#central city rogues
ahfrickenfrick · 28 days
flash: kf said he had a school assignment and couldn’t come fight
the entirety of flash’s rogue gallery: oh well, we can always reschedule?? we know how much he likes chasing us… is there anything we can do to help? like we can tutor him, no problem at all:D
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mickroryapologist · 1 year
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The Flash Secret Files and Origins #2
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triscribeaucollection · 2 months
Hole in the Wall, Part 1
Lyle never needed to wonder ‘how did it come to this’. He could point back to the exact date and time of day, when the door of his small bar swung open, and all conversation between the handful of patrons died a sudden death.
Kid Flash, either bold as brass or too dumb to notice, walked right inside with his bright yellow costume and little red boots. To make matters worse, he dragged along a second, even smaller kid - though at least the boy with a cape seemed to have the good sense to look rightly alarmed. Most of the guys inside wore regular clothes, but off in one corner, Heatwave and Mirror Master were decked out in full gear, weapons obvious on the table between them, both men just as obviously staring at the two pipsqueaks with baffled suspicion.
Didn’t matter to the Kid, though. He came straight up to the bar’s counter dragging his buddy, and put on exactly the sort of great big grin Lyle’s nieces used when they were trying real hard to politely ask if they could break a rule. “Hi! Can we use your phone real quick?”
Lyle blinked. So did half his patrons. “...the phone.”
“Mmhm!” Kid Flash nodded towards the old landline Lyle kept up on the wall. “Our comms kinda got fried and Flash isn’t around, so-”
“KF,” his little friend hissed, casting a quick glance at the nearest guys, who made no effort to disguise how they were glaring right back.
“What? Dude, it’s fine-”
Getting over his shock, Lyle thumped a hand down onto the bar to draw their attention. “Phone’s only for paying customers.” Saying that, he cast a glare of his own around the room, saw how it immediately made most of the patrons ease back down. 
Kid Flash winced, turning an apologetic expression on his friend. The smaller boy sighed and grumbled something under his breath, but nonetheless pulled a crisp twenty dollar bill from one of his belt’s little pouches. “Do you have any soda?”
Lyle grabbed them a couple of root beers.
“Thanks. Keep the change.”
And with that, the boys became patrons themselves, and thankfully everybody else inside the bar understood Lyle’s biggest, firmest, ‘broken under no circumstances’ rule: no picking fights with other customers. Now, if someone came in to cause a scene, they either ignored Lyle or he flat refused to serve them, which lit the green light for the rest of the room to ‘escort’ the troublemaker to the door. But once money and drinks changed hands, that was that, everybody enjoyed their beverages in peace Or Else.
In the back corner, Mirror Master and Heatwave scooted their weaponry out of sight, but otherwise went back to sipping and swapping complaints like nothing happened. And slowly, the rest of the bar followed suit.
Kid Flash chugged down his root beer in five seconds flat, before letting out a belch that wasn’t half bad for a middle schooler. “Okay! Can I please use the phone now?”
Lyle tipped one shoulder up in a shrug. He stayed put as the Kid came around the far end of the counter, one eye on the smaller boy still fiddling with his own bottle. “Don’t have bars like this where you’re from, huh?”
“Oh, sure. But I’d get shot full of holes in ten seconds if I tried walking into one,” boy replied flatly. “Or grabbed and tossed into a box until Batman showed up.”
That gave Lyle pause. “You’re the Bat’s kid?”
The child who couldn’t have been more than ten, maybe twelve years old at a stretch, lifted one hand to wiggle his fingers in a wave. “Yep. Robin, nice to meet you.”
What the actual hell.
Following that new train of thought got derailed, though, as Kid Flash’s phone call went through. “Hey, it’s me! Look, I know you guys thought me and D- uh, Robin- were just gonna go do some normal stuff, but we kinda interrupted a bank robbery-” Ah, that was the job Miggen was talking about the day before, “-and we’re fine! But there might have been an EMP emitter around that went off, and our comms kinda aren’t working, and since I can’t carry Rob back and he doesn’t want us to just take a bus in our costumes-”
By this point Robin had dropped his head onto the counter, both hands still gripping his bottle of root beer. Age him up a bit and swap the drink for a beer, Lyle thought he’d fit right in with the usual I’m surrounded by idiots patrons who came in to groan about friends and co-workers at the end of a long week.
“-no, we left the backpack with our regular clothes on the other side of the bridge,” Kid Flash went on. “Well, yeah, I could, but- look, Rob is from Gotham, if I left him alone for ten minutes there’s no telling what would be on fire when I came back.”
Lyle almost snickered at the insulted expression on Robin’s face when he picked his head back up. A couple of other patrons also listening in did snicker, which just made the boy’s expression twist up even further.
“...where are we? Uh. So- do you, uh, remember that place Flash mentioned? The hole in the wall bar all the Rogues like to hang out at...?” Kid Flash abruptly pulled the phone away from his ear, wincing, and even from three steps away Lyle could hear a very loud voice on the other end.
“You are so dead,” Robin remarked.
