#twisted wonderland countdown
I've been dreaming of my First Friend.
In this strange new world, nothing is certain—not even one’s safety.
But through it all, you were with me. Always by my side.
Please don’t leave me behind.
How does a moment last forever? How can a story never die?
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"Grrr...! This stupid thing won't close," Grim complains. He fumbles with the buttons on his robes, which refuse to be secured.
"That's because you've got two left thumbs... or, more accurately, no thumbs at all," his human companion teases. They crouch down, gesturing for him. "Here, I'll help you."
"Myahaha, that's my minion!" Grim scrambles over on all fours—definitely not like a cat. He's far more dignified than some glorified house pet or familiar.
"You're going to get your clothes dirty if you walk around like that," they scold him lightly as they cinch his robes shut, then dusts him off. They pause, going in to adjust his waistband, then the angle of his cap. "There you go." "All set for your big day."
"Our big day," Grim corrects, nudging them on the cheek with his paw. "We're a 2-for-1 deal, remember?"
"Right. Me and the almighty Grim-sama," they reply with a laugh, poking his little nose.
An ear-splitting sob disrupts the intimate scene. Three ghosts in top hats and gray cloaks sail in—one small, one plump, one scrawny—all wailing.
"I can't believe this day's finally arrived!"
"Grimmy and Prefect, all grown up... Off to tackle Twisted Wonderland head-on..."
"WAAAAH, I'm gonna miss my living roomies!!"
"Hey, hey, what's with the empty nest syndrome, guys?" The prefect huddles with the ghosts. They cannot physically touch, but the same energy is there, their arms lingering where the ghosts’ bodies float.
“Don't worry. No matter the time or place, we'll carry the spirit of Ramshackle dorm with us wherever we go.“ They smile sympathetically. “That means you’ll always be with us! This world, this life… and into the next.”
"D-Do you really think friendships can last more than a lifetime?" one ghost asks through his tears.
"For sure. So please… Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened. Can you do that for us?”
“O-Okay,” the trio blubbers and sniffles.
“Geez, you’re all a buncha babies,” Grim sighs, paws on his hips. “C’mon, we’re supposed to be celebratin’ US today!! Like my minion said, let’s see some smiles, yeah?”
“We’ll come see you off at the ceremony the,” the small ghost suggests. The cheer is strained, like he is holding back a torrent of tears.
"The ceremony…” The prefect’s eyes go wide and panicked. “Oh crap, we're going to be late! The headmaster should already be starting his speech...!"
"Not a problem, leave it to this Grim-sama. A teleportation spell's easy as takin' a tuna can from a kitten!"
"Sorry, guys. Gotta run...! We'll see you there?"
Grim expertly clambers onto the prefect's neck, making himself comfortable as a boa on their shoulders. The magestone dangling from his neck lights up, and the duo are enveloped in its glow.
The last sight before they blip away are the ghosts, waving good-bye with wet eyes.
A blink later, the two are among a crowd of students in the same uniform as them. Long robes, graduation caps affixed to their heads. They're lined up behind a stage, the curtain stained the dark sapphire of a night sky and dotted with sparkling stars.
Crowley's voice drones from the other side, amplified by a microphone. A waiting crowd murmurs appreciatively as he crows on about hard work, congratulations, and new beginnings.
"See?" Grim winks at his minion. "What'd I tell ya? Anything’s a cinch with my magic~”
"Great going, archmage-in-the-making. You really saved our butts," they say, ruffling his fur. “Come to think of it, were running late for our first day too… and the sorting ceremony before that. I guess we’re destined to be tardy together, huh, Grim?”
"Heh, you got that right!" He bumped his tiny fist with his partner's. “Let’s keep at it, you ‘n me! Grim-sama and his loyal minion, together forever.”
"Oiiiii! Grim, Prefect!!"
"Oh, that’s..."
They glance up, finding a group of boys making their way toward them in the crowd. One with a heart etched onto his face, the other, a spade. A wolf beastman, another with reptilian eyes and slicked back hair, trailed by a smaller, delicate boy and an android with a head of blue flames. Old friends from the other dorms.
"There you are. We thought we'd missed you." Deuce calls out, looking relieved.
"Idiot, we wouldn’t have missed them—you worried for nothin’. They're first on the chopping block cuz they're sooo special." Ace rolls his eyes. "Lu~cky. You get to show off and hog the spotlight before anyone else does.”
"We um... wanted to come and say good luck," Epel offers. "It's a big deal to have made it this far. Starting a new life in an unfamiliar world and all, it's a lot."
"Thanks, everyone. I really couldn't have made it these past few years without your support."
"Ah-HEM!" Grim coughs.
"... And Grim," the prefect added, scratching him behind the ears.
"This is really it, then." Jack is blunt, his arms folded. "Our last chapter at Night Raven College."
"Hmph! Is that all you have to say?! Surely you can muster up more oomph than that!! Today is not just that--it is the start of the rest of our lives." Sebek straightens, looking rather proud.
"Hmm..." Ortho taps at his chin contemplatively. "You know what? When words are not enough to express ourselves, action may be the next best thing!"
"... Wait, what exactly are you suggesting?" Ace asks suspiciously, an eyebrow raised.
"A group hug! For one final sendoff."
Sebek is the first to protest, his voice cutting through loud and clear. "I refuse!! There is absolutely NO WAY I am engaging in physical intimacy with you humans!"
"Not so hot on the idea either."
Ace and Deuce warily stare at each other. "Not happening," they chorus at the same time.
"Well, if the others don't want to, then..." Epel trails off.
"Guys, shut up and group hug already," the prefect groans, throwing their arms around their friends. Reluctant grumbles round the group, but no one makes an active effort to peel away.
“GACK!!” Grim chokes out, crushed between everyone’s chests. When their bodies recede, he collapses, vision spinning, seeing stars.
“Hahah, looks like Grim got flattened like a pancake,” Ace jeers. “Still got it in ya to waltz on stage after that?”
“C-Can it!! Of course I do!” he snaps back.
The timing is opportune. Right then, Crowley’s speech reaches them, a summons.
“… We will now begin calling up our students to receive their diplomas, starting with Ramshackle Dorm.”
“Looks like that’s our cue, Grim.”
“Let’s get goin’!!”
The prefect steps back and passes one final look to their peers. People from many different places, many different backgrounds. United at last.
They do.
Clutching onto their graduation cap, the prefect races up the steps from the wings. Grim bounding along by their side. Every stride equal against the other’s.
Like shooting stars, they’ve come so far. They can’t go back to where they used to be.
When they emerge from the darkness, they’re hit with bright sunshine and stage lights. Spring is in full bloom, welcoming them with balmy weather and armfuls of flowers.
The headmaster beams from behind a podium, gesturing for them to approach. In his grasp, two scrolls secured with navy ribbons.
Their diplomas.
“Presenting Grim and the Prefect, our special students sharing the spot of Valedictorian.”
Grim squeals, soaked up the adoration. He waves at the audience, flashes silly poses for the cameras. The prefect laughs, prodding him along with their hands.
“Come on, let’s not stall the ceremony for everyone else.”
“One moment.”
A smallish figure blocks their path. It’s a young man with crimson hair and heart-shaped ahoge. He holds out his hand--and the prefect, stunned, takes it.
