#written pre tears of the kingdom
jupiterdrabbles · 1 year
The Oracle
Chapter Eight
Word Count: 3.2k~
Rating: Teen
Pronouns for Reader: They/Them/Theirs
Warnings: Vivid details of violence and blood
Parings: Prince Sidon/Reader, Link/Reader, Ganondorf/Reader (if you squint)
Masterlist can be found here!
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Link had little time to react. Ganon’s voice was still reverberating through the chamber as he lifted his hand, his triforce glowing on the back of his gauntlet. The Oracle’s feet lifted slowly, head tipping up as more Malice pooled from their mouth and down their chin. The connection was quickly made that Ganon was manipulating their body against their will, and the Hylian felt a disturbing familiarity as he looked upon the sight. Link drew his sword, on the defensive as he watched them rise into the air, as he heard Ganondorf laughing from just out of his sight. His grip on the master sword was tight and blistering, willing that he wouldn’t have to use it. This was definitely a fight he couldn’t brute force his way through. 
The Oracle’s head lolled forward, eyes shut and malice still gurgling from between their lips. Link watched with a numb form of shock as their hand (trembling, he noticed) gathered the hand of the trident secured to their back. They brought it forward and aimed the weapon at Link, looking down the handle with closed eyes as if aiming for the blond. Eventually, their feet touched the ground, and they charged forward. 
The sharp clang of metal echoed through the Divine Beast as Link drove his blade through the forks of the trident, digging the balls of his feet into the floor as he leaned forward, hissing under his breath. The Oracle displayed a shocking amount of strength, an amount that Link knew wasn’t their own as they pushed him away and charged again.
They fought wildly, muscles tight and knuckles straining as they drove the trident toward Link over and over and over. From swiping it through the air to plunging it toward his chest, Link found it becoming increasingly difficult to dodge their movements. He locked their trident in place once more as they pushed it inches away from his face. They hadn’t made a sound this entire time, it looked as if they were barely breathing, just a husk being puppeted around in order to kill. 
“Fight it.” Link hissed, face scrunching tight with the effort. “This isn’t you, this is him. Fight it.” 
“Can you be certain?” Ganondorf sneered as the Oracle lunged again, clashing the trident against Link’s shield. “What if this is what’s been lingering under the surface, all this time?” Link staggered as he thrust the shield forward, pushing the Oracle away from him. Ganondorf scowled, raising his hand and then clenching his fist. A strange, gurgled sound left the Oracle, more Malice pouring from their mouth as they opened their eyes, rolled back into their head, and white as the clothes they wore. The trident by their side began to glow, then, and their grip readjusted as their head snapped back forward. 
It was then Link noticed the necklace they bore around their neck. He hadn’t seen it besides this very moment, he honestly didn’t think they were prone to wearing jewelry. It emanated a soft light, pulsing in time with the trident they held. He thought for too long on this, apparently, because as he looked up again they were mere inches away from his face. 
“Fight it!” Link called, to no avail as they locked the trident with his sword. 
“There’s only one way out of this, Champion.” Ganondorf turned his back, waving his hand dismissively. The Oracle twisted the trident at the same time, straining Link’s injured side as he fought for control. 
“And what is that?” Link gasped out, strained as he felt more blood pool down his side. Ganondorf smiled at him, eyes glinting. 
“Your extinction.” 
Faster than he could blink, there was a blinding flash of light and searing pain at his back. He recognized the sound of breaking rock as he realized he was being launched through a wall of Vah Ruta. The harsh gaze of the setting sun and the wind blowing past him made it an almost peaceful moment, losing himself before he remembered he was being hurtled toward the ground. Link frantically tried to grab at his paraglider, writhing in the air as he struggled. Just seconds before he thought he was going to turn flat against the ground, he heard the loud crash of water and then felt arms around him. 
“Link!” Sidon called, landing back in the water. The Hylian gasped, shooting upward as he heard the Zora speak. “Are you alright? Where is-” 
“They’re still in there.” Link signed, throat raw from talking so damn much. “I have to get back up there. It’s Ganondorf, they were right.” 
Sidon stammered, looking over his friend’s injuries and then to his panicked face. The Prince turned over his shoulder and called for a medic, setting Link carefully back into the water. It was up to his chest, soothing the heat of his wound as he tread through it. Link began to summon Revali’s Gale, calling upon the spirit to lift him into the air before he felt the riverbed shake. 
He turned around and cursed. 
Vah Ruta was marching toward Zora Domain. 
There was screaming all around him, an elixir being shoved into his hands and Sidon lifting him back up as he ran up the staircase leading into the Domain center. The Zora prince was shouting orders of defensive positions, leading citizens to safety and grabbing his own weapons but it all fell on deaf ears. Link looked up to Vah Ruta in shock to see the Oracle atop it, Ganon’s hand back on their neck as Vah Ruta stomped out of the water. 
“Hurry.” Link signed, and Sidon nodded. 
They ran to the highest point, just outside of the throne room and Link couldn’t help but notice that the King was vacant. He was most likely with his people, in safety, but it felt odd to see the massive throne without its King. Sidon set Link down once again, and they faced Vah Ruta. Sidon bristled as he made eye contact with Ganondorf, and the Gerudo man laughed. 
“This is the brother of Mipha?” He asked incredulously, turning toward the Oracle. “He looks as scared as a pup!” 
“Do not talk to them as if they were kin!” Sidon pointed a trident toward Ganondorf, teeth bared as a snarl left his throat. “You have no business here, you were defeated long ago!” Sidon stepped forward, up onto the railing to have a vantage point. Link remained still, narrowing his eyes in thought. Why was Ganondorf so confident? What was his plan? Ganon smiled at Sidon, who only bristled further. 
“And yet, here I stand.” Ganondorf shrugged, turning to the Oracle once again. “And, you seem to speak fondly of them as well- despite having known each other for mere days.” 
Sidon watched the Oracle sway on their feet, the grip holding his sister’s trident was lax and their eyes closed. Their face was pallor, black sludge stained their chin and down their shirt. Link saw a growing rage bubble up in the prince and felt a growl reverberate through his chest. 
“What have you done to them?” Sidon demanded, flashing serrated teeth. Ganondorf’s face fell for a moment, a crack in the facade. What did it, Link wondered. When the Gerudo didn’t answer, Sidon leaned over the railing and reached his hand out. Desperation coated his movements, and Ganondorf’s scowl deepened. Link readied the bomb charm on his slate. 
“My friend!” Sidon called, stretching his clawed hand out in a last-ditch effort. “Please, talk to us! What has happened to you?” The words crawled out of his throat before he could stop them, the strain in his body evident as he pushed ever closer to them. Ganondorf, his hand still on the back of their neck, pulled them back as the Zora stretched. 
“You… you are desperate.” Ganondorf looked down his nose at the pair, orange eyes gleaming with poorly-hidden disdain. The Gerudo released his grip on the Oracle, who stumbled forward. Sidon retracted ever so slightly when they didn’t come forward. He heard Link take in a gasp through his teeth when a faint golden light began to emit from their right hand. Sidon heard the sound of Link unsheathing his sword and turned sharply, missing the way the Oracle readied the lightscale trident. 
“Well, you want your friend back that badly?” Ganondorf pushed the Oracle forward, who’s eyes snapped open upon the contact. They were completely white, rolled back into their head as if they were asleep. Then, with a foreign strength and speed, charged forward. 
“Take them.”
You didn’t know where you were. 
Surrounded by white walls that stretched almost endlessly, your footsteps echoed as you padded forward. There seemed to be a thin stretch of water along the floor, for every step you took it rippled and sent droplets flying. It wasn’t noticeably warm or cold, nor did you feel the water against your skin when you bent down to touch it. The liquid just rolled off your skin, repelling everything you were. 
You were walking for what felt like hours, but could as easily have been minutes. Everything was aimless, weightless, timeless. Was this a vision? Where were you before you were… here?
A sudden pain erupted from your side, causing you to double over and kneel in the water. You coughed as the blow sent fire through your skin, and when you wiped your mouth there was a black substance staining the back of your hand. Why couldn’t you feel any warning? Your gift allowed you to never be completely surprised, so why were you taken so off-guard? You sat back on your heels, touching the sludge between your fingers as fear curled deep in your belly. Blood? No, it was much too dark and thick. Were you ill? Could you even grow ill in a vision? 
A similar pain knocked through your left temple, knocking you onto your side as you cried out. This pain flowed through your bloodstream and rocked through your core, magnetizing behind your sternum. You turned over onto your stomach, dry-heaving with the weight of it. More black ooze dripped from your mouth and you felt it travel beneath your skin. You scratched at your skin, trying to rid yourself of the sensation. You had never felt pain this great in a vision, never felt ache and panic this real. 
What do you want of me? You cried out, but your voice carried nowhere. You coughed again, burning ice-cold within you. 
Please, just get me out of here. Send me home. 
You were like that for a very long time. Crying out for someone, anyone to hear you, but no one came. You were alone, isolated in an echo chamber of tortuous pain that you couldn’t sense coming. You had never been so scared in your life. And that was saying something, considering the events that have occurred over the past few days. 
What had happened over the past few days?
Hands were on the back of your head. 
“You need to wake up now.” A voice echoed, soft and bodiless and warm, neither male nor female. It eased all the pain ricocheting through you, and your spine softened. 
Where am I? You asked again, still in your head. You figured they could probably hear it. 
“You are within your mind. A shared space between you and the goddesses.” 
Who are you? 
The voice hummed. “I think you already know that.” 
The voice was right. You did.
“I need you to do something for me, child.”
What is it? 
One of the hands left your head and guided your hand up. A ball of light appeared in your palm, taking the shape of a small triangle. You furrowed your brow. It was distinctly familiar, but you couldn’t quite place it. Its glow thrummed in time with your heart, and it seemed almost a part of you. 
“Watch over this for me.”
“Sidon!” Link called, jumping out of the way a split second before the Oracle would’ve skewered him like a kebab. The prince was frozen in place, holding onto the base of the trident with giant hands. The Oracle shook with the pressure of it, continuously trying to drive the weapon into his gut. 
“Sidon!” Link yelled again, and caught a glimpse of the expression Sidon wore. He was utterly distraught, mouth forming words that his throat couldn’t supply the energy to back up. Link drew his bow, firing an ice arrow just off to the side of the Zora. Sidon jumped, looking Link in the eye. 
“You have to distract them!” Link called, skidding to a halt as he prepared to launch himself onto Vah Ruta’s trunk. “I have to go after Ganon, can you handle this on your own?” 
