#what a fun funky tiefling character
andromedaisfree · 2 years
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“what a fucking idiot”
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thoughts on Honor Among Thieves (spoiler free)
i finally got around to watching the new D&D movie, and I have some thoughts.
(no spoilers, except for things that are obvious in the trailer, like the big wildshaping druid)
first, some good things:
each character played their stats well. dumb and strong? makes stupid jokes. dexterity-based instead of strength-based? dodges attacks instead of blocking them. the dialogue was very true to stats as well.
the easter eggs. lots of references/appearances of dnd creatures, locations, and different species, even so of the more obscure ones
it felt like the dice were behind it all. there were lots of failures that seemed so far up to chance that someone had failed a check, and a few successes that felt like nat20s, plus things in between. there wasn't an obscene number of successes or failures in a row, as many movies are prone to have.
material components! they dont forget about them :)
now, my criticisms:
too many damn wildshapes. i think i counted six or seven in one scene, and i guarantee the druid is not an archdruid. this bothered me more than anything else, to be honest.
chris pine's character. i don't care what anyone says, he's not a bard. he doesn't do anything a bard would do, no spells, no obvious bardic inspiration. honestly i think he's a commoner with 3 hit points.
the lack of diversity. two humans, a half elf, and a tiefling. the half elf just looks like a human, and the tiefling is in no way a tiefling except for her horns. tieflings typically have funky eyes and skin, and she had neither. i get that CGI is expensive, but it's really easy to slather someone in green paint and call them a half orc. (also, i've heard criticisms about the lack of LGBTQ+ representation, but there wasn't a whole lot of romance anyway, so i'm not super mad about that)
forgetting about action economy. i get it, you have to make a movie that's super cinematic, but a single barbarian, even at level six or seven (which is around where i estimate this group to be, max) cannot take on almost a dozen guards in heavy armor with weapons and take barely any damage, then go on to fight again almost immediately.
overall, i think it's a fun movie, and it's nice to see something i love up on the big screen. i do think it will cause problems for dms introducing new players who have seen the movie and not any actual play shows, cause i can already hear players wanting to do the cool things they do in the movie, then rolling poorly and getting mad at the dm when they cant do what they wanted to do. i'm interested to see if they add to it in the future, maybe with a bigger budget and some more diversity in character species. i also hope they replace chris pine, but hey, you cant get everything in life i suppose.
TLDR: good movie, not totally representative of actual D&D, but definitely give it a watch if you like D&D.
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xenascribbles · 2 months
The DnD landscape changed a bit ago with their oddities over rights to the IP; beforehand WotC were like, "yo, anything you make with our stuff is yours, you funky little dudes (gender neutral)," but then they had a thing issued with the revealing of DnD One where it was, "AH-HA! WE CAN MAKE MONEY - ALL RIGHTS BELONG TO US. GET OUR PERMISSION, BOW TO US, PAY US IF YOU MAKE ANYTHING THAT GETS MONEY."
It was largely considered a bad move, tons of folks started their own systems as result, and WotC reneged.
As such, pertaining to your question on writing it, I think if it branches directly off storylines that were published by Wizards, or perhaps BG3 in tandem, you may want to consider it fanfic and label it so, just in order for fingers not to itch on some ends in case it gets popular.
If, however, you simply want to do a fantasy world with no preexisting connection to the published works, you simply like the fantasy races and monsters (many of which WotC really borrowed from other things anyway), you shouldn't have a problem with it being an original work. Only word of caution I may offer is checking the origin of some that are a bit more unique, see if they are exclusively tied to DnD/WotC/MtG, and maybe rename them into something else.
Likewise, altering some of the races to, y'know, have wings or otherwise, might be fun too. Personal opinion: Tieflings in particular should be an array of demon-y things, not just horned and hooved pretty folk. Also personal opinion: would be nice to do away with DnD's inherit racism as is. :p
omg thank you! i honestly wasn’t even sure what i was asking, but you answered it!
i guess it was the worry of like copyright type of thing if use the character races from dnd. in full honesty, i have been INSPIRED by bg3, but i do not intend to use any story lines from the game, established characters, or anything else. i want to make it my own, but characters like drows and tieflings and such interest me so much. i want to write about them!
i have thought about tweaking them into something that makes them their own, like adding wings to tieflings or something, to use the example you provided, but wasn’t sure if that would also be frowned upon.
bg3 is really my first introduction to anything dnd/ttrpgs in general, so this is all new to me and i don’t want to do something wrong, like use character races i have no right to use.
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smallnico · 7 months
29 and 25 for Esper asks 👉👈
29: What advice would you give to your Dark Urge?
esper is extremely prone to forgetting that they're a flesh and blood person with basic needs like sleep and food and relaxation. they're extremely high-strung and they lash out accordingly. they throw themself completely and ruthlessly into any task they take on, motivated by the fear of losing control and the fear of being perceived as lacking, weak, or vulnerable (which, to them, means being perceived as a feral, rabid, wounded animal). they really need to relax and just let themself be a creature that needs to eat and sleep and bathe and open up to their friends every now and again. maybe if they were more stable as a baseline they wouldn't need to be so tense to keep from falling apart, metaphorically speaking.
honestly, part of why they initially became The Dark Urge was because they were just too exhausted to fight back after ~18 years of doing so in circumstances that were either cruel and unforgiving, or unbearably isolating. the only thing motivating them for their whole life was fear and the breadcrumb rewards of power and acknowledgement. esper isn't used to people being gentle to them, partially due to their pre-bhaal upbringing in the underdark and partially due to their post-bhaal neverending hell life, and so they aren't gentle to themself either. it feels nice, but it feels uncomfortable -- i'd tell them to learn to embrace the discomfort of being cared for. i'd tell them to let loose and let themself be a feral animal every once in a while.
25: How does your Dark Urge feel about Sceleritas Fel?
pre-tadpole esper found him extremely annoying, if occasionally useful. in addition to typical murder assistance, he was basically the only caregiver and source of lovebombing positive reinforcement they had, so for both of those reasons esper killed him at least once per day so he would leave them alone -- they didn't need help with murders, he got in the way, and they didn't want to be taken care of --but the gaslighting guidance on how not to piss off bhaal that sceleritas gave was useful, especially in times when esper felt the most unsettled and resentful and abused by bhaal's funky tendency to just take over their body to make them do whatever violatory thing he has in mind.
post-tadpole, esper is on high alert whenever he shows up, but they're willing to play along with his game as long as they can get something out of him. part of them remembers instinctively that sceleritas is a source of information on what to do to not get possessed by the urge, but they snapped out of the old habit of listening to him after he told them to kill isobel and doom the inn full of tieflings who had been so nice to them. some things you just can't bring yourself to do on purpose, no matter how scared you are of losing control. after that, every time sceleritas showed up, esper told him to fuck off lol. "sorry butler, i've gotten a taste of actual love and now my resolve to not listen to you is 10000% stronger."
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l-a-l-o-u · 2 years
HELLO tell us about the campaign lore!!!!
HELLO!!!! I will!!!
This is our second campaign set in the world of Adara! Our DM is @ctrh-5 (you can DM him questions too). We started this campaign I think... around 30 sessions ago? Sometime last spring.
Without going TOO much into details:
My character is Bean, the satyr monk. The other players are Tryx, a gnome barbarian, and Coco, a tiefling sorcerer/wizard. The three of saw each other during a masquerade ball and recognized each other - the other two had both ran into Bean years before. There was an attack during the masquerade; devils had infiltrated the party and started killing left and right. They destroyed a massive statue in the center of the party and this Main Villain TM named Jae recovered a mysterious orb from within, then disappeared. Here's some fun facts! In the world of Adara, the lower planes are completely inacessible and have been for millenia. We found out in our previous campaign that a REALLY long time ago, a race of technologically advanced people called the Daari imprisoned most archdevils, archdemons and archangels in funky little orbs like this. So now this dude shows up, opens a PORTAL to the hells that shouldn't be possible, and absconds with an orb (we later found out the archdemon Grazzt was in there).
