#please add your own versions of letters!!
jestersking · 1 year
Owen: “Hi, Martyn. It’s been a good while, huh? Spring just started. We built ourselves a little house. We even left a room for you, I think you would have liked it. It’s been... Hard without you. You were such a reliable part for all of us, that it’s kinda hard to actully... Live without you. And managing the rats became so much more difficult! It’s like your chaotic attitude helped them being calm, huh.  Besides, I would really love to hear your advices on some things... Well, it doesn’t matter where you are - we always have a room for you. Or your spirit. I prefer not to think about it. We miss you.” Apo: “Hey, Martyn. Since you left I became a main tailor in the house. It’s kinda funny ‘cause the only thing that I really can’t do is hats. But I’m trying. Sometimes I work in your room. It just feels like you are right here, right beside me and you watch me. I hope you don’t mind me here.” Scott: “Hello, Martyn. I’m sorry.” Bek: “HOYYYYY MARTYYN!!!  You WILL NOT BELIVE THAT!! Me and El are !!OFFICIALLY!! married!! Yep! I did it! Acho was our priest! I hope you are proud of me!  Sometimes when she says something incredibly cheesy I look around hoping that I’ll hear you scuff or laugh. But you are not here. And it’s fine! Truly, it’s okay! I will take care of your room! And your Ratsune Miku wig too!  i miss you” Will: “Hello-hello, Mraty.  How aeu you? Wee doing jusut fine. I hope yu dotoo.  Acho is techin me, how to wiret poems! Its rally fun and i love it. it’s knd hadr to hold a pen but im dong ny best! I wuld luve y to jion us.  Can i aks yo someing? Do you like daises r rsses more? I wnt to decoaret ur door.  With lvoe, Will.” Jimmy: Tubbo: “AT MARTYN. MARTYN RARF. MRATUN. EVERYOEN IS SO DSADD THAT UR GONE BUT URE NOT GONE RIGHN??? UR IN OUR WALLS I KNOW IT!! U WIIUDLNT LEAVE US RIGHT?? RIGHT?? Martyn? You’re here, right?” El: “Martyn. It’s been so long and I’m still not used to the thought of you not being here. That I can’t knock on your door and you won’t be here meeting me with that cocky smile of yours. I know, I should stop hoping. But sometimes I still do. I’m dreaming of your voice. Bek misses you a lot, you know? Sometimes I can hear her crying while she’s cleaning your room. I can’t help her, I would cry too.” Krow: “Dear Martyn: Go Fucking Fuck Yourself.  I fucking hate you. I hate you so much. I hate you more than I hate cats.  I hate you for pushing me into the portal. I hate you for killing Oliver. I hate you because you always were so agressive to our guests. I hate you for leaving. I hate you because you were so dear to everyone. I hate you because you made everyone love you and then YOU FUCKING LEAVE.  I hate you because you made everyone cry. I hate you. You left. You fucking left us. Why? Why? Have I done something? I’m sorry. Please just go back. I’m begging you. Please. Please.” Oli: “’sup mraty  ah i havent said that name in a while. its like a curse in this house. no one talks about u. thats fair. i hate talking about u too.  i know ur not dead. u just better than this. yeah u better than dying. but u left us anyway. why? god if i know. god if anyone knows. but u know i belive thats its a cool reason. like ur saving the world or something. i wouldnt be suprised lol. it doesnt matter. truly it doesnt. whatever you are doing: we still love u. and we trust u. u always will be a shining star for us, a sweet memory.  we love you, Mraty.”
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sunkissedchld · 8 months
this is my first astro observations post, so please be kind!
shout out to @faiirina and @cloudwaeve for helping me to develop some of these theories 💛
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⟡ this might have been stated before, but the degree your sun sign is at could be the age at which you start to connect with it or the traits associated with it
for example, i have sagittarius sun at 19°. at nineteen years old, i went away from home on my own for the first time (travel). i also expanded my learning by going to college, and i delved deeper into spirituality.
⟡ taurus rules over the ears and second house, so it’s only natural placements relating to it could explain our hearing! your second house sign could explain how or why you like to listen to music.
i have virgo in the 2H and noticed that i like to listen to music with headphones because i can hear the intricacies of the instruments and harmonies better. cancer 2H — likes listening to music that coincides with their emotions. might be more reserved when sharing their music tastes scorpio 2H — could listen to indie/underground music. might like to listen to songs on low volume. the type to eavesdrop of conversations while listening. aries 2H — prefers listening to their music over a speaker. the type to have a workout or hype playlist.
⟡ the planet right before your sun sign is called your guiding planet. this planet could explain what’s important to you in life or what “guides” you as a person.
i have pluto as my guiding planet and have always been fascinated by the idea of transformations. i look to transform myself regularly whether it’s through looks or even spiritually! i’m always searching for ways to become a better version of myself through this. i may do a longer post explaining the effects of one’s guiding planet 👀
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⟡ this isn’t inherently astrology related, but for every person i’ve asked - their favorite number and the number of letters they have in their name tends to line up
my favorite number is 3 — i have only 3 letters in my first and middle name person two’s favorite number is 4 — their name has only 4 letters person three’s favorite number is 16 - their first and last name adds up to 16 i’ve also discovered that this number tends to somewhat align with one’s north node or explain one’s life purpose or where in life you need to learn to deal with something. again, my favorite number is 3, but my north node is in gemini in the 11H. the 3H deals with communication and according to my north node, i’m supposed to learn how to use my voice to both stand out in my uniqueness but also conform with society in order to speak for the collective.
⟡ the twelfth house governs what’s hidden - like emotions and beings without a physical form, so the sign in your twelfth house could explain how easy or difficult it is for you to pick up on energies.
i have cancer in my 12H along with jupiter, so it’s very easy for me to pick up on different energies; in fact, sometimes i attract different energies to my own without even knowing about it! leo 12H — you may be more confident in when you pick up energies, so in a way it could be easier for you, but in a different way than for water signs. different energies may find it easy to speak with you or be around you pisces 12H - this sign might find it the easiest ot pick up on different energies because it’s at home! you may pass your own energy onto others without knowing it. people may want to feed off your energy because of how intoxicating it might be - this could extend to scoprio 12H too sagittarius 12H - you might have to actively search out energies when it comes to pick up on them, or maybe you just like to. they don’t really come to you naturally like with pisces.
⟡ i noticed aquarius suns tend to have intoxicating smiles.
think about it! yang jeongin from stray kids, hobi from bts, megan thee stallion, and j.cole. both jeongin and hobi have smiles that show throughout their whole face. megan thee stallion has had people talk about her smile all the time - it’s wide and stands out. j. cole literally has a song named “crooked smile” and although his smile doesn’t fit the societal standard of what considered “nice” it’s still unique to him.
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⟡ arabic lots are so much more than just your part of fortune
there’s actually a whole list of lots that can be calculated through various combinations. i think i’ll do a post on this later on, but some of the most interesting lots i saw were: Anareta I and II - Taker of Life, Ancestors, Expected Birth, Boys (Sons), Girls (Daughters), Fortune in Husbandry, Influence, Karma, Lawsuits again, there’s a ton more, but i don’t think they’re talked about much (at least not on here), so i’d like to learn more about them!
⟡ the third house deals with transportation, so the sign in your third house could represent how you are when traveling
i have libra in the 3H, and i tend to be laid back when it comes to the actual process of traveling. i wear hoodies and sweats, and i’m very low maintenance when going on a road trip or going on planes. sagittarius 3H — the type to be like an excited puppy. is rushing everyone because of how excited they are. might be more inclined to ask others where they’re traveling as they sit and wait capricorn 3H — might be a little more stuffy when it comes to traveling. keeps a tight schedule when leaving and going. could prefer to where business wear when traveling because that’s comfortable for them lol leo 3H - not completely laksidisical, but also is to an extent. focused on making sure their outfit is perfect (you never know who you could meet on a plane, ya know?) may have everyone wait for them because they need to be sure they packed EVERYTHING
⟡ going back to arabic lots, there’s one called Spirit that i think better explains your own spirit as a person (like your personality and how you view life) rather than the actual asteroid Spirit, which i interpreted more so as your guides.
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⟡ asteroid Aglaja (47) is named after one of the Greek charities - she rules over beauty splendor, glory, and magnificence. as a result, the asteroid could explain where you can find glory or explain your financial success during life
sagittarius — in another country/place different from your home town; could be lucky when it comes to finances; might even win the lottery virgo — in a place of service, like a community center or non-profit organization; will indulge in the finer side of life - a focus on the arts aries — in a leadership position or cut-throat industry; you may make and spend money quickly - likely water flowing through your hands
⟡ asteroid Kalliope (22) is named after another muse - one ruling over eloquence and epic poetry. this asteroid could give more insight into how you sound or how you use your words. look for aspects to mercury for even more information!
cancer — utilizing emotion to get your point across; could be more passive when speaking; people may find it hard to hear you libra — again, could be more passive; tries to make everything agreeable; tries to uplift others; a firm and encouraging voice scoprio — could be less inclined to talk, but people listen when you do; you use your words to offer insight or point out something important
⟡ in my opinion, where saturn is in your chart could be an area of life where it takes time for you to grow into
gemini / 3H — it takes time for you to learn how to communicate your thoughts well. if in the 3H, depending on the sign, you could be introverted and find it hard to speak or you’re too quick of a speaker. you could even have a speech impediment. with gemini, it’s dependent upon the house, but you could be in your head too much when it comes to what you say or you tend to rub people the wrong way with your words. capricorn / 10H — it takes time for you to grow into your reputation or work life. in the 10H, you may find it hard to get promoted. in capricorn, you could find it hard to not be so work-oriented in every aspect of your life; it could be hard for you to just go with the flow. aquarius / 11H — it takes time for you to learn to fit in with the collective. in the 11H, it could be hard for you to make friends, or you could fond it difficult to see how your life will pan out in the future. in aquarius, you could find it hard to connect with others and also see the uniqueness you possess.
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⟡ where venus, taurus, and virgo are in your chart could explain what aesthetics you’re into. so can the signs in your second and sixth house
⟡ having too much of one element in your chart can actually start giving you the opposite effects if it’s not balanced out enough
you could view this literally in that having too much of anything could always turn out to be “wrong”. too much water leads to flooding, too much fire leads to wildfires, and so on and so forth. in this same way, having too much water in your chart could lead you to be more confident or maybe less in tune with your intuition. too much fire could lead you to be more quiet and in your head. too much earth could make you live with your heads in the clouds and less practical. too much air can lead you to be concrete in your actions and thoughts.
⟡ both leo and pisces give off little kid energy but in different ways
leo represents the little kid that has a ton of energy and wants to play all day. the kid who plays out all their fantasies and acts as their own hero. pisces represents the quieter kid that prefers quiet coloring or drawing to group activities. the kid who you have to find a way to connect with before they come out of their shell. both signs are kid like in how they dream. both signs are wide-eyed when it comes to the things they dream of doing, or thee people they plan on becoming. this makes me want to do a post on the sun signs as children 😭
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thank you for reading this all the way through if you did!
if you notice anything else from what i’ve said, or if you go around a play with arabic lots, please let me know!!
i’d love to know what you think and what you discovered also!