"Riddle-senpai. You've returned."
"Prefect. Grim." He politely greets them, shaking their hands in turn. "May the Queen of Hearts and her spirit of strictness guide you as you cross this threshold in life. Remain disciplined, and I know you will both achieve even greater things."
Riddle releases, and another seizes their hands. This shake is rougher, looser.
"Congrats, you survived four years at this place," Leona purrs. He wears less of a smile and more of a bemused smirk. "Persisted, like the King of Beasts did."
His duty done, he casually drops them. Azul elegantly ducks in, his grasp firm and tone professional.
"Fufu. What an honor it is to reunite like this. Your benevolence has done much to improve our dear Night Raven College. The Sea Witch would surely extol your generosity."
"Prefect, Grim!!"
Azul steps back with a bow, making space for the next person.
Kalim practically collides with them, excitedly yanking their hands up and down as he chatters. "So good to see you again!! Gahahah, you haven't changed a bit! I bet you're much wiser now though--maybe just as mindful as the Sorcerer of the Sands was!”
Behind him, someone clears their throat. Awareness hits him and Kalim gasps, letting go of the graduates.
"It takes considerable tenacity to arrive at this milestone,” Vil says, clasping the prefect and Grim’s hands in his own. Then, he smiles ever so slightly. “… Be proud, potatoes. Your efforts have not gone unnoticed by the Beautiful Queen.”
He steps aside, allowing a gloomy, hooded figure to replace him. Idia grimaces, shielding his eyes from the lights glaring down at him.
“Tch… Dragged me out here for this,” he mutters, keeping his clammy, pale hands shoved squarely into his hoodie pockets.
A pause—and Idia managed an anxious smile. “GG or whatever. I guess even an amateur can clear hard levels if they’re diligent enough. The King of the Underworld was a noob at one point too.”
(“Is that really the most encouraging thing you could muster?” Vil tuts from the sidelines.)
With that, Idia shuffles off, joining the other ex-dorm leaders.
“Nyahahah, it feels nice to be recognized~” Grim snickers.
“Well, I certainly hope you haven’t had your fill yet.”
A frigid touch comes upon the prefect and Grim’s hands. That voice, like sudden nightfall. They find themselves staring up at a colossal shadow with leering green eyes, scales studding their forehead.
"M-Myah?!” Grim’s fur stands on end.
“Even you came, Tsunotaro!!” the prefect gasps.
“I wouldn’t miss this ceremony for the world,” Malleus smoothly reassures them. “I wished to lend my support to my dear friends and send them off with my blessing.”
He raises his arms to the open sky. Bright blue, barely a cloud in it. Sunlight pouring down, framing the ceremony in a golden spotlight.
“The Thorn Fairy’s utmost value is nobility. As you of the new generation sally forth into the world, let your souls shine as noble and true as her own.“
Uproarious applause rises, cheering and clapping combining into one frantic melody. The flowers blush, swelling large and healthy with color. The sun itself seems to brighten too, the wind lifting in a joyous, effervescent song.
“Waaaah, Tsunotaro made the whole world light up!” Grim cries, eyes sparkling. “Heheh, okay, that’s a pretty good one—but watch out cuz one day I’ll be one of the top 5 strongest, most charismatic mages too!”
“Fufufu. I look forward to that day.”
Malleus bends down, his lips puling back to reveal luminous teeth.
“May you never be apart,” he whispers, so quiet that no one hears. Then, more loudly, “Congratulations. I wish you all a happily ever after.”
“I dunno what you’re goin’ on about, but thanks for hypin’ us up!!” Grim grins from ear to ear. “Today’s definitely… the best day ever!”
“I’m glad of it.”
And may it remain that way, forevermore.
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leonatamer · 2 years
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"You thought I was an easy prey, didn't you?"
To celebrate having an OFFICIAL Fem!Yuu now, I'm gonna start reposting stuff from my old twitter account!! 🥳
And also because the place is bananas thanks to that A-hole.
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breadcheese444 · 1 month
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🎁 ⓒ 공룡님
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jinxthejubilee · 19 days
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My birthday is on Tuesday, but my bestie gave me my presents early!
I don't know who designed that print, but I love it so much! Riddle is absolutely adorable!
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Behold! My wonderful collection! I have so far to go...
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twistedtummies2 · 1 month
Top 10 Appearances of Disney's Evil Queen
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Not so long ago, Disney released the teaser trailer for an upcoming live-action remake of its first great animated feature, “Snow White,” scheduled for release in Spring of 2025. When I saw the teaser, two thoughts immediately sprung to mind. The first was, “May God have mercy on their souls for this stupidity.” The second was…while the trailer largely did not impress me, I was genuinely intrigued by the first looks at Gal Gadot as the Evil Queen. Ever since her casting was announced, she was the one part I was genuinely interested in seeing, and for all the problems the trailer presented, I remain hopeful that she, at least, will turn in a worthy performance. This got me thinking of all the past times the Evil Queen has shown up in Disney properties since her debut in their premiere animated motion picture. I’ve done similar lists in the past for two other Disney Villains - Maleficent and Scar - and I decided it would be fun, in light of this news, to give the Queen a look-see, too. Now, a few key rules must be established: first of all, I’m only talking about DISNEY’S Evil Queen. Other versions of the fairy-tale icon aren’t counted here at all; I made a separate list of my favorite versions of the character in general a while back. Second, and slightly tied to that, I am NOT including the characters of Regina from “Once Upon a Time” and Queen Ravenna from “Snow White and the Huntsman.” This is because I feel, while each certainly has been influenced by the Queen from the original Disney movie, they really stand as their own versions of the character. I’m only talking about the original Disney Queen and her reappearances. Third and finally, I can obviously only count appearances I’m actually fairly familiar with; for example, there’s a somewhat famous Disney comic series called ‘The Return of Snow White” which I’ve heard is very, VERY good…but I sadly haven’t read it yet, so I don’t think it’s right to include it here. With that said…“dip the apple in the brew, let the sleeping death seep through!” These are My Top 10 Appearances of Disney’s Evil Queen!
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10. Kingdom Hearts.
“Kingdom Hearts” is one of my favorite video game series of all time, and a big part of why is the appearances of the Disney Villains. From Maleficent to Hades, from Pete to Ursula, it’s great to see all of these famous baddies show up, and - when the chance arises - to battle them in delightfully crazed combat. HOWEVER, not every villain is a knockout antagonist. I think partially because, as time has gone on, the series has focused more and more on its own original lore and characters than on mingling the Disney worlds INTO that lore, the villains seem to be taking a step back with every other installment. Case in point: the Evil Queen. While by no means the worst of the Disney Villains in this universe, I’ve personally always felt slightly disappointed with the Queen’s appearances in KH. She’s kept perfectly in character, and her times onscreen do lead to some great moments, but she has very little to do with the overarching plot of games like “Birth By Sleep” and it feels like there was more that could have been done with the character than ultimately was. However, it was great to see her, and her presence did lead to possibly my favorite boss fight (at least for the Disney characters) in all of KH history. End of the day, I’d be remiss to leave this off the running entirely. I really just wish we'd gotten more of her.
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9. Villains Tonight!