AND ALSO! Jae is actually the corrupted form of a friendly NPC from the first campaign who was then called Aesalor. My first PC Arzirys left home to find him and I would die for him oh my god. Aes got tricked by another archdemon named Inanna and is now completely corrupted by her. He was once an aasimar but he's a full devil now. Inanna wants to take over all the hells, basically. Fun times!!
So far, for the actual main characters, we've been going around and doing much less important quests and getting to know each other. They all have a similar goal of travelling around and seeing the world. Tryx was a PC in campaign one who then retired, so she recognized Jae, but there's not much we can do about him right now. We've gone on a few really interesting missions and met a bunch of cool guys. The latest highlight was running into an underground gang made up of guys inspired by the Owl House characters which was very cute! Our DM likes to put reference characters in the games a lot.
I could write a whole novel about Bean and what she's been Going Through TM. In short, she's someone who doesn't have a home and has been wandering for the past 40 or so years. She sometimes talks out loud to someone when she's by herself, and hides parts of her past ferociously. But since she met Coco and Tryx, she feels like she found people who could actually understand her, and she's starting to let herself trust people. A lot of moments in the campaign and stories she heard from the other two made her think back on her early life that she's been avoiding all this time. She recently shared the fact that she physically can't do magic and that she ran away from home as a teen.
Oh ya and also everyone in this group is a chaotic bastard. I would die for them ♥
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tangy-soup · 1 year
What’s your starting point when making music? Is it an idea / feeling or a specific instrument / sound or something else?
WOAG fun question! Long post incoming
Short answer, it depends on the song, but all of the above in some ways! Usually its some combination of: a specific type of sound I want from the song, and the story that I want to tell with it. Then I just kind of futz around with the instruments to achieve those two.
Long answer with specific song analyses:
For something like "construction paper," I specifically wanted a bouncy and funky sounding song. My literal goal was to make a song that would tickle your brain. I think this maybe was the first song i wrote and i was really inspired by "hi good morning" by @/noctude. So I had a type of sound in mind for this one and went into jummbox to explore the instruments to see what would give me the sound i want. I wrote "tiny waltz for tiny mice" similarly where all I went in with was: i want to make a whimsical sounding waltz. And then i did.
For a lot of my more story/character based songs (like "lone witch" or "twilight sanctuary" or "hellish rebuke"), I think about the character and the story I want to tell with the music. So I would say for these songs I start out with a feeling, or overall tone first. I'm gonna use twilight sanctuary and hellish rebuke because they're two very diff songs but my approach was similar.
So for twilight sanctuary I really wanted to tell the story of my oc Ethe and their sibling Kasheri. Their story is all about grief and companionship and not being able to go back to what used to be... that push and pull and feelings of loneliness. So I knew I wanted this to be a slower, more melancholic song that would center the duo, hence the duet!
Hellish Rebuke was written for our good friend kiki's dnd character, Elijah, a firey tiefling sorcerer. He's a tough guy who came from a tough past. I needed this song to sound strong, and I knew I wanted electric bass sounding instruments for this. I chose a minor key (at least i think it is? i forgor) bc I wanted to have the song reflect Elijah's sort of bitterness about the world and about those who hurt him in the past.
So yeah!!
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varianthumanwizard · 3 years
Critical Role Campaign 3 Character Predictions
I have no way of predicting what happens in these peoples heads, but this is just what I would love to see them try playing:
Laura Bailey- I think that Laura deserves to get to play the Rogue she's always dreamed of, but she's also the type of person who loves some spells, so either a race with some innate spellcasting like an Aasimar or Genasi or a subclass that gives her funky options, like a Soul Knife or an Arcane Trickster
Travis Willingham- Travis is often the secret mastermind behind the teams plans, so it could be fun seeing him play up his intelligence a bit more. I think playing an Artificer or a Bloodhunter would let him scratch that melee itch, while bumping up his Int. Race wise, I just wanna see Travis play something small, so maybe a nice Halfling or a Gnome
Liam O'Brien- I do not care what this man plays so long as it is happy! But in all seriousness, I would love to see Liam play a Charisma heavy character, specifically a Sorcerer or even a Bard, maybe as a Tiefling as a spirtual twin to a wonderful little Trickster cleric.
Sam Riegel- Cleric. Cleric Cleric Cleric Cleric. Not only would it be amazing to see Sam play a high Wisdom character after playing two pretty low wis characters. Additionally, Sam kills with spells and has never really played a divine character so I think that would be neat. In the opposite of Travis, I want Sam to play something big, so maybe a Firbolg, Goliath, or even Minotaur
Marisha Ray- I've been seeing a lot of people throwing around Paladin, and I can see it! Gets melee, a bit of healing, and a lot of damage, as well as being able to do things that no one should be capable of (How do you have a +4 to all saves? Dope Paladin Shit!) To compliment paladin maybe bring in something with inate spellcasting and charisma, so maybe a Triton, Tiefling, or even a Drow!
Ashley Johnson- Yasha has had heart eyes for Beau since day one, but Ashley's been eyeing that Monk class for just as long. I think Ashley really enjoys playing a martial character, but with a monk she'd get to flex those muscles while creating all kinds of shenanigans, especially if she picks Mercy Monk to compliment the melee with osme sick healing. Personally I'd like to see her play a Warforged, kind of the opposite of an Aasimar as it's created completely from mortal invention rather than the power of a god.
Taliesin Jaffe- The man, the myth, the legend, what can't he do! Honestly I've adored every kind of character Taliesin has come up with, but I'd love to see him play another full caster, maybe focusing on more of a blaster role as a Wizard. I think it's be neat for Talesin to play a smaller race like a Dwarf, but a Halfling or Goblin could be just as fun.
Suprise Bonus Character under the cut!
Mica Burton- Okay we have no official rumor that Mica might be joining campaign 3, but I heard someone mention it and I can't get it out of my head. I personally loved her as Reani and I think that if they wanted to expand the table she'd be a great addition. I think she's great in melee but she also appreciates some creativity and magic to throw in, so maybe a Gloomstalker Ranger or a maybe a Wild Magic Barbarian. A Pallid Elf would also be really cool to see if it continues in Exandria, and I'd love to learn more about them from Matt!
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hauntthebodies · 2 years
ooo are you ok with describing what campaigns you’re in now? or what your characters are??
Sure! I adore them all. To be honest tho I just started playing again, so I’m not too familiar with the groups I’m playing with atm lol putting under a readmore bc this got kinda long
First one is a character I’ve had a long time and have commissions for, but no one would ever let me play him because he’s a very interesting looking tiefling that was inspired by the oni tieflings the artist kbearart created. His name is Maverick (:
Currently playing him in a call of the netherdeep module. He is a tiefling monk, born under the cursed moon or whatever and bc of it he looks, well! Interesting to say the least! He was born to a drow mom, but never knew his father or anything about him, and his mother died fairly young so he became self sufficient pretty young. Due to the fact most people treated him as an ill omen due to his birthday and bc he is like 6’5” man thing with raptor feet, he is bad at interacting with people. He’s motivated mostly by greed and his own survival, and right now he is so angry at the pretty boy drow in the party that is sooooo good at everything. He could have been that, he was supposed to be like that. What the fuck.
Art done by kbearart, bc if I’m making a character inspired by their design I’m going to pay them!!!!
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Second one is my Satyr Bard, Canary. I don’t have any paid art of him, but I did use this funky little picrew to get a visual idea for him. He’s a college of lore bard from a fairly noble family. Except he’s the second son, the not so popular son, the disappointment to the family son. So he kinda just, took off to make more of a name for himself and he makes money by traveling and painting pretty things (: he joined a random party and is regretting it immensely. He’s surrounded by straight people and doesn’t know what to do, they keep getting eloped in the middle of the night and teleporting him random places ):
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Third is a character I just started getting to play, but their race, class and background was already predetermined. They are a yuan-ti bloodhunter, who was steeped well into the strict militant lifestyle of their culture. They met a girl who was kind to them when they were like 14, and they didn’t understand what that was at first, but then started to see flaws within their peoples way of life and decided to leave when they turned like 18 and graduated yuan-ti military school Basically? They are emotionally stunted bc they’ve never felt concern except for when they met her, and kinda adopted her name as their own when leaving. But hey, they look cool at least. She goes by Corra but I’m already planning on transing their gender throughout the campaign bc lost adults learning who they are is so fun to mess around with. We are only level one but I plan on going order of mutagen I want to be a Witcher. Technically, they are lying about who they are and what they can do, so I’m excited to be like (: no I’m not a snake person my great grandad just fucked a dragon or whatever I’m a half elf dragonic sorcerer ignore the sword-
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thevalleyisjolly · 3 years
19, 31, and 32 for the D&D ask meme?
