#reply roundup
kirby-the-gorb · 17 days
reply roundup!
whoops turns out the last one was shortly before my immune system got fed up with me again which makes it hard to feel particularly talkative
thank you for:
all the [birthday] wishes last week!
and all the support on the updates about my disability compensation appeal back in july!
and being appropriately horrified by finally drawing something truly [cursed] again!
and all the other tags and replies too, I read them all even when they don't end up in these roundups :)
@istherewifiinhell has added an [image description] to the latest kirbear as well, thank you!
on [travel] @ceylonsilvergirl said: kirbo’s exhausted because he didn’t have a yo-yo (I say from bed, exhausted, holding two yo-yos)
howl's moving castle bedroom but it's all yo-yos
@bi-files drew a cute [pig] with the brush that I use :) (after asking me which one it was)
on [sleepy] @sleepydreamybunny said: he's so cute and small omg pocket-sized kirby, perfect little buddy to go on adventures with you 10/10 farmer's market friend. i would like to give him seasonal fruits thank you
he would love seasonal fruits. he is so small that a single raspberry is a whole treat.
on [bow] @kingdedede8 said: no no it does its perfection
oh good (this is genuinely helpful feedback) -u-
on [rat] @nookisms said: Kirby goes to the pet store and looks at the animals all day
it's like a zoo but free (and sometimes if you're very very responsible and good you even get to take a couple of them home)
on [flail] @dragonsandmollusks said: still very nice to see that this blog is active though after my tumblr disappearance
yep, I'm still kickin! every day same as always (sometimes almost literally the same drawings lol)
@maybeifitalk asked: I got a Kirby hoodie and I keep getting compliments on it. it's just a black hoodie with Kirby on the front and his name underneath. people love Kirby. as they should.
good! that sounds comfy as heck tbh, I've been meaning to get myself a new hoodie.
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bonefall · 1 year
Reply roundup: Maples, Flowerscar, Educators
Inbox still closed (I have sooo many asks) but here's a few quick answers to the replies✨
"Who was educator before Ferncloud? Who's the educator in other Clans?" @halogenwarrior
Dappletail was the Educator before Ferncloud! There's a tiny note in the upcoming outline for Firestar's Quietus where she decides to pass the torch to Fern before her death in TNP proper.
In other Clans, I simply haven't chosen the educator. WindClan and ShadowClan are still pending their Family Tree overhauls before I can comfortably pick one, but something about RiverClan is telling me they had strokes of pretty bad luck with theirs.
I think Lilystem (Shade and Heavy's mother) was one once, but the mentor/apprentice line was probably broken by TigerClan and Mistystar had to choose a new one in TNP. So if there's a background blorbo everyone's got who would make a good teacher feel free to shout them out.
(Re: Can't be Sedgecreek because she becomes deputy <3)
Mosspelt seems like a good choice.
"Are there maples in England?" @ashestosparks
Three! I'm only using two of them.
The only native maple is the Field Maple (Acer campestre), which is a pretty interesting tree in general. This is the one that produces edible sap that ThunderClan will want to trade for, and it has a unique quirk; it HATES forests.
It's so named because it likes being in open field environments. As a forest progresses outward, the population of field maples will also dance on the outskirts, attempting to avoid shady conditions. They like to stand as the lone tree in hilly plains, where the wind can scatter their samaras far and wide. So, only WindClan has access to these.
There's also the introduced Norway Maple (Acer platanoides) and Sycamore Maple (Acer pseudoplatanus). A Sycamore Maple is relevant as the tree that produces the tarspot-blighted leaves that Fireheart uses to channel Spottedleaf, but I won't be including Norways at all. Sycamores are also absent from the Lake Territories.
In Clanmew the word for "Sycamore" is not the word for "Maple." Clan cats don't see these as the same tree.
(Mapleshade's name is kind of a mistranslation, but Sycamoreshade would be pretty long in English. Maplewhisker/star of SkyClan would also be a Sycamore.)
"Do humans notice ShadowClan's project?"
Yes! Stay tuned!
"Who is Flowerscar?"
A background cat in ShadowClan I have become unreasonably attached to
Her canon name is "Flowerstem" and I wanted to conflict rename her so I could get some more cats with honor titles. ShadowClan is kind of low on non-Tigerkin prodigal fighters, so I've decided to beef her up from just being a background cat into a recurring strong brawler.
She's pure silver with a big, gnarly scar across her face and down her shoulder from where Bramblefake lands a nasty slash on her.
ShadowClan's family tree is so bad that I will be throwing it out completely, so it remains to be seen if she's going to remain the daughter of Grassheart and Stonewing, or even if Whorlpelt and Snaketooth are going to stay as her siblings.
"How do the cats enter the afterlife in BB!TBC and what are the rules?"
The sisters are still going to get a feature here, using their collective powers. They don't do it for the Clans, though, they do it because they understand very well that there is an evil god being born and he must die.
It is also in memory of Leafpool, a stranger who still died for them because it was the right thing to do.
Fallenleaf is also going to come off the bus for a moment to lend her strength to this massive channeling. They have just enough juice to send 2 cats from each Clan.
"Is Larkstripe in the Dark Forest?" @thesnailphilosopher
Sadly no. StarClan took pity on her and her courage in this instance. After the code change, they're much harsher on Clerics, but Larkstripe had lost everything in pursuit of saving 1/5th of StarClan.
If they had known she wouldn't be the last to push this issue, and that there would be a bloody rebellion a few years later, they would have been much angrier and sent her to the Dark Forest. But at the time, they decided to end this sad situation quietly.
She was one of the few to vote in favor of allowing Ripplestar into StarClan.
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mantleoflight · 1 year
//Ok, reply round up!
//Who all do I owe replies to? I know I’ve got some old replies in my drafts but I want to make sure they’re up to date before I go posting any of them!
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gday-from-tasmaloa · 11 months
okay rotomblr completely unrelated question
anyone here able to take in a buneary at some point??
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bugtransport · 1 year
Kamen Rider Stronger finished April 20, 2023
i forgot i finished this on 4/20. LONG POST WARNING!!
Okay, before I start this one, holy shit I’ve done so much since the last time I wrote one of these. Let me get back into the groove here. Stronger is in a weird spot where I feel like I have to recap a lot to talk about what I want to talk about so there’s going to be a lot of that. This one builds. Let me convince you that General Shadow is an interesting character.
AS ALWAYS: I’ll be dropping spoilers willy-nilly for like every series leading up to this + all of Stronger but there's an extra warning before the show ending spoilers. Thank you.
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I know I've already owned up to it but at this point let's make it official... Showa Rider might be made for me? Every single time I try to think back about what I just watched to write about it I'm hit with the exact same thought: holy shit, that was SO fun. It is, it really is and always is. I had a blast, thanks. This is also the first time I've really felt like the way that I'm watching this (by starting at the very beginning and just blasting through season by season) has actually paid off! The past couple seasons have gotten interestingly experimental but Stronger feels like they were attempting to return to form while still using the knowledge they learned along the way. It's kind of adjacent to how V3 felt like '71 Rider refined; Jo Shigeru came in like "we are SO fucking back." 
The comparison between V3 and Stronger extends to the main characters too; I think that Kazami and Shigeru are more alike than not. We've been rotating protags (sans Hayato, sorry babe but you’re special in my eyes) in a pattern I've described as "sensory issues -> batshit -> wet" where for as much as I compared Hongo and Amazon to each other in the "the world is so loud and scary and I can't trust myself to not lash out and that scares me more" department I have to do the same for Kazami and Shigeru in the "hey boss, I'm gonna go fucking, I don't know, dig this bullet out of my shoulder with a knife I cleaned by spitting on it and then electrocute myself for funsies" department. Like okay, take a look at this list I whipped up here:
Both Kazami and Shigeru wanted to become borgs to avenge people who were dear to them and killed by the organizations in their respective series; Kazami for his family and Shigeru for his friend. Though Shigeru went straight to the source while Kazami tried to convince Hongo and Hayato to borg him first to no avail, you can’t tell me that Kazami didn’t jump into that beam and save the two of them and not think that might win him brownie points that he could then later use to convince the two of them that yes, this is the right thing to do and he would be a great addition to the team. 
Both of them have another Rider with them (I count Tackle!) who aren’t really… fully borged? Yuki isn’t for sure, he’s just got the arm; I’m not sure exactly whether or not Yuriko is a full borg because I don’t believe they straight up address that in the show but they sure didn’t address her like one and I’ve heard some things (...we’ll get into this later) that would lead me to believe that she was meant to be only partially there originally and get to full borgification by the end of the show. Both of them fought with the respective riders they were paired with. Also, both of their mouths are out in their suits! Very cute! 
Speaking of suits, both of them have very silly little suits that I don’t think anyone else in the series could pull off wearing. Imagine if Keisuke transformed into V3 or something. I think I’d cry looking at that. Hayato as Stronger? Man, he doesn’t have the sheer balls for that one. Sorry king…
Which of course leads me to: they’ve both got huge egos. I really don’t need to elaborate on this one, look at the shit the two of them pull… Kazami a little more in the physical department with the stunts he does and Shigeru socially with his cockiness, but you can see the comparison, right? 
And before we go on I think I need to clarify something: Shigeru jumping himself with his bike is very very real. That is actually a scene that happens. Anyway! I adore the way that the show started off and Shigeru and Yuriko had already been through their borg procedures and that the first time we meet them they're already fighting. It's a nice break from tradition! It feels fresh and new! I also think that it's one of the only ways that you could possibly sell how they borged Shigeru in a way that would make sense in a children's show. They gave him electric hands? Like, metal hands that he has to wear gloves over lest he fucking electrocute everyone? There had to have been an adjustment period there but by the time we meet him he's fine with things. I think this was probably the right call; while I love myself some good borg angst and it's interesting to see them adapt to their new lives and Ishinomori back me up here I think you would agree that exploring this idea is fun... for the way that Shigeru is borged specifically I think there's a little too much room for things to go south way too fast. Those two concepts can coexist in my mind. Can you imagine what it would have been like if he had tried to go swimming or something? 
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After the first episode we do get a flashback in the second to exactly how Shigeru got borged which was basically:
Shigeru: [walks into Black Satan] hey I want to be on your side I love facism 
Scientists: ok what borgification u want
Shigeru: just fuck me up and make me stronger
Scientist: okay [electric hands]
Shigeru, Stronger: haha fuckin idiot I’m actually here for revenge! you killed my friend and I hate nazis. taste the powers you gave me [explodes them] 
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And then he escapes, taking Yuriko (Tackle) with him. From the start he’s really cocky! My remark as I was watching the show was that he really feels like he can do anything because he just doesn’t give a shit about the social implications of anything that he does. Take him just walking into a lighthouse, getting stopped by the guard who works there, patting the guy down and being like “alright, well, you’re not a monster I guess,” and leaving. He’s silly and kind of rude to Tachibana (when he shows up) and has a “Who are you?” “What? Don’t you know who I am?” exchange with all the monsters he meets. He has a whole damn speech he does every time he transforms. It’s so good!
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While this might have set Yuriko up to be the Female Straight Man (which she kind of is for him a little) she’ll rib Tachibana or the two of them will team up and slander a monster together. I love the way they interact… I think it helps them remain on pretty equal footing even though Shigeru is absolutely the primary fighter. He still leaves things to her and trusts her to do them. I don’t think she’s fully borged - she’s never referred to as such and instead gets the term… what’s it in English, electrowave human? So she can do special attacks and such. It kind of feels like a Taki type role but stronger? Not exactly; a lot of Taki’s importance in ‘71 Rider comes from the fact that he is fully human and able to keep up with them to contrast Hongo and Hayato, but Shigeru doesn’t have the same need to connect with his humanity as they do (being borged was his choice, after all) and as such I think Yuriko fits with him much better. If we let Tackle and Taki 1v1 I think Tackle would sweep. 
