#the punisher
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majestyeverlasting · 2 days
𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐰𝐚𝐲, 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐡𝐨𝐰 | 𝐟𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐥𝐞
Pairing Frank Castle x Reader [friends → lovers] 
Summary A fresh start with no more loose ends—that’s what you promised yourselves. But when a quick outing stretches longer than expected, dread creeps in and reveals how deeply you care for Frank when he’s finally back by your side [3.7k] 
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A/N First time writing for Frank. Deeply appreciate Jon Bernthal’s embodiment of the character ♡
The rain hasn’t stopped by the time the van eases into the parking lot, where the water on the ground reflects the cherry-red motel sign shining against the night. It makes no difference to you—lips parted and head tilted against the passenger side window—until Frank gears into park and taps your thigh with two fingers. 
Your eyes flutter open to tiny droplets pattering on the outside of the cool glass. That’s when you notice how still the world has grown. No more potholes, smooth turns, or random swells of acceleration to pass other cars who thought they had all the time in the world. 
After cutting the engine, he runs a heavy hand down his face and tips his head back, the motion disheveling the back of his dark hair against the headrest. It’s gotten longer. So has the coarser hair of his beard. He never asked for your opinion, nor had you mustered the courage to give it, but the look suited him, as if it was innately right. As he briefly closes his eyes, he misses the way you turn to study his profile, noting how the bridge of his nose catches the glow of the lights outside.
A satisfied hum escapes you as you stretch out your legs, drawing his attention back your way. He blinks observantly, eyebrows set in that eternal furrow that makes him hard to read. But you know he’s alright—content. There’s no other reason not to be. A couple hundred hundred miles ago, he’d tied off one final loose end, and now the world went silent for the first time in a while. It was over. No more living ghosts breathing down your necks. You and Pete Castiglione were free to start a new life, be whoever you wanted to be. That’s what you told yourselves. 
Clearing his throat, Frank shifts in his seat and reaches into the cup holder, tossing the room key into your lap. “Room 103. There’s two queens,” he tells you. “I’ll grab the bags.” The finality in his tone suggests he won’t entertain any alterations to the plan.   
You reach down to grab your crossbody. “Can I get this one, or is it too much?” You’re trying to be funny. He waves you off, mumbling under his breath, but there’s an undeniable flutter in his gut when you smile at him before hopping out of the van. 
He purses his lips when you break into an amusing little jog, eager to escape the rain and key into the room. A muted yellow fills the space as you flip on the lights. No sooner does he watch you peek through the curtains like a groundhog popping up from its burrow. It’s hard to make him out, but you swear you can see him chuckling from behind the windshield. 
It’s impressive how he manages to carry both your belongings in one trip. He hums in appreciation as you hold the door open for him. Rather than dumping everything in the main walkway, he trudges the extra few steps to where more space opens up and a small bench rests beneath the full length mirror hanging on the wall. 
The air is thick, as it always seems to be at motels, but the citrus undertones suggest recent cleaning. You stake your claim on the bed closest to the bathroom, ready to settle in. The wrapper of a meal bar crinkles as you dig it out from your purse. 
Frank’s own mattress squeaks as he plops down onto the foot of the bed and lays back, tucking his hands behind his head. The movement makes the hem of his hoodie rise up just enough to reveal the light trail of dark hair leading down from his belly button. It’s not the most comfortable bed in the world, but you’d be back on the road in the morning headed for central Virginia. 
A modest house in the Blue Ridge Mountains awaited, courtesy of one of his buddies who lived further north in Quantico. Of all the other options, it seemed like a promising place to find your footing away from the endless bustle of New York City. 
“Frank?” He looks over at you. “Thanks.” For everything, you want to add. 
“No worries,” he says. A few moments pass of the rain slowing down outside. It’s a lulling sound that masks the quiet gurgle of your stomach. 
Eyes closed, Frank hears you begin to peel open the bar you’re holding. It’s one of the protein-packed ones that are supposed to taste like chocolate, but always end up too chalky. It’d been a while since the late lunch the two of you had. 
