#villain × hero
vacancy-virtues · 11 months
Please write about vampire Villian and a hero with a neck biting kink
Greetings Anon!
'Tis the season for some neck biting
I hope you enjoy and Happy Halloween!
#4- "Killing Without Consequence"
Hovels of houses, now barren of any life, stood as more of a headstone for the families who once resided there. They were almost tombs, except in a tomb, one would expect to find a body. Once inhabited and now desolate, Hero could only see a few homes with a fire in the hearth through slotted blinds of the windows.
Hero was told not of an illness wreaking havoc in the Southern town, but rather something more devastating. People were taken in their sleep and not by the merciful hands of death- never to be seen or heard from again. It was an all too familiar plight Hero heard from a handful of groveling townsfolk. While many would see the matter as the end of days, Hero saw it more of a matter of pest control.
There was a vampire nearby.
It only took a visit to the local bar and a skeptical look from the bartender before Hero was able to get the general area of the creatures residence. Miles out on the outskirts of end of town was a dilapidated shed nestled within the tree line. Despite the surrounding greenery, it seemed as though the very life was siphoned out of the foliage in the yard, leaving an abundance of deadened, dry grass and sickly trees within the fence line. The rotted door barely hung on its hinges as Hero slowly walked through the doorway, and was greeted with an affront to the nose of an overwhelming stench of bitter almonds and iron.
"My, not even a knock, or a nervous 'Hello?'" A voice casually cooed from in silence.
"I don't think I would have been invited in." Hero said cautiously, whipping around to find the source of what they heard.
The windows were boarded up, and various bits of cloth hung from the jagged boards. In the dark of the house, it was hard to make out any of the surroundings with the dim light from the doorway. Heros stomach turned as their eyes adjusted- they realized why the fabric looked so odd to them and why it stunk so badly.
"You're... using their clothes as curtains?" Hero hissed in clear disgust, a hand finding a way to their hip to take hold of their knife.
"Well, it's important to use everything from your kills, isn't that what you hunters say?"
The door behind them slammed, and Hero found themselves plunged in darkness. All they had to go off of was the cool and collected voice of the true hunter in the room with them. Their eyes strained in the dark, holding onto the faintest movement in the shadows when they could. Despite having done this so long, Hero still found the chase itself both utterly thrilling and utterly terrifying.
"But... you're not quite like other hunters, are you?" A floorboard creaked behind Hero, causing them to back up considerably in the other direction.
"No, because I fully intend on succeeding in killing you."
Everything happened in an instant. Hero swung immediately behind them. However, their momentum was halted upon the feel of an icy hand gripping their wrist. After years of experience with this sort, it was surprising the Vampire didn't shatter their wrist right then and there. Instead, they wrenched Heros wrist behind them, twisting their body so they were facing away from their captor, their other arm held tight at their side. The feel of their hands ran a chill so deep, Heros veins felt like they were being frosted from the inside out. Nails dug into the skin, puncturing the flesh like a ripened summer peach to let sweet juices flow.
"Mmm... so did the others, but that isn't what sets you apart, dear Hero."
"You-" The grip tightened, causing Heros jaw to set tightly. Their struggle persisted, much to the Vampires amusement. "Get on with your little speech so I can kill you."
The sudden closeness of the Vampire sent a chill down Heros spine as their breath snaked its way under their collar. No vampire before had ever gotten this close to them, and Hero wasn't about to let that change tonight. With a hammering heart in their chest, Hero shot their head back in a poor attempt of a headbutt. The footing was all wrong, and the grip on them didn't help with moment. The Vampire moved a hand to Heros shoulder, and guided their backwards momentum passed them and into one of the boarded up windows with a loud crash.
"I've lived many, many years... and I know what killing out of fear smells like. The many 'brave and fearless' hunters who come confidently clambering into my wake all absolutely wreak of it. Frankly, I think it even taints the blood. Makes it pungent and sour." The broken window permitted a bit of moonlight to stream in and illuminate the incoming figure.
Hero quickly got to their feet, using a nearby table as leverage off the floor. Before they could ready their knife properly, the Vampire had them pinned again in a instant. The Vampires nails threatened to dig into the established wounds. In the dim light, the well-defined features of their face seemed more belonging to that of a marble statue, and the texture of their skin was more akin to a porcelain doll.
"And I don't smell a drop of it on you." The Vampire raised Heros arm, and a long, forked tongue lapped over a stream of blood. "Or taste it."
"I am not some piece of food for you to play with." Hero snapped which only prompted the Vampire to yank their arm harshly.
There was a low chuckle as he proximity between them closed. With one arm holding Heros steadily, keeping the stake in a constant push back strain and the other bracing their wrist against the tables edge, it was almost too easy for the Vampire to find themselves back in that forbidden territory of Heros by their neck.