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You see what I mean about Stronger seemingly learning from and refining the previous series? There’s not a way that I can talk about it without contrasting it – I think this is the point where I would stop and say that if you’re thinking about taking on the Grand Prix for yourself in full or in part and would like Stronger to be one of the series you watch to watch whichever of the series come chronologically before this that you are also interested in partaking before starting Stronger. I personally believe that there can be a lot of value in experiencing things in reverse order [<- guy who played the Layton series backwards and loved it] but also… I think that seeing things build up to Stronger as opposed to experiencing Stronger and then going behind the scenes to take a look at the building blocks is the way to go. Nowhere is that more apparently in my opinion than with: 
Hey man, what if the Generals fucked? 
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^ he's calling the cops on me for that one
Maybe this was the part of the series I was most excited to talk about. Don’t worry about it. So far I’ve pitched Stronger like a continuation of ‘71 Rider to V3 which I’d say the main cast falls into; there’s not really a lot of the others in Shigeru… but if we’re talking villain generals? We’re talking X, baby. I think that meeting Apollo Geist first is absolutely essential if X is something you’re planning on watching (don’t watch X but like, watch X) so that you can see the fields from which Titan was grown. I have it on anecdotal evidence that doing things non-chrono and going back to watch X and therefore meeting Apollo Geist post Stronger feels a little underwhelming, but meeting Apollo Geist fresh off the heels of V3 feels correct and the ramp up in Stronger comes naturally. All of that to say: we’re back with the sexual tension, but it’s even more nuts this time. 
There’s one scene in X where civvie Apollo Geist shows up at Tachibana’s coffee shop and sits down at the counter to order. He asks where Keisuke is; Tachibana tells him that he’s out, and inquires as to how this man (who has not introduced himself) knows Keisuke. An old friend, perhaps? Apollo Geist shrugs – something like that. It feels like Titan took that scene and decided to build his entire goddamn character around it. 
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^ man what the hell was this pick up line
Remember earlier when I mentioned that none of the monsters seem to know who Stronger is? That’s very much true, but Titan absolutely knows. He follows him around and smokes his stupid little cigarettes from his stupid little cigarette holder and just watches him. Titan’s obsessed with this man but whereas with Apollo Geist all the monsters were like “oh fuck yeah, let’s tie up X and drag him back, I’m sure that would make Apollo Geist happy,” it almost seems like Titan wants to keep Stronger for himself and just… doesn’t tell anyone about him. He’s possessive. He’s really intense about it. He is also using X-era techniques which didn’t even end up working against Keisuke to try and get Shigeru, of all people. It’s a fascinating strategy. The two of them follow each other to a concert and just stare at each other across the hall. Titan doesn’t really get his ass kicked, but he knows he’s not strong enough yet for Stronger. He upgrades himself. He fucking goes for it. And Titan… dies.
Well, let’s put a pin in that for a second. In any case, we need a new general, because that’s how these things go. Despite looking like a cross between an anatomical model, an astronaut, and the fucking Joker, Shadow is oddly compelling as a character to me in a way I have absolutely no idea how to describe or talk about? He’s not actually a part of Black Satan – he just kind of heard that Black Satan was fighting Stronger and was like “well shit, I want a piece of that, let me in,” and is just kind of here now. He proclaims so to Shigeru upon meeting him. Shadow really likes to play whatever game he thinks is going on by his own rules and he seems to have a blast doing so. He’s enigmatic, he’s fresh, he’s unlike any general that we’ve had before. His weird secretive nature almost makes him seem more like the leader type than the general type. Shigeru seems to understand that Shadow’s much more of a sinister threat than Titan, but doesn’t really seem to know what to do about it. 
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Let me quickly detour you another time just to finish setting up this stage here: throughout my time watching Stronger I was also working on over easy, you know, that Donbros comic I made! Still really like that thing. I know I and others have joked about Tarou being Showa-coded and honestly if you were to pick him up and place him down in a 70’s Rider series I think he’d be right at home; I mentioned up top that Shigeru doesn’t seem to give a shit about societal expectations and while I think that Tarou gives a little more of a shit about the consequences (seems to have less of a grasp on how the implications actually work though) I’m fine putting them in a similar category. Did you know Inoue’s dad worked on Stronger? That’s a fun little fact for you. 
Okay, time to get back to the show. 
Titan gets one funeral (which Shigeru gets invited to in the funniest way, by just Being in a field while this was announced to him somehow) but it was kind of a flop and nobody showed up and they didn’t even manage to use it to capture Stronger, so they decide that he needs another one. It’s at this second funeral that Shigeru finds Titan laying in a casket on a bed of roses (yes, just like Shigeru has all over his outfit) and manages to prick his electric hand on one of them, bleeding like a human, directly onto Titan’s lips, who then revives, licks it, and becomes Hundred-Eyes Titan. Buildup’s over, this is where the mad yaoi really starts. 
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You might now be understanding why I brought up Donbrothers earlier; yes, this scene shares really striking similarities with the time that Tarou got the juice sucked out of him at Sonoi’s funeral but even more homoerotic, because it’s actual blood?
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Nevermind the actual Showa-era “how human are cyborgs, really” conversation that’s to be had both in the borg angst sense but also about the fact that he can bleed from his what-I’ve-been-presuming-to-be-metal hands. Again, calling back to X, it’s almost like that point after Apollo Geist got resurrected and was going to die unless he took one of X’s parts and put it in his heart, but this actually happened and wasn’t just theoretical. We’re going past where Apollo Geist got to. If first base is fighting the Rider and home base is actually killing them, I think Titan’s made it to second. Uh, but he’s got a problem getting to third. They’ve already brought in his replacement. There’s only one way to fix this one. 
Titan and Shadow Get Divorced 
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Titan was kind of a flop in his first life. He’s been powered up a little more with Shigeru’s blood, but Shadow’s also been given Titan’s position pretty recently, and it would be a dick move to fire him. Look, usually the generals don’t come back unless the people they’re working for are the ones bringing them back, and they sure as shit weren’t doing that for Titan. Might as well just make them work it out together? For some reason the Black Satan leader seems to think this will work; really all it does is just instantly sets the two of them at each other's throats, and they begin to fight over Stronger.
They get exceptionally petty about it. Titan shows up, with a rose again, leading Stronger into a minefield, also strewn with roses, just to really rub in the whole “haha, your blood revived me” thing. Shadow at a couple points ends up straight up giving information to Shigeru so that he can get the upper hand on Titan. Shadow (who has a playing card theme, by the way, that’s his whole deal) shows Titan one of the cards that he just did a fortune reading with, and who else appears but Jo Shigeru, dripping wet, in the outline of the spade (cropped with the tail not showing) like he’s being framed in a heart. 
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^ the way he looks at that card just takes me the fuck out every time
I feel like I’m losing my mind every time I think about the two of them. Titan staggers up a dune into the good ol’ Toku Desert, dragging himself to Shadow before Shadow kills Stronger so that he can have the pleasure of at least torturing him a little bit before he goes. Shadow pokes fun at Titan for being like “I’ll be the one to kill Stronger!” with a “are you sure you actually can?” and Titan, hand to my heart, blushes. 
Titan staggers up a dune into the good ol’ Toku Desert, dragging himself to Shadow before Shadow kills Stronger so that he can have the pleasure of at least torturing him a little bit before he goes. What the fuck?!
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Titan has his own hell! Titan has made his own hell and takes Shadow there to show off his accomplishments in a scene that I can only call “two socialites who desperately need a divorce” in which Titan plays the tired husband who’s got eyes for his secretary (Shigeru) but has to bring his bitch of a wife Shadow with him to work to show off just how much he does for this family while his bitch wife Shadow looks on, unimpressed, and thinks about also fucking his husband’s secretary (still Shigeru) or maybe killing his husband and taking the life insurance money, because there’s no way this plan of his will do anything but collapse down around him, which it does, and Titan once again dies as Stronger throws him back down the crevasse to this pit he’s quite literally dug himself. 
Watching the two of them interact is absolutely fascinating. Titan’s passion for Shigeru seems renewed and completely focused now that he has a rival, Shadow’s ignited something in him, and Shadow seems like he’s having fun playing around messing with Titan while enacting his own plans. Shadow turns out to be superstitious, and bases most of his decisions off readings that he does with his deck of cards, which adds an even more fun element to his character. This is the part of the show where he seems the most… I don’t want to say happy, but how about “in his element.” These are all some really good episodes of television and they’re a blast to watch. 
Black Satan leader susses out that Shadow’s up to some shit (don’t know how that could have happened, it’s not like he’s been telling everyone he meets or anything) and decides to try and bring in another General instead of letting Shadow lead. Shigeru gets captured, defeats the leader, and Shigeru and Yuriko are the FIRST RIDERS IN HISTORY TO CRACK OPEN A COLD ONE WITH TACHIBANA!! 
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No, things aren’t actually over. This is where you can tell that things got rushed in production as (from what I’ve heard) ratings kind of tanked. Shadow brings in his friends from Demon World (where he lived before?) and decides to start a new army with them called the Delza Army, which he kind of leads. This is what he’s spent his time fighting with Titan and Shigeru and Black Satan secretly working towards - taking over the facilities that Black Satan already had and using them for his own new purpose. And sure, to do this, they need to kill Stronger, yeah. 
In much the same way that Titan and Shadow fought with each other, giving Stronger an edge, the Delza Army part of the show is mostly about these characters showing off their weaknesses through their bickering with each other, but there’s a whole fucking throng of them this time around. They each brought their own themed goons with them, and on multiple occasions the goons even begin fighting with each other while Stronger just kind of looks on in confusion and gets a clean path to the monster he’s actually looking to fight. This being backed by scenes of Shadow (somehow) drinking wine listening to one of his compatriots drone on and on makes it seem like he really misses being on the front lines?
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^ look all i'm saying is that it looks like it's 2:55 and he's got another meeting with the guy this dude is bitching about at 3 to hear the other side of this story and he hasn't had lunch yet
The thing about the Delza Army is that it’s absolutely a “too many cooks in the kitchen” situation. Shadow’s brought in a bunch of people with conflicting views and outrageous personalities and different fighting styles who spend half the time using him as HR to work out their interpersonal issues and he just seems… tired. He doesn’t seem like a guy who was cut out for management! This is not a new character type by any means, I could name so many characters who get into a position in their job and realize like “nah, actually, I was way happier where I was,” fucking Jim from The Office does it, but it’s a completely new role for any General and like also, this was what he was working for from the beginning. To finally get here and realize that actually, he doesn’t want this, is kind of weirdly fucked and not at all what I was expecting from this show. All of the characters around him have so much personality and character that they’re completely forgettable because of the oversaturation . They went an oddly adult angle with his character and I can’t tell if it’s at all intentional or if it just happened to turn out this way. I don’t personally think that this part of the show is as good as the part with Titan and Shadow fighting, but I feel like that decrease even more helps support the change in Shadow’s character, so it ends up wrapping around to working.
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This is also the part where Yuriko dies. 
There’s not really much that I can say about that one other than the fact that I’ve heard she was supposed to be brought back later as a full rider this time but, because the show had to be cut, isn’t. I have a story in my mind where the rest of the guys – because they all come back at the end, they have to put on one last big show, and they’ve got a lot of science guys there – manage to jump her back to life in much the same way Shigeru did himself and transform her into a full cyborg, like I said earlier, and that she’d fully join the ranks. I know that there was talk of possibly making Taki V3 or even Riderman, which is another reason I compared the two up top. They could have done that without all of the additional angst that it would have caused the '71 cast to borg Taki since Yuriko's already been modified. It would have been so good... I’ll mention this again I’m sure come Skyrider post, but I really liked his little spotted scarf, mostly because it reminds me of Tackle’s suit. It’s like she did get to be with us in a way! 
