#this is a long one
sandeewithtwogaye · 4 months
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Cross and Delta meet again!
Cross and XChara belong to Jakei95
Delta belongs to Animated Zorox
Epic belongs to Yugogeer012
Delta: Epic! Nice seeing you here!
Epic: Oh, hey bruh. I don’t think I’ve introduced you to Cross before…
Epic: We actually met a loooooong time ago but he kept getting overwritten lol
Cross: Dude, you know that’s not my fault
Cross: … I am? Sorry about that
Delta: Ahh, but the past is the past! We’re all friends here, right?
Cross: Uh, sure…
Delta: If you hurt Epic in any way whatsoever, I will beat the shit out of you
Delta: Aight, I’ll be on my way now. See ya!
Epic: See ya!
Cross: …
XChara: We can beat him in a fight
Cross: We’re not fighting Epic’s friend again
Epic: Pfft, bruh what??
Cross: Nothing
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team-iceflower · 3 months
Weiss: When she was with you, did she ever do that thing where she petal bursts into a room and immediately starts talking?
Penny: *giggling* Yup. Does she still do that thing where if she's confused she cocks her head to the side?
Weiss: *smirking* Yup.
Ruby: *Petal bursts into the room* Oh hey guys, the new shipment of dustishereanditssocoo-
Weiss and Penny: *giggling*
Ruby: *cocks her head to the side* What?
Weiss and Penny: *holding their sides in a fit of laughter*
Ruby: Yang, I am so confused.
Yang: *walking up, wrapping an arm around Ruby and pointing at Penny* Ex girlfriend. *pointing at Weiss* New girlfriend. They're comparing you.
Ruby: *face drains* Oh.
Weiss and Penny: *laughing even harder*
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korvessa · 5 months
Jere saying the most unhinged and disgustingly sweet things to/about Bojan
Thanks @frikatilhi giving me the best ideas, why not do this instead of some real-life things I really had to do today
sources for the concert videos: [x][x][x][x][x][x]
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Prompt 15
Jaskier realizes that when Geralt comes back from a hunt, pent up, eyes black, still snarling and panting like a beast, the only thing that helps is cuddling him. He hugs him, and runs his hands through Geralt's hair, and gently washes him with a rag and hushes words into his ear, and it helps bring Geralt back down. Sometimes he wakes up to Geralt coming back from a late-night hunt and immediately grabbing Jaskier's waist and yoINking him into Geralt's bedroll so they can snuggle. It's cute. And Jaskier certainly has no complaints.
Jaskier tries to ask him about it one time, but all it earns him is a "Shut up, Bard." and Geralt acting weird the rest of the day. Maybe he's embarrassed? Jaskier doesn't know why. He has no idea what the potions must feel like to Geralt, perhaps he truly needs the warmth and mass of a person in order to not want to rip his own hair out or scratch off his own skin or something else? So he's just fine with hugging his beefcake of a bestie (of whom he may be completely head over heels in love with) if it means keeping some awful ailment at bay. And he believes this for at least a decade, before he meets Geralt's brothers. Don't get him wrong, they're lovely people! But one day, an exceptionally difficult hunt calls for all three of them to go together and leave Jaskier at camp. Jaskier is a bit concerned over how he'll comfort all three of them at once, but when they come back, he finds that Geralt is suddenly ignoring him, and Lambert and Eskel are acting normal, if not just very exhausted. Jaskier pulls Lambert aside and asks him why they're not itching to hug him, and Lambert is very confused. Jaskier explains that usually Geralt needs to hold him in order to deal with the after-effects of his potions. Lambert explains that's not a normal witcher thing, and that Geralt probably just likes him, but he explains it in his own lovely lambert-y way, meaning it's mostly just laughing hysterically at his big brother catching feelings for some bratty noisemaker in silk (He likes Jaskier! It's just... Not what he saw Geralt going for.) Jaskier tries to talk to Geralt about it, but Geralt stops him from even walking close to him, and walks farther off as extra salt in the wound. It's like he can't even bear to be around Jaskier. It hurts a bit. Jaskier asks Eskel if Geralt took different potions or has a toxin of some sort i him that makes him behave like this instead of the normal, and then explains everything Lambert told him. Eskel agrees that it sounds like him just being comforted by the feeling of his mate safe and sound next to him, and that they've never seen Geralt like that. Jaskier is confused, because surely Geralt doesn't feel the same way, right? sURPRISE SECOND ATTACK! THE MONSTER RETURNS! OH NOOOOO Anyways, It slashes the shit out of Jaskier's arm, or perhaps chest, I don't know, whichever wound strikes your fancy, and the witchers go after it, but as soon as the beast is killed, Geralt rushes to Jaskier, and holds him close. The others try to walk over to help patch Jaskier up only to get growled at by their own brother. So now Lambert and Eskel are playing rock paper scissors on the ground over who REALLY got the final hit on the beast while Geralt sits 12 feet away from them, mending his bard. He growls at them if they look at Jaskier and him too long. A while later, he's off the high of the potions and adrenaline combined, and the witchers sure are going to have a field day lovingly making fun of their brother over this. But first, Jaskier and Geralt need to have a heartfelt talk. ♡!Optional addons!♡
• Big bonus points for a sequel or additional chapter of Lambert starting to act the same way over Aiden (or other ship of your choice, but Lambert and Aiden are my bread and butter lol)
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mega-aulover · 1 year
Katniss didn't settle for Peeta, she didn't say well this is as good as it gets...no she actively chose Peeta every single time. She knew him intimately when she described him with swoon-worthy words:
You're a painter. You're a baker. You like to sleep with the windows open. You never take sugar in your tea. And you always double-knot your shoelaces.
She always thought of him...chose him:
When he was reaped she expressed immediate remorse "Oh no not him, not the boy with the bread."
When he was reaped in The Hunger Games: "To this day, I can never shake the connection between this boy, Peeta Mellark, and the bread that gave me hope, and the dandelion that reminded me that I was not doomed."
In the Arena, the Hunger Games: “The idea of actually losing Peeta hit me again and I realized how much I don’t want him to die. And it’s not about the sponsors. And it’s not about what will happen back home. And it’s not just that I don’t want to be alone. It’s him. I do not want to lose the boy with the bread.”
