#preferably in the next 10 minutes but nooooo
awetistic-things · 1 year
traveling is fun for two days and two days only anything more and i automatically go into burnout
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Unrestrained Summer Fun - canon-divergent Gil Grissom x Reader
(A/N: Thought I'd get this one out quick since it's the hottest part of the year. This is gonna be in 2 parts again. Sara doesn't exist in this fic {because I personally can't imagine Gil having a deep romantic interest in anyone else if she did}.  Also, this is c-d in the sense that supervisor-subordinate relationships are allowed. And, maybe some ooc.  Warning - this is...probably sickeningly sappy. I'm too deeply in love with him for my own good.
As always, @addictedtostorytelling saved my ass with the meta, and @davesdude80 helped me with Gil's walk :) Thank you.
One more person on the taglist: @stokes-theorem)
It was 3 in the afternoon, the hottest hour of the day, in the hottest season of the year. Gil and you had climbed into bed an hour ago to try and bag eight hours of sleep before having to get up at 10, since your shift started at 11. Unfortunately, the heat had kept the both of you awake. Even Hank had dashed down to the kitchen, emptied the contents of his water bowl onto the floor, and rolled around in it. Neither of you had had the heart to stop him. He was currently sleeping in the puddle.
As for you humans, you were lying on top of the blanket. The air conditioner was on a moderate setting. However, that still was not enough. You groaned, "It's still so hot..."
"Maybe, we should let go of each other," your husband joked.
You looked at him pointedly. "No." That made him laugh. You put a hand on his chest and took a bunch of the cloth of his shirt in your hand. "You should take your shirt off."
He nodded his head to one side, and swept his tongue over his drying lips. "Alright." He scooted a little ways away from you and did what you said.  He tossed his shirt to the foot of the bed.  You moved your eyes up and down his body.  Gil smiled; he appreciated that you found him attractive.  He would never admit it even to himself, but he was self-conscious about the fact that he was not stereotypically attractive.  So it warmed his heart to have you look at him the way you did.
Of course, you knew how he felt.  You put your hands on his chest and, closing your eyes, kissed him.  He let his eyes fall shut too as he returned the kiss, his hands staying on the bed.  You slid your hands down to his abdomen.  "You're beautiful," you whispered.  In return, he put a hand on your cheek.  He gently bumped his forehead against yours.  You instinctively shifted closer to him.
Feeling your shirt on his bare skin reminded him of something.  He gently gave a few tugs on your collar.  "You should take this off."  You smiled at his imitation.  You rolled back and took your shirt off, pulling it by the collar.  You lobbed it next to his.  "You look good."
It was your turn to smile.  "Thank you."  You snuggled back into him.
"Let's hope we can sleep now..." he sighed, closing his eyes as he held you.
"Yeah..." you huffed as well.
However, try as you might, the both of you tossed and turned all afternoon. Adjusting the air conditioner to a lower temperature made it too cold, and yet when you moved under the blankets it was too hot.
At one of the many points when you were looking at him, you ran your hand up his beard then through his hair. "It's not fair..." you mused.
"What?" he enquired with a raised eyebrow, a little humoured.
"Your hair is white. You don't retain as much heat."
That made him chuckle. "That doesn't make much of a difference."
Several hours later, you lay flat on your back on top of the blanket, away from your husband.  You groaned and put your forearm over your eyes.  "We are never gonna sleep..."
"I'm sorry."  He said this because he was much more used to foregoing sleep than you were.
You turned over to your front with a grunt.  "What time is it?"
He checked the digital clock on his nightstand (you had an analog clock on yours, but you did not want to move anymore).  "It's seven."
You sighed heavily; he observed your back heaving.  "Great..."
"We might as well eat our dinner; make the most of it and take our time to get ready."
You sighed through your nose.  "Yeah..." you nodded, "...you're right..."
"You can lie down a little longer while I shower."
You turned over to face him.  "Thanks..."
He was sitting up as you said that.  "You're welcome."  He stood up and, knowing what you would want, walked to the foot of the bed and threw his shirt into your waiting hands.  You grinned at him.  He set out clothes for himself, and did so for you too.  You squeezed his hand in thanks.  With that done, he went to shower, while you put his shirt over your nose and mouth.  You inhaled deeply and closed your eyes, then let out a long sigh.  His smell relaxed you.  You just lay like that, taking deep, calming breaths.
You did not even hear the water stop running, or the door opening several minutes after that.  The cold air from his shower mixed with the air conditioning of the room, so you did not notice the humidity. It was only when he tapped your shoulder that you were brought back to consciousness and looked at him. "O-oh!" you exclaimed softly, pivoting up into a sitting position and turning out of bed, darting past him into the bathroom; the image of him with the towel hanging on his shoulder, his arm still down and out towards you, and his eyebrow raised and mouth ajar as you cut off his necessity to speak to you, registered only when you were some ways into your shower. You stopped and let yourself smile at that picture.
When you came out of the shower, he was not in the room. You got dressed and went down to the kitchen. Gil was eating a slice of watermelon from the refrigerator, and there was a plate with more on it for you to share; the both of you consumed a lot of cold fruits during the summer. Hank had been given moist pellets, as well as some watermelon of his own. Your man had also placed your kits at the front door, along with his straw hat, sunglasses, and your satchel, which contained your sunglasses. While he preferred his straw hat to the department-issue baseball cap in hot weather, you were content to use the cap in whatever situation.
Even when you joined your husband, neither of you spoke, not wanting to exert energy unnecessarily. You cleaned up when all three parties were finished eating. You told Gil, "I'm driving." You had to state it first; he would have driven your car so as to let the engine run, but it would still have been him driving for the fourth time in a row, and that would not have been fair. Well, to you at least - he insisted that he loved doing things for you. It was how he showed his love, whereas you did so to him via physical affection. But still, you wanted to do things in return.
Thus, Gil placed his hat on his head, put his sunglasses in his breast pocket, took Hank and his kit to your car, and sat in the backseat with the dog. You followed soon after, taking your kit and bag, locking the front door, and getting behind the wheel. Gil tossed you the keys, and you started the drive to the dogs' daycare.  You took as many detours as you pleased, not being in any particular hurry.  Since you were the one driving, Gil brought Hank inside the building, then came back and sat in the front passenger's seat.  You drove to the laboratory, taking some more detours.
At the laboratory, you and your husband hung out idly in his office, sipping on the contents of mineral water bottles which the team took turns to stock the refrigerator with.  At 10:55, the both of you strolled to the front desk to check in.  Then the journey was made back to Gil's office, while he waited for any calls from Jim. At 2:30 am, a case did come up, and so it was handed to Catherine, Warrick and Nick, leaving Greg, your husband and yourself.  The three of you decided to get breakfast for the team.
Upon returning from your errand, you tried to nap on Gil's couch (while he read A Midsummer Night's Dream at his desk), but the leather made you sweat even more. You grumbled and slogged your way to the break room, where you sat on a chair and attempted to sleep sitting up. But it was not really comfortable, and you could not even doze off for five minutes. The whole time, you were dreading something: that Gil would get another call just as shift was about to end.
6 o' clock rolled around. Greg headed into the break room, reading a book on Vegas history while walking.  He had intended to take an apple out of the refrigerator, but upon noticing your misery, he helped heat up the omelette you had ordered in the microwave.  You had your head down and were drifting in and out of consciousness, so just barely noticed it, but you did not process it.  Even when he set the plate and your mug of chocolate from the fridge in front of you, you remained in a discount coma.  He tentatively tapped your shoulder with one finger.  That made you interject and snap your head up, your back slamming against that of the chair.  So only physical contact could stimulate you.
"Hey..." he said softy, placing a hand on your shoulder.
You sighed and buried your head in your hands, elbows on the table.  "Thank you..." you murmured, the vague registrations of stimuli having been solidified when you woke up.
"Don't mention it. Eat up." He rubbed your upper back, and continued to do so as you ate, knowing that you loved the contact.
On your third bite however, the shift supervisor came into the break room. "Hey guys, we got a four-nineteen..." he looked at you sympathetically, "it's out in the desert."
"Nooooo," you groaned, tilting your head back. Greg could not help but laugh. "Nooooooooo..."
Gil was used to your antics, so he calmly asked, "Okay...what's your specific complaint?"
"It's gonna be so hot! It's not dark anymore! And I don't have a water bottle!"  Plastic water bottles degraded in ultraviolet light, secreting toxins.
"Well...you can always share mine," he reminded you.
You quietened when he said that.  Then, you sprung up from your seat and darted over to him.  You threw your arms around his neck and put your face in his chest, making him grip your waist reflexively, but his cheeks turned red when you let out a, "Yes, hubby."
Greg laughed even harder.  " 'Hubby' ?" he questioned through his chortling.
"During times of physical or emotional discomfort, she is not very...restrained," he attempted to explain.  With how smoothly he spoke, the only reason his blush could not be passed off as sunburn was that he had not actually been out in the sun.
Greg pressed a fist to his mouth to try to stifle his laughter, looking away and waving his other hand in dismissal.  "It's alright.  It's cute, actually.  It's just surprising to have someone call you that."
"I know.  But," he shrugged, "I've come to like it."  You had remained docile, but now you smiled to yourself and turned your head up to kiss his neck.
Greg's smile turned sweet.  "That's good."
Your husband guided you to sit down again.  "Finish your food, then we'll go."  You gave a nod, then got back to eating.  Grissom looked at the other CSI, "You wanna grab something to eat as well?"
"Yeah," he replied, turning around to the refrigerator, "I came for an apple, actually."  He took his fruit out at last.  Gil got his pancakes out of the fridge too, and had orange juice to drink.
The three of you finished eating and drinking in under four minutes.  But the drive out to the crime scenes took about an hour, and by the time you got there, the sun was high in the sky.  "Dayshift should be handling this," you grumbled.  You did not mean it of course, but you felt like grumbling.
"Yeah?  Don't worry, it'll all be over soon," your husband joked lamely.  Greg, who was ahead and trying not to slide down a sand hill, gave him a dirty look (he dared to do so because he was wearing sunglasses).
For this case, it was necessary to stay for a considerable length time at the scene, because there were footprints to be moulded, little cufflinks and keys and such which had been buried and had to be dug up, and so on.  Not so ironically, your unpleasant mood made it best for you to spend more time processing the scene while Grissom and Greg did the talking to people.  Unfortunately but predictably, the extended period of time spent in the heat you hated made you feel worse than ever.
Several shifts later, the case was solved.  You were sitting on the guest's chair in Gil's office, waiting for him (and Greg) to return from the police station.  You had your upper torso on the table, arms stretched out all the way to the opposite edge.  You heard footsteps enter the room, but they were not Gil's. You did not know whose they were, but they were definitely not those of the man you loved. "I thought I'd find you here," Greg's voice said, making you turn around.
"Where's Gil?" You sounded a bit sad; you missed him.
"He's talking to Catherine, presumably about work," he dutifully told you, raising a fist and sticking his thumb in their general direction. He put his hand down. "How're you doing?" You plopped back down, exactly as you had been. That gave Greg all the answer he needed. "Grissom will be here soon," he reassured you. You nodded, your cheek rubbing against the desk. "You want my company til he comes?" You shook your head. "Okay. I hope you feel better soon." You gave a nod of thanks.
A little earlier:
Grissom and Greg walked through the doors of the laboratory, coming upon Catherine in the foyer; she was just heading out. Grissom called out, "Hey Catherine."
"Can I talk to you?"
Greg spoke up, "I'll go on ahead first. Bye Catherine."
"See ya." Greg made his way to his boss' office. "So, what do ya wanna talk about?" Gil looked around, then took Catherine's elbow and guided her to somewhere more secluded. He looked Catherine in the eyes, but still hesitated, nervously fidgeting his fingers against each other. "What is it, Gil? C'mon, you can tell me," she encouraged.
He swallowed, then finally said, "I need a favour."
Catherine raised an eyebrow; was that it? "S-ure," she said casually, shrugging.
"It involves Sam."
Mugs chuckled. "That's why you're so nervous; you're always on about me accepting favours from Sam, and now you want me to do it." She smiled and shrugged. "I don't mind. What d'you need?"
Grissom smiled a small smile of relief. "During our next shift, could Sam keep one of his pools open at three? Just for (y/n) and me. And uh," he looked away out of shyness, "no surveillance. There can be guards on the premises but...I'd prefer to be left alone." Catherine was impressed, to say the least; it was heartwarming that he was doing this for his wife. However, he was still saying, "Meaning no cameras, and the guards-"
Catherine laughed softly and raised her hands to stop him. "Gil, Gil, I get it." He closed his mouth. Knowing that he was still doubtful, she stated, "No humans or cameras on within viewing distance of the pool."
Finally, Gil gave a long, slow nod. "You'll have to cover that shift for me too."
"You're letting Sam do something for me and I get to play boss girl? You're sure you're not the one doing me a favour?"  she chirped.  Grissom gave a small smile and slightly dipped his head in thanks, then walked off.
Back to you:
The sound you were waiting for was heard. Soft, shy treads which you found endearing padded their way over to you. "Hey," he said lovingly, and you felt his hand on the part of your back that was flat immediately after that. You remained silent. "We'll take the next shift off, okay?"
That made you perk up - literally. Your head snapped up so you could look at him. " 'We' ? You'll be taking a shift off with me?"
He smiled fondly at you. "Yes. We can spend some time together."
You returned his smile. You stood up and hugged him, arms around his neck and face in his chest. This time, he fastened his arms around your waist. "Thank you," you whispered. His heart flipped, because that reminded him of his conversation with Catherine.
"Let's go home," he whispered, but before he let go of you, he quickly kissed you, knowing that you wanted it. The way you pressed your flushed face into his chest to hide it only made that clearer. He moved one hand to cradle your head, letting you calm down. He found it curious how you could still be bashful when he showed you affection in particular ways. But perhaps...he was similar. The both of you picked Hank up from the daycare, went home, ate, walked Hank, showered, and fell into a deep sleep.
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singeramg · 4 years
Ruin Me
Quick little reader insert imagine based off this post. Based off a non-ask...
*Update: Now a full length story! Check out Masterlist for my chapters?*
Pairing:  CEO! Henry Cavill x Female! Reader
Rating: M
Warnings: Power imbalance, dom! Henry, sub! reader, fingering, dirty talk...
Song choice: Funny How Time Flies- Meshell Ndegeocello
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  “ Y/N can you bring me a cup of coffee...please.”
His voice wasn’t raised but his tone told you all you needed to know. 
He was not happy. Not happy at all. 
He had called you from the phone in his office, not even bothering to call through the door or better yet come to the door himself which he usually did when he needed something from you and was in a good mood. You don’t dwell on it much and you get to your feet, and hustle over to break room to make a fresh pot of coffee. 
It doesn’t take long; you wait the ten minutes to brew, taking note that your coworkers are packing up for the night. You look at the clock and realize you better do the same.
Although you have nowhere special to be the last thing you wanted to do on a Friday night was spend more time at the office. You didn’t complain much, the job wasn’t had for you. You hadn’t been with the company long but you were sure you liked it thus far.
You were Executive Assistant to the CEO of Cavill Industries. a company he started with his brothers years ago and had grown to be a world wide force. Henry Cavill may not have been the eldest brother but he certainly was the most determined and invested of the 5 and more so than any man you had met. This was why they made him the CEO. 
You also thought that had something to do with the fact that he honestly was the best looking brother out of all of them.
The face of the company.
He had to stand out in a crowd, oh and Henry Cavill certainly did.
You could admit to no one but yourself that you had found him extremely attractive during your third and final interview where you finally got to meet him. If he wasn’t your boss, he would be exactly the type of guy you went for in terms of looks. Tall, dark curly hair, a jawline that could cut glass, dazzling smile and  sharp blue eyes that seemed to pinpoint everything 
Including any mistakes you made.
He had made adjusting to this new job hard for you.
Pointing out every mistake, forcing you to redo whole reports that people who got paid a lot more than you should have been doing
But nooooo
He ‘trusted ‘ a.k.a could hover over you while you fixed it.’ causing more late nights and overtime than you cared to think about.
Forget a social life, everything had to be about him.
You had to be everything. 
In your job interview nobody had mentioned you would be basically in charge of his life. 
Dry Cleaning, arranging his groceries to be delivered, you were even his dog walker on the days he brought his cute Akita Kal-El to the office. 
Yea that was totally fun in the heels he forced you into everyday.
You had tried wearing respectable flats after your first week with sore feet and he vetoed that almost immediately. 
Saying it wasn’t “seemly“ and that you were the assistant to the CEO and you should dress like it. Needless to say half of the time you wanted to slap him. The other time you were ridiculously turned on. I mean despite being an ass sometimes he played right into your masochistic streak. The way he spoke to you, wasn’t nasty but it had a very direct way that left no room for arguing or confusion. Just like with the heels. You normally would have argued your point, maybe even seen if he would come to some sort of compromise but you didn’t with him. You just kept the flats in your car and a pair under your desk for when you were sitting at your desk and for the days he was out of office. 
That sort of sneaky was not like you at all. You just preferred to pull off the band-aid so to speak, but Mr. Cavill was not for any of that.
All you said to him when the response he wanted was obvious was a yes sir or no sir. 
You made his coffee just as he liked two cubes of sugar, and a splash of cream. He always would like three extra cubes of sugar on the side, adding the extras depending on how his day had been going. The more sugar added the better his day. You walk as smooth as you can to his office, the large dark door. You don’t bother to knock, sliding open the door to his office, begging your heels not to catch on the floor. You sit his coffee on the desk, to his right, and far enough from his hand that he doesn’t accidentally knock it over. 
You smooth out your black mid length dress, and try not to fidget with your red belt that gives a retro theme to the look, and you even had a red purse and red blazer to wear with it (which you had ditched mid-morning). You slip back out the door when he doesn’t look at you. You pick up the tablet you use to keep track of everything on a mobile basis. You pull up his calendar and head back into the large office. 
The office itself had never intimidated you despite the large solid oak desk in the middle of the room. It felt open because of the floor to ceiling windows that had automatic curtains that came down on command. You actually loved his office despite the fact that you didn't spend a lot of time in it. You re-enter his office, and stand in front of the desk looking down at the calendar.
   “Okay before the day ends I would like to go over your schedule for the weekend.”
He finally looked up at you, his blue eyes giving direct contact, that you couldn’t hold and went back to the glowing tablet, where the sun was starting to set outside. 
  “You have a dinner meeting tonight which starts at 6:30pm; a 30 minute commute time which means you need to be out of here in the next 45 minutes,  if you would like to arrive with your 15 minute grace period as normal.”
He doesn’t say anything at first, then takes off the reading glasses off his face and tosses them on the desk.
  “ Not too many things on the agenda for this weekend except for family brunch on Sunday. Your mother requests you arrive on time this time.”
You regulate a smirk to the side of your mouth.
  “I’ve arranged for a bouquet of flowers to be delivered to your house by 9am for you to take over there to her.”
  “I don’t suppose I have any missed messages from today?”
You look at him confused.
  “Ummm....no. Were you expecting a call?”