“I-“ Sidon swallowed dryly, looking down at the Oracle. There was no evidence of strain or effort on their face, no emotion whatsoever. The only thing that gave it away that they weren’t a damned statue was the shaking in their arms as they attempted to overpower him. “I don’t want to hurt them.” 
“You have to do whatever it takes!” Link swore as Vah Ruta began to turn towards Zora Domain. “Listen to me! Swear to me you will keep your people safe!” 
Sidon looked up at the Hylian. Link’s face was distraught, red with the effort of speaking and he could hear the way the blond’s voice cracked and strained. He looked back at the Oracle, completely not themself. He felt guilt wind up right within him. Damn the gods for putting him in such a position. 
“I swear,” Sidon concluded, looking back to Link who looked more relieved than he ever had. Sidon jostled the trident, sending the handle flying into the Oracle’s side. It seemed to knock them off balance for a moment.
“Now go!” 
Link had already taken off. 
Sidon growled as he readied his spear, gripping low on the poll. The Oracle steadied themselves, crouching low and shifting their weight. Sidon watched the black sludge drip from their mouth and small cuts along their body. 
“My dear, please wake up.” Sidon pleaded once more, stepping in a slow circle as they did the same. The pair rotated around each other, fostering a growing tension. “I do not wish to harm you, but-“ 
Sidon stammered, tightening his grip on his spear. “-But our companion is right. My loyalty belongs to my people first, I’m sorry.” 
The Oracle’s face twitched, which Sidon took as a win. But then, the Oracle lunged forward, and the feeling was quickly lost. 
Link rolled as he landed on the back of Vah Ruta, drawing the sword at his back as he lifted himself up onto his feet. Ganondorf turned slowly, clicking his tongue disappointedly. 
“Back again? Can you truly not resist fighting with me every regeneration?” 
Link remained silent, his throat already raw and sore from all the damned talking he’s done today. Ganon seemed put off by this, turning fully to face the Hylian. Link took in his appearance, from the sword at his hip to the missing jewel atop his forehead. The crown that held his hair back was cracked down the middle, leaving a jagged scar in the center of his forehead. There was a similar scar in the middle of his chest, where his shirt and overcoat were torn and bloody. He looked like a corpse given new life, which was actually very appropriate. 
“Not in the mood for conversation?” Ganon asked, only half rhetorically, and clapped his hands in front of his chest. “You wound me.” 
Good, Link thought pointedly. I hope you bleed out and die. 
“Well, let’s get to the point I suppose.” Ganondorf pulled his sword, glowing white and intricately carved. The Master Sword in Link’s hand seemed to glow in time, pulsing and groaning under his fingers. Almost alive. He only had a moment to ponder on this fact before Ganondorf was swiping his sword through the air, landing a slice on Link’s cheek. 
“You know, with all your knightley persuasions,” Ganon hissed, swearing when Link hit his stomach with his shield. “I thought you’d be a little more keen on protecting those who you’re close to!” 
Link furrowed his brow, not taking the bait. He missed when Ganondorf was just a mass of arms and hatred, at least then he didn’t have to sit through all his awful monologuing. He threw a bomb at the Gerudo, detonating it as soon as it was near his feet. It barely did a thing, however, as Ganondorf swung his arm through the smoke with a crazed expression. 
“You’ve always had such a hard time protecting Zelda and all your little companions, but now?” Their swords clashed and sparks flew from the metal. “You’ve lost every single one of the Champions! How awful it must feel to be that incompetent!” 
Ganondorf pushed Link away, the blond’s feet skidding atop Vah Ruta’s back. For a split second, he swore he could see the shadowy form of Mipha in front of him, her hand at his jaw and a sad smile across her lips. A twisting guilt coursed through him as he looked up at her, and then a bigger pain collided with him as Ganon’s fist collided with his stomach. Link felt himself go weightless in the air before Ganondorf’s giant hand gripped his head and forced him into Vah Ruta’s ceiling. The rock cracked around him and he cried out, blood dribbling from where he bit his tongue on the landing. 
“Look, hero.” Ganon sneered, forcing Link’s head back up and over the view of the Zora domain. It truly was a beautiful place, Link thought, vision swirling with the whiplash. “Look what has become of your precious Oracle.” 
Sidon spluttered, the world halting in its tracks. Blood, thick and warm, flowed over his hands and dripped onto the cracked marble terrain. He looked to the Oracle, crimson droplets spattered across their cheekbone and making lines of red that resembled tear streaks. He hadn’t meant to hurt them, he thought with panging guilt as he brought a hand to rest on the side of their face. Maybe if he could pour an elixir on their wound, it would close long enough to have a healer pay proper attention to it. In the middle of his thoughts, the Oracle tugged on their trident and Sidon felt a ripping sensation tear through his abdomen. 
Oh. They weren’t bleeding. He was. Of course. 
He rested his hand on his stomach and felt where the flesh was ripped like wet paper. He brought the hand back up and looked at it dumbly, smearing the crimson color between the pads of his fingertips and watching as it spread and clotted back together. Fascinating, he thought to himself, how the body always longs to stick together. The more reasonable part of him screamed at how inappropriate of a time it was to be thinking this way, and that he was bleeding out at that very moment you imbecile, get up! But he couldn’t stand to listen to that voice. 
So he fell to his knees, and then further.
Then the world went black. 
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mylove-iv · 2 months
❝fearless child, broken boy; tell me what it's like to burn.❞
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ʚ aged up, botw! link x fem! reader ɞ
synopsis: when the kingdom goes to war, the goddess's chosen Hero is desperate to keep you safe. in his attempts to give you everything, you gradually became nothing.
genres: angst, romance. | set pre-calamity.
content warnings: slight spoilers (slight canon divergence)
reader specifications: reader is detailed to be wearing a body hugging silk dress (i had vivienne westwood's 'grace' dress in mind while writing that specific scene!). no pronouns were used but was written with a female reader in mind.
word count: 2.66k words.
―originally posted on @mydarling-iv, sep. 6, 2023
ʚ part i ɞ | ʚ masterlist ɞ
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Two weeks, two cursed weeks that you lover was away in Gerudo, wasting the time away with the princess beside him and only when he does get home—to you—he is ripped away once more.
“A ball?” You inquire softly, having no energy of meeting Link’s eyes, exhaustion apparent with the ache embedded deeply in your bones.
“Come with me?” He blinks softly, his sky blue eyes reminding you of the times where he and you would nap beneath the shade a tree has to offer under a stunning cloudless sky.
Link sees your eyebrows furrow, “Are you sure? You wish to bring a common woman who’s a simple painter to a ball?”
A stab of hurt spreads throughout his chest and before he can answer your question, you speak. “With your achievements, Princess Zelda is more of a favorable person you should escort. 'Lest we want to sully your prestige, my love.” Your words drip with false indifference, hoping your lover will not notice.
He’s no fool, he sees the flurry of emotions pooling into your eyes and Link’s heart cracks. He’s endured war, massacring monsters and Hylians alike—stars, he even tolerates the unreasonable orders spewed from the king’s mouth and the princess’s unpleasant gaze and fleeting touches—just so he is worthy enough of you.
“No.” Link’s resolve strengthens itself as your eyes momentarily flicker to his, surprise oh so evident. “What kind of coward am I to settle for another when my heart belongs to you?” His words are firm, reassuring and you find your guard lowering.
You then melt against his sturdy body when he embraces you, and suddenly, you unfold like a love letter read in the dark, a secret that only moon and stars would know. “Promise?” Link allows his walls to drop momentarily for you.
“Promise,” His words are a whisper, pressed gently to the corner of your lip as Link looks into your eyes deeply. “I chose you and I’l choose you over and over. Without pause, without a doubt, in a heartbeat. I’ll keep choosing you.”
Tear well in your eyes before they roll down your cheeks. Your hand cups Link’s face and you see his eyes soften before you’re enveloping him with your arms as he too, reciprocates the hug by holding onto you even tighter.
“I love you.” His promise is burned into your skin with his lips, yet why does your heartache never seem cease?
┊ ੈ✩‧₊*°࿐ྂ。
Looking into the mirror, you see how the silk hugs your body and how the corset’s asymmetrical look enhances your shoulder and clavicle. The layered pearl necklace shines with a milky iridescence that creates a dreamy look.
But as you continue to stare at your in the mirror, you’re caught off guard by the woman who greets you. She held no twinkle in her eyes, they were dim and almost lifeless.
A knocks rasps you out of you reverie and you’re welcomed by the rare sight of Link’s smile and his eyes crinkling sweetly.
You smile softly, feeling a phantom ache in your heart as you take his hand, your mind drifting back to the tired woman in the mirror and before you know it, you’re off to the banquet hand in hand with the man you love.
┊ ੈ✩‧₊*°࿐ྂ。
You don’t know how to feel when the music starts and a hushed silence falls over the crowd of nobles and royals alike. You see Princess Zelda in the middle, seeming to wait for someone.
Eyes clashing against blue ones, you see hesitation flash in them before Link is turning away from you and everything suddenly clicks in place.
Your lover takes her hand, placing a kiss on the back of it and you feel like you’re intruding on something intimate. It’s a cold and unsettling feeling.
It’s almost invasive as you continue to watch the Princess and Link—your lover—dance perfectly, almost as if they’re puzzle pieces destined to fit.
Numbness has set in as the music reaches a crescendo, Zelda’s dress fluttering prettily as Link keeps his eyes on her. It’s odd, to be haunted by someone that is still alive. You muse, heart aching.
The music softens into the diminuendo and the claps entering your ears snap you out of your thoughts. Your eyes refocus and despite the signal of the dance ending, Princess Zelda and Link stay rooted in the middle.
Silence befalls the massive ballroom and anxiety prickles at the bottom of your stomach as you notice the look in the princess’s eyes—it's the very same look you also hold for the man standing in front of her.
“Thank you, Link. For everything you’ve done for Hyrule.. and for me. I -um,” The princess of Hyrule trails off, a pinkish hue coloring the apples of her cheeks as she gently holds your lover’s hand.
Your heart drops, an overwhelming wave of anxiety and despair washing over you as you have a horrible feeling of what is to happen next.
“I want you to be happy,” Zelda hums cheerily, a pretty smile adorning her face.
“And I would love for it to be with me.” Despair pools in your stomach, your eyes quickly fly to our lover’s face. His eyes are unreadable and he’s stiff as a board but Zelda nor the nobles crowding around them don’t seem to notice.
There’s this overwhelming ache in your chest, a severe melancholy wrapping so tightly around your heart, it snaps abruptly as your eyes continue to linger on Princess Zelda and Link.
