#steg speaks
steggymus · 3 months
seventeen going under by sam fender is such an adam parrish song and nobody can tell me otherwise
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localcryptidsteg · 3 months
Tracing, Style Theft, and the need to be Unique
A comment chain on Instagram got me thinking about these things earlier. Someone asked what common art advice is actually bad advice, and I left a short list that Ive heard, among which is "dont trace."
Naturally, this ruffled some feathers, but heres the deal: so long as you arent line-for-line copying the majority of someone elses work and passing it off as yours? Theres absolutely nothing wrong with tracing. Copying and tracing are two different things; think back to the old "how to draw" books. How they blocked out anatomy and taught you the relative distance of things with lines and joints. Tracing... is essentially doing the same thing. As a learning tool for personal use, being able to take a picture and draw the skeletal frame over it helps you with perpesctive and anatomy immensely! It even helps in stylization. Tracing develops the skills you need in order to replicate something, replication develops the skills you need in order to stylize.
Which brings us to our next issue.... style theft isnt a thing. It doesnt exist. Unless youre forging paintings and passing them off as the real deal, there is absolutely zero reason not to look at the techniques and stylization your favorite artists use and replicate that. Again, it helps you develop skills like shading and coloring and lineart. And having your own "style"? One that has to be completely different from anyone elses? Thats bullshit! Most artists dont just have ONE style. The best artists have several and go out of their way to continue learning more!
Think of it this way: we wouldnt have 2d animation if actual artists gave a flying fuck about their "style" being copied. The Renaissance artists would never have risen to prominence if their teachers hadnt sat them down and told to paint how they did. Bob Ross would never have had a tv show if mimicking how someone else creates mattered in any way at all.
The way you develop your own style is simply this: you look at your favorite artists, you analyze what elements of their work make your brain happy and what are enjoyable for you to do, you mash them all together and voila. Your very own (not really at all) "unique" style.
I think this frankly terrible and counterintuitive art advice trend is killing artists. When you go online as an artist and preach to a bunch of younger aspiring artists that invaluable tools for growth are inherently bad and wrong and theyre evil for using them, you do three things at once:
First, you make them fear creation. "I want to draw or sculpt or knit or what have you, but what if I accidentally copy someone? Then Id be a bad person!"
Second: you kill the joy of creation. They become too focused on the end result and never really learn how to make for the sake of making.
Third: you block their avenues of progress. In order to get better at your craft, you really do have to try everything. Trying to make certain techniques into something "off limits" only serves to hinder that progression. It causes stagnation which in turn causes frustration, which leads us back to issue 2.
When I was a kid, my grandma would drive two hours to my city every year for my birthday, and every year she would take me to the art museum. My grandma loved art with every fiber of her being. She was thrilled when my mom went to art school. She was estatic when my sibling and I took up drawing. But she never, EVER tried to make anything herself. See, when she was in school, her art teacher had told her she wasnt very good. And she, being a kid, believed it. And she stopped trying. She would never color with me and my sibling, would never try drawing with us when we begged her to join in. Shed chuckle and say "oh, I couldnt draw a straight line with a ruler!" And sit and watch us work and rave over how good we were at it instead.
When she hit about 80 or so, her memory started going. But she still loved the museum and she still loved art. One of my aunts talked her into taking one of those "how to paint" classes at a little studio near her house. She painted a cake. And you know what? It was a really friggin good painting! Itd be hanging in my room right now if my aunt hadnt called dibs!
My point is this: anyone of any skill level can learn to draw or paint or whatever. Im a major proponent of this; I always have been. But shaming creatives for how they do it, for how they learn it, for what they make? That destroys the drive to create, and it can last a lifetime. Who knows what my grandma could have made if not for that teacher? Who knows how many young artists felt nothing but shame and guilt over their work and quit because of bad-faith art advice?
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thecrystaldorks · 6 days
Why is steg a controversial fusion? I was watching old youtube analysis videos and they mentioned steg being "bad" but didnt expand on it at all. I could take a few guesses why but i want to know what exactly people have to say about it and im hoping u might be able to answer this 🙏
My main feeling with Steg is that I wasn't a fan of the character design. Overall, I'm kinda meh about him. But I've seen some people finding fusion a weird thing for a parent and child to do (or that it felt weird to them as a viewer). Or that they weren't expecting it. I've also seen takes of people saying his design kind of embodies the strength of the bond between Steven and Greg, which I guess I could see.
That's sort of a half answer sorry haha, but I'll end by saying if you like him (or don't), that's cool and totally your opinion.
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conivolos · 8 months
okay. hear me out.
steg (from steven universe: the movie)
as like a theoretical scott and impulse fusion
and opal is just. gem
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love-takes-work · 1 year
Hey I’ve been thinking a lot about fusions in Steven universe as a huge fan myself but I have one big problem with Stevonnie, and that’s how mature and icky alot of the plots with them are, for example all of kevin, Lars throw away sorta crush etc. I was just curious because I read your steg post and I found it really interesting and agreed with it!
I was just curious as someone who looks way more into the show what’s your take on the topic of stevonnie and how or why they differ so much from steg!
I don't think Lars was shown as a "throw away crush"--both he and Sadie had a dazzled reaction when Stevonnie walked into the donut shop, and it was Sadie who blushed and insisted the donuts were on the house. Not only Sadie and Lars but Sour Cream and everyone who saw them at the rave were enchanted with Stevonnie.
But if you were a little grossed out by the "maturity" of that episode, you'll be very happy to know that was intentional! When speaking about the episode's intent, Rebecca Sugar said it's about how it feels to suddenly find the world responding to you differently when you're going through puberty and you suddenly have an attractive/adult body and people are presenting you with opportunities you're not familiar with and not ready for. And treating you like you should like it when you hardly even know what it is. Expecting you to play a game when you don't know the rules. A quote of Rebecca's from an interview:
"Stevonnie challenges gender norms as an individual, but also serves as a metaphor for all the terrifying firsts in a first relationship, and what it feels like to hit puberty and suddenly find yourself with the body of an adult, how quickly that happens, how it feels to have a new power over people, or to suddenly find yourself objectified, all for seemingly no reason since you’re still just you… "
You see Stevonnie just kinda enjoying that Lars and Sadie don't recognize them and treat them like something incredible and special when Connie's never been cool and Steven's always been sort of tolerated or humored by the young adults in town. But then when Kevin enters the picture it's scary. "This dance isn't fun!" They had pictures in their head of how cool a dance party would be but the actual reality of it was super uncomfortable and unforeseen.