"Not that you would mind it if you had the choice, no?" They questioned, a slight purr in their voice as they lingered by their ear.
All Hero knew was this trade. Killing vampires in this day and age had become apart of the daily struggles in the world they lived in. No one had a choice in either killing, or getting killed. They could only survive. It was almost as if the Vampire could hear the Heros perplexity at the statement when Hero could feel a cold hand trailing up their arm, a smooth hum resonating through chest.
"What.. what do you mean.." Hero unsteadily said.
"You kill because you enjoy it... You enjoy the thrill of a good hunt, and the possibility of dying is what fuels it more so..." As they spoke, they made sure to sustain every pause, and draw out their words to keep Hero hooked. "Tell me I'm wrong, Hero."
This time, Heros words failed them, only giving them a shake of their head. They lodged in their throat, and they were sure the Vampire could hear the quickening beat of their heart against their rib cage. A sound, which Hero would assume, would be a delicious sound to the Vampires elegantly pointed ears. Hero didn't deny the claims, and merely held their breath as they felt their head lower closer to their neck.
"And you enjoy this..." Despite not really needing to breath, the Vampire sighed against Heros neck, causing their eyes to flutter in time with the familiar shiver for a second. "Do you not, Hero?"
Sharp fangs only barely hooked the skin. It was tender enough to make Hero writhe beneath the Vampires touch, yet not enough to draw blood. Every word, Hero could feel on their skin. There was no heartbeat to be felt under their palms, and no way to tell if they were as flushed as Hero was.
Hero was pissed off. Not for the fact they'd been captured and humiliated so easily for the first time in years, but for the fact the Vampire was right. Many vampires before were either too cocky and got themselves killed, others too far gone it would have been more similar to hunting a wild animal. Because of this grueling and gory life, it wasn't wise to make connections with people. Death was often a kinder mercy than living through the grief of losing someone, and Hero didn't want to pursue that kind of life.
"I saw how you looked at me," The vampire said, cold lips cooling the heated skin below them. "Why not lean into the thrill of it all? Have no fear of dying, and all the adrenaline of truly being alive. To give into the satisfaction of killing without consequence."
There was a haze coming over Hero with the words and sensations, and despite it, it almost sounded like the Vampires suggestion was more similar to a plea. From what they could tell about the norms most vampires held, they were leaders of minions, or near hermits who only come out to feed when they need to. It seemed odd to Hero for a vampire to want to turn someone else... just for the sake of it.
"Many say its a lonely life..." The Vampire placed a soft, lingering kiss on their jugular, before moving back up to their ear. "But it doesn't have to be."
"I ought to kill you for this..."
"You still can, but for what? Giving you an option? Or pointing out what you really enjoy?"
It wasn't until Hero felt two hands about their body, one resting on their arm and the other no longer pushing the knife in defense. The point sat just on the Vampires chest and the other hand rested just on their bicep. They didn't recall when they stopped pushing the knife towards the other, and they didn't find themselves driving it in now.
With another, cursed chuckle, the Vampire let go, leaving Hero to stagger against the table. They took a step back, and wore a satisfied grin at the state they left the other in, gasping, fevered and flustered. They smoothed out their shirt before gesturing to the door. It took Hero a moment to catch up and process what all just happened, before the Vampires voice pierced the silence again.
"You have a day to think about it: a choice in the matter. Visit me sooner if you decide, otherwise I will kill you just like the any other human if we cross paths again. Though, I hope it not be the case."
Before Hero could question any further, they staggered out the door, patting their neck for holes or puncture wounds. Their arm hurt, sure, but they weren't drained. As they left, the Vampire watched. With a soft chuckle, he pulled a folded up piece of paper from the pocket of a sweater hanging by the window, and unfolded it to read a news article of a notable vampire hunter on the rise.
"Funny, the picture really didn't do them justice."
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thecorpuscorpse · 5 months
#6- An Anonymous Source
CW: Knife use and blood, some 'fighting', mild kidnapping
It had been two months since the sealed letters began showing up on Villains bedroom window at night when they weren't there. Each one with a different wax embellishment on the front, made of paper worn with time, and never signed. The swirling perfection of the calligraphy was unlike anything Villain had seen before, just like the words they formed. Five letters were stacked on the desk, and the sixth Villain held by the lamplight, eyes scanning over words they always wished to hear. In brief moments, they almost believed them.
The life they lived was not as tender as the words directed at them. There was no beauty in bloodshed- not anymore, at least. Yet, whoever seemed to be hiding in their blind spot thought otherwise. With how long they ran Headquarters, it was refreshing to have a little spice in the routine of wondering who thought so highly of someone as lowly as them.