From there on you get your usual show beats: as mentioned previously, all the previous riders show up which is very fun, they defeat Shadow (who kind of seems relieved to be going out, to be honest) and the rest of the Delza army, and then it’s time to fight the Leader.
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^ Tachibana's really silly in this one and but it's the sweetest thing seeing his boys come back to him
The leader this time around is like, I think the quarry come to life? No, but for real: some kind of rock monster that has been pulling the strings of all the different groups that all the different riders have fought. It’s all the same guy behind the scenes. I’ll say it, I kind of appreciated that one as a “no matter what name you put to it, facism is facism” type thing? I don’t think it’s that much of a stretch to interpret it that way. It feels kind of appropriate. The specifics of what they’re fighting change but the root cause and their aim is always the same; though there might be infighting between the groups, Kamen Rider is a show about punching Nazis at its core. 
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^ and they all love Tachibana so much!
This is the last time (besides the little special) that we get to have Tachibana on the show. There’s a break between this one and Skyrider and you can absolutely feel it looming in the horizon as everyone rides off again. Despite that, Stronger’s a blast of a show! I think this is one where there are absolutely different ways you could watch it and I just managed to take the path where I ended up probably the most satisfied I could have been during the Delza part since I was just watching the degradation of a man in bureaucracy. Which is always, always fun. 
YES fuck yes I recommend Stronger, with the caveat I gave at the beginning that you should probably watch whichever shows chronologically come before this one that you’re interested in watching before you Tackle Stronger. 
Bu dum tss…
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galadae · 9 months
Cala why can't you tell ppl things 😔 for the wip roundup
thanks rue! 🩷
so I'm actually up in the air whether this will be a fic or a mini comic, I've had the idea for awhile. This is after the Burn. Hien tries to block some blow for Cala, gets a tiny, easily healed injury, and she gets mad at him for getting hurt for her. lol
"Are you daft?" she snaps, rounding on him. "I've survived worse than what I would have gotten if you weren't determined to get in the way."
Her eyes bore into him, violet daggers, a sharp pain behind her expression.
Hien frowns, his lips pressed into a tight line. It had been a reckless choice, perhaps, but he had his reasons. This was going too far. "I too survived, Calantha. I simply thought you might want help--"
"Well you thought wrong." she cuts him off. "I didn't need your help." She closes her eyes and clutches her lance between her fists, knuckles white. When her eyes open, he can see worry within them. "Don't throw your life away. If anything happens to you, I don't--" she stops. She looks away, silent for a moment. "You're too important," she adds, weakly.
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sandinthemachine · 2 years
so sad that i can't link it bc anon but könig has a tattoo!, XWX_WW on twitter posted it and i don't care that its a reused one that two other operators had from the last game he has tattoos!
he what???
wait i think you can send links if you just copy/paste them but i never send anons so idk sorry
the idea of him having a tattoo is so nice tho aww what is it of?
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dreamcrow · 2 years
the moon alive beneath your skin
(unrated/non-explicit but definitely mature; 2.2k words)
Not the first time. (But a first time.)
[ » continue reading on ao3 ]
and if you enjoy, perhaps consider a reblog? 💖
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anti-terf-posts · 2 months
a while ago some terf deactivated and i stole their url and turned it into a woody's roundup blog and today one of their fucking terf friends mentioned it and started ranting all this weird shit at me thinking i was the same person without even checking lmao
i’m sitting here in silence trying to figure out how to reply to this. Did you, anon, know that you’re possibly the funniest person out there??
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kirby-the-gorb · 3 months
reply roundup!
man apparently these are still hard even when I'm not Literally Dying anymore :v
the sad sale went great, thank you for all the support everyone <3 I bought shelves and makeup and paper star papers and stickers and a new blanket, plus it's helping cover my allowance until my wife starts getting paid. I am already thinking I might do another sale in november just for fun lol
my wife has started orientation at her program and she's having a great time, our partner and I are gonna go down to visit her in a couple weeks :) I also finished rearranging all my furniture now that her furniture isn't here and it only made me terribly ill once!
I am really enjoying everyone singing along on [live and learm], I love enthusiasm <3
on [stars] @korattata said: HEY THATS WHAT I'VE BEEN DOING ALL DAY!!!!! i just started learning last night! its a nice break at work to stop looking at the computer screen. they all still look a bit wonky and i think one of the sheets of paper is too thick but i'm just using paper i got from the supply closet and cut with the paper cutter lol
aw that's so cool! the ones that are like actually packaged for making paper stars are usually a bit thinner than printer paper, like other origami paper, but that also means they tear a lot more easily in the first step if you're not careful, so it's always a tradeoff. what a fun coincidence :>
on [hallway] @thesilentpotato said: the first thing i thought of was the "da dee la da dee la da" krabby patty zoom in scene from spongebob
lol I hadn't thought of that until you said it but you're so right (she is referencing [this scene] from the krusty krab training video for anyone unfamiliar)
(side note thank you to folks who put pronouns in easily findable places so I can refer to you correctly even if I don't know you <3 )
on [birthday] @joekingv1 said: *asks baby what gifts they received and if they would like to read/watch Komi Can't Communicate*
I never really got into komi because one of the side characters really squicks me out, but I have a friend that really loves it, so maybe they've watched it with her! I think they probably got to go somewhere fun for their birthday like a theme park or a zoo, and get a souvenir plush while they were there -u-
on [sheep] @ceylonsilvergirl [added] a different line for kirby, which I still think about regularly lol
on [pills] @minty-spice said: op i hope your health improves and your empire of pills eventually shrinks
thank you <3 honestly I'd be happy with just the first one, I don't mind all the pills so much as long as they're actually helping.
on [crackers] @amatsuki said: made a bunch of cold noodles today with cucumber carrot chicken & sesame peanut soy sauce. the only actual cooking i had to do was boil water and steam chicken
oh hell yeah cold noodles are a fantastic example of a basic food to go feral over. now I want noodles too.........
on [thinking] @adrawrable said: hope you're cozy op
not right now as I type this because it is Computer Work Time, but in general I am So Cozy these days, I have a whole queen bed to myself so it's full of big stuffed animals and fluffy blankets :) (tbh even once my wife moves back here we may just all have individual beds we all seem very comfy this way lol)
on [slam] @jeaniechibi said: we'll be right back ➡️ shshgdtsudtdidh why is every bit of art with a blurr effect so damn funny 🤣
it truly is, I love a thoughtfully applied motion blur (or perspective blur can be funny too) (altho tbh I don't use the perspective blur tool for those I just use separate layers and gaussian blur) (for anyone unfamiliar this is a reference to the eric andre show meme)
on [beehive] @galacticnova3 said: me @ wasp nests minus the frowning, little fellas doing their little fella activities. sometimes they squabble. the thinking man’s reality tv drama
true, true, gotta love little fella activities. personally I feel better observing from a safe distance, but we had a lot of wasps around my childhood home and I didn't really know how to get friendlier than not actively making them mad lol
anonymous asked: That profile is amazing
for some reason I don't feel like I understand, but thank you!
on [sale] @milkymoon-ramblings said: gahh why do so many people have so many cool probducts, the queers are tempting me with their cool swag. however I need to save money for my own cool swag (digital art)
I just love the phrase "the queers are tempting me with their cool swag", so relatable lol (also no worries to anyone who couldn't or didn't want to buy anything, it's not like I needed it to pay bills I just wanted treats :v )
on [solstice] @jaune-chat said: Definitely, the sun can fuck right off. I break into a rash if I get too much sun, and I can't walk outside without full body coverage to some degree or be itching for WEEKS! In order of preference, is fall, winter, spring, summer.
oof yeah my mom gets a bad rash from sun exposure too! I'm fortunate to not have that specific symptom, but dang it seems so inconvenient, especially if you're also sensitive to heat so being covered up puts you at additional risk. personally I rate winter a little higher than fall but otherwise yeah total agreement lol
on [rollerskates] @nexus-nebulae said: @ prev tags i used to daydream constantly about being able to roller skate everywhere because i would constantly think 'rolling would be way easier than dragging my feet everywhere rn' and it took me two months of constantly thinking about that before i realised OH i need a ROLLATOR that would help (<- i am not smart) i haven't actually tried roller skating bc i don't own skates but i have used a skateboard briefly and that also feels better than walking. i wonder.... if the roller skating rink nearby would allow me to use a rollator in the rink with skates on........ probably not lmao
honestly it takes so much to actually realize like "oh a mobility aid might help with this" which is like, a bad thing, but we're just gonna focus on the funny part for now happy disability pride month :v and tbh I think maybe they might let you do it??? cuz like at ice skating rinks they usually have those little penguins or just straight up plastic lawn chairs for people to support themselves on, so I don't think it would be that crazy to go out on the rollarink with a rollator? but also that's just me and I do not run the place or get paid minimum wage to keep people from breaking the place sooo lol
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1dmonthlyficroundup · 3 months
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— 1D Monthly Fic Roundup —
Hi, and welcome to the 1D Monthly Fic Roundup for June 2024! Below you’ll find 1D fics that were all published this month. We hope you’ll check out these new fics! If you would like to submit your own fic, please check this post on how to submit or visit our blog @1dmonthlyficroundup​. You can find all our other posts here.
Happy reading!
* Like A Force Of Nature by @reminiscingintherain [T, 30k, Zayn/Liam]
“Yes, that’s it. You’re sat over by the window, next to Liam Payne. He’s in Year 10, so a year below you. I’m sure you’ll find lots to talk about though.” Zayn sighed and turned slowly, looking in the direction that Mr Murs had pointed. Sat at a table, with his arms folded as he gazed out of the window – which just so happened to have a sudden shaft of sunlight shining through to surround him, making him appear angelic in the watery winter beams – was a solid-looking lad. As though hearing his name, he turned to face Zayn, a curious and seemingly hopeful expression on his face. Zayn took a deep breath and manoeuvred his way through the tables and chairs, shrugging out of his bag and dropping it carefully to the floor as he took his seat. “Hi,” said Liam, giving him a friendly smile. “Hi…” Zayn replied, feeling like his insides had melted into goo at the simple word. Well, shit.
Or; the Heartstopper AU no one asked for.
* Pay It Forward by @reminiscingintherain [M, 3k, Zayn/Louis]
Zayn's agreed to be a sperm donor for his lesbian friends. Louis' his best friend, and he supports Zayn's decision... right?
* I Can Only Hold You by @lululawrence [NR, 8k, Louis/Jordan North]
Louis closed his eyes, genuinely concerned that the omega was not just teetering on the edge of depri, but had already fallen fully into it. “How long has it been since you’ve had any stimms in your system at all?”
“Hmm? Oh, uh…” Jordan went quiet for a moment. “Not sure. My brain feels kind of foggy, Lou. But it’s been since probably Wednesday? Maybe?”
“Wednesday of this week?” Louis asked hopefully. If it had only been a matter of days, this might be withdrawal symptoms from the stimms and not full on touch deprivation.
“No, Wednesday of last week. I think. It might actually have been the week before? Oh god, that’s really bad, isn’t it?”
When Louis learns Jordan is close to falling into depri, he rushes over to help. What follows is so much more than either of them planned for.
* You Just Be Yourself by @lululawrence [NR, 13k, Harry/Louis]
“Thanks, Mom.”
Louis’ breath was knocked right out of him at those words, and Grey froze. They then immediately pulled out of Louis’ arms and scurried out of sight before either Harry or Louis could respond.
“Shit,” Harry cursed quietly, looking between Louis and where Grey had disappeared.
“I…” Louis blinked and looked down at the boxes still scattered on the floor. By the time he had gathered them back up, Harry was also gone.
Or five times Harry's daughter claims Louis as her mother, and one time Louis claims them both as his too.
