Wanna be younger
Just watched “Rise of the guardians” ‘Cause I wanted to do it since 2012....
I just feel so strange, and I really want to become a child again, without solving all my problems.
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I hope, that lyrics from this song mean something to someone.
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I am trying to forget one man, but I can’t ‘cause he meant pretty much for me in the past. And, moreover, I see dreams of/with him really often. Like today for example.
And it’s pretty shitty.
But sometimes I think, that I am the only guilty, that we stopped communicating even though he wasn’t right once and made me understand in this moment, how mean he is.
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Ready to breakup
Family trips made me understand, that there is almost nothing holding my family from falling apart. Everyone shouts at each other. While being at home, parents come lately and have no time to argue, of course, but when they have holidays and spend time with each other, they annoy each other. I am just afraid, that they will breakup soon.
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It’s my beginning of doing strange stuff here. Idek why am I doing it BUT STILL, let it begin.
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