241086 · 3 years
The Name's Bond... James Bond
Is a dialogue I have heard since the age of 3. My father is a huge fun of James Bond movies and those good old days he took us not just to the movie theatre to watch his movies but also bought his cassettes and played them in the VCR deck. Remember those heavy deck & cassettes, and these use to go on rounds to friends and family for free !! My father was one generous to a fault person. I may sound pompous here but why not after all owing such gadgets during the 80s and 90s was not common since most houses didn't even have color televisions.
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Now coming to my infatuation with this line. Who said it after all ??
Answer :
It is spoken by James Bond, played for first time by Sean Connery, in the film Dr. No.
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Well, who is this James Bond? James Bond is a spy Agent 007 (always articulated as “double-oh-seven”) in the British Secret Intelligence Service, or MI6, was the creation of British novelist Ian Fleming. Fleming featured Bond in another 12 novels. In 1962 the first Bond movie Dr. No (1958) was released and it initiated one of the most successful movie franchises in history.
Bond was portrayed by several screen actors, including Sean Connery in the 1960s, Roger Moore in the ’70s and ’80s, and Pierce Brosnan in the ’90s, and Bond remained effectively ageless throughout those decades.
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One reason why I like bond movies is the overdose of science and technology which is intoxicating and meant only for highly intellectual beings like you and me. As a child I was fascinated by the gimmicks displayed by Q, the man behind the gadgets and cars that Bond takes with him on his missions.
A list of my favorite which you did watch will not make you regret :
1. Dr No (1962) - Sean Connery
2. Goldfinger (1964) - Sean Connery
3. Thunderball (1965) - Sean Connery
4. Live and Let Die (1973) - Roger Moore
5. Octopussy (1983) - Roger Moore
6. A View to A Kill (1985) - Roger Moore
7. Moonraker (1979) - Roger Moore
8. Goldeneye (1995) - Pierce Brosnan
9. Die Another Day - Pierce Brosnan
10. Skyfall (2012) - Daniel Craig
One more thing notable about bond is the signature music created by Monty Norman. The James Bond theme tune composed almost 60 years ago is still one of the most recognized pieces of music in the history of cinema.
A timeless music 🎶 which still remains my father's ringtone.
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Come fall in love with a guy who drinks the vodka martini, with the specific direction that it be “shaken, not stirred.”
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the name is Sultana... Parveen Sultana signing off😄
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241086 · 3 years
The Stay At Home Kids 👶🏻👧🏻👦🏻
Spending more time online has led the kids to anxiety, vulnerable to online exploitation and grooming since its difficult to identify the predator lurking in the dark zone of internet.
Are the online classes absolutely necessary? It could have been made simpler by making the students learn the notes uploaded on the school's website and assessment of the students through objective tests and projects. Making the students sit for 5-6 hours at a stretch, glued to the lambent screen and insisting on copying the lessons in their notebooks merely to fill the pages with blue ink is impertinent.
The scenario at school with their peers sitting beside doing the same task of copying the notes from the board was like chalk and cheese whereas alone at home filling the notebooks to satisfy the school's demands which in turn wants to justify the school fees collected is idiocy.
The handling of constant sibling brawls and micro management of their studies by mothers is taxing the whole relationship of a mother and child. Even the mundane moments of going to school and daily routines feel like a luxury that every mother is already eager to have back.
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241086 · 3 years
Leader - The Man or Yes Man !!
Leaders Ignite the minds of Others. Leaders care, share and maintain transparency. Should the leader always be The Man and make his subordinates the Yes Man ?
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Do we all agree Dr. APJ Abdul Kalaam to be a great leader ?
Am not going to talk about APJ whom we all consider to be one of the finest leader. Instead am going to speak about his Project Director of SLV mission, Prof.Satish Dhawan. He was the Chairman of ISRO. That was the first time India was building its own rocket launch vehicle in Sri Harikota,India.