* call me any, anytime by @disgruntledkittenface [E, 2k, Louis/Harry]
Harry’s plans for the night are interrupted by an unexpected FaceTime call.
* Feelin' So Good Right Now by YesIsAWorld / @louandhazaf [E, 1k, Harry/Louis]
Louis, a just-turned vampire, enjoys his enhanced touch sensation.
* Pick Someone Supportive by @enchantedlandcoffee [G, 333 words, Louis/Harry]
Louis sighed and turned to look at Harry, the other boy laughing at something Zayn had said on the phone. "He's just- way out of my league, you know? Besides, I'm pretty sure he doesn't like me like that. Having him as a friend is more than enough."
OR The one where there may be a chance for romance in Harry and Louis' future after all.
* I wish you would've cheated (but you smashed my heart to pieces) by @enchantedlandcoffee [T, 292 words, Louis & Zayn, Louis/Harry]
“Lou, what happened?” Zayn whispered, entering the room and climbing onto the bed straight away. He immediately laid on his side, face to face with his friend. “He doesn't love me, Zee,” Louis replied, voice cracking and tears pooling in his eyes as Zayn pulled him into his arms.
Or Zayn didn't quite know what to expect when his best friend had begged him to come over, but the last thing he did expect was a heartbroken Louis and a convieniently missing Harry.
* Scarred by @allwaswell16 [E, 23k, Louis/Harry]
As a male omega, Louis has learned to live with disappointment and rejection, but he dreams of the day he finds his soulmate. When Harry inadvertently rejects him as his soulmate, Harry has no idea he's doomed Louis to a slow, painful death.
Pride doesn't keep Louis from telling Harry the truth. But love does.
* The Tiniest Moves by @allwaswell16 [T, 1k, Louis/Nick Grimshaw]
Coffee shop owner Nick Grimshaw may or may not have come to work on his day off in the hopes that fresh-off-his-world-tour Louis Tomlinson might stop by.
* It's You by @allwaswell16 [T, 2k, Louis/Louis]
Five times alpha Louis talks to omega Lou and one time he admits he wants more from his omega clone
* Don’t Embarrass Me, Motherfucker by @allwaswell16 [T, 1k, Harry/Louis]
Harry comes home from work to find Louis and their parrot are up to something. A Darcy the Parrot time stamp
Part 2 of That's How I Know
* Counting Lipstick Stains Where You Should Be by larry_hiatus / @larry-hiatus [E, 6k, Harry/Louis]
Louis doesn’t know how he ended up with Harry’s makeup after they split, but pretty soon he’s got lipstick on his mouth and black-tipped fingers wrapped around himself as he contemplates all that he lost. Part 2 of Played With Myself (Where Were You?)
* Remember Me As A Time Of Day by @justanothershadeofblue [E, 67k, ot5]
It's the 20th anniversary of the One Direction hiatus, and the powers that be have decided that it's time for a reunion tour, and ideally, an album. Can five middle-aged lads thrust into a house in the middle of nowhere to make music sort out two decades worth of hurts, grudges, and resentments and come together with enough love to make a show - and a relationship - that works?
* (on the edge until) you pull me in by @justanothershadeofblue [E, 3k, Louis/Harry]
Louis brings his hands up to rub at his eyes. The light from the streetlight is painting his room in pale halogen yellow and grey. A car zips by in the night, the sound of tires across damp asphalt a comforting constant.
He sets aside the details, and imagines it again. A faceless man. A rich one. Gay, also, obviously, or at least queer. Maybe he’d have a nice voice, Louis always did like a nice voice. Deep, maybe slow and deliberate to contrast with Louis’ own tendency toward high-pitched chattering.
He’d have to smell good, Louis’s always been picky about how his dates smelled. Not that he’s had all that many in the first place, but it’s something he’s always cared about. A full head of hair, too, that’s important. Maybe some curls.
Louis lets a hand run down his chest. His dick is not about to fall off, thank you very much, Niall, but it has been a while since he’s had time for a wank. He doesn’t really have time now – he’s got to get up in three and half hours and get breakfast, but oh well. It’ll feel good enough to be worth the extra lost sleep.
* Your A-Team, Your Endgame by @silverkiiwii [E, 70k, Harry/Louis]
Harry and Louis work like a well oiled machine, completely in sync when it comes to their designing and working together but as soon as the curtains are down, they hate each other's guts.
Partnered together and forced to work as a team, will the off-camera tensions bleed on-camera? And when the stakes are as high as two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, can they afford to let that happen?
Or a Next In Fashion au where Louis and Harry are partnered in the competition but they do not get along when they have to if they want to win. Full of fashion, banter, misunderstanding and a whole lot of making each other blush.
* everything of mine is yours by @blueskiesrry [E, 33k, Louis/Harry]
"Did you two have a good time?”
Harry in his bathroom, brushing his teeth with frizzy hair and tired eyes. Harry on the couch cuddled up with Posy, cradling her in the crook of his elbow, humming a soft song. Harry laughing with his friends in a pub on a Friday night, a flower field in his eyes. Harry in his bed tucked under the covers, naked against fresh sheets like a shock of moonlight cutting through a storm.
“Yeah,” he says. “We did.”
or: With Harry in New York finishing up his PhD and Louis in London working as a solicitor, they try to navigate their eight year situationship including almost-daily phone calls, the occasional indulgence of casual phone sex, and endless gossip sessions as the feelings they have for each other get harder to ignore.
* Slippery When Wet by yeah_alright / @uhoh-but-yeah-alright [E, 3k, Harry/Louis, Harry/Zayn, Zayn & Louis]
Harry has a habit of hot tubbing topless, to both the delight and dismay of her housemates Louis and Zayn. When it gets to be too much for Louis one day, she flees to her room to take care of herself, only to be surprised by Zayn showing up in her doorway and suggesting they take mutual advantage of Louis' view of the back garden where Harry's still enjoying her hot tub time.
In which Louis finds out the only thing hotter than Harry is getting off a few feet from a good friend who finds her just as overwhelming.
* do not want this show to end by yeah_alright / @uhoh-but-yeah-alright [E, 2k, Louis/Steve Durham]
Louis's obsessing over his vocal performance after his For Every Question Why Livestream show. Steve helps him take his mind off it.
* Louis and the no good, very bad day by @haztobegood [E, 4k, Louis/Harry]
Tap, tap. Honk!
Louis sits up quick. Over by the sliding glass door that leads to his small balcony, a white goose with bright orange beak taps at the glass.
Louis collapses back into the bed with a groan. Just when he thought his day couldn’t get any worse, there’s a fucking goose stuck on his balcony.
* Figure This Out by @haztobegood [E, 2k, Louis/Harry]
Louis is everything Harry could have imagined when he’d typed “silver fox enthusiast” into his Grindr profile. Too bad he's probably scared Louis off by giving him too many expensive gifts.
* Lost But Won by @2tiedships2 [NR, 16k, Harry/Louis]
“If you start out by talking about your weekend of golfing I swear to god I will stab you with a pen,” Louis said by way of greeting. “You’ll have to give me a few minutes though so I can see if I even own a pen. But the warning stands.”
“Hello to you too, dearest Louis,” Niall yelled from where he still sat on the couch next to Harry.
There was a clunk on the floor and what sounded like shoes hitting the wall as Niall announced, “We have a guest. You might want to save stabbing me until you don’t have a witness.”
“Well if they are obsessed with golf then…” Louis trailed off as he made his appearance in the living room.
Harry’s mouth dried up. This was not the alpha that Niall had described.
When Harry loses his passport after a weekend trip to see Niall, the inconvenience of being stranded in America becomes a little more bearable after meeting Louis. Or a lot more bearable.
* Fiction, Future & Predictions by sweetkalachuchi / @neverforpickles [G, 2k, Louis/Harry]
“It had been a warm Sunday morning when Harry went for his stroll.”
— Harry Styles is in love with Louis Tomlinson.
* We Are World Class by Blue_Green28 / @bluegreen28fics [E, 50k, Louis/Harry]
In the midst of Louis' divorce, Harry and Louis have to keep their relationship a secret. When Harry falls pregnant, they find that this is not as easy as one might think.
or, the footballer!Louis & actor!Harry AU where everyone is way too interested in their sex life.
* I'll Still Feel the Same Around You by @crinkle-eyed-boo [E, 2k, Harry/Louis]
He finds himself wishing that the bedsheet would slip down a few more inches so he could get a good look at Harry’s perfectly pert–
Louis’ breath hitches as his cock stirs, suddenly very interested in this train of thought.
The answer to all of Louis’ troubles is so fucking obvious he can’t believe he didn’t think of it until now.
Nothing puts him to sleep like a good orgasm.
Louis finds the cure for his insomnia in the form of his husband.
* Miracle Massages by red_panda28 / @red-pandaaa [T, 3k, Louis/Harry]
It took some effort, but Harry finally got his mouth to cooperate. “Wanna take a bath,” he mumbled.
“Alright.” There was a small pause. “Are you gonna move?” Louis asked, the amused smile audible in the question.
OR Alpha Louis pampering his pregnant Omega, Harry. Featuring nests, a sprinkle of angst, and belly massages. part of a series but can be read independently. Part 4 of Becoming Family
* You've Got A Friend In Me by red_panda28 / @red-pandaaa [E, 2k, Harry/Louis]
The preview showed a WhatsApp from Harry, saying ‘you’ve got a friend in me’. While Louis was still looking, a second text appeared, simply the smirking emoji.
Confused, he swiped the app open to reply.
Louis: are you suggesting we watch toy story?
Harry: not quite
Louis: ???
OR Harry sends a naughty picture while Louis is at work and phone sex ensues
* Sugar, Sugar by @parmahamlarrie [E, 25k, Louis/Harry]
Meeting your soulmate was the most joyous event of one’s life… or at least, it’s supposed to be. Harry, in all of his 25 year old wisdom, was suspicious of the role fate plays in everyone's lives. He'd rather focus his time dating older men he meets off of a sugar baby website.
Louis isn’t waiting with bated breath for his soulmate either. He has more important things to worry about than love. Mainly, his career as a writer, publishing under a pseudonym. He spends most of the year buried under research and manuscripts, taking as much time as he would like, much to his publishers' chagrin. After receiving many millions after the death of his Aunt Ethel when he was young, he technically never has to work again. As far as soulmates go, he figures if it happens, he will be so old that he’ll be stuck in his ways. Or he’ll have grey eyes forever, he doesn’t fucking care. He can get his needs met through a sugar baby website.
Or… The Sugar baby soulmate AU
* Come On and Rescue Me by @kingsofeverything [E, 3k, Harry/Louis]
Louis only intends to watch his hot neighbor’s Instagram live, but he winds up with his hand down his pants.
* Tossing Round Like Coins by LetTheMusicMoveYou / @letthemusicmoveyou28 [E, 25k, Louis/Harry]
“No, no it’s fine.” Louis rubs the back of his neck a little awkwardly. “I guess I’m just not used to hearing another alpha talking about taking a knot is all. You caught me off guard a bit, but I don’t mind.”
Harrys look of embarrassment soon morphs into a smirk. “Not a lot of knot talk in the locker rooms then?”
Louis laughs. “Oh yeah there is. But it’s more like arguments over whose is bigger and that.” He schools his face into what he hopes is an over exaggerated, self-righteous expression. “But not me of course, because I’m proper evolved.”
Harry snorts out a laugh. “Of course you are.”
(Or the one where Louis is an alpha who does manly alpha things like play professional football and lift weights at the gym, where he meets alpha Harry who wears nail polish and dates other alphas. Louis isn’t put off by Harry’s strange tendencies, more like intrigued. And maybe just maybe, he’s interested).
* Body Stay Vicious by LetTheMusicMoveYou / @letthemusicmoveyou28 [E, 5k, Harry/Louis]
Harry looks at himself in the mirror again, and gasps at what he sees.