Thanks anon!
19. How did you discover D&D?
As with so many things in my life, it’s all down to my fantastic nimble bird friend, who sent me a link to a clip of the love potion prank in Critical Role campaign 1. The rest, as they say, is history!
31. Tell me about your current party!
YES, ok, I’ve been waiting to gush for a while, let me tell you about EWF (names redacted/abbreviated for privacy reasons)
So our party currently has four active members - Vyce (my character, a tiefling rogue), “O” (tiefling monk), “D” (human cleric), and “N” (gnome wizard). We also have three past/infrequent members - “Z” (kyrid (home-brew lizard race) bard), “T” (dwarf barbarian), and “Ol” (half elf sorcerer).
“O” is played by my nimble bird friend, and she’s both a very competent fighter and also very young. Vyce, who has been a little brother his entire life, thinks of her like a little sister, albeit one whom he’s slightly in awe of. In Vyce’s opinion, she’s the beating heart of the party - she takes such joy in things (especially shiny things) and she doesn’t seem to be weighed down by the unfortunate things that have happened in her past. She’s not very smart (aka the best type of D&D character) and she’ll run where angels fear to tread, but it’s that kind of reckless bravery that’s saved the party’s bacon more times than we can count. I personally am of the opinion that "O" should be allowed to use a gun. Would this solve some of our problems? Maybe. Would this cause a lot more problems? Certainly. Should "O" even have a gun? Probably not, but the correct answer is yes. She's got the guns, now let her fire a gun!
We're just wrapping up a story arc dealing with “D’s” backstory, and it’s been so fun to see how his character has grown and changed over the course of the arc. He’s gone from a bit of a directionless adventurer, getting drunk and squabbling with “T” about who is in charge of the party skyship, to really coming into his own as a captain of the wind and waves. Like, it’s truly been so satisfying to watch him instigate revolutions, reach out to old friends and stand up to old enemies, lead fleets into naval battles, and step into the heart of the storm. I think for Vyce, “D” has really gone from someone that was a bit of a dark mirror in many ways, to someone that he respects and admires. Not that there isn't still a streak of recklessness in "D" but hey, that's part of what makes the game fun!
It is impossible not to like “N.” “N” alone has shifted Vyce’s dislike of mages (although with our most recent session, there’s been some regression!) “N” is like that friend who is enthusiastically, 110% up for anything, you tell him the plan and he’ll commit to it so hard. You will never meet an Abjuration wizard, or flat out any wizard, who loves Fireball more. He’s also ended up in so many situations where he’s separated from the party and 1v1-ing a baddie all by himself and no one knows, and the thing is, he’s actually won most of the time? I mean, apart from the time he died, but he’s better now. You’ll also never meet a wizard who uses a dagger so successfully in combat. He’s literally killed at least two bad guys with his dagger, we’re all bewildered and both Vyce and I are delighted, you go you funky lil old gnome you. He’s currently got a running interest in trying to figure out what shape the world is, which is some of the funniest and best wizard RP ever. He’s also come out with some of the most devastatingly poignant lines in the campaign so far, his memorial speech for a beloved NPC friend still haunts me ahhhhhhh.
32. Most memorable NPC you've encountered in a game you played in.
Hmm, gotta be three-way tie between Lynley, Rutley, and Frode. Lynley was an old friend of “D” and was also a cleric (I think?) of the same god. He helped us start and lead the revolution against the pirate lord, and when the pirate lord sent a massive fleet, much larger than our remaining ships, to retake the port, he loaded a ship with gunpowder and sailed it into the middle of the attacking fleet.
(Does Vyce feel guilty because he suggested that as an idea, albeit with unmanned ships, when we first heard about the fleet? YUP.)
Anyways, the party wasn’t in the port at the time, we were trying to retake a temple partway down the coast, but we got to see his death scene in a scrying pool, and just, the way our DM narrated it and the music he put on, it was just this incredibly heart-wrenching and moving scene that will stay with me forever. Our DM is incredible, that’s all I can say.
Rutley is just a goblin with a gun. He is very good at shooting the gun. Naturally, I love him.
Frode is the worst person ever (in Vyce’s opinion). Vyce dislikes mages in general, he very definitely dislikes charmers, and he fears wit and wordplay because he’s not in the least good at it (-2 CHA baybeeeee). Of course, this means Vyce’s mortal enemies are bards (except for our party bard, who is just a lil lizard with a cello and not, say, an obnoxious know-it-all with higher Perception than Vyce’s Stealth). Frode is a mysterious bard we found wandering in the forest, who may or may not be our world’s equivalent of Jaskier. Vyce loathes him with a deep and unshakable hatred, and I the player loved every minute of that interaction.
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grailfinders · 4 years
Fate and Phantasms #112: Shuten-Douji
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Today on Fate and Phantasms we’re making the ASMR oni and boss of Mount Ooe, Shuten-Douji! Spirits, Poisons, and Being an Oni will be yours to command with this build!
Check out her build breakdown below the cut, or her character sheet over here!
Next up: What is this, 8 Bit Theater?
Race and Background
Shuten is a demon, but the closest thing we can get in D&D is the half demon Tiefling. As a child of Fierna you’ll find yourself very persuasive thanks to the free Friends cantrip you get as part of your Legacy of Phlegethos. You also get +1 Dexterity (thanks to Tasha’s) and +2 Charisma, Hellish Resistance to fire damage, and Darkvision. 
Giving Shuten a human-based background is a challenge, but you certainly act the part of the criminal more often than not. This gives you Deception and Stealth proficiencies.
Ability Scores
Make your Charisma as high as possible- there’s definitely something charming about you, given that golden kid keeps hanging around you despite rising odds of decapitation. Speaking of, make Constitution your next stop. Getting your head taken off does a lot of damage, and you have to be able to survive that. Your Dexterity should also be pretty good- you don’t wear much of anything, and yet you’ll probably want to live. Your Strength isn’t too bad- Oni generally have good strength, we just needed other stuff more. You’re not stupid, but Intelligence wasn’t high on the list, and finally, dump Wisdom. You take a shot every time you use your NP, that can’t be good for your wisdom saves.
Class Levels
1. Sorcerer 1: Oni don’t play by the rules, and neither do we. We’re making Shuten a Toxomancer, a class that didn’t exist before now, and whose existence is based on Plane Shift material, making its existence even more dubious. (For anyone wondering, it’s based on the Pyromancer class from Plane Shift Kaladesh, just with everything Fire replaced by Poison instead.) This gives you proficiency in Constitution and Charisma saves, as well as Insight and Persuasion. You certainly know how to run a party, at least.
Like all sorcerers, you can cast Spells thanks to your Charisma, which is your casting ability. Unlike most sorcerers, you come packing a Heart of Poison; whenever you cast a 1st level or higher spell that deals poison damage, creatures of your choice within 10′ of you take half your sorcerer level (minimum 1) in poison damage. So your aim’s a little off when you pour, you’re not hearing any complaints!
As far as cantrips go, grab Infestation because why not, it’s poison damage, Acid Splash and Poison Spray for more thematic damage dealing, and Shape Water to control your drink after it’s been poured. For spells, you can cast Mage Armor to help not die and Ray of Sickness to sling drinks around at a farther range.
2. Fighter 1: Don’t worry, we’re not getting too crazy with multiclassing this time. We’re just here for sword skills and Unarmed Fighting. You can literally rip people’s organs out with your bare hands, you should at least be good at punching people. You can also use a Second Wind for a bit of healing as a bonus action once per short rest. There’s always time for a drink break.