This now-retired spooky spoof was a tongue-in-cheek musical farce originally performed on Disney Cruise Lines. The main character of the show is Hades, who - at the start of the play - is trying to reform…not because he actually desires redemption or feels genuinely repentant, but simply because he is so sick and tired of being foiled time and time again by Hercules, he’s had enough. However, things change when the Fates inform Hades that he needs an upgrade in evil-ness, otherwise he’ll lose control of the Underworld (and, really, that’s all Hades has left). So, the God of the Dead decides to summon some of his fellow villains to his lair, hoping their collective wickedness can help him out. While most of the villains in the show are essentially cameo appearances - showing up for a single "spotlight moment" musical number, and then departing till the end of the show, a-la “CATS” - the Evil Queen actually plays a fairly sizeable role in the story. Hades sends out Pain and Panic with physical invitations for both the Queen and Maleficent. It’s revealed that the two arch-villainesses are not only rivals, but also old flames (har har) of the Lord of the Underworld. Their competitive spirit nearly gets the better of them, but later in the show, they put their differences aside to spoil the day (they’re certainly not SAVING it), and help Hades get back into the evil groove. This is by far the silliest of all the Queen’s appearances on this list, but it’s a lot of fun; the back and forth between herself and Maleficent is so delightfully catty, and it’s cool seeing these two end up being the…ah…“heroes” that help Hades in the end.
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8. Disney’s Villains’ Revenge.
I only recently rediscovered this PC game from my youth. While not everything in it still holds up in my adult years, I’d generally say it’s still a pretty interesting title! Made as a sort of promotional method to advertise some of Disney’s older films (which were being either released or re-released to video en masse at the time), this game features four of Disney’s resident rogues: Captain Hook, the Queen of Hearts, the Ringmaster from Dumbo (...okay, that’s the odd one out…), and - of course - the Evil Queen. The plot begins when Jiminy Cricket (in an uncharacteristic show of abject stupidity) decides to meddle with a magical storybook, tearing out the last page from four of the tales contained within (you can guess which ones). Because of this, the villains are able to rewrite their stories the way they want to, twisting things around and coming up with the “unhappy endings” they want most. With help from the Blue Fairy, Jiminy and the Player thus travel into each story to set things right again. In the Snow White section of the game, the Evil Queen has written the Prince out of existence. She tricks Snow White into eating a poisoned apple, and then - just for good measure - she begins to force each of the Seven Dwarfs to take an apple as well, putting them to sleep one by one. Jiminy and the Player need to work fast to find a way to bring the Prince back from the proverbial void before all of the Dwarfs are knocked out. Later, at the climax of the game, the Queen joins in the final battle with the other villains. Instead of being killed, her punishment for her evil deeds is to be forced to remain in her hideous old crone form for the rest of her life. Serves her right, I’d say!
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7. Fantasmic!
This nighttime spectacular - an extravaganza of stunts, dance routines, and special effects, all tied together by a loose plot - is generally considered one of the greatest shows ever put on at the Disney Parks. While the exact size of the Queen’s role in the story has changed a couple times through different evolutions and interpretations, she has always been an integral figure in the proceedings. The story - what little there is - begins with Mickey Mouse taking the audience on a tour through his own dreamworld, “where beauty and love will always survive.” The Queen’s arrival is a major turning point: she’s having none of this happiness and harmony rubbish, thank you very much! So, with the help of the Magic Mirror, the Queen summons some of the other Disney Villains to help her “turn that little mouse’s dream into a Nightmare Fantasmic!” (Hence the title.) Although Maleficent is ultimately the final obstacle Mickey must overcome to save his dreamland, it’s the Evil Queen who spearheads the conflict and is the true leader of the villains in the show. Through every change and iteration of Fantasmic, this has remained fairly constant; whatever alterations the nightly spectacle goes through, it’s a fair bet she won’t be leaving Mickey’s dreams alone anytime soon.
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6. Kingdom Keepers.
It took me a bit of time to warm up to the Evil Queen in this book series, but once I did, I found she was more than worthy of praise. The “Kingdom Keepers” series is a sort of “Night at the Museum”-esque series of novels, with the premise being that, every night, all of the rides and attractions at the Disney Parks come to life…and so do a great many Disney characters. Not all of these characters are good guys, of course, and a number of them - mostly Villains, naturally - have banded together to form an organization called “The Overtakers.” You can guess what their evil scheme is based on that name alone. While the main leaders of the Overtakers are Chernabog and Maleficent, the Queen plays a notable role in the latter half of the initial series of novels: first, she takes charge as the main antagonist of the fourth book, “Power Play,” leading the Overtakers in a scheme to release the imprisoned Dark Fairy and Black God. The Queen remains a prominent character for the next couple books, and once again takes command in the final novel of the series, “The Insider,” after the main protagonist of the series - Finn Whitman - succeeds in slaying Maleficent. While I personally feel that, in “Power Play,” the character felt like a sort of “Diet Maleficent” - the two characters just have a lot in common in general - the Queen really came into her own as the series progressed, and we saw her interact with other characters more and more. Part of the fun throughout the books was her interactions with her main henchperson: Cruella DeVil. The Queen and Cruella made for a truly odd couple of baddies, since, while Maleficent and the Queen have a lot in common, Cruella and Her Majesty are almost polar opposites. I haven’t read the sequel series to the original seven books, but I can only hope the self-proclaimed Fairest in the Land is just as good (bad?) there.
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5. Snow White’s Scary Adventures.
As far as the Parks go, I would argue this ride…USED to be the Queen’s magnum opus. Originally simply called “Snow White’s Adventures” in past iterations, the ride was later more appropriately titled in light of the fact it REALLY leaned on the darker, more macabre elements of the story, with the Queen - seen primarily in her Witch form - basically being the star of the show. Throughout the ride she menaces the riders, tempting them with her Poisoned Apple and cackling with glee, popping up at unexpected intervals as the guests navigate their way through her dungeons and the spooky woods beyond. It was widely regarded as one of the best of Disney’s film-themed dark rides, and when I visited Disneyland (a whole twelve years ago, jeeze I feel old…), it was probably my second favorite after “Peter Pan’s Flight.” UNFORTUNATELY, this ride basically doesn’t exist anymore, at least not at the American Parks: at Walt Disney World, it was replaced with the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train roller coaster, and the Witch has almost nothing to do for that one. (Though her one brief appearance near the end IS done with a VERY impressive animatronic.) As for Disneyland, the ride was recently refurbished as “Snow White’s Enchanted Wish,” which effectively neutered the original ride and, in my opinion, lacks the emotional impact the original, much darker attraction had. It’s truly sad how some of the best things must always remain in the past.
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4. Mirror, Mirror.