After sending their squads out for recon, Villain remained tucked away in their office at headquarters to keep an eye on cameras when one detected movement in the server room. Villain knew each employee schedule inside and out- after all, they arranged each one. Within the orchestrated machine-like facility Villain spent so many years building up, the blaring alarm was akin to grinding gears.
Every so often, Hero would figure out a new password Villain set, or intercept shipment plans that then would lead Villain to foil Heros plans, and the process would repeat in a few weeks. It was so hard to find good help nowadays, so Villain found handling Hero a nice break from handling paperwork. There was monotony in routine, but at least they could take their impatience with their anonymous admirer out on the other.
"Dammit... now of all times, Hero?" They snapped as they stood from their desk.
As much as the alarm irked them, Villain was more irritated their work was being interrupted. Scanners failed to pick up any DNA trace, leading them to another dead end. Somewhere, someone saw Villain and thought fondly of them. For a while, the simple knowledge of it was enough to qualm the loneliness, but now was more of a curse. They called the author a coward. They called the letters a trap. Yet, Villain headed down the hall to pursue a perpetrator after they stayed up until four in the morning... again... to read the letters in hope something would tell them who claimed to adore them so.
The door to the server room was ajar, main lights turned out. The dull glow of blinking red, blue and yellow lights cast shadows on the wall in varied patterns. The main lights were shorted, forcing them to identify misplaced figures in the dim light. It only dug further into Villains impatience with the matter. Against the low hum of the computers, a tinny clank echoed near the back wall.
Villain kept steady strides slow, mindful of the linoleum under their shoes and how quiet their breath was. Silence, as well as any leverage, was better than none, and it worked to Villains virtue when it guided the blade to the turned back of who they knew was tampering with their tech.
"I don't have time for you tonight, Hero," Villain said as they pressed the knife against their spine. "There is plenty of work for me as is without you getting involved."
Dressed in all-black, which happened to be quite flattering for the Hero, they tuned after setting their tools down and raising their hands. Villain took a step forward and pressed the edge to their throat.
"That's why I figure I'd lighten the load~" Hero said, offering an innocent shrug. "By-"
"Yes, yes, thwarting my recruitment of more people through disrupting our log system," Villain droned, pressing the blade harder. "Now really, I do have pressing matters to attend to."
There was a static in the air, and not from the whirring machines around them. The more Villain stood in it, the more irritated they got. It showed in the quick right cross-swing of butt-end of the knife towards Heros head before the move was blocked by Heros hand.
"Wow, whats the matter with you?" Hero mused with a shit-eating grin as he twisted Villains arm into a lock behind their back. The knife clattered onto the floor. "Not very like you to 'not have time for me', Villain. Plus, what a sloppy execution."
"You don't know me, Hero," Villain hummed with a smile in their voice, flexing their hand under Heros grip. "So I'll show you a real sloppy execution."
Villain dug their heel into Heros foot, and used the momentum to twist them to slam into the server paneling. With the grip loosened, Villain snaked away and went for the knife. It was only a second more before Villain was swept off their feet- literally- and hit the ground.
"Yeah, that was pretty sloppy too," Hero said as they went to further restrain the fallen Villain. "You're making me jealous, don't tell me there's another Hero you have to go cause havoc for~ Ugh, I'll be heartbroken!"
Villain struggled against Heros grasp, writhing and twisting their body so they could never get a solid pin. While Hero had their brawn at their side, Villain knew it was only a matter of leverage.
"I do, but they aren't a Hero~"
They took the moment Hero stalled in their attempts to pin them down to get their lets out to kick Hero back, knocking the wind out of them. Villain went for the knife again and came up behind Hero to hold the knife to their throat again.
"Bullshit," Hero gasped out, though an amused smile graced their stupid face. "I can barely tolerate you as it is."
Villain contemplated for a moment. What harm would a white lie do when they didn't even know who was writing the letters? There would be no one else to go after. It would be nice to pretend- Villain did it enough as it was.
"Oh, you should hear how they talk about their love for my vile and vulgar ways Hero. How they adore the plans of misery I make for the thousands," Villain gripped Heros hair and tilted their head back to look at them proper. "And the tongue they have..."
"Then why aren't you with them now?"
"Because I'm dealing with you," Villain said as their jaw set. "A thorn in my side since we crossed paths, and always coming back like a damn infection," They brought the edge up against Heros neck. "You are pestiferous- a plague in my life every time your head pops up." Villain narrowed their eyes, bringing small beads of blood against the blade. "And I think I'm going to purge the source tonight."
"Then do it."
Below them, there was a rumble followed by a blaring alarm from what Villain assumed was a few floors down. It only took one distracted second for Hero grab Villains wrist and flip them over and onto their back before they dove behind a rack of server blocks. There was a flash, and the room filled with smoke. The colors against the smoke were disorienting, yet once Villain got hold of their knife, they could barely make out a figure escaping through one of the vents.