I remember reading a LOT of disturbed reactions to this episode on a message board from when it first came out. Some of the (straight) men said they just weren't used to being the POV character while being unwillingly objectified by a strange man in a club, and had never viscerally understood until this episode why that seemed SO creepy. And a lot of the women, on the other hand, recognized it from personal experience instantly. There are several scenes that have the viewer actually seeming to see what Stevonnie sees, including when Kevin is looking them up and down.
The episode is about some of the joy and terror of that experience, from the point of view of the experience.
Some folks have wondered why Stevonnie doesn't appear to have any duplicated limbs or eyes, especially after we found out from Steg that looking totally humanoid is not a side effect of being three quarters human. I think part of the reason they made that design choice is that Stevonnie was meant to be seen during their debut venture as a stunning, magnetic person, and if they'd looked alien at all we might have interpreted the stares and gasps as reactions to a weird sight instead of a gorgeous stranger. (And it's super nice to see them interpreted by guys and gals as attractive, though Kevin clearly sees them as a girl at first and addresses them as such.)
That said, maybe they have a duplication that doesn't show. I like to headcanon that they might have two hearts. <3
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upper-moon-4askblog · 3 months
Dansa med oss
Klappa era händer
Gör som vi gör
Ta några steg åt vänster
Lyssna och lär
Missa inte chansen
Nu är vi här med
Så kom och
Dansa med oss
Klappa era händer
Gör som vi gör
Ta några steg åt vänster
Lyssna och lär
Missa inte chansen
Nu är vi här med
Karaku watches you as you do the dance, he was amused by your actions and seems genuinely interested in the dance itself. — "Oh, so this is… this is the Caramelldansen? I see…~" Karaku then laughs a bit and begins moving along with the dance. — "Heh, it's pretty easy to learn this dance! I think I'm doing pretty well for a first-time learner of the Caramelldansen."
— "What are you doing? And why is your language so weird? I can't even understand you! Speak correctly!" Sekido says aggressively in a confused manner as he raises the tip of his Khakkhara like he is about to strike you. His eyes glare at you angrily. He seems frustrated that he cannot understand you.
Even though he was depressed and melancholic, Aizetsu still listened to you attentively as he swayed his body left-to-right in a rhythm to your song. — ".. So… this is called the 'Caramelldansen'.. right..?" His depressed expression suddenly softened as he listened to your song, dancing to it a little as well. He didn't want to admit, but he was interested.
Meanwhile with Urogi:
He nods his head and giggles as he gets ready to sing. He takes a deep breath before beginning to sing a version of "Anaconda" by Nicki Minaj, albeit rather… comically. — "Ooooh, my anaconda don't want none if you ain't got buns, hun~" His singing is nowhere near good but he is completely enjoying himself as he shakes his wings back and forth, trying to mimic the motion of twerking.
Sekido shouted aggressively as he continues pounding the Khakkhara to the ground, making it clatter and vibrate. His glare still fixated on Urogi, who replied with his characteristic smirk.
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raskti · 1 year
The 2005 Swedish Jcs production
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So, between Ola Salo's translation and the 1972 Swedish translation of Jesus Christ Superstar, came this translation by Oskar Bly (who played Jesus in this production, and also directed it). It was produced in the Maximteatern in Stockholm.
There aren't many clips online from it but I will link them and provide some pretty mid english translations for them. Most of the news segements I can find are also locked behind a pay wall, but the following and the last picture are from Anders Ekborgs website where two articles on the show exists.
More below (long post, lots of lyrics)
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Judas in this production was played by Ander Ekborg, who is known for his role as Freddie in the Swedish version of Chess. and here's a snippet from an interview about the show that he took part in:
"Im thinking about the prerequisite for life, actually. But it's like a life force, one of our big ones that drives one to both evil and good. [...] The very word traitor, the greek word for traitor is mentioned only once in the bible - in the correct translation. Otherwise, he is called (the handover) or (the giver) all the time. So the word traitor is really like not speaking about Judas. It is God that has choosen him to be the one to hand him over, so to speak. [...] He is absolutely necessary for God's work, for it to be that way there has to be someone that has that role. Exactly like a theatre performance there has to be someone with the villain and it- otherwise it's not exciting, it won't be a good story that people can really relate to."
First of: Heaven on their minds / Ditt folk har du förlett
Det börjar klarna nu Jag äntligen ser Ja, det är klart Ja det är helt uppenbart Om man plockar bort Hans myt från hans namn Drabbas vi av vårt folks raseri Jesus! Du tror på människors prat Och ännu mer - genant Din stackare du tror Ditt snack om gud är sant Allt bra som du har gjort Blir glömt och gömt i jord men folket dyrkar din person mer än dina ord Hör på mig Jesus, Det är nog nu, säg nej allt jag vill är att du lyssnar till mig kom ihåg det, jag var din bästa vän i allt vi gjort Din stjärna kommer falla Du är ju messias för dem alla Om du sviker dem får du det svårt Du var ingen Gud från början, minsann Nej, för oss så var du bara en man Minns, jag säger det, Jag har beundrat allt vad du har gjort Men varje ord du säger nu Förvränger dem - betänkt det du Om du sviker dem får du det svårt Nasaret, din store son borde hålla sig ifrån frälsar jobb och stanna kvar hos snickar far göra bänkar och sånt där det är en hederlig affär ingen skada hade skett om du hade rätt Kan du strunta i vår situation? Kom ihåg vi har ju ockupation Rom är stort och starkt vi är ett litet folk som sitter trångt Jag är rädd, jag är beklämd Jag vet att snart tar folket hämnd Om vi går ett enda steg för långt Om vi går för långt! Lyssna Jesus, innan allting är slut Vi vill leva, men för varje minut Minskar chansen här Se folket tillbe dig i vild extas! Ja, ditt folk har du förlett Himmlasyner har dem sett Det var vackert men nu är det sent Snart är allt försent! Lyssna Jesus, Innan allting är slut Hatet minskar nu för varje minut Lyssna Jesus, Innan allt är försent Jag varnar dig Snart är allting försent Snart är allt försent
English translation:
It’s getting clearer now I finally see Yes, it is clear Yes, it’s quite obvious If you pick/strip away His myth from his name We'll suffer our people's rage Jesus! You believe people’s talk And even more - embarrassing You poor thing you believe Your talk of God is true All good that you have done Will be forgotten and hidden in dirt But the people worship your person more than your words Hear me out, Jesus It’s enough now, say no All I want is that you listen to me Remember that, I was your best friend in all we have done Your star will fall You are the Messiah for them all If you let them down then you will have it hard You were no God from the beginning, indeed/ No, for us you were only a man Remember, that I say it, I have admired all that you’ve done But every word you say now Distorts them - bear that in mind/think of that If you let them down then you’ll have it hard Nazareth your great son Should keep away from Saviour jobs and stay at his carpenter dad Make benches and stuff like that It’s an honourable affair No damage would have been done If you were right Can you ignore our situation? Remember, we have been occupied Rome is big and strong We’re a small people who sit tight I am afraid, I am distressed I know that soon the people will take revenge If we go a single step too far If we go too far! Listen, Jesus, before it all ends We want to live but for every minute the chance lessens here See the people worship you in wild ecstasy! Yes, you have led your people astray Heavenly visions have they seen It was beautiful but now it’s late Soon it will all be too late! Listen, Jesus, before everything ends The hate is now diminishing with every minute Listen, Jesus, Before it’s too late I’m warning you Soon everything will be too late Soon it will all be too late!
