#romantic roceit
roseianxiety · 1 year
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“Only you, my girl, only you, babe
Only you, darling, only you”
Roceit content for the roceit fans, hope I'm feeding you all well😘😘
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•Cross posted on Twitter/X
Art Taglist: @cutebisexualmess @uhhh-hi-there-i-am-nervous @virgil-sanders-the-gay-emo @patchesofwork @lelelele00 (please tell me if you want to be added or removed in the tag list)
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loganslowdown4 · 2 years
Roman: *takes off Janus’ hat and starts gently combing through his hair*
Janus: stop it, you’re ruining my reputation
Roman: then get off my lap
Janus: no
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emo-nightmares · 1 year
Janus: Takes off gloves. "Don't make me do it." Roman: "You wouldn't dare!" Janus: Plays with Roman's hair. Roman: "You fiend!🥰"
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d-c-it · 11 months
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Fem! Roceit
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Janus- Roman, what's with the face? Look around. Everybody's here.
Roman- Yeah, I know. I just... I know I'm missing something. What am I forgetting? Me. Me. I'm forgetting Me. I... I should've been in hair and makeup. Definitely an outfit change.
Janus- Who cares? Look what's happening tonight is special. Be in the moment, here, now.
Source: DC's Legends of Tomorrow
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candied-peach · 2 years
ao3: “the value of a good story” rating: T warnings: roceit (at the end), nightmares, fire, mugging (the last two occur only in said nightmares) genre: hurt/comfort description: Roman helps Thomas when he has a nightmare. ( day 9: “Stories may well be lies, but they are good lies that say true things, and which can sometimes pay the rent.” — Neil Gaiman @tsshipmonth2020 )
Roman brushes his own sweat-damp hair back from his forehead, his brows furrowed in concentration as he slips into Thomas's nightmare. It's a doozy of a nightmare- Remus has crafted it well. Thomas is tossing and turning in his bed, his pajamas sweaty and his mouth downturned into a frown.
"It's over, isn't it?" Thomas asks bleakly, staring at the literal remains of his office, merrily burning to the ground despite the horde of firefighters on the scene. "All of it...it's all gone...I can't rebuild, I can't-"
"Of course you can," Roman whispers in his ear, transparent in the scene. "It will be hard, but you can rebuild bigger and better than ever. You have so many people who love and support you. You can do it." One of Thomas's friends approaches, holding a mildly singed item in one hand.
The scene flickers. Thomas crumples to the sofa, his phone clutched in one hand, dinging with a constant barrage of notifications. "It's all lies, though!" Thomas exclaims. "I didn't- I didn't do anything, what am I supposed to do-"
Roman tucks a strand of Thomas's hair behind his ear, his fingers just substantial enough to do it.
"Your real friends will listen," he murmurs. "They'll support you. Your friends love you, Thomas. You can get through this. I believe in you. We all do." Thomas's phone rings again, but this time, it is the ringtone of a cherished friend.
Another flicker. This time, Thomas is standing in an alleyway, knees shaking, as a mugger who bears a suspicious resemblance to his brother threatens him.
"I don't have any money," Thomas blurts out, raising both hands in a conciliatory gesture. "I didn't bring my wallet with me when I went on a walk, I'm sorry-"
"Breathe," Roman softly instructs, when it seems like Thomas is about to have a panic attack. The mugger looks similarly stressed out, jabbing a knife in the air with short swipes. "You can get through this. You will live. It will be okay." The mugger turns and bolts, leaving Thomas shaking, unharmed, alive.
"A story's not over without a happy ending," Roman says, as the nightmare winds to a close. Thomas's brows smooth out in the real world, his body finally stilling in a loose squiggle on the bed.
As Roman, exhausted, slogs his way back to his own bed, he is stopped by a familiar face. Janus steps out of the shadow, looking less than brooding in yellow snake printed pajamas.
"I thought I was the liar," Janus softly snarks. Roman just sighs and shakes his head.
"Sometimes you need lies to keep going," Roman says. "I know that now. And you know..." He pauses thoughtfully. "Maybe they won't be lies."
And with that, he scoops up his boyfriend in his arms and carries him to bed.
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yerkes-dodson-curve · 8 months
It be them Incorrect Quotes
Because I cannot think because I am bitterly jittery and not very glittery
Roman: My head hurts. Virgil: That’s your brain trying to comprehend its own stupidity.
Logan: Patton keeps forgetting which WiFi network they're supposed to use. Logan: So I renamed ours to "Patton, use this one" to help them out a little.
