1204491568-blog · 5 years
scene 1 sunny day neigbouthood
SFX: Birds chirping.
scene 2 kitchen
BLUE BOTTLE FLY: Blue Bottle Fly
BLUE BOTTLE FLY flies in the house through the kitchen window and lands on the counter.
his stomach growls, he realises that hes hungry and looks at the fridge.
he then jumps for joy.
SCENE 3 living room
DOMINO gets up and walks over to the fridge in the kitchen take a bottle of milk
DOMINO opens the fridge reaches for the milk
he notices the blue bottle fly eating grapes
Domino gets fly swatter and hits the Blue bottle fly
Domino walks over to the kitchen window holding the blue bottle fly
Domino throws the Blue bottle fly out the window
scene 5 Domino's house outside garden
the blue bottle fly lands outside
he gets up and angrily mumbles at Domino.
scene 6 kitchen
Domino walks back over to the fridge dusting off his hands
Blue bottle fly flies back into the kitchen and looks at domino's certificate in the living room.
the blue bottle fly smiles mischievously.
scene 7 living room
Blue bottle fly flies and lands near the certificate and lights a match.
meanwhile Domino walks into the living room back to his bed when he notices the Blue bottle fly.
he screams
Blue bottle fly displays an evil grin and sets the certificate on fire
Domino is shocked and sobs, he then gets angry
Blue bottle fly chuckles nervously and then flies away
Domino chases after him
scene 8 cellar
the Blue bottle fly flies into the cellar room
he looks behind to see Domino but accidentaly crashes into a spider wed.
blue bottle fly struggles to break free but to no avail.
Domino comes running in and reaches the blue Bottle fly and glares at him
the Blue bottle fly smiles, worried.
they both then notice the spider.
the spider comes out and growls.
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1204491568-blog · 5 years
final result of what i need lip sync with character acting
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1204491568-blog · 5 years
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high res stills of my 1 min film- Domino the Chihuhua
the film is about a dog named domino who is trying to expose of the pesky fly that has come into his house but at the end they are faced with an even bigger problem.
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1204491568-blog · 5 years
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The pictures of flies were used as inspiration for the character design of blue bottle fly for my 1min video
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1204491568-blog · 5 years
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I used these pictures of chihuahuas as reference for the character design of Domino in my 1min film
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1204491568-blog · 5 years
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The colouring style from the cartoon Ed Edd n Eddy was used as inspiration for the colouring in my 1min film 
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1204491568-blog · 5 years
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The art style of Rick and Morty inspired the design of the characters in my 1min film 
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1204491568-blog · 5 years
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1204491568-blog · 5 years
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poses, people, rough sketch
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1204491568-blog · 6 years
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character design, modelling 
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1204491568-blog · 6 years
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1204491568-blog · 6 years
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storyboard draft for Domino the Chihuahua
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1204491568-blog · 6 years
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Dynamic shapes
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1204491568-blog · 6 years
i decided to go with this audio its a bit lenghty but i can show his performance and mood
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1204491568-blog · 6 years
SEQUENCE TOO SHORT  i should keep the volume of the box consistent after it returns to its original shape.
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1204491568-blog · 6 years
For this animation i thought it would be easy to express happy by quick small jumps. however, sequence was too short
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1204491568-blog · 6 years
acceleration and deceleration slow in slow out. the first one might have been too fast for its arc
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