"One thing after a-fucking-nother..." Villain hissed as they ran out from the server room and towards the blaring fire alarm down below.
Once done dealing with the aftermath of a blown-apart storage unit, Villain trudged back up to their office and collapsed in their chair. It was now six in the morning, and looking at the camera they had set up to face their bedroom window at home- no letter to be seen on the window. They pushed their hair back with a sigh, before deciding to freshen up there, and continuing their monotonous work for their empire, with breaks reading loving words Villain needed to hear after such a long night.
The seventh letter was different than the rest.
It had taken longer than the rest to arrive- almost a month later than the last one, when the others came once or twice a week. Nights were seemingly endless when Villain would simply stare at the window from the camera. They knew if they were home, they wouldn't arrive, and so they worked long into the night, going home every few days to make sure their plants were watered.
Unlike the other ornate and delicately put together envelopes, the newest came in a simple black one. The handwriting was reminiscent of the others yet the words scrawled unsteadily. The droning news anchor in the background discussed the impending weather as Villain attempted to make sense of everything they were reading.
What was said was not the romantic poetry they were used to, of regrets and promises they wished to keep to Villain of seeing them, of truly being with them and being sure there would be nothing keeping them apart anymore.
The signature at the bottom made Villains heart sink. Not because of who had written the confession they read. Not because it was from someone they wouldn't have wanted at all. But because it wasn't a signature at all.
Except a smear of blood.
Villains head felt light, the corners of their vision hazing a little as they tried to make sense of what it all meant. They sat down in their chair, still staring at the letter before them. It wasn't until the news anchor interrupted their broadcast with breaking news.
'The beloved and respected savior of our beautiful city, Hero, has officially been pronounced dead today by coroners after their body had been returned to city officials by an anonymous source. Further details the cause to be released.'
They took a long look at the radio, eyes wide in disbelief as their mind began to piece everything together. In a moment, they were at their sequencer and after they got a sample of the paper, pulled out their knife. What little blood left from their fight with Hero remained, and they flaked off the dry remains in the other bottle. Time blurred as they waited, walking crop circles into their carpet while the machine processed the samples.
They didn't see anyone on the cameras the night before. No sound, no disturbance. First nothing was on the window, and when daylight broke, there it was. They hadn't dealt with Hero recently, which they only grew to notice the more they thought.
They couldn't settle down, and any time their office door was knocked on, they would simply throw a book at it and tell whoever it was to bother them tomorrow. Word must have gone around because soon the knocking stopped and Villain was left alone with the machine, which whirred just like the servers did their last night with Hero.
They were pulled out of their mind when the machine stopped, and the face glowed green with the information Villain already put together in their walk about their office.
DNA Sequencing Completed- Results: 100% Match
Villain drummed their thumb against the steering wheel of the car. Occasionally, it would follow the tempo of their racing heart, or the shake in their muscles from the adrenaline in their blood. The timer they set on their phone for five minutes was halfway through. Villain regretted even permitting that much time to wait. It had been too long already, and with any more time, they could be too late.
Three minutes and no sign. Villain shifted in their seat, instead now tapping their foot and squeezing their hands together. The last they slept was indistinct, waiting for the right moment to make their next move. A drastic one, which would leave more loose ends than they would like, but it was just as a drastic situation they had on their hands.
Four minutes and Villain was getting ready to get out and handle the ordeal themselves. They checked to make sure their gun was loaded, as they did a dozen or so times before even though they hadn't used it. Before they reached the door handle, the passenger side opened to Villains relief.
"Very good. Hurry up." Villain said, gesturing with the gun to get in.
Five minutes was all Villain needed. As they sped off, the silence was cushioned by the low hum of the car. Villain didn't know what to think. What to say. What if, in the time they were gone, Hero was too? The thoughts were heavy as Villain drove, until their passenger pulled them out of their head.
"I shouldn't be doing this..."
"Then why are you." Villain said, rather than asked.
"Well, you told me with a gun to my head that you hunt me down and kill my girlfriend in front of me, then send my body parts to various family members."
"Good memory, and I will if you make any attempts to run."
"Good to know..." The accomplice said with a tight-lipped smile before looking down at the bag.
"And... I'm helping someone, aren't I?" They asked after another moment of passing silence. "Someone you care about?"
There was a thick lump that sunk into Villains throat. It irked them to know they had to get outside sources with such a high risk, but they were pushed to no other choice. They offered a single, but humble nod before turning off onto a dirt road.
"What the fuck did you say you did again?"
"I'm a first assistant," they said as they shuffled the medical bag on their lap while twisting the handles nervously. "Not quite a surgeon, but I'm getting there."
