#wanna do more things that require….more effort and figuring out things
blodwyrm · 3 months
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giant moray eel my beloved
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Dating Lyney
Day #1 of writing for my beloved in an attempt to coerce him into showing up early. Come home, my little magician, I need you!
Please feel free to send me requests for what you want to see next!
Fandom: Genshin Impact Character: Lyney Warnings: Fluff, magic. Some mild spoilers for the Fontaine archon quest. Note: Some people consider Lyney to be a minor, so keep in mind that he's 18+ in this, even though there's no NSFW.
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So you wanna date the rizzler huh? You'd better be prepared, because he's the world's biggest flirt. It literally never stops, no matter if you've been together five weeks or five years. He's always going to have something suave to say, always going to keep surprising you with little magic tricks. It's just how he is, especially when he's passionate about something - or someone. You'd best be ready to hear him say he loves you twenty times a day, and you'd better say it back, too, or else he'll get that adorable pout on his face and hit you with the puppy dog eyes. Sometimes you wonder if the man has a serious bone in his entire body or if Lynette inherited them all, but you know him better than that.
Lyney is such a gentleman. He's ridiculously charismatic, but he's also so, so sweet. He'll do anything and everything for you. He pulls out chairs for you, holds your hand while walking - you'll definitely have to stop him from draping his cape across puddles for you like they do in the movies. It's a little cheesy, sure, but it's so endearing with that sweet, lovesick smile on his face, and you can't help but love him more for it.
He's a very observant person. It just comes with the territory. He's trained himself to pick up on the subtlest little details, and while this primarily applies to magic and his work, but it also applies very heavily to you. He notices everything about you, from what you order at restaurants you go to on dates to what color clothing you prefer to wear to the way your tone and expression naturally shift as you talk about different topics. He memorizes you, so much so that he'll surprise you with things you've mentioned once in his presence, or perhaps not at all - he's quite good at putting pieces together and figuring out things behind the scenes, after all. You once asked him if he had the ability to read your mind after he pulled a slice of your favorite cake out of his hat, and he merely laughed and replied, "a magician never reveals his secrets, my dear~"
Speaking of which, his laugh is one of your favorite sounds in the whole world. The little chuckles and laughs peppered throughout his speech are lovely, of course, but you know they're mostly part of the show he plays for the audience. Your true favorite is the way he laughs when you're alone with him, when you say or do something funny or catch him off guard. There's something so magical about it, like you're getting a private glimpse of his beautiful soul. One of your favorite memories is when you got him to laugh so hard he could barely breathe, a genuine smile stretched across his face and a delightful sparkle in his eyes.
During the early part of your relationship, he's very guarded and secretive, despite his open and outgoing persona. Depending on your thoughts about the organization, he might attempt to hide being a Fatuus from you, just because he's terrified of your reaction. He puts a lot of effort into appearing absolutely perfect, because he believes you deserve nothing less than perfection. Even if he is honest about his work, he holds back his innermost feelings and desires for quite some time, continuing to play the part that is required of him. He cares dearly about you, and he's not about to let you go because of a careless misstep on his part.
It takes him some time before he learns to be vulnerable with you. He's so convinced that he always has to be perfect, that he has to be strong for his siblings and for you, and he doesn't allow himself to show any of the negative emotions that haunt him day after day. Slowly but surely, however, you will break that wall down - brick by brick, if you must. He begins to lower his guard when you are alone, to let the mask slip and show his true feelings, even if they aren't glamorous, even if he hates them. Once he trusts you enough to show you the truth that he hides from even his siblings, your relationship grows even closer.
Writing Masterlist 🐝 Requests Open! Tag List 🐝 @mossmosis
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eldritch-spouse · 9 months
PINNIE I WANNA PUT BELO IN AN AMAZON POSITION, is that what it’s called,,,? I DUNNO DONT CARE I WANT THIS ANGEL BOY BENEATH ME—DOMINATE HIM AA!! Also it’s funny imaging a small human bending a large angel :}
[YOU'RE SPEAKING MY LANGUAGE OOOOOHHH-💨 Fem reader. You are not Admin in this.]
TW: Reader is slightly pushy at first but it's entirely consensual.
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" I want to try something different. " You muse out loud.
" ... My Lady? "
Sex with Belo is great.
Upon first meeting the angel, you had one or two assumptions in your head that you thought held true. That angels are asexual, incapable of carnal desire. You thought he'd chastise you for expressing attraction to him, that he wouldn't make for a pleasing bedmate anyway.
You couldn't have been more wrong. Belo is none of those things.
In fact, the signs were there from the start. Belo had been struggling with containing his own desires for a torturous amount of time. You simply didn't want to interpret reality for what it was. Didn't want to believe that lingering touches meant more than just a different perception of personal boundaries, that his longing staring wasn't just a tendency of angels to be vigilant... Even as he confessed to finding you the most gorgeous lesser there is, you didn't believe that attraction could hold within itself the selfishness of lust.
Obviously, you know much better by now.
You know Belo craves to please you at any capacity he can, that your approval and ecstasy in bed is something he always seems to put before his own. And you love the sensation of his body atop yours, his sheer size, his warmth, the trembling need barely contained in his limbs when he sinks into you and that unforgettable softness experienced when your hands roam around his furred figure. It's bliss from beginning to end, your own little Eden provided by the angel that somehow proclaimed you his savior.
And yet...
Sometimes, it feels repetitive.
Like Belo is somewhat scared of doing something you would consider inadequate, so he sticks tightly to what he knows. Especially positions and gestures you have initiated in the past. You initially understood this as a sign of Belo's timidity and slight apprehension regarding such intimacies, but as time passes, you're fairly certain he himself is longing to try different things.
And you've been plagued with a certain mental image for a while.
So why not try your hand at it?
The power stares expectantly at your seated form on the couch by the doorway, having previously been in the kitchen, busying himself with chores you didn't assign or request of him- As usual. He dons on his front one of your aprons, the cloth looking ridiculously tiny on him, covered with stains you assume belong to sauces.
He's always wearing that black tight suit, it almost makes you feel bad for preferring to put on loose-fitting and comfortable clothes in your own home.
" I want to try something different, Belo. " You repeat.
There's a humorous pause wherein the angel tries to calculate what you might be talking about, your poker face and neutral tone betraying absolutely nothing. His eyes widen, and the non-human straightens immediately.
" Yes, of course my Lady! I've been looking at those uhm... " Belo gesticulates oddly, searching for words he doesn't necessarily understand. " Those digital cookbooks you have, and I spotted this very good-looking dish- "
Oh. Oh the poor thing.
He thinks you're talking about dinner.
The laugh that erupts from your throat is hearty and genuine, startling your devoted celestial into ashamed silence. Maybe he assumes you're mocking him for trying to use your social media bookmarks to cook. It's a genuinely sweet and loving effort from Belo, one of very many, provided he doesn't require nourishment in the form of actual food like you. You don't want him to feel self-conscious about something so considerate.
Rising from the comforting cushions, you approach the taller monster with a dubious little grin on your lips, hands dipping behind the apron to tug the long open collar of his outfit forward, down, your eyes meeting his two naturally engorged ones. The angel's tilted eyes have always been a touch too intense, but you know that's in his kind's nature, especially since he told you his specific cast specializes in combat and protection. Still, it's ever easy to get lost in those pools.
" I said something new. "
This time, there can be no type of misunderstanding. Even if Belo had the thickest skull in all of existence, the way your lids bat coyly and your head cants leaves zero to the imagination. An index flirts idly with neat clumps of fur as his chest begins fluffing in tension. He has no saliva to swallow down, but you wouldn't blame him if he gulped at this moment.
" Ah- I... I see. "
With a gentler smile, you undo the apron's knot, pressing a chaste kiss to the side of Belo's face, hearing him coo a noise out, before carefully removing the garment in a way that causes the least discomfort possible to his smaller pair of wings.
" Did you leave anything on in the kitchen? "
" No, my Lady. "
He doesn't quite know what to do with himself, hands previously twitching by his sides now holding each other at his front, before he decides the pose isn't appropriate and holds them at his back instead, straightening- As if you needed another reminder of how he towers over humans. Three eyes bounce everywhere in the room, avoiding you as he always does when nervous, yet occasionally fleetingly checking for some type of approval in your gaze.
Cruelly, you allow him to remain in that riled up stasis for a few precious moments, standing on the tips of your toes to further crowd him.
" Good. Leave dinner to me tonight. "
When you take that lightly furred pale hand in yours, Belo follows obediently after you like a lost puppy.
" Undress. " You begin as soon as you're inside the bedroom, not even bothered to look the angel's way as you start arranging the sheets and pillows.
You're going to put him in a position that might be a little stressful for a being with wings, so there's a lot of caution to be exercised here. You figure support for his lower back and neck should help. After all, he takes similar measures with you regularly.
The sound of something soft hitting the floor has you finally looking back, faced with your angel now bare, flexing his wings gently. You've always wondered how he doesn't struggle with taking off clothes given his large wings, you'd certainly consider it a chore, just as many demons hate sweaters that get caught on their horns.
Belo presents himself to you, standing straight and spanning his wings a certain distance -Careful not to hit the walls- And spreading his legs the slightest amount in spite of his ever present slight nervousness. You've always liked that little tuft of fur above his slit, the way it feels against your fingers when he neglects to trim it for a while.
" My beautiful angel. " You praise. " Come, undress me. "
And really, if there was one request you could make of the all-powerful beings Belo so frequently raves about, it would be the ability to see the way his furious flush spreads from his face to his already fur-covered neck.
Supremely gentle and dexterous fingers work at your clothes with the same reverence he continues to extend your way no matter how much time passes. You'll never get used to this level of sweetness, this worship, Belo touches you like with a love so profound you can swear you somehow feel it in the tips of his digits. Even in his moments of seemingly greedy pursuit of gratification, Belo doesn't seem to know how to be anything except devoted. Maybe it's because he's angelic, but you can say for certain that you've never been treated this nicely, and you've never longed for anyone's embrace as much as you long for his.
The power doesn't let his fingers roam too much when he follows your command, intent on getting things done dutifully as opposed to demonstrating lack of self-control. His eyes however, swirling windows to the soul of a celestial, reveal everything he refuses to voice or act on out of respect for you. Belo's pupils dilate immensely as soon as your bare breasts are exposed, his digits acquire a slight tremble as he makes to fold your top and set it down on the drawer, until you playfully bat it out of his hand. Belo sinks to his knees in front of you, and the view is so paradoxical -A holy creature kneeling to its gods' mistake- That you nearly burst out cackling. Instead, all that leaves your mouth is a silent gasp when he catches the hem of your sweatpants and drags it down, hooking over your panties as well. The trip down is slow, measured, and you know it's not an intentional tease but you still shimmy to have it fall faster, catching a twitch in his largest eye, while the one beneath it has fixed itself on your naked pussy.
When his task is completed, Belo remains kneeling obediently, palms flat on his thighs.
" Thank you. " You purr. " Sit on the bed. "
He does, albeit on the very edge, quickly correcting himself when you make a "further" motion.
Seeing the way Belo's eyes widen as you move to almost straddle him is as intoxicating as it was the first time. You remember the luxurious roll of your hips over his own, recall his fingers twitching as he tried to grab onto you without bruising frail human skin. Delightful and memorable.
" Lay, my sweet. "
Ever the glutton for obedience, it's not long before the angel is on his back, and you immediately take the opportunity to flatten your palms to his furred chest, fingers threading between that familiar softness like second nature. Your head soon joins, nuzzling yet careful to avoid the extra eye stationed there. You trail a path of lazy kisses upwards, tracing the edges of his built-in halo you can reach and dragging your teeth across the root of his left pair of head wings.
The response is instantaneous and intense, this sudden cooing moan hopelessly erupting from Belo's throat before he seems to pale even further in shame and muffles the noise. Tsk, it seems he'll never learn to sing freely, no matter how many times you reassure the power that his angelic vocalizations are half the fun. Those smaller wings twitch and flap, the ones on his back fanning out humorously.
" You're adorable. " It's said in a mocking tone, followed by laughter as the angel fails to suppress more noises when you offer the remaining wing equal attention.
You love that he's already matting his own fur in slick by the time you reach down to part it and play with his pretty pink slit. It's engorged, his length already brushing against the fingertips that brazenly dip inside. With a gasp, the power spreads his legs slightly and tenses. You can feel his effort to keep still.
As soon as you begin crawling back to settle your head between snowy legs, he gathers enough wit to start babbling the same old drivel.
" M- My Lady, you need not- "
" I don't need to, I want to. "
Belo looks at you like he doesn't quite get the point. And frankly, some concepts seem to have been drilled so hard into his mind that you worry he will never understand other views of the world.
" You want to please me, right? " You start, kissing at his sheath until the very tip of him shows itself.
" More than anything. " The male pants.
" Then you should know that pleasing you pleases me. "
And with that, you take what's available of his rosy length in your mouth, coaxing the rest of him out almost impatiently.
Belo's choked groan of surprise has you smiling around him, amused by the impulsive horse buck of his legs before he garbles and apology and tries to melt back onto the sheets, poorly. He won't hold your head. Not from lack of desire, but that ever-persistent sense of inferiority, fisting his hands on the fabric beneath him instead. When one of his arms does rise, all he does is shakily pet your hair, inhaling sharply at the swipe of your tongue across his head, before dropping it again.
" Lady... "
He moans pitifully, a delicious sound coming from a creature so supposedly holy.