The way his sweaty curls are sticking to his forehead while his bare and glistening chest is practically heaving out breaths as he stands in the middle of the otherwise empty gym with his hand down his shorts working over his length.
It makes a filthy picture. He moans into the empty space, and it echos off the cement walls.
Or maybe not so empty.
Suddenly there is a raspy voice from over Harry’s shoulder.
“Can’t say I’ve ever done that particular exercise in the gym. Guess I’ve been working out wrong.”
Harry looks up in horror, and through the mirror, he locks eyes with none other than the blue-eyed stranger he’s been fantasizing about this whole time.
(Or the one where Harry is feeling himself in the gym and gets a little carried away. Of course his gym crush just happens to walk in. They work it out).
- Podfics -
* [Podfic] Swipe Right for a Clean Flat by @lululawrence read by Panda_Podfics (red_panda28) / @pandapodfics [NR, Louis/Harry]
Harry was done. He was over this shit. He literally only asked his flatmate to do one chore, and that was the washing up. He couldn’t even handle a few plates and cups. Harry obviously overestimated him.
Louis wasn’t that bad. It was just that he only did the washing if he was going out to pull and wanted to bring someone home. If the dishes were put away, that was how Harry knew to vacate the premises. There was no way he was going to listen to yet another girl moan Louis’ name while Harry laid in bed and wondered what it might be like if only Louis liked men.
Glaring at the full sink and debating washing up himself - again - Harry finally turned and stalked to his room.
“Dire circumstances,” Harry muttered as he picked up his phone and unlocked it.
Or the one where Harry and Louis are flatmates and Harry is tired of Louis not doing the washing up. He figures signing up on Tinder as a hot girl might be just the fix for this issue.
* [podfic] Season 3, Episode 5: (now I realize that the world outside) it's bigger than me [a fic by we_are_the_same] by podfic_pals / @podfic-pals [T, Louis/no pairing]
It starts with a phone call from Liam.
“Lou,” it sounds urgent, the way that Liam gets when he’s worried, and Louis sits up straighter, conditioned to that tone even when he had hated it the first few years in the band.
“What’s wrong?” he asks, his brain immediately trying to play catch up, wondering where his keys are and if he can get away with leaving the house without a shower, because it doesn’t matter how long it’s been, it doesn’t matter how much physical distance there is between them, if any of his boys call and need him he’ll be there in a heartbeat. Or as soon as he can, at least.
“Did you mean to post that to your public account?”
Or: Louis accidentally comes out
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gday-from-tasmaloa · 11 months
we are getting desperate
is there ANYONE, preferably in either Galar or Sinnoh, who can take any number of Buneary off our hands???
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bugtransport · 2 years
Kamen Rider X Finished February 14th, 2023
Here's your warning now: this one also got away from me. I BROKE 4k...
Kamen Rider X is… a show!
Look. I don’t know how to start this. I don’t know how many of you have seen this show. I don’t know how many of you saw me lose my fucking mind when I watched the first two episodes of this one. I had to kick myself out of the house and go get a breath of fresh air and went to H Mart and bought a shitton of side dishes. Just to cope, you know? Sometimes you need some fish cakes, for the soul. I ate great that whole week but that’s besides the point. X does have what I myself would describe as “a beginning” so let’s just recap that first, I guess, because it sure kicks the show off.
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Pictured: welcome to Wet Boy Wonderland.
Before we begin fully: I think I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that there are… a couple issues with and themes in this show that I appreciated having a heads up on before I got to them. I think that what I might have to say might come off as far too complimentary without this disclaimer and to spoil my final conclusion, my actual feelings are a little mixed. We’ll be touching on this later with how it ties into what my thesis ends up being, but there’s a switch in the theme of the monsters part way through the show from Greek Mythology to Various Bad Guys In History and the thing about various bad guys in history and also shows that are made in, let I remind you, the 70s, is that sometimes things can be… well, I’ll be blunt. There’s a pretty racist caricature in there and some of the picks can be a little off color and also there’s Starfish Hitler which does feature swastikas and was a decision that the boys and I dubbed “sure a choice.” I mean yeah, he gets killed like all the other bad guys do, but still. Do you know the experience of watching Aristocats for the first time as an adult and being like “Hmm, I really do not remember this weird racist scene in the middle of this film, what the fuck? I mean I guess it was a different time, but still…” That’s kind of what this feels like in spots. Jin Keisuke also has maybe the world’s worst dad. This is a guy who seems to have decided that a “signs of parental abuse” checklist is a game of bingo and that somehow it can be won. This is most apparent during the first couple episodes for reasons you’ll see in like, a minute or so if you read at the same speed I do or faster, but it flavors the entire show in a way I’ll hopefully convince you of by the end. Trust me on this one. Those are the two big disclaimers I have out of the way; if either of those are non-negotiable issues for you, I recommend not finishing this and watching something that isn’t Kamen Rider X. For the rest of you? Buckle up. 
Here’s (roughly) what happens in the first two episodes of X. Jin Keisuke comes back home for a visit. He gets jumped by some goons at the boat docks who want to kidnap him because of his dad and gets shot at and falls into the water. He gets out of the water and reconnects with his… fiancee? I think? Keisuke goes to visit his father at his lab in a seaside cave, says that again, dad, he has no interest in going into science, and gets promptly judo thrown in response. His dad then tells him to put on a vest, which he does. Keisuke and his fiancee (?) go out to eat dinner and she tries to guilt him into sticking around because his dad is lonely. Keisuke gets a message saying that GOD is coming to fuck his shit up. Oh, right, GOD is the name of the bad guy organization in this one. Just roll with it... Neptune and the goons (great band name, the more that I think about it) overthrow a ship. Keisuke’s fiancee comes to visit them at the cave-lab; Keisuke’s dad shoots his son. This is okay because it turns out that the vest was bulletproof. Everyone laughs at this. Keisuke presumably goes to sleep at some point after this but gets woken up in the middle of the night and attacked by some goons and oh look, one of them happens to be his fiancee! What a surprise! Keisuke rushes to his dad’s side to find the guy bleeding out on the rocks in front of his cave-lab. Goons pop up and shoot him too, killing him. Keisuke’s dad has enough fight left in him to drag his son into his cave-lab and borg him and somehow get him onto a boat, where Keisuke wakes up after an indeterminate amount of time, surprised to be alive. Keisuke’s dad left a message for him telling that he built a supercomputer that is also an island (the Jin Station) to house his consciousness on a computer now that he’s dead. He gives Keisuke a bike and a quick rundown on how to become the X Rider and then asks Keisuke to explode his corpse for him. He does this. There’s a flashback of Keisuke as a kid running to his dad and his dad grabbing him and just fucking slamming the kid down. Keisuke goes off and defeats Neptune and the goons and gets helped by a woman who looks exactly like his fiancee but isn’t actually her, who gives no explanation as to why this is the case. 
…So that’s episode one. 
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Pictured: father-son bonding at its finest!
I’ll make episode two shorter: Keisuke has another run in with his fiancee and her doppelganger which doesn’t explain anything either. Our monster of the week plotline is about a kid whose dad was just killed in a car accident a couple weeks ago and who apparently fought with his dad a lot and doesn’t know how to deal with the guilt that comes from that. Keisuke tries to protect this kid from misinformed townspeople who think that he’s hypnotizing people and the fact that he’s a borg starts to sink in. Keisuke goes back to the Jin Station to experience his first bout of borg angst with some support from his computer-father, whose response to his son wanting comfort is to call him a weak bitch and tell him that he can’t rely on anyone, he has to fight alone, and insist that Keisuke blow up the Jin Station, killing him again. This happens. Keisuke manages to convince the public that the boy was being slandered by GOD and that he wasn’t actually hypnotizing people. He then beats up the guy actually responsible. Keisuke comforts the kid by straightening out his flute, which got bent in the fight, and contemplates that maybe there are some good things about being a borg after all. 
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Pictured: I might have understated exactly how the stages of grief impacted him on this one here.
If you think I'm exaggerating anything here you're more than welcome to fact check me. These first two episodes are available for free on the Toei Youtube channel, go ham! Good luck.
In any case, you might be seeing a theme emerging here. Don’t worry, we’ll get to that in just a minute. There’s a little bit of contrasting that I want to do first with the previous riders. Jin Keisuke is pretty different than the guys that we’ve had before and is especially jarring coming off of a dude like Kazami Shiro. Keisuke’s wet. He doesn’t have a support network like even Hongo did with at least knowing Tachibana from the start. Hell, it’s debatable that the guy even knows Kamen Riders are like, a thing, and not just some random shit his dad made up. He certainly doesn’t know them personally like Hongo was able to make sure both Hayato and Kazami did from the start. There’s a vague kind of uncertainty undercutting everything that Jin Keisuke does as a borg because he wasn’t borged in the same way that the other previous riders were. It was by someone who he ostensibly should be able to trust (unlike Hongo and Hayato) and for a fight that wasn’t at all his (unlike Kazami) and in a way that, because of these facts, comes off as more malicious and personal than Shocker’s sterile, random cruelty and while yes, his dad was technically saving his life, it doesn’t really seem to come from a place of kindness. It really comes off like his dad wanted to have just another way to control him after he was gone and when he realized that his son was still something that he viewed as “weak,” died to save himself the embarrassment. He explicitly requested that Keisuke not lean on anyone and instead take on the fight himself, despite doing exactly the opposite of that in giving the fight over to his son in the first place. What a hypocritical ass. 
It’s not just that – there’s the way that he fights with a weapon, kind of like Riderman, but essentially fences, which is so unlike any of the boys previously. He just kind of coincidentally falls into fighting GODborgs for the first part of the show with no real rhyme or reason, not with any plan, not necessarily being targeted by them even, really not seeming like he has any stake in the fight at all. He kind of doesn’t. Everyone else had some kind of personal vendetta and sure, GOD killed his dad the first time around, but Keisuke also got asked by his computer-dad to kill him, and he did. So. I mean, he could have just kept his dad alive that way. This is explicitly not his fight. He just kind of ended up here. Once the show gets going and Jin Keisuke gets into the swing of things and we start getting back into something that feels… a bit more like the previous Rider seasons, there’s still this odd disbelief in his abilities that all the characters, including Tachibana and the rest of his allies, approach Keisuke with. With Kazami, he’d do completely off the wall shit and everyone would be like “haha, that’s our guy!” Keisuke will play dead to try and throw someone off his tracks and go a little overboard with the fake blood or something and it’ll work, but in the same breath Tachibana will just look at him all confused and question why on earth he decided to go that way in the first place. I feel like I’m going full Pepe Syliva; is this not meant to mirror his father’s disbelief in his son’s abilities/path in life and the subsequent control that he tried to push onto him? In fact, there’s really only one character who I can think of who doesn’t underestimate him near constantly: Apollo Geist, baby.
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Pictured: the creature in question
PART TWO: Fuck it, call me a Jin Keisuke apollogeist
Sorry, I had to fit that joke in here somewhere. I’ve been trying for weeks to make it work. Apollo Geist is the leader of GOD’s secret police, a position that is basically analogous to any of the other commanders that we’ve seen before. Weekly monster gets sent out, he’s the one above them in the ranks so he oversees their progress, critiques them, ends up 1v1ing the rider at some point, gets their shit kicked in. We’ve seen this before, we’ve loved this before, it works so well and I think it’s definitely something that the beginning episodes were lacking. We have to get some structure in these evil organizations in order to be able to even start to think about tearing them down. Though – because of the aforementioned constant and relentless underestimating of Jin Keisuke, when Apollo Geist appears and becomes obsessed with taking him down and claims that he’s the only one who can actually defeat the rider and stands on cliffsides watching him fight it really comes off as way more personal than anyone else we’ve had before. He can transform, not really into a monster, but into something way closer to X or any of the riders than we’ve had with anyone else previously. Apollo Geist feels like he’s set up to be Jin Keisuke’s equal, and it’s mad yaoi. 
