100keto12turbo-blog · 10 years
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Back to back TurboFire workouts. Dead.
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100keto12turbo-blog · 10 years
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In the middle of part 2 of back to back turbo workouts. This will teach me not to skip a day again. So exhausted.
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100keto12turbo-blog · 10 years
Back From Vacation
I'll admit, I only ate strict keto for two of the five days I was on vacation. I did stick to my Turbo schedule. So going off the keto track AND having my girly time of the month starting made the scale skyrocket. Trying to keep calm and get back to eating right today. I suppose I'll stay with the day numbers I was on. A little disappointed in myself, but it was for GOOD homemade food, not beer and Taco Bell. I didn't overindulge, I didn't stuff myself full, just enjoyed what was there. So the scale went up a little bit. If life isn't about enjoying, being forgiving to yourself, and continuing on with what makes you feel better (in my case, keto), then what's the point?
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100keto12turbo-blog · 10 years
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Damn. Straight. Morning HIIT has got me in the right state of mind. I didn't hit that 20 lb loss this morning (damn you, late night Cookie Butter Mousse) but have to KCKO! Leaving for vacation today!
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100keto12turbo-blog · 10 years
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Special treat: Cookie Butter Mousse 1 tbsp Trader Joe’s cookie butter (could probably go with less) 3 tbsp heavy whipping cream 1.25 tbsp cream cheese Couple of drops of liquid stevia Blend well.
Relatively carb heavy, which is why it’s a special treat. 284 Cals’s, 25g fat, 2g protein, 9g carbs
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100keto12turbo-blog · 10 years
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So sweaty. Having so much fun. Love Fire 45, but starting to have to add Powerade zero and Electro Mix to boost my electrolytes. Was feeling woozy today.
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100keto12turbo-blog · 10 years
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If this number would go up to 20 before I leave for vacation tomorrow, I would be SOOOOO happy. I'm already down to a number I haven't seen in 2-3 years. HOORAY. Makes me feel better about being in a swimsuit all weekend.
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100keto12turbo-blog · 10 years
Just got done with a Lunch and Learn with Whole Foods where a 40-50 lbs overweight woman preached about how bad fat is, how great carbs are, and basically meat is from the devil. She’s educated in nutrition so she’s a legitimate guru. End of story.
Alright, I’ve lost almost 20 lbs in the last year on keto. I’ve gone from being a 5’4” 161 lb pre-diabetic with high blood pressure (at 24 years old!) to a 143 lb young woman with a healthy blood workup. Sorry I’m not sorry, I’m going to keep on eating my yummy bacon, steak, cheese, rotisserie chicken, creamy spinach, cream cheese, smoked salmon, COFFEE with COCONUT OIL (which she professed that she blank-stares at paleo people for when they say they need lots of it) and OMG... BUTTER!!! Pepperoni and heavy cream and cheeses, oh my!
Whatevs, lady. You keep doin’ you. I’ll keep letting these pounds melt away. 
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100keto12turbo-blog · 10 years
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Proving the shirt right. As much as I'm tired of Fire 30, it's still better than Fire EZ 55. Or whatever it's called.
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100keto12turbo-blog · 10 years
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Zomg. Lunch was delish. Rotisserie chicken, creamed garlic spinach, and Greek feta salad. So many noms. Will probably be dinner too because I'm obsessed.
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100keto12turbo-blog · 10 years
EZ my ass.
Today I slept in until 11, something I rarely do on weekends. Mostly because of the sense of panic that came over me when I woke up, realized I'd wasted half the day and had SO MUCH TO DO.
I didn't eat until about 1, then went to the pool with my brothers and nephews, followed by the weekly trip to the grocery store. Man, do I hate buying groceries.
When I got home, I had that ravenous hunger that you mainly only get when you've been out in the sun all afternoon... like you've forgotten eating was a thing until you got into AC, then you're suddenly starving. I had a small snack because I didn't want to fill up my stomach before working out.
Then Fire 55 EZ. The most misleading title for a workout that I've ever heard of. A. You already know it's 55 minutes long. Any 55 minute long cardio workout is not going to be EZ. B. It's TurboFire. Just... no. Stop it, Chalene. After 20 minutes of difficulty getting the DVD to work in the workout room tv, I gave up and went into the rec room. Already angry. Then I had nothing in my legs for this workout, which was fairly heavy on the kicking and high knees. I tried making myself smile during it, thinking that maybe a positive attitude would follow. Nope. I struggled my way through that 55 minutes which took me about an hour and 45 minutes.
Of course I'm not hungry at all after working out and drinking all that water. According to myfitnesspal and my Armour39 heart rate monitor, I pretty much negated most of the food I ate today. That's what happens when you're only up for 12 hours and are in ketosis, I suppose. Win?
Since I started Turbo at 8 and slept in this morning, it's fair to say I won't be sleeping much tonight. Maybe just pinning things and reading all the reddit keto boards. Sigh.
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100keto12turbo-blog · 10 years
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Only 10 minutes into Fire 55 EZ and I have a lot of anger. I don't wanna. But I will. PS: EZ my ass.
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100keto12turbo-blog · 10 years
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Ooey gooey post-turbo keto goodness. Nom.
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100keto12turbo-blog · 10 years
Good info!
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100keto12turbo-blog · 10 years
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4th of July festivities (AKA all that vodka) has left me clenching my jaw and with serious leg cramps. Trying to restore with Natural Calm. After all, I have Fire 30 to do today and Turbo has been killing my calves in the first place.
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100keto12turbo-blog · 10 years
The right habits are the only things that separate you from the life you want to live.
Chalene Johnson - PUSH
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100keto12turbo-blog · 10 years
4th of July Anger.
In the interest of honesty, I'll admit it. I done screwed up. And not even intentionally. I was blindsided, but it was from my own stupidity.
I planned well all day for any carbs I might have during our 4th of July festivities last night. I worked out yesterday afternoon, even though it was my Turbo rest day. I brought my own alcohol and mixers so I'd stay on track. I ate keto food before I came to the barbecue so I wouldn't be tempted by all the delicious cakes and sweets. I watched a girl eat a giant piece of Pina Colada cake right in front of me as I almost squeezed my boyfriend's hand off (Pina Colada cake is one of my faves.) Then I saw peach iced tea in the cooler and thought that would be a great mixer for the vodka I had brought. For some stupid reason I didn't even THINK about looking at the carbs although OBVIOUSLY a peach iced tea in a bottle was going to be sweet and carby. 30g for the bottle. Luckily I only had one, but MAN. To work so hard all day and have so much self control only to have that throw me way over my carb limit?! Screw you, lipton. Screw you.
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