain reader, Human reader
For once the universe decided to give this old predacon a break from traveling across dimensions.
But they didn’t count on someone else to travel to theirs.
In mtmte dimension…
Buddy was walking to Megatron’s poetry club.
They hadn’t been very attendant to the club as the paperwork somehow grew overnight.
They suspect someone is secretly putting more in their pile each time they go to sleep.
Maybe they should get Nightbeat to investigate that.
Buddy walking to the club room when the portal appeared.
“Haha okay Brainstorm. What’s today’s experiment?”--Buddy
The portal begins to drag Buddy in.
“Hey, no more jokes, I got to get to club.”--Buddy
Buddy tries to go back away from the portal, but the intensity is growing stronger.
Panic starts to settle in as they try to grab on to the wall to slow down their drag.
Whirl comes racing towards Buddy stopping short after feeling the portal’s drag.
Whirl already close to the wall starts inching slowly towards Buddy.
Buddy’s hands start shaking.
“NO, YOUR NOT!”--Whirl
Whirl looks around for anyone.
Buddy’s hands start hurting as the portal gets stronger.
Whirl reaches for Buddy with his claw.
Buddy is centimeters from grabbing Whirl’s claw when some light tendrils wrap themselves around Buddy’s waist.
Buddy, horrified, takes one last look at Whirl.
The light yanks them backwards sending them tumbling into the portal.
Whirl tries jumping in after them, but the portal disappears before he could follow.
“No…no! NO!”--Whirl
 Rodimus, Ultra Magnus, Megatron, and Roller come in running but stop when they see Whirl on his knees shaking slightly.
“Whirl? Where’s Buddy?”--Megatron
Meanwhile in tfp…
Buddy was napping in one of the sunnier hangars close by when the familiar sound of the portal woke them up.
They are silently preparing for another round trip to wherever the universe deemed it necessary to go to this time.
They are not expecting something small and fast to come straight for their face.
Thankfully Buddy was able to stop the small projectile with their servos.
The portal closed leaving Buddy slightly confused.
They then look at what came out of the portal and were shocked to find a human laying in their palm groaning from the sudden trip.
Fearless Buddy groans as they rub their head in pain.
“Why can’t I get soft landings all the time?”—Fearless Buddy
“I hear you kid.”—Predacon Buddy
Fearless Buddy’s eyes shot wide open when they realize that they are in the servo of a giant mechanical dragon.
“…I know this might be a lot to take in—”—Predacon Buddy
“I’m in another dimension, aren’t I?”--Fearless
Predacon Buddy looks at them slightly baffled.
“Yes… this isn’t your first time?”—Predacon Buddy
“Believe it or not, after being around the Lost light for so long, this is just my typical Tuesday.”—Fearless Budy
“I’m guessing your team of Autobots have quite the travels then.”—Predacon Buddy
“Oh, it’s not just Autobot’s. we got Con’s, Neutrals, Megatron, and all—”—Fearless Buddy
“Wait did you say Megatron? He is on your ship?”—Predacon Buddy
“Yeah? He’s an Autobot now. He surrendered and now he’s Co captain of the Lost light with Rodimus Prime.”—Fearless Buddy
“… I don’t think I’ve been to your universe yet. At least your war is over, right?”—Predacon Buddy
“Yours isn’t?”—Fearless Buddy
Predacon Buddy shakes their helm.
“Not yet. It’s just a small number of Autobots against the rest of what’s left of the Decepticon army.”—Predacon Buddy
“Yikes.”—Fearless Buddy
Predacon Buddy huffs.
“Yep, I didn’t get your name kiddo. I’m Buddy.”—Predacon Buddy
Fearless Buddy’s eyes widen in a bit of excitement.
“Really! My name is Buddy too!”—Fearless Buddy
Both Buddy’s laugh.
“We definitely have to go by nicknames though.”--Fearless Buddy
“Your right.”—Predacon Buddy
“How about I go by Fearless? That’s a nickname I have back on the ship.”--Fearless
“Why do they call you fearless?”—Preadcon Buddy
“Because I fear nothing.”--Fearless
Predacon Buddy raising an optic.
“If you say so. I think I’ll go by Pred.”--Pred
“Because I’m a Predacon.”--Pred
“Ahhh. Makes sense now.”--Fearless
Pred starts walking outside.