He sighs and rubs the temples of his head, clearly upset something.
  “No...yes...don’t worry about it. You’ve already arranged for a car for me?”
Yep, he was upset and he was not about to share it with you. You didn’t press him, only prayed it didn’t result in a hell of a clean-up for you later. You had been the bad guy with no less than 4 woman, all of them glaring and spiting nasty vitriol at you when you wouldn’t give them access to Henry. You had seen them all come and go.
He looks you over, getting to his feet, walking over to the door you knew to be an en-suite bathroom and keeping his extra changes of clothes.
  “ Do you have any plans for tonight?”
He asks you suddenly and puts you on the spot. You don’t even have a lie to cover up how pitiful your life was, but you had to try. He didn’t need to know you don’t have anything planned tonight but a glass of wine and catching up on your TV shows you missed for all the overtime you’ve been working. 
  “Like what?”
He asks almost immediately as if knowing you were lying. You had to try and get out of some crazy overtime he was known for. You didn’t want another late night in the office.
As noted earlier you didn’t think well on the spot. He raises an eyebrow at you.
 “You know I don’t appreciate liars Y/N. Anyhow if you are done lying to me, the meeting for tonight requires a...feminine touch.”
 “Feminine touch?”
You echo. He goes into the closet and you can hear him changing. You try not to think about him behind the wall.
 “Yes. The people I am meeting with require a bit of finesse. The negotiations always go better when we bring our women to the meetings.”
“Soo... would you like me to call someone for you. I can have a dress sent over in their size to smooth the deal over.”
He laughs at you.
  “No. Grab your things and call the car service to get here in 10 minutes.”
  “ What stop the press? Are you putting me out of the office before you for once?”
You quip at him. He comes from around the corner his attire changed into a black button down shirt, left with the top few unbuttoned. He adjusts the sleeves and looks up with you.
  “No you are going with me Y/N and we must hurry, you are going to require another dress.”
  “No buts. I need you and you are wasting time.”
He picks up a black suit jacket, his cologne hitting you with an umpf he walks by you to get to the car...
The dinner had gone great from what you could tell. You saw a whole other side of Henry. One that was only observed under the rarest of occasions. 
At least for you.
Overall you weren’t asked for much, Henry had bought you another black dress only this one was a bit more leggy than you were used to around such important people. Its spaghetti strapped and sweetheart neckline, offering way more cleavage than you would ever consider wearing around him, but Henry had literally come in with you, pulling it from the rack along with a few other choices and this was the tamest all the options he left you. You damn near had a panic attack in the dressing room. The women in the boutique had fixed your hair and makeup in the little amount of time you had, once again at Henry’s behest. You hadn’t be so pulled together since... well you couldn’t remember....
Henry had even been nice to you all evening, but you knew it was all an act, even if your body did respond to the compliments and lingering looks, the smile he would shoot you, he had even let his hands skim across your lower back. 
You did your best not to read into anything. Had even gone along with the little game he was playing, being over sweet, playing with the curls on the nape of his neck, your hands lingering on his arms. Enough to suggest without being outwardly desperate and trashy. You were ever the smiling damsel to his associates, laughing at the jokes, ignoring the sexist comments about your dress or the ‘arm candy’ they referred to you as, despite it pissing you off.
You stayed to yourself most for the ride back to the office, and he stays quiet as well. Only then once the car parks do you realize in your haste earlier you left your keys upstairs. He insists he needs to come up as well to grab some files from his desk. You offer to bring them back down but he insists. You scurry to your desk, not finding them in the drawer where you usually kept your purse. 
You don’t see them. You panic and look for them intensely.
Oh you hoped you didn’t leave them at the boutique where you changed dresses. 
  “Y/N. Could you come in here please? I would like to discuss something with you before you leave.”
He calls to you, the voice losing the soft tone he had with you all night, this only serves to make your blood run cold. Have you done something wrong? Said the wrong thing to the wrong person and cost him millions of dollars? You needed your job, and hoped pretty badly that this wasn’t the end of it.
You honestly couldn’t tell if you missed it or not. You disregard the thoughts you are having and push them back in your mind, offering to sort them out later. Preferably with alcohol nearby. You look into his office and see that he is standing behind his desk. Once you come in, thinking he needed something from you.
  “Close the door.”
You close the door behind you, the lights on a dim shade, enough for you to see but not enough to over power your eyes. 
  “Did you need anything from me, because it’s late and I should be heading home...”
He surprises you by cutting you off in a tone that was even softer than any other time he had used with you before. 
   “I just wanted to say thank you for accompanying me tonight y/n.”
  “You are Welcome. I’m just going to go...”
You smile and turn to leave but his voice stops you with a sharp tone that makes you freeze.
   “Did I say you could leave?”
You feel your face get hot and you turn back around to face him. The lighting only showcasing the angles of his face, making you ever more nervous. 
   “No but Sir it's 12am...”
    “I know what time it is. You are so stubborn all the time. Can’t even take a simple compliment.”
  “I thought you were done.”
You shrug, and immediately regret being so nonchalant with him., his gaze intense.
   “I wasn’t. Now before you interrupted me, I was saying thank you not only because you came with me but for playing your role so effortlessly. I didn’t expect you to be so ...reciprocating to me.”
  “I figured that would be best. How would it appear if you showed up with a staff member we rather than a significant other like the other at the table.”
  “Well your quick and astute observation saved me tonight.”
  “All in a day's work. Now if I can just get out of these heels tonight and maybe into a pedicure tomorrow I will have made this all worth while.”
He surprises you by coming from behind the desk where he had been standing, coming to stand in front of you.
And you cursed yourself because it was back again.
The arousal you fought with every lingering look and touch he gave you tonight. How honeyed his words were with you, combined with the animalistic power you knew was just boiling under the surface. 
  “I have had many secretaries before and none of them take your position as seriously as you do. You put a lot of effort into your job and does not go unnoticed.”
Having him so close was unnerving. Especially when you had his direct attention. You can’t hold eye contact and look down at the floor. Henry touches your chin, his fingers tilt your chin up and you lock eyes. It wasn’t the first time you noticed the space of brown in his left eye, but the first time you were close enough to appreciate it. 
You feel your pulse quickening.
 “I don’t think I told you how beautiful you look tonight.”
He blinks slowly and you don’t breathe at all as his lips move toward your own. He is seconds away from kissing you, tension heavy in the room.
  “Wait....Henry...I just...I Can’t go there.”
You say it out loud and it’s like someone let the air out of your balloon. He lets your face go and looks at you confused, for the first time you see just Henry. Not your boss, not the CEO who always had to be ‘on’ and in charge, you just saw Henry. His face was open and unguarded.
  “It’s not that I don’t want you. It’s just you are my boss...”
Henry moves suddenly, and yet simultaneously time slows as he crashes his lips onto yours. The odd duality of soft, yet firm, calming yet passionate overtakes your mind and short circuits you. His hands are holding the side of your face on one side and behind your neck. His kiss steals what little breath you had away. You almost forget why this would have been such a bad idea but he pulls away.
  “Darling, Didn’t anyone tell you? The boss makes the rules...”
He resumes kissing you and you offer little in the way of resistance as he picks you up, in fact you lock your legs around his waist and he deposits you on top of his desk. Everything you had been feeling for him was bubbling up in that moment. You were caught in being wanted to be treated like silk and wanting to toss him down and take exactly what you wanted in no uncertain terms of hatefucking him for all the jackass behavior he had exhibited since you started 6 months ago. 
You slide his jacket off his broad shoulders, tossing it to the room, igniting the soft thud it makes when the expensive thing lands in a heap on the floor. He pulls your hips toward the edge of the desk and his large hands are hot as they slide up your skirt over trembling thighs and his lips move to your neck. He finds the sensitive spots there quicker than anyone ever had while also moving his fingers to play with your clit through the lining of the black lace panties you were wearing. 
Your breath hitches in your throat and Henry grins against your lips, letting you take a second before he kisses you again. His fingers dance around before latching to the hemline and yanking them with enough force that they are torn from your body. Your hips sting from the pull, but you are more than turned on. You fumble with the buttons on his shirt, and don’t look at the skin revealed, but he doesn’t let you take it off him and instead pushes one of his fingers inside of you, you lewdly moan, and grasp his biceps quickly, having been taken off guard. It wasn’t that you weren’t wet, because you were plenty wet, your now ruined panties had been testament to that, but you had expected more of a playful teasing, but as one of your last coherent thoughts, you knew this man never wasted time. 
He was a do-er... 
And right now he was doing you. The amount of focus and precision he took in his work, pouring over contracts, logs, inventory and the like, he was putting in on you. As his finger moves in and out he is staring at you with such intensity you think you might explode.
  “You are dripping baby girl. Melting right into the palm of my hand to be exact.”
He removes the finger that had been inside of you, raising it to his lips, tasting you from it, and you shudder. He kisses you again, you closing your eyes, then you hear in his deep tone like melted chocolate, luxurious to your ears,
  “Open your eyes and suck them.”
He held two of his fingers and you opened your mouth. He wanted to hold your gaze.
 “Get them nice and wet for me.”
You suck on them, imaging the girth that had been teasing you for months in his sacks, was what was actually in your mouth. You had wanted so badly to taste him and feel him you reach down, palming his obvious erection and you hear him growl. It was your turn to smirk, and as soon as he felt that smirk, he pulled his two fingers from your mouth and thrusts them into you. 
You whimper and the one hand you left on his bicep clenched in, digging into his skin. His fingers glide in and out almost painfully slow. You need faster.You try to move your hips to make him move but he chuckles.
  “That won’t work y/n. We do this at my pace. Be still or I will stop.”
He didn’t go any faster, his movements deliberately slow. You could tell he was getting a kick out this, and you whine again. 
    “Beg kitten.”
He whispers in your ear, his thumb teasing your clit again. 
He moves a little faster.
  “Come on love. You can do better than that.” Teasing.
  “Please Henry...”
He slaps your thigh with a sharp tap and it sends the zing of arousal.
“That's not what you call me. Try again.”
While your brain is shorting out, you fumble on what he wants from you.
 “I..i don’t know sir...”
He rewards you by speeding up more. Your torso drops backwards, your head follows as you rest back on your elbows, and legs move wider, making your dress bunch up around your hips. 
 “There you go. There’s what I was looking for. Now beg me to make you come.”
You worry your bottom lip, ignoring how your chest heaves, pulling against the black fabric of the dress. 
  “Fuck! Please sir please let me cum.”
  “That’s more like it. Begging me like the dirty little slut you are.”
He speeds up, his fingers curling inside, tapping that spongy space that made your eyes cross and your vision blur. You didn’t think you would like being called a ‘little slut’ but it was more of a turn on than you had ever thought it would be. 
  “Sir let me cum please let me cum.”
His dexterous fingers speed up, his thumb rubbing your clit and you were glad no one else was in the office as your moans echo throughout the room.
  “You want to be my good girl hmmm?”
You nod furiously, the edge of your orgasm coming up rapidly, as your walls begin their tell-tell sign of fluttering.
  “Good girls wait until they have permission. You hold it.”
It was damn near impossible, but you try to focus on anything but how good his fingers feel. He pulls your body back up from the desk with his hand gripping behind your neck. His lips crash on your again, he lingers around your lips you breathe heavily against his lips.
  “I’ll be your good girl!”
You yell.
  “Good. Cum then come for me.”
It’s like the world goes silent and all you can focus on is his fingers as your orgasm pulls you under. It’s an out of body experience where you could hear your moans and groans of Henry’s name, where you were literally shaking, but you could bring yourself down. Destroyed, Henry is whispering praises in your ear. Calling you his and how good you were for him. It doesn’t take long to come back down, but when you do you feel wrung out, and as Henry pulls away, you notice the sheen of fine layered sweat on his forehead. You feel self conscious as he stares down  at you, and without the haze of lust in your eyes it settles in you that your boss just gave you one of the best orgasms of your life and hadn’t even taken off his pants. 
Pants that were currently begging you to be taken off. He begins to chuckle and you realize you’ve been staring at his cock outline, and he was laughing at you. He unbuttons his pants, and finally takes off his shirt the rest of the way, finally revealing the god sculpted body that he clearly worked for.
The look on his face says he is going to ruin you and you are going to like it.
Only then, as he begins to work on the zipper to your dress,  do you look to your left on the desk and see your keys sitting there...
A/n: Hope that was what you were looking for @thiccgeralt​  Hope this met your expectations and thank you! 
I am thinking of coming back to this, but honestly I am waiting until @laketaj24​ finishes her CEO! fic The Rules, because its so freaking wonderful and I don’t want to ruin anything by stealing any thunder with a CEO fic OR Ficlet I would plan on doing. BTW if you haven’t read The Rules then please do yourself a favor a go over to her page and check out all of her work. You will not regret a second of it....
However I am tossing this out to see if there would be any interest in a continuation of this fic. Let me know and as always thank you for reading, re-blogging, and liking!
Henry Cavill Taglist: (OPEN! Let me know if this is something you want on!
@msblkfire84  @magdelen69​ 
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stupid-stew · 3 years
two vent fics in as many days? me? nooooo.
the answer is actually yes. i am in crisis all of the time. here take a gender one because why the heck not it's 4:30 am and i have nothing to lose. luz, toady you are me. there is also a little bit of parent eda because what do you take me for? a fool? (Pronouns? AO3 link if that floats ur boat)
Luz Noceda had a lot of problems.
Sure, she was stuck in a hell dimension with no way home in sight, where her best chance of surviving was reliant on her having magic, of which she had none, and was separated from her mom, and was currently blaming herself for her surrogate mom having lost her magic, but that wasn’t the point right now.
Right now, Luz was focused on herself. That’s usually how these nights ended up, with her so lost in thought that she circled back to the root of the problem, she didn’t know who she was.
That wasn’t entirely true, she was Luz Noceda, average teen, lover of Azura, daughter of Camila, professional witch in training, student at Hexside School of Magic and Demonics, foe to an unlucky few, friend to most, the girl who had managed to outsmart the emperor and get herself stuck so far from home she might as well just give up now. Luz knew what she was, she was what other people knew her for, but who was she? Anyone’s guess, suggestions much appreciated.
She had grown up in an environment that exposed her to many different people, the internet. Yeah, maybe she had seen a lot of stuff way before she should have, but she also had the whole world at her fingertips, many types of people and experiences just on the other side of her screen, and it had led to some amazing things. Her mom had also been a big help, allowing Luz to question and experiment any which way she pleased, as long as she was happy and safe. That had helped Luz figure out who she liked, she was comfortable telling her mom she liked girls confidently at the ripe age of 10, Camila had of course been nothing but accepting.
That was easy enough, right? She knew exactly what she was, who she liked, hell she could figure out most people just by looking at them, so why couldn’t she figure out herself?
And that was where Luz was at, laying on the floor in her makeshift bedroom in the owl house, once again wondering what in the hell was a gender.
Luz was no stranger to this internal battle, it sort of came with the whole territory of figuring out your sexuality, but for the life of her she didn’t even know where to start.
Ok, she thought to herself, let’s start from the top. I don’t know where the top is. What is the easiest way to go about this. Most people start with pronouns, maybe that’s a good place to start? Luz let out a groan, this was going nowhere. Back on track. she/her. Simple enough, good solid pronouns. That’s what most people have called me forever. I'm comfortable with it, other people are comfortable with it, no, what other people think doesn’t matter, this is about me. Focus, Luz. Ok, she/her, fine. Though not always, doesn’t always feel right, how can words feel right or wrong that doesn’t even make sense. Whatever, most of the time she/her equals a girl.
Luz shivered at that, girl, the word had never felt right to her, something about it was gross in her mind. She had always hated being referred to as girl or daughter, but never had the guts to speak up about it in the moment. Luz chuckled to herself, and look where we are now. she/her moved to the maybe pile for now.
Next on the list was he/him. Luz smiled at that. Being a somewhat androgynous child for most of her life with short hair, being called her mother’s son at the grocery store was a fairly common occurrence. She recalled one time she was out with a couple of friends and some sweet old lady had said to them “you ladies have a nice day.” and then looked at Luz and added “oh, my bad, and gentleman.” Luz had to leave the store at that, her friends had assumed she was upset that the lady had called her a gentleman, but that wasn’t the case. She was more upset about having been singled out than anything, in fact she hadn’t at all minded being called a gentleman. It didn’t feel completely right, but it didn’t feel completely wrong either.
Ok, so pronouns, this is Luz, he is my apprentice. Eh, feels about the same as she. That’s so lame I was hoping there would be some sort of difference. The only discomfort is that i’m used to she, god my head hurts just thinking about this. Luz rolled over to her other side and covered her head with her sleeping bag. How can I feel literally the same about the two, I haven’t even left the binary, there’s only two options, one should be right, the other should be wrong. This is the same idea as answering an either or question and both options are the same but both are neither right nor wrong. It doesn’t even make sense. If the binary isn’t going to give me my answers then I need to step it up.
They/Them was dangerous territory for Luz and she knew it. This wasn’t her first time around the block, she knew that she loved they/them pronouns for herself. “This is Luz, they’re my apprentice.” God it just felt so right. She could never figure out why, much less bring herself to even try, which was probably how she kept landing herself in this situation. Laying up at night, staring at the ceiling, running pronouns, of all things, through her head over and over. It probably would have been easier if she had someone to tell her how gender was supposed to feel. What it was supposed to identify, what it was supposed to offer for her identity, but alas. It had been easier with her sexuality, she knew from the moment someone had told her that liking girls was even an option that was who she was. She was confident in that, it was simple enough. So why was this still so hard?
Luz took her head out from under her sleeping bag and rubbed the heel of her palms over her eyes. I know I like they/them pronouns, they’re my favorite, they feel so correct, huh go figure I finally got my answer, words can feel right. Still not sure how… anyways, what the hell do I do about it? Ask people to just change the way they refer to me? That’s absurd. Luz knew it wasn’t absurd. Not in the slightest. She knew she had done it for plenty of people before, people she had known for years. It wasn’t hard, it was actually pretty easy and she was glad to switch around how she referred to them no matter how many times they asked. So why can’t I just do the same. Most people see me as a boy or a girl, it’s fine, it’s ok, well at the very least I can deal with it. What are they supposed to do? Just not?
Luz sprawled out on her back and shut her eyes as tight as she could. She knew she had met plenty of people who were non binary, and somehow she had been able to erase the idea of them being either a boy or a girl out of her head almost completely. It’s just how it had worked, was it because she didn’t really see herself in that way either? Maybe I’m just making it up. Maybe it’s all in my head and I’m stopping myself from causing a lot of problems, what if I’m wrong, what if I make a mistake and have to ask people to change around again? I barely figured out what pronouns I prefer, ok well I’ve known for a while, but I still don’t have a label. Non binary? Maybe? I wish I knew what gender was supposed to feel like. She placed her hands behind her head and sighed. If you asked me what gender felt like to me I either wouldn’t have an answer and would start crying or would just scream shrilly at you for a few minutes. Pronouns don’t equal gender but what are either of those. If I use they/them pronouns do I have to identify as non binary? I don’t even like labeling my sexuality and I know what that is. God, I haven’t even scratched the surface of how I present mysel-
Her thoughts were muted by a knock at her door.