3. Sorcerer 2: Second level sorcerers become a Font of Magic, giving you Sorcery Points that can be turned into spell slots and vice versa. Thanks to your Legacy of Phlegethos, you can also cast Charm Person once per long rest as a second level spell, forcing up to two humanoids to make a wisdom save (DC 8+proficiency bonus+charisma modifier) or be charmed by you until the spell ends in an hour or you do anything harmful to it. Slapping people sobers them up- don’t do it.
You can also cast Tasha’s Caustic Brew this level, throwing acidic drinks as long as you can keep your concentration up (for a minute), which clings to enemies until they wash it off. Wine stains, am I right?
4. Sorcerer 3: Third level sorcerers can use Metamagic to change up their spells at the cost of sorcery points. Specifically, you can use Heightened Spell to give your enemies disadvantage on their sobriety saving throws, or Extended Spell to keep the party going even longer.
Speaking of, at this level you can break out the cheap hooch by casting Blindness/Deafness, mostly the former.
5. Sorcerer 4: Use your first Ability Score Improvement to round up your Charisma and add a bit to your Constitution as well. You also get one last gift from your Legacy, letting you cast Suggestion once per long rest as well. This lets you charm a creature that fails a wisdom saving throw, forcing them to perform an activity that isn’t obviously harmful within or for the next 8 hours. Once again, don’t hit them.
Speaking of spells, this level lets you cast Sword Burst because you’re not going to be good with physical attacks for a while and Enhance Ability to imbue yourself or others with oni strength, giving them advantage on strength checks. (Or dexterity, constitution, intelligence...)
6. Sorcerer 5: Fifth level sorcerers can find Magical Guidance in their magical powers, letting you re-roll a failed ability check if you spend a sorcery point. You also learn how to cast Sweet-Smelling (Stinking) Cloud, a 20′ radius cloud that obscures the area, and forces all creatures in it to make a constitution saving throw each turn. Those who fail waste their turn in a drunken stupor.
7. Sorcerer 6: Sixth level Toxomancers have Poison in the Veins, meaning you resist poison damage, and your poison spells ignore resistance. Your wine gets sweeter, and you can still get high on your own supply! You can also cast Hypnotic Pattern now, which is roughly the same as Stinking Cloud, but there’s only one chance to get charmed.
8. Sorcerer 7: Seventh level sorcerers get fourth level spells, like Conjure Shadow Demon. I’ll level with you- I was really hoping we could get Contingency later so you could summon a demon upon your own death for a funky sort of guts, but Wizards just had to be special and keep it for themselves. You can always just say you’re bringing Ibaraki along for some fun.
9. Sorcerer 8: Use this ASI to grab the Poisoner feat. It lets you ignore poison resistance on all damage rolls, not just spells, you can poison blades faster, and you can make potent poisons with a poisoner’s kit, which let your weapons deal extra poison damage and poison the target for a turn.
You can also cast Confusion to throw your enemies into further disarray.
10. Sorcerer 9: Use your first 5th level spell slots to grab Cloudkill for a wine powerful enough to melt people, dealing 5d8 poison damage to any creature that fails its constitution save in the cloud.
11. Sorcerer 10: For your next Metamagic option, grab Subtle Spell. You’re not very loud in general. You can also cast Prestidigitation, because we’re running out of good cantrips, and you can make good on that “drinking people” threat with Enervation! If the target fails a dexterity save, they take 4d8 necrotic damage, and you gain hp equal to half the damage taken. For the next minute (with concentration) you can automatically deal the damage each round as an action.
12. Sorcerer 11: Now that you have sixth level spell slots, you can cast Tasha’s Otherworldly Guise, turning you into a proper oni! While it’s active, you’re Immune to fire and poison damage, as well as the poisoned condition. You get +2 AC and can attack twice as an action, plus your weapon attacks are magical and you can use charisma instead of strength for the attack and damage rolls. (You also get a flying speed, and there’s an upper planes version, but shush.)
13. Sorcerer 12: Use this ASI to max out your Charisma for the most oniing an oni can oni!
14. Sorcerer 13: For your seventh level spell, grab Power Word Pain to get one creature with less than 100 HP severely drunk. Each turn they’re charmed, they can only move 10 feet per turn, and has disadvantage on all attacks, checks, and non-constitution saves. Every time they try to cast a spell, they have to pass a constitution save first, or waste the spell. At the end of each turn they can try to pass a constitution save to end the effect.
15. Sorcerer 14: You’ve become so infused with alcohol that when you get hit wine pops out, like a boozy piñata. Thanks to Toxomancer’s Fury, you can react to taking a melee hit to deal your level in poison damage to the attacker, ignoring any resistance. 
16. Sorcerer 15: Your drinks get even more potent thanks to your eighth level spell Power Word Stun. This instantly stuns a creature with 150 hit points or less, and it stays that way unless it can pass a constitution save at the end of its turn. Feel free to hit this one, they won’t feel it until the morning.
17. Sorcerer 16: Odd numbers make us sad, so use this ASI to round up your constitution with Durable. Now each hit die is guaranteed to give you twice your constitution modifier. Given that means you’re getting at least a 6 on a d6, that’s pretty good.
18. Sorcerer 17: For your last Metamagic grab Empowered Spell, why not. Your drinks are already so potent they can instantly kill a human thanks to Power Word Kill, which can kill any target with less than 100 hp.
19. Sorcerer 18: You’re now so steeped in wine it’s soaked into your very essence. Your Poisonous Soul makes you immune to poison damage. Any spell or effect you create also ignores poison resistance and treats poison damage immunity as poison resistance. I would definitely argue that this would include any poisons made from your poisoner’s kit, because who doesn’t love a little boozing? (I should point out this means you’ve got wine strong enough to give Jing Ke a buzz.)
20. Sorcerer 19: Use your final ASI to grab the Tough feat for 40 extra HP. Not the flashiest way to end a build, but at least it’s not sorcerous restoration.
Poison might be a common resistance/immunity, but you can eat through those defenses and deal with them as they come up.
Your charms and poisons alike give you great crowd control options, in both lethal and nonlethal flavors. You can shut down an angry mob you want to reason with thanks to Stinking Cloud or Hypnotic Pattern, or just slaughter them all with Cloudkill!
With almost 200 HP, features that rely on close range and getting hit, and Tasha’s Otherworldly Guise, you can hop onto the front line for a bit to give your regular tank a rest- at least for a round or two.
You can get around resistances later, but your early levels still have you relying on Poison and Acid damage for most of your attacks. Like I said above, you’re still relying on the most resisted/immune to damage type in the game.
Unlike your poison, your other spells never get any less resisted. Tasha’s Caustic Brew is one of your most efficient damage spells from level 3 until level 10. Or at least it would be, if it wasn’t for being acid based.
Your Low Wisdom means you might fall for someone else’s charms as easily as they fall for your own. Suddenly being a tough, poison-spewing demon isn’t a good thing. Ah well, there’s always next party.
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a-third-attempt · 4 years
Dear Gutter,
Greetings from the frozen north, @guttertongue​!
It’s been a wild year, hasn’t it? Can’t say it was good, exactly, but I’m writing to you today from a place of joy. A year ago, I adopted a tiefling from you (barely!), and I wanted to write to say thank you because that ended up being the big journey of this year for me...
He goes by Dharys now, and as a character he’s just been kind of simmering on low heat all year. I did write about him explicitly in one of my prompt fills, where I formally came to terms with him as a self-insert; just a funky little horse boy nervously making his way in a world that isn’t quite sure what to do with him. There’s a bit more backstory in scattered private messages and discarded drafts, and I think 2021 will be a real character development year for the boy ^.^
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(The horse is named Vincenzo and your boy loves him very much~)
More than that, though, he’s been a wonderful persona for me to inhabit on this side of the internet. It seems so obvious now, but it was more or less a coincidence; I adopted him on a whim. (I mean, there was a reason, but it’s convoluted and doesn’t make a lot of sense.) At that time, I had already decided that I was going to try to get back into writing for fun, but I was still undecided about how exactly I would do that. Well, one thing led to another and I decided to start this blog, and since he was already around, I decided to make him my icon.