“Where are we going?”--Fearless
“You’ll be staying with my team until the portal comes back.”--Pred
“How long does it usually take?”--Fearless
Pred shrugs.
“Depends. Sometimes a few days, sometimes a week.”--Pred
“…I’m getting so much paperwork from Magnus when I get back…”--Fearless
The team was very confused when Buddy came back to the main room with a human in their servo.
Even more so when they give them the explanation.
Though some things could have been explained better.
Especially on the topic of Megatron.
“You’re telling us that old Bucket head surrendered? That the war is over in your universe?”--Bulkhead
“And he is Co-captain of your ship with who?”--Arcee
“Rodimus Prime.”--Fearless
“So did Optimus…”--Smokescreen
“He is back on Cybertron with some of the others. Our ship is searching for some mystic knights of Cybertron. I’m really just there to tell Earth that Megatron is behaving.”--Fearless
“… But if he is in chains—”--Ratchet
“Woah, woah, woah who said anything about chains? He’s Co captain.”--Fearless
“There’s no such thing as Co-captain.”—Ultra Magnnus
“I think my Optimus made up the term so Rodimus didn’t get sad that his ship was getting taken over by Megs.”--Fearless
“Megs? He lets you talk to him like that?”--Wheeljack
“He hates the name but I do it anyways.”--Fearless
Miko and Wheeljack looking at Fearless.
“I like this one.”—Wheeljack
There is a bit of discussion about Megatron after that which Buddy makes it very clear that their Megatron and this one are completely different.
They are so sure that their Megatron can beat this one with no sweat.
There is some concern about this.
“Miko, you said you had a picture of Megs from this dimension, can I see?”--Fearless
“Sure! Here’s one where he still had the dark energon in his system.”--Miko
“What’s dark energon?”--Fearless
“Something I’m glad your universe doesn’t have.”--Pred
Fearless takes a look at the picture.
They put the phone down and then started dubbing down laughing.
Predacon always stays by Fearless’s side.
They know too well how out of place it feels to be in a new dimension.
Whether you wear it on your face or not, it can still shake you up a bit.
Fearless does have a near whiplash at the bots they have in their dimension.
Fearless constantly demands dragon rides.
And somehow Pred always falls for it.
They are just hoping that the kids don’t catch on to that.
Fearless looking up at Ratchet.
“Can I help you?”--Ratchet
Fearless just smiles.
“It’s nice to know that grumpiness is a thing most Ratchet’s have in common.”--Fearless
A little while later…
Fearless staring intensely at Magnus.
“What you looking at?”--Pred
“When is Mininus coming out?”--Fearless
“Oh, I get you. He hasn’t told you yet. Well, if he doesn’t want you guys to know yet then I won’t spoil the secret.”--Fearless
“What secret?”--Pred
Fearless makes a zip noise and walks away.
Fearless and Miko are no longer allowed to be in the same room alone together.
It’s a week later when the portal comes back.
Fearless makes sure to say all their goodbyes and thank you.
There is an extra hug snuck in between them and Pred.
They summersaulted into the portal as it closes.
Meanwhile in mtmte…
Megatron is taking another walk around the ship to calm his nerves.
The portal opens and drops Buddy in the middle of the hall.
Megatron stays still and waits for the body to start moving again.
The body moves slowly, as Megatron slowly speeds up to it.
He carefully turns the body over and nearly weeps in joy.
“Hey Megs, sorry for being late for club.”--Buddy
Megatron just rest on his knees and hugs Buddy close to his spark.
“Just… just let me hold you little one…”--Megatron
Buddy pats his chassis leaning on it hearing the faint sounds of his spark humming.
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ratttrap · 5 years
Who are you favorite people to hang out with? Where do you usually go to hang?
"Depends where I am, stuck here on Earth it ain't like I got a lot of options so I certainly prefer my own team over the company of them no good predacons."
"Whoa ho though, back on Cybertron I had all kinda groups. My bar buddies, old work friends, the guy at the corner store, babes down the block- eh...well sorta had a lotta groups, most of em stopped talkin' to me after I ran into a little trouble."