Gethsemane / I Gethsemane
Så ber jag dig i nöd Inför den väg jag sökt Lyft din bittra kalk ifrån mig För jag vill inte smaka giftet Som redan bränner Här i mig Jag har tappat bort, vem jag var förut Jag brann klar som ljus och nu är lågan slut Trots jag gjorde mer än rätt i tre års handling Blev allt som trettio Ska jag plågas Kan du önska mer Från någon annan man Men om jag dör Ska jag då se sagan slut Och tvingas ned på knä Ska jag såras och bespottas, spikas fast på trä Jag vill förstå, jag vill förstå min gud Vill förstå, jag vill förstå min gud Måste se, måste jag förstå, Måste se, jag måste se min gud Om jag dör är det då på ditt bud? Om jag dör är det då på ditt bud? Ber om svar, jag ber om svar, min gud, jag ber om svar Varför ska jag dö? Säg! Okej, jag dör, Se på, jag dör! Jag brann klar som ljus Och nu är lågan slut Min saga blev till tre års handling Men känns som nittio Så varför är jag rädd för slutet? Som jag valde, som du valde Jag valde aldrig Gud din viljas kraft Har jag aldrig hört, Jag ska tömma genom kalket Sätt mig på ditt kors Och knäck mig Bara slå mig Förblöd mig Döda mig! Men ta mig nu Om evigt liv är död!
English translation:
So I beg of you in need, Before the path I sought Lift your bitter chalice from me Because I don’t want to taste the poison That already burns here within me I have lost, who I was before I burned bright like a candle And now the flame is over Although I did more than right in three years of action Turned out like thirty Shall I be tormented, Could you wish for more from any other man? But if I die, Shall I see then see the end of the story? And be forced to my knees Shall I be hurt and reviled Nailed to a tree I want to understand, I want to understand my God Want to see, I want to understand my God Have to see, I have to understand, Have to see, I have to see my God If I die is it at your behest? /bid If I die is it at your behest? /bid Begging for an answer, I’m begging for an answer My God, I beg for answers Why should I die? Say! Okay, I’ll die Look on, I’ll die! I burned bright like a candle But now the flame is over My story turned into three years of action But feels like ninety So, why am I scared of the end That I chose, that you chose I never chose! God, the power of your will I have never heard I will empty through the chalice Put me on a cross, and break me, Just hit me Bleed me Kill me! But take me now, If eternal life is death!
Mary Magdalene was played by Jenny Silver, a Swedish singer who participated a few times in Mello and was the lead singer in the band Holder, and who is now a train driver.
I don't know how to love him / Vad vet jag om kärlek?
Vad vet jag nu om kärlek Vad kan jag ge som berör han? Denna man, som ändrat mig Jag känner inte igen mig själv, Sen han såg vem jag är Hur tar jag då emot det, Varför rör han vid mitt hjärta Han är man, bara en man Och män det har jag haft förut Men inte nån som han, Som stannar kvar Ska jag ge mig av, Dölja mina kval Ska jag släppa ut All min längtan djup Jag trodde aldrig kärlek var nått som gjorde ont Ändå är det nått ironiskt Med hela situationen Här har jag, som aldrig var Så kall, så trygg, för kärlek skygg Rört vid kärleken, Han skrämmer mig Jag trodde aldrig kärlek var nått som gjorde ont Så även om det blivit vad skulle jag då göra? Ska jag ge upp, min lilla dröm För vad ska flickan från gatan ge till mannen som har allt? Som skrämmer mig Min dröm är så, jag älskar dig
English translation:
What do I know about love now? What can I give that concerns him? This man, who changed me I don’t recognize myself, since he saw who I am How do I take it, Why does he touch my heart? He is a man, just a man And men, I’ve had that before But no one like him, that stays, Should I leave, Hide my anguish Should I let out All my deep yearning? I never thought love was something that hurts Still, it’s somewhat ironic with this whole situation Here I am, who never was so cold, so safe, shy of love, Touched by love He frightens me I never thought that love was something that hurts So even if it has become that what should I do then? Should I give up, my little dream, for what can the girl from the street give to the man who has it all? Who scares me My dream is such, I love you
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The last supper / Den sista måltiden
[Apostlar] Se nu våra sorger och beskymmer Sjunker i en bägare med vin inget stör oss nu, vi förstår nu svaren och förbrödas här i kvällens harmoni Jag drömde alltid om att bli apostel Vet jag lyckas dit många vill nå Sen när vi gått bort ska vi skrivas gospels Så att människor minns oss alla och vårt mod [Jesus] Mitt slut är hårdare, då vänner bär på skulden till min död För vad ni vill Är vinet nu mitt blod för vad ni vill Är brödet nu min kropp Till slut Drick nu det blod jag ger Ta min lekamen* och ät Så ni ska minnas mig Sedan den dag jag dör Jag måste vart galen som tror ni ska minnas Jag måste vart helt ur slag Se nu på er själva, mitt namn är värt inget För er i vår imorgondag En mig ska förneka, och en av er förråder mig, yeah, yay Petrus du förnekar mig om några timmar Tre gånger du nekar! Och värre ska det bli En av er som äter, en av mina valda Vill mig nu förråda [Judas] Lägg av med ditt skitsnack Du vet mycket väl vem [Jesus] Spring då iväg, gör det! [Judas] Du vill