daftpatience · 8 days
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the gang's all here for refill day
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clockys-soul · 23 days
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Updated designs for these guys!
Here’s some Ideas/Headcanons I have for the tribes:
For all tribes:
-they don’t use any weapons outside of daggers maybe (bro you’re a quadrupedal creature, using a spear or sword or bow is not gonna work how you want it to, and you have claws and teeth plus fire or venom??? You have weapons built in bro) it just looks dumb to me, like what are you doing.
-Dragons Never stop growing like crocs
-Most aggressive and bad tempered but not unfairly so, they don’t trust strangers and are much less friendly out of caution.
-prefer poultry and red meat, fish not so much, they also like to smoke their meat for special events.
-Hatchlings are capable of flying and breathing fire within a few months of their lives, quicker than most other tribes.
-their horns are the longest of any tribe and they take great pride in them, most (especially nobles) adorning them with jewelry.
-when on the ground they sometimes use their wings as extra arms, holding onto something for example.
-they are the best blacksmiths out of tribes, their craftsmanship is respected even amongst other tribes.
-they are almost completely fireproof, which is why they rely on their teeth and claws when fighting amongst themselves, their flames range is also the furthest and they can breathe fire the longest without stopping.
-Firescales have to touch another Skywing for a longer time to do damage.
-they have the best endurance when it comes to flying and they are also the fastest. They hold annual races.
-like birds of prey, they have insanely good eyes. They can see the furthest out of all tribes.
-during the before mentioned races they paint their wings with cool patterns just like they do during war, however the patterns are different, the Warpaint pattern is darker and rougher.
-their teeth are similar to that of medium to large theropods, they rely mostly on their fire an less on their bite as it’s a bit lower due to their longer necks.
-their eggs are white and long. Usually only laying one per clutch.
-relatively sociable, suspicious at first but especially once they get to know you they act like they never had a problem with you in the first place.
-obviously they prefer fish but also crustaceans and other sea creatures, SeaWings living more up north, hunt seals.
-second strongest bite force, also their main weapon.
-very round scales and thick skin.
-Hatchlings need to stay underwater for the first few months of their lives as their lungs finish developing.
-Short but very curvy horns, their "whiskers" vary severely between individuals.
-their glowscales vary in size and sometimes even in quantity, I think they use them mostly region-wise (face, tail for example) and then by how often they flicker (like morse code maybe?).
-Most of their jewelry consists of seashells and pearls, but also of platinum and Gold.
-they are expert tattoo artists (just like sandwings) and they take pride in their underwater murals.
-their sails/frills also vary a lot, there are several variants, some more wavy.
-Seawing families living in colder water up north have developed a bit of blubber over the generations.
-they have pharyngeal jaws (like sharks), their teeth are also a bit more flat like most sharks.
-Medium to large in size. (Everything in the ocean is big so why not)
-their eggs are round, a bit reflective and darker shades. SeaWings may lay up to 5 eggs per clutch but usually ist between 2 and 3.
-small to medium in size.
-amicable tribe, they often help dragons stranded in the desert.
-they have the second most fire resistant scales, while hotter fire and longer exposure will do eventually do damage getting blasted for a bit does nothing.
-they have keen senses, their sense of hearing and smell being the best.
-they can go without eating or drinking for weeks without issue.
-they have naturally warmer scales (like Skywings do).
-Sandwings love jewelry and accessories in general, they like decorating themselves with all kinds of stuff, like tattoos and piercings.
-Hatchlings hatch with more pronounced markings (like lion cubs), sometimes they stay that prominent even into adulthood.
-sandwing eggs are dark in color, Sandwings lay up to 2 in a clutch.
-sails are unique and every Sandwing looks different, they like to adorn them with piercings and other accessories.
-they also like to take sun naps, not nearly as long or often as Rainwings but they enjoy the sun.
-rely mostly on their barbs but also claws and teeth when fighting, less so fire.
-Medium to large, (trees can get real big)
-eggs are long and pale. They may lay up to 3 eggs a clutch.
-omnivorous but mainly meat, fruits and vegetables are usually just a side dish or snack.
-their scales change to duller hues in during winter, patterns stay the same though.
-hatchlings are pale and only get more saturated if exposed to sun, like rainwings.
-they have lots of golden accessories along with colorful cloths and gemstones.
-leading tribe in toxicology, they know their plants and how to use em, and they love their spices.
-they have the second longest tail of all tribes and like Rainwings use them to hold onto branches when perched in Trees.
-while they are typically shades of Green or Brown/Orange, they may also have accents of all kinds of colors to varying degrees.
-they have Treehouses but also build stone temples, their Royal Palace is a rather large one with large gardens.
-all silkwings have "fur" but some have less and some have more, typically it’s a line down their spine to their tail tip.
-they are omnivorous, mainly eating fruits and the like, but every now and then they will eat meat to balance out their diet.
-they have the shortest claws out of all tribes, which makes sewing and the like much easier for them, which it’s why it’s what most Silkwings do as a job.
-their wings patterns and shape is their most unique feature, they are also relatively quiet during flight.
-while Silkwings are typically very colorful they may have black accents (almost every butterfly has black so how tf are the butterfly dragons not gonna have some)
-they have the weakest biteforce, and rather weak claws, they are naturally pacifists.
-Silkwings have long thin tongues, cuz why not.
-it’s common for Silkwings to braid and generally style their hair, adding cuffs and other things like hair clips.
-they also have relatively weak scales, they’re a rather weak tribe, but flamesilks are about as fire resistant as Sandwings.
-eggs are small and round, per clutch it’s usually 3-4.
-laziness is not normal, before the main story Rainwings were much more active and kept track of their eggs
-eggs are round and small, very similar to snake eggs, 2 max per clutch.
-Rainwings are the second smallest tribe.
-their frills are essentially and extension of their ears.
-they require meat at least 3-4 times a week.
-only tribe, aside from Hivewings, to have fangs.
-their jewelry consists of flowers, gemstones and feathers mainly, but cloth is also often used.
-longest tail out of all tribes, parents sometimes carry hatchlings with them.
-shorter horns, usually curvy.
-scales get duller with age, and elder ones change scale color less.
-very curved claws to help em climb, also useful when hunting.
-Short wings like harpy eagles so flying through trees is easier.
-eyecolor cannot change neither can the horns nor claws or mouth.
-the older the individual the duller the scale color.
-largest tribe, also strongest tribe.
-due to needing to have a higher body temp to be able to breathe fire, they rely on teeth, claws and overall strength.
-strongest bite force, one bite can amputate a leg with ease.
-they may have different variants of tusks, male typically have larger ones.
-slowest flyers, the prefer the ground.
-Fire is more magma like, more liquidity.
-the usually have 2 sets of horns, 1 large and 1 small.
-eggs are large and typically tan to dark brown with spots, 6 eggs per clutch sometimes even 8.
-younger individuals are typically kinder, and more likely to help.
-they have shorter but incredibly strong tails.
-wings are more round in shape, and are used as extra legs sometimes.
-require a lot of meat, all different kinds, prefer red.
-jewelry usually consists of different kinds of metals and such, imbedded with gemstones and old tusks.
-mudwings love play-fighting and sparring and will do so often with their siblings, very good fighters.
-strong bite, maybe 3rd strongest.
-more nocturnal, but are perfectly functional during the day.
-their flames have tints of different colors, unique to every individual.
-some have more star scales than others, depending on how starry the night was when they hatched.
-strong sense of smell and very good eyesight.
-veils, and a bunch of jewelry imbedded with gems and crystals, they like their silver and gold.
-eggs are oval and black with hints of different colors.
-their wings have accents of different colors at the edges or in the middle, usually the brightest part of their body.
-Fire is very Smokey, their range isn’t that far either but it’s the second hottest fire.
-typically only 1 egg per clutch, 2 is rare.
-Mindreaders will have one teardrop scale for each moon they were born under, so all 3 would be 6.
-Prophets will have one starscale on their forehead for each moon they were born under, all 3 would be 3.
-padded feet like t-rex makes them quite even on the ground.
-blood varies from violet to more turquoise on the spectrum.
-claws are long and curved for extras grip but instead of be serrated, it’s their feet that are.
-the older the individual the more spines the will have.
-prefer to eat fish, but often eat red meat as well.
-eggs are long and white. Typically 1-2 per clutch.
-furs, silver and platinum are often seen, but royals will wear gold.
-teeth are long and thin, very similar to orcas.
-spines start growing along the horns as well, making them look similar to antlers.
-they are almost completely frostproof, as in, they cannot be hurt by frostbreath, or hypothermia.
-Frostscales are a thing, essentially the same as Firescales but frosty.
-about as trusting as Skywings, they are not particularly respectful either until you earn their respect.
-Medium to large in size, they grow incredibly large.
-venom is more similar to Sandwing venom, and all of them have fangs and a barb, the strength of the venom varies though.
-most agile flyers, maybe even second in speed.
-teeth are thin and needle-like, the rely on their venom to weaken their opponents.
-piercings and warm colored Jewelry are a must, usually imbedded with ambers and other similar stones.
-loud during flight.
-blood is dark, almost black.
-eggs are oval and black, typically 1-2 eggs per clutch.
-very curved claws, good for holding onto things, for climbing too.
I may add some more as I come up with it!
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phoward89 · 6 months
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Based on this ask
Angst factor for this is thru the roof! And guess what? It's a series! I'm thinking this is going to have at least 3 parts. Masterlist
Jealous!Coryo x Reader, Odair!Ancestor x Reader.
WARNING ⚠️ Coriolanus Snow is a warning in and of itself. That man is a walking blood red flag waving heavily in the wind! engagement (not reader), eventual smut, infidelity, love triangle, manipulation, stalking?, gaslighting, fluff, Head Gamemaker! Coryo, District 4 Cruise Ship Heir!Odair OC.
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Chapter 1:
“I'm going home, find some other dumb whore to fuck.” You spat, flipping the blankets off your body and making to get out of the platinum blonde’s bed.
“Darling, don't be rash. Come back to bed.” Coriolanus told you, reaching his long arm out and wrapping his large hand around your wrist before you could truly move away from the bed.
“Come back to bed after you just told me that you're going to marry Livia Cardew?!” You screamed at him, feeling like you wanted to yank his pretty platinum blond curls right out of his head. “Are you nuts, Coriolanus?”
The man, whose beauty rivaled that of the Roman and Greek gods, narrowed his baby blues at you. His Adam's apple bobbed in his throat as he told you, “Stop overreacting, darling. It's an arranged marriage that doesn't mean anything.”
You arched a brow and tilted your head at him. “Oh, so that's supposed to make me feel better? Make everything okay?” You sarcastically asked, yanking your arm out of his grasp and flying out of his bed.
His king sized bed with the luxurious crimson satin sheets that you'll never inhabit again.
“Y/N-” Coriolanus began, only for you to loudly cut him off with a shriek of, “Don't, Coriolanus. Don't say a fucking word to me.” Shaking your head, you ironically scoffed, “I should've seen this coming. After all these years of sneaking around with you, I should've known that you'd pick some rich bitch to marry and have a family with.” Gathering your clothes, that were scattered all over the room, you heartbrokenly spat, “Not your poor neighbor girl that's only good for a good fuck whenever you're bored or need to get some pent up aggression out.”
“You're not-” Coriolanus began, icy blue eyes softening with an unchecked emotion (perhaps guilt?), as he watched you toss your things on the white rose upholstered bench at the foot of his bed.
“I love you, Coriolanus.” You softly sighed, barely loud enough for him to hear, while tossing your ruined lace panties at him. What use were the lacey things all torn to shreds?
Not much.
You grabbed your matching lace bra, quickly putting it on, while muttering, "I foolishly fell in love with you and you don't give a shit about me.” You’re on the verge of tears as you grab your dress. While pulling on your dress, you sadly sighed, “Never did and never will, but I guess I was hoping that maybe you would, but I was such a dumbass.”
Your words hit Coriolanus hard, like a 2x4 in the head hard. He never knew that you felt like this. Crawling over to the end of the bed, causing his pure white silk duvet to pool and crinkle around him, he reached out and took your hand in his before you could turn away to grab your heels. He looked at your face, silently willing you to look into his icy blue eyes (but you refused to give him the satisfaction- that manipulative fuck).
But maybe if you would've looked at his eyes you would've seen that they weren't gleaming or shining. That his icy blue eyes were dead and empty, like those of a shark.
Giving up on you looking at him, the platinum blonde man (who had his political dreams within reach) began to tell you in a velvety tone, “My darling rose, you’re not a dumbass. I'm sorry you're hurt, but-'”
But before he could continue his lies (Are they lies? Who knows, but you think they are.) you cut him off with, “Don't even finish your sentence. Just shut the fuck up and let me leave with whatever little piece of dignity I have left.”, while forcefully yanking your hand out of his.
“I won't shut the fuck up because I don't want you to leave.” Coriolanus told you, scrambling out of the bed, his long legs nearly tripping him as he chased after you.
You’re grabbing your heels as he tries to reason with you. “Announcing my engagement with Livia and marrying her is so I can gain political allies and power. It has nothing to do with love, in fact I hate her.” While sliding on your black kitten heels, a pricey designer pair with red sole bottoms- a gift from him (probably for your services…), he placed one of his large calloused hands on your shoulder. Coriolanus’ baritone was softer than usual as he revealed, “I want to be with you.”
“You don't want to be with me, you just want me as your mistress so you can have your kinky fucks.” You told him, pushing his hand off of your shoulder. Marching over to his dresser and grabbing your bag (some imported designer leather tote bag- dyed a deep shade of crimson- he gave you, most likely because you let him do whatever he wants to you between the sheets), you told him the blunt truth of, “You don't love me and I'm not going to stick by your side as your mistress.” Shouldering your bag, that matched the color of the manicure you just had done (which he insisted on paying for), you declared, “I deserve somebody to love me with their whole heart, not just their dick, so I'm leaving and never coming back.”
“Please, don't leave.” You heard him say as you walked out of his room.
“Please, baby, don't leave me!” He frantically begged, his voice a loud shout, as he followed you down the hall in a run. Barefeet loudly slapping against the marble floor, sounding almost ominous.
Thank goodness his Grandma’am's hearing was starting to go bad, otherwise she'd be waking up and seeing one hell of a show. Also, thank goodness Tigress moved out years ago, otherwise she'd be a witness to a messy breakup.
A breakup that was long overdue.
You ignored him, only to power walk to the main entrance of the penthouse. You were almost to the door whenever you felt his cold, long fingers wrap around your wrist like an octopus’ tentacles.
“Please, stay the night. We can discuss this in the morning, just-just don't leave me, little dove.” You heard him beg, sounding so unlike his confident self.
A part of you wanted to give in; turn around and melt into his arms. But another part of you, the part that has grown up with Coriolanus and has seen him manipulate everyone around him knew that he was just saying whatever he has to in order to pull your puppet strings; make you stay.
You decided not to turn around, not to give into him. Instead you roughly pulled yourself free of his hold and walked out the door.