I’m not sure when exactly I started associating the name Dharys, which I was using for this side of my internet self, with the tiefling. But it was definitely sometime before April, when I ended up taking the dive into the exophilia community. That has been a truly rewarding experience, and if that had been all I’d gotten from this whole thing, it alone would have been more than enough.
But Dharys as persona has also lent me a lot of confidence. This takes a bit of explaining. Dharys was many firsts for me: the first time I had purchased from an artist online, certainly my first character adopt, my first *ahem*SFW*ahem* monster-related purchase. He was an early step in my ongoing process of learning to spend money on myself. As Dharys I purchased my first commissions, and made my first donations to the arts. As Dharys I’ve been able to recognize “spending money on myself” as a way that I can support artists I love. (And I’d like to think those were stepping stones in my willingness to evaluate my priorities and loosen my purse strings epsecially re: COVID and BLM— Shoutout to the Black COVID Relief Fund.)
In the back half of the year I’ve been less active on this side of the internet for work reasons. During that time, Dharys morphed into a muse and a sort of fictional second mod for this blog.
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He’s a little bit immature in that role— mod!Dharys spends most of his time running around to my favorite artists for glamor shots. But he’s not totally absent; he does help me brainstorm, and even comments sometimes, mostly in the tags.
I could go on, but the point is— I feel so blessed that I’ve gotten to know your little tiefling boy, and our time together has truly been a highlight of my year ^.^
I hope that this note finds you well, and here’s to better days ahead!
— | Dharys
 * * *
A/N: Both images are the brilliant work of @dragonfoxstardesigns; I’ll be posting about them separately.
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bodiedhorror · 5 years
$25 dungeons and dragons commissions
hey folks! do you have a dnd character? do you want them to have art because every picture of an orc doesn’t really capture the exact je ne sais quoi of your own? do you want it to be affordable? do you want it to look fun and funky fresh?
given that my job will not pay me until august and rent is coming up, i would love to draw some art for you! a simple example of the style i’d be using would be: 
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this! full-body colored cartoony dnd characters! dragonborn! orcs! gnomes! tieflings! more tieflings! humans! 
i can do more shading as requested, but about this would be the level of it if you didn’t request any more. do you not have a visual representation of your character? no problem! just go ahead and message me a description and i’ll work with you to get you what you like. want more characters? no problem! it’ll be +$7 for each character in a single portrait. 
message me if you’re interested!
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rdorica · 5 years
Fire Emblem Robin Dnd Sheet
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“A traveler who remembers nothing prior to being found by the wayside. Chrom realized their tactical genius and enlisted him/her in the Shepherds, where they are well-liked. The biggest mystery of the group.” -Fire Emblem Awakening
So for my first Fe character sheet I decided to go for a character I think every Fire Emblem fan is familiar with, Robin the Master Tactician. Due note there are spoilers ahead due to the nature of where I went with him, I made him lvl 5 for a beginning character sheet, in the future all the sheets will be around that same level (except bosses)
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So starting right off I made Robin a Tiefling to reference their infernal lineage and to give them some tasty fire resistance. Their stat spread was made to be relatively balance out (however I made Int their lowest stat, yknow, since they lost their memories). For their background I was going to go for Haunted One but I felt like it’d be more fun to go Outlander, giving him some more tactical knowledge.
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Obv Weapons can be what you want but I went for this
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So I went for the Draconic Sorcerer to really get that Grima feeling, Black Dragon seemed to fit Grima pretty well. For Metamagic I went for Empowered and Quickened Spell. I gave them the Alert feat to really play up the idea of a genius tactician and give them extra initiative 
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Spells can really be what you want (Yeah I see the second Darkness spell),
The idea with this build is to have a Grima heavy Robin, some solid alternatives would’ve been a College of Swords Bard or if you wanted to be funky an Arcane Trickster Rouge, either of those builds focus on the Sword & Spells design Robin is typically known for, honestly I might do another Robin build (Grandmaster most likely) with the bard one. This build is designed for a magic centered Robin whose Fell Dragon Powers were surfacing
For a link to the pdf 
You’re free to use the character sheet as you wish! If you are gonna use it however please reblog, I want to try to make one sheet a day
if there are any problems with the link just let me know :)
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mathes0n · 5 years
hi eli im having a not good day can you tell me about your dnd characters please theyre very good
Aaaah! I’m sorry ur having a bad day anon, I’ll try to tell u about a few dnd characters, both player characters and NPCs!!!!
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This is Cormac; u cant see it here but the man has a Dad Bod. Tho I made him like, a YEAR before Spiderverse came out, he definitely has a Peter B Parker vibe about him; a gross, smelly man whos made some bad decisions in the past and thinks that his entire life is over because of them. He’s got 2 kids that he left an an orphanage when they were babies bc he didn’t think he was well equipped to raise them alone, but now he’s on a journey to find them and reconcile. Overall a flawed bastard but theres a heart of gold somewhere in there. Also hes trans
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This is Amma! She’s an aasimar paladin for her own pops, Torm (god of courage and self sacrifice among other things). I don’t have much for her character so far (how much I expand on her character depends solely on how much the player characters want to interact with her), just that shes a Lawful Good lady who just wants to help people. Shes got big muscles and a big heart 
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This squad of three are Jaime, Lynx, and Isadora (real mathe(zero)son fans recognize them as ANCIENT thrilling intent ocs). Jaime is a 15 year old tief who was forced into shitty underground wrestling since he was young. Lynx is a 13 year old tief bard who travels from city to city to scrape by on whatever gold she can find by playing her lyre on the streets, never having a family or home. Isadora is a 7 year old tief babby who was raised by shitty criminal tieflings who wanted her to be a loyal grunt who also did crimes. By chance, these three kids ended up meeting, and ran away from their shitty situations together, and now theyre a family! 
Jaime has a pretty bad temper, coupled with a strong distrust for most adults, scared that they’ll be apart of that underground wrestling ring and make him go back. Isadora is deeply traumatized by her upbringing; she only ever learned Infernal, and seems afraid of other languages (including Common); she also only trusts other tieflings and hisses at basically any other species. Lynx is the most seemingly put together out of the three, being a rather bouncy child who loves to play music. At the end of the day they’ve all got each other!!!
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Another set of three children!!! Any warriors cats fans will know exactly whom these three are based off of lol
Anyways these are orphaned tabaxi triplets (roughly 12 years old) named Pineapple, Papaya, and Pomegranate (Pompom for short!). Pineapple is a rowdy boy who likes to wrestle. Papaya is a naturally magically gifted grump who believes hes the most important person in the universe (he is correct). Pompom is the voice of reason, and most suited to lead her squad of siblings, and also the only one who is TRULY willing to draw blood to protect the three of them
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This girl here is actually a player character of mine, not an NPC!!! Her name is Yuna Mogato; shes a halfling “””artificer”” with a kind heart and a desire to lead an interesting and adventure filled life... tho immediately regrets this as soon as interesting adventures start finding her. All in all, a very standard Anime Protagonist and a very sweet girl!! Also there’s somethin reeaaaal funky about that golden bracelet shes always wearing...
Also a little fun fact!: For those who know Kogu (purple tief i draw a lot, also my icon!) Well, Kogu had to leave the campaign that I play him in for PLOT reasons, so Yuna’s actually his replacement!! Trade in one anime protag for another, lol 
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This is Miracle!!! She’s the daughter of one of @rickys-keeper‘s characters, Mickey, and a real cutie at that!! Miracle is a natural born adventurer and explorer who’s deeply interested in old cultures and abandoned dungeons. She makes a living off of going into dungeons or old castles or whatnot and collecting ancient heirlooms or artifacts, and then selling them to historical museums so that they can be preserved, though sometimes she keeps them to herself, or even sells them on the street at low prices!
The green dragonboi to the right is actually one of @just-a-terrifying-renegade-pearl‘s NPCs, Boris, aka Miracle’s future stepdad lol 
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And here’s Barnabee!! One of my favorite NPCs lol. Shes a strong tabaxi who wears a leather coat w spikes on the shoulders and runs the rebellion against the main villains in the campaign me and my friends run!!! She accidentally keeps adopting trans kids and kissing women. Also shes trans
I hope that ur day improves anon!! Sorry if my descriptions are convoluted I didnt proofread ANY of what i wrote lol. Hope yall like em!!