att jag gör det? [Jesus] Skynda för dem väntar [Judas] Om du visste varför jag gör det- [Jesus] Jag vill inte ha det skälet [Judas] Tänkt att jag dig älskat, dig som jag nu avskyr! [Jesus] Du ljuger, du Judas [Judas] Du vill att jag gör det! Tänk om jag då stannar kvar och ändrar på förloppet Som du planerat! [Jesus] Dåre du spring, skynda dig gå Lämna mig ensam, jag hör icke på Gå, Gå! [Apostlar] Se hur våra sorger och beskymmer Vi sjunker i en bägare med vin Vad var det för bröd? Jag blir yr och hög I vår kväll som skulle vara lugn och fin Drömmer var att en gång bli apostel Vet att jag har vandrat dit många vill gå Sen när vi gått bort ska det skrivas gospels Så att människors minns oss alla och vårt mål [Judas] Du knäckte lille man Se var du tagit oss Nu idealen faller och du vill att vi slåss? Så är det värsta utav allt Nåns lott är att förråda dig som en vanlig enkel tjuv Eller sårat kreatur En sprucken Gudabild Som duger inget till Lik en fallen svagsint ömkad frälsare Är det vad du vill? [Jesus] Ge dig av, dem väntar Ge dig av! Dem väntar så går då Dem väntar på dig! [Judas] Varje gång jag ser på dig så frågar jag mig Varför blev det du gjort och sagt Nu plötsigt går fel? Varför fick jag aldrig kunna hjälpa dig? Woah oh oh oh- [Apostlar] Se hur våra sorger och beskymmer Sjunker i en bägare med vin Inget stör oss nu och vi söker svaren I vår kväll som skulle varit lugn och fin Drömmen var att en gång bli apostel Vet jag fått det många män vill få Sen när vi gått bort ska det skrivas gospels Så att människor minns oss alla och vårt mål
English translation:
[Apostles] See now our sorrows and troubles, Sink into a goblet of wine Nothing disturbs us now, we understand the answers now And are united here in the evenings' harmony I always dreamed of being an apostle Know that I have reached where many want to go Then when we are gone, we will write the Gospels So that people will remember all of us and our courage / [Jesus] My end is harder, As friends bear the blame of my death For what you want Is this wine now my blood For what you want Is this bread now my body At last, Now drink the blood I give Take my body and eat So you shall remember me From the day I die I must’ve been crazy to think you will remember I must have been completely out of sorts Now look at yourselves My name will be worth nothing for you tomorrow One of you shall deny me and one of you betray me (Yeah, Yay) Peter, you’ll deny me in a few hours Three times you’ll deny! And it will get worse One of you who is eating, One of my chosen Wants to now betray me [Judas] Cut it with your bullshit You know very well who [Jesus] Then run away, do it [Judas] You want me to do it? [Jesus] Hurry for they are waiting [Judas] If you knew why I do it- [Jesus] I don’t want that reason [Judas] To think that I loved you, You who I despise now! [Jesus] You’re lying, you Judas [Judas] You want me to do it? What if stay then, And changed the course you’ve planned! [Jesus] Run you fool. Hurry up, go! Leave me alone, I’m not listening Go, Go! [Apostles] See how our sorrows and troubles We sink into a goblet of wine What kind of bread was that? I get dizzy and high In our evening that should have been calm and nice The dream was to one day be an apostle Know that I have walked where many want to walk Then when we are gone, the gospels will be written So that people remember us and our goals [Judas] You broken little man Look where you got us Now the ideals fall and you want us to fight? And the worst of it all, Someone's fate is to betray you Like an ordinary simple thief Or wounded animal A cracked image of God Who is good for nothing Like a fallen feeble-minded pitied saviour Is that what you want? [Jesus] Go away, they’re waiting Go away! They’re waiting, so go They are waiting for you! [Judas] Every time I look at you, I ask myself Why did what you did and say now suddenly go wrong? Why was I never able/allowed to help you? Woah, oh oh oh- [Apostles] Look how our sorrows and troubles Sink into a goblet filled with wine Nothing bothers us now, and we seek the answers In our evening that should have been calm and nice The dream was to one day become an apostle I know I got what many men want to get Then when we are gone, the gospels will be written So that people remember all of us and our goals
Simon the Zealot - Poor Jerusalem / Simon Zeloten - Min stad Jerusalem
[Simon och folket] Kristus dig vi följer när och var som helst  Ja jag tror på dig och Gud så säg att jag är frälst.  [Folket] Jesus jag är med dig. Rör mig rör mig Jesus. [Simon] Jesus vad mer vill du se för att veta, Att du segrar och leder oss idag Mot det pack från Rom som invaderat  Terroriserar våra liv, vårt land, vår lag? [Folket] Kristus dig vi följer när och var som helst Ser du att jag vinkar nu, så säg att jag är frälst [Simon] Simon är med dig! [Folket] Jesus jag är med Dig, rör mig Jesus. Jesus du är min idol, rör mig Jesus. [Simon] Här är över femtiotusen Som sjunger av dyrkan till dig Var och en av femtiotusen Gör allt du ber om, bara säg. Så låt de sjunga ut i lovord Men ge de mod att gå mot Rom! Seger där och Du växer större  Så hela världen blir din tron [Simon och folket] För du ska ha makten och all äran. För evigt i all tid och alltid. För du ska ha makten och all äran. För evigt i all tid och alltid.