You knew that the platinum blonde wouldn't dare follow you, since running after you naked with his well hung junk swinging in the wind would be scandalous.
Unknown to you, after you walked out the door and slammed it shut in his face, Coriolanus quickly ran to his room and tossed on his diagarded pants and shirt from the evening. He ran out the door, barefoot and still buttoning up his wrinkled shirt, in hopes of catching you in the lobby.
Since you were in the only elevator the building has, he ran down the 12 flights of exquisite marble stairs to reach the lobby. Nearly slipping and busting his ass a couple of times too.
But when he reached the lobby it was too late, you were getting into the back of a cab you hailed. As Coriolanus ran to the door of the lobby, he felt his cold, dead, black, too small of a heart shatter into a million pieces as he watched you close the cab’s door with tears shining like diamonds in your eyes.
Seeing you crying in the back of the cab while leaving him, something he knew that neither of you wanted, made him determined to get you back.
If he thought that Lucy Gray betraying and leaving him hurt, well you leaving him because you felt that he couldn't reciprocate your feelings of love (because he was going to have an arranged marriage with Livia Cardew for political reasons) gutted him. Made him feel like he wanted to die.
Coriolanus wanted you; he always has. It's why you've been together, on-off, since your freshman year at the Academy.
He has to woo you back. He just has to.
Because the thought of you moving on with another man just doesn't sit right with him.
It doesn't matter that Coriolanus’ engagement with Livia Cardew will be publicly announced soon, he needs you back.
He can't have another bird of his flying away, can he?
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Ending your decade long on-off situationship with the Head Gamemaker Coriolanus Snow hurt. Oh gods, it hurt so fucking bad! You felt like you’re just going thru the motions everyday after the breakup. Like you’re just surviving, not truly living, since you’re so sad.
So heartbroken.
And what hurts the most was that, even tho you knew you could never truly be with him, you still love him.
And you'll probably always love him in a way, even tho he'll never love you. Because he's your first love; they say you never forget your first love. That you'll always have a special spot on your heart carved out just for them.
So when you saw the engagement announcement for Livia Cardew and Coriolanus Snow in the social pages of the newspaper, you thought you were going to be sick.
The picture used for the announcement was professionally done; made the newly engaged couple look so lovely together. It made you sad to say, but they did make quite a match.
Two golden lions, regal with the world at their feet. Their blonde hair, her's a dirty golden shade and his a near white platinum blonde, styled impeccably set off their beauty. A beauty that was showcased in matching black outfits, hers a black tea dress with flowing sleeves and his a 3-piece suit with a red/black striped tie.
They looked every bit a couple of the old guard. A couple worthy of money, glory, and power. You're positive that Grandma'am’s proud of him.
If only you knew how she really felt. How Grandma'am Snow always thought that it'd be you and her grandson posting an engagement announcement in the social section of the newspaper. How she's so disappointed at Coriolanus for picking a heinous bitch instead of you, a girl who's soul reminds her so much of her beloved late daughter-in-law (Coriolanus' mother).
Then you couldn't help, but think that maybe Livia’s better for Coriolanus. Better than you are for him. Maybe he'd be happier with her than with you. After all, she came with the largest bank of Panem attached to her name and you came with nothing. You had no money or jewels to offer, just yourself.
And you weren't good enough for him.
Coriolanus Snow always craved power, wealth, and prestige. None of which you could offer him. None of which you gave a shit about.
All you wanted was to be loved, but he couldn't do that for you. All the cold hearted schemer could do was buy you fancy, luxurious, expensive things.
You had no idea that gifting was his love language. That he enjoyed seeing your face light up when he presented you with some gift that you'd never be able to afford on your own. He got pleasure out of spoiling you; taking care of you.
Unfortunately for him, you’re tired of being a kept woman. You don't want him to buy you a bunch of high end things. You want him and since he can't give you his love, you left. You decided to move on.
Which is why you blocked his number, because you had to move on and find somebody that you would be more than enough for. And you couldn't do that with him blowing up your phone constantly. You also started looking for a new apartment, because you couldn't keep having him dropping off roses at your doorstep all the time.
And since your mother to lived on the 8th floor of Corso apartment the Snow penthouse was in, it was a chore to avoid Coriolanus. So, to avoid any drama with him, you had to find a new apartment. You mother agreed; told you that to make a clean break you needed to leave the area. Move on from the part of town you were raised in; lived in.
You needed to fly on your own wings.
At least your job on the marketing team for Odair Luxury Cruises was safe from him. And that job did come with a sweet perk of allowing employees the opportunity of affordable housing in a select few luxury apartments near the downtown Capitol office building the company was headquartered in.
So at least your apartment hunting wouldn't be too hard.
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You were right, your apartment hunt wasn't hard at all. In fact, due to your employment at Odair Luxury Cruises, you were able to secure yourself a 4th floor apartment at the Luxe, right in the bustling downtown of Capitol City, Panem.
Apartment #455 to be exact.
It was a lovely apartment with a courtyard view. It had 9 foot ceilings and white kitchen cabinetry in what could only be a top of the line kitchen. The open layout of the kitchen and living space has a modern feel to it. The lone bedroom in the apartment was very spacious and even had a walk-in closet; the apartment had a small study as well.
It was definitely an upgrade from your mother's apartment, which was nice due to the Plinths fixing it up after buying the building and moving onto the 11th floor roughly 4 years ago. (Unknown to you, Strabo Plinth did the bare minimum repairs to your mother's apartment and furnished it because Coriolanus asked him -more like nagged him- to.)
You're Luxe apartment wasn't as lavish as the Corso penthouse Coriolanus shares with his Grandma’am (the same penthouse he used to bring you to for all of those booty calls over the years) but that didn't matter. All that mattered was that you thought your new apartment was amazing.
And after moving in, you stopped receiving roses at your doorstep. Thank the gods. But since your new building had a doorman, you knew that was the reason you didn't have any more stalkery type floral arrangements waiting for you at your threshold.
And roughly a week or so after moving into your new place, you met your neighbor from across the hall.
It was a typical morning, you had a travel mug of coffee in your hand and was dressed professionally in a pencil skirt and blouse (of course you're wearing those damn kitten heels he who shall not be named- as your older brother’s girlfriend calls your ex-fling of sorts- got you.) as you stepped out into the hallway of your apartment. Usually you never saw your neighbor across the hall, but this morning he rushed out the door- his shaggy bronze hair rustling around his shoulders- and his stunning sea-green eyes locked onto yours.
“Why, you must be new. I've never seen you before.” The tall and extremely handsome man smiles flirtatiously at you. Crossing the hall, to stand in front of you, he introduced himself. “Name’s Odysseus Odair.” Doing a little bow, he smiled a bit too brightly, “The pleasure’s all mine, my abalone pearl.”
Holy shit, is the heir of Odair Luxury Cruises your neighbor and flirting with you right now? No. No, it couldn't be. This has to be a dream.
Except it's not a dream and the heir to a large cruise company in District 4 that's based in the Capitol is really your flirty and handsome neighbor.
“You're Poseidon Odair’s son, heir to Odair Luxury Cruises?” Was all you could manage to get out.
“Yes, that's me, but your name would've worked better for your part of the introduction.” He laughed, the sound similar to the kree-ar call a seagull makes. Shaking his head, causing his bronze hair to skirt around his collared dress shirt (which has a few of the buttons undone to show off his tan and toned chest) he teased, “Usually that's how introductions work, pretty pearl, cause I already know who I am and want to know who you are.”
“I'm Y/N Halvir; I only know who you are because I work in the marketing department for your father's company.”
“Yes, your name sounds familiar.” Odysseus nods with a bright, closed lip smile that makes his cheeks dimple. “You need a ride to the office? I was heading there myself.”
You shook your head, quickly turning down his offer. “Oh, no, I don't want to bother you.”
“Oh, trust me, you won't be a bother.” He said with a flirty glint in his sea-green eyes. “In fact, we’ll go to the corner cafe; get some coffee, donuts, and call it our first date.”
You couldn't help, but giggle at his proposition. He couldn't be serious, could he?
But the way his sunshine like smile was aimed towards you made you realize that he was serious.
Which is why you smiled back and said, “Okay, let's have our first date before work.”
Holding his arm out, like a gentleman, Odysseus winked. “I'll even take you out tonight for seafood.” A sultry look appeared in his eyes as he told you, “I’ll make sure that the dessert's a mouthwatering, delicious one for our second date.”
Odysseus' innuendo didn't go unnoticed by you. And after everything you've been thru with Coriolanus, along with being single for roughly a month now, you decided that it was time to stop pouting over somebody that doesn't give a shit about you.
That it was time to let somebody new have a chance at loving you.
“That sounds like a plan.” You smiled, walking down the hallway arm in arm with the tall bronze man that was sculpted like a Greek god of old. “I'll make sure to wear a nice dress for the occasion.”
“Yes, please do. Even if I'm not one for dressing up, the place I'm taking you to does have a dress code.”
“A dress code similar to Avelina's?” You asked, assuming that whatever fancy seafood place Odysseus was taking you too would be similar in fashion sense to the restaurant Coriolanus took you to every year for your birthday, once you turned 19. (Would've been nice to go there more than once a year, but you figured your ex was just too embarrassed to be seen out in public with you too much since you weren't off the same pedigree as him).
“Ugh, I hate that place. It's so stuffy; reeks of old money.” Odysseus complained as the elevator came into view. Shaking his head, he explained, “Ocean Prime's not a black tie affair dress code, like Avelina's, but more of a nice cocktail dress and button up type of dress code.” Coming to a stop at the elevator bank, he pressed the call button for it and asked, “Do you own the classic little black dress? If so, it'd be perfect for dinner tonight.”
Nodding, you simply told him, “I own one.”
And you only owned one because all of the cocktail dresses you owned were commissioned by Coriolanus- for his cousin Tigris to design and make- and they were all various shades of white, red, and pink. You only had one little black dress because you had bought it yourself, with your own hard earned money, off of a clearance rack. It wasn't anything fancy and you never wore it, since Coriolanus always wanted you to match him if and when he took you somewhere.
So, tonight your little black dress will finally get worn. Worn for your second date with a man who seems warm like sunshine with sea-green eyes that twinkle dreamily.
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It's been nearly a month since you left Coriolanus and he's not taking it too well. He never thought that you'd truly leave him. He always just assumed that you'd be there.
He knows now that he took you for granted. It's something that he regrets everyday, whether he admits it or not.
And what gnaws at Coriolanus is how you ignored every single attempt he made to win you back. Blocking his number and moving to a new apartment, in his opinion, was an extreme way to avoid him.
Your bitch of a mother, who smoked more than a chimney and drank more than a fish, refused to give Coriolanus your new number. She also refused to tell him your new address. He literally had to pay off somebody in the HR department of Odair Luxury Cruises to get him your new info. Which turned out to be useless since the doorman at the Luxe apartments was very strict when it came to adhering to the wishes of the residents when it came to who was and wasn't allowed to visit or leave things for them and wouldn't let him pass the door. Even when he flashed a large wad of cash at the man, he still refused to budge.
Ugh, moral people were the boil on Coriolanus' ass.
Coriolanus was tempted to just show up and corner you at work, but he ended up deciding against it. But only because he had political ambitions and didn't want a scene to be caused (one that he feels you would cause) that could be damning to his image.
He was sacrificing so much for his political dreams. Listening to Strabo Plinth and getting engaged to Livia Cardew, to gain more wealth and some political goals. Because if he couldn't become a Senator and, of course, after that the President of Panem then wouldn't his greatest sacrifice- his loss of you, be all for nothing?
One afternoon Coriolanus was neck deep in work, but he found himself staring at a framed picture on his desk. It was a picture of the two of you. One that was taken at the Yule Ball during Senior year at the University. It was his favorite picture of the two of you, which is why he has it framed on his desk.
But before he could get lost in the memory of that night, a knock sounded at his office door. Tearing his gaze off of the picture frame, he looked up to the door and simply said, “Come in.”
“Sir, your fiance's here to see you.” Coriolanus' personal secretary, a middle-aged woman who's hot pink lipstick matched her pixie cut, informed him while walking into the office.
“About what, Marge?” Asked Coriolanus while blinking his eyes- attempting to soothe the pain in them from the hot pink overload he was experiencing.
His corneas couldn't handle looking at his secretary’s hot pink paisley print dress since it made her hair stand out more. He also tried not to stare at his employee too rudely while noticing her fuchsia dyed eyebrows and matching pink mascara- that oddly framed a natural eyelid.
Averting his eyes back to his computer, (*cough* his framed picture of you *cough*) Coriolanus told Marge, “I'm busy; I don't have time to deal with her petty antics today.”
“I know that, Sir. I even told Miss Cardew that you're very busy planning the upcoming games, but she wouldn't hear it. She's demanding that I buzz her in; let her see you.”
“Well, don't.” Coriolanus told his secretary because the last thing he wanted to do was talk to his fiance, Livia Cardew.
Gods, how he hated that woman.
“What do you want me to tell her then, Sir?” Marge asked.
“That I'm in a meeting and can't see her at the moment.”
“Okay, but what kind of meeting?” The secretary asked, knowing full well that the dirty blonde Tasmanian devil of a woman out in the lobby would ream her out if she didn't have any details to give her. Saying in a meeting wouldn't suffice that shrew.
“Tell her I'm networking with somebody about the mass installation of mandatory TVs in the districts.” The cold, callous, platinum blonde man said without skipping a beat.
“I thought you successfully had that meeting yesterday?” The secretary asked in a tone that implied she knew her boss was a cunning piece of shit.
“I did, but she doesn't know that.” Coriolanus smirked.
“No, I suppose she doesn't.” Marge giggled. A giddy look took over the middle aged woman's face as she told her boss, “I saw Miss Halvir last night at Ocean’s Prime. It's a seafood restaurant.”
“What's she doing there? She can't afford it with what she makes working in the marketing department of that District 4 based cruise line.” Coriolanus scoffed. Giving his personal secretary a curious look, he asked, “And what were you doing there? I know you can't afford a place like that either.”
Marge fought hard to keep herself from rolling her fuschia framed eyes at Mr. Snow's offhand remarks about money. What both she and you couldn't afford. With a fake and forced smile, she told the imposing platinum blonde, “I was there because my daughter and her partner just celebrated their one year anniversary; the reason for Miss Halvir being there was that she was out on a date.”
“A DATE?!” Coriolanus asked in a loud roar.
A date. How dare you go out on a date. You're not supposed to be going out on dates. You're supposed to be his.
Despite being separated for nearly a month, you still belong to him. Hell, he took your virginity when you both were green kids at the Academy. As far as he's concerned, he owns your pussy.
“Yes, a date.” The bright pink-haired secretary confirmed before telling her boss, “With Odysseus Odair, the heir of Odair Luxury Cruises.”
“WHAT THE FUCK!?” Coriolanus loudly cursed, his icy blue eyes blazing with white hot anger.