Patton: Why are you two always out during rainstorms? Virgil: It’s so peaceful and refreshing. I love the smell of rain. Remus: Janus bet me I couldn’t get struck by lighting, but they’re WRONG.
Roman: Hey, Janus. These candies you gave me? They sucked. Janus: But you ate them all. Roman: I had to make sure they all sucked.
Virgil walking into the kitchen and seeing all their limes peeled: Remus, I love you but, what the h-e-double FUCK. Remus, sipping coffee happily: I love you too :)
Virgil: Is Logan always like this when they lose? Roman: Oh, yes. You should've been there for the Great Jenga Tantrum of 2015. Logan: You bumped that table and you know it!
Roman: Patton, I rebuke thee! I rebuke thee! Virgil: Rebuke? Is that a word? Roman: You have all invoked my fury! You will all pay recompense for your transgressions! Virgil: What, you got like a word-a-day calendar or something?
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halfhissandwich · 2 months
Ooh Pocky game! If you're not opposed, would you do Moxiety please? Or Logicality if that's more comfortable 💜🐝
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Listen, request romantic moxiety all you want, I don’t understand why it’s so controversial
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Saw you had writing prompts up and thought I’d send in something that brain conjured up in the early hours of dawn
“What if I want them to kill me? What if I want them to try? What if I want to see them realize that as much as I and others have tried. They…We can’t?’
d’know if this was what you meant by prompts but enjoy a depressed God?
More Than Human
At his very core, Janus was human.
One might say he was more than human, being a God, but being more than something doesn’t take away from that something, it just adds onto it.
| Ao3 | Next Part |
Warnings: implied/referenced suicide attempts, touch starvation, depression (with a somewhat positive ending)
Pairings: platonic roceit, though could be perceived as romantic if you so wished.
Word count: 1601
Notes: If I had a nickel for every time I wrote a fic with Mortal!Roman and a god!side I'd have two - (gets killed)
I really needed this lmao so tysm for the prompt! I've been really struggling with writing inspiration recently so this was really great!
It's been so long since I posted something new - it feels so good lmao. I left it fairly open ended so I could write more if anyone wanted it <3 just send an ask!! I'm always down for prompts :)
Janus was, first and foremost, a God
To be precise, he was the God of deception, trickery. In some communities he was the Guardian of all Evil, in others he was a representation of temptation, sin, all that was wrong with the world. 
At his very core, Janus was human.
One might say he was more than human, being a God, but being more than something doesn’t take away from that something, it just adds onto it.
Janus was still human, deep down, he always would be, no matter how many layers were added - immortality, reality bending powers, worshippers, temples - he couldn’t bury the human parts. Though he tried, he wasn’t indifferent. No matter what he did the harsh words still stung when they tore at him, the hatred many felt towards him sat heavy in his chest, loneliness clawed at him like a starving animal - and he was their prey. As it had been for years. 
He had been naive, a thousand years ago, to become a God. But they’d needed someone to shoulder the burden of the world's evils. They needed someone to shield them from the terrors, they needed someone who could face the lies and treachery and not be torn down by them. He had been foolish then, just a boy who was different, a boy who wanted to help. 
There was no way out, either. Janus had tried his best, he’d begged the universe, he’d searched. He’d tried to cut himself off from the world but that had only made the lonely, empty feeling in his chest worse, he’d tried to end it all, when he had no options left, but that hadn’t worked either. 
You couldn’t kill a God, after all. He wasn’t the only one who tried. 
“You’re not going to defend yourself?” Said the knight, dressed in shining silver armour, a red cloak fastened at the shoulder flowing behind him, a confident expression turning to confusion. The challenger stood before him in his temple, shining sword drawn and pointed at Janus’ chest where he sat on his uncomfortable, stone throne. 
“No,” He answered simply.
“You’ll just… let me kill you?” He said, faltering, the only movement was his fiery red hair in the wind. 
Janus leaned on his elbow and didn’t say anything. The knight lowered his sword just a little. 
“Armies will try - if I fail,” The knight said, widening his arms in a gesture, “More people will come, try to kill you, why just allow it?”
“Maybe I want them to kill me,” Janus said softly, not quite looking at the knight, “What if I want you, them, everyone to try? What if I want to see them realise that as much as I and others have tried. They…We can’t?’”
The knight stared at the God before him, eyes widening as he realised, “You… whyever would you want to die?” 
Once again, Janus said nothing. The knight sheathed his sword and Janus sighed softly. He supposed today wouldn’t be the day. 