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cartoonslovers · 2 years
When Sentinel saying "just like old times " and putting his hand on Optimus shoulder near the end of Predacons Rising and saying "you got that right buddy" is actually very important
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black-strike-otp · 7 years
part 12
Anyone who still remains after part 11: you’re a real trooper buddy <3
The Exodus of Cybertron, it was later called. Cybertron needed time to heal. Resources dwindling, the planet scarred- they had to leave for the good of their world. And Megatron, the blood-thirsty tyrant he was with his spark twisted on revenge for his former friend, surged forward into the darkness after Optimus Prime, vowing for his spark.
Little to no one remained on the desolate wasteland once called home.
Ships were scattered across the cosmos as the space bridge was corrupted. The Ark and Nemesis played a game of cat and mouse; the big competitors in space, fighting for dominance.
Factionless rogues tried to stay in contact with rogues, and aid each other when they come into contact. The Rising Star met up from time to time with other ships. Goods were exchanged, conversation offered. Sometimes hosts were less polite than others, but everyone knew better than to pick a fight.
It was lonely. Isolated in space. You could have your friends, your family, but you still felt empty. Homesick. An ache in your tanks more than hunger alone.
~Years Later~
Location: Unknown
:: Decepticon General Blackout, you’re going to be out of range of comm systems after another an estimated 3.68 kils. ::
:: Understood. Have Lord Megatron informed that as promised, I will return with a debriefing of the location. ::
:: Certainly, sir. ::
The line went dead shortly after. Blackout’s alt-mode glided through the vast cold emptiness of space. He saw nothing but dead and dying stars twinkling in every direction, as far as his scanners could pick up.
He checked his star maps a few dozen times. Within himself, he could feel a restless Scorponok; whose thoughts continued to pester his own.
< Recharge, Scorponok. We have a lengthy trip ahead of us.>
The bug didn’t seem very pleased to hear the news. It was certainly going to be a long trip; the poor bug was going to be desperate to get out and stretch his limbs by the time they got there.
Location: Just outside of atmospheric pressure and the gravitational pull of planet V 255835 section QBI 832759
:: This is Journey, requesting permission to dock. ::
:: Permission granted. Welcome aboard, crew of Journey. ::
“Its been some time before we’ve had visitors,” Novastrike stated excitedly, practically bouncing just outside of the transport bay. There was a delightful gleam in her optics as she danced in place; servos jabbing in the air.
A rather unimpressed Neutroboost glanced down at Novastrike with narrowed optics. “Settle yourself femme, you’re going to startle them away.”
“At ease, Booster,” Guard commented tiredly. He looked much older than they had on Cybertron. It seemed age was finally catching up to him. “We’re all a little excited at the prospect of making a few new acquaintances and trading partners.”
Neutroboost grumbled at the scolding, glancing away. The seeker used to be so docile and calm, but since Crookedwing’s tragic death amidst the escape from Cybertron, he never could seem to find his own inner peace. What once was a collective, thoughtful, considerate mech was now constantly at war within himself.
Nova pitied him, but he refused to let anyone close to him anymore. Save for, perhaps, Guard.
The giant twin doors finally opened as the docking was secured, locked, and the two vessels had adjusted their pressure conditions to equalize each other out. A team of mechs stood in their own connected ship, awkwardly staring back.
“Greetings, friends,” Guard greeted warmly, placing a servo to his chassis and bowing with respect.
“And to you,” one of the mech’s aboard Journey stated awkwardly.
Groups began to slowly enter each other’s ships and intermingle. Novastrike; hardly spotted beneath all the larger bots conversating, stared up at the newcomers in awe. Most seemed to act shy; socially awkward, actually, she studied from their actions. She slipped further into the Journey and observed their expressions and reactions as they fidgeted and spoke.
She spotted what she could make up to be someone of importance upon the Journey. He was speaking with Guard; nodding as they spoke. His expression showed interest, but anxiety, and he wore a set of strange googles upon his head.
Something moved at his heels, and Novastrike almost squealed as she jogged over.
“Hi there!” she chirped, having spotted the minicon hiding behind the Journey mech’s legs.
The mech immediately looked down at her, perplexed.
“Novastrike,” Guard snapped, offering a disapproving stare.
“It’s- quite alright,” the newcomer stated, though his tone seemed unsure. “He’s just a touch shy at first, that’s all.”