To Haymitch in Catching Fire: ″‘Like you said, it’s going to be bad no matter how you slice it. And whatever Peeta wants, it’s his turn to be saved. We both owe him that.’ My voice takes on a pleading tone. ‘Besides, the Capitol hates me so much, I’m as good as dead now. He still might have a chance.‘” (Katniss was ready to die for him and is begging Haymitch to die for him too)
In Catching Fire the Arena: I realize only one person will be damaged beyond repair if Peeta dies. Me. "I do", I say. "I need you."
In District 13 in Mockingjay: I drink in his wholeness, the soundness of his body and mind. It runs through me like the morphling they give me in the hospital, dulling the pain of the last weeks.
In District 13 in Mockingjay, she is deeply depressed without him. She is suffering from PTSD and doesn't have her support system there. She misses Peeta. Katniss pines for him - keeps the pearl he gave her nearby...
"Sometimes when I’m alone, I take the pearl from where it lives in my pocket and try to remember the boy with the bread, the strong arms that warded off nightmares on the train, the kisses in the arena."
"My mockingjay pin now lives with Cinna’s outfit, but there’s the gold locket and the silver parachute with the spile and Peeta’s pearl. I knot the pearl into the corner of the parachute, bury it deep in the recesses of the bag, as if it’s Peeta’s life and no one can take it away as long as I guard it."
By the end of the book, after watching her sister die, and having shot Coin - Katniss loses it...and she becomes almost catatonic. Katniss blocks out everything when she comes back to District Twelve in Mockingjay:
"I haven’t left the house. I haven’t even left the kitchen except to go to the small bathroom a few steps off of it. I’m in the same clothes I left the Capitol in."
She cares for nothing and is forced to eat it's only when Peeta comes back that she becomes aware of her appearance and it's when she literally begins to live:
"When I see him, I pull up short. His face is flushed from digging up the ground under the windows. In a wheelbarrow are five scraggly bushes. “You’re back,” I say. “Dr. Aurelius wouldn’t let me leave the Capitol until yesterday,” Peeta says. “By the way, he said to tell you he can’t keep pretending he’s treating you forever. You have to pick up the phone.” He looks well. Thin and covered with burn scars like me, but his eyes have lost that clouded, tortured look. He’s frowning slightly, though, as he takes me in. I make a halfhearted effort to push my hair out of my eyes and realize it’s matted into clumps." ...-... "Back upstairs, I throw open the bedroom windows to clear out the rest of Snow’s stench. But it still lingers, on my clothes and in my pores. I strip, and flakes of skin the size of playing cards cling to the garments. Avoiding the mirror, I step into the shower and scrub the roses from my hair, my body, my mouth. Bright pink and tingling, I find something clean to wear. It takes half an hour to comb out my hair. Greasy Sae unlocks the front door. While she makes breakfast, I feed the clothes I had shed to the fire. At her suggestion, I pare off my nails with a knife."
Katniss chose to be with Peeta, just like she chose to live when he came back...
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ghouljams · 1 year
Does fae!König get upset that Ghost and Love grew the baby that could have been his and liebling's? Does Love tell Liebling that Little Cabbage came from the thrown out seed? Canon or not, the baby is cute
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I was already thinking about this. This is Liebling's nightmare scenario. Which means it's her POV.
You don't think you've ever seen Ghost enter the shop not looking like he's here for your immortal soul. Similarly you've never seen Love look so put together. You have also, and this is the most important part, never seen that baby before.
The little one asleep in the carrier strapped to Ghost's chest, a little pink scrunchy hat and hello kitty sunglasses on its tiny head as it snoozes. You're almost too distracted by the fact Ghost has the baby to notice Love's shirt proudly proclaiming in hot pink, "Baby Thief." Ghost grabs the back of her shirt collar before she can launch herself at you.
"Behave," He tells her in a firm voice, letting her go when she drops her arms from their grabbing position. "I'm going to talk to König, ask your question nicely."
"I'm always nice." Love tells him, Ghost hums like he doesn't believe her and wanders off further into the store. Love turns the full force of her attention on you.
"Who's baby?" You ask, eyeing her shirt.
"Mine." Somehow you don't believe her.
"You weren't pregnant. You would've told me." You remind her, gently as you can. She hums in the same tone Ghost did, nodding her head slightly.
"Funny story. You remember that weird seed you said you'd never plant in a million years because it could Audrey two your ass?" You nod, half listening as you watch König bend down to wiggle his fingers at the baby on Ghost's chest. You can see Ghost's mask moving, he must be saying something, his large hands holding up the baby's to point towards Love. "Well I figured I'd plant it since you didn't want it," No, not pointing at Love, at you, "and it grew a baby."
König's head snaps to look at you so fast you don't have time to process what Love just said before all your blood drains out through your feet. His eyes bore holes through you, cold fury radiating off of him almost visible in the way shadows seem to collect around his form. His limbs are all wrong, body wrong, eyes so red you think they might have invented to color. His teeth bare through his obscura. He takes a step towards you and you shove your hand in the small bowl of Iron rings on the counter faster than you can think. Unable to move and break his gaze, but at least able to make him think twice about coming after you right this second.
Ghost grabs König's arm, his grip as unflinching as the metal you slide onto your fingers, holding König steadfast as he speaks. Your breathing feels far too quick and uneven as you boyfriend takes a careful step back into his previous conversation(into his human form) and breaks your gaze. Love's grip on your arm comes into focus over the ringing in your ears, the tight warmth of her hand, you pull your attention back to her. The look of concern on her face is one you haven't seen before.
"I'm fine," You shrug off her hand. Your body too hot and too cold, darkness fuzzing the edges of your vision.
"Sit down," You sit heavy on your stool behind the counter, you hate when she does that, and shake off the tether she burned, "looked like you were about to faint. Listen I didn't come to give the kid back, she's-" Love looks over her shoulder at Ghost and the baby, you've never seen that look either, she shakes her head and looks back at you, "I came because I wanted to ask if you'd be her godmother."
"Is Ghost asking König to be godfather?" You ask, trying to process whatever the hell is happening in your life before you have a panic attack.