With the soft clanking of the knight’s heavy armour, he stepped forward, slowly approaching Janus’ throne as though he was prepared to be attacked. Even if he never went to draw his sword again, Janus could see the fear growing in his eyes with every step as he got closer. Janus didn’t move. 
“Why do you want to die, Janus: God of Deceit, guardian of Evil,” the Knight asked, now standing over him. How interesting, Janus thought, that a mortal would have the courage to do such a thing. Many Gods would have felt that something of the sort was an act of disrespect, possibly even choosing to smite down the mortal who dared to do such a thing, Janus found he didn’t have the energy to care. Instead he just smiled softly - at least this made his life just a little more interesting, even if it did nothing to lessen the emptiness in his chest. 
He sighed, he’s certain the knight would listen if he turned him away, but Janus had yearned for someone to talk to for hundreds of years. This knight would leave soon anyway and Janus would never see him again, what did it matter.
“Tell me your name,” Janus said, the Knight tilted his head and frowned, “Tell me your name, first, and I’ll answer your question.”
After a long, thoughtful pause, the knight sighed, “My name is Roman - Sir Roman Greenheart.”
“A lovely name,” Janus said softly, Roman smiled tentatively, “Now- your question… Why do I want to die? The answer is that living is painful.”
“Oh…” Roman said softly, “I would have thought a God would have an easy life.”
“Easy and painless are not the same,” Janus says softly, “People try to kill me on a monthly basis, Roman, and that’s barely scratching the surface.”
The pair were silent for a moment, before Roman gestured to the floor by Janus’ feet, “May I sit down?” He asked.
“You may,” Janus said. With permission, Roman folded to sit cross legged by Janus’ feet. He wondered silently why Roman’s attitude had changed so abruptly - minutes ago he’d been prepared to attempt to kill him. He wouldn’t ask though, instead simply ignoring him, resting his elbow on the uncomfortable arm of the throne and resting his chin atop his fist. 
Minutes spent in silence later, Roman must have shifted, because Janus felt his shoulder brush against his leg, sending a jolt of warmth through him, strong enough to make his gasp. He hoped Roman wouldn’t notice, but as the knight turned to look at him, he knew he wasn’t so lucky. 
“What was that?” Roman asked, frowning up at him - though the look seemed to be one of concern, Janus couldn’t be certain. 
“I’m not sure I know what you’re talking about,” Janus said, making a point to look forward instead of down at Roman. Unfortunately that left him unprepared for Roman laying his hand atop Janus’ knee. His whole leg jolted as he flinched away in surprise at the way the touch burned. 
“What are you doing to me,” Janus hissed, trying to sound menacing though he was fairly certain his fear and confusion were showing through his facade. 
Roman simply frowned, “How… How long has it been since someone touched you?”
For a moment, Janus couldn’t think of an answer because when he thought about it, Janus couldn’t remember the last time he’d been touched by another person outside of combat. His silence seemed to be enough of an answer for Roman. 
“I didn’t know Gods could be touch starved,” Roman said softly. Janus’ frown deepened. 
“Will you stop being vague and let me in on whatever odd breakthrough you’re having?” He asked, voice tired but still a little snappish, Roman jumped.
“Oh- um…” he sighed, “I believe you might be touch starved.”
“...Meaning?” Janus asked, frowning down at the knight with a raised eyebrow.
“You’ve gone too long without touch,” Roman said, sighing, “So you aren’t used to it - people need touch to be happy.”
“I am not a person.” Janus pointed out, frowning, he wasn’t even sure why Roman was even still here - now he was telling him he had this strange sickness of some kind? Who did he think he was?
“You don’t have to be a human to be a person,” Roman pointed out, voice irritatingly soft.
Janus narrowed his eyes, “Why are you still here?”
“Why haven’t you told me to leave?” Roman challenged, Janus blinked. People didn’t usually stand up to him - well, not after trying and failing to kill him, anyway. They usually ran in fear after that - that’s how it always went.
Roman held his gaze for a long, quiet moment, before Janus sighed.
“I don’t know,” he said. Eventually, Roman’s expression became one of pity, maybe concern. 
“You…” Roman trailed off, fidgeting with the hem of his sleeve, “Do you have anyone to talk to? Other Gods?”
“I don’t see how that’s any of your business,” Janus said, tone growing icy. Roman frowned, but seemed to understand as he stood up.
“Well - I must get back to my village duties,” He said with a small smile, confusing Janus greatly - though he tried not to show it. Why on earth was he smiling?