"Of course, I pick up the intern in the operating room..." Villain uttered as they watched the road. The car, being small, only allowed the young surgeon to hear the remark clearly.
"The operating rooms of the ICU," they huffed a bit too confidently for Villains liking. "Much more intense and less room for error. I mostly make sure the room is clean but I do help with sutures, and other general care."
With a less than patient sigh, Villain parked the car in the driveway and looked the young surgeon square in the face, gun held towards them with a finger threatening pressure on the trigger.
"Keep your attitude in check, and keep them alive." They said flatly. "Both the person I'm bringing you to, and your girlfriend."
It had just been the two of them since Hero showed up battered, beaten and bloodied just two weeks before. They hadn't gotten better and while Villain was good at many things, medical diagnosis weren't one of them. They took leave from work to get Hero somewhere more secluded than Villains home closer to the city.
When Hero was awake, Villain limited themselves to one question because Hero would get winded from speaking too much. Day by day, they learned how Hero wanted things to be different, not only for themselves only, but between the two. How they grew to love Villain, admire them and respect them, to want them yet be restricted from doing so. Hero detailed how they convinced a select few to assist them in faking their death with a glow which made Villain hopeful, but then Hero fell asleep before telling them how it went, and hadn't woke up since. It'd been three days.
With a nervous nod in understanding, the two got out of the car, and Villain walked the man to the house with a gun drawn on them the entire way. Sleepless nights were still to come, yet there was a bit more relief in knowing Hero stood more of a chance now. Villain hoped they didn't make a mistake, for Hero wouldn't be able to survive it.
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Villain × injured Hero
"Alright what did you do"? Villain asked looking at Hero's side, where blood was sneaking its way through there suit.
"Me? Nothing" Hero answered trying to keep their voice under control, which did not work.
"I'm not stupid Hero, i can see the blood" Villain studied their face "I am not gonna fight you if you are already wounded and exhausted".
They swooped Hero up bridal style and began to carry them to their car.
To tired to squirm out of Villain's arms, they let them self be carried and dozed off in some much needed sleep.
"Sleep tight Hero, I'll take care of you for now".
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moodyvoid · 1 month
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Of the 19 hijackers who carried out the Sept 11 attacks:
15 were from Saudi Arabia (a powerful/oil-rich country the U.S. works hard to maintain diplomatic relations with)
2 were from the United Arab Emirates (also a powerful/oil-rich country the U.S. works hard to maintain diplomatic relations with)
1 was from Egypt, 1 from Lebanon.
None of the hijackers were from Iraq.
None of the Sept 11 hijackers were Iraqi.
None of the 9/11 hijackers were from Iraq.
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aphel1on · 10 months
i have such a love for characters who descend into madness or villainy out of deep, deep empathy. characters who fundamentally cannot cope with the cruel realities they find themselves in and blow up about it in spectacular fashion. fallen angel type characters with tears of outrage in their eyes. characters who break before they bend, and break so badly they splatter blood all over their noble ideals. every variation on it gets me so good
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charlotlie · 1 year
bitches be like “this is the best piece of literature i have ever read” and it’s either a book that took them six weeks to finish or a fanfic they read at 3 AM
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dyinggirldied · 5 months
I love the tropes where Danny is the normal while Tucker and Sam are fucking freaks, especially if those two just so non discreet about it.
So now, imagine Amity Park, after GIW has run rampant on it.
Tucker, shamelessly using magic for any convenience between himself and his lovers. A headcanon of mine is that Danny has chronic pain after the portal accident and Tucker liked to make it so Danny's bed and pillow softer and doesn't hesitate one bit to curse those mean Danny's harms.
Sam, likewise, uses her plant magic to trap those pesky ghost hunters and makes life difficult for them in general.
Tucker and Sam just don't expect for the GIW to report them to the Justice League. Or for the heroes to really come arresting them.
Danny, as expected, blows up.
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fanaticalthings · 4 months
Bruce coming home one day to find Robin Jason clinging onto a chandelier with Dick below him cheering him on.
Bruce: Jason what are you doing?
Jason: Dick said that you missed his antics after he moved out and so he’s teaching me how to be a better son
Dick: After this we’re going to drive the Batmobile into the bay :D
Jason: We’re going to what? I mean yeah! Right into the water.
Jason trying to whisper to Dick: Dick I can’t swim though
This just further fuels the chaotic dynamic of Dick and Jason during a time where Dick was still going through his teenage angst and was absolutely not a benevolent role model LMAO
I mentioned it in this post, but it's just so funny to me to imagine a Jason who grew up with an absolutely WILD Dick Grayson as an older brother, while the younger batkids grew up with a more mellowed out and mature (arguable but when measured against the other kids, he wins by a landslide) Dick Grayson.