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sdmsims · 1 month
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its 2am i am so tired and i am literally not retyping this so im just gonna paste what i wrote on patreon and run
You know, like nya?
I was told this was a bad idea. Unfortunately my catgirl agenda has other plans.
This is a mod that adds animated tail bones to sims! Though these won't actually be visible unless you add a tail rigged for the mod to the sim - I've included a set, based on meshes by Terraxy on gumroad!
The tail has a constant motion, based off the sim's current emotion. The way this was done is incredibly hacky and probably not very good looking to anyone who's actually competent at tuning, and is inherently prone to conflicts. Ultimately, this is a personal experimental mod that I'm releasing or else people would riot. Use at your own risk!!
Not all modded interactions will work. In the case where a modded interaction doesn't, the tail will t-pose.
The tail animation is the same for all actions per emotion, so it will still clip.
This is probably going to conflict with mod(s) that: Override the sim rig, override ANY animation state machines, override the default emotional overlays of sims, or override trackmasks for the face
HOWEVER: There is an included version that is compatible with the most popular mod that modifies the sim rig, as well as it's... animation system. It's the one labeled with _WW at the end, you'll know what those letters mean if you know.
Therefore: If you install this and your game starts being weird, take it out and see if that fixes it before complaining to other modders and giving them trouble.
Download ONLY ONE version of the mod, depending on if you need the WW compatibility or not. Place it directly in your mods folder, no subfolders!
Download the .zip for the tails - they're all under lower back tattoos ingame. Unzip and put the contents wherever you want.
If you'd like to create your own rigged tails: Download the .blend file for a dummy! It's for 2.79 because I'm an old man, sorry.
Finally, this thing gave me a lot of issues during testing, and while I'm... mostly confident I managed to fix things, I may have missed things.
Again - this is an experimental mod, please use at your own risk!
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penciled-palominos · 9 months
Hello Horseblr!! It's your resident horse girl once again! Today I come with a gift!
MY OWN HORSE-TOBER PROMPT LIST!!! I've never seen one of these done before but I thought hey! Why not make my own!! Sorry, it's so close to october when I'm posting this for the first time, I meant to make this like a week ago but I forgor
I actually made 3 different versions, just for fun, all technically have the same words but they're split differently, we have all 31 days of October in the first list, then only the odd days, and only the even days, just for people who may choose to only do it bi-daily :))
Feel free to also do any days you feel like and don't feel pressured to do all of em or even do to em on the day they're meant for! Just have fun!!
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[Image ID: Above is pictured 3 peices of paper reading at the top in bigger lettering "Horse-Tober 2023" [a mix of the word horse and october] Below that is each day of October numbered out 1-31 followed by a prompt placed to the right of the number, they read as follows:
1. Desert
2. Food
3. Pinto
4. With other animals
5. Mythical
6. Fandom
7. Draft Horse
8. Party
9. Donkey
10. Pottery
11. Spirit
12. Ocean
13. Meadow
14. Games
15. Relaxation
16. Old West
17. Plushie
18. Skeleton
19. Painting
20. Foal
21. Flowers
22. Vintage
23. Buttons
24. Wild
25. Fear
26. Technology
27. Racing
28. Fairy
29. Costume
30. Pumpkin
31. Kelpie
The other two photos read off the exact same header of the page "Horse-Tober 2023" but each only has either the even or odd numbers of the 31 day list End ID ]
This is my first time attempting to add like an ID to a post, so I really hope I did it well?? If there's something to fix, please let me know
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utopya-cc · 4 months
(Preview) Valentine Update | Passionate Gifts 0.2
For The Full Mod Description, Click Here:
0.2 Update :
Hi everyone! I hope you are all doing well! And I hope you had a great time with this new year. 
Now, let's jump into the Update! This is Valentine's Update; I have really rushed it to get ready on time for Valentine's Day. I hope that you will like it 🥰 : 
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I am really excited to share this update with you. It's a small idea, but I think it will suit the game and the Valentine's vibe. 
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When we use the in-game (give a romantic gift) interaction. Your sim will receive back a flower gift with a message. I do really like this feature as the idea of it is something so common in real life. 
Flowers with love cards are the most universal gifts to consider giving to your loved ones. But I didn't like how they implemented it in the game, as there is no animation for the love card, and the Flower is just a plain rose; it should usually be a bouquet. The in-game animation is cute but doesn't feel like an intimate/romantic interaction.
So I have made my own. This isn't an override. This a new interaction that you can find on the Passionate Gifts pie menu, 
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You will find a new pie menu called Passionate Gifts on the romantic menu. The new interaction will be there:
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The interaction will cost your sims some Simoleons, and the price will depend on the type of each gift.
The New Gift:
Love letter Bouquet - $50 Simoleons
Features Of the Mods:
New highly detailed animation with their own sounds
A new pie menu for the new interactions
New icons for each Gift that will suit their own animation
Each interaction has its own buffs for both the gifter and the receiver.
Notification to showcase the love letter after each gift given,
Realistic animations for each object
Possible outcomes:
Your sim will also get a Flirty moodlet with some different buffs. For each role in the animations:
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And, of course, a Love Letter. Your sim will receive a notification that will contain the Love letter. All the messages are different from the in-game ones. They are all custom-made. Let me know if you have any other ones, and I may add them in future updates!
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The interactions are more intimate than the in-game ones, so your sims have to at least have their first kiss. and have more than 20% of romance or the pie menu won't show up
I think this mod will be a great addition to the game, especially storytelling-wise,
Known Bugs
Everything seems to be working well so far. I haven't encountered any bugs, but please report any you may encounter.
This mod is BG-compatible.
The mod will be enhanced further in the future with New Gifts and Animations!!!
The interactions shouldn't be played autonomously,
It's better to wait until the animation is finished and the queue is clear before playing another one.
Requirement :
This mod needs the XML injector by Scumbumbo. You can download it here: https://scumbumbomods.com/xml-injector
How to install :
Just put both my mod and the XML injector script into your Sims 4 Mods folder.
Delete The older version. Leave just the Updated one.
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spiderrrling · 2 years
Eddie Munson Master List
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Anybody have a map?
Camp counselor! Eddie Munson x F! Camp Counselor! Reader
Series masterlist
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Living After Midnight
Eddie Munson x F! Carver! Reader
Series masterlist
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With Love, Eddie Munson - Completed
With Love, Eddie Munson - Eddie Munson x F!Reader (Part 1)
It’s been about six months since she went off to college, when a very unexpected letter comes in the mail from an old friend
My Dearest Eddie Munson - Eddie Munson x F!Reader (Part 2)
It's been three weeks since Eddie deposited a letter in the mail detailing all his emotions, when a very familiar run down car pulls up in front of his trailer
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The Dungeon Master & The Cheerleader - Ongoing
The Dungeon Master and the Cheerleader - Eddie Munson x F! Henderson! Reader
What if the pretty cheerleader Eddie has been looking at turns out to be Dustin's sister, and she wants to learn about dungeons and dragons?
Pretty Little Rings - Eddie Munson x F! Henderson! Reader P.2
The story behind how a pretty dainty little ring ring ended up between the regular heavy metal ones Eddie usually wears
↳ Part 2 to The Dungeon Master and the Cheerleader, there is an NSFW version in the 18+ section below
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One Shots & Imagines
Guts - Eddie Munson x F!Reader
Middle school best friends to lovers, fluff, a little bit of angst but the good kind
Scrunchies and Tuesday Shows - Eddie Munson x F!Reader
Lending Eddie a scrunchie to tie back his chaotic messy curls for a show at the Hideout
There and Back Again - Eddie Munson x GN!Reader
You ask him to read you a story, and Eddie pulls out one of his familiar favorites he knows you have never read, The Hobbit
Sunday Mornings with You - Eddie Munson x GN! Reader
Just a short sweet little fic about spending a Sunday morning with Eddie
Something's Gotta Give - Eddie Munson x best friend! Reader
You win your best friend Eddie a bear in the arcade after your bowling match, turns out this wasn't the first time it had happened
The Price of a Kiss - Eddie Munson x Reader
You start trading Eddie little knick knacks and trinkets for kisses
Traces of you - Eddie Munson x Reader
Going off to college turns out to be a lot more difficult than you imagined it to be, especially when you realize Eddie's shirt doesn't smell like him anymore
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Lovesick! Eddie Munson
A series of blurbs and drabbles about our favorite Eddie so desperately and deeply in love
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Kissing Eddie Munson - Eddie Munson x gn!Reader
Headcanon about kissing Eddie Munson
Eddie and His Hands
Just a short little headcanon about Eddie’s hands
Eddie Munson the Bookworm
Headcanon about Eddie Munson being a total bookworm and nerd
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Follow me on my other platforms!
Archive of Our Own
You can also add yourself to my taglist here
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18+ Works - Minors do not engage
Calm Before the Storm - Eddie Munson x F!Reader 18+
Heading down to Lovers Lake for a late night swim, which turns to more once it starts storming
Drunk on You - Eddie Munson x F! Reader 18+
Pussy drunk Eddie eating out
I Dare You - Eddie Munson x F!Reader 18+
You dare Eddie to go a week without masturbating but it quickly ends up becoming difficult for both of you
Homesick - Eddie Munson x F!Reader 18+
You're home for spring break and you run into the last person you were planning to see, your ex boyfriend
Pretty Little Rings - Eddie Munson x F! Henderson! Reader
The story behind how a pretty dainty little ring ring ended up between the regular heavy metal ones Eddie usually wears, but the NSFW version
↳ Part 2 to The Dungeon Master and the Cheerleader
Don't You Look Pretty - Eddie Munson x F! Reader
You've had a very long day, and all you want is a little stress relief with your boyfriend who knows exactly how to relax you
Eddie Munson NSFW Alphabet
Title is pretty self explanatory
Please Don't Go - Eddie Munson x F! Reader
After a night with your boyfriend he is reluctant to let you leave, so he has other methods for getting you to stay
Insecurities - Eddie Munson x F! Reader
Eddie overhears you being insecure about your body, and he is not having any of it
Did you just fake that? - Eddie Munson x F! Reader
Eddie has been suspicious of your behavior in bed for a little while, and then he finally confronts you about it
Thigh Riding Eddie Munson Headcanon
Exactly what the title says
"Show me how to do it-" - Eddie Munxon x F! Reader
You ask Eddie to teach you how to give a blow job
Lazy cuddles... lazy sex... - Eddie Munson x F! Reader
Lazy afternoon cuddles quickly lead to more when Eddie is around
18+ taglist here (if I find any minor on that list, you will be blocked)
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melefim · 14 days
Dead Boy Detectives full soundtrack!
(Or at least all the ones I could find)
I’ve seen several soundtrack playlists floating around, but unfortunately a lot have other songs added or are missing some that were used in the show, so I went ahead and made my own!
Below the cut is a full listing of when each song was used during the show, timestamped as accurately as I could manage.
