22teachings · 4 years
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One year ago, I received an unmistakable message. I was instructed by what I accredit as my divine counsel to establish a formal institution of higher thought, metaphysics and magical training for mystics, seekers, and aspiring luminaries. Thus, did the search begin to find the home for what would become 22 Teachings School of Hermetic Science and Magical Arts, in my birth city and what masters have called "modern-day Alexandria", Los Angeles. The curriculum had been written and refined over a decade. My student body was already thriving due to my long tenure at @houseofintuition. My individual clients would seek me out to continue their journeys of self-discovery. My closest and most trusted team of up-and-coming practitioners would become my staff and faculty. We began the search.... 🍎 #hermestrismegistus #mysteryschool #egyptianmysteries #sacredgeometry #magicaeestrealis #tarotschool #astrologyschool #crystalschool #magicaltraining #westernmysterytradition #hermeticqabalah #alchemy #realmagic (at 22 Teachings School of Hermetic Science and Magical Arts) https://www.instagram.com/p/B75mb2anTf4/?igshid=bln5pjb2ir0l
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22teachings · 4 years
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Taking stones off after a Middle Pillar Healing with one of my favorite people. The foundation of my healing practice, Middle Pillar serves as the bones upon which other modalities may be supported, such as elemental invocation, shamanic clearing practices, crystal healing, reiki, and others. I performed this meditation and visualization on myself for nine years before I found out that it could be done in the capacity of a therapeutic modality on a client. This is outlined in Israel Regardie's True Art of Healing. I've spent the last nine years refining my professional practice, and after performing thousands of sessions, I still learn something new (and something OLD) every single time. I use the stones to amplify the client's natural gifts, even though they might be dormant or hidden. Resonant frequencies synchronize, and attune the subtle bodies to the persons greater good. #rhodochrosite #bluelaceagate #hematite #apatite #libyandesertglass #fairystone #citrine #goldenhealerquartz #chloritephantomquartz #22Teachings #crystalhealing #treeoflife #qabalah (at 22 Teachings School of Hermetic Science and Magical Arts) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7w4fnOHmcF/?igshid=13zvwt6emq9r6
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22teachings · 4 years
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Let the demons quake in the trenches. Transforming ourself as initiates into the Army of Light. #walterearnestbutler #lordsofthelight #treeoflife #treeoflight #crystalgrid #activation #magicaeestrealis #cometoschool #22teachings #qabalah #sephiroth #eheieh (at 22 Teachings School of Hermetic Science and Magical Arts) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7p8ZSSninE/?igshid=1ksi8krbkobue
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22teachings · 4 years
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🌈🌱🙏Last day of the decade, quite incredible. Life beyond my wildest dreams, once I gave up trying to force my agenda and said yes to the guidance of Spirit. Ten years ago, I moved to LA with nothing but my sobriety and a prayer: "Let me be of service". Within 3 months my career as a professional magician began with the @houseofintuition as my home and haven. The next 9 years were building, studying, teaching, hustling, organizing, structuring. One part growing my private practice as an intuitive counselor and healer, one part building my curriculum of magical studies as 22 Teachings. In 2016, I took my first advanced students through the Oracle Circle, forming a bond of inspired dedicated practitioners. In Jan 2017, 22 Teachings was officially incorporated. In Feb of that year, I launched the Arboretum Mysticum, the weekly Occult Lodge dedicated to the magical practices of the Western Mystery Tradition. I then launched my YouTube channel which expanded my reach globally. The following year, I undertook the most profound working of my magical career, Pathworking on the Tree of Life, a year-and-a-half magical process of 33 ritual invocations which elevated and attuned me for the next phase, not knowing yet what it would be. The end of 2018 my first book was published. And entering into 2019, I thought I'd be continuing as things were. But Spirit had other plans. 10 days into 2019 I was rained out of the event space at HOI and the message became clear: its time to move beyond the comfort of this amazing home, and create 22 Teachings School of Hermetic Science and Magical Arts as its own brick and mortar entity. With the help of my amazing team and my dedicated students, @22teachings became a reality and now is established as an institution of magical education for seekers of wisdom. I am blown away by all that happened over these 10 years, and take today to sit in stillness and gratitude. 🙏🌱🌈 (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6v-IiNnMx0/?igshid=1wl83xypxu5r7
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22teachings · 4 years