“Shut up,” the Kid hissed back, before returning to his call. “I know, I know, but Rob bought us root beers and customers aren’t allowed to fight so it’s fine, we just- oh no. No, wait, you don’t need to-!” Lyle raised an eyebrow at the boy’s sudden panic. And understood it perfectly a moment later, when Kid Flash slumped in place and said in a very small voice, “Uh, hi Mom.”
Several more patrons in the bar snickered, or choked on their drinks, or otherwise looked like Christmas just came early. Robin’s head dropped back down onto the countertop.
“No. Yeah. Yes- I know that, but- yes, ma’am.” From what little of it Lyle could see, the Kid’s face appeared to be turning an even brighter shade of red than the color of his boots. “But I did do my homework!”
In the corner, Heatwave let out a startled bark of laughter, and Mirror Master went ahead and turned in his seat in order to watch the scene with a wide grin.
“That’s not due until next week!” Kid Flash continued to protest. “And it was on my desk, how did- you didn’t need to do that, I would have brought dishes down tonight!” The next pause dragged on, until the boy abruptly burst out, “Three WEEKS?!”
“I should’ve gone to bother Speedy instead,” Robin mumbled into the counter.
When I need a break from Inflicting Awful Things on my favorite boys in other fan fic stories, I of course turn around to instead Inflict Awful Things, Humor and Embarrassment Edition xD
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helene-art · 2 months
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I didn't know what to draw, so I did this..😭
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orion-nottson · 18 days
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my gay husband!!! i love you!! ❤️❤️😍😍😍😍 also i have made him... so Green,,, also also kept his silly polka dots ❤️❤️
piper is genuinely one of my fav dc characters, so drawing him was a lot of fun 😊
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calciumcryptid · 9 months
Maybe I'm built differently, but if I was tasked with making a Flash movie I'd just make a Central City Rogues heist movie with the Flash as an ominous presence they have to plan around.
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rayfishandchips · 27 days
just noticed sth
captain cold. Mirror master. weather wizard.
How come central city rogues are so into alliteration.
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spinnertop · 2 months
I think the rogues taught Wally how to pickpocket actually
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Mental image of the Rogues stumbling across a small speedster child in the wild and just backing away slowly with their hands up.
Doesn't matter what they were doing. They could've been in the middle of a heist that they painstakingly planned for months. They could've been at the grocery store in civvies. Doesn't matter.
For the Rogues, seeing a speedster child is like seeing a bear cub in the middle of the woods. You don't know where the fuck momma bear is but you sure as shit don't want to stick around to find out.
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longitudinalwaveme · 4 months
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I made game maps for my hypothetical Barry Allen and Wally West video games.
Barry's game primarily takes place in Central City, while Wally's game mostly takes place in Keystone.
Central City's map is based heavily on the one found in the DC RPG books of the late 1980s, but with some modification.
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frostise · 17 days
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notes: louise knows the rogues extremely well in central city because they all worked together a few times. her interactions will vary and she's closer to some members to even look out for them if they're in deep shit. at least in my interpretation. i purposely left out golden glider, pied piper and the top because she had zero interactions with them and mostly because i don't know them very well to come up with a headcanon.
captain cold (leonard snart): louise views herself as above him which showcases how arrogant she can be as a metahuman. she talked shit behind his back in the injustice game by saying 'i outrank him' and 'thank goodness for that' to flash when he said she's not captain cold. they never met in canon. but if they did? i think my louise would eventually come around to respect him if they worked through their tough exteriors and strong opinions outside of work. leonard also brought up about louise to green arrow about how he's the best ice user there is so it's all about their egos and infamous reputations. they'll definitely see each other as a challenge, but with time i can see these two getting along. their pride would slowly die down if they shared a beer at the villain's bar maybe? mutual respect. however that doesn't mean they're best buds. more like great buisness partners.
captain boomerang (digger harkness): her relationship with boomerang is vv obvious. she hates that smug bastard in the movie AND comics! but she knows the rogues golden rule they abide by: kill a member of the rogues and you're hunted for the rest of your life. louise is forced to tolerate his presence whenever he's around. she does think he's a loser because he acts like one. his gimmick is laughable at best! how's he even in the rouges? they'll backstab each other when the opportunity arrives at their doorstep! louise will never be interested in befriending this man. their dynamic forever remains circumstantial and unfriendly. maybe there's even a brief moment where they do get along but it's not very notable. however her respect for him will be brought out in the open since he deals with the flash. she's too prideful to admit this though.
weather wizard (mark mardon): she's actually friendly with mark. they played metropoly once and are show to be playful with their witty banters. they're 100% party buddies and old friends! loves to work with this guy the most, which is saying a lot but since he's her close friend, louise takes care of him in everyway she can. he's got financial problems? frost can cover him. he's got a problem with someone? she can kill/bully them. in return, wizard can easily protect frost by defending her actions if she ends up pissing off a member on his team. however that doesn't mean he'll condone her attitude. he will call her out on her bullshit which she respects.