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kaiju-z · 6 years
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Seon Adventures Episode 10: “Family and Friends and Fond Farewells.”
Soooo, stuff happened last session, huh?
Coming right back from the heartwarming moment, of a group hug and concilatory pat, the party now must dispose of the elf wizard, Felaern Krissel,’s charred remains.
After a quick round up discussion, they come to the conclusion of weighing the body down into a nearby bog. Really, planning it out takes much longer than actually doing it.
With Luctan gearing himself up again and disguising himself, Belli has to wonder how the ring actually works, since once he puts it back on, he returns to the shaven human look , no peachfuzz on his face, no nothing. From what Luctan could guess, there is a specific recorded charm to it, but he is no magical expert, so he cannot be so sure.
They decide to leave town. But not at once. They first must make some appearances, look around, ask for a possible job opening or something. Look as little suspicious as they can.
Returning to Victrum, part of the party goes back to the Silver Hammer’s Inn, where they try to dissuade Gorruk from even an inkling of an idea that they may have done something to one of his tavern’s patrons.
There follows a lot of bluffing and headaching, faceplanting on the bar and groaning on the subject of shattered perspectives on people and heroes. And yet, somehow??? Luctan lives up to his chosen previous name and bluffs Gorruk into believing them (i.e. the DM was rolling low during the conversation).
A question comes up regarding the meaning of “suggar daddy”,and Gorruk just. Doesn’t answer the disguised tiefling.
With a successful negation of a disaster, the gang get some drinks and Luctan plays matchmaker for Mournimar and Gorruk, which leaves the half-orc man a-blushin’. Gorruk does show interest in a possible date. But Mournimar evidently was not in the right mindset to get together with the man, who’s customer he only recently saw on fire. But he does promiss to return eventually and have that date with the saddened and confused hunk of a man.
We also learn that Gorruk has had this bar for 4-5 years now, having it passed down to him by a man called Medive, who currently resides in Sa Doma, coincidentally, having opened a different establishment called the “Queen Nightingale”. Should the party meet him, they will be sure to tell the man that Gorruk and the Silver Hammer’s Inn are doing wonderfully.
Or. As a Nat 20 Deception Luctan put it: “ What do you mean, Gorruk? This place is a Palace. “
The party reunite with Samson, who had been cuddling up to Morgan, the Dire Wolf, during all this drama, non-the wiser of what had transpired. The lot of them get on the carriage and take off on a long road trip to Sa Doma, where Belli is to meet with Kit and her Brother.
And where Samson is to split from the party and fulfil his own, personal quest.
Night 1: 
As everyone gets to their sleeping time, Luctan finds himself having a dream. Feeling his hand get warm, due to an item he had collected about a month prior... And in his dreams, things occur.
Back in the waking world, Burk is the reigns holder as the others sleep. Rimefang happily at his side.
Felaern Krissel’s personal belongings:  89 gold pieces, 75 silver, expensive robes. Luctan holds onto these... for now.
On the second day of their travels, the highest perception people in the party notice something. A sign. Faded words spell “Love Shack, 50 miles away”.
There is not much discussion as the lot agree to follow the sign...
Along the way Belli helps Mournimar with his hair.
They reach the opening to an empty field with a small shack in the middle. As the tiefling two leave the carriage for the shack itself, everyone hears whooping and cheering coming from a carriage, coming close behind them. Lead by 3 horses, the carriage’s passangers  They’re dancing, singing, playing instruments and are all around having a good time.
The in-coming patrons look the party over:
- Like half the people wink at Mournimar
- barely few show interest for Belli.
- Luctan soaks in all of the attention once eyes fall on the “human” fighter.
- Amelia gets none of the spotlight, sadly, but Burk does get at least two people to show interest.
The enthusiasting group wave and gesture for The Cultbusters to come along. But Luck and Mournimar are way ahead of them as they are down right swaggering towards the entrance of the Love Shack.
“Stay away fools, ‘cause love rules at the Love Shack.”
Luctan rushes in, Mourni follows.
“IF you’re looking for fun, you’ve come for the right place.” A very funky tune is coming from the shack as the duo come on in.
This place is a hot spot for Ebriosus (Banned God of Forbidden Mortal Pleasures) worship . As well as for some of Fornas (God of Luck, Fate and Destiny)’ more lenient followers.
While the boys have their fun inside, Amelia and Belli keep to the carriage with the others...
Though Samson does eventually join in the shack, looking quite relaxed and blazed by the time he comes back with Luctan (wearing a Flower Crown) and Mournimar. Double thumbs up are thrown in the air. Friendship with Samson, acquired in the most weirdest of ways. High five between the tieflings.
And on that day, Luctan became a man (TM).
(There’s a green half orc, who yells “Eldritch Blaaaast” inside the Shack).
As the party takes off, Luctan blows an air kiss to the building. And a  half-elf dude catches his air kiss. Luctan swears to return one day. Maybe. Totally.
By the night of the 5th day, as the party is settling in for the night, around a campfire, they get joined by a wild looking woman, carrying three rabbits.
Thaks to Belli’s Zone of Truth, used with the woman’s consent, we learn that her name is Elouise and that she is a hunter, of sorts. She’s definitely not a serial killer or a cannibal. NO siree.
Not a townie, she is someone, who prefers life in the forest, as her appearance expresses, evidently.  Elouise is about as tall as Amelia. Ruffled hair. They introduce themselves and talk of Sa Doma. According to her, there’s a rampant problem with people of the trade. Something illegal? Criminals of all variety. Thieves, assassins, forgers, counterfitters.
As they go on in their talk, the party offers her a spot at their campfire. In exchange, and in grattitude, she prepares the rabbits and the party have a nice feast with this new friend, who they encourage to try the adventuring life out.
They discuss their journey so far and surprise Elouise with the tale of how they met a representation of Dyunificus; a golden stag. She eventually believes them (and Mourni gets the piss taken for giving away his gift from Dyunificus).
Shifts are taken during sleep. During Luctan’s, he takes the 75 silver pieces he had collected and Sleight of Hands them on Elouise’s person. Having decided not to let the opportunity of helping out someone, who was kind to them.
After Belli’s wonderful Breakfast making skills, the party and Elouise part ways. (AND WE LEARN OUT OF CHARACTER THAT SHE WAS A WEREWOLF! MY INNER TRAVIS WILLINGHAM IS SO DISAPPOINTED IN ME!)
“On the road again!”
About a week has passed since the Solstice festival. By now Luctan and Burk have spent some time training with each other. Sparring matches, working on strength and blade work. Or axe work, in Burk’s case.
They reach Baborum. The starting point of this whole journey that brought them together to begin with.
It is the Eve of The New Dawn (New Year’s Eve).
There is nostalgia in the air. It hasn’t been long, but they’ve accomplished so much since they met. And so much to come. 
In the sky, Mournimar can see them. There are many a constillations. Chuckling gnomes scurry about, doing their thing, everyone gathering i nthe center of the town and prepare for what comes next. 
There’s a brief thick silence as everyone stops speaking, before a flash of light, a crack , shimmer and fireworks. Purple, yellow and green. The sleepy eyed kids look in wonder.
“You’re doing alright, kids. You’re doing alright.” (Our DM)
As the fireworks are going off, Amelia checks for a child she had seen when they previously had been here. A boy, who’s father had passed. She sees him, with his mother. The boy sits atop the shoulders of a man, familiar to the mother, surely.
The boy is healing. For tonight, at least, he is happy.
And they are all content.
Belli makes eye contact with the tavern owners that capitalized on their capture of the cultist. Said tavernitestry to avoid eye contact with her. So much nostalgia in the air.
Samson learns from Luctan about the party’s start.
And that is the New Dawn celebration.
The morning of the 11th day, Kevin and Killer bring the carriage to Sa Doma, a massive city. FREAKING HUGE, OK?!
We make our entrance from the South-Western gate, passing by the evident buildings between the outside and the city walls. Temples, quite evident from the outside alone.