"God no," Love snorts, "Soap's the godfather." You have no idea who that is. "No, Simon's just showing off."
You both watch the specter of death lift the baby from her harness and snuggle her against the crook of his arm so König can see her. For all the softness, you can tell how watchful Ghost's eyes are, how closely Love watches as well. Almost on edge when König's fingers shake the baby's tiny hand. It makes you uneasy. What do they think he'll do? What were you afraid he'd do?
"Why are you asking me to be godmother?" You try to quiet your anxiety, bring Love's attention back to you. It works well enough.
"Because you're my friend?" She really only knows how to raise more questions in your life. You stare at her.
"We're friends?"
"Bitch." She snorts, you blink, not sure what's funny. She pulls out her phone and taps a few things with a shake of her head. When she turns it to face you it's your text conversation. "We text all the time every day, I come to hang out with you at least once a week, the fact that I can steal shit out of your house? Come on."
You're not sure what her sticky fingers have to do with your friendship, but she raises some valid points besides that.
"As long as you're not trying to give it back."
"Not on your life." Love grins, you do your best to smile back.
"Then sure, I'd love to be godmother." Well, maybe love is a strong word, but you're flattered and she's right you don't think you have a closer friend.
A tiny wail bounces through the store, Love's gaze snaps to Ghost where he's bouncing the baby. König has his hands up like he's afraid to touch it, or is attempting to maintain his innocence in the new tears. Ghost waves him off and makes his way back over to you and Love. Handing the fussy bundle to Love's waiting arms.
"Pourquoi pleures-tu mon petit chou?" She coos down at the baby, tucking it against her shoulder to bounce gently. You gotta admit it's a pretty cute little thing, still you're glad it's not yours. You grip your fist tightly, feeling the dig of metal against your palm as König hovers nearby.
"Wir werden später reden," He promises, low and dangerous, just for you to hear. You can feel his desire to touch you, held just at bay by the iron jewelry.
"I didn't know you spoke French," You smile at Love, anything to keep her around longer and delay the inevitable.
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fan-dweeb · 8 months
*mandatory mindful sharing session at UA*
Midoriya: Yeah, just this morning
Bakugo: F**K OFF
Midoriya: What?
Bakugo: You did NOT paint that this morning
Midoriya: Yes I did
Bakugo: No you did not; I don’t believe you
Midoriya: Well you drew your All Might
Midoriya: For my Hero Analysis sketches !!!
Midoriya: A-are you angry at me for having a hobby??
Bakugo: Evidently.
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myloveismineallmine · 5 months
Sydcarmy & Beauty and The Beast
So, The Bear is a story with many themes and messages in it. The process of creating a story a lot times is just frankenstein-ing other stories and elements you like plus your owned lived experience.
I don't really remember how I started thinking about it, I do remember it was like 3am so that definitely has something to do with it, but I started thinking about Beauty and The Beast. And then I started comparing certain elements of it with The Bear. And then I started reading the Wikipedia page for Beauty and The Beast. And then I looked at the clock and it was like 4am so I was like okay, I should sleep now actually.
I did notice a lot of interesting similarities between the two, so I wanted to compare some of them in this post here. I think it's a really interesting lens to look at the story of The Bear from.
Chapter 1: The Beast
So, while it would be cool to do some kind of role reversal with the two romantic leads, this story does not do that, and the obvious parallel for Carmy is The Beast.
Rundown of The Beast's character traits, via wikipedia:
"In the original tale, the Beast is seen to be kind-hearted for the most part, and gentleman-like, with only an occasional tendency to be hot-tempered. Disney's interpretation of the Beast made him more constantly angry and depressed, due to the shame from his unkind actions which led to his transformation, and particularly his struggle of reconciling his hideous appearance with his inner humanity which made him feel hopeless about breaking the curse. Supervising animator Glen Keane describes The Beast as "a twenty-one-year-old guy who's insecure, wants to be loved, wants to love, but has this ugly exterior and has to overcome this." Upon his reform under his love interest Belle, his personality changes to refined and more even-tempered, while naive about the world at the same time."
Obviously this isn't to shame JAW's appearance, he's a pretty attractive dude, I'm looking more at the personality traits here.
The Disney version of him is way more unhinged and animal-like, which I'm not sure perfectly fits Carmy, but I feel like the insecurity, anger and depression is pretty accurate.
I don't think the "beast" element is entirely irrelevant, however. Let's think about what the namesake of the show is: The Bear. In reference, or course, to the main family having the last name Berzatto. They do also refer to each other as "Bear."
It's Cousin Michelle who makes the connection between the Berzattos and literal bears:
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When she mentions this quote someone had said to her.
Stevie likens the Berzattos to bears later on in this episode:
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It's pretty clear that the Berzattos = bears. Aggressive, but also kind and emphatic.
I also want to talk about the very first scene of The Bear:
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Carmy is letting the bear out of it's cage, walking slowly towards it. He says "I know" to the bear, trying to calm it, or maybe trying to empathize with it. The bear growls and attacks him, and he wakes up from the nightmare.
It's clear that the caged bear represents something in Carmy. His rage, his stress, his grief. And he can't control it, it escapes and it consumes him.
Backstory of The Beast, extremely paraphrased:
Disney version: A prince is spoiled, cold-hearted and extremely selfish. He's transformed into a hideous beast as punishment, and told he won't transform back unless he earns the love a beautiful young woman.
Fairytale version: The prince's father died before he was born, and his bio mother leaves him in the care of an evil fairy godmother. Things get weird and incesty, this was the 1700s ig, the godmother tries to seduce the prince when he's an adult. He rejects her and she curses him to become a beast and says the curse won't be broken until he receives a maiden's act of true love. There's then a lot of really irrelevant fairy-lore and other stuff that I don't really want or need to get into.
I feel like evil mother figure one might be more accurate? Especially because Donna's one of the people who gave him so much trauma that he still carries with him? Generational trauma and addiction is "a curse" in a way.
Chapter 2: The Beauty
So it's very clearly Sydney.
Beauty in the OG fairytale doesn't have a super interesting personality outside of "pretty, caring and kind." so I think we'll look more at the Disney version here:
"While the studio wanted Beauty and the Beast to resemble an old-fashioned film, the writers envisioned Belle as "a woman that was ahead of her time"."
