1-800-bloop-12 · 1 year
Algiophobia ┈┈┈┈․° 2
ˊˊ𝘿𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙝𝙪𝙧𝙩 𝙢𝙚..ˊˊ
🇲 🇴 🇳 🇩 🇦 🇾
ˊˊSchool sucks huh?.."
I looked up at the strange person, holding my book bag tight, weird thing to do, especially with a stranger. I don't know you..
ˊˊ Yeah.. Thankfully, we're done with exams and stuff.. Today's the last day.ˊˊ
ˊˊ Well, I'm glad you made it.ˊˊ
I looked up at them, blinking slowly while a smile spreading on my face, ˊˊ Thank you.ˊˊ I said. They only nodded, I guess it was a You're Welcome.
I looked down at my phone, seeing no notifications as usual. I huffed, looking back up a far waiting for the bus to at least some what come. ˊˊ They drive so slow..ˊˊ I groaned, looking back down at my phone, deciding to at least scroll on tiktok or Pinterest.
Maybe I should skip school today...
But that's very bad.
Very, very, very.. Bad-
ˊˊ But it'd be worth it..ˊˊ I stood up from the bench, picking up my book bag and putting it over my shoulder. I walked home, putting headphones on and turning on Beautiful Stranger, reminding me of last week. A smile formed on my face softly moving to music.
* Maybe we would have exchanged a few words.
ˊˊ A fairy tale moment could have occurredˊˊ Softly twirling the cord of the headphones, the people only do small glances before going back to what they're doing. I forgot to plan something.
What do I do today?
* But a beautiful stranger will have to remain.
My eyes glanced up at the birds on the wire, pretty normal, huh? Anyways, maybe I should go to the mall. My parents gave me money for it so I guess it would be nice.
* A stranger until I see him again.
I wanted to get a few things from hot topic, But I don't mind chilling at the food court it would make my nose pleased. I don't have a smell/food kink..
Is it weird that I had to say that? I guess so. Who would be thinking you would have that?
Taking out my house keys realizing I was near my house, opening my bottom book bag pocket, taking out my housekeys, and hearing the chains and keys make their usual noise.
I saw my cat, well.. A cat that I fed at my doorstep as if it was waiting for me, meowing as it rolled off its back and on its legs making their way to me, I crouched and petted the cat. ˊˊ Hey man..ˊˊ I coo'd feeling my heart tingle from the cuteness of the cat.
Why are cats so adorable?..
* See him again. 💞
I stood up, going back to my business, walking up the doorstep, hearing the soft paws on the ground and the cat purring. Unlocking my door, I looked down, making sure the cat didn't slip inside, but its adorable eyes looking at me made me wanna scream.
ˊˊ I'll feed you after I get dressed, okay buddy.ˊˊ
ˊˊ Meow!ˊˊ
The cat sat down by the door when I closed it, hearing its fading out purring through the door. Poor cat, why would its owner leave it behind? Now, it has to survive on its own. You could've given it to a neighbor.
Like me!
I place my bookbag next to the door, also taking my jacket off and hanging it on the coat rack. I walk up the stairs and straight to my bedroom, taking off my headphones, fixing my hair so it doesn't look weird.
Closing the door behind me, I look at my desk filled with papers with drawings and my scripts, taking off my shoes kicking them to the end of my bed.
Walking up to my desk and sitting on the spinny chair, looked down and realized something.
Where was my one of mini country balls?..
I remember there was a tiny Belarus here.. WHAT THE FLIP BRUV 😨
Anyways, I picked up one of my unfinished drawings, it was a reference of my dream. Sorry, it just sticked with me even though it's Been like...
2 W E E K S. . .
I groaned as I rubbed my eyes, placing the picture down, getting up from the chair so I can change into my jammies.
Uh.. After I changed, I realized I was supposed to feed the kitty Kat, walking out my room, being mad careful with having socks on and walking on wooden floors.
Walking into the kitchen, I saw my tiny Belarus on the counter, I stared at her.
Who moved you-
I blinked slowly before turning away, ˊˊ Weird..ˊˊ I mumbled as I walked over to the lower cabinets, grabbing a can of tuna. Mumbling under my breath.
Grabbing an can opener, I positioned the can and start turning the handle. Watching the can opener doing its work. After that I took the loose top off and drained some of the juice out.
Walking to my front door I unlocked it, looking down to see the cat still there. Yeah, this cat loves me. It's meowing putting me back to reality as I shook my head a bit.
Placing the can down, i watched the cat go ravish on the tuna. I scratch their head before going back inside, locking the door as always.
Walking to the kitchen and looking at the counter. The lil Belarus ball was still there.. Just staring into the oblivion.
I'm still wondering who moved you missy-
Picking her up, being EXTRA GENTLE CUZ THIS IS MY BABY!!!! And placing her in my palm, it was adorable-
Walking up the stairs and to my room. I was just coo'ing and babying the little Belarus in my hand, I have an obsession with cute things especially if they're small..
Sitting down at my desk putting her down next to the tiny Poland ball she was originally with, yeah don't move like that ok girl-
I picked up my phone, looking at it with a massive bored face. I can either scroll through tiktok, go on character ai, draw or sleep.
Cuz I barely have any friends and they probably went to school so.. Yeah..
I groaned, placing the phone down. Getting up from my spinny chair and off to my bed, flopping down on it as I turned to my side. Getting all snuggly in blankets and pillows, my scrunched up face now into a calm one.
Why are beds so comfy.. They're the best creations on earth I swear.