För du ska ha makten och all äran. För evigt i all tid och alltid. Amen! [Jesus] Varken du Simon eller femtiotusen Varken judar eller Rom Inte Judas, mina tolv eller någon farisé  Ej ens Jerusalem du land som dömts Kan förstå vad makten är Kan förstå vad ära är Ingen kan förstå, kan förstå något alls Om Du såg allt det jag ser min stad Jerusalem Då såg du att vi lever i en lögn I din tid blir plågorna svåra min stad Jerusalem  För att besegra döden måste du... bli villig nu att dö.
English translation:
[Simon and the people] Christ, we follow you anytime and anywhere Yes, I believe in you and God, so tell me that I’m saved [The people] Jesus, I am with you Touch me, touch me, Jesus [Simon] Jesus what more do you want to see, to know that you’re victorious and leading us today Against the pack from Rome that invaded Terrorizing our lives, our country, our law? [People] Christ, we follow you anytime and anywhere Do you see me wave now? Then say that I am saved [Simon] Simon is with you! [People] Jesus, I am with you, touch me, touch me, Jesus Jesus you are my idol, touch me, touch me, Jesus [Simon] Here there are over fifty thousand Who sing in worship of you Everyone of the fifty thousand Would do anything you ask, just say. So let them sing out in praise But give them the courage to go against Rome! Win there and you’ll grow bigger So the whole world becomes your throne [Simon and the people](not writing all of this out) For you shall have the power and all the glory Forever, for all time and ever For you shall have the power and all the glory Forever, for all time and ever For you shall have the power and all the glory Forever, for all time and ever Amen! [Jesus] Neither you, Simon nor fifty thousand Neither Jews nor Rome Not Judas, my twelve, or any Pharisee Not even Jerusalem, you land that’s been condemned Can understand what power is Can understand what glory is No one can understand, can understand anything at all If you saw all that I’ve seen, my city, Jerusalem Then you would see that we live a lie In your time, the sufferings get tough, my city, Jerusalem To defeat death you must… be willing now to die
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Then there are some mixed clips:
Here and here
And lastly, some gifs:
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pokemon-in-omori · 1 year
Pokémon in: Omori
Chapter 7
As the kids left the junkyard, they heard a loud running noise. It was the stranger who nearly killed them all.
"Please help me, children. I am being pursued." He said.
"Don't worry. I gotchu!" Kel said. He hid the stranger in a crater and placed a pot on his head. When the strangers pursuers came, the gang "acted natural" by being as conspicuous as possible. Luckily, the pirates paid no mind. The man left the crater.
"Thank you children. My name is Pluto." He said.
"So why were you running from those guys?" Aubrey asked.
"I was in Captain Spaceboy's planetarium, but, I don't want to be just a planet, a decoration. I want to travel the worlds, see all there is too see! And so, I will start my dream… OF BEING A TRANSPORT SERVICE!" Pluto said.
"A transport service?" Hero asked.
"Yes! And since you helped me, this one will be free." Pluto said.
"Ok! Let's do this!" Kel said. Pluto turned around.
The kids backed away.
"Too much?" Pluto asked.
"Yeah a little…" Hero said.
"Well, I'll work on it. Climb on." Pluto said.
Pluto held Hero and Aubrey while Omori and Mawile sat atop Pluto. Kel was looking for a spot.
"Alright! Let's go!" Pluto said.
"Wait wait I'm not ready!" Kel yelled, grabbing onto Pluto's leg before he jumped away. He held in for dear life.
"Alright, what is your destination?" Pluto asked. For three first time, Omori spoke up.
"Overworld Campsite." He said.
Pluto landed there.
"How was the flight?" Pluto asked.
"Comfortable, quick, and great in flight beverages. I give it a 10." Hero said.
"Speak for yourself!" Kel said, releasing Spinda from its Pokéball and collapsing on it.
"Young Kel, you have shown great strength. As such, I will show you my special technique! Repeat after me. WHEN I FLEX… I FEEL MY BEST!!!!!!!!!!!" Pluto said, flexing his arms.
Kel began to weakly flex his arm.
"WHEN I FLEX…I…feel my best?" He said.
"It needs work, but soon, you will achieve true strength!" Pluto said before taking off.
"We might as well see Mari before we go to Captain Spaceboy." Aubrey said.
The kids went over to Mari.
"Hey guys! What's up? Did you find the special mixtape?" Mari asked.
Omori nodded.
"Alright. But why not join me for a picnic before you go?" Mari asked. Vaporeon splashed Water onto the group.
"Seems it's in a playful mood." Hero said.
"Its always playful." Mari said.
The kids ate some space food before heading towards Captain Spaceboy's house. Armed and ready, though not expecting a fight, Omori thought back. It already seemed like the adventure of a lifetime, especially after attack.omo. That was terrifying. Mawile was practically dancing with Spinda and Bun Bun as they walked. There really was an air of excitement!
Once they got to Captain Spaceboy's, Kel grabbed the mixtape. The Pirate from earlier saw.
"Oh, you guys got the mixtape!" He said.
"Well, yeah, but…you see, Sweetheart and Spaceboyfriend broke up…" Hero said.
"WHAT?! Then this won't help at all!" The pirate said.
"Traeh sih ekorb gah taht ezilaer WON tsuj uoy did woh?" Kartana said.
Meanwhile, Kel had the tape. Hero went to grab it from Omori when he heard.
It was too late.
"What is that… INFERNAL RACKET!?" Spaceboyfriend yelled, teleporting out of bed and changing the cassette.
"Ahahah! Oh I must thank you, children for getting me out of that depressed state. Now I can finally get revenge! Yes… Sweetheart…I'll make her PAY!" He yelled. His Pokémon cheered.
"You can't do that! And, your not even her boyfriend! You're not Spaceboyfriend, you're…Space Ex-boyfriend!" Aubrey yelled.
"Noitubirter siht sevresed namow taht tub, siht ekil steg eh nehw ekil ton od I. Evian era uoy, nerdlihc! Traehteews wonk ton od uoy!" Kartana yelled, unable to be understood. The kids took out their weapons, Pokémon got in fighting stances.
"You stand in MY way!? Then you shall taste defeat! Prepare for your demise!" Space Ex-boyfriend yelled!
Space Ex-boyfriend sent out Minior, Kartana, Clefairy, Lunatone, Solrock, and Poipole.