The mech stepped aside slightly, revealing the curled up ball that had been trying to hide behind him. The creature’s shiny gunmetal gray armor shifted in the light. Beneath his form was red, and Nova realized as he moved to stand up and shrink away, that it was his appendages that were red.
“Ooohh my goodness! Are you a descendant of Predacons? Look at how small you are oh, wow!”
The tiny dragon gave a small chirp, lowering its head and wriggly uncomfortably in place beneath Novastrike’s excited gaze.
“He’s no predacon, that I can assure you,” the mech stated firmly.
“He’s glorious,” Nova whispered in awe. “Is he friendly? Can he speak? Can I touch him?”
“He doesn’t normally speak,” the mech stated, nervously wringing his servos in front of his chassis. “And I would ask him, little femme- he’s intelligent, he’ll understand your questions himself.”
Placing her servos respectfully behind her back, Novastrike stood straighter and looked- or tried to look- the red ruby eyed dragon in the optics. “Hello there! You look absolutely amazing. Would it be alright if I just- touched you? I’ll be quick I swear you just- you look so unreal! I mean, I’ve seen a mech once that was a dragon, and he could talk, but he was bigger than you and I never got the chance to touch him and see if he was real or if I was just going crazy.”
“-crazy,” the dragon echoed back in Novastrike’s tone.
“Oh my gosh, you can parrot bots! That’s so cool. What else can you do?” She asked, sitting on the ground.
The dragon looked up at his master, but it seemed the mech had no aid to offer. He went back to speaking with Guard; although, kept glancing back at his dragon anxiously.
“What... can you do?” the dragon repeated.
“Well...” Novastrike brought up her servo, using her digits to help count as she spoke. “I can transform into a cyber-cat, obviously that means I can jump high and hear crazy things far away- like further than everyone in this room. Except maybe you, maybe you can do that too? I can uh... you know, speak, read, write. Sometimes I sing, but alone you know- I don’t think I’m that great. I can shoot guns pretty good but I only use stun rounds, I don’t like hurting bots. Umm...”
She tapped a digit against her helm thoughtfully, trying to find new things to explain. As she did so, the dragon inched closer, reaching out with his muzzle to sniffle at her armor.
“Wooooaaahhh,” Novastrike gasped in awe. She reached out with her servos, retreated, and reached out again.
The dragon bumped her servos gently with his helm with approval.
“Ooohh my gosh you are so delightful, just look at you! Look at how good looking you are,” Nova cooed, patting her servos over the dragon.
He gave a tiny little wiggle at first, like he was confused on how to react. Novastrike patted his sides and his back and his rump moved around like an over-excited dog.
“So cool,” Nova stated, breathless.
“What is-... your name?” the dragon inquired through recordings, lashing his tail around. One of his horns moved slightly; tilting a little to the side questioningly.
Giggling softly as she rubbed the dragon’s armor, she responded: “Novastrike.”
“-Novastrike.” the dragon repeated. “I am- ... Fireline.”
“Well, it’s nice to meet you, Fireline,” Novastrike gushed, offering a doofy grin.
The dragon gave a small flick of his tail, showing his sharp teeth in a grin of his own; although, his seemed a touch more strained and unsure. “-nice to meet you” he mimicked, causing another fit of giggles from Nova. She halfway fell to the floor, and Fireline turned around, snuffling his snout into her side curiously so that she squealed; laughing loudly.
“AhhhHH! Stop you’re- you’re tickling me,” she snickered, trying to shove the dragon’s helm away. He chirped, snuffling into her side more and causing another fit of laughter, to which most of those in the room turned to stare at, optics softening at the sight of the pair messing around. It was pretty rare to hear that sort of unfiltered, joyous laughter floating around.
Location: 1200 kleps from planet V 255835 section QBI 832759
< We’re almost there, Scorponok. Shouldn’t be but another 153 jours. You can see it pretty clearly from here. >
Scorponok took advantage of the bond to stare at the location from Blackout’s perspective vision. He didn’t seem impressed with the spherical solid mass of a planet. It seemed reddish-brown in color, with a thin cloud overlay here and there, and small patches of a greenish-blue plant life with almost purplish colored water.
