-morgenroete- · 2 years
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saw first 7 episodes of sandman today. this is my takeaway so far.
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-morgenroete- · 3 years
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Some of the backgrounds I did for our film SUNDOWN 
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-morgenroete- · 3 years
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Inspired by Suitor Armor
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-morgenroete- · 3 years
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*shows up late to the party with bad jokes*  {inspired by this post}
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-morgenroete- · 3 years
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Okay I’m done now.
{Part 1 2 3}
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-morgenroete- · 8 years
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my two moods
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-morgenroete- · 8 years
23 Emotions people feel, but can’t explain
Sonder: The realization that each passerby has a life as vivid and complex as your own.
Opia: The ambiguous intensity of Looking someone in the eye, which can feel simultaneously invasive and vulnerable.
Monachopsis: The subtle but persistent feeling of being out of place.
Énouement: The bittersweetness of having arrived in the future, seeing how things turn out, but not being able to tell your past self.
Vellichor: The strange wistfulness of used bookshops.
Rubatosis: The unsettling awareness of your own heartbeat.
Kenopsia: The eerie, forlorn atmosphere of a place that is usually bustling with people but is now abandoned and quiet.
Mauerbauertraurigkeit: The inexplicable urge to push people away, even close friends who you really like.
Jouska: A hypothetical conversation that you compulsively play out in your head.
Chrysalism: The amniotic tranquility of being indoors during a thunderstorm.
Vemödalen: The frustration of photographic something amazing when thousands of identical photos already exist.
Anecdoche: A conversation in which everyone is talking, but nobody is listening
Ellipsism: A sadness that you’ll never be able to know how history will turn out.
Kuebiko: A state of exhaustion inspired by acts of senseless violence.
Lachesism: The desire to be struck by disaster – to survive a plane crash, or to lose everything in a fire.
Exulansis: The tendency to give up trying to talk about an experience because people are unable to relate to it.
Adronitis: Frustration with how long it takes to get to know someone.
Rückkehrunruhe: The feeling of returning home after an immersive trip only to find it fading rapidly from your awareness.
Nodus Tollens: The realization that the plot of your life doesn’t make sense to you anymore.
Onism: The frustration of being stuck in just one body, that inhabits only one place at a time.
Liberosis: The desire to care less about things.
Altschmerz: Weariness with the same old issues that you’ve always had – the same boring flaws and anxieties that you’ve been gnawing on for years.
Occhiolism: The awareness of the smallness of your perspective.
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-morgenroete- · 8 years
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-morgenroete- · 8 years
Places where reality is a bit altered:
• any target • churches in texas • abandoned 7/11’s • your bedroom at 5 am • hospitals at midnight • warehouses that smell like dust • lighthouses with lights that don’t work anymore • empty parking lots • ponds and lakes in suburban neighborhoods • rooftops in the early morning • inside a dark cabinet
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-morgenroete- · 8 years
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-morgenroete- · 8 years
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Watch: Gabby Noone explains how “White Feminists” are like men who say #NotAllMen  
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-morgenroete- · 8 years
So viel Schlaf brauchen wir wirklich
Ob schlaflose Nächte, schlechter Schlaf oder zu viel des Guten – zu wenig Schlaf macht krank, doch auch mehr als neun Stunden in der Nacht können uns schaden.  
Wieviel Schlaf uns gut tut, ist tatsächlich eine äußerst persönliche Angelegenheit. Denn der Schlafbedarf ist bei jedem anders und vielfach genetisch bedingt. Doch zu wenig davon schwächt das Immunsystem und beschädigtes Gewebe wird nicht mehr repariert. 
Darüber hinaus soll unzureichend Schlaf auch Auswirkungen auf den Stoffwechsel haben: Wer nicht genug schläft, hat ein höheres Risiko, an Diabetes zu erkranken oder übergewichtig zu werden – ganz abgesehen vom fehlenden Erholungsfaktor.
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Doch es gibt Vorgaben, nach denen man sich richten kann, um morgens ausgeruhter und fitter in den Tag zu starten. Die US-amerikanische National Health Foundation hat im aktuellen „Sleep Journal“ neue Richtlinien herausgegeben. Hiernach kann jeder für sich feststellen, ob er und seine Lieben optimal schlafen:
Keep reading
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-morgenroete- · 8 years
Beauty-Hacks, die Sie im Schlaf schöner machen
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-morgenroete- · 8 years
“ummmmm ur bra strap is showing :/ ”
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-morgenroete- · 8 years
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I see this kinda advice passed around all the time here is the thing: shading with black will indeed look bad if you don’t know what you are doing. However, telling people not to do things without explaining why is terrible advice.
Shadows are the opposite of light, this includes in colour.
This means that if you have light in one colour, the shadow will be of the opposing hue, saturation, and value.
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Unless the object is white, it has its own local colour -  the object’s true colour, how it would appear if the light were pure white.
The colour of the light influences the local colour of the object. so if you had yourself a brown cube and a blue light, the colours would get bluer and pinker.
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now the reason shadows do not tend to be black is because pure white light is hard to find in nature.
the closest you will get to pure white light is during a really overcast day and the sun is filtering through the clouds, but even then it’ll lean towards yellow so the shadows will be slightly blue.
During a clear day, the shadows will pick up a lot of bounce light from the blue sky and have a blue tinge. You can learn more about this in this tutorial: [http://artbyriana.deviantart.com/art/Why-shadows-aren-t-gray-321656856]
But! None of this means you are never allowed to use black.
realistically shadows will have a hint of a colour to them, but stylistically you might be going for, say, a film noir look and deep black shadows are needed for impact for example.
The more you know about how light works, the more informed decisions you can make about shading and the more options you have.
If someone tells you that you can’t do something, they’re wrong! you can do what you like!
yes, black is hard to use and if you just mix a colour with black it’ll get muddy, but thats easily resolved by choosing your colours manually - which ideally you want to do regardless bc the computer doesnt have your eyes & cant choose the colours you like
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basically if someone gives you some art advice and says you can’t do something, they’re wrong! you can, you just might need to study a little to figure out how to make things work.
I mean for example, people will say you must make your composition follow the rule of thirds and never align centrally, but while the rule of thirds makes it easy to create visual interest, Mad Max Fury Road is a testament to the fact that central composition can and will work if you experiment.
there are no rules in art! there are theories based on reality, this has been a post on colour theory & light theory, but they exist to inform you, not to restrict you.
Do what you like! Trust your eyes, if you think something looks good, then great! If you don’t, then research & experiment until you do.
Also if you wanna learn more abt colour theory, I go into it in a lot more depth over yonder: http://helpfulharrie.tumblr.com/post/131822744966/ http://helpfulharrie.tumblr.com/post/131958395841/
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-morgenroete- · 8 years
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A little Leviathan fanart cause this series will always be a love of mine!
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-morgenroete- · 9 years
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