Omori sent out Ralts
Aubrey sent out Bun Bun
Kel sent out Spinda
Hero sent out Dolliv
Aubrey cheered on Omori as he went in for a lucky Slash. Kel flexed as Hero attacked. Meanwhile, Dolliv used Razor Leaf on Clefairy! It didn't do much…
Kartana used X-Scissor! It's cut right through Bun Bun, one shoting it! The Pokémon became afraid.
Aubrey sent out Nidoran ♀️!
Minior used Power Gem! Dolliv ran to avoid the Lazer! But it tripped.
Dolliv Fainted!
Hero sent out Sinistea!
Spinda used Dizzy Punch on Clefairy, confusing it! However, Spinda was soon taken out by Lunatone's Stone Edge.
Kel sent out Snom!
Ralts used Psychic! They needed to take out Clefairy! It was the healer. Clefairy hurt itself in its confusion.
Ralts was hit with a SludgeBomb from Poipole.
Omori sent out Mawile.
"Oh no! Our Pokémon!" Kel yelled, before a blast of Lazer turned him to toast!
Omori grabbed Life Jam.
"You can do it!" Aubrey cheered! Omori became Ecstatic?!
Hero smiled. Space Ex-boyfriend will only attack Hero.
The kid's Pokémon frantically dodged attacks! They knew the most they could do was chip away at Clefairy's health!
Mawile used Chomp and Sinistea used Shadow Ball! Both were knocked out with Acrobatics from Minior!
Omori sent out Musharna!
Hero sent out Tandemaus!
Snom used Powder Snow on Clefairy! It hit, but Clefairy snapped out of its confusion and used Moonblast! Snom Fainted!
"Guys I'm out of Pokémon!" Kel said after being revived.
Space Ex-Boyfriend released a Shockwave. It hit everyone.
Aubrey cheered on Omori
Omori became Manic!
He mocked Space Ex-boyfriend!
Hero made everyone snacks as Kel used Rebound!
"Gah! How are you still moving!?" Space Ex-boyfriend yelled. Space Ex-boyfriend became Enraged.
Nidoran ♀️ used Headbutt on Clefairy, only to be blasted aside by Solrock's Meteor Beam!
Nidoran ♀️ fainted!
Aubrey sent out Minccino!
Tandemaus used X-Scissor! It hit, but Kartana used Smart Strike!
Tandemaus Fainted! Hero sent out Volbeat!
Musharna used Hypnosis on Clefairy, and managed to dodge every attack.
Aubrey cheered on Kel. Kel became Happy! Kel throw a ball at Aubrey, who knocked it out of the park!
Omori used Lucky Slice. The attack whiffed. Space Ex-boyfriend Fired Wildly! Everyone got hurt.
Musharna used Dream Eater! Clefairy took Damage. Then, a Hidden Power from Poipole Fainted it.
Omori was out of Pokémon!
Minccino used Scratch! It was then hit by Lunatone's Cosmic Power!
Minccino fainted!
Aubrey was out of Pokémon!
Volbeat used Signal Beam! Clefairy woke up! It used Double Edge!
Volbeat Fainted.
Clefairy took Recoil Damage!
Hero sent out Milcery!
Milcery used Tackle before being hit by attacks from everyone except Lunatone, who used Future Sight!
Milcery fainted.
Hero sent out Audino! Audino used Hyper Voice!
Clefairy fainted.
A Stone Edge fainted it.
Hero ran out of Pokémon!
Kartana used X-Scissor on Omori!
Future Sight hit Hero and he turned to toast! Aubrey was hit by Minior's Dazzling Gleam!
Space Ex-Boyfriend looked wistfully in the distance.
Aubrey cheered on Kel again. Kel became Ecstatic!
Kel used Life Jam on Hero, while Omori used Hack Away. It hit everyone! It broke the shell of Minior, revealing an Indigo Core!
"I…I won't let you defeat me!" Space Ex-boyfriend yelled. He became Furious!
The Pokémon assaulted the group with attacks while Spaceboy fired wildly!
Aubrey cheered on Hero, before being turned to toast!
Omori knew they were losing and badly. As fun as the fight was, he was hurt and so were his friends. As he put Life Jam on Aubrey, he thought about what they needed to do! THEY COULDN'T LOSE!
Poipole used Toxic, poisoning Kel, Lunatone used Stone Edge, hitting Hero. Solrock used Rock Slide. The kids ran to dodge the rocks, but they all got hurt! Minior used Acrobatics! It missed.
Kartana used X-Scissor! It hit Omori. Omori did not succumb!
"Out of my way, earthly scum! This is your last chance!" Space Ex-boyfriend yelled, firing wildly. He hit everyone but Omori. One more hit for each and they would be out!.
"Thgif ot eunitnoc ouy dluohs nwod uoy tuc etatiseh ton lliw I. Rednerrus, esaelp, revewoh. Stnenoppo yhtrow era nerdlihc uoy, timda I." Kartana said.
Omori looked at his friends. He called them together! This would be their final stand! He called them together for their ultimate attack!
Aubrey repeatedly hit Space Ex-boyfriend with all her might!
Kel threw his ball and let it Rebound as much as he could!
Hero smacked Space Ex-boyfriend!
And Omori, with the last of his strength, rushed at Space Ex-boyfriend and stabbed and Sliced wildly and as much as possible.
"Ugh…my heart…it hurts…" Space Ex-boyfriend boyfriend said before fainting. His Pokémon went to his side! He got up. His hair turned Pink. He lost his eyepatch.
"H-huh? What happened? W-Where am I? W-who are you? Oh, hello... I'm CAPT. SPACEBOY!
It's a pleasure to meet y-" Spaceboy clutched his chest.
"OWW, MY CHEST! Ah... I see... My other half must have gotten the better of me.I must apologize. Your actions were likely well-justified.
I just hope I didn't cause you all too much trouble. I've been having a hard time controlling my emotions lately.
I try my best to keep them at bay, but it's becoming much more difficult. SWEETHEART... She was the love of my life…"
It's almost impossible for me to imagine life apart from her." He went over and grabbed the mixtape.
"This SPECIAL MIXTAPE is full of mine and SWEETHEART's favorite songs. I put so much love into making this for her. Thank you all for returning it to me.
This is still full of precious memories after all. I GUESS I'M A BIT LOST. I'm afraid no amount of rest can truly heal a broken heart. I must find another way to get over this…"
Suddenly two Pirates came in.