“I’ll go get you something hot.” He sits up. “Passed a few places coming in.” 
You can see how drained he is from driving. It’s in his voice, the slump of his shoulders. “This’ll tie me over for the night,” you insist.
He looks at you with partial belief. Frank was the type who could get caught up in the task at hand and go without eating, if it wasn’t for your reminders. Earlier, he’d brushed over his hunger, only to sit down across from you in that cramped diner booth and inhale his hamburger and fries as you watched, amusement sparkling in your eyes. That look often spurred him into a spiel about how he could get by on a handful of nuts every few hours if he really wanted. 
But there was no such talk this time around. The food was good and hearty, and he enjoyed sitting down and sharing a meal without having to look over his shoulder. There was also something special about the way the sunlight streaming through the windows caught your eyes. 
“Really, Frank. It’s been a long day,” you say as he stands and makes his way to the door. There was no stopping him when he made up his mind. “I can come with you.” That earns you a disapproving look, and you sigh your defeat. “Drive safe, okay?” 
The rain subsides shortly after he slips out the door. To avoid the risk of falling asleep, you decide to take a shower, considering yourself lucky that the warm water doesn’t run out after the first five minutes.
By the time you dry off, moisturize, and change into old pajamas, Frank hasn’t returned. When you peek out the window at the sound of an engine, it ends up being construction workers. Despite how much you try to will it away, a familiar sense of dread settles in your gut. It only roots deeper upon realizing that he’d left his BlackBerry behind on the bed. 
Time continues passing by. 
Red and blue police lights appear blazing in the distance in a showy glow. Frank watches from the inside of a family-owned pizzeria, where beautiful candid pictures adorn the walls. The air is rich with the scent of parmesan and garlic, but his face is fixed in a scowl. There’s bruising beginning to develop on the apple of one cheek, and a thin bleeding slash on the other. A few chairs are overturned while tables are askew. 
Under different circumstances, maybe in a different life, he would’ve been able to appreciate the homey charm of the place without trouble finding a way to fall at his feet. The universe had deemed him as the only alter fit to handle it. 
The woman behind the counter, stout with a long ponytail, nearly collapses in relief as the wailing sirens draw nearer, but Frank’s jaw ticks in irritation at the whole ordeal. Other customers who were once inside have either left or are now standing watch from the parking lot. 
Frank turns to look down at the two young men sitting on the floor with their backs against the wall. The masks have been ripped down from their faces, and it’s clear they’ve been roughed up. Despite feeling Frank’s gaze, they refuse to meet it. 
Off to side stands another employee who’s around the same age as the men on the ground. He’s holding a wad of napkins to his bloody nose and can’t keep his eyes from flitting to Frank with reverence and gratitude.  
“Hey,” Frank barks to the seated men. “When they bust up in here, you don’t run, you hear me? Cause I’m gonna be out there and you won’t even make it to the next lot over,” he says. “If you wanna come in here and be tough guys while your buddy’s trying to make a living and do better for himself, then you own it.” 
Their nostrils flare in frustration, but they don’t dare open their mouths. He can see the misplaced anger of his own youth coursing through them. 
“Whatever’s going on between you…you talk it out, yeah?” He looks between all of them. “One bad decision, and your folks are gonna be crying and snotting in a courtroom while some guy with a mallet calls the shots.” 
As the police cars turn into the parking lot, Frank walks over to a table and picks up the carry out bag of food he’d ordered. 
“How do I get outta here?” 
Both the long-haired woman and the young employee point to the back hallway where the bathrooms are, watching him disappear as if he were never there at all. 
Frank makes it to his van as the police enter the pizzeria. In the rearview mirror, he can see the two men standing from the ground with their heads hanging low. Sighing, he pats down his pockets for his phone with the intent to call you. Nothing. All he can do is curse under his breath and start up the engine. 