"...  the screenwriter conceived Belle as a headstrong feminist to avoid creating another "insipid" Disney princess."
"Beauty and the Beast's story department was predominantly male. Woolverton often argued with the more traditional story artists over Belle's role and personality, but continued to be supported by Katzenberg and lyricist Howard Ashman, the latter of whom also lobbied for "a thinker and a reader" who "wasn't a victim"."
So, Belle was basically a strong and independent woman for Disney at the time. I wanna hone in more on these character traits they mention specifically.
Sydney is very intelligent, even an overthinker at times. She literally shows up to, like, week 2 of work with a full book written on how the business can be improved.
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We know she's a reader. Not only from the coach K book, she also mentions lending Marcus books at some point.
I also think Sydney fits the "not a victim" criteria. Sydney is shown pretty consistently to stand up for herself and fight back in situations.
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On Beauty's backstory:
In every version of The Beauty and The Beast, Beauty's a daughter to a widower (much like Sydney is.) Beauty has many siblings, most notably her evil older sisters. They are omitted from the Disney version, and Belle is an only child.
In the Disney version, Belle is well known for her beauty, but looked down upon for not conforming to more traditional feminine roles.
Being a headstrong woman of color in the very white and male dominated world of fine dining, I can see how she fits this.
Her father has doubts about her career as a chef, she has had bad experience with chefs in leadership positions before, and the crew of The Beef really looks down on her at the beginning of the series.
Chapter 3: Beauty and The Beast
So now let's talk about the actual relationship of the Beauty and The Beast.
Belle/Beauty is lured into The Beast's castle because her father is being held captive inside. And interestingly....
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Sydney references her father as the reason for why she applies for The Beef.
In the fairytale, The Beast is immediately smitten with Beauty and asks her to marry him every day. That would be a very obvious HR violation in The Bear, so I think it might be better to look at the Disney version of this story.
So in the Disney version, The Beast is more annoyed that Belle and her father showed up at all, but he does know she's a pretty woman and allows the release of her father so she will be his prisoner instead.
Their relationship is pretty bad at first, like you'd expect a captor and prisoner relationship to be, but he does allow her a nice lavish room. He orders her to have dinner with him, and she refuses to leave her room to protest against him.
Carmy and Sydney were friendly at first meeting, but after The Stock Incident, their cracks really start to show. It's when Sydney really stands her ground and argues back at him. This is not the end of the arguments and tension between them.
Belle and the Beast end up getting in a fight when Belle snoops around his room. He yells at her more loudly this time, and Belle flees the castle on horseback. She gets attacked by a pack of wolves and The Beast saves her. She takes him back to the castle and nurses his wounds.
This to me matches with the final fight Sydney and Carmy have in season 1. Carmy displays the worst of his anger, and it causes Sydney to want to wipe her hands with him completely. She grabs her stuff and leaves, telling him she's quitting.
She comes back when he apologizes to her, and they have a real bonding moment when they decide to open a restaurant together.
The Beast and Belle start to have a better relationship after The Beast heals. They become more friendly, The Beast more docile, and they're both really happy for the first time in the film. There's a scene where The Beast shows Belle the castle library and tells her it's hers.
I think the equivalent would be seeing Carmy and Sydney plan the menu together. In those scenes they seem less like co-workers and more like friends. You can also tell it's one of the few things they get actual real enjoyment doing.
I think the main parallel I see for this relationship is how Carmy and Sydney improve each other. Like with Belle and The Beast, you can actually see Carmy learn how to better handle conflict and communicate more efficiently when he's placed with Sydney.
He's more vulnerable. He apologizes more. He's able to better control his temper.
There's two very concrete examples of Sydney being able to help stabilize his emotions, actually.
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Sydney is quite literally "taming the beast" in Carmy. Cognitive behavioral therapy would also achieve that, but Carmy is too much of a workaholic to attend a session, so Sydney will have to do for now. They didn't have CBT in 1700s France, either, unfortunately.
I will also say that this isn't a 90 minute Disney movie, so the slow-burn will be slow-buring for awhile until we get to the actual conclusion of the fairytale.
Chapter 4: Gaston
so I have two characters in mind for this role: Richie and Marcus. But def more heavy on Richie than Marcus.
Gaston is a villain made exclusively for the Disney movie. Here's some description for him:
"In direct contrast to his adversary the Beast, Gaston is depicted as physically handsome with an unattractive personality, both physically and emotionally embodying hypermasculinity. "
"Gaston has been generally positively received by film critics, as his lack of "magic power or political influence" means that his villainy tends to resonate with audiences who often identify someone similar to him in real life, although critics regard him as a less memorable villain than some of the studio's previous efforts."
"The Huffington Post described early drafts of Gaston as "a weaselly, sort of wimpy character." In fact, Gaston was originally intended to resemble more of an annoying than antagonistic character,"
So I think Richie kind of fits the "hypermasculinity" thing, in terms of some of his mindset and sexist behaviors.
Richie, for at least the first season, really looks down on fine dining as a concept. He makes fun of Carmy and Syd for their background in it and makes snide comments about it whenever possible.
Gaston also looks down on Belle for liking books, and encourages her to live a more "simple" life with him instead.
Here's a really interesting parallel I found with these two:
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Making fun of the main character's book and then throwing it away? In the intro of the story? Very interesting.....
As far as the similarity with Marcus: it begins and ends with Marcus and Gaston both having unrequited feelings for the main female protagonist.
Other than that, Richie is way more Gaston coded in the grand scheme of things. Just not as evil. I feel like he gives first-draft Gaston with being "More annoying than antagonistic."
Chapter 5: What about Claire?
I see Claire fitting into this as almost like a faux-Belle. The love interest that's supposed to "fix" the main protagonist, but something doesn't work.
Again, there's two scenes I wanna look at specifically to showcase this:
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This reaction shot of Carmy. This is the last shot of the sex scene, and there are some other previous shots of the sex scene overlaying this at times. But I've been wanting to do a deep dive into it for awhile-- why have this shot? What's the purpose of it?