< Looks inviting. > Scorponok stated unhappily
< What’s that matter? No longer want to throw yourself in some dirt and bury around for the next few days? Maybe tearing up some Autobots, causing trouble. At the very least, causing me trouble when I try to get you to dock again or Primus forbid, clean you... >
That instantly changed the bug’s mood.
< Hurry up, you rusty old flier. >
Blackout chuckled. < That’s the spirit. >
Location: Just outside of atmospheric pressure and the gravitational pull of planet V 255835 section QBI 832759
“It was really a pleasure meeting with your crew, Guard,” the mech from the Journey stated, shaking his servo. “We appreciate your hospitality. I’m sorry that we don’t really have the resources to help your crew out further.”
“It’s fine,” Guard murmured tiredly, offering a small smile. “Not many are willing to part with their energon, that we understand. It’s the parts we lack for in repairing our vessel that causes the most issues though. Ever since the Exodus, we haven’t had any operational on board defensive system, among the other issues I told you about...”
The mech from Journey offered a sympathetic servo to Guard’s shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. “If there’s anything else we can offer, we’ll do our best. Should we come across something useful for you, we’ll try to contact you.”
“And us, you.”
The mech chuckled. “Of course,” he agreed. “And are you sure it’s alright for us to leave you those seven mechs for four of yours? I’d feel terrible straining your ship anymore than necessary...”
“Nothing we can’t handle, and they’ll get used to the rations and way we run things. After all, they’ve been mostly settling around these past few cycles anyway,” Guard stated politely.
“Well, this is farwell, for now,” the mech stated with a nod. He turned to look around with some concern. After a moment, he spotted what he was looking for: a dragonic Cybertronian gnawing on a cyber-cat, over in the corner. They were half flopping over one another.
“Fireline,” the mech stated. “We’re leaving now. We’ll be seeing the crew of the Rising Star again, but it’s time to go.”
Fireline poked his helm up from the interweaved limbs to look over to the mech. His tail swished slightly, and he looked down at Novastrike as he pulled himself free from their tangle.
“Farewell-... friend,” Fireline stated through his recordings.
Roughly shaking her helm, Novastrike stood up and bumped her helm against the dragon’s chassis. “Goodbye,” she said softly. “I’ll miss you, Fireline.”
Fireline gave a soft chirp, lying his helm temporarily on top of Novastrike’s. He pulled away, wiggling his bum a little. With a leap and a bound, he turned towards the mech that called for him and glided across the floor; wings snapping open. He landed effortlessly just inside the Journey’s docking chamber.
“I’ll miss you toooo,” the dragon hissed in a voice Novastrike had never heard. There was a mischievous glint in his optics, and Nova’s own pair widened slightly and as she placed her servos on either side of her face.
“Ooohh nooo, that little monster!” she hissed. “He can speak after all!”
A rather confused looking Guard glanced down at Novastrike as he exited the small docking bay and shut the doors so that they could finish the undocking process. “What was that?”
Offering a cheeky grin, Novastrike gave a little shrug. “Oh, nothing important,” she snickered, walking away.
Location: 358 kleps from planet V 255835 section QBI 832759
< Only another 46.3 jours left, Scorp. >
< Wake me when we get there, > the bug stated in the most ‘I’m fragging dying of boredom’ voice that could be.
That’s odd, Blackout thought. He could almost swear he saw a glint of metal for a moment heading on planet; the light from the sun momentarily bouncing over its form before it descended into the cloud cover.
Maybe the rumors were true, after all.
Location: Planet V 255835 section QBI 832759, surface
“You think they missed us?” Novastrike asked as the Rising Star made its final approach to the planet’s surface.
Guard gave a hearty laugh, waving his servo to the observation deck’s viewing window. “I don’t know, Novastrike, why don’t you look and see for yourself.”
The small femme jumped up to see what it was Guard was laughing about. A smile flashed across her features as she looked at the dirtball of a planet they were settling on, her optics wide.
“Woah,” she breathed out slowly. “That’s a lot of Knoech’ols.”