“Luz I know you’re awake.”
It was Eda, of course it was. Who else would be awake at this hour and hear her singular sigh from the hallway?
Luz pushed herself up from off the ground and slowly opened the door.
“Can’t sleep?” Eda asked.
Luz just shook her head. She didn’t have the energy for words at the moment.
Eda sighed and stretched out her arm to reach behind her head and pull out a clock from her hair. “Me neither, looks like it’s too late for either of us to be awake. Want some tea?”
Luz nodded and followed Eda down the creaky stairs and to the kitchen. Eda immediately found a kettle and started filling it with water to boil while Luz took a seat at the counter. They sat with just the sound of the running tap for a few uncomfortable seconds before Eda asked the question Luz had been dreading.
“What’s keeping you up?”
Shoot. Can I talk to her about this? It’s Eda, she doesn’t care, does she? Nobody here seems to mind anything, cool non binary witches. That’s so rad. I don’t want to bother her, what if she doesn’t understand, so I have the energy to explain? How would I even go about dropping this if it goes south?
“Hellooooo? Isles to Luz?”
She was snapped out of her thoughts by Eda waving her hands in her face, she looked… worried? Oh, I haven’t answered her question.
“Hm? Oh, it’s nothing.”
Eda didn’t believe her for a minute.
“It doesn’t seem like nothing.”
Luz just sort of turned her head away and shrugged. Eda knew she couldn’t pry it out of the kid. Instead, she just decided to finish making the tea. The two of them sat in silence while the tea bags steeped, which gave Luz a moment back to herself to question her next move.
Eda handed Luz the steaming mug. “You can talk about it if you want. I’ll listen.”
“I don’t know how to do this.”
Eda grinned. They were getting somewhere, whatever was keeping the kid awake this late at night was reaching the surface.
“Just go for it, what’s the worst that could happen?”
Sooo many things Eda.
Luz decided to just start out simple. “Do you know what pronouns are?”
Eda nodded. Ok, good.
“Ok, what are your pronouns?”
Eda was taken aback by this a little, nobody had asked her that in years. What was the kid dealing with? “Well, I use she/her pronouns, but I’ve never really felt attached to any of them, so whatever works just works I guess. Same for King, I don’t really think he cares much as long as you’re referring to him as royalty.” Eda snorted with laughter.
Luz was kind of in shock. Does she feel the same way I do? How did she pick? “How did you know?” the words just kind of fell out of her mouth in a mess.
“Know what?”
Eda looked at her with confusion.
“What pronouns you use?”
“I don’t know, here nobody really cared that much, why should I?”
Then Eda remembered.
“Ooooh yeah you humans use them for that whole gender identity thing. We kind of have that here but it’s not as big of a deal, you guys have all those labels, yeah?”
Luz swallowed deeply and nodded.
“Is that what’s keeping you up?”
Another nod.
“Do you wanna talk at me? I know you do better with your words than your mind, I can do the dishes while you talk if you don’t want my focus.”
Luz was now completely dumbfounded. In the last two minutes, Eda had told her that not only was gender a human thing, but that she was willing to let Luz process it the way that she needed, how had she known? Wait…. Just how similar are Eda and I? Luz couldn’t help but wonder.
Luz nodded and Eda got up without a word and headed straight for the sink.
“I don’t know. Back in the human world, people have a lot of words that they use to describe their genders. I don’t understand any of them, I know their definitions, but I don’t know how to relate to them.”
Luz paused and Eda gave her a gentle hum of interest as a signal to continue.
“They’ve just never made sense to me, I don’t know why and I don’t know how but it’s incredibly frustrating. I gave up on trying to get it and moved on to the things that I do get, which is limited to pronouns. You’ve got the binary pronouns like she and he, usually those fit the words girl and boy, not always, sometimes people use more than one set of pronouns, but the thing is I can’t pick. They feel the exact same to me. There are other ones, the most common being they/them, and I really like those, Eda I really really like them.”
Eda smiled at her, glad to see Luz’s face lighting up.
“But I don’t know. I don’t know if I should use one set, multiple. It’s really bothering that so many people back home understand, they just seem so sure of themselves, they know who they are, they know that they’re a boy or a girl or neither or even both, there’s even more genders to be a combination of, but I can’t. I think there has to be something wrong with me because I know it shouldn’t be this hard but it is, it’s always on my mind, and I can’t stop it or make it make sense. I haven’t even begun to entertain the idea of asking people to change the pronouns they use for me because I can’t tell myself what label even goes with what, and I feel stupid.”
Eda stopped what she was doing.
“You aren’t stupd Luz.”
“How can you say that when I don’t even know who I am, I can’t even figure out what words I want people to use when they refer to me.” Luz sounded exhausted.
Eda turned around and looked her in the face, dead serious. “You aren’t stupid, you just don’t know who you are,” she dried her hands on a towel and sat down across from Luz. “and that’s ok. I know it’s maddening not knowing, but you’re allowed to feel that way, if you don’t have all the answers, what’s gonna happen? Are you gonna die?”
Luz rolled her eyes “sometimes it really does feel like it.”
Eda stood up. “Well we can’t have that, no dead apprentices. You seem to have been thinking about this for a long time, you just need a little bit of a push. Pick some new pronouns.”
Luz stared at her, “what?”
“You can’t figure out how the feeling works, or if there even is one, that’s ok. But, you know that there are some words that fit better than others. You might not be able to tell me why, but you know what they are. What are they?”
Luz didn’t know what to do, she hadn’t prepared herself for this. She was ready for Eda not knowing what was going on, not this. She’s right, time to rip off the bandaid.
“I don’t know…”
“Yes you do.”
There really is no getting out of this one.
“I don’t know, I guess they/them feels ok? Better than the others?”
“And so it shall be.” Eda stated matter-of-factly.
Luz shifted uncomfortably in her seat, “but I don’t know, I’m really used to she/her, they don’t fit quite right but they’ve never really felt wrong enough to get rid of completely.”
Eda shrugged, “you don’t have to. You can use both if you want.”
Luz wasn’t sure, she knew Eda was right, but she couldn’t help but recall the time someone had told her that adding they/them to your pronouns was performative and accomplished nothing. Screw them.
“Ok.” It was simple, but it’s all she had.
“Anything else I should know?”
Luz took a deep breath, she was in this far, might as well keep it up.
“It really bothers me when I get referred to as a girl, I know that I don’t know what labels go where, but I know that one is wrong.”
“Good to know.”
This was going way better than Luz expected, but now all her thoughts were out and she had a little bit of a resolution, she was finally starting to feel how late it was. She yawned, “I think I’m done for the night.”
Eda put on a mock offended look, “But you didn’t even touch your tea? I worked so hard on that for you!”
Luz gave her a weak smile. “It was never about the tea, was it, you just wanted me to talk.”
Eda reached out and ruffled Luz’s hair, “It worked, huh?”
“Yeah I guess it did.”
They emptied their cups into the now pristine sink and went back up the stairs.
“Thanks Eda.”
“Don’t mention it.”
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smutiestay · 4 years
𝕊𝕥𝕦𝕕𝕚𝕠 𝕟𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 - ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕓𝕚𝕟 🧸
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Changbin was in his studio like most of the night and you knew it , you just finished working and came back home , you still expected him to be here because the day you had wasn’t the best and none of you texted each other throughout the day .
When you finished showering and went to bed you tried to sleep but you couldn’t , you haven’t seen your « soulmate » at all today and you needed his hugs and comfort .
It was 11:30pm and he’ll probably come back at like 2am or something , and honestly you prefered sleeping on his lap or on a couch next to him rather than sleeping in a comfortable bed but without him .
So you literally jumped out of the bed , put your shoes on , and got to your car . After 10 minutes of ride you arrived at the building , you were impatient to see him knowing he was only some meters away .
You got to his studio and knocked on the door , no one came to open so you opened the door yourself .
« Hi , Binnie » you said standing in front of him after closing back the door .
« Y/n ! » he hopped out of his big chair to hug you with all of his strength . And you of course hugged him back having struggle breathing because he’s a grown man with a lot of muscle .
« Gosh I missed you so much » he said while kissing you all over your face .
« I missed you more... » you said and hugged him again , you finally got the comfort and hug you needed after all you got through the day . And knowing there is someone for you that got your back and hype you up at anytime when you feel blue made you simply cry in his shoulders .
« Nooooo , don’t cry cutie , what’s wrong ? » he was so worried , he thought someone hurt you or maybe he did something bad . He tried to break the hug to see your face and asked you again « what’s wrong baby ? »
You wiped you tears away with your hand and told him « just had a really bad day , and I missed you » smiling hoping it would make him less worried .
« Come here y/n » , he guided you to his chair still hugging you , he sat and put you on his lap
« Aren’t I too heavy ? » you asked laughing a bit
« No , not at all . Actually nothing is too heavy with the body i have » he said while flexing his arms in front of your face . You both laughed a bit and the atmosphere immediately went soft and even a bit romantic maybe .
« You can sleep baby I’m going to work for 1 or 2 hours more »
You looked at him pouting , « don’t you work too much ? » , « stop trying to convince me » he said while giggling at you , « it’s kind of important and if I finish it today I’ll have more free time for the next days » , « okay Binnie » you said understanding him , you then snuggled more into his chest and tightened your arms around him which made him smile .
You fell asleep pretty quickly, and finished your horrible day the best way you could imagine , cuddling with your boyfriend .
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Tagged by @corylion :) Will happily tag @thenorsiest @sporkandpringles @theamazingdearheart and @funky-little-vulcan but literally anyone do it please these are just some peeps off the top of my head <3 
This is a fun goofy long post soooo.... enjoy!
1. What is the color of your hairbrush?
I have... three.. but my main one is zebra print
Oh, high school days and my obsession with it
2. A food you never eat?
Animal flesh 
Though that implies i eat human flesh, i more meant I’m a vegetarian who eats dairy and eggs, just not meat haha 
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold?
Literally depends on the season. Winter? Always too cold. Summer? Always too hot. I have a very fickle internal temperature. 
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago?
Eating eggs and watching a Darkkmane video with my dog and SO 
5. What is your favorite candy bar?
OOOOOOHHHH toss-up between Kit-Kat’s and Reese’s Cups
I’m a chocolate deviant 
6. Have you ever been to a professional sporting event?
Yes. And I spent all of it in my dad’s business box watching Flash Gordon
7. What was the last thing you said out loud?
“Next time we go to the store, if I get a white onion, you better know I hold grudges and you’ll be eating that taco” (-_- don’t ask) 
8. What is your favorite ice cream?
Moose Tracks (but I adore ice cream so all of it’s amazing) 
9. What was the last thing you had to drink?
Good old H20
10. Do you like your wallet?
It’s this phone case wallet that’s teal and covered in bicycles. I love it and have had it for like 8 years so I’d say it’s pretty badass
11. What was the last thing you ate?
I just put a peanut into my mouth before typing this sooo.... that
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend?
I don’t really buy clothes all that often. Most all of my clothes are from high school/college or a oh so daring shopping spree I went on last summer just to update some of my worst wardrobe peices (and buy overalls. Overalls are the best) 
13. The last sporting event you watched?
A League of Legends Clash tournament....?
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn?
Either plain butter or Red Velvet
15. Who was the last person you sent a text message to?
To the SO. I was being tired and annoyed so when I was trying to sleep and he walked out of the room and left the light on I just texted him “Light??” and then he kindly turned it off. 
16. Ever go camping?
YES! I never did as a kid but my SO and I love the great outdoors. Our best vacation together was going cross country and camping at a bunch of different landmarks. Now we live in a house in the forest and it’s like we live in a cabin and I love it <3
17. Do you take vitamins?
Yep! Multivitamin every morning. 
18. Do you go to church every Sunday?
The only church services I’ve been to are funerals and that one time when I was struggling emotionally and tried to join my friend’s church. 
But then they joked about homosexuality being the work of the devil soooo I dipped
19. Do you have a tan?
Absolutely not. I’m actually sun sensitive and have to wear hats in the summer to keep my head safe. I am a pale bitch for life 
20. Do you prefer Chinese food or pizza?
HMMMMM hard call. Probably Chinese Food. Family pizza night every week is really awesome and i love it, but Chinese Food is delicious. (And fried sweet and sour tofu can take all my money)
21. Do you drink your soda with a straw?
Noooooo! I don’t even drink soda. But I do have a metal, reusable straw for my giant water container :)
22. What color socks do you usually wear?
Blue? All my socks are patterned, multi-colored ones so it’s never the same. Today I’m wearing ones with penguins on them, and the penguins have scuba gear on.
23. Ever drive above the speed limit?
My first time ever driving I went way over the speed limit. 
24. What terrifies you?
Also the state of our world and how hard it is to be a creative in it, especially when that’s what I want to do with my life, but hey. I’m not dead i guess
25. Look to your left what do you see?
My other monitor, my computer glasses, my phone, a face mask, head phones, writing gloves, water, and 2 dark chocolate pretzels.
26. What chore do you hate?
Dog yard clean-up (obvious reasons) 
27. What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent?
Ummm... they’re from Australia I guess? 
28. What is your favorite soda?
I cannot drink soda for my health, but when I take the time to de-carbonate it, root bear, easy 
29. Do you go into a fast food place or just hit the drive through?
Neither really. I cook almost everything. But I guess the very rare times I do, we always go in
30. Who was the last person you talked to?
My dog (SO before that) 
31. Favorite cut of beef?
None. Veggie gal :)
32. Last song you listened to?
The Weight of Us- Sanders Boehlke
33. Last book you read?
The Testaments- Margaret Atwood
34. Favorite day of the week?
Wednesdays are normally pretty nice, but Saturday is also great
35. Can you say the alphabet backwards?
Yeah but I don’t wanna
36. How do you like your coffee?
Hmmm when it’s tea or hot chocolate instead
37. Favorite pair of shoes?
My blue converse
38. At what time do you usually go to bed?
39. At what time do you normally get up?
40. What do you prefer - sunrises or sunsets?
Sunset. Nights are my favorite
41. How many blankets are on your bed?
Oh my... my SO and I do not share blankets, and our dog has his own. Right now it’s summer so only 4, but in winter we have upwards of 7-8. 
42. Describe your kitchen plates?
We have these navy blue, tan, and gray plates that I absolutely love. They remind me of midnight waves crashing onto a beach. Obviously they are just straight lines across the plate, not actual waves, but they are awesome I love them
43. Do you have a favorite alcoholic beverage?
Nooooo not on my health plan
44. Do you play cards?
Yes! We have several decks, but my favorite are the zombie cards
45. What color is your car?
No car. No color. But SO’s car is red
46. Can you change a tire?
47. What is your favorite province?
UHHHH I assume this isn’t US because we don’t have provinces, but I’ll translate it to states. Just objectively, Michigan because I live here. But i also really adore Washington. 
48. Favorite job you ever had?
Probably writing tutor or Communcations aide. I liked doing a wide breadth of writing stuff in my job, and I also enjoyed helping people. 
49. How did you get your biggest scar?
Embarrassing. I was on blood thinners because I had a clotting disorder, so I scraped my arm against a door and even though it wasn’t that deep, it bled for hours. I have an inch scar there now. 
50. What did you do today that made someone happy?
Made my SO watch a funny video in bed, offered eggs to an internet friend, and gave my sweet doggo a peanut :) 
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quirkle2 · 4 years
50 Questions You’ve Never Been Asked
Tagged by the wonderful @citrusveins​!
1. What is the color of your hairbrush?: Black.
2. Name a food you never eat?: Tacos. Unpopular opinion, but those suckers ain’t good.
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold?: Too cold, usually.
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago?: Laying in bed like the lazy shit I am.
5. What is your favorite candy bar?: Uhhhh Twix??? maybe??
6. Have you ever been to a professional sports event?: My school took us on a field trip to an Orioles game once. Had no fuckin’ clue what was goin’ on, but at least I got some Dippin’ Dots.
7. What is the last thing you said out loud?: Uhhhh I think ily to my mom??
8. What is your favorite ice cream?: Vanilla! I’m a basic bitch.
9. What was the last thing you had to drink?: Tea!
10. Do you like your wallet?: Yeah, sure. It ain’t fancy, but it gets the job done.
11. What was the last thing you ate?: Some Tai Pei chicken fried rice. Shit’s good.
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend?: I bought a shirt from Hollister that was on sale.
13. The last sporting event you watched?: Some random ass football game that my dad had on TV.
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn?: I’m not a huge fan of popcorn (now you’ve met two people, Citrus!) but like... flavor?? I just like it with butter and salt? idk
15. Who is the last person you sent a text message to?: My best friend.
16. Ever go camping?: It’s been a bit, but yeah!
17. Do you take vitamins?: I have those stupid fucking Flintstones gummies on my counter and i always forget to take them
18. Do you go to church every Sunday?: I went to church once when I was a kid because some friend of my moms was involved in it and my mom was like “hey maybe we’ll go to this” and I hated it and she hated it we were like “yeah maybe not.” Just not my cup o’ tea.
19. Do you have a tan?: Hell no.
20. Do you prefer Chinese food or pizza?: Uhhhhh oh nooooo pizza I guess.
21. Do you drink your soda with a straw?: Nah.
22. What color socks do you usually wear?: White.
23. Do you ever drive above the speed limit?: I don’t know how to drive yet. :(
24. What terrifies you?: The ocean. Being abandoned. Police. Cows- those fuckers are huge.
25. Look to your left, what do you see?: My phone and my journal.
26. What chore do you hate?: My mom has me make tea when we’re low and i never know when it’s fuckin done i’m bad at cooking okay don’t judge me
27. What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent?: "u wanna fuckin’ go m8″
28. What’s your favorite soda?: Pepsi! Or RC.
29. Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive-thrus?: Drive-thrus unless we’re not really in a rush.
30. Who’s the last person you talked to?: My mom!
31. Favorite cut of beef?: Uhhhh what does this mean help i’m dumb
32. Last song you listened to?: Take What You Want by Post Malone.
33. Last book you read?: Uhh I think it was the first Percy Jackson book?? I bought the whole series recently because I wanted to see all that I apparently missed but I just stopped reading it for some reason.
34. Favorite day of the week?: Saturday!
35. Can you say the alphabet backwards?: I just tried an’ i shit you not i got two letters in
36. How do you like your coffee?: I don’t like coffee but I wish I did?? It always smells so good so I try some of it and it’s always nasty no matter what I put in it.
37. Favorite pair of shoes?: My yellow converse!
38. The time you normally go to sleep?: Around 9 because I’m a grandma.
39. The time you normally get up?: I usually wake up at 8 naturally.
40. What do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets?: Sunrise. I feel like sunsets have a sort of bittersweetness to them because when I see them I’m usually outdoors having a good day and seeing a sunset just kinda reminds you that you have to go home and sleep soon and you don’t want to.
41. How many blankets on your bed?: One!
42. Describe your kitchen plates: Uhh they’re all weird and mismatched. We have a really old one that my dad apparently ate off of when he was a kid. It’s got strawberries on it and it’s all faded and old looking.