I think that this shot clearly tells us that Carmy is either pensive and/or dissatisfied with what has happened. Laying with his eyes open and just staring at the wall, deep in thought, possibly regretful. This isn't the expression a man who's just had sex with a pretty woman usually has. This is one of many clues that this relationship isn't something that he really wants or enjoys.
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Aaaand, the panic attack scene again. If Claire was his "true love", she would be able to quell his anxiety and panic, if this whole "beauty and the beast" story arc I'm putting together is to be believed.
Claire is the perfect girl. She's pretty, smart, talented. His family loves her. She loves him. But she does nothing to fix his problems. Because it's not true love.
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Carmy not being happy at the thought of Claire vs Carmy cracking a smile because he looks at containers of radichio + fennel, ingredients Sydney cooked him once.
It is ABUNDANTLY clear that his feelings for Syd help his mental state in ways his feelings for Claire do not. Because what he feels for Sydney is closer to true love.
Am I saying Christopher Storer took the plot beats and characters 1 for 1 from Beauty and The Beast? No, obviously not. Am I saying that maybe he sat down one day and this movie was on and he was like "hey maybe i can do something with this"? Possibly!
This is just speculation at the end of the day, but I really loved looking at all the possible connections between these two things. Tell me your thoughts on all of this: cool interpretation or am I just talking out of my ass?
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lance: i think breadsticks made me sick
keith: I WANT ONE
keith: pleeaseee
keith: pleassseeeeeee
keith: OH MY GOD
keith: i want one :(
keith: please
keith: tomorrow at lunch
keith: please bring me one
keith: i will eat
keith: at least 3
keith: please
lance: it will make my bag greasy
keith: container..?
lance: they wont fit my container is not that long
keith: rip
lance: ill consider
keith: please
keith: making
keith: out
lance: they will be soggy and cold
lance: if you remind me in the morning
keith: i am going to break up with you
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You ever read a fic where they describe the natural scents of people and it’s always either ‘sweet vanilla and toffee’ or ‘dew on fresh grass and cedar wood’ sort of scents that are described?
Has anyone ever actually smelt that on someone? Naturally that is? Cause I know I haven’t and I’m here to do my own take with my old friend, Ghoap. Which is still, such a dumb name for them 😂 also this is long so strap in lads.
Anyway! I reckon Johnny’s natural scent when he was a kid used to be grass, coffee and whatever random shampoo that was on sale at the time.
He was constantly outside and rolling around in the grass, coming home with grass stains down his legs and mud on his face.
Coffee was always in the pot in his house, his family consisting of more adults than kids at that point and all of them needing their beans to keep themselves going. Johnny’s positive he could’ve left his clothes outside for days on end and they’d still come back smelling like his family’s favourite brew.
And given he had to shower every single day ‘cause heaven forbid you get those stains on my fresh washed sheets John McTavish’ his hair just constantly smelt like the shampoo they had gotten for that month.
So yeah, when Johnny was a kid those were the natural scents that clung to him. It wasn’t necessarily a good scent, wasn’t anything that made people swoon at a mere passing by, but it was his.
Simon’s natural scent when he was a kid was something he always hated. He didn’t know it was how he smelt since he couldn’t smell it on himself, but it was how the house and his father smelt and he hated it with a burning passion.
Simon smelt of cigarettes, mildew and wet dirt. All the things he couldn’t fuckin stand for years on end. Still can’t stand when caught in a bad spot or on the wrong day.
His dad constantly smoked, enough so that the walls were yellowed and his clothes reeked no matter how many times they were washed. When all of their clothes were washed the scent rubbed off in theirs, which meant the smell of it would be following Simon no matter how far he ran.
Their house was old, definitely would’ve been considered derelict and abandoned if not for the constant screaming and crying coming from it. Mildew grew in every crack and corner of any surface in the house, there was just no escaping it.
And Tommy had a horrible habit of pushing Simon into the dirt when he was feeling particularly mean. Shoving his face deep enough to choke and make him squirm, tears welling in his eyes and wetting the soil beneath his face.
Simon didn’t know these scents clung to him but he hated any reminder of them. The first thing he had done when he ran was get rid of every single piece of clothing he owned, anything to get that stubborn tobacco smell away from him.
He would clean his rooms obsessively, unwilling to leave any sort of chance for mildew to grow and haunt him once more. When it rained he locked himself away from the outside. Unable to deal with even seeing the rain hit the ground because he knew exactly what it smelt like.
It took a long time for those scents to change to something else. Many years of being in the military and being surrounded by different things for their natural scents to morph and change into something new but still uniquely them.
Johnny smells like everything you’d expect of him now. Gunpowder, nitroglycerin and metal, everything you’d expect from a demolitions expert obsessed with exploding things.
Simon smells almost the same. Gunpowder, metal and the bitter chemical tang of the paint he uses around his eyes. Also what you’d expect from a soldier who hid his face from the world.
But there were little undertones to them that were uniquely them. Little hints that they’d breathe in when hugging one another in order to reassure themselves that yes, they’re still alive and together.
Simon’s got this face cream that he uses that smells of a very specific skincare shop - that Johnny can’t put his finger on - because the paint dries out his face and he doesn’t like it when his skin feels all tight and itchy.
There’s his favourite tea that clings stubbornly to his mask cause the man will take a sip and immediately pull his mask down sometimes, the drops stuck to his upper lip rubbing off on the fabric and staining it with its scent.
And then there’s the shampoo he shares with Johnny, because the latter had found out he doesn’t look after his hair much - doesn’t see the point in it when it’s covered all day, everyday - and the man had decided to make it a ritual of theirs after missions. He washes his own hair and then he’ll get Simon to lean down so he can wash his hair with the same shampoo he uses.
Johnnys own subtleties are a little more potent than Simon’s own, but they’re no less comforting. The mans got the scent of a welder stuck to him and his clothes cause sometimes, Johnny will weld bits and bobs together to make model bombs or whatever.
Johnny swears up and down that it’s just their usual metallic smell but there’s a certain heat to it that can only be achieved through welding, and Simon loves the scent more than he’d care to admit.
He smells of coffee as well, not the brew that his family loved and that he grew up surrounded by but it’s similar. It also clings to him just as badly as the scent from his childhood had.
