#sa cw
trans-androgyne · 3 months
Okay, you can say you’re respecting transmascs’ gender when you kick us out of or bar us from “women’s spaces” once we transition. But consider that in many cases there aren’t other spaces for transmascs. There don’t tend to be men’s spaces to talk about gendered oppression and sexual assault — the latter of which trans men experience at a higher rate than cis and trans women. I know because I have had to create new spaces for trans men myself, using my own time and money. And it’s not easy, and I shouldn’t have to do it. I’ve strained my mental health with it; I can’t expect other transmascs to do the same in their locality.
I want you to evaluate the purpose of these spaces. If your space is specifically about discussing womanhood, that’s its own thing, though I would still ask you to consider including people with a complex relationship with womanhood due to their gender experiences and want to discuss it. But if your reason for making it a “women’s” or “women’s and non-binary” space is to make it “safe” for discussing things like queerness, misogyny, and sexual violence? I am begging you to understand that without other resources you are shutting transmascs out in the cold. Our masculinity does not make us unsafe.
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txttletale · 11 months
every white person who has been loudly condemning a mass rape that has not actually been reported by anybody because they simply unquestioningly assumed it must be happening has absolutely fucking told on themselves and what they think about arabs
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socialistexan · 2 months
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We gotta start checking the hard drives of all of these "anti-groomer" guys
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sketchyface · 7 months
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Give my man therapy!
(Tell me if I missed any TW/CW tags!)
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nerdgirlriot · 2 months
found on Bluesky: a Dreamwidth post with lots of coverage of the current situation with Neil Gaiman, for those who wish to keep up and keep informed
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aq2003 · 3 months
to the people using the whole "david tennant getting attacked by govt officials for supporting trans ppl" thing to shield neil gaiman from real allegations of sexual assault I Am Killing You With My Mind. like what the hell how did we get here. yes there are a bunch of terfs using this as "proof" to say all people that support trans rights are secretly horrible people. yes the paywalled conservative podcast is unethical. no this does not dismiss the validity of the allegations and no this does not mean this is all a conspiracy made by the transphobes to target your favorite lgbt allies (??) or influence the election (??!). EVEN IF WE TAKE NEIL AT HIS WORD those are still two relationships w SEVERE power imbalances and u should not be defending him. Lord
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blitzwhore · 6 months
I'm certain this has been pointed out before, but...
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“Lust shouldn't be about force.”
“Oh! No! Never. NEVER that.”
When Stolas said he would never do that to Blitz, he really meant it. After all, he knows intimately well what it's like to be forced.
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wilyserpentofeden · 2 months
In light of the continuing allegations against Neil Gaiman I want to be sure people know I believe the women who are coming forward, and I am disappointed in him but somehow not surprised wrt all the other famous men who have done the same. I'm not sure how I'll proceed with this blog in the future, but I have absolutely no interest in defending or financially supporting a sex pest and I want to make sure that is crystal clear. Some additional points that have been bugging me:
Terfs cannot keep tying the allegations to his support of trans rights as some sort of 'gotcha' to frame trans rights or trans people in a negative light, he is a cisgender man who abused his wide influence due to fame, which there are many cases of. The vitriol should be aimed at other cisgender men abusing their wide influence, and those who perpetuate rape culture. Preaching to the choir here because terfs won't listen to me but whatever.
additionally, my fellow trans ppl need to consider that even transphobes can be victims of SA, and allegations against a fully cisgender man who happens to have pro-trans politics doesn't mean any allegation is a transphobic conspiracy, it might just mean someone with bad politics was legitimately assaulted, and that's still bad because literally nobody should be assaulted. (Edit: the story got twisted somewhere along the line and it seems that there was just a TERF involved in reporting the story, and it is not even certain what the politics of the women who were assaulted were, in which case my point still stands, literally nobody should be assaulted and it is not an anti trans conspiracy if someone even vaguely adjacent to TERF-dom experienced assault.)
and finally, other Good Omens fans cannot keep making excuses for him based on technicalities simply to keep their conscience clean or to keep a parasocial relationship in tact because even the most innocent sounding and vaguely legal versions of the story that people are passing around are still markers of incredibly shitty and creepy behavior on his part and he should be held responsible for being shitty and creepy rather than have his fanbase make excuses for a grown ass man. He is in his 60s and he is very famous, he does not need you to defend him for horrible things he has done, and you do not need to parasocially hold on to him. Remember this when he inevitably returns to Tumblr and tries to proceed as normal once he assumes the allegations have been forgotten.