43. Do you have a favorite alcoholic beverage?: Haven’t tried a lot because I am but a wee child but so far I really like the moonshine that my dad’s coworker makes (i was pleasantly surprised when i could barely taste the alcohol), and uhhh i think like irish cream or something?
44. Do you play cards?: Not unless my meemaw whips out some uno and she’s ready to destroy relationships. 
45. What color is your car?: I don’t have a car but we’ve got a grey-ish boi and a piece o shit white truck.
46. Can you change a tire?: haha nope.
47. Your favorite province?: Like... in Japan? what are we talkin’ about here-
48. Favorite job you’ve ever had?: *cough* i don’t yet have a job *cough*
49. How did you get your biggest scar?: Uhhh i don’t really have a lot scars... I’ve got a really faded burn mark on my arm from when I was little. I got it when my brother was being a doofus and making me laugh and I was standing next to the stove and I kinda leaned against it a little cause I didn’t really notice i was next to it.
50. What did you do today that made someone else happy?: idk man it’s like 10 am i haven’t done shit today.
Uhhh idk who to tag- if you wanna do this then don’t be shy! :D
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ahufflepuffhobbit · 4 years
@alienfuckeronmain tagged me in a super long list of questions to get to know me, which I’m THRILLED about! Since I don’t think many people will want to read through 49 things about me, I’m going to tag @jessiohhh, @armiteggio, and @watsonmoony up here, to do if you want! (Yes I’m tagging you all again, but still, no pressure!)
1. Do you prefer writing with a black pen or blue pen? black pen all the way
2. Would you prefer to live in the country or city? I had to actually think about this because I have always loved cities so much. BUT. I think I like the idea of living in them more than I would actually like it. I definitely prefer the peacefulness of living in the country though, especially if it’s near a body of water. Could even just be a stream or pond.
3. If you could learn a new skill what would it be? Hmmmm. Most of the skills I want to learn wouldn’t be useful?!? Like, learning Elvish. I suppose it would be nice to actually learn to draw. OR GROW PLANTS.
4. Do you drink your tea/coffee with sugar? Coffee, yes, with creamer too. Tea is had black though.
5. What was your favourite book as a child? How are we defining child? Because like. Under 10 age, it was the book called The Witches and the Singing Mice by Jenny Nimmo about these two tom cats that save the children in a village from witches who put them in a coma like thing. I fucking loved it and yes, I still have it on my shelf. 
6. Do you prefer baths or showers? showers! I’ve never been a bath person. I don’t understand it. Showers are the ultimate for chilling out and winding down, and mine tend to last like thirty minutes or as long as we have hot water. 
7. If you could be a mythical creature, which one would it be? I... have no fucking clue. Fairy?? (unless we’re including hobbit in mythical, which I think we should because that’s my choice)
8. Paper or electronic books? Paper. I’ve found that if I read published books electronically, I tend to not take it as seriously or judge it more harshly. Or maybe the books I’ve read electronically just sucked. IDK.
9. What is your favourite item of clothing? I stole a hoodie from my dad when I moved out. I’m pretty sure he’s had since the nineties. It’s just light blue and soooooo soft.
10. Do you like your name or would you like to change it? I used to not like my name (Robyn), but I’ve learned to love it and I wouldn’t want it to be something else. 
11. Who is a mentor to you? One of my professors, probably. I still check in him with once a year, despite not having him as a teacher in about seven years. He helped me understand the psychology field a lot better, and I felt more prepared becoming a therapist because of him. 
12. Would you like to be famous and if so, what for? fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck no. If I get famous for anything, it will be for having a trademarked expression showing my displeasure.
13. Are you a restless sleeper? Yes, indeed. I’ve had insomnia for about fourteen years. It’s worse when I’m going through the PTSD season (roughly September-December), and the rest of the year I tend to move around a lot or talk in my sleep.
14. Do you consider yourself a romantic person? yesssss but I think other people would disagree
15. Which element best represents you? water!
16. Who do you want to be closer to? I have gotten better at pursuing friendships, and those things take time, so I’m not sure if there’s anyone in particular that I’m like, scared to approach.
17. Do you miss someone at the moment? my parents, always. Living twelve hours away sucks balls.
18. Tell us about an early childhood memory. Okay. I was once brought home by a police officer when I was nine for loitering at a pet store down the street. The employee (who had to be like seventeen or something) called the fucking cops instead of just talking to me. And then I panicked and tried to run, IMMEDIATELY got caught, and then tried to lie about where I lived. Needless to say, by the time the cop got me home, he was thoroughly unimpressed and was very rude to my dad as a result and apparently made some comment about him not being a fit father because he was covered with tattoos (???). (Also, I recognize that me getting away with this is peak privilege)
19. What is the strangest thing you have eaten? All of freshman year, a friend and I would combine our breakfasts/snacks in our English class. This typically was strawberry poptarts, cheetos, and pink lemonade. It’s actually really fucking good. Super bad for you.
20. What are you most thankful for? the support of my partner, even though I’m currently annoyed at him.
21. Do you like spicy food? Nooooo, I cannot handle it at all
22. Have you ever met someone famous? Yes! Mostly from Cons and stuff, the highlight of which was meeting Nicholas Brendan. 
23. Do you do you keep a diary or journal? not usually, but I will write things down to help with processing them. After my grandma died and the subsequent family drama, there was a lot of ‘journaling’
24. Do you prefer to use a pen or a pencil? Pen! Can’t stand pencils.
25. What is your star sign? Sagittarius
26. Do you like your cereal soggy or crunchy? What kind of question is this? Who likes soggy cereal?
27. What would you want your legacy to be? That I tried my best, honestly. I don’t think about it much beyond that. 
28. Do you like reading, what was the last book you read? i LOVE reading. I’ve fallen out of the habit since I went through college and haven’t been able to get back up to where I was. The last book I read all the way through would have been Hunchback of Notre Dame, which I actually thoroughly enjoyed! Currently I’m reading my way through the History of Middle Earth, which means jumping between seven different books to do chronologically.
29. How do you show someone you love them? my love language is quality time or physical touch, so spending time and lots of hugs! 
30. Do you like ice in your drinks? In lemonade or juice drinks, yes. Everything else no - especially not water
31. What are you afraid of? Oh, so many things. Top of the list is the loss of my family or cats. 
32. What is your favourite scent? Lavender, sandalwood, or the ocean
33. Do you address older people by their name or surname? I don’t tend to address anyone by their name...
34. If money was not a factor, how would you live your life? I would honestly be home a lot more and not have a TBR pile consisting of over a hundred books. 
35. Do you prefer swimming in pools or the ocean? I don’t really have a preference! I love water and swimming, so any body of water works for me. I won’t, however, swim in a pool when I’m near an ocean. That just seems weird to me. 
36. What would you do if you found £50 on the ground? Probably spend it, honestly. Buy a meal for myself or something a bit fun.
37. Have you ever seen a shooting star? I think so?  
38. What is the one thing you would want to teach your children? I am except from this question because that will not be happening! I do try to make sure my niece accepts herself for how she is and that she doesn’t have to BE anything to be loved
39. If you had to have a tattoo, what would it be and where would you get it? Well, I have tattoos already. And I have one planned for next month! I’m getting a Sweet Pea on my forearm for my grandma, because she always called me a sweet pea. Other than that, I have plans to the ring poem by tolkien around my ankle in the black speech.
40. What can you hear now? I can’t do anything without listening to music, which is currently Pirateship by Rumahoy, because @alienfuckeronmain has gotten me into metal like I’ve never been before
41. Where do you feel the safest? In my partner’s hugs
42. What is the one thing you want to overcome/conquer? hating my body
43. Of you could travel back to any era, what would it be? I don’t want to chooooooose. All of them. All of them.
44. What is your most used emoji? the crying laughing face
45. Describe yourself using one word. Random!
46. What do you regret the most? Regrets.... I guess I regret not being closer to the side of the family that has always liked/supported me until I was an adult. I could have had so many more memories with them and been closer to those cousins! Instead of the ones that straight up abandoned me. Good times. 
47. Last movie you saw? King of Staten Island, actually. It was pretty good, but I felt like it ended too early
48. Last tv show you watched? It’s always New Girl, technically, because I fall asleep watching it. Other than that, probably John Oliver last week.
49. Invent a word and it’s meaning. I don’t invent words. I do, however, invent a sign language of my own that involves gesticulating wildly while trying to convey my meaning. I have no way to describe these signs in text, unfortunately.
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Make You Smile
Harrison Osterfield x Reader One Shot
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Warnings: Swearing + An abundance of Fluff and Banter + Secondhand embarrassment perhaps? Probably some very shitty writing?
It was a lazy fall Sunday afternoon, soon to be evening and because it had looked rather dreary outside this morning (not very unusual for London, of course) you and your housemate Tom had decided to stay in and play Mario Kart all morning in your Pj's feasting on Jaffa cakes and day old pizza.
However by the time noon had just about rolled around your partner in crime (or Mario Kart more accurately speaking) had received an urgent call from his agent requesting his presence immediately for a last minute rescheduled call back for a new film he had been in the process or auditioning for.
Tom felt a little bad leaving you during your Mario marathon so around 15 minutes after he had left, a knock at the door and a familiar hoodie clad face had popped in moments later, seating himself down next to you, taking up a controller for himself.  
Tom's best friend. The gorgeous Harrison. Who you may or may not be a little helplessly in love with. Those damned eyes. Could you be blamed? Tom of course suspected something straight off and had been trying to get you to admit it ever since, giving you shit about it every. Single. Day.
"Alright? Tom called, told me you might need a friend he'd said, making himself comfortable and switching Tom's Mario Character for his choice Luigi instead.
This is how it had started out. Now? Now it was all out war.
"You better watch out princess look who's catching up" Harrison taunts.
"Good come a little closer so you can taste this banana i'm about to throw at your stupid green hat"
You fire back aiming the fruit behind you. It hits him dead on sending his cart spinning off the to side of the track, he yells out an obscenity in protest.
"You're in first now but don't get too comfortable you're about to get wrecked with blue shells just wait." He laughs managing to speed back into third place rather quickly.
"Meh me meung meh meh" You mimic back under your breath.
Suddenly the grin etched on your face is wiped clean when your screen goes black from the predicted blue shell.
"NoOoOo you fuck- stupid- fucking- shhhghaarrghh!!!!!!"
"Language, darling Peach that's not very royal of you" He chuckles.
"Shut it you, I can still win this, if you stop trying to distract me with your stupid retorts"
"If you can't bant and play at the same time what even is the point? Also careful what you say there peachy look who's in first" Harrison says grinning while poking a finger at your side.  
"Well then who has to watch out for blue shells now huh!" You think up (a little weakly) tingling from the ticklish contact.
You didn't have any blue shells or any sort of random items actually so you decided to play a little dirty instead, palming his face and shoving him off to the side effectively tipping him over, off the lounge and onto the carpeted floor.  
"Oi that's cheating you can't do that!"
"All's fair in Mario kart and war my friend" You say as you race toward the finish line, crossing it seconds later.
Immediately you leap from the couch jumping up and down like a little kid on Christmas morning.
"YEEESSS I am the queen of Mario Kart in your FACE Osterfield!" You cackle delightedly down at his hunched over form as he still sits upon the floor, dejected puppy dog expression and all.
Your cheeks are a little warm from all the excitement. And perhaps his adorably put out expression.
"You're princess Peach not queen Peach and whatever you cheated AND anyway we were playing on 150cc that's too fast it wasn't a fair game!"
"Oooooh that's right blame the speed and my genius tactics for your epic 5th loss in a row! Or is it 6th now? I've honestly lost count" You tease him, still giggling a little, sitting back down on the lounge for the next round.
"I'll show you a genius tactic!"
Suddenly he launches himself towards you from the floor, sprawling himself on your lap and tickling mercilessly at your sides.
"Stop! Stop! Please - oh my god Harrison, Harrison please stop I can't - stop - I cant breathe!" You scream at the top of your lungs gasping, laughing uncontrollably at his preferred method of payback.
"This - is what you get - when you play dirty and cheat - to - win!" He says a little out of breath from the effort of holding you down and dodging your pathetic attempts of attack and defence.
"Okay okay okay I'm sorry, I'm sorry please just please okay-"
"Have you had enough yet?"
"YES Harrison PLEASE stop it oh my god" You beg, giggling uncontrollably still.
"What was that? I couldn't quite hear you love"
You could just hear the smirk in his voice, your sight of him effectively lost from the tears of laughter streaming down your face"
"I'M SORRY for shoving you okay truce truce, I surrender! I'm going to die, seriously!"
He laughs a little through tears of his own as he replies "I don't think it's actually possible to die from being tickled but I think you've learned your lesson."
He let's up on the tickling as you clutch your sides protectively, trying to get your breath back.
Although after peaking your eyes open a little, any chance of this is immediately tossed out of the window as you take in his disheveled appearance.
He was wearing that classic angel faced smile that instantly turned into a devilish grin when his starry eyes met your tear filled ones. His sandy blonde curls were sticking up in all directions and his cheeks were flushed from all the exertion. He was absolutely stunning.
Suddenly you both became very aware of the position you were in. He was still sitting firmly in your lap, hands resting gently on the skin of your exposed stomach where your shirt had ridden up a little in all the commotion.
Harrison bit his lip a little as he took you in. You desperately wondered what he could be thinking as your breath hitched a little at the quick flash of his tongue darting over soft pink lips.
The sound of shoes shuffling at the doormat shattered the tense atmosphere, the squeak of the old front door swinging open had you both scrambling to opposite sides of the lounge seconds after. Tom came rushing in to the  room.
"Y/n, Y/N! You would not believe - my agent Karen, and-" He stopped as he took in the scene in front of him
"What's...going on here? Harrison I thought you'd have left by now by now mate you do realise it's almost six, yeah?" Tom grinned at the two of you, shooting a knowing look your way.
"We were - we were just playing Mario Kart...still" He cleared his throat a little, reaching for a discarded controller and clutching it upside down in his haste.
"Right-o then if you say so." Tom scoffed, taking the spot on the lounge between Harrison and yourself and winking at your eye roll of a response.
"Are you sure H because you look a little winded there and your face is-" Tom started up again.
"What were you saying about your agent Karen? Thomas?" You piped up, noticing Harrison's embarrassment and glaring at the doe eyed boy beside you.
"Oh yeah! She managed to convince the casting agents to give me a second shot at callbacks because I missed mine from that nasty flu Harrison gave me and the director was so impressed with my 3rd audition that he invited us all out to lunch to get to know ME better because he really wants me to be chosen for the part! He thinks I was born to play Spider man can you believe?"
"No way man! That's incredible!" Harrison exclaimed high fiving his best friend and giving him a few congratulatory pats on the arm.
"I'm so proud of you Tom, honestly, you've worked so hard and you truly deserve this so much! You've been dreaming about this role since we were kids" Your face lights up and you offer a genuinely proud smile toward your best friend of 10 years reaching for a warm hug.
"Thanks guys, I really appreciate it. He mumbles back a little sheepishly into the crook of your neck.
"Well then, I guess this calls for a bit a celebration right? What's say I make some of my world class pasta for dinner tonight?" Harrison stands from the lounge, stretching languidly and heading towards the doorway to put his shoes on.
"Anybody need anything from the shops?"
"I'm good thanks" You reply back, rising from the lounge yourself to stretch.
You don't notice Harrison pausing in tying his shoelaces as you do so, fixated on your movements. Tom raising his eyebrows at him suggestively, then rolling them soon afterwards when his friend is brought out of his daze by his voice.
"Grab me a cornetto would you mate?" He grins, eyes twinkling at his friends dopey expression, reaching for his wallet.
"Nah mate don't even think about it, dinner and desserts on me; So parsley and basil for the pasta, cornetto for Tom aaaand Oreos for Y/n,"
He flips his hoodie up as he prepares to head out into the evening fall breeze.
"Hey I never said I wanted Oreos!" You call out to him, confused.
"Well yeah but I know you want them and even if you say you don't you'll change your mind, like always." He grins knowingly at your squinted eyes and crossed arms.
He heads out and its quiet for a moment, Mario Kart music still playing distantly on the TV.
"So" Tom's accusatory tone follows.
"What." You reply absently still facing the front door.
"What happened while I was out charming my future production team?" He picks up Harrison's discarded controller and flicks the character back over to Mario.
"Erm. Nothing. What? Nothing we were literally playing Mario Kart until you got back that's it." You respond hastily, plonking yourself back down on the lounge, grabbing the other controller and starting a new game.
"Are you sure about that? Because it kind of seemed like I walked in on something a little more than that." He smirked, instantly making it into first place with ease.  
"I really have no clue what you could possibly mean." You bite your lip thinking back to just a few moments ago when Harrison had had you practically pinned beneath him, his face flushed and breathless.
"Oh come off it you've been completely infatuated with him for like 6 years now don't even TRY to deny it Y/n." He chuckles shoving playfully at your shoulder trying to distract you from the game but the conversation in itself was distracting enough.
"You know I can here sounds coming from that frog mouth of yours Holland, but all they're saying is 'I'm gonna lose spectacularly'" You shove back, deflecting the attention back to the game at hand, aiming a red shell his way.
He swerves just in time and dodges it
"Damn your expert reflexes" You mumble, not 100 percent paying attention to the game in the first place anyway.
Too preoccupied by memories wayward curls over starry blue eyes and soft smiles.
"I prefer Spidey senses"
"Calm down you dork you haven't got the part quite yet"
"Just you wait when I do and I start getting more and more followers on Instagram I'm going to post it all over my story for my 1 million followers to see; 'Y/N LOVES HARRSION OSTERF-'" Suddenly he has a face full of pillow as you prepare to throw another.
"Shut UP Thomas! Oh my god like you would even GET a million followers in the first place you fucking div" You don't even throw the next pillow at him this time, electing to just pummel him with it for a while until you hear a muffled "Okay okay I'll stop I'll stop I'm sorry don't kill me" As he continues laughing, running his fingers through his frazzled hair the game effectively forgotten.
You sigh as you give up your pillow attack, placing the pillow behind you and resting your head against it with a deep defeated sigh.
You sit in comfortable silence for a moment, both listening to the ever playing Mario Kart theme and taking note of the sudden rainfall that must have just started to during your miniature conflict.
"Okay but I'd just like to reminisce something to you for a moment here." Tom speaks up after the pause in commotion. "Remember when we were kids, and I brought H to your birthday party so you could meet him and I got you that new Sims 2 Pets game?"
"Yeah...?" Suspicious eyes peered over at the boy, wondering where on earth he was going with this.
"Not two weeks after that you'd already made sim versions of the two of you and were planning the wedding, which from the screenshots I vacantly remember browsing through looked to be a beautiful ceremony I might add." He snickered, already scooting away from you and grabbing a nearby pillow off the loveseat, bracing for another attack.
"I'm going to murder you in your sleep tonight, and might III add that I was like eleven when that happened! And I made you too!" You threw the pillow you'd been resting your head on in his direction regardless of his makeshift pillow shield, groaning at the memory and covering your now very warm cheeks.