And when they go in... Half the party, all the boys at least, have certainly never been to a town like this before. So big. So thick. So filthy.
Pulling his hood up, Samson tells his fellows to keep an eye out for their stuff, lest pickpockets rob them blind.
They make their preparations and go on in. 
The others notice that this portion of the city is littered with Qorin and Embriosus symbols... Keeping an eye out, they can tell that shadyness is the norm. And anything outside of it, will catch attention. Like most of the party.
Goblins, Tieflings, Golliaths, Centaurs... Yeah. Burk is the “normal one” here.
Someone bumps into Belli as they go along. She receives a parchment from Kit. “The Lean peacock, north-east.”
They walk past some guard barracks, a dodgy looking tavern called “The scattered heart”, a guild hall for the DarkbBane Army. “The Brave Fighters standing against evil” and past the “Warmaster’s office”
There’s a city hall, currently being guarded by two almost identical tieflings. Luctan takes note of them. The male and female tieflings are red skinned, they have long black hair both. One has a figure, the female?! The male one’s got his arms folded and being way more macho than usual.
They pass through Peppery Pete’s, they spot the guild hall for the Lawyer’s Guild.
It is here, where they part with Samson. There are hugs, there are handshakes and there are salutes.
And there are finger gun genstures. Whatever a “gun” is, anyways. (We seriously question whether Luctan is The Fonz by this point, with his “Eyyyyy!”  routine).
Luctan offers Samson their services if trouble arrises.
The last place they pass by is “Liliana’s Bath house.”  (Jokes are made, as we wonder if it’s an actual bath house or just a kink thing).
They make it to the tavern. There’s a very elegantly painted bright bird. “The Lean peacock.” Anxiety is in the air. They can feel it. Hell, Belli and Mournimar embody it.
They scan the room and see Kit with the pink ribbon. A very inconspicuous looking redheaded half-elf. Sat next to her is a face they seem to recognize, but not sure where. (It’s Ficus. He looks similar to Belli. They are siblings after all.)
Ficus is a tattooed gray half-orc with red and blue tattoos on his person, a number of rings on his fingers and blue highlights in his darker shade of brown hair.
They recognize each other, Bellia and Ficus. They recognize each other.
Belli goes over to Kit and Ficus, being awkward, while the rest of the party go to the bar. Mournimar takes a seat nearby and just watches, willing to jump in the conversation if things go bad.
Kit smiles up, but she gives a half-glare, a negative emotion directed towards Ficus.  She gestures to Belli to sit. Ficus looks terrified.
“It’s nice to see you again, Kit.”  - Belli.
“It’s a fantastically tense surrounding, isn’t it?” - Kit.
“it’s certainly been a while. That was a bad start, that was a bad start. Oh God.” - Ficus.
As they talk, Kit, sitting beside Ficus, becomes something of an awkward intermediary
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I thought you were dead. We thought someone had kidnapped you in the middle of the night and you were dead.” - Belli speaks, her voice evident with a mix of emotions.
I tried to leave some kind of note. I don’t-I guess-“
“Yes, a rock and you think a note is a good thing to disappear with.”
“If they had known I was going to go, they wouldn’t have let me.”
“They did everything to try and find you. They never stopped looking. Why did you leave? You’re family and you just left?! Didn’t eeven say goodbye”
“I was scared. Is that so hard to believe?”
“I was scared and I never did what you did.”
“I didn’t want what they wanted me to be.”
“They didn’t want me as a son. They wanted someone lively and fun, someone who could play the instruments and I was not this.”
“We’re bards, Ficus.”
“I’m not.”
As they continue, Mournimar subtly moves closer, by a table. Luctan keeps his eyes on the other tiefling, giving him a look of pure “WTF-ery”.
Ficus didn’t want to be like them. He didn’t want to be a “clown”. He wanted to do something bigger than perform.
“There’s more to being a bard than performing and throwing glitter about.”
He wanted to be there, be at the front. And he did. He fought in the wa of years prior. And left. 
He admits he became a thief, after being pressed to answer, by Belli. “I’ve taken contracts to hurt-to kil people. I’ve killed people.”
It’s what the bands on his neck mean.
“If you were that desperate for money, why didn’t you go back home and ask for help?”
“Because they wouldn’t understand.“
Ficus wants to make amends. He’s hidden for too long and needs to see them again. He was selfish to leave, but couldn’t take it anymore and had to go.
And it is with this OOF. That Belli spills the beans on her own witnessed OOF.
On the story of how she found her parents frozen in stone, when returning with supplies to fix the carriage.
Ficus’ face goes through many negative emotions. But the superior one that bursts through like a damn dam is grief and sorrow as he starts to cry.
Belli’s had to do a lot of things to survive. She is angry with him. BUT!
As pissed as she is at Ficus, she still wants him in her life.  He is openly weeping. There is sadness in the air. Kit doesn’t know how to comfort people. She uses one of Belli’s hands and pats Ficus with it.
At this time, Mournimar joins the conversation.  Belli introduces Mournimar to Ficus. In a hell of a way. He’s better than Ficus. But Belli still loves him and doesn’t want to lose him.
Ficus immediatelly goes invisible, much to Belli’s frustration with her older brother.
From below the table, a small tabbycat hops on the table.  Mournimar pats it, but it feels like Ficus is petting it.  Belli demands he show himself again. And he does. He is a total mess.
Kit is panicking by this point, the poor Changeling, as she doesn’t know what to do. But she will see this through. For both Narahs’ sake, she must!
Mournimar tries to encourage Ficus, but man, it doesn’t go well for the drow born tiefling. Luctan has to pull him out of the conversation and scene itself, much to Mournimar’s dismay as he desperately wants to comfort the two half-orcs.
But ultimately, he submits and steps out, towards the  “Obnoxious Bee inn”, opposite of “The Lean Peacock”. As they leave, Burk hands Rimefang over to Mournimar for emotional support, (aww), while Amelia has not stopped drinking since the whole conversation started.
The poor Air Genasi has been stressed out beyond words.
The boys go in and look around the place, but don’t find anyone recognizable.
Mournimar drinks, while Luctan gives him a sober pep talk, giving him assurance that everything will turn out well with the Narahs. After all. They’re family.
Mournimar mentions a drow named Lazarus and Luctan seems to recognize that name... Strange.
Mournimar elaborates on his history with this person and why they’d evidently be in this town.
2 years prior to all this, Mournimar got in a relationship with a drow-elf named Lazarus. Tall guy, charming, very nice to him and they hit it off. He ended up distancing himself. Next thing he knew, he found him passed out, bloodied at a shrine to FUCKING POTENCIA, after he knew what she did to Mournimar...
“He had the balls to say “It wasn’t Potencia’s fault!”“
Once the older tiefling gets this off his chest, Luctan drops another pep talk. He may not be the brightest yarnball in the oven, but even he can see things from a certain perspective.
Mournimar sighs and is getting his composure back together.
Back with the Narahs.... Emotions are a bitch.
By now, Ficus starts to calm down.  “Well, where are they?”
Belli explains that she had left them at home.  Ficus has a lot to make up for and it may  take him the rest of his life to make up for it. 
Do you kind of understand, or was this all for nothing?”
They talk well and Ficus almost smiles. He elaborates that he’s had friends keep tabs on Belli, during her recent travels.
“Do you remember what today is?”Belli’s 17th Birthday
Ficus remembers, of course. And even has a present for Belli. A necklace container shaped box.
“Yes. You’re not completely hopeless as a brother, then.”  The Sibling bonding is exciting and cavity enducing as we learn about their past shenanigans, involving pools of water, mud pies and the like.
Kit asks if they’ll go to Keemas for Night Cap?
Ficus shares that he has a place, somewhere in town. But isn’t that good with words, the poor awkward half-orc.
(From their interaction, this player can only discern that Kit is Ficus’ Belli as Mournimar is Belli’s Ficus.)
The cat that Ficus has with him is, as he puts it, his Fae familiar. One very pettible boy named “Bumpkin”. Which surprises Belli, to say the least.
There are kazoo puns made and laughter is had between the siblings as they hug it out. They missed each other.