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Oh yeah, and totally forgot about this until I was looking back through my caps to write this, but Keisuke’s fiancee? Yeah, she was trying to do like whole double agent thing with her twin (who was the other one who looked like her) and it didn’t work out and she exploded mere minutes before Apollo Geist was introduced for the first time. She never really gets mentioned again. But that does leave the spot for a romantic interest open…
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Pictured: special friends...
So. What the hell else am I supposed to think. Like, sorry, the man butts into pretty much every fight because he doesn’t trust his lackeys with this man. He wants to take X down in a way that’s satisfying to him. He checks in with Tachibana when Jin Keisuke fakes his death without telling him that he’s with GOD, leading Tachibana to think he must be one of Keisuke’s friends. He does the same thing when visiting the coffee shop later. He’s fucking obsessed with this guy. The two of them bike joust. Apollo Geist will jump onto his bike from 20 floors up, tenderizing his nuts into oblivion when he hits the saddle, just to show off. He’s obsessive and wild and wears a suit that’s all one color and man, I cannot imagine who else this might be reminding me of right now, but my word… and, both times he dies, he does so trying to take X down with him. 
“Both times he dies?” Both times he dies. The man fails to hold down X the first time around when he tried to explode him with his arm bomb and following that gets rebuilt and upgraded in the process. Long story short, after donning his little cowboy fit and realizing that he has shit aim suddenly during his daily shooting practice to kill Jin Keisuke, he learns that he only has a day or two left to live and that the literal only way to reverse this is to take a piece of the X suit and have it attached to his heart. 
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Pictured: heterosexual behavior
Yes, you heard me correctly there: the only way for Apollo Geist to live here is for him to quite literally accept Jin Keisuke into his heart. Fucking incredible, isn’t it? He doesn’t do this, obviously, because he did die a second time, but look. The metaphor. It’s right there!! Maybe if Apollo Geist and Jin Keisuke had met under different circumstances, or maybe if they had a common enemy, or maybe if Apollo Geist wanted to admit his newfound weakness to Jin Keisuke or accept Jin Keisuke’s weaknesses as well (like the part where Keisuke didn’t want to transform because he was hurt, right, and Apollo Geist wanted to force him into changing so they could fight) and get into something that isn’t just this back and forth will they won’t they tension, the “what if we were two boys?” complex, the fucking starcrossed lovers of it all. 
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Pictured: he likes to be tall
Sorry, wait a fucking second, wasn’t there someone else who died a horrible explosive death because they didn’t want to accept Keisuke into his heart? Who also saw Jin Keisuke as someone who should be able to put up a good, satisfying fight, regardless of what his wishes might be? Does Apollo Geist… also tie back to the whole dad thing? 
PART 3: The whole dad thing. 
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Pictured: not a compliment
So. The whole dad thing. There are so, so many examples I could pull from, but lemme just run through what I specifically took notes on while watching the show as being repeated quite a distracting amount: 
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Human experimentation. My fucking god, X has a lot of it randomly peppered in throughout the show. Not even really things that GOD is doing – the one that comes to mind is in one episode when the GODborg was influencing a bunch of kids to commit suicide and the tie between all of them was that they were all taking an experimental drug because they’re all honors students or something and they wanted to boost their brains even further. Honestly sounds like some shit that would happen in the suburb I used to live in, which is why I remember this one so well. The person who developed this thing gets nervous because like, I believe that the last kid alive on this drug is their kid. Jin Keisuke does save them, but you know who fucking else experimented on their kid? Jin Keisuke’s dad. 
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Vampires. What the fuck, this show has I think at least 5 separate instances of vampires in it. In a 35 episode show. There are so many vampires. You know, the monster that’s notorious for infecting other people and sucking their life from them and changing them irreversibly in the process, making them stronger physically but also condemning them to living a hellish life. Wow, you know what that sounds like to me? Kind of like turning your son into a cyborg to save him and forcing him into a fight with a bunch of guys that were trying to kill you. 
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The switch in monster themes in the middle of the show. There’s a point post Apollo Geist where the monsters swap over from being themed after figures in Greek mythology to historical figures. Yes, like I stated in the warning at the beginning of this post. Almost as if Jin Keisuke spent the time up to Apollo Geist fighting the mythos of his father, his ideals and the impact that left on him, and then when Apollo Geist died because he refused to let Keisuke into his heart, swapped over to fighting the actual sins of his father’s past. As if Apollo Geist dying for a similar reason that his father did when he asked Keisuke to blow him up so that he could “build character” or whatever, make Keisuke then realize that his father’s beliefs were… kinda fucked. That maybe the way he treated him wasn’t right. That maybe after that realization, he can move on slightly and begin the actual work of taking GOD down. 
[[Important to note but not a section in the dad saga – after Apollo Geist and the monster switch happens, the new guy leading the GODborgs is one big robolad named King Dark. Yeah, this thing has already gone on for too long and I didn’t want to recap even more of the show so I’m just giving you the context. Couldn’t figure out how else to do it and make it coherent and again, don’t know how many of you have actually watched this show. Okay back to the essay:]]
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Kazami Shiro shows up and upgrades Jin Keisuke towards the end. After this point, Keisuke gets a perm (irrelevant) and his fighting style completely changes (very relevant) to be much more traditional Rider. The Ridol stick that his father gave him that he used to fight all the time with? Not used anymore. He has a new henshin pose and a new finisher. It’s just like, oh, I don’t know, being able to meet people he relates to and find a new family with the other riders is maybe helping him find his identity separate from his dad? While he is still obviously impacted by the trauma his father imposed upon him (in being a rider in the first place) he’s taking it and changing it into something his own? Quite literally, textually, physically changed by the people he’s met? Who would have thought!
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The GOD leader? The one who we’ve been working towards fighting all this time? The person controlling King Dark? Yeah. That’s Keisuke’s dad’s friend, who was the one behind getting him dragged into GOD business, which of course is then in turn the reason that Keisuke got dragged into this mess in the first place. Remember above when I mentioned how the monsterswap lead to Keisuke fighting the actual sins of his father and his past actions? Yeah. That’s the final boss. Just to cement and drive home really how much of this could have been avoided. How much the entire thing was his dad’s fault. Keisuke gets stabbed all the way through his chest while in King Dark but still manages to come out on top. Yeah, it hurt him, but the man was finally cut off. 
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The ending scene of the show, where Keisuke rides off into the distance and Tachibana reads the note that he left for him explaining his plans going forward, is so much different than the end of V3. V3 ends with Kazami Shiro experiencing loss once more and going to go off to deal with that. X, on the other hand, ends on one of the most hopeful notes I’ve seen yet. Keisuke seems… really happy. He’s excited to head out on his own, like the other riders before him. He’s excited to experience what they’ve experienced. He’s finally shed the weight of his father and his expectations for him and he can figure out what being a Kamen Rider means to him, specifically. It’s really, really sweet. It’s the ending I want in a story about parental abuse. It didn’t make me cry, because I was too happy for him, but it really stuck with me something vicious.
Do I sound like I’m going off the rails? I feel like I am! 
The thing is… most if not all of these things can totally be explained away in ways that don’t have a damn thing to do with Jin Keisuke’s dad. The change of the monster themes from mythology to reality? I know that one’s because the person who handled the monster designs for the first part of the show left and they had to bring someone new in. The vampires? I’m convinced they got a great deal on the fangs and just wanted to use them where they could. The human experimentation themes? Sure, that’s always been a theme in Rider, not really to this degree of lethality, but maybe they’re just trying to bring in a somewhat older audience or something. V3 upgrading him? Kazami Shiro fucking rules, of course they’d want to bring him back into the show, and why not have him give Keisuke something cool so they’d have an excuse to do just that. The contrast between the endings of V3 and X are super apparent to me because I’m watching them as an adult less than a month apart, but so many other characters also ride off into the sunset, it could just as easily mean nothing. 
I don’t care, I guess; I can’t see it any other way. It’s about defeating his dad and learning to deal with the trauma that your shit parents gave you. It’s Saturn Devouring His Son. Jin Keisuke is battling GOD but really, he’s just fighting all the demons that his father passed down to him. He’s fighting his ideals and his past and his old friend. He was fighting his father’s fight, and he’s done now. He’s found people that are like him, who have similar ideals and can support him in a way that his father couldn’t, and so when he rides off into the sunset at the end of the show, it’s maybe the lightest that I think the show has ever felt. He’ll have to deal with the consequences of his father’s actions for the rest of his life, there’s no question about that, but at least now he’s shed most of the baggage he was saddled with and is all the stronger for it. And I really, really don’t think that their intentions going into the show matter, because I think being able to read it that way can be enough for me. It feels like the story itself wanted to be told. It might have been messy, but hell, what weird relationships with your parents aren’t, right? 
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Pictured: sure that was probably just a throwaway line but damn, I get why you would associate those things...
Kamen Rider X is a show where I think that the curtains were blue because that’s what was on sale at the store; maybe yellow curtains were more in season so they got a good deal on the blue ones, and that’s why they used them. Still, whether or not they meant anything by them or not and again, let’s be real, I don’t really think that they did, sometimes they can blow in the breeze and catch the wind just right and ripple like the surface of the ocean, and maybe if you squint your eyes and think about it in just the right way, you can see the debris from the Jin Station floating by. 
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Would I recommend Kamen Rider X?
FUCKING UHHHHHHHHHHH look okay. Yes if you’re nuts like me and think that this sounds like at least an interesting ride to watch. I can’t say that it really ever got boring and the fact that it’s only 35 episodes? It goes by fast. I was entertained throughout… that entertainment however did range a little bit from feeling like I was watching a fun little toku show to sometimes maybe watching a car wreck. I might have been rubbernecking down the freeway. I wouldn’t recommend that you start with X. Please, for the love of god, start with something that isn’t X. Heed the warning I wrote at the start. Maybe skip this one if you aren’t interested in thinking about some dude’s dad issues for a few weeks! But… it’s still compelling. I still keep thinking about it. It did a lot accidentally and I like it for that. Jin Keisuke, I wish you all the best! 
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One last Apollo Geist for the road:
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galadae · 9 months
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thank youuu azia and dani @lavampira 💗
This is post ENW but before the patches. Cala is not having a great time. She hasn't told Hien how she got the scars from That Event yet because she doesn't like talking about it, but I thiiiink it's going to happen here (unless I decide to write another part to this lol) Here's some dialogue from early on:
"At least now we are rid of him for good." Hien's voice brings her back to the present. She can sense the concern in his voice. She squeezes his hand and she's not sure whether it's to comfort him or herself.  "He won't be coming back this time." She tries to laugh, but it comes out dry and quiet, empty in the silence of the room.  Hien cups her face. "Then let us not think of him any longer." She looks away.  "Would that I could. I see these mementos of our battles every morning when I dress." Her voice is low, biting. "Whenever I bathe or swim. Even when I'm with you, I--" She stops. Her eyes brim with angry tears that she dashes away with a sweep of her hand.  "He couldn't just die, could he? He had to make sure I remembered. He had to write his final twisted wishes onto my skin." She spits the last words out with a bitter disgust.
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quickspinner · 2 months
Weekly Lukanette Link Roundup
Sorry guys I know I've been really inconsistent the past few months getting this out on time/on a weekly basis as advertised. Let's all hope that when school starts up again I can be a little more on the ball. 😂
What is the Weekly Roundup? | Previous Weekly Roundups
From @celestiall0tus: Long Road Ch 12
From @rierse: Luck Be A Lady Ch 1 | Wanna Bet, Marinette? Ch 1-4 (Complete? I think? Yay!)
From @mystic-myrtille: The soulmate train Ch 1
From @goldenlaurelleaveswrites: Juleka vs. The Forces of the Universe Ch 19 | Ch 20 (Complete!! Great job!!)
