nobodycallsmerae · 3 days
i iove how damian in ship art is just like so hot and ripped and gorgeous and omg you're soo fiineee but in batbro art he's just so smol and tiny and let me pet you mwah mwah mwah
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ktkat99 · 8 months
Anytime Damian is upset with Alfred for whatever reason, he does thing that he THINKS normal rebellious kids do.
Dick- Damian, what are you doing
Damian, not even looking up- Pennyworth grounded me from patrol until I've recovered. Therefore, I am playing my DS on the couch all day.
Dick- Wow. Really sticking it to the man, aren't you?
Damian- I could be reading a book right now. Something that could benefit my future. But nooooo. I'm acting out.
Jason- Dude, just stop
Damian- Why? We all know his favorite part of dinner preparation is chopping the vegetables. Imagine his face when he finds that everything has already been diced to perfection?
Jason- ... I'm going to have to teach you how to egg houses, aren't I?
*Taylor Swift playing over the speakers throughout the entire manor*
Bruce- Alfred, what's with the music?
Alfred- Master Damian intends to annoy me into letting him patrol tonight.
Bruce- And you... don't like Taylor Swift?
Alfred- He believes that we all enjoy Bach as much as he does.
Alfred- Master Dick is currently convincing his other siblings to take the opportunity to throw a dance party
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sodamnbored · 2 months
Damian, entering the living room: Oh, Drake. I didn’t realise you were here too.
Tim, distracted on his phone on the couch: Yeah, best WiFi around. Keeping busy?
Damian, looking in cupboards and chandeliers for acrobatic older brothers: Looking for Dick.
Tim absently, not looking up from Grindr: Mm, me too.
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mylifeingotham · 2 months
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superbat-love · 10 months
Bruce: [sighs] Tell me why we agreed to do this again?
Clark: The kids love haunted houses and you promised that you’d join them on all the rides here. Besides, this way we can watch over them.
Bruce: I’d be more concerned for the ghosts in there than the kids honestly.
Clark: Come on, it’s our turn next.
Bruce: Clark, why are you holding on to my arm?
Clark: Umm, so you won’t get lost in the dark?
Bruce: [stares] I’d be a pretty ineffective crime fighter if I do. You’re not…scared, are you?
Clark: No!
Bruce: Right…Clark, you can see anyone coming from a mile away and you can bench press this entire place, what’s there for you to be scared of?
Clark: Well…
Bruce: I’m scarier than any of the ghosts in there.
Clark: You’re right. Okay, I feel so much better now. Let’s go in!
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vivianthepigeon · 7 months
Dick: As your best friend-
Jason: you’re not my best friend.
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momachan · 4 months
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"Jason! -You said I could drive."
Nightwing 2021 Annual (2021): #1. "Blood Brothers."
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mishacollins · 1 year
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Let’s grip these shows tight and raise them from perdition. #SaveTheWinchesters #RenewGothamKnights
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raventhedarkqueen · 1 year
Batboys getting into the Batmobile
Damian: I'm driving.
Dick: No, I’m driving.
Jason: Shotgun!
Tim: You got shotgun last time.
Jason: No, I have a shotgun *pumps gun* and I want the front seat.
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Think about the quality of Gotham schools. Bruce can't have all his kiddos go to the same school because that would be too sketchy (and he doesn't want them pulling shananagans or bullying eachother at school) so some of them ended up at a public school. The amount of shit the batkids would pull and Bruce would pay the school off not to expell them.
"Like oh, Jason beat up seven kids, how does a new gymnasium sound." "Did Grayson throw food on a kid that made fun of his name, it's fine, I bet your teachers could use new science supplies." "Is Cass cursing out classmates in ASL, well I bet improving those elevators so the ADA doesn't get on your ass is useful."
Bruce at parent-teacher conferences would be next level. Like a checkbook in hand, lawyer on speed dial, and a helluva lot of caffeine to get through the night.
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justgowithitplease · 4 months
jason todd with the valentines day special pleasee
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It was Valentine's Day, yet Jason still had patrol. God you hated it. You couldn't have one night home with your boyfriend without it being disrupted or cancelled. Not even on the holiday of love. Fuck, even Bruce and Selina had taken the night off.
You were in yours and Jason's apartment, laying on your bed in the dark. The only light in the room was from your phone, which was filled with images from your friends Instagrams of their boyfriends and fiancé(e)s and husbands.
They were having an amazing night with fancy restaurants while you were worrying if your lover would make it back home or not.
You let your phone flop out of your hand and onto the bed as you reach to his side of the bed. Your fingers dig into his pillow as you drag it over to you. You hug it tightly, taking in a big breath to inhale the scent of rain and motorcycle grease. An odd yet comforting smell.