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Dec 25th 5:55 am Solar Adorations between the paws of the Great Sphinx. Looking into the golden dawn of a decade. At the threshold of a new era. Signs are everywhere. Release and make space for new knowing. Experience and connect and learn from each other. Share wisdom, not drama. Consciously evolve into a more developed version of your self. Stop saying can't, always, and never. Remember anything is possible. Honor your elders. Acknowledge the children. Be considerate to all. Every person is a person. See them as such, and give respect to the hearts, not the hierarchy. When your gifts emerge, lean in. You know more than you give yourself credit for. Trust your intuition. Trust the signs. Meet me in Yetzirah. (at Great Sphinx of Giza) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6f2rcXH1hH/?igshid=1615w2080gzvv
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22teachings · 4 years
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"The light between the Pillar grows brighter and swirling, as great white clouds in a spiral turn like a vortex before you. You vibrate the Letter ZAYIN and the spiral cloud disperses… expanding outward until it is beyond the edges of the interior temple and your astral vision becomes crystal clear. The Lovers stand before you in the temple. They speak: We are the conjunction of the Sun and Saturn, one expanding light, and one constriction of time. We are the yin and yang, the black and white, for what might be theirs versus what is mine, may be understood through us as a concept of what one may own, whether created, purchased, stolen, or sown, gifted, granted or received, that which is shared between us is ours, and though we are separate do not be deceived. For we are the Lovers, the twins and the 6, the pillars, the sphinx, the two and the four. And here, man and woman, Boaz and Jachin, King and Queen, we are the Window and the Door. " Excerpt channeled from the Oracle of the Mighty Gods for the Arboretum Mysticum. #daleth #heh #zayin #thelovers #qabalistictarot #magicisreal #spiritguidesays Beautiful flower friends gifted by @soft_body Please give them some love when you stop by. Lovely offerings all week at the school. Lodge returns on Dec 28th. End of year Middle Pillar Dec. 28th. Forecast readings Dec. 29th. Magic Fundamentals Jan 4&5 2-day intensive #2020 #mysteryschool #schoolinsession (at 22 Teachings School of Hermetic Science and Magical Arts) https://www.instagram.com/p/B54Tfg-Fu66/?igshid=25b7rxxbnif8
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22teachings · 5 years
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Preparation for tomorrows lecture at Arboretum Mysticum, on the Air Sign letters and esoteric titles, and numerological divinatory revelation and invocation of the High Priestess, the Hierophant and the Empress. Plus the secret romance of 7 and its Qabalistic mysteries. Join us at 11am tomorrow DTLA at the AM Lodge at @22teachings or purchase the audio through the same link on 22teachings.com #qabalah #bookt #airsign #gemini #aquarius #libra #numerology #theurgy #alchemy #tarot #occultlodge #mysteryschool #ceremonialmagic #knowthyself #hermeticism #treeoflife #spoliatarot (at 22 Teachings School of Hermetic Science and Magical Arts) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5L0r1sn8dz/?igshid=7t8hi4dzy68y
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22teachings · 5 years
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I awoke this morning, channeling Key XIV for the Arboretum Mysticum: "Samech is the prop upon which the veil of Paroketh hangs. See the veil in its many-hued refraction of individuality. Seek the wholeness through the study of its parts. I hold aloft the curtain which serves as a backdrop to humanity's experience and upon which thoughts and images may be projected, reflected back to their own eyes to see what they have created. To the adept, I hold the veil not as a barrier but as a holy beckoning, an indicator that there is something more Beyond, as the matador holds the cape to the bull, and that the image of human projections is an illusion and allusion to the Ain Soph Aur, the unfathomable, unending, unlimited divine light of Source." The angel of Temperance on Key XIV is Archangel Michael straddling the lunar and solar, conscious and subconscious realms. This path on the tree is the conjunction of #tipareth and #yesod crossing the veil. It also joins the path of the High Priestess to the path of the World upon the #middlepillar. It is #Sagittarius by sign, #samekh by letter. Bringer forth of Life by esoteric title. In the theater of life, do not just watch the movie. Break the fourth wall from the other side. #qabalistictarot #22Teachings #westernmysterytradition #qabalah #treeoflife #tarot #temperance #arcana #mysteryschool #occultlodge #invokingfire #secretchiefs (at 22 Teachings School of Hermetic Science and Magical Arts) https://www.instagram.com/p/B48u50vnycs/?igshid=1ipshslui39nx
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22teachings · 5 years
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Air is the mediating force, balancing the fire of the head and the water of the belly. The magician masters this element through the breath. In the east, pranayama. In the west, breathwork is a developed modality to get deeply in touch with the self, and can facilitate emotional release, revelation, and powerful healing. Please join @ryan.m.allen tonight at 7pm for the Breathwork Healing Group, and get ready to shift, lighten and rise. (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3iNL8qnfEn/?igshid=vkhf5bz32ind