Robin!Jason era:
Dick: You wanna go out and get high?
Jason: I can't, I have homework.
Dick, sputtering: HOMEWORK?
Dick, about to do an elaborate (and totally not dangerous) acrobatic move in the manor: Watch this, littlewing
Jason: You shouldn't do that, it'll make Bruce upset.
Dick, on the brink of angry tears: Why are you like this.
Jason, dejected: Listen, I know you don't approve of me because you think I'm not good enough as Robin, but-
Dick: Not good enough as Robin? I don't care about that, I just think you're a little bitch
Dick taking Jason out on a hangout for the first time: OK, looks like I got my work cut out for me. Take out a notepad and write everything down. I will NOT have my successor embarrass me like this. So what you wanna do to piss off Bruce-
[Years later, Jason returning to Gotham with the fury of a thousand suns and the chaos to match it]: I'm gonna make your life a living HELL, Bruce
Dick, older and relatively more chilled out: Okayyyyy, maybe let's just– calm down a lil, haha, no need for the theatrics
Jason, betrayed, observing a Dick Grayson who is teaching his new younger siblings to behave and be mature: Dick, what the FUCK
Present!Dick, mentoring Tim: Make sure not to be too impulsive, don't wanna raise Bruce's blood pressure
Red Hood!Jason spying on them from afar: Who even ARE you??
Jason: So you teach me ALL of that, only to turn into the ONE thing you despised so greatly all those years ago
Dick, sweating: Well-
Jason: I'm ASHAMED. How can you be worthy of being called my PREDECESSOR?
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dabistits · 2 months
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words from starpeace
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vacancy-virtues · 1 year
#1- "A Life for a Life"
Cw: Kinda spicy with gun usage
The villain was no stranger to hiding from everyone's beloved hero. They always made sure they had some class about where they stowed away and it was no less than more than moderate in any circumstance. They found a cabin in a thicker part of the woods. It wasn't isolated, but too much commotion would alarm neighbors accustomed to the quiet.
It was small, but had a warm, cozy minimalist charm. French doors opened into a studio setting, the bed directly in front of the door. A darkened stone wall accented the adjacent wall with a small fireplace in the center, separating the bedroom and kitchen area. Sleek black appliances and marble countertops were spotless under the hanging lights. Off the kitchen was the bathroom, which was nothing short of extravagant as well. The bathtub was lined with fine agate pieces, and the fixtures were a bright and brilliant porcelain. Villains desk was in direct view of the bathroom and gave them a clear shot of the mirror on the wall. They could glance up, and see themselves, the glow of the laptop on their skin.
They wrote away their thoughts listlessly and at a dead-end of getting tired. Tired of the games. Tired of the tension. They didn't want to give up villainy, per say, but there was something hollow about it and the hole just grew with every dalliance. With every lead-on and cheat. The only thing Villain wanted most was Hero, but those days had been long gone when Sidekick came into the picture. Hero swore they'd just be an intern, and the other had nothing to worry about.
Things change, they supposed, and now were calloused to the destruction they caused even more so than before, hardly looking over plans before they went though and not caring what the outcome was.
The evening was quiet, save for the billowing wind outside on the rooftop. Snow had begun to fall at some point during the night, leaving the porch of the cabin a sludgy, frosty mess. Villain thought it lucky to be inside, wrapped in a blanket and enjoying their room.
And so was someone else.
"My, you sure like writing about me. You say I am the obsessed one?" Said a surprisingly familiar voice, different than that of the singer on the computer speaker.
The moment happened in an instant. Villain shot off their stool, and before they could run, Hero cornered them against the desk, their arms bracing on either side to prevent a quick escape. They were forced to look at each other, which wouldn't have been so bad if Hero didn't wear an expression of... well, Villain didn't know. They'd never seen this look before.
"What do you-"
"Seven months."
"It has been. Seven. Months. Since I have seen you. I thought I killed you! I-"
"You should be so lucky."
Hero reached up and grabbed Villains jaw forcefully, eyes shooting daggers to the sound of their gritting teeth.
"Don't get smart with me right now," Hero warned lowly.
Villain grinned, even under pressure on their jaw. "Or what, you're gonna 'disturb the peace?'" Villain air quoted. "Not very smart for a hero".
"You may not want to be the one saying who's smart when I was able to get in here without you noticing. It's a very nice place you've got. Even made myself tea."
And they did. The faint aroma of peach and white tea lingered on their breath, making the Villain crave the tea themselves. Depending on how things went, they may not even get the opportunity to try it. Villain had to play their cards right. They knew how to charm and dazzle, and no matter how badly Villain wanted Hero, they just had to treat them like someone else.
Villain decided to play along, "Yeah? Then I'm sure you've felt how comfortable the bed is," they said in a near purr, which caused the Hero to shove their face back forcefully in disgust, grip not loosening.