“Good,” Janus said sharply, “Leave me be with your prying questions and annoying presence.”
Chuckling, the knight turned away, though the glint in his eyes certainly worried Janus - if only a little, though he tried immediately to get the sight out of his mind, “I will return here in a week's time - for no reason - perhaps I’ll bring some cookies.”
Janus frowned as he watched him leave. Was this mortal trying to tempt him, a God, to return to his own temple, with the promise of cookies? He said nothing as Roman walked away and continued to sit there once the knight was out of sight over the crest of the hill. Janus thought he shouldn’t come back next week - as the mortal was clearly inviting him to - but he wanted to. He really wanted to and Janus wasn’t one to deny himself what he wants despite having not wanted much other than death for the last few hundred years.
Despite that, and despite his harshness towards Sir Roman, he still wanted to see the strange mortal again.
So for the first time he actually kept track of the passing days and a week later he returned to that temple. For the first time he appeared before a knight without hoping that it would be the last time he did so. 
Tags: @full-of-roman-angst-trash @your-local-random-dino @cutebisexualmess @glacierruler @roseianxiety @bella-bugatti-frogetti-baguetti (if anyone wants to be added, let me know!)
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lily-janus · 1 year
Someone Like You - Chapter 4
Chapter 1 | chapter 2 | chapter 3 | next
Summary: the inevitable clush between the two ex-friends.
Pairings: roceit
Warnings: disability, public humiliation, painful history, angst. I think that's it but let me know if I missed anything.
Word count: 1,183
It's that time of the week again folks! And this time I bring you the first chapter that was written by me only! Hope you all enjoy^^ @prince-rowan-of-the-forest
"That's a terrible idea." Janus deadpanned as Roman finished telling him his next idea for their project.
It was a few days after he… after they toured the potential places of filming their little film.
"What? Why? We can't film it with just the both of us! We need a crew!" Roman protested.
"A different crew, then." Janus said stubbornly.
"Oh c'mon, what's wrong with my friends?" Roman folded his arms over his chest, waiting for Janus' answer.
"I… They don't know anything about film-making." Janus tried to come up with an excuse. Roman might treat him nicely for some unknown reason Janus is still trying to figure out, but that doesn't say anything about the rest of his friends. And.. of course there's um… There's Virgil.
So, obviously Janus can't work with them, he does not have the energy to deal with what that entailed.
"Yes they do! I promise, plus they're really nice and great people… Well, Logan can be a bit stiff but he does have a good heart." Roman continued insisting.
"Just… no, okay?" For fuck's sake that sounded so pathetic, what's wrong with him? Well… besides the obvious.
There was a beat of silence in which Janus could feel Roman's gaze studying him.
"What's your problem with my friends? You don't even know them. I promise they won't judge if that's what you're worried about." Roman said again, though much softer this time.
"I just… I prefer to avoid meeting new people." He settled on, eventually. Which was half truth, true, he hated meeting new people. But, unfortunately, Virgil is far from 'new people'.
"Ohhh I see." Roman said, and Janus let out a sigh of relief. "I'll help you then!" Roman said immediately after, dragging Janus away from the lockers before he processed what was happening.
"What? No! Roman! Let go of me!" He almost dropped his cane from the surprise-dragging, left leg aching as he struggled to keep up and free himself from Roman's grip.
Someone must have walked towards them in Janus' blindspot and bumped straight into him, making him lose his balance and fall painfully on his behind. He heard some faint chuckles and his cheeks burned in embarrassment.
He lost his cane during the fall and attempted to crawl towards it when he saw a hand in front of his face.
"Janus! Oh gosh I'm so sorry… Are you okay? Can I help y-" Roman said distressingly above him.
"I think…" Janus cut him off, "you've helped enough" he hissed at him, finally reaching his cane and using it to help him get back on his feet without Roman's help.
Roman looked down in shame, "right… sorry, I just thought you'll see him coming your way and-" he tried to explain himself but Janus was already walking away, trying to ignore the laughter that followed him.
"O-okay… see you after school for our project okay?!" He shouted over the rackous in the hallway but Janus didn't grace him with a response.
Despite not answering Roman about whether or not they'll be meeting after school, he still found him waiting for him outside of his last class. He would have loved to ignore him and go home but they still had a project to finish and he did not feel like failing this class.
Roman bit his lip, "listen, about earlier-"
"Just forget about it, what are we doing today?" Janus cut off his less-than-genuine-apology.
