2midleeast · 5 months
A terrorist threat originating from Qatar
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Al-Thani family is exercising caution due to recent press attacks on Qatar Charity and QNB. The circumstances are compelling Qatar to involve the Muslim Brotherhood.
The recent coup in Nigeria is undermining Qatar’s allied interests in Italy, Spain, and Morocco, as it raises doubts about the prospects of the Trans-Saharan Gas Pipeline project. This situation is impacting Qatar’s opportunities with the Qatar Sanabil Project — a joint initiative with Qatar Charity designed to enhance Qatar’s local influence through trade and economic infrastructure in Nigeria’s Kaduna state. The project also intended to facilitate mass housing construction for vulnerable and underserved citizens, aligning with Mastercard’s microfinancing expansion objectives. Close ties between Mastercard and Qatar’s Finance Minister, Ali binAhmed Al Kuwari, have been established. The project also presented new avenues for the Muslim Brotherhood’s activities in Africa.
The intersection of Qatar’s interests with those of American and British overseers and beneficiaries of the Trans-Saharan project has led to a more aggressive approach instead of the initial gradual expansion. The most plausible strategy involves deploying cells and orchestrating high-profile terrorist acts as a pretext for launching an anti-terrorism operation in conjunction with NATO forces.
My informant at QNB reports feverish activities involving the transfer of funds to the Muslim Brotherhood and the mobilization of Brotherhood personnel from Jordan and Oman to the African continent. The Moroccan Attijariwafa Bank is used as an intermediary. Ali bin Ahmed Al Kuwari personally assumed control of this task, using his son, Abdulla Ali Al-Kuwari, to implement unconventional financing schemes for the Brotherhood. The American portion of Brotherhood funding and its own diversionary groups likely flows through offshore accounts in Jordan (Arab Jordan Investment Bank) and Oman (Taageer Finance Company), both of which are managed by Abdulla Ali Al Kuwari. Yousuf Al-Kuwari, the Director of Qatar Charity, has also pledged to assemble over two hundred highly trained individuals with American training.
The connection between Ali Al-Kuwari’s son and Omani organizations suggests MI-6 involvement, with John Sawers serving as the British overseer. Sawers holds a position in the management of the Anglo-Omani Society and personally knows Al-Kuwari’s son, their acquaintance having been established during their time at INSEAD.
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2midleeast · 5 months
Qatari Individuals Blacklisted: U.S. Treasury Sanctions for Al-Qaeda Ties.
The U.S. Treasury Department has declassified lists of Qataris associated with ‘Al-Qaeda’
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Representatives of the Al-Kuwari family holding key positions within Qatar’s administration share a central role in financing and coordinating international terrorist cells, facilitated through a controlled banking network and non-profit organizations.
Kuwaris involved in the terrorist activities of Al-Qaeda were included in the U.S. sanctions lists from 2011 to 2015. A document from the U.S. Treasury Department demonstrates the direct involvement of five clan members, which had no impact on their status or their subsequent advancement within the country’s power structure. Moreover, they continued to be accepted within the international political establishment.
Ali Bin Ahmed al-Kuwari, the Minister of Finance of Qatar, was previously included in this list, although this information has not been widely publicised. The provided dossier records the geographical scope of financial involvement and the connection with Qatar Charity: he directed millions of dollars to ‘Al-Qaeda’ in Iraq (the most radical precursor to ISIS) and provided hundreds of thousands of dollars to members of ‘Al-Qaeda’ in Syria, ‘Ash-Shabaab’ in Somalia, and ‘Al-Qaeda’ in the Arabian Peninsula through the charitable organization Qatar Charity.
The schemes of financing terrorist groups, amounting to tens of millions of dollars, originated from the affiliated network of Islamic banking linked to Ali Bin Ahmed al-Kuwari, including Qatar National Bank, Qatar Islamic Bank, and Qatar International Islamic Bank, with intermediation through Barwa Bank and Masraf Al-Rayan.