"I WAS THE DOG YOU GUYS ADOPTED AFTER YOU'D MOVED IN TOGETHER!" His exasperated tone turning into gasps of laughter when he saw your grin peaking out from behind embarrassed hands.
"At least you were a golden retriever puppy! That's a super cute dog! I could have made you as a hairless cat with huge disfigured eyes or something equally strange and disturbing."
"Something equally strange and disturbing is the title of yours and Osterfield's Sims 2 honeymoon sex tape." He clapped back, already on his feet and sprinting off towards the kitchen.
"I hate you!" You called out to him getting to your feet and following the object of said hatred to make yourself some tea.
"You only hate the fact that I right." He taunted back sticking his tongue out at your less than impressed expression at his childish antics.
"Alright fine maybe I did have a sort of small crush or something when we were younger but it's in the past!" You give in finally, absently fiddling with the tab of the tea bag in your Pusheen cat mug.   "Besides he never liked me back anyway." You mumbled the last sentence a little under your breath, concentrating on making the baggy bob up and down repeatedly in the steaming water.
"That's not true!" Tom blurted out, smacking a hand over his lips a moment later silently cursing his big mouth.
This was a secret Harrison swore him never to tell, he'd even pinkie promised.
Even if it was a secret from six years ago.
He couldn't help it though, after all this time you finally had said it clear as day, right in front of him!
"What do you mean it's not true? Thomas what aren't you telling me?"
You look up at his sudden admission, squinting your eyes to gauge his current demeanour as your heart rate inexplicably picked up. You watch as he shuffles nervously scratching at the back of his neck, not looking at you and busying himself with his own mug of tea.
"I mean, I'm just saying there was that one time you got really sick during the summer holidays before high school started and he brought Monty around to cheer you up."
"Oh I remember that! He said puppies could help cure anything so he stayed as long as he could to make sure I'd get the full effect even though I couldn't leave my bed." You smiled fondly at the memory, and how Harrison had also brought over your favourite chocolate chip cookies to double the efforts in making you feel better.
"Also when you lost your ring that day we played football in the park and he REFUSED to leave until it was found even after the sun had set and he only had his shitty phone screen light."
You shifted the heart shaped signet ring on your finger, remembering when Harrison's meticulous search had paid off almost 2 hours after you had initially lost the gold band and how Tom had made some cheesy remark when Harrison slipped it back onto your finger.
You were so delighted he'd found it that in your overwhelming excitement you'd thrown your arms around his neck in a tight hug and placed a kiss on his cheek, both of your faces tinted pink the whole walk home afterwards.
"Thanks by the way he would not shut up about that damned kiss for two months afterwards!" He chuckled, noticing your faint blush reappearing at the memory.
There was a pause as you collected your thoughts, sipping your tea silently while processing the memories and trying to connect any dots you may have missed from the past that may or may not be JUST In history, but perhaps also in the present.
"You know he only pretends to be bad at Mario Kart so he can watch you get all giddy and excited at beating him." Tom adds after a while, biting his lip after perhaps spilling a little too much information.
It was one thing to let slip that Harrison liked you years ago but it was another to hint at the fact that he possibly still did, and didn't want you to know about it.
"Okay that’s not true I'm great at Mario Kart!" You roll your eyes scoffing at his accusation.
"You suck at Mario Kart, why do you think I always beat you? And where do you think I learned all my skills from hm?" He raised his eyebrows at you, smirking at your slightly bewildered expression at all these new developments.
You didn't get a chance to rebut his claim because just as you opened your mouth footsteps came in quick succession up the front steps and the door swung open to reveal a very heavily rain soaked Harrison, shaking out his dripping wet curls in dog like fashion after slipping of his hood.
"Man it's raining cats and dogs out there!" He chimed in a faux American accent, slipping off his shoes and setting the groceries down on the kitchen counter.
"Just my luck, started up right as I stepped out of the shop." He continued when neither of you said anything at his return glancing between the two of you still standing a little ways from each other in the kitchen, your cheeks still tinged pink.
He pulled the uncomfortable hoodie from over his head, the t-shirt underneath sticking to it also and being pulled off with it letting out a sigh as he balled up the wet garments in his hand, still not entirely sure about the strange atmosphere he'd entered into.
"Have I missed something?" He questioned with a raised brow when STILL neither of you said anything and all you could do was fixate on the little droplets of water dripping periodically from Harrison's curls, making their way through the crevices of his glorious torso.
Tom snickered at your lingering gaze shaking his head as he finished off the last of his tea.
Harrison set his wet clothes down on the dining table and crossed his arms over his chest, eyes still shifting between the two of you curiously.
"Do you let me win at Mario kart?!" You blurted out when the silence started getting a little too thick.
"Really? That's the thing you choose to address first?" Tom laughed, rinsing his panda mug and shuffling past the two daft idiots standing in the kitchen staring at each other.
"What are you on about?" Harrison's perplexed tone answered back, glancing back at Tom's retreating form.
"Listen mate, this day has been a long time coming and you KNOW I suck at keeping secrets but might I just say I think I did a pretty good job considering I didn't breathe a word for six bloody years!"  
Tom grabbed a towel from the linen cupboard and darted into the bathroom, head re-emerging a moment later from behind the door frame with a: "You'll thank me later for my big mouth!"  
The water from the shower started up a moment after Tom closed the door and suddenly it was just you and a very shirtless Harrison left standing a little awkwardly together in the small kitchen area.
It felt even smaller when we was stood there looking like THAT.
Harrison's eyes met yours for a beat but you looked away, concentrating once more on the wayward water droplets traversing his skin, unable to look him in the eye.
"What's going on?" He murmured softly, trying to decide whether he should move towards you or keep his place in the door-frame.
"Tom, erm - Tom said, that you let me win at Mario Kart all the time and that you suck on purpose." You replied in a small voice, finally peering up at him through your lashes.
"I - I mean...maybe a little bit, sometimes?" He stuttered out, running a hand through the loose curls fallen on his forehead and biting his lip a little, bashful.
He was making it really difficult for you not to just kiss him right then and there.
"What else were you discussing before I interrupted? What did he mean by 'This has been a long time coming'?"
"Did you want some tea? You look awfully cold you should probably change into some dryer clothes." You grabbed Harrison's Avengers mug from the top cupboard and made your way back over to the kettle trying in vain to distract the confused object of your affections.
"No no no no no come on Y/n don't try to change the subject." He moved towards you, switching the kettle back off before it could make too much noise, taking a seat on the counter to face you, waiting patiently.
"Would you at least put a shirt on you're making ME cold just looking at you." You hug your arms around your middle, feeling self conscious and picking at stray pills of your jumper.
"Why am I distracting you?" He chuckled, throwing a cheeky wink your way and sitting up straight, tensing his muscles.
He was just joking but he couldn't help notice the slight tinge of colour gracing your cheek and the way your teeth gnawed unforgiving on your bottom lip.
This isn't fair. He should be the one feeling self conscious or a little nervous being half dressed and what not in front of you like this.
"Tom thinks - he told me that you used to like me." You let out, finally setting your eyes to his and not looking away. There. That should make him squirm a little, hopefully.
Harrison's face flushed as he was the one to avert his eyes this time, the back of his neck suddenly feeling very warm despite the cool raindrops still gracing his skin.
"You never said anything." You continued, carefully observing his now shifting form.
"Yeah well I - erm, I just always thought you might have seen me as a sort of brother you know, you - being friends with Tom first and all I didn't want to get in the way or make anything awkward."
"A brother?! God no Harrison I never ever thought of you that way Tom's always been like a big brother to me but y-you were the -"
"- The what?" He looked up hopefully, the crease in his brow still evident.
"The...’Cute best friend’?" You finished in a small voice, turning away to rinse your mug and making a beeline for the doorway, heading to the living room to tidy up all the stray pillows off the floor.
Harrison's face lit up into a huge shit eating grin heart beating wildly as he hopped off the counter, heading over to where you were very obviously pretending he wasn't an arms length away from you.
"Am I still?" He teased, taking a pillow from your hand and holding it up high out if your reach.
"Hm?" You offer in lieu of a response, playing dumb and reaching for the pillow but stumbling a little on your tip toes.
You swallow audibly after your hand pressed into his chest accidentally as he looks down at you catching your lower back to steady you.
"Am I still the ‘cute best friend’?" He whispers, grinning down at your shy form and tilting your chin up to look you in the eye.
"Cute...and....impossibly annoying." You finish, making a grab for the pillow after his hand had fallen a little in his distraction.
Suddenly you walloped him in the face with it laughing at his gobsmacked expression, trying to distract your thumping heart and nerves.
Harrison wasn't having it though so he grabbed the wet ball of clothes off the dining table from earlier and slowly crept towards you as you waited for the inevitable
"Don't you dare!" You pointed a finger at him menacingly with nowhere to escape to.
He captured you in a tight hug wrapping the wet hoodie around your frame and laughing gleefully at your yelps and small slaps of protest.
Resistance was futile though so you gave up with a sigh and rested your head against his chest listening to his heart rate pick up a little bit before he said his next words.
"You were the cute best friend for me too." He admitted, glancing down to your lips mere centimetres away.
"Am I still?" You mimicked his words from earlier unable to stop the corners of your mouth pulling into a wide smile.
He didn't answer, instead leaning down to press a swift kiss to you lips after you sucked in a quick breath.
"Does that answer your question?" He murmured, his eyes twinkling and a very pleased expression gracing his soft features.
"Hmm I'm not sure perhaps you should try-"
He cut off your witty remark, capturing your lips once more and this time you melted into the kiss all banter quickly vanishing from your thoughts as you reached up to play with his still wet curls, feeling the hoodie slip from his grip onto the floor so he could press you closer.
God you had waited far too long to do this you thought as he swiped his tongue along your lower lip, allowing the kiss to turn deeper.
You moaned a little as his tongue swiped over your own, the hand that wasn't toying with his damp locks tracing the definition of his toned stomach, fanning the fire that had started long go inside your chest.
"Still distracting you?" He murmured as he pulled away, his lips still brushing against your own as he spoke and a devilish smirk forming as his own hand found its way atop yours, pressing into his stomach.
"You're always distracting me." You continue pressing soft kisses to his lips unable to stop now that you knew what they felt like against your own.
"Is that so?" He chuckled, his hand on your back slipping underneath your jumper to feel the warmth of the skin beneath.
You sighed as you felt his fingers press firmly into you, his hand moving from the skin of your back to your hip as he continued to kiss you like his life depended on it.
A small gasp and a soft ‘ugh‘ fell from his lips as you raked your fingernails down his chest reveling in the feeling of being completely wrapped up in him.
The sound of a throat clearing somewhere in the distance brought you both out of your haze, bursting the bubble that had formed around you both.
You pulled away from each other at the noise and turned your heads toward the bathroom door, where Tom stood in clean pyjamas, toweling off his damp curls and giving you both the biggest self satisfied smirk you had ever seen on his boyish features.
"Oh man this is like the Sims 2 Pets all over again." Tom laughed, directing his shit eating grin to you as you buried your blushing face into Harrison's still gloriously bare chest.
Harrison sent a questioning look to Tom and then back down to you, confused as ever but laughing none the less at your sudden embarrassment, pressing his lips to your forehead then your warm cheek and finally back down to your lips, not a care in the world that Tom was now in the room.
"You're welcome!" Tom muttered under his breath, shaking his head at the admittedly adorable pair of divs in front of him.
Author’s Notes:
So there you go! Wow this is I think the first piece of writing i’ve actually started and compelted in literal years and I can’t believe it’s fanfiction between a real person and the reader but i’m gonna take it cause i’m a little proud of myself right now for accomplishing this one small thing. Anywho I hope you enjoyed this drabble turned very long One Shot and if i tagged you it’s ‘cause you liked or reblogged my original post/sneak preview of this fic! :)
@sleepwalkingdragon @hollandfieldluv @miraculousparker @would-you-tell-me-who-you-are @imwearingtomholland @soloriormora @kindbearqueen @claredolphinbear24 @ducky2542 @creativexdreamer @nachochitz @letstravelsunshine @the-divine-fxminine
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julia-highstorms · 6 years
If Jane Was Here (Noah’s POV) - Ch. 10
Summary: ILITW by Noah’s point of view. Previous chapters here
Author’s Note: all characters belong to Pixelberry Studios. From now on, I'll be writing with a gender neutral MC. I'll try to update all the previous character with the proper pronouns. And in next chapter the betrayal of our favorite beanie boy starts! [cries in emo]
Rating: PG-13 (language)
Pairing: Noah x MC
Word count: 2279
Tagging @kurbqa @miragemeister @yertletheturtle04 @mysteriouslady4 @klaudiana-beaumontkk @katiehawkeyebishop @melchann @imgoingtocurnyscho @jadedpixiescribbles @gameofstrangerwars @american-duchess @blackheartdreams @indiacater
If you want to be tagged, let me know!
Chapter 10 - I'm Not Scared
The nightmares kept coming, especially after Lily’s disconcerting text about the basketball game that happened that evening. Noah dreamed about Jane, Mr. Red, spiders and the darkness.
He woke up feeling more exhausted than when he went to sleep. He and Mom had a little argument, as usual, and he left for school. There, MC caught up with him as he walked up the front steps. They looked as tired as him.
“Wow, you look as bad as I feel. Didn’t sleep well?”
“Nightmares. You too?” – he nodded ruefully, rubbing his eyes.
“I can barely think straight. Pretty sure I called my mom a fascist for asking me to take out the garbage this morning.” – he said, as they stepped through the front doors.
As both of them walked down the hall, they spotted Andy walking in the opposite direction.
“Hey! How’re you holding up?” – MC asked the short boy.
“Hangin’ in there. How about y—”
“Hey, ‘King Kang’, you throw that game on purpose, or are you just an one-hit wonder?”
“But you’re glad those spiders showed up, huh? Nice excuse for ditching the game early!” – Andy flinched as the mocking voices shouted down the hall.
“Wha... Hey! You wanna say that to my face?!” – and then he walked past them, chasing the mocking laughter.
“We’ve gotta do something about this Mr. Red situation before one of us cracks.” – Noah observed.
“Well, I for one am done taking hits. It’s time we start hitting back.” – MC said with a determinated frown on their face.
“Yeah, totally!” – he felt slightly inspired by them. – “So uh... what do you want to do?”
“Homework.” – and then, they started furiously typing on their phone. Noah’s own phone vibrated inside his pocket. He fished it and read the group text.
MC: “Mr red is going to come after us all”
MC: “Which is definitely my fault and im sorry”
MC: “But I think we can all agree that we need to find a way to stop him”
MC: “Im going to the library tonight to get to the bottom of this”
MC: “To find some way to stop/banish/kill him.”
MC: “Can I count on you?”
Stacy surprisingly was the first one to text back:
Stacy: “I’ll be there.”
Noah: “You don’t have cheer practice or something?”
Stacy: “Duh, of course I do.”
Stacy: “But this is more important.”
Stacy: “C u after class!”
Noah would be lying if he said that the cheerleader’s text didn’t make him a little happier and hopeful.
He looked away from his phone screen. MC’s eyes were already on him and they had a small grin on their lips.
“We’re going to do this, Noah.”
“Yeah... we’re going...” – he couldn’t hold back a smile too.
The two teenagers kept walking down the hall and parted ways. He entered his Biology class and sat on his desk, when his cellphone suddenly buzzed on his hand. An audio blasted from the speakers – which was weird, because Noah always left his phone on vibrate mode only – and a video started playing...
“I HATE my life! Everyone thinks we’re this perfect little family...” – he watched an angry Stacy shouting madly.
Uh, why he was watching it? He reopened the group chat:
Noah: “Anyone else’s phone acting weird? This video of stacy just started auto-playing at full volume”
Andy: “I got it too, and I’m p sure I just saw her run down the hall”
Andy:  “what’s going on?”
MC: “It was Mr. Red. Has to be. Somehow he got that video and sent it to everyone”
MC: “We’ve gotta watch each other’s back today. Something tells me he’s not done yet...”
Andy: “Speaking of, anyone seen Ava?” – hmm, Noah hasn’t.
MC: “I haven’t...”
MC: “You don’t think something happened?!”
Lucas: “Something did”
Lucas:  “But it wasn’t Mr. Red...”
Andy: “what do you mean?”
But Lucas never answered.
Noah haven’t seen any of his friends the whole day and they didn’t texted if they were going to be there at the library, but at least he got MC’s back. After school, he headed towards the Main Street and did his homework at the library while he waited until it was the meeting time.
MC entered the library and headed straight to him.
“Hey, Beanie Boy.” – they whispered at him.
“Hey. Glad to see that at least someone showed up.” – he greeted them back. They pulled the chair beside his and sat down.
“Of course I’d show up. It was me the one who called this meeting, did you forget?” – he rolled his eyes, making MC chuckle.
He appreciated that MC wasn’t much the talking type like him. Or maybe they was, but knowing that he wasn’t, they said nothing else and both of them fell into a comfortable silence.
The minutes passed and no one else arrived. MC started pacing anxiously around the library as Noah drummed his fingers on the table. Where the hell was everyone?
He was starting to feel frustrated and disappointed again.
“...Think anyone else will come?” – they murmured.
“I knew this was gonna happen. I just knew—” – then, before he finished that sentence, the door banged open and Lucas stormed in:
“I got suspended!”
“What? Why?” – MC asked in shock.
“Because even though I tried to do the right thing, Mr. Red is determined to ruin my life. Point is, if there’s anything in this library that can kill that bastard, Im gonna find it if it takes me all year.” – he stopped and looked around them. – “Where’s everyone else?”
“Here.” – they heard someone say.
Turning to the front door, they saw Andy walking with the girls following him. Stacy shuffled beside the Asian boy, her face red from crying. She dropped a half-eaten pint of ice cream in the trash.
“I hope you guys don’t mind if I just curl up on the floor in a ball.”
“As long as I can join you.” – Lily told the cheerleader, dropping a garment bag from the dress store over the back of a chair, before sighing heavily. – “Guys, I’m not so sure about Britney...”
“Wow. You guys... you actually came!” – Noah was surprised to see everyone there that he had to say it out loud. For the first time in years, he felt like he had their support. He had his friends back.
“Of course we came! Why wouldn’t we?” – Stacy looked confused at him. Lily grinned sheepishly:
“We need to stick together now more than ever.”
“Wow, this is getting dangerously close to group hug territory.” – with one hand still on the door, Ava tried to back out of the room, but Stacy grabbed her by the collar.
“Oh no you don’t.”
“You’re not escaping that easily.”
“Ugh. UGH.”
“You all made it...” – it was MC who said this. They was smiling widely. – “Group hug. Seriously.”
“Nooooo...” – Ava complained.
“Yes. Get in here.” – the boys chuckled as they watched MC and the girls hugging each other, with Ava sighing heavily and rolling her eyes the whole time.
“Seeeee? Not so bad.” – Stacy told her.
“Nope. I hate this. You’re all gross.”
