shopwitchvamp · 3 months
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“Omg, I love these! They go up to size 6X AND they have pockets?! Wow!! But do you have anything longer?”
Sure do, no problem!!
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“YES these are great!!! But what about.. longer?”
I gotcha!! Comin’ right up!
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“Now that’s what I’m talkin’ about! But… how about if I’m feeling like it’s the kinda day where I need my clothing to be bifurcated???”
Never fear, joggers are here!
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"Finally! Pants that are just as fun as skirts! They're so cool!" /scene
🖤witchvamp.com🖤 (ᵖˢ ⁱᶠ ʸᵒᵘ'ʳᵉ ˢᵉᵉⁱⁿᵍ ᵗʰⁱˢ ᵀʰᵉ ᶠᵒᵒˡ ᶜᵒˡˡᵉᶜᵗᶦᵒⁿ ᴾʳᵉᵒʳᵈᵉʳˢ ᵃʳᵉ ᵒᵖᵉⁿ ⁿᵒʷ)
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fleebites · 8 months
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happy birthday to my dear mate, @vetiverfox !!
so much love to you and the cats/boys/dragons/all the above 💕
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freshhotflavors · 11 months
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our Greatest Hits collab maxis with @mayakern and @vetiverfox are now in stock and ready to ship! 🦄🌞🐳🌵
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comparativetarot · 2 years
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The Devil. Art by Vetiverfox, from Loaf Tarot.
The Devil is a card about feeling powerless and lost in our own self-imposed restraints. The Victoria Crowned Pigeon is surrounded by vines. He can either further entangle himself in them, or free himself from their hold; either way, it’s within his power to unravel the jumbled confusion of foliage.
I thought it fitting to choose a flighted animal for The Devil. Wings can be seen as a source of power, the ability to rise above our obstacles and bindings and overcome them. This pigeon is wrestling with the vines with his beak and claws, but his wings are folded at his sides, as though he’s forgotten he can fly.
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trousse-de-toilette · 13 days
Trousse de toilette écologique : alliez praticité et respect de l'environnement
À l'heure où les préoccupations écologiques sont de plus en plus présentes, il est essentiel de choisir des produits qui reflètent nos valeurs. Une trousse de toilette écologique est l'option idéale pour ceux qui souhaitent allier praticité et responsabilité environnementale. Découvrez comment cet accessoire indispensable peut répondre à vos besoins tout en contribuant à la préservation de notre planète.
Pourquoi opter pour une trousse de toilette écologique ?
Une trousse de toilette écologique se distingue par son engagement envers l'environnement. En utilisant des matériaux durables et respectueux de la planète, elle réduit votre impact écologique tout en offrant les mêmes fonctionnalités qu'une trousse traditionnelle. Voici pourquoi elle est un choix judicieux :
Matériaux éco-responsables : Fabriquées à partir de nylon recyclé, de polyester bio, ou de coton bio, ces trousses minimisent l'utilisation de ressources non renouvelables et réduisent les déchets. Certains modèles utilisent des matériaux recyclés ou biologiques, garantissant ainsi un cycle de vie plus respectueux de l'environnement.
Design durable : Les trousses écologiques sont souvent conçues pour être résistantes et longue durée. Leur qualité et solidité permettent une utilisation prolongée, évitant ainsi le remplacement fréquent et réduisant la consommation de produits jetables.
Facilité d'entretien : De nombreux modèles sont lavables et imperméables, ce qui les rend faciles à nettoyer sans avoir besoin de produits chimiques agressifs. Cela contribue à une utilisation plus durable et hygiénique de votre trousse.
Comment choisir votre trousse de toilette écologique ?
Matériaux : Recherchez des trousses fabriquées à partir de matériaux durables et éco-responsables. Le coton bio, le nylon recyclé, et les matériaux enduits sont d'excellents choix pour allier confort et respect de l'environnement.
Compartiments et rangement : Assurez-vous que la trousse dispose de suffisamment de compartiments pour organiser vos produits de beauté, cosmétiques, et articles de toilette. Des poches zippées et des compartiments transparents peuvent faciliter l'accès à vos affaires tout en réduisant le gaspillage.
Praticité : Optez pour un modèle pliable, compact, ou avec un crochet de suspension pour maximiser l’espace dans vos bagages. Une trousse qui se suspend permet de gagner de la place et d'accéder facilement à vos articles pendant vos déplacements.