This was the sixth of the “Twisted Tales” series of books released by Disney, and it is the first one I ever got to read. The series, created by author Liz Braswell, works off a very simple formula: take a random “What If?” question about a Disney movie, and then create either an alternate universe or a sequel or even a prequel out of that concept. While Braswell spearheaded the series and wrote the vast majority of the books, she was not the only author involved; a few other creators also joined in to handle various subjects and stories. Enter Jen Calonita, whose first entry into the books was this one. As the byline on the book’s cover indicates, the concept is based on the idea that, instead of using the Poisoned Apple to kill Snow White right off the bat, the Queen instead tricks the Prince. However, there’s a bit more to the story than that: while the Queen is still utterly despicable, the book gives her a sympathetic leaning, with a backstory that explains more of her wicked actions, while still keeping it clear that her deeds are reprehensible. The twist to the plot also allows Snow White herself to take a more proactive role in the story, as she goes from a humble and sweethearted young lady like in the film to the one who has to face the Queen to save the kingdom. It’s an interesting turnaround that takes the classic fairy-tale and turns into a more complex and action-oriented story, and while I don’t think it’s the best book of the Twisted Tales series, it’s nevertheless a personal favorite.
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3. Snow White Live!
Nowadays, we take Disney’s stage musicals somewhat for granted. From Beauty and the Beast, to The Lion King, to Mary Poppins, and more, it’s almost more surprising when an especially popular Disney movie DOESN’T have some kind of staged version out there, be it Broadway or some other avenue. (I mean, by God, they have a stage version of “The Aristocats,” for crying out loud!) However, this was not always the case: the very first attempt at doing a full-length stage musical treatment of a Disney film came in the late 70s/early 80s, as part of a plan to save the prestigious Radio City Music Hall. And what better movie was there to choose than “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”: the first animated feature film Disney made would also be their first foray onto the New York stage scene. This production has gone by several titles, some longer than others, but I’ve always known it by the colloquial name “Snow White Live!” in reference to NBC’s fairly recent live TV musicals. This production was, in fact, recorded and aired on TV and in video release at its height of popularity…but since it has never been re-staged, to my knowledge, and has never received a DVD or Blu-ray release, it’s largely fallen into obscurity. This is a shame, because it’s really a very good production! Part of its appeal, of course, comes from the villain: the Evil Queen is played by two different actors in the show. In her radiant, Queenly form, she is played by Anne Francine; most well-known onstage for her work in the musicals “Mame” and “Anything Goes,” and recognizable to film audiences for her appearance in the movie “Crocodile Dundee.” As the Witch, the character was played by a male actor, Charles Hall, who also voiced the Magic Mirror. Hall would go on to be a constant presence at Radio City, playing the role of Santa Claus for many years in a row during their famous Christmas Spectacular. Both do a great job putting their own spin on the character’s dual identities, and I love them almost as much as the original Queen from the movie! If you haven’t seen this show before, you can easily find it on YouTube; definitely go and check it out.
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2. Vil Schoenheit, from Twisted Wonderland.
Well, if you know me, you should have known this guy was coming. In case you haven’t been paying attention to or just didn’t know about my frankly unhealthy addiction to this mobile game, let me give you the basic summation: “Twisted Wonderland” is a gacha-style game, wherein the player gets transported to a parallel universe, and begins life staying at a School of Dark Magic. This school has apparently been inspired by “The Great Seven” - seven of the most infamous Disney Villains - and throughout the game’s story you encounter different figures based on the Great Seven, as well as other Disney characters (mostly villains). The Evil Queen is one of the Great Seven, and while she, herself, has virtually no bearing on the game at all, the analogous character to her is this lad: Vil Schoenheit. Vil is the resident celebrity of Night Raven College, the school in question: he is a professional actor, dancer, singer, and model, who also dabbles in directing, costume design, photography, and even commercial fashion. He is vain, domineering, and carries himself with an icy, sometimes deadpan authority, and is highly persnickety about personal appearances. His Unique Magic allows him to place a poisonous curse on anything he touches, and he is, in fact, a very skilled potion maker and poisons expert: it was this knowledge that allowed him to become the leader of Pomefiore, the house inspired by the Queen. Admittedly, when the game was first released, Vil was actually one of the characters I was LEAST interested in…but as time has gone on, and we’ve seen more of him and learned more about him, he’s become more and more of a favorite of mine. He wouldn’t likely be in too many other people’s top three, but he’s certainly in mine.
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1. Fairest of All.
As much as I love Vil, you really can’t beat the original Evil Queen. And as far as other works beyond the film go, I don’t think anything has ever beaten this story. This was the first - and, in my opinion, the best - of Serena Valentino’s book series collectively entitled “Villains.” The series explores the origins of different famous Disney antagonists, and shows their own side of the story for their respective films. As the series went on, it began to build its own lore and a broader universe, which I’ve always had mixed feelings about. “Fairest of All,” however, as the first book, doesn’t have any of the issues this budding lore presents in other novels of the series: it stays with its subject, not really deviating from it, presenting simply the story of how the Evil Queen became so evil. Even more than the later “Mirror, Mirror,” this book makes you sympathize with the Queen, and explains her origins and motives in a way that is both tragic and disturbing. At the start of the story, she actually tries hard to be a good mother to dear Snow White, and a worthy bride to her husband, the King. However, as time goes on, personal insecurities and the pressure of her power begin to twist her heart and mind, ultimately transforming her into the villainess we all recognize. There have been many sympathetic takes on the Evil Queen, both by Disney and by others, but this may very well be my favorite take: it inspired me a lot when I was working on my own twist to the plot…but that’s another story (literally). Bottom line, for somehow being both beautifully simple and wonderfully complex, “Fairest of All” is, in my opinion, the best appearance of Disney’s Evil Queen.
House of Mouse.
The Queen had multiple small appearances throughout this show, but nothing super substantial. Still, it was fun to see her pop up and all the shenanigans she’d get up to. I think my favorite was the time she sold Pete a poisoned apple like a used car saleswoman. XD
Once Upon a Halloween.
A Halloween special in tribute to the Disney Villains, where the Evil Queen consults not the Magic Mirror, but rather the Black Cauldron, in a plan to - what else? - take over the world. At the end of the special, the power of the Cauldron overwhelms the Queen…though thankfully, her end is much less horrifying than the Horned King’s.
Snow White: An Enchanting Musical.
This was a stage show at Disneyland that was a reimagining of the original Disney film, with some minor changes to the plot and new dialogue. It featured a pre-recorded Patrick Stewart as the Magic Mirror. Fun show, but I find the other appearances more noteworthy of interest.
Disney’s Golden Anniversary of Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs.
An EXTREMELY weird (and very, VERY cheesy) 1987 TV special made in tribute to the film’s 50th anniversary. Jane Curtin played the Queen, seeking revenge on the Seven Dwarfs, with the help of…uh…Sherman Hemsley. (pauses) Weird choice for the face of the Magic Mirror, that one…
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officialtwistedfandub · 8 months
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3 DAYS until PROLOGUE, CH 1 of the Twisted Wonderland: Official Fandub premieres on YouTube! ✨️🕯
Watch trailer here / Art credits: @quetzzall
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cookiesandbiscuits · 1 year
Cookie's 18th Birthday Bash Writing Challenge Prompts
> Cookie's Writing Challenge Event Rules
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September 15: Sweets
September 16: Sunflowers
September 17: Rest
September 18: Excitement
September 19: Animals/Zoo
September 20: Games
September 21: Beach/Sea
September 22: Physical Touch
September 23: Travel/Adventure
September 24: Home/Safe haven
September 25: Ducks
September 26: Pictures
September 27: Book/Story
September 28: Myosotis
September 29: Cats
September 30: Fashion/Clothes
October 1: Autumn
October 2: Music/Sing
October 3: Comfort/Sick Day
October 4: Forest
October 5: Puzzle/Mystery
October 6: Stars/Moon
October 7: Curious
October 8: Foxes
October 9: Quality Time
October 10: Yellow
October 11: Chocolate
October 12: Hibiscus
October 13: Magic
October 14: Exams
October 15: Picnic
October 16: Movies
October 17: Ice Cream
October 18: Surprise
October 19: Thrill
October 20: Lazy Day
October 21: Paint
October 22: Science/Facts
October 23: Doodle
October 24: Beloved
October 25: Lullaby
October 26: Mischief
October 27: Snacks
October 28: Dancing
October 29: Kiss
October 30: Fireflies
October 31: Boo!
