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Scientific slimming let me regain the freedom of love!>>>NBFVcSQ
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Scientific slimming let me regain the freedom of love!>>>wBeZwuP
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Because of it, completely changed me! Give me back my confidence!>>>bnBEgHI
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Check out my result, it's amazing!>>>zjADiok
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Check out my result, it's amazing!>>>JWLzhOE
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Writer looking for an Artist [Unpaid}
Hi! I am a writer who is looking for an artist to work on my manga Moonlight Rising. I am offering a 50% split of 60% of the profit with the artist while my publisher, who will be publishing the manga, will be getting 40 % for promotional cost. My publisher focuses the publishing on Amazon books and has had experience with publishing mangas. Genre: Action, Drama, Romance, Sci-fi Moonlight Rising is a story about two brothers and a woman in Yokohama, Japan, 3022. Due to her nature, Hana King is considered a villain, but she's mainly misunderstood. She meets Osamu and Akihito Kajiwara after killing the leader of the Night Clan. She trains them despite knowing one brother may kill her. Due to the death of Night Clan's original leader, a new leader has emerged, Osamu. In two years, Hana kills someone, causing her to feel guilty. Little does she know, she becomes the enemy of Yuudai Okawa, the hero of  Yokohama. He begins killing people close to her. Thus, awakening a centuries-old evil spirit within her. Leave me a message if interested! Also don’t feel uncomfortable to ask questions.
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Here are some new stories that are due to come out this year
1) Fairies and Demons (The war of two brothers Carla x Lucy x Shin):  Let's just say that Shin can't keep in his feelings for Lucy anymore. Even though she is married to Carla and has five children. Shin felt bad to have feelings for his brother's wife, yet Carla had started to return back to his old ways and going out in the world to look for a wife like her, had not been easy.
2) First Love (Subaru x Lucy): She was different. One of the only people to actually make me feel something other than anger. But that was the thing. I hated it and I wanted nothing to do with her. Her eyes, her laugh, her smile. I wanted nothing but to be away from it. And yet I am here wanting more. She tortures me, and every time she dates a man I could only do nothing but become some sort of shoulder for her to cry on.
"Subaru-kun" This was not right. I am not supposed to be with her nor be here and yet here I am. With the woman who could make me smile, laugh, make me feel worth something. "Subaru-kun" She made me feel wanted, needed, as if she cared, and yet I couldn't help but fall for her, Lucy Heartfilia. "Subaru-Kun, do you like me-" I stared at the confused and innocent girl in front of me.  "Like I like you." I glared at her. "Go and figure that out for yourself." I said before I left the room.
3) December (Laito x Lucy): He lied to me, he hurt me, he broke me, and yet he still does not remember, what happened in December.
4) Gugure! Fairy Tail (Kokkurisan x Lucy): Lucy is pregnant! Meaning a new addition to the house. So what can go wrong? With an adorable little girl, a perverted raccoon, a jealous puppy, a dreamboat fox, and a motherly woman, what can go wrong?
5)  Not That Kinda Girl (Kou x Lucy): Lucy is a really rich girl who is known to be beautiful, caring, and pure.  She is also apart of a very important family in Japan. Causing many people to call her princess. She has received so many marriage proposals that it would hurt to count them and yet. She does not accept them. Unknown to everyone, he would rather be away from home. 
A guy falls for her and even though the two go to different schools, it doesn’t stop him from trying to get to know her. (・ω<)
6) Make a Wish (Shu x Lucy): Lucy is a very popular girl at school who makes all A’s, in various clubs, and even has time to volunteer. Plus she is rich! Who could not want her? The thing is, she does not want herself and her father wants her to marry someone who is just like them did not make it any better. Suddenly a shooting star flew past her and she couldn’t help but make one Wish. 
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How does it feel to have everything you care for to dissapear. For the life you had once known to leave you and for something better. While you are stuck in the past wishing to move forward. They say that maybe one things will get better and yet their words sink into you but do not stick. Leaving you with questions about your life. Who am I? Why was I born this way? Why am I like this? And worst of all. What is my purpose?
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Future quote!
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New Nurse-chan to be posted soon!
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Gugure Fairy Tail: Sequel Will be out soon!
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A future story to be posted soon on wattpad
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