You went out on a date to some high priced seafood (Since when did you eat seafood, other than those oysters rockefeller appetizers he orders for you two when he takes you to Avelina's for your birthday?) restaurant with Odair- the biggest manwhore in all of the Capitol! 
What the hell's wrong with you? You accuse him of not loving you, of just wanting you for kinky sexy, but here you are going out on a date with Odysseus Odair. The biggest fuck ‘em and leave ‘em guy in the Capitol. Hell, probably in all of Panem.
Marge was taken aback by her boss's reaction to finding out that you were on a date with Odysseus Odair the previous night. The middle-aged woman's never seen the cold and collective head gamemaker lose control before. And she didn't know how to deal with it.
All she wanted to do was spread some juicy gossip and to maybe tip him off that the Odair heir might be bringing a plus one to his upcoming engagement party; one that he's well acquainted with. Marge certainly wasn't expecting Coriolanus to start flipping his shit.
But what Marge didn't know was that Coriolanus is pea green with envy. That he wants to destroy Odysseus Odair because he's with you.
The woman that he's in love with, even if he won't allow himself to admit his feelings. Because he vowed to never ever fall in love after everything that transpired between him and Lucy Gray that summer he served as a peacekeeper in 12.
But love is something that can't be controlled. And that's something Coriolanus will learn first hand as he does everything in his power to get you back. To win you away from one Odysseus Odair, the bane of his existence.
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some-bunniii · 6 months
— self indulgence time, say howdy to my hellaverse oc! [+ a fic]
Kokabiel, one of Hell’s original celebrities and fashion icons [art by mamma_hisa]
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I have a 6k word fic that’s been sitting in my drafts for awhile, and i worked long enough on it so i think it deserves some sunlight
i wrote the first chapter to a lucifer x oc story in an AU where Lilith leaves when Charlie is a baby and Kokabiel accidentally becomes her maternal figure, and it was going to be long but then I never touched it again ☠️ she was made originally made for the fic but she’s so gorgeous and mommy i spent days fleshing her out as my main bbyg.
working on a few things so take this for now to get a taste of her and some morningstar love! no romance, just introductions.
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“Charlie, please go to sleep” The pearlescent figure next to the small bed begged the toddler, who was trying to scramble out of his grip and away from the covers that were wrapped around her waist.
The man’s platinum-blonde hair was disheveled, dark bags under his eyes from the lack of sleep that was quite evident on his features as he tiredly pulled the girl back onto the bed, holding her still as she whined against his hands. 
His mouth opened in a wide yawn, his shark-like teeth glinting in the soft light that emanated from the bedside lamp next to him. He blinked slowly, trying to rid himself of the exhaustion that was trying to overtake him, his eyelids beginning to droop even as he continued to wrestle his daughter. 
Charlie shot her father a nasty glare, brows furrowed as she frowned deeply. The bright red spots that graced the chub of her cheeks lowered as her lips curled downward. They were one of the many features she shared with the pale man before her, including those soft, sun-kissed locks and snow-bathed skin. 
She also shared the same tired eyes that met hers sternly, but her mind was too active to allow her body those much-needed hours of rest. 
The rest her father, Lucifer Morningstar, also needed.
“I know you’re sleepy, sweetheart! Just lay still so daddy can get some shut-eye too, hm?”
“No!” Charlie whined, lips puckered in distraught as her strength began to wane. Why would she sleep when she could be playing with her stuffed goats instead?! It just wasn’t fair!
“Yes!” Lucifer commanded, before he growled softly and lifted a finger towards the small child, a glint of golden light lit on the tip of his claw as he pressed it softly against Charlie’s forehead. 
For a moment it flickered against her pale skin, and Lucifer removed his finger as Charlie froze at the sudden tingling sensation.
Her mouth was in the shape of a small o as she tried to get a look at whatever her father had placed on her, but the only clue in her vision was the twinkle of aurum light. A warmth began to seep into her skin, emanating from the magic blooming across her face.
Like a firework launching into the night sky, the tiny orb shot from her forehead up towards the ceiling, before it burst into a flurry of sparks that glimmered in the darkness, casting the walls with their vibrant hues.
The golden light danced above Charlie’s head, her eyes wide and in awe as the golden sparks began to melt into rippling waves that spiraled across the ceiling.
Lucifer flicked off the bedside light, the room darkening slightly as the magic above basked the room in a subtle warm glow as it pulsed rhythmically.
He still sat beside the bed, hand resting limply against Charlie’s chest as the interest in her eyes soon turned to sleepiness, and her eyelids began to droop.
Lucifer watched with a small smile as a magical display began to lull Charlie into sleep, and it only took a few more minutes before her face relaxed into a peaceful expression and her breathing swallowed.
Roughling rubbing a hand down his face with a sigh, Lucifer stood from the floor. His fuzzy pink robe drooped from his shoulders just enough to expose his bare, finely chiseled chest.
Quietly, he tip-toed across the bedroom, stepping over dolls, stuffed animals, and other trinkets that littered the floor. As long as he was careful, he wouldn’t risk waking the child.
Lucifer’s fingers wrapped around the door handle, before he waved his hand in the air, and the golden light dispersed, showering the room in shadows once more.
Cracking open the door just a tad, he slipped into the hallway. Lucifer’s back hit the door’s solid, oak frame as he exhaled a sigh of relief. The fallen angel felt like he could slide down onto the plush red carpet and hibernate right there, but he was the King of Hell, he had too much self-respect for that.
Raking a hand through his disheveled hair, Lucifer began to drag his feet down the hall, fatigue gnawing at his mind as he passed by the large paintings that hung upon the dark red walls, a perfect backdrop to the fair-skinned figures that posed elegantly inside the gold-framed portraits.
A man, his apple-red cheeks practically brushing against the edges of his face as he smiled brightly. A woman stood tall beside him, a dark purple dress hugging her curved figure as she posed regally. Her fingers entwined with her counterpart, their intimacy evident.
Lucifer would take that down, eventually. It only ever reminded him of painful memories, of that violet, sultry gaze through which she would send him as they basked in the warmth of the large fireplace in the large lounge in their castle. 
Wine glasses emptied again and again as the King listened to her gentle humming, her fingers laced with his as she pulled him closer. Her lips left wet, sloppy kisses against his chin. The faint trail of black lipstick as her mouth connected with his in a passionate embrace of body and soul, intertwined.
Lilith, the previous Queen of Hell. Lucifer’s ex-wife, Charlie’s mother.
How long had she been gone now? Lucifer knew the exact day, he practically memorized the minute and hour when she left. When Lilith had sent him one last look from the open front door, her gaze unreadable through the black shades on her face, her honey-colored hair flowing like water around her figure as the two lovers locked eyes for the final time.
“Goodbye, Lou,” Lilith had whispered, her voice like silk against his ears even in such an anguished moment. Strands of hair covered her features as she spoke, shielding her expression as she turned her head, her back facing the fallen angel as she stepped through the threshold. 
Out of his home, out of his world. 
And, Charlie’s too. It’s hard explaining to a child that their mommy went on a very, very long vacation. He’d have the courage to tell her… eventually. Except, that meant she might one day blame him, too.
What could Lilith have been feeling, happiness, sorrow, anger? Lucifer would never know, he had tried so desperately to even understand why she had left in the first place. Had there been signs? An argument of some kind he had forgotten? What had he done wrong, that his first love and the mother of his child, would leave him to care for Charlie and the realm, all alone?
It was Lilith who held most of the influence when it came to the lower-classed demons, her words and songs enlightening the residents of Hell, cultivating the realm like a garden as she watered the needy and uprooted those with dark intentions like invasive weeds.
To the people of Hell, Lucifer was the epitome of complete, ultimate power. The embodiment of pride, and the reminder of who would always have control. 
He was rarely seen in public, especially in his own Ring, full of the very demons he despised the most. Sure, he had his covers on magazines and face plastered all over LuLu World, but that was where it ended.
Instead, the King kept his duties strictly to those most loyal and most powerful. The rest of the Deadly Sins, the Ars Goetia family, and once in a while joining on an overlord meeting. 
As long as they understood who not to cross, the safety and security of his family would never be at risk, if one could even try and pose any threat to one of the first creations. The Morningstar that shone before Lilith, before Earth, before everything.
In all honesty, Lucifer didn’t really do… anything, when it came to his subjects. 
It was Lilith whose appearance was imprinted into the minds of her subjects through her many concerts and powerful political influence. It was she who had given them the confidence to defy Heaven, to stand against their exterminations that plagued the Pride Ring once a year.
Now, Lucifer was left to hold up face, to keep the realm from divulging into chaos, as the stability of the hierarchy of Hell slipped slowly and slowly through his fingers. No matter how many demons he could smite with the snap of his fingers, the sinful on Earth would always be sent to him as punishment, for the both of them. 
He needed to keep them all in line, as respectfully as possible.
Which meant Lucifer was alone to take care of Charlie, who was insanely active and needy for attention, like any demon her age. She couldn’t stay out of trouble, and Lucifer had to juggle her, his own volatile emotions that had been causing him to skip more and more meals, and the piling events that always filled his days this time of the year. 
The annual gatherings with the Ars Goetia that he had to attend symbiotically to keep their unwavering loyalty, the meetings to make sure the rest of the Sins were keeping their rings afloat, and flaunting a little bit of his power to the Overlords in Pentagram City that liked to stir trouble in his own ring.
Hell needed a future so that his daughter would have something to rule over when she came of age and wisdom. No matter how he tried to push the thoughts of his little girl growing up and leaving him, sooner or later, the fledgling would have to leave the nest.
Lucifer could see it, clear as day, his spirit and creative spark deep in her gaze when she listened to his many ideas and visions of what could have been and what surely will be. The way she giggled quietly as he presented her toys of his creation, her soft gaze looking at each little trinket with adoration and inspiration.
If she was anything like the man Lucifer used to be, that meant she would no doubt rebel against his views of Hell and his subjects, and that scared the King. 
Lucifer continued to pass more portraits, dimly lit by the warm glow of the wall lamps dotting the hallway. Pictures of his daughter, the other Sins, and the grand opening of LuLu World. The final portrait next to his bedroom door was a small painting, an almost-perfect recreation of the only Heavenly creation he still held close to his heart. 
The Morning Star.
The large ball of bright, white light illuminated against the oily-black backdrop that was also speckled with smaller, glittering stars. Some shone in vibrant, multi-colored hues that lit the painted night sky with a soft celestial light.
Except, none of those stars shone as bright as his star, the star specifically created for him by a face whose familiarity had been long lost in time. A face that still gnawed at the edge of his mind every time he stared at that painting, those long-buried memories slowly crawling from the depths of his soul.
Maybe, one day, he’d have the strength to remember.
When the door to his room was pushed open softly, Lucifer’s eyes hit the digital clock on his nightstand. It was one in the afternoon, and Charlie would only nap for a few hours before she awakened with renewed energy. 
The toddler has grown restless lately, anxious to see a new face, to take a peek outside of the confines of their large home. No matter how many magical displays Lucifer presented the child, she always grew bored, and that frown was becoming more permanent on her lips as the days passed.
It must be tiring waking up and practically seeing your reflection almost every minute of your day.
There was no one Lucifer could trust in the presence of his daughter, though. No one he could see fit enough to care for her, not even himself. He struggled, being a father, for his little apple pie.
Parenting was not easy, especially when you had no idea what you were doing. It was especially hard when you were too afraid to upset your daughter with stern words and an authoritative voice, which meant the toddler ran the house.
The most powerful being in Hell would have to put his foot down to his little girl… eventually. After this quick nap, maybe. 
The large bed, much too big for only one person, beckoned Lucifer with an irresistible invitation. His legs moved with renewed strength before he fell face flat into the soft, cool duvet that welcomed him kindly. His muscles relaxed instantly, his feet dangling limply from the end of the bed as he finally opened his mind to the idea of sleep.
Slowly, Lucifer’s consciousness began to ebb, and his snores echoed around the room as his mind stilled into blackness.
What he wasn’t aware of, as the fallen angel sunk deeper into the plush, red blankets, was that the small bed on the opposite side of the hall was empty. Its previous inhabitant was currently tottling towards the door to his workshop that had been slightly ajar just across from her bedroom.
With wide eyes, Charlie scanned the room as she poked her head through the crack in the doorway, her little button nose twitching as she drank in all the little knick-knacks and prototypes of fantastical ideas that would never see the light of day.
It was dimly lit, save for the faint red glow pouring in from the large circular window above the desk across the room. There was nothing of interest on its smooth, wooden surface to the tiny awe-struck eyes. Instead, it was the soft, chromatic light that caught her gaze on a low shelf right next door. 
Floating elegantly above a short, circular pedestal were seven glowing rings, stacked above each other a few inches apart with zero gravity. Each held a unique hue, from green to pink, as they lured Charlie with their ethereal glow. If she could lift her little body just slightly onto the chair against the desk, she could reach them. 
What could they be, so pretty just floating like that? They looked just like glow-stick necklaces! Would Daddy think she was pretty if she put them on and showed him?
With a large smile and slightly unsteady steps, Charlie crossed the room, her tiny feet pitter-pattering against the soft carpet as she beelined for the colorful display. When she reached the wooden chair, her chin barely grazed against the cushioned seating as she placed her palms gingerly against its plush surface.
With a mighty heave and a sharp inhale of breath, the toddler began kicking her legs wildly as she tried gaining momentum to hoist herself onto the chair. 
Charlie sputtered for breath as her grip loosened due to her sweaty palms, but then her leg hooked onto the seat railing, which gave her momentarily support to pull herself farther up until her knee grazed the top of the cushion. 
Placing one arm underneath her for support, the toddler reached the other out towards the ring. Her fingers splayed out, the whites of her eyes glowing red as they reflected the ring’s vibrant hue. 
Charlie held her breath, beginning to tip over just as her index finger grazed the very edge of the ring’s surface. Red energy shot down her spine, sending her hair to stick out with static 
The girl barely got a squeak in before she vanished in a burst of lightning that barely resonated a sound as it zapped her away. 
The red ring flickered once, faltering above the rest for only a moment, before it stilled into place.
And the room was empty once more.
⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀🤍🤍🤍
On the outskirts of the Pride Ring was a small, white villa nestled against a rocky cliff face, surrounded by tall, black fencing that ended in sharp, spiked ends. Purple magic sizzled off of the tips, a clear warning to anyone who wanted to enter: They would not be welcome.
Inside the powerful barrier, was a large garden filled with a surreal combination of beauty and decay. Vibrant flowers bloomed amidst twisted, blackened trees that seemed to reach out with gnarled branches like skeletal fingers. 
The floral scent that wafted from the blossoms permeated the air, mixed with the slight tinge of sulfur of Hell’s odor.  
Nestled among the dark purple bushes and other hellish flora, were tall snow-white sculptures of men and women, their stone eyes staring lifelessly across the garden’s expanse. 
A diverse cast of figures, short and brawny, too tall and lanky. Each unique from the rest.
Except, for their facial expressions, in which they each held a similar look of terror. As if they had been frozen in place during a time of anguish, of a terrifying encounter that left them to rot inside their pretty stone casks. 