Your eyes meet Link’s momentarily and you’re taken back to the moment where you looked in the mirror earlier, you remember the woman—you—who looked so defeated in the mirror.
Another stab of pain hits your heart and your mind clears itself of thoughts but one. I love him, but stars, I want him to stay away from me. You curse mentally as the pain intensifies, borderline burning as unshed tears sear your eyes.
A choked cry tumbles from your lips, tears blurring your vision as you abruptly turn away. You turn your back on the man you loved, taking the battered woman he’s turned you into with you.
┊ ੈ✩‧₊*°࿐ྂ。
Link’s blood runs cold at the Princess’s words, but despite the people surrounding him, he tears his eyes from the princess in front of him and looks to where you once stood but you’re no longer there.
Desperation tugs at his entire being, his soul aching for you as the ring hanging from his neck burns against his skin.
But alas, he forces himself to push down the urge to chase after you because if he were to leave and follow his heart—the being who his heart yearns for—the kingdom would stop at no means of having your head on a spike.
┊ ੈ✩‧₊*°࿐ྂ。
Stars, you were a fool.
You stayed despite his silence, despite his distance, despite how he treated you.
You stayed.
And the wounds inflicted by Link, the man that supposedly loved you, left scorched marks burned into your heart.
The wind widely flies by your face as you urge your steed faster, faster to a safe place, to home, and away from him.
A field of white baby’s breath enters your vision and your breath hitches as the dam breaks, tears freely rolling down your cheeks as you sobbed.
“I was robbed of my life. I could have been happy—I could have been alive but he took my heart and murdered it.” You screamed to the stars, the fire consuming your heart intensifying the pain you feel.
She pops into your mind, the woman before the capital, the woman before being engulfed by the fires of love Link allowed to consume her, the woman—you—before all of the forsaken heartache burnt you whole.
“Am I supposed to be grateful to have survived this?” You cried, stumbling from your horse and into the small cabin surrounded by baby’s breath, the very cabin you and Link once called home before your loves' downfall.
┊ ੈ✩‧₊*°࿐ྂ。
Stars, he was a fool.
A fool for leaving you alone, a fool for choosing duty-
A fool for letting you go.
A complete and utter fool.
Link feels his frustrations rise, his skin burning as he worries where you are.
You were gone, not a single trace of you in the mansion. Almost as if you had left the place untouched.
He curses under his breath, tears welling in Link’s ultramarine eyes yet none fall.
He must be strong, for the kingdom, for him, for you.
A field of white enters his view and the morning dew twinkles at the sunlight peeking from the horizon.
Link’s breath catches in his throat at the sight before him.
It’s the cabin where you both originally stayed in, shaped it into home, and allowed your love to flourish.
His heart aches and there’s a deep yearning in his chest, a yearning of wanting to go back to how things were.
He dismounts his steed and races for the door hoping to see the fire lit and you home yet he’s met with darkness and the cabin being untouched.
His heart seizes as he recalls of what you had said before and Link realizes that you missed home, you miss how everything was once before.
He too shares the sentiments but he realizes it too late, “Stars, how was I so blind?” He whispers as he travels through the cabin, making his way to the back porch.
Link opens the door as dawn breaks and his breath hitches, his heart skips a beat.
He feels like a young boy once more as he sets his cobalt blue eyes on your figure sitting in the gazebo.
The sight of you and the effect you have on him reminds him of the day you both confessed your feelings, bathed in sunlight and absolutely breath taking.
You’re painted in a golden glow, the silk against your body shining softly forcing Link’s heart to tighten.
Oh stars, he’s missed you so much, the yearning to have you in his arms growing stronger as the ring burns even more against his skin.
He’s quick to make his way towards you, his footsteps on the grass and moss covered step stones softening his already quiet steps.
Link’s heart soars as he’s eager to get to you as soon as possible and yet, it’s short lived as your tired gaze pierces his eyes. His heart sinks slightly as panic rushes through his veins as he comes to an abrupt stop in front of you.
“Link,” Your sweet voice is hoarse, tired and run dry, which forces a slight pang of hurt across his heart.
His heart suddenly drops as you speak the words with a painful finality, “I can no longer do this.”
┊ ੈ✩‧₊*°࿐ྂ。
You’re leaving, you’re slipping through his grasp and it destroys him. Link looks up to you, your eyes unreadable and it forces him to impulsively move. He yanks the ring attached to the necklace hooked around his neck.
He sees your eyes widen as you glimpse the golden ring in his hand, confusion evident in your eyes. But the pain is overwhelming in Link’s heart.
Link falls to his knees before you, begging for forgiveness as would a sinner pleading to the Goddess. And like the sinner he is, you recoil, denying him of his retribution and sending his heart into despair.
“This was not how I wanted you to find out, but my love, please listen to me.” He croaks in between cries, hands grasping the silk of your dress as he buries his tear stricken face into the tops of your thighs.
“You will never lose me. I will always be right here beside you. I’m all yours my love.” He whimpered, hand shakily putting the ring on your finger and the golden ring burns against your skin.
You shake you head softly, “Yet it never felt that way, Link. You whispered sweet nothings in my ear and you told me you loved me. I found myself believing your lies when it all struck me at once, I haven’t felt loved by you.”
His heart aches at the shakiness of your tone and his arms wrapped around your waist tightens even further as he buries his face further into you naval, seeking refuge while hoping to make you stay.
“You no longer love me, Link. And I you.” A chill wracks his entire body, his eyes snapping to yours quickly in disbelief.
No no no. Link internally screams. “You love me, and—“
Your eyes hardens and Link’s resolve weakens even further. Stars, what has he done? “Loved. I loved you, Link.”
His breath hitches and you close your eyes as a choke gasp leaves your former lover’s lips. His hand gently squeeze your hips, a motion you once found reassuring, now burned your skin.
“Love, you love me.” Link croaks out weakly, his body trembling against yours.
┊ ੈ✩‧₊*°࿐ྂ。
You stared at him, and no longer did your heart ache at the love you both held for each other, instead, your heart thumped slowly and numbly. Yet, you feel a spike of guilt as he had provided a roof over your head, food for you to eat and so much more.
As the last act of love you so generously bestow upon your former lover, you cup his face gently, his teary bluebell eyes meeting your tired ones. You don’t have the energy for feign a smile but your thumb is gentle against his cheeks, softly swiping away any stray tears of his.
You see how much love is in Link’s eyes, it’s practically overflowing, almost like an ocean capable of drowning you. Inhaling a shaky breath, you murmur, “The truth I learned here is, you had to leave because you’re you.”
“And the reason I loved you is because you’re you. And who you are is someone who leaves, Link. The Link I remember doesn’t exist here. He doesn’t exist in the courts, in our home, and in you.”
He’s speechless, his tongue feels heavy as lead as your emotions of sadness and vulnerability seep into your tone.
“But he did once exist and you left him with me. A presence to yearn for—a part of you who I so badly wished for to be beside me—who gradually became a ghost to haunt me.” Link sees a glimmer of regret in your eyes. “Despite it all, I loved him.”
You swallow thickly, a small yet feeble smile tugging at your lips weakly, and the coil of pain tied tightly around his heart tightens, leaving Link feeling weak and breathless.
“To this kingdom, to her, you’re someone who stays.” He feels fear creep in his heart, the blood in his veins turning ice cold as you gazed at him with a thousand yard stare completely devoid of the loving warmth you once held for him.
It all comes to him and shame envelopes his entire being. As he built his walls to protect himself —the Link he was once before entering the palace, the Link you once loved—he failed to realize that he also cast you out.
Even as he worked tirelessly to provide you what he convinced himself that would make you happy—prestige, wealth—he had turned a blind eye to how much he had neglected you.
In the process of wanting to make you safer—happier—Link ultimately traded your happiness for what he thought would be your happiness and as retribution, he himself brought the ruination of the love between you both.
He’s forced to come to the abrupt realization that he’s to be haunted for the rest of his life, haunted by what lived, died, and could’ve been between you and him.
The cord snaps and Link feels his heart burn, leaving marred and scorched scars embedded so deeply in his heart. Link looks to you, face a calm mien but his eyes are a dead giveaway of the despair he shamefully feels.
Link’s words are subdued and quiet almost as if he's mourning, “If I could have done it all over again, I would have loved you better. But I couldn’t have loved you anymore than I already do.”
Your eyes dimmed and Link dies inside, stars, he was supposed to protect the shine in your eyes—you—he was supposed to protect you but-
“Know that I loved you, Link, but know that it was not enough.”
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© 2024 𝐌𝐘𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄-𝐈𝐕. do not copy, repost, share, or translate any of my works to tumblr, social media, and any other websites/platforms.
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satureja13 · 1 month
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Ji Ho's Therapy Game - Part 2 It starts -> here
Princess Training continues. In the afternoon, the Queen took Princess Jihovere to the Royal Stables. She was delighted to learn that the Princess already excells at horse riding even though she descends from the Kingdom under the Sea. The Queen's eyes lit up when they reached the Stables.
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The Queen: "Ah - and here is our Stable Master, Equerry Lunvik!"
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Equerry Lunvik: "I will get the Princess' Horse ready." The Princess: "Thank you. This is a very beautiful Stable." Equerry Lunvik: "We have a lot of Beauty here." The Queen blushed.
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It seems the Princess has also to learn show jumping. Neither Ji Ho nor Jang Mal ever tried this before ö.Ö' The Queen took her seat under the pergola to teach the Princess and Equerry Lunvik cared for the horses.
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Does ingame Yang Mal even remember Ji Ho? Apart from the human NPCs they know in the real world, which don't know them, Diablo seemed to remember Vlad when they met ingame. Let's hope for the best ö.ö
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Phew. Jang Mal and the Princess learned fast. I guess Yang Mal also remembers Ji Ho and they did very well. Ji Ho is determined to prosper here and is fully concentrated on their task.
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Valerian: 'The Princess doesn't even notice that the Queen left her place under the pergola...' Lunatic: 'Probably for the best.'
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Lunatic: 'Seems Diablo is not the only thing rising up high here.' ^^'
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Then Lunatic and Valerian became aware of what he just said and it was awkward between them again. They still haven't sorted it out yet...
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Equerry Lunvik: "Don't worry, my love. No one can see us here." (I wouldn't be so sure ö.ö')
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The Queen: "It's about time Prince Caleb gets married so we can end this charade and go back home. I hate to hide you." Equerry Lunvik grumbled.
