makesomehistory · 2 years
Happy Birthday, my dear Marie! I hope you've had a wonderful day so far! 🌹
Thank youuu Yasi!! Hope you're doing well 💕
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charitydingle · 2 years
Happy Birthday!!! 💐💐💐
Thank you, yasi 😌❤️
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lucres · 2 years
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag! Ich hoffe, du hast einen schönen Tag mit deinen Liebsten! ❤️
omg Yasi 🥹 vielen lieben Dank! Werd ich haben 🎉
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miss-bookworm · 8 days
Get to know me! 👋
tagged by @first-kanaphan thank you Jamie 💜
Last song: Phantom by WayV
Favorite color: Red
Currently reading: The Little Café in Copenhagen by Julie Caplin
Currently watching: way too many things 😄 The On1y One, Monster Next Door, Love Next Door, Jack & Joker to name a few. Right now I'm watching My Love Mix-Up, finally catching up
Last Movie: I so rarely watch them, I don't even remember. Maybe Dune 2?
Sweet, spicy, or savory: I enjoy all three but savory is definitely my favourite
Relationship status: Single
Tea or coffee: I love drinking both but my first choice is always coffee
Last thing I googled: The Little Café in Copenhagen because I'm reading the translated version and I needed the original title
Tagging: @inloveamateursatbest @miraklealigner @kellykadesperate @narnianwitch @yasisworld @omarandjohnny @2rose2furious but as always feel free to ignore!
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tm-trx · 2 years
Tag people you want to get to know better
Tagged by the lovely @waitmyturtles - thanks!
Three Ships (I picked three from the year I started watching BL dramas)
Tian/Phupha [A Tale of a Thousand Stars] - One of the shows/pairings that set my expectations for the BL genre, for good or ill. LOL
Ram/King [My Engineer] - These two were the only reason I kept up with ME. A Perth/Lay-led series feels like a pipe dream at this point, but I’m keeping it close to my heart.
Ida/Aoki [Kieta Hatsukoi] - So cute I can barely stand it. I adore them.
First Ship
Tang Yi/Shao Fei [History3: Trapped] - Possibly the first BL I watched and these two set the bar high.
Last Song
Atlantis/SHINee - I adore this song. The vocals alone are killer (Onew long note!) but I also love their costuming. Link is to a live stage fancam with the smoothest transition from goofing off to professional performers I’ve ever seen.
Last Movie
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever - I would have enjoyed it more if I’d been able to see more of it. Why are movies shot so dark these days?!
Currently Reading
The Fraud Squad by Kyla Zhao - This was a cover buy, but once I read the summary I was even more interested. I’m barely into it, but so far I’m liking it.
Currently Watching
911 Lone Star - TK and Carlos are worth keeping up with. Also Grace.  
History5: Love in the Future - Pretty good. The side couple is the more interesting story right now.
A League of Nobleman - Binging 10 eps at a time as they drop because I have no patience.
The Lost Tomb 2 - Just started season 2. It has an all new cast, but the effects are better.
My School President - The two leads are very very good.
Never Let Me Go - Slow starter but has recently improved.
Currently Consuming
Welch’s Juicefuls (Gushers) - yum
Currently Craving
more A League of Nobleman!
Tagging some folks from my notes (but no pressure of course): @omarandjohnny, @yasisworld, @imaginationisveryrapid, @ablazenqueen, @poisoneevie
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ecoustsaintmein · 1 year
Rules: Make a new post. No cheating! You’re starring in a movie with the last person you saved in your camera roll. The last song you've listened to is the title. Who/what is it?
I was tagged by: @thetightwhiteshirt (THANK YOU FOR TAGGING ME???)
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So it's La Zarra (iconique Quebecois queen, flipping the bird on national telly) and the film title is 'Inextinguishable/Undying' in Finnish.
Sums up my music tastes lately tbh (runs away and hides)
Tagging: @daughterofoctoberr @ex0rin @yasisworld
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softlofty · 4 years
17 for ballum, please 💖
have a little pride inspired fic x 
17. “I want to feel like this forever.”
"Here ya are," Callum appears from behind, handing Ben a beer in a plastic cup, slightly cool to the touch.