Please let me know if there are any songs I missed, and I’ll add them ASAP! Score will be added if/when it’s released. If anyone would be interested in separate posts for each episode, let me know and I’ll get right on it!
“Psychobilly Bandits” by Alibi Music: Teaser trailer
“Welcome to the Black Parade” by My Chemical Romance: Full trailer
“Young and in Love” by Fast Forward Romance: Meet the Characters teaser
🔮The Case of Crystal Palace🔮:
“Doorman” by slowthai, Mura Masa: Hotel hallway chase scene. (2:33-2:47)
“Hang on to Yourself” by David Bowie: Prep for Crystal’s case. (11:59-12:30)
“Bad Feeling” by Cobra Man: What Crystal is listening to on her headphones in the subway before the David the Demon fight. (12:36-13:04)
“I’m Telling Your Mum” by Danny Farrant, Paul Rawson: Jenny’s introduction. (21:46-22:44)
“It’s Not Unusual” by Tom Jones: In the Malt shop after they find Esther’s house and after Crystal sees David the Demon. (26:42-27:38, 29:24-29:47)
“Bones of Rock” by The Boneless Ones: In the background during Crystal and Jenny’s talk in the alley. (34:03-35:07)
“Take the Rest of Me” by Brocklesby Crooke: Dandelion sprites- Crystal meeting Niko. (36:39-36:51)
“Deal Wiv It” by Mura Masa, slowthai (instrumental): Meeting David the Demon flashback. (38:36-39:10)
“So What?” by NOISY (instrumental): Planning Becky’s rescue in the butcher shop. (41:34-42:19)
“White Teeth” by The Screaming Gypsy Bandits: Record playing inside Esther’s house. (43:33-44:30)
“Surfing in the Sky” by The Vaccines: Fight in Esther’s front yard. (49:08-49:50)
“Missing” by slowthai (instrumental): Sending Becky home, heading back to the butcher shop. (51:23-52:34)
🌼The Case of the Dandelion Sprites🌼:
“Take the Rest of Me” by Brocklesby Crooke: Dandelion sprites- Niko faints outside the bathroom and attracts attention in the butcher shop. (12:48-12:52, 28:29-28:57)
“Natural Successor” by Pictish Trail: Turning Monty human. (47:22-49:16)
🪓The Case of the Devlin House🪓:
“Free Tonight” by Skymachine: Charles & Crystal walk into butcher shop, just a few bars on radio before anchor talks about the storm. (8:13-8:15)
“Oceans” by The Yada Yada Yadas: on radio after anchor talks about the storm while Charles and Crystal are asking Jenny about the Devlin murders. (8:21-8:50)
“Owner of a Lonely Heart” by Yes: Devlin house time loop, repeated multiple times. (First full loop 19:06-21:09. Loop repeats: 21:31-23:05, 23:36-24:38, 25:02-25:35, 26:52-27:17, 29:04-29:55, 30:22-31:24, 33:17-34:30, 34:34-35:35, 35:48-37:01, 37:18-38:55, 39:28-40:50. Final loop: 42:23-42:36)
🌊The Case of the Lighthouse Leapers🌊:
“RoMaNcE” by ShitKid: Jenny reading letter from her secret admirer, gets rent from the girls. (1:16-2:40)
“Fire Escape” by Nine One One: Jenny reading letter before finding the Night Nurse upstairs. (29:06-29:32)
“The Wellerman” (original music box version): Charles winds up music box, hits Night Nurse with it, kicks her into Angie. (43:07-43:49)
“Young Blood- White Sea Remix” by The Naked and Famous, White Sea: End of episode- Niko starts to read letters from mother, Charles and Crystal kiss, end credits. (48:22-50:59)
🐉The Case of the Two Dead Dragons 🐉:
“Thunder” by ZEE MACHINE: Interviewing students about Brad & Hunter. (14:24-15:11)
“Apocalypse” by Cigarettes After Sex: Jenny and Maxine mid-date. (26:54-28:04)
“Melting” by Kali Uchis: Jenny and Maxine late date until stalker reveal. (36:25-38:10)
“Disorder” by Joy Division: End credits. (49:49-50:41)
🍄The Case of the Creeping Forest🍄:
“Who’s Ur Girl?” By The Mysterines: Niko redecorates her room. (1:15-1:29)
“The Wellerman” (original Music box version): Sea calming music box, playing inside Angie. (13:45-14:07, 15:35-15:49)
“A.T.T.A.C.K” by Arre! Arre!: Niko tries to get Jenny to forgive her in the butcher shop. (20:49-21:57)
“Shakedown” by Infamous Stiffs: End credits. (51:17-52:11)
🕷️The Case of the Very Long Stairway🕷️:
“Under the Milky Way” by The Church: Charles’ memories of his death. (11:06-13:15)
“Dinner Jazz” by Tony Kinsey: Limbo/Hotel lobby in Hell. (17:27-18:27, 44:13-44:30)
“Revolution Action” by Atari Teenage Riot: David turns on lights and music in abandoned bowling alley. (30:20-30:48)
“Window Shopping” by Robert Foster: Gluttony/Café when exiting Hell. (43:13-43:35)
“Circle In The Sand” by Belinda Carlisle: Jenny singing in Crystal’s head while possessed. (31:43-33:50)
“Burning” by Yeah Yeah Yeahs: Monty flies away from rooftop, Esther works on her machine, Jenny sleeps while Niko looks at Cursed Magic 8 ball, Night Nurse knocks on supervisor’ door, Crystal eats first memory marble, end credits. (52:37, 55:16)
🐍The Case of the Hungry Snake🐍 :
“Standing In The Way of Control” by Gossip: Crystal’s first memory marble. (1:18-2:04)
“I’m What You Want” by Walt Disco: Crystal Club fight memory. (8:35-8:48)
“When I’m Gone” by Ging: Crystal says goodbye and leaves the butcher shop. (16:18-18:13)
“Sleeping On Grassy Ground” by The Heavy Heavy: Charles and Edwin wake up in Esther’s house. (25:55-27:43)
“Who’s Sorry Now” by Connie Francis: Niko and Crystal break into Esther’s house. (30:35-31:17)
“Loss & Relax” by Black Belt Eagle Scout: Talking in Niko’s room. (40:44-42:59)
And if you like lists of things like I do, you can check out my other Dead Boy Detective ones here!
When Charles’ shirt color changes
George Rextrew’s Edwin comic inspo board
Moves, Incidents, and Cases masterlist
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redhandedstag · 5 months
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002 , CITRUS . . . orange character template to make your characters pop !! mobile and PC friendly, citrus offers 6 different sections and 5 pages in letter (8.5"x11") format.
last section is left blank in order to expand what's there -- feel free to add your own elements :) if you're using, please keep the credit linked in the first section, it helps out a lot. also, consider a like and/or reblog! it goes a long way to get stuff around. HOW TO USE , , to use the template, if you're on PC you'll want to select the 'file' button. from there, you'll find a button that says 'make a copy'. you'll be able to title your version, -- then you can fill it out :) !! if you want to use on mobile, open the doc in the docs app, press the '...' button, head over to share and export and select 'make a copy.' from there, you'll be good to go! , this doc utilizes quite a few tables but it shouldn't be too difficult to move them around to your liking :) , images can be replaced! you can just select the image, and then hit 'replace image'. , the doc is designed to support long backstories! make it as short or as long as it needs to be , in order to fit with the colour scheme, i suggest using an editing or drawing software with lighting settings to shift the schemes to your liking. of course, this is far from mandatory. , the gradient image in the background is a google drawing which you can edit if you're on PC. if you're on mobile, you won't be able to. if you don't want it there, then just delete it! . . . if you have any questions or issues that arise, please let me know! enjoy <3 ! also, my requests are totally open! just send me an ask :)
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strawberrysoup · 8 months
Please don't get your hopes up, this is not about me returning from a four year hiatus or coming back to any fics I've started. This is an apology and acknowledgement of problematic content I've written - not the dark!fics or horror content, for better or for worse - regarding subjects I didn't and still don't fully understand.
I started writing Let's Review in 2019. At the time, I didn't know much about Israel. I knew that the United States overall supported Israel, but I didn't know why they needed to be 'supported'. I knew Israel came about after the Holocaust, but I didn't know how. I equated Israel with Jewish people, to my understanding Judiasm and Jerulselem were equitable to Mecca and Muslims. They were places I associated with religions; the historical home of the Jewish people was Israel and that was about it. I didn't know about Zionism or the history of the area or the displacement and genocide of the people of Palestine and the horrors they've endured under the Israeli State.
At one point, someone sent me a message asking about my opinions on Palestine and Israel and I replied something along the lines of, I don't want to discuss politics or political opinions on my Dark/Dead Dove Do Not Eat Fanfiction Tumblr. I don't know if Let's Review implies Penny supports Israel or if it implies I support Israel, I don't know the dog whistles to listen for or that I might have repeated without understanding their meanings - yet. I am actively attempting to learn more. I will not edit out any of what I wrote, I take responsibility for my ignorance and I won't try to erase or hide it. If I ever decide to return to writing, I will add disclaimers to every chapter of the original version of Let's Review with a more condensed version of this post. For now, I will pin this post to serve as a constant apology and acknowledgement for anyone new who stumbles across my fics. If I rewrite Let's Review, Penny and Peter will remain Jewish, but I will omit Penny's Israeli heritage - regardless of my determination to acknowledge my mistakes, I also acknowledge that building a character with that backstory is beyond my ability to accurately and respectfully portray.
I apologize to anyone that I marginalized with my writing. I apologize for writing off the message I received asking my opinion, that should have prompted me to do more research to understand why the question was even posed. I still do not fully understand the intricacies of this situation, history is written by the victors and religion is complicated.
What I do know is the actions of the Israeli/Zionist state do not represent the Jewish people or religion. I understand that the actions of the Zionists are antithetical to the Jewish religion. I understand that supporting the Zionist state is supporting the genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Muslim and Arab people of Palestine that has been happening over more than half a century. I understand that the 4th largest military force in the world is working to eradicate 2.2 million people who have no military or government to protect them in the Gaza Strip.
I've written a letter to my state congressmen and senators. If you've read this post and agree with my perspective, please consider reaching to whichever official is meant to represent your interests in your government. I've included mine below because I know the process of writing that sort of letter can be daunting. It's not perfect - it's probably not even good, it could be fucking stupid, but I think it gets the point across. Copy and paste it if you're comfortable with that, take it and edit it to make it your own, I don't care - what I care about is you contacting your representatives to make sure they understand you condemn the actions of the Israeli state's war crimes and human rights violations. I tried to include as much as I could while keeping it just under 2,000 characters.
You might think this is stupid of me, to return after so long just to make this statement. But I think it matters. Even if I hadn't written a character with a backstory that was beyond my ability to write respectfully that I needed to take responsibility for, requesting and attempting to facilitate anyone who still follows me to do what they can is something I will do to the best of my ability. Share your opinion. Be loud. Make them listen.