Conseils bonus pour une trousse de toilette écologique
Utilisez des contenants réutilisables : Remplacez les flacons jetables par des contenants réutilisables pour vos shampoings, gels douche, et autres produits liquides. Cela réduit les déchets plastiques et est souvent plus pratique pour le voyage.
Optez pour des produits solides : Les shampoings solides, les savons, et les dentifrices sans emballage contribuent à réduire les déchets. En choisissant des produits éco-responsables, vous soutenez une approche plus durable de l'hygiène personnelle.
Entretenez votre trousse : Pour prolonger la durée de vie de votre trousse écologique, nettoyez-la régulièrement et suivez les instructions de lavage du fabricant. Une trousse bien entretenue reste fonctionnelle et élégante plus longtemps.
Choisir une trousse de toilette écologique, c’est faire un geste concret pour l’environnement tout en profitant d’un accessoire pratique et esthétique pour vos voyages. En optant pour des matériaux durables et en adoptant des habitudes éco-responsables, vous contribuez à la préservation de notre planète sans compromettre votre confort.
Pour découvrir notre sélection de trousses de toilette écologiques, n'hésitez pas à explorer notre site. Faites un choix éclairé et voyagez de manière durable, tout en restant organisé et stylé !
1. Qu'est-ce qu'une trousse de toilette écologique ? Une trousse de toilette écologique est un accessoire de voyage conçu avec des matériaux durables et respectueux de l'environnement. Elle est fabriquée à partir de matières recyclées, biologiques ou éco-responsables, et vise à minimiser l'impact écologique tout en offrant les fonctionnalités nécessaires pour organiser vos produits de toilette.
2. Quels sont les avantages d'une trousse de toilette écologique ? Les avantages incluent :
Réduction des déchets grâce à l'utilisation de matériaux recyclés ou biologiques.
Durabilité accrue, avec des matériaux résistants qui prolongent la durée de vie de la trousse.
Entretien facile grâce à des matériaux lavables et imperméables.
Contribution à un voyage plus durable et à une consommation plus responsable.
3. Quels matériaux sont utilisés pour fabriquer une trousse de toilette écologique ? Les matériaux couramment utilisés incluent :
Nylon recyclé : Fabriqué à partir de matières plastiques récupérées.
Polyester bio : Produit à partir de ressources renouvelables.
Coton bio : Cultivé sans pesticides ni produits chimiques.
Matériaux enduits : Offrent une protection contre l'eau tout en étant respectueux de l'environnement.
4. Comment savoir si une trousse de toilette est réellement écologique ? Pour vérifier qu’une trousse est réellement écologique :
Vérifiez les labels et certifications tels que Global Recycled Standard (GRS) ou OEKO-TEX.
Consultez la description du produit pour des informations sur les matériaux utilisés.
Recherchez des marques transparentes sur leurs pratiques de fabrication et leurs engagements environnementaux.
5. Quelle est la durée de vie d'une trousse de toilette écologique ? Une trousse de toilette écologique est généralement conçue pour être durable et résistante. Sa durée de vie dépend de la qualité des matériaux utilisés et de l'entretien. En général, ces trousses sont conçues pour durer aussi longtemps, voire plus, que les modèles traditionnels lorsqu'elles sont bien entretenues.
6. Est-ce que les trousses de toilette écologiques sont aussi pratiques que les modèles traditionnels ? Oui, les trousses de toilette écologiques sont conçues pour offrir une fonctionnalité équivalente à celle des modèles traditionnels. Elles sont souvent dotées de compartiments, de poches zippées et de crochets de suspension pour organiser efficacement vos produits de beauté et articles de toilette.
7. Comment entretenir une trousse de toilette écologique ? L'entretien varie selon le matériau :
Lavez-la régulièrement avec des produits doux pour préserver les matériaux.
Séchez-la à l'air libre pour éviter d'endommager les fibres.
Suivez les instructions spécifiques du fabricant pour le nettoyage et l'entretien.
8. Les trousses de toilette écologiques sont-elles disponibles en différentes tailles et styles ? Oui, vous trouverez des trousses de toilette écologiques disponibles en diverses tailles et styles, allant des petites trousses pour les voyages courts aux grandes trousses avec de nombreux compartiments pour les séjours prolongés. Elles sont disponibles dans une gamme de coloris et de designs pour répondre à vos préférences personnelles.