"Cheers," Ben smiles, and Callum comes to stand next to him, leaning over the railing on top of the Vic, looking out over rainbow-coloured crowds, glitter as far as the eye can see.
Ben and Callum both have rainbow flags painted on each cheek, courtesy of Lexi who insisted they'd look out of place without them.
"Good?" Ben asks as he watches Callum take a tentative sip of a brightly coloured drink with a slice of lemon attached to the rim, plus a small shiny umbrella.
Callum's face pulls involuntarily and Ben laughs. "Oh that's sugary!" Callum says, disbelief in his voice, a smile around his mouth as he takes another sip.
The air is warm, but people are dancing anyway, bodies close together, the whole crowd constantly moving.
There's people who've gone all out with their outfits, colourful wigs, immaculate makeup and heels that cannot be comfortable.
Ben spots a few parents, uncles, grandmas; most of them adorned with one rainbow-coloured item, gazing fondly at their loved one taking part in the celebrations.
Almost everyone looks like they're having a good time, and the few that are standing on the sidelines, a cautious look on their faces, they'll get there in a few years as well.
"Y'alright?" Callum interrupts Ben's train of thought, touching a hand to his hip.
Ben turns his head, and looks at Callum. The late afternoon sun falling on his face, covering him in gold. His eyes shimmer, and there's an ease to his posture that makes Ben's heart grow three sizes.
He angles his head and pushes forward slightly, fitting his lips to Callum's.
Callum keeps his eyes closed for a few seconds after Ben's pulled back.
"I'm great," Ben smiles, bringing his beer to his lips and taking a sip, and then, after a few seconds, "I want to feel like this forever."
Callum huffs a light laugh. "Like what? This special mix of sticky and sweaty?"
Ben grins. "You know I don't mind getting dirty."
Callum rolls his eyes at him but can't keep the corners of his mouth from turning up.
"I mean, just," Ben gestures out over the crowd, "this, you know? People being themselves and not giving a shit. Doing what they were born to do."
Callum lightly bumps his hip with Ben's.
"You still love Pride? Even after," he trails off, not wanting to say the words out loud, and he doesn't have to.
Ben looks down for a moment, and then back up again.
"That's not on you, Callum. You're not responsible for your brother's actions."
Callum makes a face that says he disagrees, but Ben talks again.
"Besides, you didn't exactly have an easy time either, I imagine." He says it softly, a little quieter.
They've never really spoken about it, the focus of that year's events mostly on what happened to Ben, but it had crossed his mind that going to Pride, closeted, engaged to a woman, probably didn't do Callum's state of mind any good.
"Easy, no," Callum says, "but it was helpful in the end."
Ben turns his head to look at him, a questioning look on his face.
"I stood in a crowd as a drag queen sang Heather Small's 'Proud'," Callum smiles at the memory, "one arm around Whitney, tears in my eyes. It was surreal, but I think something clicked inside then, even if it took me a while to actually get there."
Ben brushes a hand through Callum's hair. "You never told me that."
Callum presses his lips together. "Bernie looked so happy, and free, like she belonged, and I envied that so much then."
Ben twists his empty cup around in his hand. "How does it feel now?"
Callum drinks the last of his cocktail. "Better. Lighter."
Ben smiles at him.
"For the record," Callum says then, "what you like about them," he points a thumb to the crowd beneath them, "that's what I've always admired about you."
Ben quirks an eyebrow. "What, my ability to pull off hotpants and glitter?"
Callum stands up fully now, as does Ben, facing him as he puts a hand on Ben's waist.
"Whilst I won't dispute that, I meant the defiance. The strength to be who you are and not let anyone take that from you, as hard as some may try."
Ben smiles, throwing an arm around his neck and getting on his toes to kiss Callum.
He tastes like fruit, sugar and cheap rum.
Ben pulls back briefly, a breathy grin, mirroring Callum, staying close.
"Pride looks good on you."
Callum pulls him back in, arms tightening around his waist.
Ben could live in this feeling forever.
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cowboybuckleys · 3 years
Happy Birthday, Mel! I hope you have the best day! 🎂🎁🌺🥰
thank you!! i've officially got cake to eat now, my day has been made :D :D :D
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dingletragedy · 4 years
prompt 11: are you sure about this, please.
