20dollarfalloutboy · 7 years
Have you ever wanted Brendon Urie's big ham hands on your thighs??? It's all I think about. The grease from the meat running down to my secretive flower... moistening me up for his corn cob. Panic! At the Disco fans make do.
What does this mean
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20dollarfalloutboy · 7 years
if you both agree to take a nap instead of going out, it’s a date
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20dollarfalloutboy · 7 years
So I know i haven’t actively used this blog for quite a while, but I do know I still have quite a few followers so I’m hoping a few of you will see this.
I just wanted to update you all on quite a serious thing happening in my life right now. 
I’ve recently been diagnosed with this thing called Cushings Disease, which is basically a benign tumour on my pituitary gland that causes my stress hormone to go crazy. So if you think you don't handle stress well, I literally have a disease that causes me to stress hahaha.
Basically the tumour is causing the gland to produce too much of the cortisol hormone and therefore my mind and body are being massively affected. 
Symptoms and side affects of this disease include: - Insane stretch marks literally everywhere - Headaches and exhaustion - Increased thirst and needing to pee ALL THE TIME - Bone and muscle soreness and weakness - Thinning skin that bruises easy and slowly heals - Excessive hair growth in weird places  - Hair loss/thinning, acne - Fatty deposits in the face, back and stomach - Buffalo hump
just to name a few. 
Cushings is a very rare disease and is often extremely hard to diagnose. I just happen to show basically all of the symptoms. 
I’m going to have brain surgery in mid February, tbh I’m scared as fuck, but life sucks at the moment and I really just want this to be dealt with as soon as possible, because it honestly makes me hate myself.
I don’t know how many people will see this or even read it, but if you did thank you, i appreciate it, and feel free to ask any questions.  
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20dollarfalloutboy · 7 years
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20dollarfalloutboy · 7 years
okay so you know those times where you’re making out with someone and it’s really slow and just so nice oh my god like really passionate and sweet and deep and sensual and holy shit you could literally just melt away in their lips. then there are other times you’re making out and you start to get faster and faster and it gets so intense and you literally get butterflies and you just want to touch them everywhere and be on them and you don’t ever want to leave their mouth it’s just so hot and emotional and ughhhh I just really love making out
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20dollarfalloutboy · 7 years
wow not gonna name any names but SOMEBODY (me) needs 2 calm down!!!!
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20dollarfalloutboy · 7 years
you will come back from this. you’ll be stronger than ever
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20dollarfalloutboy · 7 years
A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.
Albert Einstein (via quotethatword)
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20dollarfalloutboy · 7 years
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20dollarfalloutboy · 7 years
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20dollarfalloutboy · 7 years
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Thank you all for making this year my favorite so far. Through the hard times and the beautiful moments, I’m glad we’re always there to lift each other up. I’m so excited for the new year and what’s to come.
So to end this year right, here’s a little holiday jam I wrote. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did making it.
Merry Christmas.
Happy Holidays.
I love ya.
- Brendon
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20dollarfalloutboy · 7 years
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20dollarfalloutboy · 7 years
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20dollarfalloutboy · 7 years
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20dollarfalloutboy · 7 years
i love patd
pain and then death
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20dollarfalloutboy · 7 years
date a girl who makes it harder to go to sleep but easier to get up every morning
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20dollarfalloutboy · 7 years
this is weird but you look like abigail from polyglot progress? her instagram and twitter is @abuhgayul and she's really pretty so it's a compliment
AW thank you
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