19911113-blog · 12 years
You guys call the general!!
Sunggyu has invaded my phone, my itouch, and my laptop! Don't even get me started with my iPod!! (I'll post pictures when I get home)
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19911113-blog · 12 years
Meet the firms
I regret everything I said tonight. Even the conversations I had with friends. Know why????!!!!! Because I was unaware of my surroundings AGAIN. And might have bad mouthed my professors and not known if they were around. OMG OMG OMG I'm such and idiot. And it's only week 2 asdfghjkl So it's to say I have about a 70 percent chance of failing 2 out of three classes x.x FML Hate that I have the memory of a goldfish. I mean I have no idea what I even said anymore. And if I did say it, I didn't mean it.... I only said it because it was to friends. You know, just another stupid thing I do to "fit in" gosh I don't even like being around that 'friend' why does she always make me do things I regret asdfghjkl ever since a year ago x.x Now I want I by. First world problems! I'm gonna fail class, not graduate on time, be shameful, not be qualified for a job since my GPA would fallllll, and end up having to kill myself because there's nothing left in the world.... Dramatic? Yes. Well, welcome to my head.
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19911113-blog · 12 years
The day that began so bright, turned pitch dark before it was even halfway done.
How do I make the brightness return? I'm being suffocated by the darkness.
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19911113-blog · 12 years
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19911113-blog · 12 years
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19911113-blog · 12 years
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19911113-blog · 12 years
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19911113-blog · 12 years
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19911113-blog · 12 years
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19911113-blog · 12 years
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19911113-blog · 12 years
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19911113-blog · 12 years
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19911113-blog · 12 years
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19911113-blog · 12 years
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19911113-blog · 12 years
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19911113-blog · 12 years
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19911113-blog · 12 years
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