When Callum steps out of the shower that morning, the sun is just beginning to claw its way over the city, heat filling the tiny bathroom as it blazes orange and bright. There’s a note stuck to the back of the door in Ben’s loopy handwriting.
Don’t be too long, I’ve got your favourite breakfast on the go. Ben xx
Callum towels at his hair and quickly dries himself off, grabs for Ben’s dressing gown from one of the hooks on the door, the soft grey one that he’s come to love. 
At this time, their tiny kitchen is dusted in a blush of pinks and oranges, the sunlight waiting idly at the window. Ben’s skin glows in the light, a constant flush clinging to his cheeks, his collarbones and his elbows and knees. Even after all these years, he’s the most gorgeous thing Callum’s ever seen. The sky, with its sun and moon and star, ain’t got nothing on Ben.  
Ben doesn’t say much when Callum shuffles into the kitchen for breakfast, but Callum doesn’t think anything of it, his boyfriend won’t ever be a morning person. Instead, he just hums a quiet sound of appreciation as he eyes Callum’s attire and plates his breakfast up. Pancakes, with a heap of Nutella. 
“Your table manners are horrendous,” Ben says, as Callum wipes a lump of chocolate from his bottom lip, and then he’s standing up, picking up the newspaper on the counter before sitting back down across from Callum again and pushing it towards his plate. “Here, read this.”
“Uh, thanks,” Callum says, placing it off to the side of the table. “Why?”
“Hey, you’re supposed to actually read it, y’know,” Ben frowns.
“But I’m not finished eating yet,” Callum says slowly, his eyes slow and steady on Ben’s as he forks at his pancakes and then bites off a piece.
“No, Cal, come on,” Ben says, picking up the paper again and pushing it towards him. “There’s this really hilarious bit at the back, you know, on that announcements page, some lad in the dog house, trying to apologies to his wife. Classic, I’m telling you.”
“Alright, alright,” Callum makes a face, laughs despite himself, eyes bright and smile a little mischievous, bitten down between his teeth.
He flips open the newspaper, keeps flipping and flipping until he’s near the back, because that’s where Ben said the funny bit was.
“I still ain’t sure anything more important than food,” He says, and he can feel Ben’s eyes on his face, skin burning with something anticipated. 
“Just—just read it, will you?” 
Callum sticks his tongue out at Ben, but does as he’s told because it’s Ben, and if Ben thinks he’ll like it, he knows he will. Scanning down the page, he starts to grin because there it is, right there in small print beside a little turquoise bullet point.
Callum reads it out loud, following the words with his finger.
“To my wonderful wife Lily, I would like to apologies for forgetting to feed your seven—seven—beloved goldfish whilst you were away. I’ll make it up to you,” Callum finishes, and then he grins. “Oh, Joe in Manchester really is in the dog house, ain’t he? This is gripping news, honestly, thanks for sharing.”
“Shut up,” Ben laughs, eyes glowing, skin flushed. “Keep reading. There’s more.”
“Alright,” Callum sighs, moving onto the next one. It takes a moment for him to remember where he left off, but then his finger is back on the words, and his voice is falling out into the room, slow and sleepy. 
“Callum,” he starts, and then pauses, his eyebrows furrowing together in concentration. “Uh, I can’t imagine my life without you. And I don’t want to, either. Will you marry me?” He finishes, eyes burning and blurring all the words and colours together, white noise filling his ears, heart in his throat. “It says, from Ben—Ben in Walford.” 
When Callum dares to glance up, Ben is looking down at the ground, fingers pulling on a loose thread of table cloth, shaking, his chest rising and falling steadily, mouth pressed in a thin line. It’s as the first few chords of You & Me Song start to crackle through the speaker, that he finally speaks.
“Sounds like a charmer, that Ben.” 
“Ben,” Callum says, his voice slow, choked and thick, as he glances back down at the paper, running his finger over the words again. Will you marry me, marry me, marry me. “Ben, look at me?”