"Don't get vulgar with me, either," they spat.
"Oh, that wasn't even dirty, darling. Don't get that confused with me getting filthy either." Their hand moved from their jaw and latched onto their throat. Villain held onto their arm to brace for stability, noting the increased definition of it since they last saw each other.
"You. are not making this easier for me," Hero said lowly.
Thats right. Fluster them until their let their guard down, and then take them down in a choke hold when they weren't expecting it. Quick, quiet, and they could vanish to another end of the world before Hero woke back up. Just like they always did.
Villain never made it easy. That was their whole deal.
Villain grinned from the pressure on their neck. "When have I ever?" They inquired. "Its delightful watching you suffer so."
"Suffer?" Hero pointed, their grip tightening.
"Suffer?" There was a change in tone - a beat of deepened seriousness.
Villain found themselves tossed to the ground and the moment they hit the hardwood, they scrambled up and raced for the door. A second too slow allowed Hero to pull on their wrist, twisting them around and slamming their body against the door. Heros hands wrestled down Villains onto either side of their head, leaving them panting and disheveled. This was it. This is the moment where Villain will quip something which-
Their train of thought derailed when they felt heated lips against theirs. Lips moved with fever and desperation, and Villains mind reveled at the fact their own lips moved back with shared intent. Their hands against Heros, but they kept them braced against the door, deepening the kiss by pulling Villains tongue with their own. They'd always wondered what they had tasted like, and it was better than they imagined.
Hero pulled away, a line of saliva connecting their lips. "Suffering is believing I killed you," they began, their head diving between Villains head and shoulder. "It's believing I took you out of the world when I so desperately need you in it." Their kisses were hot and peppered. Their voice was raspy and deep. Villain was overwhelmed, pleasantly so, but overwhelmed nonetheless.
"Don't bullshit me," Villain growled. Their hands tugged again, only to be squeezed harder. "You and Sidekick have got it good now.." Their breath hitched at a bite on their neck. ".. you got your publicity for my death.." A harder one. "So.. why are you doing this?" They breathed out softly.
"Again, you assume you're so smart, when you miss the blatantly obvious, like the tea on the counter before you checked in, or the fact I'm here on the grounds that I missed you."
The villains eyes widened slightly but they kept their resolve of feigned disdain. "You missed the fame I gave you. The plans I ruined for you. You missed showing off for your little fucking sidekick and-"
They were cut off by another kiss. Hero let Villains wrists go, and rather than turning to bolt, their hands wrapped around Heros shoulders as the kiss deepened. Hero kept them pressed against the door, and a leg maneuvered between Villains, earning a choked back groan.
"I let you live. I let you win. I showed off for you, and you kept coming back," Hero uttered near Villains ear. "Until you didn't, and it drove me mad."
Villains face was various shades of red at this point, hair in disarray from the heat of the moment. "I don't believe you," they started, their eyes narrow and mixed with cautious uncertainty. "This is a trick. A ploy, a-"
For a Hero, they were certainly rude about interrupting. Villain felt something hard, and cold against their stomach. They looked and saw Hero holding a sleek black gun with a gold barrel.
The grip faced Villain.
"Use it. You know its the one thing I always carry on me," Hero said, eyes steady on Villains. "A life for a life."
As Villain took the gun, they noted its significant weight compared to what they were used to. No wonder why Heros hands were so toned and defined. Villain looked the gun, rotating it in contemplation and observation, and then up at Hero.
"Get on your knees."
Hero nodded, maintaining eye contact while they slowly lowered themselves. Villain couldn't believe this was happening. Surely they would expect accomplice agents, or even that godforsaken Sidekick, to burst in and foil yet another plan. This was different. Hero had tells they showed when they knew backup was coming; shifting eyes, different foot posture, the way they carried their shoulders. Years of learning each other prompted this, yet now, Villain wasn't seeing any of it from Hero.
Villain kept their eyes on Hero, taking the gun more properly in their hand. They ran the muzzle alongside Heros jawline, the barrel reflecting their gaze on Villain. It pissed them off. Its not like Hero made the effort to look for them, and now they were here on their knees for them saying they missed them.
"You're pathetic," Villain muttered. "I could kill you right now and your last thought will be you on your knees for me." They angled the muzzle just below their chin and tilted Heros chin up.
"What a way to go, don't you agree?"
Villain scowled at this, and drew the muzzle up to their lips.
"Part them."
And Hero did, rather obediently at that. The moment their lips parted, Villain pushed the barrel of the handgun in their mouth, their finger dangerously caressing the trigger in a pointed way to let Hero know they weren't playing. However, the debauched sight of Hero, spit threatening to spill from the corner of their lips as they held the gun in their mouth let Villain know they weren't playing either.