Belli proceeds to introduce her brother to her friends, startign with Amelia and Burk. Amelia is drunk, but constute enough to handle herself. She gets to meet Bumpkin, who’s form is that of a tabby cat.
Burk is not impressed with Ficus and lets the evidently scared half-orc know this fact. And he asks if Ficus threw a rock at him.  He makes sure to let Burk know that omeone else threw a rock at him. Ficus doesn’t want Burk to kick his teeth out.
Belli drops some truthbombs, while Ficus tries to explain that the necklace he got her can do the same thing that brought Bumpkin to the Material plane.
Belli basically gets to have her own familiar! Belli has a friend necklace, which she is very excited about. A very drunk Amelia points out the boys went to the other tavern and that’s where the gray half-orcs take to.
Amelia has an emotional breakdown. Existential crisis.
Amelia gets more Rum. Burk gets another Tequila slammer.
There is further sibling bonding as they head to the Bee inn. Talk of chair theft. So much chair theft. It’s wild.
Mournimar hasn’t drunken that much, thus he is but tipsy as the two enter. Via belli kicking the door in, to announce their presence.  Mourni freezes immediately. “Oh, Fuck!” He panicks.
But the situation looks much resolved, compared to earlier. very much resolved.
The two meet Ficus and shake his hand.
Luctan having to shake it in motions to where it looks like a normal one, countering th shiver the taller man has. He oozes that charisma in ways to calm down the male Narah, while Ficus apologizes to Mournimar.
The awkward handshake ensues between the awkward boys and Mournimar asks of Sa Doma.
“To summrise it politely, it’s a shithole.” There are lovely people here. The lady at the bathhouse is one of them.  Liliana is a lovely old lady. The bathhouse is nice. 
Mournimar asks about Lazarus  When he mentions the sword, Luctan just stares, his interest peacked.
Ficus hasn’t seen this guy. Nor heard of him. His surname is fairly common.
There are sex jokes that ensue. Yes, things have definitely gone to a good vibe again.
Ficus then proceeds to tell them about sights they could partake in, depending on their disposition. And on things to avoid.
There’s a battle axe and a half woman around. Don’t tangle with her.
A brewery.
He mentions The “Queen Nightingale”, Medive’s place, where he apparently gambles???
And, should they look for them, there are many a brothels.
There are temples and the like.
Belli mentions their meeting with Dyunficus. But Ficus doesn’t believe them.
Somehow. Someway the conversation leads them to Belli barring Ficus from having a “go” at Luctan. (Yes. In ;)  way).
Much to her bro’s dismay. Ficus finds Luctan attractive. That 15 charisma, man. It’s really something.
Should they be interested, there is a school of the arcane to look into for study.
At the temple of Keemas there’s some good shit that’s not exactly legal. (Light the previously mentioned stuff).
There’s a market and there are many a shops. Including a library/tavern mashup.
And should they look for it, there is a fight club. Around the corner, behind, if you come out a door and go straight past 3 buildings, there’s an open area, where fights occur occasionally. Something to share with Burk, definitely. 
After some accidental and “accidental” flirting with Ficus, the boys return Rimefang to Burk, having decided to go to that library tavern, afterwards.
Amelia, by this point, is pretty out of it. No barfing, but she does throw a glass across the room. Luctan decides to carry her to a room, tries to buy one and is told to take her out of the establishment.
So he goes back to the Bee’s inn and tries there, with better luck as the brunette half-elven woman running the bar points him to a storage closet, where Amelia can take a well deserved nap.
“Everyone’s a little fucked up.”  - The Half-Elven woman.
“Mood, sister.” - Luctan.
Ficus even lends her Bumpkin as a cuddle buddy.
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As the boys leave, they agree they are horrible to Amelia, accidnetally as it is.
“This is our truth. We are horrible.”
And as the two head to the library, we reach an ending point.
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orangememesicle · 6 years
zebenaya and harris
Behold my children
Full Name: Zebenaya Arkenrret 
Gender and Sexuality: cis lesbian
Pronouns: she/her
Ethnicity/Species: Drow
Birthplace and Birthdate: Underdark, sometime in the winter
Guilty Pleasures: kitschy tourist shops, her newfound home decorating hobby
Phobias: having her mind manipulated, narrow caves, running out of food
What They Would Be Famous For: Holding the best parties
What They Would Get Arrested For: drunk and disorderly conduct, doing something weird while on a bender worthy of a florida man headline
OC You Ship Them With: Jokingly with @thehomosexualistagenda‘s tiefling rogue 
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: her mother
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: adventure
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: love at first sight
Talents and/or Powers: She’s a paladin of Lolth, and has the typical 5e paladin spells as well as some illusion spells my DM homebrewed for her. 
Why Someone Might Love Them: She’s playful, cheerful, energetic, sociable, and very driven when she wants to be. She’s dedicated to living life to the fullest because she knows she’s lucky to be alive, and she tries to push past the ingrained cynicism she grew up with and find ways to be optimistic and hopeful. She’s deeply loyal to her friends, and in general a pretty nice person trying to put her life back together after trauma.  
Why Someone Might Hate Them: She’s A Lot. She’s impulsive, doesn’t think anything through, and is an absolute pest to the other party members. Her moral system, while strong, is wonky as hell, and she’s only now learning to look at others as real people rather than just toys for her to play with. She believes that everyone’s just a product of circumstance, and doesn’t get why certain things (betrayal, some kinds of murder) are wrong if you have a good reason for them. Sometimes falls into old patterns of manipulation. 
How They Change: She’s starting to open up to her fellow party members and move forward. Developing strong friendships. Planning on her to become less afraid of her past and more adapted to the world around her. 
Why You Love Them: I’ve played her since I was seventeen, and it’s been really fun to develop her over the years. I created her as something of an answer to edgelord-y “evil race” tropes, but she ended up turning into the most complex character I’ve ever created. I’m never bored when I’m playing her, and she lets my more extroverted impulsive side out. She’s my sketchy ray of sunshine and I love her. 
Full Name: Harris 
Gender and Sexuality: cis gay man
Pronouns: he/him
Ethnicity/Species: human
Birthplace and Birthdate: January 27 1913
Guilty Pleasures: eating competitions, parkour (or the fantasy world equivalent of it) 
Phobias: drowning, hurricanes/tropical storms, losing control of his atmos (magic taken from the atmosphere of the planet)
What They Would Be Famous For: Inventing his world’s first radio
What They Would Get Arrested For: accidentally setting someone’s house on fire during one of his dumb experiments
OC You Ship Them With: I’m planning on giving him a monster boyfriend somewhere down the line. (Working on that OC)
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: His adopted sister Nicola, accidentally, while challenging him to something dumb like a cliff jumping competition. Any character daring him to do anything dangerous, really. 
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: Space operas  
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: trite, overdramatic “please don’t leave me!” death scenes with big “NO”’s in them. 
Talents and/or Powers: His atmos. He draws his power from the atmosphere and weather, and can channel that into creating magical energy that he usually uses to power his funky, pointless little inventions but occasionally uses for fighting. 
Why Someone Might Love Them: pragmatic and smart as hell. He takes absolutely no shit from anyone, and will use that ability to defend people he loves who have less of a backbone. He’s the friend you go to when you need someone to tell you to get your shit together, the kind of person who’ll yell at you to take a shower and get off your ass and do something with your life. Serious to an almost comical degree, even when he’s doing something ridiculous like shove an entire hot dog in his mouth as once. He aggressively cares about people, even though he pretends he doesn’t, and will do anything to protect his sister. 
Why Someone Might Hate Them: He’s just… so insecure, and on so many layers of irony it can be kind of obnoxious for the people around him. He has a pessimistic streak a mile wide, and that can push him into missing important opportunities. 
How They Change: I’m planning on him becoming more open about who he is as a person, and learning to actually like things and care about people without pretending he’s so unaffected. I plan on him becoming less afraid of his powers and less afraid of himself, and have him become less uptight and more confident in himself. 
Why You Love Them: New son! I love how he’s the “straight man” of a comedic duo who’s actually goofy and quirky as hell, his loyalty towards Nicola, and his intensity and strong personality. 
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