November 1: Camping/Bonfire
November 2: Connection
November 3: Fangirl
November 4: Troublemaker
November 5: Fate
November 6: Date
November 7: Coffee Shop
November 8: Strawberries
November 9: Dear
November 10: Promises
November 11: Daydream
November 12: Pajama Party/Sleepover
November 13: Friendship
November 14: Letter
November 15: Cupid
November 16: A Night Out
November 17: Rainbow
November 18: House
November 19: Rings
November 20: Laugh
November 21: Secret
November 22: Time
November 23: Fireworks
November 24: Snow
November 25: Smile
November 26: Vacation
November 27: Alcohol
November 28: Knight
November 29: Portal
November 30: Flight
December 1: Hopeless Romantic
December 2: Quirky
December 3: Special
December 4: Future
December 5: Sunshine
December 6: Spring Day
December 7: Sparkle
December 8: Cuddle
December 9: Hot Chocolate
December 10: Garden
December 11: Eyes
December 12: Sunrise
December 13: Bet
December 14: Invitation
December 15: Gifts
December 16: Roses
December 17: Gratitude
December 18: Growth
December 19: Reunion
December 20: Memory Lane
December 21: Family
December 22: Escort
December 23: Responsibility
December 24: Candles
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* Please use the tag "Cookie's 18th Birthday Bash Writing Challenge" if you use the prompts in this prompt list. Thank you!!
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kawausei · 2 years
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What do you know old man!!
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yumedeer · 7 days
Yuu's and Yukiko's Countdown lines:
😼Yuu: "Even if I'm lost in this mysterious and chaotic world full of villains, I'm sure all of us can find a happy ending together..."
❄️Yukiko: "I don't care if this curse tries to tie me down, I'll be strong enough to protect you!"
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"Luck of the draw, or meant to be? Our lives are impacted by forces we cannot explain, often changed for reasons we will never totally understand. However, when people are touched by the hand of fate, they know it."
I always wanted to do a Yume version of the Countdown art! So here it is! (Honestly, it's not my fav and I feel like I could do better but I still am proud of it! The black reflection in their glasses is their countdown number '00')
Not exactly New Years art but both involve a 'Countdown'!
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twistedfun1323 · 2 years
Week 1
In honour of my fave character's "birthday" week - the best card so far is Lilia Vanrouge's Broomquet Birthday, groovy.
To dive a little in depth - this is the 2nd card to ever make gasp out loud at the pure beauty of the artwork. It could be the timing with what has been released in the 1st run of chapter 7 that has me in my feelings. There is just something some magical and beautiful about this card - from the night sky to the bouquet with pink and greens to the way Lilia just looks stunning.
It is truly the most gorgeous card.
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I've been dreaming of the Ambitious King.
Long live the King of Beasts, he who shines like the sun.
He stands atop the heap, clutching victory in his righteous grasp.
How does a moment last forever? How can a story never die?
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"We've come to finals of the interschool Spelldrive tournament!" an announcer blares over the stadium. "It's down to the wire, and this will be the deciding round. With the scores tied, it’s anyone’s game!!"
A crowd chomps at the bit for a winner to emerge from the field. They lean forward in their seats, clutch onto hope, stuff their mouths with soda and popcorn. This is a show, the players, actors, and they, the audience.
Leona allows himself a smirk.
We’ll give’m a real show-stopper then. That crown is as good as mine.
“What should our strategy be this time, sir?” a teammate—a Scarabia student—asks.
They’re huddled shoulder to shoulder, one student contributed from each of the seven dorms. Their allegiances may lie in different places, but they all wear the same black and violet uniform. They are all Night Ravens, united under one banner: his.
“We’ll finish this in a single decisive blow,” Leona replies, snapping his goggles on. “I’ll take the disc and score us that final point. The rest of you, cover me.”
“You heard the boss,” the smallest player says. It’s Epel, tiny but feisty—a contrast to his big blue eyes and lilac waves of hair. “Don’t worry, Leona-senpai! I’ll fer sure keep’m offa yer tail!”
“That’s what I like to hear, kid.” He raises his head and calls, “Clear!”
And with that, the players peel off into their own positions. The other team, uniforms pristine white and hemmed in royal blue, are patiently waiting. Leona pulls up to the center of the field where the referee and the opposing team’s leader await.
When he looks, he falters.
It’s a face that is frighteningly similar to his own.
The same skin color, the same lion ears and tail, the same construction of the features—if not softer and more friendly. His mane is held up in a ponytail, bright red-orange that fades into a golden yellow. He’s younger than he should be, missing the slight creases under his warm brown eyes and the lines that flank his perpetually smiling mouth.
An icy dread creeps up from his core. The world around him seems to slow and come to a complete stop.
But this can’t be. My brother is 10 years older than me. He’s no longer a student, he’s—
“Leona? Is something wrong?” Falena inquires with a cheeky grin. “Don’t tell me you’re afraid to play against family.”
Annoyance flares up.
Brother or not, Leona detests that smile. The smile of a man that has robbed him of everything.
“Dream on,” he snarls back. “I’m overthrowing Royal Sword Academy and you."
The referee lets the disc drop and blows into his whistle. “BEGIN!!”
"Aaand it's started!!" the announcer declares.
His body instinctively kicks into action. He swipes the frisbee, keeping it afloat in a blaze of blood-red magic.
RSA swarm him, magical pens at the ready.
“Protect him…!” he hears Epel shout. “Protect the king!!”
His team charges, each of them trained on their target. NRC and RSA, reflecting the other, copying movements as they bound around on the field, seeking an opening or cutting it off.
Leona blows into enemy territory, furiously racing to the goal post.
"What's this?! It looks like Captain Kingscholar of the NRC team has already devised a plan to secure victory. They're closing off any aid the RSA team can offer to each other!"
The crowd revs up like an engine coming alive, a slumbering city waking. Blood thunders in his ears, louder than his audience.
"Oh no, you don't!"
"Oooh, and here comes the upset! It's Captain Kingscholar of the RSA team, come to interfere with the game plan!"
Leona swerves, and a stream of fire narrowly misses him. "Tsk!"
A flash of red and gold, and there's his brother at his side. "Sorry, Leona. It won't be that easy."
"Knock it off. I don't have time to play games with you!"
He dives, trying to shake Falena off--but he pursues, relentless in the chase. They thread each other in the sky, trading spells.
