Essentially the clearest observational evidence to exist of the harms of porn to viewers.
They got internet in September and men are already addicted to porn and have become more sexually aggressive (euphemism for rapey and violent) with women.
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um...guys...I'm starting to think that some of you don't like homosexuals very much :/
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Girl get's admitted to mental health ward due to trauma from rape gets raped by 13yr old male patient. She was not helped despite staff being aware of what was happening.
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I'm so horrified by what happened to this girl in a place where she was supposed to be to safe and given help to heal from her previous sexual assault. She is unable pursue legal action due to the severity of the trauma the rapist caused her as well as the legal process itself. She would be required to admit herself in that same hospital in order for them to monitor her mental wellbeing during the case.
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I can't find anything to express the rage I felt when I first of this case.
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men are horrific creatures
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When States Convert Homosexuals
At first glance, one might think that the patients of youth trans clinics only have one thing in common: they are trans. However, several studies show a much more complex picture.
The vast majority of young people seeking treatment at trans clinics are homosexual or have one or several neuropsychiatric diagnoses. Most come from a highly educated family and 41 per cent previously identified as gay or bisexual. 62.5 per cent of girls in a British study had previously been diagnosed with a psychiatric or neuropsychiatric illness. Anorexia is especially common, as are ADHD, depression and trauma. The figures are nearly identical in other countries: 60 per cent of patients at transgender clinics in Sweden and Norway suffer from complex mental health needs. Similarly, a US study found 44 per cent of girls aged three to 12 diagnosed with a gender dysphoria who did not undergo hormone treatment turned out to be lesbian or bisexual in their teens. A 2011 Dutch study followed up 77 children referred to a gender dysphoria clinic when they were aged eight and obtained similar results: the majority later turned out to be gay or bisexual. This was overwhelmingly true for boys, 46 per cent of whom no longer had gender dysphoria in their teens. Around half of the participants later identified as gay and, of those whose gender dysphoria persisted, all were in gay or bisexual relationships. The researchers, [Peggy] Cohen-Kettenis among them, were obliged to draw conclusions in complete contradiction of their previous work:
"Most children with gender dysphoria will not remain gender dysphoric after puberty. Children with persistent GID are characterized by more extreme gender dysphoria in childhood than other children with desisting gender dysphoria. With regard to sexual orientation, the most likely outcome of childhood GID is homosexuality or bisexuality."
[...] The studies mentioned were all conducted prior to the tremendous increase in teen gender dysphoria. A fundamental flaw is that around 30 per cent of participants did not respond to follow-up questionnaires. Therefore, it is impossible to state with any certainty how they felt and why. Yet one thing is clear: it is above all gay children and teenagers who are taken to gender reassignment clinics. Through injections and later surgery, they are made to resemble members of the opposite sex. In other words, to look heterosexual. The boy who behaves 'effeminately' and is taken to a clinic at age eight, is made into a girl and probably sterilised in the process. Here are the words of a mother of an 11-year-old boy:
"We gave him the idea. He liked wearing dresses and then we read in the paper that one could be born in the wrong body. We thought we were helping him. We didn't understand it would lead to this. We confused being feminine with being a girl."
– Kajsa Ekis Ekman (2023) On the Meaning of Sex: Thoughts on the New Definition of Woman, pp. 144-6.
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jail💀you’re just an outrageous man, who is dangerous for women. please, isolate yourself, you’re actually dangerous
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My statistics database
Up to 1 in 10 men are serial rapists (2013 study, usa based)
Women are victims of 80% of sexual assault cases (2017-2022, england and wales)
Men are perpetrators in 98% of sexual assault cases (2017-2022, england and wales)
Men are perpetrators of 98% of mass shootings (1982-2023 december, usa based)
Men are suspects in 91% of homicides (2011-2022, england and wales)
Women are victims in 82% of domestic violence cases (2020, england and wales)
48% of transwomen (amabs) in usa prisons are there for sexual offences (2021, usa based)
59% of transwomen (amabs) in uk prisons are there for sexual offences, compared to the 16% of cis men (2021, uk based)
This database is always updating!