They were positioned across the lawn in a perfect, meticulous manner. As if someone spent day in and day out holed up inside the black fencing, with nothing to do but continuously cultivate their blooming garden. 
One particular statue, which held the image of a goat-like man, staring up at the sky as if in one final prayer, was currently being inspected by a gracefully poised woman standing before it. Painted on his frozen cheek, was a small black lipstick-stained kiss.
From a distance, you’d think she was human. The silky, black dress that hugged her curves was reminiscent of ancient Greek fashion. Her shoulders were fully exposed, garment held up by a high neckline that tickled at her throat as she leisured, a glass of alcohol in her hand.
Her rich, deep brown skin stood out among the pearlescent, marble statues. Practically shimmering against the red hues that basked her home with the midday light. 
An ethereal radiance seemed to seep from her skin, giving her silhouette a faint, golden glow that made her skin shimmer like light on morning dew.
Her hairstyle was similar to a ponytail, a partial updo that sat at the top of her head like a bun, before the long, white locs cascaded down her back.Along with two large strands that framed the sides of her angled face.
The big differential between her and a woman strolling down the street? The horns that graced the top of her head. They curved to end just above her forehead, a black crown that cemented her place as another resident of Hell.
Travel a bit farther down her figure, and you’d find those large, white tendrils of hair that swished as she turned slightly had a funny texture to them that most would mistake for thick braids. 
Except, braids aren’t made of scales, are they? 
At her ankles, a multitude of snakeheads stuck out their tongues, tasting the air as their beady red eyes scanned across the grassy scape. 
They twisted around each other, curling into themselves to keep a tighter form as they wriggled against the woman’s back, interest peaked at their surroundings as their tongues flicked in and out.
Once in a while, a head would spot some small, hellish critter skittering across the yard looking for food. And, before one could blink, its jaws would open wide as it shot forward, pulling slightly at the woman’s scalp as it clamped its maw around the tiny creature.
It would slink back near her ankles, trying to gulp down the tasty delicacy as the other snakes around it poked and prodded for a taste. They hissed and snapped at one another, fighting for a morsel.
The woman turned her head, shooting the reptilian mass a glare as they wrapped around her legs. Milky white pools met multiple red, glowing eyes as they slunk back slightly at her scolding, giving time for the one snake to finish gobbling up his snack without fuss.
The two smaller serpents that framed her face weren’t as long as the rest of their siblings, instead reaching to her breasts as they lazily rested on the fabric of her dress. 
Tenderly, the woman lifted an arm, and her shorter serpent curled delicately around her hand, until its head rested gingerly on her palm. 
Gently, she brushed a thumb along its snout, and it hissed softly with pleasure, its eyes closing shut as it nestled farther into her warm skin.
“Jameson, another margarita, please.”
“Yes, Lady Kokabiel,” a small imp butler bowed, his cropped, curly white hair bouncing slightly as he lowered his head. 
Turning, the imp trotted towards a shaded area underneath a weeping willow tree, its low-hanging branches that grazed against his shoulders were dark red, shielding the large mixture of alcohol from the heat of the day as he poured another glass of the blue liquid.
When Jameson returned, Kokabiel handed him the empty glass before plucking the margarita from his grasp. She sent him an appreciative smile, her white freckles sparkling like starlight as they curved with her lips.
She swirled the alcohol in the glass, watching the small vortex for a few moments, before lifting it to her lips and taking a sip. 
That’s how Kokabiel spent most of her days in Hell, nowadays. Getting a buzz off of fruity liquor and fawning over her snakes, as she lounged in her garden with no one to bother her. 
It had been a long time since she left the spotlight, previously a fashion and sex icon, Kokabiel had flaunted her good looks and curves to promote all kinds of products and events, dominating the biggest runways. She even starred in a couple of A-list movies, growing her until she reached the peak of stardom.
Kokabiel had earned her place at the top of the pyramid, right next to many older, successful celebrities in the industry. Lilith was a big name, even bigger than Koko’s with how beautiful of a singer she was, pulling in fans like a siren with her honeyed voice. 
Even with such cutthroat competition, Kokabiel never felt that she was fading out of the audience’s vision with how fast her mailbox would fill with writings from her fans
Fanart, declarations of love written in sparkly pink ink, and invitations to large parties and prestigious events. Even now, she still received fan mail here or there, although they were usually left unanswered. 
She had never wanted to retire in the first place, her plans for the future only confining to grow bigger by the day. Until one night, during a party hosted by the overlords of the city, was Kokabiel confronted with an ultimatum. 
“I know your secret,” he had smiled devilishly. That flat-faced, know-it-all smirk the man sent her one evening, as he confronted her in the darkness of a hallway. 
“What secret?” Kokabiel laughed dryly, shooting him a question glare. 
“Oh, you know,” his pixelated eyes lifted to the darkened sky through the ceiling-high windows nearby, Heaven’s white glow cascading through the panes, “The one about where you really came from, not the Lust Ring lie you like to spin to the audience.” 
The alcoholic buzz in Kokabiel’s system faded in an instant, and her snakes coiled against her back, hissing loudly as she shot him a deathly glare. It had seemed he had chosen to give the news from a safe distance, too far for her snakes to reach. A smart man. 
How did he find out, and what did he plan to do with that information?
That smile of his had only widened further, giddy at the fact he had her in his grasp. He could pull the strings, keep her away from his industry. This secret, that he had only stumbled upon accidently, was going to make sure she stayed gone.
Kokabiel had never caused trouble, never flaunted her power to rise up Hell’s hierarchy, never made any public displays of how easily she could rip demon’s souls out of their bodies if they got too close. 
Nor did any demon claim to be owned by her, as they were too busy being decorative pieces to tell their tale. 
Kokabiel’s presence was a mystery to her powerful counterparts. Her aura was too clean, too ethereal to be a sinner or an average hellborn. But, she had never actually said the words ‘Yes, I’m from Heaven.’ 
She didn’t need to, anymore. After that little conversation, the talking TV had made a deal. Keep that pretty face away from the cameras, and his lips were sealed for eternity. 
Kokabiel had announced her retirement a day later, not answering a single question about why or where she was going. Those cameras and microphones that had gotten shoved in her face received no words as received hurried into her limo. 
How could Kokabiel, someone whose face was once plastered onto entire sides of buildings, fall so hard because of some up-and-coming overlord with the intent to control the masses? She’d had bigger spats with the paparazzi on the side of the street than this!
Now, she didn’t have to worry about those annoying flies anymore, with their constant flashes that always anguished her snakes and the peppering of questions.
Finally away from any prying eyes and those awful, bright flashes that plagued every step Kokabiel took out in public. Here, she could do and say anything, without someone waiting to jump at the opportunity to sell a shitty, non-contextual picture to the highest tabloid bidder.
Solitude gets boring, though. Even with her snakes to crawl over and her garden to tend, one could only vent to the marble figures for so long before they felt their sanity slipping.
That was until an imp had squeezed his way through the thick pickets of her fence, those short white curls singed at the tips from the magic that stung him. 
Whatever was chasing the small man was more dangerous as he continued to beeline toward the bushes that could shelter him.
The imp had turned his head, catching the sight of his pursuers as they reached the fence. Three burly, tall shark demons roared as his tiny frame sped off.
That only led him to meet horns first into the stomach of the owner of the fence, and the land he was currently trespassing on. With an oomph he landed on hit, gaze darting at the being standing above him.
Kokabiel had quirked a brow, unamused as she wiped the dirt from the front of her dress. It wasn’t until one shark demon rammed into the fence, did she lifted her head and a dark frown played on her lips. 
He had seen it, the power behind her gaze, when the loan sharks blew up one of her favorite rose bushes as they broke through the gates.
“How dare you,” she had hissed, her white gaze boring into the thugs, glowing with a much fiercer intensity as she bared her teeth, “Get out!” 
The imp had flinched, but Kokabiel’s anger was not directed at him as she stepped right above his quivering body, and he could feel the soft grazing of scales against his raised arms before he turned to watch the woman continue to meet the loan sharks halfway.
“Not without our little friend there,” one sneered, his teeth glinting as he gave the woman a silent warning of his strength.
“Unfortunate that you aren’t the one making the demands,” she retorted, putting herself between the sharks and their prey. 
With a loud, collective hiss, the bodies of her snakes lifted, encircling her head, and they opened their maws with extended fangs, displaying their own grim warning with bright red eyes.
The aggressor didn’t like that so much, as he opened he pulled out a large, glowing steel-laced ax and charged right for the duo. The imp squeezed his eyes shut, waiting for the killing blow. 
The Kokabiel’s pupils shifted from that starlit glint into black pools of emptiness, and the air sizzled with a powerful energy right as the shark-faced man swung his weapon to connect with her shoulder. At the last moment, the fallen angel ducked and backpedaled, right as one of her snakes lashed forward, jaw wide to reveal twin, deadly fangs and struck the demon right in the eye. 
The scales of her snakes pulsed with a golden shimmer, and the demon’s mouth opened in a painful scream as his feet took on an ivory color, hardening to stone. 
The other sharks near him tensed, the rage on their faces instantly draining as their comrade's feet cemented to the ground, that stone plague creeping farther up his waist as he writhed in place, clutching his eye as black blood seeped from the large gash. 
They took a step back, then another, and another as the only blubber left on the struggling man was his large head. His teeth gnashed in mixture of anger and pain, but his good eye only showed fear, right as it was glazed over by white stone.
After that, the rest of the loan sharks had fled, huffing and puffing as they tumbled through the broken fence. 
Then, the snake that had bit the demon began to convulse, writhing with an open maw like it had something stuck in its throat as black blood from its victim landed on the grass below.
Like some hellish form of mitosis, the scales of the serpent began to stretch and split, revealing a mirrored version of the reptile that began to take form and separate from its twin. 
With wide eyes, the imp watched the two snakes finally , this new, fresh face shaking its head in confusion, before the rest of the scaly follicles began to surround and inspect their new friend with flicking tongues.
Kokabiel only watched the demons scurry off, before she sighed and adjusted her dress. Pivoting, she turned to face the imp, her arms crossed as she regarded him curiously. 
The scrawny demon gulped as he stared wide-eyed. Was he next?
“What’s your name?”
“W-what?” The imp replied hoarsely.
“Your name. You have one, don’t you?”
“it’s… Jameson, madam,” 
“Thank you, and I assume they’ll kill you if you try and go back into the city?”
Jameson nodded slowly, rising tentatively from the ground to look up at the woman. 
“Well, it seems you are out of options, Jameson,” Kokabeil had quirked a brow, a small smile on her lips, “but, it appears I’m in need of a butler. What do you say to free room and board in exchange for your services? I’ll let you keep your soul, I promise.” 
He had looked at her, suspicion in his gaze as his eyes darted to the snakes that coiled around her, shooting him hungry glares. How could someone with power like that be so… nice? If it were any overlord back in the city, they’d have taken his soul and his free will.
But, the offer didn’t sound too bad, and she didn’t look crazy. Just… lonely. Maybe, staying here would be so bad.
That’s how Jameson had begun working for the retired celebrity he now called master. Weirdly, he didn’t do many things a butler would do.
Sure, he cleaned and was at her beck and call most of the time, but Kokabiel did most of the things on her own. She cooked, tended to her garden which was slowly growing by the day, and kept up on the juicy rumors that circled the city. 
Usually, Jameson spent the day as entertainment for her. As an ex-clown in the circus, Jameson had a few tricks up his sleeve he’d showcase for the fallen angel, and she seemed to eat it up with amusement.
Kokabiel’s thoughts towards him? He wasn’t exactly sure. Obviously, she was much kinder to him than anyone else he’d worked for, but her zipped lips on anything related to her past or what kind of demon she was made him unsure.
There were times she got… sad. That was the best way to put it. Jameson never saw her cry or have a tantrum, but sometimes she’d get so sullen even her snakes seemed rather depressed.
And, once a year there was a day that Kokabiel would lock herself away in her room, and would not call for him at all the entire day. Not even for food to feed her snakes. What could make her so depressed for that one day? A lost loved one? Her death day, perhaps? 
She rarely mentioned her influential era as one of the largest fashion icons and models Hell had seen, although she didn’t need to with her collection of the seductive, sultry gazes she on the many ripped out pages of magazine covers she had framed on her walls. 
The few times he did go into the city, heavily disguised to run errands for Kokabiel, he’d pick up the newest tabloids or fill her ears with the latest gossip circling the entertainment industry.
“That’s what that old fart is up to now?” She had chuckled about an old acquaintance as she moisturized her snakes with a scale-safe lotion, “He used to be an A-list actor, and now he’s selling retinol cream? Ha!” 
The snakes had hissed with a chuckle-like sound, mirroring their mother as she coddled them. They still made Jameson nervous, even after all these years, they had a mind of their own, each individual one it appeared. But, they all seemed to have the same thoughts when it came to him: hungry.
Watching the snake finish its snack made Jameson a little uneasy as Kokabiel turned away from the statue and she took another sip of her drink.
“I’m getting tired, Jameson. I think I'm going to go inside, maybe take a nice, warm bath to relax.” 
“Would you like me to get the water heated?”
“No, thanks. I can do it myself.” She said, beginning to walk towards the patio doors. 
Jameson’s eyes flicked past her shoulder, at the very moment the statue began to sizzle with a powerful energy that even made his curls stand on end. 
Red sparks erupted from the front of the statue, right on the pedestal it was standing on which raised a few feet in the air. Jameson could only stare in disbelief as the sparks began to swirl like a vortex, until they burst and sprayed like confetti and a figure materialized an inch off the marble surface.
The tiny stranger landed with a quiet oomf, before she stood on her feet with a slight wobble, her little hands held out in front of her for balance. 
Jameson’s eyes flew open at the sight. It was a child! Her platinum-blonde hair disheveled, and her large eyes were darting around the area with confusion and fear. 
When her eyes landed on him, she took a tiny step back, her eyes growing wide as she stared nervously at the new face. 
“M-m-madam!” Jameson finally croaked, his finger pointed towards the girl with a slight quiver as he tried to get the words out. 
“What..?” Kokabiel quirked an eyebrow at his stammering figure. Jameson’s eyes never left the strange girl, and she slowly followed his gaze to the statue.
The toddler and the fallen angel locked eyes, before Kokabiel’s mouth fell open and she stood there silently for a few moments. Charlie’s eyes widened, and she pulled her arms to herself in comfort at the shocked faces.
“What…. is this?” Kokabiel finally spoke slowly, eyes trained on the little being standing awkwardly on the statue. Her snakes lifted their heads slightly, tongues flicking the air as they tried to get a scent of the girl.
“It’s a child, madam,” Jameson whispered.
“I know that! But, how did it get here? What’s the point of having a magical fence if everybody can just walk right through it?!”
“She didn’t get through the fence, madam!” Jameson squeaked, shaking his head furiously as he explained, “She just… appeared here, like out of thin air! I saw it all!”
How could that be possible? There’s no way a child could harness such strong magic. It must be some kind of illusion, trickery by a powerful demon trying to use her empathy to get the best of her!