The No Vacancy sign is switched on when he makes it back. He sees you staring out the window, but you slink back into the room as if the sight of his return was all you needed. A mix of guilt and frustration stir in his chest when you don’t let him in. He has to dig out the key and do it himself with his free hand, the carry out bag crinkling with his efforts. When he slips in and shuts the door behind himself, you’re standing a few yards away. There’s a palpable intensity as you study the afflictions on his face. 
Your body wants to fuss over him and push him away all at once—for leaving his phone, for scaring you, for coming back looking like he’d seeked out yet another fight. Most of all, you feel foolish for believing that there was ever a chance at normalcy. There was no rewriting the curse that all the trouble in the world fell at Frank Castle’s feet so he could set things right. 
Unlike eight months ago, when you thought he was an enemy, you can’t imagine losing him. You wouldn’t survive it. That magnitude of that fear cloaks itself in anger and puts a target on him when it’s the last thing he deserves. 
“What the hell, Frank? You can’t be serious right now.” 
Your piercing gaze is muddled with a myriad of emotions, and he can see them all. He stops the knee-jerk reaction that almost makes him raise his voice and go on about how he didn’t ask for anything that transpired within the past hour. How happenstance wasn’t within his control. How the whole idea of the two people like you finding a sense of normality was probably closer to a fairytale. 
He doesn’t get into it because he loves you. Even though neither of you have ever said it aloud. It was an unspoken truth, written between the lines of the fact that you worked each other’s nerves, but knew how to sooth them even more. Chasing after a fairytale would be worth it with you. 
“Let’s just eat, yeah? Can we do that?” 
He brushes past you to put the food on the small table. You track his movements, watching as he takes out a few small boxes. There’s wings, garlic knots, mozzarella sticks—a variety so you can take your pick and get your fill. It was never really too late for pizza, but he knew you would complain about the layers of cheese grease so close to bedtime. You’re not even sure you have an appetite anymore, but he motions for you to come sit and you can’t say no. Your eyes follow him as he goes to wash his hands, wishing you had it in you to scream. 
There’s only two chairs and your knees knock beneath the table when he sits down. As you nibble on a garlic knot, you stare at the dried blood on his cheek and the forming bruise. 
“Please tell me what happened.” Your tone is lighter than before.
Frank briefly squints then wrinkles his nose, gears turning in his head. Similar to when he walks into a new room, his gaze tracks around different points of your face, as if he’s trying to piece together what he wants to say as he assesses where you are. His thoughts are always written in his expressions even if they aren’t entirely clear. 
 “It was nothing,” he says. 
“Nothing, Frank?” 
Nine times out of ten, him coming back to base camp bearing signs of a fight meant that he’d either taken care of everything or it was time to bounce—no in between. There’s no urgency that suggests the latter, so he must be telling the truth. The events of the night have pissed him off more than anything, like a side quest he couldn’t avoid. As much as he dreaded playing it over in his head for the sake of relaying it back to you, he can see that you need it. 
“Alright, look.” Frank waits for your attentive nod to continue. 
“It was a couple of kids. Came in all loud, making a scene,” he starts. “Long story short, they gang up on their buddy who works there.” Your eyes drift to his lips as he talks, watching the way he wets them every so often. “Everybody starts freaking out, some suit who looks like Mayor LaGaurdia calls the cops.” 
He shakes his head like it was all a big mess. “And I’m not about to sit there and watch this kid get the snot beat outta him, so I get up and do somethin’ about it.” The righteous indignation in his tone that stirs an admiration within you. He notices the shift in the way you’re looking at him. 
You shake your head and bite your lower lip. “So you broke them apart?”
He nods. “One of ‘em got a lick in, pulled out a pocket knife,” he says. “Then I shook both their asses up and made ‘em sit ‘til the cops came.” 
“You pulled your punches.” 
“I pulled my punches,” he confirms.
This wasn’t the story you were expecting, but you’re grateful for it nonetheless. Frank breaking up fights and setting kids straight was something you could live with—better than dealing with crime rings, crooked feds, and personal vendettas. 