And, with that Ben lifts his eyes back to Callum’s own, gentle and warm, dampening in the corners, with something behind, something new and so familiar all at once. Callum feels everything around him go a little fuzzy, the second they look at each other, the whole room turns into an electric field. He wonders if Ben can see how fast his heart is beating, how hard it’s thumping against his ribs.
“Yeah?” Ben whispers, so quiet and flushed. 
“Are you sure about this?”
Ben stays quiet for a moment, just watching Callum with careful, cautious eyes, full of stars. The stereo is still whistling behind them, sounds of you and me, always, and forever, filling the air, and a buzzing warmth runs through Callum, oozes from his heart into his limbs and fills the whole room.
“Yeah,” Ben says finally. “Yes, I want you in my life forever, Callum.” 
There’s a moment, then, suspended, where they’re just staring at each other with blinding smiles. Calum’s entire face hurts, his eyes leaking beyond his control now, but he can’t stop it, can’t push it down. He doesn’t want to.
“Marry me?”
Every single nerve ending in Callum’s body lights up, blood pulsing through him in a mad rush, a mad scramble, to process everything bright and unexpected, like fireworks. Because this doesn’t feel real, that’s the thing. He’s loved Ben for so long—loving him like he’d die if he didn’t, like he’d drown if he couldn’t. His love forBen was like a private constellation, at first, a star growing inside of his belly, bigger and bigger until the light spilt out onto his tongue. And the light stayed, shone brighter with each day, unable to hide itself from the world, and it’s here right now, and it’s making him nod, frantic and rushed like there isn’t enough time in the world for this moment. “Yes.”
“Yes?” Ben repeats, chokes a little, eyes widening, but his smile, well, it could power cities. 
“Yes,” Callum says again, just to taste it. And then he says it once more, just because, because it’s the answer to every question that Ben could ever ask. Will you always love me? Will you stay with me forever? And even past that? Yes, yes, yes. “Yes, I’ll marry you, Ben. Shit.”
The room seems to freeze when Callum speaks the words, and they just stare at each other for a moment, a moment that’s all silent and sun-filled, a clock ticking somewhere in the house, the music drowning out. Callum makes sure to catch everything, tucking pieces of this moment away in his memory, the shutter of his mind clicking in grainy snapshots—the way sunlight shifts over Ben’s face in soft patterns, his eyelashes casting shadows across his cheekbones, the stray tear tracking down his face like a pearl drop, his mouth is slightly parted, bottom lip bitten red raw with nerves. And suddenly, pathetically, Callum wants to kiss him, never stop kissing him.
Ben takes a step forward, says, “Cal,” and that’s all it takes, really.
They kiss messily, so fast, too fast, tongue and teeth and thudding hearts.
“I love you,” Callum chokes out. “Ben, you—you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
There’s that dizzy feeling again, like he’s on a slow-moving carousel and everything around him is blurring in and out of focus, leaving just him and Ben and the slow morning sun, him and Ben and the humming of the birds, him and Ben and the rest of their lives.
“I love you too,” Ben gasps out between kisses, pressing in hard. “I’ve wanted to do this for so long. Marry you.”
“Ben” Callum says again, because he can’t say anything else.
“You have no idea,” another searing kiss, a hot press of their bodies, “how much you mean to me.”
“How could I not?” Callum says, then he’s exhaling sharply as Ben bites at his bottom lip, laughing into Callum’s mouth as he kisses back, fast and then faster, Callum’s body becoming nothing but a kaleidoscope of sun and stars and blood, blood buzzing through his veins like static, buzzing in his ears, so loud that it’s nothing but a swimming sound that spells out Ben, Ben, Ben.
“Oh, wait—” Ben says, his voice sudden, rushed.
Callum blinks, frowning as Ben shoves his hand into one of his back pockets and pulls out a little black velvet box. Callum stares at it for a moment, and then the reality of everything rushes into place, and he laughs, loud and bold. “Ben—”
Ben makes a face. “It’s what I’m supposed to do, isn’t it?”
Callum nods, still giggling. “Well, yeah, but like—”
“Just shut up and give me your hand, would you? I don’t have all day.”
“Yes you do,” Callum says, but he holds out his hand anyways.
And there’s a moment where Callum literally thinks his heart stops.