And then there’s the odd mix of Simon’s paint and Johnny’s pencil lead and charcoal. The younger insists on helping Simon apply his face paint and the older man knows how much it stains but Johnny is adamant. Always was and always will be.
Their scents have changed over time. Morphed into something new and different but still them, and still unnoticeable to the ones who carry it.
But the other can smell it in everything they touch. Their clothes, the bedsheets and the kits they have especially made for them, their scents cling to everything and they both find comfort in it. They both love each other even more for it as well.
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sandeewithtwogaye · 10 months
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Rejected gift
In case you can’t read my writing:
Nightmare: Ah, Horror. Just the guy I wanted to see
Horror: Huh? Me? Really?
Nightmare: Absolutely! In fact, I’ve got you a reward for all you work
Horror: Aw, thanks Bosssssssssss..?
Nightmare: ta-daaaah! Oh your face! You must really like him
Horror: N-Nightmare… Is… is he..?
Nightmare: Ah! No, he’s not dead (yet). Just passed out
Nightmare: We can put him on your walls! Kinda like a painting-
Horror: NO!
Nightmare: No? Why not?
Horror: Because… it’s cause I don’t have space left in my room!
Nightmare: I can give you a bigger room?
Horror: But you can’t! Cause if you do, it’s not fair for the others! You’ll have to give a bigger room for Dust and Killer too!
Nightmare: Ugh, you’re right, that IS a hassle…
(Killer: why can’t I have a bigger room?!
Dust: my imaginary bro an I would also like a bigger room)
Nightmare: Here, you can take him back to his AU. I have other things to do
Horror: W-Wait! Where did you- Aaaaaaand he’s gone. Great.
Farmer: *doesn’t remember what happened*… Did I fell asleep?
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toastymarshie · 7 months
Thinking about how Itadori and Fushiguro were probably never suppose to meet.
Feel free to disagree with my argument or chalk it up to me being a sad ass bitch, but it does feel like that.
Feel free to add to this post or send me an ask lol.
Why do I feel like this?
Well, I can’t pinpoint the exact reasons for why I feel this way, I can give some evidence to back it up. I know that JJK is a shonen and it was going to start with Itadori Yuji and end with or without him.
Ofc the most obvious one is Yuji’s death and path leading up to it.
(I will refer to the manga at this point if I will put anime screenshots if I just have them at hand)
Their first meeting
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As you can see Fushiguro was impressed by Itadori’s natural strength. Even comparing him to Maki. However that was the extent he was willing to give to a random person. A very one sided interaction.
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This is the moment the narrative shifts for both Megumi and Yuji. Yuji carrying a curse since the beginning of their meeting (how ironic!) and Megumi is going after him. Sure it’s to retrieve Sukuna’s finger but it’s there.
For anyone who doesn’t know for some odd reason, Megumi’s name translates to Blessing hence why Toji and mama Fushiguro call him such. Yes, his name meaning is important to not only Yuji but to the major players such as Gojo.
Also we have to talk about Grandpa Itadori’s last request.
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Of course we know now that Grandpa’s last words were a curse to Yuji. How this last request shapes Yuji as a person in the coming chapters. Another curse to add to the list of curses. (Do the note the rule of three)
Then we get the scene in the hospital after Yuji’s grandfather dies. (Abridged for time)
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This is when the plot finally kicks in. Yuji unknowably putting his friends in danger and Megumi has to go save them and the finger. I don’t personally count this as a curse for Yuji as it’s just the direct effect of the first curse I noted. Remember that Yuji comes in when he remembers his grandpa’s words.
Then finally we get to the final curse
Ryomen Sukuna
Itadori Yuji’s last and final curse that sealed his fate. The very thing that led him to the path he’s in. Not just him but also Fushiguro Megumi. From Shibuya to the current arc (Chapter 244-245) both of them have been by each other’s side trying their best to break this curse.
Remember, Yuji was going to be executed once he ate the first finger but due to Gojo’s interference and Megumi’s own personal feelings he was given a choice.
The first chapter really set them up to meet each other regardless of the factors that scream don’t do it/don’t follow him. Especially in hindsight, you can feel the tragedy brewing before it even begins. You somewhat know the consequences in the first chapter and it only grows worse in the second.
But that what makes a good tragedy.
Fuck you Gege you one eye cat
Now I’m gonna bring up chapter 9 for a bit because it’s history is very interesting. Gege did say that if the series didn’t do well, he will leave Yuji dead. (Ofc this didn’t happen and please help me find the source of this information. I know it was stated in an interview but I couldn’t find a translated version.)
Even then, it just solidifies my feelings.
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This is the ending of the story. How it’s suppose to end.
Someone said that this seemed like a confession and I have to agree. Whether it’s romantic or platonic, Fushiguro’s feelings for Itadori are real.
Hear that?
That’s me sobbing.
With the recent chapters, it seem bleak but I believe that we will see Fushiguro again.
Yuji and Megumi will meet again maybe for the last time. I’m not Gege, but I trust him not really to give them a proper ending.
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dailyreko · 1 year
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DAY 12: ask reko yabusame?!
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itsdeathofabachelor · 4 months
I really like the dynamic I’ve created for Jotaro and Kakyoin in a modern day setting.
Like, Jotaro got an after school gig and instead of going to college he’s took a gap year off the funds of said job, which is like some sort of warehouse or labourer thing because he can dead-lift three hundred pounds.
(The fact that he can deadlift three hundred pounds is also why his manager lets him smoke and drink outside on his breaks as long as nobody else sees him and it doesn’t affect his work, which is doesn’t because a can of beer isn’t going to knock him on his ass being 6’5 and like two hundred pounds himself*)
And Kakyoin is in college for some sort of business something because he also doesn’t know what to do but his very traditional Japanese parents overseas refuse to raise a NEET so he picked whatever had the highest graduate rate and games alone in his apartment after classes.
They’re roommates now but had been friends since they were kids and had reconnected literally by chance, as Jotaro had been working at said labourering gig at that time to pay for his Mom’s medical bills.