The Countdown started and Dr.Abdul kalam along with six other experts was monitoring the launch anxiously. When it was four minutes before the satellite launch, the computer began to go through the checklist of items. One minute later, the computer program put the launch on hold; the display showed that some control components were not in order. Everyone was stunned not knowing whether to proceed or not. The whole country was waiting for the good news.
The experts advised Dr.Abdul Kalam to go ahead with the launch and they were confident about their calculations. The decision was Dr.Kalam's to take and he decided to bypass the computer, switched to manual mode, and launched the rocket. In the first stage, everything worked fine. In the second stage, a problem developed. Instead of the satellite going into orbit, the whole rocket system plunged into the Bay of Bengal. It was a big failure.
The whole world media was waiting for the press meet curious to know what had happened. Dr.Kalam was very frightened to face the media and answer their criticism of wasting millions of people's money. 
Prof.Satish Dhawan, the chairman of ISRO took Dr.Kalam to the press meet and made him sit aside and he took the blame for the team's failure and said  "We failed! But I have a very good trust in my team that next time we will be succeeding for sure" and made everyone to believe in the team.
The next year, 18 July 1980, the same team led by Dr.Kalam successfully launched Rohini RS-1 into the orbit! The whole country was proud and cheering for the success of the launch. 
Prof.Satish Dhawan congratulated Dr.Kalam and the team and asked Dr.Kalam to conduct the press conference that day! 
The rest is History as we know it. Dr.Kalam led many more successful launches and became the 'Missile man' of India. This would not have happened without what Prof.Satish Dhawan did on the day of Failure! 
Well, this sums up what Leadership is all about! Leadership is not just about 'leading' someone to achieve a task but it is about 'empowering' someone to achieve far more Greater deeds.
Leadership styles boils down to two different styles: task-oriented and people-oriented leadership. The former is more focused on getting things done; the latter is more concerned with how people feel while they’re getting it done.
To sum it up, leadership is no walk in the park. There is no best leadership style. It is not The Man always acting like a boss or the Yes Man being at the beck and call of your superior.
The best leadership style occurs, when the leader's style matches the situation. !!
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241086 · 3 years
When is the Right Time ?
It is the biggest myth to think that Parenting is Innate!
Every creature in the world be it animals, birds or mammals know how to take care of their young ones, but are we talking about parenting in that level ??
Of course Not !! We are talking about the parenting skills that are quintessential for bringing up a human being, who is at the topmost part of the pyramid of hierarchy of life on earth.
Does everyone become parent when the time is Right?
How many are pushed into parenthood because the society demands a child from us? Or when the doctor suggests you to be a mother before 30?
Most of us could have faced this question immediately after marriage. "Any Good News"??
And some of us succumb to the pressure of our parents and in-laws.
Sometimes we silently compare ourselves with our siblings, friends and even cousins who got married the same year as we got married. And we start getting jitters when they give us the good news of their pregnancy.
And you....!! You suddenly start over thinking that night. Train of questions cross your mind.
1. Am I delaying the pregnancy for the right reasons?
2. Is my career so important to motherhood ?
3. Should I show to the world that I am completely healthy woman who can bear a child anytime?
And suddenly to decide to go on a family way to prove to the society and to yourself.
Now on a stronger note.
What about high school girls who become mothers?
Teenagers with unplanned pregnancies face difficult choices, making them victim to black-market abortions.
Raising kids is one of the toughest and most fulfilling jobs in the world — and the one for which you might feel the least prepared.
Therefore on a Final Thought the good thing is, although parenting is hard, it is also very rewarding. The bad part is - the rewards usually come much later than the hard work. But if we try our best now, we will eventually reap the rewards and have nothing to regret.
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241086 · 3 years
Assignee Roles in Toastmasters
1. TMOD – Toastmaster of the day : The Toastmaster of the Day keeps everything running smoothly. They manage the meeting, adhering to the agenda and ensuring that transitions between speakers are seamless and the session stays on time. We often think of the role as a master of ceremonies, but it is much more than that.