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messiahzzz · 8 months
this informational piece is directed to the gale fandom specifically:
grooming is a tactic where someone methodically builds a trusting relationship with a child or young adult, their family, and community to manipulate, coerce, or force the child or young adult to engage in sexual activities.
1. Choosing a victim - The predator often chooses a child who is obviously vulnerable. Children who are withdrawn, low on confidence, emotionally deprived and with less parental supervision are particularly at risk.
2. Building access & trust - Sexual abuse often begins with friendship. The abuser can also take on other roles such as a romantic partner, a mentor, a caregiver or an authority figure. The abuser spends time in getting to know the victim's likes, dislikes and habits and pretending to share common interests. The perpetrator establishes trust with the child by making them feel special, sometimes through gifts or excessive compliments and attention. This is especially dangerous for vulnerable children who do not experience attention in their daily lives. In the trust development stage, offenders aim to develop a trusting friendship or relationship with their victim. This can involve several tactics, including:
a) praising the child for their maturity and intelligence;
b) encouraging the child to disclose personal information;
c) syncing their language with that of the child;
d) highlighting mutuality (i.e., similar interests, attitudes and behaviors between the offender and child); and finally,
e) portraying themselves as being trustworthy and nice.
3. Filling a need with gifts & favors - Giving the victim small gifts and favours is a strategy used by perpetrators to make the child feel indebted. Trust is further built by sharing intimate life details, going on special outings and giving the child access to things they normally wouldn’t get. Once the offender has identified a child’s needs, they will try to be the “hero” to the child who gives them what they desire. Examples include gifts, extra attention, or affection. This causes the child to see them as highly important and even idolized. They won’t want to upset them in risk of not getting the void in their life fulfilled.
4. Isolating - The groomer actively tries to isolate the child from people who may be watchful or helpful. This kind of isolation creates deeper connection & dependency. The offender also exhibits exemplary behaviour before parents of the victim & manipulates them into trusting the relationship. They will use this trust to create situations in which they are alone with the child. Time spent alone also reinforces the “special connection” the child feels they have with the offender. This “special connection” is further reinforced when the offender convinces the child that they love and appreciate them more than anyone else.
5. Initiating sexual contact - With the power over the child victim established through emotional connection coercion or one of the other tactics, the perpetrator may eventually initiate physical contact with the victim. It may begin with touching that is not overtly sexual (though a predator may find it sexually gratifying) and that may appear to be casual (arm around the shoulder, pat on the knee, etc.). Gradually, the perpetrator may introduce more sexualized touching. By breaking down inhibitions and desensitizing the child, the perpetrator can begin overtly touching the child. At this stage, the offender will exploit a child’s natural curiosity through physical touch and excitement. They will begin to teach the child sexual preferences and manipulate what the child responds to. The child begins to see themselves as a sexual being prematurely and the relationship with the offender now takes on a sexual term.
6. Post-abuse maintenance - The goal of the final stage is to ensure the child remains trapped in the cycle of abuse and loyal to the abuser, by either reinforcing and maintaining trust in order to prevent disclosure, or by explicitly threatening or blackmailing the child or their loved ones. This can also be reinforced and maintained by, for instance, giving the child affection, praise or encouragement for one’s actions.
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punkeropercyjackson · 1 month
Jason Todd characterization guide
Created for fans who're too scared to read comics but love Jason!Also gentle reminder that you can just watch Batman:Under The Red Hood and be set!!