Explosions of heat and color. Shards of ice whizzing by, columns of water. Windy whips lashing at them. All-consuming light and darkness.
"This is amazing, folks! We are witnessing a brotherly quarrel the likes of which we've never seen before... Look at that dazzling display of flight technique and spellwork!"
Through it all, Falena' laughs.
So carefree, so cheerful. A knife twists in his chest, and the anger spikes again.
"That's enough...! I'm ending this," Leona snarls.
His magic collects in a single sphere. There is no body to it, no true shape--only a contained vortex of gales. They violently churn in an endless cycle, raising a storm in a jar.
He sends it hurtling at Falena, who moves to conjure a barrier--
Too late.
The ball expands, releasing its energy in one deep sigh. The audience is slammed back into their seats, the players blown to the ground or sent crashing into the bounds of the stadium. They're dazed, confused, scrambling to rebalance on their brooms.
The path, he sees, is clear.
He lets out a monstrous roar and blitzes for the goal post. The disc sparkles, charging with power for the final blow as he gallops toward his prize.
The announcer hops back on, his voice frantic. "Could this be it?! Can Captain Kingscholar of the NRC team reclaim the throne from his brother?!"
Noise builds around him. RSA players calling out to each other, NRC players changing his name, the crowd cheering.
It's now or never.
Leona spikes the disc with all his might. It clears, the winning shot like a shooting star. Some golden object encapsulated in a blaze of fire.
The adrenaline in his blood sings with triumph. His tired muscles, his heavy breathing, the sweat upon his brow--badges of honor.
The sound intensifies, joined by whistles and shrieks. Feet stomping, hands clapping. People standing and hugging their neighbors. (Leona thinks he sees Crowley among them, sobbing uncontrollably.)
“This is incredible, ladies and gentlemen! You’ve just witnessed history being made today…! Night Raven College has snatched victory from the jaws of defeat, breaking Royal Sword Academy’s 99 year win streak!!"
Leona slowly returns to the ground, dismounting from his broom. He lands beside Falena, who is sprawled on his back and wearing the usual smile.
"Ahahah, looks like you beat me," he says casually.
"... Fool. Get up, you look ridiculous. The acting king of the Sunset Savanna shouldn't be rolling around in the dirt." Leona looks away, but awkwardly offers a hand.
Falena laughs and accepts it, hauling himself up. "That's a funny joke. When did you get a sense of humor?"
He scowled. "I didn't make one."
"Are you still half asleep? And you still beat me?" Falena punches him in the bicep. "That's my talented big bro."
"What... big bro?"
There it is again: something cold and sinister inside of him. The lingering feeling of wrongness.
Suddenly, the adrenaline in him turns toxic, and he feels as though his flesh and bones are burning. Leona seizes Falena by the shoulders and shakes him.
"What the hell is going on... Gaaah!"
A metallic screech fills the stadium. Pain blossoms in his ears, and Leona rushes to guard them, hands dropping away from Falena.
"Oops, sorry! Technical difficulties, folks!" the announcer apologizes. "It looks like even our equipment wants to cheer for Captain Kingscholar of the NRC team, the star player of today! Let's give him a round of applause!!"
They explode with excitement, Clapping and calling out louder than he can think.
"What a judicious young man!"
"He controls such powerful magic with ease...!"
He stands there, shocked, at the rain of adoration. Him, recognized? Respected, saluted, and seen as the wonder he is? Him?
His mind clouds.
What is this,,,?
He turns, finding his teammates jogging over, Epel at the head. There are members of his own dorm with them--Ruggie, Jack.
"We gotcha now, Leona-san! Thought you could get away without getting your fur ruffled, huh?" Ruggie snickers, then gives Jack a thumbs-up. "Alright, fellas. You know what to do!"
"Hah, the hell is this? I didn't ask for a surprise after working my tail off."
"Sorry, Leona-senpai! Ruggie-senpai's orders!" Jack says very seriously. "This is the only way to give you a proper sendoff for carrying us to victory... You've earned it!"
"1, 2, 3...!"
Leona is seized and hoisted into the air with a collective whoop of excitement. Tossed up, up, up. The stadium lights glaring, sound blasting.
He returns back to his peer's arms, and heaved up again. Down and up, down and up. Each pass makes him more nauseous, blinded and deafened by the dizzying joy.
"Long live the king! Long live the king!!" they chant.
The king... me? Leona fights against it, pushing as hard as he can.
But his body is tired, his mental capacities drained, his emotions worn. The situation, too sweet, too cloying.
I'm... the king... I won. This is my prize.
He closes his eyes and lets himself fall.
This time, for good.
When he opens them again, he swears he sees a dark figure flying high above the stadium. Not on a broom, but floating of his own accord. A pair of horns protrudes him his head, and he glimpses a pair of ghostly white hands clapping.
One additional spectator with glowing green eyes.
"Congratulations, Kingscholar."
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black00olive · 2 years
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Twisted wonderland countdown!! 🐭🐭
ft. Yu and Cass in their dorm uniforms
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breadcheese444 · 1 month
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ⓒ jmew_swa
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Me just realizing that the countdown dial in the game is the design of a clock.
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Look, I never paid attention to it before, okay.... Wow, how did I never notice this detail before.... I really like the little details of the design of everything.
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twistedtummies2 · 11 months
Top 10 Maleficent Appearances
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Earlier this week, I decided to celebrate Founding Day for Disney by discussing my favorite appearances of their flagship character, Mickey Mouse. However, as anybody who knows me well will likely be aware, Mickey isn’t my primary draw for Disney. None of the Disney heroes are, really. For me, the biggest group of characters that fascinate me most with Disney are its Villains. And while there are many great Disney Villains that I love - Scar, the Evil Queen, Jafar, Cruella De Vil, and more - my favorite has always been, and likely always will be, the Mistress of All Evil herself: Maleficent. Originally debuting in 1959’s “Sleeping Beauty,” this dark fairy is arguably for the Disney Villains lineup what Mickey is to Disney as a whole. While not unanimously EVERYONE’S favorite Disney Villain, she is in the top ten for many, many people. More importantly, she is arguably the single villainess with the most clout Disney has created: in virtually anything that promotes the lineup, Maleficent is used, and usually has some sort of starring or majorly featured role. She’s often depicted as the leader of the villains, and it’s no surprise why: with her stone-cold demeanor, grandiose style, and absolutely REMARKABLE feats of power and menace, she is easily one of the most dangerous and despicable villains the company has forked out through their animated productions. Maleficent is not only my favorite Disney Villain, but quite possibly one of my top three favorite villains of all time, alongside Count Dracula and Batman’s Joker. And, seeing as Halloweentime is usually Disney’s “Season of the Villain,” and this IS still the 100th Anniversary of Disney itself…yeah. Now seems a perfect time to cover my favorite appearances this Dark Queen has had since her debut. On that note, no, the original Sleeping Beauty will NOT be counted here, simply because I think that’s cheating. This will be for all of Maleficent’s greatest roles since her cinematic premiere. With that said…here are My Top 10 Maleficent Appearances (besides Sleeping Beauty)!
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10. Villains Mix & Mingle/Hocus Pocus Villain Spelltacular.