It’s the moment when Ben opens up the ring box and the silver inside catches the light of the sun, and Callum suddenly realises that this is real, this is real life and he’s going to marry his best friend in the entire world.
“Shit,” Callum breathes, his voice barely a whisper.
“What do you think?” Ben asks suddenly, voice careful and cautious.
“What’s this on the side?” Callum questions, eyebrows furrowed down at the ring. 
“Oh,” Ben says, a flush flooding his cheek, he looks embarrassed, almost. “It’s our initials, look.”
B + C. Forever.
“Ben,” Callum says, a little dazed, mouth wet and eyes fuzzy. “That’s—I love it. It’s perfect. You’re perfect. I love you”
Ben smiles. “That’s good to know.”
When mouths touch again, and it’s molten, soft and melty and everything, Ben’s bottom lip caught wetly between Callum’s own. He has to let out a shudder of a breath, toes curling up so hard it hurts as Ben’s fingers gradually start to twist in his hair, pulling him closer. 
“I want this too, y’know, always have,” Callum starts as Ben’s lips leave a train down to his collarbone. Callum fists a hand in the back of his jumper, pulling him in close, close, closer. “I want you forever, in this life and maybe even the next one.”
“What d’ya mean, maybe?” Ben teases.
“If you still look as good, I mean,” Callum finishes.
“Hm,” Ben ponders, “well, I’d still love you if you were the sun, and I was the moon, y’know?” 
And that, that hits Callum right in the core of his heart, feels it twisting and thumping with emotion. He lets out a little huff of teary laughter, smiling blearily through it as Ben continues. With every word, he feels everything around him swirling, soaring. “You’ll never feel like you’re alone again, Callum,” eyes earnest and purposed, smiling around the words. “I’m your home, and you’re mine.” 
They’re forever, him and Ben. This moment, right now, began years ago, with that first look, that first touch, and they’ll be in this moment forever. There won’t ever be an end to this feeling, or an end to the two of them. Not even when they’re gone from the world, because Callum knows that whatever happens, they’ll find each other in every world, up in the sky with the rest of the stars or in the next life.
They’re forever, perpetual, infinite.
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babygirlgalitzine · 4 years
#18 from the fluff list for ballum, please 💖
i only want to see the light (that shines behind your eyes)
It was Ben's favourite thing, possibly in the world, how easily Callum blushes. It's something he recognised that Callum did from their very first kiss, even though his face was only illuminated by street lights and the moon. Since then, it's happened almost daily. Every single time Ben calls his boyfriend 'beautiful', his cheeks flush a shade of rosy pink; or when he presses a fluttery kiss to Callum's lips in public, his ears start to burn, growing darker by the second.
Callum hates it though. He always has. Ever since he was young, he's never liked how his face morphs from his normal shade to bright red, and he especially doesn't like how he can feel it happen every single time, as though there's no escaping it. That's why, whenever it happens now, he's fixated on looking anywhere but Ben, contorting his face into his body in an attempt to hide it.
Ben's sat on top of Callum, both of them hidden from the world underneath their bedsheets. It's warm, possibly too warm, but neither of them really care. Callum's hands are on Ben's waist, thumbs circling his skin, creating non-existent patterns over his flesh. There's lazy smiles on both their faces, somehow only just waking up from a deep sleep, even though they've been awake for a while. Ben's thighs are straddling Callum, placed at either side of his waist, and Callum can't help but look up at Ben through tired eyes. His hair is free of any products, having got into bed fresh out of the shower last night. It falls down against his forehead and curls into his eyes, but he doesn't have it in him to move his hands from on Ben's body, just to move his hair. 
Ben moves his hands from Callum's chest, and traces his fingers up to his cheek, gently pushing Callum's hair out of the way of his eyes. He curls it around near his ear, and pulls his hand away, admiring Callum. He really does look beautiful, even if he hates it when Ben calls him that. He's got a thin layer of stubble pushing out of his skin, having not had the energy to get out of bed, let alone shave. Faint freckles litter his skin, only ever really visible if you get close to him, unless the sun comes out and they become slightly more prominent. His eyes are a unique shade of blue, swirled in with green and a few flecks of golden yellow, brightening his eyes up. Ben leans down silently, putting his weight on his hands that are now positioned at either side of Callum's shoulders, and Callum must think he wants a cuddle, because his hands slide up from Ben's waist to crowd around his back, holding them both in place. He grins, feeling Callum's hands on his back, the warmth of his palms against his skin, reminding him off home, and suddenly Ben is so close to Callum and he loves it. He presses a swift kiss to Callum's nose, before moving to the side slightly, and his nose his brushing against Callum's cheek, lips puckered up to press against Callum's skin and can feel the heat exuding from him. 