As Robin,Jason was a peppy altruistic softboy who was extremely kind to everyone and a nerd in both senses of the word but also had a huge bite that loosing his parents and living on the streets as a child gave him and had a lot of snark and cheekiness to him.He also pushed a man off a building for raping a woman so as he does now,he's always respected women and has zero tolerance for men's bullshit
He's a lifelong literature nerd and a gamer,his favorite color is green and his favorite food is neapolitan
He's very manly,yes,but not stereotypically and his anger and violent tendencies aren't a part of his gender but a trauma response and mental illness symptoms.His masculinity is the positive and healthy kind and he's not a pissbaby about femininity or kiddy things
He's canonically goth punk and i mean punk,as in part of punk subculture,not a thirst trap.He hates rich people and refuses to move back in with Bruce on principal,he believes in acab,he dosen't actively seek out to do activism due to plot but he DOES help out whoever he encounters that lives under thumb of the system,he's anti toxic social norms like amatonormativity and roasts them,he's an intersectionalist who respects all his minority loved ones identities and same goes for other minority characters he meets and while he didn't target exclusively bad people back when he killed,he DID state he believes they deserve it the most and one of his victim's include a pedophillic teacher who was csa'ing one of his student's
Pit Madness isn't real and was created to infantalize and flatten him.His ghost aspects manifests moreso in dissociation-esque moments for him and the Lazarus Pit's actual effects on him were amping up his physical capabilities by making him way stronger
His taste in partners is women of color and he's grossed out by normie women because they make him uncomfortable and pissed off with their types of flirtation due to his trauma and weirdo status-Said woc are his love interests who're an egyptian woman,a wasian/half cambodian woman and a monoracial afrolatina and the rejected normie girls are a blonde blue eyed voluptous flight attendant and the whitewashed born sexy yesterday-ified version of Starfire.Jason has class
He's in that weird place where he's super cocky and thinks he's hot shit but also hates himself and thinks he deserves even worse than he's gotten.He displays all the requirements for having ptsd,bpd and npd and possibly even DID
He dosen't care for alcohol or smoking,most likely the latter is due to A Death In The Family(where he got blown up)
He expresses his affection by bickering and non-maliciously poking fun and dosen't hold back on words of affirmation,acts of service and quality time.It's a rare occurance but he's a great gift giver too!
His Robin is Duke and he's Duke's Robin too.I cannot emphasize how important they are to eachother-Jason came back to the Batfam only because Duke is now a part of it and instantly loved him and got along with him,none of which is true for literally any other Batkids and he fully and unshakebly believes Duke is a real Robin,Batkid AND Batboy and tells him that all the time and that's exactly what he wants after being an outcast and not part of the group his whole life.Them fanarts and posts of 'The Core Batboys'?Fake,ooc and inherently erasure.There's no Jason without Duke and anybody who tells you otherwise just hates black people
Relatedly,anybody who tells you afrolatino Jason is racist also just hates black people.WE made that headcanon,nobody else so watch your mouths seeing as you're also Core Batkid Duke deniers.And on afrolatino Jason takes,he should be monoracial,dominican because his birthday is on our restoration day,a dreadhead and heavily connected to his roots as Talia,Alfred and Bruce would do research to make sure he could still grow up on his culture
He listens to punk rock and metal and is a dog person
As Red Hood,he believed he was doing the right thing by trying to control crime but the point of that is that he was wrong and that's because in real life,that's not how it works and is a problematic political stance as it's dehumanizing and criminals deserve rights(no,i'm not joking.i'm an actual radicalist and so is Jason post getting over himself and Robin!Jason was a lil anarchist)
The scene of Talia sleeping with him in Lost Days should never be aknowledge as it was written by an islamophobe who admitted to not reading her comics and if you 'joke' about it considering that and that Jason was a minor at the time,then congrats,you're a racist misogynist and a creep who shouldn't allowed near minors irl OR online.Talia and Jason interacted positively during his Robin days and their dynamic is mother and son