The meet started with the welcome speech of the President of the club.
Thank you, TM XXX, for the introduction. It is my pleasure to serve as the Toastmaster of the day today.
Before introducing the theme of the day, let me explain the agenda of the meeting to the guest of the day.
(Toastmasters meeting in general is divided into 3 sessions.)
The first session is the Prepared speech session
The second one is the Table Topic speech session
And the last is the evaluation or the feedback session.
Now I call all the role players to introduce themselves, with a slight introduction about the toastmasters who is doing each role. (And you call the Ah Counter, Grammarian, Timer and the General Evaluator. Each one briefly explains about the role one by one when you call them).
After this
Before we start with the Prepared speech , let me talk about the theme of the day.
Todays theme is : XXXXXXXX
Considering the theme of the day , I would like to tell you a short story —
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (explain the theme with a story or anything that you like)
After speaking for 5-10 minutes, you take a pause and say…let us start with the Prepared speech session.
Today TM YYY is giving her icebreaker speech and TM ZZZ is the evaluator of her speech.I call TM ZZZ on stage to read the objectives of TM YYY’s speech.
After the objectives are read out —
Thank you! TM ZZZ
Now I welcome TM YYY to present her speech.
After the icebreaker speech finished —
That was really an amazing Icebreaker TM YYY.
(Like the above you may have one or many prepared speeches)
After the prepared speech session, ask the timer whether the speakers has qualified or not and vote. To keep the audience engaging continue the paused story/theme that you were explaining by saying —
Meanwhile let me continue with the story ,
Thereby explain the crux of the theme….
Now let us begin with the next session of the speech.
I call TM AAA to address the table topics session.
After TTM session is complete.
That was really an interesting TT session.
Ask the timer who has qualified and ask members to vote.
Continue with your theme…….
Now let is start the last session of the day,
The evaluation session. (call the GE to conduct this session)
After the evaluation session is conducted, all the evaluators read out their report. The audience votes for best speaker , best Table Topic speaker and best Role player. After all the sessions, hand over the stage to the President of the club by saying —
Now I hand over the stage to the President of our club , TM XXX.
Thank you ..!!
2. General Evaluator GE : The General Evaluator's main job is to review and assess the club meeting—from the time people arrive to the end of the program's educational component—and report their findings.
After you have been introduced by the TMOD.
Thank you very much, TM BBB.
We have now come to the Evaluation portion of our meeting.
This is an extremely important part of our meeting as it provides the speakers who gave prepared speeches tonight with instantaneous feedback from their fellow Toastmaster members. The purpose of the evaluation is to give both positive comments and suggestions for improvement.
Hopefully, each speaker will feel encouraged by aspects of their speech that went well, and motivated to make their speeches even better for the next time.
My role as General Evaluator is to introduce the individual Evaluators for each speaker. I will also share some of my observations regarding the overall quality of the meeting.
First, I would like to call upon the evaluators to evaluate our speakers. I would ask the evaluators to please try and mention at least one point for improvement in your evaluations. Evaluators will have 2-3 minutes to give their evaluations.
The Timer will give the intimation.
Now I would like to call on our first evaluator TM CCC to evaluate YYY's speech.
Next I have TM DDD as an evaluator for TM EEE's speech.
Now I would like to call on TM FFF to evaluate TM GGG's speech.
(after all the speeches are evaluated)
Thank you, evaluators.
Reports Now I call on our Timer TM TTTT to give us her Timer's Report. TM TTT, please give your report.
Thank you, TM TTT for your report.
I would like to call Grammarian TM GGG, _______ to give us her report. Thank you TM GGG.
I would like to call Ah Counter TM HHH, _______ to give us her report. Thank you TM HHH.
At this time, I will give my general evaluation of the meeting. {speak about the Time Management: The TMOD’s theme: Table Topics: Speeches: Guest Speaker: Evaluators: Overall Meeting)
Before I hand the meeting back to the Chair, I would like to remind you to vote for the best speaker and evaluator with the vote counter.