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Little Goat: 'It's time the Boys get their stuff together! Let's have a meeting so we can end this game soon and meet back home all together again!' Little Goat: 'Right. We better push a little so this therapy shows some effects and we get to see some more spice!' (I really consider calling them 'Little Satyrs' instead of 'Little Goats'!)
Little Goat: 'We should also do something about Lunatic and Valerian. I can't watch this anymore... And then we'll have a party!' Lunatic: 'They are talking and looking at us! I bet they plan something!' Valerian: 'Let them.' Valerian really hopes for the goats intervention. It's far too long he's wooing Lunatic - in vain... (This refers to our The Stables spin-off)
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After the training, The Queen and Princess Jihovere went for a ride. The Queen noticed that the Princess looked a bit off: "Is everything ok? Have you seen something upsetting?" Princess Jihovere: "No! I have seen nothing!"
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And then they rode into the sunset.
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'Smiles in the sunshine and tears in the rain Still take me back to where my memories remain Flickering embers grow higher and higher As they carry me back to the Mull of Kintyre'
Mull of Kintyre - Paul McCartney and The Wings
TMI: I've always loved this song so much. It had been very famous when I grew up. But I never knew what he even sang there and it took me a while to find out the song title hahaha. (The Mull of Kintyre is the southwesternmost tip of the Kintyre Peninsula (formerly Cantyre) in southwest Scotland.)
I didn't even know it was written by Paul McCartney omg (I thought Roger Whittaker sang it)! As often I googled the story of this song and it's quite interesting! You can find it -> here Oh - and have you ever heard of the Mull of Kintyre test? 'According to the myth, the BBFC would not permit the general release of a film or video if it depicted a penis erect to the point that the angle it made from the vertical was higher than that of the peninsula of Kintyre in Argyll and Bute on maps of Scotland.'
hahaha omg! More -> here
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest Current Chapter: 🕹️ 'The One' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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writingnocturne · 6 months
For prompt ask: Late Pre-calamity BOTW, Link being amazing at baking, Zelda accidental love confession, but Link is oblivious 🤭 (my Ao3 is CJRacing)
I Might Be In Love
Thank you very much for the prompt, CJ! This combination ended up the recipe for some fun pining. :) It's been a while since I've written Pre-Calamity Zelink, and it was soooo fun! Please enjoy!
Sneak Peek
《 Zelda peers over Link’s shoulder, watching in fascination as he drizzles piping-hot frosting onto freshly-baked pastries. The rolls of dough accented by cinnamon are spread out evenly across a metal tray. The scent is absolutely heavenly; she could even say it’s better than what is usually prepared here in the castle’s kitchen.
She hums quietly to herself. This brief moment of soft serenity is a nice deviation from their usual schedule. For this short time alone, it is almost as if there is no burden looming over their shoulders. It is so strange to think that someone she loathed so greatly is the most comforting presence she could ask for now… but, as of recently, she's found that she enjoys Link's company more and more— and not because he has such a talent with food. Thinking about it for too long, however, only makes her head spin. 》
Ao3 Link
Word Count: 785
Prompt Post
This is for a little ask game I'm doing for short fics! You just send me three words and I'll write from them! See the full post here.
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fioreofthemarch · 1 year
From the Ground Up: Complete
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The From the Ground Up 2023 edit is done!
From the Ground Up tells the story of a Link and Zelda as they rebuild their lives and their relationship in a fledgling and politically fraught Hyrule post-Calamity, going to the edges of the world and their own abilities to do so. Is it time for Hyrule’s swan song, or are there still tales to tell? 
Six years after finishing this giant mess (245k words!), I’ve given it an overhaul edit to tidy up continuity, characterisation, theming, spelling/grammar and tie it into Tears of the Kingdom. 
Below the cut are links to the original pre-edit, a changelog of edits for you nerds, an artwork megapost and a directory of chapter notes.
10,000 years of gratitude to everyone who read FTGU over the years, commented, drew art, complained, or just left kudos. You rock from here to Hebra and back. 
The original FTGU, pre-edit (LONG)
Changelog of notable edits by chapter
Artwork mega post
Directory of chapter notes (written in 2017)
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Update time!
Hello lovelies! Sorry for the lackluster writing department lately. I promise no love has been lost for our beloved Links, I've just been a bit preoccupied these days. Actually, while we're at it... why don't I show you what I've been up to? ;3
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Yeah. I hosted a TOTK pre-release party. And I went a little nuts with it. Can you blame me? This is a momentous point in time when a new big Zelda game that only drops twice every decade is finally coming out, OF COURSE your girl’s gonna be riding that hype train! 🎊 Tears of the Kingdom? More like tears of pure joy!! May 12, LET’S GOOO BABY!!! 💚🔺💚
So! Who’s all ready for Friday??!! 😍 “Let’s get hyped!!!!” I scream lovingly into your ear.
I will be going into hiding for a while come TOTK’s release (technically I already have lol), as it is essential that I avoid all spoilers of the game. As “TOTK” is written multiple times across this post, many of you probably won’t even see this, and that is honestly relatable and more power to you. BIG THANKS to all of you who’ve tagged your TOTK posts, I have sincerely appreciated it. 🙏 Be rest assured that I will be fan-squeeing behind the scenes for the entirety of this next month and beyond.
Friends, I’d love to know how YOU are all celebrating the quinquennial release of this new Zelda game!
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Hyrule first contact
So I just had a brainwave about an idea I've had on the backburner for a while now: a Star trek/Zelda crossover heavily inspired by the TNG episode First Contact.
(The basic plot of the episode is: a race of humanoids have developed warp-capable technology. The federation shows up to them as a courtesy gesture, basically going "hey, you've got warp! Nice! Just a heads up that there's a lot of stuff out there and we are one of the nicer groups you're going to encounter. Here's a heads up about a bunch of things you should maybe be aware of". And of course, shenanigans ensue)
My thought is: The planet Hyrule is on is in the Gamma quadrant. Sometime post-tears of the kingdom, Zelda and the research teams have developed warp-capacity travel. (Maybe through the rediscovery of some ancient zonai or sheikah tech) (I haven't finished the game yet so please don't mention spoilers I will be very sad!!)
Throughout the development of this warp capacity travel, the Federation takes notice. There's some weird-ass energy signals coming from this planet near the wormhole between the alpha and gamma quadrants, and so they do some covert research. Eventually they reveal themselves, cue many excited technobabble conversations between Zelda and the Federation teams.
Fun things about this: Hylia and the Golden Three could be the very same entities as the Prophets. Because the prophets exist outside of time, it would lend itself well to all the time travel shenanigans and strange devices that the gods have left Hyrule (just like Bajor gets the Orbs, Hyrule has Tears, the master sword, etc). Also, could help explain the fractured timeline - the prophets just being like "a linear temporal existence? what is this?"
I also like the idea that they're blissfully ignorant of the Dominion, because the Founders took one look at the cursed shit going down in Hyrule and went "fuck nope. We're the only spooky goop that we want to deal with. DNI with that planet."
Is Demise a pah-wraith??
Think of the shenanigans that could ensue if Gul Dukat ever met Ganondorf.
Bashir and Jadzia getting up to incredible mischief.
Sisko panicking because oh my GOD am I now the Emissary to these people too???? And Zelda being like nah I think that's my job, you're good man.
I might loop in some TNG characters as well just because I wanna see Purah and Robbie losing their entire shit over Data.
Garak being generally impressed by the Sheikah, especially some of the nastier stuff in their history.
Setting would be pre-dominion war.
Anyways that's all I've got for now, we'll see if this thing gets written someday! If you have any ideas I would love to hear them.
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ichayalovesyou · 2 years
Strange New Worlds tie-ins to Deep Space Nine in order (so far):
In “Tears of The Prophets”, Benjamin Sisko receives the Christopher Pike Medal of Valor for defending DS9 when it was under siege by Dominion forces.
On Pike’s personnel file in the Star Trek Discovery episode “Brother” Pike has the Carrington Award on his list of Starfleet commendations. An award Bashir was the youngest nominee for but did not win in “Prophet Motive”.
The author of the children’s book Dr. M’Benga is reading Rukiya in “Ghosts of Illyria” and “The Elysian Kingdom” which shares the book’s title is by sci-fi/fantasy novelist Benny Russel. An ancestor of Benjamin Sisko whom the Prophets gave Sisko a first hand glimpse into the life of in “Far Beyond the Stars”.
Rukiya gives up her ailing body and joins with “Debra” (her mother’s name, not entirely unlike how a Prophet was Ben Sisko’s mother). Debra is an entity whom does not fully understand corporeal reality or linear time. Rukiya stops experiencing time linearly and returns to her father as an adult to comfort him and reassure him he made the right choice, telling him that she’s certain they’ll see eachother again.
General cinematic/personality parallels between Pike and Sisko: Highly decorated fighting captains, paternal figures who love to cook, with fates that are as much pre-written as they are sealed by their conscious choices.
A tweet on July 23rd, 2022 by Eric Goldman, and I quote: “Asked if we could catch up with the DS9 characters (beyond the Lower Decks episode). Alex Kurtzman says ‘Sisko’s a critical, critical character for everybody. Conversations have definitely been had.’ #StarTrekStrangeNewWorlds #SDCC”
All I’m saying is, a SNW & DS9 crossover is basically confirmed at this point right?!
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transskywardsword · 1 year
Wilds, or Lefty, the Hero of the Wilds
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[image description: a digital picture of Wilds, from Heroes Gate. He is a smiling young man in his early 20's with dirty blonde messy hair that falls to his shoulders, burn scars across his tanned face, and multiple dangling Zonai-style earrings on each ear. He is dressed in the Champion leathers from Tears of the Kingdom and has green fabric resembling the archaic tunic from TOTK draped over one shoulder and tucked into his belt. His right arm has been replaced with the same prosthetic as TOTK, and he wears two-toned brown pants and leather boots. He has the cloak from the glide set, worn with the hood down and dyed grey. He stands on a military green background with 'Wilds' and 'Hero of the Wilds' written next to him in dark red in the official triforce font. End description]
Age: 22 post Tears of the Kingdom. He was 17 when he woke from the Shrine of Resurrection, and five years passed between his adventures. It has only been a few months since the end of his last adventure.
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: Bisexual
Nickname: 'Lefty', in regards to his missing arm, which was started by Legend and Wilds absolutely loves.
About: Wilds is a kind, though awkward, young man with a strong silly streak hidden well under his lack of expression. He is completely mute; pre-Calamity it was severe selective mutism, but after waking from the Shrine of Resurrection he found himself barely able to talk without pain. He is fluent in dozens of kinds of signs and many languages. but prefers to communicate the most with his Sheikah slate, which he keeps on him at all times. He is an amputee, having never recovered his arm after freeing Zelda, and continues to have Rauru's arm as a prosthetic. He is very comfortable with his new arm, though he experiences debilitating phantom pain at times. During those days, he feels safest curled up with his Zelda, burying his face in her hair and clinging to her as tightly as he can.
