p1nkblog · 2 days
⊹ ࣪ ˖ lucky girl ⊹ ࣪ ˖
⊹ ࣪ ˖ i am the luckiest girl ⊹ ࣪ ˖
⊹ ࣪ ˖ i get everything i want ⊹ ࣪ ˖
⊹ ࣪ ˖ it’s easy for me to do things ⊹ ࣪ ˖
⊹ ࣪ ˖ i manifest instantly ⊹ ࣪ ˖
⊹ ࣪ ˖ the universe has my back ⊹ ࣪ ˖
⊹ ࣪ ˖ only good things happen to me ⊹ ࣪ ˖
⊹ ࣪ ˖ i am infinitely powerful ⊹ ࣪ ˖
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gentleaffirmations · 21 hours
You are worthy of love. You don't need to be agreeable or selfless to earn other people's love.
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sluggsbugg · 3 days
non-fictional drs have a special place in my heart. a dr where you can be an exchange student in a foreign country, a dr where you’re the author of your favorite series, a dr where that tv show you loved actually got finished (cough cough hannibal).
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You deserve joy
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thatsbelievable · 3 days
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affirmation #82
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illustoryart · 2 days
Screenshot to pick a card! What character did you get? 🏴‍☠️
Revenge crew is here to help you! 🏳️‍🌈
Share this with your fellow pirates to make their start of new week brighter 🌟
Great news: Our Flag Means Death Affirmation deck will be reprinted in October!
If you want the full deck or Season 2 booster, look in the bio 🔗💜
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feminineenergylife · 2 days
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Soft Feminine Power Affirmations
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p1nkblog · 10 hours
here is your friendly reminder that you totally matter in this world and make a difference by simply existing and being you ₊˚⊹♡
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gentleaffirmations · 3 days
Your life is what you make of it. You are in control.
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thecosmicangel · 7 hours
It’s the law of ASSUMPTION not the law of believing it, so no you don’t necessarily have to believe it for it to true. And you are not new to manifesting you have been doing it your whole life.
Really think about it, why would we need to work hard or be deserving of something to have it? If that where the case then “bad people” wouldn’t have the money or lifestyle that they have. Do you think that if we had to be deserving of things, good people would suffer? Did they deserve the bad things to happen?Since we been born we have been programmed with limiting viewpoint and beliefs saying things like
“Good things take time”
“You have to work hard to earn it”
You have to deserve it
If it’s meant to be it will be
It will happen in divine timing
You have to be completely healed to have it
You have to be vibrating at a high frequency
You have to be positive all the time
You have to be patient, everything happens for a reason
Or you have to be logical , be realistic
And so much more. This is why you can make up your own rules because everyone else is, everyone decided what they choose to believe / assume to be true for them and based on that they experience their reality.
Just because we are born and exist is enough proof and validation for why we deserve to have what we want. We have those desires and dreams for a reason. We were created to experience all of our desires. Do you really think we were born to work a horrible or boring job everyday for the rest of our lives? Do you think you were born to suffer ? Do you think you were just born to desire stuff but not get them? No we were born to experience being god in our own way, by creating our own realities. Creating our own heaven in earth.
Stop limiting yourself by thinking you have to wait,or that you have to earn it. God doesn’t wait , so why would we have to wait? If we were meant to wait we wouldn’t have a burning desire for what we want, that in itself is proof that the desire is waiting on you to accept it and make it yours!!! The bad/ unwanted circumstance we create didn’t have to wait so why does the good or our desires have to wait? I’ll show you how it’s irrelevant to wait , say you want a certain shirt, jeans or whatever that you know is available at a store, well you know you have everything you need to buy it so you will order it or go to the store and buy it because you want it, you are not waiting around to see if the shirt wants you or if some other power wants you to have it, you simply decide you are buying it because you want it. I mean unless you want to procrastinate and overthink if you really want it or not then yeah it might take you sometime to decide on buying the shirt, but it’s all the same thing. Nothing is harder or easier to manifest everything is neutral and only based on your assumptions if it’s hard or easy.
Everything starts of with an idea or thought. Think about all the inventions in the world, someone had that idea and made it happen. Even science is based on ideas/ observations, they start of with a hypothesis.
Your desires are manifesting you, they are calling on you or else you wouldn’t want them ( the desire is calling you, not you calling it, so pick up the phone and answer the call) your desires are here and available for you the second you become aware of them it’s just waiting on you to take it & accept it. Trust that they can happen instantly too, make an assumption/rule on how long it takes for you to manifest things. Create your own rules and what it takes to manifest without doubting it. Do you just want to affirm or assume once and that’s all? Because really that is all you need to do and not contradict it and it will manifest.
If you want to see how it works try it out with something you know you can manifest, for example when I would doubt my power I would set up little test for me, “I would say today I want to see a purple Lamborghini” not even 5 minutes later I would see a purple Lamborghini. Another day I would say I want to see “xyz” I would be as descriptive as I wanted and then I would see it later on that day. This just helped me understand and see proof of how my mind works and how easy it is to manifest. So if you’re having trouble understanding the law try this little experiment out for yourself. The same way I could manifest seeing the things I wanted for my experiment is the same way I could manifest everything else, now the thing is to not contradict myself and stick to one story and it will inevitably be.
-xoxo, the cosmic angel ⭐️🪽
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onehundredwishesss · 21 hours
Career advices for beginners:
• A job is just a job and a title is just a title.
• A job should benefit you too, not only you benefit the company.
• Figure out what your "standards" are in a job: work from home? High salary? Healthy environment?
• Stay away from drama: it may be entertaining but it's not good for you in the long run.
• Your coworkers are only your coworkers: Avoid personal information about yourself and be careful in what you say
• You are more than just your job: Develop your own identity outside your job.
• Spoil yourself: You deserve to get a treat after working so hard
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thatsbelievable · 15 hours
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affirmation #83
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shradsmanifestt · 23 hours
affirming and persisting doesn't haven't to be be just affirming on a loop right? I could like affirm once an hr or something and that's still persisting?
Even if you affirm one time and not go back on that it's persisting. As long as you persist on your new story it is happening. You're not affirming to try to get something. If you do you'll always just be trying to manifest it. You're affirming to tell yourself you already have it and that's it.
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summersreality · 1 day
Can you tell me more about subliminals and scripting? How should I use them to manifest? Is there a specific way to script, and are there any tips for making subliminals work faster?
The basics to everything is to assume, and that’s what the Law of assumption is all about. Remember that subliminals and scripting are methods and to get results, you should assume they work.
Scripting is just writing down your desires either physically on paper or online. This is a good way to get your thoughts out and make it clear to yourself exactly what you want. And you do it by just writing it down.
There is no specific way to write them down, some recommend you write “I have” instead of “I will have” but you can write in future tense as long as you’re not in a state of lack.
Just listen to them, simply. You can listen to a subliminal once, or on a loop. You basically saturate your mind with all the affirmations that your subconscious picks up on.
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