Our first entry on the countdown is a Halloweentime special stage show at Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom. This show has changed several times over the years, and with each revolution, Maleficent has been present in some form or another. The original version of the show, called “Villains Mix & Mingle,” featured Maleficent and Captain Hook as the hosts of the Event; it was basically a story-less mini-revue, dedicated to Disney Villains. The “plot” had Maleficent throwing a Halloween Party (I guess she was tired of not being invited to any herself), and summoning various Disney Villains to dance the night away. In the late 2000s, the show changed to have Dr. Facilier as the sole host of the event. Maleficent still appeared, but was now simply one of the basically mute villains attending the festivities. More recently, the show has not exactly vanished so much as evolved into a whole new production, known as “Hocus Pocus Villain Spelltacular.” This much longer, slightly more story-based version has the Sanderson Sisters throwing the ball. Facilier, Maleficent, and Oogie Boogie are all featured in major supporting roles, while other villains once again show up as mute guests to the party. Halloween is the “Season of the Villain” at the Disney Parks, as I said before, and few villains match the spirit of the season as much as Maleficent does; if this stage show and its many iterations proves one thing, it’s that the Mistress of All Evil is as synonymous with Halloween for Disney as ghosts and goblins are. You simply can’t have a gathering of baddies in the autumn and not feature her at all.
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9. Once Upon a Time.
I’ve always had sort of mixed feelings about the version of Maleficent from the TV series “Once Upon a Time.” This interpretation tried to make the character a much more sympathetic antagonist than arguably ever before. Her origins are shrouded in tragedy, and a major part of her motivations in the show comes from her seeking her long-lost daughter. (It seems to be a recurring thing to make Maleficent a mother or mother-like figure…I’m not entirely sure why.) Actress Kristin Bauer von Stratten brought her all to the role, and while I never liked her first costume design, the one that appeared in the “Queens of Darkness” story arc (pictured here) was a VAST improvement. My problem with this Maleficent is that they couldn’t seem to decide what kind of character she should be; I had no issue with the more sympathetic portrayal, on the whole, but it bugged me how they were always building her up as this figure of ultimate evil in many bits of dialogue, only to then whip around and show her as more tragic or more reasonable than other, very obviously worse villains. If you want to make her the Mistress of All Evil, go with that; if you want to make her a sympathetic villainess, that’s fine, too. But trying to do both at the same time? That’s a hard job to try and pull off, to say the least. I did come to like her more and more as the show went on, but I still don’t feel justified putting her up in the higher spots of this list.
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8. Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom.
This is an interactive attraction at Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom, and perhaps the element most admirable about it is that it has...a plot. A real, true, honest-to-goodness plot! That’s something other entries on this list related to the parks tend to lack. The game has guests/players traveling throughout the park to find a variety of magic portals, through which they can interact. The story has the player(s) as apprentices of Merlin, trying to stop Hades from taking over the Magic Kingdom. The God of the Dead goes about finding various villains who, having been defeated and presumably killed in life, now take residence in the Underworld. He offers each one a chance to take back power, if they will help him in finding a bunch of special crystals needed for his plan. Maleficent is one of the villains Hades summons, but if you think the Mistress of All Evil has any intention of playing second fiddle to the Lord of the Underworld, think again. During Maleficent’s section of the story, she accepts Hades’ offer, but secretly plans to use the crystals for herself to take over the entire world, and then put Hades out of business, allowing her to become the most powerful villain in the universe. (Gotta give her credit for ambition.) It’s up to the guests to get past Maleficent’s many traps and minions in order to stop her, before either she or Hades can put their fiendish schemes into motion.
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7. Dream Along With Mickey.
Yet another stage show from the Magic Kingdom! This production ran for ten years, between 2006 and 2016, before being eventually replaced by “Mickey’s Royal Friendship Faire.” The plot revolves around Mickey Mouse, Minnie, and Goofy trying to teach Donald Duck the importance of dreams and belief. About halfway through the show, the gang playfully pretend to be pirates…which results in the sudden appearance of Captain Hook and Mr. Smee. The two are naturally beaten by the intervention of Peter Pan…but just as it seems victory has been achieved and all is well, it’s revealed that the pirates are actually working for - you guessed it - Maleficent. The evil fairy arrives to terrorize the party, declaring her intentions to change the Magic Kingdom “into a Place Where NIGHTMARES Come True!” (I should probably mention that Maleficent’s appearance is highlighted by an instrumental version of “Hellfire.” EPICNESS.) Though ultimately defeated - because villains never prosper - Maleficent vows to return, warning the mouse, duck, and all “One day the Kingdom will stop believing, and all will be lost!” This is one of Maleficent’s biggest appearances at the Parks, in SEVERAL ways, and it’s a pity the show no longer runs at Cinderella’s Castle. Que sera sera.
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6. Once Upon a Dream.
This book is part of a series called "Twisted Tales," published by Hyperion and written by Liz Braswell. Each one of these books starts off with some sort of eye-catching question and premise related to a famous Disney feature. In this case, "What if Sleeping Beauty never woke up?" The plot has it set that, after slaying Maleficent as the Dragon, Prince Philip goes to awaken Aurora, just like in the film...but then something goes horribly wrong. For some reason, instead of waking the princess with true love's kiss, the prince falls asleep, too! The plot then shifts, as we find ourselves in what seems to be a parallel universe, where Aurora is Maleficent's daughter, and the Mistress of All Evil is controlling the entire kingdom. It's quickly made clear that - as you may or may not have guessed - this is a dreamworld going on inside of the head of Aurora and all the other denizens of the kingdom. The Princess has to figure out a way to beat Maleficent - with Philip's help - and wake up from the nightmare. What's great about this story is that Maleficent is kept in-character. She remains cold, crafty, and above all, VILLAINOUS: she's still the bad guy in this story, and she feels, generally speaking, like the character we all know and love to hate. My only problem with this story is that it feels like it borrows a lot from another Disney movie, "Tangled," with Maleficent essentially in the Mother Gothel role, Aurora as Rapunzel, and Philip as Flynn Rider. (All of their names even sound vaguely similar, now that I think about it.) But there's enough different about it to make it interesting, and I appreciate the novel using the “Maleficent as a Mother” trope (which has, again, become unusually popular) while still deciding to make Maleficent the dastardly adversary we all worship and abhor by the end of the tale.
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5. Fantasmic!
This is one of the most lauded, spectacular, and looked-forward-to shows at the Disney Parks. It’s currently still put on at Disneyland and Walt Disney World, and there used to be versions done for Tokyo Disneyland. Maleficent’s role in the proceedings is nominally very small, but the impact her appearance makes cannot be understated. While every production over the years has made some changes, the premise of the show remains the same: Mickey Mouse guides us on a trip through his own little dreamworld, where his imagination reigns supreme, and every story ends happily ever after. Everything is fun and fancy free (ha ha), until the Evil Queen gets wind of what’s going on. Incensed, she summons various Disney Villains to help her “turn that little mouse’s dream into a Nightmare Fantasmic!” This culminates in the arrival of Maleficent: “Now you will deal with me, and all the Powers of MY IMAGINATION!” In every version, the grand climax of the show has Maleficent transforming into her dragon form, and SETTING THE ENTIRE DREAM WORLD ON FIRE. (Yikes!) In the midst of this fiery chaos, Mickey must step forward and remind the villains just whose dream this is, defeating the mighty dragon in the process. It’s by fair one of the “biggest” shows in Disney history, and certainly one of Maleficent’s “biggest” appearances (in more ways than one). I was very sad and distressed when I heard that, recently, the Disneyland version of the dragon experienced some...technical difficulties, so to speak. You can look up what I mean, if you don't know already. What this means for Maleficent's future in the production is presently hard to say for sure, but I think it's unlikely she'll be leaving Mickey alone for good anytime soon.