Side note: in this au Holly’s sick but more chronic illness sick, and after Sadao realized she wasn’t getting better and, in fact, it was a lifelong illness, he told her to leave. As the Japanese High End music industry is extremely judgmental and he was advised by several of his coworkers (and mistresses) that it would ruin his image if he was branded as a nurse and homebody taking care of Holly while Jotaro was at school.
With that in mind, Jotaro and Holly moved to America to live with Holly’s father, Joseph. Who is considerably more racist and far less charming for people to over look said racism. Suzy Q, his late ex wife and Holly’s bio-mom, noticed that after he gained a few pounds and suddenly didn’t have pretty privilege anymore.
She still barges into Joseph’s house to visit Holly and Jotaro, much to Joseph’s dismay. Jotaro likes her but finds her pushy and touchy without asking for permission first.
Jotaro worked at the same job he does now immediately after school to avoid the jokes and pokes at his father and about his race from Joseph, and seeing his mother try to walk again and cry when she can’t— Lining up perfectly one day when Kakyoin was walking (having just recently moved from overseas into the area of Jotaro’s job site) back from a later class.
Looking up from his phone he saw Jotaro, who was looking right at him from across the road, past the wire fencing set up to stop anyone from getting into the site and messing with the machines.
Kakyoin didn’t recognize Jotaro nearly as quickly as Jotaro recognized him. So as Jotaro long-jumped over the fencing and came barrelling into the street to the sidewalk where he stood, there was a split second where he thought he was going to die by the hands of a two hundred and fifty pound silverback gorilla. Like in the bootleg movie he had just watched the night before. And he wondered if this was the digital pirating god finally taking his dues.
Quickly, I should note, I remember seeing a post somewhere about how Jotaro’s love language is soft but he’d never let you get that close to him (the post included a picture of a teddy bear in a steel cage to represent this) and I think that fits very well with my own fanon interpretation of Jotaro’s character.
However, I do also think after so much time spent trying to help his mother, dealing with the weight of having to be the only reliable shoulder for her to cry on (because we all know THIS Joseph doesn’t have a emotionally intelligent bone in his body) and also the crushing feeling of grinding your body into a pulp for both school and some labouring job you hate— after about the year or so he had been there— would have had him clinging to those hinges by his fingernails.
So, bam! The last comfort of his childhood that hadn’t been ripped away, standing awkwardly at the crosswalk because he wasn’t sure if he should jaywalk because there were no cars coming, or if he should wait because the statistics of automobile casualties due to the average pedestrian’s immortality complex when it comes to giant metal machines are flicking behind his eyelids— obviously, Jotaro loses his mind.
Imagine a black bear. Giant. Huge, okay? Got that?
That’s what Kakyoin was suffocating into as Jotaro hugged him so hard his pre-mature stand popped out a little from his back.
This Kakyoin, having no fighting instincts what-so-ever, kind of just goes limp. And Jotaro, so happy he’s really really upset, shakily puts him back down.
And then there’s a moment like, wait wait wait wait. . . I know that mean mug— and then Kakyoin sort of connects the dots because Jotaro had always been a lot taller than him and also he literally was the only person Kakyoin had ever known that had let him blow out his birthday candles at his seventh birthday party when he found out Kakyoin’s parents didn’t ’believe in birthdays’ other than ‘milestone birthdays’.
And Jotaro had also treated him with basic human decency, considering he could have very easily bullied him.
So his face was burned into his memory for years now, whenever he tried to socialize and said the wrong thing, or if he saw a friend group doing friend group activities and suddenly he felt very very lonely. He actually really missed his and Jotaro’s friendship.
So they became best friends again like immediately.
It turns out in their time apart, Kakyoin had gotten an Autism diagnosis, which explained his unusual speech pacing and all the other things leading to ruthless bullying in middle school.
When he told him this on the floor of Kakyoin’s apartment— both of them doing a Pokémon themed puzzle together even though Jotaro had trouble picking the pieces off the floor— Jotaro could not have given less of a shit, but instead asked if that’s why, when the were kids, Kakyoin had always asked him for ‘pressure’ (AKA, Jotaro being taller than Kakyoin made it so he could give him a hug or lay on top of him in order to provide a good sensory feeling, or what Kakyoin had called ‘Pressure’).
And Kakyoin’s like, ‘Yeah.’
And Jotaro’s like, ‘Do you need some now?’ And mutters something about not wanting him to freak because he’s over whelmed or anything but really he wants a hug and doesn’t want to be the one to ask.
And Kakyoin’s like, ‘Sure. That’d be nice because I couldn’t enjoy the other hug properly when thinking you were a stranger trying to kill me’.
And now they’re roommates and Kakyoin streams his gaming seshes after he realized his parent’s monthly payments towards his rent were giving them ammo for guilt-trips and that he could make money off of games.
Weirdly enough, the same speech abnormalities he got bullied for actually helped him get his streaming platform, as it became his ‘brand’ in a way. Same thing with his flat humour and ‘fun facts’. Also, because he talks so much, his streams are very long, and there’s a running joke in his audience to— when he’s saying he’s going to log off for the night— ask him questions and see how long they can keep him on stream.
He doesn’t have a face cam, and plans to remain faceless to his audience, so whenever he really needs to focus and Jotaro comes lumbering in from a hard day at work and kicks his shoes off, Kakyoin—laying on the couch—raises his arms with his controller clicking over his head, not looking away from the screen, and is like ‘Jotaro, pressure. Streaming.’
And Jotaro hears Ode To Joy playing in his head as he tosses his ballcap with the company’s logo somewhere behind the tv and falls facefirst onto Kakyoin, who, after getting the air pressed out of his lungs, wins his match and talks to the chat.
The chat, obviously, asks about Jotaro, and Kakyoin just says, ‘A good friend of mine gifts me plus five stamina.’ Or some nerd shit.
* I headcannon Jotaro as fucking huge btw but that’s because I love very large angry men who, when relaxed, melts into a puddle of goo because their muscles aren’t straining. Jotaro has that kind of physique. Suzie Q (being Italian) loves this as Jotaro burns more calories flexing all day because he’s so stressed and tensed about everything, than a two mile sprint. So he eats. A lot. He’s one of the only people who actually eats enough not to have left overs. It impresses Joseph more than he’d ever admit.