From @omnoramayday with art by @hamsteriffic: Hymn for the Missing
From @smileytrinity: Just Friends...?
From @verfound: Evening, Officer
If I missed something that should be included, reblog, reply, DM, or drop the link in my asks and I’ll make sure it goes on next week’s roundup! If you prefer not to be included in these roundups for any reason please drop me a message, or if you post something that you would like to be sure I include, please drop a link in my asks and I’ll make sure it gets listed (Lukanette endgame only please - see what is the weekly roundupfor more details). If you want to be sure I’ve flagged your work for inclusion you can check the quickroundup tag on my blog to see what I’ve got in the queue for this week.
If you find something you like please like/reblog the original post to let the author know you enjoyed their work!
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sroloc--elbisivni · 1 month
Fic roundup: Heart Pirates, post Winner Island
After seeing @purplehairedwonder's post rounding up her fics from the aftermath of the Law-Blackbeard fight now that it's been animated, I thought I'd make one putting together as many as I could find or remember. These are ones where it's the main focus--I realize it does feature in like, various longfics, as a background/inciting event but my goal was to sift out the ones that are focused on it. If there's one that is post WI focused you know and love I'm missing feel free to toss the link in the replies and I'll update the list. I've done some minor sorting into sections for Lulaw, Heart Pirates crew fics, bad end, and various, and within those things are listed alphabetically.
a beating heart by Heartprts (jiaaa27)
After successfully escaping Egghead, the Straw Hats are on their way to Elbaf when two individuals made their way to the Thousand Sunny. The ensuing events led Luffy to realize his feelings for the dying captain. Prompt: confession | heart swap | i thought i'd lost you
A Thing Both Terrible and Beautiful by purplehairedwonder; E, 3.5k, complete.
Law wants it rough, wants it to hurt, because it’s what he deserves after losing everything. Again. Luffy knows he needs something else.
as I hold your hollow heart by betsib; M, 25k, complete.
The Straw Hats pick up Bepo and an unconscious Law after the events at Winner Island. Luffy is more than ready to help him, but when Law opens his eyes, he is a stranger. Meanwhile, Law wakes up in Dressrosa, with Doflamingo's symbol tattooed on his chest and servants calling him "Corazon".
Ballast by SyrupFog; NR, 7.3k, complete.
Law stands at the helm of a ship that isn’t his. They need supplies, they need to recover (he needs to recover), they need to go back. He can’t— he doesn’t have another choice. They have to go back to Winner Island as soon as possible, as soon as they’re able. There’s just no other option, here. Not for him. Not when his entire crew, save for Bepo, is somewhere out there. They’re strong. They must have survived. Law needs them to have survived. Law and Bepo have commandeered a small marine vessel, but there's a ship that simply won't stop following them, and Law-- Law's having nightmares.
Bet by Salemmcit0; G, 1.3k, complete.
Luffy wants to take care of Law while he's wounded, and he lets him. Both pirate crews are freaking out. And betting about it.
Broken Hearts by Dragon_Fallss; M, 33k, complete.
After retreating from Blackbeard, Bepo takes Law to the Thousand Sunny for help. Law's broken. And on top of that, the virus from the battle makes a surprise return. He now has to deal with his grief and a new body. And Luffy is so kind it's painful.
Call You Mine by All_My_Characters_Are_Dead; T, 8.8k, complete.
“Who would even be crazy enough to date Straw Hat Luffy?” “It’s gotta be someone who’s pretty strong,” one of the bar’s patrons mused. “I don’t see Straw Hat falling for a weakling.” “Strong enough for Straw Hat, and crazy enough to accept his advances,” another patron mused. “There aren’t many people that can say they’d meet those requirements.” “It’s pretty much just the Worst Generation, right?” someone else pointed out. Law scowled at his drink and wished Penguin wasn’t such a busybody. “Makes sense. Those Worst Generation guys all seem pretty close. When they’re not trying to kill each other, anyway,” the bartender pointed out with a shrug. Law had to admit he was right, at least when it came to Luffy. The idea of Luffy dating someone in their exclusive little band made sense to him, too. Or: Five times Law was jealous of Luffy's mystery boyfriend, and one time he realized the mystery boyfriend was Law himself.
Dead Defend No Honour (Day 9 of LawLu Week 2023) by KhepiAri; G, 2.7k, complete.
What if Luffy found out, Law lost it all at the hands of Blackbeard? Will he let Law suffer alone, or will he drag him back to Sunny?
Dissecting a Captain by devils_regrets; E, 10.8k, complete.
Law's anguish and hatred drives him to lash out at the Straw Hat Captain, but Luffy of all people knows that's not how to heal the heart.
Grounding Exercise by heart_sen_ya; T, 2.5k, complete.
The panic didn’t leave Law’s body, but he managed to slow his movements, grip tightly at his first mate’s sleeve. “Bepo?” he huffed. “Real?” The question hung heavy between them. “Yes,” the word was dripping with sorrow, with apology. “Not dreaming. I’m sorry, Captain.” Tattooed fingers curled deeper into Bepo’s sleeve. Law leaned forward into him, his body screaming in protest. He didn’t care. How could he? Here he was, alive amidst tragedy. “Again,” he hissed, vocalizing the thought. “Again?'' The word tasted like poison.
Healing of the heart by Tchell1; G, 10.5k, complete.
In the aftermath of Law and Black Beard's battle, Law is left broken and hopeless. Monkey D. Luffy will not allow Law to fall into despair.
Look Who's Laughing Now by All_My_Characters_Are_Dead; T, 13.2k, complete.
I really like Torao, Luffy thought contentedly. I like him, too. The words felt like a warm echo of his own thoughts, bumping against the inside of his skull in a gentle but insistent way. That was weird. But not the weirdest thing Luffy had ever experienced, so he ignored it. “Did you get something in your eyes, Mugiwara-ya?” Torao asked. “They look a little pink.”
Loss & Regret by CaptainButterBuns; G, 1.4k, complete.
Blackbeard has dealt a crushing blow to the Hearts and Law is left to deal with the trauma but an old ally could be just what he needs to help him through it.
Lost and Found (You) by purplehairedwonder; T, 7.5k, complete.
Five times Law and Luffy almost lost one another and one time they did something about it.
My Heart in Your Hands, My Hands around Your Heart by purplehairedwonder; G, 1.9k, complete
In Luffy's lowest moment, Law takes Luffy's hand and promises that his story will not end. In Law's lowest moment, Luffy takes Law's hand and promises the same.
My Heart, Fragile in Your Hands by purplehairedwonder. T, 2.3k, complete.
“I failed them,” Law whispered, and it felt like a confession—like at church in Flevance. Confession was supposed to absolve someone of their sins, right? He doubted there was a god anywhere who could absolve him of his. And yet, he confessed at the altar of Luffy. “They were my responsibility, and I failed them.” Or, Law wakes up in the Sunny's infirmary after Winner Island.
On fire by Suwym; T, 367 words, complete.
Law has lost practically everything: his father, his submarine, his crew, and that vivre card.
Our Hearts, Made Whole in Each Other by purplehairedwonder. T, 2.3k, complete.
Luffy cupped Law’s cheek with his hand, softly grazing his thumb over a yellowing bruise. “Torao is so pretty,” he said quietly, a note of awe in his voice. Law flushed. “Torao’s heart is beating so fast.” “Yeah,” Law agreed, swallowing. “It is.” Luffy’s, despite a few flutters, was beating steadily in Law’s chest. Law, on the other hand, felt pinned to the spot, one hand holding Kikoku and the other in Luffy’s grip. “You should stay.” Law blinked. “What?” “You should stay,” Luffy repeated. “On the Sunny. With me."
Seeing the Light by CaptainJoJo; G, 1.4k, complete.
Law doesn't want to talk about it and Luffy isn't pushing him.
Tattoos by Salemmcit0; G, 4k, complete.
Luffy takes Law and his crew to Swallow Island to build a new Polar Tang, and retouch his tattoos. Nobody knew that Mugiwara-ya was planning on getting one too.
The Heart is a Thing to Be Broken by purplehairedwonder; T, 5.5k, complete.
The Straw Hats learn about Winner Island.
The Lost Case by felsefeslegen; M, 24k, WIP.
SPOILERS AFTER 1081 IN THE MANGA. What happened to Law and Bepo after they defeated by Blackbeard and lost in the ocean? How will they survive and what will happen after Law and Luffy meet up in Elbaf? --- After the total defeat of Heart Pirates, Law and Bepo washed up on a deserted island. After that the thing made them survive became their nightmare, they were rescued from there like a miracle. Yet, Law was broken enough to hurt both himself and others. And mostly, Luffy.
Then Came You by Raiya
„Please Captain don’t die.“ Law could hear Bepo repeat the words over and over. The seawater around him felt like it was holding him in a breathtaking grip, but maybe it was Bepo carrying him. Law did not know if he was unable to move because of the water or his injuries but it did not matter much, he barely could keep himself conscious but tried his best.
What once was lost, now found by Callunar; T, 7k, complete.
You didn't have to come by Salemmcit0; G, 1.6k, complete.
After parting ways while leaving Wano, Luffy can't stop looking at Law's vivre card. Days later the paper began to disintegrate. Or, Luffy goes to look for Torao as the Winner Island encounter is going on Day 1 of Lawlu 2023 week - Loyalty
your hands in mine by betsib; T, 1k, complete.
Luffy has always liked Law's hands.
Your Heart, Broken in My Chest by purplehairedwonder. T, 3.6k, complete.
Luffy was far from an expert at having someone else’s heart in his chest, but he was pretty sure what was happening with Torao’s heart wasn’t normal. AKA, Law and Luffy switched hearts after Wano, and Luffy feels Winner Island happen.
10 Days of LawLu 2023 Day 6/8/10: Holding Hands/Hurt & Comfort/Confessions by Straw_Heart3; M, 4.6k, complete.
The aftermath of Law's fight with Blackbeard on Winner Island.
Heart Pirates major role
A Last, Beating Heart by HyperbolicReverie; G, 1.4k, complete.
“Oh, my wonderful crew,” you think, thoughts hazy as bits and pieces of yourself begin to drift in the currents. “Oh, my dear, brave little boys. I hope you can forgive me for not being able to carry you further. I can no longer be your heart.”
Your journey has ended. But this? This you can do.
A Swallow's Cry by Heartprts (jiaaa27); T, 3k, complete.
Klabautermann: a spirit that dwells in ships, an incarnation of a ship that has been well loved and cared for. Tangs, surgeonfishes: a family of marine fish with a distinctive characteristic of having scalpel-like scales at their caudal peduncle. or Polar Tang fought for her family, to her very last breath.
At Our Dream's End by chioccowine; G, 2.5k, complete
A snippet between the Heart's captain and his first mate after chapter 1081 - - - “But, Bepo...” his captain’s body shivered as he uttered softly, like the blossoms of the epiphyllum under the moonlight, silently withering in the gentle wind without anyone knowing. “What lies at the dream’s end? What lies at the end…when there’s nothing left to dream about?” Bepo sniffed to hold back his tears, and he reached out his paws determinedly. Like how the three of them used to do for him when he was still a little cub, he hugged his captain tight, sheltering him from the long freezing night.
Bioluminescent Hearts by Harmonica_Smile (Rescue_Remedy); T, 5.7k, complete.
"No bodies?" Blackbeard fumed. Doc Q and Stronger had bounced across rocky Winner Island when that bear had gone all Sulong and knocked them out. Van Augur's range for warping wasn't that great, and was tricky over open water. He could sharpshoot the skin of a hangnail, but the bear was fast. If he'd managed to get a shot in, they could've finished the Mink off, and pulled the shitty doctor from the water, taken his heart and returned triumphant. Once the horse had woken up.
blessed, not cursed by Heartprts (jiaaa27)
For a few years now, Jean Bart feels like his life is cursed. It all happened too quickly; one moment their ship capsized, and the next moment he's wearing an explosive collar. It was the start of all the curses.