I'm writing to you today regarding the war crimes and human rights violations occurring in Israel, occupied Palestine, and the Gaza Strip. Foremost, I hope you understand that supporting the Jewish people isn't the same as supporting Israel. Supporting Israel is supporting Zionism. Supporting the Zionists is supporting the crimes being committed against a population marginalized due to their religion and ethnicity.
Israel doesn't exist as a country, but it does exist as a hostile military force actively committing acts of genocide and ethnic cleansing. We know what apartheid policy looks like and how quickly it devolves into fascism. The Muslim and Arab people of Palestine have been relegated to second class citizens and it keeps getting worse.
Those living in the Gaza strip, the largest open air prison in the world, have no voting power under the Zionist State. They have no military, no government, no airport. They have no control over their electricity, imports or exports, internet access, or movements in or out of the strip. These 2 million people have been forced to live in a territory that is 25 miles long and 6 miles wide, and the Zionist army is eradicating them.
You can't blame the population of Gaza for the crimes of Hamas. As I mentioned before, the territory is occupied by more than 2 million people. You can't equate the entire population with their most radical terrorist faction.
We've seen this happen before. How many people will die in bombings and massacres before we stop turning a blind eye?
This cannot be ignored or supported. Every government should loudly and clearly condemn these inhumane crimes. Please bring this to your colleagues' attention. Please support Palestinians, support the Arab and Muslim populations living in what they call Israel, condemn the actions of a hostile occupying force commiting real time genocide while we watch.
[Your Name]
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yandere-x-reader · 6 months
➼ Dividers done by @/cafekitsune
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Color Code: Romantic, Platonic, Either
Mezo Shoji, Koji Koda, Rikido Sato, Tenya Ida, Hanta Sero, Shoto Todoroki, Momo Yaoyorozu, Katsuki Bakugo, Eijiro Kirishima, Mashirao Ojiro, Yuga Aoyama, Denki Kaminari, Izuku Midoriya, Mina Ashido, Fumikage Tokoyami, Ochaco Uraraka, Kyoka Jiro, Toru Hagakure, Tsuyu Asui, Hitoshi Shinso, Mirio Togata, Nejire Hado, Tamaki Amajiki, Hizashi Yamada, Present Mic, Shota Aizawa/Eraserhead, Enji Todoroki/Endeavor, Keigo Takami/Hawks, Rumi Usagiyama/Mirko, Yu Takeyama/Mt. Lady, Toshinori Yagi/All Might, Kugo Sakamata/Gang Orca, Taishiro Toyomitsu/Fat Gum, Emi Fukukado/Miss Joke, Nemuri Kayama/Midnight, Sekijiro Kan/Vlad King, Nezu, Eri Aizawa
Sun, Moon, Roxy, Monty, Glamrock Freddy, Glamrock Chica, DJMM, Vannesa/Vanny, Gregory, Map Bot
Luisa, Mirable, Isabella, Delores,Camilo, Alma, Pepa, Bruno, Julieta, Felix, Agustin, Antonio
Gravity Falls ♡
Bill Chipher, Stanley, Stanford, Mable, Dipper.
OCs ♡
To be added
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Anonymous asks
I am perfectly fine with anyone using anonymous asks, I personally use them a lot. However if you use anonymous asks, please put a emoji(s) or a letter(s) as your signature. Just put it at the bottom of your ask and I'll add it to the list
Used Letters:
Used Emojios:
I will write
Different AU's: I can do all diffrent types! Pirate, mafia, hybrid, fantasy, royalty, mermaid, soulmates, mall workers, vampires, ghosts, ect. Or if you have your own AU and would like me to do somthing with it I can tolltally do that to.
Omegaverse: I know not everyone likes this trope but i'm a absaloute sucker for it. I can do Alpha, Beta, or Omega for charecters or Reader. I do write heats but not in a sexual way, i personally write them kinda like a human period but replace the blood with increased body tempetures.
Any Gender: I am personally genderfluid and AFAB so those are the two that I would have the most experience with. However if you want me to do somthing like a trans reader or AMAB reader than I can try my best. Don't be afraid to make it specific to you, everone is diffrent and I understand trying to look for something that fits you more than the stereotypes.
Crossovers: I don't see a lot of creators in any fandom doing crossovers a lot. I see like *Insert charecter* x reader with *insert other character* personality but not really crossovers. So feel free to request a crossover with a diffrent show.
Any skin color: I love having variety in my writing so I will do any skin colors. I can do basic skin colors, from pale peach to dark brown. I can also do exstream versions like skin that is nearly paper white from how pale it is or skin that us nearly space black from how dark it is. I can also do unnatural skin colors, like Mina!
Alterhuman Reader: Ok so I see absaloutly no alterhuman reader fanfics out there so i'm here to change that. I'm not personally a alterhuman but I do have a few freinds that are. If you want me to do a specific one instead of basic I can also do that. Like instead of a dragon kin I can do a dragon kin with space wing and starts eyes with claws that glow in the dark ect.
Body Marks: I personally have stretch marks, moles, freckles, and odd placed birthmarks so I can do any of these or others if you would like. If you are specifically extra self-conscious of your body marks than I can add extra levels of love to specific part if you would like :)
Feel free to requests anything as long as it's not in my will not write list!
I will not write
Abuse: I will not do the character inflicting pain on the reader or the reader inflicting pain on the charecter. I can do mentions of past abuse, such as a charecter or reader flinching at touch or loud noise.
Cheating: character doing it to reader or reader doing it to character is just a big no. I never understood cheating, if you don't love somone just break up with them. If you can't do it for safety reson than find a support system to protect you in dangerous situations.
Misscarage: I have lost three sibling to this and I still cry at night thinking of them, please don't ask me to do anything to do with this subject. If you do I will give you 1 warning and then I'm blocking you.
Abortion: I don't really have a side here but I don't like the though of writing it as it makes me uncomfortable.
Rape/SA: I don't feel comfortable doing this subject. I can not do mentions of it as I have not personally experienced it and don't want to miss somthing or do something wrong.
NSFW: I may be a yandere blog but I do not wish to do anything sexual on this blog, only romantic and platonic here.
Don't worry about being cringe with me! As long as your not hurting anyone than why should I stop you from having fun? Fell free to be your authentic self and request somthing super specific if you want.
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andymakesgames · 1 month
Balatro-Inspired Spinning Card Tweetcart Breakdown
I recently made a tweetcart of a spinning playing card inspired by finally playing Balatro, the poker roguelike everybody is talking about.
If you don't know what a tweetcart is, it's a type of size-coding where people write programs for the Pico-8 fantasy console where the source code is 280 characters of less, the length of a tweet.
I'm actually not on twitter any more, but I still like 280 characters as a limitation. I posted it on my mastodon and my tumblr.
Here's the tweetcart I'm writing about today:
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And here is the full 279 byte source code for this animation:
a=abs::_::cls()e=t()for r=0,46do for p=0,1,.025do j=sin(e)*20k=cos(e)*5f=1-p h=a(17-p*34)v=a(23-r)c=1+min(23-v,17-h)%5/3\1*6u=(r-1)/80z=a(p-.2)if(e%1<.5)c=a(r-5)<5and z<u+.03and(r==5or z>u)and 8or 8-sgn(h+v-9)/2 g=r+39pset((64+j)*p+(64-j)*f,(g+k)*p+(g-k)*f,c)end end flip()goto _
This post is available with much nicer formatting on the EMMA blog. You can read it here.
You can copy/paste that code into a blank Pico-8 file to try it yourself. I wrote it on Pico-8 version 0.2.6b.
I'm very pleased with this cart! From a strictly technical perspective I think it's my favorite that I've ever made. There is quite a bit going on to make the fake 3D as well as the design on the front and back of the card. In this post I'll be making the source code more readable as well as explaining some tools that are useful if you are making your own tweetcarts or just want some tricks for game dev and algorithmic art.
Expanding the Code
Tweetcarts tend to look completely impenetrable, but they are often less complex than they seem. The first thing to do when breaking down a tweetcart (which I highly recommend doing!) is to just add carriage returns after each command.
Removing these line breaks is a classic tweetcart method to save characters. Lua, the language used in Pico-8, often does not need a new line if a command does not end in a letter, so we can just remove them. Great for saving space, bad for readability. Here's that same code with some line breaks, spaces and indentation added:
a=abs ::_:: cls() e=t() for r=0,46 do for p=0,1,.025 do j=sin(e)*20 k=cos(e)*5 f=1-p h=a(17-p*34) v=a(23-r) c=1+min(23-v,17-h)%5/3\1*6 u=(r-1)/80 z=a(p-.2) if(e%1<.5) c= a(r-5) < 5 and z < u+.03 and (r==5 or z>u) and 8 or 8-sgn(h+v-9)/2 g=r+39 pset((64+j)*p+(64-j)*f,(g+k)*p+(g-k)*f,c) end end flip()goto _
Note: the card is 40 pixels wide and 46 pixels tall. Those number will come up a lot. As will 20 (half of 40) and 23 (half of 46).
Full Code with Variables and Comments
Finally, before I get into what each section is doing, here is an annotated version of the same code. In this code, variables have real names and I added comments:
[editor's note. this one came out terribly on tumblr. Please read the post on my other blog to see it]
This may be all you need to get a sense of how I made this animation, but the rest of this post will be looking at how each section of the code contributes to the final effect. Part of why I wanted to write this post is because I was happy with how many different tools I managed to use in such a small space.
flip() goto_
This pattern shows up in nearly every tweetcart:
::_:: MOST OF THE CODE flip()goto _
This has been written about in Pixienop's Tweetcart Basics which I highly recommend for anybody curious about the medium! The quick version is that using goto is shorter than declaring the full draw function that Pico-8 carts usually use.
Two Spinning Points
The card is drawn in rows starting from the top and going to the bottom. Each of these lines is defined by two points that move around a center point in an elliptical orbit.
The center of the top of the card is x=64 (dead center) and y=39 (a sort of arbitrary number that looked nice).
Then I get the distance away from that center that my two points will be using trigonometry.
x_dist = sin(time)*20 y_dist = cos(time)*5
Here are those points:
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P1 adds x_dist and y_dist to the center point and P2 subtracts those same values.
Those are just the points for the very top row. The outer for loop is the vertical rows. The center x position will be the same each time, but the y position increases with each row like this: y_pos = row+39
Here's how it looks when I draw every 3rd row going down:
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It is worth noting that Pico-8 handles sin() and cos() differently than most languages. Usually the input values for these functions are in radians (0 to two pi), but in Pico-8 it goes from 0 to 1. More info on that here. It takes a little getting used to but it is actually very handy. More info in a minute on why I like values between 0 and 1.
In the shorter code, e is my time variable. I tend to use e for this. In my mind it stands for "elapsed time". In Pico-8 time() returns the current elapsed time in seconds. However, there is a shorter version, t(), which obviously is better for tweetcarts. But because I use the time value a lot, even the 3 characters for t() is often too much, so I store it in the single-letter variable e.