As much as you'd enjoy keeping him between your lips, your goal this time is much more fun, so you pop off him lazily. There's a moment where he twitches and his fur bristles in what anyone can guess is instinctual irritation, but Belo doesn't say a peep.
Seeing his eyes bulge when you grab Belo's thighs and start bending them up is hilarious enough that you giggle openly.
" What- What are we doing, my Lady? "
" Relax, I promise you'll like it. " Or at least you assume he will, what with his desire to always be below yourself. " Now please, hold your legs up for me. "
The title would get repetitive if you didn't enjoy it so much.
The angel does, grabbing the back of his knees and sliding his legs back with the help of your guidance, until they're basically glued to his chest. He's fit, you're not surprised he can easily hold that position. In fact, you get to see the exact moment it clicks in his bird brain, the nature of the position he's in. His cock bobs aimlessly and his wings move almost as if to cover his figure sides in shame. And, admittedly, the view has all sorts of chills taking hold of your limbs, your own womanhood singing.
" My Lady, this is so... So...! "
Eyes roll slowly at his stuttering, though you relish the tremor of his pupils when you move to hover over him, as if your much smaller body could ever constitute as a minimal threat to his.
" Filthy? Lewd? Scandalous? " You kiss directly beneath his eyes. " Yes, just how I like you, my debauched dove. "
With a soft command for him to hold still, you rearrange the pillows beneath his body properly and take a moment to figure your own position correctly. After all, as much as you've thought about doing this before, you never actually got to make that wish come true, so it'll take a bit of experimentation.
Belo continues to be mildly confused. " No- No offense, Lady, but are you sure this is correct? "
You scoot to line Belo's member up with your entrance, rubbing him against you to spread the angel's arousal and facilitate things. He shudders in anticipation, the lowermost eye on his face already rolling in pleasure.
" Why wouldn't it be? "
He's not given a chance to respond before you gradually sink onto his girth, causing such a reaction that he nearly releases his legs before holding them ever tighter.
" Gghn-!! O-Oh... "
Sparing him the smallest mercy, you're slow to rock yourself on him, letting the first shock of heat flow through him before you're flush to his pelvis. It's a wonderful position, he's hitting you deeper than usual already, ripping a soft mewl out of you as your cunt clenches greedily around the intrusion.
" See? " You huff, slightly out of breath when you experimentally bounce a little on him. Belo whines long and low, unsure what else he can do to ground himself. " It works just fine. "
The first few rocks are entirely random as you try to quickly work out a rhythm and motion that works well enough, settling for straightening up and grabbing Belo's ankles for support, careful not to twist the tiny feathers there. Finally, you're able to get into it properly, a sickly delight on your face as you watch Belo's figure shift beneath your thrusts.
Is this... What you look like to him? Not a bad sight at all.
Belo's eyes, previously closing at the first taste of rapture your walls brought him, widen like the dinner plates at the notion that he's being well and truly fucked by his human. There's a pause where it looks as if his mind has truly been fried, one eye fixed on your face, another on the sway of your tits, and the other memorizing the way your pussy swallows him.
You won't lie, the rush of dominance, of having something so much more than human willingly present themself for you, allowing a tiny human to ride them into submission- It has you beside yourself with want, and your smirk crashes into a pleasured "oh" as you join Belo in his stunned marveling.
You'll be doing this a lot more often, for sure.
" Hhn- Oh lords please- I- " Belo melts and shivers, his chest fluffing itself further and his wings twitching sporadically. " Humans have- Developed such odd mating customs... "
He's talking like he isn't throbbing madly inside you right now.
" Mhm, you need to catch up on a lot of stuff, pretty boy. "
Though of course, you'll be personally helping with that.
When your mind starts blanking in bliss and your body gives its first warning signs of an approaching peak, you look down at Belo, whose head has tossed onto the pillow supporting his neck and whose wings fan out in a tense crescendo of pleasure. His legs and feet spasm periodically and he moans the wetter his fur becomes with your slick.
Another reason you like his fur is the surprising amount of friction and texture it can offer your clit when you're intimate. It's the soft brush of a feather almost, but enough to bring you closer to orgasm all that quicker! Honestly, the only downside to Belo's incredibly soft fur is that vacuuming is a little more frequent and pesky.
In moments, you're bending to be flush to his body, batting Belo's hands away so you can hold his legs back yourself. It's an even more intense angle, making you feel even more powerful as you hold the angel down and piston his cock into you as hard as you physically can, sweating and panting in exertion.
You're sure you must look downright beastly right now, but all Belo does is whine and mewl, still gazing at you as if you were the most entrancing thing to ever exist, a wonder of the universe above him. The power gathers enough motor coherence to brush strands of hair out of your face, tucking them behind your ear, before his arms flop uselessly at his sides once more, fingers curling in delight.
All those lavender eyes begin to roll, his hips rising off the bed yet smacked back down viciously by the weight of your body thrusting him down, in the midst of his mindless crooning noises, Belo utters your name like a plea for mercy and wraps his arms around your back, your breasts sliding on his chest and his legs reflexively fighting your grip so he can presumably wrap them around your smaller figure too.
He's a vision of the sweetest dream like this.
" Gods please don't stop- Please please- I'm sorry I can't- " The angel cries, tears beading in the corner of his three eyes, absolutely helpless and hopeless beneath you.
All of it comes together to send you well over the edge, throwing you into a climax so shockingly strong that you fuck yourself on him one last leg-shaking time before tensing and crying out to the ceiling. He follows instantly, having been holding himself for a while. You relish the sensation of Belo's cum shooting deep into your hole, only to have no choice except to drip back down and stain him, slip between his legs and yours in grossly warm globs.
Seconds of you two catching your breath silently and fondly pass, until you slowly release Belo's legs and rub his thighs in gratitude. He seems content to remain holding you, though avoids your gaze now that the post-orgasm clarity has him bashful again.
" Thank you for humoring me. " You sigh against his neck.
His wings close over the two of you gently. " Always, my love. "
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the-unrelated-theorist · 10 months
Some Undertale gamer headcanons:
Someone said that Toriel would be the world Tetris champion, and I'm not sure why, but I agree with that. And not just Tetris, but bubble-poppers, match 3, marble-shooters, all of those kinds of games. She's the new Candy Crush mascot.
I've also seen people say sans would be into rhythm games, and... no. Why would you think he would be into something that takes that much effort? Seriously, come on. What sans is into is farming sim games. He's written dozens of online strategy guides for Stardew Valley, all of them under different pseudonyms.
Papyrus is into online multiplayers. All of them, any genre- Fortnite, Apex Legends, Fall Guys, Elder Scrolls Online, Runescape, you name it. He sucks at all of them, but none of his online friends is willing to tell him how bad he is because he's so darned innocent and nice. Nobody really wants him on their team because he'll always make them fail the mission, but he's so upbeat and uplifting that no one has the heart to tell him they don't want him.
Undyne loves Souls-like and dungeon crawlers, but she struggles with anything that requires stealth, she just doesn't. do. stealth. She says it's stupid to have to sneak up on enemies, she should just be able to barge in with guns or swords or spears blazing in any and all circumstances. Don't ever even suggest Metal Gear to her. Or Breath of the Wild- she rage-quit after the Yiga Clan Hideout quest (although it did leave her with the impression that bananas give you strength in battle, so she now always keeps a bunch of bananas on hand).
Blooky plays solitaire and Mah Jongg, and even those stress them out.
Maddie plays casino and slots games. On an unrelated note, she's always broke.
Mettaton is the rhythm games master. You will not change my mind on this.
Alphys is HEAVY into JRPG's. The more anime it looks, the more she loves it.
Asgore has no idea what a video game is. Well, ok, he has some idea, his kids both played games, but he never could figure them out. He thinks Sonic and Crash are both Mario characters and that Link is a girl- you get the idea. But he did used to play card and board games with Toriel. Especially chess (she totally owned his ass in every match). Ever since Toriel left, he can't bring himself to play chess. He plays checkers a lot, tho. He usually loses (he plays against himself).
Asriel and Chara were into action/adventure games. Asriel's favorite characters were Yoshi and Link, while Chara's favorites were Samus and Shadow the Hedgehog. What? No, I'm not projecting my favorite games onto the Dreemurr kids. What are you talking about?
Frisk has only ever played the hit indie game Undertale. About 500 times. Always Pacifist, they've never even tried a Geno run. They've been thinking about playing that Deltarune game, too, but they kinda wanna wait until the whole thing is released.
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piedpiperart · 1 year
Phantom of Gotham 11
Chapter 10
After lunch, the four boys parted ways and Danny found himself in his room. He checked his Tucker Approved phone for the four hundredth time since arriving in Gotham to find a spam of messages. Situating himself on his bed he clicked the messages open to read. All of them were from Tucker, in what looked like an info dump of updates on Amity. 
Danny frowned, not really liking what he reads. According to Tucker, his parents really were working with the GIW and Jazz had scoped out that they had already started inventing some questionable things. One was a tracking device of sorts, which sent a shiver down Danny’s spine at the implications of that. They were fairly certain that Danny was still safe in Gotham for the time being, given they didn’t think the range of it would go as far as Gotham from Amity. 
Tucker reported that while everyone else in Amity was still going about business as normal, Valarie, Sam, Tuker, and Jazz had picked up slack on ghost hunting. There were not a lot of ghosts coming to Amity, especially now that Phantom was MIA, so there wasn’t a lot of work to be done. Mostly, it took more effort to keep the Fentons distracted. 
On a sidenote, Sam had a run in with Vlad because of her millionaire parents, and concluded that the old man had something planned. None of them could figure out what, but they seemed to be more worried about the GIW and the Fentons to think about Vlad’s friutloopy plans. Either way, Sam and Valarie were keeping an eye out. Speaking of Valarie, apparently she joined the team because she was worried about Danny going missing. Tucker and Sam had given her the barest amount of information and in turn got her to help them wrangle the ghosts in Phantom’s absence. He was quick to reassure Danny that Val didn’t know about him being a halfa, but Danny trusted Tucker with his life. Even if Tucker had told her, he knew it would have been for a good reason. 
Sighing, he typed out an acknowledgement and signed off, hoping they were doing okay without him. His core pulsed anxiously at his feelings for his friends and sister. It felt wrong to have them deal with all of this without him. Danny couldn’t help but feel responsible for dragging them into this mess. But, he couldn’t help the overwhelming feelings of pride and affection that his friends were so capable at handling this. That they cared about him. 
Danny laid on his bed for a while before getting bored. He couldn’t fall asleep, so he figured he might as well find someone to bother. His core thrived on being around people, and protecting them. Out of everyone in the manor, Danny figured someone might have some free time, or needed some cheering up from being stuck inside all day. Though, looking out the window he could tell the blizzard had died down. All that was left were the heaps of snow and icy trails. It looked pretty, the thought absently. Maybe he could help Alfred with something. The elderly man was probably not enjoying the cold. 
Fighting the urge to smother the old man in blankets, he turned the corner and almost bumped into the manor’s smallest resident. “Oh- Damian, hey, want to play in the snow?” Danny asked,”Looks like the blizzard stopped.”
Damian wrinkled his nose, glancing out the window. “I do not require a babysitter, Folson. Playing in the snow is for children.”
“I dunno, we could have a snowball fight?” Danny offered. “You could bring your dog. Tim said you had a dog, right? Dogs love snow. Probably.”
“Fine,”Damian sighed. “Titus has been upset at being cooped up in the manor, and I am under the impression that you will freeze out there without proper supervision.”
“Awesome!” Danny exclaimed, bouncing on his toes.”Lets go, I wanna meet Titus.”
“You won’t be going out in that,”Damian scowled at Danny’s t-shirt and socks. “Follow me, you can use Drake’s winter gear.”
Danny and his core were too excited to play in the snow to complain about having to put on warmer clothes. Not that they’d really help against the cold, since he’d be fine no matter what, but if it made Damian feel better he’d do it. 
Damian sighed exasperatedly. After Danny cajoled him and Titus into going out into the snow-filled backyard of the manor, Danny and Titus had not stopped jumping and running through the snow. The smaller teen watched from his position as Danny raced Titus through the snow, only they had to trudge through what was probably a good foot and a half of snow so it wasn’t very fast. Damian scowled that Danny and Titus had gotten along so well. Usually Titus took a bit longer for strangers to warm up to.
Suddenly, the two miscreants raced towards Damian as he looked on with mild annoyance, until about ten feet in front of Damian Danny had dove into the snow in front of him. Pushing down amusement, Damian took a step forwards, realizing that Danny had in fact doven under the snow to confuse Titus. The greyhound was nosing around where Danny had disappeared, and Damian was about to call him over when a voice rang out behind him. 
“You gonna join us?” Damian hid a jolt of surprise that Danny had not only snuck up on him, but also apparently traveled ten feet under the snow to behind Damian without him noticing. He whirled around to face the other boy who had snow clinging to his clothes and hair despite Damian’s efforts to get him into Tim’s winter gear. His eyes wandered from Titus to Danny before he elected to ignore it. 
Danny’s eyes sparkled with mischief, and Damian gave him a look. “Join you in what?” Damian asked sarcastically,”You two have just been running around in the snow for the past ten minutes.”
Danny nodded,”True. I think I just missed my dog a lot. Titus reminds me of him, and we used to go running around the park a lot. But we can make a snowman if you want?”
Damian perked up at the mention of animals. “You have a dog? Who is taking care of him while you are here?”