Wilds took a little over a year to complete his first adventure. He was terrified of meeting Zelda without all his memories and spent a great deal of time trying to find them, and had to spend a lot of time relearning to be a person. He took his time trying to become stable, but also dragged his feet out of fear of what Zelda would think of him once he saved her-- he mostly doesn't feel guilty for how long he took to destory the Calamity most days, as he knows he needed the time. During his second adventure, on the other hand, he moved as quickly as he could, rushing to find Zelda as fast as possible and driving himself to the brink with survivor's guilt and self-hatred each time an hour passed without defeating Ganondorf.
Wilds is very open about his first adventure, his relationship with Zelda, and his memory problems, but is very hush-hush surrounding his second adventure and what his life was like pre-Calamity. He has done a great job of leading the other heroes to think they know everything about him when, in reality, they know next to nothing. Era is the most clued into just how much Wilds is, and how good Wilds is at, lying. As an army man with many secrets of his own, he recognizes Wilds' secrecy, but respects it.
Wilds memories are rarely put together, cinematic events, but instead flashes of sight, smell, taste, touch… splashes of color, strong emotion, the feeling of a hand in his, pain, laughter, silence—it is very rarely a solid event. However, that doesn’t mean that those monumental flashbacks don’t happen. They usually happen with deeply emotional or impactful events. Even then, there are often blank spaces in these kinds of memories; for example, Wilds can perfectly remember teaching his little sister to ride bareback but cannot remember her name or her face. He thinks she might have been blonde? He tries not to think about her or his parents; he doesn’t consider them family, even if they are in his memories, instead thinking of Zelda, Impa, Paya, and the Sages as family. He doesn’t wear his Champion's tunic but does wear the Champion's leathers Zelda made for him and treasures them dearly. He always wears his hair down. During the five years after sealing the Calamity, he rarely used the Master Sword, preferring knight and soldier weapons, but after all the suffering Zelda went through to save the Master Sword, he is rarely without it. It is strange having two Master Swords in the group, especially since the connection SKy has with his and FI is nothing like Wilds. Wilds actually rarely fights with the blade, keeping it in the slate for safekeeping.
While most memories come to Wilds subtly, usually through streams of consciousness, some of them that are particularly emotionally charged leave him paralyzed and confused, which has proven dangerous in the past. Wilds often feels that he is a burden because of this—a real hero doesn’t black out for five minutes mid fight. The group all push back against this, insisting that they don’t care in the slightest about having to protect Wilds if something goes wrong, but that just makes Wilds feel worse. He once was seriously injured in a fight after blacking out, and how has been training to try and continue moving on muscle memory when a particularly bad memory strikes. Wilds has gotten better at it, but it alarms his friends. Seeing him fight while also completely unaware of the world around him is terrifying and makes them very nervous. Once, he turned his blade on Twilight when the man tried to ease him out of ‘battle mode’ in the middle of a memory, almost seriously injuring him. Wilds didn’t communicate for days out of shame, and Twilight, while he has long since forgiven him, will never forget the event.
Wilds' fighting style is bizarre. He fights with a combination of muscle memory from being classically trained in his past life and fighting with a determined aggression that came from teaching himself how to survive in the wild. He fights dirty and rough, using teeth and nails and pulling hair, and it has kept him alive in a world filled with Yiga, who fight just as dirty. Having not used many items in his adventure, it worries him to see how heavily the others depend on them, feeling they are fickle and unlikely to help in a fight. Despite this wariness towards items, he depends heavily on his slate and arm.
Wilds has a terrible sense of direction, but it doesn’t bother him. He always knows where he is, how places connect, and where he wants to go is, he just can’t seem to make himself go as the crow flies from point a to point b. He is distracted by the world around him, enamored by the wild and its creatures. A simple trip that is an hour on the path will take him hours to finish, weaving in and out of areas, wherever his heart so takes him. He is a friend of Koroks, being able to speak their language, and loves to play with them. He has a knack for finding hot springs and caves, and never needs his map. He loves to gather over hunt, and while he does eat meat, and eats it often, would prefer veggies if given a chance to choose.
Wilds is quiet, but funny, and gets along well with others easily. He may sit back during a  conversation but is able to stop the talking it its tracks and send everyone into hysterics with a well-timed joke. He is nonverbal and uses a text-to-speech function on his Sheikah slate to communicate. He surprisingly trusting, though knows better than to let his guard down with the Yiga being a constant threat. He loves side quests and making people happy. He just wants Hyrule to be a better place than the one he found.
Wilds loves cooking, but especially experimenting with new flavors and ingredients. He often travels miles to see Sidon or Riju just to give them a taste of a new recipe he put together just for them. He also enjoys collecting things, namely pretty rocks, interestingly shaped sticks, leaves and flowers that he presses and dries himself, and jewelry. He loves jewelry, and greatly enjoys learning about the cultures of Hyrule, as it makes him feel closer to his friends. He loves giving gifts, be it trinkets, food, handmade necklaces, or acts of service. He feels indebted to the people of Hyrule for housing him when he was so lost and alone upon waking up and wants to return the favor.
Wilds is deeply religious and fascinated by the stories of the Heroes that came before him. He is a history buff and can rattle off dates and facts with extreme excitement. He is fiercely protective of his loved ones, to the point of being near feral, and would gladly, gladly die for someone, even a stranger, which alarms those around him. He’s not suicidal, he just… doesn’t value himself. He doesn’t fight with a shield, and while he prefers a broadsword, isn’t afraid to get close up and dirty during fights, leading to significant injuries to both parties. He’s blocked a blade with his arm before and would do it again. He sees Mipha’s grace as the solution to everything and uses it in a way that would have alarmed her to see.
            Zelda: Zelda and Wilds’ relationship is intense and codependent. They were close friends after the sealing of the Calamity, but after Zelda's transformation, Wilds became beyond clingy. They both did; it was far from one-sided. As Wilds' very best friend and closest confidant, as well as the love of his life, Wilds has, and would again, die for Zelda. His near eagerness to put his life second to her alarms Zelda and it is one of the few things they fight over. They share a bed each night, often spent holding the other through night terrors, and Wilds cooks her a meal each morning. She's been helping Wilds with his math and letters, as Wilds' early education is lacking. After pulling the Master Sword, his father, the Captian of the Royal Guard, pulled him out of school and had him focus on his training instead of his education. Zelda is working to fill the gaps and takes great joy in watching WIlds light up reading new history books for the first time. The two take great joy in sneaking into the castle library to find him new books on Hyrule's history and the history of the Heroes. Wilds is a part of the child timeline, and having the chance to meet other people from other timelines has been amazing. He has continued to research the Zonai with Zelda, though sometimes researching becomes too painful and they have to take a cuddle break. Wilds loves Zelda as a friend practically more than life itself. She was his first kiss (though he was not hers) and it took time for them to actually fall in love, as for a long time they feared they were talking advantage of the other because of Wilds' memory. Now, they are smitten with each other and while romantic PDA is rare, they are very physical with each other, holding hands or climbing over one another. They try to keep their relationship a secret, but everyone knows, and Lana's chosen tease him mercilessly over Zelda, thinking it is a crush and not a years long relationship.
           Champions: Wilds does not hesitate to use his Champion abilities. He feels a connection with the Champion’s he cannot deny and wishes to live life in a way they would approve of. He was determined to avenge them during his fight against Ganon and the Blights, and cherishes the gifts they gave him. When he prays, it is to them first. He venerates them, asks for their blessings, and goes to them for guidance. He remembers little of them but holds what he does remember dear, especially his memory of Mipha. He cherishes his memories of Mipha, partially out of thankfulness for all she has done for him, but also out of a need to relate to Sidon and his childhood memories. He thinks very fondly of her and wishes he could do more to make her comfortable after death
            Sidon: Sidon is Wilds’ closest friend. The two are inseparable, and while Wilds does have a home in Hateno, he spends most of his time when settled down in Zora’s Domain. Wilds knows he loved Mipha to some degree and feels guilty being friends with Sidon at times because of that. Sidon is one of the only ones who know most, if not all, of Wilds’ feelings about his past and his memory and knows how to both give the man space when he needs it and give him the perfect support he needs. Sidon thinks he is far too reckless and constantly pushes Wilds to rest, something he refuses to do. The Zora always seems to know exactly how to help with nightmares, and it makes Wilds wonder just how much of the Calamity and attack on Zora’s Domain Sidon remembers from his childhood.
            Twilight: Ever since finding out the wolf that kept him company during his adventure was Twilight—though how, neither of them are sure. It is in Twilight’s future, and they both know by now that time travel is a crazy thing. Wilds has wanted to learn everything about the older man. But Twilight is deeply concerned as to why he went an entire adventure in wolf form and is frankly scared to befriend Wilds, as pathetic as it makes him feel. Twilight avoids Wilds, and it hurts. Slowly, they are beginning to connect, but it is not easy for either of them.
            Waker + Quartet: Waker and Quartet are Wild’s closest friends out of the group. Waker and Quartet are carefree, cocky, and goofy, and their excited energy brings out a carefreeness and immaturinty that others rarely see in Wilds. Wilds’ quiet self vanishes around these two, replaced with laughter and pranks. The two bring out Wilds' flighty nature, especially Waker, who loves to explore together. Waker has never seen so many open fields and mountains and forests as there are in Wilds Hyrule, and Wilds loves the culture of sailing and piracy. Unknown to Wilds, he grew up in Faron along the coast, so his love of Waker’s world comes from his very roots. They often run off together, splitting off from the group and scampering away at night to explore the world around them. The two of them love koroks, and Waker was ecstatic to find they exist in Wilds’ world as well. Waker is good at filling Wilds’ comfortable silences.
The three of them are absolute menaces and drive Twilight up a wall, though he loves the three of them dearly.. Wilds is quieter, but Quartet brings out a vicious sort of fun-loving in him. While Wilds was already skilled at sweet talking his way into getting what he wants, Waker taught him how to pickpocket, and Wilds and Quartet are infamous pranksters. The three of them are a chaotic force not to be messed with, with their high energy and mischief bouncing off each other. The three can talk for hours, but Wilds still doesn’t consider himself genuinely honest with the two, and it leaves him feeling a great amount of guilt. He’s just scared of being judged for his thoughts and feelings regarding the past.