Because it is being used in sine and cosine for this tweetcart, every time e reaches 1, we've reached the end of a cycle. I would have liked to use t()/2 to slow this cart down to be a 2 second animation, but after a lot of fiddling I wound up being one character short. So it goes.
e is used in several places in the code, both to control the angle of the points and to determine which side of the card is facing the camera.
Here you can see how the sine value of e controls the rotation and how we go from showing the front of the card to showing the back when e%1 crosses the threshold of 0.5.
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Drawing and Distorting the Lines
Near the top and bottom of the loop we'll find the code that determines the shape of the card and draws the horizontal lines that make up the card. Here is the loop for drawing a single individual line using the code with expanded variable names:
for prc = 0,1,.025 do x_dist = sin(time)*20 y_dist = cos(time)*5 ... y_pos = row+39 pset( (64+x_dist)*prc + (64-x_dist)*(1-prc), (y_pos+y_dist)*prc + (y_pos-y_dist)*(1-prc), color) end
You might notice that I don't use Pico-8's line function! That's because each line is drawn pixel by pixel.
This tweetcart simulates a 3D object by treating each vertical row of the card as a line of pixels. I generate the points on either side of the card(p1 and p2 in this gif), and then interpolate between those two points. That's why the inner for loop creates a percentage from 0 to 1 instead of pixel positions. The entire card is drawn as individual pixels. I draw them in a line, but the color may change with each one, so they each get their own pset() call.
Here's a gif where I slow down this process to give you a peek at how these lines are being drawn every frame. For each row, I draw many pixels moving across the card between the two endpoints in the row.
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Here's the loop condition again: for prc = 0,1,.025 do
A step of 0.025 means there are 40 steps (0.025 * 40 = 1.0). That's the exact width of the card! When the card is completely facing the camera head-on, I will need 40 steps to make it across without leaving a gap in the pixels. When the card is skinnier, I'm still drawing all 40 pixels, but many of them will be in the same place. That's fine. The most recently drawn one will take priority.
Getting the actual X and Y position
I said that the position of each pixel is interpolated between the two points, but this line of code may be confusing:
y_pos = row+39 pset( (64+x_dist)*prc + (64-x_dist)*(1-prc), (y_pos+y_dist)*prc + (y_pos-y_dist)*(1-prc), color)
So let's unpack it a little bit. If you've ever used a Lerp() function in something like Unity you've used this sort of math. The idea is that we get two values (P1 and P2 in the above example), and we move between them such that a value of 0.0 gives us P1 and 1.0 gives us P2.
Here's a full cart that breaks down exactly what this math is doing:
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::_:: cls() time = t()/8 for row = 0,46 do for prc = 0,1,.025 do x_dist = sin(time)*20 y_dist = cos(time)*5 color = 9 + row % 3 p1x = 64 + x_dist p1y = row+39 + y_dist p2x = 64 - x_dist p2y = row+39 - y_dist x = p2x*prc + p1x*(1-prc) y = p2y*prc + p1y*(1-prc) pset( x, y, color) end end flip()goto _
I'm defining P1 and P2 very explicitly (getting an x and y for both), then I get the actual x and y position that I use by multiplying P2 by prc and P1 by (1-prc) and adding the results together.
This is easiest to understand when prc is 0.5, because then we're just taking an average. In school we learn that to average a set of numbers you add them up and then divide by how many you had. We can think of that as (p1+p2) / 2. This is the same as saying p1*0.5 + p2*0.5.
But the second way of writing it lets us take a weighted average if we want. We could say p1*0.75 + p2*0.25. Now the resulting value will be 75% of p1 and 25% of p2. If you laid the two values out on a number line, the result would be just 25% of the way to p2. As long as the two values being multiplied add up to exactly 1.0 you will get a weighted average between P1 and P2.
I can count on prc being a value between 0 and 1, so the inverse is 1.0 - prc. If prc is 0.8 then 1.0-prc is 0.2. Together they add up to 1!
I use this math everywhere in my work. It's a really easy way to move smoothly between values that might otherwise be tricky to work with.
I'm using a little over 400 characters in the above example. But in the real cart, the relevant code inside the loops is this:
j=sin(e)*20 k=cos(e)*5 g=r+39 pset((64+j)*p+(64-j)*f,(g+k)*p+(g-k)*f,c)
which can be further condensed by removing the line breaks:
Because P1, P2 and the resulting interpolated positions x and y are never used again, there is no reason to waste chars by storing them in variables. So all of the interpolation is done in the call to pset().
There are a few parts of the calculation that are used more than once and are four characters or more. Those are stored as variables (j, k & g in this code). These variables tend to have the least helpful names because I usually do them right at the end to save a few chars so they wind up with whatever letters I have not used elsewhere.
Spinning & Drawing
Here's that same example, but with a checker pattern and the card spinning. (Keep in mind, in the real tweetcart the card is fully draw every frame and would not spin mid-draw)
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This technique allows me to distort the lines because I can specify two points and draw my lines between them. Great for fake 3D! Kind of annoying for actually drawing shapes, because now instead of using the normal Pico-8 drawing tools, I have to calculate the color I want based on the row (a whole number between0 and 46) and the x-prc (a float between 0 and 1).
Drawing the Back
Here's the code that handles drawing the back of the card:
h=a(17-p*34) v=a(23-r) c=1+min(23-v,17-h)%5/3\1*6
This is inside the nested for loops, so r is the row and p is a percentage of the way across the horizontal line.
c is the color that we will eventually draw in pset().
h and v are the approximate distance from the center of the card. a was previously assigned as a shorthand for abs() so you can think of those lines like this:
h=abs(17-p*34) v=abs(23-r)
v is the vertical distance. The card is 46 pixels tall so taking the absolute value of 23-r will give us the distance from the vertical center of the card. (ex: if r is 25, abs(23-r) = 2. and if r is 21, abs(23-r) still equals 2 )
As you can probably guess, h is the horizontal distance from the center. The card is 40 pixels wide, but I opted to shrink it a bit by multiplying p by 34 and subtracting that from half of 34 (17). The cardback just looks better with these lower values, and the diamond looks fine.
The next line, where I define c, is where things get confusing. It's a long line doing some clunky math. The critical thing is that when this line is done, I need c to equal 1 (dark blue) or 7 (white) on the Pico-8 color pallette.
Here's the whole thing: c=1+min(23-v,17-h)%5/3\1*6
Here is that line broken down into much more discrete steps.
c = 1 --start with a color of 1 low_dist = min(23-v,17-h) --get the lower inverted distance from center val = low_dist % 5 --mod 5 to bring it to a repeating range of 0 to 5 val = val / 3 --divide by 3. value is now 0 to 1.66 val = flr(val) --round it down. value is now 0 or 1 val = val * 6 --multiply by 6. value is now 0 or 6 c += val --add value to c, making it 1 or 7
The first thing I do is c=1. That means the entire rest of the line will either add 0 or 6 (bumping the value up to 7). No other outcome is acceptable. min(23-v,17-h)%5/3\1*6 will always evaluate to 0 or 6.
I only want the lower value of h and v. This is what will give it the nice box shape. If you color the points inside a rectangle so that ones that are closer to the center on their X are one color and ones that are closer to the center on their Y are a different color you'll get a pattern with clean diagonal lines running from the center towards the corners like this:
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You might think I would just use min(v,h) instead of the longer min(23-v,17-h) in the actual code. I would love to do that, but it results in a pattern that is cool, but doesn't really look like a card back.
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I take the inverted value. Instead of having a v that runs from 0 to 23, I flip it so it runs from 23 to 0. I do the same for h. I take the lower of those two values using min().
Then I use modulo (%) to bring the value to a repeating range of 0 to 5. Then I divide that result by 3 so it is 0 to ~1.66. The exact value doens't matter too much because I am going round it down anyway. What is critical is that it will become 0 or 1 after rounding because then I can multiply it by a specific number without getting any values in between.
Wait? If I'm rounding down, where is flr() in this line: c=1+min(23-v,17-h)%5/3\1*6?
It's not there! That's because there is a sneaky tool in Pico-8. You can use \1 to do the same thing as flr(). This is integer division and it generally saves a 3 characters.
Finally, I multiply the result by 6. If it is 0, we get 0. If it is 1 we get 6. Add it to 1 and we get the color we want!
Here's how it looks with each step in that process turned on or off:
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A Note About Parentheses
When I write tweetcarts I would typically start by writing this type of line like this: c=1+ (((min(23-v,17-h)%5)/3) \1) *6
This way I can figure out if my math makes sense by using parentheses to ensure that my order of operations works. But then I just start deleting them willy nilly to see what I can get away with. Sometimes I'm surprised and I'm able to shave off 2 characters by removing a set of parentheses.
The Face Side
The face side with the diamond and the "A" is a little more complex, but basically works the same way as the back. Each pixel needs to either be white (7) or red (8). When the card is on this side, I'll be overwriting the c value that got defined earlier.
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Here's the code that does it (with added white space). This uses the h and v values defined earlier as well as the r and p values from the nested loops.
u=(r-1)/80 z=a(p-.2) if(e%1<.5) c= a(r-5) < 5 and z < u+.03 and (r==5 or z>u) and 8 or 8-sgn(h+v-9)/2
Before we piece out what this is doing, we need to talk about the structure for conditional logic in tweetcarts.
The Problem with If Statements
The lone line with the if statement is doing a lot of conditional logic in a very cumbersome way designed to avoid writing out a full if statement.
One of the tricky things with Pico-8 tweetcarts is that the loop and conditional logic of Lua is very character intensive. While most programming language might write an if statement like this:
Lua does it like this:
if SOMETHING then CODE end
Using "then" and "end" instead of brackets means we often want to bend over backwards to avoid them when we're trying to save characters.
Luckily, Lua lets you drop "then" and "end" if there is a single command being executed inside the if.
This means we can write
if(e%1 < 0.5) c=5
instead of
if e%1 < 0.5 then c=5 end
This is a huge savings! To take advantage of this, it is often worth doing something in a slightly (or massively) convoluted way if it means we can reduce it to a single line inside the if. This brings us to:
Lua's Weird Ternary Operator
In most programming language there is an inline syntax to return one of two values based on a conditional. It's called the Ternary Operator and in most languages I use it looks like this:
myVar = a>b ? 5 : 10
The value of myVar will be 5 if a is greater than b. Otherwise is will be 10.
Lua has a ternary operator... sort of. You can read more about it here but it looks something like this:
myVar = a>b and 5 or 10
Frankly, I don't understand why this works, but I can confirm that it does.
In this specific instance, I am essentially using it to put another conditional inside my if statement, but by doing it as a single line ternary operation, I'm keeping the whole thing to a single line and saving precious chars.
The Face Broken Out
The conditional for the diamond and the A is a mess to look at. The weird syntax for the ternary operator doesn't help. Neither does the fact that I took out any parentheses that could make sense of it.
Here is the same code rewritten with a cleaner logic flow.
--check time to see if we're on the front half if e%1 < .5 then --this if checks if we're in the A u=(r-1)/80 z=a(p-.2) if a(r-5) < 5 and z < u+.03 and (r==5 or z>u) then c = 8 --if we're not in the A, set c based on if we're in the diamond else c = 8-sgn(h+v-9)/2 end end
The first thing being checked is the time. As I explained further up, because the input value for sin() in Pico-8 goes from 0 to 1, the midpoint is 0.5. We only draw the front of the card if e%1 is less than 0.5.