“Ah, he’s not really my dog?” Danny said sheepishly, running a hand behind his neck. “He’s kind of a stray dog that likes to stick around sometimes. I play with him when I can but couldn’t keep him, you know?”
Damian nodded sagely. “I understand. It took me a while to convince Father to adopt TItus. What kind of dog?”
“I have no idea,” Danny smiled, reminiscing about his kind of big and small friend. He continued talking, but started packing the snow around him into a pile.”But his name is Cujo and he’s super sweet, but not very obedient. He looks kind of like a bulldog? I’m not really sure, but I think you’d like him.”
“I’m sure we’d get along,”Damian agreed. He definitely got along with animals more than people. Part of him was glad Danny had a dog, because that meant the teen understood a bit of where Damian was coming from. “Now can we go back inside now?”
“What? No way, we’ve only been out here for like five minutes,”Danny complained, flopping into the snow, despite the disapproving look on Damian’s face. “Besides, I just got started on my snow-batman.”
Damian scowled at the lump of snow in between them. “If you’re trying to make Batman, you’ll need more snow. He is taller than that.” 
“It would be faster if you helped me,”Danny pouted, reminding Damian of Grayson,”You know Batman better than I do.”
“Fine,”Damian relented, despite the cold irritating his exposed skin. He knelt down to pack the snow in better, and before he knew it, they were making a life-sized Batman snowman.
“He’s perfect,” Danny said smugly, hands on his hips. Looking over the snowman that towered over the two of them, Damian could admit he felt a bit of pride at how they managed to make a snowman that perfectly encapsulated the dark knight. 
“How are you not cold?” Damian scowled, looking to Danny’s uncovered fingers. He’d taken his gloves off to make the bat ears because they needed a ‘delicate touch’, and hadn’t put them back on. Even Titus had retreated back into the house for warmth. “Do you have some anti-cold meta-human ability?”
“Um,”Danny started, caught off guard. He shifted in the snow, debating food a moment while Damian stared at him with narrowed eyes. Damian wasn’t exactly trying to pry, but he wanted to know if his siblings’ theories were correct, or if Danny would be a threat. Granted, Damian thought it was difficult to view the boy as a threat after watching him fail at making snow-bat-man’s ears twenty eight times.  “Maybe.” 
“Maybe?” Damian raised an eyebrow, unimpressed. They kept eye contact before Danny slumped in defeat, looking a little bit wary. 
“Okay, I’m not really a meta, but I can like, create ice and snow and stuff,”Danny said, looking back up to the mansion as if someone were watching them. Damian however, knew along with the rest of his siblings that Danny had some type of meta abilities, but was preening internally at being the first one trusted with the secret. Danny lifted his hand, and Damian watched as a few snowflakes forms to circle the air before floating to the ground “So the cold doesn’t bother me, and I’ve never lost a snowball fight. But I can’t do anything big, and I didn’t cause the blizzard, so please don’t tell anyone?”
Damian wrinkled his nose. “I would not betray your secret. However, I doubt ice powers are your only abilities.”
Danny bit his lower lip, and Damian was about to say that he didn’t need to say what they were even if he was curious, when Danny smirked. “I may have cheated at arm wrestling.”
Caught off guard by his answer, Damian huffed out a laugh. He cleared his throat, continuing with,”Super strength then? What about speed or healing?”
“Nah, not speed but I think I heal a little bit faster than normal,”Danny said, starting on another snowman. Damian guessed it might be Robin, and deduced that it would be embarrassing to have only a Batman and Robin snow sculpture out in the lawn where everyone could see it.
“Despite your abilities, I highly doubt you’d be able to win at a snowball fight against me,”Damian redirected. He kicked at the newly formed pile of snow when Danny wasn’t looking just to ensure it’s doom. 
Danny’s eyes lit up, and his hesitant smile turned bright. “Oh, you’re on!” 
If Damian and Danny were smiling like idiots as they pelted eachother with snowballs and hid behind snow fortresses, then no one knew but them and the cameras Alfred would review later and then show to Bruce. Both adults would ignore how Danny seemed to create snow-sculptures in minutes. 
Hours later, Alfred came outside to fetch the two boys, only to come across an entire snow-army of replicas of the Bat family, as well as a few other heroes. On either side of the yard were two different versions of a castle, with little piles of snowballs on each side of the fortress. Alfred raised a brow at having spotted Damian first as he threw a snowball to hit the small snow Robin at a perfect angle to topple the entire thing. From the other snow-barricade castle, Alfred heard a noise of distress. 
“How could you Damian?!” Danny cried out at his fallen brethren. 
“He is an abomination and deserved death,”Damian called back, only for Danny to appear out of the barricade with a snowball in each hand. 
“I’ll avenge you Snobin!” Danny exclaimed, using his snowballs to hit what Alfred thought was a snow-Titus on Damian’s side. 
“Sn- don’t call it that!” Damian demanded,”How dare you kill snow-Titus?!”
“There’s like four Snitus’s over there! He sacrificed himself for the greater good,”Danny called. 
“You are not allowed to give my Snow-Titus names!” Damain yelled back, throwing more snowballs to topple Danny’s army. 
“Not Snow-wing too!”Danny cried, and Alfred decided to intervene before all the snow people met their end.
“Boys! Won’t you come inside to warm up before dinner?” Alfred called, mustache twitching in amusement as both boys halted what they were doing to stare at Alfred, only for a snowball to smack Danny in the face while he was distracted. 
“Coming!” Damian called, running gracefully up to the manor. Danny on the other hand, squawked in protest and stumbled after the younger teen. 
As they both passed the butler, he couldn’t help but hope Danny would become a permanent member of the family if he got along with Damian so quickly. 
Chapter 12
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mrs-monaghan · 7 months
I need advice, please, you never answer my asks, even though you do with tkkrs spewing lies and hate. Please, I used to love every Jikook interaction, but since a while ago, I can't do it without thinking about how 99% of the fandom are tkkrs and hate JM. I want to enjoy their moments like you do, but it hurts so much to see all the hate JM receives. Sometimes I wonder if JK is worth it...like JM would be free if he dated someone else...tkkrs only want JK to be TH's sex toy, and if JM is with someone else, at least we could enjoy Jikook even if it's them just being friends. Or JK could shut tkkrs up sometime and try to defend Jimin...I gave up on TH confirming Jennie, he's a coward and doesn't want to lose his fans (tkkrs), so he's going to keep doing fanservice namedropping JK everytime he needs it... please, what is your secret? how can I enjoy jkk again? why are there so many people that believe JK is TH's boyfriend if JM is the one he loves? really, everything is so frustrating. Poor JM, I'm tired
Maybe I dont answer your asks because you say things like "maybe Jimin should find someone else" Matter of fact, let it be known to everyone: I delete all such asks. Or any asks that sound remotely like anti JK. Jimin loves who he loves. He is head over heels for this man. Get with the programme or move the fuck on. Coz your fav aint never gonna drop JK just coz u want him to. And I personally figure that is common sense. So anytime I get an ask saying JK doesn't deserve Jimin I don't even finish reading that shit. I delete. So I'm sorry you're upset anon, but if this is how u talk everytime then that's why I have never answered u.
That being said, anon pointed out how I have time to reply to antis n tkkrs. I'm sure some of u who have sent me good Jikook asks probably wonder the same thing. Why does she reply to them but hasn't answered my ask from months ago? This is a fair question. Apart from my current situation 🤰🏽 I may not have time sometimes. And some of your asks require research. Some of your asks are so good they deserve time and thought put into them. Meanwhile insulting a piece of vermin or an anti is easy. I don't have to think when talking smack to these assholes. I don't need to research anything. Plus its very satisfying and takes 0 effort on my end. So that's why it seems like I prioritise them.
Answering a good ask and answering it properly, could take all day sometimes. As much as I love doing it, it requires a lot of time and effort. So yeah, incase any of u was frustrated about how u sent a good ask a long time ago and yet I seem to have time for antis, thats why. That, and people who send links. Those asks are easy n take no time at all.
I'm sorry guys. Really.
But anon, u asked for advice on how to enjoy Jikook moments despite the existence of tkkrs.
I will start by taking you back to this post I made when all hell broke loose that one time. It is incredibly important that people remember: your feelings are not Jimin's. This is the man who in 2018 was sent a death threat and he said that Armys were more worried about this person than he was. That he was alright and that no one should worry.
Quickly, lets pay attention to this part one more time
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His fans were more concerned than he was. I do believe this to be the case 1000% right now too. You are more worried about the vermin than he is. You are more worried about Jikook antis, than he is. He doesn't care. If he cared he would pull away from JK. If he cared we wouldn't be getting a Jikook documentary. If he cared why would be continue providing Jikook content despite knowing some people will not receive it very well??? Despite knowing there are people who wanna kill him for hanging with JK?
If he cared we would be starved for moments on official content. He would keep away from JK if antis were affecting him. Period. There is no "poor Jimin." He's more than okay.
Anon, my advice is to keep this in mind. This is what I do. Jimin doesn't care, so neither do I.
So instead I laugh at them and mock them because they are just wasting their time and energy. No amount of hate and death threats are gonna stop Jimin from loving those he loves. And this is the truth.
Plus, why be concerned with people who believe members hate each other? Like in what world does that make sense?? Anon, you have seen the fuckery i share on this blog. These people are brainless and stupid. As we speak they claim that wasn't JK with Jimin in Tokyo. How can u take such people seriously??? I know I don't. I can't. For me to even consider the shit coming out of your mouth you have to make sense and tkkrs dont make any fucking sense.
So my advice, this is up to you and you only. Its is up to u to treat these people like the mental cases they are; by not taking them seriously. Report, block and move on. Go watch a happy Jimin compilation or something. If u can't take the hate, then unfollow all report pages, mute key words, stay on the clean side of twitter. Believe u me, it exists. Curate your timeline anon, it is possible. Even on twitter.
I promise you Jimin does not care. He used to but he sure as hell doesn't anymore. You remember this crucial part, and you will be able to enjoy Jikook in peace.
Plus, if you've been paying attention to JK, you will notice he doesn't feed tkkrs. He really doesn't. Not like in the past. And the dude has made it clear he doesn't like them... not even a little bit. And can u blame him? Look at you and how u feel. Now imagine JK, Jimin's boyfriend seeing this hate. Imagine how he feels. You can tell he ain't about tkkrs. Especially this year. Even they know it and so they rely on V for tkk content. (Denying them moments is the most JK can do. Interfering or trying to shut them up wouldn't work. If it didn't work with V, twice, it won't work with JK either)
This is the only advice I can give u. Hope u heed it. Because no one deserves their BTS experience taken away from them. Xoxo
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kiyoobi · 2 years
kiyoomi sakusa takes care of you when you have a migraine
Having migraines for YEARS, ever since you were a kid, you’ve had the pain of being shut inside a dark room hoping you’d pass out soon. So you’ve gotten used to them by now. it starts out with your vision blurring, the lights around you slowly being more and more annoying. Then the familiar dull ache behind your eyes, followed by the nausea, and so on. You’re used to it. Sometimes you wake up with a headache, ready to form into a raging migraine if you don’t reach for those pills to ease the pain.
Sakusa knows this, but it doesn’t stop him from feeling that ache in his chest when you slip on your sunglasses with a weak smile. He can’t stop the twinge of annoyance when he sees someone give you a strange look for wearing those glasses inside, he stops himself from glaring at the baby screaming not too far away. When you both are finally home, finally away from overstimulation the world brutally gave to you, he quickly flicks all of the lights off.
“‘M sorry Omi, I know you wanted to go to that new restaurant tonight-” You start to apologize, your hand massaging your temple even though it doesn’t ease the pain.
“-It’s okay. It isn’t your fault,” he softly interrupts your apology, his heart aching when he sees you slump onto the couch. He watches the way your body curls into itself, how your hands gently caress your head. Seeing you this way, he doesn’t hesitate to put down his things and make his way into the medicine cabinet.
Sakusa remembers, though, how you refused lunch early. The migraine had, by that point, been in full swing and you couldn’t even stand the smell of food. You can’t take this medicine without eating, and he knows you will because you’ve done it before much to his disdain. As quietly as he can, he takes out the emergency crackers and ginger ale. Sakusa winces at the crack of the can opening, but a quick glance at your figure reassures him. He pours the can into a glass and sets it on top of the coaster within your reach, and gently taps your hand so he can feed you a cracker. Your amused chuckle warms his chest, even in your worst pain you manage to smile. In fact, you’ve been making jokes all day despite being in this unbearable pain.
What do you want to eat?” He asks, rubbing your forehead as you nibble on the cracker.
“Ugh, I don’t even wanna think about eating.” You close your eyes and groan, but the sound of your stomach loudly rumbling says otherwise.
“Right,” Sakusa rolls his eyes playfully, “Are dumplings and rice okay?”
“Since when do you know how to make dumplings?” You tease. You risk opening an eye, and despite the room not being as dark as you’d like, you can’t help it when your heart swells at the sight of your boyfriend. His eyebrows are furrowed, his dark curls frizzing from the amount of times he’s run his hands through them (most likely because he’s worried about you). It doesn’t matter how many times you tell him that it’s okay, you’re used to this, you’ll be fine, he still doesn’t stop fretting over you. With his cheeks tinged pink from being called out, he throws your a playful glare and kisses your forehead.
“Don’t be a smartass,” His lips are warm against your hot skin, and he frowns. “Do you want some ice while I cook?”
“Yes please,” you say. For the first time your voice finally gives in, and you can’t help it with a painful moan slips through you. He nods and makes a quick dive into your freezer, hoping there’s even ice to offer you.