“You!” Kokabiel pointed an accusatory finger at Charlie, taking a small step forward “How did you get in my garden?”
“Um…” Charlie started, but her words—of what little she had—died in her throat. She only took a step backward, trying to escape from the attention 
“You’re trespassing on private property!” Kokabiel continued to stalk forward, she was only a few feet away now, her snakes becoming antsy as they curled around her, hissing softly.
“Who are you?” 
Charlie took another step back, her hair grazing the leg of the marble figure. Where was she? 
Charlie’s heel hit the foot of the statue, and she tripped, her back hitting its leg as she slid awkwardly sideways. Her tiny fingers grasped desperately at the smooth, white stone, but to no avail, as she tumbled right off the edge of the pedestal.
Jameson squeaked in terror, before throwing his hands over his eyes to protect him from any grisly sight. He heard Kokabiel gasp, but no sickening thump or terrible crack of bones meeting the firm ground.
Slowly, he splayed his fingers and lowered his hands, his eyes widening. He stood there gobsmacked at the scene, mouth agape in silence. 
Yes, Charlie had been unable to save herself, falling helplessly in the air…. right into the arms of a shocked Kokabiel. 
Kokabiel stared wide-eyed at her own reaction to the split second of instinct that propelled her to catch the child. Charlie was tightly secured in her hands, being held at arm's-length as far as possible. 
Charlie blinked, before her eyes met those glowing white pupils with a slowly growing smile. She had one hand wrapped around the wrist of the taller woman, as she lifted up her free hand and sent a small, shy wave.
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[art i commissioned for the chapter by ruspettaa]
woahhh nice little(ha!) introduction to my oc, with some cute art of charlie! If I were to ever continue writing this fic, the relationship would be more focused on charlies than lucifers, at least at first. Slow-burn/co-parenting kinda thing bc Koko can def exist without being a relationship with our handsome king. she’s sipping margaritas free as a bird rn.
kokabiel is a loosely based version of the biblical figure with the same name who created the stars and constellations. One of the reasons she fell was for teaching humanity astronomy. A few others fell with her too, but she instead melded into demon society instead of her heavenly counterparts.
the only people that know of her true identity are Hell’s royalty, and Stolas probably has a signed autograph of hers somewhere around his office seeing as his duties are closely bound with her creations.
she’s a business woman too, though i am trying to figure out whether she sells snake-skinned accessories as a fashion line or diluted venom that’s a psychedelic drug which makes you feel all euphoric and stuff. l
I also have no idea who her voice claim is 😭 i imagine it being smooth and buttery like Beyoncé, but i’m sure there’s other voices similar to hers that I haven’t found yet.
i’ve got a comm [by wkyarts51243] in the works that will be styled closer to the show, so here’s a sneak peak i guess ☠️ I’d say her height is slightly shorter than charlie (not counting her horns lol), but I haven’t settled yet.
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i have more art (one of her and luci hehe), which i might share either. but you can have the full version of the first art pic, with an extra piece from the same artist 🤭
also making this post so i can cement her backstory and stop changing it up ☠️ it’s its writing officially now yall
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anyway, enough rambling, back to writing!! have a great weekend 🤍
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nanaminokanojo · 1 year
–one night of fooling around with the annoying campus king gojo satoru (he thinks so), turns into...well, something else more long term
CHARACTERS: gojo satoru x you | geto suguru | jjk characters
GENRE: college au | eventual smut | smau | smau + prose | everything in between | ons | fubus to lovers | aged-up characters | idk where this is going
⚠️ TW/CW: strong/mature language | 🔞 | mentions of alcohol, smoking, etc. | this will most likely have narrations | god-awful pet names | will add more if something arises
<<prev part 12 next>>
NOTE: This has narration in prose.
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Gojo Satoru was one persistent man, you gotta give him that. When he said your wish is his command, he delivered, so you don't really have any excuses to further refuse him. He took your opinion on the contract seriously, passed it by you without fail and exceeded expectations. You had the choice to stop whatever madness the two of you were cooking up, so you had that as a buffer to see how things go.
It's a very different situation for the both of you. Neither of you had been in bed with the same person twice. You thought that was convenient, spares you from that awkward phase of having to deal with the messy things that come along with commitment. But regardless of how much you and Satoru reiterate on the point of having no strings attached, it was still a form of commitment. You didn't know yet whether you liked the nature of that bond regardless if it was limited to the physical aspect.
But it was convenient. You could admit at least that. If it's just sex, then you wouldn't have to go through the motions of meeting people, getting to know them enough to say they're not psychos and establishing that mutual agreement of never seeing each other again. Satoru was familiar ground for once, and you more or less knew what to expect from him with the security of a written agreement adding to your supposed security.
Now it was a game of waiting to see who is gonna crack first, but that's a problem for future you. It's arrogant to think that there are no consequences to what you are about to involve yourself in because there will be, and you knew neither of you are stupid as to deny that. Accepting that fact is the first step. You'll deal with the mess later.
Or maybe you two were really stupid to be considering it at all. Either way, you didn't really care about the intricacies of it as much as you were annoyed over the fact that Satoru was taking away what you wanted to be a peaceful afternoon. Tolerance sure wasn't his strongest suit as expected of a rich brat who didn't know how it feels to be denied and done have the slightest understanding of the word no.
"You're gonna make me neighbors think I got into a tangle with loan sharks, Gojo," you said the moment you opened the door for him, unable to help it but ogle him. He was clad in gray sweats, a black shirt that fit him so damn well, his platinum hair mussed under a white, Balenciaga baseball cap.
He looked at you from under his cap, those gloriously blue eyes twinkling as he broke into a grin. "Well, you do owe me kisses, sweetheart."
Rolling your eyes, you cocked your head to the side, inviting him in, prompting his next comment: "I see how you're related to Sukuna when you move like that."
You chuckled. "I know how you think he was raised by brigands." You looked over your shoulder with a smirk. "You can opt out of our arrangement now."
Satoru caught up to you, blocking your way to the living room. He bent down to your height, booping you on the nose with his index finger. "Is that a roundabout way of saying you want out? You haven't even signed yet." He waved the file he was holding in front of you. "Ammended and reviewed as you've requested."
You took it, pushing past him and plopping down on the couch. You patted the space next to you as you opened the file, startled when he jumped right onto the spot, also making you bounce on the plush seat.
You momentarily glared at him but he just scooted closer, pointing at the sheaf of papers. "The things you wanted added are highlighted in yellow."
You quietly read the things he indicated, rifling through pages with your eyes. All the while, you could feel Satoru's blue orbs on you, his fingers toying with the tips of your hair. From your periphery, you could see him breaking into a soft smile, so different from his cocky, mischief-filled cheshire grins. Your planned glance turned into a sidelong stare as you whipped your head to actually look at him.
To your dismay, his expression was replaced by surprise, making that smile disappear as if it hadn't even been there in the first place.
You shook your head, thinking you probably just imagined it. "Where do I sign?"
You made quick work of that after Satoru indicated where you were to sign, handing him the pen and also watching him do the same.
"And that's a done deal!" he declared, slapping the pen on the coffee table before twisting on his waist to look at you. "Congratulations, I'm exclusively yours."
"Thanks for saying my line for me." You shrugged, feeling the awkwardness of the situation now that your "giggle fits" about the whole contract, as Satoru had termed it, had died down. "So..."
"May I kiss you now?" he interrupted your thoughts, invading your space as he leaned forward, his eyes shifting slowly from your eyes and your lips.
You didn't fail to notice how he emphasized on asking for your permission this time instead of asking whether he was capable of it. "If you're always gonna choose your words like this..." You knocked his cap off his head with one hand while the other glided up from his shoulder to his nape. You pulled him closer, your lips just millimeters from his. "...instead of being such a tactless bastard all the time, I might actually enjoy this more."
He looked at you with hooded eyes. He wasn't one to be distracted from his goals. "So, may I, sweet cheeks?"
"Yes, you mmph –"
Satoru's plush lips were on yours in a split second, pressing gently yet the fact that he was holding back was evident in the way he gripped onto your waist as if he was trying to tether himself to you. He moved his lips against yours in languid motions as if he was testing the waters. You let him although you wondered at that knowing how hungry and all-consuming his kisses can be from experience.
You didn't dislike it, even the way he would pull away in the smallest fractions to nip at your lips before he would give them tiny kitten licks. It was enticing watching him take his time, making you reciprocate in the same small actions but mostly letting him have at it. Satoru's large hands moved from where he was keeping you steady on your arms up to the sides of your neck, his thumb brushing against your jawline.
Just then, he wrenched his eyes from intently paying attention to your lips to meet yours, blinking slowly and absently licking his lips. Satoru looked at you as if he couldn't believe you were in front of him, again breaking into that genuine smile.
"You're so pretty, sweet cheeks," he mumbled, looking absolutely out of it.
You were tempted to snort at his compliment but at the same time, you couldn't, unable to extricate yourself from the moment. This was a new side to him you're seeing for the first time. "That's one kiss today, Gojo."
At that, the spell seemed to have broken as he placed his forehead on your shoulder, chuckling. "You're keeping count?" He blindly fished for something in his pocket before taking your hand in his and pressing something onto your palm.
Before you could look and ask what it was, his lips were on yours again, less experimental this time. He licked at the seam of your mouth, pushing his tongue into it and seeking yours. You gasped when he finally found it, groaning when you responded in kind. Your ears were ringing, your head filled with nothing but the way he tasted in your mouth and the way he was possessively holding you against his taut form while his fingers drew circles on the small of your back.
And just as you were getting used to him and what he was doing to you, he pulled away, your lips parting with a wet sound. You swallowed hard, startled by the sudden loss of contact, and quite frankly, pissed off as well.
He wrapped your fingers on the thing he put in your hand, realizing it was some sort of card. As if he read your mind, he said, "Your key to my private place in the city. I'll text you the address."
With one last peck to your lips which were slightly parted from being flustered, he stood up, putting on his cap. And then he turned to look at you. "Sorry, sweetheart. I have class in half an hour with Yaga." He grinned. "Don't look so disappointed now. I'll make it up to you tomorrow."
You scoffed, also standing up as you regained composure. "Who says I am?" You shook your head, catching sight of the contract on the table. "Take those with you. I don't need Yuki or Iori finding those here."
Satoru laughed, taking your hand and twining his fingers with yours before raising it to his lips and winking at you. "See you tomorrow."
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TAGS LIST: @arxliana @neeneee @charlie-xo @aelynaneedsalottathing @arizzu @cloudxp
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pianostarinwonderland · 9 months
I'm curious do you think that it's possible to have a healthy relationship with Azul??
I've been reading a lot of Azul x reader fanfics and they're all Nice and all, but it also got me thinking of an actual healthy relationship with Azul Coul be possible? since you know he has a lot of issues and since your a Azul Stan and you seem to know him quite well, do you think it's possible??
OOOOOOH rubs hands gleefully I love this ask holy shit
So I'm going to start this by saying that a lot of this is my opinion, and it's one that's formed by not just how I read Azul but also by experiences I've gone through with relationships, both romantic and platonic. I'll try to give an essay that's as close to his character as possible, but this is already written with biases.
So anyway, the short answer to this is: Yes. I believe you can have a healthy relationship with Azul. But it's going to take a fucking long time till you even get there, and you really have to prove that you're not only a good friend to begin with, but someone trustworthy and someone with a dash of Fucked Up to understand him.
The long answer?
One of the first things about Azul that must be understood when you write him in a romantic setting is that his view on relationships is damaged. And I mean that with italics. It's not exactly a secret with his transactional mindset. He follows the give and take policy, contract or no contract. The best example you'll see of this is his PE Uniform story, with how he didn't want Jamil to give him flying lessons, not until Jamil asked for a price. He's not into gifts either, because he'd give something back to you anyway, which you see in his first Valentine's letter.
But if we dig deeper, this also may stem from his home environment and past bullying.
Starting with the home environment, his parents divorced. It must have left an impression on him, all the more if there were arguments in the household. First impressions last, and there may always be that little reminder in his head that many relationships can fall apart, even with an official contract in place.
Then the nature of Coral Sea and his past with bullying. Jade in his Platinum Jacket story (TL by mysteryshoptls) narrates a time when some sharks didn't fulfill their promises to him.
Jade: I wouldn’t say that… Back in the ocean, there were a few sharks that had refused to honor their promises. As I was entreating them to fulfill their duty, they all decided to bilk their promise altogether.
Coral Sea doesn't seem to be a very friendly environment, at least in the perspectives of the Octavinelle trio. They also seem to be discriminated against, with Azul's being pretty obvious and the tweels more on the speculation side. Thus, Azul was prone to that sort of unfriendliness and even betrayal. It wouldn't be surprising if some merfolk or animals did the same thing that the sharks did to Jade.
Overall, Azul's relationship with... relationships is not exactly healthy due to the circumstances he grew up with, and that has to be taken note of.
However, I do believe that Azul wants to connect with someone deeply. And it's probably one of his biggest yearnings. It seems ironic that he being so guarded and transactional with people would yearn for such a connection. But honestly, it's the very guarded people who desire that kind of relationship the most. It's tiring to carry your guard up all the time. Wouldn't it be great for once to have a relationship where you just don't have to keep it up anymore?
I think there's reason to believe that Azul is hopeful for such a connection to enter his life too. His mom found a second man, and from the few stories that he shared of his family, she and her new partner seem to be doing really well. Azul calls him 'father', and has described him to be kind and sensitive. And their relationship is likely to have started when Azul was still very young, if we assume that the restaurant boomed in business during his mom's second relationship. So Azul may have witnessed his mom's divorce really young, but he also saw early on that there can be a relationship that thrives with the right person.
To a big extent, you'll see this desire he has to have a deep connection with people in canon. An obvious but still notable one is Azul and his relationship with Jade and Floyd. A big part of his OB had to do with the two of them not following him and Floyd calling him lame. The Octavinelle CM exhibits this attachment he has to them as well. In Jade's Platinum story, Jade says he occasionally gives Azul coins. In Floyd's Lab card lines, he states that he'd give Azul shiny things on occasion. They both give Azul these gifts, and there's no hint that Azul gives them something in return, which is unlike his usual principle of give and exchange.
Outside of the twins, you also can see that it is possible to get Azul to be comfortable with someone. Book 6 showcases this at the end of the Riddle-Azul tower, when Azul fell asleep on Riddle's shoulder. This is after clearing their huge misunderstanding about why Riddle is often shielding Azul. Azul thought Riddle was underestimating his strength, but his reason for shielding Azul is just so he wouldn't have to treat a mer without a license or he'd be breaking the law. And it's so Riddle coded that Azul easily took it as the truth and saw that Riddle was really looking out for him. The progression of trust being built in this case seems pretty quick, sure, but it has to be noted too that Azul knew Riddle for more than a year at this point. They're both some of the top scorers in their year level, and they're fellow dorm leaders who have worked together. And Azul definitely knows Riddle's honesty and strict adherence with all kinds of rules, so it helps him trust Riddle more.