Thank you, TM BBB (handshake).
3. Grammarian : The main purpose of the Grammarian role is to encourage and commend good use of language by speakers and other meeting participants.
The main responsibilities of the Grammarian are:
▪ To choose a Word of the Day and encourage all speakers to make use of it
▪ Record any notable uses of language by speakers during the meeting itself and of the Word of the Day
▪ Give a report when prompted by the Toastmaster
Prior to the meeting
▪ Choose a Word of the Day
▪ Make sure you choose a word that will help the members of the audience to enhance their everyday vocabulary, rather than picking a seldom-used, archaic or slang word.
▪ Adjectives or adverbs are recommended since they are easier to incorporate into normal speech, but feel free to choose any type of word that you wish.
▪ Prepare a short definition of the word, including one or two usage examples.
▪ Print the word out in large letters on two separate pieces of paper. These should be big enough to read easily across a room.
(or) Have it as your virtual background during online meetings.
Display the Word of the Day
▪ Stick one of the word of the day posters at the front of the room where it can be clearly seen by audience members and people coming up to speak.
▪ Stick the other poster at the back of the room where it may be clearly seen by speakers.
▪ In case of Online meeting: Introduce few days before the meeting in whatsapp group and have it as your virtual background.
During the meeting
Listen attentively and make notes
Listen for words or phrases which are particularly interesting, unusual or effective.
Give your report
First, report on which participants used the Word of the Day and how many times. You do not need to say how the word was used.
Using your notes, highlight some of the most interesting examples of language which occurred during the meeting. Try to pick examples from a variety of speakers and from various different parts of the meeting.
Keep an eye on the time. Search for the grammarian script in toastmasters website.
4. Timer:
Taking on this role improves time management skills.
One of the skills Toastmasters practice is expressing a thought within a specific time. The timer is responsible for monitoring time for each meeting segment and each speaker. As Timer, you:
• Acquire the timing/signaling equipment from the sergeant at arms and know how to operate it.
• Explain the timing rules and demonstrate the signal device if called upon to do so.
• Throughout the meeting, listen carefully to each participant and signal them accordingly.
• When called to report, announce the speakers' names and the time taken.
• After the meeting, return the timing/signaling equipment to the sergeant at arms.
Taking on this role improves observational and listening skills
The purpose of the Ah-Counter is to note any overused words or filler sounds used as a crutch by anyone who speaks during the meeting. Words may be inappropriate interjections, such as and, well, but, so and you know. Sounds may be ah, um or er. As Ah-Counter you:
• Request a copy of the Ah-Counter’s log from your sergeant at arms. If a log is not available, be prepared to take notes.
• When introduced during the club meeting, explain the role of the Ah-Counter.
• In the Ah-Counter’s log, record overlong pauses, overused words and filler sounds relied upon too often by all speakers. Examples include: and, but, so, you know, ah, um.
• During the evaluation portion of the meeting, report your observations when called upon.
6. Zoom Master/ Vote Counter
The Vote Counter collects ballots after each meeting segment (prepared speeches, Table Topics, and evaluations) by private chat message. The Vote Counter tallies the votes to determine the Best Speaker, Best Table Topics, and Best Evaluator of the day. The Vote Counter does not vote unless there is a tie. Only if there is a tie, the Vote Counter discreetly breaks the tie without announcing this fact.
During the Meeting
• Use the chat to remind members to send you votes via private message after each segment.
• Tally the votes for each segment to determine the winner in each category.
• If required, discreetly cast the tie-breaking vote to determine the winner.
• When called upon, announce the winner for each category, making sure to encourage cheering and enthusiasm among all meeting participants.
To understand the role of zoommaster check the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMR-I1alc98
7. Table Topics Master
Table Topics is, in itself, a crucial element of Toastmasters. It allows us to think on our feet and improve our improvisation skills. Honing this ability is important not only for becoming a better speaker but also to help improve our communication in general.