Logic and feelings collided in their head as they had Hero choking on the barrel of their own gun at Villains wish. Their thumb cocked the barrel, the click of the rotating chamber echoing in the silent room. Villains finger lulled over the trigger, curling onto it only slightly. Hero didn't flinch or jerk at the sound, or even at the mere fact their life could be stripped away from them in an instant. Instead, their lolled out, pulling the barrel deeper into their mouth.
It was all too much.
Villain leaned down and took Heros hair in their hand, pulling it back. The gun left their mouth and instead was replaced with Villains. They could feel Heros tension melt away as their jaw slacked into the sloppy kiss, and this time, it didn't stop.Their tongues pushed together as Villain knelt over them, Hero remaining on their knees.
None of this made sense, but none of it seemed to have mattered to either of them. When the kiss broke apart, Villain used the the gun to gesture towards the bed. The two barely made it to the edge of the bed before Villain was on them again, bodies pressing together desperately as they shed layer upon layer of clothes.
Hero reached to grab Villains hands, but were met with resisting force. Villain pushed Hero back onto the plush comforter, pinning their arms down to either side of their head. Their hips ground down onto Heros, earning a stifled groan from the other, which was devoured in another kiss.
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commander-revan · 3 months
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No matter what happens to the rest of the League in the end, they will live on forever through Spinner.
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moodyvoid · 1 month
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This tweet made me smile
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bluerosefox · 5 months
Siblings Behavior
It's shenanigans time guys
So have this DpxDc idea.
So, the Justice League and the Light (OR villains in general) have two newish members, they've both been around for about a year and they're from the same plane of existence (a place called the Infinite Realms according to those who dabble in the occult)
And the two seem to have some serious beef with each other.
Wisp and Wrath are basicly feral cats hissing and hekles raised when they spot the other and their fights normally ends in draws. They're evenly matched and sometimes the two even fight to the point they are out of steam and just fist fight.
Needless to say everyone believes they totally hate each other and might one day kill (or end?) One of them.
So everything gets turned upside down when suddenly both factions of heros and villains are suddenly summoned to the Infinite Realms.
In a throne room.
In front of the Infinite King (or most commonly known as the Ghost King)
A King who looks very, very much like Wisp and Wrath (like yeah the two do sometimes look alike, like when they grin with sharp teeth and their hair color, but one has blue skin and red eyes for crying out loud!)
He's staring at them, glowing green eyes that seemed to just... know.
"Welcome to the Infinite Realms. I am King Phantom." His voice echoing in the throne room and seemed to rattle them deeply, like a sudden chill in the early morning.
"I have summoned you all here for a single reason." He continued to say "Tell me..."
Here he paused, closed his eyes before leaning back on the chair then he smiled big and cheerfully asked.
"How are my kids doing in your world? Dan and Ellie aren't causing too much chaos in their wake are they? They tend to go a tiny bit overboard sometimes but what siblings don't when they rough house you know. Tell me everything."
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movedtodykedvonte · 1 year
*Spidey and the Sinister Six having their usual fight*
Doc Ock, landing a hit: You’re getting slow Spider-Man! Age finally catching up to you?
Spider-Man: You wish! I haven’t even hit my 30s! From those costumes I can already tell I failed to save you guys from those midlife crises! Sorry by the way.
Vulture: Watch it wallcr- wait… Did you just say your not in your thirties yet?
Spider-Man: Surprised that this spiders so young and spry? Well-
Electro: Dude I’ve been fighting you for at least 5 fucking years! How old even are you?
Shocker, joking cause he’s the only one who picked up no grown adult acts likes Spidey: Don’t swear in-front of the boy you don’t want him to pick it up.
Rhino: Christ! You’re tellin me I almost crushed some 12-year-olds skull all those years ago?
Spider-Man, regretting his quipping: I was not that young! Like just starting freshman year but-
Sandman, horrified as he’s the only one with a kid and dad instincts(as of my iteration): I could’ve killed a kid…
Shocker, genuinely curious: Are you even old enough to drink? Cruel to kill a man who ain’t had his first drink yet.
Electro: Please tell us you’re at least over 25 as of this fight. Hell, I’ll take over 21!
Sandman, realizing just how young he really is: Oh my god.
Spider-Man: My birthday’s coming up soon so I guess it counts?
Doc Ock, exacerbated: It. Does. Not!
Vulture: What would your mother think if she knew her son was out here risking his life telling poorly constructed jokes?
Spider-Man, offended cause it quips slap: 1. My jokes are great 2. She and my dad are dead so-
Sandman, hysterical cause holy shit he almost killed a kid orphan: OH MY GOD!
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waterdropsfall · 5 months
The council has decided he's getting mon-chan back >:)
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