1eremite · 3 years
just me
Hi again!
So here are some things you should now about me:
-I am scared of animals
-I am scared of diseases-everything about my health in general
-I've been playing piano for about nine years, but I also want to start playing the saxophone
-daydreaming 24/7
-I love watching movies and tv series, I used to read books a lot but nowadays I don't. I watch anime and read manga too.
fav movie: The Grand Budapest Hotel
fav director: Quentin Tarantino
fav actor: Christoph Waltz
fav anime: Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
fav book: The Alchemist (no it has nothing to do with fmab)
fav series: Game of Thrones/Modern Family
currently watching: Htgawm and Big Bang Theory
-I am a big sister, I love being a sister
-A big fan of Harry Potter and Percy Jackson, obsessed with them in middle school
-A lazy perfectionist, I want to be the best but I don't like working
-Currently in love with Alice Oseman's books (who doesn't want a Nick Nelson in their lives?)
-AR 57 genshin player- favs are kazuha and albedo
Why I wanted to start blogging: So when I was in middle school, I know what I wanted to do. I would work all day to get the best grades and I did. Now that I am in ninth grade, I realized that I have no quality other than being good in academics. I also lost the motivation to work. I have a couple of friends who I like, but I feel like nobody truly understands me. But don't see me as an antisocial pessimist, I actually socialize whenever I can. I am good at making friends; however, I still haven't found my "friend group" that will be always there for me no matter what happens. I am trying to find my purpose in life, but I am failing at it pretty badly lol. There is also another fact that I am obsessed with my health. I am scared of something bad happening to me when I'm asleep, I am always afraid something will happen to me, and I did nothing in my life for others to remember. Although I went to the hospital at least a hundred time and doctors said that nothing is wrong with me-thank god-I am still anxious. This leads to me having arguments with my mum everyday. I feel like she lost the will to love me. I understand that she does everything to make me feel relieved, and she is so tired of taking care of me. I want to help her but I can't. I don't know why. Maybe I am too lazy to change myself. I am currently reading Solitaire by Alice Oseman, and I realized that maybe if I can share what is on my mind, I can start feeling better. I also have no idea about how this thing works, so wish me luck :)
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1eremite · 3 years
guess I'm into blogging now.
I'm Heather.
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