“Aww... we love you too, Ava.” – Lily giggled.
“Okay. So here’s what comes next.” – MC said as they pulled out. – “We’re looking for anything we can find on Redfield, or his weird monsters. Or cults from the 1800s... Or coma epidemics followed by multiple deaths... Oh, or some guy named Goddard Filleus.”
Okay, that was oddly specific.
“Who’s that?” – Noah asked.
“A scholar who came to Westchester in the 1800s. He was looking for a monster that lived in the woods... and I think he found it.”
“How’d you hear about him?”
“A little Bird told me.” – they grinned at him. Whatever the hell they meant with it, Noah decided to stop asking questions and start looking for answers.
“Alright! That should be more than enough to crack this thing. Let’s get to it.” – Lucas said, looking excited for the first time in a long time.
But again, it was being useless. Hours had passed, the searching was being fruitless and morale was running low.
“We haven’t found anything on Mr. Red. Anyone have any bright ideas?” – MC asked, closing another ancient book.
“My idea-maker is fried. I haven’t eaten anything all day...” – Lucas said. – “...and I can’t stop thinking about pizza.” – Noah’s stomach growled.
“I’d settle for a cup of coffee... and maybe a new identity.” – Stacy looked as tired as him.
“I just want to go outside for a walk.”
“Pff. Okay, grandpa.” – Ava rolled her eyes to Andy. – “Personally, I just want to break something. Preferably with a hammer. And I do know a warehouse nearby where I can do just that.”
MC turned to Lucas.
“Hey, Lucas! It’s pizza time.”
“But what about—”
“Pizza. Time.”
“Okay, okay. Let’s go.” – he said, holding up his hands in defeat.
“Hey, make sure you bring enough to the class!” – Noah reminded them. He was starving too.
“Will do.” – MC winked at him as they and Lucas headed out.
The rest of the gang kept looking for something useful, but they got nothing. After twenty minutes, MC and Lucas were back.
“Did anyone ordered pizza?” – the Class President looked a litte less tense.
“Hell yeah!” – Andy shouted excited. The librarian shushed him. She was already being kind enough to let them eat inside.
As they dived into their pizzas – which were delicious –, Noah saw MC walking out with Ava. He wondered where in Westchester would there be a warehouse where you could just break stuff. Maybe he should ask its address to Ava later.
Ava and MC returned after a while.
“Come on, Stacy.”
“You. Me. Coffee. Now.” – MC grinned at her. The cheerleader giggled.
“Gosh, how can I refuse such an eloquente invitation?”
“Can you bring me a chai?” – Lily asked them.
“Sure. Everybody text us your orders.”
They returned after other fifteen minutes. Noah’s iced coffee was great, and he felt a little energized with it.
He watched as MC and Andy left the library for a walk while he sipped on his drink. Unconsciously, his eyes would always follow and search for MC in a crowd.
“Don’t you want to take a break too, Noah?” – Lily asked him.
“Nah. I think it’s better if I keep on searching.” – he shrugged. And, to be honest, he was happy to be there, reunited with his friends.
Andy and MC soon rejoined them.
“All right, let me at those books!” – MC said, plopping down on the chair next to him. Their energy was so infectious that everyone seemed revitalized, attacking their tasks with renewed enthusiasm.
“Ooh! I just remembered there’s a rare books room in the back. Someone want to check it out with me?” – Lily proposed. Ava nodded.
“Aw yeah, if there are any ancient tomes of dark and forbidden magic in this place, that’s where they’ll be.”
“Need someone to help carry? I feel like I could lift about twenty books right now.”
“Only twnety? I thought your record was twenty-five.” – Stacy teased Andy, who rolled his eyes, still grinning.
“Let me know if you see ‘Volume II of Westchester Through the Ages’ back there. I’m almost through Volume I.” – Lucas asked the trio before they headed to the back of the library.
Noah nudged MC by his side with his elbow.
“Pass me that book, wouldja?” – he couldn’t contain a smirk too.
“Sure thing.” – they gave him the book and they dove back into research with contented smiles on their faces.
A while later, Noah heard Lily and MC talking about a children’s book. Andy approached them, telling something about a Mud Dude story.
“That’s the dirt monster! The thing that attacked me in my room!” – MC said, shock in their face. The rest of the gang clustered around them, Lily and Andy to look. They flipped through pages of unfamiliar illustrations and poems.
“’Never trust a bear’?”
“’Spiders, Snakes and Slimy Things’?” – Lucas and Stacy read some of the titles. Noah caught one too.
“’How to Teach a Dead Dog Tricks’? What kinda freaky kids’ book is this?” – he certainly had never saw or heard about it before.
MC flipped the book over to its cover, reading its title out loud:
“’Things That Live in the Woods. Poems and Drawings by... Cora Pritchard’?” – uh, that name rang a bell.
“Why does that sound so familiar?” – Lily asked, looking at her friends’ faces. Ava suddenly jumped by her side.
“I know that name! Cora Pritchard... That’s Pritch the Witch!”
“How would some old crackpot know about all this stuff?” – Noah asked her. But it was MC who answered him:
“I don’t know... but I know one way to find out.”
He saw that determined expression on their face. He knew excatly what they meant.
“We going where I think we’re going?” – MC nodded at him.
“Time to pay Pritch the Witch a visit.”
Noah and Lily shared a worried look, but they all agreed that they had to go to the old woman’s house. At least they were all going to do it. Together.
They climbed on Stacy’s and Lucas’ cars and they drove to a gravel road on the city outskirts.
“Why are we stopping?” – Andy asked from the passenger sit as Stacy parked and shut off the engine.
“There’s a gate. We’re gonna have to walk.”
“Yeah, sure, why not? How could anything bad happen to a bunch of teens all alone in the woods in the night?” – Noah said sarcastically from the backseat.
Then, he felt something warm on his hand. He looked to his side and MC looked back at him. They nodded at him, squeezing his hand slightly. That somehow was reassuring and he felt brave enough to go face Pritch the Witch.
They all piled out of Stacy’s car. Lily, Ava and Lucas did the same from his.
“So... can we just... go in?” – Lily asked, nervoulsy glancing to the woods around them.
“I’m not sure... What does that sign say?” – Lucas said, narrowing his eyes, trying to read it. Ava scrutinized the hand-painted sign partially obscured by a branch:
“Trespassers will be...’” – she lifted the branch. – “’...sacrificed’?”
“Cool. Cool cool cool.” – Noah said, as if saying it out loud would actually turn it cool and not just freaking terrifying like it was.
It wasn’t cool.
All of them tensed, sharing nervous glances.
“We’ve come this far. We can’t give up now.” – MC said, with that brave face of theirs.
Lucas held up the gate’s rusty iron chain, letting everyone duck underneath it. The gang walked deeper into the woods, surrounded by the sound of the wind. None of them said anything and Noah walked the whole way there with one hand around MC’s forearm. He felt less scared feeling their presence right next to him.
A few minutes later, they crouched in the brush outside a run-down cabin. Smoke curled from the chimney. Amber light flickered from the windows.
“Who wants to be the brave one?” – he whispered to his friends.
“I’d do it... but I don’t wanna.” – Andy whispered back.
“What if the stories are true? What if she cooks us into little clay coffins?!” – Lily was just about to freak out. Noah didn’t blame her. He wanted to get the hell out of there the minute Stacy parked the car.
...Actually, the minute MC proposed them to go there. That was the most stupid idea they have ever had.
“Maybe we can peek inside?”
“I’ll take a look.” – Ava told Lucas. Everyone turned to watch her, who remained motionless.
“...Well?” – Stacy asked.
“...Any second now.”
“I’ll do it. I’ll knock on the door.”
“MC, wait!” – Noah said, but MC was already stepping into the clearing and climbing the porch steps. They lifted their arm and knocked on the door, but got no answer. – “Hello? M-Miss Pritchard?” – they knocked again, harder, but still no answer. – “Huh. Hey guys, I don’t thinks she’s—”
But as they turned away from the door, a creature suddenly slank out from around the back. The moss creature growled at the group, ready to attack.
“Holy crap!” – Andy shouted.
“Watch out, MC!” – Lucas told them as they backed away, rejoining them. The creature stalked forward, teeth bared.
“What do we do? MC, WHAT DO WE DO?!” – Stacy yelled, freaking out. Noah was pretty sure that he had just shitted his pants.
But then the cabin door swang open, revealing a thin figure silhouetted against the light inside.
“Holy crap... it’s her...” – the beanie boy gasped, recognising Pritch the Witch.
The old woman looked over the group... then scowled.
“Looks like we’ve got some tresspassers. You’ve got thirty seconds to tell me what yer business is... before I let my dog rip you to pieces.”
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verdigrisprowl · 6 years
May 5 Bevel’s Movie Night - Tin Man ep1 & Steven Universe ep10-12
Bevel is back!
Prowl and Soundwave left immediately after the Tin Man episode, because they’re tired. Which is just as well, because Tin Man had a lot of nonconsensual mnemosurgery-analogous junk, and that was a bit much for Prowl, so it’s a good thing he didn’t stick around to see the Giant Woman episode and ensuing discussion of combiners.
Me 7:55 pm ((im appreciating the drunk history)) Bevel 7:56 pm ((sadly the full episodes aren't on youtube but the hints of hilarity are fun too Me 7:56 pm ((indeed)) Me 8:07 pm ((he's on the frigging floor omg)) Bevel 8:07 pm ((he's showing us where Teddy Roosevelt is Me 8:08 pm ((a very dedicated historian)) Me 8:10 pm ((the lip syncing is always so good in these)) Tarantulas 8:10 pm (( i've never seen these before omg Bevel 8:10 pm ((lol drunk history is hilarious *This is how Bevel learns history from Ratchet, she loves this* Bevel 8:13 pm ((ok, starting in a few minutes if everyone's ready? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:14 pm ((yep)) Me 8:17 pm ((episode 3?)) Ratchet 8:17 pm [[ this music sounds really familiar ]] Bevel 8:17 pm ((lemme fix that ItsyBitsySpyers 8:17 pm *Soundwave trudges in and drops into his seat with no flourishes whatsoever.*
[[...You're back.]] Ratchet 8:18 pm *Ratchet pops in, as he does* Bevel 8:18 pm For a little bit. *grins* I know where the Star Saber is. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:18 pm *Sits up as much as he has the energy to do.*
[[Do you, now.]] Bevel 8:19 pm Hi, Ratchet! Ratchet 8:19 pm Heya. What're we watching? Bevel 8:19 pm Tin Man. It is about some world called Oz. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:20 pm [[...This does not look like the Emerald City.]] Ratchet 8:20 pm Well, she's got the dress. Bevel 8:21 pm And it is on a moon in one of the systems near the Denorios belt. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:21 pm *Glances at Ratchet.* [[Ah. You know it.]]
[[...Oz?]] Ratchet 8:21 pm Of course I do. Me 8:23 pm *appears late.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:23 pm *Slithers a feeler out to wave.* Ratchet 8:24 pm *waves* Me 8:24 pm *looks around; nods vaguely at both of them.* Tarantulas 8:25 pm *hullo hullo, tis a spide* Bevel 8:25 pm Yeah, Oz. I could not find it on the maps of Earth I have so it must be somewhere else. Me 8:26 pm *it takes longer than usual for Prowl to decide where to sit; but finally, he drifts to Ratchet's couch and sits next to him.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:27 pm [[...He does not recall Oz existing on a moon.]] Bevel 8:29 pm ...Oh! Oh no, the Star Saber is not in Oz. It is just a moon. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:30 pm *...He must be more tired than even he knew. He can't follow what she's saying at all.* Ratchet 8:31 pm *nods to Prowl* Me 8:31 pm *neither can prowl; but to be fair, he missed the first half of the conversation.* *nods to Ratchet.* Hello. Bevel 8:31 pm Hi, Prowl. Me 8:32 pm Hi. *leans his elbows on his knees. he's tired.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:32 pm *Soundwave nods to the spide and sinks lower into his seat. Hrm. Comfier.* Bevel 8:32 pm Oz is what the documentary is about. The Star Saber is on a moon near Cardassia. Tarantulas 8:33 pm *oh nooooo. where to sit. decides to accompany soundwave on the slouchy couch* Bevel 8:33 pm *frowns worriedly* Are you ok, Prowl? Me 8:33 pm What? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:34 pm *If he wasn't wearing his visor, he'd be blinking.*
[[...They killed their spawn. Hm.]]
*Stretches a feeler lazily across Tarantulas' lap. He was gonna coil, but, nah. Too much work to maintain.* Tarantulas 8:34 pm *lazily pets the feeler, hello there* Bevel 8:35 pm Are you ok? Me 8:36 pm *he heard the question. he didn't understand it.* ......... Fine. *?????* ((i feel like there probably could have been a better name for winged monkeys than "mobats." it just doesn't quite roll off the tongue.)) Bevel 8:37 pm ((it really doesn't Tarantulas 8:37 pm (( bonkeys Me 8:37 pm ((I LIKE BONKEYS BETTER)) Tarantulas 8:37 pm (( ur welc Bevel 8:37 pm ((bonkeys omg Me 8:37 pm ((or winkeys.)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:37 pm ((i see shang tsung has a sister)) Me 8:38 pm ((why are you smiling. why are you pleased to be promoted. she just dementored a man's soul in front of you. you're now in the line of fire.)) Me 8:39 pm ... If she swings, she can jump out of the bottom and onto that bridge. Me 8:41 pm *they LITERALLY REMOVED his BRAIN?* *oh prowl's just. he's having. so much bad luck at bevel's streams lately.* Bevel 8:42 pm *Bevel would be sorry if she knew* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:42 pm *Concern ping.* Me 8:42 pm *he laces his fingers together so he can't grab at his neck.* Ah. Like I said. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:42 pm [[.........Why build holes into...]] *Never mind. He's barely following it as it is.* Me 8:43 pm She keeps shouting. She's terrible at stealth. Tarantulas 8:43 pm She still thinks it's a dream, why should she care? *shakes helm* Me 8:44 pm *oh great. a high-ranked government official, too.* Bevel 8:46 pm That is too many words. Tarantulas 8:47 pm Oh... dear. Tarantulas 8:48 pm *so sorta like the opposite of the positive reinforcement prison hmm* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:49 pm [[How is he alive.]] [[Organics cannot survive long without fuel or liquids.]] Bevel 8:49 pm Maybe it fed him somehow? Tarantulas 8:50 pm Magic. Shhhh. *patpat* Bevel 8:51 pm He is a cop. Fancy badge. Me 8:52 pm In case he didn't notice, first sign of trouble, she charged at the culprits armed with a stick. "Cut and run" indeed. Bevel 8:53 pm He should give her a sword. Me 8:53 pm ((what's the point of an edgy wizard of oz reboot named tin man if the tin man isn't MADE of tin. we could've had a robot. cmon.)) Bevel 8:54 pm ((It's because the badges they wear are made of tin but i can't disagree because robocop would have been great Me 8:56 pm ((absolutely. wizard of oz robocop.)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:01 pm *...Is that a thing someone could do to him.* Me 9:04 pm ... Why are they merely tracking this pack of obvious troublemakers, at least two of whom are known criminals, rather than—I don't know—sending out people to stop them. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:04 pm [[Budget cuts?]] Bevel 9:05 pm *giggles* Me 9:06 pm ((see? we could've had a robot tinman)) ((a weird... steampunk fallout robot tinman)) Me 9:09 pm ... "We were programmed to be your parents" means "We were your parents." Why do organics have so much problem with the concept that "something's programmed to be" means the same thing as "something IS"? Bevel 9:09 pm Humans are really caught up on the whole organic thing. Me 9:10 pm Hm. They are. At least the mecha are portrayed positively in this. ... This must have been made before the invasion. Bevel 9:11 pm She took being burned really well. Me 9:11 pm ((i like how he just casually brands one of the most sensitive parts of her body and she just stands there and takes it.)) Tarantulas 9:11 pm *heavy squinting at like 99% of this* Bevel 9:11 pm ((magic branding idek? Me 9:12 pm Oh. She got over her crisis quickly. That's pretty good for an organic. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:12 pm *Soundwave thinks this must be a timeline branch or something. It looks nothing like the Oz he saw both times Dorothy went.* Me 9:14 pm *djddjdjjj do they have to keep talking about the zipper* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:14 pm ((it was so tempting just now to have him go WHO THOUGHT ABOUT THE DJD TWICE in asterisks)) Tarantulas 9:15 pm (( omfg Bevel 9:15 pm ((lol Me 9:15 pm ((IT WAS AN UNFORTUNATE MENTAL ONOMATOPOEIA)) ((it's the sound of a shudder)) Me 9:17 pm *at this point has very little respect for this mockery of a law enforcement agent.* Bevel 9:18 pm *has decided she likes Raw and DG best, they're the nicest* Me 9:19 pm Why does he keep throwing him around?! He's COOPERATING. That's COMPLETELY unnecessary and unjustifiable. *and mnemosurgery interrogation now. god.* Bevel 9:27 pm *frowns sadly at this poor guy* Me 9:29 pm Considering his behavior, I don't think his word "as a tin man" is worth much at this point. Bevel 9:29 pm Maybe he was a nicer person before getting locked up? Me 9:30 pm Which is why I say it's not worth much /at this point./ Maybe he was. He isn't now. Bevel 9:31 pm Maybe he can be again if he is willing to swear to protect DG instead of going after that Zero guy? Me 9:31 pm Hmph. Until he HAS protected her, his word to do so isn't worth much. Ratchet 9:35 pm [[ i hate her outfit ]] Bevel 9:35 pm ((it's so ridiculous Tarantulas 9:37 pm (( i wanna start singing let it go Me 9:38 pm ((omg)) Bevel 9:40 pm That is a really neat power. Me 9:43 pm ... Maybe she should have gotten her somewhere safe BEFORE whispering secrets to her. Bevel 9:48 pm *mimics Swoop* Him dead. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:48 pm *Huff.* *Stretch.* [[He is pleased to see you back... but will be more when you have the sword.]] [[For now, he is...]] *No, no. Don't be truthful.* [[He has things to do.]] Bevel 9:51 pm Aw ok. Tarantulas 9:51 pm *gives sw a mental goodbye before they lose touch* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:52 pm *Bobs his helm and gets to his feet with the tiniest wobble. Takes a moment to rebalance himself, nods to everyone present - Tarantulas gets a mental goodbye as well, and Prowl an affection ping - and shuffles out.* Bevel 9:52 pm *she saw that and now she's worried* Me 9:52 pm *returns the affection ping.* *he COULD switch who he's projecting his avatar through; but he thinks that he prefers to "have things to do," too.* *he disappears. he forgot to say goodbye to anyone.* Bevel 9:54 pm *welp* Tarantulas 9:54 pm *nooo prowllllll* *slumps low on the lonely slouchy couch* Bevel 9:56 pm Are Prowl and Soundwave ok? They left really early. 😔 Me 9:57 pm ((I don't know what's a funnier line, "STEVEN'S PREGNANT?!" or "I don't think so.")) Bevel 9:58 pm ((both? Tarantulas 9:58 pm I - don't know. Bevel 9:58 pm (("bet you're not even pregnant" I forgot about that part omg Bevel 10:00 pm Oh. Tarantulas 10:02 pm *folds his arms over his chestplates as he watches* I get the impression you're not alone in having a mission of sorts lately, though. Me 10:06 pm ((how did they get away with calling it meat beat mania)) Bevel 10:07 pm *looks at him for a long moment...* So secret stuff? Tarantulas 10:07 pm You could say that, yes. Bevel 10:12 pm Ugh. *flops back with a loud CLANG of metal* Well I am gonna do not secret stuff. Like steal my sword back. I hope Soundwave and Prowl are ok soon. Tarantulas 10:13 pm /Steal/ your sword? I thought it was yours. Bevel 10:13 pm Yeah but someone else is saying /he/ found it. Bevel 10:15 pm He can not even use it. Bet it is just stuck it a rock again like it was on Earth. Tarantulas 10:16 pm Who's "he"? Bevel 10:16 pm The bot saying he found it. I do not know his name. *more like she doesn't remember it* Bevel 10:18 pm Fusions sound like combiners. Tarantulas 10:18 pm I suppose it doesn't matter, since he'll be out of your circuits shortly anyhow. Bevel 10:18 pm Exactly. Tarantulas 10:19 pm And hyeh, I can see what you mean - although two-bot combiners are hardly commonplace in my universe at least. Bevel 10:20 pm How many bots in a combiner in your universe? Tarantulas 10:21 pm It's variable, but on average? Five. Bevel 10:22 pm *ticks them off on her fingers* So... head. Torso. Arms and legs? Tarantulas 10:22 pm Roughly, hyeh. Often the head and torso are one. Bevel 10:23 pm ...so what is the fifth bot if the head and torso are one person? *rolls over onto her stomach to look at Tarantulus* Are they the crotch? Tarantulas 10:24 pm Two arms, two legs, one main body. *squints* ...I think /you/ might be the tired one here. Bevel 10:26 pm No wait... *counts again. One, two, three, oh yeah, I counted wrong. Bevel 10:28 pm What is the most bots in a combiner you have ever seen? Tarantulas 10:31 pm That I've ever SEEN? I've only ever seen one with six members - but I've heard whispers of one comprised of twelve mecha before. (( "i have a full vagina" omg Bevel 10:31 pm ((lol Bevel 10:34 pm Whoa, twelve. That would be... two arms, two legs, head, chest, crotch, um, two feet and hands and uhhhhhh Tarantulas 10:35 pm *snickers* The combiner in question didn't possess an anthropomorphic frame. Bevel 10:36 pm ...so a big mess of bodies smashed together? Tarantulas 10:39 pm Nono, well - I suppose one could say that of /any/ combiner, but what I mean to say is that I don't know this one's particular mode, but it wasn't a discombobulated mess like you're implying. *rubbing a little at his face and stretching, slipping even further down and almost off the couch* Bevel 10:46 pm *waits a second to see if he will, when he doesn't she keeps talking* Katamari combiner. Tarantulas 10:47 pm Pfft. I'm sure it's happened somewhere sometime. Bevel 10:48 pm ((I will never not find Alexander Hamilton's extra ass fucking response to being accused of embezzlement hilarious Tarantulas 10:53 pm (( omg i'm getting distracted by actually watching these histories Bevel 10:54 pm ((same lol Bevel 10:56 pm ((and then Tara and Bevel learned Earth history from drunk humans the rest of the night? Tarantulas 10:56 pm (( sounds good lmao Bevel 10:57 pm ((Hamilton's torrid affair is the most important part of his story yep Bevel 10:58 pm ((aw yiss Edith Wilson
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link-the-feral-anon · 7 years
How Many Rings Does It Take? Four, apparently.