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22teachings · 5 years
Black Obsidian scrying mirrors are an effective tool for the Magician who has learned to still their mind enough to receive clairvoyant visions with eyes open. We have 3 available in the Magician's Mercantile. $65 each. (at 22 Teachings School of Hermetic Science and Magical Arts) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3gUP5JnGvs/?igshid=gmuos5bn2c6o
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22teachings · 5 years
The violet sphere on the Tree of Life is called Yesod = Foundation. This sphere of the moon is the realm of the subconscious and astral matter from which material reality is formed. What is built begins as an idea. What manifests in form is first a force in the mental body. What are you dreaming into being? Join me for a lecture on Hermetic Qabalah tomorrow night (thurs) at 7:15pm. Topic is the Hebrew Letters, their esoteric meaning, values, and use in Gematria (qabalistic numerology) #qabalah #yetzirah #treeoflife #yesod #shaddai #el #chai #archangelgabriel #kerubim (at 22 Teachings School of Hermetic Science and Magical Arts) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3aXopLF06I/?igshid=in87vxddzp7h
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22teachings · 5 years
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How I roll. 🏴 #caduceus #aloft #onapegasus (at Jardin des Tuileries) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3K3TfkHN3V/?igshid=lmnj86k7c70n
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22teachings · 5 years
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We warmly welcome our special guest @marcellakroll who will be here at the school offering oracle/tarot readings on October 1st and 2nd. The 2nd is already completely booked out, but you can still grab a spot for the 1st. Call to book your appointment 323-362-2615. Appointments are in-person only, sorry no phone readings, and prices are as follows - 30 min $100, 45 min $125, 60 min $150 (at 22 Teachings School of Hermetic Science and Magical Arts) https://www.instagram.com/p/B24hEKYnNw9/?igshid=ienqoxlh1f3w
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22teachings · 5 years
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Honoring the Great Sea. A beautiful ceremony on Equinox eve to end the Summer and turn the tides. Much love to all from the center of the sacred circle. #binah #briah #qabalah #yhvhelohim #tzaphkiel #supernaltriad #oceanmagic #crystalgrid #purifythyself #olokun (at 22 Teachings School of Hermetic Science and Magical Arts) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2zQ9G6HIkd/?igshid=jj8qhu1jm17x
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22teachings · 5 years
This school is a reflection of its students. Its beauty is your multi-faceted shimmering beauty. Its sacredness is a reflection of all you honor within yourself as sacred. Its magic is your persevering magical effort of the Great Work. The wheel turns, and the students become the teachers. The stream of Divine Wisdom is kept pure, even as it evolves. #magicisreal #spiritguidesays #afterhours #secretlosangeles #dtla #hiddentemple #westernmysterytradition #qabalah (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2yBPULnKtB/?igshid=1e7gaxd2audm4
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22teachings · 5 years
Offerings to the altar. 🍋 Our school has a guardian sentinal Amara, the inspiration for our protection candle made by #ofalchemy . Offerings to her are made in gratitude, not fear. They are an affirmation that we know that we have higher energies looking over us, and looking out for us, not a worried request. We've been recently introduced to two new beings, they are Aspirants and Temple Guardians. You'll see them at the entrance Door. Make sure and say hi to Shem and Fatima. #magicschool #mysteryschool #ancientwisdom (at 22 Teachings School of Hermetic Science and Magical Arts) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2p7-EBHA98/?igshid=1qw3k641o7uqe
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22teachings · 5 years
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Modern day tools such as tarot, astrology, numerology and sacred geometry are not separately developed practices nor are their origins "new age". They stem from the teachings of ancient philosophers, mystics, masters and genius. The early mystery schools taught divination through the observation and interpretation of natural phenomenon, cyclical occurrence and quantifiable patterns of the macrocosm. These patterns are illustrated through the remarkable glyph of Hermetic Qabalah known as the Tree of Life. Through research and analysis, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn ascribed the attributes of the Tarot Arcana to this Key of the Mysteries. Join me tomorrow night 9.19.19 at @22Teachings School of Hermetic Science and Magical Arts for a 2-hr lecture and Q&A on the Tarot, the Tree and the Western Mystery Tradition. $15 to attend or to purchase the audio download. #qabalah #hermeticqabalah #seektoknow #magicisreal #treeoflife #westernmysterytradition #goldendawn #tarotschool #22Teachings (at 22 Teachings School of Hermetic Science and Magical Arts) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2lLC_EH58v/?igshid=10g3i4450in79
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