You slowly start to drift off to sleep, the warmth of the blankets and the darkness of the room pulling you into it's depths. Your breathing slows down as your eyelashes flutter, you finally sleeping.
An hour or so later, you're woken up by the familiar sound of military boots and kevlar hitting the ground. The door opens a few seconds later, revealing an exhausted looking Jason.
He's in black cargo pants made with kevlar woven in, and a long sleeved black shirt. His dark brown hair is ruffled and messy. The white stripe in the front of his hair is on the right side of his face instead of the left where it usually is.
"Jaybird?" You mutter sleepily, looking over at him as you rub sleep from your eyes
"...hi love..." he whispers softly "I gotta cut on my side. D'yah mind patchin' me up?"
You nod, getting up. You stand up and trudge over to the bathroom, flicking on the lights. Both yours and Jason's eyes squint from the sudden intrusion on your corneas.
Jason leans against the sink counter, you rummaging through the drawers. You pull out some hydrogen peroxide, gauze, and pre wrap you bought for things like this.
You turn on the sink and wet a square of gauze. You press it to the gash on the side of his ribs, getting rid of the dried blood crusting the shirt to his body. He helps lift his shirt up, keeping it off the wound as you clean it.
He's done this enough times, been beaten and cut so much the sting of the cleaner doesn't hurt. And he's not really one who's sappy, so he's never tell you this, but it hurts a little less when you're cleaning his wounds.
You put the gauze over his wound, wrapping pre wrap around his ribs to keep the gauze on. He takes off his shirt and replaces it with a spare green T-shirt from off the bathroom floor. He watches you put the med kit back, his grey eyes tracing you.
You walk out of the bathroom, flicking the lights off as you leave. You lift up the covers on the bed and crawl under, the warmth threatening to take you immediately if it weren't for Jason's weight appearing next to you.
As you two lay comfortably in the silence and darkness, Jason shifts over to lay his head on your chest and have his arms draped over your hips. His body heat soaks into you, pulling you deeper and deeper into the almost irresistible urge to sleep. The only reason you don't is because his whispers reach your ears before you can.
"You're so good to me." Jason whispers softly "Happy Valentine's Day love. Sorry it sucks."
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ktkat99 · 1 year
As someone who grew up with siblings, I just can't stop thinking about Nightwing and Red Hood getting into a fight in costume and Nightwing slapping his hand over Red Hood's mouth to get him to shut up, temporarily forgetting that he can still talk through the helmet, and Red Hood retaliating by trying to lick Nightwing's hand and accidentally just licking the inside of his helmet.
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sodamnbored · 20 days
Damian: And you would be Richard, I presume?
Dick, preening: I suppose Bruce and Alfred must talk about me all the time. What gave me away? The hair? My gymnast’s build? My rugged good looks? :D
Damian: Not really. I just know a Dick when I see one.
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mylifeingotham · 2 months
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waynefamilyreactions · 7 months
The Batfamily goes to Group Therapy
- How am I feeling? Like I want to be dead again.
- You mean depressed?
- Jesus Christ.
- Why can’t we leave again?
- Alfred locked the doors.
- I am too sober for this.
- I don’t have favourites I love all my kids the same.
- Oh please, Father, we have all made peace with the fact that Grayson is your favourite. He is also my favorite. Drake is last.
- How honest Can we be without being sent to the psychiatric?
- Ma’am please, I didn’t ask for this. I was adopted last.
- I refuse to stay here and listen to Drake talk about his issues.
- Daddy issues? Yes thank you we had not a fucking clue.
- I am sorry I can’t help being awesome all the time and that you’re all jealous of me.
- The day I am jealous of you Todd, please feel free to put me out of my misery.
- Maybe if I hold my breath for long enough I’ll pass out.
- I swear to God, Goldie if you post another picture on instagram stories of this shitshow, I will kill you…
- …I’ll kill you with kindness.
- Can we order pizza? We’ve been here for hours.
- it’s been only 45 minutes
- yes I second that.
- Vegan if you must.
- Alexa, How many apples do I have to eat to get Cyanide poisoning?
- come on brat we’ve been here for hours just say it.
- seriously ma’am I shouldn’t be here.
- Fine. Drake you are mediocre at best but Father could have done much worse. In fact he has. He adopted Todd.
- It’s not too bad we’ve done some improvement
- quick someone knock me out.
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vivianthepigeon · 7 months
Batfam as quotes from my life (with little to no context) pt 2
Bruce: “I was engaged 5 times by the time I was 19.”
Jason: “he’s probably snitching on you for talking to that boy”
Tim: *lets out the most blood curdling scream ever heard by human ears*
Tim: “name ONE nerdy thing about- I set the bar to low. NAME FIVE NERDY THINGS ABOUT ME”
Bruce to Damian: “what’s your middle name again?”
Cass walking into a room and turing to Dick: “don’t look like that.”
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