Every so often, Sakusa glances at your figure. You look beautiful, even though you would immediately reject this thought, you do. His eyes soften when he sees the curve of your wrist, your fingers gingerly holding the ice to your forehead. It requires effort to pull his gaze away from you and back onto his cooking, but a small smile plays on his lips when he thinks of you. Kiyoomi silently prays that the smells aren’t too much for you, knowing that even if they were you wouldn’t say so.
It breaks his heart having to pull you upright, but you reject his apologizes. You lean into his body, grateful that he brought you a fork instead of chopsticks because you just don’t have the energy for it. He notices the TV is on, which at first used to surprise him, but once you explained you need a distraction or else all you can focus on is the pain, he doesn’t question you. Unfortunately, you’re not in the mood to continue the series you both have been entranced by lately. Instead, he watches you watch the bakers onscreen explain their pastries to Paul Hollywood. The light gently dances across your face, and he watches amused at how despite you barely able to keep your eyes open you still can’t stop watching.
Sakusa knows he’s staring, he just doesn’t care. You don’t eat everything on the plate, which he knew would happen, so he accepts the plate from your hand and takes the fork from you. If someone would’ve told him a year ago that he would eat from the same plate and eating utensil that another person had used, he would’ve looked at them stupidly and ask if they even knew him. It’s funny, it truly is, because yeah sometimes he gets grossed out if he thinks too much about it, but when it comes to you.. he knows you’re clean. Not just in a physical sense (although he admits you’re incredibly messy at times), but in your soul too. Everything about you is pure (even the dirty jokes and the shameless flirting you throw at him) It’s cheesy, he knows. On those early morning jogs, all he thinks of is you. He thinks of your bed head, the stretch of your body, the way you pay careful attention to ridiculous little habits and repeat them yourself (he can do without the incessant teasing though sometimes). Sakusa, is completely enamored with you.
It’s the only reason why he can eat from the same fork you just had in your mouth just now. Gently he puts the empty plate down, and pulls your head into his lap. From there, he can see you better now. Your eyes flutter shut when you feel him place the ice back onto your forehead, while the other gently strokes your cheek. Ever so often he moves the ice pack to the back of your neck, because he knows that you feel pain from there too. He knows it all, he has to, because how else will he show the same careful attention and love that you show for him?
“I’m gonna close my eyes, okay?”
“I know,” Sakusa smiles.
“I’m telling you this because I’m not gonna take a nap, Omi.” You say, still stubborn as ever. “Just tell me what’s going on, I don’t remember who gets Star Baker.”
“Are you sure? Last week you called my voice annoying-“ His body shakes from laughing, as quietly as he can, feeling the way you jab his side. “Anything for you, love.”
You did fall asleep though. Sakusa tries to engrave this moment into his heart, because even with the TV on the lowest setting and the ice pack melting on the table, he feels the intimacy and romance in this setting. His fingers still gently trace your features, the curve of your jaw and cheekbones, your soft lips. His eyes flicker to your shared bedroom, knowing that his jacket is carefully put away in the closet. Knowing that inside, is the very ring he found on your pinterest that you saved many many times. Your hands grip onto him, pulling his eyes back onto you. Whatever you’re dreaming about, you’re holding onto him tightly.
He debates on whether or not of asking you the question when you wake up. Knowing you, you’d feel bad that you had him cancel the reservations because of your cursed migraine. Sakusa smirks, imagining the way you’d scold him for canceling his romantic gesture. He doesn’t care, all he wants is to be there for you. Through sickness and in health.
a/n: i wrote this almost two years ago, and it started my journey. i wanted to repost and share again :) im not going to edit since i want to keep it as original as possible. this is dedicated to the moots i met through my writings
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hippolotamus · 2 months
So this is 39...
I was gonna do one of those X amount of things I've learned by age whatever, but 39 is a lot of things and tbh I'm not sure if I’ve learned that many (as some of you would undoubtedly agree). So, in true Hippo fashion, please accept this list of random assorted things I've picked up like shiny trinkets/facts I've come to accept through the years.
Believe it or not you're worth the effort, love and care you try to give everyone else but don't think you deserve.
Usually the more I've tried to fit in and be like everyone else, the more unhappy I've been. Let your freak flag fly and see who sticks around in your blanket fort.
Legos, coloring, stuffies, swing sets, daydreaming and other ‘childish pursuits’ are not, in fact, just for kids.
when given the opportunity, a solo car concert is a solid choice
If you're constantly putting yourself in boxes for the benefit of someone else... honestly, what's the point?
Find at least one person you can drop the mask with and be fully, authentically you.
Groups break up, accidents and weather happen... just go to the concert/show/exhibit if you wanna instead of waiting for ‘next time’.
nobody has their shit figured out (especially anyone acting like they do). we are literally all out here just wingin' it.
Some of the best life advice comes from fictional characters
Nobody cares. Nobody is thinking about you the way you're thinking about you. - Alexis Rose
Life isn't meant to be lived in moderation. We only get one chance at this... What's the point of living if you're just going to keep yourself locked away from ever experiencing life? - Avi Mulvaney
Make sure you’re following your heart - Carla Price
You’re gonna be okay, kid - Christopher Diaz
just because you didn’t die, doesn’t mean you’re actually living
even if you think you’re ‘too young’ for something, i assure you you’re not
i love you isn't reserved for family and/or romantic partners.
Platonic soulmates are a thing and they do exist
Dates with yourself are 100% necessary and sometimes the best ones
there is zero deadline or requirement to find a romantic partner, get married, have kids, buy a house, etc...
Sexual and Romantic preferences are fluid. It's OK if you change your mind or didn't 'figure it out' until your 20s, 30s, 40s or beyond.
You're complete as you are. Without the degree, the partner, the [current arbitrary standard]
Cliche as hell but life doesn’t end because you didn’t get the job/house/partner. Odds are good it’s the best thing that could have happened and you’ll be delighted it did.
Blood may be thicker than water but Found Family, the Family We Choose, is often the best family
Shared genetics doesn't demand your unwavering loyalty
I'm human and I fuck up. I make the wrong choice, say the wrong thing, don’t say anything or say too much. Way more than I want to, and often in the name of trying to keep the peace.
Do you write, paint, draw, some other variety of art? Congratulations 🥳 you’re an author/artist. A real one. Yes, you!
As such (and I will die on this hill) you don’t owe anything to anyone. Not the fic, the next chapter, the snippet, the gif set, etc. Your works are not the price of membership to fandom.
Missing someone and being glad they’re not in your life anymore aren’t mutually exclusive concepts.
You’re more than enough, but not too much. Never too much. I promise.
headpats & forehead kisses 💞🦛
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ichigoromi · 2 years
could i get tsukishima dating headcannons :))))? if you have time ofc ⭐️
Pairing: Tsukishima Kei (timeskip) x fem reader! (she/her)
Genre(s): fluff, romance
Warning(s): none!
a/n - I’m sorry for the late reply to this request! I was busy with school, and I hope you like this headcanon! 
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Tsukishima Kei
Tsukishima is a very affectionate boyfriend who is a green flag. Despite his nonchalance, he puts a lot of effort into the relationship. 
Tsukishima wooed you for six months and became an official couple during the second year of university. 
No matter how late or early, he will always be sure to send you to school and fetch you after your lessons. 
Dates are a must, two dates per week. Vacation is required annually or twice a year, as requested by Mr Tsukishima Kei;)
You two have been together for about six years and moved in nearly two years ago. 
Never in his life did he expect that he would cook, but because of your terrible cooking skills, he took cooking classes for you and him. 
He became less snarky, but Tsuki is still sarcastic as ever around his good friends. 
At the start of the relationship, you have always initiated skinship with him, but now, he is a skinship monster who constantly clings to you and kisses you all day. 
When you two fight, he is the pettiest, but he would still make your food and fetch you from school or work. 
One thing that changed when he dated you compared to his exes, he loved to brag about you in front of his teammates/friends and even brought you to meet his family during the first month of dating. 
It seems like you might be the first and last girlfriend that they will see. 
He loves seeing you lounge on the sofa in his shirt since his clothes practically engulf your figure. 
It’s not that much of a secret, but he LOVES being the small spoon. 
After you two have graduated from university and started working for almost two years, your parents have been asking about plans for marriage. Even though you two have been together for so long, the talk of marriage was never brought up. 
“Kei, do you wanna get married? I know we’re still young, but I just wanna know if it’s in our future.” You asked as you combed through his hair. 
His arms were wrapped around your waist as he laid his head on your tummy. 
He was quiet for a moment and sat up. 
“I thought it was already in our future plan. Do you wanna marry me?” He fiddles with his fingers nervously and avoids eye contact with you. 
You cup his face with those tiny hands of yours. (a/n - small compared to Tsuki’s!)
“Of course, I want to marry you! Idiot, why would I not want to marry you? Do you know how much I love you? Probably more than you love me~.” You teased him and kissed him on the lips. 
Tsukishima took offence in that last statement. 
“How do you know that? I’ll show you how much I love you!” He took hold of your wrists and pinned you below him. 
“No backies, okay? You’re going to marry me and stay with me forever.” Tsukishima leans down to kiss you, letting your arms go. 
You wrapped your arms around his neck, deepening the kiss between you and him. 
After a while, you two pull away. Both of you started laughing at each other. 
“Yeah, no backies! I’m going to be Mrs Tsukishima!” You confirmed, and he eagerly pulled you into another deep kiss.
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🍓's taglist — @wolffmaiden @coconut-dreamz @Gukksen @gukksldp @chloee0x0 @eclairia-monarch
Wanna join my taglist? Join here~!
It's been such a long time since I've written a Tsuki headcanon! I hope you enjoy reading this, and please stay safe out there! Remember to take some time to relax and sleep!
Stay safe and healthy!
With love,
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©️ ICHIGOROMI — Please do not plagiarise my work or re-edit and repost as your own.
Reblogs are appreciated!
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use-your-telescope · 5 months
When Everything's Made to be Broken - Chapter 14: Underneath Your Regret
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Summary: A visit to Michigan reminds Theo of some things she’d rather forget, but it also leads to some important revelations. When she returns to New York, she puts the final pieces of the puzzle together. 
Author's Notes: Hellooooooo friends! I am so, SO excited about this chapter and can’t wait to share it with you!!! You’ll be getting some answers to the mysteries of the last chapter, but you might end up with a whole new set of questions as we get to learn a little bit more about Theo’s backstory. The final scene/conversation is one that I have a particular soft spot for as well. In the interest of avoiding spoilers, I’ll share some more thoughts/a heartfelt ramble after the chapter is done. 
As a reminder, this chapter's song is a continuation from the last chapter. <3
Word Count: 6,008
Read on AO3 | When Everything's Made to be Broken Masterlist
Song: Talk About It - Paradise Fears
I don’t really wanna talk about it I don’t really wanna talk about it I don’t really wanna talk about it, Right now, right now
Theo’s search for answers to the cause of New York’s gloom, ironically, led her to Michigan. 
Since Theo had to make a trip to Michigan to seek assistance with her conundrum, Theo decided to make the most of it by staying for a few days. She had some time off to burn, and with the gloominess around the tower it seemed like the perfect time to get the hell out before she made anything worse. Upon learning that Theo would not simply be around for an afternoon, Mémère grinned and immediately presented Theo with a list of miscellaneous house projects that the matriarch wanted help with, but Max hadn’t gotten to yet. 
While Theo was a bit surprised by how quickly Mémère had a list ready for Theo, she wasn’t entirely surprised. The upkeep and maintenance of a farm required a lot of effort, and in Mémère’s old age it would have been impossible to do it on her own; even with Max it was borderline too much, since he had a family and a career and his own house to keep him busy. 
Theo was not about to complain, even if the chores were messy and tedious - after all, Mémère was the very person whose help Theo needed if she had any hope of figuring out what the heck was upsetting everyone. The very least Theo could do was make sure Mémère could continue living comfortably and independently on her farm.
However, Theo failed to account for one thing: Mémère could help, but whether or not she would agree to help was another question entirely.
“Mémère, come on - I know you know what’s going on. You’re the Ascendieu of knowledge for crying out loud!” Theo trailed after her grandmother from the dining room to the kitchen, outright pleading with the matriarch after explaining the situation over dinner. “Your entire purpose is to know things!”
“Knowledge is not simply awareness,” Mémère chided, repeating a phrase Theo heard countless times over the years. Mémère stopped in the kitchen to place a glass in the kitchen sink, but did not look at Theo as she busied herself cleaning up after dinner. “It requires discretion. If you are meant to know something, you will learn of it in due time. The Numens ensure this, as they always have.”
Theo huffed, dramatically slumping her shoulders as she pouted at Mémère. “Can you give me a hint, at least?!” 
“Are you planning to return for the Remembrance Prayers?” With one question and a stern glare, Mémère pivoted the conversation towards a subject Theo loathed. 
The Remembrance Prayers… As if Theo needed prayers to remember the night everything turned to shit. 
Telling Mémère that no, Theo would not be attending the annual ceremony that commemorated the death of half their extended family and (several thousand others) seemed like a great way to get her ass handed to her on a silver platter; failing to show up would likely have caused Theo’s premature death.
It wasn’t that Theo had a problem with paying tribute to those who had passed; if that was all, Theo would have no qualms about ensuring she attended. No - the problem was that most of the people who would be at the Remembrance Prayers blamed Theo for the event that caused those thousands of deaths, and for the destruction that followed. 
