1dchatzy101 · 11 years
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1dchatzy101 · 11 years
ME: shudup *cries*
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1dchatzy101 · 11 years
1D Horan/Styles Family Plot Cruise
Harry/Wife; Harry's wife if nervous about them going on this trip because Harry has always had a small crush on Nialls wife 
Niall/Wife; Niall knows Harry has a crush on his wife so he is very overbearing and wont let her do anything on her own. Will she eventually get sick of his controllingness
HoranDaughter18; She is a bit in her twins shadow. so shes always associated in the trouble he gets himself into. so when she ends up sharing a room with Styles son 19 and develops a crush on him he may be the first person to see the real her
Styles son 19; He is very overprotective of his younger siblings and all his family. So when he meets Horan Daughter 18 he becomes just as protective over her. Will she find it flattering or annoy her?
Horan son 18; He is very badass but underneath all the harshness hes very sweet and loving but he's always been hesitent to show anyone. but when he meets Styles Daughter 17 and she quickly becomes frightened by his badass attitude will he show her how sweet he can be?
Styles Daughter 17; She is small and quiet. and is often bullied for her unusualness but when she has to share a room with Horan son 18 on the boat he doesnt really talk to her but she develops a small crush on him.
Horan daughter 15; She is very creative and loves to sing so when she shares a room with Styles son 15 and finds out hes a songwriter she falls for him quickly
Styles son 15; He is a songwriter but has never cared to sing so when he meets Horan Daughter 15 a beautiful girl who sings like an angel will he team up with her to make his songs famous.
~Start with getting on the boat and going to theyre rooms Niall/Wife Harry/Wife Horan Daughter 18/Styles son 19 Horan son 18/Styles daughter 17 and Horan daughter 15/Styles son 15. share rooms~
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1dchatzy101 · 11 years
Styles/Horan Family Plot
Niall/Wife; Niall and his wife have been married for almost 21 years and are happy but when they go to a beach house with Harry's family and Niall starts hanging out with Harry's wife a little will Niall's wife be jealous and hang out with Harry?
Harry/Wife; Harry and His wife have been fighting more and more since the twins turned 18. so when they decide to take a vacation with the Horans and Harrys Wife starts hanging out with Niall Harry flirts with Nialls wife and she flirts back. what will happen between Harry/Wife??
Styles son 19/Horan Daughter 18; Horan Daughter is a little badass so when she meets Styles son and asks him to come to a party with her and they get caught drinking underage how will their families react?
Styles daughter 17/Horan son 18; Styles Daughter has never had a boyfriend. or even kissed a boy because she has a very overprotective older brother. but when he gets in trouble for underage drinking shes finally free to do whatever she wants to of course when Horan son asks her out she says yes. How ill Styles son 19 react?
Styles son 15/Horan Daughter 15; Styles son 15 is the least known of the Styles kids and is often overshadowed by his athletic older brother. but when he meets Horan daughter 15 he instantly falls in love but shes hiding a horrible secret. will she ever tell him?
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1dchatzy101 · 11 years
The Difference between you and I is that I never lied when I said I love you. I actually meant it and you were the only one I said it to.
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1dchatzy101 · 11 years
High school Plot
Louis/Girlfriend; Both are Seniors and have been dating since freshman year . Louis is best friends with Zayns girlfriend so when Louis Girlfriend Thinks they are getting to close will she say anything to Lou or will her anger end up boiling over during Lou's yearly back to school party
Zayn/Girlfriend; Both are senoirs also and have been dating for a year . Both are into Artsie things. Zayns girlfriend is best friends with Louis and when Louis Girlfriend starts to get Jealous so Does Zayn especially when she blows off Zayns Art showing to go to Louis party 
Liam/girlfriend; Both are juniors and have been dating since Sophmore year . Liams Girlfriend is on the volleyball team and best friends with Harrys girlfriend who is also on the volleyball team. when Liams Girlfriend starts focusing more on volleyballl then her relationship with Liam will their relationship even last the season?
Niall/girlfriend; Both are sophmores and have been dating since 7th grade Nialls girlfriend  is best friends with Louis girlfriend. Niall is on the football team and his girlfriend is head cheerleader but when Nialls girlfriend starts getting sick will they ever find out whats wrong?
Harry/Girlfriend; Harrys girlfriend is the new girl and meets Harry in Gym class when he sneaks into the girls locker room to watch them change. He asks her out on a date will she say yes?
Larry Alternative; Harry is a 15 year old Junior who skipped 2 grades. so when Louis ,who is a jock, grades start to slip his teacher asigns Harry to tutor him. Harry has always had a crush on Louis so what will happen when he has to spend 2 hours a week teaching him about geometry?