Him and Dick were on good terms in his Robin Days too,Tim shittalked him when he was dead a lot and Jason was never obsessed with him-much less to the extent of attraction and he's canonically anti-incest as he said he'd never wanna kiss any of the four brothers he has(see what i mean with never shutting up about Duke?),he and Damian are close and the second closest next to him and Duke in regards to Jason Batboy relathionships,Cass scares him and she shouldn't be close to him unless he stopped killing as it's a vital part of her she follows the no kill rule and her story is femalecentric one by design and him and Stephanie are found siblings
He hates Roy for coddling him all the time no matter how much he protested and thinks of him as an annoying idiot and while that's not true pre-N52 or in current canon,he has a right to establish boundries.Jayr*y Jason is Bad™️.Eddie should be his male best friend as adults instead since they were pen pals and oh yeah,actually the same fucking age instead of a 14 year old and a grown ass man with a daughter
Bonus headcanons i find very fitting as someone who started with Utrh and has read every Jason comics apperance and watched and played almost all his adaptions:He's a straightedge,he listens to Mcr and Korn and Jack Stauber's Micropop and rap,Robin!Jason was a Kory fanboy and not a Wonder Woman one because pre-N52 Kory is everything he admires in women(including the black part),his 'he's literally me' character is Ichigo Kurosaki and his ideal woman is an afrolatina version of Orihime Inoue,he's transmasc agender and goth/ghostgender as xenogenders and reclaims the f slur as a shorthand descriptor,he owns a jumbo sized Jake The Dog plush,he's a master chef with a specialty in dominican,arabic and mexican foods,he's covered in scars and some are self-harm ones,he's jacked(fat AND buff)and he's a Team Dad to break the cycle and his non-bio kids are the Kid Outlaws from mine and my mutuals Rhato fixit(120 issues and 2010-2020 runtime,is what he deserves)and Damian's generation the All New Teen Titans and if he were to have a daughter,he'd give her a gothic name
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mias-blogs · 5 months
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(I'm writing this as a victim myself, if your not comfortable, please click out. this is comfort from SA by Record of Ragnarok characters, this may be triggering to some but I'm only writing this as comfort since I've been having flashbacks from the invent, please be careful, I don't want to accidently trigger a victim.)
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬: 𝐀𝐝𝐚𝐦 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐁𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐡𝐚.
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He first noticed your behavior when you were more comfortable around Eve then you were with him, of course, it's not like it bothered him, but you would act like you were scared of him, avoid him, scared of his touch, he then picked up on how you weren't doing this to only him but also towards any man or male god, it seemed strange to him on why you were acting like this around them when you were seemingly fine with any woman or female goddess.
He asked Eve about, seeking her help to understand what was wrong, Eve hesitated to actually tell him but eventually did. He was in horror to stay the least, as well as in rage, he fully well knew that life can be cruel, but he wasn't expecting that you went through something that vile, he felt his stomach twist in that moment, slightly afraid that he might have reminded you of the invent with any of his actions.
You were sitting by a cliff, looking up at Valhalla's sunset, feeling the breeze against your face, your feet slightly tangling by the edge of the floating island, that had many of them all around Valhalla, your hands touching the soft grass as you enjoyed the peace, you hear foot steps approaching you slowly from behind, excepting to see Eve, your body slightly froze when you saw Adam approaching.
“May I sit next to you?” the father of humanity asked quietly, you hesitated for a moment before you nodded, moving a bit so he wouldn't sit close to you, you were slightly surprised when the man sat a good distance away from you, enough for you to be comfortable, making your shoulders slightly relax. “ I... heard what.. happened to you.” those words made your body tense up once again, he noticed that and hesitated with his next words.
“I'm aware you probably see me as a threat, but I can tell you, I would never hurt you, you are my child just like the rest of humanity, I know that seems hard to believe when you've been through a nightmare, but I would like for you to warm up to me, if you think it's possible.” the man's fatherly voice almost makes you tear up, you've never heard those words from a man, both his words and voice was comforting.