After that, we check if this pixel is inside the A on the corner of the card or the diamond. Either way, our color value c gets set to either 7 (white) or 8 (red).
Let's start with diamond because it is easier.
The Diamond
This uses the same h and v values from the back of the card. The reason I chose diamonds for my suit is that they are very easy to calculate if you know the vertical and horizontal distance from a point! In fact, I sometimes use this diamond shape instead of proper circular hit detection in size-coded games.
Let's look at the line: c = 8-sgn(h+v-9)/2
This starts with 8, the red color. Since the only other acceptable color is 7 (white), tha means that sgn(h+v-9)/2 has to evaluate to either 1 or 0.
sgn() returns the sign of a number, meaning -1 if the number is negative or 1 if the number is positive. This is often a convenient way to cut large values down to easy-to-work-with values based on a threshold. That's exactly what I'm doing here!
h+v-9 takes the height from the center plus the horizontal distance from the center and checks if the sum is greater than 9. If it is, sgn(h+v-9) will return 1, otherwise -1. In this formula, 9 is the size of the diamond. A smaller number would result in a smaller diamond since that's the threshold for the distance being used. (note: h+v is NOT the actual distance. It's an approximation that happens to make a nice diamond shape.)
OK, but adding -1 or 1 to 8 gives us 7 or 9 and I need 7 or 8.
That's where /2 comes in. Pico-8 defaults to floating point math, so dividing by 2 will turn my -1 or 1 into -0.5 or 0.5. So this line c = 8-sgn(h+v-9)/2 actually sets c to 7.5 or 8.5. Pico-8 always rounds down when setting colors so a value of 7.5 becomes 7 and 8.5 becomes 8. And now we have white for most of the card, and red in the space inside the diamond!
The A
The A on the top corner of the card was the last thing I added. I finished the spinning card with the card back and the diamond and realized that when I condensed the whole thing, I actually had about 50 characters to spare. Putting a letter on the ace seemed like an obvious choice. I struggled for an evening trying to make it happen before deciding that I just couldn't do it. The next day I took another crack at it and managed to get it in, although a lot of it is pretty ugly! Luckily, in the final version the card is spinning pretty fast and it is harder to notice how lopsided it is.
I mentioned earlier that my method of placing pixels in a line between points is great for deforming planes, but makes a lot of drawing harder. Here's a great example. Instead of just being able to call print("a") or even using 3 calls to line() I had to make a convoluted conditional to check if each pixel is "inside" the A and set it to red if it is.
I'll do my best to explain this code, but it was hammered together with a lot of trial and error. I kept messing with it until I found an acceptable balance between how it looked and how many character it ate up.
Here are the relevant bits again:
u=(r-1)/80 z=a(p-.2) if a(r-5) < 5 and z < u+.03 and (r==5 or z>u) then c = 8
The two variables above the if are just values that get used multiple times. Let's give them slightly better names. While I'm making edits, I'll expand a too since that was just a replacement for abs().
slope = (r-1)/80 dist_from_center = abs(p-.2) if abs(r-5) < 5 and dist_from_center < slope+.03 and (r==5 or dist_from_center>slope) then c = 8
Remember that r is the current row and p is the percentage of the way between the two sides where this pixel falls.
u/slope here is basically how far from the center line of the A the legs are at this row. As r increases, so does slope (but at a much smaller rate). The top of the A is very close to the center, the bottom is further out. I'm subtracting 1 so that when r is 0, slope is negative and will not be drawn. Without this, the A starts on the very topmost line of the card and looks bad.
z/dist_from_center is how far this particular p value is from the center of the A (not the center of the card), measured in percentage (not pixels). The center of the A is 20% of the way across the card. This side of the card starts on the right (0% is all the way right, 100% is all the way left), which is why you see the A 20% away from the right side of the card.
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These values are important because the two legs of the A are basically tiny distance checks where the slope for a given r is compared against the dist_from_center. There are 3 checks used to determine if the pixel is part of the A.
if a(r-5) < 5 and z < u+.03 and (r==5 or z>u) then
The first is abs(r-5) < 5. This checks if r is between 1 and 9, the height of my A.
The second is dist_from_center < slope+.03. This is checking if this pixel's x distance from the center of the A is no more than .03 bigger than the current slope value. This is the maximum distance that will be considered "inside" the A. All of this is a percentage, so the center of the A is 0.20 and the slope value will be larger the further down the A we get.
Because I am checking the distance from the center point (the grey line in the image above), this works on either leg of the A. On either side, the pixel can be less than slope+.03 away.
Finally, it checks (r==5 or dist_from_center>slope). If the row is exactly 5, that is the crossbar across the A and should be red. Otherwise, the distance value must be greater than slope (this is the minimum value it can have to be "inside" the A). This also works on both sides thanks to using distance.
Although I am trying to capture 1-pixel-wide lines to draw the shape of the A, I could not think of a cleaner way than doing this bounding check. Ignoring the crossbar on row 5, you can think about the 2nd and 3rd parts of the if statement essentially making sure that dist_from_center fits between slope and a number slightly larger than slope. Something like this:
slope < dist_from_center < slope+0.03
Putting it Together
All of this logic needed to be on a single line to get away with using the short form of the if statement so it got slammed into a single ternary operator. Then I tried removing parentheses one at a time to see what was structurally significant. I wish I could say I was more thoughtful than that but I wasn't. The end result is this beefy line of code:
if(e%1<.5)c=a(r-5)<5and z<u+.03and(r==5or z>u)and 8or 8-sgn(h+v-9)/2
Once we've checked that e (our time value) is in the phase where we show the face, the ternary operator checks if the pixel is inside the A. If it is, c is set to 8 (red). If it isn't, then we set c = 8-sgn(h+v-9)/2, which is the diamond shape described above.
That's It!
Once we've set c the tweetcart uses pset to draw the pixel as described in the section on drawing the lines.
Here's the full code and what it looks like when it runs again. Hopefully now you can pick out more of what's going on!
a=abs::_::cls()e=t()for r=0,46do for p=0,1,.025do j=sin(e)*20k=cos(e)*5f=1-p h=a(17-p*34)v=a(23-r)c=1+min(23-v,17-h)%5/3\1*6u=(r-1)/80z=a(p-.2)if(e%1<.5)c=a(r-5)<5and z<u+.03and(r==5or z>u)and 8or 8-sgn(h+v-9)/2 g=r+39pset((64+j)*p+(64-j)*f,(g+k)*p+(g-k)*f,c)end end flip()goto _
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I hope this was helpful! I had a lot of fun writing this cart and it was fun to break it down. Maybe you can shave off the one additional character needed to slow it down by using e=t()/2 a bit. If you do, please drop me a line on my mastodon or tumblr!
And if you want to try your hand at something like this, consider submitting something to TweetTweetJam which just started! You'll get a luxurious 500 characters to work with!
Links and Resources
There are some very useful posts of tools and tricks for getting into tweetcarts. I'm sure I'm missing many but here are a few that I refer to regularly.
Pixienop's tweetcart basics and tweetcart studies are probably the single best thing to read if you want to learn more.
Trasevol_Dog's Doodle Insights are fascinating, and some of them demonstrate very cool tweetcart techniques.
Optimizing Character Count for Tweetcarts by Eli Piilonen / @2DArray
Guide for Making Tweetcarts by PrincessChooChoo
The official documentation for the hidden P8SCII Control Codes is worth a read. It will let you do wild things like play sound using the print() command.
I have released several size-coded Pico-8 games that have links to heavily annotated code:
Cold Sun Surf
1k Jump
Hand Cram
And if you want to read more Pico-8 weirdness from me, I wrote a whole post on creating a networked Pico-8 tribute to Frog Chorus.
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shadowthief78 · 1 year
my toxic trait is that i spend all my time brainstorming ways i could convincingly fit into my fav series instead of doing what i’m supposed to be. anyways so far here’s what i have for blue lock:
Reader is some kind of physical maintenence for the building: cook, janitor, repairman, etc. this leads to lots of funny shennanigans in the kitchen/storeroom/closets, forgetting to lock the doors, and the boys discovering a whole set of secret “STAFF ONLY” tunnels that are used for very non-staff purposes ;)
Bonus for this, because Blue Lock is an isolated building in the mountains, means Reader would likely have their own room or a dorm with fewer roommates. Do with that informations whatever you will. More specific subset, you’re the eletronics person responsible for meking Ego look cool during his presentations but making all the 3D models and stuff (idea from @/phen0l’s shitposting lol)
Physiotherapist or doctor/nurse. I anticipate a lot of Chigiri here (bc of his knee), but also a lot of working with England and Manshine City because of Chris Prince’s personal philosophy of “perfect body”
Publicity person, who’s hired after much of Ego’s grumbling sometime after the match vs the Japanese U20 team. Taking lots of pictures of the boys, editing, general staring for long hours into incredible handsome faces. Also potential for interactions with Sae? hmmmmm
The classic manager of a sports team. Probably works with Anri, wears a cute uniform, and gets a lot of harem/reverse harem action. A classic for a reason. Nice.
I came up with this one just now: Helicopter pilot! Or some other job that carts supplies in/out of Blue Lock. The boys gather on the roof to cheer you when you land and ask for gossip, snacks, and/or letters from their family.Probably treat you like a lost explorer returning from the Siberian tundra after two years away despite you coming in every week or so lol.
Note: I said helicopter because it looks kinda looks like a helicopter in the background of ch. 152 when they’re returning there. I checked again and in ch. 2, it’s actually just buses... much less dramatic :( but you could definitely still be a helicopter pilot bc Ego’s got a huge budget and probably wants the best stuff, as fast as possible, at any expense. Imagine them all cheering when you land and swarming you with hugs once you hop out, then waving like crazy when you take off Bachira
Related to once of the star players in the Neo Egoist League (I go into a bit more detail about Noel [here]). Would work the same as assistant coach, assistant, etc. Scaled up version of the classic manager. Maybe even Ego as a relative would work?
please please PLEASE add more i wanna hear all your ideas (yes this means you! if you have one! <3 don’t be shy!!!)
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frenziedslashers · 2 years
Oof I haven’t requested here in a long time! I love your version of Michael Myers, it’s feels really true to his character?? I don’t know if that makes sense but it does to me lol.
Can i please request Michael Myers reacting to his s/o getting a necklace with his initial on it? I feel like he’d really like it!! ❤️❤️
I literally feel so honored when people tell me this because ngl Michael isn't my most favorite character. Love his movies, but I am all about the funny and sweet men and women. Michaels is not my cup of tea, but hearing that you guys like the way I write him??? I love you all sm 😭😭
Michael Myers reacting to his S/O getting his initials on a necklace:
He would notice it right away.
The one thing about Michael is the fact that he notices every little new change about you, and jewelry is a big thing to him. Especially if he sees little letters on it.