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agentoctosims · 4 months
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The Lowell family arrived at the circus bright and early!
Maeve and her parents were waiting at the entrance, which gave Aris and Anya the chance to socialize with some other adults while the kids ran off to have fun!
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Ivy and Maeve quickly went off to explore the circus by themselves :) but in public, the only affection they allowed themselves were stolen touches here and there.
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Not everyone was thrilled... Ivy's childhood friend Georgia was hoping to hang out with both Ivy and Maeve, but they seemed to have forgotten that she was at the circus too.
Georgia didn't go unnoticed and she wasn't lonely for long, however. Erik was excited to see someone he knew and soon the two were talking for Hours.
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Irene had found the fortune teller's stall and her initial excitement turned to dread..
"A great misfortune will fall upon your family, beware the night.."
Irene was so shocked that she ran immediately to find her parents to warn them, right as the fortune teller was offering some good luck charm or another. Aris quickly soothed her worries with a few laughs and Irene forgot about it amongst the excitement of the day.
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An exciting day at the circus was finally done...
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sodabranch · 3 months
Halo, back with just one idea, but man am I excited to share it right now!
A continuation on the concept of Justice and the employee finding themselves to be the last alive, of their crew. Justice, by now, would do more than anything to keep this one from dying! However, if they kept on doing more Company work, they're doomed eventually.
But then Justice gets an idea. It's a mad one, but how could one get out of this situation without drastic measures? Like I mentioned before, there are moons out there one could surely scavenge ingredients from (and the food scrap meant to go to the Company), there's now more ship rations for the single employee, meat could be gathered from certain entities, Justice is still great at protecting a lone employee from entities, and humans have lived in these places before! Could it happen again?
Perhaps the employee feels hopeless; just wait for the Company to eject them, and try to enjoy all the time left in the ship. But they notice Justice is acting more determined than before, as it dutifully types commands into the terminal. There's a certain place in mind, which may not be the first choice for a human considering this, but its familiarity with the moon will be an essential asset.
The employee looks off to see the screen to the side has changed, as Justice begins packing up as many important items from around the ship as possible. It set a course for 7-Dine? Did it decide it wanted to go back home?
It's going back to Dine, alright, but it's never going back to loneliness. The employee finally gets the memo, realising why Justice is escorting them out of the ship with all their belongings with them, following the lights to the old mansion. Maybe it won't be so bad, once Justice picks a decent place to serve as the bedroom and they settle in. Preferably one close to the exit, for an easy evacuation. Maybe it can find a way to reason with the other nutcrackers, so they stay away. And maybe it can finally have an excuse to use that stove in the kitchen...
Later, the ship leaves, without any trace of the crew inside.
(You could write a whole fanfic on this idea, really. I don't have that type of motivation, unfortunately.)
(Alt version: you implement the "OOPS, all nutcrackers!" idea, and now you have to deal with dozens of unique nutcracker roommates.)
~ Halo
Oooo I wanted to answer this yesterday but I am just recovering from the strongest fucking fever;;;; i like,, saw this and exploded because WOAh
So you want a whole fanfic? I'll give you a small writing:
First, Everything you said is so real,, I can imagine Justice suddenly jolting off the ground, waking up the groggy employee in the process, and instantly beelining for the terminal.
It is determined to keep this human safe, even with all the odds against them. So in the midst of this sudden newfound vigor, Justice types the letters on the keyboard just as its crew taught it to,,, and with the rumble of the engines changing course they are now heading towards 7-Dine,, a familiar scenery being a welcome change from all this uncertainty.
So having stored all the equipment and food it could get its hands on, Justice took the employee's hand and bolted off the ship, leaving all their memories behind.
The sudden change in atmosphere shocking the crewmate, of course, the cheaply made company uniforms are not suited for extreme temperatures, and there was currently a major snowstorm going on. So with expertise, Justice stared to quicken up the pace, seeing the entrance appear through the fog.
It was calm inside, but you really couldn't be sure. Justice insisting on them going in front to be able to protect them better from incoming danger, practically escorting them now, rifle ready in hand.
... They continued walking for a while until they reached one of the many rooms in the mansion,, suddenly stopping in front of a door, which looked just like every other one, but to Justice this was a special one. So with a turn of a key it pulled out of its hat, Justice pushed open the door, revealing a (surprisingly) well mantained bedroom inside.
The first thing they noticed was the thin layer of dust covering most of the surfaces, the atmosphere felt thick from many years of it being abandoned. But really, did they have any other option? Compared to the ship's stiff bunk beds this was a blessing,, If that could even be called a bedroom.
So without futher ado, the employee chucks themselves in the bed that awaits in the middle of the room, raising a cloud of dust in the process. They could swear they just saw Justice physically recoil from the corner of their eye, who is visibly working hard to supress the urge to clean this whole place up.
Instead, it just chooses to sit besides the tired employee,, holding their hand. This small gesture making it feel a warmth it hasn't felt in a million years before.
-- Now I kinda got tired already (nini time soon...) but I promise one day I'll actually write something for you<3<3
Now some ideas I had nyehehe:
Justice having to lock the employee in the room at the start; not because it doesn't trust them, but because it doesn't trust the creatures in the mansion :( it has already lost three of its friends,, it needs to protect this one
If they get out, they need to be EXTREMELY careful, always checking around the corners and all... Justice being uncharacteristically paranoid
Alsooo the kitchen omggg!!! kinda off-topic but having like 12 years of experience as a baker I can just tell you which recipes are its favourite aaa :333!!! <- nerd
ALSO I draw this yesterday while pondering this ask:::
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The employee having to hide wearing a mask;; Justice made for them,, because that's the only way it would let them out of the room ALSO I JUST DID THIS BECAUSE I LOVE JUSTICE HAND HOLDING lmaoo (I thought of it like,, maybe the entities would confuse it for a masked?? ofc the smell is still human, but there should be a way to kinda hide it..)
(I need to make this guy an oc or something OUGHH)
THIS IS KINDA ALL I HAVE FOR NOW? INM SORRY I caught a serious illness and have to rest full-time Just used all my brain juice for tonight butt i hope you like it waaaaa<3<3
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