My mind slowly started to go blank, only thinking of lil scenarios in my head. Things I could've been, imaging myself with my Comfort Character, or just my favorite fandom/show. It's infinite.
It's like your thoughts are a Void.
It never ends.
ˊˊI won't hurt you.. Just trust me ˊˊ
Fluttering my eyes open I seem too be in a flower field. I was wearing a white dress/Blouse with black pants (or shorts). I could see the shadow of a bow in my hair too, it's two ribbons flowing in the wind.
Standing up, my legs felt really weak as if it was glass on the brink of breaking. But I managed because I was strong 💪. I just looked around, it was sadly a blue hour vibe though..
The fog and the slight light as the sun was below the horizon. So it couldn't really give it's original golden orange color as it usually does. I just watched the Wheat and flowers flow in the wind.
There was a tree...
I started walking to the said tree, with the best of my ability. But I madE IT, yeah mama raised a warrior man. Sitting under the tree looking afar as I watched over the flower field. It's so peaceful.
Sadly it's just dream.. 'But who said it is.'
I know that voice- Looking beside me I saw him but his face was more clearer and less blurry than last time. It felt like I was going to cry.
'You missed me didn't you? Well I missed you too Schatz' He chuckled. I growled softly punched his arm as I felt tears stream down my face, his laugh made me feel comforted. 'You bastard! You left me like that for weeks!'
I hiccuped and sobbed, this was to much. The man I danced with and had me so motivated was Austria-Hungary?! This is so..stupid!
'I'm so sorry, but I was busy with all the meetings and my family to come back. I decided that I'll spend my few moments with you' His arms wrapped around me, softly pulling me into his chest. His warmth calming me down from the break down I had.
'Is life getting better for you Schatz?..' He asked. I shook my head slowly, fiddling with my fingers. 'Mom as been at work a lot, on her days off she goes out. My dad is living somewhere else..' I felt my eyes droop after that.
'Barely have friends either, I do but they barely talk to me..' Letting out a bumpy breath I can hear him hum at my answer to his question.
I can feel his hand petting my head in a comforting way. As if he was trying to bring my tension down. It was working either way..
'I just wonder why I can't stay here for ever.. It's not like I have a purpose..' I whispered, closing my eyes as I rested my head on his chest. He sighed. 'I know you want to, but it's hard because you want to live in your mind.'
'Somewhere you can be free, and do anything you want.' He said 'looking' at the leaves falling and the soon rising sun making the blue hour fade away.
'But you need to wait for me, Okay.. I'll help lead you.' he said. My instincts told me he was getting up so i moved. He stood up, wiping his pants as he looked down at me, who was still on their own knees.
Crouching down as he held my sad tired face. 'Ich liebe dich.' Was the last thing he said before fading away, leaving me once again. Golden hour as now arisen. Laying on the soft grass watching the leaves fall and flower field blow in the wind.
How peaceful.. 'It certainly is dear..'
ˊˊI'll protect you from all things I've seen.. ˊˊ
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1-800-bloop-12 · 1 year
⚠︎; Watch out for the containing
Possible sexy moments (keyword; Possible doesn't mean I'll write it)
Old countries (Nzi, Fscist Italy, Prussia, German Empire, J.E n Stuff. I do not support these countries actions pls don't breathe down my neck ⚡ )
Inappropriate comments and insults
Horrible writing 👽👽👽👽👽
LIGHT SHOWERS┈┈┈┈․° 🌧 °․┈┈┈┈
Y/N eyes fluttered open, as their body was surrounded by water, colored with a soft pink, purple and blue. They stood up feeling heavy as their white dress/suit/whatevs was soaked, they're hair was soaked too.
The soft shore waved around their ankles as they watched from afar.
Is this heaven or something? The soft bright colors is kinda blinding.
'Hello..' They turned to the voice as it gave them a little surprise. "Hello?.."
There was a figure, tall and wearing a white uniform, but their face was blurred.
Y/N slightly hesitated before walking up to the figure, they could see their hand reaching out. Their soft hands landing in theirs.
It was bigger than there's which was weird.. But it was alright.
Y/N felt the person's hand go to there waist, this gave them a little surprise. 'it's ok Schatz, calm down.' 'He' said, guessing by the slight masculine voice.
They listened to 'him', listening to their heartbeat and the sound of the sea.
Eventually, they started to dance, trying to keep up with 'him'. It felt so peaceful, so calm.
'You're doing so well..' "Thank you.."
'I'm proud you're at least trying to dance.' He said, they looked up at him, confused. "What do you mean?.."
'You wanted to dance right?' "Yes but.. I wanted to do it with a friend or girlfriend/boyfriend..i never really had some one though.."
'Oh dear..' They both stop, Y/n looked up at his face, the blur slightly fading away, they could see his smile.
'You always had me..' His hand caressing their cheek, his thumb rubbing their cheek. 'Even though I'm not a body, or holding hands with you. I'm always there..'
"But.. This is just dream.." They whispered, looking down worriedly. "Dreams don't last long.."
'But there's a way you can make these 'dreams last forever.' "What do you mean.."
'Shift.. Shift your way here.' He said, with intention. "But.. It's not that simple, it is but.. I don't know.."
'Anything is possible Schatz.. If you put your mind to it.' He said booping their nose.
"Thank you.." A smile formed on their face as tears swelled up in their eyes.
'Your welcome Schatz, now go on it's time to wake up.' He said before fading away with wind. Y/N turned around, looking into the sea.
Hearing the seagulls, quiet distant laughing and the sea shore.
"Please come back soon.."
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