Roman sighed, seeming to have expected this reaction, "...if that's what you want… I thought we could work on our costumes today but…" he hesitated.
"But what?"
"Well, as much as I hate to admit it, Virgil is way better than me when it comes to sewing… but I know you two have a history so… I guess we'll do our best with my skills." He laughed awkwardly.
Janus huffed, "how bad can it be?"
"Um… sewing-my-hand-into-the-fabric kind of bad?"
Janus swore under his breath, heart aching in his chest as he realized there's not going to be any way around it. Life just keeps being oh so kind to him. "Fine… whatever, let's go to Virgil's and get this over with."
Roman smiled in relief, "oh good, I'm sure this won't be awkward at all!" Janus would have said that sentence with a lot more sarcasm but Roman seems to really mean it, ignorance is bliss I guess.
"Oh, Roman, what's up man?" Virgil said in surprise when he opened the door, "...and Janus… long time no see?" He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly as he noticed his ex-friend at the doorway as well.
"I don't want to be here anymore than you want me here, trust me." Was all Janus said as he walked inside after Roman.
"...good to see you too." Virgil sighed, closing the door behind them. "Roman, what did we say about springing upon me human interaction without warning? Texting is not very complicated, you know." He said tiredly, leading them to his room.
"Sorry, Virge, it was kind of last minute and I forgot to notify you, we won't be long though, just need your help with our English project." Roman apologized, Janus staying silent beside him, trying his best to sink into the floor but not really succeeding.
"Oh, the Macbeth one? What do you need me for?" Virgil asked, walking to sit on his bed.
Janus tried readlly really hard to ignore the pinch of nostalgia this place brought, Virgil's room especially… he does not cherish those memories at all… in case you were wondering. He knows now it was all fake, Virgil was just his friend as long as he was his only option, once he got more, he was more than happy to ditch him for those…. Not that Janus cared, alone suited him just fine.
"...what do you think, Janus?"
He was suddenly aware of everyone's eyes on him and he realized he spaced out without noticing. "Um… it's great!" He hoped that fit with the question Roman asked him.
Roman and Virgil exchanged looks, "ah… we asked if it was okay if I measured you guys before I start working on Roman's designs? Are you okay?" Virgil said, frowning at him.
Janus huffed in annoyance, "like you care… and yes, fine, whatever, just make it quick."
Virgil rolled his eyes, "of course, wouldn't want to make you suffer in my company for more than necessary."
"Aw c'mon, Virge, he didn't mean that-"
"Yes, that'll be appreciated, thank you." Janus agreed.
"Janus!" Roman protested.
"I don't know what's your issue with me, I never ditched anyone to hang with the more popular kids the first chance I got. Virgil on the other hand…" Janus spat, watching Virgil's gaze turn downward.
"That's not what happened, and you know it." He said quietly.
Janus gripped his cane and turned to face the door, "keep telling yourself that." He opened the door and made to leave.
"Wait! What about-"
"I'll measure myself at home and send it to you, goodbye." And he walked away without another word.
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mimssides · 11 months
Anyone wants to give me a logince / roceit prompt or request? maybe even a little scenario? If possible a canon scenario. I wanna try to write a oneshot again because writing hard and I wanna write again
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roseianxiety · 1 year
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This was quite a pain to draw (took me 6 hours) so please interact yall!!
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Art Taglist: @cutebisexualmess @uhhh-hi-there-i-am-nervous @virgil-sanders-the-gay-emo @patchesofwork (please tell me if you want to be added or removed in the tag list)
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loganslowdown4 · 2 years
Janus: I’m bored. I’m leaving.
Roman: Oh my love! I know we’ve had our ups and downs. Why, just a day ago you made me cry so hard I could barely breathe— tell him, Logan.
Logan: Eight hours of my life I can’t get back.
Roman: I mean, but that’s our thing! That’s us! I’m not giving up on us.
Janus: I want you to give up.
Roman: No.
Janus: Please give up.
Roman: You can’t make me.
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emo-nightmares · 1 year
Ok, so, I've been watching a lot of TikTok compilations recently, and I really love the idea of Janus filming a little video, and Roman coming up behind him and doing the most.
Janus: "So, I recently bought a new hydrangea-"
Roman: "🎶It's a stormy ✨daaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyy✨ in London Town~🎶"
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d-c-it · 1 year
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Some fem! Roceit for the soul
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Janus- Roman, you are spinning.
Roman- I murdered a man, Janus! And for the first time in out lives, we gave to accept that that could be permanent.
Source: DC's Legends of Tomorrow
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