Start with waking up on the first day of school
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1dchatzy101 · 11 years
Me; Requests! I need Them
Me; I write prefrences smut chatzy plots Imagines and I do polyvore outfits
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1dchatzy101 · 11 years
Family Chatzy Plot
I did slightly Change this plot only the familys though
Niall  and Harry decide to bring their families on a holiday boat. A boat which sails for weeks and then just brings you home. The kids are all given out cabins, and the boats manager thinks it would be great to mingle these two families since the fathers know eachother, so the manager decides to put (What ever person you’re dating/meant to or what ever) in the same cabin! How will this turn out? Harry: He loves helping the kids out. But he’s not very good when it comes to anyone being upset, angry etc. He just doesn’t know what to say! So he leaves it all to his wife. But he gets emotional over silly things and won’t speak until he has proof he’s right or wrong. He is also extremely logical, he enjoys things other people wouldn’t be as fond of and he’s a bit awkward. Harrys Wife: She is very creative and loves to draw things or take the family to a scenery. She usually has a thing called ‘Family Fun Time’ which she does everyday, where the family spends time together for an hour. She is very gentle and loving towards all the kids. She is always there to give advise. All the kids love her so much, including the Horan kids! Styles Son 1: This boy has a very weird sense of humour, he says unfunny things..but people laugh at them because of how unfunny it is. But he is very confident and won’t stop at nothing to get what he wants when he wants it. He’s full of determination. He is also the biggest (Abs wise) between the both families and isn’t afraid to show them off. He teases his brother because he’s not as confident. He is also very cocky but when it comes to Horan Daughter 1, he becomes the boy every girl dreamed of.Styles  Son 2: He gets teased a lot by the other kids, because he’s not as strong as a build as the others. But he just gets on with it. He also has class, and respects people even if they don’t respect him. He is very quiet but when he sees Horan Daughter 2, he tries his hardest to get noticed by her. But it’s a bit hard seeing as he blushes at the simplest things, he usually keeps his head down, and when he smiles he usually just stares at the ground because he is very insecure.Styles Daughter: She gets jealous very easily and if she sees any girl near Horan Son, she gets suspicious and accuses him of cheating. But the truth is, she’s scared. Scared that something that happened with her ex will happen again. And the only people who know about this is Horan Daughter 2. She always tries her hardest to be the favourite out of the Styles kids, and loves the attention. She usually teases Malik Son 2, for not being as confident. But Horan Son soon makes her crack, and she tells him everything. She becomes an innocent kind girl, which he loves.Niall: Niall loves a good laugh, and is up for anything that involves fun. But he is very stubborn which annoys his wife a lot. Unlike Zayn, the kids can always come to him if they’re worried about something. But the kids don’t usually do this because of his stubborness. He is very sensitive but can just bounce back up and get on with it. He also likes to entertain his wife a lot…if you see what I’m saying.Nialls Wife: She’s very serious and doesn’t want anything bad to happen to the family. She usually likes to talk about herself and her family to other families. She loves to give advise on how to raise children and usually spies on her kids to make sure they’re not giving the family a bad name. But she loves it when Niall..entertains her. The kids aren’t just used to them 2 yet!Horan Daughter 1: This girl is very rebellious and is known as the bad kids in the Horan family, she can get anything she wants, when she wants it. She is also very stubborn like her father and loves to use boys for gifts or simply just some fun. She also likes to do Friends With Benefits because she refers to boys as dirty cheats, she also loves to tease Malik Son 2 about how he’s not confident. But what will happen when Malik Son 1 charms his way into her heart and gains her trust?Horan Daughter 2: This girl is nothing like her sister. She is a good girl and is very sweet and caring towards everyone.  She is extremely trustworthy and is always there if anyone needs her. She is very close to Malik Daughter and the two of them tells eachother everything. But Horan Daughter 2 is too scared to tell anyone she has a crush on Malik Son 2, she thinks its cute how he’s always blushing at the simplest things and how he’s shy and always has his head down. So, she tries her hardest to get close to him.Horan Son: This boy is the 5 start football player, he’s brillaint at everything! And unlike Malik Son 1, he hates to boast about all his medals and trophies. He usually acts like a complete nerd so nobody suspects he is good at a sport. He loves giving and getting hugs, if he just met someone he’ll hug them straight away. Rumour has it he hugs someone the tightest if he’s attracted to them. But when he’s with Malik Daughter, everything changes he becomes bored and boring, he’s scared to do anything incease she’ll say anything. And he knows she’s hiding something from him, and he’s determined to find out what it is.
Credit to http://1dfamilychatzyplots.tumblr.com/
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