A wave of rowdy laughter soon erupts from somewhere in the distance. When you look down, you realize the two of you have made your way through more of the food than you were expecting. Frank wipes his hands off with a napkin and leans back in his chair, watching as you do the same. 
The silence is intimate. Frank’s knees are still pressed against yours. He looks like he wants to say one thing but changes his mind to another at the last minute. “I’m gonna go grab a shower, yeah?”  
“Yeah,” you mimic the quick, New York way he always clips the word onto the end of his sentences.  
He’s never minded your teasing. Every time he thinks he’s gotten away with masking his amusement, you always catch a tell that gives him away. This time, it’s the twitch of his nose as he stands up to throw his stuff away. You file it away in your memory. 
“Hey, Frank?” He looks over his shoulder. “I’m sorry. I was scared.” 
“I know.” 
Later, the lights around the mirror provide a Hollywood-esque glow as you stand at the sink with one hand braced on the counter, brushing your teeth. This rest of the bathroom is sectioned off behind a door, so you feel the lingering steam from Frank's shower as he steps out in his sleep clothes, drying off his hair. The air smells like the complimentary soap, light and fresh. You absentmindedly shift to make room for him as he drapes the towel around his neck and leans close to the mirror to assess his face. 
Now that the blood is gone, the cut looks less imposing. Unphased that you’re bumping shoulders, he reaches for his own toothbrush. 
You’ve never paid any mind to how heavy-handed he is while he brushes, but it stands out now that you’re right beside him sharing the same sink. Perhaps it only appears that way, but you force yourself to bite back a teasing comment as you move on to floss. Frank just stares at you in the mirror with a soft, tired look in his eyes that makes your insides feel all fluttery. You’re sure he’s not even aware he’s doing it—or maybe he knows perfectly well. 
After he’s ditched the towel around his neck and the two of you are making your way to your respective beds, you bring a halt to his movements by wrapping your arms around him. It’s an awkward angle at first because you come at him partially from the side, partially behind. But he adjusts himself so that your chests are pressed together as he wraps an arm around you—just the one initially, taken aback by your embrace. 
“Okay. Oh, boy,” he chuckles in that low way of his that playfully denotes trouble. 
You’re not sure why you made the move. As he adds his other arm, it occurs to you that there are too many motivations for there to be just one. Affection seldom looks like this between the two of you—maybe once every blue moon during partings or close calls. The seamless way you melt into him says otherwise. It’s as if relishing his warmth and the steady constant of his frame was all you were made for. The possibility doesn’t even offend you. You keep holding him and he keeps holding you. 
“You okay?” he asks after a while, smoothing his wide palm up your back. 
You nod before slowly pulling away. “Sorry, I’m just…” You touch a gentle finger to the center of his chest as he looks at you with that familiar furrow between his brows. “Glad you’re back.” Glad he’s still alive.
“Where else would I be, huh?” He taps your chin with his knuckle. “I walk out any door without you, best believe I’m making it back some way somehow.” 
You nod because you don’t trust your voice anymore.  
He gives your chin another affectionate tap. “Alright then. Bedtime.”
A small sliver of light slips in through the slit in the curtains, casting itself onto the lower portion of Frank’s bed right over his feet. Even after staring at it for what feels like forever, you can’t bring yourself to close your eyes and surrender to the grasp of sleep. Yet the steady rise and fall of Frank’s chest continues on like some sort of miracle. You wish you were close enough to feel it for yourself, and when that pull doesn’t go away, you push the covers off and tiptoe over to his bed amid the dark.  
When the other side of his mattress dips, he thinks it’s one of those half-waking dreams until your leg brushes against his in your attempt to join him beneath the sheets. He immediately shifts to accommodate you, tugging more covers over to your side even though there’s already plenty. As he moves, you can smell the familiar scent of his skin and feel the weight of his proximity. 
“Thought you were—thought I was dreaming,” he rasps. 
With the way your heart has begun hammering in your ears, you’re surprised you can hear him. “Is this okay?”
“Yeah, you’re okay, sweetheart.” His voice is thick, but not from tiredness this time. 