Those very people were the same reason Theo left Michigan as soon as she could, why she avoided going into town when she visited, and why she avoided interacting with the council. Even if they were cordial to her face, Theo knew damn well that they spent most of their free time imagining the ways they could kill Theo if it would be allowed. 
In a weird, twisted way, Theo was almost glad how closely they clung to the Edicts of Éthéré, since the importance they placed on Theo’s magic was probably her saving grace.
Ironic, given Theo despised the Edicts and the pressure they placed upon her.
With everything going on, Theo hadn’t realized just how quickly the date approached. It wasn’t that she was clueless - Mother’s day was just around the corner, which meant that Ravenna’s birthday was close by. It was shortly after Ravenna’s birthday that they stood atop the Whispering Summit and watched, helplessly, as Meridia imploded upon itself.
Only in hindsight did Theo realize that it wasn’t just Meridia that imploded, but everything as Theo knew it.
“Yes,” Theo sighed, matching Mémère’s more serious demeanor. “I will be there.” 
“Good. I will inform the council so they can prepare accordingly.” Mémère paused, stretching up to rest a weathered hand on Theo’s shoulder. “I know the prayers hold many difficult memories for you, but it is important that the people see you there. Someday, I will not be here, and you will be the Souveraine Dynaste - they will look to you for guidance. Your presence builds trust.”
A thousand venomous responses came to mind, but Theo held her tongue. 
When Theo was younger, she spat all kinds of vicious retorts at Mémère whenever the prayers and anniversaries came up. But as Theo grew older, she came to understand two things: first, even as the Souveraine Dynaste of the Council and an Ascendieu, Mémère could not change the situation they found themselves in. She could not undo the past, nor could she alter the events of the future. Second, and more importantly, when Theo directed her vitriol and rage at Memere, it only caused harm to the one person who never gave up on Theo, even when Theo gave up on herself. 
Theo caused enough suffering - she didn’t need anyone else to suffer, particularly not Mémère. So if Mémère insisted that Theo attended the Remembrance Prayers and spoke of Theo’s eventual rise to Souveraine Dynaste, Theo would not fight it; not because Memere was the Souveraine Dynaste, but because Theo loved her grandmother and her grandmother felt it was important.
“I know.” Theo murmured, covering Mémère’s hand with her own. She flashed a tight, close-lipped smile at her grandmother, who returned a smile of her own and an understanding nod.
Yes, Theo knew, but it didn’t make it any easier.
I don't really wanna talk about it (Right now, right now) I can see you underneath your regret (Right now, right now) So let's just get a little high and forget (Right now, right now) I don't really wanna live without it (Right now, right now)
Long after Mémère had gone to bed, Theo found herself out on the dock, gazing out on Lake Superior.
The dock had always been Theo’s place to go when she needed to clear her mind. Even on the coldest nights, when the temperature dropped well below freezing and her breath fogged in front of her face with each exhale, Theo made the trek from the farmhouse down to the water’s edge when she needed a place to sit and think. 
New York may have transitioned to spring, but northern Michigan had yet to get the memo that winter was over. A recent storm left a thick blanket of sparkling snow, most of it undisturbed by man or beast. Under the light of a full moon, the ice that covered the outer edges of Lake Superior reflected an almost ethereal glow. If Theo could see the center, where the water temperature remained too warm to freeze, she imagined it would glisten beneath the light. A gentle whisper of wind blew through the trees, the only sign that the world had not fallen completely still. Above, an endless expanse of navy sky shimmered with stars, unmarred by light pollution like the skies in New York.
A ratty, threadbare quilt covered the worn planks of wood beneath Theo, contrasting the thick woolen blanket she wrapped around her shoulders to block the chill. In one mitten-covered hand, Theo clutched a bottle of Asgardian Ale that she stole when Thor wasn’t looking; the slight buzz that came from the alcohol offered a false warmth that Theo enjoyed on a particularly cold night. 
The view before Theo existed in contradiction of itself: even as it changed, it remained the same. From the very first night Theo sat at the end of the dock to the present, very little appeared to be different. Sure, the seasons changed, which altered the environment around her. Ice formed in the winter and melted in the summer, only to repeat the cycle. The trees that lined the lake grew old and died, but new trees grew and filled their place, towering overhead as if they had been there the entire time. Everything had its place. 
Theo still spent her time at the end of the dock when she struggled to make sense of things. Back then, it was unceremoniously being dropped into a new world and trying to make sense of how to survive. Recently, the possibility of returning home occupied her time at the water’s edge. But for the moment, the matter of concern was much lower-stakes, even if it was much more salient in her daily life.
The crunch of snow beneath feet caught Theo’s ear; each crunch decisive in sound and pace as it grew louder. Too heavy to be a small creature and too loud to be a deer. However, the gait did not match Mémère’s, which meant…
“Heard you’re avoiding the Avengers.”
Of course, Max had to be the one to destroy Theo’s moment of peace.
“Should have known Mémère would tell you why I was sticking around for a few days.” Theo dryly replied, briefly glancing back at Max before returning her attention to the lake before her. “Did she give you the full story, or just the conclusion?”
“She gave me the full story.” 
Creaking planks shifted beneath Max’s weight as he made his way to the dock, taking a seat beside Theo on the blanket. Like Theo, he dressed for the occasion: A thick woolen peacoat, an ushanka hat tugged over closely cropped brown hair with ear flaps hanging at each side. Woolen socks revealed themselves in the gap between fleece-lined jeans and snow boots as Max crouched down to take a seat. He stretched his long legs out in front of them, leaning back on his gloved hands as he looked up at the sky. “You’ve got a habit for getting out of dodge when you don’t like something, you realize that?”
“If everyone around you was losing their minds and you couldn’t figure out why, you’d get the hell out too.” Theo took a swig of her ale, then offered the bottle to Max. “Want some? It’s Asgardian.” 
Max shrugged, but accepted the drink. He sniffed the bottle’s opening before he took a drink; his face shifted to something inquisitive as he swished for a moment, then swallowed. “Not bad - does it do anything special?”
“It actually can get us drunk,” Theo replied, “so that’s convenient.” 
“I forgot that you don’t have easy access to strong enough alcohol.” Max chuckled to himself. “You know that if you ever went into town, it’d be easy to get some.”
“That runs the risk of running into people I don’t want to see, so no thanks; I’ll take sobriety. Or I’ll just steal Thor’s booze - he never notices anyway.” Theo shook her head, retrieved the bottle from Max, and took a second drink.
“So, everyone is losing their minds and you can’t figure out why, so the solution is to leave –” Max directed the conversation back to the Avengers with such precision that Theo suspected he had an ulterior motive for his appearance. “– That sounds familiar.”
Theo rolled her eyes at the jab. “Are you just here to be an ass, or do you have a point?”
“I can’t be here because I miss seeing my cousin, the woman who was raised with me and is like my older sister? Ouch.” Max dramatically pressed one hand over his heart as he made a crying face. “Look, I’m not trying to make you feel bad about coming out here for a few days. From what Mémère told me, I’d probably be desperate for a break as well. And let’s be real, Mémère loves whenever you are around. Plus, selfishly, you get to take care of the chores I’d been procrastinating on for a while. Thanks in advance, by the way.”
“So what’s your point?” 
“Maybe there’s something in common.” Max casually suggested with a shrug and looked back over the icy landscape.
“Obviously there’s something in common,” Theo scoffed, “or the whole damn tower wouldn’t be affected.”
“No, I mean maybe it’s not one single thing that they’re upset about, but they all have various events with some unrelated element in common.” Max clarified. “Maybe there’s something fairly small that reminds them of their respective problems.”
Theo mulled over Max’s suggestion. Wanda said something about the time of year, and Steve mentioned Bucky struggles with the time of year…
Avengers-related anniversaries that took place around that time of year: The Chitauri invasion. Ultron. The attack on Vienna during the ratification of the Accords. The battle against Thanos. 
Holy shit. Theo felt her stomach drop as she put two and two together.
“I’m guessing you just had a thought?” Max raised his eyebrows as he looked at Theo expectantly.
“I’m such a dumbass.” Theo scrubbed half her face with one hand. “God, I can’t believe I didn’t realize—“
“I could have told you that you’re a dumbass.” Max teased, earning a smack on the shoulder from Theo. “Seriously, what is it?”
“Every major Avengers battle has taken place around this time of year. Loki was tortured and mind-controlled into one of them. Wanda lost her brother during another one. A huge wedge was driven between the group when the accords were ratified, which was also when the UN was attacked in Vienna. Tony learned the truth about how his parents died in the aftermath of the ratification of the accords. And of course, Thanos–” 
“– Sounds like you have something else in common with the Avengers: a reason to hate this time of year.” Max concluded. 
“Yeah, not the kind of thing you usually want to have in common,” Theo dryly replied. “But it still doesn’t explain a few of the weird things…” 
“What weird things?”
“Around the time this all started, a bird started hanging out on my balcony.” Theo took another drink of ale. “Not a raven, or a crow - it looks like some cross between them, but it’s too small. It wasn’t even a little scared of me, and I’m pretty sure the damn thing tried to help me with a sudoku one day.”
“Now that just sounds like you’re losing your mind.” Max stole the bottle back from Theo and took a drink. “Although we all could have seen that coming.”
“You sound like the council.” Theo drawled, shifting to cross her legs so she could rest her elbows on her knees, and her chin on her hands. 
“Maybe I’m preparing you to see them in a few weeks.” Max replied without missing a beat. 
“Nah, they don’t have the guts to say it to my face.” Theo half-laughed, though it left a bitter taste in her mouth. “Doesn’t mean I’m looking forward to it.”
“As they say, heavy is the head that wears the crown.” 
Despite what Max said, they both knew the truth: Theo was never meant to wear the crown.
But it's been a while since I saw inside your head With all the perfect little paintings and the blues and reds Cause I fooled you once, I guess you fooled yourself And now you're scared of what'll happen if you lose yourself But I think the bruise is healed, I think the bruise is healed I could kiss your every scar until the wound is sealed And when the sun comes up we'll be looking at each other saying…
It was a universal truth that vacation time passed faster than anyone was ready for, and Theo’s experience was no exception. It seemed like she had just arrived in Michigan, but five days passed in the blink of an eye; next thing she knew, she was back in New York, cursing her alarm clock before dragging herself out to the kitchen for coffee. The first shift in the hospital after vacation was always the hardest, so she poured an extra-large cup. 
Despite the bad vibes that had plagued the tower, Theo took a risk and settled in on the couch to drink her coffee. She wasn’t stupid enough to think everything magically got better while she was away, but with the torrential downpour that turned the skies gray, the balcony seemed like a bad idea, and the early hour gave her the confidence that she wouldn’t risk encountering another person while she sat there.
For a while, Theo curled into her usual corner of the couch, absentmindedly sipping her coffee as she stared into nothing and tried to wake up. The stillness of the tower before the day truly started echoed the stillness of Lake Superior at night, even if Theo’s mind was not as active as when she sat at the end of the dock.
A quiet, yet irate meow disrupted the silence, startling a still half-asleep Theo. 
“What the fuck!?” Theo’s head snapped towards the sound as she scrambled backward in her seat.
Across from her, a small black cat perched on the edge of a chair. It narrowed its green eyes in a glare, baring its teeth as its tail swished back and forth in sharp, almost jagged movements.
Theo may not have been awake before, but she sure as shit was now. How perfect was this - she hadn’t even been back in New York for a day when the chance to find out what was going on with the animals practically landed in her lap.
The cat meowed a second time, louder and somehow more aggressively despite its petite stature. Just before Theo could react, it leapt down from the chair and took off for the hall.
Theo sprung to her feet and gave chase, hellbent on determining the source of the mystery black animals that had practically become her shadow.
But the cat was too fast. It rounded the corner, and by the time Theo made it to the corner she heard a slam and spotted the slight movement of Loki’s door. However, when she pressed her ear to the wood, she heard no movement whatsoever. The presence of Loki’s magic was nowhere to be found, which made Theo wonder if her mind was playing tricks on her.
“Lady Theo, is something the matter?”
Theo practically leapt out of her skin; she spun around, cheeks burning to find Thor standing before her, a heavy-set brow and frown marring his usually cheerful expression. 
“Uh – hi Thor,” Theo waved awkwardly. She glanced around to check if anyone else caught her acting like a fucking weirdo; thankfully, it seemed like she was in the clear. “Weird question: did Loki get a cat recently?”
Thor’s frown deepened. “I’ve heard nothing of the sort. Why do you ask?”
“Funny story,” Theo laughed nervously, “A few minutes ago I was in the living room drinking coffee and minding my own business when I heard a meow; I looked up to find a little black cat glaring at me. Not just looking at me, but glaring at me. It meowed at me and took off running, and because I wanted to figure out where it came from I followed it.” Fully aware that she sounded insane, Theo continued on. “Just as I came around the corner, I think I saw your brother’s door close and the cat was gone, which makes it seem like he let the cat in.”
“Dare I ask why you chose to listen in on my brother's chambers, instead of inquiring with my brother on the matter?” Thor arched a skeptical brow at Theo, while his tone gave the impression that he wasn’t sure if he wanted the answer to the question.”
“Uh, I didn’t want to ask him, because, well, he was being kind of an asshole last time I saw him, and I’m not sure he wants anything to do with me at the moment.” Theo admitted, cheeks burning as she dropped her gaze to her feet. “The crack of dawn doesn’t seem like the time to check and see.”