Someone needs to be responsible for moderating this session – for creating topics of various difficulties and ensuring the audience is comfortable and engaged enough so that they actually want to come up on stage and attempt a Table Topic.
Before the Meeting
Prepare for about 7-15 topics which the audience can speak upon depending on the size of your club and expected audience strength.
Contact the Toastmaster of the Day and find out the theme of the meeting. Prepare speech topics around that theme for consistency.
Also, ask the Vice President of Education for the agenda before the meeting. This will help you know who all have already taken up a speech slot or a role. Try and not call on these members to speak for Table Topics as they already are being given an opportunity to speak on stage. The idea is to give maximum members stage time.
On stage
When you’re called upon by the Toastmaster of the Day, start by introducing yourself and talking about the importance of Table Topics. Then, call upon the Timer to provide the timing guidelines for the Table Topics session.
The timing for a Table Topics session is 1 to 2 minutes. 1 minute is the minimum time, 1:30 minutes is the target time and 2 minutes is the maximum time. Speakers are allowed to speak for a maximum of 2:30 in a Table Topic before being disqualified.
Make sure to mention that this session is open for members as well as for guests. Also, you can reiterate the Word of the Day stated by the Grammarian and encourage speakers to use them in their Table Topic speeches.
Your script could look something like this:
“Good Morning Toastmaster of the Day, fellow Toastmasters and guests!
Table Topics helps members practice the art of improvisation and also helps us think on our feet! This helps us develop four vital communication skills – Listening, Thinking, Organizing and Delivering. The topics that I have prepared for you will hopefully help all of us become better at improvisation. Since we at Toastmasters try and provide a speaking opportunity to maximum audience members, this session is not restricted to members alone. Even the guests can participate!
I hope everyone gives this a shot. I may randomly call anyone to participate or you can volunteer to come up on stage yourself by raising your hand. Before we begin, I request the Timer to call out the timing guidelines for the Table Topics Round.
(After the Timer is done providing the guidelines) Thank you, Timer. Okay, let’s begin! Who will be the first volunteer?”
When you are done with the session, call on the Timer again to give the timing report. Then, thank the audience for participating and hand the stage back to the Toastmaster of the Day.
As a Table Topics Master, your job is to ensure that members are feeling comfortable enough to attempt improvisation as it can be challenging. So make sure your approach is friendly and encouraging.
When you call a speaker on stage, shake his/her hand, pick up a topic, announce the name of the speaker followed by the topic while looking at the speaker. Then, turn towards the audience, say the topic followed by the name of the speaker. This is to ensure that both, the speaker and the audience have heard the topic properly.
When you begin, always start out with an experienced member if possible so guests can get an idea of how Table Topics work. After this, try picking out people who haven’t come on stage that particular meeting. The more people go on stage, the better! Having a good mix of members and guests is vital for a successful Table Topics session.
When you are preparing topics for a Table Topics session, here are few things to keep in mind:
1. Keep the topics related to the theme
2. Keep the topics fairly simple to speak on. The idea is to encourage people to come on stage and practice improvisation. Giving difficult topics and having members speechless on stage won’t help that much.
3. It’s always better to have a slightly higher number of topics than you expect so in case you can call on more speakers, you don’t run out of topics. Having extra won’t hurt
4. Try and have a few topics which call for humour. This will make the entire session a lot more entertaining
8. Table Topics Evaluator :
The Table Topic Evaluator is the member responsible for listening to each impromptu speech during the Table Topics session and give feedback to the speakers.
Sample Script for the meeting
Before starting the Table Topics session:
Toastmaster introduces the Table Topic Evaluator
— Thank you, Toastmaster, for the introduction.
— My role as the Table Topic Evaluator is to listen to each of the impromptu speeches given by the participants of the Table Topics session and provide feedback. I’ll be taking notes during the activity so that I can give objective feedback, taking into consideration that the speakers have not rehearsed their speeches.
— Now I return the control to the Toastmaster.