Caught by purplehairedwonder. T, 1.2k, complete.
Maybe this wasn’t such a bad death, Hakugan thought as he felt darkness beginning to encroach on his vision. He’d been on the crew of a Warlord, had helped in the fight that defeated two Emperors, and had seen more incredible, unbelievable things than he would have once thought possible; it had been a much more fulfilling life than he would have had if he’d stayed in his boring, backwater home in the North Blue. He would never regret agreeing to join Trafalgar Law all those years ago. He only hoped that his captain would somehow live on to fight another day; as long as Law lived on, so would the Heart Pirates.
Celebration by purplehairedwonder. T, 1.6k, complete.
As the Heart and Straw Hat Pirates celebrate the jailbreak of the imprisoned Hearts, Shachi tracks down a guilt-ridden Law and offers his captain some moral support.
Cursed by purplehairedwonder. T, 1.4k, complete.
After Wano, Jean had never been prouder to sport the Heart Pirates Jolly Roger on his back, tattooed over the slave brand that had marked him as cursed for so many years. But they had failed Law on Winner Island. Jean had failed him on Winner Island.
Clang, Ding, Zing by Mekachu04. G, 489 words, complete.
Still, it surprised him when Kidd approached him first, a thick pad of blank newsprint that Law hoped he'd gotten permission for before liberating from Franky's workshop. Kidd dropped the heavy booklet on Law with no preamble. an *extremely* short snippet of two very much down on their luck pirate captains dealing with their recent losses. More light-hearted than it sounds.
Food by purplehairedwonder. T, 1.2k, complete
“Sorry for borrowing your kitchen without asking. I just...” “It’s fine,” Sanji said easily before starting to roll up the cuffs on his sleeves to his elbow. “You wanted to make something for your people, didn’t you?” “I...” Clione blinked in surprise. “Yeah.” “I get it,” Sanji said. Once his cuffs were rolled up, he crossed his arms and leaned against the side of the counter. “It’s how people like us show our love, right?” Sanji went on. “Through our cooking.”
going through by aghhhhhh; G, 1.1k, complete.
Hakugan has an idea. Written for Heart Pirates Week 2024 Day 8: Hakugan and Caught
Heart to Heart by MorWicked; G, 1k, complete.
The Heart Pirates have been destroyed, and now they need to help each other remember what matters most. ----- Digging his fingers in amongst the flotsam of pebbles and broken shells, Law wrestled his harrowed anatomy into a position somewhat less prone. Slumping against the familiar form of his salvation, Law found it a little easier to breathe. A heavy paw settled over his shoulders, somehow easing the gravity of devastation even as it rested in a fashion that belied a bone-deep exhaustion.
'homeless heart' by fab_ia; T, 4k, complete.
“They’ll make it,” Bepo says. “They always have before, haven’t they? From the North until here…” It isn’t survivors' guilt. Bepo refuses to call it that, at any rate, because that would mean expressing some degree of doubt that the rest of them have managed to survive. He isn’t sure that he’ll be able to keep going if he lets go of that hope, if he doubts them for even a moment.
Last nights with Tang by Lyy30; G, 6.5k, complete.
Ikkaku has her first and last conversation with Tang.
Loyalty by purplehairedwonder. T, 1.2k, complete.
The only solace the Hearts had after being taken captive by the Blackbeard Pirates was the revelation that Bepo had gotten Law away from the battlefield. They’d all sworn in Wano that they would do whatever it took to protect their self-sacrificing captain, and any of them would have made the same choice, had they been able. They were the Heart Pirates, and Trafalgar Law was the beating heart at the center of the crew. They would hold out until Law came for them, and they would give the Blackbeard Pirates nothing.
Low Battery by killyhawk; T, 1.5k, complete
Two times Shachi carried Law, and one time he couldn't.
Night by purplehairedwonder. T, 1.1k, complete.
Their rescue comes at night.
Wish the 4 of us stay together forever by Horsehead_557; G, 837 words, complete.
Penguin, Shachi, Law and Bepo are all waiting outside to see the shooting star while drinking some tasty hot chocolate until Bepo suggest that they make a wish
Bad end
Broken Hearts by CaptainButterBuns; E, 736 words, complete. Graphic Depictions of Violence + Major Character Death warning.
Law has bitten off more than he can chew with Black Beard and the Heart Pirates pay the ultimate price.
Forced Disease of Despair by ProfessorDatenix; E, 6k, complete. Law/Blackbeard and Blackbeard Pirates. Rape/Non-Con warning.
Law gets turned into a woman in the battle against the Blackbeard Pirates near Winner Island, but something goes wrong and ends up captured by them, being completely at the mercy of mean that want to show their new slut what it means to be a captured woman by an enemy ship
From the Ashes by purplehairedwonder. T, 10.8k, WIP.
Blackbeard takes Law and the defeated Heart Pirates captive after their defeat at Winner Island.
Some version of you. That I might not have, but I did not lose by ImpassiveMoon; T, 3.2k, WIP.
Law doesn't escape Winner Island. Luffy and the Strawhat Pirates, sailing high after their escape from Egghead Island, find out far too late. A butterfly flaps its wings and creates a tornado. What then would a beetle do? A god? Brace yourself. For D will bring a storm.
The promised I have to keep by Horsehead_557; G, 3.35k. Graphic Depictions of Violence + Rape/Non-Con warning.
the young captain taking out his den-den mushi and vivre card luffy like calling the other captain while looking at his vivre card cause it makes him feel like that torao is infront of him “wh-where is” luffy panicked he cant find torao’s vivre card - in something happened to law and they cant do anything about it
the steps to an foretold conclusion by aghhhhhh; T, 3.2k, complete.
Law was always going to die. He is on the altar, heart torn out for the sun.
to the victor go the soiled by Anonymous; E, 8k, complete. Rape/Non-Con warning.
Law had been Doflamingo’s slave-concubine for some years before escaping the clan in his late teens and starting his own crew, but no-one left Doflamingo’s harem. Doflamingo was excited that Law now had a hole that he and other members of his crew had not yet sampled. Variety was the spice of life and all that. Another thing Doflamingo liked was how docile the constant fucking from Blackbeard’s crew, the transformation, and the specially designed seastone adornments had made Law. Straight into the PWP. Hurt, no comfort. If it's not your thing, click right back. Tags are not for show
Aftermath by purplehairedwonder; G, 1k.
The aftermath of the fight at Winner Island.
A Most Surprising Alliance by Cygnus_the_Harper; G, 13.3k, complete. Users-only.
After the battle on Winner Island Bepo and Law flee across the ocean. Finding themselves stranded on a winter island they try to pick up the pieces, find a plan for moving forward, and worry about their crew. This was written after the cover page art depicting Law napping with a leopard and a bottle of vodka. It was such a fun picture that I had to write the adventures of Law and Bepo on that island, and their eventual rescue.
A Promise Fulfilled, 13 Years Later by betsib. T, 5.8k, complete.
Rosinante wakes up on Minon Island on the exact spot where he died, 13 years later. He's surprised to find Law is now a notorious pirate, and sets out on a journey to find him. Written for CoraFest 2024.
a victory every year by betsib; T, 6k, complete.
Law finds himself imprisoned in Impel Down, injured and possibly dying. His only company is Doflamingo, who tells him Luffy has been captured too. All in all, not the best way to spend his birthday.
A Wave Across a Bay by Sleeping_Songbird; G, 785 words, complete.
The aftermath of The Hearts fight with Blackbeard.
Faded by meowmystery; T, 819 words, complete.
Alone with his thoughts, Trafalgar Law begins to think his past over, which he has done over a million times. No matter how much he tries, he can't seem to come to a conclusion. Is there really an answer?
Fem Law on Winner Island by SilverSphere; G, 1.4k, complete.
This is just a canon-divergence drabble of Law getting stuck as a girl on Winner Island : )
Give Us a Little Love by cptrum; G, 2.3k, complete.
Law and Bepo get away from Winner island, but now what? Bepo is stuck trying to help an injured Law and also get his crew back. A what happened after chapter 1081 (since we still have zero resolution for that).
Hurting by lostsometime; T, 808 words, complete.
It hurts different, is the thing.
In the Light that Falls at Moonrise by Rimetin; T, 12.7k, Smoker/Law.
"The Captain,” the mink repeats, “trusts you.” Smoker chews on his cigars, letting his head fall back again. “Yeah, you said that.” “And you trust him.” Smoker and Law speak with their respective seconds-in-command, gain some valuable insight, and come face to face with some difficult to admit facts. Part 3 of Bitten by the Cold
Magneteers by Mekachu04; T, 2k, WIP.
After fleeing Blackbeard, Law & Bepo have been rescued by the Strawhats. Luffy is more than happy to help Law find his ship and crew, but his crew rightly points out that finding a submarine under the water is a big ask. If only there was someone they knew who could find large metal things and easy move them around. Possibly bring a sunken sub up to the surface with his magnetic abilities. So they detour to hunt down the Kidd Pirates. Unfortunately for Law, Shanks found Kidd first.
Polar Bear, Ocean Blue, and A Glass of His Dreams by chioccowine; G, 8k, WIP. Shanks/Law.
In order to bring Black Beard down to his demise, the Captain of the Hearts seized the opportunity to propose an alliance to the notorious red-haired emperor. The young captain’s willing to offer anything - - As he had nothing to lose.
Salt for Salt (Bone For Bone) by Friendly_Neighborhood_Asexual; NR, 2k, complete.
Bepo didn’t know how long he had been swimming, only that his lungs burned and his limbs ached and that he could not stop until his captain was safe. Law was tucked firmly under his arm, pressed close to his side with all the strength the mink could afford, and Bepo couldn’t tell if he was still breathing anymore. He couldn’t dwell on that though - wouldn’t dare to entertain the thought that he might be - his captain was strong, strong enough to survive Doflamingo, strong enough to survive Kaido and Big Mom, strong enough to bring emperors to their knees. Law would be strong enough to survive Blackbeard. Bepo didn’t know if he would be strong enough to survive Law’s death.
Suns Will Sink to Shade by Rimetin; T, 7.3k, complete. Smoker/Law.
Smoker gnaws on his cigars, puffing thick clouds of off-white smoke. “I’m trying to help you, brat.” “I didn’t–” Law cuts himself off. It dawns on him then that he did, in fact, ask. Involving Smoker was his own express decision, however impulsively made. Bepo certainly hadn't made it for him - hell, he hadn't so much as questioned it. And he hadn't been the one to bring the rumors, either: it had been an innocuous bit of conversation Law overheard, and his traitor brain had latched onto it. Pushed to his breaking point and beyond, he'd heard Smoker's name and only thought refuge. Fuck. Smoker and Law talk some things through. Plans are made. (now with art!) Part 2 of Bitten by the Cold
The Aftermath by RitsukoRyoku; G, 3.5k, complete
This is how I envision the aftermath of that fateful battle as the Heart Pirates recover and recuperate.
what we have left by betsib; G, 716 words, complete.
Bepo and Law are picked up by the Straw Hats after the events on Winner Island, and Law proposes another alliance.
When Stars are Silver by Rimetin; T, 7k, complete. Smoker/Law.
When the air around him thins and fills with bluish static, Smoker knows exactly what it is. He turns in his chair just in time to catch two of his meditating rocks poof out of existence, replaced instead with… A man and a polar bear. SPOILERS for ch. 1081. After Winner Island, Law finds Smoker. Part 1 of Bitten by the Cold
I II II L by darkrogue1 (Lily_Haydee_Lohdisse); T, 764 words, complete.
Bepo worries about his Captain
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