3--am--thoughts · 2 years
Each time you return, I sink a little deeper, Each time you return it takes a little longer to resurface,
Will this be the time I never make it to daylight again?
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3--am--thoughts · 3 years
11:23pm, 16/10/21
I don't think I know what's going on inside my head. Not really. I don't think anyone does. We're all trying to decode human behaviour, to read the people around us, but do we really care? Or are we just looking for solutions to our problems in other people?
Science says our brains are millions of neurons (billions actually), all sending messages to each other. And (somehow) those messages are translated to the voice I hear in my head. I don't know who that voice is, or where it comes from. It's sorta just there. It comes and goes as it pleases. Sometimes helpful, sometimes not.
Science can't explain that.
The government says our mind is our own. That we have a choice. A "voice", if you will. Yet they use manipulation to make us go whichever way they want. Turning us about, confused enough to need a hero and then BAM, they appear...
So if the mind is billions of neurons, how can we be fooled so easily?
I like to believe our brain is somewhat like the movie 'Inside Out': little voices in our heads. Pushing buttons. Pulling leavers. Memories archived, never to be seen again, but still there. I like to believe in something solid, not what some dead guy wrote a book about. I like being on control of my own mind. I like having rules. Someone in charge. I like boundaries, not limits (because according to society and the English language, "limits" is negative, and I'm not supposed to use negative stuff).
I like boundaries because, without them, you fall off the edge.
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