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evilsciencebros · 7 years
Agathrights: This local bug literally lives in a box and Megatron lets it crawl around inside of him to do repairs, News At 10.
evilsciencebros: You made him 10x awesome in ways I never would have expected! I love your fountain of imagination. LMAO *snuggles up inside the warrior poet*
agatharights: I kinda had the vague idea of making him either a true minicon or an uplift a while ago so it was fun to finally flesh that out!Who doesn't want to crawl around inside of megatron. it'd be cozy
evilsciencebros: *huggles the swiss army knife* He's perfect *squishes down into pancake mode*
agatharights: He just squish down.The only problem with being an uplift is that -actual- scraplets will probably follow him if given the chance, because this scraplet is bigger and smarter so clearly it has more food!And i'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that a nonsapient swarm of dumb, hungry metallovores makes for poor company, unless you're in an autobot base in which case HEY NEW FRIENDS EAT EVERYTHING
evilsciencebros: The perfect drone army. They're not allowed in the Decepticon base
agatharightsyeah: probably a good idea to not bring those homeThey can't tell the difference between autobots and Decepticons and while Oil Slick is pretty unpalateable to everything (both Junkions and Unicronians refuse to eat him, which is impressive) everybody else...
evilsciencebros: Bless. He probably has a little hidey hole for them, so they don't go wondering off. Either that, or just kills/eats them, like Movie Scalpel did with that creepy worm thing that crawled through Sam's head. LOL. Everything keeps trying to eat Oil Slick and fails miserably XD
agatharights: I'd imagine so. Scalpel can probably eat virtually anything, if given enough time for his teensy tiny mouth, since he's still got a scraplet digestive system.
evilsciencebrosI: eat with his butt
agatharights: They had to remove most of the scraplet mouth/jaws though to make room for an actual brain.
evilsciencebros: Tiny brain. An Archive worth of knowledge. That's an impressive memory chip he's got
agatharights: Excellent quantum linkage with his spark for memory storage. Whatever company made him probably priced him pretty high- he would've been top-tier medical equipment at the time
evilsciencebros: ^w^ He is one of a kind
agatharights: "He is one of a kind" "Because everything else in his production line was disposed of when they became obsolete or were deemed too high-risk." you can even ask Optimus but like "What was Cybertron like?" "It was beautiful, and terrible."
evilsciencebros: it was beautiful...but at the same time, on fire
agatharights: Well, to be fair, on fire was more after Megatron finally started calming down and realized he maaaay have literally killed Primus and was like "Mm. Okay. I'll admit, I got a little out of hand.""Lets...lets just go find a new planet."
evilsciencebros: *sweeps the old planet under the rug.* Don't worry, we can still fix this
agatharights: And then he left Cybertron, a post-apocalyptic wasteland, and somehow by the time he got back Shockwave had made it worse and he was like how did you do this? When I left this was a heap of scrap that was on fire and full of electrical storms? WHY IS IT FULL OF ZOMBIES AND PREDACONS NOW? And Shockwave was like "i thought you were never coming back ever so I panicked"
agatharights: Shockwave is the master of "picked up necromancy as a hobby, made some mistakes"
evilsciencebros: This is what happens when you don't return people's phone calls. they join cults
agatharights: And if there's no cults to join, they make their own, and when you finally show back up they're like heyyyyyy...the good news is, Cybertron's not dead, the bad news is, neither are the Insecticons and now there's so many of them.
evilsciencebros: On the bright side there's a cool spider lady who keeps them in check...when she doesn't wanna eat you herself
agatharights: I dunno about that. Season Three of TF: Matrix is basically slotted to be "Blackarachnia is pissed Megatron ditched her on Cybertron, has been selectively breeding an army of insecticons and predacons to take it out on him" Megatron, and who can blame him, was like "Alright, we need to get everyone we can off the planet before the spacebridges go dark...but do i want to be stuck in a tube floating in space with a bunch of self-replicating cannibals? Do i really?"And then effectively gave the Insecticons/predacons the wrong time/place and took off without them and they've been salty about it for a few centuries
evilsciencebros: Megatron. Can't break up with someone to save his life. Instead changes his phone number and address, and pretends to be shocked when they finally run into each other years later.
agatharights: ...god I'm terrible because the first thing that pops into my head is "Clearly, he learned that from Orion"
agatharights: Since Orion basically ditched Megatron as soon as the Decepticons started getting too hot for him to handle and then Megatron didn't see him again until he was working with Sentinel Prime centuries later.And he was like  " :) This is fine" And promptly murdered them both.