Thor opened his mouth like he was about to say something, but closed it again. His attention flickered between Theo and the door, while his demeanor grew stormier with each passing second.
“I have my suspicions of what you might have encountered; rest assured, I highly doubt my brother has acquired a pet.” Thor sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Please accept my most sincere apologies for his recent behavior. I will speak with him.”
“You don’t need to talk to him about—“
“I assure you, my lady, it will be best if I address the matter.” Thor replied with an unfamiliar sharpness that left an uneasy feeling in Theo’s gut.
“Okay – Well, uh, I should probably go get ready for work.” Theo took a step backwards, awkwardly smiling at Thor as he regarded her with his still-stormy expression. “Uh, have a good one?”
Thor replied with nothing more than a grunt, which on its own was enough to spook Theo into scurrying off towards her suite.
Theo played conversation over and over again as she changed into her scrubs and pulled her hair back, pinning it up so it didn’t get in the way as she worked. Thor’s reaction, combined with his cryptic response, made Theo believe that it was not the first time for whatever was going on.
But what, exactly, was going on? 
Half-way down to the Emergency Department, the pieces clicked into place.
I don't really wanna talk about it I don't really wanna talk about it I don't really wanna talk about it Right now, right now
After a chaotic fourteen hours in the Emergency Department, Theo decided that the perfect place to decompress was on the roof; more specifically, the farthest corner of the roof, where the seating had been arranged to offer some privacy and seclusion.
The course of events from the day, though quite a bit to process, hadn’t been enough to warrant a trip through the portal to sit on the dock. Even if they were, experience told Theo that too many trips to the dock in a short period of time often raised concerns, so for the time being she opted for a different location. After the wintry weather of Michigan, New York felt downright tropical, so it only seemed appropriate to take advantage of the temperature difference. 
The storm from the beginning of the day had long passed, leaving behind traces of petrichor that lingered in the usually stale city air. Despite the storm, the cushions on the sectionals remained bone-dry; a pleasant surprise, since she fully expected that she would need to use some magic to dry them off. 
Upon reaching her destination Theo sprawled out across a sectional, her head in the corner where two rows of seating came together while her feet dangled off one end. 
She wasn’t sure how long she laid there, staring up at the sky and trying to spot the stars through the light pollution of the city. If she had to guess, she had been there for twenty minutes or so when the faintest sound of footsteps caught her attention.
Theo laid perfectly still, hoping that whoever had come up to the roof wouldn’t notice her, or if they noticed her they would leave her alone. Maybe it made her a bad person, but she wasn’t sure she could handle any more nervous breakdowns or emotional meltdowns from her team members, at least not at that moment.
The footsteps grew louder, until Loki appeared in Theo’s peripheral vision. He paused for a moment, taking stock of Theo as she sprawled out on the sectional. Though he didn’t say anything, he sat down on another part of the sectional before stretching out to mimic Theo’s position, leaning his head in so it was near Theo’s and his legs dangled off the edge of the sectional.
As much as Theo enjoyed the silence, she felt awkward not acknowledging Loki’s presence; if he wasn’t going to say anything, she would have to take it upon herself to break the silence.
“Thanks for the help with the sudoku the other day,” Theo casually mentioned, continuing to keep her eyes on the sky.
“… You knew.” Unlike the last time they spoke, Loki’s voice lacked any trace of iciness; instead, there was a hesitance that sounded almost foreign.
“I didn’t,” Theo quietly admitted, finally tearing her attention away from the sky to look at Loki. “I asked Thor if you got a cat. When he said you didn’t get a cat, but he had an idea of what was going on and that he would speak with you, I eventually figured it out. I don’t suppose you also turned into a squirrel and took a wander around Central Park?” 
“I reserve squirrel transformations for Thor and Thor alone.” Loki slowly replied, giving Theo a perplexed glance. “I take it your question stems from experience?”
“Yeah, but I was probably just paranoid.” Theo brushed it off with a shrug. “Things have been weird lately.” 
Loki hummed, nodding to himself for a moment. “Where did you go, after Barnes and Stark’s quarrel?”
“Home,” Theo replied. “I had a few days off, and since I’m scheduled to be on-call at the hospital on Mother’s Day, figured I could go see my Mémère and get the obligatory celebrations over with before the actual day arrives.”
“It sounds as though you aren’t a fan of the holiday.”
“I hate Mother’s day. And Father’s Day. They’re both terrible - stupid Hallmark holiday bullshit. Anyone who doesn’t have a perfect relationship with their parents feels guilty because they don’t spend the whole day worshiping the ground their parents walked on, and if you lost a parent? Weeks of painful reminders and people giving you pity glances because they make all these assumptions about what you must be going through.”
“I was unaware you held such strong feelings about the occasion,” Loki remarked.
“Honestly, I hate this time of year in general,” Theo confessed. “My sister’s birthday is also in the same period of time - this year it’s on Mother’s Day, which feels like rubbing salt in the wound. The anniversary of when I last saw my family is a few weeks from now, too.”
“What happened to them?” Loki studied Theo with a heavy brow, lips turned down into a rather somber expression.
“They died - at least, that’s the assumption,” Theo sighed. “We were separated, and no one ever saw or heard from them again.” 
“No one?”
“Well, SHIELD was tracking all of us, and I’m the only one here.” Theo gestured to herself as she laid on the sectional.
Loki gently nodded in understanding. “How were you separated?”
“The city we were in was attacked - practically razed to the ground.” Theo’s voice felt thick as she spoke, a lump building in her throat that threatened to silence her before she fully answered the question. “We all tried to escape, but with the chaos we lost track of each other. I got out, but I never found them.”
Loki turned and met Theo’s curious gaze with cloudy green eyes. “You never had a chance to say goodbye…” 
Theo frowned and barely shook her head, unwilling to say it aloud. Even after so many years, it still hurt.
“My mother — Frigga,” Loki corrected himself, “her name day is near the date when this nation celebrates Mother’s Day. Her passing was unexpected; like you, I never had the opportunity to say goodbye.”
“You’ve never talked about Frigga,” Theo quietly remarked. “What was she like?”
“I’d… rather not.” Loki cautioned, Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallowed a lump in his throat.
“It’s okay. You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to…” Theo gently assured him, returning her gaze upward. “… I understand.”
Another beat of silence passed.
“Frigga…” Loki started, then stopped. He sighed like he struggled to find what exactly to say. “She was patient. Gentle. Graceful. She saw the best in every individual and sought to cultivate what made each individual unique.” 
Theo nodded, silently encouraging Loki to continue.
“She taught me magic, and in doing so opened up doors for me that I’d never have otherwise imagined. She was the one person who knew what I was, and yet she loved me just the same.” Loki sighed; when he continued, his voice dropped to just above a whisper: “She’s the one thing about Asgard that I truly miss.”
For some time, they sat there in silence, far above where the sounds of the city could offer any sort of background noise. 
“She sounds lovely,” Theo breathed, as if speaking at a normal volume would ruin the moment.
“She was.”
For a time, they simply stayed laid there, letting the message linger in the air.
“My parents — honestly, I had a mixed relationship with them,” Theo admitted, keeping her voice low. “They held me to an impossibly high standard; my sister was the perfect child, and I couldn’t ever keep up. I know they meant well, but when I was a kid it hurt.”
Loki gave an empathetic hum, looking back up at the stars through the light pollution. 
“Sometimes I wonder if I look back on my memories of them with rose-tinted glasses, or if I didn’t give them the credit they deserved when they were around. I wonder if they would be proud of me if they saw me now. As much as I hate to admit it, I’m not sure they would be.”
“They would be fools to not be proud; however, I can understand your hesitancy,” Loki replied. “The Allfather raised me in Thor’s shadow; to this day, I doubt he would call me Thor’s equal.”
“He was an idiot if he didn’t see you as equals.” Theo surprised herself with the sharpness of her tone.
Loki let out a bitter, quick laugh - no more than a puff of air. “I must admit, I’ve never met anyone with the gall to call the Allfather an idiot.”
“Well, there’s a first time for everything,” Theo lightly joked, offering Loki a small smile.
Another silence fell between the pair, though the faintest whistle from the breeze created a wash of sound. 
“I owe you an apology for when we previously spoke.” Loki spoke up. “I admit, it was not my finest moment.”
“It’s fine - I’ve been an asshole to you more than once, so it’s not like I’m perfect,” Theo dryly pointed out. She paused for a moment, then added: “I’m sorry I didn’t ask what was wrong.”
Loki tilted his head to look over at her, something unreadable in his expression as he studied her. “How could you have known?”
“One, you’ve never spoken to me like that before, so I know that’s not how you normally are.” Theo held up one finger in the air as she listed off the reasons she should have asked. “Two, most people don’t freak out like you did without something else going on. Three, friends check in on each other, and I hadn’t heard from you in a while. I was overdue. Four, everyone has been in a funk lately. It wouldn’t have been a stretch to assume you were also dealing with something.”
“Have you also been in a, erm… funk, lately?” Loki asked, faltering a bit as he repeated Theo’s choice of description back to her.
“I guess,” Theo shrugged dismissively, an air of melancholy lingering in her words. 
“Would you like to discuss what troubles you?” Loki offered, though he did so hesitantly.
“Nope.” Theo told him flatly, popping the ‘p’ sound.
It felt like a sharp departure from how she’d spoken previously, but Loki didn’t know about the upcoming remembrance prayers, the string of painful anniversaries that followed, or Theo’s role in those traumatic events, and she had no intention of telling him. Theo had more than enough evidence that it wouldn’t go well, and selfishly, it was nice to let people get to know Theo as a normal person, without the reputation and baggage of her past coloring their perceptions. 
“I suppose it would be disingenuous of me to tell you that sometimes talking about your troubles helps one feel better when I abhor discussing my emotions and problems.” Loki mused, a flicker of a smile crossing his lips. 
Theo snickered. “At least you realize it would be hypocritical.” She paused for a moment, before softening her tone. “I understand why you’re hesitant to talk about them though.”
Yet another silence fell over the pair. While there were no shortage of times that they coexisted in silence, that night felt different - both of them had revealed parts of themselves they typically kept hidden away, despite not knowing what would happen if they dared to be so honest.
“Were you serious, the other day?” Nervousness tinted Loki’s voice, only amplified by the way his forehead creased and his lips twisted with concern as he asked the question.
“Serious about what?” Theo narrowed her eyes at Loki, trying to remember what he was referring to.
“That if I had a moment of weakness like Barnes, you would be there.” Loki resumed stargazing, pointedly avoiding eye contact like he was afraid of how Theo would react.
… Which was probably just as well, because Theo looked at him like he grew a second head and laughed. Hard.
“You are the world’s biggest dumbass if you think I wouldn’t be there,” Theo finally managed, once she regained her composure. “Shit, I’d take a bullet for you.”
A flush crept over Loki’s cheeks as he laughed nervously, flashing an embarrassed smile. “Please don’t take a bullet for me.”
“Don’t get shot at and I won’t have to,” Theo teased with a wink. 
Though Loki rolled his eyes, his smile grew wider.
“Seriously though – it’s okay to have times where things get tough and you can’t handle it on your own. We all have our weaknesses, and weakness isn’t a bad thing. Sometimes, you just need someone there.” Theo reassured him, hoping he’d take her words to heart. “Shit, you’ve done it for me – back when I first moved in and I was so wary about meeting other people that I hid all the time? Perfect example; you were there for me, and now I have friends here. After that mission when I felt like crap? God, I was an absolute bitch to you and you still put up with me. You deserve a trophy for all of the bullshit I’ve made you deal with just because I’ve been in a bad mood.”
Loki cracked up at the end of Theo’s statement; his laughter brought a warmth to her chest that she hadn’t felt in far too long.  
“Though you flatter me, I must decline the offer of a trophy.” Loki’s eyes sparkled in the night as he flashed a coy grin. “I imagine I’ll have my share of insufferable moments in the future; all I ask is that you continue to tolerate my shortcomings and idiosyncrasies.”
That was a promise Theo would happily make.
I don't know you like I used to But when I can't see, you see me through I don't know you like I used to But when I can't see, you see me through
I don't really wanna talk about it I don't really wanna talk about it I don't really wanna talk about it Right now, right now
Post-Chapter Author’s Note: Something I do in this fic is incorporate little easter eggs and references to fics that I love; some of these are more subtle (ex. chapter two has a clever little reference to part 1 of @infinitystoner’s amazing fic Box of Rain (read on tumblr), but others have had a larger influence and actually influenced plot elements; these last two chapters are an example of when something I read stuck with me to the point of exploring it as a plot element. 
I think the first time I read i couldn’t change (though i wanted to); and its sequel, until i feel whole (again); two and a half years ago(?) and I was immediately captivated by the idea of a shapeshifting Loki and how the ability to change forms could create a sort of armor with which to interact with the world. I shared the first draft of the chapters tied to this song with my IRL friend/fellow marvel lover, Sky, in September 2021; back then it was with a different song and tied to a specific date, but with her feedback and encouragement it expanded out to what it is today.
I started this story in August 2021 - it originally came to mind as a one-shot, focusing on a scene of sitting vigil at a hospital bedside in the aftermath of something catastrophic and trying to reconcile the past with how to move forward. Obviously it has expanded immensely since then (that feels like the understatement of the year), but as it has expanded this has become (for me, at least) more than *just* a slow burn relationship story. 
A lot of this story, for me, is about navigating the various forms of grief. I’m not talking about grief only in terms of death, but grieving for past lives, expectations that never came to be, loss of innocence, changed relationships - there are so many ways that we experience grief. But more importantly, (for me) this is a story about how we rebuild and find hope, even when it seems like there’s no path forward or like we’ve lost everything. 