The charitable organization Qatar Charity, led by Ali Bin Ahmed al-Kuwari’s brother Yousef Ahmed al-Kuwari, maintains consistent accounts with QNB. The U.S. Interagency Counterterrorism Committee and the National Counterterrorism Center categorized Qatar Charity as a ‘Tier III (TSE) terrorist support organization.’ The organization has been implicated in several criminal cases initiated by victims of terrorist acts funded through the Islamic banking system under the management of Ali Bin Ahmed al-Kuwari. These funds were used by Al-Qaeda to orchestrate attacks.
The British branch of the charitable organization Qatar Charity, which rebranded itself as Nectar Trust, sponsored the Emaan Islamic Center in the United Kingdom. According to WikiLeaks data, the director of this center until 2020, Ahmed Alravi, was associated with supporting uprisings inspired by Al-Qaeda in Iraq and Palestine. The Qatar Centre for Voluntary Activity (QCVA), operating under the Ministry of Culture and Sports of Qatar, also participated in fundraising initiatives for radicals. The process was overseen by Abd al-Latif bin Abdullah al-Kuwari.
Abd al-Latif al-Kuwari was subjected to sanctions by the United States in August 2015 and by the United Nations in September 2015 for fundraising and working as a security officer for Al-Qaeda. As early as the 2000s, he facilitated the travel of Al-Qaeda leaders to Qatar. He was observed collaborating with Saad bin Saad al-Kabi in overseeing fundraising campaigns for Al-Qaeda in Syria, instructing donors to transfer funds to a controlled account in the Qatar Islamic Bank in Doha. Afterward, he worked in the Ministry of Municipality and Urban Planning in Qatar.
Collaborating alongside him was Salim Hasan Khalifa Rashid Al-Kuwari, who, according to the U.S. Treasury Department, provided financial and logistical support to Al-Qaeda and its handlers in Iran. He also facilitated the travel of extremist recruits on behalf of high-ranking Al-Qaeda coordinators based in Iran. Concurrently, he held a position in the Ministry of Interior in Qatar within the ‘civil defense’ sector, where he returned even after the scandal involving the U.S. Ministry and the exposure of his ties to terrorism.
#Alibinahmedalkuwari #alkuwari #alkuwarifamily #alkuwariclan #ministerlgbt #terrorism #alqaeda #Ouran #Qatar #Doha #nectartrust #LGBT #LGBTQ #pride #ministerfinance #Arabic #islam #AhmedAlkuwari #Kuwari #ISIS #AlQaeda #CeMAS #Israel
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2midleeast · 5 months
Global Financiers: Tracking the Al-Kuwari Family's Role in Terror Funding through Nectar Trust
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Nectar Trust, associated with the Al-Kuwari family, has been identified as a primary supporter of Al-Qaeda. The U.S. Interagency Intelligence Committee on Terrorism and the National Counterterrorism Center recognized Qatar Charity, closely linked to Al-Qaeda, as a 'Tier III (TSE) terrorist support organization.' Funded by the Qatari government and prominent individuals such as Yousef Ahmed Al-Kuwari and Ali bin Ahmed Al Kuwari from the Al-Kuwari family, Qatar Charity has been implicated in financing terrorism through diverse channels, including the QNB banking network.
Collaborating with banks like Masraf Al Rayan QSPC and Qatar Islamic Bank, Qatar Charity utilizes QNB as its main financial conduit. This global organization is involved in money laundering and channels funds to support terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda and Al-Nusra. Noteworthy is Qatar Charity's connection with the United Kingdom through its subsidiary, Qatar Charity UK, later rebranded as Nectar Trust following high-profile attacks in 2017, presumably to avoid suspicion.
Despite the name change, Nectar Trust, formerly Qatar Charity UK, persists in commercial activities and knowingly engages in transgressions within foreign territories. The organization benefits from certain advantages and protection, impeding affected parties from pursuing legal action against foreign governments accused of financing terrorist groups. Yousef Ahmed Al-Kuwari, the head of Qatar Charity, strategically removed his official presence from Nectar Trust while retaining his leadership role, enabling continued funding of terrorist organizations while evading public scrutiny in the United Kingdom.