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“no one pressures gnc people into identifying as trans!”
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A teenage boy in the middle of the night found his father holding a brick over his unconscious mother on the kitchen floor. "I'm not going to stop until she's dead," the father, in his late 30s, told his son. The man ... smashed a window to enter the house ... hit his wife's head against a wall and repeatedly stomped and kicked her head, leaving her unconscious. The husband cut off her waist-long hair with a kitchen knife and left it on the bench [and] had repeatedly smashed his wife's face into kitchen tiles because he suspected she was cheating on him. The man had no prior criminal record. However, he did have an apprehended domestic violence order (ADVO) imposed on him. ... The Herald's analysis of ADVO's over a five-year period has found a rise in the number of offenders breaching ADVOs even amid a police crackdown [up 35% between 2019 and 2023], while punishments are becoming less severe [fines increased as a proportion of punishments from 12% to 21% between 2019 and 2023].
Domestic violence is so prevalent that, once a week, local courts dedicate an entire courtroom just to hearing DV offences (which they call 'DV day). The average DV hearing only takes 10-20 minutes, so you can imagine how many hundreds of men are have been charged with DV offences (and the key word here is 'charged,' because many women never contact the police, and so many men are never charged).
It's so prevalent that judges, prosecutors, and defendants don't even seem to take it seriously - I've seen a judge and defendant mock a victim's family, I've seen defendants turn up in old clothes full of holes and sports gear, I've seen prosecutors forget to bring court documents because of the sheer volume of DV cases.
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i just got a message from my aunt sending me this link. my heart goes out to all the victims, the six stabbed and the one murdered. note that when it says girls, it means literal children. the youngest was NINE.
i'm honestly having a really hard processing this, the perpetrator was someone i knew. we went to the same church for over a decade and our families went camping together. my aunt said he was on fentanyl and LAUGHING while he stabbed them. i feel sick.
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A breakdown of the abstract (full study unfortunately behind paywall):
The survey sample was 68 trans men.
69.1% of the sample had storage symptoms: "Storage symptoms are those affecting the ability to effectively store urine, and can include urgency, frequency, incomplete bladder emptying, and nocturia [bed wetting]."
52.9% had sexual dysfunction, and close to half experienced pain when they orgasmed.
45.6% had anorectal symptoms: This is a broad term describing any condition involving the rectum and anus, but in this context probably means both fecal incontinence and constipation.
39.7%. had flatal incontinence: the inability to hold in farts.
Out of 68 trans men, 94.1% had pelvic floor dysfunction and 86.7% had "urinary symptoms".
So out of 68 trans men, about 4 suffered no pelvic symptoms.
Out of 68 trans men, 9 had no urinary symptoms (so far).
Back to the user who asked me yesteday what percentage of trans men live in chronic pain—this study says basically 100%. And yet no one hears about it!! The nature of these symptoms is inherently shameful, and you can understand why most trans men will not admit they are suffering. They might not even know just how common among their peers such suffering is.
Imagine being incontinent at 19, 20, 30, when you are psychologically estranged your genitals. Imagine feeling pain in your uterus every time you orgasm when you'd like to imagine you have no uterus at all. The deeper you go into medical transition, the more your body screams, and the more you are compelled to ignore it, or to deal with it utterly alone.
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tired of pretending cis girls deserve any respect, i should be allowed to walk up to a couple in public and just grab one of them by her hair and push her down onto her knees pulling my cock out from under my skirt and slapping it against her cheek as she looks up in disbelief over what's happening, and then grabbing her head as the girlcock gets further pushed down her throat and she starts to cry, bystanders gathering with phone cameras out pointing and laughing at this cis slut her friend having to obey as i order her to come closer so i can make out with her and grope her tits
and then afterwards, collaring them and dragging them to my place on a leash... they might be upset a bit giving up their old lives, but a trans girl raping cis girls in public is no different than adopting a stray animal right? It's fine~ ill make sure they live a good life~ they'll never be allowed to wear anything more than a bikini ever again and will be eating out of dog bowls and sleeping in cages but it won't take long before they realize this is the life they were born for, servicing a real woman
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Exhibit 2754
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