Items: Wilds’ most important possession is his Sheikah slate, most importantly because he uses it as his primary means of communication. While Wilds can sign, he finds it tedious, and he can technically speak, but finds it deeply, deeply painful. He is almost entirely nonverbal, and when he does speak his voice is soft and scratchy. Speaking is saved for emergencies and takes a lot out of him. Instead, to communicate he uses his Sheikah Slate’s text-to-speech function as a speaking device. The Slate uses a robotic, chiming, feminine voice, which Wilds’ is surprised he doesn’t mind. Wilds is transgender and insists very, very strongly on being perceived as a man, so having a feminine voice speak for him was something he thought would upset him. It doesn’t.
Wilds relies heavily on the runes on his Slate, and love, love, loves photography, but rarely, if ever, uses the map. He rarely travels by Shrine either. He loves bows, and his Slate is filled with them, but the Great Eagle Bow is his bow of choice. He fights often with the Champion’s weapons but takes careful, careful care of them and refuses to let them break. When fighting with a sword, he will use whatever he finds on hand in his Slate (he is quite the weapon hoarder) but when fighting serious threats, uses the Scimitar of the Seven. He is also a fan of Yiga weapons and finds using them to be quite funny. He tried to give the Lightscale Trident to Sidon, who adamantly refused it, and now keeps it on him at all times. He is a borderline hoarder and always has dozens upon dozens of any supply or material the group may need.
Positives: Wilds is quiet but wickedly funny, fiercely loyal, and wants desperately to make and keep friends. He wants to create a new life for himself with his own wants, likes, and experiences, and is ecstatic for every new thing he tries.  He finds cooking deeply soothing and loves helping others—he’s the side quest king. He cares greatly for others and is unlikely to hold a grudge, though his difficulty with the concept of time makes it hard for him to be sure if a situation is worth holding a grudge over.
Negative: Wilds is very clingy and overprotective, especially towards people he is scared of losing-- Zelda, the Sages, and Waker and Quartet. It can get borderline obnoxious and can cause tension between his loved ones. His loved ones try to be understanding, especially Zelda and Sidon, but even they have their limits. Wilds has little to no self-preservation is a chronic injury hider as he feels he has had enough help to last a lifetime. He insists the others do self-care but rarely sleeps, feeling he has to earn sleep. He is incredibly stubborn and doesn't listen to instructions well, causing a great deal of tension during battle. He skulks when told to shape up, which just makes everyone miserable.
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mylove-iv · 3 months
❝golden child, lion boy; tell me what it's like to conquer.❞
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ʚ aged up, botw! link x fem! reader ɞ
synopsis: when the kingdom goes to war, the goddess's chosen Hero is desperate to keep you safe. in his attempts to give you everything, you gradually became nothing.
genres: angst, romance. | mentions an established relationship, set pre-calamity.
rating: mature, 18+ (mdni).
content warnings: unclear time skips,mild/implied sexual content, slight spoilers (slight canon divergence), (indirect) mentions of war.
reader specifications: reader was detailed to have curves and dips, was also implied that reader wears/uses a silk nightie, no pronouns were used but was written with a female reader in mind.
word count: 1.09k words.
―originally posted on @mydarling-iv, aug. 25, 2023
ʚ part ii ɞ | ʚ masterlist ɞ
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Sleep does not come to Link that easily. Despite holding you in his arms as you slept, your warmth did not beckon his eyelids to fall. Instead, he gazes fondly at your sleeping face.
Link's heart soars as a smile tugs at his lips but soon falters as he feels fear creep in. The over-looming threat of the Calamity continuously draws near. Then, the view of you blurs as Link drowns himself in his thoughts.
He hesitates, questioning whether or not his decision is right, if the lack of your say in the matters is the correct thing to do. It feels wrong, a raw disgust filling his veins but his fear overpowers his rationality, rearing its ugly head that Link is forced to look at.
But as he stares into the eyes of the King of Hyrule, he is forced to come to terms that if he refuses the offer, you may be vulnerable to the incoming Calamity’s wrath. And so, Link deludes himself into believing that this is what is necessary to keep you out of harms way.
He’s snapped back into reality as you snuggle further into him, your warmth permeating through his skin and into his soul. Gradually, Link feels his fears melt away. It needs to be done, for no cost is too great to keep you safe. He thinks, hand gently cupping your sleeping face.
“You are dear to me, I don’t want to ever let you go nor would I ever give you up,” Link’s words are hushed—masked as a promise—only heard by the moon and stars above. He presses a sweet kiss to your forehead as unshed tears glaze his eyes.
“I want to protect you, I want to guard you from the world that tries to so desperately dim your light—And by the stars, this I promise you for I love you too much.”
┊ ੈ✩‧₊*°࿐ྂ。
The move to Castle Town was much livelier than expected. Despite having to tear himself from you due to knightly duties, Link made an effort to always give you his time.
Laughter rings in your new, quaint home, smiles are pressed against each other, you both embrace each other when the moon rises and Link finds it hard to leave your serene hug but he must do what he is bound to and you continuously find yourself awaking to a cold bed.
┊ ੈ✩‧₊*°࿐ྂ。
As the brightness of Spring quickly passes, Winter arrives, taking all the sweet liveliness of Spring with it, leaving the world—your world—cold and barren as a distance stretches itself between you and Link, your lover returning home more guarded and unreadable as time passes.
He is repeatedly sent on countless missions, tasked with being at the very forefront of wiping out monster and enemy camps. Your heart aches whenever he softly kisses you goodbye, and yet whenever he arrives home safely—alive—you find that the ache in your chest has never left in the first place.
You kiss him passionately, wanting to bruise him so that he wouldn’t be able to forget you. Though now much silent, Link shares the same sentiments as he worships your body, engraving marks reminding you of him into your soft skin that both reassures you and intensifies the longing in your heart.
┊ ੈ✩‧₊*°࿐ྂ。
Time passes and Link steadily climbs the ranks, his time split between fighting at the frontlines and guarding Hyrule’s sole princess.
He’s given a noble title, land to go with it, and prestige. Yet, when you move into the estate he’s given, it doesn’t feel like home, instead it’s cold and barren, devoid of the love you and Link once filled your cozy apartment with.
Your lover dominates high society, titles falling at his feet whenever he’d come home victorious, yet why does it feel like you’ve lost him throughout his feats?
You no longer embrace each other before bed, his side of the bed remaining cold from dusk till dawn, nor does a boyish smile ever grace his face whenever you try to crack a joke, instead you’re only met with his furrowed brows and tired eyes. 
Despite how Link has become dismissive and cold, you hold him gently in your arms, bare skin against bare skin and only now do you see that he’s been cracked enough as it is, his heart more shattered than he lets on.
┊ ੈ✩‧₊*°࿐ྂ。
He envelops you whole, skin feverish as Link’s lips are merciless, leaving no spot of your skin untouched—unmarked—and your heart swells as a small part of you mourns.
“I love you and I will love you as long as I am able to love.” Link whispers, his words soft compared to the blatant sin he commits.
Your eyes flutter to a close, your hand finding home in his hair before you gently tug at his roots, eliciting a satisfying groan from your lover.
“I want everything back, the way it was.” Your words are a breathy as you speak and Link has to resist the urge to capture your lips.
But before you’re able to continue, a quick knock interrupts, breaking the bubble you and your lover were in. “Captain, you are needed.” A man, who you suppose was your lover’s subordinate, stated.
Link’s eyes stay glued to you, committing every slope, dip, and curve of yours to memory. “Is it urgent?” Link mutters loud enough for the man to hear, his blue eyes dark as an ocean’s, and you think that this is how people drown.
A quiet sigh leaves your lips as you go to grab your silken nightie, your body tensing as Link’s bare chest meets your back. He places soft kisses to your bare shoulder before he reaches the junction of your neck and shoulder.
“It’s Princess Zelda, sire, she was reported to be missing and seen on horseback heading to Gerudo.” The kisses on your shoulder ceases, an inaudible curse falling from Link’s lips and before you know it, your lover’s warmth is ripped from your back.
His clothes rustle, almost seeming to mock you and you feel your heart slowly sink again. Link gently cups your face, pivoting slightly so he’s able to see your face. Yet, you avoid his gaze.
Link places a delicate kiss to your forehead, silently promising that he’ll be back soon but yet, he becomes a blind eye to how your eyes dim.
The door shuts behind him and you’re left alone, feeling used and cold. “I want everything back, the way it was.” Tears run down your cheeks as his absence burns a deeper hole into your heart. “But there is no point to it, this wanting.”
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livefromtheloam · 1 year
I dunno where to say any of this, so I guess here's here it's going to be said. Long ramble ahead.
I don't like badmouthing or mocking others' honest work. I get that "honest" in this case is subjective, but if someone's earnestly tried something with no malice, even if I don't like it, I won't publicly bash it. It's generally good policy, and it keeps me from judging others too harshly.
It's when the work becomes dishonest where I have an issue.
Right now, Kotaku is trending on the Musk Hole. Someone pointed out that it's incredibly petty for one of their writers to complain about not getting Nintendo games to review, and then to publish an article talking about all the spoilers that are coming out from Tears of the Kingdom. Not that it happened, but an article outlining stuff that people are uploading online.
And they ain't wrong. That is petty. And very bad for business in the long run, even if it gets people angry enough to engage with the social media posts today, or curious enough to see if they'd actually write it (they totally did, and you should avoid that article if you want to avoid being spoiled on TotK).
But here's the thing, there's an army of blue checkmark chuds sitting there bashing the site. And they're... not right, never right. But in this case, Kotaku is wrong.
It used to be that someone saying a bunch of negative things about that site was a wonderful signal that at best that person was someone you wouldn't want to talk to. But now? It's becoming more and more of a legitimate opinion.
And I'm starting to think it myself.
If I'm honest, I've been thinking it for a long time.
The editing and fact-checking have been not great for at least a few years now. The content has gotten less relevant and more yellow as time goes on. They hemorrhage good talent while opting for people who can write dishonest clickbait.
Some of it I get. Coming from someone who's done video game journalism in the pre- and post-GG worlds and even the pre- and post-SEO worlds, it's rough out there. Enormous corporations are increasingly the source of content, and they're always looking to cut costs while maximizing profits (and the C-suite's egos). It's long past the point where legitimate journalism is pushed aside in favor of recycled nonsense. I've also written said recycled nonsense for a content farm. It's soulless, but it's the only realistic option for many people in this generation.
So yeah, things were great when Jason Schreier was putting the heat on video game companies with his investigative pieces, and Brian Ashcraft was writing features about Japanese video game culture, and Mike Fahey (RIP) was being his fantastic self. But they're the last in their line who will ever get paid by a company to do that.