Honesty is not the only thing that Azul needs, though. He likely wants to connect with someone who's got that brand of fucked up like him. And this is where I bring up his dynamic with Jamil.
For this part, I'd like to link this wonderful thread made by @/kennae_bae because it highlights a few things I want to discuss here. This thread is mainly in the light of Azul/Jamil, but it goes into the need for connection that they both have as individuals. Of course, for the purposes of this essay, we mainly focus on Azul.
To an extent, Azul's view on Jamil gives us an idea of what he does when he wants to connect with certain folks. Firstly, it's seen in how he likes to approach Jamil a lot more so than other characters. He's offered on more than one occasion for Jamil to transfer to Octavinelle, which the thread has elaborated on. Even though he sees benefit in getting closer to other characters like Malleus (which has been shown in both Halloween Azul and Lab Sebek vignettes), he gives this offer to Jamil because he knows his potential. Azul is the type to see the strengths and potential of most people, and usually, he'd either see use for it or simply comment and do nothing with it if there's no benefit. But Jamil is different; it's true that if Azul just wants him to work at the lounge, he'd be much more forward with it and name a price. However, by wanting Jamil to join Octavinelle, and thus work together with him, Azul is also implying that he wants Jamil in a closer circle of friends.
But that's just one small part of it. I think the part that really shows his yearning to connect with someone like Jamil is in Book 4-34, when Azul gives his own thoughts about the situation between Kalim and Jamil:
Azul: The things you say out of unwavering faith in others will rub people like Jamil or I the wrong way. Rather, to those who live their lives on a budget, it sounds like condescending sarcasm. (TL by shel_bb)
Notice how Azul mentions himself along with Jamil in that one sentence. In that line alone, it sounds like he's connecting himself with Jamil because he feels that they are similar. And that acts as reassurance to Azul, that there's someone else (outside of Jade and Floyd) that could understand his pains.
However, having similar traumas and everything isn't a huge requirement to get to connect with Azul. If it was, he definitely would have let Jamil teach him flying in his PE story. But if he can at least see that you can understand the things he goes through (and maybe even empathize just slightly), it definitely opens up gates to having a deeper relationship with him.
Now okay, we really just covered one half and a bit of the question: is a relationship with Azul possible? Yes. But now we have to address the other half: the healthy relationship part.
To which case, I would say yes. I think the longevity of his relationship with Jade and Floyd is already a testament to this in some way, and all three of them have stayed together in spite of his overblot.
Now this is definitely biased, but I believe a glimpse of a possible healthy relationship with Azul can be found in Book 3-38. After everything that had transpired, Azul goes to return the photo to the Atlantica museum. And I believe most of you reading this will know this conversation.
Azul: I thought that if I could erase all the photos from my past, my time spent being bullied as a "dumb clumsy octopus" would vanish with them. The Sea Witch never hid her dark past but faced it and worked to overwrite her reputation. I kept saying I wanted to be like her, but... in the end, I couldn't accept who I was and tried to act like it never happened. (TL by shel_bb)
In this segment, we have Azul becoming vulnerable to us about his feelings. And I think this is important to bring up because (1) most of the OB characters do not get this vulnerable about their feelings post-OB (aside from Vil, who even then had a professional front when he apologized to the NRC Tribe), and (2) you just don't get Azul sharing something so vulnerable very often. He usually keeps his feelings unsaid so that people don't potentially use them against him. Yet there he is, admitting to you the reason why he wanted the photo he made you steal. And then Yuu reassures him and compliments him, to which Azul responds with:
Azul: My... hard work? Pfft. There is no need for you to flatter me. I only wanted to get back at those who had made fun of me for so long.
And that's all said with a smile. He's happy to get those compliments. =w=
But to cap it off, a healthy relationship with Azul means that it's a relationship where he can let himself be vulnerable to the other person. It is definitely huge bonus points if the other is not only trustworthy but also someone that can understand him somehow.
However, it definitely still takes him a lot of time, especially with how much he goes through. I think that's why you really have to prioritize friendship in order to have a healthy relationship with him. Being able to have a good lasting friendship with Azul would let him trust that you'd be a great partner in life. It definitely will take years, but when you can connect and be open and honest together, a healthy relationship with Azul is possible.
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Jade, Riddle: Days that we Treasure
Why do they use the most Obviously Evil and Unsettling images ever 😭 Who looks at the Mega Ursula painting and goes, “Ah, yes. This is a perfectly sane and totally good person”??????? Or that unsettling image of the Evil Queen??? They did NOT get their best angles…
THE TWINS ArE NOT BEATING BACK THE LEECH CRIME FAMILY ALLEGATIONS ANYTIME SOON... Jade says his dad taught him and Floyd skills like how to break free of ropes and how to pick locks... 💀 and then Jade talks about how he beat up some sharks and made them bleed--
It's really cute to hear about how Jade collected baubles just like Ariel did 🥺 even gifting some coins to Azul!! Him chucking everything once he lost interest broke my heart though... (Some clarification: Jade indicates that he used to like manholes; this is a unique cultural aspect of Japan, as manhole covers tend to have fun designs there. He was probably referring to those, not just plain manhole covers.)
A Tale as Old as Time.
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"Oya, what a charming portrait of a crustacean."
Jade spoke of a painting of a crab, lips pursed as if midsong, a flurry of bubbles and sea life swirling around it. Light shone down from the surface world, as if spotlighting a lone performer on an otherwise dark stage. Such fun! Such whimsy! Such…
… easy game, Jade thought. His polite smile tugged into what was decidedly a far less polite smirk.
He had honed a discerning eye, parsing people as easily as one might parse papers. One look was all that was needed for him to tell: the crab would easily be suckered into signing a contract. Gullible, cheery fools like him always were.
His grin grew. Fingers curled against his chin, almost resembling a folded paw which concealed claws.
“I don’t like that look of yours,” Riddle declared. His resolute tone resounded in the darkened museum as he fell beside the eel. “It looks extremely suspicious!”
“Riddle-san. How good of you to join me.” With a hand shifting to be placed over his head, Jade gave him a curt bow. "I apologize if you were disarmed by my expression. You see, I have a tendency to smile awkwardly out of nervousness."
Riddle made a face and shook his head. “I’m not sure if I entirely believe that.”
"Who can you trust, if not your dear classmates?"
Riddle gave no response, only meeting him with an exasperated look. Jade’s chuckles were loud in the cavernous quiet of the museum.
He gestured to the platinum frame containing the singing crustacean. “Are you familiar with this gentlecrab?"
"I have learned a bit of the history of merpeople," Riddle declared proudly, puffing his chest out like a swaggering peacock. "He is the Sea King's favored composer. From what I understand, music is highly regarded in your culture—and it is for that reason that this composer was able to earn such an important position in the king’s court. He was not only wise, but also wove stunning melodies which captured the hearts of all sea creatures. Truly an ideal candidate to stand by the king’s side.”
“That’s right. My, you certainly put in the extra effort to your studies. As expected of Riddle-san.”
Jade brought a hand to his mouth. “Ah, but there are many stories of him that the land textbooks do not tell. For example, did you know that this great composer was also a friend and confidant to the Mermaid Princess?”
“The Mermaid Princess… Surely you don’t mean the Mermaid Princess that bridged the humans and merpeople?”
“The very same.” Jade gave a light laugh. “They say she was spirited and defiant, with a deep fondness for humans, in spite of her father’s protests. The great composer discovered her hidden grotto, which was full of gadgets and gizmos aplenty, items the Mermaid Princess had scavenged from shipwrecks—and his loyalty was put to the test.”
Jade held out both hands, lifting one while lowering the other, then swapping sides. He simulated a scale and changing weights.
“The Sea King, who detested humans, and the Mermaid Princess, who loved them. Which of the two would the composer follow?”
“What a ridiculous question!” Riddle frowned, sweeping out an arm—as if to collapse a house of cards. “Of course the Sea King is the most correct. He has the most authority in the circumstances, and furthermore, the composer is in service to the king. It is clear that it is the composer should side with the Sea King.”
Jade's eyes glinted like coins shifting in the darkness. "In the end, he chose to support the Mermaid Princess."
"What?!" Riddle recoiled in visible shock. "That's preposterous! On what grounds....!"
“He must have valued the Mermaid Princess’s friendship with all of his heart,” Jade replied teasingly, “or rather, it was because he understood her sorrow and desire.”
“A man of his skill and stature, understanding her feelings and breaking the rules on her behalf…? I can’t picture it myself.”
"Perhaps it is difficult to understand without full context." Jade's brows turned upward, almost passing for sympathetic. "... There was a dark era of the Sea King's rule when music of any kind was expressly forbidden. However, the great composer—in an act of rebellion—played to his heart's content in secret. The Mermaid Princess came upon his secret and learned of the joys of song and dance from him. She understood that, to the composer, music was his most prized possession. His treasure. He could not bear to be without it, just as a fish cannot be without water."
Riddle's face creased. "I see, so the Mermaid Princess and this composer... They understood one another's circumstances. Both of them knew the pain of longing for something forbidden."
"Yes. To them, it was worth disregarding the law to attain that which they loved the most." Jade's suspiciously pleasant smile returned. "I believe that is incredibly courageous and admirable of them."
"That is hardly surprising, seeing as you and your brother constantly skirt school rules!" Riddle grumbled under his breath. "And no matter the reason for it or the results achieved, you are all still guilty of your crimes!!"
"Such harsh accusations." Jade's lips peeled, revealing the many tiny, razor-sharp teeth he so often hid from public view. "Most graciously, the story I was telling you has a happy ending. Th Sea King pardoned them both for their transgressions. As they say, all's well that ends well."
"Rule-breakers walking away without so much as a light sentence... That's considered a happy ending for you?!" Riddle's snarl filled the room, rattling the portraits that lined the walls, the priceless artifacts out on display. He was redder than the crab composer himself.
"Oya, Riddle-san. What a loud voice—you may just disturb the other museum goers.” Jade tossed a glance at the room adjacent to theirs. Their peers milled about, clamoring for glimpses of pieces of art, scraps of history, and shards of greatness.
The dorm leader hastily cleared his throat. “Apologies... I lost control of my temper for but a moment.”
“There is no need for an apology. I’m certain the merciful Sea King would have granted you clemency as well.”
“D-Do not tease me!!” Riddle’s face inflamed once more, earning a stifled snort from his classmate. “S-Stop laughing!! It’s NOT funny!!”
His protests were of no use. Jade’s snort swelled into barely concealed chuckling, and then finally burst into a monstrous grin. It didn’t quite match with the soft laugh that bubbled up from his throat.
The surface world had introduced to him a plethora of new wonders. Mushrooms, mountains, and what else…? The very people of the land.
I will never tired of these peaceful, fun-filled days.
They were his invaluable treasures, things well-worth fighting for.
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petermorwood · 1 year
O senior pen user! I have been a dedicate of pencils for years but finally found a pen I like (Staedtler triplus fineliner). How do I tell when to stop using the pen? It seems wasteful if ink still comes out, even if it's a pain/not fun to use anymore. And if I like these sharp points, small bodies - is there a refillable/fountain pen I should investigate?
If the pen's getting scratchy it's time for a new one. Scratchiness means the tip - AFAIK Triplus Fineliners are fibre-tipped - has worn down, or there's not enough ink coming out to properly lubricate the contact between tip and paper. Either way it's refill or (unless recyclable) landfill.
Check Goulet Pens and Jet Pens for refillable fountain pens with fine nibs.
It's possible to experiment without spending very much, for instance the Jinhao 993 Shark from Goulet is $3.95. I might get one of these for @dduane, because of Ed-related Reasons. :->
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The Platinum Preppy from Jetpens is $7.00...
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...and the Pilot Penmanship, also from Jetpens, is $10.00.
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All are refillable using cartridges or (AFAIK) a convertor for bottled ink.
Personal opinion: in my experience Pilot nibs at the cheap end of the range have been consistently superior to how they might reasonably perform for the price. Maybe I've just been lucky, however DD's two Pilot Metropolitans continue the "better than paid for" trend.
I'm pretty sure both Jet and Goulet could refine the search even further if you emailed them with a query like "What (inexpensive) fountain pen writes as fine as a Staedtler Triplus Fineliner?", although my recommendations may already fit the bill. :->
I've bought stuff unavailable in Europe from both companies - those Pilot Metropolitans had stub and fine nibs, for instance; for some reason the Pilot MR equivalent over here is medium-only - and they were very prompt and friendly even though my orders were just small ones from a customer unlikely to be frequent.
Hope This Helps!
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hampstersilver · 5 months
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this blog wants to see Palestine free don't forget to boycott starbucks to ✌️
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Hamptur time . . .
[ art blog ] ▸
[ another ✨enticing✨ link ] ▸
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🫴 the original idea came from @unoriginalgangsta 's post here
this all started with one little drawing and has snowballed into something that legit has become both a warm up excerise for me before I draw and/or a very silly way to make myself laugh.
have fun indulging in the sillies as I return to my caverns deep within the earth in shame. may also reblog general pkmn goofies here as well
Critter Guide for the Confused
Silver = Hamster
Gold = Platypus
Kris = Kangaroo Mouse
Red = Moth
Blue = Hedgehog
Green = Ferret
Yellow = Rat ( courtesy of @c0ffee-7 )
Sapphire = Possum
Ruby = Bunny
Emerald = Frog
Wally = Mole
Lance = Chicken
Giovanni = Crow
Wallace = Capybara
Steven = Stunk
Winona = Duck
Archie = otter
Maxie = prairie dog
Pryce = Flea
Platinum = Squirrel
Sun = Cat Fish (courtesy of @lyra664)
Link (and all legend of zelda characters) = Cat
Cloud (and all final fantasy 7 characters) = Dog
N = kiwi? perhaps?
Moon = Lemon Shark
Gon - hxh = spider monkey 🙊
( still confused? yeah I bet )
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whatsinmypen · 2 years
Starter Fountain Pens 
(that aren’t the Pilot Metro or Lamy Safari) 
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(So you never have to ask me for recs again)
New to fountain pens? Long-time enthusiast? No matter, you’re probably sick of hearing about the Lamy Safari and the Pilot Metropolitan (or Pilot MR in certain markets) and their respective merits as beginner fountain pens. It feels like every other day someone asks for suggestions for their first fountain pen, and inevitably the recommendations for either of those two come flooding in.  
It’s not without reason. I’m guilty too—the Lamy Safari is still one of my favourite pens of all time (and I will still recommend it), and the Metropolitan is just about the safest bet you can make on a fountain pen when you’re just getting started.  
That being said, there are a ton of other pens out there, and I feel like newbies sometimes miss out on pens they might like better. So, to help further our collective horizons, here are 22 OTHER fountain pens for absolute beginners.  With links!
All under $30.  
1. Pilot Varsity ($3.30 or $21.25 for assorted 7-pack)
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Afraid of commitment? Looking to dip your toes before diving in? No problem--just try out a disposable fountain pen! For a pen designed to be disposable, the Pilot Varsity writes pretty well and comes in 7 fun colours. Just mind the paper you're using--it can bleed through pretty easily, as it is one-size nib only (and that size is medium).