The Table Topics Master conducts the session
When introduced by the General Evaluator
— Thank you; now I will give feedback to each of the speakers.
Proceed with the feedback, spending approx. 30 seconds per speaker. All your evaluations should be completed in 3 minutes total.
Once finished, return the control to the General Evaluator.
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241086 · 3 years
Behind Every Successful Woman there is.... HERSELF !!
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Everyone would have heard the phrase " Behind every successful man there is a WOMAN" . By the same logic can we say "Behind every successful woman there is a MAN ?????" . Possibly, but the difference would be there must have been a man who acted as a trigger to kindle the inner fire in her which made her realize the humongous power she had within herself. Aren't we belittling a woman by saying there could be a Man behind every successful woman ?
Therefore Its best to say that "Behind every successful woman is HERSELF".
The woman today have taken the bull by the horns and are enthusiastically growing their careers. A woman has the capability to build a castle of her dreams with the bricks hurled at her. You give her a microscopic sperm she delivers you a wonderful being in just 10 months. You give her a kitchen she gives you food which is diligently prepared taking into consideration the health needs and preferences of each family member. You give her a building of cement and bricks, she gives you "Home".
A woman directs her own film being the hero and heroine of the movie fighting against every man lurking out there to make her the victim. She was created from a man's rib not from his head to be superior nor from his feet to be stamped on, but from his side to be equal.
In a nutshell behind the success of most woman is HER drive, HER determination, HER grit and most importantly believing in HERSELF, while the world yells out to her making her believe she is feeble, powerless, submissive and dependent. You might consider this article is based on a feministic view whatsoever it is written to remind every woman that she is a protagonist. And if she doesn't succumb to the pressure of the society and stands independent in terms financial and emotional need then no person will ever make her feeble.
Gone are the days when a woman was at the beck and call of her man !
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241086 · 3 years
Brand Names Are All That Matters ?? 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Why don't we mind to Pay through your nose to buy a lemon. I mean why do we spend a lot of money to buy something not so worthy.?
In today’s day and age there are brands for everything imaginable. We are obsessed with the brands around us. We can’t live without them and even judge others by the brands they use. We eat branded foods, wear branded clothes and even pee in branded commodes. What is it that makes this infatuation with brands a reality? What makes a person choose a known brand over an unknown product?
Branding, by definition, is a marketing practice in which a company creates a name, symbol or design that is easily identifiable as belonging to the company.
Why Is Branding Important?
Branding is absolutely critical to a business because of the overall impact it makes on the company.
The logo is the most important element of branding, it is essentially the face of the company. And to get this across......! we get calendars and purses from jewellery shops etc (remember) they are actually Printed promotional products. 😉
Branding Not just Generates New Customers but also Improves Employee Pride And Satisfaction
When an employee works for a strongly branded company and truly stands behind the brand, they will be more satisfied with their job and have a higher degree of pride in the work that they do.
Authenticity Matters
There’s a reason why people decide not to fake up a Rolex but decide to pay a full-price for an authentic one (even if the fake one looks identical).
Are Higher-Priced Goods Really of Higher Quality?
One possible explanation for this is the human tendency to overemphasize the positive elements of a product and ignore its disadvantages. For example, in the case of Apple Inc. consumers wait overnight for new releases of iPhones, iPads, and Mac computers. Despite the fact that Apple products are not technologically unique or superior... remember this meme
Apple can even sell a cucumber 🥒 and make people fork out dollars.
In fact, Samsung makes phones with better features (compared to most models of the iPhone), nevertheless, Apple experiences a high degree of brand loyalty and seems to break sales records year after year.
Because some people perceive non-luxury goods as inferior. They also come to the irrational conclusion that higher priced goods are of better quality.
The youth in India today are willing to spend on the maintenance of a lavish lifestyle. They want to go for brands- in terms of clothes, shoes, perfumes, eatables, accessories, gadgets and even lingerie.
