2-lenochod-2-blog · 3 years
- The Black sheep -
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I would start by saying that it doesn't have to be so difficult to assert one's own opinion if we really stand behind it ... Honestly, we will never be grateful to everyone, and it's completely normal. Like no the same opinion, no the same vision like others. Often people have a problem with this, and some simply have a problem with that opinion. It is quite common for us to meet people in life who will slander us for their own opinion and simply will not wish to us.💔 If you have someone around you who judges you because of what you think, because of your own opinion and worldview, simply smiles and move on. Sometimes it's hard to accept someone else's opinion, you say ... After all, 99% voted for one thing, I don't want to look stupid so I'll vote with them ... but there's nothing wrong with being a black sheep among whites! 🐑 Because it is thanks to your different opinion that you can help someone who was afraid to express their opinion and vote differently ... Let's develop our ideas based on our own decisions, not on the ideas of others 🙇🏻‍♀️ The basis is a good mood and positive people around us ! ~ 💖
Díky spousty myšlenkám a inspirace druhých jsem se rozhodla založit vlastní blog a vím, že se tahle tvorba nemusí líbit každému.. ale já se tu pokusím dávat vše od ❤️ Není nic krásnějšího než vzájemná podpora ☺️ Plánuji spousty dalších příspěvků, v trochu jiném stylu 🤫
Nice day!
Nell 💋
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