Both of you remain still after you’ve settled, scared that moving would shatter this sweet reality that had been woven together by fate. The warmth of his body calls out to you, but you don’t indulge even though you want to. That hesitation doesn’t last long. The moment he reaches out, you press yourself back against his chest. He lets his hand come to rest over your stomach as he tucks his nose into your head, breathing you in. When you relax further into him, his fingertips venture just beneath the hem of your shirt to grace the soft skin above your waistline. The gesture is achingly chaste. The two of you fall asleep just like that. 
Morning seems to come soon, sunlight spilling into the room around the closed curtains. The light is tender in the way it bathes the charming color palette of the room. Frank’s eyes flutter open to find that neither of you had shifted much during the night. You're further away, but his arm remains draped over your middle. He doesn’t know that you're awake—that you’ve been awake. 
The first thing your gaze fell on was the alarm clock nearing nine o’ clock. You’d slept in way longer than usual, especially for what was meant to be another day on the road. You can’t bring yourself to mind. 
It isn’t until Frank withdraws his arm that you finally allow yourself to shift. The sheets rustle in a tell-tale sign that he’s stretching, and you roll over in time to see him on his back with his arms extended, knuckles brushing against the headboard. You scoot closer, resting a hand on his chest after he lowers his arms and tucks the one furthest from you behind his head, bicep flexing. 
Neither of you say anything, but there’s a quiet sense of acknowledgement—of seeing and being seen. With a lone finger, you draw lazy shapes over his pecs through the fabric of his shirt as he slowly blinks down at your hand. As Frank turns to press a kiss to your temple, he reckons he could get used to mornings like these.  
♡ Thank you for reading! I’d love to hear your thoughts.
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greasydumbfuck · 3 days
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i very much like. small franks
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ambreignsfan4life · 2 days
100 Days of Damian Priest
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Credit to gif owners
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chaos-and-ink · 3 days
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Sleepy Boys
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chvoswxtch · 1 day
a wrap on the bodyguard
this is a really bittersweet moment for me. i've been trying to find the words to really capture how i've been feeling about this whole thing, and I don't know if these are even enough to fully express it, but i've been sitting with this for a few days since posting the final chapter and watching y'all respond to it, and they feel right in this moment
when I first got the request for bodyguard frank, I had no idea it would turn into what it did. it never would’ve been possible without kate, whom I am immensely grateful for and forever indebted to, who gave me the gift of this incredible idea, and her wonderful friendship
even when so many of you asked for a part 2, I didn’t think it would go beyond that. but this very quickly became a passion project for me that I spent over a year and a half on, spanned 26 chapters, and is made up of roughly 130k words. it challenged me to step outside my comfort zone, and showed me I could do something I didn’t think I was capable of
to all of you who took the time to read this series, whether you kept up with it from the beginning, or you just recently found it and binged, to all of you who interacted with it and me in any way, from the bottom of my heart, genuinely and sincerely, thank you. you don’t know how much it meant to me. every single one of y'all have helped me to become a better writer and gave me more confidence in myself, and showed me to grant myself more grace when it came to being overly self-critical
I have loved books since I was a shy kid who struggled to make friends, whose only way of traveling and meeting new people sometimes was in those books, and being an author and creating that feeling for someone else has always been a dream. because of y’all, that dream has come true. I looked forward to seeing the reactions and comments and feedback from every single one of y’all every single time, and getting to watch y’all fall in love with something I created was such an incredible experience
if you’re looking for your sign to start that project or post that thing you did, do it. creating is hard, and sharing it with the world is scary, but it is such a rewarding thing, and you never know what it could turn into
I am so unbelievably honored and overwhelmed and blown away by the kindness and love y’all have shown this story, and me. I am so happy it brought so many of y’all to me, and that it’s created friendships I cherish so much. this story was a gift to me that I feel so lucky to share with all of y’all. so please, enjoy it as much as you like, it’s yours
with all the love in my heart,
court 🖤
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thefuckisaid · 1 day
Guys, guys, do you think we'll get more "Frank Castle manhandling the fuck out of Matt Murdock" or not?