The man smiled gently as he extended his hand out to you slowly, wanting to see if you'd take it or not, understanding you need your space and you wouldn't quite like physical touch from a man. Your eyes glanced up at his, his gaze was gentle and fatherly, for once, you didn't feel threatened by someone's touch, you hesitated, but you know understood that he wasn't like the person who hurt you, he isn't.
You took his hand, a smiled bloomed on your face, he isn't going to hurt you and that fact was almost comforting, he smiled back as he extended his other arm for a hug but stopped. “May I?” he asked, looking down at you and waiting if you'd approve or not, this was a bigger step, but he gave you time and space to think, you nodded in acceptance once again as he pulled you close for a hug, careful not to startle you.
His hug was fatherly and gentle yet warm, you let out a breath of relief, this was comforting, like a father hugging his young child. “It's alright, your father is here now, he'll protect you.”
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Buddha had always noticed that you were much more comfortable around him then any other man or male god, he thought it was the same reason as him at first, not quite liking the gods are they're personality, but you also behaved like that around mortal men so it confused him at first on your behavior, he asks you about it but noticed you seemed uncomfortable, so he backed off on the topic
When the friendship slowly started to grow into something more comfortable and romantic for the both of you, Buddha had himself asking the same question to himself, you seemed more comfortable with women and goddesses and you personality completely shifted when around any man that wasn't him, which confused him once again, so he decided to ask for a second time.
“ Hey, [nickname], why do ya act so different around gods and men?” The question left the lips of the god as he stopped sucking on his lollipop for a second, his eyes glancing back at you as he patiently waiting for you to answer his question, blinking a couple of times as you greatly hesitated to speak up, you mind flooding with many thoughts, would he think any different of you? was he going to believe you? will he think that your dirty?
You decided to swallow the lump in your throat as you talked to him about what happened and what made you act this way, you could feel the tears coming to your eyes, your voice stopping in its tracks as you could barely talk without stuttering, Buddha's eyes looked down at you before reaching forward and hugging you close, hiding your face in his chest so you could sob.
You were shocked for a moment before you wrapped your arms around the god, sobbing in his chest as he held you tightly and stroked your hair, his teeth pressed together tightly as he looked slightly angry, not at you, how could he be angry at you? he was angry he wasn't there to stop it, angry that the person that did this got away with it like nothing happened, but here you were sobbing in his chest.
“It's alright.. no need to worry, nothin’ is gonna happen to you while I'm here.” he kissed the top of your head gently, his eyes shut tightly as he hugged you close to his chest, he's not going to let anyone touch you ever again.
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danystargaryens · 3 months
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LANCE SWEETS  |  8.16 Bones (2005-2017)
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trans-androgyne · 3 months
The refusal to notice or believe that transmascs experience such high rates of sexual harassment and assault reminds me of the way girls considered conventionally unattractive have been told they’re either making it up or they should feel lucky. “Why would you be a target, you’re not even pretty?”
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wehaveagathering · 8 months
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legacyofthedamneddsaf · 2 months
hi! mod ardent here. the other mods had no hand in this post, this is just me speaking right now - don't bother them about it.
we try to keep this blog separate from fandom drama, but orcatstra is currently accusing me/us of being "pro-rape" because, on my personal blog, i said that i disliked him. i am a csa survivor, a victim of more recent sexual abuse, and someone who has professionally diagnosed c-ptsd as a result of these things. not only is this claim utter bullshit, but it is bullshit that is incredibly fucking cruel and disgusting to be saying towards me personally, given my background.
i am stepping away from the internet until i feel safe in this community again. catch y'all on the flipside.
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chicalepidoptera · 2 months
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Brave Strong Little Wolfkiller EP
Brave Strong Little Wolfkiller 3:40
Ask For It 5:20
Rapture (The Rhythm Of The Gong) 3:25
More Wine 2:28
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