2. Platinum Preppy ($6.00)
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Not quite as "disposable" as the Pilot Varsity, the Preppy has a few advantages: multiple nib sizes (though they're all pretty fine), a wide assortment of colours, and can even take a (proprietary) converter if you so choose. They do crack pretty easily, especially at the cap and grip section, but they're still a solid choice for a fountain pen newbie.
3. Jinhao 993 Shark ($3.95)
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Not only are these pens adorable and affordable, their (hooded!) nib is exceptionally good considering the low price, though medium is the only nib size you'll get. Don't feel too bad though, because this pen comes with a converter included! I honestly have zero complaints about this pen, it's an awesome, quirky buy.
4. Jinhao x450 ($9.90) & x750 ($9.99)
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Now these look like fountain pens. Pull one of these out at a meeting and you'll definitely get a couple of questions (or perhaps encounter a pen friend out in the wild!). Metal construction, medium (& somewhat gushy nibs), and a converter included? Sign me up! They might be a little heavier than what you're used to, but otherwise make for a great starter pen.
5. Paili 013 Vacuum Filler ($9.95)
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Pro: a vacuum filler pen for under $10?? Yep. Forget those cartridges and unleash the power of bottled ink with this surprisingly reliable fountain pen!
Con: If you're a newbie, you're likely unfamiliar with this filling mechanism, so it might be a little daunting. But I promise there's no mystery, and YouTube is your friend!
6. Platinum Prefounte ($11.00)
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Another Platinum, this time a little dressed up but still fun! The Prefounte comes in both fine and medium nibs and takes either proprietary Platinum cartridges or converters (sold separately, unfortunately). This pen is also pretty forgiving if you end up forgetting it in your drawer: Platinum's Slip & Seal mechanism can keep the ink from drying for quite a while (allegedly, up to a year). Keep in mind, Platinum pens tend to have a little bit more feedback (read: scratchy feel on paper), so if you don't like the feel of writing with pencil, for instance, maybe opt for a medium nib.
7. Luoshi Labyrinth ($12.95)
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If you want something striking and unique, this Luoshi might be right up your alley. The Labyrinth is an all-metal pen with a surprisingly smooth medium-fine nib. It might be a little too weighty for those not accustomed to hefty metal pens, and some people have complained that the cut out labyrinth design adds some discomfort to lengthy writing sessions, so keep that in mind!
8. Pilot Kakuno ($13.50)
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If you've heard good things about the nib on the Pilot Metropolitan but wanted something cheaper/quirkier, boy have I got good news for you! Marketed for children in Japan, the Kakuno has the same nib unit as the Metro, making for a superb writing experience at a considerably lower price point. They come in a ton of colors and take proprietary Pilot cartridges or converters. Nibs of different sizes come engraved with different smiley faces for extra fun.
9. HongDian Black Forest Series ($16.95)
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This pen is just cool. Matte, all metal finish? Check. Cool colours? Check. Converter included? Check. Matching colour nib? Check (on a couple of them, at least). Though this pen is metal, it is pretty slim and comes with a textured grip, making for a pretty comfortable writing experience (unless, of course, you don't like slim pens!)
10. Kaweco Perkeo ($17.00)
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I call this pen Kaweco's Kakuno, because... well, just look at it. Then go back up to #8 and see that I am right. Regardless, this pen is a solid choice for a beginner, with different nib options (all pretty smooth) and a great assortment of colours. It also has a triangular grip, which will help you hold the pen in the correct position--though some people find it uncomfortable, so keep that in mind!
11. Platinum Plaisir ($17.60)
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Pros: Aluminum body, several colours to choose from, different nib options (fine & medium), and Platinum's magical sealing cap to prevent your ink from drying.
Cons: Converter (proprietary) sold separately. Boo.
12. TWSBI GO ($18.99)
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This little pen (the most affordable TWSBI iirc) has quite a few things going for it. It comes in several colours and has a bunch of different nib sizes (from extra fine all the way to a 1.1mm stub). The filing mechanism (a simple spring loaded piston) is very practical and easy to use, though it may be a little unfamiliar to most beginners and will require bottled ink (so go ahead and add to cart while you're at it!).
13. ONLINE Slope ($19.00) & Switch Plus ($20.50)
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Smooth writers with ergonomic grips (i.e., triangular) to keep you in position when writing. Both the Slope and Switch Plus are made of plastic with stainless steel nibs that come in both medium and fine and write pretty smoothly. They're a great choice for a beginner, but maybe skip these two if you're not a fan of the triangular grip or if you like heavier pens.
14. Delike Mojiang Pocket Pen ($19.95)
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If you'd like to give pocket pens a try, maybe start with the Mojiang. This little pen is all-metal, which gives it a nice heft despite its small size. It only comes in fine, but writes more like a medium. Though it takes standard international converters and cartridges, watch the size--some converters might be too long to fit! Furthermore, smaller pens usually mean smaller ink capacity, so if you're writing in long sessions you may have to refill more frequently.
15. Moonman M2 Eyedropper ($21.95)
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If you want a large ink capacity and want to see it slosh around your pen as you write... well, look no further! Though this pen can take cartridges and converters, it was designed as an eye dropper pen, meaning you fill the body of the pen itself with the ink of your choice with... you guessed it, an eyedropper (included!).
16. Wancai Mini ($21.25)
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Same as the above, just. Teeny tiny!
17. Diplomat Magnum ($23.20)
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Despite its lofty name, the Diplomat Magnum is pretty slim, not to mention super light. It has a nifty little ink window so you can keep an eye on your ink level and comes Diplomat's soft touch stainless steel nib (in sizes extra-fine to medium) for a super smooth writing experience. This is another pen with a (less pronounced) triangle grip, and comes with a converter included.
18. Pilot Explorer ($23.60)
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Pilot at it again with the superb nibs. Like the Kakuno and the Metropolitan, the Explorer also features a frankly incredible stainless steel nib (in both fine and medium). It comes in several colours and Pilot even deigned to include a converter with this one (though it's a squeeze converter that 1. might be a little unfamiliar to some and 2. kind of sucks in general, so maybe stick to the Pilot cartridges with this one).
19. Faber-Castell Grip ($24.00)
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This pen is literally designed to be a beginner fountain pen, but it still looks pretty sleek, imo. It does feel a little plasticky/cheap, but that Faber-Castell nib writes super smoothly. It only comes in fine, though it writes more like a medium. No converter included with this one (boo-hoo).
20. Kaweco Sport ($25.00)
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Another German pen, and another pocket pen! I love Kaweco nibs (from EF to medium, though you can buy other Kaweco nibs separately), and the Kaweco Sport is a great introduction to pocket pens. They come in a ton of colours and are pretty reliable, though they only take short international cartridges (and a short converter, which, you guessed it, is sold separately). There are several colour and material variations, but the classic has a plastic body and stainless steel nib. Maybe skip if slim writing utensils are not comfortable!
21. Pelikan Twist ($26.00)
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OK, this pen may not be everyone's cup of tea, but I had to add it. It's super funky and the nib (medium) is pretty good. All in all, it's a pretty nifty way to try out a Pelikan, and if you're into the design (and the triangular grip) it can be a fun and reliable daily writer. Converter sold separately (askjdbaklsdjb)
22. TWSBI Swipe ($26.99)
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This pen may not look like it goes over the top, but let me tell you, it does. The TWSBI Swipe boasts no less than four different ways of filling it. You can use your regular cartridge. You can use the (included!!) traditional converter. You can then swap that converter out for a piston converter (also included! what?!), and if you're not happy, you can just eyedropper the whole dang pen. It might be a little too much, too soon for complete newbies, but the learning curve is not very steep, and it's a great way to try out all of these methods on a single pen. Like the TWSBI GO, nibs (stainless steel) go from an extra-fine all the way up to a 1.1mm stub.
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daftpatience · 1 year
how would one get into fountain pens and inks ?? i’ve never liked using those 50 pens for a dollar types and only used fountain pens at school . honestly i’d love if you infodump at me about your favs pens, inks and how the tiktoks only show those glass pens with the swirls that slowly drip off ink and not any love for pens that hold ink themself
yaa sure!! and firstly i wanna say the reason you see a lotta glass dip pens on tiktok is simply because they are pretty and people think they are cool. dip pens have a lot of neat benefits of their own! dont let the bad app make u bitter abt em! (for example dip pens let you use a muuch wider range of inks made out of pigments that a fountain pen couldn't handle!)
but i digress. getting into fountain pens usually starts with an affordable one! (or a fancy hand me down if you're lucky!) jetpens & gouletpens are good shops to find fountain pens, and you may be lucky enough to live near a stationery shop that carries them, who knows!
generally good pens to start with are cheap enough that you won't feel too bad if it doesn't turn out to be your favourite but still a smooth writer. they should feel good in the hand and be refillable (since we are talking about avoiding disposable pens! but disposable fountain pens do exist.) generally these pens are in the $10-$30 range, but some cheaper pens like the platinum preppy and jinhao shark will surprise you!
especially worth taking into account with starting to get into pens is the nib size and filling mechanism!
nib size:
fountain pens generally come in Extra Fine, Fine, Medium, Broad, and Double Broad nib sizes, although there are other fancy ones like stub, flex, cursive, and left handed ones. (i am left handed and don't use them, so don't worry too much about that if you are.)
generally western nibs run a little broader than Japanese nib sizes, so keep that in mind when choosing a pen!
personally i find that finer nibs are more useful for me drawing-wise, and i enjoy broader nibs for writing (especially since i tend to draw in black and write in pretty colours i want to see more of!) this just applies to me of course ^u^
filling mechanisms:
fountain pens can come with ink cartridges (sometimes universal and sometimes proprietary) which tend to be a good choice for folks that like mess-free easy ways to reink a pen even when you're out and about. they do limit your selection of inks, though!
cartridge pens can usually be converted to piston fill/squeeze fill pens with a compatible converter, and some even come with one by default (like the jinhao shark!) some fountain pens (like TWSBIs) have a piston fill mechanism integrated into the entire barrel. (they have a very big ink capacity!) these converters/pens allow you to use any fountain pen ink you like, and also help make pen cleaning easier as you can take up and flush out water with it.
another type of fountain pen is eyedropper fill - where the entire barrel is watertight and you simply fill it with ink via eyedropper (or god forbid just pouring the ink from the bottle into it lol) these kinds of filling mechanisms are a lot messier and are generally done at home since you might not wanna bring ink bottles and paper towels along wherever you go, especially if they're big. some pens can be converted to eyedropper fill by making the barrels watertight with silicone grease on the threads & plugging any breather holes.
fun fact! ink cartridges are much more popular in europe, and bottled inks are more popular in america. idk why!
in terms of my favourite fountain pens, i very much like the TWSBI ECO/ECO T, LAMY safari, platinum preppy/plaisir, kaweco sport, and jinhao shark! they're all great and come in lots of fun colours and i want more twsbis so bad aaa
ok this is getting long but lets talk about inks!! im dying to talk about inks can we talk about inks
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i already went over the difference between pigment and dye based inks here, so let's talk about what to think of when choosing an ink and also some of my favs!!
picking out an ink for your pen should consist of at least 3 factors!
make sure you are looking for fountain pen ink! (drawing inks & dip pen inks will clog a fountain pen!)
what colour do you want!!! (as a tip, light colours look even lighter when reduced to the fine line of a pen, and can sometimes be rather disappointing or hard to see. stick to broader nibs for those!)
do you need it to be water and/or highlighter proof?
most online shops let you filter to find what you're looking for, and most irl shops have sample cards for you to look through (while they may not show you about the waterproof part, generally the people working there should be able to tell you about it! most of the shops ive been to are staffed by fellow enthusiasts!)
aside from that you really can go nuts! there are inks with shimmer, inks that are suuuper bold and solid, some that vary in shade (and hue!) and some that develop a metallic sheen around the edge!
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as for my favourite inks, i really like these and heres why!
pilot iroshizuku: they have some REALLY pretty colours. plus the bottles are big and very pretty!
Diamine: these inks come in some absolutely luscious colours (and TONS of sparkly shimmery options) and are known for being very consistently good performers across all their colours.
sailor: these inks are fancy and preddy and smell good to me wehehe
j. herbin: they make a green i really like >:) and also are popular for being good inks im pretty sure!
special extra shoutout to ferris wheel press: i havent actually gotten an ink from them i truly love yet (ive only ever tried a sample set of pastels and i like my inks darker) but their bottles are truly to die for.
ANYWAYS THANK YOU FOR COMING!! TO MY TED TALK!!! im fully info dumped out!!!! whee!
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Phineas and the Ferb-Tones: Elementary school kids become one hit wonders, yet it's not even the best song they come up with that summer.
The Gavinners: The lead singer, Klavier Gavin is a genius prosecutor. The other four members are or were detectives. Their first single, 13 Years Hard Time For Love went platinum overnight. They also have other hits like Guilty Love, Love With No Chance Of Parole, My Boyfriend Is The Prosecution's Witness, and The Guitar's Serenade.
they've got a blond man for whom being a rockstar is a side gig to his true passion of being a lawyer, a shark themed detective with the most uncomfortably phallic hair imaginable, and at least two other unknown members.
the lead singer even gets set on fire.
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doodlefoxart · 1 month
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Wowie fucking zowie this took forever GDJFU, but theyre done!! Which means its time for their comprehensive lore dump! Enjoy!
- Although goblins do share some things in common with their orc neighbors, things like an organized society, capacity to plan and think intelligently and the ability to make their own armor or tools, they are as different as day and night. Goblins hold themselves to a much stricter and more military like structure, leisure is a privilege that must be earned time after time and they hate, nay loathe, to be even a second off schedule. Where most orcs value community, goblins value not just battle, but their horns; scars are an indicator of the battles its fought and survived, the more scars a goblin has the greater its pride in its abilities. The significance of a goblins horns (specifically its middle one) is that other than it being their most obvious feature, by having an intact horn, especially one that lacks even a single crack, paired with a myriad of scars shows that that particular goblin is not one to be messed with. Goblins have an emphasis of taking care of themselves but especially their horns, using a variety of oils from plants to keep it healthy; the length of a goblins horn can also be used as an indicator of age and health. Like with orcs, goblins can challenge their king and attempt to take over; in these duels, however, the aim is to completely cut off the horn of their opponent, the losing goblin is then chased out by the entire clan.
- Pirate goblins are the more scrappy of the goblin species, with their webbed hands and feet along with their gills they have developed into a formidable force in the sea and on the land. They possess hooked claws, making it easy to hunt fish or hold onto rocks underwater, as well as sharp teeth that work exactly like a sharks, though that does mean they lose quite a few teeth a day. Pirate goblins are one of the few monsters that actively work with humans, as they’re practically always “hired” by bandits to do their dirty work; storming ships, stealing cargo or raiding sea side towns they do it with little to no complaints. As far as currency goes, they dont really understand it, all they know is that when they bring back shiny loot or coins to their “employers” they get the stuff they actually care about; mainly things like new weapons and clothes or food and ale, as pirate goblins have developed a love for alcohol even if theyre all a light weights. Though bandits be warned; if you ever double cross a pirate goblin or cheat them out of a deal, consider your partner ship (and life privileges) permanently terminated.