He's blushing again.
Callum pushes his face against Ben's, trying to disguise his blushing cheeks, but Ben pulls back, sitting half up as he watches Callum intensely. He leans on just one arm, and puts his right hand on Callum's cheek, running his thumb over his burning skin, and he smiles. "I think it's adorable how easily you blush." Ben speaks softly. 
"I hate it." Callum groans, rolling his face sideways, trying to obscure his face from view.
Ben pushes his thumb under Callum's chin, and moves his face so that Callum's looking at him again. "I know you do, but I love it. I love knowing I'm the only one who gets to make you look like this." 
Callum rolls his eyes, a smile finding its way across his lips. "Shut up and kiss me."
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makesomehistory · 3 years
Happy Birthday, Marie, my love! I hope you've had the best of days! ❤️❤️❤️
Thank youu so much Yasi!!! I’m having a greaaaat day. Hope you’re doing good. ❤️
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amandaj718 · 3 years
Happy Birthday! I hope you have/had a wonderful day!
Thank you! 😊💕
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lucres · 3 years
Happy Birthday, meine Liebe! Ich hoffe, du hattest einen schönen Tag mit deinen Liebsten! ❤️❤️❤️
Omg Yasi 🥰 vielen Dank!
(Dass du dran gedacht hast ahhhhhhh 😭)
Es war wirklich schön, kleine Runde, gutes Essen, VIEL Kuchen 🥧
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miss-bookworm · 1 year
9 people you’d like to know more
Tagged by @first-kanaphan 🧡 thank you Jamie!!
Last Song: Want You Back by JU-NE (iKON)
Currently Watching: Stay With Me, My Lovely Liar, Wedding Plan, Be Mine Superstar, Laws of Attraction, Hidden Agenda; mainly asian dramas, it's been a while since i watched anything else
Currently Reading: The Villa of Dreams by Lucy Coleman but it's not really going anywhere
Current Obsession: asian dramas i guess. also, zerobaseone. i was watching boys planet and i already loved them there but since their debut i've been slightly obsessed. another thing, zucchini soup 😄 i eat it every day and it's still the best thing ever
Not sure if I have 9 people to tag but anyway
@omarandjohnny @yasisworld @strongboyfriends @inloveamateursatbest @miraklealigner @kellykadesperate
(as always feel free to ignore)
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minimitchell · 4 years
✨Blog Appreciation Day✨
i got @yasisworld for blog appreciation day so let me tell you a few things about yasi and her blog:
what i love about their blog🌸:
honestly such a well-organized multifandom blog, filled with amazing shows, movies, books and quotes. everything is tagged so even if you don’t like something, you can blacklist it (even though i don’t know why you would, her taste is chefs kiss). the pale blue is such a pretty choice as a background color and i love the minimalistic theme.
what i love about them🌺:
yasi is honestly such a sunshine! she’s always so positive and friendly, but she also isn’t afraid to say it like it is. she’s such an amazing and versatile fic writer as well and chances are your favorite ballum fic was written by her (because mine was!). she also has impeccable taste in books and actually inspired me to read a few books she reblogged, for which i’m eternally grateful. she’s nice to everyone and makes it so easy to feel welcomed in this fandom.
in conclusion, yasi not only has a great and organized multifandom blog but she also has such a great personality! i really advise you to follow her (if you didn’t already) and show her your love because she definitely deserves it!💖
oh, and definitely read all of her amazing fics!✨
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mr-merlin · 4 years
that merlin/medici edit? i actually started crying when i saw it and it took me a while to calm down enough to reblog it. it's perfect! 💖💖💖
That’s so sweet!! Totally relatable with the crying! Thank you so much, we’re so glad you like it 💖💖💖
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