The idea for this story, and its subsequent writing, began in the midst of a difficult time. I won’t get too much into it here, but I have since realized that it has given me an outlet with which to explore the many ways that I was grieving. It also has given me a way to seek out hope in the moments where I struggled to find it. Since I first started writing this story, things have since improved in ways that I never could have imagined, but I still experience that grief from time to time. I still wonder about “what if…?” from time to time. I’m still learning to make peace with that, but working on this story helps.  All of this to say, if you're reading along, thank you for giving my lil' passion project a moment of your time. It means more than you know <3
22 notes · View notes
steveisagay · 1 year
Hello, on behalf of my friend who doesn't have a Tumblr account \•<•/, could you write about an Eddie x Male Reader? Where reader is bisexual but before going out with Eddie he had a girlfriend who left and no one knew where he was not even her parents, a while later he begins to date Eddie but the Ex returns with a baby (who is the son of a reader) he is fascinated with the news since he always wanted a family and with several children, so he begins to give all his attention to the The baby, reader doesn't know what to do, he loves his baby more than anything in the world but he also loves Eddie and feels confused with the return of his Ex. That's the context of everything, I hope you like the idea!
Co-parenting Requires Effort
Eddie Munson x Reader
Tumblr media
I really tried to get to this request but I feel like I really only did half of your request so of course I apologize for that but writer's block has been fucking me over so I hope you are satisfied with what I got Y/N's ex comes back after struggling with raising their baby and Y/N needs to figure out how to tell his boyfriend, Eddie Warnings: swearing, not much else I don't think, not proofread
Eddie was amazing, he was perfect compared to anyone else Y/N had ever dated. I mean sure there were a few people that came close, but that didn't matter. Eddie was his present, his now, and the past didn't matter. He'd been getting more serious as his relationships went on. Y/N just guessed that he was finally getting ready to settle down.
Last relationship he was in was good, well great actually, but they just didn't really see eye to eye. The sex was amazing, he treated her well and they always made sure to make time for each other. But then she decided out of the blue that they were better apart, so there wasn't much he could do. For the first few weeks he racked his brain trying to figure out what went wrong, but then he started feeling things for Eddie, so it didn't matter anymore.
Y/N was content with his sexuality, so what if he liked guys and chicks, whatever he did in his free time was his time. Most of his partners knew that, and those that didn't had a good reason not to know. Since Eddie was flagging in a small town he figured it was fine to tell him, and then the two started to become friends. After awhile they got closer, and closer, and close enough that one time they were hitting a blunt, they kissed. It didn't mean anything at the time, but it was hard to believe that with where they'd gotten.
Eddie was always fine with Y/N dating girls in the past, it didn't make him any less gay or lessen how he felt for him.
Almost a year ago, Y/N's now-ex-girlfriend broke up with him for reasons she didn't tell him. But now, 2:45 pm on a Sunday, she was back. Before he could even greet her or ask why she was there she spoke suddenly.
"I have a kid." She was blunt and dead serious, her voice seemed like it could stop working at any moment, "well a baby, and she's yours, I wasn't with anyone else so,"
Y/N was curious and caught off guard, so he invited her inside, once they made it to the couch he took her hand as a form of comforting her. It was like instinct.
He'd waited until she pulled herself together a little more. "Listen, I know that you moved on but I don't think I can do this on my own," Her voice started to wobble again as her eyes watered. "And I'm not asking to get back together with you-"
"We can co-parent, between the two of us we can work something out, It's gonna be fine," the words flew out of his mouth before he could think of anything else. If he really had a kid of course he'd wanna be present, what other reason would she come here for?
"Yeah, yeah we could work that out," She wiped the tears from her eyes, Y/N brought her into his arms. Who the hell cared that they were over, she needed him.
It was Y/N's week with Alessandra, but Eddie had no idea about her existence, so he had to deal with that. As he put her down for her afternoon nap he heard the door unlock. Of course this was the time he came over unannounced.
After making sure she was all swaddled up and sleeping soundly he went downstairs, taking a few extra breaths. Eddie hadn't been over in awhile since Y/N had been working and preparing for his daughter to be a part of his life and that preparation was more exhausting then the average day at work. When he got to the last step he watched Eddie's face turn for his usual excitedness to confusion.
"Y/N are you babysitting or something?" He looked between the various baby toys to the little play mat.
Y/N sucked in a breath of air before going over to the couch and patting at the cushion beside him. "Well, no actually I... I have a kid now."
Brief panic flashed across Eddie's features "When? Is there someone else?" His tone was hurried.
Y/N was quick to shuffle closer to his boyfriend, pulling him into his arms. "Baby no, no she was from my last relationship I swear. My ex came by around a week ago and she said Aless was mine and that she needed me." There was a moment of silence before he continued going on, "Eddie listen I love you but I understand if you want to leave or-"
"Y/N, sweetheart I never wanna break up it's just gonna be hard with the kid and your ex but I swear I don't want anything other than to be with you and I'll try to help as much as I can."
"No Eddie if you wanna leave you can, it's fine I understand with all of the bullshit with your dad and all of that."
Eddie grabbed his face so he could try to get his point across, "I am never going to leave you as long as I have a choice in the matter, yeah my dad was a piece of shit but I'm not gonna let that affect this." He paused, just gazing into Y/N's eyes, "I mean, if you want me to help you parent."
"Yeah, that'd be amazing,"
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glitched-username · 7 hours
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So with that first bit, Raph mostly stopped because the he got a bit too big for the lair. Was mostly eyeballing it again so while the lair is probably 50+ feet tall, the diameter is a lot smaller and since Raph is build like a square I figured low 30's would be a good place to stop while giving him room to move/lay down without breaking anything.
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Raph can ABSOLUTELY get a lot bigger if he needs to and knew that which is why he went so slow the in the lair, didn't want to overshoot his size by accident :)
Actively studied the moment in bug busters to try and scale Raph down enough for Leo to give this line
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I wanna write/draw something where Raph gets suuuperr protective during a fight and EASILY doubles his last projection's height to just one shot whoever/whatever hurt his family
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As for this, I kinda tried to explain it here, but mostly made more sense to me when writing it
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Specifically Raph's vision in this is actually based on my own experience with strabismus (misalignment of eye muscles leaving to double vision) so Raph normally is like me with my glasses, being able to see one clear image, full field of view, etc.
But him using his power is kinda like me without my glasses. Seeing 2 different things at the same time. It's uncomfortable trying to see both directions/angles at the same time so I would close my bad eye often (in Raph's case seeing through the projection) and it makes it easier to focus on a single thing even if I'm not getting the full range of my visual field. I'm still able to see out of my bad eye too without my glasses, but it's harder and requires a more conscious effort to do (Raph trying to see through his physical eyes while still inside)
Idk if that makes sense. I'm mostly just projecting most of my personality traits/ailments onto the turtles :)
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gubbles-owo · 3 months
auouaoagh having the itch to do vocal arrangement stuff again, tho since i can't sing for shit also voice dysphoria i've tried a few solutions over the years. none of 'em really stuck. forever ago i uhhh """acquired""" a copy of IA for some version of Vocaloid (3 or 4?), she was neat but she also sounded kinda flat. I tried UTAU but I literally could not get a single sound out of that program, even with the default voicebank. Never figured it out despite efforts, best guess is that it didn't like my audio interface drivers. Closest thing that somewhat stuck is Neutrino, technically a neural network sort of processing (but the banks are specifically made for it, without stealing shit ffs) with a bank named Seven:
Seven sounds pretty cool, but like. Rolling Girl in its default key here is a bit high for her range. Her pitch tends to be pretty shaky, and requires exhaustive tuning and tweaking after export to wrangle her in. I'm fine with tuning, I honestly love having that much fine control, but I wish I had more control over the initial rendering. That whole process just, kind of sucks? Set up the midi with hiragana lyrics in Cubase. Export as music XML. Open it with fucking Musescore just so I can re-add the tempo information. Re-export as uncompressed musicxml. And finally slap it in a source folder and run a .bat file via command prompt to render out the vocal to a .wav. Reimport into Cubase. Fucking exhausting lmfao. And even then, sometimes the bank just sings things in a way you really were not looking for. Rendering is a frustratingly hands-off process, and it's one of the reasons I wish I could get UTAU working on my machine. I want to find a voice bank that can really belt and growl, y'know?? I wanna be able to dial that in by hand, adhd hyperfocus style.
Anyway here have some pared down mixes. Dunno if I'd call the vocal harmonies final or anything, but I like the direction this goes in. I can't really say I'm good at it, cause I don't have much experience? But I really love arranging vocal harmonies n shit. Also u can hear my sloppy bass playing (yes that's me playing the bass and guitars lol)
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circular-bircular · 5 months
I’m tired but this has been bothering us for a while now and I was hoping that you had some advice for us? a direction to head in? someone else to ask or refer to? or something I’m sorry.
We have thought we were endogenic for maybe a little less than a year now but recently we’ve started to question it and believe our experiences may match up with osdd. As much as it matches up though we are struggling to accept the possibility of having the trauma for something like that. It just feels so hard to believe and every time we think about really considering that we may have osdd we fall into denial about it due to having so little knowledge of any trauma.
I guess I’m asking if you have any way to accept that while not knowing. We don’t have access to therapy right now and I don’t think we should go searching for it if it’s there right now so I don’t really know what to do. That or any other advice about where to go from here would be really helpful but if you don’t have any or don’t want to answer this that’s fine, I’m just not sure where to go.
Thank you for reading through all this if you did, and I hope you have a good day/night.
Hey there! Not sure if I'm the best "advice alter" out there, but... Idk. I wanna help you, bud.
First -- I'm proud of you for trying to work out more about yourself. That shit's hard. Regardless of what you discover, you should be proud of your efforts and the work you've put in to figure stuff out.
Second -- I might actually be a great system to come to, because I accepted I had DID before I accepted I had trauma. To be real with you, I barely remembered trauma I had. I was the "my mom yelled at me for playing video games" kid -- that was "my worst trauma" and clearly that's not enough, right??? (Wrong)
I think it's important to accept some facts, maybe not about yourself, but about trauma in general. I had to process these things myself, and that's what got me to accept that I had DID, even if I didn't know (or want to know) my trauma. They were:
A lot of things that I might not consider to be traumatic can absolutely be traumatic.
I experienced a lot as a kid, most of which I don't remember -- and that's okay.
It's possible the things I experienced may have been traumatic for me. That's okay.
I don't need to remember that trauma for my systemhood or disordered status to still be valid.
You never actually need to know what trauma you went through, imo. I don't think that's an important part of healing for me. It happened naturally for me, via therapy (and I hope that's something you can access in the future, if that's the route you take for recovery!) but I don't consider it a requirement for functionality.
My suggestion for you right now: Work on finding help books for dissociation and trauma problems. Most of them will advice not to go digging for trauma, but give you ways to cope with your problems. For instance, I'm still trying to work on getting through Coping with Trauma Related Dissociation (though that book does suggest not reading through it if you aren't in therapy currently). But resources on just regulation strategies and grounding could be incredibly beneficial for you. Maybe look into stuff about the Window of Tolerance while you're at it! That's really helped me.
Best of luck, okay Anon?
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waterfallofspace · 1 year
(if two requests is asking too much pls ignore, sorry 😭)
d/azai: 9, 52, 56, 64 (with c/huuya— maybe dark era?)
Not too much at all, thank you for another one!! I love answering these, S/oukoku are my absolute beloveds, it's never too much D/azai hehehe~~ 
Set in 'dark era' mildly, imagine them both as adults, probably around 19, before all the things go down, back when they're both working for the P/ort M/afia. 
2.1k, prompts 9, 52, 56, and 64, story under cut!
9. “You’re trembling.” 52. “Did you just sneeze?” 56. “Can you please come and get me?” 64. Mission in the rain.
(References to violence, injury, swearing, mildly high fever, and gunshots, just in case anyone doesn't like those!)
Dazai’s predictions are as reliable as the air you breathe. Sometimes the details can get fuzzy, but at the end of it all, his results are unavoidable. This is a hassle for his enemies, making him one of the most dangerous adversaries. And frankly quite annoying. However, on some days, when his predictions come to pass in ways he was hoping to avoid, they can be just as annoying for him. 
Thoughts swirl around Dazai’s head, his dripping hair clinging to his flushed forehead. ‘I foresaw the rain, but I had hoped I wouldn’t be as feverish when it came. I guess even I can’t predict exactly how an illness will progress. Though I do wish I’d known it was going to make the pain so much worse.’ 
His hand drifts back to his leg, water mixing with the blood seeping through the makeshift bandage he’d fashioned from a scarf one of the enemies had been wearing. ‘For someone covered in bandages, I actually don’t normally carry them on me. I should change that.’ Pulling the scarf tighter, pain seems to shoot through every nerve. 
“eNDxt-! hh’dZGt-!”
Dazai’s teeth clench, a faint groan crawling out from between them. The stifles send waves of burning shivers running from his head down through his arms to his fingertips. ‘I can’t get myself home like this. I’m not sure I could stand even if I wanted to… better call in backup. But who to call… someone who can see me like this…’
He lets his hands twitch, another sneeze being stalled on his breath as he reaches for his phone. The voice picks up instantly, Dazai smirking as the snarl the other man is wearing forms in his mind. 
“The fuck do you want?” 
“Chuuuuya~, can you pl- knDXt-! please come and get me?”