In other words, there are people who may have been brilliant video game journalists, with great ideas and great writing and great work ethic, with amazing sense for what people want to read and how to write fair and entertaining articles. If they don't have a known name already, they'll never get the backing that people of their talent and skill have had in the past, and if you recognize their names at all, it'll be because they write all those annoying listicles you keep accidentally clicking on Facebook ads for.
So yeah, Kotaku probably sucks for real now. Corporate content culture is certainly part of that. But publishing articles like "Here's What Leaked in that Game Everyone Wants that Comes Out in Two Weeks" for outrage clicks is a massively disappointing low.
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joosbasschick · 2 years
💗Pink Bunny🐰
Warnings: bf!Ivan x gf!reader, tooth rotting fluff, brief moment of crying, use of king and real names interchangeably, former member mentioned, gentle kissing, use of pet name (honey)
A/N: Yes, this is totally self-indulgent but after I saw Ivan perform with his new pink hair, I cried my eyes out remembering his pink hair pre-debut with the 8 Letters cover they did. I had to write this for my own sanity, so I hope you enjoy my emotional drabble that was TOTALLY not written at 3-4am... Feedback is always appreciated!!!♡
Looking at the tall idol in front of you, nothing could stop the gentle tears streaking down from your cheeks with light sniffles following behind. The panic on his face was so endearing and priceless in the moment. You couldn't hide the small giggle that escaped your quivering lips, making him worry even more.
"Honey, why are you crying?! D-does it not look good, i-is it that bad?" Yoosung quickly grabs your upper arms and pulls you closer, eyes darting all across your face with extreme worry.
This only caused you to cup his cheeks and press a gentle, soothing kiss to his. You could quickly feel his tense muscles relax as his hold on you loosens. Pulling away you quickly give a warm smile to your boyfriend, feeling Deja vu wash over you in the blink of an eye.
"Y/N! Look at me, my hair is really bright now!" Yoosung bounces over as soon as he spots you walking into the studio where their first official profile photos for Kingdom were going to be taken. His smile was bright, and the makeup was done beautifully, but the one thing that stood out was his bright pink hair. "Doesn't it look pretty? I'm so nervous for Kingmaker to see it..." He suddenly voices aloud.
"Nonsense, it looks so adorable on you. Just didn't think the corrupted King Ivan would sport bubble gummy pink hair." You tease, ruffling it totally forgetting he was getting pictures done soon. A stylist comes over and gently scolds you before fixing it. "I love it, this is going to be the start of your dream! You will be an Idol Yoosunggie!"
He beams a bright smile and giggles nervously, "Are you staying for the cover we worked on? I wanted to surprise you with it since we are going to film it for Kingmaker! It was our final evaluation song." He fiddles with his fingers nervously, praying you would have time since they really worked hard after such harsh criticism.
"Of course, I am! I was going to hang out at the dorm and help cook tonight, remember? Do you really trust Dongsik and Seungjun in the kitchen?" You scowl, chewing your lip nervously. Yoosung laughs, shaking his head in agreement that indeed, it was a terrible idea.
Soon enough Seungbo called everyone over to start the photo shoot. The group shots breezed by fairly quick with exellent and before you know it, it was time to hear your boyfriend sing with his group before they continued with solo shots. This would be the first time you got to actually hear him do anything with Kingdom. He was not at all confident in his skills in dancing, so you never saw him practice around you. He would sing for you all the time, loving to watch you smile and praise him for his high notes when he would belt out songs in karaoke for you. Yet he refused to show you anything he did with the group, excuses left and right. Now as you watch him focus on recording the cover with his members, you understand he wanted to make you proud and surprise you. He wanted to show you he was a king.
Once they got the okay for the recording, they disperse and you head straight for Ivan, wide smile as you tackle him from behind in a bear hug. He stumbles but keeps his balance as Mujin laughs from the affection.
"You did so wonderful, Vannie! I've never heard you sing like that before. It's like the hair color gave you super vocals!" you tease, giving him loads of praise before you turn and compliment Mujin and Jahan who were next to him, "And I didn't know you two have vocals like that, especially you Jahan!" They shyly bow in thanks until Arthur calls the two over, leaving you alone with Ivan and grinning ear to ear.
"So, you really liked it honey?" Yoosung asks, his voice even cracking out of pure nervousness. His hands find purchase around your waist to tug you closer, taking the alone time to get more intimate without being teased by the cloud king, Chiwoo.
"Liked it? Ivan, I loved it! It was perfect, you all sounded wonderful. The snow king has the prettiest voice to me, though..." You coo, arms around his neck to pull him down for eskimo kisses. He laughs, embarrassed before he gently presses a kiss to each corner of your mouth before pressing them your lips. From that day, you were utterly in-love and the proudest person of King Ivan.
"No Ivan, it's perfect..."
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ao3feed-sidlink · 1 year
Desire. I'm Hungry
Desire. I'm Hungry
by Crime_Scene
Sidon gets a surprise visit from his favorite hylian. However, he was not expecting him to be so beaten up! Of course, Sidon won't let this stand.
It's not his fault things take a turn towards... something else.
After all, Sidon was feeling hungry, and Link had exactly what Sidon needed to satisfy him.
Words: 3496, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Link (Legend of Zelda), Sidon (Legend of Zelda)
Relationships: Link/Sidon (Legend of Zelda)
Additional Tags: Pre-Game: Tears of the Kingdom (Legend of Zelda), Not Canon Compliant, Sidon Has Two Penises (Legend of Zelda), slight blood kink, Genital Slit Sex, Bottom Sidon (Legend of Zelda), Top Link, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Written Before The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Release
From https://ift.tt/O7Pj6bd https://archiveofourown.org/works/47546848
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turtlesaph · 1 year
Legend of Zelda Fanfiction Story
Hello and welcome to the story being written. If you have any questions or confusion just let me know either in DMs or by commenting. If you want something explained in greater detail let me know! Interested in being part of the story? Just let me know! I'll be including other Hylians, Zora, Sheikah, Rito, Goron and Gerudo! I hope you enjoy the story.
10,000 years before BOTW there existed the originals; the first four selected champions, the princess to protect them all with the chosen hero. Just opposite of them stands the young Gerudo King, Ganondorf, who will find that corruption doesn't just stem from bureaucracy but from gaining the power that he craves. At the center of it all? The Triforce.
The index is a culmination of information with some edits to it for the sake of the story. So do not take everything said here as canon to the Zelda Lore. I'll be working on that as I create different content. THE INDEX.
The world of Legend of Zelda belongs to the creator(s) respectively. I will never claim anything that's pre-existing. If there are mentions of characters outside my own creation and the creation of the world then those characters belong to their respective creators (such as OCs who want to be part of the story). Characters who ARE brought in are only done so with the expressed permission/consent of the person who designed that character. So keep that in mind. Thank you kindly.
WARNINGS: This story will mention some graphic things such as violence, slaughter/murder, some vulgarity, other things are possible. No, it will not contain lemons (unless you squint hard enough, jk, there might be some, don't know yet). Rating will change accordingly when the time comes.
SPOILERS: Yes, this story does have Tears of the Kingdom spoilers. It mentions the Ganondorf as seen in the TOTK trailer (and game cough). So please if you're trying to avoid spoilers probably best to not read this until after you've played the game.
Chapter Index:
THE INTRODUCTION LINK (press to go to introduction of fanfic)
CHAPTER 1 LINK (press to go)
CHAPTER 2 LINK (press to go)
CHAPTER 3 LINK (press to go)
CHAPTER 4 LINK (press to go)
CHAPTER 5 LINK (press to go)
CHAPTER 6 LINK (press to go)
CHAPTER 7 LINK (press to go)
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flydotnet · 1 year
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Bad Things Happen Bingo! The event where you send me requests according to this marvelous card!
(Red cross is the completed prompt, character headshots are prompts I’ve already filled. I don’t have any request left, so feel free to send in suggestions for this card!).
But I will be fine. I must be.
Unofficial Gay Fates has made me super partial to both Scarlet and ships with Scarlet. I'm a Ryoma/Scarlet girly too, but also, the Scarlet-Xander support chain was too good for me not to get into the trenches and write something for it too. I may've read the official Scarlet/Chevois lore doc a little too many times compared to how faithful to UGF my Scarlet ended up being? Oh well. You never get anywhere if you never try! I don't like how Revelation handled... well, most things, and the thing with Valla is stoopid as it's written there, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy playing with a zombie country of sort. There's a kind of horror to it and I had to set a mood y'know?the number of times I had "Deessu. Kurimuzon." in my head while writing this fic is obscenely high.
Bride of Crimson
Summary: Guilt will come later - for now, Scarlet needs to escort a prince to safety.
Fandom: Fire Emblem Fates (Revelation route) Ship: Pre-S-Support Scarlet/Xander
Wordcount: words
Event hosted by @badthingshappenbingo
AO3 version.
Vallites don’t bleed.
That’s because they don’t have a soul anymore, Scarlet has been told. They’re corpses haunted by the mindless desire to do something. Ryo has compared them to a lizard’s tail once cut from its body, trembling as if alive yet dead all the same; and she didn’t really question it. If Ryo believed Corrin, then she had no reason to suspect anything either: Ryo knew what he was doing, then why would she go against him? As far as she was concerned, nothing had contradicted what his sister had said.
 Vallites don’t bleed, which makes it oh so much more noticeable when it’s her comrades who do. It smears on the fluorescent grass of Valla and it smells like iron – not the sort that results from weapons clashing against each other, but that which has kept her on alert for so long, back in Cheve. It looks out of place right when she thought she had finally gotten used to bloodshed.
Scarlet has been through worse, though. It takes a special kind of guts to rise against a kingdom so much bigger than your country, whose nobles seem so adamant to hurt people they can’t see while they laze around and live in luxury (and someone may’ve helped with her perception of that, but one man can’t change an entire life experience of conclusions), but it’s this special kind that’s now allowing her to cut through ghosts that play pretend with everyone’s emotions and distress alike.
 A strong, belting voice screams from behind her, prompting her to briefly turn around.
“Scarlet, look out!”
She barely has the time to crouch before a sword dark as the night pierces through a Faceless’ chest. If the voice wasn’t a giveaway, then the weapon alone would be a dead seller for the ages.
He walks his horse to her, Siegfried still in hand. (A beautiful weapon, if sinister… and plain. Unfortunately, her offer to spruce it up has already been turned down).
“Are you hurt?”