Warnings: Little Kids Who Like To Collect Blackmail for Uncle Pat. Also, AP classes ment. Toothrotting fluff amd zombies as well.
Roman was the star everything. Quarterback, pitcher, point guard, hell, he was even the lead in the school play. …s. So, it was kind of hard for Virgil to believe they were still friends. He blamed it on the fact that he played goalie. Him and Patton? That made sense. He and Pat had gymnastics together. (He also stayed after for Pat’s cheer practice with his twin). They had four classes together. AP Chem, AP Physics, AP Math and Art. He and Logan? Again, this made sense. For one, they lived together and were brothers, twin brothers. For two, they were both on the Academic Decathlon as well as chess club. And they had two classes together and lunch. AP Bio and Creative Writing. But he and Roman? They had One (1) class together. That’s it. Just gym. … and hockey practice. And yet? That wonderful, beautiful man still hung out with him. Sometimes he wondered if it was just for the homework help, but then they’d all go out for pizza and arcade games, Princey’s arm around him, placing kisses to his temple whenever either of them won a game. It was one of these special nights when he first asked him. Granted Lo and Pat weren’t there because this was a team celebration. They had just won the state championship. It was a really close game. If he, Virgil, Anxiety as the team and his friends lovingly called him, hadn’t blocked that last shot, then it wouldn’t have gone into sudden death and Roman wouldn’t have been able to set up that winning shot. He was the MVP of the night and Roman /would not/ let him forget it.
“Verge. Verge, baby.” He said, tugging on the other’s sleeve like a child.
“Hold on.” He chuckled as he shot another zombie. “Gimme a sec or I’ll get my brains eaten.”
“We can’t have that! Not our master strategist!” One of their teammates, Mark he thought, shouted as he was dragged away by his art student boyfriend. “Jacob, slow down!” He laughed.
He finally finished the game and ended up on the leaderboard. “What should I put for a three letter name? My initials? Anx?” He asked, not completely turning to his own boyfriend just yet.
“You should put ‘Yes’.”
“Wha- yes? Why would I-” His eyes widened when he looked over, and then down, at him. “Ro..”
“Anxi. Will you marry me?” He asked, pulling his most Charming Grin. Virgil lips quirked up as he typed in three letters. He doubted anyone would ever top his score, honestly.  
“Ask me again when have a real ring, instead of one you got for 10 tickets at Chuck E Cheese.” He grinned. Roman pulled his famous faux offended gasp.
“Okay. One, it was 25 tickets, thank you very much. Two, this is not some garden variety Chuck E. Cheese. This is a homegrown gem! One of a kind place locally owned! And, three, alright.” The Charming Grin was back, “I will.”
It was a couple years later and Virgil still couldn’t believe Roman still.. Loved him. Yeah. Yeah, they loved each other. He was at home, er, in his dorm room, drawing, when his phone buzzed. He glanced at it, brow furrowed.
Princey<3 <3: 11:23 >Anxiiiiiii< 11:23 >I looooofe youuuiiuuu<
… what the hell? Was- Was he drunk?
Me: 11: 24 >Babe.. Are you drunk?<
Princey <3 <3:
11:26 >nooooo< 11:26 >okau< 11:27 >mabye a littlr< 11:28 >hsy< 11:28 >hey*< 11:28 >marry me.<
He couldn’t help but laugh at the picture Roman attached to the demand. It was a picture of Mrs. Little’s wedding ring. Still on her hand, too.
Me: 11:28 >Okay. But you have to get me a real ring first.< 11:28 >And come on, Princey, make it romantic.< 11:29 >Oh, and two more things.< 11:29 >Make sure you aren’t drunk,< 11:29 >And make sure we’re in the same country, okay?<
There were a lot of things Virgil couldn’t believe in his life.
Logan and Pat’s wedding was not one of them. Roman catching the bouquet was not one of them. The ring with the moonstone in the middle, surrounded by jet and spinel and hematite that formed mini, glittering night sky with a full moon on his finger was not (well, the ring itself was not) one of them. Though, the little diamonds thay dotted the sea of black and dark blue were a nice reminder of one of the many things he couldn’t believe. Like…  Roman asking him, once again, to marry him, the day before Virgil himself was going to ask, and having to repeat himself about five times before shouting
“VIRGIL CAN YOU HEAR ME?! I’M ASKING YOU TO MARRY ME BECAUSE I CAN’T WAIT UNTIL OUR ANNIVERSARY DINNER!” Poor guy damn near jumped out of his skin. The song had just ended, so he heard his lover /loud/ and /clear/.
He pulled an earbud out, grinning softly, “Sorry, whawasthat? Didn’t quite hear you, Princey.”
He squinted and repeated himself, again, but this time he didn’t yell. “I said, will you marry me? I can’t wait until our anniversary dinner to ask.” He open the little velvet box, revealing the ring that was now placed proudly on his finger.
“Can you do me a favor and reach behind that pillow there?” Roman raised an eyebrow and pointed at the couch pillow just behind him, “Yeah, yeah. That one. Just- I think I lost something down there, I’ll answer in a minute this is more important, thank you.” His smile got wider and wider as Roman reached down and picked up the little box. He looked up at Virgil’s shit-eating grin shellshocked. “Well… Open it.” The look on Roman’s face made the aggravating shopping and designing for the ring worth it. One of the many things he did not expect, was how well the rings matched. His beautiful moon and stars and Roman’s gorgeous, if he did say so himself, sun.
Today, he smiled as Roman showed off their son as well as his ring and how it sparkled in the midday sun.
“Look, see. See how this gorgeous Scapolite gem is set in the middle as these diamond studded gold pieces are looped around it, causing a tiny gemstone sun? My husband, over on the bench there? He’s with the Peter’s best friend Missy? We’re babysitting them for the week. Anyways, he’s a big shot designer and he designed it himself.” He could hear him bragging about /him/ now.
“How did you know Mr. Roman was the one?” The little kid next to him asked.
“Oh, well, Missy. I didn’t. See, it’s not really something you know.”
“Oh… Well, how did you know you loved him?”
“…” He took in a breath, thinking about it. “This is going to sound extremely cliché and Roman is never to hear that I said this.” They nodded eagerly. He sighed dreamily. “I had a really bad panic attack and he followed me. He calmed me down and sang to me, really, it was what he always did when this happened. Absolutely nothing was different about it, but..” His gaze went back to Roman, had turned to wave at him, smiling that gorgeous, sunshaming smile of his. He waved back. “Suddenly, it felt like… He was a sun in my dark world.”
“Is that why his ring looks like the sun?”
“It is.” A few moments of silence passed.
“You were right.”
“That was really cliché and you’re a total sap.”
“I didn’t say that last-”
“Still true.”
He stuck his tongue out in response. Later that night, Peter and Missy would tell each other the meaning of the rings, they had planned this, and come to the same conclusion.
Peter’s dads were total saps and they were definitely telling Uncle Pat.
For the tsficexchange! I got @princeyandanxiety !! Obviously I went with Prinxiety. I figured you’d prefer that, Bells. ((But do tell me if I was wrong))
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junioradventure · 7 years
[FANACCT] 170611 KNK “해달별" Fansign Experience at 제일라아트홀 (Fanboy)
Hi again! 
I’m here with my fanaccount for KNK’s fansign during their “해달별" promotions.
This was a notably important fansign for me because I’m pretty sure this is my last fansign event before I leave Korea on the 22nd...
I’m so sad. ㅠㅠ
Anyway, it was a really awesome event and I’m glad I got to see my favorite group up close and personal again.
I did a video about their fansign before during “U” era too.
Without further ado, let’s get started!
KNK’s fansigns are getting more competitive nowadays, with fans buying more than 10 albums to have a chance to get in. I originally bought 9 albums, but after seeing a fan next to me at the CD store buy 10, I bought 3 more, totaling up to 12 albums overall. And I got in!
On the day of the fansign, I found the building where it was held and headed to the B2 floor. Some fans were waiting to get in, but the staircase and entrance was rather narrow. I showed my Alien Registration Card to verify my identification (though a passport works just as well) and the staff told me to pick a card that was on the table. The assorted cards were all face-down, and this was to determine my seat number. I got number 63. 
I took my seat, but the rows of chairs were all close together and narrow too, not allowing much room. This was a noticeable inconvenience when fans had to squeeze past each other in the rows. I spent a huge amount of time before coming to prepare a fanletter for my bias Seungjun, so I had to write down all the post-its for the members that I would put in my album.
Soon the members appeared and the fansign went underway. They looked so handsome as always, but they look especially good with the suits in this era aghhhh. 
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Sorry that my picture’s quality isn’t too good, but this is how the fansign was conducted. The order was: Jihun→Inseong→Seungjun→Youjin→Heejun
MEMBER INTERACTIONS (with pictures and gifs!)
I’ll fast-forward to the interactions I had with each member. I’m sorry that I forgot some things that happened, but in the thick of the moment, it’s hard to process and take in everything that happened (for me). Luckily, I met someone at the fansign that was kind enough to take a video of me when I went through this great experience. I was really nervous again, because they’re my favorite group and this was my last time, so I was even more anxious. 
So leader Jihun was first this time around~ Actually he was rather quiet today as well; when I met him at a fansign last year, he was rather soft-spoken too. But it’s not necessarily a bad thing. I pointed to the questions I had brought for him on the post-its and told him I was a part of an international KNK fan group on Facebook, and I gathered some questions other Tinkerbells wanted to know about KNK. He was listening and then all of a sudden, said, “Ah. International,” in English. THAT WAS FREAKING CUTE AHH. He was really handsome up-close, though. He looked mature and cool when he was in thinking mode, but then he lapsed into squishy mode when he smiled and it was just adorable.
He really thought deeply about the questions I wrote. I guess he had to think a lot about how to answer them. But another factor was that time was really limited and the staff members were quite strict so they moved our albums to the next member by force, cutting our time short. 
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Blue post-it note: Q: Which member is really the closest to Jihun-hyung...? A: I’m close with all but umm... Heejun?! Jihun had some trouble answering this question but dang, I didn’t expect him to think so seriously about it. ㅠㅠ I’m sorry if I had to make you pick a favorite! I know you all love each other LOL. 
Yellow post-it note: Q: Where do you draw the inspiration when you make the choreography (for KNK)? A: There’s just times when suddenly... Ttak!  I forgot what other little things we said after he answered those, but I had to move on. I gave him high-fives as a farewell and moved over to... Inseong!
Next was my second bias, Inseong. I greeted him by saying, “Inseonggie hyung~” hahaha because he’s just a fun, cool guy. He grinned and asked, “Hyung?” I SWEAR THIS WAS SO REMINISCENT WHEN I FIRST MET HIM in person when he asked me, “Am I hyung?” LOL. But he is just killing the visual game nowadays. He looked especially handsome today. He asked me where I’m from and I told him America, more specifically Hawaii. 
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Bottom post-it note: Q: Is there a place you really want to visit (vacation-wise)? A: Hawaii That’s probably why he cleverly wrote his answer as “Hawaii” for my question, but I’m not complaining! Inseong is really easy to talk to.  I told him that his hairstyle for this concept suits him very well and that he looks really handsome. He was really happy to hear a compliment and ahhh he was just an excited hamster. I assured him that he was already handsome but now, even more. I basically complimented him a lot because he deserves more love and attention!! Top post-it note: Q: The most difficult point of this promotion...? A: Live...!? He explained that singing live was one of the toughest parts of promotions. I asked why, and he said it’s because he has to sing rather high. I understand him because him singing the chorus in “해달별" while dancing pretty vigorously looked really tiring... But he pulled it off! I told him he was really good and that he’s doing well. I feel like he was insecure a little about his performance as a vocalist and how well he does and I wanted to reassure him. It was time to move on so I told him bye~ Inseong really does have a warm heart and he’s such a nice person please give him lots of affection and reassurance
*sigh* I really can’t express how great and caring Seungjun is. I can tell he truly loves and adores his fans, and it shows from the way he treats them. He said my name like, “Junior?” in a cute tone and I said cutely too, “Seungjunnie-hyung~” AHAHAHAHA. He immediately looked at my questions and more antics ensued.
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Blue post-it note: Q: POKEMON or DIGIMON, you can only choose one A: *marks Pokemon* but went the extra mile to show his UNCONDITIONAL PREFERENCE FOR DIGIMON LIKE WHAT THE NOOOOOOO Yellow post-it note: Q: Is there a member you want to live with for the rest of your life? A: Inseong Jihun At first, he took a look at the blue note and I reiterated, “You can only choose one!” Without hesitation, he answered, “Digimon!” I was like WHAT THE HECK, NO YOU CAN’T CHOOSE DIGIMON OVER POKEMON OMGG. He was so firm, he was like, “Digimon~” in a cute tone and I told him, “Why??” He seemed a bit sympathetic and marked Pokemon, but said, “Digimon~” again and decorated a box around the word Digimon. DANG IT SEUNGJUN. I was like OTL because I came dressed in a Squirtle hoodie because I thought he loved Pokemon more but that happened. I mockingly complained, “I came dressed like this too...” Seungjun chuckled and then proceeded to gently grab my arm and draw a little heart on the Squirtle patch design on my hoodie!!!
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SJ: *in a Korean accent* Hearteu~ I internally died at this cute action like I AM NEVER WASHING THIS HOODIE AGAIN LOL I also made sure to give him the letter I worked on. He then looked at my second post-it, which he thought about for a moment. At first, Seungjun wrote Inseong, so I asked him why. He said because Inseong is funny. BUT THEN LAST MINUTE Seungjun scratches out Inseong’s name and writes Jihun AND HE DIDN’T EVEN GIVE A REASON WHY LOL. So that made think like HMMMMM this ship really sails itself huh... Now I had to tell him that this was pretty much my last chance to see them... Me: Actually, on the 22nd, I’m leaving Korea, so this is my last chance to see you guys. I’m really glad I got to see you guys often while I was here. SJ: *in a cute pleading voice* Don’t go~ (AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH) Me: I don’t wanna leave either!
And then this happened.
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OMG I was so flustered when he asked when I’ll be back with that cheeky smile that I accidentally lapsed into English hahahaha. He probably didn’t understand what I said, but I had to move on ㅠㅠ!! Wait for me Seungjun, I’ll be back!! I really want to cry now... Hahahaha. And it ended cutely because I kept shaking his hand, and then...
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Thank goodness. He is the best and he’s always so sweet!!
Okay I’m going to start off my account of Youjin because right when I got to him, he asked me, “Are you a fan of Seungjun?” BWAHAHAHA he called me out!! I told him that I liked all the members but yeah, Seungjun was my fave... If he noticed that, then wow... 
And then it was like another round of deja vu because I told him I was from Hawaii and that he should come, and he replied, “I want to go too!” LIKE THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT WE SAID LAST YEAR AT THE FIRST FANSIGN LOL.
He looked over my questions and I told him they were from other international fans. He got super excited over the Overwatch question and his inner fanboy came out. 
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Yellow post-it note: Q: Which heroes (do you use) when you play Overwatch? A: Roadhog, Reinhardt, and... the last part was a bit illegible but I think he wrote the name of a Korean Overwatch player named 후아유. [If anyone wants to help me out with deciphering that, it’d be much appreciated~] He was so happy when talking about his mains for OW, but I had to tell him that I actually didn’t know the game at all loooool. I wish I could’ve nerded out with him but idk ㅋㅋㅋ He even asked me, “Isn’t Overwatch quite popular in America?” lmaooo which is true but yeah, I’m clueless.