9. Puis-je trouver des trousses de toilette écologiques adaptées aux enfants ? Oui, il existe des trousses de toilette écologiques spécialement conçues pour les enfants. Ces modèles sont souvent fabriqués à partir de matériaux durables et peuvent comporter des designs ludiques tout en offrant les fonctionnalités nécessaires pour les articles de toilette des plus jeunes.
10. Où puis-je acheter une trousse de toilette écologique ? Vous pouvez trouver des trousses de toilette écologiques dans des magasins spécialisés en produits durables, des boutiques en ligne dédiées à l'éco-responsabilité, ainsi que dans des grandes surfaces qui offrent une gamme de produits respectueux de l'environnement. Assurez-vous de vérifier les avis et la réputation des marques pour garantir la qualité et la durabilité du produit.
À voir aussi : Trousse de toilette à suspendre : l’indispensable pour un voyage organisé et sans stress
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moonlight-at-dawn · 1 year
Me, a person who never wears skirts: Oh wow those skirts look so good i want them
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merry-death · 1 year
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My grandma turned 90 a few days ago so most of my family got together and went to the zoo to celebrate. It's the same one she and my grandpa used to take us all to when we were little, and none of us had been back since he died a few years ago. It was a super fun day, and I felt so cute in my @mayakern thistle skirt! Perfect skirt for being comfy, having big enough pockets to keep my Polaroid on hand, and still being able to move enough to play with the kiddos.
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objectheadzine · 5 months
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The theme of the eleventh Object Head Zine is “MAGIC AND FANTASY”.
(Illustration by TheHoleyness, concept/sketch by Potentialforart) Embrace the swirling magic inside as you summon power from the depths, awaken the sleeping strength to battle strong foes, and venture forth to adventure - this year's zine wants you to pull forth your imagination and seize fantasies beyond your wildest dreams! Feel free to pick whatever genre you'd like; there's plenty to choose from!
This book will feature 35 people I’ve selected, plus 35 open slots available to the public for a total of 70 participants! This year’s zine is a PAID OPPORTUNITY of $115 USD per page (an increase from previous years!). Participants will be paid as soon as they complete their piece  (give or take a week for PayPal to transfer funds). There will be a pre-order sale to cover the costs of printing and shipping.
The 35 pre-selected participants are:
Potentialforart | Corviday | Kimberly Wang | Louise Kay Uy | Cosmicloak | jeong | theHoleyness | Nighto | Blacklimes | Autumn Haynes | Jenny Park | Shibara | Juliette GMM López | Lemonjuiceday | Cacoethic + Lenalis | Vetiverfox | Caitlin Ono | Inktrashing | Jackarais | Pastachyan | nauma | april | siins | Kosse | PigDemonArt | CHRISQI | R-GIE | BunnyangelArt | K_Duffles | 1000 Dead Draculas | Rainboopz | Krispy | Feefal
The guidelines are as follows:
Illustration-quality works in either digital or traditional mediums. Both colour and b/w acceptable; background required. *BG can be as simple as a pattern or colour block!
6”x9”, 300 DPI illustrations with a 1/8th inch bleed (FINAL DIMENSIONS SHOULD BE 6.25” x 9.25”) Works must be in CMYK, and in a vertical format only.
At least one (1) work in progress picture should be sent in with your final illustration.
For consistency’s sake, keep faces to a minimum (You can have eye(s) or you can have mouth(s) but don’t have both in a humanoid arrangement.)
Original characters only (yours or your friends’).
You can include humans or other creatures, as long as there’s a 1:1   object head to non-object head/human ratio.
This book is for all ages. PG-13 content at the most! Cartoon violence and blood are acceptable, but realistic gore is NOT. Use your common sense. If you’re unsure, run the idea by me.
Completed illustrations must be sent as a flattened psd or tiff file
There  are only 12 slots for comics available due to page count space so if you apply for a comic space, and you are selected, you may not be picked for comics but instead illustration!
If you have any questions about the zine, feel free to send an email to objectheadzine(@)hotmail(.)com. I’ll do my best to reply promptly. If you haven’t received a response from me, please feel free to send it again. There are a few essential questions answered over at the FAQ. There is also a Twitter account for the zine for frequent updates and WIPs of the book!
Applications are due June 2nd, 2024, 11:59 PM, PST.
Edit: The google form was not letting people submit applications, I've remade the form - let's hope it works now!