"Boss! We're sorry but…"
"Pluto…your favorite planet escaped!"
Spaceboy turned around.
"AH, I SEE. It's okay, you two. I'm sure even the planets get bored turning slowly all day. Perhaps PLUTO was never meant to be a planet. Also, you don't have to call me SPACE BOYFRIEND anymore.
"OH THANK YOU!" The Pirates cheered and left.
Spaceboy approached the kids, who were just managing to stand up.
"I can't thank you enough for what you've done. Who knows what would've happened to me and my crew if you all didn't show up? You have my thanks. If you ever need anything from me or the SPACE PIRATES, please don't hesitate to ask." He said.
"Well… our friend Basil went missing! He has green hair, and a flower crown, and overalls!" Kel said
"... No, I'm afraid I haven't...
But if I do see anything, you'll be the first to know." Spaceboy said. Aubrey started to tear up.
"Uh-oh... Please, little lady... Don't cry!
Errr... Here, take this too!"
Spaceboy gave her 4 Sno-Cone tickets.
"Ah... Please don't cry, little lady!"
Omori grabbed her, and held her. She calmed down.
"You must keep your hopes up, little lady!
If it gets too hard to bear, try eating a SNO-CONE!
It might make things a little easier .I mustn't keep my crew waiting.
Good luck with everything, and thanks again!" Spaceboy said before leaving!
"Well, alls well that ends well. Let's go see Mari" Hero said.
The kids went to see Mari. They passed her by though, when Omori saw who he thought was Basil. He ran into Cattail field with Ralts. But when the others followed, he wasn't there!
Omori tried to go back. But nothing was there. He hugged Ralts and continued through the maze. He ended up in a small area with books. There were some cookies.
"Mari's cookies…Mari's cookies have much more love baked into them. I could eat them forever." A voice said. It sounded familiar, but Omori couldn't place it. The cookies vanished. He and Ralts continued on. Ralts knew what this was. Vague memories…
In an area with Watermelons and Beach Stuff, the voice returned.
"Watermelons…are my favorite part of summer…"
The Watermelons dissappeared. Omori was confused. But this somehow, didn't feel scary. It was almost…nice. Calming. Nostalgic. And area with puzzles and a car was next.
"We're still young. We can dream big, right?"
The puzzles vanished. Ralts hugged Omori's leg, trying not to cry.
An area with a fence, benches and an umbrella was next.
"Are you going on ahead? Don't worry about us… We'll catch up in a minute."
The Umbrella vanished. Ralts let the tears fall. Omori picked it up and held it close. He carried the Pokémon the rest of the way. Up next was a picnic table with a cake.
"A wish? But what should I wish for? I have everything I could want right here."
The cake vanished. Snow was falling. Omori was getting cold. He shivered as Ralts snuggled closer.
Up next was an area with lots of presents.
"This year, you get just one present… from all of us."
The presents vanished. Omori felt…melancholy…
Finally, they saw the Stranger, who vanished into a glowing Red Barn. Ralts and Omori felt uneasy, but went inside.
Inside was a picture frame. Omori and Ralts walked into it. Inside was a long black hallway. Ralts became afraid as Omori continued to walk. He got a Hangman Key - F. He finally reached the end. There was sheet music and a portrait. As Omori approached, and Ralts could see a Noose. Ralts began to panic. The portrait became defaced, the notes were scribbled out. Omori tried to calm Ralts down, but decided to leave. Maybe that would make things better. Than…something appeared behind them. It quickly caught up and-
Omori was in whitespace. A heartbeat could be heard. He had his knife. It was almost…calling to him. He grabbed and
Omori collapsed to the ground. As things faded, a figure of black, white and red came from the lightbuld.
Mist disapaited. The Pokémon regained their color as Sunny awoke. Knocking could be heard. Sunny went to the Bathroom and saw his reflection.
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Then he went to the door. Ralts could tell he was afraid, because yesterday…
"Helllooooo... Helllloooooooooooo?
Sunny? Are you there?"
It was Kel! But then again, they heard Mari yesterday and look what happened.
"Do you remember me? It's your old friend, KEL! So, I... uh... I noticed the "FOR SALE" sign in front of your
house... and I... err... heard from my mom that you were
moving away soon. I was wondering... if you wanted to hang out one more time
before you go... or whatever... for old time's sake, y'know?"
Sunny backed away. Ralts used Pychic to try and MAKE him open the door! This could be it! This could be how we save Sunny! Then they saw his fear. They looked and reassured him. They got into fighting stances as Sunny opened the door. And they saw Kel.
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tenktenktenktenktenk · 7 months
yin and yang
the connection was severed, and kei screamed, grasping at meredith.
"it's all right, kei!" meredith cried, trying to console him.
kei screamed again and shoved her out of the way, clutching his head and leaping away from her. he stumbled, body shivering, still holding his head in his hands, still screaming.
"kei, it's all right!" meredith stood, arm outstretched, trying to placate him.
for a moment time stood still, kei curled in on himself, like a statue, unmoving.
then he turned to face her, and she froze.
in his eyes she saw what he could not speak, what he could not articulate in any way, and it struck her down to her very soul. she had never been so afraid in all her life.
millie was ready, and the moment kei moved he grabbed the beast by the waist and tried to keep him down. it was easier said than done, however, as kei began to move like a snake under the strain.
it was no more than ten seconds when rex finally called out "sedate him!"
one of millie's arms had a needle at the end, and that was clearly what millie was trying to do, but kei was fighting.
millie had kei by the shoulder, meaning kei's head was free to move, and it did, wrapping its jaw around millie's arm and wrenching.
the metal cracked, and broke, and millie's forearm came free of its housing.
"oh, shit," steg said quietly.
the noise clearly attracted kei's senses, for his head whipped around, metal still in its jaw, and it glared at steg, who froze stiff.
kei wrenched his body free and clambered over what was left of millie's arm to come bounding over to the group, who scattered, leaving steg standing there like a fool.
except kei only pushed steg aside, out of his way, before leaping over the pavement, the sidewalk, the grass, and onto the building, where he feverishly, like a four-legged spider, began lifting himself up the wall, heading toward the room at the top of the basilica.
"where was that when we needed it?" fish laughed.
"shut up," rex hissed, putting his arm on merry's shoulder. in the dimness he saw the glint of tears streaming down her face.