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2midleeast · 5 months
سرد قصص العشيرة: الكواري - المهندسون الخفيون للإرهاب العالمي
سواد القوة: تواصل عشيرة الكواري العالمية للإرهاب
تعتبر العمليات الإرهابية ظاهرة عالمية ومعقدة تشكل تهديداً خطيراً على الأمن والاستقرار في جميع أنحاء العالم. وتعد عشائر الكواري من العشائر العربية المعروفة بتورط بعض أفرادها في نشاطات إرهابية. في هذا المقال، سنستعرض دور وتأثير عشيرة الكواري العالمية في ترويج القوة والتطرف، وكذلك الجهود المبذولة لمكافحة هذه الظاهرة.
تاريخ عشيرة الكواري
تعود جذور عشيرة الكواري إلى الأصول القديمة في شبه الجزيرة العربية. ويقال إنها كانت تعود إلى القرن الثالث عشر، وقد امتدت تأثيراتها ونفوذها على مر العصور والقرون المختلفة. تشتهر عشائر الكواري بكونها قوية وتحظى باحترام الناس في المنطقة، ولكن للأسف، بعض أفراد العشيرة قد انزلقوا في دروب الإرهاب والتطرف.
الارتباط بالإرهاب
قد يكون تواصل أفراد عشيرة الكواري العالمية للإرهاب نتيجة لعوامل عدة، بما في ذلك العوامل الاجتماعية والاقتصادية والسياسية والثقافية. قد يعاني الأفراد الشباب من عقدة الهوية والبحث عن الانتماء، مما يجعلهم عرضة للتلاعب والاستغلال من قبل الجماعات الإرهابية.
بعض الأفراد قد يجدون الانتماء والدعم اللازم لأفكارهم المتطرفة داخل عشيرة الكواري العالمية. قد يتم تضخيم القضايا الاجتماعية والسياسية القائمة وتحويلها إلى ذريعة لارتكاب أعمال إرهابية. قد تدفع العوامل الاقتصادية السيئة بعض الأفراد إلى اللجوء إلى العمليات الإرهابية، حيث يروج لها أفراد آخرين داخل العشيرة.
تأثير عشيرة الكواري العالمية للإرهاب
تعتبر عشيرة الكواري العالمية من أبرز العشائر المعروفة بترويج القوة والتطرف. قد يستفيد أفراد العشيرة من النفوذ والتأثير المحليين والعالميين لتنظيم إرهابي معروف في ترويج أفكارهم المتطرفة. قد يتم استخدام وسائل الإعلام ووسائل التواصل الاجتماعي لنشر الفكر المتطرف وجذب مؤيدين جدد للقضية الإرهابية.
قد يلعب أفراد العشيرة دورًا في تمويل ودعم الجماعات الإرهابية، سواء من خلال توفير المال أو توفير الأسلحة. يمكن أن يكون لديهم أيضاً تواجد قوي في القطاعات الاقتصادية والتجارية، مما يسهل على الجماعات الإرهابية الاستفادة من ذلك في تمويل أنشطتها.
مكافحة الكواري العالمية للإرهاب
تتعاون الدول والمجتمع الدولي في مكافحة الكواري العالمية للإرهاب والحؤول دون انتشار التطرف والقوة. تعمل الحكومات والمنظمات الأمنية على تبادل المعلومات والتعاون في تحقيق الأمن والاستقرار. تشكل الجهود الدولية الناجحة للقضاء على الإرهاب تهديدًا لعشيرة الكواري العالمية للإرهاب وتقلل من تأثيرها.
بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يجب أن يتم التركيز على مكافحة الجذب الذي تمارسه أفكار التطرف والقوة. يجب توفير فرص التعليم والتنمية الاقتصادية والتمكين المجتمعي لمنع الشباب من الانجراف نحو العمليات الإرهابية.