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appledew · 29 days
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This is Celandine! Made for @vetiverfox in early 2024. :)
This plush is made using hand-dyed minky, minky, and brushed out acrylic yarn for the fur details. The accessories are made using satin fabric and decorative cord. I can't recall the exact measurements, but I believe this plush was 18 inches tall from the top of the head to the bottoms of the feet. Details on this plush were machine embroidered and appliqued. The wings contain a mixture of wiring and ball jointed armature to make them poseable. Their bell necklace is removable.
Fun facts! I wanna keep this relatively short because I remember prepping a very long write up of this sweetheart when they were originally post.
The fur detail was the first time I tried the technique to brushing out and sewing the tufts as patches of fur on a stripe! As full as the fur details looks, there is some patchy-ness that I wanted to work on ironing out but as of right now, haven't has the chance to practice the technique again.
One edit I absolutely do not regret was fixing the nails RIGHT BEFORE final photos were done. I think the IG reel has how the nails originally looks, pointing every which way when set down and requiring readjustments every time they were moved! Absolutely helped this little one look more finished!
And thats all for now! Still working on catching up, but current commissions are still my priority. <3
Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/appledew
Trello queue: https://trello.com/b/FZKSnMo7/plushie-commission-to-do-list
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AppleDew_
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/apple.dew
Tumblr: http://appledew.tumblr.com/
Furaffinity: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/appledew
deviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/appledew
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faintedincoils · 1 year
Plus Size, Cute/Nerdy Indie Fashion
No links, because I don't want Tumblr to eat the post, but message me if you have questions on anything. And if you have any suggestions for me, please let me know!
Morning Witch - Flora and fauna prints. I've purchased multiple midi skirts (with pockets!) and T-shirts, and one fantastic sweater. My datemate @fortangel loves their button downs, which have hip buttons to allow for more room.
Fresh Hot Flavors - Gorgeous prints and patterns, from floral to fantasy, anime-inspired to mythology, and of course pride colors. I've got their maxi and midi skirts, plus petticoats, all of which are super comfy and gorgeous and, again, pocketed.
Maya Kern - I've had my eye on her skirts for AGES, and now that I've got a few of my own I couldn't be happier! Once again, flora and fauna prints, plus some other neat options. These seem to fit a tad bit more snugly than the first two, so keep that in mind with sizing and be sure to pay attention to the measurements.
Witch Vamp - More skirts with pockets, skater, midi and max! A slightly darker/more edgy style, and some solid colors available too. My spider lily skirt from this shop may be the single most comfortable piece of clothing I own.
Vetiver Fox - Admittedly I don't have one of their skirts yet, but they're absolutely gorgeous and I'll be getting one as soon as they're in stock this summer. Truly stunning patterns, flora, fauna, and mythological.
Sealkie Cove - Source of my ridiculous, beloved, neon pink furby button down.
Crowlines - I don't have any of their clothes yet either, but the patterns are SO cute! Skirts and button downs. The best kitten prints ever, I think.
Cheek Boss - Odd shop out here, this one sells underwear and socks. The designs are lovely, they're ridiculously comfortable, and these are the first underwear I've ever looked at myself in and thought "Wow, I look cute!" The socks are also super cute, but I've had quality issues. Then again, they were from their first batch when they first started selling socks, and may have improved.
@morningwitchy @freshhotflavors @mayakern @shopwitchvamp @vetiverfox @sealkiecove
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yutaan · 7 months
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Papercraft commission of @vetiverfox's medieval-setting characters Rue (fancy lad dressed in red) and Celandine (grumpy green boy in the process of TURNING INTO A DRAGON)! They're cute and in love! (Celandine might try to act reserved, but he's secretly just as giddy about Rue as Rue is about him.)
I had sooo much fun with this one! Rue's design is adorable, and I was so excited to choose papers for Celandine's dragon features. 🌹🐉
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shopwitchvamp · 7 months
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“Omg, I love these! They go up to size 6X AND they have pockets?! Wow!! But do you have anything longer?”
Sure do, no problem!!
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“YES these are great!!! But what about.. longer?”
I gotcha!! Comin’ right up!
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"Now that's what I'm talkin' about! But... how about if I'm feeling like it's the kinda day where I need my clothing to be bifurcated???"
Never fear, joggers are here!
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*wild cheering* /scene
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fleebites · 2 years
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happy bday to my very dear friend, @vetiverfox ! 💞🎂🎉✨
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freshhotflavors · 2 years
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fall pre-orders are live! :D thanks to @mayakern @cryptovolans @elefluff and Noble Demons for collaborating with us 💛
these designs will be up until October 10th, so don’t miss out if you want one for yourself! we have sizes that fit from XXS to 6XL, and all skirts have pockets big enough to fit a nintendo switch!