"you okay?"
"you didn't see," she whispered hoarsely, her eyes still staring straight ahead. "you didn't see the pain. the suffering. the madness. we should never have made her. we should never have done it. maker help us." she finally looked at rex, and for a moment he could just make out what she saw in kei's eyes, and it scared him to his core as well.
millie came up to them, attempting to fix his arm.
"sweet mother," said rex in horror. the forearm was cracked in half, hanging by a thread, wires and tiny sparks streaming from it.
there was a crash, and everyone looked up to the basilica, where the room at the top was now missing a wall, the pieces of it falling to the ground.
"we need to get up there," rex murmured. meredith nodded, glancing only for a moment at millie's arm, looking through it.
raptor's face was white as a sheet. he was rubbing steg's back; the other was holding his face in his hands, sobbing. tops looked grim.
"he better be sedated after that," he said, as rex, meredith, and millie walked past. rex set his jaw and nodded, meredith stopping by steg.
"you saw it too?" she asked carefully.
steg looked up, his eyes wide, face contorted in horror. "i saw," he said quietly. "i saw! i saw everything!" his hands flew back up to his face and he bent over, still sobbing.
"spike's here, she'll get you fixed up," meredith murmured before continuing on the way.
a small platform was rigged out of the pieces of wall, and several of them, including some of spike's crew, ascended the basilica, up to the room where autumn was kept.
kei was there, head bowed, back arced, huddled over her. she was tiny, barely a child, her two pairs of wings, as well as her feet and hands rotting. feathers were strewn about her, about the floor and the room. her face, however, was calm, peaceful, her eyelids slightly parted, her blue eyes clouded not in death but with cataracts. she was blind, before. now she would never see at all.
her father - her named father - glanced up. his eyes still burned, but this was in pleading. pleading to make her come back, wanting, needing her alive again so they could speak just once more. millie bent down and with two arms picked the body up as though it weighed no more than a feather.
they descended altogether, kei staring at the ground.
when at last they reached the rest of the group, kei hung behind for a moment. he turned to look back at the building, its hulking form squatting on the ground, and he howled.
he raised his head, and he screamed. he screamed the pain, the anguish, the suffering into the air. it went on for some time, before he fell to his knees in a heap.
millie came up behind him, and at that moment it seemed he knew what must be done, and tilted his head to expose the jugular, where millie injected the sedative.
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spudinacup · 5 years
What's your thought on the whole steg situation.
May be kicking the beehive here with this butttttttt- 
Personally, my take is very similar to this person: https://love-takes-work.tumblr.com/post/187791122402/the-mystery-of-steg
Steg is a performer, I don’t think of him as a ‘sexual’ entity or anything of that sort. Just a fun-loving and passionate artist that is there to make one big show. 
Fusion doesn’t equal sex guys, fusion is the embodiment of a strong emotion between people. This can be love, hate, compassion, anger. Fusion is the embodiment of an understanding of each other, that can be a positive thing and in some cases a negative one. Its a relationship, a dance between two people. Think less with your crotch demons and more with your brain cavities.
What stronger bond out there is there than between a parent and their child? Especially ones that have been through the loss of another family member as significant as a mother? I think Steg is a striking and beautiful fusion, a big cuddly man that just wants to help others and make them smile. 
If anything, I’m happy that they got the opportunity to fuse like that. Especially with the connection of something as unifying to their bond as music. Steven and Greg have always been tied together from those roots. It’s Greg’s passion and in turn, an inspiration for Steven, to have the chance to perform together like that? I think it was a powerful moment for them both and Steg is a fusion that shows their parental bond. 
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heyitspersephone · 4 years
I’ve been thinking about it since I watched the Steven Universe movie a few days ago
But who the actual fuck on the SU design team looked at Steven and Greg and thought
“Yes. These two fused would look fuckin’ hot.”
Don’t get me wrong, it’s not bad, like, at all, but where did the idea come from, who sat there all “I’ve connected the two dots”
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steggymus · 9 months
…you know?
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localcryptidsteg · 7 months
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This is my “meet the artist” I guess!
Hi! I go by Steg/Cryptid, pronouns she/they
I just like drawing scenarios that strike me as funny, mostly! I also write a bit. I’ll probably mostly post fandom content here, though I may throw in slice of life or ocs from time to time, as well as a personal project called Dead Gods
My current hyperfixation is lego monkeys
Spirit Guide AU -lmk au
Dead Gods -personal project
Steg speaks -rambling tag
My art -art tag
Asks and messages are always open
Im also on Instagram as Local_cryptid_art, on Cara as localcryptidart, and BlueSky as localcryptidart.bsky.social
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yandere-dorodere · 5 years
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Hey uhhhhh I love spinel so much??? What pink did to her was terrible but I truly believe that pink would be incredibly upset and apologetic if she were still here
Pink wasn’t perfect and did some fucked up things in the past but that doesn’t necessarily make her evil or a terrible person, she definitely grew from that point on to be much better than before condemn me if you wanna idc
And spinel’s story was sad and explained why she acted the way she did but is no excuse for her to act the way she did
AnywaYs besides all that I loved this movie a whole lot and I’m never gonna shut up about it
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oldwizardboots · 5 years
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Guess what I just watched
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Steven Universe Movie: Thoughts (Minor Spoilers kinda)
Just a thought about some things about the Steven Universe Movie stuff I’ve been seeing:
Some of y’all still act like fusions in the gem world is still sexualized.
stop that.
Get some help (on researching what fusion really is. Hint: its strong Bonds)
Steg or whatever is hot. Don’t @ me.
(also he seems to be the age between Steven and Greg but yall really need to chill with that Rule 34 dumb ass joke like damn we’ve had sexy characters b4 in cartoons relax you fucks quit actin’ brand new u the only one who’s making it weird)
Steven and his story is literally heavily based on Sailor Moon, who has tons of Villain Redeption Archs, so why y’all surprised when that shit happens???
Y’all really be prepared to damn anyone who likes/supports a complicated character. As if some of y’all don’t have favs in shows/movies/animes who are 1000x worst. At least the diamonds try. You faves could never in cannon.
No one’s telling you to love the characters you don’t like but nobody invited you here either.
Ps. Clown on your own post.
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