While a high-quality, durable handbag can be purchased for around rs.1000, some people opt instead to spend thousands of rupees on a luxury-brand handbag that performs the same function and is of the same relative quality.
example : A Louis Vuitton bag (trust me most of them don't know to pronounce the name correctly... looooois Vittooonnn is what they pronounce) ... Ehhh Who cares !! ** (will show some brand names and give their right pronunciation)**
And women are ready to burn money on cosmetics... a fenty beauty lipstick or Hudabeauty matte wear, bobbi brown foundation, urban decay's eye shadows or Antastasia beverley hills brow pencils.. just the names are enough to make women go bananas over and spend a fortune. 💵
Perhaps.... your brought up matters! My dad was very particular about brands. As a child he bought us Nike ⭐️ shoes, bombay dyeing bedsheets (its still in my mom's house), One Man show perfume, Old spice after shave, hot wheels toys, Parker Pens, etc and never settled for the ordinary products.
The Bottom Line
People buy luxury goods for a variety of reasons. A sense of accomplishment is another reason why some people buy luxury goods. They want to reward themselves for their hard work by treating themselves to something they typically could not afford.
Whatever may be the reason but Brand Names are NOT all that matters !
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241086 · 3 years
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For all of those who like watching cinema but isn't aware of Alfred Hitchcock, is like the desert wanderer who has never seen an oasis.
Alfred Hitchcock is the cultural icon of Hollywood cinema. He is known as the Master of suspense.
I am a proud fan of Alfred Hitchcock watching 23 of his movies over and over again. And today I'm going to explain to you why I dote his films so much.
I got mesmerized by his directorial skills from the first movie I watched - Marnie (1964), starring Sean Connery and Tippi Hedren. Its about a girl who is habituated to steel with a troubled childhood and is afraid of the color 'red'. A simple theme yet for it was presented in such an intriguing manner that one wont be able to guess the next move and the climax of-course.
I am also fond of the cameos that he makes in most of his movies. He made cameos in 39 of his movies. It was so much liked by people that he had to place his cameo early in his films to avoid distracting his audience.
The famous shower scene from the movie Psycho (1960) made the movie one of its kind which is now making me remind of its famous dialogue "She wouldn't even harm a fly🪰 " . In another movie, simple harmless creature like a bird is projected so petrifying making it a thriller movie. Watch "THE BIRDS (1963)" for getting the latch of it.
You could find Cary Grant, an actor par excellence in some of Hitchcock's movies like Suspicion, Notorious etc which makes these movies even more revering.
You got to watch Hitchcock's movies to know that most of his movies have been remade in your regional language and some of your favorite movies are actually the remakes or an inspiration from Hitchcock's movies.
Now that you had the kindness to read this long article, I suggest you finish it by making a list of must watch from my personal favorites like Notorious, Rope, Stranger on a Train, Vertigo, Dial M for Murder, Stage Fright, Shadow of A Doubt, North by Northwest, Spellbound, Rear Window, Suspicion etc.
As a toastmaster with a flair for improvising English language I urge each of you to dwell in the dialogues of Hitchcock movies to replenish your fondness for it.
Habilitate in Happy Watching
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241086 · 3 years
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You Eat Like A Bird "You eat like a bird" said a woman I barely know. Though I heard this for the first time in the 1970 movie "Psycho" directed by Alfred Hitchcock. It means you eat very less like a bird. "Body Shaming"...?? Heard this term often these days ? Body shaming is criticizing yourself or others because of some aspect of physical appearance. Did you ever stop and think about how often we are told to change our appearance? Social media constantly offer tips about how to loose weight "in days", appear slimmer "instantly" and hide our "imperfections". This is one example of body shaming, and it is everywhere. And even if we don't care we are at risk of being the target of someone else's body shaming comments. No matter how this manifests, it often leads to comparison and shame, and perpetuates the idea that people should be judged mainly for their physical features. "We are our own worst critic" is often a phrase we use to describe when we are as individuals too hard on ourselves. This leads to the question: if it so harsh why is body shaming so common ? In a survey of adolescents in grade 9 to 12,more than 59% females are trying to lose weight. This is not common only with women. Research has identified that as many as 70% of college men report body dissatisfaction. And this body dissatisfaction increases from middle school to young adulthood. Signs and Symptoms of negative body image may include :
Obsessive self scrutiny in mirror
thinking disparaging comments about your body and frequent comparison of your own shape and size to other people
envy a friend's body, or just as commonly: the body of a celebrity or someone else in the media.
