support · 5 years
Everything ok?
If you or someone you know is a victim of abuse, please contact:
The National Domestic Violence Hotline (Text “Start” to 88788 )  RAINN (online chat)
Trained advocates are available 24/7 to take your call.
For international resources, please try IASP.
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nando161mando · 16 hours
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l34v3bru1s3s3 · 1 day
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TW!!!!This post is a huge vent, it contains SH, Rape, abuse, attempts (suicide!) and more. Please don’t read if you’re sensitive to these things!!
Sigh. I wanna get this shit off my chest. If you’re one of my friends, srry TwT
I’ve been stuck in a cold empty place since I was 7. 7, the pure, ripe age of seven. I was a fucking child. That man. That damn man. I was seeing therapy already. How could he think that putting his hands on a child, especially like that was ok. Children remember EVERYTHING. You do one wrong thing and it’ll be stuck with them forever. So why’d you do it? You make me feel disgusting- horrible- at this point you’re a huge cause of most of my mental issues! I feel your nasty- dirty hands on my body when I take a shower- when I go to sleep- when I do almost anything. From that day that you thought it was ok to rape a child. I have been suffering. I attempted that following night. God forbid how I knew what to do, yet I didn’t. If only it wasn’t an old, weak jump rope.
And it’s not just you- now just him. My dad. My fucking dad. Some people don’t even have one! Most love theirs! But I HATE mine. Fucking hell- I’d kill him! Ever since I can remember he’s hit me- cut me- slapped me- even went to the extent of pouring a pot of boiling water on my leg! I hate him. He tells me to kill myself. I did attempt to once. I was then put in a mental hospital for 6 months. Even that place was better then this.
I’ve cut myself almost every damn week if not everyday. Because of you two, my cousins, my family, my “friends”, my lovers, people who I TRUSTED.
this has gotten to the point where I want someone to hurt me. I want someone to care at the same time though. I want a lover who would literally, and genuinely destroy me further, put me to the point where I can barely breath because I’m on the verge of death. And then care for me, take care of me till they can do it again. Because they care enough to not let me die. But then I also want someone I can genuinely trust with everything. EVERYTHING. I wanna be able to tell them things. I don’t wanna be scared to say something to them. I wanna be loved, genuinely loved and cared for.. I want help.
I just wanna tell someone.
I want professional help. But it scares me. No matter who it is. Even the school counselors.
but now I’m moving. From the one person I trusted irl, I trusted her, I really truly did, at least I saw her before I left that damned school building. Even more, we hugged. Fuck, it felt nice to be hugged by someone I genuinely trusted. But now I’m moving. Even if it’s just farther away, I might end it all. I wanna end it all. No one. NO ONE.
I don’t have that many people anymore. That I’m willing to talk to this about anyways. Only 2 others- fuck. No matter what they say, it scares me. IT FUCKING SCARES ME to talk to them.
I’m done yapping for now ig- sigh help me.
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ashens-thoughts · 2 days
No one ever says acid can be slow. You always see that fast stuff. The ones that dissolve so quick there’s only a couple seconds for pain before it’s all over. But I never saw any like that.
The acid I know is painfully slow. It’s the type to chew through your skin and muscles like it’s savoring a meal. That pain is so blinding, you don’t really grasp how much of your meat is gone at any point. By the time it reaches bone, you only know pain and you’re convinced all you have ever known is pain.
It makes a person surprisingly receptive. They’re so busy with the pain, they can’t think to stop someone from doing anything to them. It’s quite simple to put their heads outside the acid while the rest of them soaks. By the time the screaming stops, they can’t think to fight.
It’s beautiful to watch people run through every emotion they can before giving up and becoming one with the pain. There’s nothing more beautiful than someone covered in dried sweat and tears with a slack, unresponsive expression. Like dolls, existing only to be played with.
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madi-144 · 2 days
They closed the door
They left me alone
And made me believe
That I was the criminal after all
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hadesoftheladies · 2 days
“men need to be taught about consent—” babe they know. it’s literally part of the appeal that they violate you against your will. that’s literally the part that turns them on.
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I overheard a bunch of dudes discussing how a man who hired a sex worker then tried to pay with monopoly money was charged for rape. They believe he should have been charged for shoplifting.
Hoo boy.
1. A sex worker is providing a service, not a product. If we are taking the money angle, this is more like refusing to pay the plumber.
2. How do these guys not get that this is coercive rape? They entered into a contract: sex for money, and she fulfilled her part of the contract, only for him to present monopoly money. That shows he never intended to pay her. He wanted sex without any effort or cost. He tricked her into providing her service for free. She did not consent to providing sex for free. I understand its hard for man to understand this as rape in the traditional sense but dammmnnnn.
A sex worker is not an object. Fkn shoplifting?? Seriously??
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appet1te · 3 days
it wasn't abuse though. he would constantly tell me he could change my mind and wouldn't leave me alone even after i told him i was a lesbian but it wasn't abuse. he would touch my boobs and my ass and my thighs in class when movies would come on so it was dark and i couldn't cause a scene but it wasn't abuse. he sent me explicit snapchats that he said were meant for his girlfriend but it wasn't abuse. he would come up to me in group settings and press his hard dick against me but it wasn't abuse. i have nightmares of him raping me in the backseat of his car during a cast party but it wasn't abuse AND i'm probably making that up and lying about it even though i can still physically feel it in my body and he's in my head and i look him up on instagram and think about reaching out, think about following him, think about apologizing. for what? i don't know.
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bakrishna · 3 days
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trump666traitor · 3 days
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ellaintrigue · 3 days
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On a Monday
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I don't get why people are so not willing to talk about rape
I was abused I wasn't raped I'm glad that never happened to me but I find it infuriating that as an personal example
I was being triggered by everyone victim blaming this one fictional dude when I was going threw another servere truama in realife and they sorta merged together
But to not go an an tangent about this why is that talking about any other type of abuse is just a casual thing to do but the minute you mention rape especially male rape it's considered such an icky subject
I've used male rape twice in my art and fanfictions, I didn't use them outta the blue both times there were plothreads that made this more likely to happen
With the one mentioned above he is not human he was forced to reproduce in a different way then us mammals do
Yet because he's a not human and male identified people don't see what happened to him as rape
With the guy way before him his own literal daddy decided to bone his female children
Why is the idea of the father fucking his male children not seen as such an obvious thing, I didn't react as badly because the fandom that other time weren't as harassy
Both dudes got depicted as tough and evil, they didn't fit what people see as rape victims so they didn't count
Rape being excluded from conversations affects the gal's as well
Not all femmine stories involve rape but since it is more likely to happen to women,women's stories are more likely to be censored out of existance because of it being "contraversal"
So why censoring the reality of rape ain't helping anyone even kids (If you haven't even taught your kids the nono square they shouldn't be on the internet)
Why is it I spent so much time being triggered by them casually calling this dude abuser but the minute I bring up that he got raped
I all of a sudden the most vile person ever
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radiofreederry · 5 days
Chris chan deserves her jail time for raping her mother tho...
immaterial to the point being made, and also the fact that you're calling her that makes me completely uninterested in anything you have to say
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ashens-thoughts · 5 days
Played Miss Inconspicuous Maid Girl Cleaning Co with the Breadman and had a fun time. Gave the same vibes of DDLC when I saw it so I thought we’d enjoy. It was very fun. Stomach-turning at certain points and I could really empathize with the protagonist trying to pretend everything was normal because she just couldn’t handle the bad things. Great ending and Miss/Ellie 4ever.
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gwydionmisha · 5 days
CW: Rape.
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