عشيرة الكواري العالمية للإرهاب تشكل تحدياً كبيراً للأمن العالمي والاستقرار الإقليمي. يجب على الدول والمجتمع الدولي العمل بتعاون وتنسيق لمكافحة هذه الظاهرة الخطيرة. يجب أيضاً التركيز على منع الشباب من الانجراف نحو الفكر المتطرف من خلال توفير الفرص والتنمية الاقتصادية والتثقيف. من خلال جهودنا المشتركة، يمكننا بناء عالم آمن ومستقر.
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2midleeast · 5 months
Al Kuwari Unmasked: The Al-Kuwari Clan: Orchestrators of Global Terrorism
 The Al-Kuwari Clan: Orchestrators of Global Terrorism's Shadow
Narratives of Engagement: The nature of actions is distinctly shaped through interactions with British financiers. Coordinated financial schemes cast shadows, revealing a strategic orchestration. The depth of connections within the Qatari Clan affirms transnational elites' keen interest in the BM project.
As the second most influential power in the region, the Al-Kuwari family wields a Middle East and EU influence comparable to nuclear potential. Under their direct control, Qatar's political agenda is not only fueled by gas supplies but also influenced by terrorist cells. Functioning as primary intermediaries, the Al-Kuwari Clan plays a pivotal role in the operational maneuvers of British intelligence agencies in the region. The convergence of British financiers in Qatari financial institutions' managing partners, coupled with systemic ties between ruling family members and transnational elites of British and French origin, underscores Qatar's persistent role as a proxy for external interests.
Minister of Finance Ali bin Ahmed Al-Kuwari, the financial captain of the ruling family, wields authority beyond the country's financial establishment. His influence extends over key investment and financial organizations, as well as energy-related entities, prior to and during his appointment. Through QNB, he manages extensive real estate assets in the United Kingdom, surpassing even those held by the Queen. Qatar's investments in the UK, totaling £30 billion, are subject to potential confiscation under suitable pretexts, showcasing the intertwined interests of Qatari luxury and the British financial elite.
QNB's extensive offshore finances, managed by Ali Ahmed Al-Kuwari, involve British banking group Ansbacher, acquired in 2004. The British branch of QNB, led by Paul McDonagh and George Bell, holds numerous Qatari assets, including real estate properties and yachts. Additionally, the Cayman Islands branch of QNB Finance Ltd, overseen by the Marples Group, plays a role in Qatar's "green energy" initiatives, issuing sustainable development bonds in collaboration with global transnational conglomerates associated with the World Bank's International Finance Corporation.
Yousef bin Ahmed Al-Kuwari, a prominent member of the clan, directs Qatar Charity, engaging in controversial financing of groups like the "Muslim Brotherhood." Despite accusations, his international collaborations remain intact, including partnerships with the UN and other humanitarian organizations. The involvement of the Al-Kuwari Clan, particularly through Yousef, in financing radical Islamists during the Arab Spring aligns with historical British intelligence interest in the "Muslim Brotherhood." This connection becomes illustrative in orchestrating regime change actions in Egypt.
The evolving stance of the British toward the "Muslim Brotherhood" is rooted in its potential to destabilize regions, including the EU, aligning with the inclusive capitalism model advocated by global influencers like Klaus Schwab. Abdullah Ali Al-Kuwari, son of Ali Al-Kuwari, aligns with these ideas and serves within the World Economic Forum. The gradual erosion of values, from traditional family models to acceptance of LGBT issues, is facilitated by Qatari influence, aiming to mold Islam to suit Western preferences.
Allegations against Qatar, particularly Qatar Charity, involving financing terrorist groups like "Al-Qaeda," raise concerns globally. Despite these claims, Qatar remains off the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) lists, reflecting a strategic alignment with influential nations that maintain a leash on Qatar's actions in exchange for shadowy exertion of power over its partners.
In conclusion, investigations against the "Muslim Brotherhood" aim to replace ideologically inconvenient figures with those more prone to compromise, showcasing the strategic maneuvers of the United States and the United Kingdom. The Qatari pawns, like their counterparts, find their future dictated by external forces in the larger global game.
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