Blue post-it note: Q: What are you most afraid of?? A: Bugs! 1인칭 horror game.
So Youjin seems to be the least fearful in the group so I also wanted to know what scares him. He wrote “bugs” and I couldn’t believe like this guy didn’t flinch for the ghost prank or a VR zombie slashing him but he’s afraid of insects??
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But Youjin is a cool chill guy who loves gaming so hit him up yo
Heejun, Heejun, Heejun. You never know how he’ll be like. I heard from a friend that he’s different every time which is kinda true. The first time I met him, he was comical but on the quiet side, and we were kinda awkward... BUT THIS TIME WAS JUST OMG LOL. He spoke some English to me even though I was talking to him in Korean which was cute. He said things like, “Where are you from?” and “Really?” Soooo silly. I complimented him on his English pronunciation and I DIDN’T NOTICE THIS UNTIL MY FRIEND SHOWED ME THE FOOTAGE SHE TOOK AND-
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OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGG. Heejun’s also quite chill but he’s so funny agh.
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Yellow post-it note:  Q: Is there a concept you want to try? A: BTS’ Blood, Sweat, Tears  hOLY SHIZ IS IT WEIRD THAT I CAN ALREADY IMAGINE HEEJUN IN THAT KIND OF CONCEPT? he already bares his chest sometimes like omfg and I can totally see him pulling it off like shiz I AM READY Blue post-it note: Q: Heejun-ah~ Please write down your favorite color!! A: Black, gray Heejun forgot because he even asked himself out loud, “Which colors do I like?” I told him, “Why don’t you know??” HAHAHA.  I told him I was l was leaving soon and he just replied, “When will you be back?” LOL. IDK, I wish I knew, then I wouldn’t have to leave y’all ㅠㅠ I told him bye and he was like, “bye bye!!!”  Later on, the members picked random seat numbers from a box and the chosen fans could take a selca with them. SO LUCKYY. I WASN’T CHOSEN BUT UGH IT’S OKKK.  Then they played 공기, which is a Korean bean game similar to Jacks. Jihun got really competitive and he almost kicked the stage LMAOOOO. Seungjun was really bad at it and he ended up last. Youjin was first, followed by Inseong, Heejun and finally Jihun secured a place by a hair. Seungjun’s punishment was dancing to their title track with aegyo LOOOOOL he tried his best but he looked so awkward omg And that was it. My last fansign with them. I love them so much, because they’re all so wholesome and show their personalities unabashedly. All of them are SO DIFFERENT and the dynamics are just so interesting and charming.  SORRY I cut it a little at the end but I have to go to class ㅠㅠ I’ll tweak this a bit later maybe but I hope y’all enjoyed this!!!!
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fuckin answer all the questions, esp 104 but all of them waste your day
1. You woke up naked next to the last person you texted, what would you say? >>>Yikes Wazowski
2. What’s going on between you and the last person you kissed?>>>YIKES WAZOWSKI
3. If your boyfriend or girlfriend was into drugs, would you care?>>>nah man, we goin through this shit together either way
4. Is your last name longer than six letters?>>>yea
5. Was your last kiss drunk or sober?>>>…….. high ?
6. Have you ever wanted to have someone but you messed it up?>>>lmao yeah but ain’t that just the way
7. What does your last received text say?>>>it’s an image of Michael Scott
8. How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed?>>>thank god that was the only time 😭
9. Where was your last kiss at?>>>a friend’s basement
10. When is the last time you saw your sister?>>>mmmm last week ?
11. What do you drink in the morning?>>>usually water or milk lol
12. Where did you sleep last night?>>>in my bed 😩👌🏻
13. Do you think relationships are hard?>>>emotionally ? Yes. Physically ? Not at allllll
14. If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you?>>>yeahhhhhh
15. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, any problems?>>>YEP
16. Would you rather it be sunny or rainy?>>>rainyyy
17. Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you?>>>……..unfortunately I have the most common middle name for white girls
18. Are you wearing jeans,sweatpants,or pajama pants?>>>sweat pantssssss
19. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 years from now?>>>hope soooo
20. Does anyone like you?>>>yee
21. Have you ever kissed someone with a name that starts with an S?>>>not that I know of lol
22. Is the last person you kissed gay?>>>arguably, yes
23. Is there a person you CANNOT stand?>>>lmao YEAH a few actually
24. Have you ever considered getting a tattoo?>>>MORE THAN YOU KNOW
25. In the past week have you cried?>>>SEE ABOVE
26. What breed was the last dog you saw? >>>a pitbull mix :)
27. Do you dry off in the shower or out of the shower?>>>both, it’s a process
28. Have you ever kissed a football player?>>>lol yea
29. Do you think you’re old?>>>nah. im only 18
30. Do you like text messaging?>>>more than talking on the phone, yeah
31. What type of day are you having?>>>slow, boring
32. Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced?>>>ye, figured a lip ring would look better lol
33. Do you prefer warm or cold weather?>>>cold–it is my natural state of being
34. Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you?>>>several !!
35. Would you prefer a relationship or a fling?>>>right now I think id rather a nice lil fling
36. Are you a simple or complicated person?>>>I am but a simple farm boy in most regards, though I am a complex city slicker at times
37. What song are you listening to?>>>im actually listening to a podcast about Jeffrey Dahmer rn yikes
38. When you say you’re sorry do you mean it?>>>nearly 100% of the time
39. Is there a girl that knows everything or almost everything about you?>>>yea its @solarscam on here lmao
40. What made you start liking the person you like now?>>>idk he’s cute and funny and we vibe well
41. When did you last receive a text message?>>>like 3 minutes ago lol
42. What is wrong with you right now?>>>Too Much to name
43. How well do you know the last female you texted?>>>it was my mom so pretty well? I was inside of her so
44. Does anyone disgust you?>>>other than myself?? The person who made me feel like this abt myself
45. Would you date someone right now if they asked?>>>tbh yeah
46. Are you in a good mood right now?>>>im not in a bad mood lol
47. Who was the last person you talked to in person?>>>my sister, moments ago
48. What color shirt are you wearing?>>>red rn
49. Has someone recently told you something you didn’t want to hear?>>>yeah, quite a bit from multiple people retry recently.
50. Anyone you’re giving up on?>>>only a few ex friends 🤗
51. Do you hate the person you fell hardest for?>>>nah, I don’t think I’ve ever Truly Fallen
52. Have you ever thought about giving up on someone but couldn’t?>>>mmHhmmmm
53. Do you like rain?>>>yes yes yes
54. Do you care if your boyfriend/girlfriend drinks?>>>I’d hope they would be cool with me drinking at least, otherwise I dong give a fuck
55. Have you ever liked somebody and never told them?>>>its my MO tbh
56. Do you like to cuddle?>>>YES YEs I love it yes
57. Are you shy?>>>lol only if im around ppl I want to impress
58. Do you get along with girls?>>>?? Yeah man
59. Have you dated the person you texted last?>>>nah but we did just start talking over tinder so 💁🏻‍♂️
60. What do you carry with you at all times?>>>color-changing silly putty and chapstick 😅
61. If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you?>>>yeah man im a slut for paranormal activity and $$$
62. Do you think you can last in a relationship for five months?>>>depends on the relationship tbh
63. Think back to October, were you in a relationship?>>>nope
64. The person you like kisses you on the forehead, do you find this cute?>>>yes omg
65. Did anything “cute” happen in the last week?>>>nah. Mostly things that are remarkably un-cute
66. How old are the last three people you kissed?>>>shit like, 18, 20, and 22 I believe ??
67. Would you rather pay to get your nails done or do them yourself? >>>pay, im not very good
68. Which do you like better- Zebra print or leopard print? >>>ew to both but I guess leopard ?? Idfk
69. Do you have any stickers on your car? >>>nah. Too dirty
70. Would you rather listen to Luke Bryan or Lil Wayne? >>>depends on my mood lol
71. Blackberry, Android, or iPhone? >>>iPhone. Im an apple bitch 🙃
72. When’s the last time you had pizza from Pizza Hut? >>>probably like, a week or two ago
73. Do you like diet soda? >>>ew no I have standards
74. What color are the walls in your room? >>>blueish green
75. Are you 16 or older? >>>I sure hope so
76. Do you watch Pretty Little Liars?>>>tried to, more of a gossip girl guy myself tbh
77. Do you have a job? >>>yep! Grinding foam at a factory 😂
78. What are your initials? >>>they’re gonna be AQL soon lol
79. Did you ever have braces? >>>*war flashbacks* yeah
80. Are you from the south? >>>South West Michigan lmao
81. What does your last status on facebook say? >>>idfk probably me thanking ppl for coming to my grad party
82. Do you still talk to the first person you ever kissed? >>>lmao yeah
83. Are you closer to your mom or your dad? >>>my mom for sure
84. Have you ever done cheerleading or gymnastics?>>>nooooo
85. What’s the last movie you saw in theaters? >>>Captain Underpants 😩👌🏻
86. Do you smoke? >>>only 🍁🔥
87. Would you rather wear heels or flip flops? >>>Flippity floppity floo
88. Is your phone touch screen? >>>in this, the year of our lord 2017, who’s phone isn’t
89. Do you normally wear your hair straight or curly? >>>its naturally pretty straight but when it gets long it likes to flip up at the ends lol
90. Have you ever snuck out of your house? >>>yeah
91. Would you rather swim in a river, lake, or pool? >>>pool tbh, unless its like Lake Michigan lol
92. Have you ever made out in a car? >>>yes
93. …Had sex in a car? >>>lol not yet
94. Are you single or in a relationship? >>>painfully single
95. What were you doing last night at midnight? >>>trying to forget some stuff by doing reckless things
96. When’s the last time you saw fireworks? >>>lol last night
97. Do you like the camera on your phone? >>>yeah it’s not too shabby
98. Have you ever had a friend with benefits? >>>I mean?? Kind of
99. Have you ever passed out from drinking? >>>no, but I’ve helped a few different people when they passed out
100. Are you friends with people on facebook that you actually hate? >>>mHmm
101. Have you ever had a pregnancy scare? >>>lmao not yet
102. Name your favorite Kesha song: >>>BITCH probably We R Who We R
103. Do you have any tan lines right now? >>>yeah from my binder on my back lol
104. Would you ever wear cowboy boots with shorts? >>>I hate that I have done this before ??
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jotrohmans-blog · 7 years
wowza ok I will put this under a readmore
2: Do you ever get “good morning” texts from anyone?yes :) Almost every day.
4:Do you find it easy to trust others?Sometimes yes, sometimes no.
6:You’re drunk and lost walking down the road; who is with you?Probably @sign0fthethymes bc he’s a bad Irish influence~
8:Are you close with your dad?no
10: What are you listening to?Hum Hallelujah by Fall Out Boy
12: Do you like hickeys?I guess so, yeah
14: Is there someone who continuously lets you down?Yep.
16: Do you always answer your texts?I try to but I sometimes get distracted and I’m sorry :(
18: When was the last time you talked to one of your best friends?21 minutes ago
20:What was your last thought before you went to bed last night?“I am so warm and snuggly.”
22: Do you believe what goes around comes around?I think that I do, yes.
24: Is there someone you wish you could fix things with?Yeah...
26: What colour is the shirt you are wearing?Red!
28: Is anyone ignoring you right now?I don’t know? Not that I’ve noticed.
30: Would it be hard seeing someone else kiss the last person you kissed?Yeah, just a bit.
32: Are you mad at anyone?No. I don’t have anything to be mad about.
34: How old will the last person you kissed be on his/her next birthday?37.
36: Do you have any summer plans yet?Various plans, yes!
38: Are you keeping anything from your best friend(s) now?Only my deep, eternal love for tacos.
40: Have you ever regretted kissing someone?Yes, of course. Hasn’t everyone?
42: Are you available?Well, no.
44:If you had to get a piercing (not ears), what would you get?Probably my nose or my bellybutton!
46: Do you regret anything?Yeah. I regret a lot of things, to be honest.
48: Did you ever lose a best friend?Yep :/
50: Why aren’t you pursuing the person you like?I... Am...
52:Do you still talk with the person you LAST kissed?Yes, all the time!
54: Did you get any compliments today?Yes, if “damn” counts as a compliment
56:Do you own anything from other countries?Now I do!
58:Where have you lived most of your life?Ohio smh
60:Have you ever played Spin the Bottle?Nope!
62:Who do you text the most?Either Brandon or Niall or Tyler or Alexis or Forest tbh
64: What’s preventing your current boyfriend/girlfriend from going back to their ex?Next question please.
66: Is the last person you kissed younger than you?Nope!
68: Are you happy with where you live?Yes, I am!
70:Are you a monogamous person or do you believe in open-ended relationships?I’ve never been in an open relationship. I feel like I’m too jealous of a person to deal with an open relationship.
72:What do you most like about making out?The little bit of a racing of the heart that you get out of it.
74:When you kiss someone for the first time, is it usually you who initiates it or the other?I think it’s either or... A coin toss, if you will.
76:Who was the last person you talked to last night before you went to bed?Um... Forest?
78:Had sex with someone you didn’t know their name?Nope!
80: Would you get involved with someone if they had a child already?Yep! Would be a bit hypocritical to not, wouldn’t it?
82: Do you tell a lot of people when you have a crush?Yes I’m The Worst™
84:Last time you slow danced with someone?I... Never?
86: How can I win your heart?Tacos. TACOS.
88:What were you doing last night at 12 AM?Sleeping!
90:Have you ever gotten back in touch with an old flame after a time of more than 3 months of no communication?Nope.
92:Do you prefer to date various people or do you pretty much fall into monogamous relationships quickly?Monogamous haha
94: Name four things that you wish you had!Um... Tacos, pizza, a nice car, and cuddles.
96: Have you ever kissed 2 people in one day?nooooo.
98:Ever meet anyone you met on Tumblr?Yes!
100:Anybody on Tumblr that you’d go on a date with?Yee
102:Are you too shy to ask someone out?Yes and no omg
104: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you babe?Y E S
106:Do you flirt a lot?@eastflamingoroad do I?
108: Have you kissed more than 5 people since the start of 2012?Yes... I think.
110:If you could kiss anyone who would it be?Um definitely my daughter... Wanna give her goodnight kissies!
112: Does someone like you currently?I would sure hope so...
114: Do you like to be in serious relationships or just flings?V srs all da time
116: Are you happier single or in a relationship?I think it depends. My relationship status doesn’t define my happiness.
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mychemicalginger · 6 years
Thanks @weirdnproudofit​ for the tag! I love these things!
Nickname: Ray (or Rae depending on preference) Mama Ray (which I got from Uni because I’m about eight years older than the rest of my course)
Zodiac: Leo!
Height: 5′2? 5′3? I dunno for sure, I haven’t checked in a while.
Last movie I saw:  I randomly was really in the mood to watch a Knights Tale the other night. (Seems appropriate, it’s based of the Canterbury tales apparently and that’s where I live now so)
Last thing I googled:  ‘Garages near me’ really boring, my car’s due for it’s MOT and because I haven’t lived here that long I don’t know where they are! I wish I could say it was one of my random writing searches but sadly not.
Favourite musician: My favourite band of all time is probably My Chemical Romance (hence the URL) I mean I have other favourites too (Queen, Fleetwood Mac, Twin Atlantic) but MCR started it all off. For solo act... Probably David Bowie. 
Song stuck in my head:  It’s actually an original song written by a friend on my course! She’s writing a musical and so she keeps playing me the new songs she’s made for it (largely because I keep asking) and they’re so good!
Other blogs: I have them technically buuuuut I haven’t used them in yeeeeears, I might make one for the comic I’m writing when it’s more developed, but I do have an instagram and a deviant art for my comic! (if anyone’s interested the username of both is Aphervia - the name of the comic, it’s heavily inspired by Dragon Age! Please read it when I make it guys)
Do I get asks: Only when I reblog prompts and stuff, and more so about my Dragon Age headcanons then personal stuff which is fair enough, I like going on about my Dragon Age headcanons (like enough so that it was in part what inspired the comic)
Following: 333 - Oooh very neat number. I think a lot of them are probably inactive now because I swear I only see like the same 20 people (which is fine because I like those same 20 people!)
Amount of sleep:  Depends on the day... I vary a lot, (thanks mental illness for that) I tend to struggle to fall asleep then when I do I sleep for like 10 hours or something ridiculous
Lucky number: Uuuuuuh.... 24?
What I’m wearing: Harry Potter pajamas. I’m tired, I’ve been studying and working all day and my back hurts so I got in pajamas and lied down.
Dream job: Ooooh there’s a question. See I don’t really have one dream job, I get bored of things and want to focus on something else if I do just one thing for too long, which is part of why I chose my degree in music, I can teach singing, produce, songwrite, preform etc. But my dream job would be Singer, songwriter, comic book artists and author. So Basically being Gerard Way.
Dream trip: Okay this requires revealing some sad back story info to get the picture - so I went to Disneyland with a friend who treated me pretty terribly the whole trip, like my mental health was playing up already so they yelled at me for being depressing and ruining the trip, then after I explained what happened, yelled at me for not saying anything sooner until I had a full on hyperventilating panic attack. I don’t talk to them anymore but even they admitted afterwards they had gone way too far on the trip so my dream trip now is going back to Disneyland but with friends who I have healthy relationships with.
Play any instruments: I mostly sing (I don’t care what idiots say, I took lessons and had to learn technique and music theory to do it, IT COUNTS!) but I do play a little bit of guitar and piano too. I’m not very good at them though, mainly I just sing.
Languages: Basically just English. I can do some french, like if I’m reading french I’ll recognize a couple of words and I can usually just about figure out what they’re talking about but that’s about it.
Favourite songs: Oh my gosh this changes sooo much. Okay right now it’s Dasher by Gerard Way, Hammer to Fall by Queen, Laika by Kill Hannah, Space Dementia by Muse, All through the night by Cyndi Lauper and Ex El by Twin Atlantic. Of ALL TIME EVER it’s probably The Chain by Fleetwood Mac, Life of Mars? by David Bowie, Famous Last Words by My Chemical Romance, Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen, Rebel Girl by Bikini Kill, Can’t Help Falling in Love by Elvis, How Soon is Now by The Smiths and You Know You’re Right by Nirvana - I’m probably going to post this and go ‘Oh damnit I should have added these fifty songs...) but oh well
Random fact: Ooh... What random fact do I use? Oh! I met Frank Iero one time! In Coventry of all places, my friend went to uni there a few years ago and I went to visit and Mallory Knoxs were playing a gig there with Frank Iero supporting, I was really hoping I’d get to meet him so we hung out inside the venue for like ten minutes because sometimes they come out to sign things but no luck. We decided to look at the merch booth before leaving, went to approach it when a security guard said ‘guys if you want autographs can you join the que?’ and I was like ‘what? with who?’ looked over his shoulder and Frank was right behind him meeting people and I just screamed internally throughout queing, meeting him and the next month... And whenever I think about it.
I have nooooo idea who to tag and my brain doesn’t work so good right now, too tired so if you’re reading this, you’re tagged!
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