He normally wouldn't mind it. He likes you in jewelry. The shiny and colorful things add to your outfits and personality. He thinks they're pretty and fun, and might even make you a bracelet or something further into your relationship, but this necklace? Oh, he's intrigued.
He's not the most subtle guy. So he's probably going to approach you and grab the necklace while you have it on. Studying the letters with narrowed eyes.
At first, he was worried that someone else gave it to you. Who's M.A.M. What does that stand for? Then it clicks after you smile and ask if he likes it.
He'd stare at you. Holding the emblem with his initials on it between his fingers. Rubbing the metal as if to acknowledge what you said. It takes a second, but he definitely loves it.
It gives him this sense of ownership over you. Along with your own sort of ownership over him. Like this was you proposing to him in his mind. Telling him that you were his and that you would always be his. That you belonged to him. While also telling him that he belonged to you and that he always would in your eyes.
He's definitely showing you his appreciation for it right now. If he was in a killing spree mood, his mood is definitely changed to a 'killing your ability to walk' mood.
If you ever take the necklace off he automatically is assuming that you are mad at him and he's handing you the necklace with a grunt as if to ask why. He's definitely upset about it, so just try not to take it off.
He wants something of yours for him to wear now. So he either gets a necklace of his own or keeps a polaroid photo of you on him at all times.
After a while of you owning the necklace, though, he might even take it a step further and offer/ask to carve his initials on your body. He wouldn't make you do it, nor would be mad if you said no. He's not a fan of hurting you, only if you're alright with it and you know he would never purposefully hurt you. You are his light, after all. He wouldn't dare snuff you out.
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dadjoke-ness · 2 years
Sims 4: Homegrown Berry Legacy Challenge
First - I just wanna say I love the @lilsimsie Not So Berry Challenge, and I’ve been watching Kelsey Dangerous play it, but I wanted to play at writing my own version of a berry challenge that primarily uses base game only. Any DLC content is a “bonus challenge” and is completely optional, even if you own the DLC. 
Especially now that the Sims 4 is free to play, so new people who don’t have the DLC (or who just want to play for free without piracy) can try out a challenge of their own.
1. The playable sim of each generation must live on the family’s land. This land can be in whatever city you choose. Try to pick the largest lot in the city so your family has plenty of room.  2. The typical “each heir must represent the legacy color as best as possible” rule - this means hair, clothes, and any additions they make to the house. However, try to keep some pieces of the previous generations around as well, overwriting your family feels wrong.  3. The heir doesn’t necessarily have to be the oldest. As stated at the bottom of each gen, the heir is picked based on which kid earns or needs the land.  4. Avoid using money cheats outside of “Freerealestate” to buy the empty plot at the beginning.  5. Every generation should complete their aspiration and if stated, a career. 6. Spouse colors do not matter. 7. Keep lifespans on normal, it’s more funny that way. 8. If you do this and want to share, use the hashtag #HomegrownBerryLegacy 9. Spouses should take your last name no matter the gender. You have a legacy to uphold.  10. The “heir” is decided when they age up to an adult - parents should either move out if still younger, or retire and stay living on the lot until death. If moved out, attempt to visit after death to collect the family graves. 
Generation 1: Blue
You aren’t from the area, but you moved here anyway. Last month, just as your landlord kicked you out, you received a letter saying that your great uncle twice removed had left you a plot of land. Selling everything but your clothes, you hike across the country, arriving to a nice piece of land with nothing on it but a mailbox. With 20,000 Simoleons to your name, you decide to build yourself a little blue house.
Traits: Self-Assured, Ambitious, Materialistic Aspiration: Successful Lineage  Career: Business - Investor Branch
Rules: - Build a small blue house that has plenty of room to expand.  - Buy at least 2 trees or bushes - Date around the local area and marry a family minded sim to help raise the kids.
Heir: The most academically gifted of your children, who has the most potential to maintain the family name and legacy. This child is a straight A student who worked in high school. If you move out, you take over half the family funds.  (Bonus: If you have High School Years or College Life and one of your children becomes Valedictorian, they become the heir.)  -------------------------------------------------------------
Generation 2: Purple
Your whole life you were working to please your parents. You maintained good grades and even got a part time job in high school. But you also enjoy putting your nose to the grindstone. You don’t much enjoy talking with others, and you really don’t like being confined to this planet. So you decide to go into space, because in space, there is nothing but the sweet silence of your own breathing. 
Traits: Loner, Geek, Neat Aspiration: Nerd Brain Career: Barista, Astronaut
Rules: - Try to maintain as social outcast of a personality as possible.  - Marry someone in your career.  - Become best friends with your heir - Only build yourself a purple room and a rocket, you don’t need much else. But do feel free to add purple decor in the house where it looks like stuff is needed. (Note that you’ll want to keep the rocket around until gen 9, for the grilled cheese aspiration.) 
Heir: You’re mostly surprised you managed to have an heir in the first place, but you did try your best to raise them well. Your heir is the child who became your best friend as time went on - one of the few people to look past your loner, introvert nature and become quiet friends with you.  If you move out, you take exactly 35,000 simoleons to buy a quiet house away from others. 
Generation 3: Green
Much like your parent, you enjoy some quiet and solitude, but you aren’t really a loner. You just like the outdoors, and everything that comes with it - gardening, fishing, hiking, jogging. You take your green side of the legacy VERY seriously. You apply your love of nature to your career as well - you become a painter so you can share how gorgeous nature is with everyone around you.  And in your heart, you are a hopeless romantic - your biggest goal, behind supporting nature and the environment, is to find a soulmate.
Traits: Loves outdoors, Art Lover, Good Aspiration: Soulmate Career: Painter - Master of the Real branch
Rules: - Meet your spouse while doing an outdoor activity like fishing - Donate to charity every Saturday - Build a green themed family graveyard with cute flowers. - Add at least 6 plants to the property outside of the graveyard. - Have at least 3 children.
Heir: Being in the art world, you decide to make a statement with your heir - they are the youngest child.  You don’t move out because you want to continue caring for your baby, especially after they get cheated on in high school.
Generation 4: Red
You grew up surrounded by luxury. Your parent is an artist, you are the baby of the family. Despite being a bit spoiled, even your siblings like you because you are just that charismatic and friendly. You have a popular simstagram page. You have a lot of friends. You are always the center of any crowd. Everyone wants to either be you or date you, often both. But despite this your first partner cheated on you in high school, and your best childhood friend stopped talking to you, so you hide deep jealousy behind your charismatic exterior. You also throw bomb ass parties, because who has time to be jealous when they are partying all the time? 
Traits: Jealous, Perfectionist, Outgoing Aspiration: Party Animal  Career: Style Influencer - Trendsetter branch
Rules: - Catch teenage boyfriend/girlfriend cheating on you (may require playing as the partner temporarily)  - Build yourself a fancy master bedroom with a walk in closet and a full bathroom with the fanciest of bathroom items. - Make a best friend as a child, stop talking to each other. - Accept every party invitation you receive.  - Post Simstigrams and vlogs of all your children.  - Bonus: If you have pets DLC, get a pet and post simstigrams of them as well. 
Heir: The child with the most social media followers by adulthood. They make you proud, and by being internet famous, they bring more hype to you and your career. After all, you raised this internet famous kid yourself. If you move out, you take most of the money, leaving your heir with just 5k and the house. 
Generation 5: Orange
Your childhood was like walking on glass as you carefully kept yourself on your parent’s good side. Ever since you were a kid, your parent was taking pictures of you and your siblings and making family vlogs. Kids in school knew you from these videos, and you don’t really have privacy. You use your own internet popularity to post pictures of your cooking creations, and you promise to be a better parent than Red. You promise yourself you also cannot hurt anyone the way your parent’s ex hurt them, as that is some WILD generational trauma. Luckily food is your passion, and you are GOOD at your passion. 
Traits: Foodie, Loyal, Cheerful Aspiration: Master Chef Career: Culinary - chef branch
Rules: - Build a nice orange kitchen add-on to the house.  - Become chubby, like a good chef. - On top of your other culinary success, master both baking and mixology skills. - Marry a sim with the goofball trait. 
Heir: Well, you were going to pick an heir, but when White came of age, you find yourself being shuffled out of the house with your spouse and other children as White takes charge. Barely into adulthood, they’ve already forged your signature on some documents stating that they own the house now. Luckily they didn’t have full access to the bank accounts, and you leave with 3/4 of the family money. 
Generation 6: White
You always wanted to own the house, thinking it’s about time to add a branch in YOUR style. So you forged Orange’s signature and you kicked them out of their own home, making an enemy of your parent. Unfortunately for you, your tendency to make enemies works against you, and you wind up having to raise your child without a spouse. In this area, you shine - you are the best parent in the world, because after everything, you have immense guilt about how you treated your own parent, and don’t want the same thing to happen to you. 
Traits: Kleptomaniac, Evil, Mean Aspiration: Public Enemy Career: Criminal career - Boss path
Rules: -Only one child allowed. You are a crime boss, and cannot afford to have too many weaknesses. (Cheats may be needed to prevent twins.)  - Become friends with your child - Your addition to the home is a stark white basement. While no one would say you commit crime down here (to your face), it is very obviously a crime basement.  - Master the comedy skill - Help your child with homework whenever possible
Heir: Since you only had the one child, the heir is an easy choice. You’ve carefully raised your child to be the perfect legacy to the family name, because despite your life of crime, the family name is important, especially to you, a crime lord. Doesn’t move out - retires and stays in the home to watch over Black gen. 
Generation 7: Black
The nerdiest member of the family in generations, you led a sheltered life. All your friends have to meet your parent at some point, and you are a good kid without an ounce of rebellion in your bones. You dutifully introduce your friends to your parent, you don’t date anyone your parent deems unacceptable, your parent has connections aplenty, and you trust their background checks over even the police. And your first jobs are kind of for your parent as well, as you delve into tech and hacking, you are the tech support side of the mob relations. Of course, most of that involves unlocking illegal phones and reminding your parent’s "employees” to not post their crimes on Simstagram. You also enjoy some private singing, though you’d never admit that to anyone.  And of course, when you get married it’s to a Sim with connections - an old family, like a Landgrab or Goth. However, they take your name because after 7 generations, your family is just as important to the community. Also your parent is scary.
Traits: Bookworm, Genius, Erratic Aspiration: Computer whiz  Career: Tech Guru - Either Branch
Rules: - If possible, marry a Landgrab or Goth, and make them take your last name. (If not possible, design or download your own Goth or Landgrab.)  - Build a stylish black computer room. Get the nicest PC possible and upgrade it as much as you can.  -Introduce all your friends to White generation.  -Master the handiness skill and upgrade at least 10 items in the house. - Bonus: If you have City Living, master the Singing Skill and replace Erratic with Unflirty for a challenge. 
Heir: In contrast to most of your family, you pick a child that is nothing like you. Your heir is the most athletic of your children, an average C/B student. You couldn’t relate to them much growing up though you tried. You made them your heir because of how different they were.  If you move out, you take exactly half of the family funds. 