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foggyredkastle · 1 day
In fear that my f1 account might have acc fallen off. I’m giving you goblins what you really want…
Buncha incorrect Bs
Wade: Ha! What are you gonna do? Stab me?
*Five minutes later*
Wade, calling 911: HELP, IVE BEEN STABBED.
Steven: I literally cannot believe I let you talk me into this.
Jake: I literally said “I have an idea,” and you just went along with it without question.
Matt: You three, explain right now!
Wade: It was Y/N.
Peter: It was Y/N.
Steven: It was Y/N.
Y/N: …fuck.
Steven: What the fuck? People actually tell their crushes they like them??
Y/N: What the hell do you do?
Steven: I die? What kinda question...
Marc: Sorry I can’t be emotionally vulnerable with you it’d ruin the mystery.
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k-marzolf · 2 days
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Billy thot, imagine being his maid and hating eyes.
Fem!reader, uneducated reader, power imbalance, implied smoking. I’m sorry for the grammar, but I have a specific way she speaks in my head. Religious references.
I’ve been reading Wuthering Heights, and it got the creative juices flowing. Sorry, it’s short, but I do plan to do little blurbs with these two.
Poisoned Apple #1
He noticed you moved like a ghost, silent and invisible. Your shoulders hunched in, never making eye contact. “Don’t like eyes, sir. I don’ like the pupil. Lookin’ like a non sentient being. Alls I see are the parts, and yous no longer real.”
You walked up the stairs without so much as a creak, staring at a painting by John William Waterhouse, looking contemplative as you touched the canvas, almost as though it was palpable to you.
A yearning crossed your face, before a frown marred your brow, pulling at your lips, never looking at the eyes of the woman. But mesmerized by her just the same.
He was mesmerized by you. The way the dim lighting on the stairs, illuminating your hair like a halo. You made him want to tempt you for a taste of paradise, because you had tempted him, like a siren calling to a sailor.
Billy put his hands in his pockets, “You like that, hummingbird?”
Your eyes snapped to him, somewhere away from his eyes making your eyes look dazed. “You’re more beautiful. Like Lucifer. Bettin’ you’d tempt me with a fruit.” You said, playing nervously with your hem.
Billy hummed, “Funny, the Bible never once said it was satan who tempted Eve.” His fingers played with an unlit cigarette in his hands.
You reached forward, pulling the cigarette from his hands, breaking it. “Shouldn’t smoke, sir. You’ll get the cancer, and I’ll be alone, wit’ only the birds and animals. Do ya want me to become Snow White?” You asked seriously, pocketing the broken cigarette.
His lips curved up, “I’ll stay away from cigarettes if you stay away from apples, hummingbird.” He turned then, on the stairs, walking down them.
The apple was poisoned but they still took a bite, hoping for sweetness.
They were gonna make such fools of themselves.
@e-dubbc11 @terry2227 @bookloverfilmoholic @aoi-targaryen @snowkestrel @milea @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes @thejanecampaign @briannareneea985 @firequeensposts @idaofinfinity @firexfate @rosaleenablack @tortilla-chips-and-allioli @cant-help-simping @kayhi808
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6ghost6rider6 · 3 days
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greasydumbfuck · 2 days
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shoutout to this page from return to big nothing iirc because by god does it kill me every time i even look at it
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ambreignsfan4life · 22 hours
100 Days of Damian Priest
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chaos-and-ink · 23 hours
*pounding fists on table* MORE BLOOD. COVER HIM IN MORE BLOOD.
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starsm00n · 8 months
Is he a scary man covered in blood? Or is he my baby girl? Spot the difference
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dlivee · 3 months
Jon Bernthal:
• One of the biggest zionists in Hollywood and a massive supporter of the IDF
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• Supports domestic abuser Shia LaBeouf and had him on his podcast to start his redemption tour
• Friends with sexual abuser Marilyn Manson
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• Supports police fascism
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• Worked with Roman Polanski post conviction
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