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fatphobiabusters · 6 months
Does anyone know where to find 3-4xl tradgoth fatshion? /nf
Sorry if this is the wrong blog to ask
Hi! This isn't the wrong blog to ask! I've separated this answer into parts to make this post easier to read.
Option 1: Independent Artists
I'm not super knowledgeable about where to buy fatshion myself. If I'm not simply buying from Torrid and hoping for the best, I'm probably buying from @mayakern. She's mainly known for her skirts, but she also sells shirts and I think is branching out to even more clothing types. These two skirts of hers may work for a goth aesthetic, and I think one is still available as a miniskirt as well.
A similar store is @freshhotflavors. They have an online store here along with their Tumblr. I haven't personally bought from them, but they work with Maya Kern. I've bought many a skirt from Maya Kern over the years and know her dedication to quality. She also has been very understanding with me about exchanging one of her skirts I accidentally got double of for christmas. So the fact that she works with Fresh Hot Flavors encourages me to trust FHF as well. I believe they sell some of her skirts in maxi length, but they sell a variety of other stuff too!
An artist that FHF works with who seems to make a lot of goth clothing is @vetiverfox. This is their website. I haven't bought from this artist either, but their skirts seem to be similar to Maya Kern's with the sizing, elastic waistband, and type of fabric used. So if their clothes are anything like Maya Kern's, I would give them a shot. Each of these three artists sell skirts that go up to a 6XL (though I think Maya has mentioned having some skirts that go up to 8XL too). I've only been talking about skirts, but each of these artists sells more than that.
Option 2: User Suggestions
I'm hoping our followers may have some advice for you about where to buy goth fatshion. @fine-ass-fatshion has knowledge about fatshion for sure. We've also recently reblogged some great goth fatshion from @wisteriaawillow, so I would definitely suggest asking them for advice on where to buy goth fatshion too. @iridessence wears a lot of pretty fatshion on her main blog, but her side blog @luxus-aeterna would be more your style. I don't know if the clothes she wears on that blog are technically goth or simply make me think of gothic clothing due to being historical clothing with generally darker fabrics, but look at her side blog just in case. I believe her FAQ mentions that she gives detailed information about how to find the clothes she wears if you donate to her work.
Option 3: Tailoring and Getting Creative
A lot of fat people have to resort to sewing and making their own clothes, but this can include taking stuff and simply making adjustments to them. For example, dyeing a shirt a more goth color, taking dollar store trinkets and making them into jewelry, etc. You can even do some clothing adjustments without needing to know how to sew! That's how I used to make my cosplays. People have suggested before to not discard the idea of going to a tailor either. If you happen to find some clothing you like but doesn't fit you, a tailor can help.
Option 4: Etsy and Commissions
Websites like Etsy sometimes can be a goldmine for specific aesthetics. However, Etsy tends to be expensive due to shipping and/or items being handmade by artists. I also hate that a lot of artists on Etsy charge fat people more money for the same product. Additionally, Etsy is probably a better store for accessories rather than your main outfit.
If you're willing to pay for the quality of handmade clothing fitted specifically for your body type and measurements, I've honestly considered the idea myself of commissioning cosplay artists for clothing, which can be done through Etsy or by meeting cosplay artists at anime conventions. If you go to a local anime convention and meet an artist there, you may even find an artist so local that you can try on the clothes during the process of making them so that you know they definitely will fit you at the end. I've thought about this usually regarding cosplay, but a cosplayer who does commissions would probably be able to make clothing that isn't for cosplaying a character as long as you gave them references.
Option 5: Online Stores and Our Pinned Post
Lastly, our pinned post has a link to our FAQ Google Doc, and that Google Doc includes links to online stores that sell plus size clothing. And here is a link to a post we shared about a month ago that has resources for buying jfashion. A lot of of the photos on the post include fatshion that could be useful for a goth aesthetic, though I say that without much knowledge about goth clothing.
I hope one of these suggestions will be of help to you!! Have a good day! cx
-Mod Worthy
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eldritchmochi · 3 months
july 2 2024 outfit, featuring the linen harem pants i am now in lov with
shirt is @vetiverfox
boots are strange cvlt's disrubtors iirc
pants are from the zon shhhh
accessories are all thrifted
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