- Lightning goblins, much like most other species in the thundering wastes, have developed the ability to harness the electricity around them and use it as a means of attack or defense; though they also run on a “storage system” and have to be struck near or by lightning to “fill” it. However, unlike a boltguin or a hunter wolf, they have no fur or feathers to store the extra electricity; rather they have created suits stuffed with boltguin feathers and covered them in gold and platinum for maximum electricity collection, as the highly conductive metals attract the lightning and the feathers keep it insulated. These suits aren’t just for lightning gathering, they are also worn for patrols around their territory; since the land is mostly barren, it is imperative to have an almost constant patrol to ensure they dont lose what little fertile land they have. They are the smallest of the goblins species but they are by no means skitterish, they may stand at a max of 3ft tall but that will not stop them from defending their home to the bitter end. Lightning goblins make their homes in the natural cracks and tunnels found all around the waste, using old mining tools to harvest more gold and platinum or fashioning their abodes with rusted mine carts, as the area is abundant with abandoned mines.
- Viking goblins, much like orc vikings, have a strong tendency for violence, though they are not nearly as strong or large; they may tower over any normal human but they are still several ft smaller than an orc viking. But what they lack in strength and size they make up for in another way; they are terrifyingly cunning military planners, ensuring that their battles are swift, precise and violent which makes them as equally as bloody as any viking orcs raid. Because of the wild, unpredictable violence of an orc viking and the deadly strategy of a viking goblin, any battles between the two species would be catastrophic in both violence and casualties; they’re so deadly, in fact, that there are rarely any survivors from either side. However, viking goblins are much more aware of this fact, as such they take many precautions as to not cross paths with an orc viking or any orc for that matter. They are by far the most militaristic of any of the goblins, practically everything is done by regime, down to the very second the breathe, eat or sleep (that is if they allow themselves to); and if a goblin is off schedule for even a moment they will punish themselves tenfold, not even needing another goblin to punish them for them. Viking goblins consider this way of life a necessary sacrifice, a way to keep their will sharp and their self control the strongest it can be, even if it leaves them all pretty miserable.
- Although hobgoblins are classified as goblins, they are more of a sub species than a “pure” one; they have notable differences such as being able to grow hair and they have four digits on their hands instead of the usual three, but the most notable difference is their horns, or rather their lack of. Somewhere in their evolution, hobgoblins lost their horns and grew large spikes out of their arms instead; these spikes are just as valued as a goblins horns if not more so, as hobgoblins use these spikes to land deadly blows when in combat, making it imperative that they keep their spikes strong and in top shape. Hobgoblins are also the only goblin species to have four fingers rather than the usual three, as well as facial and sometimes even body hair; its unknown as to why that is but many suspect the trade off of horns for arm spikes effected their genes and gave them those mutations. Hobgoblins are the most jolly of the goblin species, although theyre still militaristic and value scars as much as the next goblin, they have the strongest sense of community; they run tight knit communities and care deeply for one another, often aiding one another without wanting anything in return and even hosting celebrations with other hobgoblin camps. And luckily for explorers deep in the belpha ruins, this jolliness extends to them, as they are more than happy to help any struggling adventurers who happen to pass by (after some light interrogation of course).
- Dark goblins, unlike other monsters that lurk in the darkness, tend to cluster together in surprisingly large groups of about 50 to 70 members; however when faced with danger, it becomes every goblin for themselves as they all quickly abandon each other. They are an anxious and naturally skittish species, torn between staying with their own kind for safety and running at the slightest sound. Dark goblins are extremely tall and lanky, even for goblin standards; despite their height they are quick and agile, scattering to and fro in the darkness and using their long limbs to snatch food or slink away in the shadows. They are natural scavengers and wear minimal clothing, really only enough to keep the chill away, and have completely done away with any sort of traditional goblin system; as dark goblins rely solely on each other for survival, a set hierarchy would only suit to harm them in the long run. Many a traveler who has come face to face with a dark goblin have been lucky to find that dark goblins are much more scared of you than you are of them; though their unsettling disposition and glowing eyes certainly dont help when bumping into each other in the dark. Dark goblins are also extremely sensitive to light, not just being unable to fully look into bright light but also suffering from a sun allergy; this sun allergy leaves their skin incredibly sensitive to daylight and leaves nasty rashes on their already sensitive skin.
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cerastes · 2 years
Alright, let’s do the Arknights Personality Quiz and Retrospective.
We’ll start with the Quiz. Closure, off the record, please leak Kal’tsit’s results, thanks.
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Oh, that’s really cute, so this is why it asks you to log in! It actually shows you a record of how you actually cleared the Operation/Boss related to the question at hand, very neat. You can tell this is super early because Savage, Skyfire and Zima are in my party. On the other hand, Specter, Platinum, Perfumer, and Nearl have been in my squads since practically forever, and that won’t change. This is about Crownslayer, by the by.
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Big Bob was the game’s very first event’s boss, and it’s really funny to think how far we’ve gone from “This guy has a chainsaw and hits hard” boss fights to things like Andoain and the Endspeaker. Much like the latter, this game has truly evolved a lot. Specter, Platinum, Perfumer and Nearl still hanging in there, joined by another individual who would become a stalwart presence in my stratagems: Saria.
(The rest of the post will be under a cut)
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For Pompeii, I love that one of the options was “Specter with S2 and Ptilopsis with S2″, which is literally how I did it. Let’s go, Shark and Windows XP!
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Huh? By March -- Mephisto and Faust -- I was still using Skyfire and Zima? Interesting, I actually thought I’d dropped them far earlier. Siege and Lappland make an appearance here, since I got them around that time! Myrrh is also going to be here for a while, now that I think about it.
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Rat King! Immensely fun boss and the boss that got me thinking, wow, ok, they actually have very good ideas and potential for future bosses! The strat was very simple: Angelina S2 and Eyja S3 to kill his shield, Schwarz S3 to end his life. Simple.
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LMAO 51% of people chose Warfarin S2 Exia S3 for FrostNova. It’s not quite what I did (no Warf back then), but I instead had Blue Poison also trained on Nova, absolutely ruining her Christmas off the gate. I remember I also used Angelina to slow her down with S2 while the next charge of Exia S3 went online. Specter held the mob line, Saria smack in the center keeping everyone alive with fat S2s.
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“Pretty neat to win with strength” LMAO yeah about right for the most unga bunga of the options. Thing is, the other options were the obligatory canon Operators option and one that had a trillion people I’ve never touched in my life. Funnily enough, I didn’t use any of the actual Operators in the option selected (Schwarz, Eunectes, Surtr), but the strategy was still very power-heavy, as you can see from my selection of Operators. Shark, SA and Eyja were putting out real LeBron James numbers. Angie was also very useful to keep him in place! You may have noticed I like Decel Binders a lot, haha.
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12%! Really? Mudrock could be brute forced, yeah, but it was so much less work to actually just use the Gramophones, lmao. You actually were expending more effort brute forcing her. Eyja and SilverAsh were there just to clear her up alongside a bunch of fodder that gathered at the same time on the upper left if I recall correctly, otherwise, the Gramophones more or less take Mudrock to very low HP provided you can maintain them and keep a decent Caster on her (Absinthe in my case). Also, the sole time I didn’t use Specter. Shark was taking a break.
Final results and closing thoughts in the reblog!
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call-sign-shark · 2 years
✨ Cute Little Thing ✨
Summary: Based on @mischievous-thunder // Person B: *Comes home covered in blood that's not theirs*Person A, bubbling with excitement: Here comes my cute little darling!
Pairing: Pete Maverick Mitchell x OC Seven "Shark" Kriegel
Words: 554 (blurb)
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Thick and warm blood all over her face.
She brings her hand to her face, trembling fingers brushing her philtrum. She tries to wipe it, but  only smears the red hemoglobin to her left cheek when she does so.
It is not hers - or maybe there is a bit of her own blood too this time. After all, the dude had thrown her one nasty punch right to her nose. Thing is, she does not feel any peculiar pain in this area. Only a kind of soreness. She is numbed to the pain after years of serving as a Navy SEAL. 
She had punched him even harder in return. Her knuckles raining on his face like deadly monsoon. She knocked the fuck out of him . Okay, it was brutal but he did deserved it - she had seen him put drugs in a girl’s drink. 
No tissues in the pockets of her flight jacket. Never mind. She shrugs it off and walks through the base with her face, knuckles and white t-shirt sprinkles with deep dark red dots and stains. Fortunately enough, there are not so many people at the naval base at this time of the day. She crosses path with Phoenix, who  shoots her a worried and questioning look. Shark simply answers with a thumb up and a sharp, fang-filled smile which stretches her mouth in a crooked and slightly creepy way. Then, she makes her way to Maverick’s hangar without noticing the other pilots and soldiers’ reactions. All she wants is taking a shower.
Maverick frowns at the sound of footsteps coming closer. He drops the screwdriver he has been using to fix his plane, and grabs a towel to wipe grease and motor oil from his hands. As soon as the hangar’s door cracks open, Maverick’s emerald eyes shine. A wide smile lights up his charming face when he recognizes Shark’s silhouette. Tired from his day, he had preferred staying at the base rather than going to town to drink something. Shark went alone for he knew she was able to defend herself. Years of  being Navy Seal again. And years of Muay Thai.
“Here comes my cute little darling!”
Maverick says in a soft yet bubbly voice that immediately warms the girl’s heart. She never thought someone could be home until she met him. Her own instructor.  Shark raises her pale blue eyes towards him with a sparkle of joy. She runs to him and, almost tackles him with a hug. Mav laughs, forced to take a few steps back because of the impact but he keeps her in his arms.
“Hey hey, you’re going to break me in half.” He says, amusement in his voice. His fingers gently runs through her platinum hair.
“I’ve missed you Maaaaav~” 
“Missed you too, murder bean.” He grabs her chin between his fingers and softly raises it to look at her juvenile face. His eyes squinted when he smiles, forming adorable crow’s feet.
“Fuck, you’re so damn cute.” He almost purrs, pinching her bloody cheek.
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jgracie · 3 months
BACKK TO REQUEST A “to all the boys i’ve loved before” !! 🫶(THANK U FOR TAKING UR TIME TO READ THIS OMG IM SO SO SORRY ITS SO LONG.) i would like a male pjo character plss 😓
ok first of all SORRY IF THIS IS RLLY BAD idk how to properly put it into words how i am so im trying yall (even tho its a lot omg..)
so for looks, i LOVE to dye my hair so much its actually a problem (i fried off my hair two years ago because i dyed i went from red hair to PLATINUM BLONDE in two days😭😭 my mistake) BUT ANYWAY. i wear glasses, and I currently have black hair up to my shoulders but i dont wear them often because they dont unfortunately match my outfits and then also bc i forget😓. ALSO here is an idea of what i actually wear !! its always smth comfy bc i move around A LOT so always very comfy unless im like, going to a party (which i love going to sm) i’ll usually wear smth more showy and tight bc i js love to 😚😚 but the pics r what i usually wear on a daily basis
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i’m a hufflepuff and my type of thingy is ENFP-T. i’m also a MAJOR pushover i literally need to fix that asap, and i LOVEEE to love maybe thats also a problem too but i can def be a smartass or like crazy sarcastic when i wanna but like only if the person can handle it bc im not trynna make ppl be upset bc i know im also crazy sensitive so i get it frfr😭 SPEAKING OFF SMTH ELSE THO i’m a MAJOR yapper (I’M SO SOSRRY THIS IS SO LONG ALSO?? WTF) and i have trouble speaking about how I AM but not about me in general bc i can yap abt my childhood forever😭 im also def NOT smart like STREET SMART?? YUPP but book smart? i’ll probably die if u asked me to write a whole essay on a book BC I ALSO JS CANNOT FOCUSS i literally cant at all. MY INTERESTS(not rlly i dont hsve a lot to work w here) i love playing guitar, snacking on stuff almost 24/7, cooking/baking, and to watch ppl do stuff but not in a creepy way trustt😭 its js interesting sometimes. I ALSO LOVEE TO SWIM THO AND SURF (havent done it in years but its ok). for my love languages its ALMOST all bc i only have trouble with receiving gifts cause its SO weird to me BUT I LOVEE TO GIVE GIFTS, PHYSICAL AFFECTION, ACTS OF SERVICE (i hate when ppl do it for me its so uncomfy sometimes depending on what it is ALSO i have straight up trauma from it so im like?? I RATHER NOT??😭 ((it sounds so weird ik lets not question it folks))) i also LOVEE quality time sm and def words of affirmation!! its only bc i have so much to give and do bc i have so much time on my hands but its soo weird depending on what it is when its with me (given). i can speak multiple languages!! my first language is spanish and english and a bit of french (i fcuking hate it) i’m also not a dog person!! i’m rlly scared of dogs, heights, the dark, small spaces, and the literal ocean😭 (i went to go see whales one time and got scared i was gonna fall off the boat and a shark would eat me, trauma yall😭). ALSO i get RLLLLYYYY irritated easy its my worst quality istg. i’m also crazy brave and loud when i get especially rlly comfy w people!! but i also love to tease and be just as chill but also impulsive?? idk how to explain it. ALSO i dont have a specific aesthetic bc it changed SOO CONSISTENTLY I HATE IT SM lile girl js stick w fav color. I ALSO FUCKING LOVE TO TRAVEL AND TAKE PHOTOSS i’m constantly on the road and taking pics its my fav thing ever!’ i’m a coffee person but it makes me lightheaded and make me feelblike what i’m sure steroids are like on people but i js cant drink tea, i like lemonade more if anything. OKOK I THINK THATS IT?? IMA STOP IT HERE FOR UR SAKE LMAO. IM SO SORRY THIS IS HELLA LONG I GOT OFF TRACK SO MANY TIMES..
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HELP this is incredibly long but its ok girl i loved reading every second of it anya lore fr 🙏🏼 anyway as i was reading i couldn't help but notice the differences between you and mr grace...
youre an extrovert, he's an introvert. you're a yapper, people consider themselves lucky if they get a sentence out of him, youre impulsive, his fatal flaw is literally the fact that he overthinks every option he has 😭
i think this causes a bit of tension between the two of you at first but at some point you have a little moment together and realise you can learn a lot from each other!!! you also realise you have some things in common such as your love for travel 😊
LOVES the way you're so effortlessly beautiful wearing the comfiest clothes.... also does not care how much skin you show because he can fight but also hes a good man and knows he has no right policing your style 🫡
you pull him out of his comfort zone with your parties and impulsiveness and he helps you get over your fear of dogs and heights <3
also will support you through every aesthetic change!!! he thinks they all suit you so well because ur perfect but will tell you which ones he liked more if you ask
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