Sometimes body image is negatively impacted by one or more significant events. I have always faced "Skinny Shaming" . I was never fat nor chubby my entire life (of course before childbirth) . My college friend seeing my eating habits concluded that my stomach is not an elastic bag like everyone else's. For me it was a rigid tube connecting my mouth to my intestines because I ate such frugal amount. My school friends use to comment... Hey.. God has given you only bones wrapped with little skin to cover them. There is no flesh leave alone fat. My mom always use to stitch cloths one size bigger in the hope that her daughter might put on weight. She only wished this every year to face disappointment each year. But she was not of the one who could accept defeat so easily. She gave me milk with honey during bedtime, soaked almonds and sprouts etc to school alas nothing worked. After marriage and delivery...Voila I had put on oodles of weight. What happened then... Did the body shaming comments stop ???? No...!!!! From skinny shaming it has changed to Fat shaming now!! 😝 The struggle is endless. Many studies show that weight discrimination causes stress and leads over weight people to eat more, leading to low self esteem, anger, self harm and even mental health disorders, specifically body dysmorphic disorder. One in which you can't stop thinking about one or more perceived defects or flaws in your appearance. When you have this disorder, you intensely focus on your appearance and body image. You may seek numerous cosmetic procedures to try to "fix" your perceived flaw. Afterward you may feel temporary satisfaction but often the anxiety returns and you may resume searching for other ways to fix your perceived flaw. Treatment for body dysmorphic disorder may include cognitive behavioral therapy and medication. Some people use the mantra *fake it till they make it* to achieve the unrealistic goal of so called beautiful. You are never going to be happy with your body. The easiest thing is to accept the way you are. Find something physical or non physical that makes YOU and celebrate it everyday. Begin to accept and respect your body. A lot of people have definitions for a beautiful body and You are not going to fit into it.
Eat like A bird 🦅 or Eat Like A Horse 🐎 it is all up-to You !
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241086 · 3 years
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Why do I find Urdu the sweetest of all language ? Well I am not alone in this. A lot of people fell the same way as I do. And it is also one of the most gentle language of the world. Some of the richest literary works could be found in this language, although it is a new language. French is a language which can be compared to Urdu for its sweetness.
The most decent words can be found on this language. May be that is also a major reason for the beauty of Urdu. A language which will give a tough time if you have to abuse someone using this language. On the flip side if you have to praise someone then Urdu has umpteen number of synonyms which will act as positive adjectives to approbate a person. And for the very reason you can find almost all the songs of bollywood being written in Urdu.
The poetry that can be found in Urdu has a special place with fan followers all around the world, where writers like Mirza Ghalib, Allama Muhammad Iqbal, Faiz Ahmed Faiz, Omar Khayyam have infused such spirited and legendary work within its literature, that it has been an inspiration for many ages to come.
Urdu poetry is popular not just in Pakistan but also among Indians. Some people associate it with religions and abandon the beautiful language for no reason. So much so that even the father of our Nation Mahatma Gandhiji also wanted Hindustani (Hindi and Urdu) to be our national language. Even south Indians were eager to learn it. Nevertheless some mean people brought religion into it and Hindi language was made more and more Sanskritized. Urdu and Hindi are regarded as sister languages because 70% of the words are similar.
The deccan urdu to where I belong is a lot different from the lucknowi Urdu because of our dialect and the south Indian (Dhakkani's) influence and lack of proper education of urdu's script among the recent generation. Regardless I could still proudly say with collars raised that my mother tongue is Urdu.
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