evilsciencebros: Cybertron. Died because of poor communication
agatharights: Pretty much.Which, to be fair, this problem didn't start with Megatron and Orion, this problem probably started the moment Prima was like "Guys, I know the thirteen of us are pretty happy, but what if we made a few billion more people?"
agatharights sent a GIF
evilsciencebros: I don't see any downsides to this.
agatharights: Downsides: Quintessons were like hey, uhhhh looks like you have...a lot of people there. Can we...borrow some??????"no piss off Quintessons"
agatharights: And then Unicron was like HEYYYYY LOOKS LIKE YOU HAVE A LOT OF PEOPLE THERE...CAN I DEVOUR EVERYTHING??? "NO PISS OFF UNICRON" (and then Nova Prime was like "Hey, what if institutionalized racism?" and instead of going "no piss off Nova" people were like "yeah okay" and that's Cybertronian history) The ghost of Solus Prime shaking her head like come on you guys I did not make all this shit that can literally cause miracles just so you could immediately start conquering and murdering things but she was dead so nobody listened to her
evilsciencebros: immortals need hobbies too. The only ones allowed to traumatise their OCs are them.
agatharights: "these are my OCs the entire Cybertronain race. original idea, do not steal." (and then the Quintessons, who created Primus and Unicron, were like WHOA PLAGARISM) Also oh no I realized the saddest thing that could happen to Scalpel
evilsciencebros: !!!!!
agatharights: Scalpel would've been an actual Scraplet, if very briefly (probably plucked right from a natural forge) before he was modified into a, well, a person, rather than a parasite. Which is all well and good, uplifts weren't uncommon for a long time, though they're very rare post-war
agatharights: But if he attacked Buster and Buster panicked there'd be a chance Buster's matrix abilities- including the ability to "repair" virtually anything Cybertronian given enough energy, would kick in- and Scalpel could be reverted into a Scraplet. It briefly happens to Ravage, but Ravage shares a spark with Soundwave- so Soundwave is able to re-activate his uplift status by restoring his spark (and Buster is very sorry like yeah okay the Decepticons have regularly tried to kidnap him as a power source but he didn't mean to hurt anyone!)But Scalpel being turned back into a Scraplet, even if it were temporary, sounds like a nightmare for him. Turned into a literally brainless creature (scraplets have no processors- their actions are directly connected to their spark rather than utilizing a processor)
evilsciencebros: ;-; poor baby
agatharights: He keeps biting Oil Slick and then being surprised and angry when Oil Slick tastes bad but he has no memory at the time. So he keeps trying bc Oil Slick carries him off to try and fix him ;-;
evilsciencebros: <3
agatharights: awwgh that's so sad i'm putting that in the "horrible things to potentially do to characters" folder
evilsciencebros: My boys. Looking out for each other ;3;
evilsciencebrosYou should feel bad! Poor Scalpel, reduced to something less than an animals, and poor Oil Slick trying to care for his little buddy.
agatharights: Someone on the team suggests that they should put Scalpel out of his misery, that they don't want to risk him eating someone and producing more scraplets, and Oil Slick gets so angry about it he has to leave for a lil bit, just to clear his head before he does something stupid like drop a white phosphorous grenade on them)He'd have to get fixed, eventually, but until then Oil Slick can keep him in a box and feed him scraps
evilsciencebros: OMG I hope he gets better one day! Poor Oil Slick trying, and failing, to bring Scalpel back, but unwilling to snuff out his little spark.He will murder that human boy >:/
agatharights: jskdlfaj if he confronted Buster the poor kid would be like ???!!! Because he'd have no idea what he'd done, and once he knew he'd freak out and start bawling because he didn't mean to! He's so sorry! He can fix it- he can, he can try, at least? "I don't want to hurt anyone! Please, just lemme try to fix it..."
evilsciencebros: He is very fortunate that Oil Slick is desperate and revenge can wait.Now stop pouring lubricant out of your optics and do your work weird god magic shit.
agatharights: akfdljsaf poor babies. At least Buster can probably undo it. Might take a bit, though, and a lot of energy. he'd konk right out afterwards, and Scalpel just re-grew an entire brain so he's very tired too.
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