trickster (axel walker): their dynamic in canon looks semi-friendly since they played 8 ball pool together. louise would agree with the rest of the rogues that he's a irritating piece of shit (to be fair though, he's a teenager trying to be a rogue in-training). i think they're friendly around each other because they know weather wizard personally. it's actually canon axel views the rogues as his father figures and may look up to louise because he lacks a female role model in his life (besides golden glider. she's like a mother figure to him). frost is deemed as a 'fancy champagne aunt' to him. she definitely complimented on his mohawk but he's still a fashion disaster!
mirror master (evan mcculloch): hates this bastard too. same treatment from boomerang except i see her actually respecting his powers because he's pretty scary when facing other heroes. but!! i don't ever see her respecting his overbearing pride and ego. i mean, he has the right to brag but holy shit does he never let down his barricade like she does. louise probably complimented him once and he didn't take it because he knows he's all that. but then again she's also arrogant because she thinks her compliments are a privilege to uphold like a golden metal. overall, they work together well. just not outside of work.
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goth-pod · 17 days
Hey Juda, I wanted to say a few things, well, just 2,
One; thank you for encouraging me to try and start my own podcast. am already getting excited just writing the scripts.
And two; do you think you have time for a small interview?
!!! Oh my goodness! Hello, Central City Pod!! This is insanely exciting news, welcome to the city podcast world! I am so honored that I could inspire someone to write, create, and share their own voice!
Second, I would be happy to help anyway I can! I'm not sure how interesting an interview with me would be, but I definitely can make some time to chat!
Good Luck Central City Pod!!!! I look forward to what you have in store!
- Juda
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mickroryapologist · 1 year
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Trickster and Pied Piper in Secret Origins (1986) #41
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triscribeaucollection · 2 months
Okay I'm still having fun with Lyle's POV in Two Sidekicks Walk Into a Villain Bar, so that's on the agenda again today and here's the first bit of my next installment:
First night the Kid hit the streets again in his new costume, he neatly turned the Top upside down, spun Golden Glider headfirst into a stop sign, then swiped one of Captain Cold’s guns and iced the man from the knees down. So of course, as soon as the speedster returned the uncut diamonds they’d been attempting to steal back to the jewelry store, Piper and Trickster nabbed him for a celebratory drink.
“I’m pretty sure this breaks the villain code of ethics, or something,” Kid laughed as the two of them pulled him into Lyle’s bar, grinning and unconcerned to be abruptly surrounded by crooks.
“Who cares, you’re back and better than ever!” Trickster cackled all the way up to the counter, and slapped down a trio of hundred dollar bills. Of Monopoly money.
The Kid rolled his eyes and put down some real cash, enough to cover drinks for all three of them. “Glider’s definitely going to care, when she gets over her headache.”
“She’ll groan and grumble along with her brother, and then tell you to at least take her out with something a little classier next time,” Piper snorted, sitting down so he and Trickster bracketed the Kid. “But more importantly - that was a neat move, with Top, where’d you pick it up?”
The blinding grin that took up residence on Kid’s face told Lyle exactly who he was about to mention even before he opened his mouth. “Something my girlfriend showed me a few days ago. She has gotten so much more badass while I was gone.”
Lyle set down a root beer, a cherry cola, and an orange soda in front of the three boys. “You two adjusting alright?”
“Pretty well, yeah. Getting the death certificate overturned and some other legal stuff straightened out has been way easier, since she’s done it before.” Kid took a sip of his root beer like that was a perfectly ordinary statement to make. Hell, for all Lyle knew, maybe it was with superheroes.
“Surprised you didn’t come back to a, ‘my girl dated and married and had a kid with someone else’ situation,” Piper said with a huff. “Isn’t that usually how it goes in the movies?”
The Kid winced. “Well...”
Trickster gasped dramatically, almost spilling his cola as he leaned into the speedster’s face. “Did she?!”
“No marriage, no kid, but- Red Arrow let me know she’d been dating another guy, first one since I, well, disappeared, but she broke things off with him the day after I got back.”
Piper let out a low whistle, and Trickster splayed both hands against his chest. “Awww, it’s true love! I demand you two invite me to the wedding, and I wanna see all the little Arrow-Flash babies!”
Kid snorted, his cheeks turning pink. “Just for that, I might just drop Flash’s twins on you one of these days.”
The new Kid had mentioned them, a few times, little boy and girl already running around with their daddy’s superspeed. Lyle braced an arm against the counter and leveled his best glare. “Not in my bar, you’re not.”
All three boys burst out laughing.
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helene-art · 1 month
Hello (⁠〃゚⁠3゚⁠〃⁠)
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orion-nottson · 4 days
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i'm not overly proud with how mark turned out, but at least he's nowhere near as disastrous as the Digger Incident 💀
i also had a moral dilemma in choosing if i wanted to go more comic-esque or DCAU-esque, considering his two designs are INCREDIBLY different. obvi i ended up going with a comics inspired design for this piece ❤️ i'm thinking if i feel up to it, i'll do mark's DCAU iteration as well :3
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