“Wh- what!?”
“I need y- inGZd’eh-! you to come pick me up.”
There’s a deep sigh through the phone, and what sounds like gunfire as Chuuya barks out an order. Dazai figures it’s still the mission Mori sent him on a few days ago. ‘Taking a while, usually he’d have wrapped it up by now. Must have been complications. I was supposed to go with, except a more urgent matter needed my attention.’ 
“Are you fucking serious?”
“kNT-nGT’eh-dnZNTT-! Yes, I’m serious. Hurry please~ it’s quite urgent.”
“What was that noise?”
“It’ll explain wh- eNDxT-! when you get here.”
Another round of yelling overtakes Chuuya’s side of the conversation, Dazai leaning the phone away with a wince as the noises seem to drill right into his skull. Finally it quiets down, Chuuya’s voice cutting through the silence again with a growl. 
“Can’t you call someone else? I dunno, Oda or something, why’s it gotta be me? I’m a tad busy.” 
“I’m- inGTD’eh-! trusting you with this- hH’knT-! mission. You are my partner after all.” 
“Ach. Fine, you bastard. But you’d better not be dead by the time I get there. Don’t wanna waste a trip.”
“hNgEdT-INgT-eh’kNd’eh-! See you when you get here.” 
The dial tone cuts through his last sentence, a sigh forming from the effort the call required. He lets his eyes fall shut,his head meeting the cold wall he’s leaning against. It almost seems to burn against his skin. ‘Because of the fever, I assume. Making the cold feel almost like electricity coursing through my body. Chuuya had better hurry.’ 
“You’re trembling.” 
Dazai’s eyes snap open, consciousness flooding back into his mind, a rush of pain following suit. He crushes his nose into a fist to starve off the reignited tickle while the other hand gingerly grazes his wounded leg. He manages to catalogue the rain still drenching him, Chuuya standing over him crossing his arms, and some amount of time he can no longer account for. 
“That h- happens when you’re l- left in the r- rain for- ndGT-! eh’kNXt-! d- days to fr- freeze to d- death.”
“Oh quit your whining, it’s been less than an hour. That’s impressive given I was across town.”
As Dazai feels Chuuya cold gaze, another shudder runs down his back, a smirk creeping across his face as it prompts a response laced with barely hidden guilt. 
“I got here as fast as I could, okay…?” 
‘You’re lucky it’s just us here, Chuuya. Anyone else might mistake your tone for caring~.’  The itch presents itself again, Dazai raising a hand to his face with a gasp as it climbs deeper into his sinuses. A burning starts to spread along his nose, Chuuya’s smirk only fanning his irritation. 
“ah’hNDeh-! knt’shh-! inGT’shh-!”
“Did you just sneeze?” 
“I- knGt’shh-! I certainly hope that was a sneeze and not- knGT’sshew-! my soul trying to- hh’nGT-! Escape.”
“I didn’t know you could make such dainty noises.”
The smile Dazai shoots in return is heavy, a deep air of false self-satisfaction plastered across the gesture. They both know Chuuya can see through him easily, and they both know he won’t act on this knowledge. ‘We’re both more comfortable with pretending I’m in control, like always. Despite what you may say, Chuuya, I know you better than anyone.’
“So, what exactly led to this pathetic display?” 
“Negotiations got a- ahH’INDGT’chh-! a bit out of hand. 
A blush tints Dazai’s cheeks as the stifle nearly breaks through, a violent sniffle falling through the cracks of his self-control. He flinches as the expression falters on Chuuya’s face, his blush apparently deeply visible against the rest of his utterly pale face.
“Eh?! A bit ou- you’re sitting on the ground bleeding, this is ‘a bit’?” 
“gnDT’shh-! ih’tND’eh-! It all went according to prediction.”
‘Except the severity of the fever… but he doesn’t need to know that.’ 
“You knew you were going to end up shot and laying on the ground?”
“I b- hh’enDT-! Believe I am sitting.” 
Chuuya snarls at him, fist clenching at his side as he seemingly resists the urge to throw a punch. ‘Probably a good thing for me. Not sure I could roll out of the way in time. Even if I did, it’d hurt something awful, and I’m not exactly keen on more pain at the moment.�� Dazai allows, electing to offer a small grin at the action.
“Did you at least get what you were sent for?”
“Do you really doubt me, Chuuya? hNNcH! heHh… nnDGT-! eNX’guh-!”
“Christ, Dazai.”
“eNGT’eh-! haHh… heP’ch-mmgNn’sh-hep’DNGT-! F- fuck… gNT’shh-!”
Dazai pretends he doesn’t notice the wince Chuuya lets out at the cursing as the stifles scrape through his throat. He’s switching from crushing his nose into his fist to fully pinching it shut. ‘They’re getting stronger, I can’t keep this up for long.’
“Mori sent you out here this sick?”
“I didn- hHnGT’eh-! eINXT-! Didn’t see the relevance in passing on su- such… hehhAH-! kNDT’chh-! eINGT’shh-! Such irrelevant information.”
“Irreleva- Damn it you idiot. You seriously didn’t tell him?!”
“nGT-! dnZT’chh-!”
“Well, guess it doesn’t matter now anyways. Can you walk?”
“N- hH’eNG’shh-! Not sure.”
Chuuya reaches down, stumbling a bit as Dazai leans into him, a hiss escaping as pain shoots through his leg. ‘I’m assuming the sickness is clouding my ability to ignore the pain, making it feel worse than it is. Normally an injury like this shouldn’t bother me.’ Another shiver runs through Dazai’s body, travelling through his arms into Chuuya, who turns a sharp eye to him. 
“If I could use gravity manipulation this would be a hell of a lot easier.”
“W- well sorry. N- not exactly m- my fault that I’m s- so special. hh’knChh-!” 
Dazai whips into his fist, aiming away from the man holding him up as another stifled fit pounds through his head. 
“dnCH-! inNGXT-! nnGT-! eh’INGt’shh-!”
“inDksss-! eNGT-! heh…! hH’aENXT’chh-! ih’nnGXT’shh-!”
“Christ, Dazai. You’re gonna give me a headache. Just fucking sneeze.”
“Wh- inGt-! What is Chuuya talk- notagain… hH’enDG’eh-! nNGT-! kNXT’chh-! Talking about? I believe I am sne- sneehh…. hH’EDN’chh-! sneezing?”
Dazai meets Chuuya’s eyes just in time to catch the mist of concern that settles over them before they roll in his direction. They’ve stopped moving, much to Dazai’s dismay. Normally the rain hitting his head seeming to feel like gunfire would be the reason he’s annoyed, but right now he has bigger issues. His hair is soaked, and dripping onto his face, each droplet running down his nose leaving a trail of tickles in its wake.
“You know what I mean, you jackass. Just let them out.”
He crushes his nose into his fist again as another sneeze threatens to break through, determined not to follow Chuuya’s orders. ‘I don’t need to sneeze. I do- heh… don’t nee… need to…’ Chuuya’s voice cuts through his attempts, the vibrations in the air seeming to spread the itch even deeper.
“It can’t be any worse than the tiny squeaks you’re letting out now.” 
“Ch- chuhHAh-! Chuuya might have a point for once!” 
“heH-! keeshh-tisshh’ieschh’oo-!”
“Was… was that your sneeze…?”
“ieeshh’oo-! heh’tshhh’shoo-! inEShh’oo-!”
“You’re sounding practically feline, Dazai.”
A grin spreads across Chuuya’s face as Dazai leans into his hands with another tiny outburst. Managing to pry open his eyes long enough to make it out through the haze, Dazai offers a weak smile immersed in mischief.
“Seeing as you’re quite the fan of ‘felines’, I’ll take that as a compliment.”
“Eh?! Y- you-”
“In fact- tShh’oo-! heh’inshh’iew-! I believe you referred to a kitten as ‘cute’, didn’t y- hh’teEShhiew-! You?”
“Don’t you fuckin-”
“Awww~ Does that mean Chuuya j- eh’KNshh’oo-! hahh-! geshhiew-hepp’tishhiew-! Just called me adorable?” 
“I will drop you on your ass, you bandage waste.”
Chuuya’s glare is fierce, a scowl painted over his face, but Dazai can’t help but notice the way his grip tightens when another fit breaks out, keeping Dazai studied as he shakes. ‘Whatever you say, Chuuya~.’ 
“hH’knGT’shiew-! eh’iiashh’oo-! kenshhh’iew-! heh’gshh’deh-! hNG’deh-! d’eshh’oo-!”
“B- bless you…”
“What was that, Chuuuya~?”
“Ouch! Words sting you know. eh’kishhew-!”
“Fuck off.”
“What a dirty mouth you have!” 
Another glare is thrown his way, Dazai responding with a smile, the unsettling kind that he knows Chuuya hates. Sure enough, he feels a shudder run down the smaller man’s back. Unfortunately he doesn’t get to revel in this feeling as the earth starts to spin under his feet. Feeling the panic start to rise in his chest, Dazai’s feet slow as he attempts to let the feeling of water on his face keep his mind from shutting down.
“Just shut up. We’re almo- hey!” 
Legs giving out from under him, Dazai lets out a mild gasp, the force sending both men to the ground. Chuuya manages to recover fast, turning the fall into a roll, but Dazai doesn’t fare as well, pain shooting through his leg as the wound meets the concrete. His eyes snap shut, a wince haunting his features.
“What the fuck do you think you’re- Oh shit, Dazai… just breathe okay? We’re almost there.”
“Bless you.”
Dazai wants to respond, but his voice gets lost somewhere in his throat. Everything feels a bit too far away, the fog starting to spread through his vision distorting reality. He feels the panic rise once more in his chest, eyes frantically scanning for- ‘Chuuya. Just focus on Chuuya.’
His hand reaches up, gripping Chuuya’s arm. Normally such a gesture would earn him a kick to the chest, but instead Chuuya gently picks it up, bringing it to his chest. Dazai’s eyes flutter shut again, focusing his brain on Chuuya’s heartbeat.
“eh’hePShh’iew-! tieeshh’oo-!”
“Bless you, Dazai.” 
“Th- thank you…”
Dazai notices the way the heartbeat increases when he manages to get a word out. Chuuya lifts an arm, gently brushing the soaked hair from Dazai’s face, offering a silent invitation. It’s quickly accepted, Dazai letting his head fall onto Chuuya’s chest.
“Can you keep going..? Sitting in the rain isn’t gonna be helping your-”
“hNNshh’iew-! hep’pishhew-!”  
“I don’t know, Chuuya might have to carry me~.”
“Bastard. Get up.”
Chuuya rolls his eyes again with a huff, but Dazai doesn’t miss the relief in his voice. Using gravity manipulation Chuuya’s able to quickly jump to his feet, Dazai slowly following suit with a similar motion. He wavers for a second, Chuuya’s arm finding its way back around him as they cross the final stretch to the car. 
“hh’nGT-! dNTX’chh-!”
“Knock it off.”
“heH’iieeshh’oo-! yishheww-!”
As soon as he climbs out of the rain, Dazai feels a wave of relief wash over him, the pounding in his head slowing to a dull thud. Chuuya climbs into the driver's seat, growling something about ‘getting my car soaked’ as Dazai lets the cool window relieve some of the heat from his cheeks.
“You gotta write up the report on this for Mori, I’m not doing it just because I saved your pathetic ass.”
“Aw Chuuya~ how sweet of you to offer to do it for me!”
“Wh- I literally just sai-”
Dazai lets his eyes flutter shut once more as Chuuya’s yelling fades into the background. You wouldn’t think it’s an easy sound to fall asleep to, but for Dazai? There’s almost nothing more soothing than the reminder that Chuuya’s there.
Because no matter what, if Chuuya’s there, he’s safe.
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9800sblog · 9 months
Hi can you do a reading on Finn wolfhard personality wise and how he would be in relationship?
finn wolfhard tarot reading
public persona vs private personality
do I have his energy permission to do and share this reading? 8 of wands
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I'm not a fan, so idk what you guys have already figured out about his real personality, sorry if it's too superficial ☝️
death reversed, 3 of cups, the empress reversed, 2 of cups reversed
a chill guy with no limits to his talents. he is supposed to be the nerdy guy, the outcast, he's relatable. he's skinny instead of muscly, he's friendly and non threatening, he's got no luck in relationships, he's constantly friend zoned. his persona requires him to look unattractive, uncool, nerdy, a bit embarrassing. it may change completely after stranger things ends and he may get different types of roles. his persona depends much on the type of character he is playing, but this is the most consistent one since his most famous characters have this vibe.
ace of swords reversed, the star, queen of swords reversed
he loves to stand out, he loves a flashy lifestyle, he may be more chill than a lot/most of hollywood stars, but he still grew up in that environment, he's not a casual outcast, obviously. he feels very connected to nature, may prefer silence and have a particular tendency towards the beach. he loves to watch things, people and the world happen. may be really into sports that require sweat but still little physical effort. no surprise that he loves photography. he may wanna try a different hairstyle. really loves traveling and getting to see the world up close, one of his dreams may be a cruise. he may be much ruder and quieter than people expect. may not have spent enough time with his parents as a kid, so feels distant from his family now. he doesn't like it when things change often or too fast, he moves slow, and needs to follow a plan that makes sense or he loses his mind. when he's with those he feels really comfortable, he may talk way less, while in public, he may talk non-stop and mindlessly. probably had to grow up too fast and is now trying to catch up with a lost sense of youth. he might wanna study psychology or direct a movie.
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