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4. Mistress of All Evil: A Tale of the Dark Fairy.
Take notes, “Maleficent” movies and “Once Upon a Time.” If you want to try and provide a backstory to Maleficent, and make her more sympathetic, THIS is how you do it. While this book - part of a series by Serena Valentino, showing the backstories of various Disney antagonists (and the Beast...for some reason) - is not exactly perfect, it certainly achieves that aforementioned goal MUCH more successfully. In this book, Maleficent is still the elegant, dangerous, graceful enchantress we all remember, but we learn the reason why she’s so very wicked, and we also learn that her reasons for what she did in the film were much deeper than one might have expected. It also makes us see that the heroes of the story were not always so squeaky clean, and while it doesn’t totally vilify them - Maleficent is still decidedly evil in her actions, and they are decidedly good - it makes it clear that the line between the two extremes isn’t always as clean cut as we would expect. In short, this book is what I think those other versions, especially the Jolie-starring movies, tried to be: essentially Disney’s version of “Wicked,” taking a lot of the same themes and even some slightly similar story elements from those earlier films, but using them in a much better way than before. Again, it’s by no means perfect, as a book OR as a backstory, but it ultimately does much more and manages to work much better than other similar attempts. And since Maleficent is the focus, it once again stands as something quite unique in her catalogue of appearances.
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3. Twisted Wonderland.
Okay, so, this is KIND OF cheating, but I'm sorry, I HAVE to talk about this game. "Twisted Wonderland" is a mobile video game, in which your character gets "zapped" into an alternate universe. In this universe, they find themselves at a School of Black Magic which was inspired by seven of the great Disney Villains. (I have no idea how THAT happened, but whatever.) Among them is Maleficent, but although she is referenced several times, the Dark Queen HERSELF is relatively peripheral: she's long dead by the time the story begins. No, the focus of the game is on the students and staff of the school - Night Raven College - who are all based on (and sometimes descended from) the classic villains in question. One of the most prominent characters in the game is a descendant of Maleficent: the half-dragon Prince of the Dark Fae, Malleus Draconia. What's great about Malleus is what's great about all the characters in the game, really: unlike the "Descendants" franchise, which has a slightly similar premise, these characters are not merely stock figures who ride the coattails of the classic baddies of yore. Instead, they keep elements of the original villains close, but enough is changed about them to make them unique and interesting figures in their own right. Malleus has Maleficent's sense of style and aesthetics, and like her, his fury is a dangerous thing to provoke. He’s one of the most powerful beings in the entire WORLD, in the universe of the game, able to control the elements through his sheer will…yet despite all that power, and his dark aura, he’s got a lot of soft spots and some noted vulnerabilities. He CAN be dangerous and intimidating, make no mistake: he's more than aware of his power and who and what he is. Underneath it all, however, he’s a very lonely soul who longs for a sense of real companionship and belonging. I really can't do this guy justice with just a short written description; you really need to look into this title and this character for yourself. Ever since I met him, he was a shoe-in for my Top Three.
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2. Kingdom Keepers.
This novel series by Ridley Pearson is essentially a darker, Disney-fied version of “Night at the Museum.” In the books, it’s revealed that, late at night, when everything closes down, all the attractions and rides and so forth at Disney Parks come to life, and many of Disney’s characters come to life, too...both good and evil. Enter The Overtakers - a band of nasties (most of them Disney Villains) who want to, as their group title suggests, take over the world. (OF COURSE!) Maleficent is one of the key antagonists of the series: she is the second-in-command of the Overtakers, the only character outshining her being the devilish Chernabog. You could almost say she is the Darth Vader of the franchise, in comparison to Chernabog’s Palpatine. This version of Maleficent has one interesting differentiation from her original film counterpart: while the original Maleficent was a being of fire - able to transform into a dragon, vanishing in flashes of flame, etc. - this Maleficent is as frosty as her heart. Everywhere she treads, she emanates an aura of coldness; where she steps, ice forms, and she prefers to hide out in chilly places. She still has power over flame, of course, among all sorts of other magic, but it’s this constant, frigid aura that makes her stand out. Anytime our heroes - a group of teens tasked with stopping the Overtakers - venture someplace with even the faintest chill, they get worried, and anytime things get dark and cold in the atmosphere, the reader immediately gets nervous or excited, wondering when the Mistress of Evil is going to make her grand entrance. I really love these books, and I’d love to see Disney do some sort of movie or TV series based on them sometime. Personally, I’d pick Cate Blanchett or Eva Green for Maleficent, if they ever do…but I digress.
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1. Kingdom Hearts.
As the secondary antagonist of this highly popular video game series, “Kingdom Hearts” has probably done more for Maleficent’s popularity than anything else she’s been in. Almost anytime I bring up this Evil Fairy, her role in Kingdom Hearts is not far behind. In the first game, Maleficent was really the main antagonist, until Xehanort’s Heartless (a.k.a. Ansem the Seeker of Darkness) essentially hijacked the climax from her. In that game, Maleficent assembled a gang of Disney Villains to help her take over Kingdom Hearts, and thereby gain power over all worlds. However, she overestimated her power to control the Heartless and the darkness inside her own wretched heart, and was ultimately destroyed by the aforementioned surprise main villain. This, however, was not the end for Maleficent: she was brought back to life sometime later, and since then she has continued to try all sorts of tricks and schemes to conquer the universe. Ironically, despite her grandiose nature, Maleficent’s desire for and knowledge about Kingdom Hearts is largely due to the machinations of the main antagonist of the franchise, Xehanort himself; however, the more she learns about the universe around her, the more dangerous she becomes. Even though she hasn’t had quite the prominency in later games that she had in the first, she’s always there, sort of creeping through the sidelines, plotting and planning her next big break to get the power she so desperately craves, and seems to feel she deserves. In many games of the series, she’s assisted by Mickey Mouse’s arch-nemesis Pete, and the contrast between the refined, intelligent, proud, and powerful Maleficent against the much more bungling and coarse Pete is actually quite a potent cocktail for humorous chemistry. All things told, it’s no surprise that the Kingdom Hearts games are My Favorite Appearance from Maleficent...outside of her original film, of course.
The Angelina Jolie Movies. (I don’t like these films, to be honest, BUT the fact Maleficent GOT solo movies is worth mentioning, which is why I place them here.)
House of Mouse. (She didn’t have a lot to do, but the appearances she had were memorable.)
"Disney Villains: Maleficent" Comic Series. (A joint publication between Dynamite Entertainment and Disney...now I want to see Maleficent meet The Shadow. XD )
Sleeping Beauty Castle Walkthrough. (Had to at least mention the one major ride/attraction she appears in at the parks, didn’t I?)
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