Generation 8: Brown
You were nothing like your bookish parent growing up, though that didn’t stop you from being friends. You didn’t even manage to grow up slightly greedy from your family’s old house with all it’s old ghosts. You connect with your grandparent - White, even if they are dead now, and become friends. Since your bookish parent can’t work out with you due to being unfit, you find most of your workout companions as a teen to be ghosts. After your parent has a health scare, you decide to become a bodybuilder so you can punch death and illness when they come sniffing around your family.
Traits: Bro, Active, Goofball Aspiration: Bodybuilder Career: Athlete - Bodybuilder 
Rules: - Have exactly 2 kids. (Once again, may require some cheating)  -Add a family gym to the house.  -Become close friends with White gen, even if they are dead - befriend the ghost. -Master the Mischief and Comedy skills -Win at least 1 fight with death.
Heir: Of your two children, your heir is the least likely to succeed. Honestly, if you don’t leave them the house, they’d probably die. One child got straight As - the other flunked out. And the heir is your child that flunked out. Despite you trying your best, you just can’t realistically throw Yellow to the street with a clean conscience, so you make them the heir.  You do not move out. 
Generation 9: Yellow
The dimmest bulb in the box, and the most obsessed with grilled cheese. With all the failures in your life, grilled cheese is the only thing that makes you happy. You spent your childhood and teenage years dreaming of grilled cheese. You finally achieve grilled cheese perfection and throw a grilled cheese party, inviting your best friend (your sibling) and your other friends as well. At the party, one thing leads to another, and you get into a fight with your hardworking sibling who mocks your achievement. Later, you don’t even remember what either of you said, just that you hurt your sibling. You spend the rest of your life obsessed with family, trying to repair your relationship with your sibling and raise perfect kids. 
Traits: Glutton, Slob, Lazy Aspiration: Grilled Cheese, Then Big Happy Family Career: None
Rules: - As a child & teen: be best friends with your sibling - As a young adult: Achieve grilled cheese aspiration, throw a party. Become enemies with sibling. - As adult to elder: try to patch up relationship with sibling.  - Get married to a sim that enjoys your grilled cheese enthusiasm.  -Add a grilled cheese shrine to your home.  -Never work a job -Adopt most of your children  -Make Saturday night a “Grilled Cheese and Gaming” night
Heir: Either a late in life baby or a complete surprise baby - this is your rainbow baby! A surprise to you entirely, you are overcome with such joy when they are born that you declare the still wailing infant your heir. (May be an alien child.) You also do not move out. You have never worked and don’t think you should start now. 
Generation 10: Rainbow Generation
You are a rainbow baby. You love every one of the colors scattered throughout your home, every piece of legacy. You spend much of your childhood putting treasures from the other branches of the house in your own room, from blue generation items to a grilled cheese painting by your lovely parent. You were born after the rift, and you become friends with both your parent and their sibling, and eventually help Yellow regain their family. You grew up on a diet of grilled cheese and no meat, so becoming a vegetarian is second nature to you. You love animals, you love the outdoors, and you don’t like sitting still. You are constantly popping out to hang with friends and you love to enjoy life. Your family is so entrenched in the community you can do whatever you want, so you decide to do a lot of things!  
Traits: Vegetarian, Creative, Noncommittal  Aspiration: The Curator Careers: Fast-food employee, Painter, Writer, Entertainer, whatever you want
Rules: -Make sure the outside of the house is bright and full of rainbows -Put at least 1 item from each generation in your bedroom (ex: a blue doll from gen 1, a white dresser from gen 6).  -You don’t have to complete any career.  -Write and sell at least 3 books, Paint and sell at least 3 paintings.  -Get married to the most colorful sim you can find.  -Become besties with your spouse -Be friends with all living members of your family (siblings, parents, niblings, cousins).  -Bonus Content: If you have pets dlc, own both a cat and a dog at the same time. 
Heir: None, you’re done! If you want to keep going with other legacy challenges, go ahead! 
And we’re done! This took me 7 hours to write and double check almost everything listed was base game, but if I made any mistakes let me know! 
Happy Simming! 
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whizzermania · 1 year
Harley’s Body Code Guide Part 1
If you want the official guide of it, please refer to FUA’s official website here. This guide is mainly made for my own convienence and nutshell understanding of it so I might not get everything right—but you’re free to take this as reference too. Most of this stuff is from the page itself so I still encourage checking out the original page.
The Body Code is a specialized code Harley made to combat against SCP-6320’s time loop—which happens every 32 days and erases all recorded data on the anomaly, as if it’s never been recorded, back to Incident A(the Shift).
The code is able to be used as tattoos since tattoos carry over resets—making it possible to record data on the anonaly without worrying about it being erased. This allows it to have many possiblities with it: such as important notes, sentimental value, and more.
The code is organized by a shortened phonetic version of the English Alphabet, dropping some letters and retaining some to fewest letters possible.
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Using these sets of letters, you can make shortened words and retain their sound and meaning.
For example, if you want to say “SECURE” you would need to shorten it to “SEKUR”. Insure the word you’re using can retain it’s meaning. The shorter the words, the better.
You can also combine some letters to create other sounds.
E = E, A
D = B, A
V = V, W, F
K = K, C, Q
S = S, C, Z
Y = Y, I
The letters selected are arranged on the following cipher grid.
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Words are constructed by a base diamond, letters are constructed in littler diamonds inside the base diamond, and vowels simply use dots.
The letters are read clockwise, starting at the top of the diamond. Vowels are usually placed on the consanants that come after it. So for this example: this diamond says “SEKUR”.
The top diamond starts with an S, then with the second diamond on the right you’d have K—and add the E vowel dot alongside it. The third diamond on the left has R alongside the U vowel dot.
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A thing to keep in mind with the Y vowel: you’ll notice that you draw a line to go with it. When using a Y dot, they will always be drawn on the edge of the letter diamond, not on a corner.
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To form a sentence: the base diamonds are formed in a horizontal array as such.
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There is also locational context involved depending where you tattoo the code. They mostly vary depending on each individual but most form of context in FUA include something like:
Inner left wrist: location system used (which Department/Group key you’re using)
Back of Neck: Foundation ID (in case your body is not easily identifiable)
Back: Used by department heads or group as a key to their department’s locational system
Left ring finger: martial status (sentimental)
There is also additional meaning to words by adding an arrow on top of the base diamond; creating a connotation for the word.
Up: Good, safe, favorable outcome
Down: bad, Keter, unfavorable outcome
Left: Caution, Eucild, vulnerable, keep watch.
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An example would include something like:
Word: “casualty 9/6/19”
Locational context: Area designated for breach documentation.
Orientation: Down
Phrase: A breach on 9/6/19 suffered heavy casualties.
On the topic of numbers, actually: numbers use the same grid and format as such above.
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But the key difference is the caret above the diamond. Dashes can be used as horizontal lines if you are referring to a date as such.
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Before we draw our diamonds, lets figure out what kind of words we’re using. Let’s do something like..Love’s organ donor reminder as canonically said in the show :)
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Part 2
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nickfowlerrr · 1 year
valentines themed this or that’s 🥰💗❤️
it’s my favorite holiday and i wanted to do something fun so please feel free to join in! maybe some of these will spark some v-day fic ideas - i know they did for me 🤭
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pink or red // flowers or chocolate // strawberries or cherries // date night in or date night out // roses or mixed bouquet // jewelry or lingerie // heart shaped frosted brownies or valentines sprinkled cookies // love or money // earrings or necklace // stuffed animal or cards // diamonds or pearls // lace or silk // love songs or love poems // hand written letters or “this made me think of you” gifts // romcom or romantic drama // movie at home or movie theater // conversation hearts or cinnamon hearts // kisses or hugs // dark chocolate or milk chocolate // restaurant or meal at home // movie or play // pink or purple // secret admirer or dating // unrequited love or brief fling // friends to lovers or enemies to lovers // accidental collision or stolen glances // pen pals or neighbors // forbidden love or arranged marriage // masquerade party or formal ball //
blank version:
pink or red // flowers or chocolate // strawberries or cherries // date night in or date night out // roses or mixed bouquet // jewelry or lingerie // heart shaped frosted brownies or valentines sprinkled cookies // love or money // earrings or necklace // stuffed animal or cards // diamonds or pearls // lace or silk // love songs or love poems // hand written letters or “this made me think of you” gifts // romcom or romantic drama // movie at home or movie theater // conversation hearts or cinnamon hearts // kisses or hugs // dark chocolate or milk chocolate // restaurant or meal at home // movie or play // pink or purple // secret admirer or dating // unrequited love or brief fling // friends to lovers or enemies to lovers // accidental collision or stolen glances // pen pals or neighbors // forbidden love or arranged marriage // masquerade party or formal ball //
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fandom specific would you rather’s:
ss and ce characters: andy barber, bucky barnes, charles blackwood, lee bodecker, lloyd hansen, nick fowler, ransom drysdale, steve kemp, and steve rogers
i just put this together for fun, so tags are completely open! anyone and everyone is welcome and encouraged to reblog with your own answers. feel free to add on to this or to change/add/remove character options 🥰💗
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🕯️ candlelit dinner with: steve rogers or andy barber
💗 lingerie shopping with: charles blackwood or nick fowler
🖤 flowers left on your kitchen counter from your secret admirer (stalker): bucky barnes or lee bodecker
🥰 romantic picnic with: steve kemp or charles blackwood
💋 trip to paris with: ransom drysdale or andy barber
🥞 breakfast in bed with: steve rogers or bucky barnes
🌷 scenic drive with: charles blackwood or lee bodecker
💍 surprise proposal by: nick fowler or steve rogers
🍝 make dinner together with: lee bodecker or steve kemp
🌹 coming home to find a trail of rose petals leading you in your shared bedroom right to an awaiting: lloyd hansen or bucky barnes
🥀 have a romantic night in (seeing how you aren’t allowed out) with: steve rogers or steve kemp
(don’t worry they still have some gifts for you 😌)
🥂ending the night with champagne, chocolate fondue, and cuddles that may or may not lead to more with: ransom drysdale or lloyd hansen
blank version (easier to copy format):
🕯️ candlelit dinner with: steve rogers or andy barber 💗 lingerie shopping with: charles blackwood or nick fowler 🖤 flowers left on your kitchen counter from your secret admirer (stalker): bucky barnes or lee bodecker 🥰 romantic picnic with: steve kemp or charles blackwood 💋 trip to paris with: ransom drysdale or andy barber 💍 surprise proposal by: nick fowler or steve rogers 🌹 coming home to find a trail of rose petals leading you in your shared bedroom right to an awaiting: lloyd hansen or bucky barnes 🥀 have a romantic night in (seeing how you aren’t allowed out) with: steve rogers or steve kemp (don’t worry they still have some gifts for you 😌) 🥂ending the night with champagne, chocolate fondue, and cuddles that may or may not lead to more with: ransom drysdale or lloyd hansen 🍝 make dinner together with: lee bodecker or steve kemp 🥞 breakfast in bed with: steve rogers or bucky barnes 🌷 scenic drive with: charles blackwood or lee bodecker
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