“No, no I’m not, in no small part thanks to ya.” She shines him a smile.
“Very well,” he replies with stiff shoulders and a smirk just as uncomfortable to look at. “Where’s your wyvern?”
“Errrh… Vaida got injured earlier, so I’m lettin’ her a nice rest back at camp! Can’t let my ride get worse under my watch!”
“I see. I trust you can handle yourself on your own, right?”
“Of course! Dun take me for a fragile lil’ flower, Dandy-Lion!”
He blushes like a tulip at the remark, “p-please keep this silly nickname off the—”
Xander stops dead in his tracks, eyes opening wide.
“Get down!”
 A hand axe cuts through the air, flirting so close to her pauldron that it tears it off from her, taking it in its course.
 Once the initial shock passes, she clutches her own axe to her and swings it at the culprit – some Vallite soldier with empty sockets for eyes, in a vague human shape, glaring at her with an expression just as soulless. Yep, no sympathy to be found here.
She slashes it in a single blow and doesn’t bother with delicacy, almost cutting the creature in two clean halves, looking around just enough to tell Ryo and his little brother have taken care of their left flank and Corrin and company the right one. The battle’s almost over, so she gets back up, straps her axe back onto her. She’ll polish it once they have downtime again.
 With an excited step, Scarlet turns around again.
“Good job spotting that, Dandy…”
A black horse is staring back at her with a nervous breath.
It happens to have no rider.
 Urgency hurries through Scarlet’s every fibre, until she finally thinks about checking the ground. When she does, her jaw almost drops, but she clenches her teeth and runs to a crumpled body on the ground. Ignoring every feature, she puts her hand in front of the person’s nose and two fingers on their neck – air, a pulse, a groan of pain.
Good, he’s still alive (she doesn’t quite know what she’d have done if he hadn’t been). Now, for how long, she doesn’t know, and she doesn’t wish to find out. Time to bring him to safety and have someone who knows their way around with a staff do their magic.
 As delicately as she can, she picks Xander up in her arms as if carrying a bride. The irony isn’t lost on her, as removed as it is from the situation: she renounced to getting wed when she picked up a banner and threw her life into fighting for her land, yet there she is, carrying him like she’d have expected to be, when she was a little girl and she was allowed to dream.
Oh, but that was so long ago, she doesn’t know what she’s thinking about it. It’s not like she’d have looked as limp as Xander is right now, breathing almost impossible to see with how small the movement of his chest is. His skin is pale, the rings under his eyes darker than Siegfried, his limbs limp and fingers loose. In ways, she’s carrying a shadow, in others, a statue. In either case, her fingers feel like they could break something.
 Drops dripple down her shoes as she walks. The colour of her armour makes it hard to tell what it is, but the smell of iron never mistakes her. Xander’s would make it just as difficult, but whatever slashed him pierced through what was where, leaving skin and muscle naked for all to see and blood – a river of it, in fact, trailing behind them, and she wishes she could run.
The battlefield seems bigger than it was before and how does she regret not having Vaida by her side right about now. Xander’s horse can’t help them now, not with the sort of injury he has. For all she knows, it’d just make the blood loss happen faster – and gods, he’s already pale as is. Come to think of it, maybe his pallor never reminded her of the sheltered life she imagined the Nohr royals to have…
 A feeble voice calls her back to the sound of her footsteps crunching dying grass.
“Keep your strength to yourself… Dandy-Lion.”
To her surprise, she sees him smile – one as delicate as his breath. It’s good enough, she thinks.
“I’m not too heavy, am I…?”
On second thought…
“You’re lighter than I expected, honestly.” She snickers. “Heh, if I had been told the High Prince of Nohr would worry about that on his deathbed, I wouldn’t have believed it, yet here we are!”
She hopes that, if he can focus on something else…
“I can’t be too worried if it’s you, can I…?”
Her face burns.
“What’s that s’pposed to mean?!” She snorts and chuckles. “Don’t make me laugh like that, there may still be enemies ‘round!”
Huh, his smile is loopy…
“Your presence… is reassuring…”
…and his cough isn’t getting better.
“What the…”
There is a thin trail of blood going down his lips and chin. Oh no.
“Scarlet, you’re…”
The good thing to do would be to make him spare his energy, but… despite it all, his voice…
“Shut up, I’m bringing you to a healer! You can tell me all ’bout it later!”
 She quickens her pace, despite the soreness in her legs and the way carrying someone tugs at her arms. Her pains are a minor thing compared to the man bleeding to death drop by drop in her embrace; and yes, she can’t call it anything else. Not when he calls her presence reassuring, not when she sees the way he makes her feel.
She clutches him closer to her, letting rust dripple down her breastplate, uncaring for any sort of aesthetic. Of course, this is a battlefield, and there’ll never be enough gemstones to make death and blood beautiful… but this is different, Scarlet finds. Everything around her is crimson, now, from the air she breathes to the skin she feels under soaked cloth.
If she could, she’d leave a peck on the forehead of a man who’s absolutely making it out of here.
 The rest of the road back to camp is long and silent. Xander’s breathing is a fragile thing, or so it feels, and he doesn’t rouse back to wakefulness. She regrets telling him to shut it, now, but if it’s so he can get some rest… then so be it.
She wonders what the scar she’s left him looks like – half out of pride, half out of shame… and a little bit of general curiosity. It’s impossible for her to tell what part of his silhouette is armour and what isn’t, sometimes, and she blames it on being starstruck.
…oh, she never even thought of Ryoma like that.
 The camp is now in view, with its white smoke and warm banners.
“Hey, Dandy-Lion…”
“Is there someone you’re coming back to once this war’s over?”
He spits out some blood on the side. It’d have disgusted many, she supposes, but she appreciates the eternal reminder that, for all of his royal-ness, Dandy-Lion’s still a mortal at the end of the day. Makes him more approachable, more… lovable? (Oh gods).
“You mean… as a spouse…?”
“Yeah. So?”
“No… I cannot see myself take a wife… and neglect her as my father has…”
“You’re not your dad, ya big doofus. Pretty sure we’ve gone over that already.”
She isn’t quite sure what she expected he’d reply.
“Has someone… ever told you your honesty was refreshing…?”
She chuckles. For all of his princely ways, he isn’t above being embarrassingly adorable.
“Yes, you, that other time.”
“And you…?”
“Is someone… waiting for you back in Cheve…?”
She chuckles. Had the man she’s carrying in her arms the High Prince of Nohr, she’d have seen a reciprocal response there.
“Not in that way, no.”
“I see…”
His head lulls against her breastplate.
“You’ll be okay, Dandy-Lion. Just ya wait.”
“Oh, I know, Scarlet, I know…”
 She quickens her pace one last time, heart jumping up and down.
Xander lifts his head, painfully slowly, grunting under his breath. Aww…
“The camp’s not far. You’ll be fine.” It’s a little hard to believe when you see him bleeding, white like a sheet and eyes foggy, but if she isn’t here to believe in his recovery, then who will? “Sorry, by the way. If I hadn’t lost focus…”
“Peace, Scarlet… An injury is better than a death…”
“That’s true…”
“Isn’t it funny?”
“What would be?”
“That this is the second time you’re carrying me to safety…”
“Does the first time count, when it was just fixing my own mistake?”
He coughs when he chuckles with her, but he’s still with her.
“I’d say so…”
“Then guess it counts!”
 She steps into camp and, as gently as she can, gives her charge to a worried Camilla of Nohr, who, not unlike her, can carry Xander without grunting (gods, what little firecracker said really holds water). The horse, who she abandoned without meaning to, follows Camilla inside the camp, as diligently as it behaved when it was mounted.
Speaking of mounts, she’s missed Vaida very much. Maybe she can pay a visit to Dandy-Lion later, once she’s had a good conversation with her trusted wyvern about what to do when you seem to have a thing for the crown prince of the kingdom you’ve spent most of your life fighting against… oh, and once Dandy-Lion isn’t covered in crimson anymore. It’s not because beauty is never truly tarnished that she doesn’t want to see him soaked in his own blood.
She should start with cleaning her armour and weapons, actually… Blood doesn’t suit them either.
 It suits nobody, really.
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penwrythe · 2 years
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(Late) Swordtember Prompt 20: Shattered - Guard Captian Devlin
Casualty report below written by Molly, paintbrush and Master Undertaker of Minevatt:
My current tasks are documenting the recovery of casualty remains from the recent Jantherizian invasion of my town, Minevatt. I'm still shaken by what happened, but I need to stay focused. Thankfully, we had prior warning for evacuation and most casualties are war-objects, no civilians. We have enough resources to give all casualties a proper revival. Recovery time, however, may take weeks.
Here, we have our first casualty reported. Soldier details provided by General Doomgreater:
Soldier details:
Name and Rank: Devlin, Sunborn, he/him, Guard Captain serving under General Doomgreater Date and Location of Hatch: during the dawn, 30th of Exalt, in the abbey of Pepperleaves, Sweetwater Valley Village in the Kingdom of Erdestra Age: 50 Pre-fitted form: Iron pitchfork Refitted form: Double-edged iron greatsword Core inlaid: No, his original form was fitted to a sword template. Revival History: Ten with one failed. Has little evidence of crumbling on his blade.
Casualty Report:
Cause of Death: Shattered by Jantherizian halberd pack attack. Additional notes: Remains and kernel found by Gwuenevere in the destroyed metal refinery in Minevatt. Halberds were prevented from taking Devlin's kernel prisoner while Gwuenevere fight them off. Remains and kernel are recovered by General Doomgreater's soldiers.
State of Remains: Pommel split in two but still attached. Grip is splintered with its leather wrapping becoming undone. Hilt is broken on the right side but the other side is still intact. Rainguard faceplate has a complex fracture (possible ichoridic tearing, ichor therapy may be required). The remaining blade is broken into several pieces. Kernel state: Good retraction from core remains. Due to his age and past revivals, donated ichor is needed. Non-attached remains: Gloves are in mild condition, repairs are needed. Cape, however, is far too damaged, replacement is required.
Repair requirements: Since Devlin's remains are intact, they can be used to greatly offset the material cost for the Ritual of Convalescence. However, due to the extensive damage to his core, Devlin's remains may need to be deconstructed and repaired separately by a blacksmith. Once remains are repaired, they will be rejoined with his kernel with supplied ichor and revival will be a success.
Additional Comments from Doomgreater:
Blades' Dammit Devlin! What made you think you can fight an entire halberd pack? You're lucky they didn't eat you alive. You owe me an explanation when you wake up.
Oh, one more thing. That cloak saved you. Nearly got herself torn apart while fightn' them halberds.
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